Baker_Martin L.jpg - Union County Public Library
Baker_Martin L.jpg - Union County Public Library
lU . L . nAIU:H. Martin Luther Bake r was bor n In Lanes Creek township. four mliea (rom hl a ~rel ent home. Octo be r 12, 1867 . Hla father. Albe rt Baker . la a native of Chesterfi e ld co unty , S. C. , wh e re h e remain ed until he Join e d t he Co n fed erate (o r eet! In 1862. He enliste d In a light artt]· le ry company. ser vin g about six mODlils, when he Joine d th e regular Inflnltry and l er ved with Compan y lJ.• I ,t South Carolina r egi me nt. up to Ute', s urrend e r . Af t(l r h ll mar- • rlage III 1866 to Ml u Sarah S. Lee, I , , ,, 1\1. I.. HakeI'. dalISiltt" of Samue l Lee of Chellter- I fi eld « ,unty, S. C., he It'ttl ed In UnIon cuuoty where he ,UII r elldel with hla IOn , th e lubJet. t of th ll sketch . .\'art ln L. Bake r Is one of th e prumlnent men ot Lane. Creek town Ih lp, t: f'l n " a ]Iros peroul farm e r and alwHYI acti ve ly loturelted In matters cOl1nected with the wel!are and p ro.reu or hll county and to wnship. He hlUl been promine nt In the pro.. moUo .. 0, educational fac hillel . and his lervlcel (or 14 ye ars 8s a memo 1 beT of the 1Jchool co mmittee In hll district h av" been of laaUng bene. fit to that community, Mr. Dake r alsu ownl and ope rates th e tel ephone ce nt r al Itatlon at Llmel Creek ""hlch eonn ecla with all pai nts 10 the rounty, and long d l, tance lervlce thrl'u, h conner t lon with Charl otte. He WIUI m arr ied In 1889 to Mil l Mary Jo' . Cox, a daughte r of Madl80n Cox of Uni on county, Of th is union n ine ch ildre n ar ') li ving : Be rtha VI· ola (now Mrs. C. L . Care lock ) . Carl Fl, Sarab E ., Martin L., Tho rn. lUI L., Kate, Mary L., Jamel 5 .• .lod J , Buter. BUFORD Duford township Ilea directly louth of Monroe a nd exte nd, to th e South Carolin a line, being bound. ed on the ealt and west by l~ane8 Cr eek and Jaekson townships res pective ly. The rural pop ulation 18 lom8whnt larger than lo me o f the other townships In the counly. AI. lan being an Impo r tant ' ~ ltl~m e nl i n ear th e ceeter of th e township. I Neat and .ubalantia] 8choola and . churches are we ll d istri buted ol'er th e tow nship. and lome of lhe beat , farma I n t he county ar e to be found I In It.. we ll tilted a re T he ro a re rtft- adt-t 4Io:,.. I enj oy excellent schools a nd tear hers, local laxation bei n g now 10 force I throu8hout t he tow-nablp. Thele trl et, are ... follow8 : No. I, RI bardao n ; No. 2, Plylera; No.3 , Trln. .,,,,t.., .. dtfl- I Ity ; No.5 , Ml . Plf>lUIllnt ; :-10. "I , Ma- cedonia; No. 8, Allan; No. 9. Mt. Prospect . and No. to. Sandy Rid ge. Th e "cbool at Mt. P ro, pelt J, de. serving of special Jllentl on all It was one o [ tb e [Int ~bool8 In the (.'Oun· ty to ,"Ole a ,peclal t ax for acboul pUTjKllJea, and Includes hl f!: h a~ool gradea In Ita roun3 of atudy. Hu· ford town a hlp la an ImpOr t an t factor In the progrell8lve work of UnI on county. Ita peop ls being fully IIll to tb e hlgb a ~andartl of Inteillgen( e wblch prevail, th rougb ou t Un lO ll cou nt)' . T. I'. IHLI.OX. Thomas Percy Dillon was born In Monroe. December. 1862 . I n lineal desCCnt he cornOl from the F ltzH enrys of I reland, promInent am on! tbe nobility of Great Drltaln for T . I '. UUlo n. many centuries. The first member of the family to s3ttle In the U n It.ed States was Sid ney DIllon" who built a home In Baltimore an d was subsequently lOst at sell. orr the coas t of Glbralar . His son, 'rhom as I Per cy DIllon, ""as born In Coun ty I W exfor u, I reland. In 1772, and came to this countr y wh en quite a young man. and after many trying eX llerlencell In New Y ork and elsewhere, fi nally 8ettl ed n ear Monroe whe r e he was for 40 years a well known mer ch ant and farmer . He 11'8.8 Ihe first Regist er of Deed8 of UnIon county, and d url ng h[s long li re was held In the hlghc8t esteem and re_ gard for h is Intelligen ce, refinement, and