Deacon Nominations New E-Vision Deadline The Page Worship at
Deacon Nominations New E-Vision Deadline The Page Worship at
Deacon Nominations Church members will nominate Deacons on Sunday, August 28, in all services. New E-Vision Deadline The deadline for entries has changed from Monday at 5:00 p.m. to Friday at 5:00 p.m. The Page The yellow Page is a quick reference for events happening at the church. Please be sure to pick one up! The Page is placed, alongside the E-Vision, around the church for your convenience. Worship at First Baptist 8/21/2016 Chapel: 8:45 a.m. Celebration: 11:00 a.m. Bill Hardee Sermon: “Freedom” Luke 13:10-17 Connexion: 11:00 a.m. Hambric Brooks Sermon: “Why Am I Afraid I Am Not Making a Difference?” Matthew 10:29-31 PAGE TWO MUSIC MINISTRY This is an exciting time of year for the Music Ministry! Our children’s choirs and Sanctuary Choir are off to a great start! The Handbell Choir resumed its rehearsals this week and the Orchestra will be gearing up soon! The Sanctuary Choir has enjoyed a time of fellowship and growth this summer with its annual Sup ’n’ Sing events. Not only has the choir enjoyed fellowship and music-making this summer, we’ve welcomed four new singers in June, July, and August. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY 1st Grade Bible Presentation Our 1st graders will be recognized in our Celebration and Connexion services on Sunday, August 28. Our church family will celebrate their promotion to our children’s department with the gift of a Bible. If your family has a 1st grader, please plan to participate and let Sarah know which service to expect you in on August 28. Be sure to save Sunday, December 18, on your calendar! The Piano Ensemble made up of 10 First Baptist pianists will be presenting The Holly and the Ivories at 6:00 pm. You won’t want to miss it! If you’re not already involved in a Music Ministry ensemble, now’s the time to take part! STUDENT MINISTRY ADULT MINISTRY Wednesday Nights are back in the Basement 8/17! 6pm- Doors Open Hang Out- Friends, games, snacks 7pm- Gathering- Worship, Message, Small Groups Students will be dismissed from Small Group at 8:05. This Week- What Makes You Happy? Week 1 (Matthew 22:37-39) Griffin vs Spalding Tailgate Friday, 8/26, we will tailgate at the church starting at 5:30 and will walk over to the game together! Sunday AM Bible Study 9:45 Basement This Week Over Time Week 3 (James 3:18) Book Discussion is Thursday, August 18 Adults of all ages are invited to participate in the August 18 book discussion of Lee Strobel’s THE CASE FOR GRACE, facilitiated by Brian McCartney at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Library. Copies of the book are available to be purchased at the library desk. Strobel was formerly an atheistic journalist who chose to explore Christianity as a skeptic. His skepticism turned to true faith, and he is the bestselling author of THE CASE FOR CHRIST. Our discussion will focus on evidence for transformed lives. Join the discussion! PAGE THREE New Arrival Congratulations to Lindsey and Perrian Calhoun in the birth of their newest daughter, Leah Naomi, born August 8. Proud grandparents are Brenda and Ed Bistany, and proud sisters are Lila and Lacy. Mom’s Small Group The Mom's Small group is Wednesday from 6:007:00 p.m. in the Coffeehouse. We will use a book as a guide to pray specific biblical scriptures over our children. Join us next Wednesday! Books are provided; please bring $10 for the cost of the book. Small Group for 20’s-30’s Hosted by Hambric Brooks. Have you ever wondered why you are here? What is it that you are supposed to do with your life? Join us as we study S.H.A.P.E. together and embark on a journey of a lifetime. Hope to see you there! Thursday Nights in The Coffee House 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. MasterLife Small Group With the change in start time for age-group activities on Wednesday nights, the MasterLife group will begin at 6:00 p.m. rather than 5:45 p.m. in the Hospitality Room. Brian McCartney will facilitate this 7 week small group. August 10– September 21. Church History Do you have any R.A. (Royal Ambassadors) photos or artifacts? We would like to expand the collection in the church library. If you’ll let us copy photographs, we’ll return the originals to you. When you are cleaning out closets or decluttering and come across anything related to First Baptist, don’t throw it out! See if we need it for our historical collection. Contact Alice Blake: or bring it to the library. As you go by the display cabinets, take a look at the Girl’s Auxiliary display, right outside of the Church Office. Prayer Request We all have prayer requests. It is good for us to share with