Quinzaine des Réalisateurs
Quinzaine des Réalisateurs
2014 nes can DIRECTORY OF PARTICIPANTS Pavilion Espace Québec Village international-Riviera Pavilion 129 06400 Cannes Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 59 02 24 www. s o d e c . g o u v. q c . c a A word from the Minister of Culture and Communications, Hélène David Q uébec culture has carved out an important place around the world. Its characteristic vitality and uniqueness have served to ensure that foreign audiences have been won over by several of the very same works that are so important to the collective memory in Québec. For several years now, the Québec film industry has been thriving and has achieved new heights of renown. As minister of Culture and Communications, I am pleased to see that the exceptional love story between our cinema and the Cannes Film Festival continues again this year. 2 I congratulate all of the creators associated with the films that have been selected for this, the 67th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. I would like to thank these passionate and visionary women and men who are the heart of our film industry. Its success and reputation are to your credit. Bon cinéma québécois! Hélène David Minister of Culture and Communications Minister responsible for the protection and promotion of the French language A Word from the SODEC President and Chief Executive Officer, Monique Simard A grand year for Québec cinema in Cannes!!! Mommy, by Xavier Dolan in competition. Tu dors Nicole, by Stéphane Lafleur as well as Jutra, by Marie-Josée SaintPierre in the Directors’ Fortnight. Petit frère, by Rémi St-Michel in the Semaine de la Critique. Guy Edoin with Ville-Marie in the Cinéfondation’s l’Atelier. For my first presence at the Cannes Film Festival as President of the SODEC (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles), I am proud and honoured to accompany these works along with their authors and producers. Their international reputation is a reflection of the tremendous talent in Québec. Léolo, by Jean-Claude Lauzon in Cannes Classics. Québec is superbly represented in 2014 in Cannes. Monique Simard Président and CEO Société de développement des entreprises culturelles 3 Québec Selection at Cannes 2014 Festival de Cannes Official competition Mommy Xavier Dolan Quinzaine des Réalisateurs Jutra Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre Tu dors Nicole Stéphane Lafleur Semaine de la Critique Petit frère Rémi St-Michel This film was digitally remastered and restored thanks to Éléphant, which has, for more than five years, undertaken the same work on several heritage works of Québec cinema. Cannes Classics 2014 Léolo (1992) Jean-Claude Lauzon A presentation of: Cinéfondation Atelier 2014 Ville-Marie (project) Guy Édoin 4 5 5 8 9 10 Participants Producers Distributors Festivals Companies, organizations and other professionals present at Cannes 14 SODEC - supported québécois films festivals 14 Groups, associations and organizations and filming locations 15 Links about short film in Québec 16 SODEC_LAB_14 20 Coproducing in Québec 23 Partners Follow us. Participants PRODUCERS 1976 PRODUCTIONS Nicolas COMEAU nc@1976.tv www.1976.tv AMÉRIQUE FILM Martin PAUL-HUS mpaulhus@ameriquefilm.com Dominique LEFEBVRE amerigo@ameriquefilm.com ameriquefilm.com CD FILMS Christian DUGUAY c@cdfilms.net Abbi YARDLEY abbi@cdfilms.net www.cdfilms.net CINÉMAGINAIRE Denise ROBERT vlaliberte@cinemaginaire.com www.cinemaginaire.com AMV PRODUCTION Annie MOLIN VASSEUR info@amvproduction.ca www.amvproduction.ca FILMARTO / BBR Suzanne GIRARD suzanne.girard@bbrprod.com www.bbrprod.com BADAZZ FILMS Richard CARDINAL therichardcardinal@gmail.com Patricia CHICA info@patriciachica.com Martin BYRON byron@byronmartin.com Facebook : badazzfilms FILMS DU BOULEVARD Réal CHABOT real.chabot@filmsduboulevard.com