OneSport Technology


OneSport Technology
OneSport Technology
Club Administration
2016 User Guide
Hockey Australia provides club administrators with access to the OneSport
Technology (OST) platform developed by the Sports Technology Group.
The key module used by Hockey Australia and affiliated clubs is MemberDesq platform which enables clubs to setup their player registration options online
via a club registration portal. This guide is designed to equip Hockey Australia affiliated club administrators with the necessary knowledge required to
activate their club registration portal and provide options for their members to register and pay for their membership online should they choose.
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Table of Contents
Super-User contact list..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Logging In ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Setting up Subscriptions .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Archiving a Subscription Type ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Registration .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Individual Registration ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Family Registration .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Multiple Club Registration ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Renewal.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Individual Renewal ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Linked Member Renewal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Pay and Activate a Subscription ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Cancel and Refund a Subscription ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Tiered Organisations - Split Refunds .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Club Transfers ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Requesting a Clearance.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Duplicate Records – Merging ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Editing/Deleting Members ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Setting up Distribution Lists ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Adding and Removing Members from Distribution Lists ............................................................................................................................................................... 43
Sending an Email ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Resending a Payment Receipt........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
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What is a Super-User? Who is my state body’s Super-User(s)? ................................................................................................................................................ 54
Are my credit card details secure?............................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Who needs to register?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Do I have to pay if I only play a single game? ............................................................................................................................................................................ 54
How long does my subscription last? ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
What is the significance of the member number and how can I easily obtain mine? .............................................................................................................. 55
How do I register multiple family members across different Associations/Clubs and in different age groups? Is this possible in a single transaction? ....... 55
My credit card isn’t working, even though I have typed in all details correctly. Why is this? .................................................................................................. 55
I registered twice under one name, intending to create two separate registrations. Can I transfer one registration to the other person? .......................... 55
How do I give someone else in my Association/Club access to the database? Can I limit what they are able to access? ....................................................... 56
Helpful Websites ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Contacts ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Version Control
December 8 2015
December 15 2015
December 18 2015
January 20 2016
January 21 2016
First Release Draft
Revised Draft
First Release Second Draft
First Release Official
First Release Official Revised
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Super-User contact list
Updated January 21 2016
Tony Persoglia
Matt Crawford
Stirling Sharpe
Lauren Woods
Cameron Whalan
Mark Davis
Caitlin Sippel
Katrina Ranford
Penny Redmond
Andrew Cooling
Emily Foster
Cheyne Hackett
Lauren Camilleri
Janine Finnie
Ben Bregazzi
Hockey Australia
Hockey Australia
Hockey ACT
Hockey NSW
Hockey NSW
Hockey NT
Hockey Queensland
Hockey SA
Hockey SA
Hockey Tasmania
Hockey Tasmania
Hockey Victoria
Hockey Victoria
Hockey WA
Hockey WA
Hockey Australia – One Sport Technology User Guide
Business Analyst
Digital Services Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Operations Manager
Media and Database Coordinator
Development Manager
Program Officer (Competitions & Events)
Marketing, Events & Communications Officer
Operations & Facilities Manager
Communications and Marketing Officer
Competitions Coordinator
Competitions and Events Manager
Membership Services & Administration Coordinator
Game Development Manager
Competitions Coordinator
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Logging In
What You Will Need
1. Access to the Internet via a desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.
2. An up-to-date Internet web browser. STG recommends the use of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for optimal performance.
3. A valid e-mail address used to create your STG club administrator account>
New Club Administrators
1. You will need to contact your current or outgoing club administrator to arrange access to your OST club account. Details on the process of granting
access to a new club administrator are detailed in the steps outlined on the STG Zendesk help page - Assign Administrator Access To A Member
2. If you are unable to gain access via your current or outgoing club administrator you will need to contact Hockey Australia via or by lodging a support ticket via to arrange access to your club’s OST account.
When submitting your request please advise Hockey Australia of the following details:
a. Your full name and contact e-mail address.
b. Your club name.
c. Your role within the club
d. Your club ID in the OST database (if known).
e. The name and e-mail/phone details of the outgoing club administrator.
