St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church . Naperville IL . Twenty


St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church . Naperville IL . Twenty
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church . Naperville IL . Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.21.08
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 e-mail:
630 355-8980 (Main Office)
Visit us on the internet at
630 305-6318 (Religious Education)
630 355-0521 (Facsimilie)
Pastoral Staff — Full Time
Rev. Joel Fortier – Pastor,
Rev. Fritz Louis, C.S.C. – Associate Pastor
Rev. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm. – Weekend Assistant
Rev. Mr. William Worden, D. Min. – Deacon, ext. 105
Rev. Mr. Chuck Lane – Deacon, ext. 220,
Rev. Mr. Jim Breen – Deacon, 630-357-4853,
Rev. Mr. Larry Kearney – Deacon, ext. 225,
Rev. Mr. Michael Barrett – Deacon , ext. 220,
Gerry Czerak – Business Manager, ext. 106,
Corinne Seguin-Dart – Director of Junior High Youth Ministry,
ext. 117,
Patti Dougherty – Director of Religious Education,
ext. 109,
Julie Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 111,
Robert Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 112,
Jan Olah – Director of Pastoral Care, ext. 124
Kevin Pranaitis—Director of High School Youth Ministry, x123,
Chari Rosales – Director of Adult Education & RCIA ext. 138,
Michael Ryder – Director of Outreach & Social Justice (OSJ),
ext. 121,
Pastoral Care Staff — Part Time
Felicia Lawlor, M.S., R.N., Faith Community Nurse, ext 104,
Rose Grumbine, R.N., Faith Community Nurse, ext 104,
Support Staff — Full Time
Nancy Cirmo – Religious Education Assistant, ext. 118,
Lori Culberson – Liturgical Assistant, ext. 120,
Kathy Ferguson - Receptionist, ext. 100,
Diane McQueen – Parish Assistant, ext. 101,
Anne Schultz – OSJ Partner & Adult Faith Formation Assistant, ext. 113,
Angela Tuttle – Liturgy Assistant & Communications Coordinator,
ext. 110,
Support Staff — Part Time
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Reconciliation is available Saturday, 3:30 to 4:15
p.m., or after the 4:30 p.m. Mass in the Reconciliation Room of the Chapel. Fr. Joel is available during
the week by appointment. Communal Penance services are held occasionally throughout the year.
Sick and Home Bound
Call the Church Office to receive prayer/Eucharist
from a priest, deacon or Minister of Care.
Baptisms are usually celebrated 2-3 Sundays each
month at a 1:45 p.m. service. On selected dates, Baptisms are celebrated at weekend Masses. Parents are
required to attend an awareness and renewal evening
prior to the Baptism. Call the Church Office a few
months in advance to make arrangements.
A couple planning on being married at St. Thomas
should contact the church six months in advance.
One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom, or
their parents, must be a registered parishioner for at
least three months prior to calling to set a date.
Religious Education
Call the 305-6318 to register.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic
Faith, or to join our Catholic community should call
the church at 355-8980.
Counseling Service
Call Samarian Interfaith 357-2456 or Jan Olah,
Pastoral Care 355-8980 x 124.
Sunday Nursery
Nursery care is available for your child age one
Pat Berkhout – Evening/Saturday Receptionist, ext. 119,
(must be walking) to four at the 9 & 10:45 a.m. Mass.
Marge Coronado – Evening Receptionist, ext. 119,
For more information call the church office.
Marilyn DeMeo – Database Coordinator (T/Th), ext. 107,
Susan Francesconi, External Communications, ext. 108,
Jorge Gonzalez – Custodian
Sally Meno - OSJ Financial,
Janet Simmons – Accounts Payable (M/W/F), ext. 107,
Ted McKeown - Facility Coordinator, ext. 133,
(Monday — Friday)
Theresa Sheliga – Sacristan Coordinator, ext. 116
Communion Service — 6:30 a.m.
Lynne Vehlewald – Librarian, ext. 125,
Liturgy Schedule
Pastoral Leadership Community
Christine Berta 579.4294
Steven Grumbine 375.0126
Dan O’Grady 922.1334
Commission Facilitators
Parish Life
Faith Formation
Chris Baker
Elaine Scutti
Dave Otto
Carol Healy
Rosary — 8:10 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Communion Service — 8:30 a.m.
Saturday Vigil — 4:30 p.m.
Sunday — 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 a.m., 12:15 p.m.
and 6:30 p.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every
first Friday of the month 9 a.m. — Noon.
