October 2013 - Mill Plain United Methodist Church


October 2013 - Mill Plain United Methodist Church
Mill Plain United Methodist Church
Circuit Rider
Volume 44, Issue 8, October 2013
Inside This Issue
OCTOBER EVENTS ............................ 1
October Events
Saturday, October 5, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
All-church Fall Cleanup Day (p.9)
LAY LEADER ................................................. 2
Saturday, October 5, 10 a.m.—3 p.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOL .............................. 3
Vancouver District Academy Annual Meeting (p.11)
YOUTH ................................................ 3
Sunday, October 6
WHAT IS GRACE ................................ 3
SPIRITUALITY..................................... 3
FILIPINO GUESTS .............................. 4
PRESCHOOL ...................................... 4
MISSIONAL ACTION PLAN ................ 5
TRUNK AND TREAT ........................... 5
PAUL JEFFREY .................................. 6
WHO.................................................... 6
HEARTHWOOD .................................. 6
THE BIG IDEA..................................... 7
WORLD COMMUNION........................ 7
FELLOWSHIP GROUPS ..................... 8
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY .............. 8
GOOD TIMERS ................................... 8
INKJET CARTRIDGES ........................ 9
FALL CLEANUP DAY ......................... 9
NEW MEMBERS ....................... 10 & 11
World Communion Sunday (p.7)
Saturday, October
12, 5:30 p.m.
Friends of the Carpenter
Dinner and Auction Round
Up. (p.9)
Sunday, October 13
Rev. Paul Jeffrey, our
covenant missionary, will
be coming to Mill Plain
UMC. He will preach at
both our 9:30 and 11 a.m. services. Rev. Jeffery will be in the narthex during coffee time between services to talk with people and at 12:30 p.m. he
will present a slide show, talk about his work and be available for questions
and further discussion.
Did you know that Mill Plain UMC has a covenant relationship with a Missionary? What this means is that we financially help support the work that
Paul does. Every three years missionaries take a few weeks to visit the
congregations who support their ministry.
(cont’d on p.6)
VARIETY SHOW ............................... 11
Friday, October 18, 7 p.m.
Beacock Jazz Band Concert (p.6)
RUMMAGE SALE UPDATE .............. 11
Sunday, October 20, 12:15 p.m.
New Member Orientation—Open to anyone interested in learning more
about United Methodist Church as well as Mill Plain UMC. Lunch and childcare provided.
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
From the Pastor’s Heart… October already! I am convinced time speeds up the
older you get. I can’t back this up with any science, but then I tend to think science is terribly overrated
anyway. Apparently they can’t even figure out if that little blip in the sub-anatomy of life is a wave or a particle. I say, get back to me when you know. Then
we’ll talk. But I digress.
October is the only month named after a number. I
feel good about this. Numbers are important and I
am blessed by people who can work with them, because I can’t. I passed high school algebra by cha-­
risma and guile alone. (It had something to do with X,
as I recall.) So be sure to thank all our number
crunchers for all their efforts on our behalf at
In October the church looks closely at the numbers.
We look backward at how the numbers are revealing
the health of our congregation. Weekly worship attendance and offerings are examined to see if we are
meeting our goals. Check with the Worship and Finance teams to see the statistics. My interpretation of
the numbers says that the number things are pretty
good, all things considered. We have a chance to
meet or even exceed our goals for 2013 if our momentum continues.
In addition, we are peering ahead into 2014 to set
other faith goals for our church. Our annual budget,
hereafter to be called a Ministry Action Plan (MAP),
is hammered out in October. It is one of the church’s primary Affirmations of Faith. It says we believe God
has called us to accomplish these things and we expect it to cost this much. We are declaring that we
believe God will provide for the mission of God’s Church through the generosity of its members. Beginning this month and moving into November, we
will give each of us the opportunity to declare our
faith in God and our mission during our stewardship
emphasis. The theme will be A Disciple Gives Generously. I believe we will.
I hope to see you numbered among the believers at
Pastor Carl
Lay Leader Greetings
Hello, everyone. Have you seen one? Do you need one? How would you use it? I’m sure you are beginning to say to yourself, “That Alexis. She must have ‘lost it’ somewhere.” Actually, if I had a better graphics pro-­
gram on my computer, I could draw for you what I am talking about.
