CO- Official publication of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association serving retail lumber and building material dealers in the northeast. Back to Boston ... 83RD ANNUAL CONVENTION AND BU ILDING MATERIALS EXPOSITION JANUARY 7-8-9, 1977, SHERATON - BOSTON Our new catalog illustrates Benchmark Steel Doors in a wide variety of designs . . • ' • .... •••• ,, a\ ,,, ,,, t~ ~"~ . ,;;::- ,, '' ' ' :;:.-,.,... ' ,, ~';-<" ·. . ~ There is a design to complement any style of architecture . .. one to please almost every taste. Cat alog No. 79 present s Benchmark Steel Doors as single and double door units with opti onal sidelights and del ux e entrance t ri ms, all in a concise, understandable f orm. Our pr icing syst em is, by f ar, th e quickest and easiest t o use. IR~OIS Circle 9 on Information Request Card WOODW O R K ALBANY • BUFFALO • SYRACUSE .--------- - - - ----- ~ - -- Caradco wood casement windows save nough in energy to buy a lot of extra Iu xu r_!y_ !_. _ The complete line of smartly styled Caradco wood windows and the weathertight patio door piease the buyer's eye and make plenty of practical sense these days; they do an extremely fine job of saving valuable energy. Wood insulates 1770 times better than aluminum. And Caradco's insulating g lass, set in vinyl gaskets, cuts energy loss t hroug h the g lass. Infiltration around sash is reduced significantly, too, by means of Caradco 's unique weathe r stri pp i n g systems. Look at all of the Caradco energysaving products before specifying. The pressure is getting stronger all the time for people to take energy- saving steps. Let Caradco make it easier for you to cooperate. Outdoors, nature dictates climate; indoors, you should. C-1 00' double hung windows, the classic type. Available in 4 lines, including cottage windows and picture window combin tions. They're easily removable for ing. Versatile, convenient, reasonably priced C-200' casement windows open 90° fo handy cleaning. No bother with leakage, drafts or stuck sash. Conceal hinges. Smart chestnut bronze hardwa C-200' awning windows provide amp light and ventilation fvr any exposure. C-300' horizontal slider windows . . . outstanding alternati ve to metal sliders .. provide good visibility and ventilation wi clean contemporary lines. Operative s readily removable. The Caradco wood patio door is an fine energy saving product. Primed o side, unfinished insi de for the decor of yo choice. Tempered insulating glass panels leakproof vinyl gasket glazing and meta thermal barrier sill. These Caradco distributors are ready to serve you with a full line of fine Caradco wood windows and doors. Wallingford, Connecticut 06492 Caradco Window Co. of Conn., Inc. Pent Road, Box 636 Phone 203/265- 6767 Augusta, Maine 04330 Gregg Distributors, Inc. P.O. Box 623 Phone 207/622-6266 Hyde Park, Mass. 02136 Harbor Millwork, Inc. 1717 Hyde Park Avenue Phone 617/ 364-1000 West Hanover, Mass. 02339 (Boston Area) Was-Pine Millwork, Inc. King Street Phone 617/ 878-2102 Ellenville, N.Y. 12428 Marvin Millwork, Inc. 212 Canal Street Phone 914/647-6100 Lacona, N.Y. 13083 The Blount Lumber Co. Phone 315/387-345 1 Watervliet, N.Y. 12189 Marvin Millwork, Inc. 1000 19th Street Phone 518/ 273-0800 Caradco Window and Door Division Scovill ENERGY SAVING PATIO DOOR Rantoul. IL 61866 It makes drain-it-yourself just as sensible as any other do-it-yourself project. SELL ADS CORRUGATED PLASTIC TUBING FOR EASY "DRAIN IT YOURSELF" PROJECTS AROUND TH.E HOME. Projects do-it-yourselfers wouldn't try to do themselves, using traditional drainage materials that are heavier, costlier and harder-towork-with . . . like downspout and window-well drainage, low spots, foundation and underslab drainage, leach beds-and more. ADS tubing is low in cost, lightweight and easy to handle, goes in with easy snap-on type fittings that require no special tools. No breakage, no waste, and each do-ityourself application is spelled out in easy-to-follow , step-by-step "how-to" instructions. ADS TUBING IS TOUGH. LONG-LIVED. It's made of high-density polyethylene resin corrugated for great strength. It's unaffected by acids and alkalis in the soil, or by freezing and thawing. It's flexible, so there are no misalignment problems. And it provides unrestricted water intake for constant drainage. STOCK ADS TUBING. DIVERSIFY YOUR DIY / BUILDER PRODUCT MIX. Tap a whole new segment of the DIY market by supplying your customers with an easy-to-use low-cos t material for home improvement/ maintenance projects they couldn't do before. ADS tubing is available in lengths up to 20 feet, coils up to 300 feet, depending qn diamQter. Nationwide sales and manufacturing assures easy availability, no delivery problems, and there's full dealer support through point-ofsale and "how-to" material. A DVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. Why let a good source of profit go down the drain? Stock and sell ADS tubing. Box 192. Palmer. Massachus etts 01069 (413) 283-9797 Circle 1 on Information Request Card Official Publication of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association 339 East Avenue Rochester, New York 14604 Phone: 716-325-1626 TBB LUI1BBB CO-OPBBATOB & . Serving Retail Lumber and Building Material Dealers in the Northeast October, 1976 * HORACE G. PIERCE Editor SUSAN N. GRAZIANO Assistant Editor KAY E. MORLEY Assistant Edi to r JAMES E. DUNBAR Advertisin g Manager JAMES K . BAKER B usiness Manager * Advertising Representatives James K. Baker ....... . . .. Tel. 716-325-1626 339 East Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14604 J.N. Clough ... ... . ... . . .. Tel. 518-783-5411 7 Walnut Lane. E.• Schenectady, N.Y. 12309 James E. Dunbar .......... Tel. 716-325-1626 339 East Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14604 Frederick N. lndermaur . .. . Tel. 203-875-3240 11 Elizabeth Lane. Tolland. Conn. 06084 Harold L. Moulton ...... . .. Tel. 603-964-6324 16 Stevens Rd., North Hampton, N.H. 03862 Philip J. Welch ............ Tel. 716-924-2609 1255 Strong Rd., Victor, N.Y. 14564 * Published monthly at Albion, N.Y.. by The Lumber Co-operator, Inc., 339 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 14604. Subscription rate $ 8.00 per year; foreign $ 9.50; single copies $ 1.00 each. Advertising rates on request. Closing dates: Advertising, 1Dth of preceding month; Editorial, 15th of month. Second-class postage paid at Albion, N.Y. 4 INCORPORATED Volume 60 No. 10 * HIGHLIGHTS INTHISISSUE .. . Excel Wood Products Co. Expands Line of Kitchen Cabinet Systems . . ... . .. . .. .... .. . . ........ . . ..... 8 Northeastern Convention Comm ittee Meets In Boston . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . ... . ... .. .. .. . .... . . . .. . 12 Vermont Association Elects Officers at 46th Annual Meeting ...... .. .. . ...... . .... .. .. . .... . .. ... . 24 The Subject Is Sinks . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . ... .. . . ..... .. . .. . . .. . 26 Sherman Elected President at 44th Maine Meeting . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . ... .. . . ..... 28 ln-Sink-Erator Introduces "Steaming H 20 Tap" . .... .. . .. . . . ...... . . . .. . . .. .. . . ... . . . . 30 Prudential Features Do-lt-Yourself Kitchen Cabinets .. . . . . . . . ... . . .. . .. .. . ... . .. .. . . .. ... . .. .. 30 48th Annual Meeting Held By New Hampshire Association . .. . ...... . . . .. ........... . ... 36 New Centerpiece Cabinetry Offers Conveniences, Special Finishing . .. ..... .. . ... ......... . . . 43 St. Charles Introduces Bellaire Series for Medium-Priced Quality Cabinet Market ...... . . .. ..... 44 Certified Cabinets - Better Than Average .. . .. . ..... . . . .. .. 44 Kitchen Cabinet Flamespread Inspection Listing Available From HPMA . . . . . . .... . .. . .... ... . . .. .. . . 48 * DEPARTMENTS Advertisers in This Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calend ar of Events . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. Doings of the Dealers .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Empire State Salesmen . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. Industry Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Literature .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 49, Manufacturer-Who lesaler Personals . . . . . . . . . . . . New Products, Ideas, Sales Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northeastern Association Officers and Directors .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reader Information Request Card .......... 19, 66 63 54 6 57 10 52 38 14 64 65 51 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 CALL OUR WA TS LINE 800·847·7%6% FOR INFORMATION ON OUR Complete Line of Building Materials and Low Cost Guideline Programs FEATURING • • • • • • • • • • • • BARCLAY BILLY PENN CAMPBELL SAKRETE CONOFLEX CRAFTWOOO CROWN ALUMINUM DAKOR BRICK & STONE EMCO ERECTO-PAT FILON FLAIRFOLD FRY • • • • • • • • • • • • • JENCRAFT JOHNS- MANVILLE KAISER KWIKSET KSH K-V LEIGH PRODUCTS MANTA MANTON MEMPHIS MIAMI - CAREY MOR FLO MORTELL • • • • • • • • • • • • PLASKOLITE QUAKER CITY MFG. R& R REICHHOLO CHEMICAL REYNOLDS METAL ROOLIN INDUSTRIES ROYAL OAK STANLEY TECO TEL- 0- POST WARPS BROS. WADDELL PLUS ADVERTISING CIRCULARS WITH BUILDING MATERIAL INSERTS, FULL SERVICE MERCHANDISING PROGRAM, COMPLETE STORE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, PREPAID DELIVERIES ON OUR TRUCKS, AND OVER 100 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE NORTHEAST. rkb means business Your Circle 20 on Information Request Card You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 5 an editorial . . . First Annual BUYERS' GUIDE & DEALER DIRECTORY Is Off The Press THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR has just completed the publication of the first annual BUYERS' GUIDE & DEALER DIRECTORY in the northeast. It includes 236 pages of industry information on manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. This BUYERS' GUIDE & DEALER DIRECTORY lists 2050 retail lumber dealers in the New York and New England area. This listing, arranged by state in alphabetical order by city, gives the company name, address, phone number, and contact. The publication also includes a Buyers' Guide that lists each of the 156 advertiser's name, address, phone number, products, and sales representatives. This listing is cross-referenced to the actual ad of the company. A Product Directory can be found in the last part of the publication. When in search of a distributor or manufacturer of a particular product, the retail dealer can locate that product a lphabetically and find one o r more wholesalers or manufacturers to contact. Adequate indexes have been included to make the Directory easy-to-use. You will find an index of cities, as well as an index of advertisers at the back of the publication . The Table of Contents lists the page where each section begins. Everyone at Northeastern has worked hard over the past six months collecting and verifying the material for the 236 page Directory. Publication date has been delayed several times due to the extraordinary amount of work involved in publishing the first edition. Plans have been made to update the Directory each year, as it will become an annual publication of THE LUMBER CO-OPERATO R . Each member and associate member will receive a copy of the Directory during the month of October. Extra copies are available at $75.00 each from THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR. The BUYERS' GUIDE & DEALER DIRECTORY was prompted by the new associate member program of the Association. Every retail lumber dealer, wholesaler, manufacturer and their salesmen will want a copy. It is an extremely valuable tool; in fact, it may become an "industry" bible. 6 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Employee accidents. Head em off at the pass. You don't just need statistics. You need loss control. We can give you both. Sure, we can tell you how many accidents you've had. How often. Where they occurred. Why. And what type. But the big thing we can do is spot trouble before it spots you. Our troop of loss control consu ltants is one of the finest ever assembled under one flag. Our Workmen's Compensation insurance can save you money, misery and a lot more. It's the business we built our reputation on . Circle 91 on Information Request Card Get full details on the special d ividend plan for members of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association. Con tact the Association, or wr ite John P. Liddy. Sales Manager, Kemper Insurance Companies, 224 Harrison Street, Syracuse. New York 13202. r:::l L:J We're with you for the long ride. Excel Wood Products Co. Expands Line Of Kitchen Cabinet Systems The "Madison" - 11 total cabinet system that meets every kitchen need. Excel Wood Products Co. has expanded its 1976 line of high quality popular priced kitchen cabinet systems to 20 variations, featuring five distinctively different styles each in three colors of cherry, pecan and walnut. According to Allan L asser, vice president/ marketing, Excel is also marketing a line of unfinished cabinet systems, ready for finishing by the dealer or homeowner. The most valuable features of the lines are all wood construction, wooden drawers, selfclosing ball bearing drawe r suspension, mo rtise and tenon joints and dove- tail assembly as fou nd in the most expensive furniture on the market today. The cabinet systems are available in a variety of sizes in modular units to fit any kitchen layout. The whole concept behind the kitchen systems designed by Excel Wood Products, a Lakewood, N.J. , based firm, is th at gracio us living, combined with comfort and convenience, can start in the ki tchen without putting a strain on the fam ily budget. Lasser points out that surveys show that a kitchen with modern livability is the number one consideration of most homeowners " because the ki tchen is one of the most lived-in rooms in the house. "American families today are spending more time in the kitchen than ever before," he states, " since this is where entertaining begins and ends. The major interest is in planning this room around a kitchen cabinet system that is practical in keeping with today's lifestyle. The buying trend is towa rds moderate pricing that offers the Excel lntroducea • Richmond" - another dream kitchen that's a reality purchaser both elegance and conven ience. This is reneeted in ou r recent phenomenal sales growth and optimistic marketing fo recast for the new year," Lasser decla red. He further stated that one big reason for the popularity of Excel's modu lar kitchen systems is his company's insistence on quality in cra ftsma nshi p that meets the rigid standards of function and service in every o ne The "Mercer" - 8 new addition to E.xcel'a kitchen cabinet line. continued on page 23 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Kitchen Cabinets DI V . OF BEAT RICE FOODS CO. United Cabinet, manuf act urer of Arist OKraft, is one of the largest kitchen cabinet manufacturers in t he United Stat es and has grown steadi ly for the past 20 years. We have grown because we have given our customers beautif ul , qual ity built cabinets. Our careful design se lection and ultra-modern manufactu ring facilities make it possible for Un ited to offer you an outst anding kitchen cabinet or vanity that will serve your customers functional ly and beautif ully for years to come. We cordia ll y thank you for considering AristOKraft for you r kitchen or bath and suggest you cont act ou r manufactu rers agent or any of the United Cabinet distributors listed below. Included in their present st ock are the foll owing lines of AristOKraf t cabinets: Vintage Map le, Portrai t Oak, Charact er Pecan, A llegro, Sierra, Fiesta and Cimarron . Vanit ies st ocked include: Wh ite & Gold Routed, Pri ncess, Chalet, Vintage Ma pl e, A llegro, Port rait Oak, and Petite. MANUFACTUR E RS A GENTS : SP'AL T ASSOCIATES WEST HANOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 617-871 -3180 Delivery of cabinet and vanities on factory trucks w ithin a 150 mile radius of the warehouses Jackson Lumber Company 245 Market Street, Law rence, Mass. 01843 (617)686-4141 East Coast Millwork 70 Somerset A venue, Hic ksville, N.Y. 11801 (516)433·9520 ; (800)645·3973 (Out·Of·statel Rocheleau Cabinet Sh op 30 Bright Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401 (802)436-6330 Forbush Lu mber 107 Evans Street, Hambu rg, N .Y . (7 16)649·1000 Building Materials D ist. (BM D ) Box 295, Hooksett, N .H . 03 106 (603)669-7700 Drew Bu ilding Supply Dep ot Street, Antwerp , N .Y . 11713 (315)659-8343 A lbany Area D istributors 1988 Cen tral St., Colonie, N .Y . 12205 (518)456-1671 Genesee Reserve 200 Jefferson Rd ., Rochester , N .Y. 14600 (716)436-6330 United Cabinet Wareh ouse Northeast Ind. Park, Schenectady, N .Y . 12305 (518 )355-9097 Unit ed Cabinet Warehouse 275 Circuit Street, Hanover, Mass. 02339 (617)878-8233 Circle 188 on Information Request Card You saw it In THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 9 INDUSTRY BRIEFS § HOUSING STARTS in August rose to the highest level in six months, due mainly to a rise in the lagging production of apartments. Housing starts last month rose II % to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of I ,542,000 units from the upward-revised July pace of I ,391 ,000 units. The August rate was 22% ahead of the yea r-earlier pace of I ,264,000 units. Some housing economists say the statistics indicate that housing starts, after bouncing up and down in recent months, could begin to show a more consistent improvement in coming months. The August increase from July resulted mainly from a 48% jump in the rate of apartment starts, which have been the weak link in the housing recovery. Starts of single-family homes, which have rebounded to nearrecord levels, also improved last month. The total starts rate last month was the highest since the February pace of 1,547,000 units. More important, the rate rebounded sharply from a July dropoff and resumed the overall rising trend of production a ppa rent since spring. Starts last month were up in all regio ns of the country. ttt § BUILDING PERMITS issued by the 14,000 communities that require them, increased for the second consecutive month at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of I ,298,000 units, up 7% from the July rate of I ,2 I 5,000 units and 30% above the year-earlier pace of 998,000 units. A 19% rise in permits issued for apartment construction accounted for most of the increase from July. Permit activity rose in all sections of the country except the South. The permits were issued last month at the highest annua l ra te since March, 1974. ttt § CONGRESS APPROVES NATIONAL FOREST MANAGEMENT ACT. Congress took final action on October I, 1976, on forest management legislation to relieve the Monogahela iss ue. The legislation now goes to the White House for signing. Vital in the provisions of the bill is its updating of the Orga nic Act of 1897. Recent court interpretations of this o utmoded law have restricted timber harvesting in the Monogahela National Forest in West Virginia to trees that are dead , or large growth, individually marked and fully removed from the forest when harvested . This interpretation was applied in o ther regions, resulting in timber sale, harvesting and other forest management restrictions in I I National Forests in seven states. The deadly peril to timber supply, to employment, to the consumer, to homebuilding and to all users of wood and fiber products was that it could have been applied to all 155 National Forests. 10 • • • NFPA president, Thomas M. Orth, hailed the bill as "likely the most constructive forestry legislation in history". " The legislation solves the critical problem of authority for the Secretary of Agriculture to sell and harvest timber in the National Forests," Orth said in a statement. "It sets the tone and the policy for the future management of the vast timber resources on these federal lands, consistent with the 1960 Multiple UseSustained Yield Act, and balances all of the values that now to the American people from these lands. The bill that C ongress enacted is even more remarkable considering the complexities of the issues involved, the pressures from those opposed to economic use of the forest resource, and the political climate in an election year. " ttt § JULY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AT $9.8 BILLION, UP 9% FROM 1975. Contracts in July for new construction of aU kinds totaled $9,774, 133,000, it was reported by the F. W. Dodge Division of McGrawHill Information Systems Company. A key factor was another gain in residential construction contracts for the month, with a sharp increase noted in apartment units. On a seasonally adjusted basis, the July value of new construction work showed little change from the June figure, but was 9% above the previous July total. The Dodge Index of total construction contract value (1967 = 100) was 184 in July. This compared with 187 in June and an average of 186 for the first six months of 1976. "July's construction contracts fit the general pattern of a temporarily stalled recovery, as shown by man y other key economic indicators," commented George A. Christie, vice president and chief economist for F . W . Dodge. He pointed out that, ' ' the construction industry's recovery is presently hung up because onefamily housing has begun to level off and nonresidential building, sti ll in the early stage of its recovery, hasn' t yet developed enough momentum to sustain the advance." Continuing the pattern of large year-to-year gains, housing contracts showed a 35% increase over last July's depressed rate of bui lding and accounted for $4,148,869,000 in new residential work. N o nresidential building contract value, at $3,031 ,362,000 in July, was I% off its year-ago pace. The Dodge economist stressed, however, that this virtually unchanged figure concealed a wide range of variation among individual types of non-residential buildings. "Compared with the same month last year, commercial building (stores, offices) has improved substantially and institutional bui lding (schools, hospitals) is holding steady while industrial construction remains depressed," said Christie. ttt You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERAT OR, October 1976 Builders Kitchen Cabinet Co. 134 Water St. Wakefield Mass. Tel. 617-245-3880 Distributors For Quaker Maid Quality Kitchens m Mass. - R.I. - N.H. - Maine Distributors For Modern Maid Appliances COMPLETE LINE OF BUILT IN GAS & ELEC. RANGE, OVEN, COOKTOP, & DISHWASHERS SPECIAL PRICE FOR OCTOBER & NOVEMBER LET'S MAKE A DEAL ON VANITIES - MARBLE TOPS - You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 KITCHENS - APPLIANCES 11 Northeastern Convention Committee • Meets 1n Boston Plans for the 1977 Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association's 83rd Annual Convention and Americaj East Building Materials Exposition have started and will be finalized within the next few months. Convention Committee members met August 3 at the Sheraton- Boston Hotel, Boston, Mass. to discuss the upcoming show. An exceptionally fine program has been scheduled for the convention, to be held January 7, 8, 9, 1977 in the Sheraton- Boston Hotel and John B. Hynes Auditorium. Approximately 368 exhibit spaces have been sold at the present time leaving I / 8 of the total existing space left to be reserved. T his year, convention goers will find the exhibit area located on one floor instead of two as last year's show was set up. The use of the main floor of the Auditorium provides the exposition with the additional space that it has been necessary to acquire for the increased number of exhibitors. John Hruu, Fred Stahl, J . Glenn Spoor, Earl T. Carpenter, Jamee Baker, Jamee Dunbar, Marilyn Guthrie. Horace G. Pierce, executive vice president of N R LA , was present to advise the group of last year's convention resu lts and