Texas - The Council for Art Education


Texas - The Council for Art Education
Youth Art Month in Texas 2014-15
Submitted by Chris Cooper, Texas VP for Youth Art Month; ccoop27@hotmail.com
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
YAM is well supported in Texas; during 2014-2015, TAEA/YAM has
made important new connections, garnered additional support
at the state level, started new initiatives, and worked hard across
the state to support and recognize young artists and their
TAEA’s second biggest YAM program, the TASA/TASB
Conference Exhibit (state school administrator/school board
conference) has grown to the point where our website has
separated the TAEA YAM information page into two parts: YAM
YAM page URL: http://www.taea.org/TAEA/special-programs.asp?option=YAM
TASA/TASB page URL: http://www.taea.org/TAEA/special-programs.asp?option=TASB
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
2015 State YAM Exhibit: Texas YAM continues to grow its relationship with a
sponsor who came on board in 2013…the Bob Bullock Texas State History
Museum. The State Capital Youth Art Month Exhibit ran for four weeks at the
Bullock and one week at the State Capitol, and the Bullock again hosted our
annual Artist Awards Ceremony and Reception. We anticipated an increased
turnout for the ceremony, added seating for an additional 100, and now plan to
increase seating again for 2016.
Bullock Exhibit: March 8-April 4
Artist Awards Ceremony and Reception: March 22 at the Bullock Museum
State Capitol Exhibit: April 5-11
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
Governor’s Office Support: Texas has a new governor, and with him
comes a new First Lady. Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott and her staff
have embraced YAM like no other first lady since Laura Bush, who
initiated gubernatorial YAM involvement during her husband, George W.
Bush’s, first term.
Mrs. Abbott’s contributions include:
Personally selecting 13 artworks for our annual Governor’s Gallery (an
increase of 3 artworks), including one for her own office.
Attending our State Capital YAM Awards Ceremony, and posing for photos
with each of our 105 artists.
Sponsoring and attending a reception for Governor’s Gallery Artists.
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
YAM Governor’s Gallery: The office of the Governor/First Lady chooses
artworks for our annual YAM Governor’s Gallery exhibit. These artworks
are framed, and hung in the Governor’s Business Office inside the State
Capitol Building for one year. We celebrated an increase from 10 to 13
artworks this year. First Lady Cecilia Abbott and her staff hosted a
reception for artists, their families, and their teachers on June 26.
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
TASA/TASB: Texas Association of School Administrators & Texas
Association of School Boards (TASA/TASB) hosts an annual exhibit of
student artwork from across Texas at their annual fall conference. This is a
YAM initiative, with member teachers from across the state submitting
artwork to be showcased in this exhibit.
TAEA continues to bring in student demo artists, increasing to two days of
demos in 2014; TASA/TASB has increased our artwork exhibit space, and
continues to give us a free arts advocacy booth, during which we added
logo pen and button giveaways to promote TAEA initiatives and quality
art education to superintendents and school board members.
191 artworks
43 districts/private schools
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
YAM at TEA: The Texas Education Agency (TEA) initiated
additional collaboration with TAEA by adding a new art exhibit
featuring selected art from the 2014 TASA/TASB Conference
Exhibit artwork. TEA now hosts three annual TAEA student exhibits:
TASA/TASB selections
State YAM selections
State VASE Gold Seal exhibit
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
Big Art Day: TAEA launched its second year of its Art Advocacy initiative;
Big Art Day (March 5). Big Art Day is an art happening designed to raise
awareness of art education and art as a creative force in our
communities on a BIG statewide scale. TAEA aims to engage all art
educators, their students, and their communities, in a single day
statewide chain of art events. While we did not see an increase in 2015,
due to unanticipated snow days (unheard of in March in Texas), we did
see participation from several new school districts.
TAEA members registered 127 events for Big Art Day 2015;
our continued goal is1000 events.
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
Be Visual: Big Art Day during YAM is part of TAEA’s Be Visual
initiative. The purpose of “Be Visual” is to remind us that we live in a
visual culture, and that creativity fostered by the arts has become
a crucial part of the 21st century learning experience. For 2014-15,
TAEA produced t-shirts as a visual reminder of our continued effort
to garner support for quality visual arts education in Texas.
Increased Support for YAM in TEXAS
Online YAM Reporting: TAEA/YAM has recently launched online YAM reporting!
For 2015, several school districts embraced this new, and we hope easier, way to
submit YAM information from their institutions. Our first launch was in late May, and
we intend to have a much earlier March 1 launch for 2016. This new reporting
method did double the number of reports submitted, and we received reports from
school districts who had not previously submitted reports on paper.
Also, TAEA/YAM for the first time accepted Electronic YAM Scrapbooks in addition to
those created by traditional means.
Funding for State YAM Activities
(monies and in kind donations)
Bob Bullock Museum continues to support TAEA’s YAM
initiatives. This year our exhibition run quadrupled (an
increase of 1 week), and our reception capacity
increased by 100 seats.
Texas Education Agency has increased its support of
TAEA initiatives by adding a third exhibit from TAEA
programs to its calendar: TASA/TASB artwork (a part of
TASA/TASB has increased its support of YAM activities
by providing TAEA with additional artwork space, and
continuing to give TAEA a free exhibit hall booth.
