Generic Rack meeting 4-7-2001
Generic Rack meeting 4-7-2001
Generic Rack meeting 4-7-2001 Agenda: 1) Status Report on cooling measurements (P. Maley) 2) New rack control system (A. Fucci) 3) Future plans (P. Maley) and Related activities (A. Fucci) ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New Generic Rack Control-Block Diagram 3 Phases+Neutral CANbus DC Power CONTROL BOX POWER BOX Aux. Power RACK ELEMENTS DC Power DC/DC R 16 A T R 16 A Crate 2 T R 16 A Crate 3 T R 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A COOLING T R 10 A Ventilation OUT ELMB Analog IN Adp Remote Reset INDICATORS Crate 1 T D T Safety chain Sensors S ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New Generic Rack Control Box- Functional Diagram 19/6/01 3:50 PM Paul 12V CANbus Jumper 1 Jumper 2 10V Regulator 5 V 24 V DC Regulator Ground Output drivers MasterPowerOn PowerOn<0..4> 5 ControlUnitConnected 5V DC/DC Adapter CAN Tx/Rx VCP VCG CAN_L CAN_H m C VDP GND VAP PowerUnitConnected DCPowerOK 5 ELMB PowerPresent <0..4> SafetyChainOK LocalMode Signal ground Digital Out 5V Digital In DoorClosed Reset Vref TurbineOK Adapters 5 Mux 5V A in + 5 Optional digital inputs 5 ADC Humidity+ HumidityValue A in Adapter Humidity- Reset 10V/12V DCPowerOK SafetyChainOK LocalMode RemoteMode PowerUnitConnected 2-wire NTC 3 3 5V Adapters 5 5 LED Logic 2 2 LED Logic 8 8 Temperatures: Water In A- Water out Rack air Connections for optional analog inputs A+ Optionalcontrol outputs Local-Heartbeat Remote-Heartbeat ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New Generic Rack Power Box- Functional Diagram Assured 220V Connection to control unit 24 V DC Ground Regulator Safety chain connection 5V MasterPowerOn PowerOn<0..4> Aux. Power 24V DC 5 Power distribution MasterPowerOn PowerUnit 24V Three-phase and Neutral in 5V Connected Safety Chain SafetyChainOK DCPowerOK PowerPresent<0..4> SafetyChainOK 16A 3 3 3 5 Drivers and LED logic 10A ON/OFF LocalMode 3x16A sockets 3 Control Unit Connected Signal ground 10A Block of 4X10A 10A 10A ON/OFF DCPowerOK SafetyChainAlarm 10A Single 10A retarded for turbine LocalMode Control Unit Connected T 5V Remote ON/OFF Local 18/6/01 1:59 PM Paul ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New Control Box ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New Control Box-interior ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New PowerBox ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New PowerBox-interior ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS New Control+Power box ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Control and Power Box Prototype Cost Geraldine Thomas, 25 June 2001 Control Box Components Control Unit ELMB Motherboard Signal adapters (NTC/1000 2-Wires) Circuit integre stab 7805 T0220 (LM340) regulateur +5V Circuit int. stab 7812 T0220 (LM340) regulateur +12V Circuit int.TTL SN74LS 244N octal non-inv tri-state bus driver DC/DC converter (Melcher) interface module, 14 poles, cable DIN 41651 resistances 0.25 W resistance de puissance RH50 14.7 Ohm 5% condensateurs, 35V 1uF Diodes HLMP 3507 HP vert PD16f mecanique, connectique Coins en aluminium 1029 PANNEAU FRONT.S.Trou 2 U 1029 Toles anticorodal AW-6082 (differentes tailles.) piece L 2U 1029 Boucle anti-traction pour prise cable femelle Prise cable femelle avec detrompteur central connecteur femelle sub-D 25 pins connecteur CAN femelles Connecteur CAN males boutton poussoir inverseur sous total Power Distribution Unit Circuit int.TTL SN74LS 244N octal non-inv tri-state bus driver Darlington driver ULN2003A resistance de puissance (40W) (RE75-10Ohms) Circuit integre stab 7805 T0220 (LM340) regulateur +5V Circuit int. stab 7812 T0220 (LM340) regulateur +12V transistors BD681 Condensateurs chimiques 63V, 22uF resistances 1/4W Alim a decoupage Serie LPS155-C Diodes HLMP 3502 HP 5 vertes, 2rouges,2 jaunes mecanique, connectiques Prises de Courant amovibles AK5-PC12 Telerupteur 24V DC (ref 15522) Contacteur (ref LP 4K 0910 BW3) Relais temporises (ref RE1-LC012) fil cablage electronique (1.5mn2) 10 metres fil cablage (0.25mn2) 10 metres DIN 4627/3 boutton poussoir inverseur