January 2016 - Oklahoma Pilots Association


January 2016 - Oklahoma Pilots Association
In the Sky
January 2016
January 7th, 2016 - Social 6:30 p.m.
7:00 Dinner Meeting
Speaker: Harry Weatherford
Our Speaker for January is OPA member Harry Weatherford. Harry has
spent the last decade doing volunteer work for the FAA Safety Team.
When our original speaker unexpectedly cancelled Harry agreed to fill
the void. Here is a little background for those who may not have met
He retired from the Tulsa Oklahoma TRACON in 1989, after a thirty year
career in Air Traffic Control. Since then he has owned a real estate
brokerage, a heat & air business, and a retail liquor store. Harry also
operates Precision Flight (a Flight Safety & Simulation School) which he
operates out of the basement of his liquor store in Mustang.
Harry is an Air Transport rated pilot with fifty years of flying experience.
He also holds instructor ratings for airplanes, both single and multi
engine. Harry will offer his observations of general aviation flying from
yester-year to today, and speak about the necessity of training
“recency” when operating aircraft. (Photo below: Harry teaching a
Safety Seminar.)
February 4th, 2016 - Social 6:30 p.m.
7:00 Dinner Meeting
Speaker: Michael Kussatz Regional Representative for Garmin Inc.
Kussatz is scheduled to speak at the Feb 4th OPA Dinner Meeting with the
topic being ADS-B; followed by a question and answer session on ADS-B
and Avionics in General. He travels the US speaking to aviation groups
about ADS-B solutions, as well as navigation, radio, other aviation
equipment, and all products that Garmin offers in their expansive line up.
Michael has been in aviation for many years and enjoys answering
questions about avionics.
Please join us for an engaging discussion that will cover the specifics of the
upcoming ADS-B technology for our aircraft that is mandated to take affect
in 2020.
Billy Risley with the FAA will be present and this will be a FAA Safety Event.
Please contact Roger Walton for dinner reservations
so we have enough food for everyone. 405 219-5149
Main Entrance To
Wiley Post Airport
(Between NW 50th & NW 63rd)
The Oklahoma Pilots Association
(OPA) meets the 1st Thursday of each
month at the Clarence E. Page
Building, located on Wiley Post
Airport. From N. Rockwell, enter the
airport at the traffic light (Phillip J.
Rhoads Ave.), take the first right, and
drive back to the light gray brick
OPA News
OPA News
January 2016
Senate Passes Third-Class Medical Reform
Clarence E. Page Building
5810 Tulakes Avenue
Wiley Post Airport
Bethany, Oklahoma 73008
Oklahoma Pilots Association is a member-controlled not-forprofit organization for all pilots and aircraft owners. OPA strives
to serve the needs of general aviation pilots statewide, promoting
aviation, education and safety in personal and business flying.
Membership consists of student pilots through airline transport
pilots, both civil and military and is open to all pilots and aircraft
owners. Annual membership dues are currently $35.
OPA holds monthly dinner meetings at the C. E. Page Building on
Wiley Post Airport in Oklahoma City. Distinguished guest
speakers present educational and safety related programs at the
monthly dinner meetings.
OPA hosts monthly Fly Aways for lunch or dinner and weekend Fly
Aways to interesting destinations.
OPA, through its charitable non-profit corporation, accepts
money or property donated to fund the Vic Jackson Memorial
Scholarship Fund which is awarded annually to a college student
with career aspirations in the field of aviation. Your contributions
of money or property are tax deductible.
OPA Newsletter Staff
Editors: Ben & June Roy
Typesetting & Layout: Ben Roy
Circulation: Bill Hines
Members’ contributions of articles and other information
relative to aviation are encouraged.
Third-class FAA medical reform bill one step closer to reality.
By Pia Bergqvist - reprinted from “Flying Magazine”
Posted December 17, 2015
The Senate has passed the Pilot's Bill of Rights 2 (PBR2), moving the
much-anticipated third-class FAA medical reform bill one step closer to
reality. The news came only days after the Senate Committee on
Commerce, Science and Transportation approved the bill. The new
medical requirements, should the bill pass the House, would ensure
most pilots never need an aviation medical exam again.
The Senate passed the bill by unamimous consent. This win for the
pilot community has been a very long time coming, though
modifications were made to the original language, which would have
allowed many pilots to fly without any medical exam.
