09 Grapevine - Dartmouth Alumni


09 Grapevine - Dartmouth Alumni
Issue 14
September 2014
The ’09 Grapevine
Hello, classmates! In this issue, we feature photos from our recent 5 year reunion and profile your new slate of class
officers. We also highlight some great engagement and wedding photos from classmates and provide a short update
from the College. You should all look forward to our next issue, where our two new Newsletter Editors, Aimee Moon
and Leah Adkins, will be joining me for the first time! Have something to share? Email lauren.b.dumont@gmail.com.
Thanks to all 465 of
you who attended our
5th reunion! And for
those who weren’t
able to...we hope to
see you next time.
Here are some reunion
photos for your viewing pleasure.
Photo credit: Brittany Agee
Anyone else see Connie Britton around
Photo credit: Brittany Agee
Photo credit: Brittany Agee
September 2014 — Page 1
09 Reunion Photobooth Photos
Don’t see your photo? Check out all the photo booth photos at:
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New Class Officers
During and following our 5th reunion, a group of class officers was selected to lead our class until the next reunion.
Meet our new officers and learn a little bit about them and what they hope to accomplish in their new role.
Andrew “Sonny” Son, President
Current Location: Washington, DC
Current Job/School: I work in finance and investments for a real estate investment trust.
Activities at Dartmouth: Phi Delt, Admissions Tour Guide, “Let’s Get Ready” tutor,
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: The rain. I really like a good storm. No, but seriously the best part of reunion was seeing all of your beautiful faces at the class tent and
around town.
Favorite Dartmouth memory: The Carvery, every Wednesday at Food Court.
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? For the past three years
I’ve had the opportunity to serve as one of our class’s head agents. What I loved most
about the position was interacting with ‘09s on a regular basis (even if it meant soliciting them for money). I ran for the Executive Committee because I wanted to continue
working with our amazing class. I ran for President because I learned a lot while working
with Greg O’Sullivan to spearhead the ‘09 giving effort, and I thought I could use these
lessons to help lead the class until our tenth year reuion.
Vision for your role: Over the next six years, I want to make sure the class remains cohesive and that our connection to
the College continues to grow. I want to use every available tool to spread the word about ‘09s accomplishments (class
notes, newsletter, and scoial media), I want to make sure we are holding regular ‘09 mini reunions in major cities, and I
want to think of new and creative ways for us to stay in touch with one another.
Greg O’Sullivan, Vice President
Current Location: Boston, MA
Current Job/School: Currently I’m working as a Growth and Innovation consultant for
Treacy & Company. We help market-leading companies adapt to the modern economy
when facing seismic shifts within their industry landscape.
Activities at Dartmouth: I spent a lot of time as social chair for Psi U but was involved
in a wide range of activities, most notably working as sports editor for the D, leading
campus tours, and obviously help as a fundraising volunteer (sorry for all the emails over
the last 5 years!).
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: Seeing and catching up with everyone at dinner
Friday night!
Favorite Dartmouth memory: There are too many to single out but the friendships I
made on both my study abroad trips (first to Rome and second to New Zealand) will
stick with me forever...As far as on campus memories, the one that still sticks with me the most is running around the
bonfire back in 2005...I think that’s when I knew for sure that I had made the right decision in coming to Dartmouth
and the next 4 years only confirmed that.
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? After spending 5 years asking people to donate to Dartmouth, I knew I wanted to stay involved with our class but I wanted to try a new role. I’m hoping that as vice president
I will be able to reconnect wiht a lot of the folks I saw again at reunion and work to keep our class united.
Vision for your role: My vision would be to maintian these class connections through to our 10th (11th) reunion in
2020. There are so many people I know I don’t want to fall out of touch with again, and I’m sure you all have some of
those friends as well. I hope I can help facilitate maintaining those bonds into the next decade.
