(314) 432-6224 Fax (314) 432-6030 Parish


(314) 432-6224 Fax (314) 432-6030 Parish
SAINT RICHARD PARISH 11223 Schuetz Road, St Louis, MO 63146
(314) 432-6224
Fax (314) 432-6030
Parish email: strichardparish@sbcglobal.net web site: www.strichardstl.org
April 27, 2014
Divine Mercy Sunday
Page 2
Welcome to Saint Richard Parish
New parishioners please call Fr. Burgoon at 432-6224 ext. 223 to register.
Please notify us if you are moving from the parish or if you have a change of address or phone number.
If you have not been active in the practice of the Catholic faith, we encourage you to return.
If you would like to speak with any of the parish staff members, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If a previous marriage has kept you from receiving the Sacraments, we invite you to contact Fr. Burgoon.
In many cases, we can work with you toward a favorable solution so that you can again receive
the Sacraments in the Catholic Church.
If you cannot come to Church because of illness, please be sure that we are notified so that we might minister
to you either at home, hospital or nursing care facility.
Saturday 5pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9am & 11am
Rev. Charles Burgoon
Ext. 223
In Residence
Rev. John Kennehan
Ext. 226
Business Manager Mrs. Christine Schuetz
Ext. 221
Parish Secretary
Mrs. Mimi Minner
Ext. 222
Mr. John Bischof
Mr. Ron Reuther
Parish Council
Terry Slade
Liturgy Committee Doris Smith
Finance Committee Paul Wienke
Board of Education Angie Wheeler
Athletic Assoc.
Tim Flanagan
Parish Help Line
Sue LaFever
Kathy Peters
Prayer Chain
Roberta Brennan
Adult Choir
Children’s & High School
Emmaus Contemporary
Extraordinary Ministers
of Communion
Mrs. Colleen Talbert
meets Thursday at 7:30pm
Mrs. Mary Blum
Weekdays 6:30am & 8:15am
Holy Days 6:30am, 8:15am and 7:30pm
Registered parishioners please contact:
Fr. Burgoon, Deacon John Bischof or
Deacon Ron Reuther for baptism preparation
instruction class.
Baptisms are after 11am Mass on Sunday.
Saturday 3:45pm - 4:30pm
or any time by appointment.
Couples planning marriage should contact Father
Burgoon at least six months in advance for proper
Contact Father Burgoon to arrange a visit by the
Pastor or Extraordinary Minister of Communion
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA
program, prepares all who wish to join the Catholic
Church. Please contact Fr. Burgoon.
St. Richard School 11221 Schuetz Road 63146
(314) 872-3152
Fax (314) 872-0931
Email: strichardschool@yahoo.com
Miss. Julie Smith
Mrs. Judy Ade
Home & School Mr. Eric Vehige
Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Ken Ungerman
Maintenance Assistant Mr. Tim Burgoon
Any adult who works or volunteers
with young people on a regular
basis must attend a Protecting
God’s Children workshop, agree to
Gigi McKinzie
undergo a background check that is updated in even
numbered years and sign the Code of Conduct. If you
Deacon Ron Reuther 636-532-6525 have any questions about your compliance contact
parish coordinator: Christine: 432-6224 ex 221
Ruth Ferris
meets Wednesday at 7pm
April 27, 2014
Divine Mercy Sunday
Page 3
Below is the letter that was sent home to the school parents:
April 23, 2014
Dear Parents,
In last week’s parish bulletin, I shared with you the challenges facing our parish school which we have been
blessed to have had for 49 years. I mentioned in that article that Archbishop Carlson would be making a final
decision regarding the future of our school. I am writing to you today to inform you that I have received the
Archbishop’s letter.
In his letter, the Archbishop recognized the fact that the parishioners of St Richard have worked very hard to
maintain a quality Catholic school in light of declining enrollment and increasing costs. He understands that
the parish has been very generous in providing additional funds to allow the school to continue for the last few
years and he also understands that the parish cannot continue to fund the school’s shortfall without seriously
depleting its reserves and thereby jeopardizing the future viability of the parish. The Archbishop writes that in
light of the low number of students currently registered and the current amount of financial reserves in the parish, he does not know how the school can remain open for another year. As a result, St Richard School will
close at the end of the current school year and families will be allowed to attend a Catholic school of their
The Archbishop expressed his feelings that such a decision is difficult for a parish to face. He writes:
“I am well aware how painful this decision is going to be for your community,
and I congratulate everyone who has worked so hard to maintain the school
through a whole variety of activities. The principal and faculty have served well,
the parents are vey dedicated, and I know the parish has been as generous as possible.”
