ITA online fall 2011 - TKC
ITA online fall 2011 - TKC
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Wausau, WI Permit No. 293 Tom Kita Chara Lodge #96 Samoset Council, BSA 3511 Camp Phillips Road Weston WI 54476 Return Service Requested IN THIS ISSUE Lodge Activities & Leaping Buck Club Page 1 Chiefly Speaking Page 2 Witatschimoisin's Minute Page 3 Arrow Power 2011 Page 3 Service & History Page 4 NOAC & Cub Scout Relations Page 4 Section Executive Conference Page 5 OA Summer Camp Report Page 5 Chapter Updates Page 6 — 7 Section Conclave 2012 Page 7 History Corner Page 7 Your comments are appreciated! Please send any comments to Tyler J. our editor at TOM KITA CHARA INTO THE AIR ISSUE 1 VOLUME 40 Fall 2011 Lodge #96 Order of the Arrow Lodge Activities Friends! Scouters! Arrowmen! Lend me your ears! I write this for you so that we may talk about TWO, count them, TWO things. First, just a brief recap on Fall Conference, and second and very important, Winter Banquet! First and foremost on the list, Fall Conference; it was a smashing hit to say the least, full of good times and many a Lodge-ball. An important and unique thing happened at this past year’s fall conference, and that was a silent auction of Ed Zahn’s scouting belongings, to pay for future scout’s scholarships. It was quite awesome to be able to step back and look at some of the cool things that he had collected over his 80+ years. Hopefully in years to come, many people will be able to enjoy Ed’s contributions. Now to move on from the past, we can look into our very near future! This year we are on the hunt for active arrowmen. What is an active arrowmen? They are members that attend OA events. Why should you be an active arrowmen? Because Troy says it’s fun! Well that’s part of it, it’s a great way to make new friends and learn some awesome skills that you can use the rest of your life. The first opportunity in 2012 for you to become an active Arrowman is to attend the Winter Banquet. It will be held on Saturday January 7th, 2012 at the East Gate Hall in Marathon Park Wausau. Come join me along with our many other brothers for an evening filled with great food, crazy fun and fantastic fellowship! There will be chapter booths and games, a silent auction, a guest speaker, along with a little lodge business. The great news is that this is open to anyone including your parents and siblings so they can learn about the OA as well. Registration for this event will be online at in the near future. I am looking forward to seeing all of you there. But be warned; watch your back; Let the hunt begin. Ricky T. Activities Chairman Leaping Buck Club It’s back! Due to the overwhelming response in our first year of offering an all-events package, the Leaping Buck Club will be continued for 2012. Membership in the Leaping Buck Club entitles you to admission to Winter Banquet, Fall Conference, and Fall Work Trek, including patches for all of these events . In addition, membership in the Leaping Buck Club includes your dues for the current year and the Spring Work Trek patch. Register on-line at Into The Air Page 2 November 2011 Chiefly Speaking Greetings TKC! Lodge Chief, Troy S. This lodge year is going to be great! This is my personal guarantee to you. I will do everything in my power to make this a memorable and highly productive lodge year. I have a very positive outlook for this year’s Lodge Executive Committee (LEC). We have many returning LEC members, such as past Lodge Chief Craig B., who are providing experience and valuable ideas. We also have a large number of new LEC members who are providing fresh ideas and wonderful enthusiasm to keep this lodge rolling stronger than ever. This year is going to be busy! With all of our lodge’s annual events; Winter Banquet, Spring Work Trek, Brotherhood Clinic, Summer Camp, Fall Conference, and Fall Work Trek, we also are hosting the Section Conclave. Being the host of a Section Conclave is an awesome responsibility. We get to show the other five lodges in our section what TKC is made of by inviting all of them to the Crystal Lake Scout Reservation. My personal goal for this event is to have over 500 people from the section in attendance. In order for this goal to become a reality I need your help. I want you to attend the Section Conclave. This year is also a NOAC year, which means that we will be sending a contingent of TKC arrowmen to Michigan State University for the National Order of the Arrow Conference, which was a blast three years ago and should be even better this year. More information on NOAC can be found later in this issue of the Into the Air and online at Being an Arrowman has always