Picture a round, flat shape with the letters T.U.I.T. inside. Can you see it? Do you recognize
it? Let me help. It is a round “tu-it”. I use one more frequently than I should. I say to myself, “I’ll get right on that task as soon as I get around to it.” How about you? I don’t really mean to put things off, but my humanness somehow gives me an excuse to delay, put off or ignore
those nudges that encourage me to participate more fully in my own spirituality.
I have a teeny little challenge for you this month. Check in with yourself and see where you
have not quite been getting around to it with something going on at church. Would it be a
class, an experience or a new relationship with someone you see almost every week but haven’t had a con-­
versation with? There are opportunities everywhere we look. Maybe helping out with the children or youth
would be perfect for you. Maybe the adult Sunday school class. Maybe one of our incredible ministries. Whatever you choose, know that you will be blessed by it and so will the rest of us.
As always, if you would like me to pray with you or just meet for coffee and conversation, please don’t hesi-­
tate to connect with me. I hope you’ll get around to it this month.
Your Lay Leader, Alexis Mason
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
Sunday School
Sunday School is in full swing with everyone busy
learning new routines and lessons.
Grow, Proclaim, Serve!
PreK-5th Grade October Lessons
Theme: David the King
Oct. 6:
Samuel Anoints David
Oct. 13:
David and Goliath
Oct. 20:
David Dances
Oct. 27:
David’s Son Builds the Temple
Middle School October Lessons
Theme: The Bible is about…
Oct. 6:
God Providing
Oct. 13:
Working Together
Oct. 20:
Being Called by God
Oct. 27:
Discerning God’s Will
High School
High School will spend class time studying from the
Lectionary. What they are discussing in class will be
similar to what the sermon is that day in church.
They will also focus on mission work within our
church and community. This gives them the hands
on activities that they all enjoy.
Opening Ourselves to Grace:
What is Grace?
Starting Monday, October 7, at 10 a.m.
How does John Wesley’s understanding of grace affect our faith journey? Ev Fisher will lead this fourweek DVD study which looks at grace as God’s love for humanity and for each individual. Playing off of
the metaphor of musicians practicing their craft, this
study defines grace in light of works of piety and
works of mercy and applies grace to our discipleship
Messy Spirituality
Sundays, 7:30 p.m.
This class continues through November 10, and
each lesson has its own theme. While helpful, it is
not necessary to attend every week.
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
Youth Schedule
Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8)
meets on Sunday, 3—4:30 p.m., unless
otherwise noted.
High School Youth Group (grades 9-12)
meets on Sunday, 4:45—6:15 p.m., unless
otherwise noted.
Sunday, October 6
Old Testament Family Tree
Sunday, October 13
Old Testament Family Tree
Sunday, October 20
Old Testament Family Tree
Friday, October 25
Haunted Corn Maize at Sauvie’s Island
Middle and High School Youth Group will
meet at MPUMC at 6:15 p.m. (eat dinner
before you come) to carpool to the Maize.
Bring $10 for the haunted Maize OR the
regular Maize. On our way back we will stop
somewhere for a treat so bring a little extra
cash for that. We will be back to MPUMC no
later than 11 p.m. Dress for the weather…
bring extra shoes to change into if it is
Sunday, October 27
Mission Work for Middle & High School
Let’s join in for MPUMC’s 2nd Annual Trunk
or Treat event! We will decorate the trunk of
Amy and Zack’s cars and pass out candy to the kids. Everyone meet at the church at 2
p.m. to decorate the trunks. Trunk or Treating begins at 3 p.m. Wear a costume and
bring at least one bag of wrapped candy to
pass out to children. We will finish by 5 p.m.
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
Welcome Filipino Methodists
Refreshing Your Spirit
Tuesday, October 8, at 9:15 a.m.
Join Melody Mello to discuss Pilgrimage into the
Last Third of Life; 7 Gateways to Spiritual Growth.
The authors, Jane Marie Thibault, age 65, and Richard L. Morgan, age 83, share their reflections on
how to use our later years to move deeper into our
relationship with God. On our journey together, we
will share our own experiences, hopes, fears and
challenges. We will refresh our bodies with liquid
and our spirit with God’s word. Young or old, bring
your favorite mug and join me in this seven-week
class. Please pick up your book in the church office
and read Chapter 1 before our first class. Suggested
donation for the book is $11. If you have questions,
contact the church office.