I am sorry to have had to communicate this decision to you just before the celebration of Easter. However, I
am aware that many of you have been waiting to make a decision about a school for the 2014-15 school year.
I thought it best to communicate this decision as soon as I was able.
The Archbishop has asked the Catholic Education Center to assist the faculty and parents in the transition
process over the next several months. Miss Smith and I will do all that we can to assist you in finding a new
school that will meet your needs. In addition, our focus will be to insure that the remainder of this school year
goes as planned. On a final note, if a family had registered to attend St Richard School for the next school
year and paid their registration fee, this fee will be fully refunded.
Let us ask our risen Lord’s Blessings on our students, families, and teachers as we conclude this year.
Rev. Charles Burgoon
The Mass times will be: 5 p.m. on Saturday; 9 and 11 a.m. on Sunday and will begin Sunday May 4th.
There will be no 6:30am Mass or Communion Service. The LAST 6:30am Mass will be Tues. May 6th.
St. Monica and St. Blaise offer a 6:30am weekday Mass
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The parish secretary will be out of the office from Monday, May 4 through
Friday May 9.
If you have an article for the May 11th bulletin, please submit it by noon on Wednesday, April 30th
April 27, 2014
April 27, 2014
Phillip Kennehan 
Priest’s Intentions
People of the Parish
April 28, 2014
Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Amyot
Mary Mueller
Divine Mercy Sunday
Tuesday April 29, 2014
Harold Pisciotta 
Pat Pardo 
Wednesday April 30, 2014
Mitzi Bean 
James Erdelen 
Thursday May 1, 2014
Doris Dolson 
8:15am Bill & Jan Petri
May 2, 2014
David C Minner
Chuck Scherrer 
Saturday May 3, 2014
Florence King 
Page 4
Rosewood Extraordinary Minister of Communion
April 27 - Shirley Brown
April 29 – Tom Peters – Rosary - Sue Butler
Date April 27, 2014
Saturday - 5pm
Ray & Flo Mertens, Judy Mosier,
Carolyn Siemer, Doris Smith, Joyce Todd
Carol Underriner
Claire Reed, Allison Sink
Ray & Flo Mertens
Pat Schlitt, Bob Melsheimer
Al Eise, Tom Ferris, Ed Folks
Sandy Kardis
Thomas Nold
Sue Pozzo & Rosie Vigna
Al Eise, Larry Sokol
Bern & Marti Ruthmeyer, Daniel Sudkamp,
Lisa Sword, Pat & Peggy Terrio
Kaye Hartweger
Megan Weeks, Ashleigh Weismiller
Anna Angert, Angie Wheeler
Flo Pankiewicz, Emil Vescovo
Sunday - 7:30am
† Indicates the Mass is in memory of an individual
Sunday, April 27
7:30am, 9am,11am Mass
12pm - Retirement/Farewell Celebration
for Fr. John and Fr. Burgoon
Monday, April 28
6:30am, *8:15am Mass
7pm - Rosary - Church
Tuesday, April 29
6:30am, *8:15am Mass
Wednesday, April 30
6:30am, *8:15am Mass
Frank & Carolyn Gremmler, Jane Kreher,
Diane Leek, Paul Wienke, Doug Meadows
Paul Wienke
Keely Flanagan, Alec Sword
Joyce Harbers, Billie Hoelscher
Frank Gremmler, Doug Meadows
Retirement - Farewell Celebration
Fr. Charles Burgoon and Fr. John Kennehan
**TODAY** 12pm **TODAY**
- Reception and light lunch-
Thursday, May 1
6:30am, *8:15am Mass
Friday, May 2
6:30am, *8:15am Mass
First Friday 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration
Saturday, May 3
3:35 - 4:30 - Confessions
5pm - Mass
*Rosary Following Mass
First Reading -- All who believed were devoted to the teachings of the apostles, the communal life, the breaking of the
bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42-47).
Psalm -- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is
everlasting (Psalm 118).
Second Reading -- God has given us an undiminished inheritance, safeguarded for us in heaven (1 Peter 1:3-9).
