A World Leader in Refractories Technology
A World Leader in Refractories Technology
RHI AG A World Leader in Refractories Technology Last update: August 2016 Refractories Indispensable for industrial high-temperature processes High temperature production processes Refractory products Steel production Bricks Linings Mixes Ceramic refractory products are used in all high- temperature industrial processes (>1,200°C) since they protect the production units/furnaces against thermal (and also mechanical and chemical) stress Base materials are Magnesite and Dolomite (melting point of fused magnesia above 2,800°C) Cement / lime production Glass production Nonferrous metals production Magnesite Dolomite RHI is a vertically integrated global provider of high-grade refractory products, systems and services, which are indispensable for industrial high-temperature processes exceeding 1,200°C 1 RHI at one glance Sales Production Headquarters Technology Center Mines and raw material production 2 Key facts Selected key customers Focus on production, sale and installation of high-grade refractory products Revenues of € 1.75 bn and operating result of € 124 m in business year 2015 Over 30 production sites and more than 70 sales and service sites, roughly 7,900 employees Global partner for over 10,000 customers in more than 180 countries Technology leadership with close to the market R&D facilities and tailor-made products Steel Cement Glass Nonferrous Market leader through global presence and comprehensive portfolio with broad customer base Customer Industries Global Market Coverage Revenues by industry Revenues by region RHI Group 57% Emerging Markets Raw Materials 2% 21% Asia South America & Mexico Cement 13% Nonferrous 9% Steel 63% 43% Developed Economies Western Europe USA & Canada 27% Australia & Japan 13% Middle East & Africa Eastern Europe 15% 11% 7% 5% GUS 1% Industrial 35% Glass 8% Division Steel Division Industrial EEC* 5% 21% 28% 22% 22% * EEC = Environment, Energy, Chemicals 14% 9% 12% 14% 14% 8% 5% 1% 3 17% 6% 2% 5% Technological leader through research and development capabilities Close and longstanding co-operation with customers enables RHI to deliver tailor-made solutions About 170 international experts in global R&D team Active management of intellectual property (more than 1,500 individual patents) Focus on complex, hard-to-replicate products and services such as full-line services and functional products Historical close relationship with international research institutes and universities 4 Comprehensive offering of products, services and solutions Replacement Revenue Refractory characteristics Key industries Refractory applications Steel Basic oxygen-, electric arc furnace, casting ladles 20 minutes to 2 months ~63% Systems and solutions for complete refractory management Demand correlated to steel output Cement/ Lime Kilns annually ~13% Investment goods Consumable product Longer replacement cycles Nonferrous Metals Glass Copperconverter Glass furnace 1 – 10 years up to 10 years ~9% ~8% Customized solutions based on the specific requirements of various industrial production processes Complete lining concepts including refractory engineering Wide areas of application Project driven demand cycles EnergyEnvironmentChemicals 5 Secondary reformer 5 – 10 years ~5% Different kind of refractory products Selected Raw Materials Refractory Linings Magnesite ore Bricks Mixes Linings Flow Control & Functional Products Dead-burned magnesia Fused magnesia 6 Slide gates Nozzles Purge plugs Shrouds Refractories production process (schematic) 7 Strategic mining and raw material production assets Porsgrunn/NOR (Magnesia) Drogheda/IRL (Magnesia) Radenthein/AT (Magnesite) Hochfilzen/AT (Magnesite) Dashiqiao/CN (Magnesite) Breitenau/AT (Magnesite) Marone/IT (Dolomite) 8 Eskisehir/TR (Magnesite) RHI Group strategy 9 Key figures for the 1st Half-Year 2016 in € Mio. 1st HY 2016 1st HY 2015 Change Revenue 830.2 902.0 (8.0)% EBITDA 100.6 102.5 (1.9)% EBITDA margin 12.1% 11.4% 0.7pp Operating EBIT 70.2 68.6 2.3% 8.5% 7.6% 0.9pp 68.6 68.6 0.0% 8.3% 7.6% 0.7pp Profit before income tax 62.9 63.0 (0.2)% Profit after income tax 38.9 44.6 (12.8)% Operating EBIT margin EBIT EBIT margin 10 Results for business year 2015 in € Mio. Revenue 2015 2014 Change 1,752.5 1,721.2 +1.8% EBITDA 140.0 199.4 (29.8)% EBITDA margin 8.0% 11.6% (3.6)pp Operating EBIT 124.1 141.9 (12.5)% Operating EBIT margin 7.1% 8.2% (1.1)pp 37.5 109.3 (65.7)% 2.1% 