It has been a great blessing to have Noel and Loida
Lacanlace and Noel and Lalaine Pineda worshipping
with us this summer. These couples are members
of the Methodist Church in the Phillipines. They are
immigrating to America and have been in Vancouver
only two months. One of the first things they
did was worship at the closest Methodist Church to
their new home. We are honored to have them with
us and look forward to getting better acquainted.
Their English is pretty good. Much better than our
Tagalog. Let's all join in making them feel welcome
These friends are looking for any kind of work while
they get established and find permanent employment. If you have any odd jobs or can help to connect them to someone who does, call us at the
church office.
As the new school year gets off to a fresh start, we
have a few thank you messages.
The Preschool Board wishes to thank Zack Burdick
and his helpers for the wonderful job they did spreading the bark chips in the play yard. Shoveling and
hauling wheelbarrow loads of chips to the yard and
spreading them isn’t the easiest job, especially in the hot August sun. Thank you again to these young
people who spent their time on this project. We also
thank Ken Leffel for painting the play structure. Applying a fresh layer of bark chips and a coat of paint
to the play structure makes a remarkable visual impact to the playground.
Some members of the Board and another helper
were at the school the first few days of school to lend
a hand. There were traffic controllers, LeeAnne Olson, Connie Maddox and Stan Marshall, to ensure
drivers were driving slowly and cautiously through
our parking lot. The greeters, Ellis Valenter, Nancy
Harding and Georgia Hess, each in turn, were at the
door to welcome the parents and children as
4 they entered the building. Tracy Reynolds and
Sara Silliman were in the office, collecting tuition, answering questions and phone calls. This help allowed
Linda to talk with parents, alleviate any fears or concerns the parents had, answer curriculum questions,
greet the children and take care of any criers.
Our children are transitioning well
into their new schedules and routines. Their teachers are planning
their Harvest Festival which is a
celebration of autumn and its seasonal changes. The children may
come to school dressed as a
farmer, a farmer’s wife or a farm animal (we do not celebrate Halloween). They participate in a carnival
that is held in the narthex where there are games
and prizes. There is also a pumpkin patch created in
the back field where the children can pick a pumpkin.
It is a fun day for everyone.
Thank you for your prayers and support for our Preschool and its wonderful ministry.
Contact us at: preschool@millplainumc.org
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
We Are on a Journey and Need A Map
It is that time of the year when the church must start
During the month of October we will be talking about
the process of planning our spending for the coming
what we have done to accomplish our mission in the
year along with estimates of the support that we can
year just past and what more we need to be doing to
expect from the congregation. This year we will call
truly answer our call, to venture a bit farther out on
that spending plan a Missional Action Plan (MAP)
this missional journey.
rather than a budget because that is a
Toward the end of October you will remuch better description. Our church has a
ceive a package in the mail which will
mission that the Lord is calling us to cominclude a letter jointly signed by the
plete. It is a mission that includes bringing
pastor and finance chair along with a
people to Christ, including getting closer
Missional Action Plan showing how far
ourselves, feeding his sheep and carrying
along our missional journey we have
for the least of those among us and promotgone in the past year. Included in that
ing good Christian values in the community
packet will be a card for you to estimate
where we find ourselves. When one goes
Missional Action Plan how you plan to support our missional
on such a journey you need a MAP to plan
journey in 2014. These do not have to be absolute
where you are going and how to get there. So the
pledges because things can change, but just as we
use of the acronym MAP may be a bit of a play on
need a map to get somewhere new, we need those
words but, in fact, it is really a good description of
estimates to judge where we can go on our journey. I
how we must plan for next year. We require some
jokingly called these estimates Giving Plan Statefixed resources to keep up our building and pay our
ments (GPS!). While that may be going a bit far in
staff, and the appropriate committees will be preparour play on words, those estimates are every bit as
ing estimates on how much that will cost. Beyond
helpful in planning our trip as a GPS has become in
that, committees like Worship, Education and Outplanning other journeys.
reach, will be prayerfully considering what our misThe title we are using for our Stewardship Campaign
sion really is and how to apply the resources availthis year is A Disciple Gives Generously. We really
able to accomplish as much as possible of what we
believe this is true and when we, a church full of
know we are called to do. Putting all of this together
dedicated disciples, hear the call and really believe in
we can develop a MAP (Missional Action Plan) of
how to get from where we are to where we are called what we are doing, I think it will be truly amazing how
far we can go on this journey.
to be.
