KEYNOTES - Siesta Key Chapel


KEYNOTES - Siesta Key Chapel
March 2015
From Ash Wednesday to Easter many Christians in the Western world observe the Season of Lent. There is
no Biblical mandate to do so. In fact, the idea only arose centuries after the Church was established –
possibly to “baptize” other pagan celebrations of springtime. For those who choose to do so, the forty days
leading up to Easter offer an emotional/spiritual window of opportunity to, in effect, clean house and draw
closer to God.
Here at the Chapel we do our best to encourage spiritual renewal year round. This Lent, many of us are
using daily readings from the devotional, “Transformed: How Stories of the Cross Are Changing the
World” to enhance our faith and witness. Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings are dedicated to
uncovering the multitude of ways God comes to us and flows through us.
It’s been said that “the real aim of Lent is, above all else, to prepare us for the celebration of the death and
Resurrection of Christ. . . The better the preparation the more effective the celebration.” I believe that is
true. What about you? What are you doing to open yourself more fully to God’s grace? In the pages that
follow, you will find ample cause to applaud, pray and feed your soul and spirit. Be sure to encourage
others. And don’t forget to invite friends and neighbors to join you in worship and study.
Christ is risen. He is risen, indeed! Pastor Kathi
4615 Gleason Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34242-1312 C Tele: 941.349.1166
Visit our website:
Table of Contents
Pastor’s Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Table of Contents.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Family Promise, Yoga, AA, Radio. . . . . . . . . 2
Adult Christian Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Prayer Ministries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Pastoral Resident Katie Lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Mission Outreach!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Harvest House Micro Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Choir Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Young Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Buildings & Grounds, Sermons online. . . . . 10
Presbyterian Women, Men’s Fellowship. . . . 11
Men’s Fellowship con’t. and SKC Ushers.. . 12
Parish Nurse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
September Tour: Christian Journeys. . . . . . . 14
A Prayer for Peace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Birthdays/Anniversaries/Deaths/Staff. . . . . . 16
Christian Radio Stations
88.1 FM
89.1 FM
102.5 FM
104.3 FM
Family Promise provides housing and
forward-thinking support for families who find
themselves homeless and are eager to work
their way back to solvency. Just as Jesus
came among the poor and needy, this
program offers us the opportunity do the same
through very simple acts of love.
Family Promise needs your love and
compassion this March to support its families
in need. Here is how you can help:
Moody Radio
Yoga (Classes take place in room 5)
Mon. 6:00 p.m., Tue./Thu. 9:30 a.m.,
Fri. 5:30 p.m.
Chair Yoga Tue. & Thu. 11:00 a.m.
‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it
to one of the least of these who are
members of my family, you did it to me.’
AA - Al-Anon
7:00p Women’s AA
8:00p AA & Al-Anon
1:00p AA
8:30p AA
Mark your calendar for any day or
evening between March 15-March 22.
Contact Family Promise at 941-9521800.
Sign up to help prepare a meal, offer
transportation, or volunteer a shift to
assist a family during the selected
Smile and share the light of God!
The host church is First Presbyterian Church,
2050 Oak Street Sarasota, FL.
Contact Pastor Katie (349-1166) if you have
any questions.
Adult Christian Education
Exciting Lineup for March and April
Sunday mornings at 10 and Wednesday Evenings 6-7 p.m. (Appetizers at 5:15 p.m.)
An exciting lineup of Adult Christian Education presentations have been planned for March and April.
March 1:
Selah Freedom founder Elizabeth Fisher will speak to
the Adult Sunday School class on her progress helping
victims of sexual slavery break away from their captors
and recover lives with dignity.
March 4:
The School of Christian Living will be introduced to the
history of Islam through a video produced by Dr. Paul
Kirbas, former Sr. Pastor at Church of the Palms.
March 8:
Erin Minor will speak to the Adult Sunday School class on Harvest House Center’s
new homeless shelter and the success of Harvest House efforts to help those with
addictions recover. Erin’s father, Jim Minor, founder of Harvest House and Harvest
Tabernacle, will deliver the morning message in both services.
March 11:
The School of Christian Living will feature video #2 of Dr. Paul Kirbas presentation
“Islam, Should We Fear It”. Question and answer session conducted by Pastor Kathi,
Rev. Issa Saliba, and Rev. Dixey Behnken following.
March 15:
Rev. Walter Chuquimia will speak to the Adult Sunday School class on success
stories coming from the ministry of Beth-El Farmworkers Ministry.
March 18:
Rev. Issa Saliba will speak to the School of Christian Living on “Persecuted Christians
in the Middle East”.
