Bulletin Jan. 24-2016


Bulletin Jan. 24-2016
January 24, 2016
Sunday Service 9:30 am
Service Leader: Gerry Willems
Song Leader: Luke Martens & Rachel Andres
Offertory: Madelaine Friesen
Speaker: David Seeley - Redberry Bible Camp
Sunday Volunteer
Volunteer Schedule
Ushers Neil & Barb P./Randy & Jen W.
Sound Tech Trevor R.
Video Tech Sara P.
Jan. 31
Sheldon & Linda W./Wayne & Donna A.
Ken J.
Andrew B.
Toddler’s Room Logan & Julia N. & Mari S.
Children’s Church Kim B. & Natalie & Tori H.
Snack Schedule Karin T. & Penny J.
Jan. 31
Kim B. & Lana D.
Coral K. & Lynette vK.
Hepburn MB Contact Information:
Moderator: Bryant van Kuik
email: bvankuik@gmail.com
Lead Pastor: Rod Schellenberg
email: rodschellenberg@hepburnmb.com
Associate Pastor: Greg Klassen
email: gregklassen@hepburnmb.com
Children’s Ministry Director: Kelsie-Lynn Harms
email: kelsielynnharms@gmail.com
Admin Assistant: Marie Reggin
email: office@hepburnmb.com
Custodian: Ron & Diane Boldt
email: fisherman2@sasktel.net
Box 237, 221 - 2nd Avenue South, Hepburn SK S0K 1Z0
PHONE: 306-947-2085 WEBSITE: hepburmb.com EMAIL: office@hepburnmb.com
OFFICE HOURS: Mon. & Wed. 8:30 - 4:00 Fri 8:30 - 3:00 Days off: Rod - Mon, Greg - Fri
Focus & Surrender
Matt. 7:24-27, Phil. 3:12-14, &
Mark 12:30-31
Coffee and Tea after the service in the back foyer with MBistro
Adult Classes: The Bible... how'd we get it? (part 3) Learning
and discussion with Pastor Rod
Children's Ministry Information
SUPERVISED TODDLER ROOM available during service downstairs
CHILDREN’S CHURCH downstairs during service ages 4 - Gr. 1
FIRST LOOK (10:45-12:00) downstairs toddler room, ages 2 - k
CLUB 252 (10:45-12:00) downstairs, grades 1 - 6
Next Sunday
Pray for volunteers in our church, our boards and
committees, Children’s Ministry, etc.
Pastor Rod speaking; sermon series: Kindled - Father, Son & Spirit
and the Church’s beginnings; Acts 8:1-40; Adult class
Pray for Albert Balla as he recovers at home.
Pray for our Missionaries: Trevor & Joan Godard, continue to pray for them as they prepare
to start up the new school they are starting.
They have their celebration for starting on Jan.
30th. Pray for the financial support they need to
get the building project completed and for their
own support as well. Pray for the decision for
the students that are going to be attending that
they have clear guidance from the Lord, that
they know the cost.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 7 - Pastor Rod & Marie Reggin speaking
 Feb. 14 - Austin Gagne speaking
 Feb. 21 - Pastor Rod speaking
 Feb. 28 - Clarence Peters speaking
SR. YOUTH (Gr. 9-12)
Wed. Jan. 27
Small Groups
7:30 - 9:30
Fri. Jan. 29 - 31 Kadesh Retreat
Annual General
Monday March 7
7:00 p.m.
JR. YOUTH (Gr. 7 & 8)
Thur. Jan. 28
No Youth
Sponsor Meeting
MOMS meeting MOMS
Meet Wednesday 10 - 11:30 a.m. at
Hepburn MB Church. Follow on facebook: “Moms Meeting Moms” or contact Kayleigh Klassen 260-7671
Looking for people to help with providing a meal for the Kids club at The Bridge in
Saskatoon 1 Monday a month. You are welcome to come help serve it or I can pick it
up. The meal is Caesar salad, pulled pork and buns, food for 40 people. Dates are Feb
8, Mar 14 and April 25. If you are interested in helping out with the whole meal or
just parts of it please contact Melanie Rempel.
Board of Personnel kindly reminds you to complete the Discernment Survey at:
Deadline is January 24.
This Sunday is the last day.
Partnering Ministry
Redberry Bible Camp: Applications are available for Campers, Staff, Foundations
Program (LIT) and Family Camp. Visit www.redberrybiblecamp.com to apply today!
SK Conference: Meetings in BC This is going to be a busy week for Moderator Phil
Gunther, Director of Ministry Terrance Froese, Director of Ministry Support Pat Dergousoff and our SKMB National Board of Faith & Life representative Ben Kramer as
they travel to BC to attend Canadian Conference of MB Churches meetings. Please
pray that these meetings have a huge positive impact on the future work of the Lord
through our denomination, both provincially and nationally.
MCC Connects: : Please join us at Grace Westminster United Church (505-10th St E,
Saskatoon) for an MCCS Relief Sale Fundraising Concert, February 21, 2016 – 2:30pm.
Matt Pauls will perform selections from the works of Franz Schubert as well as Argentinian and Canadian composers. Tickets are $20 and will be available at the door.
The Canadian Conference will be holding their week of prayer January 24-30, 2016.
Join other MB’s across the country in praying for our country that week.
*Lady's dessert night on January 26th at
7:30pm downstairs at the church. Please
join us for good coffee, delicious desserts, and friendly conversation.
Come join!!!
Prayer Items
MB Mission (Restricted)
Pray for boldness and strength as S serves with a
team in Europe and shares the Gospel with North
African immigrants
Family News
Congratulation to Warren & Cheryl Boldt on the
birth of their new baby grandson, Liam Bentley
John, born to their son & daughter-in-law,
CJ & Shantal on Sunday Jan. 17.
SUN: Service 9:30 a.m.
Classes to follow service
TUE: Pray for school 9a.m. - 10a.m.
WED: Sr. Youth 7:30 p.m.
THUR: Jr. Youth 7:00 p.m.
FRI: Alcoholics Anonymous 8:00 p.m.