lovable qualities a8 a Cbrlstlan gentleman . He died at the advanc_ ed age of 82 yean and Is burleu In th e old cemetery at Monroe. T. P. I H enry Dillon, born In Monroe. His , lU ')ther was Jane ( Irby) Di ll o n, a dbuKnter of William Irbl' of Union county. Mr. Dillon began his com· merclal career In the co tton busIness and was em ployed b)' Mr, J . M. "~a[r[ey o f Monroe In that line for nine years. In 1893 he formed a partnership with Duncan M c K enzle In the furniture busi ness, bu t purchased h[s partner 's In te r est In 1896. since which time he has con. tlnued th e buslnus alone. The furn ' ture and undertaker house of T, P. Dillon Is the l argest In the county, and noted for ItII corr:. plet e stock, whic h a lso Incl udes pl _ aliOS, phonogr aphs and other musica l merchandise. Three hearst s are em· plo yed In the undertakIng del)art.ment, I n 1889 Mr, Dillon married Cor_ nella D. Wolfe of Monroe, daughter ot Hilliard J. Wolfe, also of M on_ r03, and for many years Register for Union county. Of this union five Children are living: Beatrice, T h o m ~ 8.8 Per cy, Jr .. HIJJlard ..~Itt. H e n ry , Frank Wolfe and Cornelia Metzger . I I I J, E, f :FIUU, JacOb E p,L ra lu. Efird, maror ' Mon roe , was bor n In Slanly eou al; , N. C., Ma rt h 2, 1867. HI!! fa th e"', J ohn ,I. E tlrd, and h is Dloth tl r, Mar· tha ( Mabry ) Efird, were a :ao r. 1Iri ves of S tanly county , Mr. Erll d WIUI educa te d Ilt tb e Albemarle h l;.; h sl:hool and Richmond Bus lncss Clillege. He was a t ea cher In lbe acbool8 of his native co unty severll terms, cle rk ed In a general Slo re :Lt L Albemarle a few yeara. and was t ax collec tor for th a t city. In 1119 2 he cam e to Monroe and started In h's pre sCnt line of bU Siness (Efird's Marble Work s ) whiCh he h u ct.ll. du cled with mu ch s ucce88. T ae workmanship. hi g h quality and a:listie designs ot th e mon u men tl\, n J. K Elii'd. m arbl e and granite , tablets, statul- ry, etc., produC€d at his yards hal e g a in ed a wide r eputatio n, r lt& beyond th e contlnu ot North Carolina, A branch omce of b ls estab_ lis hme nt Is a lso maintained at l.a urlnburg. Mr. Etlrd had s erv ed 10 th e city council of Monroe elgbt u l'lt pb ~fili , fll!ltn ,I t 1," _e ' . ma.yo r pro te rn betore bei ng Insta ,ll/ ed In his prese nt orrico In DGce u' ber, 1911. • In 18 93 h e m:lr r loo Fannie Kra ll .• , or Monro ~, daugb: er ot W . H , KranM a we ll known citizen of Union ty. Their four childre n are : Grac '. Albert Fay. Gilbert Hall, John ~~I -I win. COUI'I r ~"cr!or 0' St'ore or K lIg : lbh 1t/'uK Co" M o nroe. W . A. IWUA NHS. William Alexander Eubank, was born In 8uford township, Union 'county, July II, 1860. HI, father, ':'homal C. Eubanka, wa6 a nallve of Chesterfield ('ount)', S. C. , tHlt moved to Union when quite a you n g man and WIUI engaged III rarmlng unUI Alay, 1862. when ho en llated In Conlpany E .• 4Sth N. C. regiment, and served with Lee', arll1,. In Vir- ginia until the close of the war. He wu twice wounded; or.ce In the lIaUle of Fredericksburg, IIlId again I ll.t 8rll"00 Station , Va. After hi' retur n he taught Bchool l ove ra) yeaI'I In C h ea t er[leld and Uhlon coun • . ties, performed the dutll'lI of magi. 'I :Iacu-;e In th;- cause of f'ducatlon In 1876 he was el~c led to lhe of- I'IC«I of counll' commISSlon"" a : r l'- J Ing four co nl5ocutlve term', bel Dg chairman of the boar,1 during the lEUIt two t er me. l n 1895-96 ho .erved In tho lowor houll& o f the Genera A uem blY,and wu prominent In the public weUare of wi. COunty until hhl death. W . A. Eubank's mother wU Nauc: I W. A.. (Aran t ) Eubanks, a dau gh ter of AI· exander Arant of Cb esterfleld cou n· ty, S. C. Mr. Eubanks received h Is i enrl y edu cation at the Tradesville Ihlgh s ~ hool In l~a n cRil ter county, S. I C., Ilnd at the hIgh school uf MOIIroo. I-Ie taugbt In the s( hoo!. of • Buford township three years. l:lfl'ed as magistrate two years. wall n m ember o f the tow n school boa:'d two 1ro ;;-~-;'eau. iJe I I' 18 on~ of t h; Il;!ad ln l farill en of Buford town,hll). own! n,; I a farm of 22(0 ncrea. 