Liz (Doolittle) Kahane, Secretary
Current Location: Albany, NY
Current Job/School: I work in the office of external relations at a college in Southern
Activities at Dartmouth: Dartmouth Women’s Crew and Delta Delta Delta
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: Catching up with old friends and the reunion row
Favorite Dartmouth memory: All of Sophomore Summer
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? I want to help support
Dartmouth and the ‘09 class!
Vision for your role: I hope I can facilitate our class staying in touch with each other and
with the College.
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Kim Harris, Treasurer
Current Location: Mountain View, CA
Current Job/School: Enterprise Customer Success Manager for Box, a cloud storage
company in Silicon Valley
Activities at Dartmouth: Kappa Kappa Gamma, President of Women in Business, Coxswain for the Crew team, Dartmouth Investment & Philanthropy Program
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: The welcome reception in our tent the first night-it was great to get two minutes to chat with so many people I hadn’t seen since graduation.
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Meeting my fiance!
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? I wanted to be more involved as a Dartmouth alum and have a chance to shape Dartmouth’s future.
Vision for your role: I hope to provide as much transparency as possible around my
role, what class dues are for, and where they are spent.
Lauren Dumont, Newsletter Editor
Current Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Current Job/School: I’m getting my MBA at the University of Michigan, and just finished up a summer internship in brand management at SC Johnson.
Activities at Dartmouth: Alpha Xi Delta, UGA, Tour Guide, Programming Board
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: I obviously loved getting to see everyone, but I
also really enjoyed reliving some Dartmouth moments...sorority meetings, sleeping in a
dorm, playing pong...it made me very nostalgic.
Favorite Dartmouth memory: I’m going to echo some things that others have said...
sophomore summer and meeting my (now) husband!
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? I’ve loved being the Newsletter Editor for our class for the past five years because my job is essentially stalking our
class and finding out all the cool things everyone is doing. Who wouldn’t want that role?
Vision for your role: I’m excited to work with the new co-editors to continue to improve the content, layout, and
frequency of the 09 Grapevine. I’d also like to continue incorporating best practices from newsletter editors of other
Aimee Moon, Newsletter Editor
Current Location: Bay Area, CA (more specificially Newark, CA)
Current Job/School: Public Policy & Government Relations Analyst - or simply working on the Policy team at Google, in the Community Affairs team.
Activities at Dartmouth: I was on the leadership groups of the Dartmouth College Gospel Choir and OPAL (Office of Pluralism and Leadership).
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: Billy Bob on Sunday morning
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Walking across the Green--to drill in the morning, to
Roman Holiday at the Hop, to Wheeler to meet my freshman roommate.
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? Four years at Dartmouth
was like living a charmed life. As newsletter editor, I want to keep our classmates deeply
rooted to each other and the College that we love.
Vision for your role: My hope is that our newsletter would not only stir up sentimental
thoughts on occasion, but also inspire a commitment to ensure Dartmouth continues to
give much to many students.
Leslie (Leah) Adkins, Newsletter Editor
Current Location: Los Angeles, CA
Current Job/School: Current MBA Consortium Fellow at USC Marshall (Entertainment/Tech Marketing Concentration)
Activities at Dartmouth: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Student Assembly; STAR
Mentoring; Filrm Society
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: Walking along the Connecticut River in the early
morning hours
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Late night group sojourns to Fort Lou’s
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? It’s a great way to stay connected with our class and to help connect old friends. Plus, I like writing.
Vision for your role: Hope to make a standard newsletter feature or two, help people
reminisce about good times. Help the newsletter go digital!
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Alex Olshonsky AKA “Olo”, Social Media Officer/Webmaster
Current Location: San Francisco, CA
Current Job/School: I sell ads and strategic partnerships to major Financial Services
brands based out of Twitter HQ.
Activities at Dartmouth: Treasurer, Alpha Delta Fraternity; President, Big Green Readers; Varsity Men’s Golf; Dartmouth Outing Club; DOC Trip Leader; DJ oLo Productions
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: Had a blast meeting up with about 20 of my closest friends right before reunions at Bob Henley ‘09’s lakehouse about 40 minutes south
of Hanover. And at reunions on campus, felt extreme deja vu walking across the Green
back to my dorm as the sun rose.