The new bill does require at least one medical exam for new student
pilots, special issuance medical holders and pilots who haven't had a
medical in 10 years, but would remove the current requirement for
recurrent checks for pilots flying with a third-class medical certificate.
The rule would apply to pilots flying VFR or IFR in aircraft weithing up
to 6,000 pounds and carrying up to five passengers at altitudes below
18,000 feet and speeds up to 250 knots.
“This is an enormous step toward getting long-awaited third class
medical reforms, and we're excited that the Senate has moved so
decisively to get this done,” said AOPA President Mark Baker. “Without
a doubt this has been a real fight, but the passage of the Pilot's Bill of
Rights 2 shows that members of the Senate recognize the value of
supporting the general aviation community.”
The bill would require private pilots to undertake an free online
aeromedical factors course once every two years and visit their
personal physicians once every four years and make a note in their
Now that the Senate has approved the bill it has to get through the
House of Representatives and be signed off by President Obama
before the new rules can be implemented.
2014-2015 OPA OFFICERS
President - Lee Holmes
Exec. Vice President - Mike Grimes
Past President - Bill Pappadopoulos
Treasurer - Roy Cowan
Secretary - Marc Harrison
Vice President of Membership
Roger Walton 405 219-5149
Vice President of Communications
Keith Leafdale 405 802-9594
Term Expires 6/30/2017
Matt Cole
Bill Hines
Mike Rangel
Joey Sager
Jeff Sandusky
Term Expires 6/30/2016
Blake Green
Hal Harris
Al Liebler
Position Open
Position Open
Garrett Quinby - OSU Student Board Member
Ben Roy
June Roy
Steve Haynes
Looking for a Location for a Special Event or a Meeting?
Try the Page Building at Wiley Post Airport!
Page Building rental rates:
Total day – 8:00 am till day's end:
Monday thru Thursday - $300
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - $350
Morning only 8:00 am - 1:00 pm:
Weekdays - $150
Weekend days - $175
All holiday and special event dates are
charged $75 over daily rate.
Contacts: Steve Schroeder: 405-691-8629 (home phone)
sandsschroeder@cox.net or QB Governor Jim Sutton 405-760-1988
(mobile phone)
January 2016
OPA News
Highlights from the December Dinner Meeting
OPA President Lee Holmes welcomed everyone, led us in the pledge to our flag, and we offered prayed for the families
and all those affected by the shooting in California. We were happy to see Lee's wife, Lyn, for the first time in a long
while and their neighbors, H. and Helen Crow. Lee mentioned that Scott Dunn had only been a member a very short
time when he agreed to serve on the Board of Directors. We appreciate him for making the trip for our meetings.
Lee introduced Keith Leafdale in our “get to know your fellow OPA members” spot. Keith flew for CAP in Alaska, Arizona,
Utah, and California. He started flying before he was 16 and before he had a driver's license. When his family moved
from Nebraska to Arizona, he flew there. He figured he didn't need a driver's license if he could fly! He has commercial,
instrument and seaplane ratings. He flew many searches for CAP, including in Alaska at minus 40 degrees. When his
CAP plane engine quit, he sat it down on the ice on a lake. Both he and the plane survived. He flew a 1941 Porterfield
and has logged over 2000 hours. (Keith also serves on our Board and the Fly Away Committee. See article on page 8)
Keith surprised Tim Holmes and introduced him. Tim has led a very interesting life, including attending Central State
College in Edmond, the Army, being a court reporter for a federal judge, and being a subject matter expert on the OPA,
having been here since it started. He started flying in the 70s and has owned several airplanes and was a partner in a
1959 Bonanza. His hangar at Page Airport is something like a club center for pilots, who may be there even when he's
not there. His past includes racing cars. He once wrecked his car and made arrangements for it to be repaired while he
was still in the hospital. Keith said to contact Tim if you have a question about OPA history. (See page 4 for an article
about a wedding of interest in Tim's hangar.)
We enjoyed some great entertainment from “The School Bored Four”, a barbershop quartet. Read Sonie Liebler's article
about it on page 4. Everyone was reminded about the Fly Away to Guthrie for the Victorian Walk and dinner at the Blue
Belle Grill House. We originally tried to get a congressman who in pushing the Pilots' Bill of Rights 2 as our January
speaker. He is not able to make it due to scheduling, so Harry Weatherford has agreed to fill in with an interesting
program that will include lost of special control when the pilots got behind the power curve and didn't fly the airplane. It
will also include updates for winter flying. Harry is always interesting to hear.