Dear Friends,
“The last will be first, and the first will be last,” Jesus
tells us today. Who is the first who will be last and who is
the last who will be first?
Jesus tells us a parable to answer that question. It challenges our whole reward system. Jesus turns everything
upside down. “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are
your ways my ways, says the Lord,” we are told in the first
“ God restores and
The question is, “Who is deserving
of God’s love?” Who is deservfavors those who
ing of our love? Do we love only
are last and least those who deserve it? God favors
those who do not deserve it. We
deserving of
have our reward system and God
has a different one. God’s favor and
love is not deserved, it is freely
given. It is not a reward. That is the core of the good news!
God’s favor and love rests with those who are most in
need of it, the most undeserving, not the self righteous, not
the strongest or those who have a competitive edge. God
reaches out to those who are last, lost, or who think they
are forsaken. God reaches out to you and me!
That is how God is present to us, and how we are asked
to be present to each other, to be that presence of God in
our world.
When we are rooted and grounded in the Presence of
the great I AM, the One who is always with us, in us, and
present to us, then we will be and bear the presence of God
into our world. And so we have as our theme this year,
“Being...the difference.” It is not our doing, it is our
Last year our theme was, “Believe, Belong, make a
difference,” this year it is “Being...the difference.” Our
focus and shift is on “Being.” Being...the presence of God.
Our God makes all the difference. God who is present
to us in an unconditionally loving way makes all the difference. How we are present to each other in that way makes
all the difference; then the unconditional love of God flows
through us to each other and our world. Then we can expect healing, redemption, and restoration. Justice and
Peace shall kiss.
God restores and favors those who are last and least
deserving of reward. That is who God is for us. We say at
mass, “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but say the
Word and I shall be healed.” Thus in God’s great plan and
wisdom, the last will be first and the first will be last.
I thank God for such understanding and love, it is not a
reward for things I have done, but I accept it as an utterly
gratuitous gift with a grateful heart, and am willing to
share it!
In Christ’s love,
Twenty-fifth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
September 21, 2008
Turn to the Lord for mercy;
to our God, who is generous in forgiving.
— Isaiah 55:7b
Guests and Visitors!
St. Thomas is here to companion you on your faith journey.
Come with us as we grow in
closeness to Christ through
liturgy, music, faith formation,
special events, and countless
ways to make a difference.
Would you like to become
a Parishioner?
Join us at Welcome Sunday
TODAY after all Masses
in the gym with Donuts,
Worship Commission
Worship Commission Openings
Two more people are needed to serve on the Worship
Commission. The Commission meets on the second
Wednesday of the month, from September through May,
during parish leadership night. The Commission discusses and discerns liturgical and sacramental issues and
ideas that broadly relate to the prayer and worship life of
our parish. If you feel called to serve our community in
this way, please contact Robert Frazier at 630.355.8980,
x112 /
Music Ministers Needed
All who love to sing or play an instrument are encouraged to join one of the St. Thomas music ministry
groups. New people are always welcome and are needed
in every group beginning with second graders in Youth
Choir. You don’t need to read music or be an experienced singer. You just need a love for music and a desire
to praise God in song. We are in particular need of drummers, guitar, bass, and keyboard players with, at least,
moderate skills.
Sunday Evening Mass & Music
The 6:30 p.m.. Sunday evening Mass, prepared especially for teens and young adults, resumes this Sunday,
September 21. The High School age music ministers who
serve at this liturgy have a new name. This praise band
and teen choir are now called: Journey Praise. There is a
wonderful, worshipful and youthful spirit and energy at
this mass. Come for an uplifting praise and worship experience. This Mass is offered every Sunday evening
through May with the exception of the Christmas holiday, Super Bowl Sunday , and Easter.
Sound Board and Projection Ministry
Several people are needed to operate the sound board
and to run the pre-mass projection at weekend liturgies.
Training will be provided. Contact Robert Frazier at
355.8980, x 112 for more information.
St. Thomas Alive CD Is Now Available
The CD of the May 30 St. Thomas
Alive Concert with John Angotti
entitled, St. Thomas Alive, is now
available. The price is $18 each or
$13 with the discount coupon that
you received if you attended the
concert. Contact the Main Office
or the Liturgy and Music Office if
you would like to purchase a CD
during the week.
September 21, 2008 — Page 4
Julie & Robert Frazier
Leaving St. Thomas
After 14 wonderful years as co-liturgy & music
directors at St. Thomas the Apostle, we (Julie
and Robert Frazier) will assume the same
positions at St. Raphael Church in Naperville
beginning November 1, 2008.
