Annual Report 2007 - The Voice of Love
Annual Report 2007 - The Voice of Love
Stockton Cambodian Seventh-day Adventist with Stockton Central 1314 N. Madison St. Stockton CA 95202 Tel: 209.465.0213 2007 Annual Summary Report & Cambodian Ministry Update Calaveras Big Tree. A group nature walk , one of many other camping activities…(8/22-26/07) C o n t e n t I. Cambodian Ministry III. Upcoming Events ■ Camp Meeting 2007 ………....Front & 2 ■ 2007 Ministry & Mission Trip Highlights ...…………………....2-4 ■ Graduation of Lay Pastors …………...6 ■ Christmas in Community……………..7 II. Radio Ministry ■ Pray earnestly ………………………...7 ■ Plan for 2008 and beyond…………….7 ■ Radio Ministry Update...........................5 ■ Success and Challenges ……………….6 IV. What are our next steps? You can reach Pastor Sophat SORN at: (209) 483-2368 -—- —— 1314 N. Madison Street, Stockton CA 95202 2007 Summary Annual Report & Update rVykarN_segÅb¨bcaMq~aM 2007 nig bcͬbºn~PaB TMB&r - Page 2 I. Cambodian Ministry Update ■ Camp Meeting 2007 “The last group to leave the camp on Sunday August 26.” Stockton Cambodian Seventhday Adventists have been camping for 15 years this year. It has always been a blessing for our members and those who are at the camp meeting. It is the time for a member reunion, a time for spiritual revival and refreshing. This year’s camp meeting was planned by Dr. and Mrs. Nora Chan. The theme of our camping was “Becoming Disciples”. Due to the unavailability of our guest speaker, Pastor Sophat Sorn was again invited to speak. Five days at Calaveras Big Trees was really rewarding. Members had time to greet each other, share devotionals and testimonies and prayed together. ■ HIGHLIGHTS IN 2007 MISSION TRIP TO CAMBODIA (May– July 2007) A fundraising was organized by Cambodian Adventists of Stockton led by Sophoan Sorn in May 2007. Our Prayers for Our Mission Trip to Cambodia: June 4-30, 2007 Radio Ministry: • To meet with local listeners in Cambodia to get their feedback and to assess the needs of the Gospel • To strengthen the partnership with local pastors and church planters by encouraging them to get involved with sharing messages and testimonies; and to utilize “The Voice of Love” (VOL) Radio as a tool for evangelism. • To enhance the recording capability and uploading of sound files to VOL studio in Stockton, California, USA • To bring the word (advertise) out about our radio program and our VOL Website: • To simplify the work and multiply the production Sabbath School Quarterly: • To find out ways to collaborate with the Mission in Cambodia to translate the quarterly Adult Sabbath School lessons on a regular basis... Uncle Yorn, Leader at Tuol Toting house worship group led the worship. 2007 Summary Annual Report & Update rVykarN_segÅb¨bcaMq~aM 2007 nig bcͬbºn~PaB TMB&r - Page 3 II. Radio Ministry 28 DAYS’ MISSION TRIP HIGHLIGHTS Worshipped with Mission Church, Phnom Penh Shannon shared story of Jesus to children in Mission Church, Phnom Penh through her interpreter Chamroeun Nhean, the son of Pastor Nhean thonsovan to about 40 children and early teens gathered on the east side step of the Mission Church. We visited 6 churches, ADRA, SDA Center, CAS and neighboring sites, 7 meetings including meeting Mission President and Recording testimonies. 28 radios were given out and I have met several individuals. Meeting with church planters and pastors from all over The country. I want to thank God for the exceeding blessings on our trip. I met with almost a hundred pastors and church planters. I was given time to share with them the goals and purposes of my mission trip, conduct surveys for Radio Voice of Love, listen to and record their testimonies. Many radios and information postcards were given out. Church planters are our partners in the Voice of Love. Worshipped with Veal Rinh Church Group I am glad to be able to come to this place. It reminds me of the place where I worked some 24 years ago and it is the place where I got acquainted with the name Seventhday Adventist. In the early 1980’s before I fled to the border camp I was assigned to work there. Our company had 4 dark orange (dumping) trucks written on their doors (on both sides): “Seventh-day Adventist World Service, Ministry of Health”. Worshipped with House Church at Tuol Toting Uncle Yorn is one of the district leaders at Prey Nup District, Kampong Som. He heard about Jesus through