11\ 1882 he marr ied Arlevla Lan eY daughter of Cnntaln W. A. Laney or rolon couot). Capt...l n l.aney I :!rv_ ed aa lIt Ll!ut~ Daot of Company E., 48th N . C. R ~"lment, I)oln& {ommleeloncd as such on May 16. 1862, and promoted to the rank of Cap- I tal n , October 23, 1862. Serving with t he arm y In Vlr"lnla he 8l.W much active work nnel took a gallan t part In the numeroue and blooely en_ lagOllicn tll whleh fell to the lot of th e Forty-eighth rcglmnt. Mr. Eubank. has five children living · Robert A ., Ma~gle May (Mr •. W. R. Davl.). Benjamin G. C., Ch:ltlel W .• Nancy D. I f I : I A. L . }o~U ND ..; nUVnK. Anlo, Lexton Funderburk waa !Jorn In Buford town,hlp. neaT where hEl now Tcsldea. May n, 1876 . HII tather. N. A. Funderburk , II a native of LancMter counly, S. C., !Jut moved to \Jn lon cou nty when tlUlle young, and II s tili livi n g o n hill farm In Bu ford low nlh lj). H I, I),other, Elmira (M08er) F und er~ !Jurk, was born In Unio n county, be~ lng a d aughteh of G. III. MOle r , who en listed In th e 48th N. C. r ~glme nt III Ma y, 1862, and was killed at the !Jatlle of Wlnchelter, Va., In 1864. Mr. Funderburk Is promillent among lhe tarmen of thll county, owni ng ; i;i0 a crel, 70 of which are und er ,·ultlvatlon. I-lis hOllle 18 one ot th e 1Il0lt attrat tlve In Duford township, J.ud recently he h fts ('orn e Into as an advo: ate of Improvemenl In th(. rai l ing at ca!t le a nd live ILock. :jlj haa lome Har ... ford callie at !':.Ire blood on his pl ace, and expe.rt.ll I.u gO o n with lhe further Int roduction of other choke Block; for wh ich he should be highly com. r.lended. . In 1900 Mr. Funderburk ma rri ed A. L . • ' ulid crlJ urk. Annie Medlin, daughter o f Myers )lodlln of Union cou nty. Of thl l union there are rive chlidren living: Oura, George C., Bogue, Mark S., and Irving. -"'----- H olU~ or A. L . f ' u udf'rb urk. Uurol d. II T. J. GOHl10N. Thomas J ackllon Gordon, memo ber of th e board ot county commIsSioners, was horn i n Mon roe tOWD •. I ship. Sepl~mber 28, 1862. Ills fa,.. ther, Louis K . Gordon, was 0.180 born In Union co un ty. the old home place being In wh at i8 now Sandy Ridge to wn ship. L . K. Gordon II' M a teacher I n the schools ot th Is county for many years, aDd also a Buceeu!ul farme r. The moth er or T . J . Gordon was Deedy ( Das8) Gordon, daughter ard" Bas8, both natives cnunty, Mr. Gordon was III le2n conducted a. gene ral 8 ore He lIerv. ed IllJ magistrate six years In h is township, several yean on the IIchool .Jcommittee o r h is district, and WIl.8 a ctive In the promotion of edu{'a· tlona1 mallel8. E!;ht years ago h e started a general s to re at Minerai Springs, wb fch he stiB owns, and two years ago be e ngaged In mercan tlle bUSiness at Monroe, In 1906 he was elected to tbe orflce of county commissione r and tw ice re-e lected to the ~ame otrh:e, &e r vi ng at pres ~nt his third consecu tive te rm, Mr, Gordon was marri ed In 1895 to Mittie Presson, a d aughter or Newton Pres,",o n, bot h natl ves or UniOn cou n ty, or this union th ere are tour children living: Craven N., Mary, Willie and Christi na, l • Blakeney of Ri chof Union ra ised on ye arll I connection with hili farm. I L. n. H_"~L ) I S. Leonldaa Randolph Helms was born In Union county, Monroe town_ ship, October. 26, 1858. His fat her, Joseph C. H elms, also a native of this county, was engaged In farming until 1864 when he Joined the Confederat e army with the Senior Reser ves, of which h.e was a member, and died at Greensboro, N. C., I n January, 1865. The moth er of L. R. Helms was Frances ( Mc Larty) Helms, daug hter of Archibald M cI.