Returning Club Administrators
1. In your internet browser visit the following link -
2. Key in your valid e-mail address and password and click Sign In.
3. Click on your club name (this will take you to the console home).
For a video tutorial please enter the following link – Logging in to One Sport Technology
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Setting up Subscriptions
Subscriptions are used in OST as a means to set up registration options for players who register as members with your club. Subscriptions can be as simple
or as detailed as you want them to be. The OST system enables other entities in the hockey community to setup subscriptions and distribute them down to
your club, i.e. a state levy defined by your state’s governing body. To learn more about what your state is doing with subscriptions, please contact your
state super-user as outlined on Page 4 of this document.
Step 1: Log in to your club’s OST console and select MemberDesq then click on Subscriptions -> Subscription Types.
Step 2: Select the Actions dropdown menu and click on Add.
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Step 3: Completing the General tab.
Name: The name you want to give your Subscription, i.e. Senior Registration Fee.
Description: Additional information about the Subscription which is displayed on the member portal.
Effective Date: The date at which the subscription will take effect and become active on the member portal.
Subscription Duration: The duration which the Subscription will be active on the member portal.
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Step 4: Completing the Options tab.
Show on MemberDesq: When Yes is checked it will display the Subscription on the member portal.
Display Order: Determines what order the Subscription is displayed in the listing on the member portal.
Default Member Types: The category of membership (i.e. Member Type) that the Subscription is attached to.
Approval Process: When Yes is checked approval is required before (pre-payment) or after (post-payment) payment is accepted.
Age Validation: When Yes is checked you are able to restrict the purchase of the Subscription based on the user’s age.
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Step 5: Completing the Financial tab.
Financial Status: When granted this is used in the
database to determine if a participant is Paid or Unpaid.
Yes: The subscription grants financial status.
No: The subscription does not grant financial status.
Online Payment Mandatory:
Yes: Payment is required at the time of registration.
No: The offer to Pay Later is offered at the time of
Total Amount: Insert the full dollar value (decimals
included where relevant) of the Subscription.
Absorb Administration Charge:
You can choose to absorb the Administration Charge at
your own discretion. Clicking Yes means that the
administration fee will be taken out of the displayed
amount at the time of settlement into the club’s bank
account. Clicking No means the administration fee will be
taken out of the total charge settled back to the club.
Split Allocation: Select YES to allocate a portion of the cost
to another organisation(s). Click Details to allocate the
amount or percentage of the cost that will be split to an
Step 6: Select the Invoice tab to insert any custom text you would like displayed on the system generated invoice when the Submit Now and Pay Later
option is selected by the user.
Step 7: Select the Receipt tab to insert any custom text you would like displayed on the system generated receipt issued to a user upon online payment of
the Subscription.
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Archiving a Subscription Type
Archiving a Subscription Type results in it being 'filed' away and hidden from the listing as it is no longer deemed as active by the club. This is normally done
at the end of a playing season or calendar year. Archiving is particularly useful in ensuring only active Subscription Types display in the management console
and registration portal, reducing the confusion for what membership options are valid for a given season. It is recommended that you archive your inactive
Subscription Types at the end of the season in preparation for the beginning of the new season.
Step 1: Log in to your club’s OST console and select MemberDesq then click on Subscriptions -> Subscription Types.
Step 2: For the individual Subscription Type you wish to archive select the Actions drop down menu.
Step 3: Click Archive.
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Step 4: If you have organisations linked beneath you in the organisation hierarchy (i.e. you are an association with member clubs) and have distributed this
particular Subscription type to any organisations below your own, you will receive an option to Include Linked Subscriptions. Checking this box will
result in archiving of the Subscription type within every organisation below your own in the hierarchy.
Step 5: You will now see that this Subscription type no longer displays in your Subscription Type Listing screen. If you wish to view this Subscription Type,
select Actions in the top right corner then Archive Listing.
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Individual Registration
Your club will have its own registration portal which can be accessed directly via the URL provided in the Portal Settings of your MemberDesq console.
Alternatively, every club registration portal can be accessed via Club Finder on the PlayHockey website, as well as Club Finder on your state website. For
information on how to activate your club on Club Finder, visit the PlayHockey FAQ and download the latest version of the OST Club Finder Setup Guide.
Step 1: To search for your nearest Hockey club(s) visit PlayHockey at
Step 2: Click on the Club Finder button.
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Step 3a: Key in the postcode or suburb in the Enter Your Location text box and select one of the matching suburb selections provided for you.
Step 3b: You can categorise your search to include either or both of Club Hockey or Hookin2Hockey by selecting or de-selecting the icons in the Select a
category section. Selecting ALL will ensure that matches for both categories are returned.
Please Note: You can limit
your search results to a
geographical range matching
your search selection by
scrolling down the page and
selecting from one of the
available options (5, 10, 15,
25, 50 and 100km).
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Step 4: Once the Search button is clicked, Club Finder will take a moment to process your query before returning a list of Hockey clubs that match your
criteria below the embedded Google Map. Clicking on the Join Now button will take you to the club’s registration portal.
Note: You can explore each club in more detail by clicking on the Services & Facilities droplist outlined by the highlighted red box in the image above. The
icons beside each club also represent the specific hockey services offered by the club.
Club Hockey
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Step 5: Once the club’s registration portal appears click on the Registration tab in the top left hand corner of the screen.
Step 6: A list of all available subscriptions will appear below, complete with descriptions (where defined) and associated costs.
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Step 7: To select a Subscription simply check the box of the Subscription you wish to select and click Next.
Step 8: Complete the User Information section filling in mandatory fields where relevant (fields
marked with an asterisk (*) are deemed mandatory) then clicking Next.
Note: The Email Address is not only a mandatory field but the unique identifier for every record
in the database. If you have played hockey before, you will most likely have already been
registered in the OST database and have an e-mail address attached to your record. If you
are unsure, please contact your club to determine what e-mail address is assigned to your
record in the database
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Step 9: The Questions screen will display any custom fields that your state or club has defined, where mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Complete the questions as necessary ensuring any waivers, disclaimers or policies are sighted before proceeding and checking the related boxes
where appropriate.
Step 10: Once completed, click Next to proceed to the Summary screen.
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Step 11: The Summary screen provides you with an opportunity to review your Subscription selection and one final chance to make any amendments to
ensure you have made the correct selection.
If you do need to amend your selection select the Back button to work your way back through the registration process and amend your details
If you are satisfied with your selection and are happy to confirm your registration and proceed with the payment process, click on the Pay Now
button to proceed to the Checkout screen.
Step 12: If you have a payment strategy organised with your club (i.e. they are happy for you to pay them by cash or via an alternative payment
gateway) you can still complete your registration by selecting the Submit Only button. This will ensure you bypass the credit card payment gateway
Note: You will remain unfinancial in the system (a status of NOT PAID) until payment is received and your club’s registrar updates your Financial
status accordingly. Depending on which state you are registered, this process may have an impact on your player eligibility for competition
(SportsDesq) purposes. To learn more about how your state is handling Financial Status in relation to SportsDesq, please contact your state superuser as outlined on Page 4 of this document.
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Step 13: The Checkout screen will allow you to process your payment using a credit or debit card (VISA or Mastercard are accepted).
Note: STG are currently testing the integration of PayPal into their Membership payment gateway for usage in the OST platform. It is envisaged that
PayPal will become available at a later date in 2016. Please visit PlayHockey to ensure you are updated on any changes in this regard.
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Family Registration
There will be instances from time to time where you may be registering multiple family members with one club at the same time. In these instances, it is
possible to process a Family Registration via a single transaction. A Family Registration is comprised of the first 11 steps of an Individual Registration.
Step 12: Instead of clicking the Pay Now or Submit Only buttons, click the Add Another Registration button to proceed with a Family Registration.
Step 13: The process will revert back to the Subscription screen and allow you to select another Subscription, following the same 11 steps of the
Individual Registration again to process the additional participant.
Continue with this process for each additional family member until you are ready to confirm the registration for all individuals.
Here, simply follow Steps 12 and 13 of the Individual Registration section of this user guide.
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Multiple Club Registration
Some players will register for more than one club during the hockey season and will require multiple subscriptions in these circumstances to accurately
record their registration and playing history. An example of this would be a junior player registering at one club (their primary club) who elects to play
senior hockey at another clubs (their secondary club).
Step 1: Register with your primary club and ensure your subscription is valid and that your Financial Status is updated (i.e. you have paid online or your club
registrar has manually changed your status once you have paid via an alternative means).
Step 2: Visit your secondary club’s registration portal. Remember to ensure you are registering for the correct club.
Step 3: Click Login and use the same email address and password used for registering with your primary club and follow the prompts.
Step 4: When selecting your secondary subscription ensure you choose one labelled dual registration and then follow the prompts to complete your
registration. Dual registration subscriptions essentially remove any fees which do not need to be charged a second time throughout the season (i.e.
state levies, insurance, etc.). Consult with your state super-user as outlined on Page 4 of this document to determine how dual registration is being
handled in your state.
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Individual Renewal
Renewing a registration is the perfect solution for a returning participant (i.e. someone who has registered previously with another club) as the process
allows your to login to the system with your e-mail and password and bypass much of the data entry associated with registering for the first time (i.e.
contact details which rarely change from year to year). The steps below outline what is involved in the renewal process.
Step 1: Visit the club’s online Registration Portal via the Club Finder on or directly via the club administrative console.
Step 2: Select Login at the top right of the screen and enter your valid email address and password.
Note: A valid email address and password used to register in 2014 or 2015 is required to process a renewal. A Club Administrator will be able to notify
individual participants of their valid email address. Passwords however are encrypted, and can only be retrieved by the participant with a valid email address. Use the Forgotten Your Password link to reset your password where a reset link will be emailed to the valid email address.
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Step 3: Once logged in, click on Renew at the top left of the screen.
Note: There may be more than one Renew button per Registration Portal depending on the state organisation in question. In the example above there is
a second Red renewal button available.
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Step 4: Select your Association and then your Club from the drop down menus. You will notice once you have selected the club the Register button will
become available, click that button to proceed.
Note: For some hockey competitions you will need to select the Metro option at the Association Level.
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Step 5: Select the relevant Subscription and click the Next button at the bottom left of the screen.
Step 6: Complete all required information on the registration form as prompted and
click Next.
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Step 7: Once complete the Summary screen will display. If the summary provided is correct select Pay Now and proceed to the Payment screen.
Step 8: Enter your debit or credit card details and press Submit. Follow the prompts to confirm details and complete online payment.
Step 9: Once you reach the Payment Confirmation page (which will issue a receipt number) your participant registration is complete. You will receive an
email confirmation and receipt of payment immediately. Please keep this as proof of payment.
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Linked Member Renewal
Registration renewals can also be performed with linked members (often parents will link other family members to their e-mail address for ease of use).
The steps below outline what is involved in the renewal process for linked members.
Step 1: The primary member will click on Log In and enter their valid email address and password.
Step 2: Once logged in, the member selects the Subscription for the linked member they would like to register on their behalf.
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Step 3: The linked member’s details are displayed. Any amendments can be
made prior to clicking Next and proceeding to the Check-Out screen.
Step 4: Once at the check-out screen, is an option to Add Another
Registration is provided. Click on this option to proceed.
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Step 5: A pop up dialog will appear asking whether this new registration is for the same person or for somebody else and will list any other linked
Step 6: Select the relevant linked member. This will take the primary member back to the Subscription listing allowing for selection of the relevant
Subscription type.
Step 7: Your personal details form will appear. On the right hand side of the page please select Register a Linked Member. Select the member you would
like to register and their details will now pre-fill in the form.
Step 8: Follow the remaining prompts and repeat if required.
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Pay and Activate a Subscription
When a member registers and elects to pay offline, it is the responsibility of the club registrar to ensure they meet their financial obligations to the club.
You can use the OST platform to manage the financial status of an individual member via the administration console. Below are steps used to track the
offline payment of a member and the activation of their chosen Subscription.
Step 1: In the OST administration console, click on MemberDesq and select the Financial tab on the sidebar, then click on the Subscriptions dropdown.
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Step 2: From the resulting list of returned members, click on the Actions dropdown arrow adjacent to the relevant member and select View Member.
Step 3: Navigate to the Financial Tab.
Step 4: Find the Unpaid subscription, click on the Actions dropdown arrow and select Pay.
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Step 5: The resulting pop-up window lists a number of payment methods available for actioning against a member’s financial record. Select the method of
payment in the pop up window, type in a payment reference (if applicable) and click Process Payment.
