Oana Cătălina Chiţu – DIVINE
Oana Cătălina Chiţu – DIVINE
CD-ATR 3913 Maria Tănase is loved in Romania like no singer that has followed her. Even before the Second World War she per formed folk songs, tan gos, romances, coup lets and cântece de mahala, music from the suburbs, in restaurants, in revue theatres and on the radio, usually accompanied by Roma musicians, the lăutari. Tănase developed her own expressive way of interpretation, making songs of every origin her own. Then the Iron Curtain fell between Eastern and Western Europe. Most of her recordings were made in the years 1937/39 and 1957/58. In the 1950s, the Stalinist Dej-Regime ruled in Romania, show trials were held of politicians or intellectuals such as the ethnomusicologist and discoverer of Tănase, Harry Brauner. Maria Tănase was increasingly forgotten in Romania throughout the 1960s, because her dramatic doinas or the orientalsounding songs from the mahala, as the suburbs are called, did not fit into the limited concept of man held by certain party officials. Maria Tănase was too much the extravagant diva and individualistic artist to allow herself to be co-opted by the state, let alone move even one millimetre towards mediocrity. In June 1963 she was buried like a queen at Bucharest’s Bellu Cemetery. Hundreds of thousands of people lined the streets for her final journey. It wasn’t until the 1990s before a new light was cast on the legacy of Maria Tănase. She was able to be rediscovered. In 2013 Romanians are celebrating the cen tenary of Maria Tănase’s birth. This anniversary has inspired the Romanian Oana Cătălina Chiţu, who lives in Berlin, to pay homage to the great singer, whose songs had already accompanied her through a number of concert programmes, most recently on Bucharest Tango. Now she is once again singing muzică lăutărească such as Luncă, Luncă, but also the couplet Mi-am pus busuioc în păr, and a few of the well-known tangos such as Dacă nu te cunoșteam, all from Tănase’s repertoire. Oana Cătălina Chiţu grew up in Northern Romania. In Humulești, an idyllic old market town also known as the birthplace of well-known Romanian author Ion Creangă. The small town was too constricting for her and so, after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Ceauşescu regime, she moved to Berlin. Upon her arrival, she founded the Balkan band Romença with Serbian accordion player Dejan Jovanovic, but her yearning for Romanian songs and her love of the artist Maria Tănase, who Oana’s mother had seen live at a concert in Bucharest, never disappeared. „We had relatives in Bucharest, they lived there during the pre-war years and they also told me about Maria Tănase. My aunt had a 30s-style lottery shop near the Gara de 1. Trenule masină mică 4:35 2. Până când nu te iubeam 5:12 3. Aseară ţi-am luat basma 4:42 4. Lume, lume 6:50 5. Dacă nu te cunoşteam 4:47 6. Tănănica 1:48 7. Pe vale 6:27 8. Luncă, luncă 5:23 9. Mi-am pus busuioc ı̂ n păr 6:04 10. Habar n-ai tu 4:55 11. Cântec de leagăn 7:11 12. Cine iubeşte şi lasă 9:36 (bonus track) Nord, it had a very nostalgic atmosphere. When I visited, I spent hours sitting on a stool at the counter where you fill out the lottery tickets, listening to records and lots of stories. I have never forgotten that“. At the same time Oana Cătălina Chiţu is not an apologist, awestruck by the legacy of the Romanian diva Maria Tănase. She would like to enter into a dialogue with a phenomenal legacy which, with the exception of a few voices, has almost no creative follow-up in today’s Romanian music scene. This is why she has been searching for musical translations of the old material with her multi-ethnic orchestra. There are extravagant improvisations, Sinti Jazz, oriental rhythms and a Roma accordion that brings back memories of Tănase’s accompanist of her final years, Fărâmiță Lambru, yet with a sound that is more expressive and experimental, above all in the curse on all unfaithful souls, the song Cine iubeşte şi lasă. New Berlin acoustically encounters old Bucharest. Today, musicians from both countries are once again moving as easily between the two cities as they