The other portion of this MAP is estimates of how
you are prepared to support this journey we are on.
Larry Bone, Finance Chair
2nd Annual Trunk or Treat
Mill Plain United Methodist Church
Sunday, October 27, 3—4:30 p.m.
What is Trunk or Treat?
Adults decorate cars (costumes add to the fun) and hand out
treats from their trunks. Children dress in their Halloween
costumes and go from car to car collecting candy
while enjoying your creativity.
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
(Cont’d from p.1)
The Rev. Paul Jeffrey is a United Methodist missionary photojournalist who travels the world covering
disasters, poverty and war. He has filed stories from
more than 75 countries, writing about
everything from hurricanes to health care,
from massacres to indigenous rights,
from refugees to ecumenism. In the
course of his work, Paul has been
trapped in combat, tear-gassed and shot
at, taken prisoner by soldiers, beaten by
police and gotten sick from what he calls
“every intestinal disorder known to mod-­
ern science.” He's also had what he terms the "privilege of witnessing the poor become
subjects of their own history rather than the objects
of someone else's history."
In addition to United Methodist publications, Paul's
writing has appeared in magazines such as the
Christian Century and the National Catholic Reporter.
He is the author of a book about the Guatemalan
peace process, has written chapters for two different
A Great Start to a New Year
There are a variety of opportunities for us to help at
Hearthwood Elementary School, MPUMC’s partner school, to help their students get
their year off to a positive start.
Volunteers are needed for the
lunch buddy and tutoring programs, helping in the library, and
assisting with the Share House
backpacks. The staff at Hearthwood is very welcoming and appreciative of any help that we can give. If
you could give an hour a week and enjoy working
with children, they would love to have your help and
will work around your schedule. If this sounds interesting to you or for more information, please e-mail
hearthwood@millplainumc.org or call the office.
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
books on Central America and is coauthor of a study
of the effects of Hurricane Mitch on the political culture of Honduras. He is coauthor of Where Mercy
Fails, a 2009 book on the Darfur region of Sudan,
and also of Rubble Nation, a 2011 book on Haiti.
Paul's photos have appeared in many
places, including the Washington Post,
Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Toronto
Globe and Mail, The Guardian, National
Geographic Explorer and Time magazine.
They’ve also been used by organizations ranging from the World Bank and World
Health Organization to the World Meteorological Organization and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Paul has interviewed hundreds of important newsmakers ranging from Jimmy Swaggart to Evo
Morales, and has himself been interviewed by journalists ranging from Bill Moyers to Amy Goodman.
He has won several awards for his writing and photography.
Winter Hospitality Overflow
Fundraiser at Applebee’s
Saturday, October 5, 8—10 a.m.
The 2013-2014 Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO)
begins November 1. To kick off the season, there will
be an Applebee's Fundraiser to benefit the 201314 WHO season. Last year's Applebee's Fundraiser
raised about $4800 for the 2012-13 season. You can
purchase tickets for $8 in advance from the MPUMC
Missions Team or buy them at the door. Breakfast
includes pancakes, eggs and sausage links served
with coffee, tea and juice.
The WHO program serves families, single men and
women and couples by providing emergency shelter
during the winter months. Mill Plain UMC proudly
participates in this local faith community outreach
project. Look for more information on how you can
help early next year. Mill Plain UMC will coordinate
the staff for WHO, February 2—6, 2014.
