Downtown Development Precedents
Downtown Development Precedents
Whitehorse Riverfront Gateway Promenade Area development of neglected area near downtown with social issues development plan for downtown area by waterfront aerial view 2009 East Village - existing site plan Downtown South is uniquely positioned at the water’s edge of the Yukon River. Scenic views and southern exposure make it an ideal location for use as a mixed commercial/residential promenade. Dartmouth, NS - waterfront Dartmouth Cove Comprehensive Plan ? what have other cities done to improve their downtown Calgary, AB - east village Dartmouth Cove in the 1880s Dartmouth Cove in the 1950s 4 2000 - downtown Dartmouth Secondary Planning Strategy July 2011 D OWNTOWN SOUTH Master Plan Conceptual rendering of Gateway Promenade area produced during charrette. The portion of Robert Service Way that forms the southern boundary of Downtown South has significant potential to become a thriving, urban promenade. At present, the area is characterized by large parcels of underutilized land, fast-moving traffic, and a main pedestrian route (the Millennium Trail) which is poorly connected to its surroundings. Whitehorse - riverfront developmentDowntown plan South Master Plan - July 2011 10 IDEAS TO TAKE AWAY • • • • • • • Dartmouth Cove Land Use Development Plan %QPEGRVWCNTGPFGTKPIQH4QIGTU5VCVVJ#XG increase density - accommodate new housing units Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Planning and Development Services implementing housing strategy to reduce energy costs partnering with non-profit organizations and territory governments (economic development) provide recreational areas and community opportunities enhance the area to become city-wide destination street enhancements - encourage active transportation and improve traffic and parking issue policy and regulation changes - allow for new uses and building heights East Village - proposed development plan (currently under development) IDEAS TO TAKE AWAY • Implement relevant strategic city policies - efficient use of land, infrastructure and services • support timely redevelopment (reduce time that land and buildings remain vacant) • community and social development • encourage a diversity of housing options (age, income and lifestyle groups) • mixed-use developments - increase quality and accessibility of community facilities • continue to provide services for homeless and those in transition • improve public safety (clean, safe, pedestrian and cycling-oriented) • make great streets (build to sidewalk, make streetfront visually and physically permeable) • create public spaces at key nodes • connect key areas and make the development as pedestrian friendly as possible • use diagonal paths to cut through buildings and spaces PRECEDENTS ideas from other cities IDEAS TO TAKE AWAY • create destination/anchor points • need special spaces to draw people in and layer small attractions that work together (restaurant, playground, etc.) • use parks to connect destinations, not as destinations unto themselves • avoid too much passive space or recreation (instead use to connect active areas) • integrate seasonal & night activities & design for flexibility & adaptability • create multi-purpose destination - avoid single-use developments aerial view 1950 example of successful areas in downtown Yellowknife pedestrian movement pedestrian movement (through building) vehicular movement PA R KI NG VA CA NT LO T YK Centre East KI NG Corner of 49th Street & 50th Ave - Bookcellar, TD & YK Centre Mall KFC Coldwell Bankers PA R Streetscaping in front of the Bookcellar makes for more pleasant environment, provides parking and controls movement. PA R KI NG Independent Grocer Shoppers Drug Mart YK Centre Mall PA R KI NG Black Knight Pub Elks Club Book Cellar Northway Building 49th Street - Active zone between Shoppers and Black Knight TD Bank Northern Images PA RK IN G Anchor points (big box stores, grocery store (to left), local shops and offices and pub make for an active area Post Office A&W Main Street Donair Corner of 48th Street & 50th Ave Passages through mall allow for ease of access and shelter from the winter winds Aerial view of area by Shopper`s Drug Mart, YK Centre & Independent Grocer Passages through mall, shops and grocery store allow for flexible pedestrian movement, ease of access to different areas and shelter from the winter winds. Yellowknife precedent - 49th & 48th st by shoppers, independent & yk centre