did in the 1930s, when Tango singer Jean Moscopol performed in a Berlin casino or sang in the UFA film studios. Maria Tănase never performed on stage in Germany; her successes were celebrated in Istanbul, Paris and New York. She probably only ever saw Berlin from her train window, en route to the New York World’s Fair shortly before the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, on a ship with Romanian artists which cast off from Hamburg. Nevertheless, there is more than this fleeting connection between Bucharest and Berlin. During a long summer in East Berlin at the end of the 1980s visiting a cousin who had emigrated there, Oana Cătălina Chiţu had already discovered a couple of records by Maria Tănase and had been soaking up these Romanian songs far away from home. Thanks to a large number of emigrants, music from the Balkans, and from Romania in particular, is better known in Berlin today than ever before; this is not restricted to a specific genre and goes far beyond the phenomenon of Balkan Beats. Oana Cătălina Chiţu is a part of this vibrant scene and her diva-like on-stage persona is reminiscent of times long past, when bohemians and in tellectuals met in Bucharest’s salons. It is no coincidence that Oana Cătălina Chiţu, with her small ensemble, reproduces the open atmosphere of Bucharest, a once-elegant metropolis which has absorbed many cultural in fluences. These musicians are virtuoso players yet still have their feet on the ground. They shift between extremely different scenes, from Jazz to Classical, with Russian, Serbian, Romanian, Moldovan and German roots. The arrangements for this homage to Maria Tănase are by Oana Cătălina Chiţu, the accordion player Dejan Jovanovic and Alexej Wagner on guitar. They have either a romantic-balladesque or a powerful-infectious mood, with improvisations that never betray the spirit of the original versions. This ensemble transports the songs of Maria Tănase into our time and into the very eastsounding Berlin at the beginning of the 21st century. And they bow down before a great, a divine singer, who is ready to be discovered by an international audience. 2 Trenule maşină mică Foaie verde și-o sipică Trenule mașină mică, unde-l duci pe Ionică, Mărioara lui nenicu‘ măi, măi. Tu mi-l duci și-l ocolești Din Craiova la Pitești, și-l dai jos la București, Mărioara lui nenicu‘ măi, măi. Trenule n-ai avea parte De șuruburile toate şi de șina de sub roate, Mărioara lui nenicu‘ mai-mai, C-ai dus pe neica departe Mărioara lui nenicu‘ măi, măi. Trenule de când l-ai dus Eu într-una am tot plâns Mărioara lui nenicu‘ măi măi, Trenule de când l-ai luat, eu într-una am oftat, Mărioara lui nenicu‘ măi, măi. Și iar verde de-o sipică, Trenule mașină mică, unde-l duci pe Ionică, Mărioara lui nenicu‘ măi, măi. Că mi-l duci și-l ocolești Din Craiova la Pitești și-l dai jos la București, Mărioara lui nenicu‘ măi, măi. vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu violin: Slavici Anton cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval accordion: Dejan Jovanovic guitar: Alexej Wagner double bass: Alexander Franz drums: Philipp Bernhardt, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov public domain, arranged by Dejan Jovanovic Train, little train Green leaf of scabious* Train, little train now gone Where are you taking little John Oh, Mary, Mary You’re taking the long way round From Craiova to Pitești All the way to Bucharest Oh, Mary, Mary Oh, train, I hope you I hope you lose your bolts I hope you go off the rails Oh, Mary, Mary For you’ve taken my lover far away Oh, Mary, Mary Oh, train, ever since you took him away I haven’t stopped crying, every day Oh, Mary, Mary Oh, train, ever since you took him away I haven’t stopped sighing, every day Oh Mary, Mary Green leaf of scabious* Train, little train now gone Where are you taking little John Oh, Mary, Mary You’re taking the long way round From Craiova to Pitesti Oh, Mary, Mary You’re taking the long way round From Craiova to Pitesti Oh, Mary, Mary All the way to Bucharest Oh, Mary, Mary (*Note: The name of the flower is not essential; ‘foaie verde de..’ is