plans a lready completed for 1977. Two members of the convention staff at the hotel conducted guided tours covering the rooms to be used for the meetings and exhibition. After the tour, floor plans of the hotel and the Auditorium along with various subjects regarding registration areas, bussing and exhibit areas were discussed. Harry Ev. .lc k, Stan. Tltue, Dic k White. Members of the Convention Committee gave their approval for the theme of the 1977 convention: "Build For Tomorrow - People, Products, Profits." Northeastern president, J. Glenn Spoor, got the meeting started and then turned it over to the Committee chairman , Earl T . Carpenter. An in-depth review of the 1976 convention, covering speakers and programs in addition to the increased size in exhibit space and attendance, was the fi rst matter of business fo r the day. 12 Major lnduetry problem• topic of dlecuAion for Convention buelneea m n tlnge. You saw it in THE LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 Convention Committee members. After examining the major problems facing the industry and retail dealers, the Committee delegates selected the topics they felt were important and should be covered by the Convention program. The most votes went to: Employee Education; Attracting and Training Personnel; Financial Management; Inventory Control & Proper Purchasing; Better Industry Communications; Credit Management; Future of Family-Owned Businesses; Proper Pricing Procedures; Energy Conservation Programs; Better Merchandising; Store & Yard Efficiency; and Building & Financing New Homes. Selected programs are geared to meet the increased needs of all retail lumber dealers in the Northeast and will be advantageous to all present at the different ses.ions. Well informed speakers, distinguished in thei r fields, will be chosen to present their subject at breakfast workshops, clinics, and business sessions. Bill Goldberg, David Cameron, Howle Smith, Joaeph Cuuck. materials exposition, and is maintaining its reputation as the industry's biggest and best trade show in the east. In addition to the standard lines of basic building products and accessories, exhibits will include cabinets, doors, windows, fi replaces, furniture kits, aluminum building products, interior decorating items and exterior building products. Data processing and mechanical handling equipment will also be displayed . America/ East, NRLA' s Building Materials Exposition, offers exhibitors the opportunity to display, at a Dick Newman, lrv. Humphrey, John Hixon. Building Materials Exposition - America East Exhibit space for the 1977 exhibition, one of the major features of the three-day Convention, is more than twice the size of the biggest tra de show Northeastern has ever had in New York. The show has become by far the largest of any eastern building You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Earl Carpenter, Bill Scalley, Sheraton Boston; Fred Corso, Sheraton Boston. continued on page 5 1 13 whatsnew in ideas· products· sales aids· servtces I p l ay co n s tru c t ed o f he avy co rruga ted w hi ch may be hung from th e ceiling as a mo bile, mo un ted o n the wa ll o r used as a unique co unter display. Designed as a m inia ture roof and building side, the d isplay sh ows a simula ted installa ti o n o f a S ky-V ue D o me a nd o n th e side, A PC's basement wi ndow well cover, Protecta-Well. Durethene Announces New Traffic Building Products ArcoJ Po lymers, Inc. has recently released complete info rm a tio n o n fo ur new d istin cti ve Dure th e n e p o lyeth ylene film products. They include trash a nd grass bags, trash a nd lawn bags, tras h ca n liners a nd lea f b ags. Each ro ll o f bags has its own l wist-ties, a nd ro ll wrappers a re colo r co ded fo r easy identificatio n . Ro lls a re packed in self-selling shippin g ca rto ns each with a heade r card . C a rtons can be used as counte r disp lays o r in mass disp lays to maximize impulse sales a t the retail level. All ro lls are o n I ~ "co res a nd th ere a re 20 ro lls per carton . A special limi ted-time offe r is being made to all retailers. They ca n send in their request fo r a ny sized ro ll (only I per request) a nd the item will be sent free of cha rge. Circle 190 on Information Request Card * •• Ve r sa tile Dis play fo r Sky-V u e Domes A nd Protecta -Well Introduced APC Co rpora tio n has intro duced a n exciting new d isplay concept fo r do-it-yo urself Sky-Vue Domes and Window Well Co vers. The ne w marketing too l is a co mp act, eye-catching p oint-of-sale dis14 studies on the ma rket trends in colo r d ema nd fo r tex tured heavy weight shingles. W e ig hin g a pprox im a te ly 340 p o und s per squ a re, the lo ng-lasting Ind ependence aspha lt sh ingles ca pture the warm th a nd bea uty of na tural wood sh a kes through a ra ndo m edge desig n a nd a do ub le layer construction fo r deep shadowlin es . Idea l fo r both re-ro o fi ng a nd new construction, the shingle's three d ime nsio n al effect can co mplement v irtu a ll y a ll roof d es ig n s a nd a rc hi tectural styles. ... Circle 191 on Information Request Card Uses a nd fea tu res of t he Sk) lights a nd Well Cover are illustra ted o n the di sp lay with atten tio n focused o n the benefits to the user. APC's h igh pro fi t Sky-Vue D omes is o ne o f to d ay's b est en ergy savi ng, space exp a nding ho me improveme nt lines, with little invento ry in vestme nt Circle 189 on Information Request Card • * • Certain-Teed Re-Designs Color L ine Of Heavyweight Ind e p e nd e n ce S hingles T o bet ter service curre nt ma rk et d ema nd fo r heavyweig ht aspha lt s hingles, Cert a in -T eed Pro d ucts Corp. h as re-designed its Independ e nce Shingre co lor line, adding fo ur new colors in the p rocess. The fo ur new ble nds - Colo nial Sl a te, H ea th e rwood , Driftwo o d, a nd Red wood - have been added to t he line as a resu It o f research Ne\•a ma r Adds Stonehenge To Marble Laminate Line The collectio n of Neva ma r hig hpress ure plas tic la mina te marbl e pa tterns by Exxon C hemica l Co . U.S.A ., has been expanded with th e add ition o f new Sto nehe nge. The new la mi nate features a so ft, ran d o m d esign in muted desert co lo rto nes. Th e effect is compleme nted by th e N evam a r Mirro r su rface lini h. Ideal fo r k itchen a nd ba th a pp li ca ti o ns, n e w Stoneh e n ge is ava il a ble in gene ra l purpose H-5 grade a nd in postfo rming H F-5 grade. It is o ffered in all p opula r sheet sizes. Circle 192 on Information Request Card •• * New Speedstore U nit Introduced By Jarke Corp. J a rke C orpo ra tio n has announced a new shee t a nd plate rack addition to its catalog line. Ide ntified as the Speedstore, the new rack is shipped completely knocked-down a nd bolts quickly into a structure for vertica l storage of s heet, pl ate, and other flat materials. You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 avai la ble in severa l di r ectio na l designs and several styles of " T " shapes. ... Circle 198 on Information Request Card Speedsto re units are desig ned in ten foot sectio ns and can be joined end for end in co ntinuo us rows of any m ultiple. Six inch compartments individu ally accept up to six tho usand po unds o f sheet or lig ht plate. Each ten foot sectio n pro vides five full compartmen ts plus a ha lf compa rtme nt a t eac h end. The Speedsto re is designed fo r material sizes ra ngi ng fro m 3' to 6' in width and 8' to 12' in length. .. . Circle 196 on Information Request Card New Ad For J ohn -Manville Solid Vinyl S iding Features Name Of Local Dealer A new eye-catching newspaper ad vertisement fro m J ohns-M a nville tells th e virtues o f Driftgra irim solid vinyl siding, with the local dealer or contracto r name impr inted at botto m . The ad, designed with copy at an angle a nd genero us use of white space, is bo und to attract reader attention . I t points o ut th at J -M solid vi nyl siding is scratch, rust, blister, rot, dent and wa ter resistant, and never needs pa inting. A co up o n with the dea ler or co ntracto r name, address and telephone number is included fo r readers torequest mo re information a bout D riftg rain'm. . .. Circle 197 on Information Request Card Increase yourprpfit \ po_t~;nttal witll 1 . "The COR/AN® Experience.'t ~~~ -tit Kessler KCS Weatherstripping In independent la bo rato ry tests measurin g a ir infi lt r a tion , the K e ss l er P r o duct s Co., I n c. economica l new pa tented KC S Wea thers tr ip s howed sig nificant energy savings o ver any k now n currently marketed pile weatherstrip o r pile com bina tio n weatherstrip. This reductio n in the loss of heated or air conditi o ned air is m ade possible by the excl usive KC S triple extrusion constructio n. A rigid PVC base a ncho rs a resilient po lyo lefin leg th a t presses thr ee s ea ling po lyo lefin a nti-friction str ips against the opposing sur face. These low frictio n strips provide fo r easy operati o n, sliding, closing a nd o pening. KC S weath erstr ips come in three sta ndard widths fo r easy insta llation in a ll standa rd grooves and a re Your business needs Du Pont COR IAN because COR IAN means more business, Ask an y dealer who displays it. He'll tell you CO R IAN prac· t ically sells itself . Once your cust omers see it. Once they touch it. Once they experience t he rich, opalescent beauty of COR IAN , y ou ' re on your way to sell ing anot her vanity or countertop. Bu t , the COR IAN Experience brings more than beauty to bat hs or kitchens. It brings new ease of daily living. Because COR IA N is a sol id material, accidental knife cuts, scratches and cigarette burns can usually be rubbed out without damaging t he materi al or pattern. And because COR IAN is nonporous, most stains can be w iped away . Put the COR IAN Experience t o work for y ou . See your BROSCO Representative today about h is FAL L COR IAN Promotion. Bro c k w ay-Smith Company New England Distributors of CORIAN building products ((]jt11ia'Dl You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Serving New England f rom plants at ~PON And over, Mass.- Portland, Me. ~ North Haven, Conn. -East Longmeadow, Mass. ..•• • ~.... Circle 4 on Information Request Card 15 New O rnamental Iron Merchandiser From Logan Co. The Logan Co. has anno unced a new is land merchandiser for displaying its economy line of ornamental iron products. Intended principally for the do-ityo urself m a r ~et, thi s colorful merchandiser ' contains Loga n's Colonnade railings, posts, scrolls, base plates and a ll the other components required for installation by the home handyman. Complete instructio ns on pla nn ing, measuring and parts selection are included with the display to pro mote sales to the retail customer. Ease of installation is emphasized using Logan's patented No-Drill fittings. Although requiring less than 25 sq. ft. of floor space, the merchandiser contains a complete basic stock for the retailer. It is designed in bright colors to complement the flat black finish o f the product. . .. Circle 199 on Information Request Card Ex terior Brick Panel On Wire Lath A completely new modular exterio r b r ick pane l has been developed by Flair Prod ucts, Inc., where a ll the 12 brick facings of 3/ 8" are completely embedded in galvanized wire lath. 16 This permits the homeowner to na il the 2 sq. ft. panel to the wall studs and mortar the joints with a mortar ad hesive in a ca ulking tube. Flair Products, Inc. has combined two basica lly acceptable building materials- concrete bricks fortified with epoxies and galvanized wire lath - to give the homeowner years of use. The panel is a lso weatherproof an d fireproof. Th e sys tem offers many economies in time and material o ver individua l brick systems. Only 1.4 of the mortar is required in a nail-up installatio n si nce the mortar serves only to decorate rather th an offer adhesion for the brick. li v in g area direct ly from the fireplace and prod ucing between 15,000 to 40,000 BT Us using fireplace heat. Convect-0-Heater fi ts a ll fireplaces ... no special installation necessary. It is merely inserted into the fireplace. . .. Circle 194 on Infor mation Request Card ... C ircle 193 on Information Request Card Convect-0 - Heate r By Ge neral P roducts Corp. A self-contained portable unit designed to divert a substantial a mount of fireplace heat into the room, instead of up the chimney, has been developed by G eneral Products Corp. Efficient room heating is achieved by building the fire directly on the tabular chambers. As these chambers are heated by the fire, cool air is draw n in at the bottom openings, s uper hea ted , then fo rced out through the upper openings. Forced convection is produced by a small silent blower. The forced convectio n process of hea ting overcomes chimney draw a nd converts the fireplace into a heat producing system. The chambers, o nce heated (this takes approximately 10 minutes) need only a sma ll fire to maintain a constant heat fl ow into the room, thus saving on fireplace fuels. Convect-0-Heater is capable of heating up to I ,200 square feet of New G-P Oxford Paneling W ith An Innovative Surface T reatment Oxford, an interior panel that creates a new s urface look in prefinshed plywood wall paneling, has been introduced by GeorgiaPacific Corp. This paneling pays tribute to English craftsmen, who for centuries used the s ubtle elegance of select wood to enrich and accen t their homes. Oxford recalls th is tradition in detail with dappled undertoning on its birch veneered plywood surface, created by utilizing colored inks to ach ieve mottled patterns. Three decorator colortones are available in th e Oxfo rd line. They include: Ivy, with a subtle gree nish hue; Burgu ndy, with a hint of a deep wine-red undertone; a nd Heatherbrown, with an overall nut-brown a ppea rance coupled with the look of a leather overprint. Circle 195 on Information Request Card Red Devil, Inc. Introduces New Paint Applicator Line Red Devil, Inc., has introduced a new line of quick-turn paint applicators. The new line can be combined with the company's nationally a d ve rti sed too ls and c h emica l You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 products to take advantage of Red Devil's profit-building MaxiNet1m Program, and to give paint sundries departments the unified look of coordinated packaging. With brushes for every kind of paint and every do-it-you rself paint job, the new applicator line features three quality levels - good, better, and premium - and for easy selfselection and merchandising, both the brush handles and packages are color-coded. Brushes can be displayed with handles up or down, providing reta ilers with maximum density and flexibility in merchandising. Also included with the new applicator line are rollers, available in three quality levels, plus plastic and metal trays and pad painters. Additionally, Red Devil offers a complete promotional line - brushes, trays and rollers - designed to build weekend sales traffic. unveiled by Pierce & Stevens C hemical Corp., for its Hybond* 80 Non-Flammable Contact Adhesive. A self-dispensing, disposable type display, this unit describes the features and end-uses of the product and holds 12 brush-in-top pint containers. Handy for placement on shelves, rack , and counters, it requires approximately I sg. ft. of space. Made of corrugated material and pri nted in two co lors, it comes ready for use- dealer simply removes the outer protective shipping sleeve, in- serts the placard at the rear of the display an d places one of the containers in the die-cut hole in the placard. .. . Circle 203 on Information Request Card Vanity Added To Popular Long-Bell Anniversary Line The L ong-Bel l Anniver sa ry vanity, recently introduced by International Paper Company's Cabinet Division, is no exception to the quality and value a cabinet-buying public has come to expect over the When you have a great frame, you know it took a better stud ... At "Little River, that's all they make - STUDS ONLY - from the highest quality Douglas fir, hem fir, and pine. California Cascade Industries is proud to be designated the exclusive sales agent for Oregon's Little River Box Company - where the better studs are made. Circle 204 on Information Request Card 'A L.1mlrfd Time OfltH Get e Llllll River T -shirt. •nd 11/J 1t with 11 lramtl of your choice A compli- ,._, .................... . mentary T-shlft goes wtth 0119ry orderof ''LJrtltiRtvor"Jtuds T·sh~rt orders acceptod wfrhout lumber purchase, Retatl price $5.00 each Speclly stzo sm., md., lg. ~ California Cascade Industries P.O. Box 130026 95813 555 University Ave. Suite 234 Sacramento, CA. 95825 Tel. (916) 929-9525 P & S Introduces New H ybond* Merchandising Display An a ll new contai ner and merchandising display was recently You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 17 house current a nd requires no specia l high cost electrical wiri ng. Quiet operatio n makes it ideal fo r use in the home. Precise engineer ing and rugged constructio n wi ll give years of usage with minimum maintenan ce. A professio nal unit is ava ilab le for use by spas, health clubs, co ndominiums, physicians, testing labs, and rehabilitation centers. ... Circle 201 on Information Request Card past 100 yea rs. The rich warmth of real wood is accented through ten separate finishing steps. Stain is hand wiped on doors, drawer fronts and face frames, producing a rich, natural pecan tone. A catalyzed a lkyd ur ea top coat mean s durabi lity a nd low maintena nce. A ll frame members are jo ined in mortise-and-teno n, interl ocked for tight fit, and then nailed and g lued sn ugl y togethe r for st ructu r a l rigidity . Face a nd door frames, and drawer fronts are solid hardwood. D oor panels are hardwood veneer. The vani ty is avai lable in bowl units, units wi th drawers and un its with shelves. .. . Circle 200 on Information Request Card :. New Line Of Motorized T readmills By MacLevy Products Corp. Maclevy Products Corp . recently a nn o unced the introd uction of a new line of low cost, motori zed treadm ills, desig ned to meet the needs of joggers everywhere. The motori zed Jog M aster Treadmill is ava ilable in two models. The standard unit has a speed range from I , through a slow walk to 9 1/2 MPH. The unit operates o n regul ar 18 Masonite Introduces 2 New Series Of Brick And Marble Design Panels Two series o f new in terior wall panelings - a total of five distinctive prefini s hed ha rdb oard panels - have been introduced by Masonite Corporation's H ardboard Division . The new wa ll pa neling includes three stagge red "Used Br ick" d esigns and two Ma rble designs. Both designs a re intended for residential as well as commercial a nd institutio nal installations; for use b y t he do -it-yo urselfer or professio nal co ntracto r . The brick pattern rivals t he real th ing in terms o f its look and feel and in the way in wh ich t he panels join together . The "Used Brick" d es ign s a re availab le in thr ee deco rator colo rs - Red, with a black mortar effect; White, with g ray mortar; and Tan, with a brow n mo rtar. An outstanding feature of th e new brick designs is the way t hey join together wit hout a noticeable seam. This is accom plished by using a cut brick design techniq ue; specificall y by using a half-brick on alternating rows a long with each edge of the panel. The o ther ha lf o f the brick a ppears on the abutting panel. New M arbletone is a reproduction of Et ruscan travertine marb le with the dimensional text ure a nd smooth sur face of t he most elegant o f a ll sto ne s. Th e look of bookma tched ma rble s la bs was achieved after years of intensive research and experimentatio n. New Marbletone is available in two soft, light colo rs (Gray a nd Green) in 4 x 8 du rable hardboard panels that are easy to install a nd easy to clean. The paneling is not designed fo r use in bathrooms or o ther high-moisture areas. .. . Circle 202 on Information Request Card Wessell Hardware Introduces The Mini-Pak* W essel H ardware has in t roduced the Mini- Pak*, a new poly bag program that offers the consumer the impulse sales appeal of carded me rchand ise a t the competitive prices of poly bagged bulk merchandise. Insert the 2' metal shelf (furnished free with every four different Min iPaks* ordered) into pegboard and place the Mini-Paks* on the shelf. Build your own 2', 4', 6', or 8' program featuring a wide assortment of window and d oor hardware, security p rod ucts, mendi ng plates, strap hinges, barrel bolts, sa fety continued on page 63 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR - 1976 Name . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . (pie8s~ p;i ~t ) Use This Information Request Card For Free Information . . .. . .... .. .. . . . . Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEED MORE INFORMATION? Circle R eader Service Num · ber and fill out t his card . T Y PE OF BUSIN ESS 0 0 0 0 Retailer Whol esaler M anufac t u rer Manu facturer's R ep . o Trade Assn . Q For Ad And Product Information Circle Corresponding Key Numbers. A ddress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ci tv . . . . . . . . . . . . .. State . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 2 1 41 61 81 10 1 121 2 22 42 62 82 102 122 3 23 43 63 83 103 123 4 24 44 64 84 104 124 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 6 26 46 66 86 106 126 7 27 4 7 67 87 107 127 8 28 48 68 88 108 128 9 29 49 69 89 I 09 129 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 I I 3 1 517 1 9 1 111 131 12 32 52 12 92 112 13:1 13 33 53 73 93 113 133 14 34 54 74 941 14 134 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 16 36 56 76 96 116 136 17 37 57 77 97 117 137 18 38 58 78 98 118 1) 8 19 39 59 7'9 99 119 139 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 141 161 181 201 221 24 1 261 281 142 162 182 202 222 242 262 282 143 163 183 203 223 243 263 283 144 164 184 204 224 244 264 284 14 5 165 185 205 225 245 265 285 146 166 186 206 226 246 266 286 14 7 167 187 207 227 247 267 287 148 168 168 208 228 248 268 288 149 169 189 109 229 249 269 289 150 170 190 2 10 230 250 270 290 151 17 1 19 1 2 1123125 1 2 7129 1 152 172 192 212 232 252 272 292 153 173 193 2 13 233 253 273 293 154 174 194 21 4 234 :l54 274 294 155 175 195 215 235 255 275 2'35 156 176 196 21 6 236 256 276 296 157 177 197 21 7 237 257 277 297 158 178 198 218 238 258 278 298 159 179 199 219 239 259 279 299 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Pl ease enter my ($8.00 per y ear) (Group of 5 or m ore $5 .00) 30 1 32 1 341 361 381 40 142 1 44 1 302 322 342 362 382 402 422 442 303 323 343 363 383 403 4 23 443 304 324 344 364 384 404 4 24 444 305 325 345 365 38 5 405 4 25 445 306 326 346 366 386 406 4 26 446 3tl7 327 347 367 387 407 427 44 7 308 328 348368 388 408 4:l8 448 309 329 349 369 3d9 40\1 4 29 449 310 330 350 370 390 4 10 4 30 450 3 11331 351371391 4 11 431 4 5 1 312 332 352 372 392 4 12 4 3:1 452 3 13 333 353 373 393 4 13 433 453 31 4 334 354 374 394 414 434 454 3 15 335 355 37!) 395 415 435 455 316 336 356 376 396 4 16 436 456 317 337 357 377 3974 17 437 457 318 338 358378 398 418 438 458 319 339 359 379 399 419 43\l 459 3:10 340 360 3!10 400 420 440 460 ( Fo retgn $9.50) Subscrip t i on Signatu re . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '- Check Enclosed D 0 Bill Us ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TBB LUIIBBB CO-OPBUTOB Serv.ng Ret a11Lumber and Bu•ld•ng M atenal Dealers In the Northeast INCORPORATEO r.----------------- - ----- - -- ~ ----- -- ------- - -- - - - --- -- ------- - -------- ~- - THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR- 1976 Please ente r . . . . . . Use This Card To Start Q Individual Or Group Subscriptions . . . . .. . Su bsc riptions @$8.00 .. Grou p Su bscriptions @$5.00 Fo re ign Subscriptio ns @$9.50 Bill Us . .. .Check Enclosed Name .. .. .. .... . . Name ... . . . Co mpany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Com pany . Address .... Ad dress . Cit y ... Cit y ... . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . State . . . .. . . . . . . . . Zip . . . State . . . . .. . ... .. .. Zip .. . . . . .... . . Check type of Business : 0 Retailer 0 Wholesa ler 0 Manufacturer FIRST CLASS Permit No. 3111 Rochester, H. Y. BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Po1toge Stomp Necessary if Moiled in the United States Use This Information Request Card For Free Information POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY - THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR 339 East Avenue ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14604 ---- ' -- ---- . .' !BB ~~~ LDIBIB CO-OPIU!OB Serv•ng Reta11Lumber and Bu1ld1ng Mater1al Dealers ' " the Nor1heast INCORPORATED FIRST CLASS Permit No. 3111 Rochester, H . Y. BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Postage Stomp Hecenory if Moiled in the United States POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY - THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR 339 East Avenue ROCHESTER , NEW YORK 14604 Use This Card To Start Individual Or Group Subscriptions TO SOLVE THAT BUSINESS GIFT GIVING PROBLEM AT CHRISTMAS TIME ... EXPRESS YOUR SENTIMENTS TO YOUR CUSTOMERS, EMPLOYEES, BUSINESS PROSPECTS OR FRIENDS IN A MOST TASTEFUL AND THOUGHTFUL WAY USE PICK-A-GIFT Where your customer chooses his own gift Your recipient wil l make the gi ft choice from the many most-wanted gift items displayed and described in the albums offered .. Next , he wi ll f ill out the order form which is a pre-addressed, postage pa id postca rd t hat is easily det achable from the album cover. He'll drop the order in the mail. About the Gift Albums . .. Largest gift selection in t he industry .. . as many as f orty items in most al bums. Nationa lly advertised brands of f ine quality . All gifts pictured in fu ll co lor w ith compl et e and accurate descriptions. Beautiful album covers designed t o convey your message w ith warmth and sincerity . PICK-A-GIFT Let the magic of take over for you. With the stroke of a pen, you can solve your business gift giving problems the easy way. Circle 7 on Information Request Card Corning Building Company Holds Grand Opening plays a nd other special display spaces designed to show items as they will look in a home. The Grand Opening beginning September 2 1, included the giving away of over $5,000 in free prizes. So me o f the prizes included Armstro ng Ceil ing Tile, a H eatilato r fireplace unit, a K aiser Aluminum sto rage shed, a 72" pine unfinish ed sta rter kitchen, appliances, tools, paneling, furniture a nd miscellaneous household items . • Bill Croft, lroquolt Sales Manager; Mar l on Sm i th , Secretary, CornIng B ldg . Co .; Paul Suaco, lroquolt Sale• Rep. for N.Y. Southern Tier. Jamet W. Smith cult board on grand opening day. The official opening of the Corning Building Co., Co rning, N.Y. was marked Tuesday, September 2 1, by the cutting of a boa rd, instead of the traditional ribbo n c utting ceremony. J ames W. Smith , ch airman of th e board, using a handsaw, cut a b oard in fro nt o f the ma in e ntrance to the new bui lding. The co mp any, once sp raw led ove r mu c h of downtown Co rning , is now located und er o ne roof, fea tur ing a main store sales area exactly one acre in size. Features of the new location include dark natural wood on the front of the building, while an o utdoor sales area contain ing suc h items as garde n supplies is surro unded by an att racti ve wooden fence. Inside, va riou s de pa rtments stretch out on bot h sides of the e nt rance, filling the 42,000 squ a re foot building. M a n y co lo rfu l di sp lays are featured throughout the store. The departments ho used in the new complex include a ll the o ld lines: records, electr ical, plumbing, hardwa re, a nd b ui lding pro ducts. New departme nts added a re a uto motive su pplies a nd saun a baths. A specia l feature is a " ho use of doors an d windows" w hich a llows th e customer to see exactly how dozens of different types of doors and win dows look when installed. The company' s custome rs wi ll no longer see just a ca talogue picture o r a door frame propped aga inst a wal l. In a ddition to the gift shop, appliances a nd hundreds of oth er lines, the store featu res elaborate furniture display a reas, fu ll kitchen set-ups, bathroom dis20 Third generation Jamet Smith applying Thoroaeal. Full k itchen diaplay allow• cuatomer to tee actual tel-up. You saw it In THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Sales representatives from Iroquois Door Compa ny, Th o rosea l, Kaiser Aluminum , Birch cra ft Kitchens, Carroll Industries, Cotter Company, General Electric, Kompack Kitchens an d West Bend were present to demonstrate and show their products. Iroq uois Door Company representatives, Bill Croft and Pau l Susco, discussed with many customers the di fferent items featured in the " house of doors and windows". Arthur Fisher, representat ive for Kai ser Aluminum, demonstrated roofi ng and siding products. The representative from Tho roseal was assisted by third generation James Smith of Corning Building in showing how Thorosea l basement sealer works. unlimited combined shipments of panelboard nails, ,~.-~ ~~~. ~ · pacl<aged -" nails, small wire nails ; and brads, ~i~~ ;~ bull< nails and ~· Arthur Fisher, Kaiser Aluminum sales rep., demonatrates aluminum building products. " House of Doors and Windows. .r cf • 'C I 1ij1 drywall screws fro ~[h0 Corning carries full line of furniture and Interior items. Your one stop source for prompt shipment from stock or on a direct mil l shipment. From 4 cartons to trailer loads anywhere in the country from stock. Also as few as 5 pallets assorted shipped to the port closest to you for lowest possible cost. Lumber sales and service counter. SEE US AT THE NATIONAL HARDWARE SHOW. CHICAGO, AUGUST 16-19, AT BOOTH 1525 '1IRir' write for details and literature to WILMOD CO., INC. The " drive-in" approach which has found its way into many lumber ya rds is a major feature of the new Corn ing Building Co. complex. You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 1700 Broadway, New York, N.Y: 10019 (212) 586-6450 Circle 28 on Information Request Card 21 ----------------------------------------------------- Driv...through building houaing amail and medium alze producta. Located in back of the m ain store a rea is a 4 lf2 acre lo t dominated by five buildings. The largest stru cture is a cavernous shed, 2 10 feet long by 80 feet wide, featuring a th ree la ne road dow n the midd le. T wo of th e lanes a re fo r pullovers and o ne is fo r thro ugh tra ffic. The mezza ni ne sectio ns a re filled with lumber, doors and hund reds of o ther items that a re conveniently ha ndled wi th the "dr ive-t hrough" method. Heavy supplies of the type mo re freq uen tly sold to contracto rs a re housed in a second bu ilding, 140 feet wide by 170 feet lo ng, with two drive-through entrances. Also contained in this bu ilding is a n offi ce, employee lo un ge and a conveyo r belt system to be used fo r unloading trucks o f mercha ndise a nd sto ri ng the items unti l th ey are needed in the m ain sto re. Bo th dri ve-thro ugh buildings include ten-foot roof overhangs to provide ad d iti o nal shelter for the build ing supplies that can be stored outdoors. The new complex also has th ree po le sheds measuring 130 feet lo ng by 32 feet wide used to ho use o ther types of heavier lumber used ma inly by contracto rs. T he enti re o utd oor operation is geared fo r ease of loadi ng and unloadi ng. Back in th e mai n sto re, the central receiving department is usi ng a computer-like device to facilitate the hand ling of o rders. The orders placed with Cotter & Co. o n Wednesdays are at the bu ilding com pa ny by M onday. Cotter & Co., a 5,500 member cooperative building o peratio n, is the maj o r su pplier of the company. The office a rea, desig ned with windows overlooking vario us parts o f the sto re, is much la rger than the q uarters in the old build ings. Va ri ous office person nel assisted in the deco ration of the a reas in which they work . Pole ahed• ere uaec:l to houH heevy lumber uaec:l by contrectora. JemH W. Smith, chelrmen of the board; JemH A Smith, prealdent of Corning Building. D rive-in o rders are placed in the main sto re, where the order is then relayed to the shed by a fo rced air message tube system . Bring ing the company's many divisions under o ne roo f has been under consideratio n for m any years, and Corning Building Compeny'a new complex. 22 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 the company did a considerable amoun t of design work when contemplati ng a move last year. The decis io n to purchase the present locatio n was made after the first site proved unsuitable. The new site has been q uestioned by many because of its closeness to the flood plain. This was taken into account an d a la rge pumping system was in stalled with an electric main motor an d a gasoline-fired backup system . Two add itional systems were provided giving a to ta l of a prima ry a nd three backup systems. When the south Corning area was struck by the Father's Day flood , the site of the new buildings was not damaged showing that the engineering was apparently correct. The system is designed to protect the firm from m ost flood threats except the over-topping of the dikes by the C hemung Ri ver. Founded in I 848 before Corning was incorporated, Corning Building is Corning's oldest firm. The o riginal founder, Charles C. B. Wal ker, ran the business until the late 1800's when his so n-in-law, C hester Glen Cole, took over the operation. Mr. Co le ra n the firm until it was incorporated in 1905 an d became first president of the corporatio n. William T . Smith joined Corning Bui lding in I 898 and became first treas urer in 1905. After Mr. Cole's death in 1920, Mr. Smith became president. Glen Walker Cole, a so n of Mr. Cole and former president of Corning G lass Works, was a dj rector a fter 1920 and chairman of the board of directors from 1933 until his death in 1955. J ames W. Smith, so n of William T. Smith, joined th e firm in 1923 a nd became presi dent a decade later. He now serves as chair man of the execut ive committee. His son, James A. Smith, is the current president of Corning Building Co. Excel Wood Products Continued from page 8 of the 20 handsome systems. Another is the versati lity of its decorative storage units for use in just abou t every room in the home. Offering a wide select ion of colors and wood finishes to choose from, Excel, custom-installed o r free standing cabinets add to the decor of any dining room, den or family room, as well as making perfect storage for the bedroom. The entire decorating concept is carried over in to the com pa ny's line of vanities fo r the bathroom. And fo r those who want to o rigi nate their own color schemes, Excel offers a complete line of unpainted cabinet systems. Excel is known for its craftsmanship in the manufacture of solid-oak frame, all-wood constructed kitchen a nd bathroom ca binets with finishes that a re maintenance free, oven cured for maxim um durability. The Excel lines are available through ki tchen dealers, home centers, contractors an d distributors throug hout the U nited States an d Canada. For complete information an d a copy of the new full color catalog, w rite: Excel Wood Products Co., Inc., P .O. Box 8 19, Lakewood, N.J. 0870 1. Warehouses: Maybrook, N. Y. New Rilchelle, N. Y. Directs: Truckloads Carloads Part Car "Specialists m Western Red Cedar Sidewall Products " HALLOCK LUMBER CO. ARDSLEY N.y. 10502 I 1 x 8 & 10 Channel Sdg. 1 x 12 Tight Knot Bevel Siding 1 x 6 & 8 Paneling 4x4 914-693-0212 18" & 24" Shingles 18" & 24" Handspl its Natural Barn Shakes Primes & rebutts Capilano Wallmasters Shakertown Panels 6\ •=-~ AS SOCIATElfEMBE R Sales Staff: Dick Engle Joe Mullooly Pete Shumway Joe Weaver Dave Hallock Circle 88 on Info rmatio n Request Card You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 23 Vermont Association Elects Officers At 46th Annual Meeting Harry Parker, newly elected prealdent. The newly elected president of the Vermont Retail Lumber Dealers Association is Harry Parker, Parker & Stearns, Johnson, Yt. He was elected to his new position at the Association's 46th Annual Meeting held September 8 and 9 at the Toll House, Stowe, Yt. Also elected as officers were Rodney Akers, Renehan-Akers, White River, Jet., first vice president and Chester Greenwood, III, Prouty & Miller, Newport, secretary-treasurer. Directors of the Association are Chester Greenwood, II ; Roy R otella, Jo hnson Building Specialties, Rutland; John Tanner, Star Lumber Co., Inc. , St. Albans; and Eric R. Bibens, Eric R. Bibens, Inc., North Springfield. September 8 proved to be an active day for those attending as it was a day for visiting with friends, playing golf or tennis, and swimming. Recreational activities continued from morning to late afternoon, ending prior to dinner. McCrosky; 3rd Low Gross, Bill Flanders and Art Dorsey. Low Net went to Ron Bebeau; 2nd Low Net, Dave Smith; 3rd Low Net, D o n McKinnon; and 4th Low Net went to Carl Hedlund . Nearest the Pin was awarded to Paul Flynn, an d Bill Lahaye won Most Honest Score, while Nick Garafalo won 2nd Most Honest Score. Most S's went to Art Dorsey; Harry Parker received an award for Most 3's; and Carl Hedlund received an award for Only 2. Smartest Score Keeper award went to Horace Pierce. Golfer• ready for tee off. Summer weather fevora golfers. A Midnight Sandwich and Coffee Hour in the TBar was sponsored by the wholesalers and manufacturers from II :30 p.m. to 12:30 a .m. bringing the first day's events to a close. The a nnual golf tournament got under way at 8 a.m. Thursday, September 9, at the Stowe Co untry Club. Excellent summer weather was a good incentive to get the golfers o n the golf course. The following golf wi nners were awarded prizes by Roy Rotella, chairman of the golf comm ittee: Low Gross, J eff Stockd ale; 2nd Low Gro ss, Bru ce 24 Tennla player• take a momenta r"t. Tennis enthusiasts were on the courts from 8 a.m. to 12 noon participating in singles and doubles. Howie Smith awarded prizes to Jack Sheehan , winner of the You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 ----·--- ·- - singles and Don Clay as runner up in the singles matches. Prizes fo r doubles went to Erro Heinonen and Vern Simmons, while Norm Picard received a Booby P rize for showing up to play. Swimming was provided fo r those attending who wished to use the pool, while gondola rides were avai lab le for relaxing entertainment. Registration was held all morning before lunch and in the late afternoon and early evening prior to the social hour. Wholesalers and ma nufacturers again sponsored the socia l ho ur. Everyone en,oya banquet. Firai prealdent of Vermont Aaaoc:latlon, Loren Allen, with four grandaona who ere In bualneaa with him. The an nual business meeting held after dinner bro ug ht recognitio n of Loren Allen, first president of the Vermont Associatio n in 1930. With him were his four g ra ndsons who are all :n business with him. Harry Parker, current president, presided over the meeting. NRLA' s president, J . G1enn Spoor gave a brief talk on the accom plishmen ts of the associatio n this past year, including the lumber (;Onference in Washington held in May. He also urged everyone to attend the annual North eastern conventic n in Boston o n Jan uary 7, 8, 9, 1977. Ho race G. Pierce, NRLA, was present to discuss the associate member program and to welcome a ll who had joined. Another major t'Jpic of discussion was the BUYERS' GU IDE & D EA LE R D IR ECTORY recently published by th e Northeastern Associatio n. conlinued on page 6 1 We'll help you sell kitchens and vanities at Low- Retail Prices! Kitchen Cabinet Starter Set FULLY ASSEMBLE D OAK-grained cabinets w i t h spring-loaded hinges and many other features. Inclu des: 5 ft. ba'e cabinet, two 1 5" x 30" wall cabinets a nd scalloped valance. SUGGESTED RETAIL : $109 .95 New Style Promotional Vanities FULLY ASSEMBLED with c u ltured marble top, sparkling white cabinet, sprlng-loaded hinges and other q u alit~ featu res. MODEL 50 17" x 20" SUGGESTED RETAIL : $39 .95 Your cost as low as $24.76 MODEL 200 19" x 25" SUGGESTED RETAIL : $69 .95 Your cost as low as $44 .76 II tiOI DIS TR IBUTI NG CO., INC. Circle 22 on Information Request Car d You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 201 Maple 51 , CheiMa MA 02150 (61 7) 884-7070 Oakland Rd .. Waltrvflle M E 04901 (207) 465-7911 Call Toll-Free from Mass. 1-8()()-322-4806 Maine 1-800-452-8797 N.H~ Vt, Ct., RL, N.Y~ N.J. 1-800-225-3414 25 The Subject Is Sinks A sink is a sink is a sink! D o n't you believe it. There's a lot mo re to si nk selectio n than meets t he eye. And today's homemaker who is about to make a n investment in kitchen modernizing is becoming mo re sop histicated in her choice o f new app liances; that op histicatio n extends to the kitchen sink. The customer is looking fo r i nte lligent a nd professional guidance, on not o nly such important matters as type, style and placement of sink, but also in the matter of brand name. This presents the o pportu nity, indeed, the respo nsibility for th e plumbing contracto r to provide the best product possible. Stainlel l ateel Waate-AII alnk available In alngle or double compartment modela. In an age of consumerism , today's inq uisitive and involved homem aker who contemplates a new sink purchase has many questions to be answered . And with an overwhelming p reference for sinks of stainless steel, the C ustomer Service Department of E lkay Manufacturing Company (the world's largest producer of stainless steel sinks) find s it is fieldi ng a barrage of consum er q uestions these days. T he q uestions most asked (and the answers Elkay s upplies) are listed here: How will I know I'm getting a " quality" sink? One way is to insist on a sink tha t is constructed of nickel-bearin g stain less steel. N ickel content adds the qua lity which enhances the beautiful finish and stain resistant qu ality und er all kitchen co nditio ns. The preferred stainless steel for kitchen sinks is the nickelbearing T ype 302, si nce it is far superior in corrosion resistant capab ilities. Is th e " thi ckn ess " of th e m eta l a n import a nt consideration? Thick ness, o r gauge of the metal, is most importan t. Generall y recommended for resid enti al sink use a re # 18 a nd #20 gauge thi ckness. ote th at the s ma ller the ga uge n umber, t he thi cker the materia l; therefore, #18 ga uge is heavier th an # 20 a nd so on. The ideal 26 residenti al sin k product is a combination of T ype 302 stai nless steel and # 18 gauge, with the proper surface fi nish. The ga uge an d type of stainless should be indicated in sink specificat ions and o n the ink ca rton. Do stainless steel sin ks require special attention? No. A II that's needed is a n occasiona l wash wit h a mild detergent. T hen wipe t hem dry with a cloth or dish towel. Lig ht scouring with your favo rite cleanser fo llowing the "grain lines" act ually improves the look o f stainless steel , a nd of co urse stainles steel w ill never chip, stain o r crack a nd wil l last a lifetime. What sizes and styles are ava ilable? Designers have t ransfo rmed sheets of stain less steel into a lmost every imaginab le style and size sink. Round, sq uare, rectangu lar an d oval are the basic shapes, and these ca n be comb ined in one si nk - such as th e triple compartment si nk. D ouble bowl sin ks are available that fit neatly into a corner location; a nd large capacity sinks have larger, deeper basi ns to accommodate oversize roast ing pa ns an d cookie sheets. What do I look for in fi ttings? Since they receive as much wear a nd tear as the s ink itself, to p qu ality faucets a re a must. The fa ucet fixture sho uld respo nd to the slightest touch. A swinging spout and an aerator are added conveniences. The aera tor saves o n water a nd is excellent fo r rinsing vegetables and ot her foods because of th e tiny a ir bubbles it introduces into the stream of water. A swinging spo ut enables you to rinse o ut the sin k with a nick o f the wrist a nd points High faahlon aingle-lever faucet In Tiara line dealgned to complement Elkay atalnle11 ateel alnk. the wa ter exactly where it's d esired . Ma ny ex tras a re offered in the fittings a rea, such as lotion and soap dispensers, spray attachmen ts, remote control drains an d single lever fa ucets. Make sure th at you evaluate your need s before yo u in vest. For further informatio n write Elkay Manufacturing Company, 2700 S. 17th Aven ue, Broad view, Illinois 60 153. You saw It in TH E LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Woodbury Lumber Goes Under The Big Top Woodbury Lumber Company headquartered in G lens Falls, N .Y ., held a tent sale and auction August 26, 27 and 28 to clear their existing warehouses of discon ti nued , o ne-o fa - kind, or s l ig h t ly damaged mercha ndise. T his was a pre - plan n ed promotiona l campaign to clean house before rebui lding, at their present location in G lens Falls, a new home center, retail buildi ng materia l yard, and office complex. The te nt sale was in co nju nctio n wit h a 2-week Labor Day pro motion . A heavy ad vertising campaign satura ted newspaper and radio, plus a n 8-page sales insert was used. A press release with photo was set up a day befo re the tent sale. Live broadcasting and music was provided from a noat made to drive around prior to, a nd during, the 3-day sale. Refreshments were available at a sta nd set up as extra drawing power fo r this event, offering ho t dogs fo r 15¢ and soda for 5¢. An advertising Professional auctioneer auctioned off ell remaining merchandise. approach of "Come join us fo r lun c h " was p r o m o t e d , plu s giveaways were on ha nd fo r the custo mers. Erected next to their yard was a large 40 foot by 60 foot open tent to house all the sale items. T hro ugho ut t he 3- day even t , rep laceme n t merchandise was brought in daily. To end this sale, a professional auctio neer came in to auction off a ll remaining merch andise and special items, even a big 14 foot by 20 foot display garage. Michael Woodbury, president of the Woodbury Lumber compa nies, said this promotio n was a n outstanding success. " N o t o nly did we achieve our primary objective to move warehouse merchand ise and stimulate cash sales, but regular sales in the ma in retail center were up 62% for those three days." Tent sale held to cle1n house. Ahoy Mates.! ANCHOR SALES NEW PHONE NUMBERS N.Y.C. & WEST. (212) 895-5051 • LONG ISLAND (516) 292-1121 NEW ADDRESS 151 Fulton Avenue, Garden City Park, New York 11040 ·):sil;Yi'"'~' tiJ:s:r:tn:\ i!ililtgss;u->;::a~ is·g>S&JiQ -. U f, "'Y~'A~!TV THE No.1 PREFINISHED WALL PANEL 0 l® LINE IN THE U.S.A. 24 Wood-Grained Finishes Also available DYNASTY MOULDINGS-14 Finishes Wood-Grained Moulding-S Profiles. • Lauan Panels and Fancy Plywood • Lauan Entrance Doors, Hand Carved • Teak Parquet Floori ng • Other Fi ne Prefi nished Panel ing, Mouldings and Wood Products. As a major importer of Plywood and Wood Products-we welcome inquiries on direct mill shipments. Circle 3 on Information Request Card You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 27 Sherman Elected President At 44th Maine Meeting The 44th Annual Meeting of the Retail Lumber Dealers Association of Maine was held September 16, at Sebasco Lodge, Sebasco Estates, Me. Events of the day started with registra tion and a get acquainted gathering for mem bers, wholesalers and manufacturers to make new friends and strengthen old friendships. Past president, Lee F . Adams, Jr., Lumber and Supplies, Inc., Ya rmouth , officia ted at the Board of Directors meeting held in the morning. Elected officers of the Mai ne Association include: president, Walter H . Sherman, Wiscasset Lumber Co. Inc., Wiscasset; 1st vice president, J ames J . Mooney, Sterns Lumber Co., Inc., Ba ngor; 2nd vice president, K . David Hancock, M. S. Ha ncock Inc., Casco; secretary-treasurer, George Hermans, Deering Lumber Inc., Biddeford. Directors of the association include: David E. Elder, Augusta Lumber Company, Augusta; J. Daniel Gendron, N . J . Gendron Lumber Co., Sanford; Everett L. Spear, II , Everett L. Spear, I nc., Rock land; J effrey T . Fox, N .T . Fox Co., Inc., Portland; Fred W. Currie, L.C. Andrew Inc., So. Windham; and Carlton Carey, Kennebec Building Supply Co., Inc., Waterville. Ex-officio is Lee F. Adams, Jr. " Alright fellow• - let'e go out there end ehow them w e really do know how to golf!" Tennl• player• take • breather. Low Net went to Don Ha nscom; 2nd Low Net, Bob Stremlke; 3rd Low Net, Paul Burnell. In the wholesale division the winners were: Low Gross, Bucky Buchannan; 2nd Low Gross, Tom Blanchard. Low Net winner was Warren Greim; 2nd Low Net, Robert Gray; and 3rd Low Net, Don C lay. C losest pin winner was Don Clay. P..t prHident, LH Adema, preeldlng et d inner A bountiful, appetizing buffet luncheon was attended by those present at the first portion of the annual meeting. Afternoon activities included the yearly golf and tennis tournaments. Sports for those not interested in golf or tennis ranged from boat riding and ping pong, to candlepin bowling and horseshoes. With a dry golf course and clear skys, the golf tourna ment got under way in the early afternoon providing those participating with 9 holes. Reta ilers winning in the golf tournament were: Low Gross, Peter Pare; 2nd Low Gross, Chet Greenwood . 