Lee served as auctioneer for our OPA Scholarship fund raiser. He did a great job and we ended up with $1230 to add to
our scholarship fund. He added a lot of humor to the auction. When he said his wife Lyn had bought one item, she said
she wasn't even bidding on it. He said she should have been and told her what she was paying for it. We had some
great items in the auction, including several collectible model planes, autographed books, an OU Santa, and two training
flights; one from Hal Harris' Air One Flight Academy, and one from Matt Cole's Blue Skies Flight Training School. Our
thanks to everyone who donated items for the auction and everyone who participated in the auction by bidding or
Cirrus Party
people even paid more for
their items than they bid. Thank you all very
much. It was a lovely and fun evening of
food, entertainment and an exciting auction!
OPA News
Sonie Liebler was kind enough to give us this write up about our entertainment at the dinner meeting.
Thanks Sonie!
“The School Bored Four” Barbershop Quartet
gave a fun-filled and talented vocal show for OPAers at the annual Christmas
Dinner meeting. What a way to kick off the Christmas Season! Dressed for the
occasion in tuxes with matching Santa caps, cummerbunds and Converse sneakers
of many colors, the four describe themselves: “The tuxedos indicate that we are
serious about singing well and musically, and the tennis shoes balance that
seriousness with the intent to engage our audiences with humor and a good time.”
That they did !! From traditional carols, “Lo How Rose Is Blooming,” to the
seasonal songs, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer,” we all joined in singing or just
humming along. The voices of Tenor Jim Moses, Lead Bob Brown, Baritone Roger
Morton, and Bass Ken Elder were a pleasant blend and their patter had us all
grinning and out-loud laughing. They moved around the tables singing to all of us.
“It Came upon a Midnight Clear”, and “Silent Night” left us with the glad feeling of
the season. It would be hard to pick out one special song, as the meaning of
Christmas is
special to each of
us. Suffice it to
say, we could have
listened to the
“The School Bored
Four” all evening.
Pilot Update: Surprise Wedding - By Don Laughlin, Minister and Pilot
As everyone knows, I love flying. I'm not the only one in the neighborhood that has that passion. There is a group of guys
that congregate at a certain hanger quite frequently. Congress could resolve a lot of issues if they would just tune in to
this bunch of guys. They usually start with current events and end up with flying. Tim,
the leader of this pack, has been the leader since Orville took his first flight. To his
dismay, he has to drag an oxygen hose everywhere he goes to be able to breathe. He
has been dating a lady named Phyllis for 5 years, so last Friday, on their 5th anniversary,
they decided to tie the knot. Without telling anyone, they asked me to perform the
wedding. I showed up around 4:30 and the usual group was already there. After small
chitchat, Tim got up and made his way over to his Ercoupe. This is a tiny 2-seat vintage
plane. Then Tim asked Phyllis to join him. After they were both seated in the plane Tim
asked me to take their picture. I stood next to the plane and took a couple of shots. Then
Tim asked all his
buddies to come
next to the plane to get a picture since it was their
anniversary. Well, after the picture Tim said this
would be a great day to get hitched so he asked me
if I would marry them. The guys thought it was a
joke, but when I reached behind my back and
pulled out my bible it became real. They were
attending a surprise wedding unbeknownst to
anyone but the three of us. It was simple but you
can be certain they heard the gospel and what God
thinks about marriage. They could have spent
thousands getting married, as do many, but the
truth is, they are just as married as those that do,
but they have a lot more money in their pocket.
Congratulations to Tim and Phyllis Holmes.
January 2016
December 12th OPA Fly Away - Guthrie, OK
Thanks to Roger Walton and Keith Leafdale for the Fly Away pictures and information
There were forty two people who enjoyed the December OPA Fly Away to Guthrie for dinner at the Blue Belle Grill
House and the Victorian Walk. Those attending included: Kathy and Randy Buttram; Matt Cole & 4 friends; George
Conover; Danny & Viola Davis; Joseph & Angela Gardocki; Hal & Alma Harris and daughters; Lee Holmes; Mark
Howard & friend Donna; Phyl Howard; Keith Leafdale; Bill Pappadopoulos & 5 friends; Tony & Kathy Plant & son
Michael; Joey, Danielle & Josie Sager; Wyvema Startz; Mac & Taylora Swindell & sons; Roger & Jan Walton; and Jim &
Vicky Yates. From the pictures, I would say the
Fly Away was enjoyed by all!
