Minutes - Green Line Extension Project
Minutes - Green Line Extension Project
Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting LOCATION OF MEETING: Somerville Public Library, Somerville, MA DATE/TIME OF MEETING: August 4, 2008, 4:00-6:00 PM ADVISORY GROUP ATTENDEES: Lee Auspitz, Davis Square Task Force Noah Chesnin, CLF William Deignan, City of Cambridge Frederick DelloRusso, Medford City Council Rita Donnelly, Appointed by City of Medford Mimi Graney, Union Square Main Streets Joe Guelpa, Appointed by City of Somerville Kenneth Krause, Appointed by City of Medford Monica Lamboy, City of Somerville Barbara Lucas, MAPC Jim McGinnis, Appointed by City of Somerville Ellin Reisner, STEP Barbara Rubel, Tufts University William Wood, Appointed by City of Medford EX OFFICIO ATTENDEES: Representative Carl Sciortino, MA House of Representatives EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS ATTENDEES: Kate Fichter Steve Woelfel PROJECT TEAM ATTENDEES: Regan Checchio, RVA Nancy Farrell, RVA Mike McArdle, VHB Charlie Patton, RVA Jason Ross, HMMH Kristine Wickham, VHB Tom Wholley, VHB Mark Louro, VHB AGENCY/PUBLIC: Mary Anne Adduci Richard Azzalina, FST Ted Bach Rosemary Bagnell Elizabeth Bayle Christine Bennett Joel Bennett Grace Benoit Felix Blackburn Gwen Blackburn August 4, 2008 1 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 Douglas Carr, Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance Katie Cohen, Somerville Community Health Agenda Brendan Driscoll John R. Elliott Bob Fitzpatrick, Office of Senator Jehlen Jim Gallagher, MAPC Alan Greene Beth Grzegorzewski Joshua Grzegorzewski David Johnson Steve Kaiser Robert Kangas Mike Korczynski Jayme Lacour Jennifer Lawrence, Groundwork Somerville Jon Lenichek, Office of Congressman Capuano Joseph P. Lynch, Magoun Square Neighborhood Association Lynn McWhood, Mystic Valley Task Force Karen Molloy, STEP Curt Muhlberg W. Craig Mullenmeister Ben Patterson Nicole Patterson Carolyn Rosen, Green Line Advisory Group for Medford (GLAM) Laurel Ruma Laurel Siegel Courtney Snyder Greg St. Martin, Boston Metro Ed Starr Tracy Stadeter Brian Sylvair Richard Taylor Lauren Trant Peter Ungaro Wig Zamore HANDOUTS: • Agenda • Minutes from Project Advisory Group meeting #7 • Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment for the MBTA Green Line Extension Project PURPOSE/SUBJECT: Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 BACKGROUND: The Green Line Extension Project is an initiative of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation & Public Works (EOT), in coordination with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). This project will extend existing MBTA Green Line service from Lechmere Station through the northwest Boston corridor communities of Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford, with an extension of the main line to Medford and a spur line to Union Square in Somerville. The goals of the project are to increase mobility, encourage public transit usage, improve regional air quality, ensure a August 4, 2008 2 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 more equitable distribution of transit services, and support opportunities for sustainable development. Introductions and Update from EOT Nancy Farrell, Regina Villa Associates, opened the meeting at 4:05. She reviewed the meeting agenda and invited Advisory Group members to introduce themselves (see Attendance). She then introduced Steve Woelfel, Project Manager for EOT. Mr. Woelfel said that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had recently ruled on the State Implementation Plan (SIP) substitutions, and the Green Line Extension project has now formally been incorporated into the SIP as defined to include a Union Square branch as well as a Main Line branch. Mr. Woelfel said that the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) is changing the way it oversees risk management and project costs. FTA has began a project management oversight process for the Green Line Extension one month ago, and EOT will be providing information on cost, schedule, scope, and possible areas of risk. Mr. Woelfel added that he hopes to have the scoping analysis for the proposed Green Line support facility and ridership figures posted on the project website prior to the September Advisory Group meeting. He apologized that the information was not available for this meeting. [Editor’s Note: EOT is still working to prepare these analyses and will provide them as soon as they are ready.] William Wood, Medford, said that in the EPA ruling on the SIP commitments, the proposal advocated by the Green Line Advisory Group for Medford (GLAM), was recommended by EPA as an enhancement. [Editor’s Note: the project alternative proposed by GLAM was mentioned in the EPA SIP ruling without particular endorsement.] Ken Krause, Medford, asked if the annual SIP report – due to the Department of Environmental Protection every June – is available. Kate Fichter, EOT, said that a June 30, 2008 report was filed with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). She noted that DEP will hold two public meetings to receive public comment, both oral and written, on the annual update and status report for transit projects. The public meetings will be held on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 2:00 PM and Monday, September 8, 2008 at 5:00 PM. She invited interested parties to visit the EOT website to learn more. 1 Mimi Graney, Union Square Main Streets, asked when a decision on the Union Square alignment will be discussed. Mr. Woelfel said he hoped it would be discussed at the September meeting, but if the information is available earlier, it would be released then. [Editor’s Note: EOT is still working to prepare this analysis and will provide it as soon as it is ready.] Lee Auspitz, Somerville, asked about the number of potential locations that will be discussed in the maintenance facility scoping document. Mr. Woelfel said the document will include all of the sites discussed in April 2008 at the Advisory Group meeting as well as variations, noting there were over 11. Mr. Auspitz asked if these included Yard 7 and 1 http://www.eot.state.ma.us/default.asp?pgid=content/transitCommitment&sid=about August 4, 2008 3 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 the Boston Engine Terminal (BET) as an entire parcel without reference to the land restrictions. Mr. Woelfel said the document will address this location. Councilor Fred DelloRusso, Medford, asked if a decision has been made yet regarding the project’s terminus and whether it will include Route 16. Mr. Woelfel said the team was still evaluating the costs and benefits of bringing the line to Route 16. Councilor DelloRusso asked if EOT had come to a final decision regarding the relocation of Lechmere station. Mr. Woelfel said that EOT is prepared to evaluate the relocation of Lechmere as part of this project, but does not want to shut the door in case an agreement is reached with the developers. Noise and Vibration Jason Ross, HMMH, gave a presentation on the noise and vibration impact assessment methodology used along the project corridor (in accordance with the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) guidelines). Mr. Ross reviewed noise and vibration basics, types of noise and vibration sensitive locations, impact criteria, noise and vibration projections, and potential mitigation options. Dr. Wood asked if the analysis will include noise and vibration generated by freight rail. Mr. Ross said it will. Ms. Graney asked how noise impacts health. Mr. Ross noted that health effects can be both physical and psychological. Ms. Graney alluded to studies in England regarding hormone and development impacts. Monica Lamboy, City of Somerville, asked if the Brickbottom Artists were included as a sensitive receptor. Mr. Ross said he was aware of this location and that the building has been included as a sensitive receptor. Dr. Wood said the study should include the effects of noise and vibration on the disabled, including people with tinnitus. Mr. Ross said he was happy to discuss this research further with Dr. Wood. Ellin Reisner, STEP, asked how the measurement included existing noise levels produced by commuter rail trains on the Lowell Line. Mr. Ross noted that new noise sources can increase overall noise levels. Jim McGinnis, Somerville, asked if the study included noise generated by bus activity, especially for areas in which there will be multimodal connections. Mr. Ross said that bus noise is not included in the study. Mr. McGinnis asked if the impact of the proposed maintenance facility is included. Mr. Ross said it will be measured. Mr. Auspitz said abutters within 50 feet of the Green Line will be exposed to high levels of noise. He said the Red Line extension project included pioneering methods for mitigating excessive noise. Rita Donnelly, Medford, asked how the noise impact would increase if trees were removed. Mr. Ross said that it would have very little noise impact; it would primarily affect the visual impact. August 4, 2008 4 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 Dr. Wood asked about the noise impact differences between tunneling and aboveground trains. Mr. Ross said that tunnels would create less noise, but more vibration effects. Air Quality Tom Wholley, VHB, provided a presentation on air quality, including a discussion of air pollutants, the criteria and status of the various pollutants, and the methodology of the analysis. The air quality analysis will include a mesoscale (regional) and microscale (local) analysis. It will analyze the following emissions: VOC, NOx, greenhouse gases, carbon monoxide, particulate matter (PM) and air toxics. Community Path John Burckardt, PB, provided an overview of the Community Path, a proposed multiuse path that would extend the Minuteman Bikeway/Linear Park 2.5 miles from its current ending at Cedar Street in Somerville to the Charles River Path. The proposed route follows the edge of the Lowell Line Commuter Rail tracks, at street level (the trains run below, in a cut). The Community Path will link the Minuteman Bikeway/Linear Park (the most-used rail trail in the USA), via Lechmere, to the Charles River Path. Mr. Burckardt then provided an overview of previous Community Path studies including the Initial Feasibility Study (2001) and the 2006 Feasibility Study. Public comments on the Green Line Extension Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) emphasized that the design of both projects could be coordinated to provide pedestrian and bicycle access to the new Green Line stations. The Secretary’s Certificate on the EENF said the EOT should work proactively with the proponents of the Community Path, and the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) should include conceptual designs, evaluate whether bridges are wide enough to accommodate the path, provide cost estimates and evaluate the viability of extending the path to Route 16 to create a connection with the Mystic River Parkway. 2 Mr. Krause noted that the Secretary’s Certificate requires the project team evaluate the feasibility of extending the Community Path to Route 16/Mystic Valley Parkway. Next Steps Ms. Farrell noted that there will be a Magoun Square Neighborhood Association meeting at the Visiting Nurses Association in Somerville that will include a Green Line Extension Project presentation and discussion. Ms. Farrell added that the next Advisory Group meeting will be held in September, date and location to be announced. [Editor’s Note: EOT will schedule a Project Advisory Group meeting as soon as outstanding analyses are completed.] Public Comment An attendee asked about the noise impacts on the Medford Hillside area. Mr. Woelfel said that he hoped the noise impact results would be available in September. 2 The viability of a Mystic River Parkway connection was not included in this presentation, but will be included in the DEIR. August 4, 2008 5 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 Doug Carr, Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance (MGNA), submitted two reports to EOT: a demographic analysis of the Route 16 area and a petition from residents in three communities supporting the extension to Route 16. (See Appendix) A Medford resident said he was concerned about land takings and requested more information about the subject. Laurel Ruma, Medford, said she was an abutter to the rail line and Tufts University. She requested that EOT look at the area south of the College Avenue bridge instead of Burget Avenue when siting the proposed College Avenue station. She asked that EOT respond to her letter and this request. She noted that 82 decibels is the current noise level and asked what the maximum level is before mitigation. Mr. Ross said that 82 decibels is the maximum, and the team has not completed the analysis of existing conditions. EOT stated that they had not received a letter from her. Brian Sylvain, a representative of the Tunnel Workers union, encouraged EOT to use tunneling to construct the Extension. Carolyn Rosen, GLAM, said that the tunnel proposal advocated by GLAM is not on the meeting agenda due to the prejudice of EOT. She submitted her criticism of the project approach in written comments (see Appendix). Joe Lynch, Magoun Square Neighborhood Association, asked what existing conditions data will be included in the final report for noise and vibration. Mr. Ross said that it will cover 24-hour periods over several days and weeks and include Amtrak, commuter rail, and freight trains. Mr. Woelfel added that there is no intent to remove existing freight operations on the corridor. Elizabeth Bayle said she is concerned that the project schedule has changed and the Winthrop Street station proposal has been dropped without public discussion. Mr. Woelfel said the schedule has slipped a little due to the new oversight process initiated by FTA. He said there will be public meetings in late September. [Editor’s Note: EOT will schedule public meetings as soon as outstanding analyses are completed.] Steve Kaiser said he welcomed the news that the state will be taking over the relocation of Lechmere station. He believes the tunnel is a good idea, although expensive. With regard to noise and vibration, he has questions about the difference between irritation and actual health effects. He also suggested that EOT examine Federal Highway Administration noise standards for parks and open spaces instead of FTA noise standards. Wig Zamore noted that the Move Mass meeting on August 15 will be discussing the Green Line project. He suggested looking at hypertension studies to see the effects of 50 decibels. He said that he has measures of ultrafine particles that he would be happy to share if it will help the air quality analysis. He also noted that diesel trains that start and stop have more pollution that those that move through a community at speed. Mike Korczynski, Medford, suggested that mitigation for part transportation-related burdens should be included in the analysis, not just the future change in levels. August 4, 2008 6 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 Mr. Auspitz suggested the noise and vibration study include two sampling points: a residence in Medford as well as Ward 5 in Somerville. The meeting was adjourned at 6:11 PM. August 4, 2008 7 Green Line Extension Project Advisory Group Meeting #8 APPENDIX • A Demographic Analysis of a Route 16 Terminus Station for the Green Line Extension, prepared by the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance (August 4, 2008) • A Petition in Support of a Route 16 Terminus for the Green Line Extension Report, prepared by the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance (August 4, 2008) • Petition, prepared by the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance • Petition Comments, prepared by the Medford Green Line Neighborhood • Public Comments on the Green Line Extension Project, submitted by the Green Line Advisory Group for Medford (August 4, 2008) August 4, 2008 8 A Petition in Support of a Route 16 Terminus for the Green Line Extension Presented by the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance August 4, 2008 More Than 2,000 Show Support for Green Line to Route 16 More than 2,000 area residents have signed a Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance (MGNA) petition in support of the Route 16/Mystic Valley Parkway area as the final station of the Green Line extension to Somerville and Medford. MGNA presents this petition, with 2,022 signatures, to the Executive Office of Transportation (EOT) and to elected officials from Medford, Somerville and Arlington as a demonstration of strong community support for