28 Golfing enthueleete prepare for tH·Off. You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Tennis this year provided those playing with some good competitive matches. Single matches were won by Erv Heinoner, 1st place; and Dave Hancock, 2nd place. Do n Clay / Richard Caldwell took Ist place in the doubles with Ra lph Sama/ George Hermans taking 2nd · place. The annual business meeting was presided over by Lee Adams, Jr . J . Glenn Spoor, president of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association, discussed the 1977 convention in Boston, general NRLA activities a nd the newly produced Successful Selling Program . Executive vice president of NRLA , Horace G . Pierce, foll owed Spoor's presentation and discussed in Peel preeldent, Arthur Moulton; current Secretary, George Hermane. J. Glenn Spoor, David Hancock at dinner. Daniel Hurley, Bird & Son, Inc., recelvee plaque for 25 yeere aervlee with Bird. continued on page 62 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 29 ln-Sink-Erator Introduces 'Steaming H20 Tap' A new, improved ho t water dispenser has been introduced by the ln-Sink-Erator Division, Emerson Electric Co., Racine, Wis. Called the " Steaming Hp T ap," the new dispenser model has a completely redesigned fa ucet spout and incorpo rates several mechanical improvements. H o t water dispensers provide 190° F hot water at the kitchen sink , instantly. They are used in ho mes a nd institutions for making instant coffee, tea, cereal, soups and other fast foods. An estimated 100,000 dispensers will be sold by the industry in 1976. In-Sink-Erator o fficials pointed o ut that the new spout o n the "Steaming Hp Tap" was designed so that it is longer and has an all-chrome finish . N- hot w1ter dl~-. "Ste1mlng H20 T•p" Introduced by ln-Sink- Eretor. Mechanical improvements include relocatio n of the expansion chamber to the top of the tank housing thereby eliminating the possibility of a ny heat being transferred to the faucet itself. A convenient drain plug has also been added to the bottom o f the tank assembly to extend the life o f the un it. The drain plug is easily accessible for draining and clea ning the unit in high lime water areas and is ideal for summer ho mes where dra ining is required to prevent freezing . 30 The " Steaming Hp T ap" for residential use is the Model H-770. It will provide up to 60 cups of 190° F water per ho ur and requi res only one small water connection. In-Sink-Erato r officia ls stated that studies have shown that the "Steaming H p Tap" uses one-third less energy than the range-top heating of a tea kettle. The new dispenser comes with a 3-prong plug already a ttached and is listed by both U.L. and C. S.A. h plugs in to an ordinary 120-volt outlet. Also available, is the commercia l Model H-778 which has the same features of the Model H-770 with the additio n of a 4" chrome tap extension for filling la rge containers and a capacity of up to 90 cups of 190° F water per hour. The Model H-770 is being packaged in an attractive self-selling merchandisi ng display carton which will include the easy installation instructions on the o utside of the carton . Service on th e product will be ha ndled by the m o re than I ,000 factory a uthorized In-Sin k-Erator Service Centers throughout the country. In-Sink-Erator is a leading ma nufacture r of hot water dispensers a nd the wo rld 's largest producer of ga rbage disposers. Prudential Features Do-lt-Yourself Kitchen Cabinets Prudential Metal Supply Corp., East Dedham, Mass., a Northeastern associate member, is a distributor of Fuji-Presto kitchen cabinets, a do-it-yourself kitchen cabinet line. A national m arketing program has been developed for Presto cabinets a nd vanities, and warehouse facilities are located in Los Angeles, Calif; Houston, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; a nd Baltimore, Md. Many la rge chains are presently joining the distribution program. In today's economy, hig h profits can o nl y be achieved through rap id inventory turns and stocking of marketable in ventory. Presto cabinets eliminate costly ordering procedures because you stock them in disassembled form. In addition, there are no left or right hand wall cabinets, yo u simply turn the wall ca binets upside-down to make them left or rig ht hand sty les, and base cabinets have reversible doors. T his eliminates up to 50% of your inventory. Latest production techno logies provide mass production runs that were heretofore una ttainable. T his results in large cost savings that are passed a long to retailers. All component parts of these cabinets are produced from lam in ated wood grain surface to the fi nished cabinets. Continuous quality control surveillance of each step in the man ufacturing process eliminates comYou saw it in THE LUM BER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 to be sold . Each package is marked with the size number of the cabinet on four sides of the carton, permitting easy picking regardless of how the cartons are stored. Fujl-Pr..to feetur" do-ltyourMH kitchen ceblnete. plaints. Cabinets are factory assemb led, checked for perfect a lignment, then disassemb led, a nd packed with assemb ly instructions and hardware. Kitchen design layo ut sheets are available from Prudential. These help custo mers outline the dimensions o f the kitchen, and the cabinets and appliances can be drawn in desi red positio ns. Design ideas contained in the layout sheets help in positioning the va rious units. Layout design questions that the dealer has problems with can often be solved through Prudential's sales representatives . When the customer has selected the cabinets, " E-Z Stock " packaging will help the dealer locate the cabinets A complete, dl.....mbled kitchen een be cerrled home by cuetomer In • etetlon wegon. Deliveries of the cabinets can be eliminated, as cabinets for a complete kitchen will fit in a station wagon. Moreover, the customer will be ab le to assemble them in minutes. There are no nails, screws or other ha rdware to buy, a nd no holes to drill. Doors come already mounted a nd all the customer has to do is follow assembly instructions. Only a screwdriver is required. Instruction sheets included with the cabinets fully illustrate the steps necessary for installation. Prudential Metal will be glad to assist the dealer with any sales aids and literature needed on Presto Cabinets. In addition, seminars on the line are given on request. National Texture Corporation rolls out a profit-building package worth looking into: NYC ROLL·ON 1'FXI'URES! At last, a really new idea that means extra business for you! Not just a textured paint, but the real thing- a plaster-like, dimensional textured surface that anyone can apply w£th a standard pa£nt roller. It wasn't around 'til NTC developed it. Better Homes & Gardens gave it editorial space. And now there's memorable, hard-hitting promotion material. Envelope stuffers embossed like the texture pattern itself. Dealer ads. A TV commercial. In-store posters. And a permanent floor display (shown) with battery-driven rotating copy panel that catches the customer's eye. Like to know more? Write us. We'd like to tell you what's happening to NTC Roll-On Texture sales all over the country. We'd like you to know what we can do for you! Rotating island display takes FOR SCULPTURED EFFECTS 32" square of floor space. Panel display also available. .{(§) OATIOOAl TEHTURE lORPORATIOO Circle 186 on Information Request Card FOR WALLS You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 -So~ ROLL·ON PEOPLE .. 215 Tenth Avenue North I Minneapolis, MN 55401 31 Expansion Continues at Warner Pruyn Continui ng the expansion of thei r chain of home center stores, Warner Pruyn, Glens Falls, NY, on September 9 opened their third and newest center and building materi a ls drive-in serving th e FultonMo ntgomery County area in Johnstown , NY. The new branch will carry a complete line of hardware, lawn and garden supplies, a nd pa int and building materi als. Customers will be able to dri ve into the drive-through area and load up with their materials. Having purchased the new site on J uly I , the former auto agency building on th e lot was co mpletely remodeled and enlarged. A 5,680 square foot covered, lumber storage area has been constructed with an overhang on one side to be used for storage of additional building products. Jeffery Smith , formerl y of G lens Fa lls a nd Syracuse, is the manager of the new facilities. Assistant ma nager is Gary Weaver who has also been transferred from the G lens Falls home center. Both have moved to Johnstown, havi ng been prom oted to thei r new positions after completing the company training program in Glens Falls. In additi on to the new store's management team, the merchandising and set up of the new home center was accomplished with the assistance of Neil Giammatteo, merchandising manager, Jim Pal mer, advertising manager, Pete Jensen , construction coordinato r, and Bob White and Andy Garceau, buyers, all from the chain's G lens Falls headquarters staff. Warner Pruyn, the first in the coun try to bri ng together the home center store concept and the building materials drive-in when they buil t their new faci lities in 1972, has since received national recogni tion, winning the Home Cen ter of the Year Award in 1974 and bei ng featured in Georgia Pacific's 1976 Progressive Dealer motion picture. Si nce introducing this new method of merchandisi ng in Glens Falls, the firm has opened a new home center in Saratoga Springs and is in the process of converting its' older Plattsburgh branch to the new concept. The company is well known fo r its free clinics fo r the do-it-yo urself home owner. These cli nics are taugh t by manufacturer's representatives and the Warner Pruyn professional builders' staff, and cover all phases Drive-through located at the back of the yard. Warner Pruyn'• third and newn t home center and drive-through. Jamn Dunbar, NRLA, looks over atore Interior. 32 Cuatomer select• merchandlae In Decorating Department. You saw it in THE LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 \ \ Different department• In the John•town •howroom. of bui ldi ng, remodeling, and decorating for the home owner who wants to do his own work. Featured at the Opening were sales in every department, door prizes, free balloons for the children, free key holders, while the supply lasted, and guessing contests. A bicycle was to be given to the person who could guess the nearest figure to the correct mileage of the back wheel wh ich was attached to a speedometer. Following the co nclusion of the 10-day Grand Opening sale, J. G lenn Spoor, president of the company, commented "the outstanding success of this sale clearly establishes that the people of the Fu lton-Montgomery County area like the home center and building material drive-in concept. We have completed a schedule of our how-to-do-it clinics, which will be starting in October, and, based on the response we always have from customers interested in learning how to save money by doing their own ho me repairs and remodeling, we are confident that store tra ffic and sales will continue stro ng in this newest addition to our home center chain ." You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Warner Pruyn Home Center is a subsidiary of Finch, Pruyn & Co., Inc., a paper manufacturer in Glens Falls which traces its histo ry back to the 19th century. T he earliest beginning of a retail operation by Finch, Pruyn & Co., was a lumber business. The firm also operated a fleet of 30 massive ba rges which carried lime, black marble and stone to New York. Later, the boats carried newsp rint to New York. A retail business was operating as part of Finch, Pruyn by 1912 and, as an outgrowth of the lumber business, a building materials firm was established in 1925. In 1969, Finch Pruyn Sales, Inc. acquired A.C. Warner Co., a building supply firm with extensive land holding on G lenwood A venue and Quaker Road, G lens Falls. Warner Pruyn was formed and began operations at both the retail store on Glen Street and at the former War ner stores on Glenwood Avenue. 33 Building Materials Exposition Sheraton-Boston Hote ~..,. . . . ,~A John B. Hynes Veterans Auditorium Boston, Mass. January 7, 8, 9, 1977 83rd Annual Convention of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association APC Corporation Abitibi Corporation Absolute Coatings Ace Shower Door Company, Inc. Acme Cabinet Manufacturing Co. Acorn Manufacturing Co. Inc. Advance Masonry Repair, Inc. Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. AFCO Industries, Inc. Ajax Hardware Corporation Ajayem Lumber Corporation American Aluminum Window Corp. American Brick & Stone Inc. American Brush Company, Inc. American Door Distributors, Inc. American Hardware Supply Co. American M'"otorists Insurance Co. American Plywood Association American Seal Manufacturing Co. Anchor Sales Corpqration Andersen Corporation Applied Texture, Inc. Armstrong Cork Company Atlantic Prehung Doors B & B Lumber Inc. B. Q. Industries, Inc. S. J. Bailey & Sons, Inc. The Banner Door Corporation Barclay Industries Inc. Bevin Brothers Manufacturing Co. Biddle Purchasing Company Biltbest Corporation Bird & Son, inc. Blaine Window Hardware Company Bohemia Inc. Boise Cascade Corporation Borneo-Sumatra Trading Company 1nc. ostitch Paul Brooker Sales International, fnc. E. L Bruce Co., Inc. Building Products of Canada Burchill Laminating & Groovefold Ltd. Burton Enterprises, Inc. Business Controls Corporation C-E Morgan Building Products Calcinator Corporation Calder Manufacturing Company e. 34 Caldwell Manufacturing Company Caradco-Division of Scovill Mary Carter Industries Cedar Products Limited Celotex Corporation Certain-Teed/ Daymond Corp. Clark Equipment Company Colonial Stove Company The Commercial Bulletin Conolite, Division of Woodall Industries Contech, Inc. Gontinental Chemical & Coatings Corporation Oook & Dunn l>aint Corporation Coronis Building Systems Inc. Cotter & Company D G Shelter )>l'oducts Dacor Inc. Darworth Company Dataline Corporation Decatur Hopkins Deft, nc. Denn1son Manufacturing Co. Designer Wood Products Dexter J-ock Company Dorfile Shelving Systems Co. Downes & Reader Hardwood Co. M. W. Dunton Co. A. C. Dutton Lumber Cor.p. EWS E-Z Painter Corporation Eastern Thermal Products Inc. Eelman Brotbers Elegant Entries Unlimited Emco Specialties Emhart Corporation Enterprise Paint Company Erecto-Pat Inc. Evans Products Company / Paint Div. Evode, Inc. Extruco, Inc. Fabral Corporation Filon/ Vistron Flair Products, Inc. A. W. Flint Company, Inc. / I Formica Corp Franklin Glue Lloyd A. Fry Furman Lumb Fypon, fnc. GAF Corporat Genalco Inc. General Produ Georgia-Pacifi, Glass Laboratc The Gordon D Gossen Compa Green Valley J Griffith Ladde1 Grosfillex,.l'! nc. Hampton Han Hancor, Inc. Handy Manuf~ Handybuilt Cq Harloc Produc Hayes-Te Egu Heatilator Rirf Hirsch Lumbe1 Holmwood AS! Homasote Con Ideal Security International F Jencraft CorPCJ JER Manufac! J etcoat Corpor Joanna. Wester Johns-Manville H & R Johnso K'-S-HJ Inc. Kaiser ~luminl Kasson & KeU Keydata CorpCJ Joseph C...Kiei Knape & Vo_gt )(oppers Co., I K wikset Sales Kyanize Paints Lake Shore ln1 Lamb & Ritch Lambot LumbE Lawrence Brot Leather Jnnova Northeastern's Annual Building Materials Exhibit will be the largest ever. Exhibit space has been expanded and it is all on one floor of the John B. Hynes Auditorium. This expanded space is nearly sold out. Retail lumber dealers will have the greatest selection of products and services to choose from ever offered in this area. Review this list. Talk to sales personnel from these companies during the Convention January 7, 8, and 9, 1977 in Boston. Man:Y of these exhibitors are Northeastern Associate Members. o. any on U.S. Gypsum ompany cturing Co. rporatio11 ~y y Louver Manufacturing Co. Schlage Dock Company F. E. Schumacher Company Inc. The Lumber Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Lynn Ladder & Scaffolding Co., Inc. The Schundler CompanY. N.J. MacDonald & Sons, Inc. Sha'kertown Corporation Macklanburg Duncan Company William Shine Design, Inc. Maintenance, Inc. Sidbec DOKo Malta, Division of Philips Industries Space Metal Building Corporation Marlite Specialty Chemical Company Masonite Corporation - Spt;edraciC, l~c( Maywood Inc. Stanley Door Systems Meakins McKinnon Inc. Steelc.raft Manufacturing Co. ~~~!!IJ! JStow Manufacturing Com any _:: Michael-Regan Suoshield Windo Corporation MiniComp System~ Inc. Sunshine Product l.td. --. Mr. Bar-8-Q, Inc. Mohawk Flush Doors Sykes Floopog Co~pan , lnc. Napko Corporation Syn icat De No}Mandin Lumber National Seat Manufactudng Co~ Tappan Company National Texture eorporation Taylor Buildlng Produc s iv. Nortb American Manufacturing Inc. TECO lfibbals Floorin Company, 1 North Wood Building ~aterials Northeastern Lumber ~anufacturers Assn-. (fouchwood Inc. T~emont Nail Company..__ Nudor of Indiana, Inc. Nu-Econo Brik y True Manufacturing Co,_, Inc. OSHA ~ Tubmaster Corporation Onduline USA, Inc. U-Cart Concrete Syste s Owens-Corning Fiberglas U.S. f o est Products 'Panelmatch U.S. Plywood, Parent. ~sSQciates Div. of Qlampion ~te~atiooal Corp. United Cabinet €'ofporation Parkwood Laminates~ Inc. Peachtree Door United States "iber Corporation Pease Everstrait Doors O~ted Stafes 1G:ypsum Co. Pennsylvania 11umbermens MLttuaLins. Co. United Stat~ Mineral Prod,ucts Co. Philstone Nail CorporationUniversal Fixture~anufacturing Co. Pierce & Stevens Chemical Corp. lJniversal ~illwor~ Pioneer Plastics - Melamite Division ~ U!eth..,e'"Fabricators Vanply Inc. Pioneer Plastics - Pionite Division r~-f1'"< Vermont Barnboar4 P'askolite Inc. ~ Plasticrete Corporation Vermont Weatherboard Inc. Ply Gem Industries Versa eroducts Company guaker City "''ndustries \'ikon Tile Corporation Red Cedar Shingle & HandSplit Shake Bureau Jl Walter Window Components eed -& rince Manur8cturi g Co. Watta-Crete Co• )\'es-Pi'l.e ~illwork, Inc. ..Remington Aluminum ~ Fred Reuten c. W ~1 Hardware Corporation RKB Enterprises, lnc. Wilmod Company ~oblin Building 'P~;oClucts Systems Wil n f.rf Rockwell International Wing Indu tries, Inc. Winter Rotol)¥ay Royal Oak Industries, Inc. Young Ladder Company, Inc. Z-Brick Compan Zonolite - W. R. Grace & Oompan~ y ....,_.~...,..-= ~~ $ }/) 48th Annual Meeting Held By New Hampshire Association Over the weekend of September 17 through 19, 1976, the New H ampshire Retail Lumbermen's Association held their 48th Annual Meeting at Mountai n View House, Whitefield, N.H. F or those a ttending the meeting on Friday, a cocktail party and dinner were provided . The Meyer Davis Orchestra, with male vocalist Ryan Fletcher, furnished entertainment for the evening. Saturday's activities started with a men's and women's 18 hole golf tourna ment that got rained on. Naturally, since the rai n was not that heavy, the enthusiastic golfers played the tournament to the finish. Prizes were distributed to the golf winners by Moe Gregoire, chairman of the tournament. First Low Gross awa rd of the men's tournament went to Steve Hadley; 2nd Low Gross went to Ed Van DeWater. First Low Net was awa rded to Bob O'Sullivan a nd 2nd Low Net went to Ray Belletete. Low Gross winner of the women's tournament was Doris Va n DeWater; 2nd Low Gross winner was C harlotte Belletete. Katherine Geary was awarded a prize fo r 1st Low Net, while Ruth Pratt received a prize for 2nd Low Net. N earest to the pin prizes were awarded to Leo Jaeger for the men and Kay Geary for the ladies . Guy Ryan won the longest drive contest for the men and C ha rl otte Belletete won the longest dri ve in the women's division. Ford Grenade donated for Hole-ln-One-Conteet. Don Heyn {R), lntroducn Larry Shirley, (L) New Hampehire'e flret pre1ident. Moe Gregoire prnenll golf award to hi• boll. Golfer• played, even though It reined. A main feature of the sports event this year was the Hole-In-One contest in which Lumbertown, Meredith , Inc. donated a new Ford Granada to be given to the winner of the contest held at the 8th hole. The car went back to Meredith as no golfer was lucky enough to get the needed hole-in-one. 36 Prior to lunch, a tour of Grandad's Toy WorkShop was provided for those ladies not participa ting in the golf tournament. A poolside buffet was served for lunch wi th a delicious spread of taste-tempting foods. The a ftern oon brought a downpour of rain that kept the tennis tournament a nd horseshoe tournament from being held . Eventually the rain let up and the You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERAT OR, October 1976 Champagne putting contest for men and women did take place. Non-golfer division fo r the women was won by Joyce Johnson, and Dick Caldwell won for the men. The golfer category was won by M arge Zurwell for the women, and Harvey Dupuis fo r the men. At the annual business meeting, the new officers were elected as follows: Donald Hayes, Portsmouth, president; Harvey Dupuis, Manchester, vice president; and Maurice Gregoire, Meredith, secretary-treasurer. Directors elected for the new term include Chester Lucy, Conway; Robert W. Sundeen, Manchester; Donald Janvrin, Hampton Fa lls; and Clarence Beauregard, Marlboro. J. Glenn Spoor, president of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association gave a short presentation on the past year's activities of the Association. He was followed by H orace G. Pierce, executive vice president of NRLA, who also discussed association activities including the recently published BUYERS' GU IDE & DEALER D IRECTORY. Final events of the day included a social ho ur with special hot and cold H ors D 'Oeuvres, the annual banquet and dancing afterwards. The main feat ure of the banquet was the recogn ition of Larry Shirley who was president of the association 40 years ago. Shirley is the p resident o f West Side Building in Manchester. Sundays activities were a repeat of the recrea tional events held on Saturday, with breakfast and lunch included. Paet preeldent, John L. Saturley and wife, Dorie. Mr. a Mre. Larry Shirley and Mre. Dic k (Olive) Hadley at poolalde luncheon. PLYWOOD WHOLESALE COMPANY, INC. is our name! but ... ./i;;IR PLYWOOD and HARDWOOD PLYWOOD and t:'.=.. corrugated filon ...C -,..IJ!e_ fiberglass wo~iJams marlite adhesives versa wrought iron masonite fiC!jC gla~~ ~~ tub /shower doors shutters wall board ceramic crystf".gnter tops prefinished moldings doors A homasote knotty pine plywood prefinished paneling textollte bricks, stone, barnsiding CABINETS ~;~m;~·e pro~i::ii; And we have supplies of everything we sell~!Qht ~~w, even while supplies are a little trght. Delivery by our own trucks means the goods you get will be as good when you get them as they are en ~ e our warehouse . Phone for prici ~pecials! , and carloads . • Our QUALITY is the highes , ~~ing is DIRECT! •#Etta- , PLYWOOD WHOLESALE COMPANY, INC. 1535 South Willow Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03103 You saw It In THE LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 Phone 603-627-4134 9 • 37 I notes about our manufacturerwholesaler friends The appointment of seve n new district sales ma nagers a nd two ass is tant district sa les managers in the recently organ ized Insulation Systems Department of JohnsIndustrial Products Manville's Marketing Division have been announced by R . E. Naylor , director o f sales for the department. All of the new appointees will s upervise sales of a n expa nded line o f the compa ny's indus trial a nd commerc ia l insula ting products. Georgia, Tennessee, northe rn Mississippi, Alabama , a nd Florida. Mr. Parsley has been with J ohnsManville since 1965, serving as a salesman, s taff manager, and product manager. K.M . Texas, Oklaho ma, Arka nsas, New Mexico, Louisiana and southe rn Mississippi ma ke up this district. Mr. Thomson has been with J-M for 26 years in a wide range of sales and managerial assign ments. W.H. Samberg T.J. Carley T . J. Carley, the new district sales ma nager, Northeast Dis trict, will oversee sales activities in New York, New Jersey, N ew England , Virginia and eastern Pennsylva nia. Mr. Carley has been associated with Johns-Manville since 1948 in a va riety o f ales and sales manageme nt positions. Thom~n The district sales ma nager, North Central Dis trict, W . H . Samberg, will be respo nsible for sales in Ohio, West Virginia, Kentuc ky, Mic higan , and western Pennsylva nia. Mr. Samberg has held various sales and sales management positions since he began his J-M career in 1959. D.E. Klepler The dis tric t sales manager, West Coast District, i D. E. Kiepler. He will s upervise sales in California, Hawaii , Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Was hington , Alas ka, a nd Montana. Mr. Kiepler has had 16 years of experience in sale a nd sales management atJ-M . E.W. Korty R.S. Par.ley R. S. Pa r ley will pe rform similar duties as dis trict sales manager , Southeast Distric t, whic h includes North and South Carolina, 38 E. W. Korty, the dis tric t sales ma nager, Midwes t Di tric t, will s upe rvise sales in Illinois, Wiscons in , India na, Iowa, Missouri , Minnesota, North and South Da kota . Mr. Korty has had 36 years of sales a nd sales ma nagement ex pe rience with J -M. K . M . Tho mson is the di strict sales manage r, Southwest Dis trict. J.J. Whalen J. J. Wha len will be dis tric t sales manager of the new Rocky Moun- You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 tain Dis trict, w hich inc ludes Colorado, Wyoming and o ther locations in this regio n . ln Mr. Wha le n's 2 1 yea rs with J-M, he has served as research engineer, product gro up ma nager, and in several ta ff and sales pos itions. The new assistant distric t sales ma nage rs a re C. E. Gowl a nd R. M . Sullivan, w ho will be located in the Midwest and Southeast Districts , res pective!y. Mr. Gowl joined J-M in 1967, starting in fina nce, and has had staff a nd sales experience during the past six years. Sulliva n has been with the company since 1951 and has worked in a variety of staff and sales positions. Lumber Co., Springfield, Mass., second prize winner; a nd Herb S orensen, Dia mo nd Interna tional, Elmwood , Conn., third prize winner. Judging from the respo nse a nd conversations following the O pen House, everyone wa pleased to have had the o ppo rtunity to see the ne w s pecia lty produc ts and tour the facilities . *** *** The West Hartfo rd , Conn . sales office of MacMillan Bloedel Building Materials, recently held an Open Ho use to present a new line of their s pecialty prod ucts. The s uccess ful and informative evening was attended by ap proximately I 00 retail lumber dealers from the state of Connecticut, as well as western Massachusetts. Several valuab le door prizes were awarded to luck drawing winners, some of who m include d Hank Drozda! , Ha mpshire Lumber Co., N o rthampton, Mass . , firs t prize winner; Ray Lord, Valentine C.E. Gowl R.M. Sullivan Lawrence F. DiDo nato has been a ppo inted eastern regional manager a nd Haro ld J . Pfister appointed central regio na l ma nager for Stanley-Vemco, the Detro it-based divis ion of The Stanley Works. Their a ppointme nts were a nnounced by Jo hn N. Lawless , Jr., general sales a nd marke ting manager for the divisio n , w hich produces radio-controlled garage door o peners and auto matic parking gate a nd industrial gate openers. Mr. DiDonato rejoins Sta nley a fte r two years as field sales manage r for the cons umer products DI(OIUmft WALL MR.BRIC """'" Available in Eight Styles: Hanover Brick White Roman Old White Tenessee Roman Old Gold Ledgerock Old Char Fieldstone Distributed By: E.D. Collier & Son, Inc. East Coast Millwork Company, Inc. The Elhide Company, Inc. Lustrum Corp . Northern Jersey Reserve Supply Plywood Sales Corp. Reserve Supply Corp. of Long Island Superior Building Products Superior Supply & Hardware Wolf Distributing Company Wood·Piy Corp. of America Woodbury, N.J. Hicksville, N.Y. Somerville, Mass. Albany, N.Y . Elmwood Park, N.J . Pleasantville, N.Y. Mineola, N.Y. Farmington, Conn. Rotterdam, N.Y. Allentown, Pa. Linden, N.J. Circle 156 on Information Request Card True Manufacturing Company, Inc. P.O. Box 71, Hanover, Mass. 02339 617-826-3101 You saw It In THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 39 - division of The Triangle Corporation . Previously he had been marketing manager for Sta nley Dra pery Hardware division and a sales representative for Stanley Tools di vision. Mr. Pfis ter has been a sales repre sentative for Stan ley Hardwa re division since 1962. Previously he had been sales manager for Porter Cable Machine Co mpa ny. * * * T he Marlite Division of Masonite Corp., Dover, Ohio has formed a new sales/ marketing organization to reach new markets while better serving presen t c us t o m ers, accord in g to vice pres ident and general ma nager, Larry Funk. The Commercial Division, under marketing director, R. S. Campbell, will service large multiple uni t c us tomers, in cluding fas t-food franchise, institutional, light commercial , government, pa rtitions, and marine customers, in addition to fixture manufacturers. The Distribution Division, under market director, Jack Ashworth, is responsible for the dealer / builder j contractor market including industrial, smaller multi-unit customers and specific government accounts. *** -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------- E. D arrow, American Wood Council, executive vice president a nd secretary. The Council's Board of Directors reviewed results o f 23 local promotions carried o ut during this past yea r in major housing markets and saw evidence of increased use of wood products in a number of these areas traditio nally dominated by competitive materials. The Board approved a program for Fall which includes 17 local promo tion s and 10 seminars for building professionals. *** A new "quad" sawmill with two machines, each with four movable band saws, is completing its start-up operation at the Georgia-Pacific Corp. lumber operation in Fort Bragg, Calif. , according to F. C. Holmes, northern Ca li fornia divisio n general manager. ft replaces a fixed-width gang mill and will increase total production capacity of the Fort Bragg operation , which a lso inc lud es a traditional band mill. Better utilization will be provided thro ugh use of thinnings and sma ll logs from treetops in additio n to selective cutting in the company's mixed fir and I:edwood seco nd and third growth forests in the a rea, it was indicated. The new qu a d mill , with a capacity of 150,000 board feet per shift, fulfills a pro mise made by G-P in 1973, when it acquired the operation . At that time plans were anno unced for "a more efficient mill to be built fo r better utilization of annual fo rest growth". *** Harold C . Ellicott At the 8th annual meeting of the American Wood Council plans fo r Fall promotio ns in key housing markets were approved and present officers were re-elected for fiscal year 1976-77. Serving anot~ term are Harold C. E llicott , GeorgiaPacific Corp., president; John 0 . Batson, Batson Lumber Co., vicepresident; Richard P. Neils, St. Regis Paper Co., treasurer; and Carl 40 Three changes in the management organization of Stanley Drapery Hardware, division of The Stanley Works, Wallingford , Conn., were announced by Richard F. Krug, preside nt of the division. Richard L. Nason has been na med vice president manufacturing; Wa lter J . MacFarlane vice pres ident engineering; a nd Thomas S. Ke ller vice president sales. P au l Whitle y, Winter manager a t Sharon, Vt. , announced the opening of a 26,000 square foot complex designed to give Winter customers in New Hampshire a nd Vermo nt faster service for their mill work needs. In ad dition to much expanded warehouse s pace, Ma lta Wood Windows and Winter Prehung Door Units will be assembled in Sharon . All operations have ceased at the Lebanon , N.H. operation because o f this relocation. ** * Richerd L. Naaon Mr. Nason has been plant ma nager of Stanley Drapery Hardware since 1968. He joined Stanley in 1965 as a member of corporate manufacturing services . Welter J . MacFarlane Mr. MacFarla ne has been ma nager of engineering since 1975. He joined The Stanley Wo rks as a trai nee in 1952 a nd beca me a project engineer in the Stanley Ha rdwa re Division in 1954. In 1959 he was made a product line engineer fo r the divisio n . In 1969 Thoma• S. Keller You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 he wa named manager of product engi neeri ng for the Stanley Drapery H ardware Division. Mr. Keller has been general ales manager of the Drapery H ardware Divis io n since 1974. H e joined T he Sta nl ey Works in 1958 a nd was associated with the former Stanley Chemical Divis ion where he held pos itions for approximately I0 years as sales represe ntative, office manager, manager of sales adminis tratio n and sales manage r o f product finis hes. He joined Stanley Tools in 1970 as a p ro duct line manager and was appointed marketing manager in 1973. * * * The Champion T imberlands unit of C hampion International Corp. recently a nnounced fo rm atio n of a Lake States Region and named Ri chard L. Black as regional general manager. L. C. H eist, Champio n International vice president and general manager of its C hampion T imberl ands operation, said the new region wou ld encompass approximately 388,000 acres of timberlands his company recently acq uired control of from Kimberly-Clark . H eist sa id Champ ion Timberlands had begu n management of the acreage and wou ld be carrying o ut appropria te regenerati on an d improvement programs, in ad di tio n to harvesting and selling timber. Black, who has established the new regional o ffice in Norway, Mich. , has appointed Robert E. Lee reg io nal land manager and Neal G. Sperhake, logging m anager. Both men a re former Kimberly-C lar k employees. *** Sidney Whitt, who has reti red from a full-time professorship at the S tate U ni ve rs it y of New Yo rk College of Environmental Science and Forestry, has been ap po inted adjunct professo r for environ mental and reso urce engineering. Dr. Whitt came to the College in 1968 and taught courses in production systems engineering and energy utili za tion. H e also directed a cu rri culum o ption in production systems engineering for eig ht years. I n 1972 he was acti ng dean of the newly established School of Environmenta l and R esou r ce Engineering. In his new capacity, Dr. Whitt wi ll g uide the wor k of severa l gradu ate students and devo te time to wr iting and co nsu lting work. *** Debra Bonanno has been a ppointed sales perso n for Simpson Building Supply Company at New Brunswick, N.J., it has been anno unced by H owa rd Smith, distribution center ma nager. M s. Bo nanno joined Simpson in 1972 as a secretary in the New Brun swick office. * * * Two new appointments to the marketing staff of Lawrence R . McCoy & Co., Joe., Worcester, Mass., have been an nounced by NormanS. H ansen, Jr., manager of the hardwood division. R obert Chase has joined the L. R . McCoy buying staff, a nd Edwa rd Oriel has been a ppointed as a m a rketing manager for eastern Massachu setts a nd Rhode Isla nd . Both will specialize in ha rdwoods. KITCHEN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 5 Interstate Avenue ALBANY, N.Y. 12205 518-438-6677 Rutt Custom Kitchens St. Charles Mfg. Co. Casework & Fashion Kitchens Serway Kitchens Williams Bathroom Furnishings Edison Custom Kitchen Appliances Modern Maid Appliances Tappan Appliances Eklay Stainless Steel Sinks and Faucets Artistic Brass Bath Faucets & Accessories Nutone Products lnSinkErator Disposers Dacor Brick Commodore Kitchens Serving Building Material Dealers In New York, Vermont & Western Massachusetts Circle 183 on Information Reque st Card You saw It In THE LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 41 Thom as Brad y, loca l area manager for Abitibi Corp., Building Products Divisio n, Troy, Mich., received the coveted Golden Panel A war d for o uts tandin g sa les achievemen ts in the past year. This is Brady's fo urth year as a member o f the panel. Peter Trethawey Robert Ch..a C hase is a graduate of t he N .H. L.A. Inspectio n School in Memphis, Te nn. His. previo us experience in the lumber industry has included va rious sales and managem ent positions with MacMillan Bloedel, Inc., Walpo le, M ass. As a L. R . McCoy product m anager for ha rd woods, he will be based at the company's headquarters in Wo rcester. Thoma• Brady rec:elvH congratulatlone. C.F. Buckland, president, a nd Blai ne Eva ns, vice president, are co ng r a t ulating Brady in th e photog raph. Golden Panel membership is the highes t ho nor attai nable by a n Abitibi a r ea m a n age r , a nd recognizes exceptio na l professional s tandards in retai l market services, in additi o n to sa les vo lume. The Campbell Products Department of the H arry T. Campbell Sons' Company, T o wso n, Md., is pleased to an nounce the appo intment of Peter Trethaway as sales representative. Tret h away attended Upsala College, East O ra nge, N.J. H e will be actively working with Campbellj Sak reteR products distributors an d dealers in the nort hern New Jersey an d adjacent areas. *** *** Edw1rd Oriel Oriel, a U. S. Air F orce veteran, was formerly genera l ma nager of Cer sosi mo Lumbe r Co . , Br a ttlebo ro, Yt., a nd sales consultant wit h Fort Kent Fence Co., Fort Kent, Maine. His sales operations will be based at 53 F enwick Rd., Waba n, Mass . *** Potlatch Corporation's Board of Directors recently elected Jo hn M . R icha rds, senior vice presidentfin ance, and Ja mes R . M orris, vice presi dent-Western Wood Products Divis io n . Richa rds joined Po tlatch in 1969 and was vice president, Western Wood Products Divisio n, Lewiston , Ida ho. He succeed s Geo rge W. T om pkins who died July 14, 1976. M or ris, who wi ll ass ume the responsibi li ties of Richa rds, was genera l ma nager, N o rth Centra l Wood Produ cts Division, C loq uet, Minn . American O lean T ile Division of National Gypsum Co. has sold its g lazed ti le plan t in Pomona, Calif., to Pacific Holding Corp. Sale of the plant will not a ffect a marketing o rga nizatio n comprised of 13 distrib uti o n centers in the I 0 western states. M ark et demand fo r the regi o n wi ll continue being supplied by Amer ican Ol-e an's Roseville, Ca lif. pla nt, as well as a master distr ibutio n center which will be established this fa ll in C ity of Industry, Calif. Drew Building S uppl y, Inc. , Antwerp, N .Y. has ann o unced th at Jerome (J erry) Goode has joined the fi rm and will be calling on retail lu mber a nd building supp ly dea lers n o rth o f Ant we rp a nd in the Syracuse Metro area. Previo usly Goode has had experience in the retail lumber field a nd wo rked fo r Who lesale Service Supply a nd T ho mpson Materials. *** *** 42 *** lan Martin I an M a rti n h as j o in ed t he Technica l Services Depa rtment of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, Calif. M arlin is a recent gradua te o f the College of Forest Reso urces, University of Washington, Seattle, with a major in Wood and F iber Science. He will develop technical data for industry, a nd supp ly adv ice to a rchitects, builders, and th e general public on properties a nd uses of redwood. *** Ap po i ntment of J oh n W . C h urchi ll as vice president-board man ufacturin g fo r U.S. P lywood, Division of Champion International Corp. , Sta m fo rd , Conn ., was announced recent ly by Jo hn A. Ball, executive vice president. continued on page 56 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 New Centerpiece Cabinetry Offers Conveniences, Special Finishing Highlighting new kitchen cabinetry Ia the dlatlnctlve convefllent Cenleri)iece line. Centerpiece, by In ternatio nal Paper Co mpa ny's cabinet divisio n, takes center stage in new kitchen cabinetry this year. The new Lo ng-Bell line fea tures a ra ised center panel d oor, with a ri ch peca n tone. The li ne also fea tures severa l ideas with conveniences a t every po int. Standa rd co nveniences include self-cl osing doo rs a nd drawers, adjustable wa ll cabinet shelves and s lide-o ut botto m shel ves in base cabinets. There a lso a re numero us o ptio na l co nveniences, such as two-way access cabin ets, slide-out chopping block, a pa nt ry with revolving and a djustable shel ves, base and wall lazy s usa n co rner cabinets, pull-out vegetable racks, bread / flour o r suga r bins and o th ers. C lose examinatio n of the ty pica l Centerpiece ca binets reveals the differences fo r which Long- Bell is known, suc h as so lid ha rdwo od doors and drawer fro nts, ten-step ca binet fi nishing, a nd tight fit at a ll jo ints. In the ca binet sta ining, for examp le, d oo rs and drawer fro nts are ha nd-wiped . The res ult is a glowingly wa rm , natu ra l peca n to ne tha t's pleasing to lo ok at. The catalyzed alkyd urea to pcoat co ntributes both durabi lity and low maintena nce. Ins ide cabinet surfaces are buffed and filled with a cata lyzed lacquer coating tha t's sta in resista nt and easy to clean . Easy insta llatio n is o ne o f the blessings of t his new Centerpiece cabinet line from In tern ati o na l Paper Co. Units come assembled and prefinished fo r fast installation fro m carton onto wa ll. And the Lo ng- Bell mo dular co ncept enables the lady of the ho use to have a kitchen continued on page 61 Redo that kitchen wall yourself with the Colonial Charm of Marlite Brand®Roxite Bricks Lightweight Man-Made Masonry Panels - all the warmth a nd drama of real brick because Roxite<l!) is 60% real limestone. Easy to Install, Easy to Care For - 12 or 6 brick panels are interlocking and sel f-alig n ing. New 12-or-1 feature lets you snap off single " brick " without sawing. Non -porous surface resists dirt and soil , wash easi ly. Authentic Detail - real brick texture, natural earth colors and real mortar you app l y yourse lf w it h ordinary caulking gun. ~~~~~ r:. Circle 184 on Information Request Card You saw it In THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 - For more information contact your local Marllte Sales Representative or call our Regional Sales Office (201) 541-7500. Foot of Lafayette St. - Carteret, N.J. 07008 43 St. Charles Introduces Bellaire Series For Medium-Priced Quality Cabinet Market St. Charles Manufactur ing Co. , St. Charles, Ill., the nation's leading producer of custom steel cabinetry, is entering the medium-priced , quality kitchen cabinet market. It's new Bell aire Series is a versatile melaminesurfaced storage system, priced to compete with wood cabinets for single fa mily and multi-family housing or in commercial applicatio ns. The Bellaire Series is a new concept in cabi netry, featuring innovative materials, construction, an d a variety of convenience and space usage features normally fo und o nly in totally custom built cabinetry. The new sto rage system features full overlay front construction. Cabinet cases, drawers, shelving an d all external fini hes are of Formica Corporation's new MCP, melamine-s urfaced panel s. The sta ndard Continental-styled door and drawer fro nts are in a selection of MC P solid colo rs and woodgrains, including three natural look selection s; Dappled Elm, Sun Beech,. an d atu ral Oak. Additional seven solid color stylings are available in Formica high pressure decorative laminate . Laminate-surfaced doors are also available in a choice of color- filled routed face designs. Further design selectio n includes rea l oak or birch wood exteriors in a variety of contemporary or traditional styles. -' "The European Look" that'a "American Made" . . . "Bellaire Serle•"· Bell aire cabinetry is designed for practical sto rage solutions. Wall units are in 30 and 36-inch heights with 3, 4, and 5 drawer units. Full high implement and oven cabinet units are included in the extensive select io n of sizes, available in 3-inch width modular increments. A complete selection of van ity cabinetry is also available in the system . Certified Cabinets 'Better Than Average' Dealers and remodeling contractors who sell certified kitchen and vanity cabinets have a valuable selling tool at thei r disposal - the certification seal of the National Kitchen Cabinet Association. A national survey recently conducted by the ational Kitchen Cabinet Association 's Standards and Certification Program showed that kitchen and bath remodeling prospects consider KCA-certified cabinets "better than average in quality." A total of 237 persons, representing 78.2% of those who answered the question, held this favorable opin ion of KCA-certified cabinets. On ly one person among the 478 q ueried considered certified cabinets to be " less than average in quality." Sixty-five saw no difference in qu ality, while 175 did not or co uld not answer the question, indica ting that they had no op inion or else had insufficient in format io n to make a judgment. In answer to an allied question, 83.2% of those who responded said that a certifying agency that requires kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities to meet construction and performance standa rds "provides a useful service for consumers." The response to the q uestionn aire indicated a large amoun t of goodwi ll and credibi lity for N KCA-certified products among consumers, accoring to James L. 44 Dooley, ad mi nistrator of the KCA's Program. Mr. Dooley suggested that dealers can boost their sales of cert ified prod ucts by heeding some of the e selling tips: I. When showing certified cabinets to kitchen or bath remodeling prospects, ca ll atten tion to the N KCA certification sea l on cabinet doors or in drawers. 2. Direct attention to the certification seal in manufactu rers' sales li terature, advertising, catalogs and spec sheets. 3. Above all, ex pla in the benefits of certified cabinets. Explain that the seal means the cabinets have been tested by independent laboratories to meet the construction and performance standards of the American National Standards Institute. The testi ng simulates 10 years service for constructio n and fi ve years for the cabinet finish under rugged kitchen and bathroom conditio ns. 4. Offer the prospect a copy of the colo rful 16-page book let on cabinet selection , " Ki tchen and Bat h Planning," th at explains the benefi ts of certified cabinets. Dealers may obtain the booklet in qua ntity at $10 per hundred from the atio nal Kitchen Cabinet Association , cj o Sumner Rider & Associates, Inc., 355 Lexington Aven ue, New York, .Y. 10017. Sample copies are free . You saw it in THE LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 119 Year Old Lumber Company Completes New Complex Out of the dead, cold as hes, life again - that's the ewell Building M aterials & H ome Center located at 30 Mo nticello Ro ad in Pawtucket, R .I. Newell Coal & Lumber Co., as it was origina ll y known, was started o n the banks of the Seekon k Ri ver in 1857 by George E. Newell. The principal busi ness was the sale of coal and lu mber . Both o f these commodi ties a rri ved by water and the last of the big four-masted lumber ships was unloaded in the late 1920's. Bus iness flouris hed du ring t he early years and in 19 19 two young fri ends returning fro m W o rld W ar I went to work in the lumber ya rd. Frederick B. Brooks a nd Ir ving G . Smith worked t heir way up in the business a nd became p resident and t reas urer, respectively, in 1930. For the next 25 years, Newell grew and expanded under their leadership a nd in 1956 Mr. Brook's so n, Frederick B. Brooks, J r., entered the business. Mr. Smith reti red , Mr. Brooks, Sr. passed away, a nd in 1966, Michael B. Messo re, Jr. joined Mr. Brooks, Jr. in th e operation of the busi ness. Partial view of p1nellng end kitchen dep1rtmenta. Cuatomer aervlce end lumber ulea conveniently loc1ted. With M r. Brooks a nd Mr. Messore, bo th past di rectors of the Northeastern Reta il Lumbermens A ssoci ation , it was a lmost history repeati ng itself a ll over aga in. Boy hood friends, through summer camp in Maine, schoo l in Providence, D artmout h College together, a nd graduat ing in 1954, were now in business together; Newell industri al business. continued on page 48 New hardware department. • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL pre-engineered steel TRUSSFRAMES® 1. FOR YOUR OWN USE : 2. FOR RESALE for from 30' to 160' clear-span or muhi-span buildings. 30' to 120' clear span • from stock material • factory-direct PRICES AS OF TIME OF ORDER .. . not time of shipment. TWO WEEK DELIVERY WAREHOUSES • STORES • FACTORIES • SHOPPING CENTERS • FAR M BUILDINGS COMMUNITY BUILDINGS • AUDITORIUMS • RIDING ARENAS • BOWLI NG ALLE YS LUMBER SHEDS • FAIR BUILDINGS • GYMNASIUMS • CAR WASHES • PAVILIONS . AIRCRAFT HANGARS • MARINAS • LODGES • SKATING RINKS You saw it In THE LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 45 NORTHEASTERN RETAIL Group Hospital Insurance Program 1. Full Semi-Private Room Coverage ... 120 days 5. Additional Hospital Services Unlimited 2. Major Medical Deductible $25. Benefits to $1 ,000,000. 6. Surgica l Plan Reasonable & Customary 3. X-Ray and Lab 7. Maternity Benefits Reasonable & Customary Reasonable & Customary 4. In-Hospital Medical Reasonable & Customary Up to 120 Days. 8. Emergency First Aid Reasonab le & Customary Five Programs Now Available: Complete Health/Life/Salary Continuance Benefits Basic Life Insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment Optional Additional Life Insurance and Accidental Death & Dismember ment Programs Lo ng Term Disabi lity Group Dental Coverage (Avai lable to Members Participat ing in Northeastern's Group Hospital Insurance Program.) CALL YOUR REGIONAL MANAGER-------------------- OR SEND FOR INFORMATION WESTERN NEW YORK: PhllipJ. Welch 1255 Strong Rd. VIctor, N.Y. 14564 (716) 924·2609 46 EASTERN NEW YORK: J.N. Clough 7 Walnut lane East Schenectady, N.Y. 12309 (518) 783-5411 NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND: Harold l. Moulton 16 Stevens Road North Hamplon, N.H. 03862 (603) 964·6324 QQ SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND AND LONG ISLAND Frederick N. lndermaur 11 Elizabeth lane Tolland, Conn. 06084 (203) 875·3240 You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 ~UMBERMENS ASSOCIATION Group Dental Insurance Progra~ 1. Emergency Serv ices 5. Peri dontics-treati ng 2. Preventive ca re 6. Bridges and dentures 3. Restorative care 7. Orthodo ntia 4. Endodonti cs-treati ng For more than 30 years, NRLA members have benefited from the Association 's exceptional group insurance service- which has displayed steady improvement to serve more members better. I NORTHEASTERN RETAIL LUMBERMENS ASSOCIATION 339 East Avenue , Rochester, New York 14604 Please send us information regarding the Association' s: 0 Group Hospital Insurance 0 Group Dental Insurance [J Long Term Disability 0 Group Life Insurance Options Firm . . . .. . . ................. . ... . .... . .......... . . . . . .... . .... . .... .. . . . . ......... .... ... . City and State ................... . ...... . ........ . . . . ........ .. .. . .. . . Zip ... ..... . .. ..... . . Signed Circle 15 on Information Request Card You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 • 47 - - -------------------------------------------- Kitchen Cabinet Flamespread Inspection Listing Available From HPMA The U nited States Departm ent of H o using and Urba n D evelo pment has published the Federal Mo bile H ome C onstru ctio n a nd Safety Standa rds. These standards became effective Ju ne 15, 1976. In additio n, H .U. D . has Minimum Pro perty Standards for I a nd 2 fa mil y dwellings a nd fo r multifa mily ho using. One aspect of both of these federal progra ms requ ires certain flame rating standards be mainta i ned o n k itc hen a nd va nit y ca binets. T he M inimum Property Standa rds progra m requ ires that kitchen and vanity ca binets have a flame rating of 200 o r less o n a selfcerti fication basis. If a H .U .D . inspecto r qu estio ns self-certificati o n, o ne m ust be able to d ocument a claim of a 200 fl ame r ating. Th e Federa l M o b ile H o me Constructi on and Sa fety Standa rds requ ires that each manufacturer have an on-going testing, inspectio n and labeling program fo r flame ratings on their cabinets . This service is n o w pro vid e d b y the Ha rdwood Plywood M anufac turers Associatio n. P ro visions of the HPM A service require that each mill par- ticipating in the Flamespread Inspectio n a nd Listing Program will allow the inspecto r access to their facilities during no rmal wo rking ho urs. This HPMA inspecto r will o bserve the ma nufacturing process, select test samples, and repo rt o n the o peratio ns pertinent to the program . The HPMA i ns pecto r will closely examine the kitchen ca binet marketing lines of the m anufactu rer, a nd categorize each unit acco rding to the constructi o n of the cabinet doo rs. Wh en each kitchen ca bin et catego ry has been defined by the inspector, six cabinet doo rs in each ca t ego r y wi ll be s e lec t e d fo r fl a m es pread testing. Si x bottom panels, o r side panels, wi ll a lso be selected fo r testing. T hese cabinet doors and bo ttom a nd side panels will be subj ected to 4 bu rns using the ASTM Test Method E-1 62 - R adi ant Panel. The a verage r ating o f the fo ur fl am espread values for each gro up of sam ples must be 200 o r less. If this rating is ~ chieved, the en tire category will be listed a nd labeled . Fo r eac h ki tc h e n ca bin e t category fo r which a company req uires listi ng a nd la beling, a product ana lysis will be made. This will con- sist of the fo llowing: a dimensio nal descriptio n of major compo nents; a descripti o n of materials of the majo r compo nents; the weig ht o f the door a nd other parts rela ted to a standard unit of area; a descrip tio n of the fi nishi ng process; a nd o ther info rmation necessa ry to fu rther identify the door a nd other kitchen ca binet parts. After the cabinet categories have been qu alified , HPMA inspecto rs will conti nu e a fo llow-up program . At least twice a yea r, the plant will be revisited to certify th at on ly q ualified cabinet categories are being listed and labeled, and to ma ke sure no substantial change is made in the construction, processing, an d finishing o f listed ca binets. Retail lumber dealers sho uld be selective when purchasing cabinets fo r b o th s t a nd a rd a nd m o b ile homes. Standa rd kitchen and vani ty cabinets sho uld carry the Natio nal Kitchen Cabinet Associati o n seal of self-cer tifica ti o n. M o bile ho m e cabinets sho uld carry the HPMA seal of certificatio n. By being selective in yo ur cabinet purchases, bo th yo u a nd the co ns umer will be o perat ing within the structure of the H. U.D . program. 119 Year Old Lumber Company Continued from page 45 A ll was going well - then - May 6, 1975- disaster. A spectacu lar general alarm fi re destroyed a pproxima tely 80% of Newell F uel & L um ber Company offi ce and yard . After work ing for a year o ut of a converted mobile home, an d what remained of the ya rd, Newell completed its spectacula r new 20,000 foot ho me center on Mo nticello Road in Pawtucket. The buildi ng, designed by Ed Sharp from Litchfield, Conn ., a nd constructed by the H . M . Soule Company of Pawtucket, R .I., is a truly modern facility incorporating all of the latest wareho use and sto re layo ut principals. T he new facility includes a full li ne of ho me o wner and do-i t-yourself products; kitchens, bathrooms, va ni ties, paints and ga rden supplies. Pl um bing and electrical sup plies are also o ffered to comp lement th e mo re tradit ional li nes of power tools, ha nd too ls, paneling, lu mber and o th er buil d ing mater ia l items. In establ ishing an expanded image as a Ho me Cen48 ter, ewell has adopted a new logo; " Bucky Beaver", a cartoon ty pe, illustrated logo symbolizing the industri o us, hardworking an d frie ndly fam ily man of the forest. In order to compete successfull y in ha rdwa re a nd ho me center o riented pro ducts, Newell became a member of T rue Va lue Hardwa re Sto res, o ne of the largest dealer-owned, low-cost merchandising a nd di stributi ng organiza tio ns in the ind ustry. A la rge o pen ho use was held in mid-August to introd uce the "New Newell" a nd " Bucky Beaver" to invited friends, guests and customers. A pla nn ed "walk thru" of the store a nd new warehouse facilities led to a buffet table and appropriate " Beaver Spirits" . A s ui tab le "G ra nd O pening" was schedul ed fo r Septem ber and Newell wi ll be well on its way to servi ng contractors, ind ustr ia ls and ho m eow ners o f the Blackstone Valley fo r a nother 120 yea rs. You saw it in T HE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Training Director Added To Northeastern Staff T he N orth eastern Retail Lumbermens Associa ti o n's ed ucationa l progra m will explore and incorpo rate several new progra ms for the coming yea r. Present expansion of the ed ucatio nal activities is aimed at the m any facets of the retail lumber industry. To coordin ate, de ve lo p a nd research th e expanded acti vi ties, Pa ul J. Juliu s h as j o ined the No rtheastern sta ff. After attending St. Mary's High School in McKees Rocks, Penn ., Mr. Jul ius continued his educatio n at Penn Sta te U niversity, U niversity Pa rk, Penn., in the field of edu cation. U po n gradu ating fro m Penn State he acquired a high schoo l English teaching position at M orrisvilleEaton Central School, M orrisville, N.Y . F rom 1972 to 1976 Mr. Julius taug ht at M cQuaid Jesuit Hig h School, R ochester , N .Y . In both positio ns he planned , implemented a nd evaluated E nglish courses for g rades 9 a nd 10 and 9 thro ugh 12 respecti vely. While at McQuaid, he ta ught and innovated courses fo r a n English elective system . His activities, in additi o n to teac hin g, inc lu de d chief pho tographer, ph oto edi tor and layout staff of the Penn State yea rbook ; supervising an award-winn ing camera clu b; prod ucing McQuaid Jesuit School Literary Magazi ne and the Morrisville-Eaton School Newspaper and Litera ry M agazine; and ho lding th e posit ion of president of the Professio nal T eachers Organization - 197 5-1 976. In his new positio n as training directo r, Mr. Ju lius would like to see a stable ed uca tion program with a consistant schedul ing of courses instituted . T rai ning activities a re alread y being scheduled fo r every month o f the upcoming yea r. So me of his duties as trai ning di rector incl ude fo llowing up o n the Successful Selling Progra m, ha ndling any new developments pertai ning to the program a nd worki ng with ed ucation di recto rs fro m o th er associati ons to keep the ind ustry informed o n new develo pments in the field of education. G & K Cedar Closet Panels Now Have Class " C" Rating Giles & Kenda ll , Inc., Huntsville, Ala., manufact urers of cedar closet paneling, have a nn o unced that their lf.l" a nd 3/ 16" panels have been awarded the C lass "C" rating fo r fi r e safety by t he H ar d wood Plywood Ma nu fact urers Associatio n. Th e rating, based o n t he AST M-E84 25-foo t Tun nel Furnace Test, assures that G&K cedar panels fu lly com ply wit h H U D req uirements. G& K closet paneling is made of I 00% a r o m a t ic T e nn essee R ed Cedar flakes com pressed into sturdy 4' x 8' panels. As easy to install as plywood, G& K cedar cl oset panels have fo und steadi ly increasing acceptance in ho mes, apartment projects, mobile homes a nd the do-ityourself ma rket. For details wr ite G iles & Kendall, Inc. P .O. Box 188, Huntsville, Alabama 35804. "Concepts in Non-Residential Western Red Cedar" is the newest color brochure offered free by the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association, Dept. 656, Yeon Building, Portland , Ore. 97204. Its ten full -color photographs and text de pict cedar-clad business structures, inside and o ut , designed by architects in San Diego , Atlanta, Jackson Hole, Escondido a nd Portland. *** Canadian Lumber Products West Coast Lumber Products Southern Lumber Products Avai lable By Direct Shipments and Distribution Yard COTTON-HANLON, INC. WHOLESALE DIVISION Phone 607-594-3331 Odessa, N.Y. 14869 C ircle 6 on Information Request Card You saw it in THE LUM BER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 49 Patch Brothers Become PBI Home Center Beginning as a small family business shortly after the turn of the century, Patch Brothers has nurtured, grown, and developed into a major local enterprise. During all its growing, somehow, it sti ll has retained the warmth a nd personal atten tion of a family concern. PBI H ome Cente r o f Dryden , Dryde n, N .Y ., prev ious ly known as Patch Bro thers, opened for business September 15 in their new I 0,600 square foot building, celebrating a major new phase of operation as one of the most com plete home building an d remodeli ng centers in Centra l New Yo rk-Finger Lakes area. Located o pposite the venerable and familia r o lder Patch Brothers st ructure, the new bui lding has an increased display area of about 4,000 feet ... " mo re than do uble what we had before," says owner Jack Patch, who is the last of the o rigi nal five bro thers engaged in the fa mily busi ness. What started in 19 11 as a sm all coal and wood enterprise run by R obert C. Patch , is now a comprehensive and exciting ho me building and decora ting center offering professio na l materia ls and advice to homeowners. A line o ld scale, nosta lgic reminder of the "old days" is still used to weig h out nai ls, but everywhere else in the inviting bright new sto re are the latest items in home" remodeling and building needs. The com pany is proud to show customers the model kitchens, the ba throom appliance and plumbing sectio n, the excellent selection of hand and power tools, househo ld and sma ll appliance department and the outstanding paint center. PBI Home Center caters to both the professional contracto r and the do-it-yo urselfer carrying items from ceiling ti le to fl oo r coverings, acoustica l and decorative to Congoleu m a nd carpetin g. " In fact," Ri chard Holmes, vice president and general manager notes, "we have an excellen t series of books over there" indicating the D olt-Yourself Book Center, ''that gives a lo t of valuable tips and very good step-by-step instru cti o ns o n practica ll y anythi ng }' "This is probably one of t he fi nest buildings of its kind in New Yo rk State," J ack Patch stated with justifiable pride in the new ho me center. He admits he still finds it in teres ting to be including top brands of sma ll ho me app liances, sporting goods and home deco rating items in the traditional ho me building invento ry. A stroll through the attractive store confirms the label "complete ho me center". M ateri als and tools for every aspect of home building, remodeling and maintenance are displayed in solid, brightly colo red arrangements. Much o f th e credit for the actua l constru ction of the 50 new build ing goes to Dick Ho lmes, who, with Jack Patch, helped design the new home center. After th e decisio n came a year ago April to begin construction, the four-man team of Dick Holmes, Bob G lazier, forman, Bill Bell and Thomas G lazier started work on the building early in November, 1975. ''Sometimes we wor ked in coats and hats," Ho lmes recalled with a ch uckle. The weat her proving to be very uncoo perati ve wi th rai n, s now a nd genera ll y nasty days con tribu ted to the delay in the com pletio n o f the buildi ng. Shirley G lazier a nd Stella H olmes, a lso dedicated workers, started in the ea rly sp ring to begin the massive interio r decorating job. They worked according to specifications d rawn up by RKB Enterprises of Elmira. Besides keeping the in side clean , the wo men did 99% of the interi o r painting, varn ishing and staining. Painting took them a month for three coats; staining of the woodwork took five solid days of eight ho ur shifts. Undo ubt ly, a ll concern ed were sure the immense cooperative effo rt was worth it as th ey prepared to welcome the community to th e new ho me center. The company's emphasis is still on helping the ind ividual ho meow ner meet his building and m aintenance needs, but they are a lso geared to cater to the cons tru ction industry in the professional capacity. Jack Patch confers with Dick Holmes at cuetomer service counter. D uring the Grand Opening, bright red and yellow tags keynoted special sales items throughout lhe store, alerting customers to a chance to stock up o n needed househo ld item s such as lig ht bulbs, small hand too ls and Glidden in teri o r Spred Satin pain t. PB I has added housewares, ho useho ld cleaning items, fireplaces and accesso ries, patio furn iture a nd an expanYou saw it in THE LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR - 1976 Name . . . Use This Information Request Card For Free Information Q · · · · · · ' · · · · · · · · (pie~s~ p~ i ~ti ······.· Company . NEED MORE INFORMATION? Address . . . . . . City . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . Zip . . . . .... . ... . Circle Reader Serv1ce Num- 1 21 4161 81 101 121 141 161 181 201 221 241 261 281 301 321 34 1 361 381 401421 441 ber and fill out this card . 2 22 42 62 82 102 122 142 162 182 202 222 242 262 282 302 322 342 362 382 402 422 442 3 23 43 63 83 103 123 143 163 183 203 223 243 263 283 303 323 343 363 383 403 423 443 4 24 44 64 84 104 124 144 164 184 204 224 244 264 284 304 324 344 364 384 404 424 444 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 165 185 205 225 245 265 285 305 325 345 365 385 405 425 445 T YPE OF BUSINESS 0 Retailer 0 WhC\Iesaler 0 Manufacturer 0 Manufacturer's Rep . 0 Trade Assn . 6 26 46 66 86 106 126 146 166 186 206 226 246 266 286 306 326 346 366 386 406 426 446 7 27 47 67 87 107 127 147 167 187 207 227 247 267 287 307 327 347 367 387 407 427 447 a 2a 48 68 as 1oa 12a 148 16a 168 20s 22a 248 268 2aa 308 328 34S 368 388 408 418 448 9 29 49 69 89 109 129 149 169 189 209 229 249 269 289 309 329 349 369 31!9 4~ 4 29 449 10 3050 70 90110130150170190 210 230 250 270 290 310330 350 370 390410430450 11315171 9111 1 131151 17 1 19121123125127129131 1 331351 371391411431 4 51 12 32 52 12 92 112 132 152 172192 212 232 252 212 292 312 332 352 372 392 4 12 432 452 13 33 53 73 93 113 133 153 173 193 213 233 253 273 293 313 333 353 373 393 413 433 4 53 14 34 54 74 94 114 134 154 174 194 214 234154 274 294 31 4 334 354 374 394 4 14 434 454 15 35 55 75 95 115 135 155 175 195 215 235 255 275 :l!J5 315 335 355 37!> 395 415 435 455 16 36 56 76 96 116 136 156 176 196 216 236 256 276 296 316 336 356 376 396 416 436 456 For Ad And Product Information Circle Corresponding Key Numbers. 17 37 57 77 97 117137 167177197 217 237 257 277 297 317 337 357 377 397417 437457 18 38 58 78 98 118 l)d 158 178 198 218 238 258 278 298 318 338 358 378 398 418 438 458 19 3959 79 99119 139 159 179199 219 239 259 279 299 319 339359 379 39941943~ 459 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 4 20 440 460 Please enter my ($8 .00 per year) (Group of 5 or more $5.001 ( Foreign $9 .50) Subscription Check Enclosed o ' Signature . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Bil l Us o ~·--~ -~ ·~-- ~-- -~·~~ --------~---~-----------------------------------· !BB LUI1BBR CO-OPBU!OR Servong Retaol Lumber and Buoldong Materoal Oealers on the Northeast INCORPORATED ~---------- - ----------------------- -- ---------------------------------· THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR- 1976 Use This Card To Start Individual Or Group Subscriptions Q Please enter . . . . . . . . . . .... Subscript ions @$8.00 Group Subscriptions @$5.00 ... Foreign Subscriptions @$9.50 Bill Us ..... Check Enclosed Name .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company . . . .... .... . . . . . . . . . .. . . Company ...... .... . A ddress. A ddress. City ..... .. .. . ..... ... . ... . City .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip .. . . St ate . . . . . . . . . . .... Zip .... ....... . Check type of Business : 0 Retailer 0 Wholesaler 0 Manufacturer FIRST CLASS Permit No. 3111 Rochester, N. Y. BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Postage Stomp Necessary if Moiled i" the U"ited States Use This Information Request Card For Free Information POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY - THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR 339 East Avenue ROCHESTER , NEW YORK 14604 TBB LDI1BBB CO-OPBUTOB J~ ~~\ ~~' Servong Retaol Lumber and Buoldong Materoal Deale~ on the Nonhea•t INCOAPORATEO FIRST CLASS Permit No. 3181 Rochester, H. Y. BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Postage Stomp Necessary if Moiled i" the Uftited States POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY - THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR 339 East Avenue ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14604 Use This Card To Start Individual Or Group Subscriptions ded lig hting department to the line of items presently being hand led . " We've expanded on nearly all of the lines o f merchandise in our forme r store," Jack Patch commented, adding that they would add new items this fall and winter. Some to be added are pre-finished shel vi ng and a complete line o f noor model power tools by Rockwell. At the Opening demonstrations were held Friday evening and Saturday by a representative of the Z-Brick fac to ry, as well as a draw ing fo r four cartons of an attractive wall covering. A room size piece o f Congoleum nooring was a nother prize given away as were fo ur gallo ns of paint. A Glidden paint representative was on hand Saturday to answer questions and help with problems. The business o riginally started by Robert Patch, a station agent for the Lehigh Valley Rai lroad Compan y was to supplement his income a fter he fou nd him self alone to raise five child ren. Later he married again and fathered 10 more children. As the business conti nued to branch o ut, different members of the fa mily took over the di fferent branches. In planning for the future, the family sta rted consolidating their holdings a nd sold three of the yards to th e men who had been the m anagers of the branches. Two brothers went on their own to form a new partnership and later the youngest bought the Dryden o peration. Two other brothers withdrew from the family firm . In keeping with past traditio n, the Dryden firm is in the process of being sold to a young and energetic Dick Holmes, following the footsteps of form er ma nagers who eventually purchased the individual Patch Brothers branches. You receive additional exposure when you advertise in the December Convention issue. Convention Committee Continued from page 13 low cost, their products to the section of the industry interested in purchasing them. As the show offers extensive viewing of the exhibitors p roducts, it also presents the dealers with a chance to learn about new products, services, and pro motional programs and to acquire new contacts with com panies being considered as prospective suppliers. Northeastern's 83rd Ann ual Convention , the most exciting and the largest show to be held by the Association , will officially open Friday, Jan uary 7, with an inspiring, colorfu l arr ay of exhibits and a wide range of beneficial meetings for the industry. Convention Committee Delegates Members of the Convention Committee are: Earl T . Carpenter, Chairman, Street Lumber Corp., South H ad ley, Ma.; Lee Adams, Jr., Lumber & Supplies, Inc., Yarmouth, M e.; Harold C. Barnard, W.H . Deyo & Company, I nc., Ellenville, N.Y.; D onald Burton, Wicker Lumber Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y.; D avid Cameron, E.M. Cameron Lumber Co., Albany, N.Y .; Joseph C usack, Doherty, Blacker & Shepard, Boston, M a.; Harry E. Evasick, Bui lders Supply Co., Milford , Ct. ; Russell L. F ish, The Welch Company, Scituate, M a.; William Goldberg, Shunpike Lumber Co., Inc., Rocky Hi ll , Ct.; Chester Greenwood, Pro uty & Miller, Inc., Newport, Vt.; Nissie Grossman, G rossman's, Div. Evans Prod. Co., Braintree, M a.; Irving Humphrey, P.O . Humphrey Co., Inc., T iverton, R.I.; John A. Hrusa, Ring's End, Inc., D arien, Ct.; Kevin Kelly, JayK Lumber Corp., New H a rtford, N.Y.; Richard Kennedy, Agway, Inc., Syracuse, N .Y.; Andrew Linna, Adams Lumber Co., Inc., Keene, N.H.; Edward M cDermid, Frontier Lumber Company, Buffalo, N.Y.; G. Burton Mullen , Mullen Lumber Company, Inc., continued on page 62 1'. CARLSTADT DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 145 B Com merce Road Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072 201-438·3100 Custom Laminati ng and FinishingSpecial ShapesFinishes & Sizes INTER-STATE BUILDERS SUPPLY, INC. DISTR IBUTORS Box 5148, Inter-State Avenue Albany, New York 12205 518-489-4481 FORMWELD CORP. FABRICATORS Inter-State Ave., Box 5148 Albany, New York 12205 51 8-489-4482 UP-STATE NEW YORK AND NORTHERN NEW JERSEY DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1952 Countertops Desks- Tables CONSOWE lD PlASTIC lAMINATES AND All CO UNTER TOP ACCESSORIES Windowsills Manufacturers of Formed Counter Tops and laminated Products Special Installations Quotations to Specification's Ask us about new OREGON (BEUEL·EDGEl El iminate the blackline of regular self-edge ESTABLISHED QUALITY AND SERVICE WE INVITE YOUR INQUIR IES ON SPECIAl lAMINATIONS OF All BRAN DS OF l AMINATE Matching Moldings Circle 182 on Information Request Card 1/ You saw it In THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 "' 51 Frontier Lumber Partially Social Trend To Destroyed By Fire A state of emergency was decla red by Mayor M akowski at the height of three spectacular incendia ry fires , one involving the Frontier Lumber Co., Inc., early Monday mo rning, August 30 in North Buffa lo, N .Y . Volunteers from II suburban compa nies were called upon to ma n local city fire ho uses. A II three fires were spotted within 15 minutes after the first fire alarm was so unded at 4:08a.m . at the lumber co mpan y. Burning s imultaneously, the fires sent na mes in to the a ir that were visi ble from as fa r away as Grand Island a nd the South Towns. A total of five alarms were sound ed seriously draining fire protection throughout the city. The most spectacular blaze swept through t he Frontier Lumber Co . dest roying three large storage buildings filled with lumber. The s hed s were at the rear of the property. The offices, mill and shop, located in the front of the yard, were no t damaged. The compa ny which employs 70 work ers, was open for business Monday, since the mai n buildings were not destroyed . Edward J. McD ermid, president of the company, estimated damage at over $ 1 mi llion. In add ition to the lumber, the firm a lso lost eight trucks in the fire . This was the company's second bad fire in seven yea rs and occurred despite stringent security precautions, McDermid stated. Frontier Lumber had installed electric eyes, a larms and an hourly sec urity patro l, acting o n the reco mmendations of the company's insurance agent. The lumber ya rd blaze was first spotted by two patroling Buffalo police officers. They radioed that there were two fires "going real good" in the rea r of the building. T wo o ther o ffice rs, o n their way to give assistance to the lumber yard 52 Kitchens fire, spotted the fl a mes at the Truckenbrod Company. Alarms at th e yard were turned in at 4:08 a. m ., 4: 13, 4:16, 4: 17 and 4:19. The fire, fanned by freshening winds, became so hot that severa l fire hoses burned . At the height of t he fire the order was given by acting North Di vis ion C hi ef, Arthur Herdzik, to move the firetrucks back because they were threatened by the heat. Along with threatening winds, the fire companies had to move cautio usly because a number of power lines .had dropped in the area. Ext ra fire companies were called in after th e first a larm came in from the th ird fire at a baby furniture compa ny at 4:44 a. m . At 7:22 a.m. the emergency was lifted a nd the suburban vo lunteers were released by D eputy Fire Commissioner, Anthony P. Constantino. Investiga tors fro m the district attorney's office, the police a nd t he fire depa rtments were called to the scene to combine their efforts. They were called after arson became evident. It was thought that the work appea red to be t hat of o ne person . Witnesses reported seeing a man p o urin g a fluid in one of th e buildi ngs just as the fla mes started to rise. A watchma n at another lumber ya rd, Gregg Neville Lumber, found ten plastic jugs filled with gasoli ne ea rl y Mond ay mornin g . Investigato rs attempted to establish a con nection between the d iscovery of the gasoline and the arso n fire at Fro ntier two ho urs later. If yo u don ' t know whe re you're going, a n y road wi ll get yo u there . Wood may yet help to fuel the automobile - but not in c hunks o r s ticks. The form will be methanol , w hich burns cleaner tha n gasoline. Kitchens have come back as a socia l center in ho mes new and remod eled, reflecti ng a trend to dining-in a nd a trimming of o ther ro o m spaces because of risi ng building costs. Warm , bright decor, quality cabinets an d appliances, along with built-in co nvenience, are the keys to kitchen appeal, repor t designers across the country. Country, greenhouse and gourmet themes are popula r. Multiple work centers a llow several in t he family to " do their t hings" with food a nd refre s hm ents simultaneo usly. In mild climates, kitchens are being o pened to o utdoor eating areas, s uch as decks an d lushly plan ted co urtyards. Where winters a re vigorous, a wind ow g reenhouse a nd lig hte r cabinets and walls keep the decor c heerful. An open pla n, tiei ng kitchen to famil y roo m or ea ting area, fosters hours of togetherness. Natural wood surfaces are the key to visual warmth , a nd in the kitchen even resaw n textures on ca binets and walls are easily cleaned, if coated with a clea r finis h. Western woods o ffer a wide ra nge of tones, fro m ced ar's rich brow n and tan to the straw an d ho ney tones o f pine and hemlock. A fl yer from Johns-Manville describes new Splitwood II lightweight exterior masonry panels that span from floor to floor without intermediate horizontaljoints. Close-up photographs show the panels' contemporary deeply rel ieved, linear design with flat, unifo rm reverse sides that permit back fas tening o f mounting components. Splitwood II mineral-fiber cement panels are thicker and stronger than other masonry ma terials, and o ffer excellent weatherresistance a nd freedom from maintenance . The panels are now available up to 4' x II '6win a nominal l4# and%" thickness. For a copy of lhe fl yer (BSD-47 A) write to Dave Lucy, Building Systems Division, Jo hns-Manville, Greenwood Plaza, Denver, Colo. 80217. You saw it in TH E LU MBER CO-OPERATOR, Octo ber 1976 Energy Saving Home Construction Plans Now Available For the National Plan Service to bomba rd builders with statistics to prove that most American families have been priced o ut of the housing market would be easy. (For example, the median price of a new home in early 1976 was over $44,000, wh ile half of America's families earn less than $ 12,800 a year.) They also can show how expensive it has become to operate a home in the post-energy-crisis era. (For example, heating and cooling bills in some areas of the United States are almost equal to monthly mortgage payments.) Recognizing the urgent natio nal need for energy savings and the reduction of construction and housing costs, a group of leaders in the building industry combined their efforts to introduce known a nd proven energy a nd cost savi ng construction techn iques. The combined efforts o f those involved have made at iona l Plan 's new planbook, "Ene r gy Saving Le a der s h ip Homes", possible. The Natio nal Lumber & Building M a teri a l Dea lers A ssociation , National Fore t Products Association, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Compa ny , American Wood Preserving Association , National Plan Service, Inc. Elmhurst, Ill. , and others wo rked together to make this information available to the public. Plans have been drawn up for 19 house designs rang ing in size from 900 sq. ft. to over 2,200 sq. ft. All ca n be built usi ng either conventiona l 2x4-inch wood-stud wa ll framing o r 2x6 framing. The new method, u s ing 2x6 framing, produces remark ab le energy savings in that it accomodates twice as much in su lat ion a s the 2x4 framing method . Masonry found atio ns, or the new a ll-weather pressure-treated wood foundations , can be used with the option of crawl-space o r full basements. ational Pl an' s new designs, developed through ind ustry-wide cooperatio n, are based upon the proven energy-saving concepts of "The Arkansas Story" ... concepts that lowered monthly energy costs by 30% to 60%. The plans, "Energy Saving Leadership Homes", are now available from National Plan. ---(g ·ERGY SAVING ......._.., ..-...... ,..,. L!::. !JERSHIP HOMES Energy Saving Conatructlon Plana anllable from National Plan Service. A special Leadership Housing Package Marketing Program is also available through National Plan Service. The package consists of a se le c t ed g r o u p of b ook lets , b roc hures, drawi ngs, bui ldi ng material Hsts and promotional aids and has been compiled by experts in various areas of hous ing. The program was designed to provide bu ilders with an aid in starting their own low-cost energy-saving ho me bui lding program. Material in the package covers four a reas of crucial in terest to every builder an d home buyer: house plans, energy savi ng, cost saving and financing. To place you r order for the new energy savi ng house designs or for further information, contact your Northeastern regional manager or the Nor-theastern Retail Lumbermens Association, 339 East A venue, Rochester, N.Y. 14604. In Connecticut and Western Massachusetts. THINK KITCHENS, THINK SPEAR-NEWMAN Top brands and merchandisi ng programs for increasing your share of kitchen business! DU PONT COR IAN®; FORMICA® Brand Laminates; ELKAY Stainless Steel Sinks and Faucets; MIAMI-CAREY Range Hoods Dail y de liveries from our two full -stock warehouses. Known for service for 27 years SPEAR-NEWMAN, INC. 55 RAILROAD AVENUE , WEST HAVEN, CONN . 635 NEW PARK AVE .• WEST HARTFORD. CONN . West Haven Phone: 932·2241. Hartford Phone: 236-5865 Wats Free Direct Line : 1-800·922·3180 You saw It in TH E LUMBER CO- OPERATOR, October 1976 Circle 126 on Information Request Card 53 doings of the dealers J . T. O'Connell Companies P lan New Home Center E. Patrick Rooney, president, J. T . O'Reilly, executive vice president, a nd E. J . O ' Reilly, treasurer ofthe J . T . O 'Connell Companies, together with their site selection broker, F. J . Sullivan, of Concepts Inc., (left to right), look over plans for the company's new lumber and building materials Home Center in Middletown , R.I. The 24 acre site o n West Main R oad was recently purchased for the new o utlet. The Home Center will occupy 10 acres. The balance of the site will be sold or joint ventu red for add itional retail and office development. Sullivan is h andl ing marketing of these parcels for the owners. The J . T. O'Connell Companies are embark ing upon a series of store modernization and relocation efforts in their various outlets in o rder to meet the rapidly c hanging merchandising demand s of the s helter products industry. *** Area Meetings Held In Connecticut Three dinner meetings for owners, managers a nd key perso nnel of Connecticut members, wholesalers and manufacturers were held recently. Two topics were covered at each meeting: "An OSHA Up Date", and 54 " The Use of Audio Visual Equipment as a Consumer Sales Aid and Employee Sa les Train ing Program". Meetings, held on August 17, 18 a nd I 9, at the H o lid ay Inn , Bridgeport, the Sheraton Motor Inn, Norwich, and the Ramada Inn Steak House, Wethersfield, were attended by over 60 members , wholesalers and manufacturers. William Goldberg, president of the Lumber Dealers Association of Connecticut and the Shunpike Lumber Co., lnc., Rocky Hill, Conn., began each evening with introductory rem arks. Leo Alix, director of Con necticut OSHA was the principal speaker. Pending changes in OSHA were presented by Alix, and the dealers were informed abo ut the most frequently cited OSHA violatio ns. Fact sheets concerning these vio lations were distributed to the audience. After the discussion, A lix held a questi o n and answer period , and everyone was able to ask questions pertaining to their p a rti cular business. J ames Baker and Fred lndermaur, Northeastern Reta il Lumbermens Association, presented the second half of the program . The retailer was shown many ways to improve his business with the application of audio visual equipment. The " Successful Selling Program" produced by the Retail Lumber Dealers Foundation, was shown on the LaBelle projecto r , and the wide ava ilab ility of other cartridges from manufacturers, wholesalers and other associations were discussed. Thi s portion of the eve nings program pointed up the advantages of combining the "Successful Selling Prog ram" with other available cartridges to help improve business. * '\< * Morton Bernstein Resigns As Vice President Of Evans Products Co. Morton G. Bernstein , vice presiden t of Evans Products Co., Retail Group, has left the company after 27 yea rs to become a principal in Lawrence Millwork City, a three store building material chain in Harrisburg, Penn. Bernstein's company career began in 1948 as a part-timer, and he joined the company full-time upon graduation from Boston U nivers ity's School of Bu s iness Administration in 1951. In I 962, he was appoi nted general merchandising manager of Grossman's, and in 1971 was named executive vice president and general manager. In 1974, he was named vice president of Eva ns Products Co., Retail Group, the parent organization. He has spent his en tire career in retailing, and was a member of the H ome Furnishings Council of the National Retail Merchants Association. His brand name merchandising concepts were instrumental in win ning a series of top awards for Gross man's including National Champion in the Brand Name Retai ler of the Year Competition. *** William S. Rowe Elected To Board Of Diamond International William S. Rowe, president of The Fifth Third Bank and Fifth Third Bancorp, its parent, in Cincinnati, Ohio, has been elected to the Board o f Directors of Diamond International Corporation, Richard J. Walters, chairman and president announced recently. Rowe, a prominent businessman and civic leader in Cincinnati, joined The Fifth Third Bank i n 1939 foll owing his graduation from Ha rva rd College that same year. You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 His directorships include: The Cincinnati Equitable Ins uran ce Company, Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, Emery Industries, Inc ., The Fifth Third Bank, LeBlond Inc., and Taft Broadcasting Co., all of Cincinnati. Rowe is a member of the Bankers Club of Cincinnati, Camargo Club, Cincinnati Harvard Club, Commercial C lub, Commonwealth C lu b, Queen City C lub, and several others in business and educational fields. H e is also a Trustee of 10 civic o rganizations in Cincinnati, the more prominent being United Appeal, Xavier University, Cincinnati Institute of Fine Arts, C hildren's H ospita l, and the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History * * * Woodbury Lumber Companies Wins Retailer-Of-The-Year Awar.d The Woodbury Lumber Companies, G lens Falls, N.Y., sponsored by National Gypsum Co., has been awarded a Certificate-ofDistinction in the 1975-76 Retailerof-the-Year Awards competition in the H ardware Stores category, from the Brand Names Foundation, Inc., of New York. Since its establishment in 1927, Woodbury Lumber Companies has expanded remarkably, with companies in Glens Falls, Schenectady, Mexico, N.Y . and Burlington, Vt. They plan to open several o ther companies within the next two years. ··our philosophy of advertising, merchandising and serving the cons um er gives equal emphasis on both ou r image and the brand na mes we ha ndle. T his concept has resulted in ?-4'~- '?~ harmony a nd trust wit h our customers," says Michael G. Woodbury, president. Michael Woodbury was invited to accept the awa rd at a Brand Names Washington/ White House Briefing Meetings Program held in September. current officers of R eser ve a re: Robert Fuller, Liverpool Lumber, president; Earl H ytrm, treasurer; Hazel Bradly, assistant treasurer; a nd Peter Raby, Peter Raby Co., Inc., president. Inside salesman is Frank Romano and Ro bert Ta fel is the outside salesman. * * * * * * Harry L. Folsom Hoo-Hoo Club Begins Fall Season The Harry L. Folsom Hoo-Hoo C lub began its fall season on September 14 with a "Night At The R aces" . Thi s was held at the C l ubhouse of the Bay State R aceway, Foxboro, Mass., where a special room was set aside for the lumbermen. The 9th Race was named for Hoo-Hoo, with the club presented an award to the winning jockey. The evening began at 6:29 p.m . with cocktails, followed by a roast sirloin of beef dinner. Fun was had by all who attended. * * * Reserve Suppl y of Central N.Y. Holds Annual Clambake Reserve Supply of Central N.Y . held its ann ual clambake on Tuesday, September 29, at H inerwadels Grove in North Syracuse. About 160 of Reserve's members and their em ployees were on hand to enjoy the very fine clambake. Also present were many suppliers that ser ve Reserve's members. Reserve Supply of Central N.Y. was established in 1949 and has its wa reh o use in Midl ar Industrial Pa rk, Syracuse. Ray Tomney is m anager and is assisted by Wes Brown ing. The tAre. LaValley Lumber, Claremont, N.H., Wins Retailer-Of-The-Year Award The LaValley Building Supply Co., Newport and C la remont, N.H ., has been awa rded a Certificate of Distinction in the 1975-76 retailerof-the-yP. a r com petiti on i n the building materials dealer class from the Brand Names Foundation Inc. of New York. Harold A. La Valley, president, was invited to accept the awa rd at a White House briefings meeting Sept. 19 and 20 in Washington, D .C. The LaValley firm has g rown fro m two employees in 1962 to 68 today, and now manufactures roof trusses, interior and exterior door units, wall panels, kitchen cabinets and log cabins. *** Acushnet Saw R elocates Home Center Acushnet Saw Mills Co., New Bedford , Mass., has announced the r elocation of their Home Decorating Center to better serve their customers. The former location was in the K-Mart Shopping Center, Faunce Corner Rd ., South Dartmouth, Mass. The new location is at the yard location: 38 Mill Rd., New Bedford, Mass. The center will be located on the second floor. The decorating center wi ll still hand le wa llpa per, fabri cs, floor Circle 17 on Information Request Card LEI-'l>tN&l>ISTRI8uT~R~ W£&T£'RW HE\1/Yotttt.'S '&&~ ' ''"·t7~·oaoo ~..nllt: '71"·1f.S"I·1~ ... • Formica • Vance Surface Savers • Marco Chopping Blocks • Armstrong Gourmet Ceilings • Abitibi Plastic Wall Panels You saw it In THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 / WE 'VE GOT ALL THE KITCHEN ITEMS TOO! / Cnstal e..... ~ a ...... beclb:lr QuT1011A.Lftln'UIIIII , ,, 'C' ~' !J v.nc. Industries \, ,,..,.t W!A1l!E:RB=Ah: Z · BRICK " 55 co v erings , and carpeting . Professional decorating service will be available from Cynthia Ritter, decorating consultant. The store manager is Ronald Santos. lion is expected to be completed for a late 1976 opening. The Bedford site was selected for Diamond's sixth facility in New Hampshire because of the com- *** Roger Williams Hoo-Hoo Club Holds Clambake The Roger Williams Hoo-Hoo Club #51 of Rhode Island held a clambake on Tuesday, September 21 at C & G Sadler Pavilion, Rehoboth , Mass. Members and friends enjoyed the bake beginning at I :30 p.m. with chowder and fritters. The main "bake" , served at 6:30 p.m., was enjoyed by all. John Wert, manager of new home center; Don Wilton, general manager of Diamond; and Michael Zlchelle, Zlchelle Conatructlon Co. d lacut~lng plana for the new facility. *** Woodbury Appointments Listed Ralph B. and Michael G. Woodbury were elected to top positions in different companies at the annual Board of Directo rs meeting of the Woodbury Lumber Companies. The two ha ve acquired the majority of the outstanding shares in Woodbury, which has companies located in G lens F a lls, Schenectady, Mexico, N .Y ., and Burlington, Vt., as well as the Diamond Point Lumber Co ., which produces H arvest Homes and runs a wholesale lumber and milling operation. Michael Woodbury was elected pres ident of Clayton G . Woodbury & So n Inc., Glens Falls and Woodbury Lumber Co., Mexico. Ralph Woodbury was elected president of Dia mond Point Lumber Co. , and Woodbury Lumber in Burlington and Schenectady . *** Ground Broken For Diamond Home Center Diamond I nternational Corp . has broken ground for a lumber and building materials H ome Center, its twenty-first in New Eng land. The site, located off Route 3, is adjacent to the proposed new corporate headquarters of Eastern M~untain Sport, Inc. and across from J. M . Fields and the Bedford Mall in Bedford , N.H. Zichelle Construction Co. of Fitchburg, Mass. is genera l building contractor, and construe56 pa ny's belief in the consumer, builder and industrial growth potential of the area. The 30,000 sq. ft. Home Center will provide one-stop se r vice for the c on s umer, the building co ntracto r and the industrial user and will be supported by Diamond's who lesale distribution warehouses located in South Walpole, Mass., Dover, N.H . and Wallingford, Conn . The facility will provide the do-ityourself customer with a blend of cas h-a nd-carry convenience a nd perso na l attention , in addition to name brand ho me improvement product s and a full line of traditional lumber and plywood . The building contractor will find highly trained yard crews a nd a wellmaintained fleet of trucks which will provide on-site deli very for all builder projects from the single ho use to the multi-unit development. The superior buying power of this giant company will insure competitive prices, and its own stud mills will supply a major part of all lumber a nd plywood requirements. *** Personals Continued from page 42 C hurchill, who has served U .S. Pl y w oo d a s southw es t a rea ma nager-Southern Pine, with offices a t Atlanta, Ga., will be located at th e com pa ny's h ead qu a rte rs in Stam fo rd . In his new po ition, he will be res ponsible fo r a ll particleboa rd and hardboard ma nufactur ing operations withi n th e compa ny, rep o r t in g to Con r a d R . K e l l ey, vic e pr esi den t ma n ufacturing. Associated with U .S . Plywood since 1963, C hurchill joined the company at its So uth Boston, Va., pl an t. Since t hen he was pla nt manager in G aylo rd , Mich. , in 1970; in charge o f pla nts in east Texas in 1972; directo r o f ma nufacturing services of eastern m a nufacturing o peratio ns in 1974; and southwest a rea manager-So uthern Pine, late in 1974. *** George J. Mltach. G eo rge J. M itsch has been pro moted to m arket develo pment manage r-B enelex, for Masonite Corp. Hardboard Division, Chicago, Il l. In his new positio n, Mi tsch will be res po nsib le fo r ide nti fy ing a nd developing new end ma rkets fo r Benelex, a high-density hardboard la minate used as a basic structural and surface materia l in a wi de range o f industrial a pplications. ** * Correction The lower three photos in the article "New Conklin Cash & Carry Opens in Goshen, N.Y .", in the September magazine, were misplaced. These pictures belong with the article " 119 Year Old Lumber Company Completes New Facilities." U.S. Plywood, Division of Champion International Corp., has recent ly t r a nsfe rre d J o hn N uge n t , R ochester, N .Y., to Lumber Sales Central, Eugene, Ore. He will be serving there in th e ca pacity of manager of wareho use services, distribution group. *** You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 EMPIRI! S T ATE LUMBER S A L ESMEN'S A SSOCIA T ION NEWS/NOTES lty Bil Croft • 7641 Hlrbor Circle L~,N. Y.13088 On September 16, the E.S.L.S.A . had another one of its great Fall Outings at the Nick Stoner Inn at Caroga Lake, N .Y. Approximately 115 members and guests enjoyed a great day of golf and other games made possible by a ve r y cooperative weatherman. Chairman Jack Clough and his crew did a great job in pulling the whole thing together. As a lways, we are indebted to Vi and Jimmy at the Inn who make all of us feel at home. Golf chairman C layt Williamson tells us the following won prizes for va rious reasons: Low Gross, Sonny Skiff (a new member); 2nd low gross, John Kilmer; J rd low gross, AI K oh ler. L ow net, George McCloskey; 2nd low net, D o n Seubert; and 3rd low net, Gary C lough . Closest to the pin on 9 was Doug Parker. The longest drive of the day was posted by Curt Funsten. Then, on the other hand, Jim Mo rgan recorded the most 7's and Herb Passi neau had the most honest score, which is still undisclosed. Other events of the " Lumbermen 's Olympics" saw Roy Osburg winning the wood sawing, with ZIGGY and Ed Dorsey 2nd and Jrd. Bob Kumpan won the darts, followed by Ralph D"e Witt and Gerry Peters. The distance judging was won by Paul Susco, who out guessed John Flaherty and George Dickleman by 6. Bob Smith and Frank Cook placed first in horseshoes by edging out Larry Phinny and AI Kohler. Les Turner, J ack Thaden and Bob Dwyer were I, 2, and 3 in the putting contest. Fred Voehringer, Jack Th aden and ZIGG Y split the prizes for nail drivin g. Ca pp y Gr iffith a nd Fred Voehringer teamed up to wi n the egg throwing contest over 2nd place Bill and Carl Schools. In the major sporting events of the day, the Wholesalers won the softball game while the Retailers won the tug-of-war. We are deeply indebted to the many suppliers that donated door prizes that always make this event a success. They are: The Blount Lumber Co.; General Products; Celotex; Advanced Drainage Systems; John H . Schumacher, Inc.; The LoganLo ng Company; Arthur Fisher; Douglas F . McMahon Co.; CertainTeed Products; Reserve Supply of Central New York ; Holbrook Lumber Co.; Zonolite; U. S. PlywoodRochester; General Millwork; Dorsey Millwork; Kasson & Keller Inc.; Jack Pysen; Lustrum Products; Eastwood Lumber Co. Inc .; M ac Mill an-B loedel Inc. ; Drew Building Supply; Br own & Forem a n; G.A.F.; Inter-State Builders Supply; Kaiser Aluminum; Lumber Mutual of Boston; Iroq uois Millwork Corp.; Frantz Door Co.; M arvin Millwork; Shepard-Morse Co.; Lance-M errill Distributors; National Advertising Specialties; plus one anonymous. It was an honor to have six past presidents on hand , including H oward Dinkel who was president in 1937 and John Mason who was president in 1943. - buy of lhe mun o n Ihe job - We welcome the following new members: Donald G. Skowronski, Abitibi Corporation who works out of Buffalo; Leonard Rutland of the Iroquois Millwork Corporation, Albany; Jerome "Jerry" Goode who is with Drew Building Materials and residing in Syracuse; Richard F. Hedderman with G.A.F. in Albany; Laurence P. Czajkowski who is wi th John s-Manville Corp. living in Latham, N.Y.; David Weldon who is with Georgia-Pacific in Albany; Earl J . Skiff with U.S. G ypsum, Ba llston L ake, N.Y.; Carl I. Hedlund with Advanced Drainage Systems, Palmer, Mass.; and John A . Mason , a former member , Pittsford, N.Y. - buy of tht.' mall on the job - Congratulations to John Nugent of Rochester, N.Y. on his promotion to manager of Warehouse Lumber Procurement for U.S. Plywood Corp. at thei r Central Office in Eugene, Oregon . J ohn and You saw it in THE LU MBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 Margaret have purchased a home in Eugene and plan to move in late September. He has been a mem ber of the ESLSA since 1952 and served as president in 1968. His outstanding contributions as an active member, director and chairman of many Committees will be missed as will his know how in the manufacture of bloody mary's under adverse situations. Representative Richmond Named Chairman Of Forests Subcommittee F red Richm on d, a freshman Dem ocrat representative from New York City, recently was named chairman of the Forests Subcommittee of the House Agriculture Committee. The Forestry Subcommittee has juris di ction ove r the National Forest Sys te m , the Nati o n a l Grasslands and other lands owned and overseen by the U.S. Forest Service. It also concentrates on the forest lands east of the Mississip pi purchased by the Fo rest Service from private interests, although it has some j uri sdicti on over a ll Federal forest lands. Chairman Thomas S. Foley, DWash., of the full Agriculture Committee announced the unanimous selection of Richmond by hi s colleagues to fill a vacancy created by the recent death of Rep. Jerry Litto n, D-Mo. , killed in a plane crash. Foley remarked "We are fo rtunate to have such a n able and effective legislator as Mr. Richmond assume the responsibilities of this subcommittee." Representative Richmond stated, "The su pply of paper and wood products for our natio n's consumers as well as the environmental concerns of the proper use of our nation's National Forests will be a focus of the Forestry Subcommittee. continued on page 59 57 -- ---· --------------------------------------- HERE ARE SOME REASONS TO BUY Moore Books Benefits Features • • • • • All forms are bound in a book Available 1 to 4 parts Low minimum quantities Wide range of sizes Staple through binding is covered • • • • • No loose sets To fit your system Allows limited investment Versatile Prevents damage from scratching CONTACT YOUR LOCAL NRLA REGIONAL MANAGER OR CHECK THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR TH E MOORE BUSINESS FORMS OFFIOE NEAREST YOU NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND Harold L. Mo ulton 16 Stevens Road North Hampton. N.H. 03862 (603) 964-6324 SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND & LONG I SLAND Fredenck N. lndermaur 11 Elizabeth Lane Tolland. Conn. 06064 (203) 875·3240 NRLA EASTERN NEW YORK J. N. Clough 7 Walnut Lane East Schenectady. New York 12309 (518) 783·5411 MOORE "Working Together To Serve You ." Circle 14 on Information Request Card WESTERN NEW YORK Philip J. Wel ch 1255 Strong Road VIctor, New Yo rk 14564 (716) 924· 2609 AJA YEM LUMBER CORPORATION P.O. Box 399 Walden, N.Y. 12586 THE " HUB" OF THE NORTHEASTERN LUMBER INDUSTRY. Local: 914-778-3501 Toll Free: N. Y. State: 800·942·5855 Out Of State: 800·431 ·9904 Circle 2 on Information Request Card Representative Richmond Seaboard Plywood & Lumber Continued from page 37 Hosts "Product N ite" Seaboa rd Plywood and Lumber Corpo ration, W atertown, M ass., held its first an nual Product Nite at the Ho liday Inn , Newton, M ass., a nd the Hea rthstone Inn , Seekonk , M ass. , o n September 14 and 15, respectivel y. Both events were extremely successful as over 150 d ealer g uests attend ed each program. Refreshments and a buffet supper were served from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Show specials included attractive prices on Ce ll woo d Shutter s, Tou c hw oo d produ c t s, D.G . pre finis he d moul din gs, Gossen mouldings, paneling, Ve r m ont Ba rnboard a nd H o m asote. Interior doors, Jessup products as well as pine mo uldi ngs were a lso fea tured a t unusua lly low prices. Another show was plan ned for October 13 at the Sherato n Tobacco Valley Inn , Windso r, Conn . Seaboard Product Nlt e well attended by dealer•. -~ u /r Tel. (203) 824-7733 or 824-5506 _ Clayton Road , Canaan , Connecticut 06018 . .. " 1 hope to bring a fres h unbi ased outloo k to the complex issues of ba lancing supply and deman d for o ur natio n's timber with ecological concerns. We must assure th at consumers a re paying reaso nable prices for today's woo d and paper pro ducts while guara nteei ng generati o ns of o utdoo rsmen that their recreational and wilderness areas are mainta ined." He also expressed ho pe that a me a ningfu l dialogue ca n be develo ped before the Subcomm ittee bet ween the affected industries, the enviro nmen tal o rga niza ti o ns, the ag ricu ltura l comm unity, the people who use the forests for their recreati o n and the consum ers of wood a nd paper pro d ucts. " Befo re the new Congress co nvenes in J anuary," Richm o nd co ntinued, " 1 plan to visit a reas of t he co untry w hich a re primarily a ffected by the votes an d issues discussed on the Forestry Subcommittee and t he full Agri culture Committee." Circle 24 on Information Request Card -w-atta~crete COmp&D)',IDC. " IT PAYS TO MIX W ITH THE BEST' ' SAND MIX MORTAR MIX GRAVEL MIX DRY SAND PURE WHITE SAND ALL PURPOSE CEMENT MIX NURSERY STONE MARBLE CHIP BLACK TOP WATT A-BOND PORTLAND CEMENT WINTER GRIT MORTAR CEMENT CALCIUM CHLORIDE DRIVEWAY SEALER MELT GRIP LIME PRODUCTS SUPERFINE SAND DYCO TILE & SLATE GROUT 48 hour delivery, sold to lumber, hardware and mason dealers only You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 59 Associate Members Of The Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. Ajayem Lumber Corporation American Aluminum Window Corp. American Door Distributors, Inc. Barnstable County Supply Company Bird & Son, inc. Black Millwork Co., Inc. The Blount Lumber Company Brockway-Smith Company Paul Brooker Sales International, Inc. Builders Specialties Co. Cohenno, Inc. Connecticut Reserve Supply Company Cook & Dunn Paint Corporation Cooperative Reserve Supply, Inc. Coronis Building Systems, Inc. Crellin Handling Equipment, Inc. D J, Inc. Dataline Corporation Dealer Supply Company Dorsey Millwork, Inc. Arthur J. Doyle ENAP, Inc. Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Company Furman Lumber, Inc. Genalco, Inc. General Millworl• Corp. Georgia-Pacific Corporation Gilfoy Distributing Company Guardian Purchasing Corp. Hallock Lumber Company Harbor Millwork, Inc. A. W. Hastings & Co., Inc. J. M. Heinike Associates Inc. R. W. Henry, Inc. Holbrook Lumber Company I. T. Dealers Supply, Inc. Iron City Sash & Door Company Iroquois Millwork Corporation JER Manufacturing, Inc. Johnson Building Materials Kasson & Keller, Inc. Graydon G. Kellogg Kemper Insurance Companies 60 Kitchen Distributors, Inc. Kraft Wholesale, Inc. W. B. Lam bot Lumber & Supply Co. Lance-Merrill Distributors, Inc. The Lumber Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Marvin Millwork, Inc. Mason Supply Reserve, Inc. Miller Supply Corp. Monroej Palburn, Inc. Gold Bond Building Products, Division of National Gypsum Company National Texture Corporation North Atlantic Millwork Corp. Northeast Lumber Sales Nutmeg Building Supply Corporation Ontario Building Supply Co., Inc. P.D.J. Components Patmore Millwork Co., Inc. Pella Products, Inc. Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co. Plywood-Plastics, Inc. Plywood Wholesale Co., Inc. The Portanova Trucking Co., Inc. Prudential Metal Supply Corp. RKB Enterprises, Inc. Reserve Supply of Central N.Y., Inc. Roblin Building Products Systems Saxonville Wholesale Lbr. Warehouse Co. Richard Scaglione John H. Schumacher, Inc. Seaboard Plywood & Lumber Corp. Shepard & Morse Lumber Co. Spear Newman, Inc. Superior Distributing Company, Inc. Warren Trask Company U.S. Plywood Corporation Division of Champion International United States Gypsum Company Watta-Crete Company, Inc. Wilson & Fritz, Inc. Winter Woodland Specialties, Inc. Zonolite, W. R. Grace & Co. You saw it In THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 ~---------------------------------------------------- CONNECTICUT RESERVE SUPPLY COMPANY !13@FU New Haven, Conn. 203-787-1193 Waterbury, Conn. 203-754-3183 Fire-rated Circle 29 on WEATHERBOARD Information Request Card New Centerpiece Cabinetry Vermont Association Continued from page 43 Continued from page 25 arrangement that is uniquely hers. Stacking of cabinets, placement on a diagonal, even hanging cabinet arrangements are possible. Any of the more than 100 sizes of base and wall units in the Centerpiece cabinet ensemble have this overall design versati lity throughout the home with cabinet sizes ranging from 12" to 48". A matching vanity is a lso available. Dancing was provided at the "T" Bar Lounge after the meeting was adjourned. Many thanks go to the wholesalers and manufacturers who sponsored the midnight snack and the social hour: Kraft Wholesale, Inc., Iroquois Millwork Corp., Warren Trask, Co., American Forest Products, North Atlan tic Millwork, MacMillan Bloedel , Lawrence Plate G lass, Glens Falls Portland Cement, Advanced Drainage Systems, Gillies & Prittie Inc., Furman Lumber, Inc., Plywood Wholesale Co. Inc., Northeast Millwork, Inc., Lance-Merrill Dist. Inc. , Diamond International Corp., Interstate Builders Supply, Tyler Products Corp., Harroun Lumber Corp., Pella Products lnc., Brockway-Smith Co., Johnson Building Materials, Holbrook Lumber Co., Vermont Weatherboard, Caradco, Armstrong Cork, Dorsey Millwork, Lumber Mutual of Boston, Saxo nville Wholesale Lumber, OJ, Inc., U.S. Gypsum, C.E. Morgan, Cushman Lumber Co. , Inc., and Zonolite. Centerpiece Kitchen Idea Brochure Available With the introduction of Centerpiece, International Paper Company also announces the availability of the 4color Centerpiece kitchen concept brochure. The brochure is i~lu strated with useful kitchen design information, four-color photography showing Centerpiece installations and many standard and optional conveniences available with Centerpiece. The brochure text details construction features, the advantages of Long-Bell's 10-step finishing process and complete specifications necessary to kitchen installation. For a free copy of the Centerpiece Kitchen Idea brochure, and further info rmation about Centerpiece Kitchen Cabinets, write Cabinet Division of International Paper Company, P.O. Box 841 1, Dept. 487, Portland, OR 97207 . Welcome change as a friend; try to visualize new possibilities and the blessings it is bound to bring you. If you stay interested in everything around you -in new ways of life, new people, new places and ideas- you'll stay young, no matter what your age. Never stop learning and never stop growing: that is the key to a rich and fascinating life. -Alexander de Seversky Circle 10 on Information Request Card You can tell . . . it's .., Phone: (518) 853-3421 MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY ALUMINUM STORM PRODUCTS KASSON & KELLER, INC., FONDA, N.Y. 12068 You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 61 Convention Committee Continued from page 51 Sudbury, Ma.; Arnold B. Myers, Friend Lumber Corp., Medford, Ma.; Joshua A . Nickerson, Nickerson Lumber Co., Orleans, Ma.; Larry O' Brien, Neal-O' Brien Bldg. Materials, Oswego, N.Y.; Richard Raschke, Home Lu mber Company, Lindenhurst, N.Y .; Walter Sherman, Wiscasset Lumber Co., Inc., Wiscasset, Me.; Ben Tedesco, Ben Tedesco Builders Supply, W. Boylsto n, Ma .; D. Paul Venier, Brentwood Lumber & Supply Corp., Brentwood , N.Y .; Richard White, Bruce Ha ll Corp., Cooperstown, N.Y. Ex-Officio J. Glenn Spoor, Warner-Pruyn, Glens Falls, N.Y.; Verne R . Spear, Spea r Lumber Co., W . Suffield, Ct.; MSR Inc. Mason Supply Reserve NEW YORK STATE FLAGSTONE (BLUE STONE) VERMONT SLATE PENNA. BLACK SLATE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS EXCLUSIVELY Office: 544 Lafayette Street Bridgeport, Conn. Circle 13 on Information Request Card 203-576-1804 ESTABLISHED LUMBER YARD FOR SALE Modern Yard , Home Center and Contra ctor Trade . W ell Balanced Inventory . Prime Location in New York State . Room for Expansion . Widow Will Sacrifice . Available With or W ithout Real Estate . Reply to Dept. No . 2087 Frederick A. Stahl, Rochester Lumber Co., R ochester, N.Y. Associate Member Advisory AI A Ikon, Superior Distributing Co., Inc., C helsea, Ma.; John Furman , Furman Lumber, Boston , Ma.; Philip Goodman , American Aluminum Window Corp., Malden, Ma. ; John Hixon , Bird & Son, inc. East Walpole, Ma.; Richard Newman, Georgia-Pacific Corp. C lifton, N.J.; Norm Riviere (for J . Furman), Furman Lumber, Bosto n, M a.; Donald Smith, Lumber Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Wellesley, Ma.; Howard C. Smith, Brockway-Smith Co., Andover, Ma.; Stan Titus, W.R . Grace and Co., New Brunswick, N.J. Sherman Elected Continued from page 29 more detail the activities of NRLA including the associate member program and the recently published BUYERS' GUIDE & DEALER DIRECTORY now available. The Directory will be a valuable tool for members, wholesalers and manufacturers covering the New England area. Evening entertainment started with a Social Hour sponsored by the manufacturers and wholesalers. Thanks and appreciation for the social hour go to those manufacturers and wholesalers who made contributions: Acme-Dunham Co., American Building Products, Anderson Herrmann, Bird & Son, inc., BrockwaySmith Co., Celotex Corp., Dennis & Jameson, Emery Waterhouse, Georgia- Pacific Corp., Gregg Distributors, A. W. Hastings, Kaiser Aluminum Bldg. Products Divisio n, Lumber Mutual, Lawrence McCoy Co. , Malta Co., Johns-Mansville Corp., Martin Marietta Co., Northeast Building Products, Furman Lumber, Inc., Northeast Millwork , Plunkett & Webster, Plywood Wholesale, Rex Lumber, Richardson, Dana & Co., Seaboard Plywood Lbr. Co., Superior Column, Warren Trask , Turgeon Brothers, U.S. Plywood, Wholesale Dist. Inc., Winter, Northwood Building Materials, Cushman Lumber Co. Over 200 attendees were present at the annual banquet dinner held in the main dining room. As is customary, George Herman, golf chairman presented awards to the winners of both the tennis and golf tournaments at the dinner session. A short presentation was made by Don Clay of Bird & Son, inc. to Daniel E. Hurley who had just completed 25 yea rs of service at Bird. The closing feature of the day's events was a variety show sponsored by the Maine Hoo-Hoo Club. Reserve your space now! Advertising Deadline Date for the December Convention issue is November 10. 62 You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 calendar of events Nov. 5 Harry L. Folsom Hoo-Hoo Club Concat, Party Night Sheraton-Boston Hotel, Boston, Mass. Nov. 15-17 Financial Management Clinic Sheraton Inn Airport, A lbany, N.Y. Nov. 6 Massachusetts Retail Lumbermens Association 76th Annual Convention Sheraton-Boston Hotel, Boston, Mass. 1977 Jan. 7-9 Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Associat ion 83rd Annual Convention Sheraton-Boston Hotel, Boston, Mass. Dec. 6-7 Store & Yard Layout Clinic Holiday Inn - Downtown, Syracuse, N.Y. New Products level you want with its dua l squirrel cage blowers. The light switch is also solid state, letting you select yo ur light intensity .. . bright fo r cooking, soft for ni ght lighting, o r somew he re in between for accenting. Continued from page 18 hasps, corner braces a nd cabinet ha rd ware. The sturdy M ini-Pa k* and fro nt panel labels then go to wo rk for yo u. T we nt y-fou r items ca n b e arra nged comfortably in a 2' wide 54" high go nd o la using 6 metal s helves. In today's price-conscious ma rket with in-sto re labor costs skyrocketing shouldn 't yo u be selling a ll yo ur ha rdware this way? .. .. . Circle 210 on Information Request Card New Decorator Range Hood By WHliams Wil liams, Division o f Leig h Products, now offers .a gou rmet kitchen-crafted hood, one of the few tru ly "decora tor" ra nge hoods. It is Circle 21 1 on Information Request Card ava ila ble in wa ll o r island-peninsula styles in 30", 36", 42", or 48" widths . The Gourmet hood is o ffered in a cho ice of five appliance colors and yet can be easily matched to the wood of the cabinets or any other decor by insert ing \4" panels. Solid state blower contro l lets yo u choose the ventilating and sound Sapolin Lowers S heen O f Its Outside Oil W hite T oday's ho meowner is trending away from the trad itio nal g lossy loo k of oil based ho use pa int, so states Sapo lin Paints Inc. in annou ncing their new outside w hite. This pa int dries with a low sem igloss luster and tends to mask surface defects and irregula ri ties. It is a no n-chalking type, ho lding both its SE! SEABOARD PLYWOOD & LUMBER CORP. SE! Watertown (617) 924-6022 Providence (401) 781-4242 S. Windsor (203) 289-1591 - Back in Stock The original Boise Cascade Knotty Pine & Knotty Cedar Panels. Also good prices on Mahogany Plywood CALL YOUR LOCAL SALES OFFICE. Circle 21 on Information Request Card You saw it in TH E LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 63 - -------------------------------------------------------------------- New Products Continued from page 63 w hiteness and luster in normal exposure. The product is d esig nated N-1400 to d istinguish it from their fo rm er number. . .. Circle 205 on Information Request Card NORTHEASTERN RETAIL LUMBERMENS ASSOCIATION Established 1894 339 East Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14604 Tel. 716-325- 1626 OFFICERS Porcela in Enamel Color Chips F rom J im Walter Corporation An easy to display kit o f twelve po rcelain ena mel color chips th at show the actual colors of Briggs bathroom fixtu res is now availab le fo r the Briggs pl umbingware divisio n of Jim Walter Co rp. One a nd a qua rter-inch ro und chips display ten colors a nd white, and a six a nd a qua rter-inch wide o va l shows the new Ca fe Brown intro duced this year. The kit is attractively packaged in a 4 Y2" x II " d isplay which unfo ld s to show a ll co lors. .. . Circle 209 on Information Request Card W in-Holt Equipm en t Adds New Warehouse T ruck To Line Win-H o lt Equ ipment Corp., has added M o del 242 to its li ne of rugged , durable wareho use t rucks. Model 242 is virtu ally indest ructable, with a ll welded co nstructio n of ex tra heavy steel. The tru cks a re designed to handle load s up to 1500 lbs. with maximum maneuverabili ty a nd stabil it y. They a re ad apta ble to a ny ha ndling req ui rements, since they can be fabricated in a variety of lengths and a choice o f hand les. The a lumi nu m deck is 24" wide a nd is avai la ble in 48" or 60" length . The end ha ndl es ca n be ordered 39" o r 57" high and are remo vable . Circle 212 on Information Request Card 64 President J. GLENN SPOOR Warner Pruyn Glens Falls, N.Y. Treasurer RUSSELL L. FISH The Welch Co. Scituate, Mass. Vice Presidents EARL T. CARPENTER Street Lumber Corp. South Hadley, Mass. Executive Vice President HORACE G. PIERCE 339 East Avenue Rochester, N.Y. RICHARD A. WHITE Bruce Hall Corp. Cooperstown, N.Y. Executive Com m ittee Members-at-Large FREDERICK A. STAHL Rochester Lumber Co. