Epiphany of Our Lord Church
Epiphany of Our Lord Church
Epiphany of Our Lord Church 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 Epiphany of Our Lord Church Mass Schedule www.epiphanyofourlord.com Saturday epiphanych@comcast.net 5 p.m. Vigil Tel (610) 828-8634; Fax (610) 828-1802 Sunday 3050 Walton Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA Website/bulletin: webmastereol@gmail.com 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:30 a.m. Daily Pastoral Staff Rev. Joseph J. Quindlen, Pastor 8:30 a.m. Monday to Saturday Rev. James J. Kelly, In Residence (Retired) Holydays Permanent Deacons 7 p.m. Vigil, 8:30 a.m., 12:05 & 7 p.m. Emil J. Wernert, Michael Pascarella, Jr. Kenneth P. Clancy (Retired), Joel M. Ziff, (Retired) Parish Office Staff Business Manager, Paul Harvitz Director of Music, Constance M. Steuer Admin. Assistant, JoAnn O’Connor IT Coordinator, Nicole Zimmerman Maintenance Super., Anthony R. Mashaintonio Church Sacristan, John F. Phipps Religious Education Staff rep@eol.comcastbiz.net; (215) 367-5853 Coordinator, Linda DiCampli Youth Ministry Staff ymmin@eol.comcastbiz.net Coordinator, Kevin Kozeniewski Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School www.holyrosaryregional.com (610) 825-0160 3040 Walton Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 Lisa S. Hoban: Principal lhoban@holyrosaryregional.com Beth Sheldon: Adm. Assistant bsheldon@holyrosaryregional.com Confessions Saturday 3:30-4:30 p.m. & by appointment Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; and. by appointment Closed for lunch: 12 p.m.-1 p.m. Saturday: By appointment only Sunday: By appointment only A mail slot is located in the parish office front door. Parish Office Requests To register in the parish, arrange for a baptism, or request a Certificate of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, contact the parish office at epiphanych@comcast.net during office hours. Also, please advise our office staff of any change of address, telephone number or family status. Anointing of the Sick First Saturday of the month during 8:30 a.m. Mass or by special request. Please notify the rectory as soon as possible when any parishioner becomes seriously ill or is admitted to the hospital. Baptism Baptisms are celebrated after the 11:30 a.m. Mass every Sunday, with the option of Baptism during the 11:30 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday of the month. Both first-time parents must attend a Pre-Jordan class, which is held the first Wednesday of every month. Pre-Registration for the class is required by contacting the parish office. Sponsors not from Epiphany are required to submit a Certificate of Eligibility from their parish two weeks prior to the Baptism. Marriage Notify the priest of your intention to marry at least six months before the date of the wedding to assure sufficient preparation and to arrange for Pre-Cana sessions. Miraculous Medal— Perpetual Novena After 8:30 a.m. Mass every Saturday. Healing Mass 1st Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion for the Sick and Homebound If you or a member of your family is ill and unable to attend Sunday Mass, our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are available to bring Communion to the sick and homebound. Call the Parish Office at (610) 828-8634 and provide the office staff with the name, address and phone number of the sick or homebound parishioner. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - July 31, 2016 18th Sunday Ordinary Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary When Jan. 1 (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God), Aug. 15 (Solemnity of the Assumption B.V.M.) or Nov. 1 (Solemnity of All Saints) fall on a Saturday or a Monday, there is no obligation to attend Mass. This year, the Solemnity of the Assumption B.V.M. will be celebrated on Monday, Aug. 15, at 8:30 a.m. Mass. “Preserved free from all guilt of original sin, the Immaculate Virgin was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory upon the completion of her earthly sojourn. She was exalted by the Lord as Queen of all, in order that she might be more thoroughly conformed to her Son, the Lord of Lords and the conqueror of sin and death” (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, 59). The Natale or Dormitio (“Falling asleep”) of Mary was celebrated as early as the fifth century. Retreat for a Busy Life St. Maria Goretti Parish invites all to attend the annual retreat on Thursday, Sept. 8, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. The day will start with Mass, a Holy Hour, and the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at Most Blessed Sacrament Church in Bally, PA. Participants will then travel to the National Center for Padre Pio in Barto, PA. The center is home to Our Lady of Grace Chapel and the St. Padre Pio Museum. Cost is $60/person and includes