TAEA budgets up to $15000 annually for YAM events:
$12,354 expended 2014-15
Savings provided by additional support by these
sponsors enabled TAEA/YAM to:
Replace our 10 flag display stands and convert our collection
of 25 flags from grommet to sleeve hanging.
Contract with an artwork exhibit mover to help with logistics for
additional exhibit venues.
Provide additional advocacy materials for TASA/TASB, Lobby
Day at the State Capitol.
Provide a new “All-State YAM Artist” lapel pin for our YAM artists.
Local funding reported:
Plano ISD, Alvin ISD, Pearland ISD, Brazos Valley AEA, San Marcos
CISD report expenditures totaling $8000.
Aldine ISD, Whitehouse ISD, Frisco ISD, Slaton ISD report no
budgetary support or monetary donations.
Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
Exhibit space for State YAM Exhibit: 24 days
Reception space for State YAM Exhibit: reception room with
sound and projection equipment plus chairs & tables
Liaison services: assistance with exhibit setup, takedown, and
reception coordination
(in-kind donation; savings to TAEA of approx. $500)
Texas Education Agency
Exhibit space, YAM & TASA/TASB artwork: 4 months
Framing and hanging services: professionally matting, framing,
and hanging the artwork
(in-kind donation; no cost comparison available)
Exhibit space for YAM-related Exhibit: panels and signage,
student demo space equivalent of approximately 12
exhibition booths
TAEA Art Advocacy exhibit booth: with electricity, $1300 savings
(in-kind donation)
Three districts reported that YAM exposure has contributed to the hiring of additional elementary art teachers,
and has increased Visual Arts budgets in elementary and middle schools.
Governor Greg Abbott, Texas;
official YAM proclamation plus
proclamation certificates for
Governor’s Gallery artists
Proclamation for Dallas-area
elementary student (click on link
to view text of proclamation)
State Event sponsors:
Office of the Governor, Office of the First Lady, Texas State
Capitol Preservation Board
Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum
State Rep. Jason Isaacs, Capitol sponsor
Texas Education Agency
Vendors who donated supplies to
our YAM artists:
Local sponsors reported:
George Bush Presidential Library (Brazos Valley) sponsors an
annual YAM art contest and exhibit
San Marcos Area Arts Council: SMCISD Art Show
Alvin Community College: monetary support, hosts YAM art
contest and exhibit
Frisco Square: hosts YAM events
School Specialty
FM Brush
Sketch for Schools
Davis Publishing
Awards; Bush Library contest
2014 Pre-Conference magazine
Extent of Texas Cooperation
Large stars represent
metropolitan areas,
smaller stars represent
smaller towns. Large
stars represent multiple
events, as do a few of
the smaller stars.
These are locations that
reported YAM activity
(approximately 235
events); many, many
more host exhibits, but
do not report.
We are seeing an
increase due in part to
Big Art Day, and due to
younger teachers
bringing in participatory
activity based on
influence of university
art education
programs, and
encouragement from
cooperating teachers.
Online YAM reporting
has begun to increase
YAM reporting in Texas.
Flag Design 2015
58 entries
(one per member teacher)
YAM Flag
Overall winner
Middle School
Overall Texas Flag Design Winner:
Beverly Wooten at NAEA 2015
(58 total
Observances and Exhibits
Reported Big Art Day participation
(some in April due to weather):
• 105 public K-12 school events
• 15 community arts-sponsored
• 2 higher education events
• 3 museum education events
• 1 private school event
• 1 arts council-sponsored event
Observances and Exhibits
YAM State Capital Exhibit
102 artworks selected
204 entries
Representing 42 school districts
Observances and Exhibits
YAM State Capital Exhibit
Observances and Exhibits
YAM State Capital Exhibit
Awards Ceremony
Observances and Exhibits
YAM in the Brazos Valley
Observances and Exhibits
YAM in San Marcos
Observances and Exhibits
YAM in Plano
YAM in Aldine
Observances and Exhibits
YAM in Slaton
Observances and Exhibits
YAM in Frisco
Promotional Resources
Billboard: Austin, TX (pop. 843,000)
Sponsored by Reagan Outdoor Adv. and A+ Federal Credit Union
Billboard: Slaton, TX (pop. 6200)
Sponsored by Peoples Bank
Newspaper, TV & Online Articles
The Slatonite: March 12, 2015
Link to video news
(35 articles submitted)
Newspaper & Online Articles
(text continues within article)
Newspaper & Online Articles
Special Materials Created
1. 18-page YAM resource guide: http://www.taea.org/TAEA/Docs/2014/TAEA-2014-2015-YAM-Book.pdf
2. YAM Image: used on all posters, invitations, etc.
3. 16-page YAM program: includes agenda, TAEA welcome, speaker bio (Cheryl Evans 2014), list of artworks,
4. YAM All State Artist lapel pin, art advocacy button (new designs for 2015)
5. Example: YAM letter for students, teachers, admins, donor requests, special invitations
6. YAM card insert for conference bags (front/back); includes YAM calendar and invitation to YAM
7. Car window sign given to each artist at YAM Awards Ceremony with sticky dots: created a traveling art
show the size of Texas
8. Governor’s Gallery book, example of artist page with artist statement
9. Example: E-blasts sent to membership