May 2014 HBAA Newsletter - hba


May 2014 HBAA Newsletter - hba
Houston Bar Association Auxiliary
Volume 68, Issue 1
MAy 2014
The motion to amend the ByLaws was presented and passed unanimously at the April 7, 2014 General
Meeting held during the Spring Luncheon at Tony’s. Members recommended by the Nominating Committee
as officers for the 2014-15 year also were approved unanimously. Evaluation of projects, goals, and
objectives are underway by the new Board. See pages 2-4 for additional information.
Pictured left to right: Diane Lee, Treasurer; Sarah Lane, Membership; Lisa Sharp, Secretary; Hazel Donato, President;
Wendy Dawson, Vice-President; Lisa Ganucheau, Parliamentarian; and Ansley Buttram, Nominating Committee Chair 2014.
All members are invited
May 21, 7-9 pm
to join the New Officers
for a Meet and Greet Wine, Cheese, and Dessert Gathering
Hazel Donato’s home
4527 Magnolia St.
Bellaire, TX 77401
Old Board and committee chairs please bring your notebooks and final reports.
Please RSVP through Paperless Post invite or to
Dear HBA Auxiliary members and new members, I am excited and proud to
write that I am the 2014 / 2015 President of the Houston Bar Association
Auxiliary. Thank you to the Nominating Committee for placing their faith in
me to assist in the re-purposing of our organization alongside our other
Officers. We are all committed to making the upcoming year a success in
bringing us all together through various social events and our service projects.
I have been a member for over 15 years and have gotten to know many of you
through the various committees I have chaired and co-chaired. I look
forward to meeting those of you I have not met.
We should be very proud of our mission to assist the HBA but also we should be proud of
our mentors for organizing the prestigious Jaworski Award Luncheon and the Charitable Fund
Scholarship Awards. Please plan to become involved in and attend all of our upcoming events.
Hazel E. Donato
We have a members group share site on Shutterfly!
Register to see photos, other information. To join, email Sarah Lane at so she can register you as a member. Then go to Web address:; sign into your account; under choose My shares, choose View all share sites;
HBA Auxiliary should appear. Also there will be an HBAA Electronic Member Directory on-line
on Shutterfly as well. This is a free site and is password protected. If you would like to be
included in the Shutterfly Directory, please contact Sarah Lane.
*Please go to our website and complete the survey on our Homepage regarding your input on the future of our Organization. The site address is HBA-AUX.ORG . Your submission is ANONYMOUS.
*The HBA Annual Dinner is May 15th, 7 until 10 p.m. See the HBA.ORG website or call 713-759-1133
for further information. Tickets are $125.00 per person payable to the Houston Bar Association and
due by noon, Friday, May 9, 2014. Black tie optional attire. Your HBA Auxiliary President, Vice President
and Secretary are attending. Please join them in supporting the HBA Incoming President, M. Carter Crow.
*Please attend the Wine, Cheese, Dessert Meet and Greet at Hazel Donato’s home on Wednesday,
May21st, 7 to 9 p.m. All Membership is invited to meet and greet the new HBA Auxiliary Officers.
A Paperless Post Invite was emailed – please RSVP thru that Paperless Post or email Lisa Sharp at All past Board Members and Committee Chairs please remember to bring your
notebooks and final reports. We will have Volunteer Sign-up Sheets available for the various
upcoming events we have scheduled.
HBA Auxiliary - 2014 / 2015 Calendar of Events
May 21st
Old Board / New Board / General Membership - Wine, Cheese, Dessert Meet and Greet -- at the home
of Hazel Donato
May 30th
Firm Recruiting Membership Drive Kick-off
June *
Popsicles in the Park – location to be announced
July 9th
Popsicles in the Park - RSVP to Lisa Sharp, Colonial Park; entrance to the pool
invites you to join her if you are not a member)
August 27th
Summer Lunch and Learn – Museum walking tour MFAH/Hapsburg Exhibit and MNS/Bulgari Exhibit –
Meet at Café Express at 11:30
September *
afterwards (Lisa
Popsicles in the Park
Fall Coffee / Membership Drive / Speaker – at the home of Judy Beck
Armadillo Palace Gathering (Husbands Invited)
Chili and Pie Cook-Off – format and location to be announced
Fall Lunch and Learn - Preservation Houston Cemetery Tour
HBA Harvest Party
January *
Cookie Decorating – for all ages
Winter Lunch and Learn – Bayou Bend Program – “DINNER AT 8:05” – location and time to be announced
February *
Wine Wednesday
Habitat House
March *
Jaworski Award Luncheon
Eikenburg Fun Run
Spring Egg Hunt (Easter is April 5th)
Spring New Board and President’s Luncheon
May 1st
Law Week – HYLA Student Readings Event
HYLA Law Week Luncheon
HBA Annual Dinner
*The exact day will be announced. (This is our initial preliminary calendar issued May 5, 2014.)