extending the Green Line to Route 16. The petition states three primary reasons for support of Route 16 as the terminus location. These are, to: • Provide Green Line access to thousands of people within a 10-minute walk. • Be conveniently located on two major thoroughfares with existing bus connections. • Serve two large portions of Medford and Somerville designated as Environmental Justice communities. Petition signers added numerous other comments in favor of a Route 16 station, particularly citing the need to improve public transportation options in the wake of record gasoline prices. (A sampling of comments by petition signers appears at the back of this report.) The signatures were collected online and in paper form over seven weeks, from June 5 to July 31, 2008. Most of the signatures – 1,687, or 83 percent – were gathered via the online form. Another 335 people signed paper petitions. Nearly half of the people who gave a city of residence when signing the petition identified themselves as being Medford residents. The breakdown was: Medford 48% Somerville 17% Arlington 12% Other 4% No city indicated 19% A map showing the geographical distribution of the signatures appears on Pg. 2. The Executive Office of Transportation and elected officials are receiving printed copies of all the signatures. The public may view the entire list of signatures on the MGNA website, www.medfordgreenline.org. MGNA Route 16 Petition – Aug. 4, 2008 1 www.medfordgreenline.org Route 16 Petition Signatures – Geographical Distribution MGNA Route 16 Petition – Aug. 4, 2008 2 www.medfordgreenline.org A Demographic Analysis of a Route 16 Terminus Station for the Green Line Extension Prepared by the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance August 4, 2008 Data Shows Route 16 Station Helps Green Line Project Achieve Air Quality, Environmental Justice Objectives Analysis of census data by the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance (MGNA) shows that extending the Green Line beyond College Avenue to Route 16 (Mystic Valley Parkway) would put nearly 10,000 additional residents within a 10-minute walk of Green Line service. In addition, a Route 16 station would provide Green Line service within a 10minute walk of five neighborhoods designated as Environmental Justice communities that would not be similarly served by a Green Line terminus station at College Avenue. Both of these findings support the MGNA’s position that extending service to Route 16, rather than terminating it at a College Avenue Station, is important to helping the Green Line extension project meet two of its most important objectives: IMPROVED AIR QUALITY The more person trips shifted from autos to transit, the better the project’s potential to achieve its No. 1 objective – to improve regional air quality in the corridor northwest of Boston and bring the Commonwealth into compliance with Clean Air Act requirements for ozone levels. • A Route 16 station would be within a half-mile – or a 10-minute walk – of 9,116 residents of Medford, Somerville and Arlington, based on 2000 U.S. Census data (See Figure 1, Pg. 3). The MBTA considers a half-mile the optimal spacing between transit stations. • The proximity to Green Line service – vastly more frequent, efficient and less polluting than existing public transit service in the area – would be a strong incentive for residents to travel via the Green Line rather than by car. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE The Green Line extension project is bound by the environmental justice principles that no segment of the population should be denied environmental benefits, or bear a disproportionate burden of the environmental impacts, related to the project. One measure of achieving environmental justice in this project is providing fair and equitable access to stations – and to economic and educational opportunities. • A Route 16 terminus station would be within walking distance of five neighborhoods – two in Medford, two in Somerville and one in Arlington – that are designated as environmental justice communities (See Figure 2, Pg. 4). MGNA Route 16 Demographic Analysis 1 Aug. 4, 2008 OTHER BENEFITS The Route 16 station also helps the project in other key areas, including: • Providing service to Medford Hillside, a legal requirement of the project. A Route 16 station would provide superior service to the northwestern half of the Medford Hillside area than would a terminus at College Avenue. • Better access to employment: Census data shows that more than 57 percent of Medford residents who commute to work are employed in four of the cities the Green Line extension will serve: Boston 24.61% Cambridge 10.75% Medford 17.45% Somerville 4.7% • Reduced auto congestion on the heavily traveled Route 16, I-93, Route 38 and Route 28 corridors. In addition to reducing auto dependency of people living in the area, a Route 16 station would provide improved transit access to numerous area destinations, including office buildings at 196, 200 and 222 Boston Avenue; the Whole Foods store at 2151 Mystic Valley Parkway; the Mystic River Reservation Park and Dilboy Stadium; the Brooks School; and several churches. • Improved cost effectiveness. The additional potential Green Line ridership at a Route 16 terminus could significantly improve the project’s cost effectiveness by lowering the cost per hour of user benefit, -- a key component in the rating system used to evaluate the worthiness of projects seeking federal funding. The Route 16 demographic data was analyzed by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analyst Benjamin Krepp and GIS research consultant Barbara Parmenter. Using 2000 U.S. Census data, the most recent available, they determined which portion of each census block group fell within prescribed distances, or buffer areas, of the Route 16 station location being considered by the Executive Office of Transportation. This data quantifies two of the numerous advantages of extending the Green Line to Route 16. For a longer list of potential benefits, see “Why Route 16 Makes Sense,” Pg. 5. For all of these reasons, the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance strongly urges the Executive Office of Transportation to site the terminus station for the Green Line extension at Route 16. Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance The Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance is a group of citizens who support the Green Line extension being planned to Medford, and who advocate for proactive involvement from the city, its residents and all stakeholders to ensure that the extension is completed in a manner that is most beneficial to our community. For more information visit www.medfordgreenline.org or email info@medfordgreenline.org. MGNA Route 16 Demographic Analysis 2 Aug. 4, 2008 Figure 1: Route 16 station overview Distance from station Quarter mile Half mile Mile MGNA Route 16 Demographic Analysis 3 Population 2,236 9,116 34,404 Aug. 4, 2008 Figure 2: Environmental Justice communities MGNA Route 16 Demographic Analysis 4 Aug. 4, 2008 Why a Route 16 Station Makes Sense Here are some of the reasons why the Route 16 (Mystic Valley Parkway) area makes sense for a Green Line terminus station: • Significantly higher ridership potential, thus improving the project’s cost effectiveness, which is measured in cost per hour of user benefit, a key criteria for federal approval and funding. • Within convenient walking distance (10 to 15 minutes) of nearly 10,000 residents of Medford, Somerville and Arlington who would not have such access if the terminus were located at College Avenue, nearly one mile away. • Three multi-purpose paths being planned by the Department of Conservation and Recreation – along Alewife Brook through Arlington, along Mystic Valley Parkway from the Mystic Lakes, and along the length of the Mystic River in Medford – lead directly to the Route 16 terminus area. These paths will provide safe walking and bicycling access to more people and attract and even encourage riders from greater distances from the station. • The largely commercial node is more conducive to requirements of the terminus station (e.g., a longer platform, space for layover cars) than the College Avenue area, where the platform would directly abut backyards of Burget Avenue residents. • Direct access from two major arterial roads (Mystic Valley Parkway and Boston Avenue) that lead directly to highway connections (I-93, Route 2, Route 60), which facilitates drop-off/pickup traffic. • Transfer/connectivity for riders of existing bus routes (#80 from Arlington and #94 from Medford Square); additionally, a path could be created to connect the Green Line station to the West Medford commuter rail station less than 1,000 yards away. • Serves Environmental Justice target area communities in West Medford, Northwest Somerville and East Arlington. • Direct access to several destinations for riders coming TO Medford/Somerville – the office buildings at 200 and 196 Boston Avenue; the Elizabeth Grady headquarters at 222 Boston Avenue; the Whole Foods store at 2151 Mystic Valley Parkway; the Brooks School on High Street; the Mystic River Reservation Park and Dilboy Stadium; and several churches in West Medford and Medford Hillside. • Opportunity for related infrastructure improvements that would improve stormwater management and reduce pollution entering the Mystic River. • Shifting more auto trips to transit will help the city of Medford meet emissions reduction goals established in the Medford Climate Action Plan. Motor vehicle usage in Medford accounts for 38 percent of community emissions, with personal vehicles the largest contributor. • Supports several key areas of focus of the Mystic Watershed Action Plan, including transitoriented development, better bike/pedestrian access and improved municipal infrastructure. • Provides improved access without requiring a car to venues such as TD Banknorth Garden, Cambridgeside Galleria, Museum of Science, Massachusetts General Hospital, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, the Boston Public Library, Symphony Hall, Fenway Park, the Museum of Fine Arts, Logan Airport, Boston College, Boston University, Northeastern University and the Longwood Medical Area. MGNA Route 16 Demographic Analysis 5 Aug. 4, 2008 Bring the Green Line to Route 16! To: Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation, State Delegation and the Cities of Medford and Somerville The Executive Office of Transportation is currently studying options for a terminus location for the MBTA Green Line Extension to Medford. The Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance believes the best location for a terminus is at Route 16 (Mystic Valley Parkway) near the Medford/Somerville/Arlington line. This location would: • Provide Green Line access to thousands of people within a 10-minute walk. • Be conveniently located on two major thoroughfares with existing bus connections. • Serve two large portions of Medford and Somerville designated as Environmental Justice communities. If you agree that the Green Line should be extended to Route 16, please sign below. I AM IN FAVOR OF THE ROUTE 16/MYSTIC VALLEY PARKWAY AREA AS THE TERMINUS LOCATION FOR THE GREEN LINE EXTENSION. Sincerely, The Undersigned No. 1720. 1719. 1718. 1717. 1716. 1715. 1714. 1713. 1712. 1711. 1710. 1709. 1708. 1707. 1706. 1705. 1704. 1703. 1702. Name Anne Quaadgras Amy Lidstone Angelica Ortiz Melissa Heath Seta Kalaijian Marsha M Pelletier Eleanor Fothergill Ashley Addington Alexis Matza Derek McCarty Marjorie Kent Greg Friesen Michelle Danny DeSantis Justin Ashton Joe Gaska Barbara McLean A.J. Albiani Patrice Kastenholz 1701. 1700. 1699. 1698. 1697. 1696. 1695. 1694. 1693. 1692. Gina Battaglia Ellen Bzomowski Mara Dowdall Neil Gaeta Ron Scheer Heather Leibman Shaun Baran Lisa Schwartz Baran Thom Ingwersen Jyothi Thrivikraman Address 160 Jason Street City Arlington Zip 02476 111 Emerald St. 15 Woods Road 51 Decatur St. 02155 02155 42 lm Street Piedmont Road Medford Medford Arlington Medford Somerville Medford 6 Piedmont Road Medford 02155 Somerville 02144 Somerville 02143 Medford 02155 Cambridge Medford Medford Medford 02141 02155 02155 02155 Somerville 33 Summer St #2 1446 Mystic Valley Parkway 181 Charles Street 33 Stoughton St. 16 Hamilton Street 35 Touro Ave 35 Touro Ave 28 Kilgore Ave Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 Comment I believe it should go even further to West Medford Square 1691. 1690. Meghan Dunn Frank Kastenholz 7 High St 1689. 1688. Cynthia Clancy Angela Musi 151 Mystic St. 1687. 1686. 1685. 1684. 1683. 1682. 1681. 1680. 1679. Melissa Even William Copithorne Leslie Scott Erik Dahl Christa Dahl Cristelle Baskins Alan Becker Sam Brelsfoard Isabel Sendao 24 Shepard St U. 1 1678. 1677. 1676. 1675. 1674. 1673. 1672. 1671. 1670. 1669. 1668. 1667. David Rines Jonathan Woodard Jamillah Bakr Alex Stotik Anna Pearlman Thomas R. Bennett Betsy Mathews Benjamin Albiani Megan Battinelli Chris Halecki Mark Colan Joan McCandlish 1666. 1665. Richard Smith Tim Dillon 1664. 1663. 1662. 1661. 1660. 1659. 1658. 1657. 1656. 1655. 1654. 1653. 1652. 1651. 1650. 1649. 1648. line voided Colleen Connearney Scheibner Mary R. Zimmerman Lyman Zimmerman Maritza Karmely Dwight Fee Alecia Serafini Dominic Serafini David H. Lee Douglas Leigh line voided Ali S Akanda Glen Fant Anne-Marie Wayne Frank Arany Frances Mitchell Julia Snyder 1647. Megan DiBattista Somerville 02144 I am a West Medford resident. I was very disappointed when the Green Line extension was cut short of West Medford. Bringing the Green Line to Rt. 16 is necessary to serve our community Arlington 02474 Absolutely, extend the green line. This is a win-win situation. Cambridge Arlington 02138 49 Kilgore Ave Medford Medford Medford 02155 26 Marshall St. Medford Medford 02155 02155 79 Adams St 125 Monument St Medford Medford Arlington Medford 02155 02155 10 Kilgore Ave Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford Medford 02155 This would drastically reduce my car usage Would prefer extension to Route 60 More needed than ever. While we're at it, let's bring it to route 60! This is an important edition to the MBTA and should not be overlooked Arlington 19 Pitcher Ave 19 Pitcher Ave Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 9 Lakeview Ave. 14 Kilgore Ave Medford Medford 02155 34 Highland Ave. 7F Somerville 02143 37 Hillsdale Road Medford 02155 37 Warren St. Medford 02155 38 George Street Medford We need another option for commuting into Boston on a regular, scheduled basis. The commuter rail and commuter buses, are not an option for those of us who might not have regular hours to get into downtown Boston. This extension would greatly improve our neighborhood and daily commutes to and from the city! 1646. 1645. 1644. 4 Vernon Street 38 George St. Medford Medford 02155 02155 10 Vernon Street Arlington Medford 02474 02155 1641. 1640. 1639. 1638. 1637. Karen Siewert Matthew DiBattista Kathleen Higgins Shea Melissa Laube Rushika Fernandopulle Colette DeBrouwer Suzanne E. Gillis Elaine Garrett Martin Fogarty Alan Field 34 Capen Street Medford 02155 90 North street Medford Medford Hillside 02155 1636. 1635. 1634. 1633. 1632. Gregory Sampson Anne-Marie Shipley Patricia Kelly Maureen Barillaro Brisson Dauphin 19 Gorham Road Medford 02155 Clark Street Medford Somerville 02155 02143 1631. 1630. 1629. 1628. 1627. 69 Broadway, I Floor 69 Broadway, I Floor 69 Broadway, I Floor Arlington Arlington Arlington 02474 02474 02474 96 Belmont St. 23 Gleason Street 23 Gleason Street 22 Madison St. 22 Madison St. 22 Madison St. Medford Somerville Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02143 119 Sunnyside Ave. Arlington 02474 1617. 1616. 1615. 1614. Rajeee Ayyagari Abhinav Khushraj Deepali Khushraj Michael Shailer Krikor Der Hohannesian Sandeep Karrol Robert Dredge Bruce Roberts Joy Harris Natalie Davis Jessica Davis Brian Davis Robert Jordan Sean Patrick Delmore Charles Membrino Ana Quintana Larry N Dobie Elana Lian 7 Gleason Street 7 Gleason Street Medford Medford US Medford 02155 02155 1613. 1612. 1611. 1610. 1609. 1608. 1607. 1606. 1605. Amy Cerrito Robyn Fizz Joseph Peidle Jeanne Kelley Heather Champigny Robert G Bean James Carnevale Josh Secunda David M Anderson Somerville 02143 8 Maple Ave. Medford Medford 02155 44 Princeton St 130 Summer Street Medford Medford 02155 108 Capen St Medford 02155 1604. 1603. 1602. 1601. Rebecca Feldman James Feldman Janice Spencer Steven Cheimets 4 Boylston Terr 4 Boylston Terr Medford Medford 02155 130 Auburn St Medford 02155 1600. 1599. 1598. Joshua P Stein Larry Slotnick Jocelyn Gamburd 94 Grafton St W. Medford Arlington Medford 02155 02474 02155 1643. 1642. 1626. 1625. 1624. 1623. 1622. 1621. 1620. 1619. 