March 22:
Young Life leader Eric Hoskins will speak to the Adult Sunday School class on the
ministry of Young Life in Sarasota.
March 25:
The School of Christian Living will hear from Rev. Matt Walter, founder of Tampa
Muslim Outreach. Rev. Walter will speak on his ministry to Muslims coming to the
U.S. from the Middle East and Muslim outreach to college students.
March 29:
Pastor Katie Lee will speak to the Adult Sunday School Class. Her topic will be:
“Reflections on a Year of Ministry at Siesta Key Chapel”.
April 5:
April 12,19,26: Francie Hall will teach the Adult Sunday School class. Her topic will be “The
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PRAYER GROUP meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (1:30
p.m.) and has done so for 40 years. It is a time of predominantly
intercessory prayer for indisposed and grieving members and friends
of the Chapel. The Prayer Group pray for folks throughout the month
and when we meet we write notes of encouragement to some of the
folks for which we have been praying.
The Chapel also supports the PRAYER MINISTRY TEAM offering
individualized prayer ministry after each Sunday morning worship
service. The team meets once a month for training, support and prayer.
If you have special prayer requests or would like to become part of this ongoing ministry, please talk
with Pastor Kathi know. And remember, each week the Chapel places a Prayer Request form on the
wooden podium as you enter the Sanctuary.
“When faith ceases to pray, it ceases to live.”
– E. M. Bounds
It happens every Monday from 1:30-2:30: a small circle of folks gather at Siesta
Key Chapel to quietly and fervently pray for the mission of YoungLife in
Sarasota, and as I drive away, I find within myself a faith that has been
emboldened and empowered by our time in that small, sweet room. (Lounge)
Please pray for the weekly prayer time, for the young people, leaders, Board
members, donors and other supporters of this important mission. This month we pray specifically for:
Young Life’s Club which meets Mondays at 7:59 p.m. at the YMCA on Euclid Avenue. Please
pray that dozens upon dozens of kids would join us for The Best Night of the Week. Pray that
every one will know that this is a place where they are safe and where they belong. Pray for the
music and laughter, and that kids would hear and authentically respond to the Good News of
Jesus Christ and his immeasurable love for them!
Our leaders and leaders-in-training, who pour out their lives for the sake of kids in our
community, sharing their lives and the Gospel with them! Pray for renewed vision and passion
and commitment to their calling as we pursue teenagers with the love of Jesus!
It’s a joy to know that many of you join us in prayer every Monday. I/we are truly thankful for your
prayers and their impact on our ministry! They are a sweet blessing to us. . . as I pray they are for you!
Eric Hoskins, Young Life Director
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Greetings from Katie!
I am so excited to update you on all the wonderful ways that Siesta Key Chapel is ‘digging’ into missions
and ministry here in Sarasota! First, there was a great showing of volunteers to help Harvest House families
plant Earthboxes in their backyards. There were a total
of 32 Earthboxes for 14 living units. Each family was
given their choice of herbs, fruits, and/or vegetables.
The excitement was hard to ignore with children planting,
playing in dirt, and some even getting us wet with garden
hoses! Not only was it a gift to see the families laughing
and coming together, but it was a blessing for us all to be
a part of it – dirt, water, and seed.
Our involvement and support for Selah Freedom continues to grow! Beginning in January, we had 20
women attend Selah’s Fashion Show for fundraising. Members have attended the CONNECT volunteer
session and the CSEC 101 seminar on human trafficking. Once the training is complete, volunteers will
have the opportunity to tutor, mentor, help with community awareness, or find a creative way to serve. The
options are limitless! These efforts in volunteering with Selah are paving a way for a new ministry at Siesta
Key Chapel that will strengthen and restore the lives of young women
Remember any small act of love will grow. Everything starts as a seed, so I encourage you
to take that step (even baby steps!) towards a ministry that interests you. And God will
provide the water that will lead to a plant that will eventually bear fruit. Below, are the
words of St. Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite nun born in Spain. May they inspire you to
capture the gift you are to the world when you give yourself to Christ and to others. Let
us not hesitate in doing good.
"Christ has no body now, but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth, but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which
Christ looks compassion into the world.
Yours are the feet
with which Christ walks to do good.
Yours are the hands
with which Christ blesses the world."
Grace and Peace, Katie Lee
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Mission Outreach Committee
On Sunday, February 22, Fellowship Hall was alive with displays and
information on our mission partners: Beth-El Farmworkers, Blue Star
Mothers, Brothers and Sisters Doing the Right Thing, Emma E. Booker
Elementary School, Family Promise, Harvest House, the Navigators,
Resurrection House, Salvation Army, Selah Freedom House, Southeast
Guide Dogs, and Young Life.