meant a lot to me. The Boy Scouts of America is my life, and being an Arrowman is an integral part of the BSA. I like to think that the OA forms the leaders of tomorrow. Perhaps what I love most about the scouting program is its infinite opportunities to become active. What are you doing to become active? Are you attending chapter meetings? Are you attending lodge events? Are you taking advantage of these opportunities to have fun and develop yourself and your leadership abilities? If you are not, what are you waiting for? Later in this newsletter people will be telling you of the many opportunities that are available for you to become a better leader and have fun with some of the best people you will ever meet in your life. The majority of my good friends are in the Scouting program. Something really cool about the Scouts and the OA is the fact that we have a code of ethics that we chose to follow in our everyday lives, and this code of ethics pulls all of us together and makes us the best friends to have. A little while ago, one of the good friends that I have met through the OA, Kyle M., was elected as the Lodge Chief for Awase Lodge, the lodge to our east. Kyle invited me to attend one of his lodge’s activities, a training event for the Awase Lodge officers. I was able to share our different way of looking at things to help them come up with ways to improve their overall program. But I learned much more from them than they learned from me. While sitting and observing an hour and a half meeting I took around two pages of notes that I can bring back to TKC. In that same way, each of you can help bring fresh ideas and different ways of looking at things to help make us even better than we already are ... but first, you have to be active. That is my challenge to you. Let’s get involved. Let’s serve others. After all, “he who serves his fellows is of all his fellows greatest.” Troy S. Lodge Chief Into The Air Page 3 November 2011 Witatschimoisin's Minute Greetings Brothers! It is with great excitement that I welcome you to this new Lodge year. The beginning of a new year brings with it new opportunities for all of us. The summer camp season saw many new members being inducted into the Order and Tom Kita Chara Lodge. These ordeal members are starting their journey to seek the arrow. Many of them will take the opportunities ahead to seal their membership by completing the requirements to become a Brotherhood member. Along the path they, as well as all of us, will have many opportunities to grow as Arrowmen. One great opportunity coming up is NOAC 2012, the National Order of the Arrow Conference. NOAC will be held July 30 – August 4 at Michigan State University, in East Lansing. This conference promises to be filled with adventure, learning, fellowship, and fun. Look for information elsewhere in this newsletter, and register for NOAC as soon as possible. Another great opportunity in the upcoming year is Section Conclave. “What’s the big deal?” you may ask. After all, the section holds a conclave every year. Well the 2012 Section C-1B Conclave will be held at our very own Crystal Lake Scout Reservation. We will have the advantage of not having to travel long distances to attend, but along with that comes the responsibility that comes with hosting an event of this size. It will take many volunteers to make this conclave run smoothly. On top of that, in the spirit of friendly competition, Otyokwa Lodge, our neighbors to the west, have challenged us to have the largest contingent at conclave. Their goal is to have 200 of their members attend. Their Lodge Adviser has challenged us to have more than them. So make plans now to attend Section C-1B Conclave on September 14 – 16, 2012. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who attended and helped out with Fall Conference, Lodge Officer Training Seminar, and Fall Work Trek this year. Thanks to all of your efforts, these events were resounding successes. Yours in Brotherhood, Jim P. TKC Lodge Adviser This past June Area 1 of the Central Region in the Order of the Arrow hosted a service project called ArrowPower 2011 Service on the Superior. The event was a success. The arrowmen in both Section C-1A and our Section C-1B completed 3,265 total man hours to the Superior National Forest and the city of Grand Marias, Minnesota. We constructed 10,560 feet of bike trails, 393 feet of turnpikes, 116 water bars, 47 steps, 86 feet of bridge, 1,670 feet of board walk and closed off 725 feet of old trail. This is the first ever Area wide service project in the history of the Order of the Arrow and was a blast for all who attended. The good news for you is