1618. Exactly what we need! Good for area Rt 16 would be the closest place for me and my tenants to access the Green Line This is one of the best thingS that could ever happen to Medford 02155 02155 02155 Route 16 Green Line will improve life in Medford in so many aspects Fewer cars=better air quality, less oil imports 02155 I live VERY close to the proposed site and I am all for it as it would make travel into and out of Boston better 1597. 1596. 1595. 1594. 1593. 1592. 1591. Lauren Taylor Jim and Rita Dioguardi Nina Garfinkle Hilary Rantisi Aaron Pikcilingis Valy Menkin Genevieve F Niessen 1590. Christopher Niessen 1589. 1588. 1587. 1586. 1585. Katharine Rocco Lynne Palazzi Judith Kneen Erin Bliss Steve Leibman 1584. 1583. 1582. 1581. 1580. 1579. 1578. 1577. 1576. 1575. 1574. 1573. 1572. 1571. 1570. 1569. 1568. Anne Knight Janine T. Bandino Julie Hoebelheinrich Stephanie Quinn Joe Quinn Chungsoo Kim Geraldine Whalen Roberta Frost Mary Patricia Lohse Maria Martins David R Keller Kay Ransdell John F. Westwater Laura McLaughlin Lise Brodzik Jessica Ackerman Evan Stryjewski 1567. Margaret Zisk 1566. 1565. Ravinder Sahore Sandor MoralesUgarte Norma Dapena 1564. 1563. Medford 02155 18 Stanley Avenue 28 Sagamore Ave 52 Pitcher Ave. Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 52 Pitcher Ave. Medford 02155 122 North Street 16 Hamilton St Arlington Medford Medford Somerville Medford 02474 02155 02155 02144 02155 14 Metcalf Street Medford 02155 66 Pitcher Ave. 66 Pitcher ave Medford Medford 02155 02155 132 Summer Street Medford 02155 26 Vernon Street 69 Sagamore Ave. Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 14 Metcalf Street 10 Adams Street 10 Usher Road This would be great! I strongly support the extension of the green line to route 16. This will get huge ridership 02155 02155 02155 Medford Medford 02155 Medford 02155 Medford 02155 Medford 02155 Usher Rd Medford Cambridge 01255 02155 02140 1560. Gerhild and Steve Williams Shawn Sullivan Nuria JaumotPascual Robert Chiaramonte 80 North Street Medford 02155 1559. Galen Silversmith 39 Manning St Medford 02155 1558. 1557. 1556. 1555. Frederick Reppun Bryn Burkhart James Saunders Kristin Mattera 57 Summer Street 17 Dearborn St. 17 Dearborn Street Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 1562. 1561. As an architect, I encourage any urban planning measures that would expand public transportation options Bringing the Green Line to West Medford and beyond is the right thing to do I'd like to see the Green line continue into W Medford at route 60 I am a home owner and agree that the green line should extend to route 16. I believe it will be good for the community and the environment. Let`s do this, the neighborhood will benefit so much from this A stop at route 16 would be a great asset to our neighborhood Medford West Medford needs the green line as much as everyone else in Medford. Please do the right thing I'd be fine if the line continues past Rt 16; there should at least be a stop by route 16 or the Tufts area. 1554. 1553. 1552. Marieta Toleva Nicco Mele Roberta Cameron 12 Douglas Rd 12 North Street #2 Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 1551. 1550. David McIntyre Kimberly Easton 72 Ashcroft Rd 47 Madison St. #1 Medford Medford 02155 02155 1549. Jennifer DeNisco 47 Madison St. Medford 02155 1548. Ralph DeNisco 47 Madison Street Medford 02155 1547. 1546. 1545. 1544. 1543. Alice Alford Matthew Marengi Robert Ryan Rebecca V. Smith Elaine Almquist 223 Forest St Warren Street Winchester Medford Medford Medford Haverhill 01890 1542. 1541. 1540. 1539. 1538. 1537. 1536. Michelle Wagner Heather Fowles Gennaro Fasano Ida Fasano Kathe Langberg Kelly Braverman Cecilia Talamantes Medford 02155 43 Pinkham Road 43 Pinkham Road Medford Medford 02155 02155 97 Allston Street 40 Cedar Road 02155 02155 1535. 1534. 1533. 1532. Yenisei Emmert Matthew Alford Robin Severino Erica Jackson 75 Sagamore ave 46 Pinkham Rd Medford North Medford Medford Medford Medford Arlington 02155 02155 02155 02474 1531. Douglas Smith 137 Harvard Avenue Medford 02155 1530. 1529. 1528. 1527. 1526. 1525. 1524. Michael Doyle Gary Gartland Robert Fera Jeff Manzelli Fuat Koro William Lewis Paul Zablotski Medford 02155 Medford Arlington 02474 Arlington 02474 36 Brooks St 35 Sheridan St. 02155 01830 The green line at Route 16 is an ideal location to be served by transit. The site of a potential station directly abuts around 250,000 square feet of existing office and retail space, as well as two affordable multifamily housing developments, with a substantial density of single and multifamily housing in Medford and Arlington, as well as a school all within close walking distance. A train station here could be connected by pedestrian paths to the commuter rail. This dense, mixed use neighborhood would not be served at all by a station a half mile to a mile away. Great idea as the use of public transportation increases This is a very good thing to make happen- especially with the cost of Gas rising every day. The Green Line should be extended at least to Route 16 and over the river into West Medford Square I lived in Medford for 6 years, and this would be a great way to increase public transportation especially with rising gas prices. This is essential, please support the green line to Rte. 16 Access to convenient public transportation is a cost effective response to soaring energy cost and global climate change. Please bring the Green Line to Route 16. (And a daily walk makes good health sense!) We want the Green Line! This is vital to the area's mass transit. 1523. Daniel Edward Gross 175 George st Medford 02155 1522. 1521. 1520. Crystal Harding Adrian Gill Scarlett Bartlett 1519. 1518. 1517. Max Paul Ondina Paul Shaun Paul 1516. 1515. 1514. 1513. 1512. 1511. 1510. 1509. 1508. 1507. 1506. 1505. 1504. 1503. 1502. 1501. 1500. Alida Grieco Winona Campbell Michael Paulo Giuseppina Paulo Eli Sidman Nicole Flory Bianca Flory-Romero Andreas Romero Alison Walcott Vaughan Rees Mounir Aquil Stephanie Rizzuto Carolyn Zompanti Anselm Blumer Dorothy C. Buck Wilfrido Sierra Deborah Silva 1499. 1498. Anna Greenberg Emily Jeep Klingaman Margret Susan Abbott lee anne oliveira line voided Pamela Cotte Patrick Monaghan 58 Hastings Lane 58 Hastings Lane Medford Medford Please make this stop happen for us. It is vital! 02155 02155 1497. 1496. 1495. 1494. 1493. 1492. 1491. 1490. 1489. 1488. 1487. 1486. 1485. 1484. 1483. 1482. 1481. 1480. 1479. 1478. 1477. 1476. 1475. 1474. Christopher S Tappendorf Lauren Duffee Lissa Wheeler William Wheeler Roni Brown Paul J. Santoro Ionica Brito Monique Bertic Peter Schwarz Timothy Jones Rachael Rollins Mary Wright Laura Cataldo Lauren Geller Sara DeForest Scott Longmire Janett Lopez Brad Malone Barbara D. Fox Medford 02155 Medford Boston Ave Medford Stoughton St Stoughton st 155 North St. Medford Medford Somerville 46 Rock Hill St 46 Rock Hill St 96 Clark street 96 Clark street Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Ending the green line extension at Rt 16 nr the Uhaul & Whole Foods will dramatically benefit my nearby neighborhood community 02476 02155 02144 02155 02155 02155 02155 Medford 02155 02155 Medford 02155 7 Piedmont rd Medford 02155 15 High Street 43 Orchard St. #1 Somerville Medford 02144 02155 163 George St. Medford 27 Douglas Rd. 27 Douglas Rd. 42 Dwyer Cir Medford Medford Medford Medford 133 George Street 17 Governors Ave 122A Fremont St. Medford Medford Arlington Hastings Lane 02155 02155 4 Marshall St. Medford Medford Medford 116 Monument St. Medford 02155 25 Corey Street 02155 02155 02155 02155 02474 Please extend the Green Line to Route 16 We need this for the future, to save gas This would alleviate so much traffic tie up on rte 16 1473. 1472. Darcy Kohls David R Mahoney 1471. 1470. 1469. 1468. 1467. 1466. 1465. Yyvette cavanaugh Mabray Andrews Gauri Bhide Michael Niles Christos Galbadis Vasiliki Galbadis James Reevior 1464. 1463. 1462. 1461. Eydie Garcia Tiffany Reevior Tammy McMaster Mike Perrow 1460. 1459. 1458. 1457. Frederick Barney Pantelis Galbadis Anne Mapplebeck Katie Nugent 1456. 1455. 1454. 1453. Laurie Galica line voided Michael Fede Ayni N. Strang Wolcott Street 75 Wyman Street Medford Medford 1452. Louise Kearns 63 West Street Medford 1451. 1450. 1449. Christopher Nitchie Adam Rich Bonnie Hallisey 32 Whitney Rd Medford Somerville Medford 1448. 1447. Kenneth C. Zwirble William Kan 63 Tyler Ave 1446. 1445. 1444. 1443. Marybeth Paruti Deb Van Heukelem Miriam Miller Barbara Dorritie 1442. 1441. 1440. 1439. Gloria Riccobono Ann Frenning Kossuth Gilbert Turk Anthony Hartman 1438. 1437. 1436. 1435. 1434. Mihyun Orbanes James Snow Angeline Alexakos Jennifer Leigh Ellen Fagan 46 Winter st Medford 02155 Arlington St Arlington Medford 02474 02155 20 Greenleaf Ave Medford 02155 50 Rock Hill Street 37 Lyman Ave Medford Medford 02155 138 Harvard Ave. 37 Lyman Ave Medford Medford 02155 02155 Pitcher Ave Medford 50 Rock Hill Street Medford Medford Medford 16 Gorham Road W. Medford 44 Sagamore Ave Medford Medford This would greatly benefit the elderly and disabled at Walkling ct. Bringing the Green Line to Rte. 16 will be a huge benefit to the community! Sounds great! W. Medford Square is preferable, but this is an excellent compromise. 02155 02155 02155 02155 02155 02155 I believe this is essential for our community. 02155 02155 Public transportation is vital to the city & residents 02155 RT16 will significantly help to decongest the morning traffic and make the environment greener! A link with the commuter rail at a Route 16 Green Line station would also be optimal in terms of existing traffic and parking options, and adequate pedes trian access across route 16 needs to be planned into the station design Yes for more public transportation Somerville Monument St Medford 02155 88 Winthrop Street Medford 02474 02155 18 Irving St Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford Medford Arlington 02155 02155 02474 7 Warren Street It would be a shame if the last stop were not at route 16. The one complaint I have had since I moved to West Medford is that the bus service is unreliable. When 94 misses a run it’s 1 1/2 hours between buses. 1433. 1432. 1431. 1430. 1429. 1428. 1427. 1426. 1425. 1424. Basema Shalhoub Stephen P. Dyer R Haydock Jennifer Tobin Joanna Kreil G.D. Manaktala Jai Tobin Ben Tobin Donna M. Tomaso Ron Rieder Hamilton Rd 338 High Street, #2 29 Boston Avenue Somerville Medford Somerville Somerville Somerville Medford Medford 1423. Derek Benoit 1 Tremont Ave Amesbury 1422. Julian Orbanes 1421. 1420. Leah Schatzberg Melissa Fox 44 Sagamore Ave 1419. 1418. 1417. 1416. 1415. 1414. Rosemary Olson David Cataldo Norma Leone Lisa Marsden Anthony Giglio Linda Rizzo Tyler Ave 1413. 1412. 1411. 1410. 1409. 1408. 1407. 1406. 1405. 1404. 1403. 1402. 1401. Jennie Israel line voided Christian Jones Marni Jones Brian T Tinger Anita Coelho Diabate Lisa Wesley Ian M. Catlett Robert Datta Boris Goldowsky Cynthia Dill Leigh Johnson-Abt Daniel Aird 1400. 1399. 1398. 1397. 1396. 1395. 1394. 1393. 1392. 1391. 1390. 1389. Christina Diana Rebecca Nasman Garrick Webel Tonja Bowen Bishop Lauren Erwin ChristopherDiCarlo Corey Massaro Felice Massaro Michael Cooke Victoria McDermott Stephen Julie Peck 1388. 1387. 1386. 1385. Tamara Golden Ann Cortissoz Meghan O'Sullivan Dharanipal Doppalapudi Madhavi Kanteti 1384. 18 Loring Street 18 Irving St 8 Mason Street #3 Somerville Medford 02143 02155 02155 02155 02155 Medford Medford Somerville 02155 02143 02155 02155 02155 87 Marshall St 87 Marshall St #1 Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 137 Westminster Av. Arlington 02474 27 Johnson Ave 27 Johnson Ave 60 Highland Rd. 15 Piggott Rd. 12A Medford Medford Somerville Medford 02155 02155 51 Prescott St Marshall St. Russell Road Medford Medford Somerville 18 Martin Street Medford Medford 42 Chester Ave. 02155 02144 02155 02115 72 Marshall St. 153 Woburn Street Somerville Medford Medford Medford 02144 02155 02155 02155 153 Woburn Street Medford 02155 21 Willow Ave 21 Willow Ave 15 High Street This is needed NOW more than ever! I am in big favor of this to make my commute easier to Boston PLEASE!!! I'm giving this the green light 02144 02144 118 Decatur St #4 7 Taylor St 6 Dartmouth Street 6 Dartmouth Street Expanded mass transit vital to reducing pollution (air and noise) in Somerville and Medford. 02155 Somerville Somerville Medford Medford Arlington Medford Somerville Somerville Medford Medford Somerville Somerville 49 Russell Rd. 4 Marshall St Great Idea. It would really help this area Tufts already has Davis Sq; more value of Rt. 16 This makes more sense to terminate at a large hub like rt 16. I've reviewed pros + cons and am for itespecially in light of energy costs -trains are efficient. The Green Line at Route 16 and at Winthrop Street would be very helpful to many residents! 02143 02144 02155 02474 02155 Go Green! 02155 If the Green Line is extended it will be used, the tracks are already there Please do it. I would love the Green Line to extend all the way to the West Medford Station 1383. 1382. 1381. 1380. 1379. 1378. 1377. 1376. Carol Koskelowski Sarah Reid Kathleen McCormick Gerry Speca Todd R Gill Susan Tannehill Melissa Andelman Romy Eichner 1375. 1374. 1373. 1372. 1371. 1370. 1369. 1368. 1367. 1366. 1365. 1364. Morissa Sher Deborah Axner Rachel Cohen Carina Bravo Marton Nancy Bernhard Susanne F.White Edward T. Reardon Kelly Mooney Chad Mooney Steven Wong Rebecca Flom Paul Mannheimer 1363. 1362. 1361. 1360. 1359. 1358. 1357. 1356. 1355. 1354. Doug Bolko Eric Connally Kevin Sullivan Astrid Lambert Marilyn Buldini Charles Hartshorne R. Elwell Julie Rioux Andy Ellis Sandee Ellisadding 1353. 1352. 1351. 1350. 1349. Robert M. Ellis Gisele Ellis Jimmy Crott Mark Rossi Emily Cappetta Cooperman Stephen Revilak Teresa Camelo Robert Amaral Martin Pearlman Martha Ondras Will Green Patricia Davis Abigail Tinker Paige Foster Elizabeth Cclark Todd Clark Daniela Marquez Michele Naughton Amy Thorne James Aylward Julie M. Aylward 1348. 1347. 1346. 1345. 1344. 1343. 1342. 1341. 1340. 1339. 1338. 1337. 1336. 1335. 1334. 1333. Medford 02155 46 Highland Road Somerville Somerville 02144 02144 2 Webber St Medford Medford 02155 02155 134 Summer Street 29 Conwell St. Somerville Somerville 72 Marshall St. Medford Somerville 28 Cotting St 51 Cotting St 51 Cotting St Medford Medford Medford 02143 02143 02144 02155 02144 02144 02155 02155 02155 Medford 02155 Please bring the Green Line to Medford route 16 Arlington Somerville Medford Medford 02144 02155 02155 I'm in full support Bring it 02474 02474 We need this. Bring the Green Line to Route 16! 66 Garrison Avenue Grove St George Street 11 Marrigan St 21 Montague Street Sunnyside Ave 12 Winthrop Place Winthrop St Arlington Arlington Arlington Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 17 Wedgemere Road Medford 02155 West St 44 West St Medford Medford 02155 02155 45 Kilgore Ave. Medford Arlington Medford Somerville 02155 02474 02155 02144 21 Dexter Street 8 Steeves Circle 02155 For Medford residents, businesses and the city itself. Many things would be improved by a Green Line connection in our area. We want a Green Line extension! This will provide much needed access to public transportation along this densly populated corridor This is a great idea Grew up on the T, want it for my kids! All in favor - absolutely! Please do this!! Arlington 58 Silk St Arlington Arlington 02474 02474 1332. 1331. 1330. 1329. 1328. 1327. 1326. 1325. 1324. 1323. 1322. 1321. 1320. 1319. 1318. Janice Jacob Elaine Bailey Daniel J. Jacob Helen Zhu George Chen Ken Kokubo Maggie Villiger James Railey Lizzy Cliggott Molly Cliggott Wendy Cliggott Joe Cliggott William Cliggott Tony Albiani Carol Albiani 80 West Street Winthrop St 16 Damon Rd. Medford Medford Medford 02155 188 Westminster Av. 62 Sycamore St 17 Orchard St. 7 West St 7 West St 7 West St. 7 West St 7 West st 118 Decatur St. 118 Decatur St Arlington Somerville Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Arlington Arlington 02474 02145 02155 02155 02155 02155 02155 02155 02174 02174 1317. 1316. 1315. 1314. 1313. 1312. 1311. 1310. 1309. 1308. 1307. 1306. 1305. 1304. 1303. 1302 1301 1300. 1299. Kate McKenna Timothy Shea Paul Albiani Scott Cytacki Eileen Carr Trickey MichelleSternthal Shawn Kelly Denise Breault Chris Billingham Ryan Nugent Adria Chamberlain Julia Petipas Elizabeth Cardiasmenos Fergal Glynn Chris Scypinsk Harriet Chenkin Danielle McCarthy Alisa Pascale Rines Nathan Coons 14 Wyman St Medford 02155 131 Burget Ave Medford 02155 57 Dimick St. 94 Prescott Street Somerville Medford 02143 02155 12 Hume Ave 16 Gorham Rd 14R Wyman St. Medford Medford Medford Somerville 02155 02155 02155 02144 12 Hume Avenue 109 Westminster Av. 12 Hume Ave Medford Arlington Medford Medford Arlington Medford 02155 02155 02155 1298. Deirdre Moraes 61 Decatur Street Arlington 02474 1297. 