The many in attendance took advantage of the opportunity to learn about
the fine work these agencies are doing, while enjoying a marvelous
brunch prepared by Susan Koch and her committee. The committee
thanks all of you for your attendance and your generosity which makes
the giving possible.
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‘Micro Farms’ at Harvest House Centers Promote Growth!
Siesta Key Chapel Presbyterian Church and Harvest
House Centers are working together on exciting new
gardening projects for residents at two Harvest
House campuses.
Residents of the Joy and Euclid campuses will each
have opportunity to grow some of their own
vegetables in small containers called Earthboxes.
“In the beginning. . .
On a Saturday morning campus residents planted melons,
squash, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, corn, lettuce and other
vegetables at both campuses. For some families this was be
their first experience growing food, and excitement is building
as the campuses compete with each other to grow the best and
the most.
Harvest House Centers leaders, Cheryl Clunk and Marshawna
Laguerre, and Siesta Key Chapel members Frank Miller and
Bob Kuck are jointly chairing these projects with the assistance
of volunteers from both organizations, as well as support from
the Whisenant family, the EarthBox inventors, of Ellenton.
The goal of the project is Growth. Growth in nurturing skills,
gardening skills, cooperation, teamwork, leadership,
responsibility and friendly competition; skills that lead to
upward mobility in our community.
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Choir Notes
Our winter season has begun with enthusiasm! The Chapel Choir is seeing its
membership fluctuate as our seasonal winter visitors come and go. We are always
happy to see them arrive, and sad to see them go. We thank all those who have
volunteered their time and talent during the busy holiday and Lenten season in order
to make a joyful noise. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Music
Rehearsals are ongoing for our Palm Sunday Cantata, which will take place on
Sunday, March 29. Our Palm Sunday music offering is Followers of the Lamb
arranged by Lee Dengler. It features folk and ethnic hymns sung to texts that are
appropriate to Palm Sunday and Holy Week. Our Chapel Choir will be accompanied by a chamber
orchestra, and readings from the Gospels will be interspersed within the musical presentation. The music
is mysterious, meditative, joyous, and at times, melancholy. The Cantata will be offered at both services
Palm Sunday. Consider bringing your guests to enjoy and meditate on the Passion Gospels.
Our Chapel Ringers English Handbell Choir is now rehearsing for our final appearance
in the Easter Season. If you are interested in ringing, please contact Cynthia through the
church office. The Chapel Ringers rehearsal is on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Music
Room. Although we have a core group of ringers, we still need willing and capable folks
who are interested in ringing either on a permanent or on a substitute basis.
Peace be with you during the season of Lent and into the joyful Easter season!
Cynthia will be giving a Lenten organ concert at Christ
Episcopal in Bradenton on March 12 at 12:15 p.m. (Christ
Church of Bradenton - 4030 Manatee Ave W., Bradenton). She
will also be playing at Church of the Redeemer (222 South Palm
Avenue, Sarasota) on March 18 at 12:10 p.m. Church of the
Redeemer has a well-established music program, run by my longtime colleague and former teacher, Ann Stephenson-Moe. You are
cordially invited to attend one of these musical services.
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Mission Outreach
SKC’s Mission Outreach Committee is pleased to herald our support for Young Life of Sarasota. The
following explains how they came about, and why we are proud sponsors. Each month we will highlight a
different mission which we support.
About Young Life
Young Life doesn't start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to
them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't
happen overnight – they take time, patience, trust and consistency.
So Young Life leaders log many hours with kids – where they are, as they are. We listen to their stories and
learn what's important to them because we genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches and
We believe in the power of presence. Kids' lives are dramatically
influenced when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God's
love with them. Because their Young Life leader believes in them,
they begin to see that their lives have great worth, meaning and
Loving kids
regardless of their
This is the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they make
today, based upon God's love for them, will have an impact on future decisions – careers chosen, marriages
formed and families raised – all ripples from the time when a Young Life leader took time to reach out and
enter their world. Now it’s out turn!! Join the prayers for youth in our area.
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The committee is beginning a new year and new regime for 2015. We are establishing our goals for
this year and the next three years. If you have any suggestions please get them to one of the
committee members or drop them into the B & G mail box in the office. We will take into
consideration all suggestions and balance them with our budget planning.
The committee has agreed to purchase a new shade for the south Chevron
window to eliminate the sun’s glare on the organist, choir, and even the
communion table during the winter months. This will be installed in the
next few weeks.
I hope that you have noticed the tremendous improvement in our “lighting”
while attending a function in the evening. The Chapel has never had better
lighting than it has right now and this has been under the direction of Frank
Jurenka. Walking the pathways has never been safer.