the usual starting verse of Romanian folk songs, the flower or tree varying from song to song for rhyming purposes.) Până când nu te iubeam Până când nu te iubeam, Dorule, dorule, Unde mă culcam dormeam, Dorule, dorule! Dar acum că te iubesc, Dorule, dorule, Nu pot să mă odihnesc, Dorule, dorule! Ies din casă să mă duc, Dorule, dorule, Nu ştiu încotro s-apuc, Dorule, dorule Săraca inima mea, Dorule, dorule, De la tin‘ nu se mai ia, Dorule, dorule! vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, guitar: Alexej Wagner, double bass: Alexander Franz, drums: Philipp Bernhardt, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov public domain, arranged by Alexej Wagner Before i fell in love with you Before I fell in love with you, Oh, my dear one, I’d lay my head and sleep right through, Oh, my dear one! But now that you’ve captured my heart, Oh, my dear one, My rest is gone, I’m torn apart, Oh, my dear one! I mean to go, walk out that door, Oh, my dear one, And I don’t know where anymore, Oh, my dear one! My poor little heart has lost all hope, Oh, my dear one, It’s dying for you, how can I cope, Oh, my dear one?! 3 4 Aseară ţi-am luat basma Last night i bought you a headscarf Lume, lume Oh world, oh world Aseară ţi-am luat basma, Și-acum te văd fără ea! Păi, cine ți-o mai lua basma, Să se destrame ca ea! Last night I bought you a headscarf But now I can see you’re without. I’ll never buy such piece of cloth, And if I do, may I unravel on the spot! Aseară ți-am luat cercei Și-acum te văd fără ei! Păi, cine ți-o mai lua cercei, Să se spânzure ca ei! Last night I bought you a pair of earrings, Why won’t you wear such beautiful things? I’ll never buy another earring for you, And if I lie, may I just hang like they do! Lume, lume, soro lume, Când să mă satur de tine? Lume, soro lume … Când s-o lasa sec de pâine Și păhăruţul de mine. My dear world, sister world, When will I have enough of you? Oh, world, sister world, When I give up my bread for lent? When all booze’s gone, even the scent? Poate-atunci m-oi sătura, Când o suna scândura, Lume, soro lume … Când m-or băga în mormânt Și n-oi mai fi pe pământ. Lume, soro lume … Maybe that’s when I’ll get enough, On hearing coffin planks sound rough, Oh, world, sister world, When they put me in my grave, When I finally leave the stage, Oh, world, sister world. Așa-i lumea trecătoare, Unul naște altul moare, Lume, soro lume … Ăl de naște necăjește, Ăl de moare putrezeşte, Lume, soro lume … The world is fleeting; every rose has its thorn, When one man dies, there’s another one born. Oh, world, sister world, He who’s born will deal with trouble, He who dies will turn to rubble, Oh, world, sister world. Aseară ți-am luat mărgele Şi-acum te văd fără ele! Cine ți-o mai lua mărgele, Să se deșire ca ele! Last night I bought you a string of beads, Why won’t you wear such beautiful things? I’ll never get you anything like that again, And if I do, unstring me and I won’t complain! vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, guitar: Alexej Wagner, double bass: Alexander Franz, drums: Philipp Bernhardt, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, guitar: Alexej Wagner, public domain, arranged by Dejan Jovanovic public domain, arranged by Oana Chitu, Alexej Wagner Dacă nu te cunoşteam Până azi am râs mereu, N-aveam nici o grijă eu, Când pe tine nu te cunoșteam. Dar azi de necaz am dat Fiindcă m-am amorezat. Lumea râde-acum de mine, Asta numai pentru tine! Toate câte pătimesc Cu-n surâs eu le primesc şi-aş da tot să știi cât te iubesc. Dacă nu te cunoşteam Dacă nu te întâlneam, Niciodată n-aș fi iubit Ochii tăi care m-au vrăjit! Dacă nu te cunoşteam, Stelele nu le-ntrebam Nopti intregi neincetat Dacă nu m-ai uitat. N-aș căuta mereu Să știu tot ce gândeşti Dacă-ţi mai sunt eu drag Sau nu mă mai iubeşti. Dacă nu te cunoşteam, Stelele nu le-ntrebam Nopţi întregi neîncetat, Dacă nu m-ai uitat. 