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
The Big Idea
Building a stronger connection for God and each other through prayers, small groups,
and sharing our stories and vision
This is the underlying statement that has been guiding the Health Team and our
congregation this last year. With it, we have encouraged existing small groups to
build more connection within so that there is an atmosphere of openness and freedom to share our personal stories. With our weekly prayer focus, there have been
opportunities to pray together in worship, and to raise our voices as one when we
pray throughout the week. Are you part of a small group—be it a team, committee,
fellowship, music, study group, service area, etc? We encourage you to seek ways
to strengthen your connection to God and each other through involvement in one
of our small groups. Not sure where you might fit or want to be? Ask questions of
those around you. How are they serving Christ? Where are they meeting others and growing closer in relationship with our church family? Or look at it from a different perspective and reach out and invite someone to
attend an activity with you! It is amazing how often that simple statement “I would love for you to be part of (name the group)” encourages someone to take the actual step of attending a fellowship group or class or worship service. If you would like to know more about the Church Health Team or the Natural Church Development process, please contact the church office.
Wanted: Design/Layout Assistant
The Circuit Rider team is in need of a layout assistant to work in coordination with
Barbara Rosik. This person needs to have Publisher 2007 on their home computer
and some knowledge of how to use it. We’ll help you learn. The job involves a few hours a week, mostly in the last two weeks of each month. If you’d like to help, call the church office or email newsletter@milllplainumc.org.
World Communion Sunday—October 6
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch
over you.” Says the Lord. Psalm 32:8
In 1975, 6-year old Julie Fleurinor
and her family fled Haiti for Miami,
along with thousands of other refugees escaping oppression and poverty. Today, thanks to a World Communion Scholarship, she dreams of
returning home someday to bring
healing and hope to her beloved but
beleaguered native land.
Remarkably, Fleurinor is earning two master’s de-­
grees: one in divinity from United Methodist related
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Ill., and one in social work from Loyola University
in Chicago. She plans to use her training to provide
holistic ministry, spiritual and social, to
struggling communities in both the US
and Haiti. World Communion Sunday
funds racial-ethnic World Communion
Scholarships. At least one-half of the
annual amount is reserved for ministries beyond the US and also provides
for Ethnic In-Service Training programs. Please look for the special
World Communion Sunday offering envelope in your
church bulletin on Sunday, October 6. You can
learn more at www.umcgiving.org/wcs.
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
Fellowship Groups
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Thursday, October
17, 10 a.m., Room
Wednesday, October
9, Noon
Friday, October 11,
Room G/H, 6:15 p.m.
**Knitting, crocheting, fellowship
**Lunch at Peachtree Restaurant
We teach beginners. Bring
$ donation for Pastor’s Dis-­
cretionary Fund and your
own beverage. Hosts: Dar-
Books, Faith and
Thursday, October
17, 9 a.m.
**The Storyteller, by Jodi
Thursday, October
17, 1 p.m.
Hosts: Pat and Lindsey
Good Timers (50+)
Pinochle (Potluck)
** See below for details.
Books, Faith and Fellowship
Prayer Shawl Ministry
For our next discussion, we return to a favorite author, Jodi Picoult, as we read The Storyteller. An
unusual friendship forms between
young Sage and Josef, an elderly
man she meets in a grief group. Sage
finds herself wondering, “Where does one draw the line between punishment and justice, forgiveness and
mercy? How far will one go to keep
the past from dictating the future?” We hope you will join us on Thursday, October 17,
at 9 a.m. Email: bookclub@millplainumc.org if you
have questions.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Thursday, October 17, 10 a.m., in G/H. So far over 90 purple
newborn caps have been received for the Shaken
Baby Syndrome awareness promotion. The purple
newborn caps, a video and literature will be given
during October to help educate newborn’s parents about the Period of Purple Crying and Shaken Baby
Syndrome. Thank you to everyone who has helped
by making purple newborn caps, shawls and lap
blankets. All are greatly appreciated.
Good Timers
On Wednesday, October 9, at 12 Noon, Good
Timers will meet for lunch again at the Peachtree
Restaurant, 6700 NE 162nd Ave. Watch for Buy
One Get One Free coupons. For those who wish to
carpool, we will meet at church at 11:30 a.m. and
leave for the restaurant at 11:40 a.m. Everyone is
welcome; bring a friend. RSVP to the church office.
Our next focus will be on caps and scarves for all
ages to be given to Winter Hospitality Overflow
homeless shelter this winter. Babies in Need always
are in need of baby caps and blankets. There are big
and small projects as wells as easy projects. Come
and share your talents and gifts. All are welcome.
All who knit, crochet, desire to learn or share in fellowship are welcome to join us as we make shawls,
lap robes, baby blankets and caps. If you have questions or would like a pattern, contact prayershawl@millplainumc.org.