that we will be offering ArrowPower2014 some time in 2014. We are currently setting up the basic plan, but we know that the project will take some place in Wisconsin. We are looking for Incident Commanders and an organization to work with. Anyone interested or who knows a great organization to partner with, such as this past year was with the Superior National Forest, please feel free to let me know. Troy S. ArrowPower2011 Logistics Section Chief; youth Into The Air Page 4 November 2011 NOAC SERVICE Fall Work Trek was a big success, we accomplished so many things. Thank you to everyone who showed up, your help was much appreciated. The wonderful fall weather really helped us work to our full potential. For the entire weekend we had fantastic food and stayed in the cabins along the lake for only five dollars. The main project of the weekend was working on the new four seasons handicapped accessible shower house on staff hill. The adults put up all the trusses for the roof, while the youth filled the walls and blocks with insulation or helped nail up wall sheathing. Other than that we had some fun splitting and stacking wood for a few hours. The Service Committee is 11 members strong, and we need your help to complete our goals. In the near future we will be having a lodge-wide service project so you can provide some cheerful service. Some potential options are, help Camp American Legion, or work for the Ice Age Trail. Camp American Legion hosts over 400 veterans a year who are suffering from war related injuries. We could help them construct a new building, or do daily tasks. At the Ice Age Trail, we would work on trail expansion. If you have any other suggestions, or would like to join the Service Committee, please send me an email Mitch L. Service Chairman HISTORY It looks like this is going to be a great year! Nate has accepted the position of committee youth chair and Doug and Karen B. continue as advisers. Eric from Ahdawagam Chapter has joined us as a committee member. Nate and Eric began making some much needed changes in the Archive Room during Fall Work Trek. We want to continue to improve the displays and rotate the items we show. Four major display cabinets were cleaned and rearranged to make them more attractive and easier to view. They really look nice! Thank you Nate and Eric! One important task we want to accomplish is the recovering of historical information that has been lost or forgotten. During our cleaning we found a number of items that looked interesting but prompted many questions for which we had no answers. Remember, what happens today becomes tomorrow’s history! Doug B. History Chairman Adviser The 2012 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) will be one of your most memorable Scouting experiences. NOAC 2012 will be held at Michigan State University from July 30 through August 4, 2012 and is projected to be one of the largest in the Order’s history with more than 8,000 Arrowmen in attendance. NOAC will feature a number of unique events, including national competitions for ceremonies, drum, and dance; evening shows; the OA history museum; and awesome recreation competitions such as soccer, basketball, and ultimate Frisbee.. Highlights such as the Founder’s Day festivities including the Founder’s Day Parade, the Grand Hodag, and the inter-Region dodge ball battle are some of the exciting events at NOAC. Arrowmen can participate in service projects, high adventure opportunities, leadership training, American Indian Activities training, and much more. While enjoying the various activities, Scouts will have a great time meeting new brothers and sharing their experiences with people from around the nation. Our lodge will send a contingent to NOAC 2012 and you won’t want to miss out. While exact costs have not yet been determined, we estimate that the cost of the trip will be $500 per person. To sign up, register on-line at and submit a $100 deposit. Visit for more information and to learn about NOAC 2012. CUB SCOUT RELATIONS This is your 2011-12 Cub Scout Relations Chairman. I first want to give you a brief background of myself. I am an Eagle Scout with a bronze palm from Troop 660 in Rhinelander, WI. I am also a Vigil Honor Member of Tom Kita Chara Lodge. I am very excited for this year. I am looking forward to working with all of the Chapters to promote OA involvement with packs. I am also excited to be a resource to both the Chapters and the Pack for any information they might need for OA-Cub Scout interactions. If any packs have any questions for me concerning anything about the OA and how it can relate to their pack. Also, if any OA members are interested