one another and with God our requests. The Prayer Ministry Team now has a prayer request! Each Sunday during the Chapel, Celebration and Connexion worship services there is a person interceding for the worship experiences. We are in need of volunteers who would be willing to pray once every month or two during either the early service (8:30-9:30) or 11:00 services in the prayer room. Please pray about this request and if you are willing to volunteer please call Ann Fisher at 770-2270489. Leave a message and she will return your call. Another praying opportunity occurs every Monday morning from 10:30 to 11:30 as a group meets to pray specifically for our church, the staff, and our members. We meet in the prayer room except on 4th Monday of each month when we meet in a member’s home. Please pray about and consider coming to pray along with us. If you are interested or have any questions please contact Joyce McCartney at 404513-9426. Wednesday Night Menu August 17– Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Pork ‘n’ Beans, Salad, Cole Slaw, Chips, Cookies August 24 –Spaghetti, Salad, Bread, Chocolate Cake August 31 –Chicken Pot Pie, Yellow Rice, Salad, Biscuits, Banana Pudding September 7 –Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad, Biscuits Dessert From the Prayer Team: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 PAGE FIVE The Search for Significance Dr. Bill Hardee The more our culture becomes diverse, the more profound is our thirst for significance. When everyone had pretty much the same things as others, when our religion was dominant in culture, when people generally respected each other and worked together for the common good, our culture helped us to know whether or not we were on the right track in life. We all need some kind of measure to understand whether we fit or belong. Now, all bets are off. Limits in our job prospects, diversity in ethnic backgrounds, decreasing identification with a vibrant Christianity, multi-faith traditions surrounding us, changing moral visions, diverse understandings of masculine and feminine rolls, and a deepening uncertainty about what is normal threatens to unravel us. It seems that our culture is obsessed with celebrities and powerful people. Attractiveness, wealth, talent, power, and success confront us in all forms of media. We’re saturated by media in every waking moment by success stories and the lifestyles of: the rich and famous; the talented and adored; the beautiful and the handsome; the strong and the viral; the powerful and the movers; the educated and the well-paid; and, the recognized and the exceptional. We too would like to be superheroes, stars, recognized, and successful too. As a people, we are desperate for significance. Shirin Taber puts it this way: "Someone will always seem smarter, richer or more beautiful. The media constantly bombards me with the message that I don’t measure up. I always need some new gadget, beauty product or degree to make me feel good about myself. I’m up when I feel skinny like a fashion model, but down when my home doesn’t look like the cover of a Pottery Barn catalog. Up, down. Down, up. My significance barometer can be as erratic as a pogo stick." Our daughters compare themselves with others and feel they do not measure up. Our sons, whose identity is tied to their jobs, abilities, and sense of success, harbor a frightening doubt that they do not have what they need to excel. The competition is stiff, the obstacles are high, the opportunities are meager, and their emotional well-being is weakened. Society interprets our value, our significance, by our performance. Are the right people attracted to us? Do we excel in our vocations? Do we make enough money for 4 week vacations in Europe? Can we provide the best opportunities for our children? Are we perfect? It is one of life's toughest lessons. If our performance is the judge of our significance, we will never be happy in our own skin. It never has been, at least through the eyes of God, that our significance is based upon our gifts or achievements. Our significance is a direct result of being created by God, cherished by God, and gifted to explore a unique life filled with ups and with downs. Envy is self-defeating. It prevents us from prizing what we do have and reminds us what we do not have. Jealousy is destructive. The hidden refrain is we are inadequate compared to others. Depression is paralyzing. It robs us of the energy and sense of direction need to work for our dreams. Selfishness is plain stupid. None of us get anywhere without the help of others. If we are not mindful of helping others, we will find fewer folks to give us a hand up. Comparing ourselves with others is