the Voice of Love radio and he accepted the call and received Jesus as his personal Savior. Uncle Yorn started a group and he leads it with his faithful listening to the VOL and working closely with the church planter Brother Sao Saruth. They have no place to worship but a woman has offered her small house to worship every Sabbath. Please pray for their place of worship. Pastor Nhean Thonsovan presented a radio to Tuol Toting Church leader 2007 Summary Annual Report & Update rVykarN_segÅb¨bcaMq~aM 2007 nig bcͬbºn~PaB TMB&r - Page 4 Meeting with God’s Laborers From All over the Country for Radio Ministry and Much More! ■ Mission Trip Conclusion: 1. Sabbath School Quarterly Translation Meeting with Mission President Garth Anthony and Mission Secretary Lim Pheng Our prayerful intention to internationalize Cambodian Sabbath School Quarterly was welcome and agreed upon by the Mission President of Cambodia Elder Garth Anthony. Pastor Lim Pheng is very happy to see that planned. He agreed to be in charge of staffing and will assign the managing of translation work to Mission’s Translation Department. With that in mind, 2 language-fluent staff will be recruited by the Mission. The only thing we wait is to request the fund from Elder George Atiga of the Union Conference ($ 3,000) to be handled by ASAP. The budget allocation was made at the Union workers’meeting last February 2007 at Thousand Oaks. Cambodian work, the money for Sabbath School Quaerterly. For more details or any questions, please contact me: Pastor Sorn Sophat at : (209) 483-2368 E-mail: Please pray that this work will be blessing to many for His Kingdom. 2. Radio Ministry Uncle Yorn is the fruit of the Voice of Love. Under his church leadership many more are drawn to Christ. We have prayed with Pastor Nhean Thonsovan and the Lord impresses us to be interested to support this group. Pastor Thonsovan told me that a wooden church can be built that costs $ 2500, which will last about 10 years. Our Stockton group will do fundraise and ask ASAP to include in the 2008 project. Please pray for God’s will. Tuol Toting House Church , led by Uncle Yorn, was packed with over 30 people 2007 Summary Annual Report & Update rVykarN_segÅb¨bcaMq~aM 2007 nig bcͬbºn~PaB TMB&r - Page 5 II. Radio Ministry (The Voice of Love) ■ Radio Ministry Update MESSAGES FROM OUR ONLINE LISTENERS: (Collected from Voice of Love Website Guest Book) Message: “I am a member of Seventh-day Adventist. Our church member like to listen to this website very much. We worship in American Church, but we worship in our group in Khmer language with other Khmers in Welcom and Charlott. One of our member would like someone go to his son and his daughters house in Cambodia. I emailed Pastor Thonsovan about that but maybe he is busy. He wants someone’s phone who could go his children house. May the Lord bless you all.” In God we love, Kimhong Message: “Pastor Sophat My name Marady Meas. I just got the United States for one year. I am a member of Seventh-day Adventist for five years now. I know God is so wonderful. God is the source of love, peace happiness. I been listen on line and hear how God work. How people feel when they receive Jesus. Especially Mis Seth Sinat. I remember heer. I miss the Church in Cambodia. Thank for the program. I feel like I am in Cambodia”. God bless, Marady Message: Praise the Lord for the blessing and the everlasting news you share to the world. Especially, to the Cambodian family around the world. May God continue to bless your ministry. Ms. Seth Sinat shared her life changing testimony of how Jesus and the Power of His name has saved her from her deadly disease “AIDS”. Sovath Sim POSITIVE NEWS Our radio program has improved greatly in many respects: First, we have advertised more to let people know that we exist. Then we have mobilized participation from local pastors and church planters and resources from elsewhere. We have stabilized and ensured our program successfully. Recently we gained one more Richmond group who is willing to contribute segments for our program. Secondly, though we do not have big number of baptism yet, we have planted the seeds in their heart and have inspired their interest in finding out the truth from God. More listeners from radio and from internet has increased greatly. Thirdly, we have improved ourselves in broadcasting field that few years ago we had no clues at all about how and what to say. Praise the Lord! Rejoicing always in His Service. . 