Monthly Newsletter -


Monthly Newsletter -
Unit Meeting
October 12th 9 AM
Circle Meetings are as follows:
This column is saved each month for words
of appreciation and thanks for work done well in
the life of our church by volunteers.
Hannah: October 27th
Miriam: October 25th @ 9:00am @ church
Ruth: October 25th @ 6:00pm
Thank You For Your Support!
Rachel: October 26th @ 9:45am
–Dear VBS Leaders & Participants,
A big thank you from the Friends of Maquoketa
Caves group for the donation of $242.24. It will go
to a good cause. We exist solely for the benefit of
the park and to further their many programs. Thanks
again and I hope many of you will participate in our
public events.
Ruth Sheets, Treasurer
Friends of Maquoketa State Park
Black Top Paving Project—Final Loan
–Thanks so much for allowing Hope Haylock into
your church family at VBS. She truly was accepted
at the church and didn’t want to go back home.
Thank you for your friendship!
--Linda Polk
–A Thank You to everyone who donated blood on
August 23rd. The Mississippi Valley Regional
Blood Center stated that 14 units were donated
which will provide up to 56 products for patients in
--Doris Currier
When the project was completed in May 2015, the
Trustees secured a 5-year loan (3.95% interest)
from Maquoketa State Bank in the amount of
$25,000. The thermometer shows the funds
received since June 1, 2015.
We have $12,124.11 to go
A “hearty thank you” to all the individuals who
came to the Fall Auction Sunday night; and a
special thanks to all who donated something
this year. About 52 people were here for
supper and enjoyed a time of fellowship and
some friendly competitive bidding. Darrell
Andresen was our Auctioneer. He worked
through the whole 4-page list of donations and
added some occasional humor to make our
giving a little more fun.
We ended the night with over $4,000.
And our election results show that the Hymn of
the Month for the next year will be: How Great
Thou Art. Actually the top 5 songs will be used
a little more often for a while. Thanks for your
If you had something on the list and
would like to know who purchased your item,
please call the office. Angie has a printed copy
of the auction results. This event always
reminds folks of goodies not quite collected
from past auctions…it’s not too late to call up
your friend and collect. After all, you paid for
~Pastor Jeff & our Finance Committee
If you want to give to this project please mark in the
memo of your check “Blacktop”
Common Threads
Common Threads will continue working on quilts
as well as bringing any knitting or crocheting to
work on. Come join us Monday October 3rd & 17th
at 1:00pm
This month’s craft dates are October 10th & 24th. We
always need fresh and new ideas for craft. We would
love to have you join in the fun and fellowship! Any
questions please contact Janet Mitchell at 652-0448 or
Jolyn Richards @ 563-564-5101.
Women at the Well
Flood Bucket List
Mission trip
October 20, 2016
Liquid Laundry Detergent (2 25-oz. bottles)
Clothesline (100 ft. cotton or plastic)
Liquid Household Cleaner (12-16 oz.–no spray)
24 roll heavy duty trash bags (33-45 gal. size)
Dish soap (16-28 oz. bottle)
1 can of air freshener
5 dust masks
1-insect repellent spray (6-14 oz.)
2 pairs kitchen dishwashing gloves
1 scrub brush
1 pair work gloves (leather)
18 cleaning wipes (reusable wipes/handi wipes)
7 sponges
5 scouring pads + 50 clothespins
Each Sunday we pray for the ministry that is
happening in this United Methodist Church inside
the walls of the women’s correctional facility in
Mitchellville, Iowa.
Every other year we have taken a group to
visit the Thursday evening chapel time. This is the
3rd trip we have taken. We have 8 people signed up
to go on this trip.
Saturday, October 22 Workshop
Maquoketa Methodist Church will be hosting a
workshop with Rev. Lee Schott for area churches
and pastors. The topic of discussion: How do we
offer a warm welcome to someone that has been
released from prison and returned to their home
community? AND, at the same time set
appropriate boundaries for those that have been
convicted as sex-offenders?
(sizes and count of items are extremely
important as everything has to fit into one
5-gallon bucket with a lid)
Sunday, October 23
Rev. Lee Schott is scheduled to preach at both of
our morning worship times. This is the third year
we have partnered as a sponsoring congregation,
with a commitment to give $1,000 to the ministry
and prayer support during the year.
If unsure about an item, see our more detailed
list posted on the church Facebook page or stop
in the church office to pick up a paper copy.
The church will be providing all buckets.
Bring all donations to the Fellowship hall stage
area and try to keep your supplies within one
bag, box or container, to make packing easier.