Gospel -- The risen Christ comes to his disciples with peace
and the Spirit. The absent Thomas doubts
(John 20:19-31).
Please Remember In Your Prayers
Please call the rectory to have you or your loved one added
or removed from the prayer list.
Dillon Albers
Kyle Aslin
Mary Barge
Phyllis Beckman
Craig Barnes
Stan Beiermann
Betty Bohn
Bill Borresen
Clara Brannan
Marilyn Burgoon
Joan Buschmann
John Cannon (11yr.)
Charley Casaleggi
Dan Chambers
Mike Concannon
Jim Curtain
Neville D’Rosario
Patricia Filko
Lester Folz
Mary Regina Folz
Carole Ganss
Tim Gleich
Susan Engelbrecht Goris
Sheila Gould
Mary Ann Hackman
Ken Halveland
Helen Healey-Pullam
Bill & Dorothy Heldmann
Vi Jones
Casey Juza
Douglas King
Rose Krouper
Alan Maylath
Janie Mast
Billy McCaskill
Heath McClung
Enid McCormack
Neal McCormack
Kim McKenzie
Ethel Manion
Donald Mertens
Jane Morris
Jack Nimock
Jeanie O’Keefe
Maureen O’Neill
Matthew Peters
Elizabeth Pittaluga
Vernon Plattner
Pete Ramey
Eunice Reed
Bridget Reigel
Sharon Reigel
Connie Roy
Audrey Scott
Fran Scott
Patricia Senger
Chris Simpkins
Gloria Smythe
Sheila Smythe
Mel & Mavis Stein
Mark Steusse
Ethel Thomas
Dick & Coletta Thomson
Mike Underriner
Lois & Wally Wieprecht
Joe Winer
Ed & Rosemary Witte
Alison Wuellner
Bob Zeller
Please continue to pray for all those who have
gone to eternal life
& for all those who love them.
Come and Join Us Pray the Rosary
Answer Our Lady's call and be part of her cohort. She
needs you now more than ever. She pleads each day for
your prayers: to pray the Rosary for her priests and the
salvation of souls.
Rosary Group AM: Immediately following the 8:15 AM
Mass Monday through Friday, the rosary is prayed followed by Holy Father’s monthly intentions. On Thursday at
this time the group prays the Scriptural Luminous Rosary.
Contact: Tom McCarty 997-8040.
O Prince of Peace, humbly we ask your protection for all
the men and women in service of our country. Give them
the courage to defend the honor and dignity of others. Walk
by their side and lead them safely home.
Msgr LTC Michael Butler
Nephew of Dorothy Heldmann
LCpl Aaron Colston, Afghanistan
Nephew-in-law of Robert & Jean LaFollette
LT John Andrew Floro, Altus AFB, OK
Nephew of Marcella & Deacon Del Leonardo
CW4 Robert C Green, Fort Riley, KS
Nephew of Mimi & David Minner
Capt Christopher Higgins, Ramstein AFB, Germany
Nephew of Robert & Paula Brose
CW3 Erick Knarzer, Afghanistan
Nephew of Jean & Bill O’Keefe
CPT Fritz Knarzer, DMZ South Korea
Nephew of Jean & Bill O’Keefe
Capt Danny Love, Camp Pendleton, CA
Fiancé of Kimberley Ferris
2LT Gregory Lyles, Fort Benning, GA
Son of Claude & Linda Lyles
Lt Col Daniel J Magidson, Los Angeles AFB, CA
Son of Luz & Dan Magidson
SRA James Malone, Keesler AFB, MS
Grandson of Ed & Rosemary Witte
A1C Matthew Mansfield, Travis AFB, CA
Son of John, step-son of Jane Mansfield
CDR Michael McAbee, Naval Amphibious Base, CA
Brother-in-law of Peggy & Pat Terrio
SPC Joe Meadows, Eglin AFB, FL
SGT Sam Meadows, Fort Knox, KY
Sons of Doug & Karen Meadows
2LT Michael Mulligan, Jr., Camp Casey, S. Korea
Nephew of Kathy Soucy
Sgt Jonathan A Murr, Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Brother of Gabe & Amy Murr
1st Lt Sarah Nickens, Egland AFB, FL
Granddaughter of Marie Everhardt
Lt Col Mark Scherrer, Travis AFB, CA
Son of Marilyn Scherrer
SSG William Tobin, Yuma Proving Ground, AZ
Grandson of Dorthy Heldmann
SPC Karl Watkins, Ft. Campbell, KY
Nephew of Robert & Paula Brose
SSgt Rachel L. Webber, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, VA
Granddaughter of Jean Webber
A1C Tyler White, Shaw AFB, SC
Nephew of Mark & Lynn Pfotenhauer
SGT Matthew Witte, Kuwait
Grandson of Ed & Rosemary Witte
If you would like to have a family member, relative, or friend
Rosary Group PM: Each Monday at 7:00 PM in the
included in the prayers of our parish, or if you have informachurch, the Rosary Group meets to pray the Rosary
tion to add, please call Ruth Ferris at 991-6854.