Mark Your Calendar: Annual Charge Conference —Sunday, November 17
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
Beacock’s New Horizons Jazz Band
Friday, October 18, 7 p.m.
The Rev. Ruth Mathis Scholarship Committee is excited to again welcome back Beacock’s New Hori-­
zons Jazz Band to entertain us. This
outstanding group of musicians will
again fill our sanctuary with jazz and
big band sounds to get you tapping
your toes or maybe even dancing.
This concert is our primary fundraiser
of the year. What an enjoyable way to
support students in our church family
who wish to further their education!
Admission is by donation, and refreshments will be served at intermission. See you there!
Inkjet Printer Cartridges
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
Friends of the Carpenter: 11th Annual Dinner and Auction Round Up
Saturday, October 12, 5:30 p.m.
Doors open at at the Vancouver Hilton, 301 W. 6th
Street, at 5:30 p.m. with music, dinner and a silent
and live auction.
Mill Plain UMC has reserved a
table for ten for the dinner. The
cost per person is $65 and tickets
may be picked up at the church
office. Contact Pastor Carl or the
church office for more information. Friends of the Carpenter day
shelter "is a place where nobody is better than anyone else and everyone leaves better than they
were." Duane Sich, Director.
The Scholarship Committee is also collecting used
inkjet printer cartridges (all except Epson). It is an
ongoing project to help our environment and our
scholarship fund. The collection box is in the north
entryway. Thank you to those of you who have participated in this worthwhile endeavor.
Youth at Cool Whip Night
Come One, Come All, Let’s Usher in Fall!
Saturday, October 5, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
You are invited to the All-Church Fall Cleanup Day.
There will be projects for all skill levels and all ages. Bring
garden tools, paper towels and/or cleaning rags.
Help make our church sparkle.
Coffee and pastries will be provided.
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
Welcome New Members
Owen (“Ole”) and Dolores Olson joined in September. They have four children, ten grandchildren, ten
great-grandchildren and one great-greatgranddaughter! They
also have a one year
old dog named Teddy
who is “spoiled rotten.” Ole worked in the oil
fields and in the natural gas industry for
over 30 years. Both
Ole and Dolores spent most of their lives in Wyoming, Dolores being a native, and Ole moving there
at the tender age of two. In fact, Dolores lived on the
old Green Egg Ranch, where the Virginian television
series was filmed. Dolores began the first nursery at
her Wyoming church. They lived in Vancouver the
first time in 1973 and moved here permanently in
July 2012. They originally attended Mill Plain UMC
because they live right across the street! They decided to join because everyone was so friendly and
Dolores has been a Methodist for many years.
Dolores answers the phones and folds bulletins here
at the church. She is also involved with the rummage
Skylar Bradburn lives with her grandparents, Greg
and Pauline Bradburn. There are also two dogs running around the apartment, Angel and Lucy. She is a Senior at
Mountain View High School,
where she is very active in theater. She originally moved to Vancouver only last February. She
first attended Mill Plain UMC because (in her words) “Jesus came to me in a dream.” Actually she came with her grandparents. She joined in September because she loves Mill Plain UMC in general
and the other youth in particular. Skylar is helping with the children’s ministry.
Kerri Nelson was born in India and came to the
United States at an early age. She joined our church
in August. She has a daughter, Raelynn, who is 17
months old, and a son, Morgan,
born September 22, premature
but doing well. She loves to cook,
camp and hike “when I can.” She moved to Vancouver in May
2012. She originally attended Mill
Plain UMC because it is a
“smaller church with more peo-­
ple.” She joined in August to have a church family and to raise her
children in the church. She volunteers for daycare
once a month.
Dianne Smith is a single mother with one daughter
who attends Eastern Washington University. Dianne
was raised in the Tri-Cities area and spent many
years in Arizona, where she was a full-time teacher.
She has lived in Vancouver for
the last seven years, where
she is a substitute teacher in
Washougal and a full-time employee of the Transportation
Safety Administration.
She first attended Mill Plain
UMC because she lives right
down the street and felt really comfortable here. She
joined in August because of the comfort, fellowship
and the whole church family. She loves to work with
children but is unable to do much at this time because of her work schedule. She does what she can
with outreach, namely Hearthwood School, such as
buying supplies to donate.