1296. 1295. 1294. 1293. 1292. 1291. 1290. 1289. Douglas Matheson Roberto Fernandes Sherika Blevins Kathryn Harris Ivey St John Julie Strawn Jaime N Kidston Hobart Tilney Jameson Hannon 2 Chester Av., Apt. 2 Medford 02155 Somerville Somerville 02144 1288. 1287. 1286. 1285. Jonathan Adams Cesar Urrunaga David Lord William Yeh 1284. 1283. Mike Lemire Sara Elsa-Beech Sunnyside Avenue 02155 Charlestown 64 Oxford St 22 Claremont St Somerville Somerville 43 Decatur St Arlington 11 Hinckley Street 83 Prichard Avenue 17-3 Arizona Terrace Somerville Somerville Somerville Arlington Somerville Go Green Would love to have a T stop close by! Please bring it all the way!!!!!!! Save gas! It’s important Needed Great idea! Great idea We need alternatives to the automobile getting in and out of Boston. This MUST happen. Please do!! Expanding public transit is in everyone’s best interest and i hope to see many more people support your efforts For those of us who commute into Boston via bus and train a Route 16 Green Line stop would make the commute much easier and shorter. We need more rapid transit, not less! 02143 02144 02474 02144 02145 02144 02474 I live within a 10 minute walk of this proposed ending location and I would LOVE if the Green Line was extended! 1282. 1281. 1280. 1279. 1278. 1277. 1276. 1275. 1274. 1273. 1272. 1271. 1270. 1269. 1268. 1267. 1266. 1265. 1264. 1263. 1262. 1261. 1260. 1259. 1258. 1257. 1256. 1255. 1254. 1253. 1252. 1251. 1250. 1249. 1248. 1247. 1246. 1245. 1244. 1243. 1242. 1241. 1239. 1238. 1237. 1236. 1235. Laura Uglean Joseph Deck Jo Barry Paul Materazzo Jonathan Feinberg Katherine McVety Robert Surratt B. Kokubo Rosalie DeLucia Warren Pemsler Gabriella Lawrence Mika Lemire Lynda Urgotis Mark F. Nelson Marcus McCown Patti Klos line voided Kris Klos Steven E Norton Janet M. Hill Vino G. Stephen Powers Sam Helou Joanna Helou May Helou Chris Morrison Paulina Villarroel Wilfred Labiosa Edward Tokarcik David Anderson Rebecca Riopelle Robert Riopelle line voided Lauren Johns Sara Langelier Michael Sandler Kitty Flynn Nicholas Weidemann Holly Carlson Laurie Ellis Sharon Finnegan Gloria Wright Costas Hatzis Threasa Nihill Patricia Gallen Scott Dunn Deborah Peterson 1234. 1233. 1232. 1231. 1230. 1229. Jonathan Herzog Lynn Bennett Doug Sery John Torres Nikole Roome-Torres Christopher DesAutels Mike Korcynski 1228. 9 High St. Somerville 02144 25 Barbara Lane 43 Powder House Rd. Medford Medford 02155 46 Westminster Ave. Arlington 02474 Medford 02155 02474 North St Arlington Arlington Somerville 02144 17 Gilson Ave. Medford 02155 17 Gilson Ave. Medford 02155 62 Boston Ave. Medford Arlington Medford 02155 02474 02155 4 Gardner St Arlington 02474 80 Burget Avenue Medford Arlington W. Medford Arlington Arlington 02155 02474 02474 02474 Somerville Arlington E. Arlington Medford Medford 02144 02474 02474 02155 02155 This is long overdue. Hard to argue against 81 Westminster Ave. 73 Fremont St 73 Fremont St 40 Spencer Ave. 143 Forest St. 143 Forest Street A great "green" commuting alternative. I think this would benefit our community We need it! Please let's not miss this opportunity! 02474 97 Sunnyside Ave. 190 Boston Ave. 33 River st 8 Hadley Court 8 Hadley Court Arlington Somerville Arlington Arlington Arlington 02474 02143 02474 02474 02474 We need the green line here! Can’t wait for it to come!!! Not only is it vital to the environment that we extend public transportation. It is equally important to join communities together. Additionally I would be able to visit my niece and nephew whenever I wanted without having to rent a car!! 101 Woods Ave. Somerville 02144 30 Circuit Rd 30 Circuit Rd 21 Knollwood Rd Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 149 Burget Ave. Medford 02155 1227. 1226. 1225. 1224. Laurel Ruma Donna St. Pierre Reuven Cohen Chris Orrell 149 Burget Ave. 1223. 1222. 1221. 1220. 1219. Claire M Griffiths Andrew Sumner Jennifer Pectol Kevin Sullivan Tiffany Foster 39 Ames Street 27 Woods Ave 19 Park Street 1218. 1217. Cody O'Leary Emily Wheelwright 22 Irvington Road 1216. 1215. 1214. 1213. 1212. 1211. 1210. Perrin Schilling John Schilling Liz Durfee Amy Malone line voided Carolyn Rahn Jean Jones 14 Wolcott St. 14 Wolcott St. 1209. 1208. 1207. 1206. 1205. 1204. 1203. 1202. 1201. 1200. 1199. 1198. Sarah Volpe Andrea Brand Alex Langshur line voided Nancy Gilman Shadi Malaeb Ruth Delaware Fred Lohse Sarah Wood Rob Starck Kerrie Casey Joseph Chiaramonte 127 Century St. Ext 43 Woods Avenue Medford Somerville 02155 02144 1197. June E. Moris 34 Woods Road West Medford 02155 1196. Michael Casey Medford 02155 1195. 1194. 1193. 1192. 1191. 1190. Lourenco Dantas Yee Moy Sharon Guzik Helen Carpenter Kim Recca Dana Hollinshead Boston 1189. Roberto Bezerra de Oliveira line voided Margaret Carpenter Linda Shi Lisa Morris Stephen Douglas Kara Kelly Dee Morris 1188. 1187. 1186. 1185. 1184. 1183. 1182. Medford Boston 02155 Boston 01989 02118 Somerville Somerville Medford 02155 I would take the train to Medford from downtown Boston to visit friends and try some of the restaurants Moving to Arlington - this would make my commute SO much better! Somerville Jamaica Plain 02130 Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford 02155 66 Bower St 38 Sterling St Medford Somerville 02144 200 Winthrop St Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford 02155 56 Monument St More public transportation means fewer cars, less congestion, and cleaner air for all of us. I don't think I will still be in the area by the time the line is completed, but I am all for increasing access! This is the right thing to do! Medford 02155 Medford 02155 61 Wolcott Street Medford 02144 02155 17 Hillsdale Rd Medford Somerville 02155 02143 18 Jerome St 83 Hancock Street Medford Somerville Medford 02155 02144 02155 I am an elderly man and this would make a difference in my personal life; keeping me connected with friends and family Any step towards decreasing our con sumption of oil/gas is a step in the right direction, and the sooner, the better! Please build it! The benefits to the community well outweigh the costs. Yes Green Line to Medford rt 16 1181. Chris Huskey 21 Bradlee Rd Medford 02155 1180. 1179. 1178. 1177. 1176. 1175. 1174. 1173. Emilie Codega Courtney Leary Bryan Rodriguez Carolyn Shepherd Sanjay Newton Caroline Trainor John Anderson Mary Kaye 49 Quincy St. #1 139 Arlington St Medford Medford 02155 40 Spencer Ave Somerville 02144 236 Arlington Street Arlington West Medford 02474 02155 1172. 1171. 1170. 1169. 1168. 1167. 1166. 1165. 1164. 1163. 1162. 1161. 1160. 1159. 1158. 1157. 1156. 1155. 1154. 1153. 1152. 1151. 1150. 1149. 1148. 1147. Catherine T. Wood Abin Sapkota Rosewelt Cornet Marieinez Bernal Hareg Tedla Dan Maynard Wei Wang Dawn Lewis Weijen Wang Stephanie Houston line voided Amare Wolde Christopher Leary Asha Vyas Kanubhai Vyas Alison Dutton Michael Harder Gina Legere Juliana Leung Alex Holman Benjamin Kuss Joanna Hamilton Jeanne Holland Cindy Castleberry Nina Bozicnik Carl Lowenberg 133 Harvard Ave 30A Lake St Fl 2 Medford Somerville 02155 02143 119 Arlington St. Medford 02155 7 Kimball rd 37 Jerome St Arlington Medford 02474 02155 1146. 1145. 1144. 1143. 1142. 1141. 1140. 1139. 1138. 1137. 1136. 1135. 1134. Sands Fish Valmik Vyas Caitlin Casey Eleanor A Manning Mauricio Pacheco Ashley Malone Robert Band Camilly Sousa Jennifer Caruso Anthony DiBella Lauren Papenhausen Paul Bernardi Abigail Gabrielse 1133. 1132. 1131. 1130. Jason Hutchinson Susan Norton line voided Adam Liebman To not take advantage of this situation for clean, reliable transportation would be irresponsible for all current residents of Medford and any in the future. I will stop driving to work and to downtown Boston if the Route 16 T-stop becomes available! Cambridge 119 Arlington St. Medford Medford 02155 02155 Boston 45 River Street 115 Glenville Ave 85B Arlington Street 97 Williams Street #3 Arlington Cambridge Allston Malden Medford Arlington Jamaica Plain Somerville Corey Street 6 Hamlet St Medford Somerville 81 Greenleaf Ave 15 Piggott Rd apt 1 Medford Brookline Medford Medford 14 Mystic River Rd. Medford Arlington It is good for a lot of people. Please do it! 02474 02155 02140 02134 02148 02155 02130 I love living near the T. Everyone should have access to reliable public transport! 02144 02155 02155 02143 02155 This would be GREAT! 02155 I'm up for extending the T as much as possible for environmental and economic reasons. Green Line = Green Cities 1129. 1128. 1127. 1126. Maggie Pepper John Pepper Dee Ramee Scott B. Smith 1125. 1124. 1123. 1122. 1121. 1120. 1119. 1118. 1117. 1116. 1115. 1114. 1113. Karen Steiner Siegmar Knebl Harriet Severino Murray Barg B.L. Gould Stacey Carr seville carrington Joslyn Allen Marilyn Hirsch Ashley Lieberman Amy Towler James Pileeki Diana Engelbart 1112. Will McMillan 11 Egerton Road Arlington 1111. 106 Boston Avenue Medford 1110. 1109. 1108. 1107. 1106. 1105. 1104. 1103. 1102. 1101. 1100. 1099. 1098. Bettina and Albert Metais Christopher Yee Jason Ramdewar Marilyn Conde Pamela Enders John Grehan Susan Fendell Moses Carr Rodney Laurenz Dennis Carlberg Jessica Darling Andrew Mayo Zoe Keller Brian Christiansen 159 Boston Ave Somerville Medford 02144 02155 385 Broadway 33 Roberts Rd 02139 95 Partridge Ave. #1 129 Highland Ave. 212 Elm Street Cambridge Medford Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Highland Avenue 28 Orchard St. Somerville Medford 02144 02155 1097. 1096. 1095. 1094. 1093. 1092. 1091. 1090. 1089. 1088. 1087. 1086. 1085. 1084. 1083. 1082. 1081. 1080. Yvonne Herlihy Charles McKenzie Douglas Sery Mary Jo Bohart Cara DiMattia Ryan Klemek Christine Scatko Gerry Wilcox Vincent Smith Ara Aslanian Jim Harvey Marie Kelly Suzanne Sroka Rob Caplin Lisa Griffin Daniel Maher Amy Marcott Margaret Casey 35 Porter Street Somerville Somerville 7 High St Somerville 02144 182 Palmer St 30 Washington St. Arlington Somerville Medford Somerville 02474 02143 02155 02144 Somerville Somerville 02145 02144 62b Fairfield st 23 Gordon St 106 Albion Street 31 Windsor Rd Arlington 02474 Arlington 02474 02144 Somerville Medford Medford Somerville 02155 02155 02144 02474 Good walking, bike and public transit (bus, commuter rail) connections will be important in this already congested area This is a great idea! In these days of impossibly high gasoline costs, it becomes imperative to improve public transportation I would love to have Green line closer to where I live! 02145 02143 02144 I really think it should go all the way to the West Medford Commuter Rail Station, but this terminus is the next best option. It should/must go to RT. 16!!! This project should have been done years ago, lets not drag our feet. 1079. 1078. Maria Lucas B. Iris Tanner 1077. 1076. Brenda Wessling Marion Carroll 1075. 1074. 1073. 1061. 1060. 1059. 1058. 1057. 1056. Julia Lanigan Bonnie Parks Katherine Gyllensvard Joel Sloman David Garman Laura Andersen Darcy Duke James Burke Heather Sprague Patricia Ann Dever Stephen Schadt Liza Cole William P. Helman Jr. Christos Papadopoulos Joseph Raymond Michele Garber Jason Lacouture Charles D Lyle Erik Zornik Eric Pinsoneault 1055. 1054. 1053. 1052. Bradley Poff II Macee Damon Nina Maloney WenYing Tseng 1051. 1050. 1049. 1048. 1047. 1046. 1045. 1044. 1043. 1042. 1041. 1040. 1039. 1038. Elizabeth Gudrais Joao Ferreira Gregory Guerra Brandie Doyle Elizabeth Phipps Andrea Schuler Katherine McNeill Ryan Gray Laura McWilliams Nield Montgomery Claire Ghiloni Alena Eng Chungyang Chen Marvin D. Brown 1037. 1036. Roopa Sareen Althea Brown 1072. 1071. 1070. 1069. 1068. 1067. 1066. 1065. 1064. 1063 1062. 250 Elm St 82 Harvard Ave. #2 Somerville Medford 02155 Initially I was against this but in light of gas prices etc. I now think it makes a LOT of sense. Arlington 02474 I live in a different part of Arlington, near Alewife -- but I've heard a lot of locals eager for this station. 02155 02155 209 Cedar St 8 Brookings Street 81 Yale Street Medford W. Medford Somerville Somerville Medford Medford 02145 02155 02155 99 Hillsdale Rd Medford 02155 Quincy 02170 Somerville 02144 Very exciting! 76 Ashland St Medford 02155 Please 186 Gardner St. Arlington 02474 This is a vote for better air quality and greater economic opportunity for the residence of Somerville, Medford and Arlington DO IT!! 82 Harvard Ave Arlington 100 Station Landing Unit 1201 156A North Street 156A North Street Medford Somerville Somerville Medford Somerville Brookline Arlington 02155 02155 02445 02170 83 Yale Street Medford Medford Medford West Medford 02155 02155 02155 02155 Bring the green line to Route 16! Go! I support the efforts to bring the Green Line to Route 16. I can even imagine it being taken all the way to Playstead. Oops that’s another petition. Let's not miss out on this one in a life time opportunity. Why should just Somerville and Tufts University reap the benefits. I hope we have a more openminded community of people that will rally around this and demand that the Green Line will be coming to Medford through to Route 16. Joy! Wow, our Property would even be worth more! 1035. 1034. 1033. 1032. 1031. 1030. 1029. 1028. 1027. 1026. 1025. 1024. 1023. 1022. Simon Berbara Souhail Berbara Stephen J Forcucci Scott Parisi David Nisco Allison Moody Sandra Campos Kristen Montgomery Peter Brenton Birgit Claus Henn Bruce Tsiknas Pam Bybell Linda Gritz Raleigh Green 1021. 1016. 1015. 1014. 1013. 1012. 1011. 1010. 1009. 1008. 1007. 1006. 1005. 1004. 1003. 1002. 1001. 1000. 999. 998. 997. Leila Lourdes Messias Luiz Souza Laura Brereton Jaclyn Friedman Rosemary Campobasso Scott Lenzi Mary Staffier Lihua Huang David W. Staffier Nancy Kurtz Jon Obuchowski Caitlin Lynch Susan Sterling Finbar Fleming Colleen Gendron Kyna Hamill Kevin Eibensteiner V Sagar Tiffany Thompson Shelley Kroll Jack Beard Robert Feigin Shawn Samuel Heather Rivero Andrew Griswold 996. 995. 994. 993. 992 991. 990. Megan Allen Erica Soper Robert Pare Fabiana Ramos Peter Panagako Monique McNally Bill Burley 989. 988. 987. 986. 985. Marc Davidson Bob Pomeroy Karen Thomas Silvana Castaneda Kenneth Newman 1020. 1019 1018. 1017. Somerville Somerville Winchester Somerville Andover Medford 02144 02144 01890 02144 01810 Medford Somerville Medford 02155 02144 02155 Somerville Medford 02143 02155 Cambridge 02140 Cambridge Medford Medford Somerville 02140 16 Irvington Road Somerville 02144 16 Irvington Road Somerville Medford Somerville Medford 02144 02155 Medford Boston 02155 02127 02155 49 Salem St 17 Fairfax St 12 Hampton Lane 624 High Street 118 Allston St 3 Emerson St 388 Highland Av. #2 Forest Street th 845 East 5 St. 195 Brooks 61 Sterling St 63 Harvard Ave 8 Whitman Road (Ward 6 Pct. 2) 42 Quincy St. 02155 02145 Thanks. This will be a great improvement to Medford public transportation. Wonderful 02155 Medford Medford Medford Somerville Medford Medford 02155 02155 02144 02155 02155 Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford 02155 Use existing land behind U-Haul for terminus The route 16 option will reduce traffic and greenhouse emissions. 63 West St. 119 Varnum Street 22 Aerial Street 75 Jerome St 507 Mystic Valley Pky Medford Arlington Arlington Medford Somerville 02155 02474 02155 02144 More Public Transport is better 984. 983. 982. 981. Beverly Campbell Liam Jacobs KelleyAnne Clisham Anthony Biscardi 40 Gordon St 40 Gordon St 29 Harvard Ave # 33 Somerville Medford 980. Peter Kelley 12 Claire Street Tewksbury 979. 978. 977. 976. Mark Sroka Suzanne Pude Angela Whiteford Thomas Whiteford 106 Albion St. Apt 2 Somerville Somerville 77 Boston Ave Medford 975. 974. 973. 972. 971. 970. 969. 968. 967. 966. 965. Mariete Campiteli Ronald V Venancio Diane Kiladis Jack Burke Paul Burke Jennifer Burke Jet Turi S. Forristall Eric Deans Rosemarie Davidson Erica Robertson 107 Boston Ave 24 Wellington rd 46 Wright Ave. 659 Mass Ave. 659 Mass Ave. 659 Mass Ave Medford Medford Medford Arlington Arlington Arlington Fairfax Street 50 Boston Ave Somerville Medford Medford Medford 02155 Yes, please, bring us the Green Line. 02155 964. 963 962. 961. 960. 959. 958. 957. 956. Antonio Campiteli Mariete Campiteli Kathy Martin Marie Donovan D C Petty Paula Magnelli Ginny Rogers Brenda Tully Deborah Ager Boston Ave Boston Ave W. Medford Medford 02155 02155 This would definitely allow more people to use public transporation, myself included! Looking forward for this!!! 100 Porter St apt 1 Somerville 02138 02143 115 Sharon St #1 Medford 02155 955. 