followed by the Memorare, prayer to St. Michael, monthly
intentions of our Holy Father, the Litany of Our Lady and a
short prayer for souls of the faithful departed.
Contact: Donna Walton 872-9584.
Mary Ann Adams
Rich & Ann Angert
Castor & Michelle Armesto
Dennis Arroyo
Jesse & Mary Barge
Rob & Trish Binek
Tom & Donna Binek
Deacon John & Peg Bischof - (Charles &
Marcella Fechter, Glennon Bischof,
Carol Candela)
John & Mary Blum
Adam & Erica Boyet
Jim & Gail Breaugh
Roberta Brennan
Robert & Paula Brose - (Mary Lou & Bill
Raiff, Betty & Frank Brose, Lois
Thalheimer, John, Ken Ethan Prueitt)
Gerry & Ann Chmielewski
Jeannine Clerc
Charlotte Cole- (Charles Cole)
Ozzie Cordes
Tom & Sharon Cusick - (Mary & Pat
Cusick, Gus Brown)
Mary Ann Deppe - (Frank & Helen
Scott & Jill Egelhoff
Mary Lee Erdelen - (James Erdelen,
Frank Hieger Family)
Edgar & Martha Estrada (J. Guadalupe Estrada)
Marie Everhardt
Joe & Alison Falcone - (Anne & Carl
Doerr, Metteo & Vincenza Falcone,
Damiano Falcone)
Tom & Ruth Ferris
Tim & Kristen Flanagan
Tim & Lori Gleich
William & Sandy Godwin - (Patricia
Knopp, Ethel Michael, William Godwin)
Joe & Sondra Grailer
Dominic & Donna Griffin - (Charles &
Frances Wade, Lawrence & Rose
David Gund
Joyce Harbers
Bill & Nancy Heinbecker (Clare Emmanuelle Ironside)
Janet & Wallace Henderson
Ruben & Marian Hernandez=Buces
Billie Hoelscher
Ronald & Debbie Indeck
Matt & Shannon Johnston
Dan & Judy Jung - (Mary Duever)
Sandy & Tony Kardis (Sadowski Family)
Michael & Maureen Keating - (Bernard
& Dorothy Moder, John Keating,
Ann & John Durowski)
Al & Jane Kreher
Bill & Sue LaFever
Richard & Taeko Lewis
John & Jane Mansfield (Michelle Traube)
Robin Mathias
Ken & Connie Mayo
Bob & Debra McCormack
Sally McIntosh
Michael & Gigi McKinzie
Doug & Karen Meadows (ACTS Missions)
Tony & Maryrose Meluso
Ray & Flo Mertens - (William & Florence Schaefer, Claude & Ann Burgois)
Dorothy Meyer (Joseph & Theresa Heltemes)
Dave & Mimi Minner - (Zagarri, Quick,
Minner & Fauller Families &
Sharon Roesch)
Judy Mosier - (Don Mosier Family, Silliman Family)
Hortense Mueller - (Dale Mueller)
Doug & Jackie Neinaber - (Jack Riggs)
Doug & Judy Nimmo
Jim & Pat O’Grady - (James & Ellen
O’Grady, Irving & Eloise Legendre,
Irving Legendre Jr.)
Rosalie Pandolfo
Mark & Lynn Pfotenhauer
Edward & Florence Rahubka
Deacon Ron & Cathy Reuther
Karla Roberts (Elenor & Karl Johanboeke)
Ann Roche - (Elizabeth Roche)
Larry Rojko - (Margaret & Emil Rojko)
Karen Sale
Earl & Gretchen Schellenberg
Marilyn Scherrer
Pat Schlitt
Troy & Celeste Schmeiderer
Jeff & Diane Scott
Judy Scott
Linda Shead - (In Gratitude for Healing)
Jane Sheridan - (Tom Sheridan)
Hal & Chris Simpkins
Jeffrey & Julia Stagner
Ginnie Stanislaw
Bill & Karen Stebelski
Jim & Lynette Stelzer
Jeannine Stuart
Stephen & Joann Stukel
Frank Tabaka
Idella Theriault - (Oliver, Ida & Raymond Theriault)
Bo & Carol Thomeczek
John & Peggy Thomeczek
Herb & Julia Todd
Roger & Linda Twist
Tom & Shirley VanAcker (Cindy VanAcker)
Emil & Marilyn Vescovo
Nick & Colleen Wakus
John & Phyllis Walsh - (Helen Thompson
and Ray Walsh)
Roger & Michele Weismiller
Ed & Rosemary Witte - (Peter Furo Family and Ed Witte Family)
Dorothy Wood
Kathleen Yevak
MANY THANKS to our 2014 Easter Fair volunteers! The day ran smoothly because you gave your time to
spread some Easter joy to the children in our school, parish and community. Our volunteers included: Keely
Flanagan, Anna Hernandez, Peyton Rose, Andrew Holder, Nick Zak, Carol Underriner, Sandy and Megan
Weeks, Adrienne Cibulka, Lauren Griffin, Philip Cibulka, Trish Binek, Taylor Slade, Susie LaFever, Scott and
Mary Ann Hale, Sue LaFever, Judy Dunn, Ceil Geringer, Marilyn Scherrer, Marty Cibulka, Dennis Arroyo,
Sandy Kardis, Mary Ann Adams, Kathy Peters, and Flo Pankiewicz (new Co-Chairperson) and her niece
Elaine. Also, thanks to Jane Mansfield for her many years of being co-chair for the Easter Fair. She, along
with John and Griffin, gave a lot of their time and talent to this parish event.
process please contact the parish office or the
Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program at the
Anyone who works with or volunteers with children
number below.
must be compliant with the Safe Environment ProVictims of sexual abuse, in addition to contacting civil
gram of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis set forth by
authorities, are asked to come forward in order to rethe USCCB. (United States Conference of Catholic
ceive pastoral assistance. Reports of abuse may be
made to any pastor or to Deacon Phil Hengen, the
Compliance includes attending a Protecting God’s
Director of the Office of Child & Youth Protection for
Children Workshop, completing a Missouri Backthe Archdiocese of St. Louis at 314-792-7704.
ground Check, and reading and signing a Code of
Ethical Conduct form. Additional background checks Missouri Department of Social Services Children’s
Division Hotline Reporting Number: 1-800-392-3738
may be necessary if you have lived out of state in
For other questions related to the Safe Environment
previous years.
Program please contact the Safe Environment Help
To register online for a Protecting God’s Children
Workshop and electronically sign the Ethical Code of Desk at 314-792-7272.
Conduct please visit www.archstl.org and click on the Missouri Background Checks are updated every even
Protecting God’s Children Link in the center of the
numbered year. Please let the parish office know if
page. You will be redirected to the
you would like to be removed from the list of active
VIRTUSOnline.org site to complete the registration
volunteers. You must also contact the Missouri
process. Additional information regarding
Family Care Safety Registry at 1-866-422-6872 with
background checks will be given at the workshop.
address changes.
If you have questions or need assistance with this
Safe Environment Program:
Reporting Suspected Child Maltreatment
Anyone can report suspected child abuse or neglect. Reporting abuse or neglect can protect a
child and get help for a family—it may even save a child's life.
If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, contact your local child protective services
office or law enforcement agency so professionals can assess the situation.
In Missouri the contact number for the Child Abuse Hotline is 1-800-392-3738.
For additional information or assistance please contact the Safe Environment Office at 314-792-7271.
Baby Bottle Campaign
Kent Pollman Deacon Ordination
The baby bottle campaign has ended. As of the
week of Apr 13, the campaign raised over
Seminarian Kent, was assigned to our parish last
fall. He has recovered from cancer and continues
to work toward ordination as a priest!
This generosity shows the strong pro-life support at St. Richard and is very encouraging for
the future of the movement.