Radio Sponsors for August
October 2: Shirley Brandon; In Memory of
Husband, Steve
October 9: Mark & Susanne McMinn; In Honor of
Son, Terry & Grandson, Kaden’s Birthdays
October 16: UMW; In Honor of all United
Methodist Women
October 23: Pastor Jeff; Celebrating 10th
Anniversary of Women at the Well
October 30: Larry & LeAnne Hartley; In Honor of
Our 54th Wedding Anniversary
If you would like to sponsor a radio broadcast
please contact the church.
Thank you for providing this hospitality each week!!
October 2ndOctober 9thOctober 16thOctober 23rdOctober 30th-
8:15: Pat Weirup & Betty Scott
10:30: Pam Mansker & Wilma Roberts
8:15: Scott & Laurnet Spalding
10:30: Host Needed
8:15: Jim & Ollie Anderton
10:30: Host Needed
8:15: Allen & Helen Schnoor
10:30:Marge Kehn & Darlene Christiansen
8:15: Bonnie Parmer
10:30: Doris & Wayne Currier
Pop Cans for Missions
The pop can refund last month was $19.50. The
new balance is $246.30. Half of the money goes to
Nigeria to help the women get some education in
finances to learn how to handle money. They also
take sewing classes to learn how to sew for their
families and to sell to earn money.
The other half of the money goes to the Henderson
Settlement in Kentucky. Henderson Settlement is
89% dependent on contributions from individuals
and churches like us. With our help, we are
providing food, clothing and home repair to families
with limited resources. The money we receive from
the pop cans does so much good towards helping
people. Please keep bringing them to the church.
You are a blessing. Thank you so much.
~God Bless, Missions Committee
We would like to thank all of you who have bought
radio sponsorships. Without your generosity we
could not provide our radio ministry. Thank You
All!!! If you wish to sponsor a Sunday broadcast, it
is $28.00. Please call the office at 652-4420
Listen in to our Sunday broadcast every week on
KMAQ 95.1 FM @ 9:45 a.m.
Health Concerns:
 Pray for Mick & Carol Clark. He was in the
hospital again fighting to recover. (friends of
Elaine Watters)
 Please pray for safety for farmers and their
families as the harvest season begins.
 Please pray for Ava Miller, she fell on the
sidewalk and had to have stitches in her thumb
and has numerous bumps and bruises.
 Please Pray for Dean Martin (Mary Mether’s son
in law) he is having neck surgery and having a
rough time with it. (it is not due to cancer)
 Please pray for recovery efforts all across our state
following the recent flooding and water damage.
 Please pray for the family of Rosalie Gilmore.
She died September 7th. (Bonnie Parmer’s
 Pray for the family of Steve Heinrich; his father
died on Sept. 24 (Steve is the son-in-law of
Marvin & Lori Massey)
Assisted Living and Care Centers
 Maquoketa Care Center: Verna Foster, Darleen
Simmons, Virginia McVay (Pat Hasenbank’s
mother), Bob Smith
 Clover Ridge: Marian Todd, Bernice Frank, Gale
Stickley, Lorraine Owen, Ruth Casteel, Helen
Kroger, Don Powlistha, Bud Bernard, Lorraine
Makeever, Billie Keil
 Crestridge: Marilee Weuste, Mary Sanger
 Clarence: Marla Grose
 Woodridge Supportive Living (Geneseo, Illinois):
Carol Sears
 Avonlea Cottage (Milan, Illinois): Rachel Swanson
 Mill Valley (Bellevue): Lois Gruenwald
Thanksgiving, Good News, & Joys.
 We are grateful for the response and donations for
the Fall auction.
 We are thankful for the two new high school singers
in the Chancel Choir.
 Seth and April Wing are the proud parents of Olive
Victoria Wing, born August 10, 2016.
(Grandparents are Mike & Vicki Wing.)
 Sara & Ben Shearer are the proud parents of a new
baby, Evan, born 9-15-16
 The vote for favorite hymn named “How Great Thou
Art” as the song we will sing more over the next
 Fall Auction received over $4,000 in donations!
(Finance Committee)
Nicole Atkins
Ethel Richardson
Mia Shearer
Laurnet Spalding
Mary Jo Williams
Abigail Barnes
Lorraine Makeever
Susan Dadisman
Ann Otteman
Brielle Reicks
Jaden Holst
Marla Grose
Austin Wallroff
Jackie Fuller
Danielle Dadisman
Brooklynn Massey
Mary Sanger
Karysa Richards
Stephanie Sagers
Helen Schnoor
Cindy Schau
Gale Stickley
Laura Stephenson
Andrew Johnson
Marlene Dalziel
Charlene Gruver
Linda Stewart
Colleen Petaros
Eric Davis
Laura Westphal
Donny Olson
Jolyn Richards
Pat Hasenbank
Karen Sellars
Kevin & Tammy Davis
Hal & Sara Machael
Aaron & Sherri James
Merwin & Lullubelle Kock
Need a relaxing break from your routine?