We make this move, not for any negative reason;
but only that we believe this change will be good
for us and for St. Thomas.
We are most grateful for the incredible love,
support, and encouragement you, the St. Thomas
Community have show us and our children.
What a blessing these years with you have been
for our family.
Fr. Joel has assembled a music and liturgy
search committee drawn from our music
ministers, Worship Commission and Pastoral
Leadership Community (PLC). This Committee
has already begun its work to find the most outstanding candidate(s) to follow us.
Please pray for us in this time of transition and
for the work of the search committee.
Good and gracious God,
in Jesus your Son you show us
the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Pour out your Spirit on us
in this time of transition.
Give your wisdom, guidance,
and right judgment
to our candidates and to the members
of our Search Committee.
Help them to discern your will
for the good of all your people.
This we pray in the power of the Spirit
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Pray For Our Parish
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
To the last as to the first, O God,
you are generous and more than just,
for as high as the heavens are above the earth
so high are your ways above our ways
and your thoughts above our thoughts.
Open our hearts to the wisdom of your Son
that, without concern for the cost of discipleship
or the reward of our labors,
we may grasp how incomparable the honor
of working in your vineyard from morning until night.
We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.
For the sick…
Tom Lord, husband of Diane
Carmella Ullrich, mother of Tina Dufkis
Radha, friend of Fatima
Betty Reils, mother of Wanda Fattes (FAH tehs)
Mary Ann Goysich, friend of Nick & Ann Polizi
Robert Eshoff
Tom Ambert, cousin of Don & Betty Wampach
Danny DiFiggio
For the deceased…
Patrick Martin, husband of Dorothy
Clyde & Luella Reils
uncle & aunt of Wanda Fattes
Ann Katherine O’Rourke, mother of Richard
David Danner, father of Mark
James Knobloch, father of Susa Zick
From: Prayers for Sundays and Seasons,
Liturgy Training Publications.
For those recently married...
Jamie Campbell & Travis Steinmetz
Mass Intentions
Today’s Readings
Monday, September 22, 2008
8:30 †Griffin McCarthy, by Mary Ellen O’Rourke
†Rita M. Armstrong,
by Beverly & Michael Radio
First Reading — Turn to the LORD, who is generous
in forgiving (Isaiah 55:6-9).
Psalm — The Lord is near to all who call upon him
(Psalm 145).
Second Reading — Live your lives in a way worthy
of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a).
Gospel — The last will be first, and the first will be
last (Matthew 20:1-16a).
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
8:30 †Pat Huff, by Amy Reineman
†Rose Cuga, by Helen & Tim Swanson
Thursday, September 25, 2008
8:30 †Anna Reed, by Mary & Anthony Viviano
Saturday, September 27, 2008
4:30 †John Elsen, by Sue & Bud Randolph
†Anthony DeChiara, by Bruno & Loretta Rejman
Sunday, September 28, 2008
7:30 †Leo Beranek, by wife, Carol
9:00 †Neda Roscich, by Pat & Bill Minihan
†Lucille Wilkins, by Pat Wilkins
10:45 For the People of St. Thomas
Readings for the Week
Prv 3:27-34; Lk 8:16-18
Prv 21:1-6, 10-13; Lk 8:19-21
Prv 30:5-9; Lk 9:1-6
Eccl 1:2-11; Lk 9:7-9
Eccl 3:1-11; Lk 9:18-22
Eccl 11:9 — 12:8; Lk 9:43b-45
Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25; Phil 2:1-11 [1-5];
Mt 21:28-32
Page 5 — September 21, 2008
Faith and Spiritual Formation Commission
Calling All Artists! Registration Deadline Sept 26
The Celebration of the Arts ministry of St. Thomas invites artists to
participate in the Eleventh Annual Fine Art and Craft Exhibit.
The exhibit will take place on Saturday and Sunday, November 8 and
9 in the Ministry Center. Entry forms are in the church office. The deadline for registration is September 26. Call Don Castro 630.717.9354 or
Chari Rosales at 630.355.8980 x 138 for more information.
Dancing…With the St. Thomas Stars!
The St. Thomas Parish Life Commission invites you to learn Ballroom Dance (or brush up on your steps) on four Thursdays this fall.
Classes will run from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the St. Thomas auditorium
beginning October 2. The cost is $20 per couple per session.