2007 Summary Annual Report & Update rVykarN_segÅb¨bcaMq~aM 2007 nig bcͬbºn~PaB TMB&r - Page 6 II. Radio Ministry (Continued…) PROGRAM PRODUCTION AND STRATEGY Strategy: We have sustained the production on time. Up to now, we focus on 3 things: (1) Local pastors, church planters’ participation (2) Quality message and content program (3) Get feedback from our listeners Production: We still produce and insure 2 programs /week while focus on quality programs. Pastor Thonsovan is committed to assist in this ministry. The church planters are partners in spreading God’s words via radio and do small group listening circle. Pastor Thonsovan and Pastor Noeum Vannak promise to record more segments of various programs and send to me for putting programs and upload to Guam. On the other hand, it is of good advantage for the online program since people can listen to anytime from anywhere the internet service available. Recently, Thany Roth from Richmond Virginia has joined in our project by recording some Bible Study and testimonies and songs for the program. Challenges: • • • Lacking recording equipments and intensive training from AWR Uploading capability of large sound files to meet the broadcasting standard. Unable to communicate in timely manners with front line listeners, even our partners. Suggested Solutions: • • • Need a laptop or a MicroTract 24/96 Digital Recorder with 2 GB CF Card (So Pastor Noeum Vannak, assistant to Pastor Nhean Thonsovan, can record with mobility. Uploading large file is possible with AWR training and equipment using CuteFTP Pro but requires High Speed Internet. They can burn on a CD and send with someone coming for hand delivery. III. Upcoming Events * NCC Conference-wide Convocation at Sacramento Convention Center, September 15, 2007 * Leonie Meadow Retreat for Pastors September 30, 2007 * Christmas Celebration in Community December (Date to be announced) Pastor Sophat Sorn preached at camp meeting 2007, translated by Dr. Nora Chan 2007 Summary Annual Report & Update rVykarN_segÅb¨bcaMq~aM 2007 nig bcͬbºn~PaB TMB&r - Page 7 ■ Graduation of Lay and Assistant Pastors After over a year of continued training directly from Dr. VicLouie Arreola III who is Pastor at All Nations Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sacramento, and Director of Asian Pacific Institute for Lay Ministry. Four leaders from Stockton Adventist Group will be graduated this coming November 2007. The place will be at Fil-Am Seventh-day Adventist Church in Stockton. The time will be confirmed within a few weeks. This training is essentially important to equip God’s workers for service to fulfill the Northern California Conference’s vision: “ Every member a minister, every pastor the equipper”. ■ Christmas in Community As usual, every year we have some outreach activities. This year we will have Christmas celebration at Park Village again. Leaders in this community were very happy to have us there last year. So they invite us back. It is good opportunity to meet hundred people there who come to share the joy of Christ’s birth. We share with them the Good Tidings of Salvation and the Savior who comes to give Himself to us — the gift of eternal life. Please pray for us that our presence there will not be in vain but to share Christ with them. IV. Our Next Steps: Plan for 2008 & Beyond ■ Plan to make more programs for AWR ■ Build a church in Tuol Toting, Kampong Som In 2008 Thanks Dr. Nora Chan and Mrs. Olivia Chan and the Chan’s family for their dedication in promoting camp meeting every year. Picture taken at Calaveras River along with Shannon Sorn and Max. (8/25/2007) ■ Plan to edit Sabbath School Quarterly Lessons soon ■ Train members for evangelism in 2008 PLEASE JOIN IN OUR FERVENT AND ERNEST PRAYER : ■ That the Voice of Love will be blessed, being an effective tool for evangelism and God’s spoken words (Everlasting Gospel, the Three Angel Message) to people on every land even where missionaries cannot go. ■ That the Sabbath School Quarterly lessons in Khmer (Cambodian) will soon be in the hand of every Cambodian Adventists and those who long for spiritual growth. ■ For our religious freedom in spreading the Gospel and to practice and spread Adventism in Cambodia and elsewhere to hasten our Lord’s Second Coming. AMEN.