January 2016
OPA News
Photos from the December Fly Away
Gas Tanks Behind the Seats
January 2016
80-Years Old and Obtains Instrument Rating
Article and Photo Submitted By Phyl Howard
Congratulations to aviator George Conover. It is a great day
for him! Conover showed tenacity and perseverance in
continuing with his aviation training to obtain an Instrument
Rating at 80-years old. Conover was successful in obtaining
an Instrument Rating on November 11, 2015. He
experienced several time delays in his personal life that set
him back in his aviation training. He just could not let go of
the dream. Conover dreamed of finishing his training and
obtaining an Instrument Rating. Conover, at 80-years old,
finally obtained the goal that he dreamed about and meant
so much to him. The sought after Instrument Rating. He
applied himself diligently over several years. He successfully
passed the Instrument Written Test 3 times. November 11,
2015 was a banner day in Conover's aviation career.
Conover's success could not have happen without the
dedication of Bret Wyatt, Chief Instructor at Oklahoma
Aviation, LLC In Oklahoma City. Ok. Wyatt is a remarkable
instructor. Wyatt brings a passion for general aviation, years
of experience and professional instructor etiquette to
Oklahoma Aviation seldom found in the industry. Conover
experienced several instructors in his basic instrument
training. Wyatt continued providing encouragement and
oversight to Conover's progress. Conover gives Oklahoma
Aviation a five star review for their professionalism in
aviation training.
Conover is also a new member of United Flying
Octogenarians. This is an organization populated by pilots at
the age of 80 or older. The member was still flying as Pilot-inCommand when reaching 80-years old. The love of aviation
still binds this elite group together.
Home built Air Camper
January 2016
OPA News
Aeronca Champ Flight
Article and photo submitted by Keith Leafdale
Glen Crabtree advertises in our OPA Newsletter. I've been admiring his ad for flight training in his Aeronca Champ for
some months, now. Well, time to do something about it! I
went over this afternoon and checked out in his "Champ,"
which is now a "7BCM" as modified. The last time I had
flown a Champ (then a 7-AC) was in December, 1958! As
a kid, growing up on the Nebraska Panhandle, I had some
hundred hours riding with my father, looking out through
those "Aeronca Yellow" struts during the years when Dad
was the president of the Nebraska Flying Farmers (19481950). Once of age and with a license, I had rented
Champs whenever I could find one available; giving
friends their often-first-time airplane rides. Of course,
TriPacers and other airplanes with the "training wheel in
front," began to be the dominant choice, but I still flew a
number of conventional gear airplanes until Delinda and I
moved to Oklahoma City in 1990 (Well, I know, today they
call conventional geared aircraft "tail draggers!"). Ah, the
stories to tell! The photo, plus short story, are already
getting "hits" on my FaceBook pages!
John G. Gillespie, CEP, RFC
January 9th OPA Fly Away
If you have a
Ponca City, OK
photograph and/or
Enrique’s Mexican Restaurant
article you would
(at the airport)
like to see in “News
Wheels down 11:00 am
in the Sky” submit it
This is traditionally one of our highest
to your editors at
participation Fly Aways. It is definitely one of
my very favorites.
The food can’t be
just like Keith
matched. No other restaurant makes their
Leafdale, Don
chips like Enrique’s and the salsa and queso
are fantastic. That alone is worth the trip. Laughlin, and Phyl
But when you add in one of their great entrees Howard did for this
it makes for a well rounded meal (and maybe a
month’s edition.
little too well rounded person). I’ll just say
that it’s a good thing for me that it isn’t just Submissions will be
printed as space
across the street.