in becoming involved in Cub Scout Ceremonies, please contact me. Yours in the Brotherhood, J. Wyatt K. Cub Scout Relations Chairman Into The Air Page 5 November 2011 SECTION EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE During the weekend of October 22nd Lodge Chief, Troy S., and Vice Chief of Chapters, Jacob S., made a journey to Camp Dechora, of the Gateway Area Council, in La Crosse, Wisconsin with Lodge Adviser, Jim P. This event was entitled Section Executive Conference and consisted of training sessions that allowed your lodge officers to abstractly think of ways to continue to make TKC the best lodge in the nation. “Perhaps the most useful aspect of this weekend was the ability to work with the other lodges” says Troy. He further explains how this weekend worked to make the Council of Chiefs meetings better due to the newly formed bonds between the lodges. Further evidence of this bond making was evident during the meals. The first meal had the youth spread out between five separate tables, for the last meal all of the youth were eating together between two tables. The purpose of the training was to bring the lodge officers of the six lodges in the section to go back to their roots in the OA and remember why they are involved in this organization. This training was run by Section C-1B Chief Nathaniel B. Tyler J. Editor--in –chief - Into the Air Editor OA SUMMER CAMP REPORT I would like to welcome all new Ordeal members to the lodge and thank them for all of their hard work during their ordeal. I would also like to congratulate all the new Brotherhood and Vigil Honor members! Special thanks to everyone that helped make our ceremonies great this year. My summer was packed with various Camp Tesomas Summertime activities within the Order of the Arrow. My week started out preparing for all the ceremonies, making smug pots and torches checking the regalia, and finding ceremony dancers and chiefs for Wednesday. Wednesday’s were always very busy. The chief for the week would pick the design and volunteers would help make the sand paintings. The rest of Wednesday was rush of activities, like building the other smaller fires and set up the other OA bowls. After dinner, I would make sure everyone knew their part and all were ready for the ceremony. The best part of it all, was when the ceremony came together. Thursday’s I would help keep the ordeal candidates keep busy in cheerful service. In the late afternoon, I would have a chapel service and prepare the candidates for the evening activities. After dinner, my focus was the brotherhood and ordeal ceremonies and hoped that everything would go smoothly. Friday’s were filled with office work, I made sure all the new brotherhood and ordeal arrowmen were in the computer and now part of Tom Kita Chara Lodge. Overall my summer was a lot of fun and it went smoothly and quickly. I hope that people will see my cheerful service and keep serving within our lodge. Tom L. OA Summer Camp Coordinator Into The Air Page 6 November 2011 Chapter Updates NORTHWOODS Fellow Arrowmen, The Northwoods Chapter has been busy this year. We have had our first two chapter meetings already and we are off to a great start. During our first meeting we discussed ideas for patches, talked about chapter events, and voted on Ceremonies Chairman and Activities Chairman. At our October meeting, we had a special visit from a regalia expert named Mr. Buckett who gave a seminar on how to make and repair regalia. We are looking forward to a great year with fun events and projects. Our meetings are in Tomahawk at the Tomahawk Elementary School during the Roundtable meetings on the first Thursday of each month. CRYSTAL LAKE Greetings Fellow Arrowmen, Crystal Lake Chapter is off to a great start. We already have had two meetings done and our attendance has been strong. We have our first service project and fun event set for October 22nd. Also, we are working on several other project ideas. It looks to be another successful year for this chapter. I am proud of how we started and look forward to the months to come. Yours in Scouting, Bryan K. Crystal Lake Chapter Chief Yours in Brotherhood, AHDAWAGAM Mike B. Northwoods Chapter Chief MUSHKODANY Arrowmen of Mush, I’m Kolby K. your new chapter chief. I am an active member of Troop 298 attending Stevens Point Area Senior High. Recently I have attended National Youth Leadership Training and also went to Philmont last summer. This coming year brings an abundance of fun filled opportunities. We plan to participate in many community service events and we are building on last year’s success with more ceremonies. We currently have five