insanity. There is always someone better off and others worse. Measuring our lives by outward criteria is self-defeating. Our value is who and what we are—not what we have or have not achieved. It is about whether we can appreciate what we are becoming, be at peace with ourselves, find gratitude for what we have, dream about positive futures, see the value in small accomplishments, and above all, whether we are people who know how to love in a healthy fashion. Being ordinary is way underrated. I celebrate being ordinary. I find my joys in friendships, in tranquil surroundings, in the world of nature, and when my eyes look with wonder at the heavens. I find great comfort in my smallness compared with nature’s grandeur. I enjoy learning new things. I think that wealth would be nice, but that on a day to day basis, not having wealth keeps me closer to people, makes me more accessible to being an encourager, and allows me to be faithful to God’s work more consistently. I look at the powerful and see that for all their power, they often use it in foolish ways. Life is good when: we accept ourselves; we don’t make excuses for our weaknesses but simply strive to improve; we celebrate the small pleasures of life; and, we reject an inward focus for an outward focus. In every life there are deep disappointments, haunting regrets, lost opportunities, failed dreams, and stupid mistakes. For most of us, there are also beloved friends, joyful moments, the pleasure of simple deeds finished, and the deep sense of belonging to God and to family. If you place those two different sets on opposing sides of a scale and you pay attention to what you have, what you do not have seems (dare I say it)—insignificant! PAGE SIX VITAL SIGNS | August 14, 2016 SERVING SUNDAY, August 21 If you’ve traded dates to serve, please remind the individual with whom you traded. ATTENDANCE Worship Attendance 447 CONTRIBUTIONS Budget $ 1,370,000.00 Needed Weekly $ 26,346.15 Received Budget (8/14/16) $ 31,361.64 Needed in 33 Weeks $ 869,422.95 Ken Bozeman, Tim Murphy, Linda & Marty Shiver Received in 33 Weeks $ 803,098.05 Extended Teaching Care 11:00 a.m.: Babies: Suzanne Campbell, Sheron Pilcher Walkers: Jayne & Krase Widener Twos: Robin & Patrick Shepard Threes: Sally Brake, Tammy Sexton Greeters: 8:45 a.m. Chapel Service: Patsy & Gary Kingsley 11:00 a.m. Celebration Service: Gertrude Landrum, Below Requirement to date $ 66,324.90 Deacons: Scott Bailey, Wayne Graddy, Gail Hammock, Diane Hayden Intercessors: Ann Fisher, Linda Schortinghouse Common Grounds: Gary’s Team – Gary Alexander, Paul Moore, Peggy & Ken Smith 11:00 a.m. Connexion Service: Susan Hardwick, Mandi & Ryan Reynolds, Victoria & Stuart Young Library: Betty Cohran Security Team: John Bankston, Jim Campbell Transportation: Call Kim Willis at 678-873-7295 First Baptist Church of Griffin 106 West Taylor Street Griffin, Georgia 30223-3025 A Stephen Ministry Congregation Church Numbers Church Office ......................................... 770-227-5517 Fax number ............................................ 770-412-7873 Pastor’s Study/Pastoral Care ............... 770-227-1096 Weekday Office ...................................... 770-228-7880 Dr. Bill Hardee, Senior Pastor...………………..……………..………………ext. 120 Dr. Hambric Brooks, Associate Pastor……………………………………...ext. 123 Rev. Kyle Boyer, Minister to Students……………………………………….ext. 111 Rev. Sarah Murray, Minister to Families with Children…………………...ext. 122 Rev. Brian McCartney, Minister of Education………………………....……ext. 124 Rev. Marty Watts, Minister of Music and GSA Director…………………...ext. 121 Mrs. Diane Lamb, Weekday Director and Director of Food Service…….ext. 128 Dr. Bruce Morgan, Pastor Emeritus FAITH FORMATION THIS WEEK Wednesday, August 10 Sunday, August 14 Children 79 78 Students 77 41 Adults 139 263 295 382 MINISTERS ON CALL Hambric Brooks August 19-21 Bill Hardee August 26-28 If you have an emergency after hours, on these weekends, and need to contact a minister, please call 678-572-3962. Worship Broadcasts can be found each Sunday on Comcast Cable Channel 25 (11:00 am and 10:00 pm) and at WKEU 88.9 FM (11:00 am) Live Streaming is now available on our website. For a detailed listing of calendar events, please visit the church website at If you want information to appear in the E-Vision, please have all info to Publications by FRIDAY at 5:00 P.M. each week. All information for The Page should be in by WEDNESDAY at 12:00 P.M. each week. Information should be emailed to
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Transportation: Call Kim Willis at 678-873-7295
First Baptist Church of Griffin
106 West Taylor Street
Griffin, Georgia 30223-3025
A Stephen Ministry Congregation
Church Numbers