interrupteur unipolaire Prise murale 16A 220V CEI 309 Prise 10A ENC.NR 1P+N+T Coin en Alumimium 1029 piece L 4U 1029 piece L 9U 1029 piece L 3U 1029 piece L 10U 1029 piece L 2U 1029 Toles anticorodal AW-6082 (differentes tailles.) Jeux de barres AK5-JB143 Unit price price / box (CHF) 1 1 16 1 1 4 1 1 30 1 4 8 250 150 3 0.34 0.32 0.58 88.8 80 0.04 4.9 0.42 0.16 250 150 48 0.34 0.32 2.32 88.8 80 1.2 4.9 1.68 1.28 8 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 2.4 12.5 12 2.2 0.22 0.74 4.7 3.25 3.25 6.2 19.2 12.5 12 6.6 0.22 0.74 4.7 9.75 9.75 6.2 710.5 2 1 1 1 1 5 2 15 1 9 0.58 0.74 4.9 0.34 0.32 0.4 0.45 0.04 262.97 0.16 1.16 0.74 4.9 0.34 0.32 2 0.9 0.6 262.97 1.44 5 5 5 1 10 10 1 5 1 3 5 16 4 4 4 8 4 1 1 2 10 20 22 0.52 0.33 2.5 6.2 2.8 10 13 2.4 2.4 3.4 2.3 4 2.2 33.13 15 sous total Qty TOTAL COST ESS 15th of May 2001 10 50 100 22 5.2 3.3 2.5 31 2.8 30 65 38.4 9.6 13.6 9.2 32 8.8 33.13 15 756.9 1467.4 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Generic rack prototype-ESS group ELMB control (top view) ELMB ADC and Mux (bottom view) ESS 4th of July 2001 9U VME Load Modules Rack Control crate A. Fucci-EP/ESS Aleph Racks in ESS lab ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Rack Mechanics & Cooling Summary From: Salvatore Di Pietro To: Adolfo Fucci <> Subject: Prix rack standard Status: Suite à ta demande de ce matin : 1 ) Baie ATLAS 600 x 1000 x 2400 avec : socle, porte standard non translucide, échelle à câbles verticale. Prix prévisionnel calculés sur la base de 500 ensemble : 1200.- Frs. environ. Délais : 12 mois après commande ferme et définitive . 2) Systeme de refroidissement : prix prévisionnel calculés sur la base de 500 ensemble : 1500.- Frs. environ. Délais : 12 mois après commande ferme et définitive . Un ensemble comprenant: - 4 batteries SPR 131055 EC. - 8 flexibles pour le raccordement au collecteur. - 2 collecteurs cuivre avec 4 ou 5 piquages avec raccord filetés 3/8‰ et une sortie basse filetée 3/4‰. - 1 unité de ventilation 19‰ constituée par une tôlerie zinguée et équipée de deux ventilateurs tangentiels Ziel Abegg. Moteur monophasé 220V 50 Hz, raccordement par câble sortis de 30 cm. Thermocontacts intégrés au bobinage, palier de roulement capsulé. Voyant et interrupteur deux vitesses sur plaque de fermeture avant des ventilateurs. - 1 unité de déflecteur de fond. 3) Extension de 10 cm et porte standard non translucide pour baies de récupération : 300.- Frs environ. Prix prévisionnel calculés sur la base de 300 pièces. Salutations Salvatore. ESS 15th of May 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Rack Rear Door Closed ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Load Module Price: 1325 CHF 21 pcs delivered 42 pcs in costr. 21 Modules in the crate Load testbench ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS ELMB 300 pcs reproduced (150 pcs for ATLAS) ELMB with ADC = 250 CHF ELMB w/t ADC = 150 CHF Mother board : 150 CHF ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS ESS-VME64X crate prototype ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS VME 64 X Status 9UVME64x Crate Orders Supplier ELCOTRON/WIENER USER Offer CERN Contract: ELCOTRON NO: K684/EP Development 99/1209.UV03 Quotation/pc currencyChange Quotation/pc Total/CHF No order Budget Code Date out Date delivery Type CHF. 1 1 5 6 5 0 EUR 1.600 25,040.00 2 5 , 0 4 0 CA 1174050 2 7 3 5 1 - 5 0 % 2 3 - M a y - 0 0 2 0 - A u g - 0 0 32343-40% 27901-8% CMS-ECAL 99/1123.UV01 3 1 9 9 5 0 DEM 0.823 1 6 , 4 1 8 . 8 5 4 9 , 2 5 7 CA 1167520 32396 15-Dec-99 20-Aug-00 C r a t e 6 1670W-B ATLAS-ROD 99/1214.UV01 1 1 9 9 2 0 DEM 0.823 1 6 , 3 9 4 . 1 6 1 6 , 3 9 4 CA 1168028 27901 14-Jan-00 09-Jun-00 C r a t e 6 2140W-R CMS-LIP 20/0106.UV01 1 1 7 6 4 8 DEM 0.823 1 4 , 5 2 4 . 3 0 1 4 , 5 2 4 CA 1168363 T214100 24-Jan-00 20-Aug-00 C r a t e 3 1100-B CERES-HARP 20/0328.UV01 8 7 2 5 5 EUR 1.600 1 1 , 6 0 8 . 0 0 9 2 , 8 6 4 CA 1172503 27351 11-May-00 19-Jun-00 C r a t e 4 1670W-L TOTAL Crates Q 13 198,079 Crate-Project 20/0629.UV02 1 1 3 4 1 EUR 1.600 2,145.60 2 , 1 4 6 CA1175605 27352 31-Aug-00 2 4 - J a n - 0 1 P.Box Rack-Project 20/0926.UV01 3 9 0 4 6 EUR 1.600 1 4 , 4 7 3 . 