www.filmsduboulevard.com BORÉAL FILMS Daniel MORIN borealfilms@videotron.ca www.borealfilms.com CARAMEL FILMS André ROULEAU info@caramelfilms.com www.caramelfilms.com FILMS SIX Geneviève GOSSELIN-G. ggosselin@filmssix.com Pier-Philippe CHEVIGNY ppchevigny@filmssix.com www.filmssix.com FORGE FILMS Richard DUQUETTE iforge@forgefilms.ca www.forgefilms.ca Feature Films Documentary Feature Films Animated Feature Films Digital Content International Coproduction Short Films Documentary Short Films Documentary Series 5 GRAY MATTER PRODUCTIONS Miguel JIMENEZ jimenez@videotron.ca Arshad KHAN arshadfilms@gmail.com www.arshadfilms.com LES PRODUCTIONS KINESIS SODEC_LAB_14 Cédric BOURDEAU info@productionskinesis.com www.productionskinesis.com IDL FILMS Joe IACONO jiacono.idl@gmail.com LES PRODUCTIONS PERCEPTION 3i Benoit DESJARDINS bendesjardins@hotmail.com www.bendesjardins.com ITEM 7 Pierre EVEN peven@item7.ca Marie-Claude POULIN mcpoulin@item7.ca www.item7.ca LA MAISON DE PROD Stéphanie MORISSETTE Charles Stéphane ROY info@lamaisondeprod.com www.lamaisondeprod.com LES FILMS CAMERA OSCURA Christine FALCO cfalco@cameraoscurafilms.com www.cameraoscurafilms.com 6 LYLA FILMS Lyse LAFONTAINE Léolo (Cannes Classics) llafontaine@lylafilms.com François TREMBLAY ftremblay@lylafilms.com Hélène THIFFAULT hthiffault@lylafilms.com www.lylafilms.com MAX FILMS Projet Ville-Marie (Cinéfondation, Atelier 2014) Félize FRAPPIER info@maxfilms.ca Roger FRAPPIER info@maxfilms.ca www.maxfilms.ca LES FILMS CHRISTAL Christian LAROUCHE clarouche@christalfilms.com Johanne SAINT-LAURENT saintlaurent27@yahoo.com www.christalfilms.com MEDIA-MAX Karine MARTIN Jean-François DORAY contact@mediabizinternational.com www.mediabizinternational.com LES FILMS TIGRELIONS Michel R. FILION michelrfilion@gmail.com MELENNY PRODUCTIONS Richard GOUDREAU richardgoudreau@melenny.ca METAFILMS Mommy (Official Competition) Nancy GRANT ngrant.metafilms@gmail.com Sylvain CORBEIL sylvainc@metafilms.ca www.metafilms.ca MICRO_SCOPE Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Luc DÉRY Kim MCCRAW Élaine HÉBERT SODEC_LAB_14 info@micro-scope.ca www.micro-scope.ca MICROCLIMAT FILMS Catherine CHAGNON catherine@microclimatfilms.com www.microclimatfilms.com MJSTP FILMS Jutra (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Marie-Josée SAINT-PIERRE mjstp@hotmail.com www.mjstpfilms.com MOKKO STUDIO Danny BERGERON dbergeron@mokkostudio.com www.mokkostudio.com NÉMÉSIS FILMS Karim HAROUN karim@nemesisfilms.com Katerine LEFRANÇOIS katerine@nemesisfilms.com Pascal PLANTE pascal@nemesisfilms.com Santiago MENGHINI santiago@nemesisfilms.com www.nemesisfilms.com PERIPHERIA PRODUCTIONS Yanick LÉTOURNEAU yanick@peripheria.ca www.peripheria.ca POSSIBLES MÉDIA Serge NOËL info@possiblesmedia.com www.possiblesmedia.com PRODUCTIONS AVENIDA Chantal LAFLEUR productionsavenida@gmail.com PRODUCTIONS GREENGROUND SODEC_LAB_14 Nguyen-Anh NGUYEN anh@greenground.ca www.greenground.ca MULE FILMS SODEC_LAB_14 Sandra-Dalhie GOYER production.mulefilms@gmail.com PRODUCTIONS THALIE Yves FORTIN Julie FRANCESCON thalie@productionsthalie.com www.productionsthalie.com MVC VAN CHATOU PRODUCTIONS Michèle CHATELLIER Georges OHANESSIAN vanchatou@msn.com PROSPECTOR FILMS Aisling CHIN-YEE aisling@prospectorfilms.ca www.prospectorfilms.ca 7 REPRISE FILMS Paul BARBEAU paul@reprisefilms.com www.reprisefilms.com REYNA FILMS Suzy COHEN contact@reynafilms.com YANTRA FILMS Svet DOYTCHINOV info@yantrafilms.ca www.yantrafilms.ca ROMANCE POLANSKI & KLAUS KINKY Petit frère (Semaine de la Critique) Jean-Sébastien BEAUDOIN GAGNON Éric K. BOULIANNE Rémi ST-MICHEL romancepolanski@gmail.com ZMA PRODUCTIONS / DISTRIBUTIONS Marie-Ange BARBANCOURT zmaproduction@gmail.com Vronsky BÉLIZAIRE timemachines@icloud.com www.productionszma.com SILVER SWORD INTERNATIONAL Michael A. CALACE tc@silverswordintl.com