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Hard to pick one! But if I had to, 07X on AD’s front
lawn, unsuccessfully attempting to front flip from our trampoline to “Double Drop
Falls.” Broke 2 ribs, but felt no pain...until the next day.
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? I feel incredibly lucky to
have even had the opportunity to attend Dartmouth College--I had little idea what I was getting into as a clueless golf
recruit from Maryland going to school in NH, but it ended up being the best thing that has ever happened to me. We are
truly #SOBLESSED to be surounded by such amazing classmates, traditions, and common bond--the least I can do is
try and give back to a place that gave so much to me. From my work experience in Silicon Valley and especially Twitter, I have learned a few things about Social Media which I plan on leveraging to help all 09’s stay in touch.
Vision for your role: I plan on ramping up all our social media outlets to enable us to stay in touch and submit fun
updates/photos. We will create a unique ‘09 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and maybe even a blog that combines all
posts (using a service such as Rebel Mouse). In addition to facilitating communication between classmates all over the
girdled earth, we will run a few fun campaigns for your viewing pleasure--weekly #TBT (Throwback Thursday) photo
submissions, interviews/spotlight features with classmates, and Freshman year/embarassing photo sharing. We will also
leverage social media to organize local ‘09 meet-ups in various cities and amplify awareness of local Dartmouth events.
Please send any of your ideas or photos to get things started to olo@twitter.com!
Alexander Abate, Mini-Reunion Chair
Current Location: Orange County, CA
Current Job/School: Captain, United States Marine Corps, Infantry Officer. Fox Company Commander, Marine Combat Training Battalion, School of Infantry - West (Camp
Pendleton). We train 200-400 Marines at a time. These Marines just completed recruit
training (boot camp), and we give them instruction in infantry fundamentals in order to
develop them into basic riflemen.
Activities at Dartmouth: Member of the Men’s Golf team and Psi U.
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: Reconnecting with the many classmates who I
spent time with regularly in school but had fallen out of touch with since graduation.
Favorite Dartmouth memory: There are too many favorite memories: Lou’s breakfast,
two summer terms (07X and 08X), Connecticut River rope swings, spending time on the
Green, beers on the Psi U porch, Phi Delt block party, Hanover springs when the weather finally gets nice, and making
birdies on Rob Henley.
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? I wanted to join the executive committe as a way to get
more involved in Dartmouth and the Class of 2009 in particular. I just switched jobs and now I have a little more time
to use for things that are important to me: Dartmouth is at the top of that list.
Vision for your role: I am looking forward to helping the Class of 2009 stay connected to each other and to the College through fun and engaging events as we maintain our reputation as the Best Class Ever!
Brent Drummond, Mini Reunion Chair
Current Location: Cambridge, MA
Current Job/School: 2L at Harvard Law School
Activities at Dartmouth: Ivy Council, Students Fighting Hunger, Dartmouth Alliance
for Children of Color, Men’s Club Tennis
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Studying abroad in Toulouse (French LSA+), Glasgow
(English FSP), and Paris (French FSP)
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? Dartmouth continues to
positively shape my life, so it’s important that I give back and stay connected to the College and our class.
Vision for your role: Making sure our 10th year reunion isn’t the next time we see fellow ‘09s who live in the area.
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Frederico C Sequeda, Mini Reunion Chair
Current Location: Boston, MA
Current Job/School: Latin American analyst for a global macro fund
Activities at Dartmouth: Sigma Nu, Tucker Foundation
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: Sunday morning bittersweet farewells
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Pool parties over sophomore summer AND late nights
at Novack cramming before a test
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? A lot of the 09s want to
stay connected with each other but it’s often difficult to do so given everybody’s responsibilities. I want to help organize a few events/forums to make it easier for 09s to be in
Vision for your role: Bring the 09s together!