Let’s extend a warm welcome to the new members who joined our fellowship on
August 18.
CHURCH OFFICE | 360-892-2421
Linda Martin (and her husband, Pastor Carl) have
three grown children, three wonderful children-in-law
and five grandchildren. They also have one dog,
Ginger, who is sometimes in Pastor Carl’s office. Linda is a retired (as of
June) registered nurse who
has done various nursing
work and who has worked
as a hospice nurse for the
past twenty years. Her main
interests are her grandchildren and thrift store shopping! They have only lived her in Vancouver since
last July. Her current ministries are the Rummage
Sale, the Book Club and care giving. She will plug-in
more supportive opportunities as time goes on.
CIRCUIT RIDER | October 2013
Everything’s Coming up Roses!
One of the great events at Mill Plain UMC aROSE
over 30 years ago! Mark your calendars for Friday,
November 15, and don’t miss the 31st Annual
MPUMC Variety Show. It’s going to be a really fun evening for the whole family! Come and see the
BUDDING talent at MPUMC, as well as some in full
There is still time to be on stage in the show—take
part and show your talent to the ROSE of people in
audience. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, literally.
Sing, dance, read, play an instrument, skits—
whatever your talent, bring it on!
Everything’s Coming up Roses!
31st Annual Mill Plain
Colette Griffith is a retired programmer and current
exotic cat researcher. At home now, she has a geoffry and an Asian leopard cat and about a dozen others. Her husband passed away from cancer a few
years ago. She has a daughter and a son, with three
grandchildren from her daughter and two more from
her son (who is currently serving his second tour
with the Marines in Afghanistan). She moved to
Washington about 35 years ago to help start the
State Lottery and has lived here in Vancouver for
about the last 27 years. A few years ago, she was
laid off from her programming job. Soon thereafter,
her husband was diagnosed with cancer, so she was
able to attend all of his doctor appointments. She
first attended MPUMC after driving by several times
because “the church looked inviting.” Joining (as she stated) was “a no-brainer,” since she had been a Methodist for a long time. Her current ministries are
the rummage sale and she has issued a “ceramic challenge” to Pastor Carl.
UMC Variety Show
Friday, November 15, at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, November 5, 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 12, 6:30 p.m.—Dress Rehearsal
Questions? Ready to submit an act? Contact Peter
Fulwell or Bonnie Rappé or the church office.
Vancouver District Academy
Annual Meeting
Saturday, October 5, 10 a.m.—3 p.m.
Longview United Methodist Church
Guest speaker is Dr. Jack Levison, Professor of
New Testament at Seattle Pacific University
Registration: Cost $5 per person, includes lunch.
For more information, call the office.
Rummage Sale
The Missions Team extends a HUGE thank you to
all the many workers who organized, sorted, priced
and sold items at the sale. Proceeds (approximately
$4,400) will go to Missions Team to help throughout
the community and the world.
15804 SE Mill Plain Boulevard
Vancouver, Washington 98684
(360) 892-2421
Preschool (360) 896-2696
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage Paid
Permit #111
Vancouver, WA 98661
Return Service
Worship: 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages: 9:30 a.m.
Childcare available during both worship times
Office Hours: 9 a.m.—1 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
mission statement
We are a community of faith seeking
to become deeply committed disciples
of Jesus Christ.
We strengthen our faith through
sharing Christ, worship, Bible study, prayer,
service and Christian fellowship.
Church Staff
Pastor .............................................. Rev. Carl Martin
Lay Minister ................................................Ev Fisher
9:30 a.m. Music Director ........... Thomas Rheingans
Choir Director .......................................... Alan Davis
The due date for submissions to the November
edition of the Circuit Rider: Tuesday, October 15.
E-mail to: newsletter@millplainumc.org, or submit
articles and photos to the church office.
11 a.m. Accompanist................. Thomas Rheingans
Family/Youth Ministries Coordinator..... Amy Meyer
Youth Intern ......................................... Zack Burdick
Preschool Director ......................... Linda DeMorgan
Child Care Coordinator ..................... Diane Cammer
Child Care Assistant ...................... Ruth Ann Lucke