St Richard Parishioners are invited to Kent’s
Transitional Deacon Ordination Ceremony
May 3rd - 10am - Cathedral Basilica
Thanks to all who made the campaign a success;
the very generous parishioners, the parish
school children who stuffed the bottles, the
Knights of Columbus who handed out bottles.
Special thanks to Doug Meadows and the
pro-life committee.
Still have a baby bottle?
Please return bottles (filled or empty) to the
church or office as we must pay for any
unreturned bottles.
This is the last step before priestly ordination.
If you’d like to carpool to the Mass, contact:
Deacon Ron at 636-532-6525 or
email deaconronreuther@yahoo.com
Please check your personal information in the
2013 Parish Guide Book Directory…
phone number, address, names of those who live in your household.
Contact the parish office, 432-6224 ex 222 / strichardparish@sbcglobal.net
or Nancy Heinbecker - 432- 6188 with ANY changes or
if you’d prefer to NOT be in the directory.
Your input is essential for an accurate directory. Thanks for your help!
APRIL SHOWERS: St Richard Pro-Life Committee is hosting a Baby Shower for
OURLADY’S INN. OLI houses homeless women and their children in a loving
environment as they become self-supportive. Thank you!
Please bring the items below or your new baby item to the crib in church through April 30th
Baby Thermometers
Saline Drops
Infant Car Seats
Baby Nose Syringes
Sm. Vaseline
Twin Sheets
DREFT Laundry Detergent
(no scent)
Disposable Breast Feeding Pads
Sm. Freezer Bags to store pumped
Milk (attaches to pump)
Maternity tops and jackets
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Table Napkins
*Wal-Mart Gift Cards
*please deliver gift cards to the rectory
This is an excellent opportunity for the post abortive woman who is just starting the journey to forgiveness and healing or for someone who is already walking that path to access more deeply the mercy and
hope that Jesus offers his beloved daughters.
The retreat will be held in a home-like setting for a time of prayerful reflection. Mass and Penance will
be available. The cost is $30 which includes meals but no one will be turned away because of inability to
Contact: Marisol at 792-7451 or mpfaff@archstl.org.
All information, including the location of the retreat will be kept strictly confidential!
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration May 2nd & 3rd
"Do not look for other excuses. Try it, and find out by your own experience. Do not wait until
tomorrow. Today, go and spend a few moments with Jesus, whether He is within the tabernacle
or exposed in the monstrance. Let your weary and wounded heart be penetrated by the peaceful
atmosphere of the sanctuary and your soul be bathed in the light streaming forth from the
Eucharistic Sun. And, tomorrow, I am sure, you will return." ~Jose Guadalupe Trevino, The Holy
Come, rest in the presence of the source of our Easter joy! First Friday Eucharistic Adoration will be held in church this Friday, May 2nd, following the 8:15am Mass and will continue until 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Spiritual reading is available for use during adoration. Dropins are encouraged! After 2pm, please use the side church door facing the upper parking lot. Thank you.
GARDEN CLUB No experience needed - We’re here for fun!
Work in teams; watering, planting, pruning.. the gardens around Church.
Contact: Carol Underriner at 330-3947 or carol@btu-consultants.com
GIFT CARD SALES April 7 - April 13, 2014
Amount of Sales: $ 10,205.00
Number of Families: 42
Gross Profit: $ 478.23
Access order forms and vendor catalog at: www.strichardstl.org/parishorganizations/gcp.htm
If you could support our church financially without spending any additional money, would you? Buying gift cards does just that!! We need you
to participate in the GCP program – buy gift cards to pay for things you
need including food, gas, clothes & everyday items.
Participate in the Gift Card Program
How would you like $100 in free gift cards?
Participate in the GCP $100 Giveaway!
Four families will earn $100 in gift cards for their favorite store or restaurant when increasing their
participation in weekly GCP purchases. How is this possible? We have a donation of $400 that will be
used to reward four families who participate in GCP to help St Richard Parish.
Here are the giveaway parameters:
Purchases are recorded by ordering family. The contest will start with orders placed on or after March
3rd and end with orders placed after 11am Mass on April 13th.
For every $400 in GCP orders during this time period, your family name will be entered into the
drawing (i.e. if you spend $1,275 during the contest period, your name will be entered three times for
the contest). Four different family names will be pulled from all of the entries during the six week time
The more you buy, the better your chances of winning a prize!