-arty of Union coun ty, and sis te r of th e late James M . M cLar ty. Mr. H elms ha.s alwa.lS res'ded In Moo _ roe townShip, and aside from his far ming Interest.s ha.s d ev olt)d muc h time to matters (.onnected wit h t he public w elfare. He served four years on the boa~d of alder men of the city of Mon r oe, and during hIs t erm or oUl ce rendered the ci ty val· uable service 88 tbal rmnn or the FInance Commlttge, establishing an 1m portanl pre(4)d(nt by a skillful and systemalic managem ent of lhe ci t y' S rloa.D ces. He tau ght for fI~e yearra In th e schools of the cou nty, and bas always sho wn much Inter est In educational affal s, and Is at prca:mt a m ember of the co unty boar d of e\lucatlon . I\lr. H clrr:s WIlS married In 1889 to Ra chel Lu { lnda Ru ssell , d ~ ugh. ter of James A. Rus sell of Un ion county. They have fhe chl!dren living : Stamey R., Ear ] A., Lu {y B ., Mabel F ,and LeonldM Russell. =';?;;~;;"""'.....J,I. S. A. HJ<:I.;\l S, l ':SQ. Samuel Alexande r lie)wB was ' 1111,"" In II " ,oU <';U lJlny IUJVU~ v"" 1 m ile f rom hlB prCllout home in Mon. roe township. Septembe r 27, 18()2 . His father , Samplon H elma, and h iB g r andfather , T i llman H elms, were nath")8 of this county and raIsed In this ImmedIate aoetl on. Hla moth- er, Lu ci nda ( Hargett) H elms, w as a daughter of H enry Hargett, Esq., also o ne of the e ariy Bettlera ot thlB aectioD. 'Squ i r e Helma ha.s follow ed farming and the mercantile uua! ne88 th r oug hout hili career, hav in g a gen. eral IItore close to his present res idence. As a farmer he \8 one o r the moat Ilrominent In Monroe township. and of hlB original holdI ngs ot 700 !lerea he lltill retains Cl OO, II. large portico Of whi ch 18 und e r cultlva,. tlo n. He has h e ld the of rice of mag istrate for the pa.8t thirteen years, was one of the foun d ers of Union Institute at Unton\'ll le and one of lUI most active sup porters for mallY yean, both as one of the t rus. tees and me mbe r of the school ('om· ml.tee. In 1873 he married Serena A. Liles, dau g hter of Travis Liles, both natives of Union coun t y. Mrs. Helma died In August, 1889, leaVing five childre n , stili Hvlng : Let.ttla I, (Mrs. D. L. }o~urr), fo' IOra g . ( Mrs W. A. Keziah ). ,\I attie, Le nn ie B., Ell C. J . 'S~ u l re Hel ms was married again in 1890 to Mrs, Mary J , Helms , S, A. !1c !,us, daughter of Samuel PyrOn, II. native ot Union county, a nd proml nfln t In hi s day 8@ a te ache r In th e schools o f the county and a highly esteem· ad citizen . Hig h School at I'l on roe. 11. A. HOnN, BenJnmln AleJ::lud ar Horn, exsllerlff, was born In what Is now LanCfj Creek township. Union county, June 1. l859. His father. James Perry Horn, waa a native of Anson county, but came to Union whcn H. A. H(...·" . about ten years old, tll(' family IItlttIlng In Lanel! Creek. In Ahty, 1 S62 , he enlisted In Company E., 48th N. C. regiment, ser,vl ng through Lbe war with the army of Northern Virginia. He Willi prominent In Lnl\ei Creek lownshll) as a fll.rm"r and magi strate, and consj'l1cuous for b!s strong lnteTUI In school anti church matters, giving freely of his time and means for their advancement, In 1884 he was elected Sheriff of UniOn county, and by su ccessive reelections held the ottlce twelve years ; lhua attesting hili eW,,;iencY as ' an officer and his popularlt,- 8a a citizen. He died In 1905 Sincerely mourned by all who knew h\1II for hla Integrity and worth as It. cilh:en, and his endearing qualities 1111 a Christian ,entlemen. The of B. A . Horn was Laura E , (Smith) Horn, born In Lanes Cre~k townIIhlp, and a dau ghter of John Smith. native of Halifax county N, C, B. A. Horn WI1.ll r eared on hIs father's farm In Lanes Cr eek, but waa early called to duty under his father and served as deputy sheriff ten yeare, He was 11.1110 eh let of police of Monroe two yeara. In 1896 he was elected sh.erlff of Union coun_ ty and served In that orrlce until 1908, leaving a record for fa.lthful and {earleh di8lhRrge of duty, the ~ IJI;neet "l-t: ...:n.uu ..... '1loloL ........ 