www.silverswordintl.com TRANSFILM INTERNATIONAL Claude LÉGER Jonathan VANGER info@transfilm.ca Joe SISTO jsisto@sistolaw.com www.transfilm.ca URS JAKOB PRODUCTIONS Urs JAKOB urs@ursjakob.com Sylvie LACHANCE sylvie.chance@videotron.ca 8 XII TRIBES ENTERTAINMENT Yse BRISSON yse-brisson@hotmail.fr VOYELLES FILMS Gabrielle TOUGAS-FRÉCHETTE Ménaïc RAOUL SODEC_LAB_14 info@voyellesfilms.com www.voyellesfilms.com DISTRIBUTORS ATTRACTION DISTRIBUTION Xiaojuan ZHOU xiao@attraction.ca www.attractiondistribution.ca AXIA FILMS Armand LAFOND armandl@axiafilms.com Isabelle ROBICHAUD info@axiafilms.com www.axiafilms.com A-Z FILMS Yves BEAUCHESNE ybeauchesne@hotmail.com www.azfilms.ca EYESTEELFILM Damien DETCHEBERRY damien@eyesteelfilm.com www.eyesteelfilm.com FILMOPTION INTERNATIONAL Andrew NOBLE anoble@filmoption.com www.filmoption.com FUNFILM DISTRIBUTION Martin DESROCHES mdesroches67@hotmail.com Pierre Jutras jutraspierre@hotmail.com www.funfilm.ca K-FILMS AMÉRIQUE Louis DUSSAULT ldussault@kfilmsamerique.com www.kfilmsamerique.com MÉTROPOLE FILMS DISTRIBUTION Charles TREMBLAY charles@metropolefilms.com www.metropolefilms.com REMSTAR CORPORATION Pascale HÉBERT phebert@remstarfilms.com Tim RINGUETTE tringuette@remstarfilms.com www.remstarfilms.com SÉVILLE INTERNATIONAL Mommy (Official Competition) Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Anick POIRIER apoirier@entonegroup.com Natalie KAMPELMACHER nkampelmacher@filmsseville.com www.sevillepictures.com SKEYE Isabelle BÉGIN ibegin@skeye.tv Marc-Alain TREMBLAY mat67@cctn.com www.skeye.tv TRAVELLING Petit frère (Semaine de la Critique) Marie-Pier LACROIX COUTURE info@travellingdistribution.com Alexandre DOSTIE coordo@travellingdistribution.com www.travellingdistribution.com TVA FILMS Carole LABRIE carole.labrie@tva.ca www.tvafilms.com V V S FILMS Ernie GRIVAKIS erniegrivakis@vvs.ca Harry GRIVAKIS harrygrivakis@vvs.ca Javi HERNANDEZ javihernandez@vvs.ca www.vvs.ca FESTIVALS FESTIVAL DE CINÉMA DE LA VILLE DE QUÉBEC Olivier BILODEAU obilodeau@fcvq.ca www.fcvq.ca FESTIVAL DE FILMS CINEMANIA Maidy TEITELBAUM mshier@videotron.ca Irving TEITELBAUM irvt@netaxis.ca Guilhem CAILLARD guilhem@festivalcinemania.com www.festivalcinemania.com 9 FESTIVAL DES FILMS DU MONDE - MONTRÉAL Serge LOSIQUE slosique@ffm-montreal.org Danièle CAUCHARD dcauchard@ffm-montreal.org Gilles BÉRIAULT Martin MALINA www.ffm-montreal.org FESTIVAL DU CINÉMA INTERNATIONAL EN ABITIBI-TÉMISCAMINGUE Guy PARENT info@festivalcinema.ca www.festivalcinema.ca FESTIVAL DU NOUVEAU CINÉMA Nicolas GIRARD DELTRUC ngirard@nouveaucinema.ca Claude CHAMBERLAN cchamberlan@nouveaucinema.ca Dimitri EIPIDES eipidesfilm@gmail.com Julien FONFREDE jfonfrede@nouveaucinema.ca Philippe GAJAN pgajan@nouveaucinema.ca Madeleine MOLYNEAUX madsockmonkee@yahoo.com Laurence REYMOND lreymond@nouveaucinema.ca www.nouveaucinema.ca 10 FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE FILMS FANTASIA Pierre CORBEIL Isabelle GAUVREAU Stéphanie TRÉPANIER Lindsay PETERS Nicolas ARCHAMBAULT Simon LAPERRIÈRE info@fantasiafestival.com www.fantasiafestival.com FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU FILM BLACK DE MONTRÉAL Emile CASTONGUAY emile@montrealblackfilm.com Fabienne COLAS fabienne@montrealblackfilm.com www.montrealblackfilm.com COMPANIES, ORGANIZATIONS AND OTHER PROFESSIONALS AGENCE ARTISTIQUE CLAUDE GIRARD Claude GIRARD info@claudegirard.ca www.claudegirard.ca AGENCE KP Karine PELLETIER Marie-Ève MILOT info@agencekp.com www.agencekp.com ASSOCIATION DES CINÉMAS PARALLÈLES DU QUÉBEC Éric PERRON revuecb@cinemasparalleles.qc.ca www.cinemasparalleles.qc.ca BUREAU DU CINÉMA ET DE LA TÉLÉVISION DES LAURENTIDES Marie-Josée PILON info@filmlaurentides.ca www.filmlaurentides.ca BUREAU DU CINÉMA ET DE LA TÉLÉVISION DU QUÉBEC Hans FRAIKIN info@bctq.ca www.bctq.ca CÉGEP DE BOIS-DE-BOULOGNE Programme Arts et lettres Jacques BLONDIN et sa cohorte de finissants LES VILAINS GARÇONS (doublage) Marie-Pierre RODIER mrodier@studiosst-antoine.ca Facebook : Les Vilains Garçons CÉGEP DE SAINT-HYACINTHE Programme Arts, lettres et communication Isabelle D’Amours et sa cohorte de finissants isabelledamours@sympatico.ca MILLER THOMSON AVOCATS Dean CHENOY dchenoy@millerthomson.com www.millerthomson.com ÉLÉPHANT - MÉMOIRE DU CINÉMA QUÉBÉCOIS Léolo (Cannes Classics) Marie-Josée RAYMOND Claude FOURNIER production@rosefilms.ca www.elephant.canoe.ca OFFICE NATIONAL DU FILM DU CANADA Jutra (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Marc BERTRAND m.bertrand@onf.ca Élise LABBÉ festivals@onf.ca IXION COMMUNICATIONS Judith DUBEAU judith.dubeau@ixioncommunications.com PRENDS ÇA COURT! Danny LENNON dboylennon@gmail.com www.courtmetrage.ca JAZO RP CANADA Mommy (Official Competition) Laurent BOYÉ laurent@jazopr.com www.jazopr.com QUÉBÉCOR MÉDIA Léolo (Cannes Classics) Sylvie CORDEAU sylvie.cordeau@quebecor.com www.quebecor.com LE FONDS HAROLD GREENBERG Odile MÉTHOT omethot@lefonds.astral.com www.bellmedia.ca/fr/fonds-harold-greenberg TÉLÉ-QUÉBEC Geneviève ROYER groyer@telequebec.tv www.telequebec.tv LES FILMS D’AUJOURD’HUI Roland SMITH rsmith21@look.ca Mario FORTIN Jean-François VÉZINA Adrian MANZANO Nicolas ARCHAMBAULT Actor, dancer nico.streetparade@gmail.com Paule BEAUDOIN Director paule_beaudoin@hotmail.com 11 Sylvain BELLEMARE Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Sound designer info@micro-scope.ca Guillaume BLANCHET Director-Producer me@guillaumeblanchet.com www.guillaumeblanchet.com Sandrine BRODEUR-DESROSIERS Director-Producer sandrinebd@videotron.ca www.sandrinebd.com Sadaf FOROUGHI Maison des scénaristes Screenwriter sadafforoughi@yahoo.com Eliane GAGNON Actress, Screenwriter, Producer gagnon.eliane@gmail.com www.komafilms.ca Kevin CALERO Director kevincalero@gmail.com Marc-André GRONDIN Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Actress info@micro-scope.ca Suzanne CLÉMENT Mommy (Official Competition) Actress laurent@jazopr.com Natalie HAMEL ROY Mommy (Official Competition) Actress lacgustave@sympatico.ca Julianne CÔTÉ Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Actress info@micro-scope.ca Annabella HART Actress annabella.hart@yahoo.ca Xavier DOLAN Mommy (Official Competition) Director artistes@agencegoodwin.com Anne DORVAL Mommy (Official Competition) Actress 12 Nathalie ERMONT Screenwriter nathalie.ermont@sympatico.ca Guy ÉDOIN Projet Ville-Marie (Cinéfondation, Atelier 2014) Director guyedoin@yahoo.ca Kristian HODKO Actor and Acting Coach k_hodko@hotmail.com Wynn HOLMES Choreographer wynnholmes1@gmail.com Charles JODOIN-KEATON Maison des scénaristes Screenwriter charlesjkeaton@gmail.com Stéphane LAFLEUR Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Director info@micro-scope.ca Simon LAROUCHE Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Actor info@micro-scope.ca Asher PEREZ-DELOUYA Director asherperdel@yahoo.ca Antoine-Olivier PILON Mommy (Official Competition) Actor Féroë PONTAY Editor feroe.pontay@gmail.com Shayne LAVERDIÈRE Mommy (Official Competition) Photographer Marie-Esther REGAUDIE Publicist marie_esther90@hotmail.com Maxime-Claude L’ÉCUYER Director-Producer tulp1632@videoton.ca www.maximelecuyer.com Luis SEIJAS Director of photography luis.seijas@hotmail.com Ron LEACH Casting and Creative Consultant ron@ronleach.com Caroline MAILLOUX Director cmailloux7@yahoo.ca Émilie MARCHAND Editor emily7078@yahoo.fr Kevin MAURY Creative Consultant badazzfilms514@gmail.com Sara MISHARA Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Director of photography info@micro-scope.ca Catherine ST-LAURENT Tu dors Nicole (Quinzaine des Réalisateurs) Actress info@micro-scope.ca Laurel THOMSON Producer laurelkthomson@gmail.com André TURPIN Mommy (Official Competition) Director of photography Ronald VIGNEAULT Manager, International Relations ronald.vigneault@gmail.com Jenimay WALKER Actress and executive producer jenimay13@gmail.com 13 SODEC - SUPPORTED QUÉBÉCOIS FILM FESTIVALS Festival de cinéma de la Ville de Québec www.fcvq.ca GROUPS, ASSOCIATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS Festival des films du monde www.ffm-montreal.org Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television (ACCT) www.academy.ca Festival du cinéma international en Abitibi-Témiscamingue www.festivalcinema.ca Alliance Québec Animation (AQA) www.alliancequebecanimation.com Festival du film de l’Outaouais www.offestival.com Alliance québécoise des techniciens de l’image et du son (AQTIS) www.aqtis.qc.ca Festival du film de Sept-Îles www.cine7.ca Festival du film international Cinoche de Baie-Comeau www.nativelynx.qc.ca Festival du nouveau cinéma www.nouveaucinema.ca Festival international de films Fantasia www.fantasiafestival.com Festival international de cinéma jeunesse de Rimouski www.carrousel.qc.ca Festival international de cinéma Vues d’Afrique www.vuesdafrique.org Festival international du film pour enfants de Montréal www.fifem.com Festival international du film sur l’art www.artfifa.com Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay www.regardsurlecourt.com 14 Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois www.rvcq.com Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal www.ridm.qc.ca Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices du Québec (ARRQ) www.arrq.qc.ca Association québécoise de la production médiatique (AQPM) www.aqpm.ca Director’s Guild of Canada (DGC) www.dgc.ca Société des auteurs de radio, télévision et cinéma (SARTEC) www.sartec.qc.ca Société professionnelle des auteurs et des compositeurs du Québec (SPACQ) www.spacq.qc.ca Union des artistes (UDA) www.uniondesartistes.com FILMING LOCATIONS Bureau du cinéma et de la télévision du Québec (BCTQ) www.bctq.ca Bureau du cinéma et de la télévision de Montréal www.montrealfilm.com Bureau du cinéma et de la télévision des Laurentides www.filmlaurentides.ca Bureau du cinéma et de la télévision de Gatineau www.gatineauvilledaffaires.ca LINKS ABOUT SHORT FILM IN QUÉBEC 314Collectif www.314collectif.com Bureau de développement touristique et des grands événements de la Ville de Québec www.ville.quebec.qc.ca/gens_affaires/ tournage/index.aspx ARTV www.artv.ca Bureau du cinéma de Saguenay www.industrie.saguenay.ca/fr/cinema La distributrice www.ladistributrice.ca GOVERNMENTAL AND PARAGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Kino-Québec www.kino-quebec.qc.ca Conseil des arts de Montréal www.artsmontreal.org Canada Council for the Arts www.canadacouncil.ca Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) www.calq.gouv.qc.ca Délégation générale du Québec à Paris (DGQP) www.gouv.qc.ca/portail/quebec/international/france Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec (LOJIQ) www.lojiq.org Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (MCC) www.mcc.gouv.qc.ca National Film Board of Canada (NFB) www.nfb.ca Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) www.sodec.gouv.qc.ca Telefilm Canada www.telefilm.ca Bravo-Fact www.bravofact.com Les Films du 3 Mars www.f3m.ca PHI Films www.phi-montreal.com Prends ça court ! www.courtmetrage.ca Radio-Canada www.radio-canada.ca Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay www.regardsurlecourt.com Télé-Québec www.telequebec.tv Travelling distribution www.travellingdistribution.com Vidéographe www.videographe.qc.ca Vue sur la relève www.vuesurlareleve.com Wapikoni mobile www.wapikoni.tv 15 SODEC_LAB_14 n their ve ro p e av h o h w rs ce u d ec pro Five up-and-coming Québs are on a mission in Cannes! abilities with short film e th and knowledge of h it w ce en ri pe making. eir ex on to feature-film ti si Goals: increase th