954. Jeremy Katz Philip Platt Arlington Medford 02474 125 Harvard Avenue 02144 02155 The infrequent times of the commuter rail on weekends and later evenings force me to take my car into Boston for sporting events, etc. If the Green line were walkable, I would no longer use my car for many events. The Minuteman bike path passes very close to the proposed Green Line terminus at Route 16. I believe additional commuters would consider using the Green Line if it were easy for them to store their bicycles at the Green Line terminus. This would also reduce road congestion and the use of gas and diesel fuel. I am strongly in favor of green line station at route 16. It's a perfect space for end of line station. 02155 02155 02155 02476 02476 02476 A good idea. With the current price of fuel, it is exceedingly important to extend public transportation as far as possible. Why are you stopping at 16 vs. going to Medford square? Light rail is environmentally clean. It is critical we think about the future and expand light rail service NOW. This service will replace buses and cars on the road. PLEASE, PLEASE make this happen. It should terminate in West Medford, as originally planned, but Route 16 at the very least. Stopping short in the Hillside area would be ludicrous. Those residents already have the Red Line, while we have nothing! 953. 952. 951. 950. 949. 948. 947. 946. 945. 944. 943. 942. 941. 940. 939. 938. 937. 936. 935. 934. Catherine Galanes Kenny Tully Elizabeth Palmer Jeannette Albee Tammy Maclean Linda Bragg Laura Bragg Perrin Tellock Cheryl Cochran Nancy Teves Tara Urspruch Keith Fallon line voided line voided Karen Anderson Erik Anderson Richard Fulkerson Matt Winalski Lisa Emanuello Paul Seaburg 933. 932. 931. 930. 929. 928. 927. Cynthia Stillinger Rebecca Grimes Sharon Collins Thomas M. McNamara, Jr Albert Lew Maureen Fennessy Steven Brennan 926. 925. 924. 923. 922. 921. 920. 919. 918. Frederick Crane line voided Paulomi Dave-Potter Christopher Potter Michael DeRidder Evelyn Persoff Blake Evitt Ryan Boinay Elisa de la Cruz 917. 916. Lilo Zsolnay Kevin Mitchell 915. Joseph M Oleary 914. 913. 912. line voided Anna K Shoolroy Timothy E. Cain 911. 910. 909. 908. 907. 906. 905. Matthew Duff David Sayres Alethea Granberg Bouchaib Traiba Andrea Borgmann Martin LaMonica Mark Sullivan 115 Sharon St 115 Sharon St Medford Winchester Revere Medford Medford 21 Beacon St. 421 Medford Street Boston Somerville 02474 02108 02145 25 Fairfax St #1 53 High St Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville 02144 02144 02144 02144 69 Fairfax St Somerville 02144 15 Sharon Street Amherst Street Medford Arlington 02155 02474 556 S. Border Rd. 353 Alewife Brook Pky 02155 01890 The more mass transit the better 02155 02155 Being blind I would LOVE to see this happen. Bring it on Winchester 16 Fairfax Street Somerville 02144 69 Boston Ave. Medford 02155 14 Fairfax Street Somerville 02144 56 Newton St 34 Josephine Ave. 27 Irvington Rd 27 Irvington Rd Unit 2 50 Madison Street 88 Monument St Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville 02143 02144 02144 02144 Somerville Medford 02143 43 Monument St Unit #1 Medford 02155 17 Fairfax St. #1 17 Fairfax St. #1 Somerville Somerville 02144 02144 87 Electric Ave Park Street Somerville Medford Somerville 02144 02155 02145 28 Maple Ave. Somerville Arlington Somerville 02145 11 Marion St 02143 Please support this petition, this is a unique opportunity to create a public transportation infrastructure that will benefit the community and outlast us all Bring it on!!! Why not bring it to the West Medford commuter rail stop and improve that overall station. West Medford Sq could use a boost! This would make it so much easier for me to get into Boston This is so exciting! A green line stop here would be awesome yes.... extend it 904. Michele Santosuosso 65 Fairfax Street 903. 902. 901. 900. 899. 898. 897. 896. 895. 894. 893. 892. 891. 890. 889. 888. 887. 886. 879. 878. 877. Nancy L. Norteman John Waite Ryan Grams Paul Talarico Robert P Krajewski Sheila Hornetalarico Joel Bennett Melanie Berkmen Judy Benjamin Robyn Gentile Tom Gannon Sarah Gannon Phillip Bower Kaci Bower Julia Goldrosen Barbara McNamara Isaac Umanoff Donald Stevens & Candyce Dostert Rodger Langley Andrew Brandt Sharon Dell'Anno Paul Dell'Anno Leslie N. WinslowKeats Katherine Montgomery John Thompson Bruce Daube Rick Weir 876. 875. Mark Yeboah Robert Chase 874. 873. 872. 871. 870. 869. 868. 867. 866. 865. 864. 863. 862. Jacqueline Straker Darnell Straker Richard A. Murray Elizabeth T. Murray Mehmet Berkmen Amy Stewart Karen Johnston Jasmine Myers Elisabeth Sylvan Steven Bucchianeri Michael Nickey line voided Lucie Pasquale 861. 860. Matthew Allain DeAnne Dupont 885. 884. 883. 882. 881. 880. 102 Monument St. 120 Auburn St West Somerville Medford Medford 02144 02155 02155 38 Frost Street 121 Thesda St. 52 Monument Street 112 Belmont St 74 Josephine Av. #1 46 Monument Street 46 Dearborn Street Arlington Arlington Medford Somerville Somerville Medford Medford 02474 02474 02155 02143 02144 02155 02155 184 Park Street Medford Medford Somerville Medford 02155 02155 02144 02155 103 Pearson Ave. Somerville 02144 71 Boston Avenue 37 Walnut Street Medford Somerville 02155 Arlington 41 Sharon st Medford 02476 02155 02155 333 Main Street Melrose 02176 Medford 02155 Medford Medford 02155 02155 W. Medford Medford 02155 52 Bower St. 16 Sharon Street Somerville 87 Sharon Street Medford 02155 3920 Mystic Valley Pkwy. #901 94 Boston Ave. #4 Medford 02155 Medford Arlington 02155 It’s long overdue. Please allow this to happen Let's not lose this opportunity To route 16 and beyond !!! In today's world of high gas prices, this addition could provide many of us with a cleaner, faster and simpler way of transportation. Would be nice to leave my car and walk to the T. One lane of highway traffic only passes 1500 cars per hour. If each building in Boston employs 2000 people, then every three buildings represents an hour's worth of highway time in the morning and afternoon. Trains pass many more people per hour for the same amount of land. 859. 858. Barbara Weir Edward A Starr 62Dcanal Street 857. 856. 855. 854. 853. 852. Alex Feldman line voided Annette McGloin Celka Straughn Gary Zappelli Cheryl NashMacIsaac Nicole NashMacIsaac Robert Langill John W. Taylor Kimberly Hamad J. Brandon Wilson Evitt Andrew Torchia Christopher Valarezo Nick Votaw Stephen Clark Shane-Lea Langone Dave Tacey Matt Eckert Nancy Carbone Melissa Eckert Amy Zengo Paul L Flynn Henry Nalli Kim Leonard Deborah Russell Todd S. Horowitz Rena Riley Kenneth W Murphy Courtney O'Keefe Noah Chesnin Frank Kern 851. 850. 849. 848. 847. 846. 845. 844. 843. 842. 841. 840. 839. 838. 837. 836. 835. 834. 833. 832. 831. 830. 829. 828. 827. 826. 825. 824. 823. 822. 821. 820. 819. 818. 817. 816. 815. 814. 813. 812. 811. 810. Jonathan Bernhardt John Burke Joy Spadafora Carmen Ferreira Mzaouakk Stephanie Tyburski ian hoffberg Beth Williams Robin Krolikowski Shawn Provencal Amy Labnouj Steven Maher Dennis A. Dunn Paul Lombino Marc Tanner Geri Barr Daniel Mastrorilli Mark Patterson Medford Arlington 02155 80 Rogers Ave Somerville 02144 61 Columbus Ave 33 Preston Road Harvard Ave Somerville Somerville Medford 02143 02143 02155 29 Powder House Ter Somerville 02145 02144 Somerville 02144 12 Harvard Avenue 70 Pearl Street 19 Ivaloo Street Somerville Medford Somerville Somerville 02145 02155 02145 02143 63 Bowen Avenue Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 19 Brighton St Charlestown 02129 112 Allston St Woburn St. 20 Circuit Street 12 Sargent Road 65 Bowdoin Street 1 Vinal Street Medford Medford Medford Winchester Medford Somerville Somerville Lexington 02155 02155 02155 01890 02145 Please! 02420 I cycle from home to Alewife every day and I'm sure many others will do the same to the Rt. 16 terminus of this proposed extension. 61 Mills Street Somerville Cambridge Arlington Malden 02139 02474 02148 25 Bainbridge St. 67 Playstead Road Medford Cambridge Malden Medford 55 High street 23 Canal St. 117 School Street Somerville W. Medford Somerville 72 Lowell St. 26 Watson St A Rt 16 stop would service a lot more riders. Other stops inbound are difficult to reach. This is a must! Bring the Green Line to Rt 16 02476 02155 02148 02155 02474 02144 02155 7 Spencer Avenue Somerville 02143 02144 67 Bower st Medford 02155 THANK YOU The Green Line is long overdue, particularly in light of rising gas prices. all for it the way gas is 809. 808. 807. 806. 805. 804. 803. Stevn Weinstein Yvan DeBoeck Tom Gibson Mary Lee Potter Maurice Haddon Mona Phaff Ayron Strauch 86 Boston Ave. Medford 02155 33 Lyman ave. Medford 02155 35 Hillside Avenue Medford 02155 Somerville 02144 802. Lisa Treat 474 Broadway Somerville 801. 800. 799. Sharotka Simon Michael Simon Katherine M. Wallace Circuit St Circuit St 26 Conwell Ave Medford Medford Somerville 02155 02155 02144 798. Hope Tompkins Cambridge 02139 797. 796. 795. 794. 793. 792. 791. 790. 789. 788. 787. 786. 785. Joshua Smift Janet Kern Beverly A. Wolf Theresa Cerullo Michael Cerullo Sarah Mealey Patrick Hogan Elisabeth Bouche Richard Blewett Marie Kirchberger Blythe Davis Jane Johnson Wig Zamore 72 Lowell Street Lexington 02420 49 Dearborn St. 49 Dearborn St. 11 Sargent Avenue 48 Tennyson Street Medford Medford Somerville Somerville 02155 02155 02145 02145 51 Quincy St. 10 Sanger St 13 Highland Ave #3 Medford Medford Somerville 02155 02155 02143 784. 783. 782. 781. 780. 779. 778. 777. 776. 775. 774. 773. 772. 771. Richard DeLuca Christine Frost Bruce Barrett Francis Storrs Aaron Jette Alice Grossman Jonathan Kay Cristina Ferla line voided Janet Steins priscilla lee Luis Mejias Jon Clark Jacy Ippolito 115 Varnum St. Lexington Somerville Medford Arlington Arlington 02155 02476 02474 15 Harris Road Medford 02452 02155 16 James Street 9 Grove St 70 Park St., Apt 62 Somerville W Medford Somerville 02145 02155 02143 Somerville 02143 770. 769. 768. Daniel Brockman Matthew Shuman Barbara Steiner 367-C Somerville Ave. 40 Trull Street Lowden Ave. 29 Quincy St. Somerville Somerville Somerville 02144 02143 767. Ian Lekus Medford 02155 yes. This would be VERY helpful! 475 Medford St The Green line needs to be extended into these neighborhoods If you're going to do something, do it right - especially if it's going to cost billions of dollars! This is very important to our community and we have been waiting many years to see it happen. Any extension of public transportation is very important in this time of climate change. Don't want this to delay the rest Multi-modal access and ridership will be best served by ending the Green Line at a commercial node on a major roadway rather than incur the negative impacts of terminating the Green Line in a more residential area between Tufts and Route 16. Yes - bring the T to W. Medford :)!! I am strongly in favor of bringing the Green Line to Rt. 16. This will help local residents, as well as those of us who don't live there but do business in that neighborhood. 766. Joseph P. Lynch, Jr. 765. 764. 763. Rosemary Kelly Matt Glidden Joann Salvo 762. 761. 760. 759. Paul Passacantilli sr. Jeff Levine John Martin Xiuli 758. Giselle Michel 757. 756. Kristin Jacobs Cambia Davis 755. 754. 753. 752. 751. 750. 749. 748. 747. 746. 745. 744. 743. 742. 741. 740. Christopher J Robert Lindsay Butler Lawrence Thomases Erin Hennessy Anthony Beck Camilla Fox Karen J Evans Paul Hollings Noreen Burke Kelly Ford Nancy Gilday John Harding Emily Hardt Janaki Kevin Allwarden August Lincoln Pozgay 739. Margaret Collins 738. 737. 736. 735. 734. Laurie Rothfeld Jane Collins Nancy Bonn Pak Lui James W Martin 10 Henderson Street Somerville 02145 As a member of the Beyond Lechmere, Northwest Corridor Study I spoke in favor of this proposed terminus for the extension. No public testimony or professional presentation has changed my position. Somerville This will cut down traffic and makes transportation more convienent than driving to one's place of employment. 9 Pleasant ave. 31 Curtis Ave Lawrence Rd. 17 Purcell Road 28 Butler St. 92 Harvard Ave. 14 Wheeler street 21 College Hill Road 53 Woburn Street 43 Cotting Street 432 Norfolk Street Somerville Somerville Medford Arlington 02143 02144 02155 02474 Medford 02155 Medford 02155 Somerville Medford Medford Somerville Somerville 02155 02155 02145 02144 Medford Medford Somerville Arlington Arlington Somerville Medford Medford Medford 02474 02144 02155 02156 02155 172 Jerome St Medford 02155 4 Chester Street 19 Arizona Ter, U. 2 Medford Arlington Arlington 02155 02476 02474 16 Aerial St 11 Bellevue Street It will be beneficial for Arlington residents closeby as well. In addition, it will reduce the traffic on Route 16. The extension of the Green Line to Route 16 would be a huge relief for the environment (fewer cars, less pollution). It would also be a relief for the hundreds of people that can potentially benefit from it. Go Green Line, let's save our planet! I take public transportation everyday and know the benefits to the environ ment and the citizens who live nearby. I could take the train to work!!! 02155 02155 The addition of a green line station will be of enormous benefit to the local economy and people's checkbooks in an era of high gas prices. Mass transit will help slow the spread of destructive climate change. Since Medford rent is on par with North Cambridge and Somerville, it seems only fitting that we should have some thing close to those locations' ease of access to the T, especially considering the highly unreliable and infrequent bus service in West Medford especially. I am in favor of the MVP T Station 733. 732. 731. 730. Shauna Jordan Jordana Psiloyenis Jay Greska Scott Brook 8 Pembroke Court Somerville 11 Warren St. 57 Upland Road Medford Somerville 02155 02144 729. 728. Shana Kaplan Mandy Shear 216 Powderhouse Blvd Somerville Somerville 02144 02144 727. 726. Paul Gillooly Beatrice Taylor 119 College Ave. Somerville Somerville 02144 02144 725. 724. 723. 722. 721. 720. 44 Stearns Ave Clark St. Medford Medford 32 Pearl Street Medford 719. 718. 717. 716. Scott Loring Hugh Gallagher Heather McCurdy Joe Goss Cathy McLaughlin Diane Debono Schafer Amanda Fencl Joshua Berkowitz Jennifer Gilbert Robert Gilligan 715. 714. 713. 712. 711. 710. 709. 708. 707. 706. Amanda Bowen Françis Domec Damon Leibert Clara Read Theresa C. Mallard Steven J.Eliopoulos Julia McGuire Susan Rudd Joanna Kelly Sarah Freas Medford 57 Madison Street 705. 704. 703. Edward Vartabedian Doug Shoop Marco Rivero 34a Maple Ave 702. 701. 700. 699. 698. 697. 696. 695. 694. David Todtfeld Eva Reck Todtfeld Carol Shivani Sutton Clare Rose-Howard Eileen Taxe-Levine Edward J.McCarthy Dan Handalian Kara Curtis I'll use it Good for current residents to commute to work and connection to Boston We are so excited for this to happen!!! It makes working in Boston possible for me with limited commute time due to daycare and not needing a car. In these times of increasing fuel demand and prices, the only correct decision here is to serve as many future riders as possible. A terminus station at Rte. 16 would serve thousands more residents than if the line ends at Tufts. Please give his community the chance to also use convenient public transportation rather than drive. 02144 02155 02144 02155 More public transportation, fewer cars please! 92 Bay State Ave. 35 Bedford Street, Suite 12 Winthrop Street Somerville Somerville Somerville Lexington 02143 02144 02420 Medford 02155 Medford 02155 We’re happy to have the Green Line come through and in the best possible configuration. Medford Arlington Medford 02155 Public transportation is the only way to solve our energy problems! Harvard Avenue Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 17 Mason St Medford 02155 125 Brooks Street Medford 21 Bradlee Rd.#11 26 Lincoln Street Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 Let's please get this done soon. A terminus at Tufts would greatly serve the student community. A terminus at Route 16 would greatly serve the community at large. Don't cripple the extension: Bring it to Rt 16 and give thousands more a chance to use it. Frequent use of Public Transportation 693. 692. Jay Plumb Robert Castagna 691. Maryester Russo 690. 689. 688. 687. Michael Adamian Michael McLaughlin Elizabeth M. Regan Jennifer Yanco 686. 685. Samantha Helman John Surovy 684. 683. 682. David Ramos Christian Waeber Mary Albon Pond Lane 681. 680. 679. 678. Stephanie Ramos Mary Sbuttoni Dick Bauer Fabiola Alvarez 7 Pond Lane Arlington 58 Berkeley St 125 Lowell Street Somerville Somerville 677. 676. 675. 674. 11 Bellevue Street Medford Medford Arlington 670. John McDonald Milva McDonald Christopher Loreti Leyla ChevalierKarfis Jessica Nelson Olivier Karfis Camille ChevalierKarfis Stephen Mackey 669. Mary J. Rotchford 668. 667. 666. 665. 664. 663. 662. 661. 660. 659. 658. 657. 656. 655. Karen O'Neil Rachel Lieber Colin Durrant Leah Staub-DeLong Carol Saunders Ceallaigh Reddy Glenn Dickson Terry Pietrolungo Michael Holmes Jeremy Marin Elise Farrell Jim Wright Linda Warner Lisa Brukilacchio Somerville 654. 