GCP has a variety of restaurants and specialty stores to choose from. Buy cards to use for your Easter
outfits, decorations and meals. Buy travel cards (hotels, gas, restaurants) for your spring break
vacation. Check out the listing of cards available to order after Mass.
Results will be announced May 4th in the parish bulletin.
All GCP orders are currently tracked by ordering family – be sure to include both your first and last
name on your ordering form. The names will be selected from the basket of all family names.
This giveaway has no change to school family contributions. Please continue to denote the purchasing family as is your
normal practice. If you “assign” your purchase to a school family, that should be noted separately as you have always
done in the past. The ordering family name will prevail for the contest.
If you have questions, please call Julia Stagner at 314-324-6604 or Tony Meluso at 314-705-2547.
May 4, 2014
May 11, 2014
Saturday 5pm
Communion: Tony & Yvelise Torkelson,
Carol Underriner, Moe & Rita Berk, John Blum
Mary Kay Beiermann
Ben & Jacob Gremaud
Mary Ann Adams, Judy Dunn
Pat Schlitt, Bob Melsheimer
Saturday 5pm
Communion: Shirley Brown, Al Eise,
Sharon & Bridget Cusick, Coral D’Rosario
John Blum
Keely Flanagan, Jarrod Stagner
Ceil Geringer, Terry Linneman
Pat Schlitt, Bob Melsheimer
Sunday 9am
Communion: Tom & Shirley VanAcker,
Karen Andrus, Dennis Arroyo, Kathy Birke,
Karen Clements
Alexis Thomeczek, Tonia Meluso
Brendan Gainer, Derek Cayabyab
Alissa & Cassie Keller
Isaiah Williams, Daniel Meyer
Communion: Ted & Pam McCaskill, Joan Michel,
Marilyn Scherrer, Jeff & Diane Scott
Al Alvord
Paul & Margaret Gillam
Catherine Schwartze, Ginnie Stanislaw
Sunday 9am
Communion: Kerry DeGregorio, Diane Devine,
Paul Gremaud, Gordon & Kaye Hartweger, Karla King
Ruben Hernandez-Buces
Nathan & Carter Bischof
Carli, Donna & Tom Binek
Flo Pankiewicz, Emil Vescovo
Communion: Linda Shead, Nick & Colleen Wakus,
Oren Walton, Paul & Terri Wienke
Mary Faron
Teddy Frigillana, Nick Zak
Lynn Trieschmann, Phyllis Walsh
Frank Gremmler, Doug Meadows
Frank Gremmler, Doug Meadows
Please Note: If you can not serve your assigned ministry, please secure your substitute.
May 18, 2014
May 25, 2014
Saturday 5pm
Communion: John Blum, Michele Johnson,
Ray & Flo Mertens, Mimi Minner, Judy Mosier
Gigi McKinzie
Harry & Michaela Godwin
Al & Betty Eise
Pat Schlitt, Bob Melsheimer
Saturday 5pm
Communion: Judy Mosier, Carolyn Siemer,
Doris Smith, Joyce Todd,
Tony & Yvelise Torkelson
Ray Mertens
Claire Reid, Nick Zak
Ray & Flo Mertens
Pat Schlitt, Bob Melsheimer
Sunday 9am
Sunday 9am
Communion: Jennifer Keller, Karla Kutz,
Rebekkah Limpert, Angie Meyer,
Therese Meyerhoff, Kelly Mock
Sandy Kardis
Nick Hubert, Alexander Milke
Pat & Sue Cannon
Flo Pankiewicz, Emil Vescovo
Communion: Rosie Willenborg, Paul Blicharz,
Frank & Carolyn Gremmler,
Jane Kreher, Sue Conlisk
Jan Henderson
Christopher Hirsch, Thomas Nold
Al & Jane Kreher
Frank Gremmler, Doug Meadows
Tom &
Dave & Mindy Peters,
Kathy Peters, Pat & Peggy Terrio
Karla King
Cameron Russo, Allison Sink
Judy & Maddie Jung
Flo Pankiewicz, Emil Vescovo
Communion: Diane Leek, Ted & Pam McCaskill,
Joan Michel, Marilyn Scherrer, Diane Scott
Rosalie Manz
Nathan & Carter Bischof
Nick & Colleen Wakus
Frank Gremmler, Doug Meadows