Payment methods include:
Money Order
Direct Debit
EFTPOS/Credit Card
Credit Card - Non IMG STG
Step 6: Once processed, this will update the Subscription status and Financial status where applicable.
Note: Members will be notified that a payment has been made on their membership record. For Credit Card purchases a reminder that IMG-STG will
appear on the member’s bank statement.
Note: STG are currently testing the integration of PayPal into their Membership payment gateway for usage in the OST platform. It is envisaged that
PayPal will become available at a later date in 2016. Please visit PlayHockey to ensure you are updated on any changes in this regard.
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Cancel and Refund a Subscription
On occasion, the necessity will arise to cancel and refund a subscription for a member. Below are steps used to process a cancellation and refund.
Step 1: In the OST administration console, click on MemberDesq and select the Financial tab on the sidebar, then click on the Subscriptions dropdown.
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Step 2: You can search for the subscription by looking for the member, the subscription itself or the payment reference in the search bar.
Step 3: Click on the Actions dropdown adjacent to the relevant member.
Step 4: Select Cancel from the Actions drop down menu.
Step 5: Confirm the amount of the refund (if applicable) and click
Refund & Cancel. If the subscription is to be cancelled but
does not require a refund click Skip Refund.
Step 6: This will cancel the subscription and allocate the refund in
the Refund listing if applied.
Subscriptions that are recorded manually or have a zero dollar value can be cancelled via the Cancel Without Refund button.
Refunds cannot be processed through the administration console after a subscription has been cancelled. The refund must be processed at the time
of cancellation.
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Tiered Organisations - Split Refunds
When a refund is provided to a member, those funds are automatically refunded back to the member’s account by Sports Technology Group (STG) as part
of the administrative process. STG will then deduct the value of that refund from your next settlement.
If the original payment has been split between multiple entities, that refund will be deducted in full at club level and not split as per the original payment.
This protocol has been implemented as a protection against No Refund policies that may be in place at the State level, leaving it at the full discretion of the
club if they wish to wear the shortfall of producing a full refund.
Where required, clubs will need to invoice their State bodies to recoup refunds.
Note: Although the individual will be refunded the entire amount (or as otherwise nominated), STG do not refund to your organisation the transactions
fees applied to the original transaction.
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Club Transfers
Player movement is a common process in competitive team sport, with individuals moving clubs post-season and mid-season. At present, there are no
national regulations which govern the movement of players. Hockey in Australia is essentially an amateur sport, with few players legally contracted to a
club to play. As a result, the rules governing the movement of players – player transfers – are managed by the associations and states which administer and
run competitions across the country.
The features outlined below are system processes available in the OST platform to manage player transfers. There may be supporting documentation and
other processes required (outside of OST) to ensure a player transfer is officially recognised by your competition’s governing body.
It is recommended that you consult your metropolitan and regional association administrators or your state body to determine how player transfers are
managed and to seek guidance on the rules and regulations particular to your competition.
Requesting a Clearance
Step 1: A player contacts the club they wish to transfer to (new club) in order to request a clearance from their present club.
Step 2: The new club formally requests a clearance for the player from the previous club.
Step 3: The new club informs the player when the clearance has been approved and is free to register with them.
Step 4: The player registers as per normal with the new club using the Registration or Renewal options previously outlined.
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Duplicate Records – Merging
Despite the best endeavours of clubs and participants alike, duplicate records will be created in the database from time to time. A feature is now available
which enables club administrators to remove duplicate records by merging them together, ensuring no important financial information or playing history is
lost in the process.
Step 1: Login to your administration console, click on MemberDesq, select Members then Members Listing from the sidebar menu.
Step 2: Search for the member that is currently active and financial that you want to merge the inactive or unfinancial record into.
Step 3: Click the Actions drop down menu then select View.
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Step 4: Once the member’s profile is displayed click on the Actions drop down menu in the top-right corner.
Step 5: A pop-up window will display where you will be prompted to enter the
Target Email Address and some further contact details. This will
automatically merge the details into the single record.
Note: Always make sure that you're merging the unfinancial record into
the financial record to ensure that your member maintains their financial
status and their ability to access their membership. Once profiles are
merged the changes are finalised.