Go to for more information.
Three 2014-15 recipients of scholarships are pictured with Marcella Burke, our 2011 recipient, who is now
an associate at Akin Gump in Houston, and along with Ansley Buttram was the scholarship chair this year.
Left from right, Egllatine Moss from the UH Law Center, Kendrack Lewis from Thurgood Marashall School of
Law (TSU), and Jamie Godsey from South Texas School of Law. Each received a $5,000 scholarship. Selection
is based on academic excellence, community involvement and financial need. An applicant needs a
combination of all three to be selected.
The Houston Bar Association Auxiliary was formed in 1947 at the request of HBA President Palmer Hutcheson, Sr. The purpose of the Auxiliary was to assist the HBA with social functions. In 1949 the Auxiliary
and the Bar sponsored the first Harvest Party.
Current By-laws: Its object shall be to assist the HBA, HYLA, and the State Bar of Texas to promote a better
understanding and relationship between the general public and the legal profession through community
service projects and to encourage social relations among its members…
2014/2015 Officers
President – Hazel Donato (Randy Donato–Donato, Minx, Brown, & Pool) –
Vice President – Wendy Dawson (Alistair Dawson–Beck Redden)
Secretary – Lisa Sharp (Philip D. Sharp-Martin Disiere Jefferson & Wisdom) –
Membership – Sarah Lane (Robert (Chip) Lane-Middagh, Lane) –
Treasurer – Diane Lee (William Shelton Lee-Norton Rose Rulbright) –
Parliamentarian – Lisa Ganucheau (Thomas Ganucheau-Beck Redden) –
Immediate Past President – Annette Duggan (F. Lee Duggan, Jr.-First Court of Appeals, Retired) –
Nominating Committee Chairperson – Ansley Buttram (Stephen Buttram-Buttram & Associates) –
Current Objectives:
Maintain current membership by engaging in social activities and service project activities that interest entire membership.
Increase membership through communication and activities of the current membership.
Welcome New Member
Kelly Greenwood Prather
Kelly is a practicing attorney who has her own Law Firm.
Her husband, Mike, works at Donato, Minx, Brown & Pool
"I am married to Clark, a psychotherapist. We have two boys, Austin (13) and
Carter (11). I am a Registered Nurse and I work with various Attorneys and
Insurance Companies performing Legal Nurse Consultant analysis. I am originally from Galveston, TX. My sister and I operate an antique business, Avenue
Q Junque, we travel around to various markets and also have a storefront at
Heights Antiques on Yale. I am excited to be part of the HBAA!"
The Egg hunt was a great success. We had
twenty children show up, one of our biggest
years yet!! We hope to double that number
for next year! Thanks to Ansley Buttram's
son for being a spectacular Easter Bunny!
Pictures have been uploaded to our Shutterfly Share Site. To join, email Sarah Lane at
Wish these members a
3. Kay Werlein
5. Nikki Agosto
6. Sandy Sales
7. Sandy Wotiz
16. Amy Dunn Taylor
19. Sarah Lane
22. Stacey Hanks
23. Elizabeth Eikenburg
28. Ce Smith
Joanne Davee
5. Nancy Dierker Boswell
7. Bill DeLaGarza
Carolyn Matthews
23. Dominique Varner
27. Joanie Moncrief
2. Florence Bland
2. Suzan Glickman
3. Jennie Beckham
10. Lisa Ganucheau
11. Wendy Dawson
16. Ines Kochman-Scott
16. Judy McClure
16. Dorothy Knox Houghton
20 Jane Hogan
27. Bunny McClendon
28. Penny Hollyfield
31. Kathleen McDaniel
Phyllis Dent will have a limited number of directories available for pickup at
the May 21st event.
Betty Griffin about cooking classes: “Attendance was super...sold out. The
Garth Blackburn Subzero class had 30 in attendance; the class at the Taylor’s
home with Chef Sheeley added a few last minute reservations with 32
attending. The Killen class topped all with 44!
Interested in history? Have desktop publishing skills? Are you a photographer?
HBAA has a need for a historian/newsletter designer/photographer.
Please contact Sandy Norris if you would like to serve on the Jaworski
Award Committee. Plans are underway for the next event to be held in
March of 2015.