Nell Beattie, Head Agent
Current Location: Hanover, NH
Current Job/School: 2nd year at Tuck
Activities at Dartmouth: President of Kappa Kappa Gamma, member of the crew team
for freshman and sophomore year
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: The dance party on Kemeny patio! I’ve never
danced so hard to “Turn Down for What” - the DJs CRUSHED it.
Favorite Dartmouth memory: This is tought - I’d have to say either everything about
Sophomore Summer (I loved Fieldstock), or the Flag Football tournament Senior Year...
no, shoot, I can’t think of one moment...it was all so great!
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? I have been active in the
DCF and the Young Alumni Advisory Board since graduation and after being Reunion Chair with Lauren DeNatale,
and seeing Greg and Sonny shift to their new roles, I decided maybe to try to fill the whopping shoes those two have
left (notice it will take 3 of us to do their job?).
Vision for your role: I think the biggest challenge will be coming up with ways to keep the enthusiasm going, especially after such a high reunion year. I’m currently reading Bill Walsh’s book “The Score Takes Care of Itself” and he
Lauren DeNatale, Head Agent
Current Location: New York, NY
Current Job/School: Investor Relations & Marketing at Tiger Global Management
Activities at Dartmouth: Alpha Xi Delta, Women in Business, Green Key Society
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: The first moment when you saw a friend you
hadn’t seen in years and were able to connect instantly.
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Sophomore summer. Every minute of it. (but especially
those late night runs to Foco for mozzarella sticks and grilled cheese.)
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? This past year, I really
enjoyed getting more involved with the College by co-chairing our reunion and volunteering for DCF. Both have enabled me to reconnect with classmates I knew well and
also get to know other ‘09s I never knew at Dartmouth. I’m excited to try out this new role and apply some of my work
experience in fundraising to helping our class break DCF participation records each year. I’m also thrilled to be working with Nell and Rob, and to have such great resources in Greg and Sonny who did a tremendous job over the past 5
Vision for your role: I’m looking forward to sharing with classmates how their gift to the college can make an impact,
big or small. Fun fact: In FY 2013, non leadership level gifts accounted for $5.8 million of donations.
Rob Pritchard, Head Agent
Current Location: Boston, MA
Current Job/School: Senior Treasury Analyst with Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Activities at Dartmouth: Ice Hockey, Chi Heorot, Thetford Mentors, Big Green Readers, Harbor Club
Favorite part of our 5 year reunion: AD House Party
Favorite Dartmouth memory: Saturday night hockey games at Thompson Arena
Why did you decide to run for the Executive Committee? I want to ensure that the
DCF is able to provide students with the same opportunities I was given at Dartmouth.
Vision for your role: I’d like to see the DCF expand it’s use of platforms and payment
methods to make donating easier.
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Weddings & Engagements
Shelley Miles with bridesmaids (including Kat Carmody, Diana Punko, Amy Davis, and Caitlin Cunningham) at her wedding to Jeremy Spillers
Credit: Jamie Borland Photography
Alexandra Ortego and Sen Zhang with other
Dartmouth alums at their wedding
Jon Merten and Lynman Woo are
Anna Krigel is now engaged to
Benjamin Weiner ‘10
Casey Diehl is engaged to Karen
Olson Tu’13
Jumping for joy at the wedding of
Brenna Hughes to Sam Chase with
bridesmaids Lindsay Hunt and Sarah
Jamie Caplan and Hunter Smith were
married by Dartmouth professor Jennifer
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Liz Doolittle and Jake Kahane
(with dog Theo) at their engagement.
Updates from the College
The Class of 2009 had a
record-setting fundraising
year for the DCF:
$53,241 raised
53.6% participation
Awards Received
-Class of 1953 award for the greatest
number of reunion donors
-Harvey P. Hood 1918 Award for new
reunion participation percentage record
-Outstanding Volunteer Performance:
Greg O’Sullivan
Andrew Son
Nell Beattie
Alex Cook
Lauren DeNatale
Shawn Hiner-Leamon
Rob Pritchard
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