crossover ceremonies scheduled so far! Our activities chair has several events in the planning stages, but we still need your input. Would you like to go to a Brewer game next spring? Come to our next meeting to learn how this may be little or no cost to you! OA meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month in North Commons at SPASH in Stevens Point starting promptly at 6:45 p.m. We hope to see you at our next meeting. Yours in Service, Kolby K. Mushkodany Chapter Chief Hello Fellow Arrowmen, My name is Eric W. and I am the newly elected Chapter Chief of Ahdawagam Chapter. I am working with Evan W., the Vice Chief and Ethan E., the Vice Chief of Administration. This year we are working on improving communication, meeting attendance, and making our chapter meetings more enjoyable. The first chapter meeting went very well. We had 11 arrowmen total attend. Our next few chapter meetings will be held at St. Vincent de Paul Church. For driving directions, or pictures of the building, visit our Facebook® page. Webelos I Den from Pack 118. The project would be walking dogs for the South Wood County Humane Society. The date of this is yet to be determined. Here’s looking forward to a great year! Cheerfully, Eric W. Ahdawagam Chapter Chief Into The Air Page 7 RIB MOUNTAIN November 2011 Section Conclave 2012 Arrowmen of TKC, In October our chapter held a game at our fall camporee. The game was Rope Toss Knot Tie where the participants had to throw a rope over a post, tie a timber hitch on a log, then pull the log off the ground and then tie a clove hitch around a stake. We had 11 arrowmen participate in the game and they recorded some amazing times. We also had a chapter meeting there that was attended by 21 Arrowmen. One of our upcoming events is our November Day of Service at Camp Philips which is basically a day of service for our camp in Weston. After the day of service there will be the chapter’s annual ElectroFest. Another event will be Winter Banquet held at East Gate Hall in Marathon Park in January 2012. We are really looking forward to NOAC this summer and hope that you can join us. The fall brings us Fall Conference and Section Conclave both at our wonderful Camp Tesomas. I am excited about this year and hope that you are too! See you at the next meeting. Cooper P. Rib Mountain Chapter Chief OJIBWA My fellow friends of the Order, I am Ben M., the newly elected Chapter Chief for Ojibwa Chapter. We have already met a few times this year and started planning our schedule. Like past years, we got to work right away asking packs if they wanted us to perform a crossover ceremony for them. We also have started to find available dates for our annual lock-in. Some goals this year for things that we would like to add are, recreating the dance team. Ojibwa Chapter at one time had a dance team that would meet once or twice a month besides the regular chapter meeting. We are attempting to get that going again and will hopefully soon be having practices. We are also currently looking for local community service projects to better show cheerful service in the local community as a group. Some might be saying that it is going to be just another year for the Ojibwa Chapter, but with the help from you, my fellow Arrowmen; we can make this into the most successful year’s yet. Yours in Brotherhood, Ben M. Ojibwa Chapter Chief T.K.C. to Host Section C-1B Conclave 2012 Greetings, I am Jonathan S., your 2012 Conclave Chairman. What does being the 'Host Lodge' mean for TKC? Well, we will need 100 or more arrowmen to help plan and facilitate the conclave. I have created committees to help with this task to serve over 400 Arrowmen from the six lodges in our Section. So look these over to see were you could be of service. Facilities: Assist with the general layout of camp as well as help with events during the day. Housing: Arrange sleeping for all participants. Food Service: Prepare and clean up all meals in the kitchen and dining hall. Registration: Friday night check in of all participants. Medical: Do medical check ins Friday and Saturday. Each Committee has a youth Chairman and an adult Adviser to help you with your assignment. Watch for more details in the coming months. If you are interested please contact me. Yours in the Brotherhood, Jonathan S. Conclave Chairman HISTORY CORNER Hey Guys! This is the first entry of the history corner! Look below and notice the picture. This shield is located in the archives at Tesomas, on it is an Native American symbol. If you know what the symbol represents then please send your answer to first 3 people to answer will be given a prize at some point in the future.