Proceeds from the classes will benefit ALPHA, a St. Thomas ministry. Contact Chari Rosales to sign up by Monday, September 29.
630.355.8980 x 138 or pick up a registration form in the display racks
in the Gathering Area.
In the Creed, we also profess our belief in the Church
as “catholic.” Notice this is catholic with a small c, which
means universal, comprehensive, inclusive and
“concerning the whole.” The title “Catholic” was first
used by St. Ignatius of Antioch in the first century CE to
refer to the Christian Church. Our Catholic Church is
catholic in that it holds out an open invitation, extending
membership to everyone, everywhere. The Catholic
Church has a history of bringing its understanding of
truth and morality to many peoples and cultures and is
therefore, very universal in its reach.
Even within the Catholic Church, we are very catholic. Every time we celebrate Mass, we all follow the same
rituals, share the same Gospel stories and unite ourselves
by partaking in the one body of Christ. We are universally linked through our worship, our teachings, our organizational structure and our global mission. While still
recognizing and celebrating human diversity, the catholic
nature of our Church invites all and accepts all because it
is concerned with the “whole.”
September 21, 2008 — Page 6
The Creed
What We Believe and Why
Sunday after Sunday, we recite at Mass a formula of basic beliefs that
was developed in the 4th century. Does it still matter to our lives as Christians today! Short answer – YES!
To find out why, and how the Creed came to be, come to the Senior
Center on Tuesday, September 23, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. for an interactive exploration of the Nicene Creed with Chari Rosales, Director of
Adult Faith Formation. ALL ages welcome!
Pet Blessing
In honor of St. Francis of
Assisi, who was known for his
love of nature and animals, we
will have a pet blessing on his
feast day, Saturday, October 4.
This will be held at All Saints
Catholic Academy on the concrete
slab behind the building.
The blessing will take place
between the two St. Thomas
Religious Education sessions,
from 10:00 to 10:15 a.m.
All are welcome to bring their
pets, so mark your calendars now
for this special event! Questions
may be directed to Patti Dougherty, 355-8980 ext. 109.
A Living
Sat, Oct 4
3:00 — 4:15 PM
To honor Mary, and to join our prayers with hers, we will form a
“Living Rosary” on Saturday, October 4, from 3:00 to 4:15 p.m.,
outdoors on the labyrinth (if good weather) or in the Gym (if not!).
Participants from 5-65 (or better) will become “beads” of the rosary,
leading each prayer as the responding assembly takes it up. Please
reserve your “bead” before September 25 by filling out a sign-up sheet,
found in the Gathering Area.
Come! to be living expressions of praise. Come! children, students,
adults, parents, grandparents, to pray interactively! Come, all ages –
to pray the Rosary, to BE the Rosary!
St. Thomas the Apostle/Jobs Ministry Meetings
September 5, 2008 to September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 25, at 7:00 pm: Al Gustafson, founder and past president of the Career
Transitions Center of Chicago, will explore the “growing” in your job transition, taking risks,
admitting failure and acknowledging the role of others in our success in a presentation titled,
“Unemployment: Its About More Than Finding Your Next Job”.
Friday meeting formats include a short introduction of all the attendees, then a speaker,
followed by a structured networking sessions. Bring your elevator speech, business cards,
handbills and resumes.
Contact Jim Breen at for more info.
Page 7 — September 21, 2008
Religious Education
Religious Education Calendar
Class dates for Religious Education (Pre-K
through 12th grade) are available on line. Please
see the St. Thomas web site:
Liturgy of the Word with Children
Help Needed!
Two more leaders (adult or high school) are
needed for Liturgy of the Word at the 10:45 mass for
Kindergarten and First Grade. Youth helpers are also
needed at the 9:00 and 10:45 masses. Two teams are
formed so that when conflicts arise, one can switch
with opposite team.
Please consider helping. Call Patti Dougherty at
church, 355.8980x109.
Catechetical Sunday
St. Thomas will join Catholic parishes across the
country in celebrating Catechetical Sunday during the
weekend of September 20-21. The work of our catechists, all volunteers, is vital to the life of the Church.
Catechetical Sunday gives us a chance to recognize
the importance of those who share faith with so many
in our parish. Please let any catechists you know,
how much they are appreciated. Thank you.
Catechists Certificated
Catechists are those women and men who share
our Catholic faith with children, youth and adults in
parish formational ministries. We continue to celebrate those who have answered the call to be catechists and acknowledge the following who have
taken the extra steps to be certified.