5 If i hadn’t met you Until today my life was merry No worries whatsoever, I hadn’t met you, so it couldn’t have been better. But now the clouds are gathering around Because now I’ve fallen in love When people laugh at me, I make no sound, Because you’re the one I’m always thinking of. I’ll take all the blows With a smile on my face And I want you to know, I love you to death! If I hadn’t met you, If I had never set eyes on your face, I would have never been so amazed By your eyes that threw me in a daze. If I hadn’t met you I‘d have never asked the stars above Night after night, crazy with love If you still hold me close to your heart. I wouldn’t always want To know what’s on your mind, If you still care about me, Or if in your heart there’s no more love to find. If I hadn’t met you I‘d have never asked the stars above Night after night, crazy with love If you still hold me close to your heart. vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, guitar: Alexej Wagner, double bass: Alexander Franz, drums: Philipp Bernhardt, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov composed by M. Constantinescu / N. Constantinescu , lyrics by Nicolae Vladoianu / Eugen Mirea 6 Tănănica violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, double bass: Alexander Franz, drums: Dimitris Christides public domain, arranged by Dejan Jovanovic Luncă, luncă Luncă, luncă, mult ești lungă Și n-am cal bun să te-ajungă! Of, oooooooooof! Calul care l-am avut, Of, ooooooooooof, M-a pus dracu’ l-am vândut! Și l-am vândut potcovit Cu potcoave de argint! Of, oooooooooof! Nu s-a pomenit nicicând, Of, oooooooooof Nici în cer, nici pe pământ! Păi luncă, luncă, mult ești lată, Și n-am cal bun să-ţi dea roată! Of, oooooooooof! Calul care l-am avut, Of, ooooooooooof M-a pus dracu’ l-am vândut! Pe vale Pe vale, țațo, pe vale, A făcut mazărea floare, Și fasolea păstăioare, Hai, țațo, s-o harăcim, Cu haraci de trandafir, Și noi doi să ne iubim. Down in the valley, girl Down in the valley, girl, The peas are in bloom, The bean pods have grown, Let’s prop them with some stakes, girl, Let’s prop them with rose stakes, And then let us make love, girl. vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, guitar: Alexej Wagner, double bass: Alexander Franz, drums: Philipp Bernhardt, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov public domain, arranged by Alexej Wagner M-a pus dracu’ l-am vândut, Pentru un pustiu de iubit! Of, ooooooooooof! Că iubitu’-i lucru mare! Of, ooooooooooof, Nu-ţi dă tihnă la mâncare! Of, ooooooooooof, Nu-ţi dă tihnă la mâncare, Nici odihnă la culcare! Meadow, meadow Meadow, meadow, you’re long and wide, And I need a strong horse to catch you from behind! My, oh my! The horse I had I gave away, My, oh my, I sold him, why I can not say! The horse had silver horseshoes on, I sold him, now all hope is gone! My, oh my! How could I do a thing like that, My, oh my, The earth might just as well turn flat! Meadow, meadow, you’re long and wide, And I need a strong horse to catch you from the side! My, oh my! The horse I had I gave away, My, oh my, I sold him, why I can not say! I sold him, and he was all mine, For a lover that’s not worth a dime! My, oh my! For a lover that can bring no bliss! My, oh my, When you eat, you get no peace! My, oh my, When you eat, you get no peace, When you sleep, he wants a kiss! Mi-am pus busuioc ı̂ n păr Mi-am pus busuioc în păr, măi, Să pot avea pe vino-ncoa’, Să fiu ochioasă, năbădăioasă, Să se-mbulzească și să mă iubească băieţii! Măi busuiocule, măi, nu fi rău! Hai și ajută-mi cu farmecul tău. Mi-am pus busuioc în sân, măi, Pe suflețel să-mi şadă el, Să mă mângaie și să îmi spuie, Cine-i iubitul şi cine îmi este sortitul. Măi, busuioace, măi, busuiocel, Vezi și-l alege p-ăl mai frumușel. Că zică lumea ori și ce! Poate să spună, că sunt nebună, Că e prostie, vrăjitorie. Păi zică lumea ori și ce! Eu tot cred în farmece. Mi-am pus busuioc la poartă, Ca să-l vrăjesc p-ăl de-l iubesc, Să-și uite casa, să-și uite masa şi cu tot dragul pe seară să-mi treacă el pragul. Măi, busuioace, măi, nu fi sanchiu, Adu-l devreme și ține-l târziu. Că mi-am pus busuioc în pat, măi, Să-i placa lui, iubitului, Să-i fie bine, când e cu mine, Să mi-l îmbete, ca să-și uite de alte fete. Măi, busuioace, tu ştii ce vreau eu, ţine-mi-l mie, doar mie mereu. Că zică lumea ori și ce! Poate