Consider attending the Walk to Emmaus!
Here’s an update from recent moves from our
The 3-day Walk to Emmaus weekend is more than
just a retreat! It is a wonderful spiritual experience
that could make a real difference in your life! It is
filled with loving people, good food, and many little
surprises! (It is a spiritual walk-not a physical walk).
It is a great chance to just get away and find more
ways that Jesus can and will make a positive
difference in your life! Many have felt very blessed
to have been able to go.
Ron & June Fisher
503 W. Iowa St.
Greenfield, IA. 50849
Velma Witt-Colorado
Speak with Pastor Jeff if you are interested in going
this fall. Registration is encouraged about 4 weeks
before the weekend.
Lyle & Ethel Richardson
5618 Gatehouse Dr. Apt. B
Eau Claire, WI. 54701
Oct. 20-23 Men’s weekend @ Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca
Diane & Brad Bickford-San Tan Valley, AZ
Nov. 3-6 Women’s Walk @ Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca
Adult Sunday School Class
Holy Spirit Helps Witness
Tree of Life Bible Studies LLC
Jolyn Richards
Sign up to order your study 563-564-5101
Cost $7.00 for 12 week classes.
First United Methodist Church
Mondays 11:00 AM-12:00 or
Tuesdays 6:00-7:00 PM
Beginning Oct. 16
The Wesleyan Way
In this exciting and inspiring new study, Scott J. Jones
helps seekers and believers to envision and practice
discipleship as a way of life. Presenting Christianity from
a Wesleyan perspective, Jones invites participants into a
deeper, more thoughtful, more active commitment to
Christ. This 8-session study helps participants focus on
how, through discipleship with Jesus Christ, we become
part of God’s work in transforming the world. Each week
a different presenter shares their personal faith
experience. Presenters include Adam Hamilton, Olu
Brown, Felicia Hopkins, Jessica Moffat Seay, Jorge
Acevedo, Rob Fuquay and author Scott Jones. Minivideos conclude each week with an interview or ministry
story from the presenter’s home church.
Do you listen to the Lord’s voice and know how to
defend your faith? Acts gives us examples of how
we can witness to others with help from the Holy
Spirit about Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are
to stand firm when persecution happens and do
what is right by the word of God and not man. Luke
writes about the ascension of Jesus to heaven,
receiving of the Holy Spirit (on Pentecost) and how
the church began for the first thirty years. Paul was
converted to a believer and went on three
missionary journeys to spread the Good News to
both the Jews and Gentiles, performing miracles
along the way. We are to keep preaching and
teaching about Jesus.
Meets at 9:30 A.M. In the adult classroom by
the library. Bring in your coffee and enjoy the
conversation! Study books are available.
Facilitators: Steve Kahler and Colleen Petaros
Adult Service & help offered
We have developed a group to help members of
our congregation with minor home tasks that they
are unable to do. i.e. cleaning gutters, window
cleaning, attic/basement cleaning, raking, etc. If
you are interested, contact Bill Otteman (652-2815)
or Pastor Jeff (652-4420)
Advent Study Topic: The Redemption of Scrooge
Begins on November 27th
Help Wanted:
We are seeking individuals for Ushering 2016. If
you can help for the month or a couple of weeks,
please call or email the office!
Building Fund update
Your donations towards the Building Fund are
greatly appreciated all times of the year, but right
now they could be very helpful.
Here’s a few projects that are coming soon:
--before winter Trustees will be discussing the
replacement of the snow blower. The snow blower
fits on the front of our John Deere lawn tractor and
is reaching the end of its time.
--modifications for the front of the sanctuary are
under way and will be completed soon.
--there are a number of smaller projects that we
need to work on before snow.
Pastor: Jeff Dadisman – 563-249-7661 (cell)
Secretary: Angie Parker
Ministry Assistant: Colleen Petaros 563-321-0450
Organist/Pianist: Sherry Krogman
Joyful Noise/ Chancel Choir: Joel Hagen (652-4196)
Treasurer: Connie Cressey: 563-357-0498 (cell)
Custodian: Hal Machael (652-5464)
Parish Nurse: Doris Currier (652-4403)
Church Office Hours
Men of the Vine
Monday -Thursday 8:30-11:30 12:30-3:00
8:30 to 12:00
If you need assistance outside of these times, you may
contact Pastor Jeff @ 563-249-7661
Don’t forget that on October 8th, we will meet at
8:00 am in the Fellowship Hall for our monthly
Men’s Coffee. All men of the church are welcome
for fellowship and coffee on the second Saturday of
the month.
Find us on Facebook at Maquoketa Methodist Church