653. Steve Halloran Heather Van Aelst 46 Orchard St., #1 1 Fitchburg St. C304 673. 672. 671. 160 Playstead Rd. #7 51 Bower Street Medford 02144 02155 Medford 02155 33 Capen St 32 Stearns Ave Medford Medford 02155 02155 It would make it alot easyer for me to get to work and it would leave my car available for my children to be driven to school more easly I'd like to see the Green line continue into W Medford at route 60 It is extremely important to give more people access to public transportation. The more that use it the more money that will be invested in it and the better the systme will be. 56 Adams Street Arlington Somerville 02474 02145 02476 Please reconsider extending the Red Line into Arlington too! 02143 02143 02155 02155 02474 Somerville Somerville Chamber of Commerce, 2 Alpine Street, P.O. Box 440343 21 Teele Ave 61 Monument St. 277 Broadway 97A Claremont Ave. Somerville 02144 Somerville 02144 Arlington Somerville Medford Somerville Medford Medford Somerville Arlington 02474 02144 Concerns about health risks from air pollution 02143 02155 02155 02476 This would make the intent of the Green Line extension a reality. Without this terminus, much of the potential utiliza tion and ridership would be sacrificed. Medford Somerville 02155 02143 652. 651. 650. 649. 648. 647. 646. 645. 644. 643. 642. 641. Kathleen Driscoll Turil Cronbrug Tim Farrell Scott Bickerton Nancy M Hays David Santucci David Mussina Melissa Lowitz Elizabeth Johnston Jeffrey J. Hickey Vanessa Rule The Rev. Dr. Christian Brocato 640. 639. 638. 637. 117 Harvard Avenue 13 Sturtevant Ter Somerville Medford Medford Medford 02143 02155 02155 02155 13 Sturtevant Ter. Medford 02155 99 Wallace St 28 Webster St. #2 25 Malvern Avenue 28 Webster Somerville Medford Somerville Medford 02144 02155 02144 Eric Becker Richard L. Scott P. Krueger Matthew Henn 25 Malvern Ave. Somerville 02144 109 W Adams St. Somerville 02144 636. 635. 634. 633. 632. 631. 630. Thomas Bent Jonathan Hondorp Howard Straubing Ksenia Mack Monica Casali Carlo Zambonelli Tom Gilbert 3 Harvard Place 16 Hawthorne Street Somerville Somerville Arlington Medford 02143 02144 15 Weston Ave. Apt. 506 02144 629. 628. 627. 626. Eileen Feldman Rosey Bates Anette Bauer Rosanne Santucci West Somerville Somerville 15 Medford Street Arlington Medford 02474 02155 625. 27 Gleason Street Medford 02155 624. 623. Donna Brallier Lincoln Sarah Almer Avi Green 44 Tremont St #1 44 Tremont St #1 Cambridge Cambridge 02139 Extending to Route 16 is essential. Further is even better. 622. 621. Mark Diskin Melissa Haber Somerville 02144 We've all seen what's happening to ridership as the price of gas goes up--in years to come $4 will look cheap, and more people will want public transit. Let's provide it ahead of time. 620. 619. 618. 617. Jean Diskin Amy Davies Abigail O'Leary Richard F.Mills,Jr 71 Norwich Circle 41 Traincroft 191 Central Ave 15 Boston Ave Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 02155 616. 615. 614. 613. 612. Philippa Gilmore John Rutledge Gabriel Bronk Kenneth Busch Nancy Meagher Mills 56 Monument St Medford 02155 Kenmere Rd 15 Boston Ave. Medford Medford 02155 611. 610. Marcus Graly Kathleen Harty 18 Jay Street #2 Somerville Medford 02144 02155 160 Playstead Rd We need more transportation options, and this proposal appears to be a very good option for Medford. I'm in favor of this stop and the stop at Boston Ave/Curtis and Boston Ave/College Please Bring in the Green Line now. 02155 Two thumbs up!! Legally blind rider Having the Green Line within a few blocks of our home would ease our commute tremendously. I am not in favor of drop-off areas. They will clog traffic. I would like the Green line to come to Rt. 16, but I am not in favor of drop off areas. Bringing the Green Line to RT. 16 will benefit area residents and reduce auto traffic and pollution. 609. Alan Moore 23 Cherry St. Somerville 02144 Anything less really doesn't make sense (it should really continue to West Medford) 608. 607. 606. 605. 604. 603. 602. 601. 600. 599. 598. Susan Axe-Bronk Jonas Feinberg Sarah Herritage Marinela Fula Lorri Berenberg Sue Porpora Chris Mascara Marjorie Howard Karen Hirschfeld Elizabeth Curran Martin Selig 35 Oakpoint Road 02155 02155 01906 02476 Medford NEEDS the green line!!! Medford Saugus Arlington Medford Arlington Somerville 02155 02474 02144 Bring it on! 150 Washington St. 73 Playstead Rd. Medford 02155 Would like to see it go to as far as Medford center 597. 596. 595. David Bullivant Regina Needham Tom Narcavage 4 Herbert Rd Arlington Harvard Ave Deb Mascara West Medford Medford 02474 02155 02155 594. 02155 593. 592. Rachelle Shapiro Magill Damian Musello Somerville 02143 591. 590. 589. 588. 587. Deborah Choquette Beth Pagano Lisa DiRocco Brian Coffey Carolyn Murphy Medford Medford 02155 28 Woods Road Medford 02155 586. 585. 584. Linda Epstein Anita L Tucker Benjamin Mazzotta 2 Aberdeen Rd 198 Allston St #2 Arlington Medford Cambridge 02476 02155 02139 583. 582. 581. 580. 579. 578. Franklin Schlerman Virginia LaCrow line voided Ellen Botshon Mary Regan Andrew Brown 111 Cedar Road Medford 40 Stearns Avenue Medford 02155 577. 576. 575. 574. 573. Ryan Houlette Susan Dalelio Mary Ann Ddionne line voided Joanne O’Hara 40 Stearns Ave 171 Boston Ave Somerville Medford Somerville 02155 02144 21 Bradlee Road Medford 02155 572. 571. Lisa Miller Fernando Colina 28 Corey St. 108 Bowdoin Street Medford Medford 02155 02155 570. 569. 568. 567. 566. 565. 564. 563. Alexa Mase Amy Speare Anne Zehr Judi Taliaferro Julia Buffo Lani Mimmo Kara Kelley line voided 55 Church Street 18 Doble Ave Somerville Medford 02143 02155 847 Fellsway West 28 Willard Ave Medford Medford 02155 Thank you Please locate the terminus at the West Medford train stop on Route 60. Bring the Green Line to Medford. It is needed for an alternative to driving as well as to revitalize the community like the Red Line did for Somerville. This terminal will maximize the utility of the line. I fully support the Green Line coming to Route 16 in Medford and beyond. It's cheaper than the Big Dig and gets more cars off the road. I fully support extending the rail to this point as it will fully serve the community Will shorten my commute to the medical area I also signed a similar paper petition June 7th 562. George Barrett 01864 191 Central Ave 53 Woburn St. 49 Sharon St North Reading Somerville Medford Medford Medford 561. 560. 559. 558. 557. 556. 555. Justin Bland Erin O'Leary Christine Blaber Clementine CummerNacco Joyce Bailey line voided Janice Wright 78 Chandler Road Medford 02155 554. 553. 552. 551. 550. Chris Borger Sean L'Estrange Roy A. Rudolph line voided Wayne Widdison 30 Orchard Street Boston Medford Medford 02118 02155 02155 72 cedar st #2 Somerville 02473 549. Kathryn Craig 72 Cedar st Somerville 548. 547. 546. 545. 544. 543. 542. Dave Wood Victoria Lockowitz marie rodrigues tom veirs Lynne Lowenstein Jim Ospenson Tresa Casaletto 63 Gorham St. 8 stearns ave Cambridge Medford Medford 02473 02138 02155 02155 97 Boston Ave 18 Valley Street Medford Medford 02155 02155 541. 540. 58 Pearson Avenue 637 Mass Avenue Somerville Arlington 02144 02476 539. Shana Lyons Colette CaseyBrenner William Tenney 110 Allston Street West Medford 02155 538. 537. 536. 535. 534. 533. 532. 531. lesley boyle nancy steiner Joan Craig Beverly Siwik Jason Siwik Sarah Quinn Matthew Foley Laura Solano 54 Woods Ave 54 Woods Ave Kilsyth Rd 67 Quincy Street 149 Forest Street Somerville Somerville Medford Medford Medford 02144 02144 02155 02155 530. 529. 528. 527. 526. Timothy Wilson Floyd Carman Steven DePalma Sasha Didier Justine Kahn 37 Bromfield Road Woodbine Rd. Somerville Belmont Medford 02144 02478 02155 Orchard Street Medford 02155 02155 02155 02155 I hope that this long-promised and essential service will be a reality very soon!! Please bring green line in, union sq needs this yes i want it!!! Enthusiastic for Green Line at Route 16 I strongly support the green line extension and would like it to get as close to Medford Square as possible. Essential and much needed proposition for Medford but I wish the line would extend into Medford Square, which would greatly benefit from the increased pedestrian traffic---much as the redline did for Davis Square. Barring that, we need an improved connection from the rte 16 stop to Medford square I am a strong supporter of green line extension! I live across the street from the current commuter line tracks. I am aware that there will be more noise with the train but I still support it whole heartedly. I rely heavily on public transportation and take the bus as well as the red, green, and blue lines to get to work. This would ease the commute greatly! Thank you for considering green line extension to route 16. You have my unconditional support. 525. 524. 523. 522. 521. 520. 519. 518. 517. 516. 515. 514. 513. 512. 511. 510. Billie McCorkle Erik Egbertson Amina Grunko Leonard Aurigemma Nancy Pino Corey Finnegan Tara Finnegan Martha Carman Amy Osborne Shana Shevitz Christopher Curtin Maura Tierney Thomas J Flynn Kristin Gross Lori Schwartz Robert Ruseau 509. 10 Pleasant ST CT 53 River St 212 Third Street Medford Arlington Cambridge Medford Medford Medford 02155 02474 02141 36 Hooker Ave Somerville 02144 15 Lincoln Rd. 8 Salem St #4 Medford Medford 02155 02155 22-B Orchard Street Medford Medford 02155 Paul Ruseau 22-B Orchard Street Medford 02155 508. 507. 506. 505. Elliot Weiss Fred Weeks Katie Vedova Lorin M. Green 109 Sturges Medford Medford 02155 02155 76 South Street #2 Medford 02155 504. John Murphy 28 Woods Road Medford 02155 503. 502. 501. 500. Gracelaw Simmons Michael Rookwood Laurinda Bedingfield Joan Yaeger 112 Otis Street 8 Henry St 61 Putnam Street Medford Arlington Somerville 02155 499. 498. 497. 496. Kristin Howell Kevin Schmidt Mike Ruffo Laura Schmidt 495. 494. 21 Powder House Rd 02155 02155 Yes!!!! Medford Hillside Stop please!!! (Winthrop Street) Medford Hillside Stop please!!! (Winthrop Street) Expanding to Medford is a great idea, my only concern is parking issues for the neighboring communities. I would like to see the expansion go through, but the impact on people who live in the immediate area (which has no permit parking) should be given a solution to potential parking issues this can cause. With rapidly diminishing oil supplies, we desperately need to improve and expand Public Transportation. The Green Line needs to come to Route 16 in Medford. 02143 This is a great thing for our environment and our neighborhoods. 40 Electric Ave Somerville 02155 02144 40 Electric Ave Somerville 02144 This location would make commuting so much easier Mary Ellen Nott Melissa Ress 74 Arlington Street Medford Medford 02155 This is an important and timely project. Let's make this happen. 493. 492. Amy Futernick John Roland Elliott 34 Emery Street Somerville Medford 02145 02155 491. 490. 489. 488. 487. 486. Michael Chapter Jane Hammer Kristin Gunst Andrew Osborne Hallie S. Lee Susan Gerould Medford Arlington Somerville Somerville 02155 02144 Medford 02155 Boston Ave 110 Allston Street Longer distance + more stops = greater benefit 485. David Haynes 484. 483. 482. 481. 480. 479. Frieda Nace Rachel Heller Kevin Bouchard Teresa Sacramone Lisa Hodsdon Laura Punnett 478. 477. 476. 475. 474. 473. 472. 471. 470. 469. Loretta Betts Denise DesJardins Priscilla Chew Jonathan Streff Lisa Weil Marianne Stanton Luke McDermott Alex Marthews sarah rodman Jesse Harris 468. 467. 466. 465. 464. 463. 462. Kathleen Sayre Chris Harris Alice Sajdera Mary Finn Eugene Pierce Lynette Tsaing Melissa Radzyminski 461. Jim Caralis 460. 459. 458. 457. 456. 455. 454. 453. 452. 451. 450. 449. 448. 447. 446. 445. Debra Agliano Gil Kedem Alexander Wood Jack Cole Anna M Buxton Anna Gridneva Elisabeth Krautscheid Megan Flynn Sarah Reinfeld David Owens Cecelia Kelly Michael D. Healey Maryann Langen Nicholas Proszkow John Wooding Hilda Marshall 444. 443. Marc Gurton Christopher Leary 64-A Canal Street Medford 02155 11 Elmwood St. 28 Webster St., #1 Somerville Somerville Medford 02144 02144 02155 40 Tesla Avenue Medford 02155 54 Forest St. #213 14 Fairfield Street 74 Adams St. Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 35 Hillside Ave 74 Adams St. 74 Adams St 17 Wolcott st Dearborn St Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 02155 02155 139 Century St Ext Medford 14 Morgan Ave Medford 02155 Medford 02155 27 Austin Road Medford 02155 9 Bower St. Medford Medford 02155 60 Doonan Street 33 6th St. 63 Madison Street Medford Cambridge Medford 02155 02141 02155 164 Brooks Street 68 Cameron Ave. Medford Somerville 02155 02144 101 Wyman Street 40 Vernon St. Medford Medford 02155 In addition to bringing the Green Line to Rte. 16, a community pathway should be constructed along the Lowell commuter rail right-of-way into West Medford Square. This would greatly enhance the usefulness of the Green Line extension! This would make life much easier for the residents of the area as well as the students attending Tufts. It would get plenty of use and I am sure that even those currently protesting it for noise/crowding reasons will greatly appreciate it and utilize it if it is installed. A College Ave stop is great but is just barely serving the Medford community (beyond Tufts anyway) - please don't leave us out and bring the Green Line to Rte 16! Candidate for State Representative, 35th Middlesex District, Medford and Malden More transportation access = more efficient workforce 442. 441. 438. 437. 436. 435. 434. 433. 432. 431. 430. 429. Eileen Sullivan Mary Penelope Boyatt Andrea von Dietrich Rosemarie Cerundolo Clover Squiers Wendy Nottonson Gloria Turkall C. Chay Casso Julia Lisella Paul Bockelman Barry Rafkind Jacalyn Newman Elizabeth Kennedy Paul Spielman 428. Braddlee, Ph.D. 427. 426. 425. 424. 423. 422. 421. 420. 419. line voided Catherine Tucker Tom Hirschfeld line voided Sarah McDonnell Joseph A. Curro, Jr Ahmed Labnouj Ed Koenig Fred Berman and Lori Segall 418. 440. 439. W. Medford Medford Medford 75 Bow Street 64 Wallace Street 4 Ossipee Road Arlington Somerville Medford Somerville Somerville Medford 02155 02155 02155 02474 02144 02155 02144 28 Hancock St.#2 Medford 02155 14 Fairfield st Medford Winchester 02155 01890 Bring out the Green Line!! Better public transportation is needed in this area Also want to recommend that a stop be located near as possible to either Col lege Ave or Harvard St and Boston Ave. Arlington 14 Arizona Ter. U. 5 25 Cherry St Arlington Arlington Somerville 02474 02474 02144 Luke McKneally 26 Whitney Rd Medford 02155 417. 416. 415. Nadine Weidman Lawrence W. Murphy Joseph Jaquinta 138 Woburn Street 40 Clewley Road 111 George Street Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 414. 413. 412. 411. 410. Curtis Ogden Sallyann Roth Hans Geuns-Meyer Kathleen Coughlin Jeanette Lee 14 Churchill Ave. #1 Brooks St 54 Whitney Road 34A Maple Avenue Playstead Rd Arlington Medford Medford Medford Medford 02476 02155 409. 408. line voided Elisabeth Bayle 34 Emery St. Medford 02155 407. 406. 405. 404. David Bank Michael-John Myette Judith Borit Maria Daniels 18 Hamilton Rd Arlington 02474 02155 02155 The closer we can get to the West Med ford commuter stop, the more people can leave their cars home and take the T I fully support the Medford extension of the Green Line. If you are trying to maximmize the ridership the money invested brings, a Rt 16 end point is the most effective terminus. We need this! To 16, if not to 60. Minimally it should be brought to Rt 16 but I really want it to go all the way to Rt 60 We have an opportunity to improve life for generations of people in Medford and nearby areas. I strongly support the Green Line extension to Rte. 16 (and beyond if at all possible), and strongly advocate putting a stop in between College Ave. and Rte. 16 to serve the most people and fulfill the requirement of serving Medford Hillside. 403. 402. 401. 400. 399. 398. 397. 396. 395. Rachel Berry Dotty Burstein Anita Nackel Andrew Milne Michael J. Trainor line voided natalie russo Nancy Todisco Nancy M. Lincoln 17 Orchard St Medford 02155 1 Vernon St 51 Quincy St. 21 Golden Ave. #2 Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 21 Golden Ave #2 2 Regis Rd Medford Medford 02155 02155 394. 393. 392. 391. 390. 389. 388. Joann Winkler Adele Travisano John Ellersick Katrina Rideout Jonathan Wyner Donald Cranley Ben Feingold Thoryn 387. 386. 385. 384. 383. 382. 381. 380. 379. Dennis Hale Kenneth McEnaney Henry Peirce Alicia Sheehy Richard Ploss ernest meunier Charlotte C Bogardus Hilary Finkel Buxton Jennifer King 378. 377. matt ambrose Anemarie Macelhiney 376. 375. 374. Ulrich Herken Anna Seleny Evelyn Barnes 23 Yale Street Medford 02155 Extending the Green Line to Route 16 is smart. Good public transportation will make these areas more desirable, increase property value, and attract interesting people and businesses. 