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Editing/Deleting Members
Management of your participant database is crucial to ensuring your records are up-to-date which is imperative when communicating regularly with your
members. The following steps outline how you can edit existing records in the database and removed defunct records or those created in error.
Step 1: Login to your administration console, click on MemberDesq and select Members from the sidebar menu.
Step 2: Once you find the participant record you want to
Edit select Edit or View from the Actions drop down
Step 3: If editing, click on the Edit button at the bottom of
the screen, amend the details you want to change
and click Save. The edit operation will only affect the
fields that have been changed and all other details
will remain unchanged.
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Step 4: To delete a member you must View the member record, and then select Actions and Delete. You will only be able to delete the member if they
have an Inactive status.
Note: A member must be Inactive before they can be deleted. Also, you are unable to delete a primary member if they are still linked to other members in
the database. If you wish to delete a primary member you must first unlink all the attached members before you can proceed with the delete
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Setting up Distribution Lists
Association and club administrators may find distribution lists an important tool to communicate with particular member groups within the database.
Distribution lists can be set up to target people attending certain events, age groups or just simply the organisation’s weekly or monthly newsletter. To set
up a distribution list follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Login to your administration console, click on MemberDesq and select Email Management from the sidebar menu.
Step 2: Below Email Management select Distribution Lists on the dropdown sidebar menu.
Step 3: Click on the Actions dropdown menu and select Add from the list of available options.
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Step 4: Once the General tab loads, complete the required fields and click Save.
Note: When selecting the Manual setting for Automation you will need to add every email address manually. Dynamic will give you the option to select
certain subscription types and add them to your distribution list.
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Adding and Removing Members from Distribution Lists
You can maintain Distribution lists by adding and removing members at any point you choose. To add or remove members from distribution list follow
these simple steps:
Step 1: Login to your administration console, click on MemberDesq and select Email Management followed by Distribution Lists from the sidebar menu.
Step 2: Click on the Actions dropdown for the relevant distribution list and click Edit.
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Step 3: Once the General tab loads you can edit the list via the Manual or Dynamic options.
Note: When selecting the Manual setting for Automation you will need to add every email address manually. Dynamic will give you the option to select
certain subscription types and add them to your distribution list.
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Step 4: Navigate to the Recipients tab and select the Actions dropdown adjacent to the relevant member and select Manually Subscribe.
Step 5: Once you have made changes to the member’s subscription settings click Save.
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If a member leaves your organisation or needs to be removed from a distribution list please follow these steps:
Step 1: Login to your administration console, click on MemberDesq and select Email Management followed by Distribution Lists from the sidebar menu.
Step 2: Click on the Actions dropdown for the relevant distribution list and click View.
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Step 3: Select the member from the list by clicking and highlighting their record and click the Delete button.
Note: The De-Duplication function is not available on OST as there is only ever one email address recorded per family.
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Sending an Email
With distribution lists created, the full power of the communication tools encompassed within OST can be unleashed by using the Email functions available
in the system. Sending an e-mail to a group of club members is as easy following the steps below:
Step 1: Login to your administration console and click on MemberDesq.
Step 2: Click on Email Management and then Send Email from the sidebar menu.
Step 3: Select the Distribution list that you would like to send your group email to.
Step 4: Select the Email template (if applicable) you wish to apply to this email campaign. If you do not wish to use an email template, please navigate to
the Body Tab and input your email text within the HTML editor.
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Step 5: Enter the Campaign Name (this is only viewed internally in the Console and helps you document your e-mail archive), the Sender Name (this will
appear as the sender in the recipient's email inbox), the Sender Email Address (this will appear as the email address that the recipient views when
they open the email) and the Email Subject (this will display as the subject line on the recipient's email inbox).
Step 6: Click Save.
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Step 7: The screen will reload and display a Send Button at the bottom of the table. Review the information you have entered and once you are satisfied
that everything is correct, click Send.
Step 8: Upon clicking the Send button a pop up dialog will appear with three (3) buttons:
Send Now to "#" Unique Emails: removes duplicate emails from the email campaign so that the email is only sent once to a specified email
address that may appear multiple times in the distribution list (i.e. where there are family members linked to the same email address).