Our members and friends who “socialize” their dogs in the early evening have been informed about
the concerns of our members. They have agreed to gather the dogs and leash them when there are
people gathering or leaving our campus during the evening hours.
This year’s committee consists of the following members of the Chapel and their responsibility:
Ann Blechta - gardens
Howard Cailor - insurance
Frank Jurenka - building safety
Brad Koch
Jim Kraft - air conditioning
Bob Lane - maintenance
Walt Olson - budget performance
Roger Sandt - signage
Fred Teeter - pastor
Pamela Warren - secretary
Dick Ulrich - grounds & chair
If you have any concerns about our buildings or campus please contact the appropriate member or
Dick Ulrich @ 349-0921 or RDUPUTTER@AOL.COM.
(audio only at this time)
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Go to
Click “SERMON” on the upper left-hand side
of the page and ENJOY!
Presbyterian Women
March Events
Circle – Classroom 4
Knitting Circle - Room 5 (Below Music Room)
Circle – Lounge (Below Sanctuary)
Evening Circle – to be announced
There will be NO General Meeting in March
April 14 – Annual Installation of Officers @ Bay Village (Watch for Details)
Men’s Fellowship meets in Fellowship Hall at 8:00
a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month for a
light breakfast and Christian fellowship. Our group
is very informal and is open to all men of the Chapel
and their male friends.
Our 7th annual Valentine’s Party on Saturday,
February 14, at Sara Bay Country Club was a
rousing success. The beautiful Palm Room was
wonderfully decorated and enjoyed by all of the 82
attendees. The evening began with a social period
and cocktail hour with Hors d’oeuvres while being
entertained by “Vital Signs”.
We were called to our table setting by emcee, Fred
Heina, who introduced long time Men’s Fellowship
founder and leader, Vince Little who provided us with an
appropriate “Blessing”. A great buffet table was
attractively set out for our salad, entrée selections of
potatoes, vegetables, and prime rib of beef, chicken
Marsala, and fish. And, I hardly noticed that the dessert
table was a “fix your own” ice cream sundae.
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There was great mixing of all attendees and dancing to the “Vital Signs” for the closing hour. If you
missed the party “she may never speak to you again”. I did hear one complaint at church on Sunday
however, “the party was too short!”
Many thanks to the party committee for their
preparation, organization, and hard work: Jack
Kallis, Dale Lattanzio, Nick Pearce
(accountant), Fred Teeter (chair), and Dick
Ulrich (gofer).
Our next activity was our annual Pancake
Breakfast held at our regular meeting date of
the 4th Tuesday of February – the 24th. This
breakfast is always lots of fun because of the
fellowship and good stories. I think this is a
men’s gathering we have to attend for our own
protection as we don’t want to give anyone a
chance to tell the story on us.
Respectfully submitted, Dick Ulrich
The 8 Usher Teams for 2015 are in service and functioning very well. The
Chapel uses 4 teams at 8:45 and 4 teams at 11:00 each Sunday through
Easter. Please thank the ushers for their service to the pastors and the
There will be a new regime in SKC for the ushering teams in 2016 as Mark
Zelenak will take over as head of the ushers. Mark has been the Team
Captain for Team 8 for several years and an usher before that, and I know he
will do an amazing job. He already has several suggestions of improvement
and will be ready for 2016. If you have any suggestions or would like to join an ushering team,
please contact him.
I have certainly enjoyed my time as Head of SKC Ushering, but sixteen years is enough. The ushers
for SKC have been an outstanding group of people and I have enjoyed my relationship with all of
them. Some have been serving for all 16 years – Ann Blechta, Sherry Cadwell, and Walter
Olson— and I thank all of the ushers for their service to the pastors and SKC.
Respectfully, Dick Ulrich
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A word from our
Measles is back. . . currently there are 141 identified cases. The dominant states identified are
California (where the first case was noted) and Arizona. In the year 2000 this disease was considered
to be eliminated in the United States.
The CDC’s concern regarding measles is its contagion factor. It is spread through the air in the
coughs and sneezes of infected people. It is a virus that is so contagious that if one person in a crowd
has the illness, 90% of persons nearby that haven’t been immunized could contract the virus.
The symptoms of moderate fever (100 to 101), runny nose and watery eye precede the rash
(discoloration) that usually occurs 10-12 days later. The rash begins on the face and spreads down
the trunk. Tiny white spots appear inside the mouth 2-4 days later. Three out of ten people that are
diagnosed with measles will develop complications. Some of them are seizures, encephalitis and
secondary infections can occur. Otitis media (ear infection) or pneumonia occur fairly often. Those
most at risk for complications are children under five and young adults twenty and up.