lunch and bus transportation. If you wish to carpool with a friend or travel on your own, cost is $30 and includes lunch. Register using the form that can be found on our parish website at www.stmariagoretti.net. Mail form (or your name, address, phone number) along with payment to: St. Maria Goretti Parish Center, Angela McClellan, 1601 Derstine Road Hatfield, PA 19440. The Catholic University of America The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church in the U.S. Each year a collection is held to support students wishing to obtain an education grounded in Catholic tradition. This year’s collection will take place next weekend, Aug. 20-21. Support Group for the Divorced This is a ten-week program to bring healing and hope to divorced Catholics meeting weekly on Mondays, starting Sept. 12, 7-8:30 p.m. in the parish center at St. Maria Goretti, Hatfield. Cost is $25 and includes workbook, handouts and refreshments. To register, visit www.stmariagoretti.net, print the form and mail along with payment. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. No registrations will be accepted after the first session. Missionary Cooperation Plan Appeal Father Raju Pilla will speak at all Masses next weekend, Aug. 20-21, in preparation for our annual Missionary Cooperation Plan Appeal on the following weekend. He will be speaking about the works and needs of the Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum in India which has about 270,000 Catholics. Ninety percent of the people are traditional fishermen who depend on fishing for their livelihood and 10 percent are farm workers. Many are recent converts from low caste Hindus. “Harvest is plentiful but Laborers are few!” Unemployment and poverty are most rampant in this community. The Archdiocese depends on outside assistance to support its clergy, seminarians and catechists and to continue its spiritual, educational and economic developmental programs for the community. Many coastal villages of the Archdiocese are still struggling to recover from the recent tsunami which destroyed lives, homes and fishing equipment. One such challenge is to find ongoing assistance with food and lodging to support the poorest students who are admitted in the two special high schools that were established after the tsunami. Several of these children are from single parent homes. Thank you for your generosity in this second collection! Trip to see a production of Samson On Saturday, Sept. 17, the Holy Name Society is sponsoring a trip to Lancaster’s Sight and Sound Theater to see Samson. The bus leaves Holy Saviour at 9 a.m. Tickets $130. Lunch to follow at Shady Maple Smorgasbord. Contact Mike Angelucci at (610) 213-1196 to purchase tickets. Bob Koneski Memorial Golf Outing This annual golf outing and BBQ, which supports Holy Rosary Regional Catholic School, is Friday, Sept. 23. Golf starts at 10:30 a.m. at Meadowlands Country Club. BBQ starts at 5:30 p.m. at Mermaid Lake. Cost for both is $135; BBQ only is $35. Visit bkgolfouting.com to register. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Chris Koneski at (610) 547-6194. Walk for Life The Philadelphia Walk for Life is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 25, at 3:30 p.m. at Thomas Paine Park followed by Mass at the Cathedral with Archbishop Chaput. For more information, contact Steve Bozza at (215) 587-0500. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - July 31, 2016 18th Sunday Ordinary Scarred by Struggle Join Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B., at Sorgenti Arena, Chesnut Hill College, on Sunday, Sept. 25, 1:30-4 p.m. to examine scars from past and present, and to reflect on and share hope that comes from embracing struggles. For more information, call (215) 248-7099. Pilgrimage with Visitation B.V.M. Visitation B.V.M, Trooper, is hosting a pilgrimage to New York City: St Frances Cabrini Shrine and Old St Patrick's Basilica on Friday, Oct. 14. Buses leave from Visitation at 6:30 a.m. and return 5:30 p.m. Lunch at Emporio Restaurant. Minimal walking anticipated. Cost is $85. A refund will be provided if you cancel and we can get a replacement for you. You are encouraged to sign up early. Contact Elaine Thorpe at (610) 828-6925. Catholic Women’s Conference Deepen your faith through inspiring talks and connections with other Catholic women on Saturday, Oct. 29, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown. Cost is $50/person. For more information and to register, visit catholicwomensconference.org. Straight Talk about Annulments Learn about the changes to the annulment process and get answers to your questions on Thursday, Nov. 3, 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Maria Goretti, Hatfield. For more information or to register, send an email to contactdirectoraff@stmariagoretti.net. School of Theological Studies at Seminary St. Charles Borromeo