'oe !I:IC"_ dared W any public olflelaJ. . In 1(102 h~ mtlrrled Mrs, Mnrpie I " ... kuU) 1,,0, , ._' ,~".,(,In """"".', ... _Hb ....... Flavel Flake, also of Anson cou nty. From this union there Is one t hUd living: Benjamin A., Jr. H. V. HO VSTO!\', R Ober t Virgil Houston ws& bOrL in Meckhmburlj lOUDly. June 2 ~. 1846, but when sIx yeara of llI;f came to Un i on county. moat of b 't life being passed In Monroe. HII fathe r , H . M . Houston, and his mOTh e r, Margaret (Reid) Housto n , we~ natives o f Mecklen burg cou n ty, hI! mother being a daughter of Col. S(,j. omon Re i d of the aame ('ouoty. II M. Houston was one o f the earl l ~1 mercha nts of Mo nroe, a nd was al .... well k now n liS a banker, helng proro loenl I n th ('86 li nes of bU8 ~neB8 for more than forty yeare. R. V. H ouston W8.lI edu('II.led at tb high school of Moarroe an d at Trin I- ty College. In March, 1861, he en. lIaled In Com pany C., 10'h bs' ts' le. of N. C, artillery, and 8 ~ rveu with Gen. Johnston 'q army u n til the cloll1 of the war. For ma ny years h e wal 10 bU8In'J8S w i th hl8 rather In Mo"!).· r oe, retiring f rom act i ve work abo'~ tour years ago. l\f r. H ouston 110 1 l arge owner or l and. his holding comprising several fine farms I n th '~ county, be81 dee Important pro!)er t, InterU18 In Monroe. H e h as flnf'J many offlce8 of trU8t and r el:lp.on~ ' · bUlty In Union cou nty, servi ng 1>1 mayor ot M onroe t?ur year8, trll8tf'O of M onroe high srhoo! tour yeaa~~ magl9trate t wo year8, and al Ilre,wI:' 1 a member or th e St'lte Lel'ls'atur!, havlnft been elected to that ot f\(;e .. I I 19 10. In 1868 h e m arried Celcst\a <:<;1' Ington, daughter 0: D. A. Co\·\ngt, , ot Monroe. She died In 1 889 , leav' Ing 8ix ch ildren: Hugh M., DavId ,IA., Clarence ~. , E1Jn (Mr8. Julian , ' i-l ndaay ), Lol a A. (.'Irs. flutul Arm· -hlel d ). and Celcatln. I n t892 be mar · . rled Nancy Isabel Stroud, da u ';"ht ~ r i(of John Stroud of Cheater LOunty, S. C. From thIs union th ere "re thr .::e , children living: Robert 5., :o.iargu er. ~t It13 R., a nd Octllvla. I I J . C • .I,,\'N~ "'. I;;'SQ. Jeremiah Columbu8 Laney w.!s born July 8 , 1.85 0, on the old M,me. stead In what la now Buford town· ship. 1118 father, Calvin Laney, wu a180 a native of Union county. and wIth the exc4lJ)tlon of tlme spent In t he Confederate army. lived (;jed Oil the nme plantation , and He tol\sled In Company A, 48th N. C. r egiment In May, 1862, and was Beverely wounded In Se ptember of the same year during the battle of flharpaburg. He waa well known as good far mer , a nd a man of I'D bile It I"~ Esquire L ao l Y'8 w ns Nan . )' U'underburk) Lan ey. native ot Cbesterfivld cou nly, South CaroUo:l, and a daughter of .Jeremiah ,"'001t1rbur k . also a native of Cileaterfle]' .;ounty. I n addition to being a prosperoua ant! progre,.lve farmer, Mr. Laney hall been prominent In th e pu!,lic affaire Of the county and the township o f Buford . Ast(le fronl his active Inl.erelt In promoting the school 1I11d church InUuences of ht. localIty, he 13rved aa constable ten yean, road overleer fOur yean, h ... been a magll trll.e eighteen yean, aDd tl .arvlng ht l second term as .. county comml811loner. Mr. Laney W8. m arried In 1872 to JOIUlna M. Rogers, a (laughtcr Of i1.u88e11 Rogen, both born and ra'l_ fOd tn Union county. Nine c hildren have been born to them a.nd are &lOW living: William T ., Cora I.. I Nancy, (Mr •. T . A . Gulledge), Re- ( Ueeea (Mrs. E. E. Re;dfearn), SUIlilD I pfra. W . J. Gulledge), Beli nda \:\I rl . S. n. Eubank8), 11.uBleJl , JerfOmlah C., Jr., and Cal vin. I ·, . W. l ,A NE\'. Julian Wa:ter I~an ' y. County Treasurer. was born In Buford town8hlp, Union county. February 5, 1880. He Is a son of the. late George M. Laney, and gran dson of Calvin Laney, natives of this cou nty and prom lnent citizens. HIs llIother, Ida M. (OUlon) Laney, Is a daughter of W . F. OHlon, an d granddaughter of Thomas P. OIHon. first Reg ister fo Union Lounty, George M. Laney was Jlected to the offke oC County Treas· urer In 1908 and was 8 ~rvlng at th e .... _ ....