Completing 36 Foundational Hours: Marge Coronado, Jackie Greenwald, Cheri Obendorf, Mary
Szczap, Jenni Wesolowski
Completing an additional 24 hours for Advanced
Certification: Sue Grove, Ruth Harrison, Elaine
Scutti, Sharon Sugas.
These catechists are
wonderful role models
for us all. As a parish,
we are grateful for the time,
energy and love they have
dedicated to the catechetical
September 21, 2008 — Page 8
21st Annual Bishop’s Mass for
Persons with Special Needs
Come celebrate Mass together for those with
special needs, their families and friends on Sunday,
September 28, 11:00 a.m. at The Cathedral of
St. Raymond, 604 N. Raynor Ave. in Joliet with a
luncheon following.
Please RSVP for the luncheon by calling the Diocesan Religious Education Office at 1-815-727-6411
by September 23. An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be provided.
Families: Take some time to discuss
and reflect on the readings of the week.
Sept 21 Question
of the Week...
When have you felt God’s generosity?
Consider being a volunteer in
our youth ministry program
in one of the following ways:
1.5 Hrs/Week
Visual Tech
We need help with our High
School program on Sunday nights
from 6:00-7:30pm. We need teens
and/or youth-friendly adults to
help with running the projection
screens & learning how to use the
Call Kevin Now! 630.355.8980
x123 or
2.5 Hrs/Week
We need help with our High
School program on Sunday nights
from 7:15-8:15pm. We need teens
and/or youth-friendly adults to
take pictures on Sunday nights and
then, by the following Friday, make
a “slideshow” (45 min – 1 hour of
effort). Camera will be provided if
Call Kevin Now! 630.355.8980
x123 or
3 Hrs/Week
Easy Worship Assembler
We need help with our High
School program on Sunday nights
from 6:00-7:30pm. We need teens
and/or youth-friendly adults to
learn the Easy Worship software
and to assemble the content from
various sources into the software.
This is the content that will “drive”
the projection screen(s) at the
6:30 pm mass.
Call Kevin Now! 630.355.8980
x123 or
The Power of Prayer
Hello and God bless! Our High School program kicks off at
6:30pm, Sunday, here at St. Thomas. Please say a prayer for our
youth, our leaders, and all involved as we begin a new year of
sharing our Catholic-Christian faith with the teens. Many of you
have stepped up to be a loving presence in our teens’ lives and I
thank you greatly for your willingness to serve. Prayers are a
simple way to share your time and talent. I am asking anyone
who is able to pause sometime the evening of the of September
21 (Sunday night) to lift up our teens in prayer. I think this is a
fantastic way to support our youth and their leaders. God bless
you all and thank you for your commitment to our community.
Parent Nights
That’s right everyone, this is your Youth Minister here to
introduce a new initiative this year – Parent Nights. On these
four nights throughout the year, we are bringing in professional
speakers to address topics that matter to you, the parents. Is that
a nifty idea or what? The topics, still being solidified, will include “Parent/Teen Communication,” “Parents: You Are #1 in
your Teen’s Life,” “Confirmation: A Journey,” etc. The night
begins at 6:30 pm with mass and then will continue to 8:30pm.
The dates are October 5, November 23, February 8, and March
15. Please RSVP if you haven’t already done so. To obtain the
RSVP form, email me at or stop by our Faith
topics are geared towards parents of teens, but any parent may
attend. I hope to see you all there!
Quest & 6:30 Mass
Hello and God bless! This is your Youth Minister here to say
that our High School Faith Formation program, Quest, kicks
off on September 21, at 6:30 pm. What’s better? On that same
night, our popular 6:30 pm mass resumes too! How awesome is
that? If you are in High School and in our Quest program, plan
to attend for sure with your parents. After the mass, the teens
will break off and I will address all the parents regarding our
program this year and field any questions. Hope to see you
Page 9 — September 21, 2008
Service Commission
Outreach & Social Justice
Haiti Weekend
A big thank you to everyone that helped with Haiti
Weekend, especially the witness speakers that presented
the healthcare situation in
Haiti so eloquently.
The second collection for healthcare was $18,000.
The donations will help support the lone doctor in
Duchity, will help supply the optical, dental, and
medical mission teams, and will go toward the building of the healthcare clinic. We are awaiting the final
estimate on the construction. We do have enough to
start construction and hope to do so before the end of
the year. The rendition and floor plan for the clinic
can be viewed in the Gathering Area.
Our Sponsor-a-Child kickoff provided $13,000.
The goal this year is the same as in the past few years
… $50,000. That provides over 42 quality teachers
for over 1,400 students. The schools do collect some
small tuition from families that can afford to pay
(about 40%). This year will be the first year that there
will be high school graduates in Duchity. This is a
goal our Twinning Education Team has been working
toward for seven years! You are making it happen!
Next Quarterly Diaper Drive
On Respect Life Weekend (Oct. 4/5) the Pro Life
Ministry is having their next quarterly diaper drive.
Please bring diapers and/or wipes and leave them in
the playpen in the gathering area. We’ll donate everything we collect to Woman’s Choice Services. Thank
you once again for your amazing generosity!
Also, volunteer to pray for one hour Wednesday,
September 24, at the Planned Parenthood Clinic near
Eola and New York. You can sign up on the board in
the Gathering Area. For additional information, call
the OSJ Office 630.355.8980.
Fifth Annual
Sleep Out Saturday
Families, youth groups, and individuals are invited
to collect pledges and sleep out in boxes, tents and
cars on the lawns and lots of St. Thomas. Put it on
your calendar now. More information to follow.
Naperville Celebration of Peace
Arts for Peace
Mayor Pradel proclaimed September 15 through
October 16 Celebration of Peace month in Naperville.
ThinkGlobal Arts Foundation is sponsoring activities
to educate and inspire residents to embrace Peace in
their daily lives. For a complete listing of activities,
please see the St. Thomas Website
area=ministries&data=osj. This celebration expands
the definition of Peace to include issues of personal
reflection, service, reconciliation, and environment.
The Celebration of Peace invites Naperville residents to contribute to Arts for Peace. This community-wide charity event will collect new and/or used
art materials in bins located around Naperville from
September 15 – 30. St. Thomas is a collection point.
Contributions such as chalk, crayons, markers, pencils, erasers, glue sticks, scissors, paints, brushes and
rulers are most needed. Used and partial contributions
are welcome as long as they work. Volunteers will
package materials into kits to be sent to 2400 children
who attend 24 impoverished primary schools in Malawi & Tanzania. These schools lack even the most
basic learning tools such as chalk for their slates.
“A Choice Peace” Gives Thought to Abortion
The Theatre of Purpose will present its play, “A Choice Peace” on Friday at 8 PM September 26,
Saturdays at 7 PM September 27 at All Saints Catholic Academy, 1155 Aurora Ave., Naperville IL.
The play is an original work by local playwright Grace Klick, and will give thought to the question
of abortion.
Suggested donation is $10 and will benefit Woman Care Services, Inc.
For more information on The Theatre of Purpose, call (224) 628-5631, or visit
September 21, 2008 — Page 10
Pastoral Care
Prayer Network Ministry
1st Annual Prayer Meeting
Thursday, October 9 at 7:30 PM
In the Lighthouse
Please mark your calendar and
plan to attend the 1st Annual Prayer Meeting of the St.
Thomas the Apostle Prayer Ministry. The meeting is
scheduled for Thursday, October 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the
St. Thomas Lighthouse. The guest speaker will be
Deacon, Chuck Lane. Chuck’s interactive talk on
prayer promises to be enlightening and one you won’t
want to miss. Jan Olah, Director of Pastoral Care,
will to lead prayer for the evening. There is time set
aside from 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. to enjoy a dessert and
meet the many for whom we pray and pray with.
All are welcome.
National Depression Screening Day
October 10 is National Depression Screening Day
and at Samaritan Interfaith Counseling Center an
online confidential screening tool is available. If you
or someone you know is suffering with any of the
symptoms mentioned below, please log onto Samaritan’s website at where you
can take the confidential screening, and immediately
get the results and referral information. For more information, you can also call Samaritan Interfaith at
Persistent sad, anxious or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities
Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Restlessness or irritability
Inability to sleep or oversleeping
Changes in appetite or weight
Lahavree Prayer Service
September 22
Lehavree is a Hebrew word meaning “to heal”. A prayer service will be held on September 22 for individuals
living with an illness such as cancer or any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual illness or pain. An invitation
is also extended to those who are in a supportive role or wishing to remember loved ones who have died from
such illnesses.
Bev Phelan and Joanne Shackelford, both St. parishioners and certified spiritual directors, sill co-facilitate
the service which will include prayer, reflection, song, story and anointing.
Lions and Tigers and
Bears, Oh My...