The good news for those of us that are considered seniors, are most probably immune, that is, if you
were born in the United States before 1957. If you were born outside the U.S.A. before 1956, you
may want to ask your Doctor for advice and direction regarding vaccination.
Carole Burkhart, Parish Nurse
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A Prayer for Peace in the Face of Islamic State Atrocities
The following prayer is written by Omar Haramy, a Palestinian
Christian and a member of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation
Theology Centre in East Jerusalem. It is a prayer written in response
to the atrocities being committed by Islamic State. Sabeel means the
Way in Arabic. Please join in the prayer for peace and an end to
Heavenly Father,
You know what is going on in our world. All the wars and misery. You know the world is now
faced with Islamic State (IS), this new enemy that shows no mercy to its victims. Now that parts of
our world are gripped by fear of the IS onslaught, Father help us to remember that You have
equipped us with a weapon more powerful than any other. That You, through Your Son, Jesus
Christ, have equipped us with the knowledge of love and forgiveness, and with Your Holy Spirit.
Jesus, You see us as we are, see our mistakes. You have opened the way to our Father. Through
You, we are forgiven, our sins forgotten. Therefore, Jesus, when we abhor the terrible atrocities
carried out by IS jihadists, help us to remember that they are people too.
Father, Jesus, have mercy on them. Jesus, help us to defeat them with Your love, by our prayers for
them. Jesus, we pray that they will somehow get to meet You. Holy Spirit, You who are the power
of God here on earth, we cry out to You. Lay Yourself like a blanket over the places where the IS
performs its cruelties. Smother the flames of terror which destroy everything in its path. With Your
heavenly Light, make these areas unbearable for the darkness and evil which drives the IS members
Father, we implore You, send Your Angels to protect the innocent and defenseless. Protect them
from these IS jihadists with Your power, smash the chains that imprison their hearts and brains. Free
them from the people who poison their feelings and thoughts.
Thank You, Father, that we can rest safely in Your arms, Holy Spirit fill us with Your power, arm
us. Jesus, walk by our side. Thank You, Jesus, for defeating Evil, help us to follow in Your
footsteps and defeat these IS members with the power of prayer and Your love.
All this we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Church Staff
Margaret Todd
Linda McDonald
Mike Whaley
John Matsock
Adam Teffenhart
Pat Abdallah * (65)
Marianne Smallwood
Lisa Holliday
Doris Cundiff
Beryl Perry
Gail Klink
Mary Margaret Kandler
Malin Parker
Dr. Margaret Towner *(90)
Margaret Young
Frank Jurenka
Gail Jurenka
Mary Jane Stein
Rhonda Kapusta
Carol Magee
Alan & Beryl Perry
Warren & Marcia Brehm
Ron & Diane Gagliardi
Michael & Karen Koblenz
Mark & Michelle Matuszak
John & Joanna Gordon * (1)
William Winslow
James Beard
Ina Helphenstine
Rev. Dr. Kathleen L.H. Wiggins. . . . . . . . . . . Pastor
Rev. Kathryn Lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastoral Resident
Patricia Abdallah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrator
Cynthia Roberts-Greene.. . Music Director/Organist
Carole Burkhart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parish Nurse
Angela Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bookkeeper
Scott Penxa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Custodian
Cliff Menezes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Web Master
Lynda Fischer, Deborah Bortnick. . . . Kidz/Nursery
Andy & Suzanne Farina.Missionaries-Navigators UF
Ruling Elders
Brenda Hall (2015). . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk of Session
Francie Hall (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership
Craig Holliday (2015). . . . . . . . . . Mission Outreach
Susan Koch (2016).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fellowship
Bob Kuck (2016). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Ed
Linda Pearce (2016).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nominating
Pat Smith (2015). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship
Dick Ulrich (2017).. . . . . . . . . Buildings & Grounds
Maggie Veeneman (2016). . . . Community Outreach
Michael Wattleworth (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . Finance
Chad Weiss (2017).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stewardship
Len Wilson (2015). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personnel
Louise Cashman (2016). . . . . . Moderator/Visitation
Susan Duink (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jim Hoy (2015). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flowers/Visitation
Bob Lane (2016). . . . . . . . . . . Meals/Transportation
Mary Kovach (2017). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Betsy McLean (2016). . . Home Communion/Cards
Nick Pearce (2015). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD Ministry
Suzie Torborg (2017). Secretary/Home Communion
Sam Tucker (2015). . . . . . . . . . . Flowers/Visitation
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