an tr r ei th t ket to suppor international mar Mule Films Sandra-Dalhie Goyer Short Film Awards Nathan by Mathieu Arsenault, competition Vladivostok International Film Festival 2013 Feature film(s) in development Amsterdam au Danemark by Mathieu Arsenault micro_scope Élaine Hébert Short Film Awards La ronde by Sophie Goyette, Competition - Festival international du film de Locarno 2011, La vie commence by Émile Proulx Cloutier, Competition - Festival du film de Locarno 2009, Les réfugiés by Émile Proulx-Cloutier, Competition - Festival international du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand 2008 Feature film(s) in development Les lauréats by Sophie Goyette, Mourir épuise by Yan Giroux Voyelles Films Ménaïc Raoul Short Film Awards 16 Éclat du jour by Ian Lagarde, Slamdance 2014 (Best Short Film), Ce n’est rien by Nicolas Roy, Official Selection - Festival de Cannes 2011, Avec Jeff à Moto by Marie-Ève Juste, Official Selection - Quinzaine des Réalisateurs 2012 Feature film(s) in development (Voyelles Films) Sabali by Ryan McKenna, Tam by Ian Lagarde The Worst Journey In The World by Matthew Rankin A new SOD with the L EC initiative in par internatio OJIQ—Les Offices j tnership naux du Q e uébec. unesse A customized tr five emerging aining laboratory for producers tha t includes workshops, c oac international hing, mentoring, targeted networking a ctivities Les productions Kinesis Cédric Bourdeau Short Film Awards Vapor by Kaveh Nabatian, Toronto International Film Festival 2010, Poudres by Ky Nam Le Duc, Toronto International film Festival 2010, Sunday Afternoon by Kaveh Nabatian, The Chris Awards : Colombus International Film and Video 2007, Radio by Patrick Boivin, International Festival of Cinema and Technology 2007 (Best Director Short Film, Best Canadian Film, Honorable mention in the Best Short Film category) Feature film(s) in development Rumba by Kaveh Nabatian, Masques by Patrick Demers, Rien de faux, rien de vrai by Bachir Bensaddek, Humains d’ailleurs by Patrick Boivin Productions GreenGround Nguyen-Anh Nguyen Short Film Awards On the Way to the Sea by Tao Gu, Compétition Labo, Festival international du film court de Clermont-Ferrand 2011 (Special Jury Prize), International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011, Sundance Film Festival 2011, Une chanson d’hiver by Aonan Yang, Reel Asian International Film Festival 2011 (Best Short Film) Feature film(s) in development Pear Tree Blossoms, Official Coproduction Canada / China with Yunnan Films Studios, Où le regard ne porte pas, coproduction Canada / France / Belgique 17 SODEC would like to thank Félize Frappier, producer and distributor at Max Films, for her role as guide for these young filmmakers. AU PRODUCERS NETWORK Focus sur 5 producteurs québécois : Yanick Létourneau – Périphéria Productions Stéphanie Morissette – La maison de prod Serge Noël – Possibles Média Martin Paul-Hus – Amérique Film André Rouleau – Productions Caramel Films Lundi 19 mai 2014 de 9 h à 11 h Restaurant Plage des Palmes Pavillon Espace Québec Village international-Riviera Pavillon 129 Esplanade Georges Pompidou 06400 Cannes Tél. : 04 92 59 02 24 www. s o d e c . g o u v. q c . c a Application Gratuite Espace Québec Arts visuels Arts de la scène Musique Cirque Cinéma XAVIER DOLAN, STÉPHANE LAFLEUR, RÉMI ST-MICHEL, MARIE-JOSÉE SAINT-PIERRE Festival de Cannes 14 au 25 mai FRED PELLERIN Tournée en France 14 au 22 mai BARBARA STEINMAN Paris 15 mai au 28 juin KEITH KOUNA, CARACOL, PETER PETER, JIPÉ DALPÉ, DRAMATIK, DEAR CRIMINALS CAS PUBLIC RICHARD DESJARDINS Lyon 24 mai Montreuil 15 juin CAROLE SIMARD-LAFLAMME Bourbourg 24 mai au 31 août www.quebec.fr HOMMAGE À FÉLIX LECLERC Paris, St-Malo 16 au 21 juin Créteil 20 au 28 mai Tournée en France 22 mai au 10 juin SUUNS DENIS CÔTÉ JEAN-FRANÇOIS CAISSY CIRQUE ALFONSE Nîmes, Lyon 29 au 