Coping with Fear and Anxiety
in Our Uncertain World
A morning of reflection and education about coping with
the stress and uncertainty we face in our world today.
Keynote Speaker: Dan O’Grady, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
Saturday, September 27, 2008 8:30am-12:30pm
To reserve your space, contact Rose Grumbine, Faith Community Nurse 630.355.8980 x140
Wear comfortable clothing for the practical portion of our morning!
Page 11 — September 21, 2008
Stewardship Commission
Stewardship… A Way of Life
Last Weekend’s stewardship of financial gifts...
Weekly Sunday Offertory (week 10)
For 9/07/08
Automatic Direct Debit
Mailed in & stock donations
Total for week
*Based on Collection Counters Reports
Fiscal Year (7/1 to 6/30) to date:
Weekly Average 7/1/07 to date:
Goal for Fiscal Year 7/1 to 6/30
% of Annual Sunday Offertory Goal
Remaining for Fiscal Year
Leadership Nights
Commission meetings resumed in September. We gather to Break Open the Word at 7:00 p.m. in the
chapel, then move into separate rooms for our commission meetings. Anyone interested in knowing more
about St. Thomas’ Commissions may contact any member of Pastoral Leadership Community (PLC) or the
Commission Facilitators. Names and phone numbers are listed inside our Sunday bulletin. Please calendar
the following dates.
October 8
November 12
January 14
February 11
March 18
April 22
May 13
Parish’s Night of Listening
Commission Members Needed
The Faith and Spiritual Formation Commission which represents all ages in our St. Thomas community,
is looking for a parent from All Saints and a teen representative to be on this commission. We meet monthly
to review how we are meeting our parish’s goals and our own strategies. For more information, please call
Patti Dougherty, 355-8980 ext. 109.
September 21, 2008 — Page 12
Parish Life Commission
PAT-A-CAKE Parenting Ministry
Back In Full Swing!
All parents/caregivers and tots (infantpreschool) are invited to join PAT-A-CAKE
Parenting Ministry this coming Monday,
September 22 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the
St. Thomas Nursery! Our meetings include social/
spiritual time for parents, playtime for children,
and FUN for ALL!
New members are always welcome! Please
contact Gina Howley at
or (630) 548-4355 with any questions.
Knightly News
Naperville Knights of Columbus Council No. 1369
615 E. Ogden Avenue, Naperville, IL 60563
Web site:
Upcoming future events:
9/27/08 Quarterly Blood Drive- SSPP
9/28/08 Youth Soccer Challenge at Gartner Park
10/7/08 Men’s Monthly Business Meeting
10/14/08 Monthly Ladies Auxiliary Meeting
10/21/08 40 Days for Life
10/21/08 Officers and Directors meeting
The Naperville Knights of Columbus and Heartland Blood Centers will be
hold their quarterly blood drive Saturday Sept 27, at SSPP in Zucker Hall,
from 7:30AM-12:30PM. Contact Darrell Hutton at 630-961-0526.
The Naperville Knights of Columbus will sponsor a Soccer Challenge at
Gartner Park on Sunday Sept 28, for youth between the ages of 10-14. For
details contact John Moran at 630-548-9590.
In conjunction with the 40 Days for Life campaign being held from Sept
24 through Nov 2, the Naperville Knights of Columbus have agreed to
take part in the prayer Vigil at the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Aurora,
during the first 6 hours of the day on Tuesday Oct 21. Twelve volunteers
are needed to spend one hour in prayer beginning at 11:59PM Monday
evening Oct 20, until 6AM Tuesday, Oct 21. For details and to volunteer,
contact Terry Ross at 630-268-9022.
New Year’s Eve
Dinner Dance
St. Thomas is planning a New
Years Eve Dinner Dance to kick off its
25 Year Anniversary in 2009. there will
be a light dinner and dancing , 9:00 p.m.
to 1:00 a.m., December 31, here at S
t. Thomas, with music of John Angotti
and his band, JAMM.
And, if anyone chooses, there will
be a Vigil Mass for January 1 Holy Day
at 8:00 p.m.
Interested in helping plan this
exciting, fun event? Come to a meeting
Wednesday, September 24 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Ministry Center. If you’d like to
help, but can’t attend the meeting,
please call Lori Culberson
355.8980x110 or Deb Scheckel
717.7599. Let’s make it a great
celebration to kick off our 25th
Anniversary and ring in the New Year!