Seminary offers a variety of learning opportunities for lay men and women. You may be surprised that the seminary has an entire division dedicated to providing faith formation to the laity. The School of Theological Studies (STS) welcomes students of all ages to pursue undergraduate and graduate courses. For the first time, students will be able to pursue a “Master of Arts in Philosophical Studies.” For more information, contact the STS at (610) 785-6287. Holy Redeemer Hospice Care Holy Redeemer Health Care is a non-profit hospice provider serving patients and families in Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties. They seek caring and compassionate people with daytime availability to serve as hospice volunteers. A comprehensive training program is offered to prepare volunteers for the challenges and rewards of this role. For more information, contact Portia Tatlonghari at ptatlonghari@holyredeemer.com or (215) 698-3737. Retreat House Gift Certificates Our parish has received two complimentary gift certificates from Malvern Retreat House. These certificates, valued at $250 each, can be used to pay for any of the various men’s programs that Malvern Retreat House has to offer. If you have a sincere spiritual desire to make a retreat, or know someone who does, contact the parish office to receive the certificates, which will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Peace Prayer O Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, we cry out to you to put an end to the strife and destruction that is tearing apart this planet which our, and your heavenly Father, Almighty God, created. All across this planet innocent men, women and children of God are being slaughtered, starving and deprived of the basics of life because of mans determination for power, greed and control. We beg you to intervene and send the Holy Spirit down upon all individuals in positions of power, infusing within their hearts and minds the need to find ways to put an end to this destruction, discrimination and desire for domination and bring an end to the needless suffering and pain being caused by their actions. We come to you, Lord Jesus, and we beg you to bring us peace. Based on a prayer from Fr. Robert Johnnene, O.F.A. Epiphany of Our Lord Church - July 31, 2016 18th Sunday Ordinary Epiphany of Our Lord Church - July 31, 2016 18th Sunday Ordinary Boy Scout Troop 117 Established in 1958, Troop 117 serves boys ages 10 through 17 from the Whitpain, Plymouth Meeting, Whitemarsh, and Conshohocken areas by preparing boys for life. Chartered to Epiphany of Our Lord, we meet Thursdays year round at 7 p.m. in the Holy Rosary School Gym. With more than 130 Merit Badges—from Archery and Art to Welding and Wilderness Survival— Scouting is the ultimate form of learning by doing. Boy Scouts explore their interests and work toward Scouting’s highest rank: Eagle. By imagining, planning then doing their own service projects, Boy Scouts learn the value of hard work, and experience the thrill of seeing it pay off. Add in outdoor adventures and scouting gives boys all the experience they need to become men. Camping provides the opportunity to face challenges as a team, to learn all they are capable of doing, and to come home excited for more. Our camping program is the centerpiece of what we do: ¨ Outdoor Skills Development ¨ Practical Event Planning ¨ Menu Building & Cooking ¨ Nature Appreciation & Preservation ¨ Monthly Weekend Camping Trips ¨ Annual Week-long Summer Camp ¨ Philmont High Adventure Backpacking (New Mexico) ¨ Seabase High Adventure Sailing (Florida) Adventure! Troop 117 is know as the Camping Troop. Leadership! Troop 117 provides Scouts with true leadership opportunities not found in other youth programs. Values! The Scout Oath and Law provide the foundation and we end every meeting with a moment of non-denominational prayer. Advancement! 91 Scouts from Troop 117 have earned the coveted rank of Eagle Scout including 25 new Eagles in past five years – well above the national average. Safety! All Troop activities are conducted under the supervision of at least two trained adult leaders. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters have all undergone the Youth Protection training required by Boy Scouts of America. Parents are always welcome to participate in Troop activities. Troop 117 welcomes all Scouts! We take pride in the academic and athletic prowess of some of our Scouts. We are also proud of the Troop’s welcoming environment for boys of all ability levels and interests. Interested? Contact the Scoutmaster: Roger Milton—rgm1@msn.com; For boy scouts: http:// www.troop-117.com/; For cub scouts: https://beascout.scouting.org/ Epiphany of Our Lord Church - July 31, 2016 18th Sunday Ordinary Religious Education Program Still Enrolling Registration for the Religious Education Program (REP) 2016 – 2017 for grades 1 through 7 is open. Information, online registration form and costs can be found at http://epiphanyofourlord.com/rep/ documents/. Volunteers needed for teachers (catechists) or aide for the year on Mondays from 6:30-8:30 p.m., from Sept.