6.4% (4.3)pp Profit before income tax 27.4 84.8 (67.7)% Profit 17.6 52.5 (66.5)% Dividend per share (in €) 0.75 0.75 - 7,898 8,016 (1.5)% EBIT EBIT margin Employees 11 Key figures by division for 2015 in € Mio. Revenue Steel Division Industrial Division Raw Materials Division 2015 2014 Change 1,099.9 614.6 272.6 1,108.8 566.6 303.3 (0.8)% +8.5% (10.1)% 38.0 234.6 45.8 257.5 (17.0)% (8.9)% 64.3 65.0 (5.2) 93.1 48.6 0.2 (30.9)% +33.7% (2.700,0)% 5.8% 10.6% (1.9)% 8.4% 8.6% 0.1% (2.6)pp +2.0pp (2.0)pp EBIT Steel Division Industrial Division Raw Materials Division 63.4 58.9 (84.8) 91.4 34.9 (17.0) (30.6)% +68.8% (398.8)% EBIT margin Steel Division Industrial Division Raw Materials Division 5.8% 9.6% (31.1)% 8.2% 6.2% (5.6)% (2.4)pp +3.4pp (25.5)pp External revenue Internal revenue Operating result1 Steel Division Industrial Division Raw Materials Division Operating result margin Steel Division Industrial Division Raw Materials Division2 1 EBIT before impairment losses, restructuring effects and result from the US Chapter 11 proceedings 2 Margin on the Basis of internal and external revenues 12 RHI share price & shareholder structure Shareholder structure < 65% Free float > 25% MSP Foundation, Liechtenstein > 5 % Chestnut Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH*, Germany > 5 % Silver Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH*, Germany * Joint voting rights Corporate calendar Information on RHI share Results of the 3rd quarter 2016: Nov. 8, 2016 Number of shares issued: 39,819,039 ISIN: AT000676903 Dividend per share: € 0.75 13 RHI share performance Established brands The RHI brand comprises a series of successfully established trade marks: 14 RHI history In 1881 Carl Spaeter discovered a magnesite deposit in Veitsch (Austria) and founded Veitscher Magnesitwerke Actien-Gesellschaft in 1899. Veitsch-Radex 2010: 100% acquisition of Didier-Werke AG 1993: Merger Veitsch-Radex AG, today Veitsch-Radex GmbH & Co OG is a 100% subsidiary of RHI AG 2008: acquisition of the FOSECO plants Bonnybridge & Saybrook 2012: 100% acquisition of Stopinc AG/CH 1999: Takeover of GIT/Harbison-Walker In 1908 Emil Winter acquired the mining rights for a magnesite deposit at Millstätter Alpe (Austria) and founded the “Austro-American Magnesite Company“ (later Radex Austria). 2016: Monofrax sold 2006: Heraklith sold 1993: Acquisition REFEL Since 1998: RHI AG, prev. Radex-Heraklith Industriebeteiligungs AG 1989: Acquisition NARCO In 1834 Friedrich Ferdinand Didier founded the factory Chamottefabrik F. Didier in Podejuch near Stettin, then Prussia. Didier thus became one of the first producers of refractory bricks in Germany. Founded in 1919 by Attilio Franchi. . 15 1966: Acquisition STOPINC 1995 RHI acquired a majority holding in Didier-Werke AG 1993 RHI acquired a majority holding of Dolomite Franchi 2001: Deconsolidation of GIT/HarbisonWalker, NARCO 2007: Integration Monofrax 2013: Acquisition of 69.6% stake in ORL/IN 2011: Acquisitions ZAO Podolsk/RU Premier Periclase Ltd./IRL SMA AS/NOR www.rhi-ag.com RHI AG, Corporate Communications Dr. Randolf Fochler Wienerbergstrasse 9, 1100 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43 50213-6120 E-Mail: randolf.fochler@rhi-ag.com Important notice: These materials do not constitute or form part, or all, of any offer of invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities in any jurisdiction in which such solicitation, offer or sale would be unlawful, nor shall part, or all, of these materials form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or investment decision in relation to any securities. These materials contain forward-looking statements based on the currently held beliefs and assumptions of the management of RHI AG (“RHI”), which are expressed in good faith and, in their opinion, reasonable. Theses statements may be identified by words such as “expectation” or “target” and similar expressions, or by their context. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual results, financial condition, performance, or achievements of RHI to differ materially from the results, financial condition, performance or achievements express or implied by such forward-looking statements. Given these risks, uncertainties and other factors, recipients of this document are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. RHI disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments. 16
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