6 0 4 3 , 4 2 1 CA1177288 27351 10-Oct-00 01-Feb-01 C r a t e Spare NA45 20/0926.UV02 2 3 2 4 0 EUR 1.600 5,184.00 1 0 , 3 6 8 CA 1176701 27351 02-Oct-00 01-Feb-01 P.Supply Rack-Project 20/1009.UV01 3 8 6 0 EUR 1.600 1,376.00 4 , 1 2 8 CA1177039 29840 16-Oct-00 2 4 - J a n - 0 1 P.Box LHC-spare 21/0314.UV01 TOTAL Crates 4 7 Users 9 2 5 8 EUR 1.520 1 4 , 0 7 2 . 1 6 5 6 , 2 8 9 CA1181879 116,351 27351 19-Mar-01 15-Jun-01 C r a t e Cost Design: Rear Cage Card CMS 1 8 0 0 EUR 1.600 2,880.00 Power Bus Backplane J0 CMS 5 4 5 0 EUR 1.600 8,720.00 Power Connector System & Locking System Various 8 4 0 0 EUR 1.600 13,440.00 Total Cost POOL commitment CMS commitment ATLAS commitment ESS 4th of July 2001 Nb Total module Power 1 5 6 5 0 EUR 25,040.00 13,040.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 27351 32343 27901 A. Fucci-EP/ESS 6 2646W-L 6 2646W-L CANopen for VME crates 1. Proposal from M.Merkel to Wiener- sent out 2. Response from Wiener: Yes they can do it: participation to development cost ( 2/3): 21 800 E extra cost per power supply (if above) in qts.: 175 E Compared to CANbus only which is today: 153 E ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS VME 64X Remote Power Supply-open ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Water Cooled power supply + 1200 E to the cost ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Water Cooled power supply-inside ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Remote Power Supply Test - Summary Summary: 1. Cable lenght induces voltage spikes if load current changes rapidly. 2m lenght remote power we can forget, for the moment. Measurements on 55 cm: 1A/uS slew r., 30% change(50/150A), 840mV spike on cable 1A/uS slew r., 30% change(50/150A), 540mV spike on tresse better cables may reduce to +or- 400mV(8% of V):too much CPU: FEDC/HARP: CTPD/ATLAS: 1A/25uS slew r., change (4/7 A), 100mV 1A/11uS slew r., change (10/76A), 120mV 1A/40uS slew r., change (1/15 A), 180mV 2. For 55cm cable lenght, static/dynamic slope should be less than 1A/50uS (or <250mV on 5V). Note: VME cycle crashes at changes bigger than 20 A (slope 0.4 A/uS). New discovery: Max power of power supply must cope with max dynamic needs. We have seen with the FEDC that it can more than 100% Future plans: Remote Power supply in the rack, measurements, final report. Propose a "common project" LHC facility test bench to measure all parameters for 6U and 9U LHC boards. ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Remote power supply - 55 cm cables used 1. D = 70 mm2, L = 410 nH (1KHz) 2. D = 70 mm2, L = 310 nH " 3. D = 70 mm2, L = 290 nH " 1 2 3 ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS HARP - FEDC board ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS VME activity FEDSCOPE- soft trigger VME Power Supply L=55cm 12 FEDC CPU FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC VME backplane CPU : 4 A static Total : 58 A D = 8 A (~ 14%) FEDC : 4.5 A static ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS VME activity FEDSCOPE- enable acquisition VME Power Supply L=55cm 14 FEDC CPU FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC VME backplane CPU : 4 A static FEDC : 4.5 A static ESS 4th of July 2001 Total : 67 A D = 45 A (~ 67 %) A. Fucci-EP/ESS Power supply soft start VME Power Supply 12 FEDC CPU L=55cm FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC FEDC VME backplane CPU : 4 A static FEDC : 4.5 A static ESS 4th of July 2001 Total : 58 A D = 118 A (~ 103 %) A. Fucci-EP/ESS Master/slave power supply Slave up to 3.5KW Master up to 15 KW 3 phases 380 V = 415V up to 4KW Slave plugged on the crate PCF TR PCF Slave PCF Bottom of the rack Slave Saving of 6 cm in lenght ESS 4th of July 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS Future - Proposal Summary a) Build a second rack prototype with: 1) Comparative study for the rack control 2) Mount and measure VME crates with remote power supply 3) Water cooled power supply 4) Mount HV master systems 5) Leave one for measurements and tests in ESS, install the other in GIF with the web control access ESS 15th of May 2001 A. Fucci-EP/ESS