- ..·... - ....... ~ Ir-.... nhr., '~ all ' : or many yf'arll a mnglstrat e In AuOf rd. active ,rnd gene.OU8 In hla "1,1,). !lort of 8Cliovl Rnd c1,ureh work, aud a l together a man of most exemplary charactc r. Arter leaving 8chool. J. W. Lan ey began wo r k as a sal c8man I n the furniture 8tor e o f T. P. UIl.on, and with th e exception Of 14 months as clerk In a dry goo d~ store ll all been engaged In the buslneall. He t ook s;)eclal COUT8eJ1 In emhalml ng at Ral ei gh and Bal timore, and has full cha.rge of that Iml)Ortant branch of Mr. Oillon's businellll. U pon the d eath Of his fath er, Mr. Laney was al)Pointed by the Cou n ty COmml8sloneiS to fiJI Ollt the unexpired term of County I Treasurer, an d has ably ' and fal ~ h _ f ully performed th e res;>oD8lblUti u of that office. I n 1893 he married Wilma Armf iel d of Monroe, dnughter of E. A . Armfield, 0.180 of Monroe. They .1, \\' . 1..al1l(;1. have three children: Emllley George M ., and Julian W. , Jr. A., J. D. LITTL.E. Jnlllcli Bunyan Lit tle was born I n Goose ('\'Ct:' township D ecember 19, lllj6 Ht'" III a SO il of J ames Labe LlUIIJ nll,1 Elizabe t h ( Groon) Lltlle of L" I,l.. n l'Ollnly. Mr. Little' s early Ja.~14 \1 el ::: I<plnt on th e farm , but 111.1"r on work ed abo ut lib: yeaTll for .1 . W. Love, of Unlonvllle, In t h e flour und lI.!w mlll bus/lI : ss. He n !so vwrked In Chlrlotte, wh er e he g,l/uN] v a lua~le experien ce running plllning mach/n e.. He th en r eturn ed to Union v ide and Shor t ly afte rward o rganlz :!d th e Unio ll ville Manu(adur'ng Com pany of wh ich he 18 the pr: Bent managel·. Mr. Lltt]e /s ma}'or Of Union ville alld one 01 Its m OB t enterprising "liens. I n 187!t he waB married to Miss enn le L ove, dau ghter of MI'. John l~ove, ot Union ville. Their !"hl1dren are : Rulh , Ger trude, Er. l.ell and Ned.. W. fOUr \ z. v. ~lclNn' II": , Z 9bulon Vance M c intyre was born In New Salem Lownldllll, Union coun ty, November 8, 1876 , H 'I father, Iialah M c intyre, was a nallve of Stanly county, but pUlled m oat of his yo uthful day s In An SOn COunty where h e was eng aged In fa rming u n tl! September, 13 61, lI' h en he enli sted In Company K ., ::l 8th North Carollna r egiment, and served with the army o f Nor th ern Virgin i a until th e c lolle of th e war, helng engaged In many h ard-rought baLtica and Willi al so confin ed several months in a federal prison after being ('aptu f ed In 18 62 , in 1866 h e aett!ed in N ew Salem township wh er e be wu prominent lUI II. rumer and upright citizen unll] bill d eath i n 1909 . The m oth er of Z . V. ,\l clntyre wall Martha ( Hili ) M cintyre, nl\tlve o f Anlion county, and a d auJ!:hter or JulIus 11111, a'So born In AnllOn county . Mr. Mcintyre has beeen eng aged In f a- ming and lIaw mill bu s!n e1Ja all (\f his working yea rl. an ti ownl a Very attra(.live farm in N ew Salem to wn llhlp. He h al! alao been active In educational matter l !lnd lerved on the Ichool committee In hla d i stri ct for four years. In 1119 5 he married ida Thomss. nallvf' of An _ i 80n (ounty, and a dau g hter o r WU' I llam Th o m as, als o a natIve o r An- 1 lIOn co unty . Fro m th is unIon t here . are 89ven children Ih ' ln g: VI t orla , I., anon, JulJa B., J ellle, Pearly ~ , .... , SI:lney I., and Martha. 'II · · A. II. MeL,\ItTY. ~reat-gra nd talhe r . four f' ; east, l Archib ald Hampton M c l~arty was I ~or n on the old homestead or b ~ 8 mllet! · f ro m Monroe, J une 3, \871. The I ~18tory of the family In this coun. J 1 '.y beglna wit h A1 Clxun der McLarty, who emigrate d f r om SLO ti aod and I , ellied In Cabarrul county, N. C.. but later on remo 'l ed 10 Union coun1 .y, The next In succeSSIon was Ar- chibald , who was born In Cabarru8 · ~ounty, but came to th Is county I 'I, hen about 20 yeara old with b 's ,l a th e r . He ma rr ied EII€D B. COlIna, a n ative of tbls coun t y. James J )1. McLarty. Bon of Al'chlbald , was ) oro I n Union county. rQ,!acd fiB a farmer, and married Sa\1y Go~don, allgh te r ,_I rom lnent ~ !!