373. 372. 371. line voided Christine Rioux Dina Rudick 68 Washington St. 75 Capen St. Medford Medford 02155 Don't fall short of making this extension a functional, user-friendly community tool. It is proved that development follows infrastrucutre - make it happen! All the way to Rt. 16, at least. 370. 369. Joanne Valeriani Erik D Jacobs 34 Summit Road 75 Capen St. Unit 2 Medford Medford 02155 02155 368. 367. 366. 365. Katherine Kulik James Silva Christina Sass Hope Steele 168 Grove Street 115 Yale Street 66 Simpson Ave #2 312 High Street Medford Medford Somerville Medford 02155 02155 02144 02155 I Support this effort It's imperative in this period of high gas prices to have other ,much more sensible, transportation options!!!!!! 538 High Street 145 Winthrop St. 11 Boston Ave P.O.Box 375 192 Brookside Parkway 145 Winthrop St. Brooks St. 146 Damon Road 68 Central Avenue 130 Chandler Road 42 raymond st 48 South St. Medford Medford Medford Arlington 02155 02155 Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford Somerville Medford Medford 02155 02143 Why would you do anything else? 02476 Medford Medford Medford Somerville 02155 02155 02155 02155 02155 02144 Medford Medford 02155 02155 I would be thrilled and grateful to have the green line come this way! With the price of gas, as it is now the idea of expanding public transportation should not be in dispute. Public transportation is a necessity for the future. W. Medford A Rt. 16 station would be a tremendous asset to this community, it's citizens, business and our environment. Lets serve as many people as possible. Please don't let it stop short. Go Green Line! YES, it would be terrific to have the green line at route 16, and would confirm the idea that Medford is a 364. Gabrielle R Gropman 363. 362. 361. 360. 359. Linda Sobottka James L. Goldfinch Cybele Cochran Jack Beusmans Robin Johnson 358. 357. 356. 355. 354. 353. 352. 351. 350. 349. line voided Pagan Kennedy Judith E. ScribnerMoore Arthur Bureau Becky Tuch Philip DePasquale line voided line voided Esther Wolk Alia-Anor Akaeze 348. 155 Allston Street West Medford 02155 Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford Arlington 02155 02474 159 Jerome Street West Medford 02155 Lawler rd Medford 02155 59 Prescott Street Medford Medford 02155 02155 David Beemon 357 Riverside Ave. Medford 347. 346. 345. 344. 343. 342. 341. Sharon Kennedy Paul Lehrman Warren Atkinson Chris Shambaugh Cristina Remond Doug Carpenter Jill Richard 98 Brooks Street 98 Brooks Street 92 Brooks Street Medford Medford Medford 340. 339. 338. 337. Heather Baker Susan Spector Carolyn Houghton Hasham Mehmood 18 Buttaro Road 336. Ling Xiang High St. 160 Packard Avenue 46 42 Whitney Road 335. Peter Houk 334. 333. 332. 331. 56 Summit Rd. Somerville 26 Chandler Street 02155 02155 02155 forward-thinking city! Public transportation is one of the greatest amenities in a neighborhood. This will be a great thing for Medford Route 16!! We should be expanding mass transit as much as possible so people have an alternative to driving. Bringing this line at least as far as Rt 16 would provide a much needed nexus of AFFORDABLE public transportation to residents of East Arlington, Somerville and West Medford; and Rt. 16 could really use the relief. It might even help the buses run more reliably on schedule because of the decreased car traffic. And, of course, there is the green effect. This is a no-brainer! Do the right thing for the environment and also the traffic problem that is strangling Boston and even cities like Medford Extend to West Medford as well? Walkable transportation into the city; good location for access with little interference of neighborhoods. Woburn Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 Medford 02155 97 Ashcroft Road Medford 02155 Diane Guerriero Alan Phillips 7 Burnside St. 42 Whitney Road Medford Medford 02155 02155 Lisa Kuh Perrine Meunier 146 Allston St Medford Medford 02155 I'm in full support of extending Green Line to within walking distance of West Medford residents! As energy costs increase it makes sense to build our public transportation infrastructure. I think it would be best if Green Line extends to West Medford Station 330. Ellen Manes-Meunier 24 Newton Rd. Medford 329. 328. 327. 326. 325. Leslie Spieth James Moodie constantin sabet d'acre Linda Garriott Patricia Lease 324. 323. 322. 321. Danielle Lipes Erin Sweet Aaron Olmstead Jessica Lane 320. 319. 318. Dave Sullivan Dave Nuscher Catherine Durso 317. 316. 315. 314. 313. 312. 311. 310. Janice Brash Rustin McIntosh Amanda Nash Andrew O'Brien Patricia McCarron Robert Buoncuore Ellen Collins Satish Katpally 309. 308. 307. Charles Sullivan Erin Sands Gail McCormick 306. 305. 304. Stephen Elliott Betsy Schramm Joanne Gaudet 126 Harvard Ave 303. 302. David Landskov Maria Simoneau 32 Teresa Circle 301. 300. 3 Avola St. 299. 298. Bradford Carman Rachel Rockenmacher Simon Kozin Kate Adams 297. 296. 295. Scott J. Smith David G Adams Todd Bearson More public transportation options are essential. 190 High St., U. 109 Medford Medford 02155 02155 26 Dwyer Circle 33 Sunset Ave Medford Medford 02155 02155 28 Parker St. Arlington 02474 15 Judkins Rd 75 Fremont St. Medford Arlington 02474 Yes! We need this to help ease traffic congestion and support underserved mass transit communities. 25 Corey Street Medford 02155 Please extend the green line to Route 16 I think it should cross the river That would really help the commute for my daughter Medford 44-46 Sycamore St. 109 Hillside Ave Somerville Arlington Winchester 02145 02476 01890 132 Rawson Rd Medford Arlington 02474 103 Brooks Street Ipswich Medford 01938 02155 This is a necessity in these days of energy costs! Use of public transportation is essential to reduction in CO2 emissions from cars and trucks Medford 02156 W. Medford With rising prices and global warming what is there to think about. Honestly, we need this. Arlington Arlington 02474 Arlington Medford 02476 21 Blaisdell Road Medford Medford 02155 02155 21 Blaisdell Rd. 79 Harlow street #2 Arlington Medford Arlington 02474 02155 02474 We learned from the Arlington Sustainability Action Plan (ASAP) which was developed under the auspices of the Town of Arlington's Vision 2020 Committee that the vast majority of people (~80\%) who live in the vacinity of the T WILL use it. I believe that house values were also higher close to the T. Please extend the T to Rte 16 so more Arlingtonians have quick access to convenient, timely public transportation. Thanks! Please bring the T to Medford! Fill the giant transit void on the map so we can have a livable 21st century community. 294. 293. 292. 291. 290. 289. 288. 287. 286. 285. 284. 283. 282. 281. Alan Bronstein Elisabeth Carr-Jones Mindy Benson Laura Kozachek Thomas Kozachek Sophia Sayigh Beth Fuller Susan Mcdonnell Michael D Sullivan Shannon Koenig jennifer alcott Maria P. D'Orsi Lauren McCarey Jennifer Gilbert 280. 279. 278. Michael Bernstein Mark Donadio Jana Hollingsworth 277. 276. 275. 274. 273. 272. John DeMeo Kathryn Vitiello Barbara A. Rutstein Chloe Puett John Lentz Henry Turner 271. 270. 269. Denise Montalto Stephanie Corner Judi Harrington McLaughlin James Frey Brian Lever Derek Gordon Kerry Gaertner Laura Meagher steve ruemenapp j sullivan heather ruemenapp Mike Rademacher Joseph Marcucci Kerry Donahue Joe Gydus Ralph Hergert David Dodge Kellie McDonnell Susan Schmidt Amanda Montanez R Augart Kathryn R. Dunton Katelyn Leonard Jill Pearson 268. 267. 266. 265. 264. 263. 262. 261. 260. 259. 258. 257. 256. 255. 254. 253. 252. 251. 250. 249. 248. 231 Appleton St 1 Lehigh St 43 Fellsview Ave 44 Douglas 44 Douglas Road Arlington Arlington Medford Medford Medford 02476 02476 02155 02155 02155 15 West St Medford 02155 541 High Street 48 Suffolk St. Arlington Medford Medford 02155 10 Tontine Street #2 Medford 02155 11 Lyman Avenue Tyler Ave. 60 Tyler Ave. Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 Woburn Street Medford Medford 02155 02155 2 Woburn St Arlington Medford 02155 7 Carl Rd. Warren St 29 Morrison Street Arlington Medford Medford 02474 02155 02155 40 Tyler Ave Somerville Medford 02143 02155 Can't wait to take the first ride! It can't get here fast enough! This station will end near my house and I am in full support of it What a wasted effort it would be to cut short the Green Line before Rt. 16. I live right across from the Commuter Rail tracks, and I would love for the Green Line to go past my house, and then well beyond. Then I wouldn't have to drive to Winchester Ctr. When it comes to public transportation—the more, the better! I use public transportation as much as possible and this connection from Medford to Boston would save me a significant amount of time to get into the city and back out An asset to the community! Arlington Arlington 94 Hibbert Street 66 Waldemar Avenue #2 Medford Arlington Somerville Winthrop 02144 Good work. .. keep pressing this issue! 02152 Please! subway travel would be quick and efficient for Medford residents and those who work in Medford 247. 246. 245. Greg Andrews R. Marie Lang Claudia Thompson 244. 243. 242. 241. 240. 239. 238. 237. 236. 235. 234. 233. Dorothy Emerson Fred Schlicher Nancy Hill Joanne McDonnell line voided Patrick Peralta Jessica Kincman Jason Cluggish Tom Witkowski Elizabeth Miner Beth Murphy John F. Gray 232. 231. 230. Cathi A Duffy line voided Mary Werowinski 229. 228. 227. 226. 225. 224. 223. 222. 221. 220. 219. 218. 217. Peter Catherwood June Holwell Linda Coultas Gretchen Owens Jessica Sciullo Ellen M. Frith, M.Div. Chrissy Barthelette Harry Bochner Steven DeMeo Penny Outlaw Christopher Bader Debra Beard Bader Diane Nassif 216. Ellen Cantarow 215. Peter Micheli 214. 213. 212. Chris Porter Mimi Graney Jeff Reese 230 Lexington Ave. 211. John McLachlan 15 Milford St, #2 210. Andrew Dusenbery Arlington 209. 208. 207. 206. Leigh Panettiere Aaron Brandes Elaine Dyer Tarquinio David J. Buczkowski 29 Fairmount Ave. Springstep, 98 George P. Hassett Drive 54 Forest St. #220 Hillside Ave 15 Lawler Road Somerville Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Arlington 02474 02143 02155 02155 02155 02474 02474 Medford 34 Mystic Valley Pky Winchester 01890 50 Saltonstall Road Medford 02155 118 Allston St Medford 02155 17 Sharon St Medford 02155 28 Highland Avenue 79 Fountain Street Medford Somerville Medford 02143 40 Tyler Ave 25 Kilgore Ave. 542 High Street 2406 Mystic Valley Parkway 27 Austin Road Medford Medford Somerville Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02144 02155 Medford 02155 Lexington I would walk to the Rt. 16 stop to use Green Line. For this and many other reasons, I support the longest extension possible. 02155 Medford 214 Powderhouse Blvd In favor of increasing ease and level of ridership Cambridge Somerville Medford 02138 02144 02155 Boston 02118 Somerville 02144 In view of the fact that suburbs as we know them today will become obsolete in the not too distant future owing to the gathering oil-crisis storm, we need good and frequent public transport to and from communities like ours. Even better it should go to W. Medford Square or Canal St. I could ride the green line to Whole Foods Let's extend it as far as we can, especially where rt 16 can provide a good road connection to get more people out of their cars... Don't worry about adding parking - space for busses should be sufficient. 205. 204. 203. 202. John Anderson Mark C. Higgins Kara Kinnally Steve Stroud 102 Brooks St 201. 200. 199. Celia Lee Mark K Terry Jr Vincent Mase 198. Somnath Mukherji Arlington 197. 196. 195. Pam Stroud Margit Griffith Michael Grossi Medford 194. 193. 192. 191. 190. Heather Hurd Gary Shostak Heide Madera Brendan Shea Vicki Halal 189. 188. 187. 186. 185. 184. 183. 182. 181. 180. 179. 178. 177. 176. Melissa Levy Sarah Beardslee Bob Nicotera Manisha Sharma Sharyn Bosselman Bryan Hilliard Linda Pollock Freeland Abbott Vanessa Victoria LaBarca Justin Levine Matt Richter Marie Giannino Jessica McCready B. Morris 175. K. Costello 174. 173. 172. Maria Alcindor Juli Brazile Suzanne M. Leone 55 Auburn St Tesla Ave. Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 02155 At a minimum it should end at Route 16. Even better would be to push it through Medford, and into Woburn, taking it all the way to Rt.128 where a large commuter parking area could be built. Medford 14 Mason St 95 Yeomans Avenue 3 Hammond Place 139 Century St Ext 38 Warren St. 222 Woburn Street 7 Barnard Rd 104 Mafidon Avr 2 Central Avenue, Unit D 21 Badger Rd 75 sharon st Medford Medford 02155 Medford Arlington Medford Medford Medford 02155 02474 02155 02155 Medford Medford 02155 02155 Arlington Medford Medford Medford Arlington Medford 02474 02155 02155 Medford Somerville Medford 02155 02144 02155 West Medford Medford 56 Coolidge Rd 7 Winter St. 54 Whitney Rd 02155 Arlington Arlington 171. Stephanie GeunsMeyer Medford 170. Laura K. Whitney Arlington 169. 168. Diane Shohet Jon Raymond Arlington 02474 02155 02155 I also support a station located between College Ave and RT 16 Cut money from highways and bring in more for public transportation I think this is the best option to maximize ridership and create opportunities for small business development in Medford and Somerville. High Time Hurry up and extend the green line please! Don't be shortsighted! Please bring the Green Line all the way to Rt 16 -- it just makes the most sense! Ridership data will support this decision - two major thoroughfares that connect to bus - better access to bike paths opens up whole new areas to green line ridership. 02155 02476 02474 02155 This is very important for all who live in this area. The Green Line must extend at least as far as Route 16. Let's take cars off the road, reduce dependence on oil, and show that we care about the next generations. This would be a huge help to at least hundreds of us! 167. 166. 165. 164. 163. 162. 161. 160. 159. 158. 157. 156. Prita Pillai Laura Juit Andrea Yakovakis Margaret Newmark Ikuko Otsuka Ted Fields Wren Sugarman Frank Kelly Peter Lloyd-Evans loren gomez Greg Carr Judy Rabinowitz 155. 154. 153. 152. 151. 150. 149. 148. 147. 146. 145. 144. Bill Carr Janet Carr Jane Kostick Maura Rauseo Ann Marie Lahaie Martin Fraser Jack Sieber Laurel Siegel Howard Vernick Jenny Vernick Cheryl Vernick David Rajczewski 143. 142. 141. 140. 139. 138. Arlington 3C Clark Street Somerville 84 Brookings St Medford 02155 55 Rural Avenue Medford 02155 35 Hillcroft Park 99 Appleton St Arlington Medford Boston Somerville 02155 02144 Efforts should be improved to ensure Medford feels they are an equal partner in the planning/execution 117 Sharon Street Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 30 Ronaele Rd 48 Vernon St. 39 Chester Avenue Medford Medford Medford 02155 02155 02155 Route 16, AND BEYOND! 149 George Street Medford 02155 Go Go Go! BEYOND Route 16! Winthrop Street Station too! Jeff Thielman Julie A. Katz Gregory Dennis Ron Newman Lynne Weiss Bruce Kulik 37 Coolidge Road 27 College avenue 448 Broadway #3 18 Day St #310 40 Greenleaf Ave. 168 Grove Street Arlington Somerville Somerville Somerville Medford Medford 02476 02144 02145 02144 02155 02155 137. 136. Jennifer Cardello Joan Parker 164 Brooks Street Medford Medford 02155 02155 135. 134. 133. 132. 131. 130. 129. 128. 127. 126. 125. John Cho Colleen Kirby Jennifer Keller Duke Briscoe Stephanie McWethy Brian Olson Duane E. Crabtree Terrie White m. mazer sylvia peretz Elizabeth Dyer 124. 123. 122. 121. Michelle Albert Mary Claire Boag R. Swartz Najwa Lamnii Take the Green Line all the way to Rt 128. A Route 16 stop is an absolute MUST!! Public transportation: is there any other way? Those of us in the Medford area have to still drive to Davis Square or Wellington Circle to get the closest trolley or subway. So we're still burning gas. Since bus service is somewhat limited and walking is not an option for many, extending the Green Line here makes good sense. 02474 16 Orvis Rd Arlington 140 Albion St, #1 Somerville Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington 02144 02474 02474 Planning to move to Medford soon 02476 I'd like to see the Green Line extend to Route 60 and beyond. Somerville Somerville Arlington 02145 02144 60 Adams St., #1R 1370 Broadway, 7-J 120. 119. 118. 117. Zachary Grunko Thomas W. Lincoln Susie Nacco Alex Pirie 53 River St 27 Gleason Street 49 sharon street 7 St. James Ave Arlington Medford Medford Somerville 02144 116. 115. John Kohl Hannah Simon 34 Webcowet Road Arlington Arlington 02474 02474 114. Lou Ann David Êast Somerville 02144 113. 112. 111. 110. Liane Curtis Linda G. Katz Erica Schwarz William Brownsberger David Phillips 25 Ellington Rd Vinal Ave 6 Stella Rd Somerville Arlington Somerville Belmont 02144 02476 02143 02478 186 Woburn St Medford 02155 11 West Street 21 Essex Street Arlington Arlington Medford 02476 02474 02155 105. 