Send Now to All "#" Emails: sends the email to all recipients even where the email addresses are duplicated.
Cancel: cancels the send.
Note: Remember, the Campaign Name is only visible to OST administrators.
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Resending a Payment Receipt
In the event a member misplaces a payment receipt, one can be reissued to the member by following these simple steps:
Step 1: Login to your administration console and click on MemberDesq and then Members on the sidebar menu.
Step 2: Search for the member that requires a payment receipt by keying in their specific details then click Actions > View adjacent to their name within
the Member Listing.
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Step 3: Once the individual member record is displayed, click on the Actions dropdown located on the right hand side of the screen and select History from
the resulting list.
Step 4: Navigate to Email Messages
Step 5: Click the Action dropdown menu against the relevant receipt you wish to resend.
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Step 6: You can select to either Preview or Resend the receipt.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What is a Super-User? Who is my state body’s Super-User(s)?
A super-user is your state body’s representative for managing the administration of the OST database.
For a full list of super-users please visit the state super-user contact list as outlined on Page 4 of this document.
Are my credit card details secure?
The STG online merchant gateway is designed with code that encompasses a SSL 256 bit data encryption certificate, therefore providing one of the highest
levels of security to individuals making online payments.
No credit card details are stored on IMG STG servers whatsoever and are captured via our online payments provider in the National Australia Bank.
STG process over 1 million individual transactions annually (approx. one transaction every 28 seconds) and takes pride in its 100% success rate when it
comes to online payment security.
Who needs to register?
Any player actively participating in hockey via structured competition (e.g. playing in state run competitions, Intra-club competition or regional
Club/Association run competitions) must register for 2016.
Do I have to pay if I only play a single game?
Yes. Everyone that plays a game must be fully registered before playing.
How long does my subscription last?
Subscriptions are an annual fee, with the expiry date determined by each state body. For a clearer picture on how your state has defined it’s subscription
expiry dates, please contact your state super-user as outlined on Page 4 of this document.
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What is the significance of the member number and how can I easily obtain mine?
Your member number is assigned to you in the order in which you have been entered and registered in the OST database. The number is purely related to
keeping order within the national database. For whatever reason you may need your number please contact your club administrator, they can easily search
for your name in the system and provide you with your registration number. Hockey Australia does not use the member number for any administrative
How do I register multiple family members across different Associations/Clubs and in different age groups?
Is this possible in a single transaction?
You can register multiple family members to the one club in the same transaction, please read through the Family Registration section of this guide.
If you are looking to register for multiple clubs, you will need to do this on separate transactions, this is due to subscriptions being attached to club
registration portals. For more information about multiple club registration please guide your attention to the Multiple Club Registration section of this
My credit card isn’t working, even though I have typed in all details correctly. Why is this?
This could be for a number of reasons and it’s impossible to pinpoint one. It could be due to the bank rejecting the payment due to a card limit being
reached, the card being cancelled, fraud detection, an error in processing the payment, internet connection, server issues or clicking the back browser
button. The member will receive a particular error message displayed on their screen directly from our payment gateway provider, this should be quoted
when seeking support from Hockey Australia.
I registered twice under one name, intending to create two separate registrations. Can I transfer one registration to the other person?
Solving this problem will differ from state to state. If you find yourself in this situation please contact your state super-user as outlined on Page 4 of this
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How do I give someone else in my Association/Club access to the database? Can I limit what they are able to access?
Yes. To give someone access to the database please follow these steps:
Step 1: Login to your OST console and click on the Administration module along the top level menu.
Step 2: Click on the Security option on the sidebar menu.
Step 3: Click on the Security Roles option within the Security menu.
Step 4. Click on the relevant administrator role, click on the Actions dropdown menu adjacent to the role and select View.
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Step 5: Click on Add User to This Role.
Step 6: Insert the Email Address of the person you wish to give access to and click Add.
The member can now log in to the organisation they have been granted access to via the OST console –
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Helpful Websites
Hockey Australia
Play Hockey
Sports Technology Group (How to Guides)
Matt Crawford
Digital Services Coordinator
Hockey Australia
E –
Hockey Australia – One Sport Technology User Guide
Tony Persoglia
Business Analyst
Hockey Australia
E –
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