~' .. of H aml)ton Gordon, a l of Anaon county. cltl~en 'WIlII horn to th em , f our su r _ h " : Rev . Emmett K ., D. p 1o::kett, 4 r o::h fba lu J! _ dLpd 'n 11I ·!'ln . ! I ' .. , , James M. M o::- I ! , ; : . A. W . l\lc.'IANCS, ESQ. Amoa W. McManus was born I~I In '. LancMter co unty. S. C. , Octol)(lI" 2 L, J 1847. His [alber, John H. Mci\U" j l nUB, and his mother, !IIar y Minerv a I (\JoOk) M cManus, w er e bolh nath,u, 11 or Lancaster co unty. S. C. In 1860 I the family llloved to Unio n count~" I ' settllng In lhe northt'rn part of wh at i Is DOw Goose Creek township, on l Mar ch II, 1862, John H. MCManusl enlisted in COUi pany 1, 48tb N. ~. Regiment and was fatally WOUli d$<t at the battle of j.'rederlckaburg, DYIng t en days later. His bOdy II'alI Inlerred at his old home In Lan <;8l1- l er county. In February . 1863 , A. W. M cManus enlilJt.ed In the Second S. C. Regiment and s erved uD .1I the close of tb e war, He then / T'lturn ed to Goose Creek townshi" and began farming 8S a t enant, !Jul soon atqulred land of his own, an d by Industr y and carefu l managem eot has I ncreased hts o wn ersh ip to 70il acres I n Un ion and Mecklenburll" counties; nearly 200 acr( s being Ullder cu ltivation. ill r . McManus haJ h eld the offke or maglslrale for 3t: years. I n September, 1867, he married Sarah Ann Helms, daughter or Re, . Calvi n H elms of Union county. 'J'h c.>} have eight children lil' lng: Penlna E. ( Mrs. J. M. Grlrttn), Vera (Mr~ W. A. Houg h), John C., Mag gIe J I (Mrs. Rufus Bivens), Ufus O . (Mr~ Fernando H elms), Panthe (Mrs. H u d en Cionta), Hu gh l<~ .• and ROIli\ (Mrs. L. S. Plgg ). - -- - - - - -1: MONROE Although Monroe, the capltal tow of Union county, has been 6jD<;!t It +-~""""'''''=~-'' ___ l'e'' of I county' s !\,I"owth an oJ enterprise, ;.... I real importance and develOPffi'1''' j ' \H!gan with the tint railroad ou lle'l , SlUIl and west afforded by the com- " Ing or the Seaboard Air Line 1m I 1874. Land vaiu88 were immedlate-I Iy ad'vanced, n ew eDterprl8~ 8 IIprung I Into activity, and the population h:oj: crea.<led rapldly. About 16 felO.r:I I later, when the Seaboard with 118 I COllUec(lo D8 were comp leted between I the Northern cities IUld Atlanta, MOI'· I: roc became a junction Rod 8to.:loll I or great Importanr:e on the mala : lIuc ot that rallroad; and w!tll! (heSt;! additional advantages of tran,,_ ( portation Its forward pace wlUl much accelerated. Among the cltlu c,( North CarOlina none sur pass Monroe in promise of future de \'elop, ment and prosperity. The preser! populallon Is about 6,000 including Outside corporation8 within a radh~s of one mile. The schoola, chu r che~, buslnen blocks, and private re" ~ d ences of th e eft.y are very attral' , Ive, being fully up to th e require. ~ menta of a cotn ulunlty which (on'bln es Inte11lgence, rertnement, arid busln e8s enterprise. There are four banks he re wIth an aggregate capItal at $23Ei,OOO, and two bu\[dlng and loan associations. 0.11 In sound financial cond ition; two weekly neyo'l paperll, Tbe Monros Enquirer, putt- t ~~~edM::ra:8~:~~r:al,B~:t:~~~'e~ a~~ ; G. M. Beasley & Bro.; three lar@.e cotton m\[ls, four wholesale hou8"'~, One wagon and buggy factory, oli mllJ , cotton gins, and many minor Industries. Taken as a wllo[(', ;\IO!l_ roe p O.l!SeB8 ~S many attrarllo no< In 1<8 80clal and general aSllef't. and 81)et! advanta l'1I r >t . erma~ __ •; NEW SALEM This township lI : s northeast from Monroe, contains numerous good f arm s, and two Important 8~tll e ms n la: Olive Br an ch and Eulo. The cultlvatlon of land has not been 80 extensive as In o ther townBhlps of th e county. because of its uneven surface, especially In the northern portIon . Educational faclUtleB are Bom ewhat. m eagre 8a co mpared I with the othe r tow nships, although a good sch ool Is maintained at HamIIton'a CroBB Roads by loca l tax, and other dIstricts give pr om iss of im _ provement In tb e n ear f utu r e. 11 . .... 