să spună, că sunt nebună, Că e prostie, vrăjitorie. Zică lumea ori și ce! Eu tot cred în farmece. vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, guitar: Alexej Wagner, double bass: Alexander Franz, drums: Philipp Bernhardt, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov composed by Ion Vasilescu, lyrics by Eugen Mirea I’ve put sweet basil in my hair Oh I’ve put sweet basil in my hair, To give me that something, so unbecoming, To highlight my eyes, my wayward flair, To make boys love me, to keep them coming. Oh my sweet basil, don’t do no harm, Come on and help me with your charm. Oh I’ve put sweet basil in my bosom, So it can lie on my little soul, To comfort me and let me know Who’s the lover for me, who’s my destiny. Sweet little basil, make no mistakes, Pick the most handsome, whatever it takes. Whatever the world might say, They might say I’m crazy, that I’ve gone astray, That it’ll be all nonsense, witchcraft, baloney, Whatever the world might say, I still believe in sorcery. I’ve put sweet basil at my gate, To charm the one I love, it’ll be my bait, So that he may forget about everything else And in the evening to come smiling at my gate. Oh my sweet basil, don’t be so mean, Make him come early and keep him keen. Oh I’ve put sweet basil on my bed, To enchant him, to delight him, To make him crave for my presence, And the memory of others to shed. Oh my sweet basil, set my wish in stone, I only want him for myself alone. Whatever the world might say, They might say I’m crazy, that I’ve gone astray, That it’ll be all nonsense, witchcraft, baloney, Whatever the world might say, I still believe in sorcery. 7 Habar n-ai tu Ne-am cunoscut odată, întâmplător, Și mâna tu mi-ai strâns-o încetişor. Mi-ai spus distrat, îmi pare bine, Așa cum i-ai fi spus oricui. Am căutat să te-ntâlnesc cât mai des, Am vrut să mă-nţelegi, dar n-ai înţeles. Atunci mi-am ferecat iubirea Și n-am mai spus-o nimănui. Habar n-ai tu, Cum te alint în gândul meu şi cum mă mint, mă mint mereu, Că mă iubești şi tu. De dragul tău în visuri cum mă pierd, Cum te dezmierd, Habar n-ai tu! În viața ta, Vei întâlni iubiri de-o zi, Amor nebun sau bogăţii, De toate poți găsi. Dar dragoste curată ca a mea Nu vei găsi în viaţa ta. Când eu cu gândurile mele Covor de visuri îţi urzesc, Tu calci nepăsător pe ele Și-n loc să plâng, eu îţi zâmbesc! Habar n-ai tu, Că am să mor de-atâta dor Și într-o zi voi odihni sub taina florilor, Că am să duc cu mine în mormânt Tot ce-a fost bun, habar n-ai tu … You have no idea It was one day we met by chance, When you gently squeezed my hand, Absent-mindedly saying: “Pleased to meet you!”, Just like you would have said it to anybody else. I tried to see you as often as I could, I tried to make you understand, no good, That’s when I locked my love away I never shared it and left it there to stay. You have no idea How in my thoughts I cuddle you And how I lie to myself, again and again, Saying that indeed you love me too. How I lose myself in dreams of you, How I caress you, You have no idea. Your life will be filled With one night stands, With crazy passions or infinite riches; You can with all these be thrilled, But the purest love you’ll find Is still the one locked in my heart. When with my thoughts I weave for you this carpet of dreams, You carelessly tread upon them And I let out smiles instead of screams. You have no idea That this longing will someday be the death of me And I will rest beneath the whispers of the flowers, That I will take with me to the grave All that was ever good, you have no idea … vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, guitar: Alexej Wagner, double bass: Alexander Franz, drums: Philipp Bernhardt, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov composed by Ion Vasilescu, lyrics by Eugen Mirea 8 Cântec de leagăn Doina din ce s-a făcut, Dintr-o gură de mic prunc. L-o lăsat maica dormind, L-o aflat doina zicând. Culcă-te, puiuţ micuţ! Scoală-te, marişoruţ! Culcă-te și te abuă, Până mâine-n dalbă ziuă! Și te culcă și adormi! Până mâine-n dalbe zori! Abu, abu, abu, Abua, ţucu-l maica! Dormi, puiuţule, te-alina! Maica-i