OPA Fly Away Committee
Roger Walton at
flyaway@opa.link or
405 219-5149 and let
him know if you are
going, need a ride,
or have an extra
seat. You do not
have to be an OPA
member to attend
our Fly Aways;
everyone is
For questions about
any Fly Away or
suggestions for
new ones, contact
any of the seven Fly
Away Committee
Roger Walton,
or 405 219-5149,
Danny Davis
Keith Leafdale
Matt Cole
Mike Rangel
Hal Harris
and Bill Pappadopoulos
Estate Planning
Let us help you avoid a lifestyle change during retirement.
We FLY to YOU- $250,000 Minimum
6632 NW 39th Expressway, Bethany, OK 73008
405.491.0235 retire@AccessFinancialGroup.com
GLENN CRABTREE 405-282-4250 cacinc77@sbcglobal.net
January 2016
OPA News
2016 OPA Calendar
OPA Newsletter Ad Rates
Approximate Ad Size
Monthly Rate
Business Card 2“x 3 ½”
One-Eighth Page 2 ½“ x 3 ¾”
One-Quarter Page 3 ¾“ x 4 ¾” $65.00
One-Half Page 4 ¾“ x 7 ½”
Full Page 7 ½“ x 9 ½”
Ask About Discounts for Annual Ads
Call Ben Roy, 405-802-9657
January 7th - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Page Building, Wiley Post Airport
January 9th - Fly Away - Ponca City, OK
Enrique’s Mexican Restaurant
Wheels Down - 11:00 a.m.
January 21st - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Page Building, Wiley Post Airport
February 4th - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Page Building, Wiley Post Airport
February 6th - Fly Away - McAlester, OK
Pete’s Place - Wheels down - 11:00 a.m.
February 18th - OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Page Building, Wiley Post Airport
March 3rd - Dinner Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Page Building, Wiley Post Airport
March 12th - Fly Away - Stillwater, OK
El Vaquero Restaurant
Wheels Down - 11:00 a.m.
March 17th -OPA Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Page Building, Wiley Post Airport
Be sure to contact Roger Walton
for dinner reservations
405 219-5149 dinner@opa.link
Monthly Oklahoma Fly-Ins
1st Saturday - Ponca City Aviation Booster Fly-In
Breakfast - Call Don Nuzum 580-767-0470
1st Saturday - Pauls Valley Lunch Fly In
Call 405 268-3925 (Breakfast in Summer)
2nd Saturday - Ardmore
Breakfast Lakeland Aviation - Call 580 389-5000
3rd Saturday - Alva Regional Airport Fly-In
Breakfast - Call 580 327-6778 March through Nov
Saturday after 3rd Monday - Owasso Pancake
Breakfast EAA Chapter 10
4th Saturday - Enid Fly-In Breakfast - Woodring
Airport (WDG) April through October
“The Cars & Trucks America Owns"
HWY 81, S. of 66 - EL RENO - 405-262-2466 - 800-375-3751
Please Print - Information Will Be Used For Membership Directory and Newsletter Database
Oklahoma Pilots Association Membership Application
New Membership
Referred By
Your Name
Name tag Yes No
Name tag Yes No
E-Mail Address
Phone (Residence)
Receive by Mail
Pilot information: Are you a Aircraft Owner? Yes
MEMBER: Approximate Hours
Please make dues check payable to:
Oklahoma Pilots Association
Mail to: 5810 Tulakes Ave.,
Wiley Post Airport,
Bethany, OK 73008
All material for
newsletter publication
should be sent to:
C/o Ben Roy
11749 SW. 54th
Mustang, OK 73064
405-802-9657 Cell
The OPA General Aviation Newsletter is published monthly. Articles for the newsletter are sought from members, trade
organizations, etc. Stories and articles can include flying trips, rebuilding and restoration experiences, special tips,
activities, etc.
Material for publication will be accepted up to the deadline which is the 15th of each month, space permitting.
The editorial staff reserves the right to accept, refuse, or edit any material submitted. Publication of articles and opinions
in the OPA Newsletter is not an endorsement by the Association, nor does the Association assume any responsibility for
the accuracy of the information contained in the Newsletter. Permission is granted to reprint, provided credit is given to
The Oklahoma Pilots Association Newsletter. For circulation issues including newsletters not received call Bill
Hines 405-749-2520 or hines4204@aol.com. For email and address changes contact Roger Walton 405-2195149 or email rwxact@yahoo.com.
Clarence E. Page Building
5810 Tulakes Avenue
Wiley Post Airport
Bethany, Oklahoma 73008