1· i\ RI\t~H. t:''':iQ. Benjamin Franklin born In Union county, Parker, alao a native Ilt r;~ IU, father, Parke ao a naUve Parker wu November 25, or thl, counl...eonld8ll A. or thl' coun, "''' - ,-,. . • and WIUI I 1 .. ... ..I. .he uattl!' ·)f Chancellor8... 1110. Hl8 mothpr , g!1na r. (Kin ... ) f'arktor , Willi born In Che8terfleld I' county. South Carolina. 'SqUI~"' i ' Parke .... I, a prominent rarmer... ( me~ot In Lanes Creek township, Aodn .. been particularlY active In the promotion or eduratlonal facllltlei In that po r tion of the count)' For 28 yeare he hM served on I~hool committee, In hi. distri ct and for many years was a memb ur or the o ld townlhlp board of education. He hlUl held the office of magistrate 30 yearl In hll district, and ha, been Chairman of the townrtl '"J' board of elections, and reglate r ~t e lections. for 16 ye aMl. 'Squlr e Parker W:l8 In terMted In lumher and cotton ginn ing bu'lnea8 fo. leveral years, but I, now C>ccupled solely with the affairs of hi' farm and store. In 1876 he married Sarah Oella Cox, native of Union cou nty , and daughter of Peter P. Cox. born In AnlJOn county. or thll union there 1 are twelve children Jiving: r.e.t:;!r u.' , ·J 08ePh LUCM. Edna C. (!.Irs. C. L. t.ulledge). Henry F., Mary PI MI. T. K. Helm ,>. Beulah. lle nJarnln C.'I Sarah C., James CurUs, Annie G., J oh n and William V. I J . II. A. S I~Q H BST , 1~'iQ. jaco b DO: lor Alvin SeerCill was born In Mon roe township ...~ebru a ry :!S, 18 47 . HIli fath('r, Captain I\bram J. Secrest, was a nl\llre of li n lo n county, well known 1011 a far_ mer, and was captain of a mIlitary compa ny for ma ny yeara. Ills mother, M!1lle ( p}rCn ) S ~c rest , was a t! lI.uo;hter ot 'SquI r e BIlly Pyron, hn th born In Union (Lhen Mecklen _ burg) county. 'Squ ire S'Jcrest Is prominent as a (armer, m.l.gislrate ant! Methodist preacher , He has held the oUke of ma.gistrate abou t t hirty years ant'! has been preaching for fifteen years. He also served the county as corone r two terms a.n': ~ Illwau, been a ctive In ,chao l ma(to;rs. _ One o f his ancestors rought In the Revolutlonar;;' war, a nd he has in his Ij()ij!lcs;i.:;n a OrltlSh mu~ket take n o n the bettie field at King's Mountain, South CarOlina. The relic Is In an excellen t stale of preservation a n t! a hig h ly prized trophy. j'ilQulre Sec.'est has been tWice married. Hla firat wlte, ElizaiJeth Dunla p, of l~ancaster count)', S, C., he ma rr ied In 18 74 . She died In 1875, leavi ng one son, W. Blair Secrest, .UIl livi ng . In 1876 he ma rried Nancy R. Wentt of Unio n county, a d aughter of Je re miah We n tz , alao a native of Union county, a nd prollllnf' n t In his day 8S a n able farmer a nd school teacher. }o~. lU.. SUTTON. Fanclll Marlon Sutton, Monroe township, Wall born I n Lancall~er I,:ou nty, S. C .• May 22, 1863. HIli father, Benjamin F. Sulton, w8.8 a native of Lancaster county, S. C. HIs mother, E\I~a J . (Trull) Sutlon, was a daughter of Charles Trull Of Union county. D. 1<'. Sutton joIned the Confederat e army In 1861 from his native county and lIerved tour yearll. He was color bearer of his regiment and Wall sho t through the lungs at the battle of Gettysburg, but recovered and agai n went to the front and wall I n severa] mor e enga:&emenls before the war clOS2d. In 1870 tbe family came to Unio n ' ounty. Mr. Sutton haa a f ine farm of 600 acres, about ]60 of which .lre u nder cultivation'. besides be' n g ~rop r letor of a lIaw and planing mi ll , and a colton gin . H e h as a n umber of valuable housea In Monro e. Mr. Sutton haa ser ved th e township o f Monroe as road overseer, and for many years 8.8 member Of the lilhool commIttee In hla dlst r lc.t. In ISH he married Nan cy C. Rogers of Monroe township. They have tbree ch ildren Hvlng: Minnie W. (Mrs. Tom Howle), G. F rank, and L loyd E.