-May. Materials provided. Youth are encouraged to volunteer as aides; service hours as acts of charity are provided. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated. For more information, call Linda DiCampli, Coordinator of Religious Education, at (215) 367-5853 or email rep@eol.comcastbiz.net. MASS INTENTIONS Monday, Aug. 15 8:30 a.m. – James M. Clarke, Sr. Tuesday, Aug. 16 8:30 a.m. – George Weiss, Jr. Wednesday, Aug. 17 8:30 a.m. – Rita Haarmeyer Thursday, Aug. 18 8:30 a.m. – Anna & Wasyl Wareckiy Friday, Aug. 19 8:30 a.m. – Angelina Reed Saturday, Aug. 20 8:30 a.m. – John C. Obsorne, 30th Anniversary Catholic Charities Appeal Update Did you know that our parish was one of 103 parishes which achieved or exceeded its goal in 2015? Let’s make 2016 just as successful—we’re over half-way there! Archdiocesan Goal $ 15,000,000 EOL Goal: $ 95,031 As of 8/5/2016 $ 75,213 Percentage of goal 79% Number of Gifts 271 Thank you for your generosity to the appeal! Stewardship is a way of life. Tithing is God’s Plan for Giving. Our Sunday Offering 7/31 $ 10,938 Last Year’s Offering $ 10, 687.50 Children’s Offering $ 20.97 Thank you for your continued support! Electronic Giving Our E-giving program allows parishioners to select the dates and amounts they wish to give ahead of time. Simply fill out the form, available at http://epiphanyofourlord.com. Select E-Giving from the Supporting the Parish drop down menu, print, complete and return to the parish office. From the Pastor: “The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation in her Son’s Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 966). From the Children: Helped clean the house. Making progress with my tutoring. Picked up my toys. Helped Gavin. Practiced my rock climbing. Worked hard to reach round 3 in junior dragster racing. Adoration Chapel Votive Candles are Dedicated for: In Loving Memory Aug. 14 Aug. 14 Maryanne Koehler Freda Saile Please Remember in Prayer Freda Saile Who died July 28 Mother of Dennis, Stephen and Kathleen. Pregnancy Hotline Pregnant and need help? Call the hotline at 610626-4006, 24/7, for assistance with pro-life options, supportive counseling and other resources. Please Pray For The Sick Miriam Beaumont* Walter Bohn Bartholomew Cahan Maureen Cahan Stacy Callahan, 8yrs old Joseph DeLuca III Aubrey Fells Esperanza Galshack* Christopher Greuters, 7yrs old Steven Hedricks Mark Hines* Barbara Jean Kathy Kane* John P. Kelly* Nicholas Lamina Norine Lawlor Carol Lawrence Bob Miller Helen Miller* Mary Mirabile* Mike McCullough Sybil Nahrgang* Janet O’Connor* Michael Parrillo Mary Pizzico* Margaret Reinehr Jill Ramos Gloria Scandale* Katty Tucker Daniel White* Epiphany of Our Lord Church - July 31, 2016 *Parishioner 18th Sunday Ordinary Adoration Chapel “Still, the Most Holy Sacrament, when exposed, must never be left unattended even for the briefest space of time. It should therefore be arranged that at least some of the faithful always be present at fixed times, even if they take alternating turns” (Instruction on the Eucharist, 138). Call Elaine Thorpe at (610) 828-6925 if you can attend to the Blessed Sacrament, unattended for the following hours during perpetual exposition: Sunday: 11-12:30AM,12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM, 5-6AM, 9-10AM, 12-1 PM,1-2PM, 2-3PM, 3-4PM, 4-5PM, 5-6PM, 8-9PM, 9-10PM Monday: 3:30-5AM, 5-6AM, 6-7AM, 8-9AM, 9-10AM, 10-11AM, 11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 2-3PM, 3-4PM, 4-5PM, 6-7PM, 10-11PM Tuesday: 11PM-12:30AM, 12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM, 3:30-5AM, 5-6 AM, 6-7AM, 7-8AM, 10-11AM, 11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 1-2PM, 23PM, 3-4PM, 4-5PM, 6-7PM, 7-8PM, 8-9PM, 9-10PM Wednesday: 11PM-12:30AM, 12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM, 3:30-5AM, 5-6AM, 8-9AM, 11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 2-3PM, 3-4PM, 4-5PM, 5-6 PM, 6-7PM, 8-9PM, 9-10PM, 10-11PM Thursday: 11PM-12:30AM, 12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM, 3:30-5AM, 5-6AM, 9-10AM, 11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 1-2PM, 3-4PM, 4-5PM, 56PM, 6-7PM, 7-8PM, 8-9PM, 10-11PM Friday: 11PM-12:30AM, 12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM, 3:30-5AM, 5-6AM, 7-8AM, 8-9AM, 9-10AM, 11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 1-2PM, 3-4PM, 45PM, 6-7PM, 7-8PM, 9-10PM, 10-11PM Saturday: 11PM-12:30AM, 12:30-2AM, 2-3:30AM, 3:30-5AM, 5-6AM, 6-7AM, 7-8AM, 8-9AM, 9-10AM, 11AM-12PM, 12-1PM, 1-2PM, 2-3PM, 3-4PM, 6-7PM, 7-8PM, 9-10PM ✂ WHY IS IT Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. 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