Ccontinue to save your aluminum cans for the Naperville Knights of Columbus to support Seminarians. Drop off cans next to the trailer behind
the KC Hall, on the north side of Ogden Ave west of Columbia.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Service Organization that focuses on Church, Community, Council, Family and Youth
activities. For further information please visit our web site at, or contact at one of the following men who are
part of our Membership Committee: Gerry Ellensohn 630-536-8427, Darrell Hutton 630-961-0526, John Gallagher 630-355-6508, George
Flannery 630-579-9758 or Terry Ross, Grand Knight, at 630-268-9022.
Information and applications can also be found in the vestibules at both
Ss Peter and Paul Church and Ministry Center and the Vestibule of St.
Thomas the Apostle Church.
Page 13 — September 21, 2008
Administration Commission
Jobs Ministry
Weekly Networking Meeting
Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
(after the 8:30 a.m. Liturgy) Lighthouse
The September 2008 St Thomas the Apostle Jobs
Ministry Meeting will be held on Thursday evening
September 25, 2008 at 7:00 pm in the Lighthouse, at
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Naperville, IL.
The speaker will be Al Gustafson. Al’s presentation, “Unemployment: It’s About More Than Finding
Your Next Job”, will explore the invitations for growing into a life with more meaning and joy, invitations
that most often accompany a transition at work. The
invitations include heeding our calling, taking risks,
admitting failure and acknowledging the role of others in our success in “landing” that next job. Al goes
on to comment that job transition, for all its pain and
uncertainty, can be an opportunity for personal
growth. During our transition it becomes quite clear
that the future isn’t what it used to be, and for that
matter, neither are we.
Mr. Gustafson is a founder and past president of
the Career Transition Center of Chicago, a not for
profit organization supported by ten faith communities serving the needs of those who are unemployed,
and in transition. Al holds a Doctorate of Ministry
from the Catholic Theological Union as well as degrees in accounting and theology.
Al serves as Chairman of the Board of the several
retreats for those in transition titled “Finding Work
Without Losing Heart” that have been held in the
western suburbs in the last few years.
Please plan to attend this very informative meeting
on Thursday evening, September 25 at 7:00 p.m. in
the Lighthouse at St Thomas the Apostle Catholic
For additional info please contact: Jim Breen at
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church at
Monday, Sept. 22
9:00am-12:00 p.m.
4:15—5:15 p.m.
7:00—9:30 p.m.
7:30—9:30 P.M.
7:30—9:00 p.m.
7:30—9:15 p.m.
Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
Youth Choir, Church
New Wine, Senior Center
Haiti Twinning, Lighthouse
Lehavree Prayer Service, Chapel
Marketing Communications, Youth Center
Tuesday, Sept. 23
9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
4:30—5:45 p.m.
R. E. Classes & R.E. Open House
at Brookdale School
7:00—8:30 p.m.
Charismatic Prayer Group, Lounge
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Creed Class, Senior Center
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal, Church
Wednesday, Sept. 24
9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
9:00—11:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Senior Center
4:15—5:30 p.m.
Joyful Jammers, Church
:6:00—10:00 p.m. ALPHA, Lighthouse
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Buildings & Grounds, Senior Center
Thursday, Sept. 25
9:00am-12:00 p.m.
6:00—7:00 p.m.
6:15—9:30 p.m.
6:30—9:00 p.m.
6:30—9:30 p.m.
7:00—9:30 p.m.
7:30—9:00 p.m.
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
TREC Band, Senior Center
Formation Workshop, Gym
St. Thomas Teens with Character, Youth Center
Youth Welcome Ministry, Gathering Area
Jobs Ministry, Lighthouse
Jubilate Rehearsal, Senior Center
Justice & Peace, Rectory Basement
Friday, Sept. 26
9:00am-12:00 p.m.
Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
Saturday, Sept. 27
8:30—11:45 a.m.
R.E. & R.E. Open House at All Saints Academy
8:30—10:30 a.m.
Ensemble Rehearsal, Church
8:30am-12:30 p.m. Coping with Fear & Anxiety in Our Uncertain World,
9:00am-12:00 p.m. Art Class, Senior Center
9:00—10:30 a.m.
Men’s Christian Fellowship, Deacon’s Office
10:15—11:15 a.m. Rainbows, Ministry Center
4:30—6:30 p.m.
RCIA, Senior Center
Sunday, Sept. 28
10:10—10:40 a.m. Liturgy of the Word for Children, Ministry Center
6:30 p.m.
Quest Mass, Church
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Quest, Ministry Center
September 21, 2008 — Page 14