104. Andrew Brody Beth McKay Filippa Marullo Anzalone Shannon Ebersold Ted A. Adams 16 Florence Ave West Street Arlington Medford 02476 02155 103. 102. 101. 100. 99. 98. 97. 96. 95. 94. 93. 92. 91. 90. 89. 88. 87. 86. 85. 84. Shane Landrum Mary Hatch Katrin Peterson Wen Chen Fong I. Che Melanie Wisner Katjana Ballantyne Iong Che Steve Mulder Rongrong Chen Chungchi Che Janet M Hart Karen Gardner Marie Bober Adrian Wheelock Kevin Becker Ann Gray Lori Uhland Lori Gardinier Lois Grossman 18 Hancock St Fairfield Street 26 Walnut Street 26 Walnut Street Arlington Arlington Medford Somerville Somerville 02474 02474 02155 02143 02143 26 Walnut Street 42 Stone Ave 26 Walnut Street 26 Walnut Street Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville 02144 02143 02143 02143 02143 Somerville 02145 87 College Ave Arlington Medford 02476 02155 Mystic St. Ext. 33 West St Arlington Medford Medford 02474 02155 02155 109. 108. 107. 106. 02474 02155 Bring the full Green Line to Medford! now connect it to the red line!!! Restoration of the wonderfully inter connected public transit systems that once existed in the Commonwealth is a task that we and the generations to come will all appreciate. Living close to the Davis Sq. and Porter Sq. MBTA stations I can testify as to the con venient and environmentally beneficial nature of having access to so much of the Greater Boston area on the T. No parking hassles, no car insurance, no huge gas purchases, and very little pol lution per ride. Indeed, why stop at Route 16? Anything that can be done to reduce car use is important. Route 16 saves me a wait for a 1 @ hour bus to Ball Square or a bus @ 1/4 bus to Lechmere a 20 + minute ridevery slow! Please go to 16! We moved to West Medford b/c the Green Line was supposed to be coming in soon Rte 16 terminus is the difference maker for me from using the Green Line occasionally on sunny days (College Ave) or using the T regularly. Please bring the Green Line to Rt. 16 83. 82. 81. 80. 79. Ruth Hatfield Naomi Slagowski Michael Foley Bruno Vasil Roxana Garcia 78. 77. 76. 75. 74. 73. 72. 71. 70. 69. 68. 67. 66. 65. 64. 63. 62. Juliet Moir Toni Langerman Susan Gilbert Lesley Fenton Paula Z. Felsher Katharine D.Fennelly Martha Parravano Melanie Konstandakis cheryl hamlin Linda Guttman Karin Turer Carol Beaulieu Patricia Sesar Al Senesi Donn Kray Ryan Silva Mary Masci 61. 60. 59. Rebecca Younkin James W. Gascoigne Anna-Laura Silva 58. 57. 56. 55. 54. Jennifer Nelson AJ Hodgson Anne Jahares Joey Glushko Paul Franzosa 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. 47. Bob Sprague Marvin Lewiton Lisa Deeley Smith Gian Schauer Alia Atlas Janice E. Dallas Christopher Grugan 46. 45. 44. 43. Lena A. Davis Pamela Callaway Julie Woods Stephanie Groll 42. 41. 16 Belknap Street Arlington Somerville 02474 02143 Arlington Somerville 02474 02144 Arlington Arlington 02474 02476 49 Grafton St. Arlington 70 Bellington Street 40 Melrose Street Arlington Arlington 02474 02476 02476 02474 12 stony brook rd 79 Everett Street 525 Summer Street Arlington Arlington Arlington Medford Arlington Arlington Arlington 02476 02474 02474 02155 02474 Arlington 02476 Arlington Arlington Arlington 02474 02476 69 Lowden Ave 15 Medford St. Harlow Street 77 Gray Street Definitely supporting the Green line to Route 16!!! 02474 We have an oppportunity that needs to go to Rt 16 02474 619 Summer St. 178 Scituate Street Arlington 02476 Arlington Arlington 02474 Arlington 02476 02474 4 Chester St Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington Arlington 02474 02474 02474 02474 02476 19 Bowdoin St. Arlington Arlington 02474 02474 56 Boston Avenue Somerville 02144 Michael Hogan 70 Princeton St. Medford 02155 Armando Caro Lowden Ave Somerville 02144 72 Brook Avenue 49 Magnolia St. We need this transit option I'm very much in favor of Mass Transit We only get one chance to do this right. In this day of ever higher gas prices, we MUST expand public transportation as much as possible! Please also have some parking! Please please please extend the green line to Route 16. the longer the extension the better. My husband and I live without a car and depend on extensive transit for our quality of life it is important for Medford and surrounding communities to get the full due of this project. Do not short change the tax payers. This stop will serve dense areas of somerville, medford, and arlington. It's good for our economy, our environment, and our way of life. We get very few 40. Stephanie Schorow 11 Chardon Road Medford 39. Robin Duckworth Somerville 38. Steven E. Miller 92 Henry St. Cambridge 02139 37. 36. 35. line voided Charles E. Olson Charlie Denison 25 Linden Ave, Unit 23 Somerville 02143 34. Karen Molloy 33. 32. 31. Crispin Olson Maura McEnaney Wendy M. Barrett 95 North Union St 30. 29. 28. Alisa Wolf line voided James McGinnis 80 Harvard Ave. Medford 26 Bow St 27. Ken Krause 26. 25. 24. Dura Winder Rick Scott Michelle Leotta 23. 22. Somerville Arlington Medford Medford chances to extend any of the MBTA lines into our communities, so don't mess this up now. The Green Line should extend to Medford --Public transportation is more important than ever. I have lived in Somerville for five years and plan to stay for many more. The Green Line extension will provide greater access to the resources our communities.have to offer. Extending the Green Line to Alewife is a vital part of creating a truely multi-modal transportation system of maximum value for commuters and day-trippers as well. It is essential that the Green Line Extension go to Route 16, preferably to West Medford, to allow for Commuter Rail transfers. With gas prices at $4 a gallon, we need mass transit to be the best it can be. The future of our cities depend on it! Great location to serve Somerville, Medford + Arlington 02474 02155 This is an extremely important step for our future. Somerville 02143 50 Mystic St Medford 02155 Wish it could go all the way to West Medford Square A Route 16 terminus is the most beneficial location for serving Medford, as well as northwest Somerville and east Arlington, and also will ensure that the project is completed in a manner that fulfills the commonwealth's legal obligation in accordance to its State Implementation Plan to conform with the federal Clean Air Act. Mystic Street 14 Holton St. #6 Medford Medford 02155 02155 Peter J. Ungaro Susan Altman 1 Monument Street Medford Medford 02155 02155 21. Gerald Hershkowitz 72 Wareham Street Medford 02155 20. 19. Don Gropman Chris Donelan 28 Willard Ave Medford Medford 02155 Absolutely support the green line coming to Medford! This stop would serve lower-income people in West Medford and Somerville. Lower-income people tend to drive older cars that emit more carbon diox ide and pollutants. A stop at this loca tion thus would not only serve residents but also do a great favor to our environ ment, in an area that has extreme car traffic and resulting air pollution. Help make a Medford green line to commuter rail connection feasible! 18. 17. David Orens Elizabeth A. Bolton 14 Holton Street 78 Cotting Street Medford Medford 02155 02155 16. Jim Kiely 101 Wyman Street Medford 02155 15. 14. Adam Gropman Megan Giebelhaus Medford 02155 13. 12. 11. Chris Hilson Patty Caya Katharine deZengotita Curt Newton Marc Verhagen Chris Ramsey Ann Gallager 14 holton street Monument Street 14 Holton St., #3 Medford Medford Medford 02155 36 Joyce Rd 15 Austin Road 256 Fulton St 15 Austin Road Medford Medford Medford Medford 02155 124 Boston Ave Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford West Medford Medford 02155 02155 Medford 02155 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. Audrey Stanwood Donna LaquidaraCarr Margaret Weigel Doug Carr 2. Melissa Bennett 1526 Mystic Valley Pkwy 1. Jared Ingersoll 176 Mystic St. Ext. Mystic Street 124 Boston Ave 02155 02155 02155 02155 I am wholeheartedly in favor of the extension of the line to Rte 16. It is the best way to serve the largest number of riders. I am thrilled at the possibility of being connected to Boston. We cannot let short term resistance impede prog ress that will benefit residents for decades. I would gladly give up my commuting vehicle (a truck) for a bicycle to ride to a Route 16 Green Line stop. I'm certain many, many other people would as well. Medford desperately needs additional public transportation to reduce the traffic and congestion. It is my sincere hope that the Commonwealth will approve this Green Line extension project and break ground promptly. Please bring the greenline near my house -- I need it and so does my son! Extending service out to Rt. 16 will serve so many more people. Let's not lose this opportunity! I strongly support bringing the Green Line to Route 16 Rt. 16 GL stop = potentially thousands of people out of their cars This is the correct terminus to meet the EOT's ridership goals and serve the EJ communities. The RT. 16 is an important compromise for those of us in W. Medford who wanted the extension to Rt. 60. MGNA Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance www.medfordgreenline.org info@medfordgreenline.com On June 5, the Medford Green Line Neighborhood Alliance began circulating a petition in support of Route 16/Mystic Valley Parkway as the best location for the Green Line extension terminus. As of July 31, a total of 1,687 people had signed the petition online, and 335 had signed paper petitions. Here are some of the comments people submitted when signing the online petition: 1690. Frank Kastenholz I am a West Medford resident. I was very disappointed when the Green Line extension was cut short of West Medford. Bringing the Green Line to Rt. 16 is necessary to serve our community 1531. Douglas Smith 137 Harvard Avenue Medford 02155 Access to convenient public transportation is a cost effective response to soaring energy cost and global climate change. Please bring the Green Line to Route 16. (And a daily walk makes good health sense!) 1472. David R Mahoney 46 Winter St. Medford 02155 This would greatly benefit the elderly and disabled at Walkling Court. 1439. Anthony Hartman 18 Irving St. Medford 02155 It would be a shame if the last stop were not at Route 16. The one complaint I have had since I moved to West Medford is that the bus service is unreliable. When 94 misses a run it is 1 1/2 hours between buses. 1078. B. Iris Tanner, 82 Harvard Ave. #2, Medford 02155: Initially I was against this but in light of gas prices, etc., I now think it makes a LOT of sense. 1056. Eric Pinsoneault, 186 Gardner St., Arlington 02474: This is a vote for better air quality and greater economic opportunity for the residents of Somerville, Medford and Arlington 1036. Althea Brown, West Medford, 02155: Let's not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. Why should just Somerville and Tufts University reap the benefits? I hope we have a more open-minded community of people that will rally around this and demand that the Green Line will be coming to Medford through to Route 16. Joy! Wow, our property would even be worth more! 981. Anthony Biscardi, 29 Harvard Ave #33, Medford 02155: The infrequent times of the commuter rail on weekends and later evenings force me to take my car into Boston for sporting events, etc. If the Green line were walkable, I would no longer use my car for many events. 976. Thomas Whiteford, 77 Boston Ave., Medford 02155: I am strongly in favor of green line station at route 16. It's a perfect space for end of line station. 934. Paul Seaburg, 53 High St., Somerville 02144: Being blind I would LOVE to see this happen. 898. Sheila Horne-Talarico, 52 Monument St., Medford 02155: Let's not lose this opportunity. 877. Rick Weir, 41 Sharon St., Medford 02155: In today's world of high gas prices, this addition could provide many of us with a cleaner, faster and simpler way of transportation. Would be nice to leave my car and walk to the T. 785. Wig Zamore, 13 Highland Ave. #3, Somerville 02143: Multi-modal access and ridership will be best served by ending the Green Line at a commercial node on a major roadway rather than incur the negative impacts of terminating the Green Line in a more residential area between Tufts and Route 16. 703. Marco Rivero, Harvard Avenue, Medford 02155: A terminus at Tufts would greatly serve the student community. A terminus at Route 16 would greatly serve the community at large. Don't cripple the extension: Bring it to Rt. 16 and give thousands more a chance to use it. (OVER) 526. Justine Kahn, Orchard Street, Medford 02155: I am a strong supporter of Green Line extension! I live across the street from the current commuter line tracks. I am aware that there will be more noise with the train but I still support it wholeheartedly. I rely heavily on public transportation and take the bus as well as the Red, Green, and Blue lines to get to work. This would ease the commute greatly! Thank you for considering Green Line extension to Rt. 16. You have my unconditional support. 505. Lorin M. Green, 76 South St. #2, Medford 02155: Expanding to Medford is a great idea, my only concern is parking issues for the neighboring communities. I would like to see the expansion go through, but the impact on people who live in the immediate area (which has no permit parking) should be given a solution to potential parking issues this can cause. 485. David Haynes, 64-A Canal Street, Medford 02155: In addition to bringing the Green Line to Rte. 16, a community pathway should be constructed along the Lowell commuter rail right-of-way into West Medford Square. 479. Laura Punnett, 40 Tesla Avenue, Medford 02155: This would greatly enhance the usefulness of the Green Line extension! 469. Jesse Harris, 74 Adams St., Medford 02155: This would make life much easier for the residents of the area as well as the students attending Tufts. It would get plenty of use and I am sure that even those currently protesting it for noise/crowding reasons will greatly appreciate it and utilize it if it is installed. 462. Melissa Radzyminski, 139 Century St. Ext., Medford 02155: A College Ave stop is great but is just barely serving the Medford community (beyond Tufts anyway) - please don't leave us out and bring the green line to Rte 16! 374. Evelyn Barnes, 23 Yale St., Medford 02155: Extending the Green Line to Route 16 is smart. Good public transportation will make these areas more desirable, increase property value, and attract interesting people and businesses. 371. Dina Rudick, 75 Capen St., Medford 02155: Don't fall short of making this extension a functional, userfriendly community tool. It is proved that development follows infrastructure - make it happen! All the way to Rt. 16. 349. Alia-Anor Akaeze, 59 Prescott St., Medford 02155: Bringing this line at least as far as Rt 16 would provide a much needed nexus of AFFORDABLE public transportation to residents of East Arlington, Somerville and West Medford; and Rt. 16 could really use the relief. It might even help the buses run more reliably on schedule because of the decreased car traffic. And, of course, there is the green effect. This is a no-brainer! 278. Jana Hollingsworth, 60 Tyler Ave., Medford 02155: What a wasted effort it would be to cut short the Green Line before Rt. 16. I live right across from the Commuter Rail tracks, and I would love for the Green Line to go past my house, and then well beyond. Then I wouldn't have to drive to Winchester Center. When it comes to public transportation--the more, the better! 230. Mary Werowinski, 118 Allston St., Medford 02155: I would walk to the Rt. 16 stop to use Green Line. For this and many other reasons, I support the longest extension possible. 212. Jeff Reese. Ball Square, Medford 02155: I could ride the green line to Whole Foods 114. Lou Ann David, Êast Somerville 02144: Route 16 saves me a wait for a 1 @ hour bus to Ball Square or a bus @ 1/4 bus to Lechmere a 20 + minute ride-very slow! Please go to 16! 104. Ted A. Adams, West Street, Medford 02155: Rte 16 terminus is the difference maker for me from using the Green Line occasionally on sunny days (College Ave) or using the T regularly 22. Susan Altman, Winthrop Street, Medford 02155: This stop would serve lower-income people in West Medford and Somerville. Lower-income people tend to drive older cars that emit more carbon dioxide and pollutants. A stop at this location thus would not only serve residents but also do a great favor to our environment, in an area that has extreme car traffic and resulting air pollution. 1. Jared Ingersoll, 176 Mystic St. Ext., Medford 02155: The Rt. 16 is an important compromise for those of us in W. Medford who wanted the extension to Rt. 60 Comments can be viewed at: http://www.petitiononline.com/MGNA16/petition.html