dusă la făină. Puișor cu ochi de mure, Maica-i dusă la pădure Și-aduce gătejoare Și ți-a face scovergioare. De ţi-i purta binişor, ti-i aduce-un puişor. Un puiuț de rândunea, Cu tine s-a abua. Abu, abu, abu, Abua, ţucu-l maica! Nu te teme tu de zmei, I-a goni maica pe ei! Nici de zmei, nici de moroi, Maica nu-i lasă la noi! Nu te teme de moroiae, Cârtițoi și cârtiţoaie, Că le dă maica bătaie! Lullaby The Doina was first a babbling sound Coming from a baby mouth, Mummy left her sweetie sleeping And found him with the Doina, singing. Go to sleep, little baby It will help you grow up, Go to sleep, hush, little baby, Right ‘till tomorrow, enjoy the nap. Sleep smoothly, my precious Untill the dawn, Hush, hush, don’t be anxious And dream of a green lawn. Sleep now, sweetheart, and lie still, Mummy’s going to the mill. Little baby with blackberry eyes, Mummy’s going to the woods, To gather some twigs and roots, Make you pancakes, bake you pies, And if you are good and nice, A baby bird you’ll get as prize, A baby swallow, To play with tomorrow. Hush, hush, hush, Hush, sweet baby, Dragons won’t hurt you, Mummy will scare them away, Dragons and ghosts, too, Mummy will send them astray. Don’t be afraid of ghosts The boogie man or moles, Mummy will beat them all away. vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, violin: Slavici Anton, cymbalom: Valeriu Cașcaval, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic, guitar: Alexej Wagner, double bass: Alexander Franz, saxophone: Vladimir Karparov public domain, arranged by Alexej Wagner 9 Cine iubeşte şi lasă Cine iubește şi lasă, Dumnezeu să-i dea pedeapsă! Dumnezeu să-i dea pedeapsă! Târâișul șarpelui Și pasul gândacului, Vâjâitul vântului, Pulberea pământului, Pulberea pământului. Că furnica de-i furnică, La trup mare, la cap mică, Și la mijloc subţirică, De umblă pe sub pământ, Tot se țâne de cuvânt, Tot se țâne de cuvânt. Dar noi, oameni botezați, Dar noi, oameni botezați, De cuvânt suntem lăsați, De cuvânt suntem lăsați. Că cine iubește și lasă, Dumnezau să-i dea pedeapsă! Târâișul șarpelui Și pasul gândacului, Vâjâitul vântului, Pulberea pământului. He who loves and runs away He who loves and runs away May he be cursed, God, pray May he be cursed, God, pray To crawl like a snake To move like a cockroach To turn into the howl of winds And the dust of the earth And the dust of the earth Even an ant With its big head and small body Thin around the waist, in the sand Or crawling beneath the earth Even the ant will keep its word Even the ant will keep its word But us, proud Christians But us, proud Christians We quickly forget our promises We quickly forget our promises He who loves and runs away May he be cursed, God, pray To crawl like a snake To move like a cockroach To turn into the howl of winds And the dust of the earth vocals: Oana Cătălina Chiţu, accordion: Dejan Jovanovic public domain, arranged by Dejan Jovanovic, Oana Cătălina Chiţu produced by Oana Cătălina Chiţu and Dejan Jovanovic recorded by Rainer Robben and Dejan Jovanovic at www.audiocue.de, Berlin 2012 mixed by Dejan Jovanovic, Berlin 2013 mastered by Marc Elsner at www.headroomstudio.de, Berlin 2013 text by Grit Friedrich, historic photos from the archives of Grit Friedrich translated by David Berry, lyrics translated by Oana Braila photos of O. C. Chiţu by Erika Borbely Hansen artwork by Claudia Bachmann executive production Helmut Neumann & Henry Ernst made in Germany & © 2013, Asphalt Tango Records GmbH, Berlin, Germany e-mail: records@asphalt-tango.de www.asphalt-tango.de booking contact: asphalt tango production, Berlin, Germany phone: +49 (30) 2858528 e-mail: booking@asphalt-tango.de www.asphalt-tango.de More outstanding music on www.asphalt-tango.de and in all fine record stores. & © Asphalt Tango Records GmbH 2013 All tracks published by Asphalt Tango Records GmbH except tracks 5, 9, 10 Total playing time: 67:32 www.asphalt-tango.de Digital booklet: photos by Erika Borbely Hansen taken in Spiegelsaal at Clärchens Ballhaus text by Grit Friedrich, historic photos from the archives of Grit Friedrich lyrics translated by Oana Braila