31 mai Elbeuf 5 au 15 juin THE LOST FINGERS Arles, Marseille, Paris 7 au 12 juin Festival Aurores Montréal Paris 19 au 23 mai CHLOÉ ROBICHAUD Sortie nationale « SARAH PRÉFÈRE LA COURSE » à compter du 7 mai GÉNÉRATIONS CIRQUE FOCUS-QUÉBEC LES 7 DOIGTS DE LA MAIN Tournée en France 27 juin au 13 juillet MARIE CHOUINARD Les Nuits de Fourvière Lyon 14 et 30 juin, 1er juillet KLÔ PELGAG Albi 9 au 11 juillet LE PàP, MANI SOLEYMANLOU, PRODUCTIONS RHIZOME PIERRE LAPOINTE, KARIM OUELLET Festival du film de La Rochelle 27 juin au 6 juillet LISA LEBLANC Festival d’Avignon 7 au 26 juillet Francofolies de La Rochelle 13 et 14 juillet Tournée en France 23 juillet au 2 août Coproducing in Québec WHY CORPRODUCE IN QUÉBEC? Throughout the world, Québec is recognized for its highly skilled, talented, creative, efficient, bilingual workforce and for its wide variety of locations and cutting-edge technical infrastructures. However, Québec is particularly attractive due to its vast experience in international coproductions and its stable banking services and financial tools. In addition to the possibility of contributions from private investors, distributors and broadcasters, Québec productions also benefit from several interesting tax tools and public funds attractive to foreign producers. SELECTIVE SUPPORT SODEC (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec) The SODEC is a government agency that reports to the Ministre de la Culture et des Communications du Québec. Founded in 1995, it is now a driving force of cultural development as it fulfils its mandate of promoting and supporting the establishment and development of cultural enterprises in all regions of Quebec. It is also responsible for ensuring the collective presence of these same companies at fairs, festivals and international markets. From 2004 to 2012, the SODEC invested close to $35 million in international coproductions via selective contributions : • Selective support for development, production, marketing, broadcast and promotion offered in the form of project investments, non-refundable and refundable grants. • Selective assistance programs: recoupable investments for documentaries (one-off, miniseries or series), and short, medium, and feature-length fiction films including animation. • Production support of up to 49% of the Québec budget, with applicable caps according to the production format. • Submitted projects must meet the aid program criteria. • An international coproduction must be recognized as an official coproduction according to a treaty signed with Canada and administered by Telefilm Canada. • At least 40% of the foreign financing must be confirmed. • SODEC specifically evaluates: »» the business partnership with the foreign coproducer which could lead to a reciprocal deal where the Québec producer would be the major partner; »» the proposed film; »» the national and international marketing plans. • Financial assistance is evaluated on the Québec share of the project and cannot exceed 49% of the Québec budget. Telefilm Canada • Supports the development of film production via assistance programs for development, production, marketing and distribution offered in the form of recoupable project investments, grants or refundable assistance. • Administers international coproduction treaties and Canada-France mini-treaties (financial support for production of film coproduction projects). • Administers the Canada Media Fund (for television and digital content projects). • Promotes Canadian content on the international scene. www.telefilm.ca TAX INCENTIVES Quebec tax incentives From 2004 to 2012, close to $70 million in support from Québec tax measures went towards coproduction in Québec. The Québec government contributed $287 million out of a total of $718 million in coproduction budgets. Evaluation parameters for a coproduction where Québec is a minority partner: • The project must be filed by the Québec coproduction partner by the application deadline. 21 Refundable tax credit for film and television production: Refundable tax credit for Canadian film or video production services: • Effective base rate of up to 17.5% of Québec financing for an eligible project. • Several rate bonuses are available, depending on the project specifics: • This tax incentive represents 16% of labour costs incurred by and paid to Canadian residents (permanent residents or Canadian citizens) for services provided in Canada. www.pch.gc.ca »» for a 70 mm film in the French language: effective rate of up to 22.5% »» for regional companies: up to 27.5% »» for special effects and computer animations: 10% bonus for eligible labour expenses • A minimum of 75% of goods and labour expenditures must be paid to companies and/or individuals residing in Québec. • The Québec producer must retain rights to the production and obtain approved coproduction status from Telefilm Canada. Refundable tax credit for film and television production services: • Represents 25% of expenses incurred and paid in Québec. • Bonus of 20% for labour for computer-aided special effects and animation and shooting of scenes in front of a chroma-key screen done in Québec. Federal fiscal incentives BANKING SERVICES AND FINANCIAL TOOLS Banking services in Québec are flexible and structured to service the film, television and multimedia industry with: • a thorough knowledge of the industry; • available credit tailored to the industry’s specific cash flows needs; • a wide range of tools available including interim financing, contract discounting, gap financing, etc. SODEC (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec) • SODEC also provides financial services to companies in the culture and communications sectors. Its services are comparable to those of other financial institutions and include loans and loan guarantees. Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Program: • Effective rate of up to 15% of eligible labour expenses. Québec producers must retain rights to the production and obtain a certificate from the Department of Canadian Heritage that confirms the production’s status as an official coproduction. 22 For further information: Sophie Labesse Executive Director, Financial and Tax Assistance sophie.labesse@sodec.gouv.qc.ca Catherine Loumède Executive Director, Film and Television Production catherline.loumede@sodec.gouv.qc.ca Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec (SODEC) www.sodec.gouv.qc.ca Partners SOCIÉTÉ DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES ENTREPRISES CULTURELLES (SODEC) Espace Québec - Pavilion 129 Village International-Riviera Esplanade Georges Pompidou Cannes Tel. : +33 (0)4 92 59 02 24 Montreal Office 215 Saint-Jacques St., suite 800 Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1M6 www.sodec.gouv.qc.ca Monique SIMARD President and CEO carole.desjardins@sodec.gouv.qc.ca Élaine DUMONT Director, international affairs elaine.dumont@sodec.gouv.qc.ca Véronique LE SAYEC Project manager, Exportation veronique.lesayec@sodec.gouv.qc.ca TELEFILM CANADA Pavilion 124 Village International-Riviera Esplanade Georges Pompidou Cannes Montreal Office 360 Saint-Jacques St., suite 600 Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1P5 www.telefilm.ca DÉLÉGATION GÉNÉRALE DU QUÉBEC À PARIS 66, rue Pergolèse 75116 Paris France www.quebec.fr LOJIQ - LES OFFICES JEUNESSE INTERNATIONAUX DU QUÉBEC www.lojiq.org José DUBEAU Project manager, international affairs jose.dubeau@sodec.gouv.qc.ca 23 t u O d n i F o T Whppaetn’insg Ha at tahcee Esp c Québe n Pavilio www.cinema-du-quebec.com Application Gratuite Espace Québec Cinéma du Québec à Paris 21 – 26 novemBER 2014 Rencontres de coproduction francophone 24 – 26 novembER 2014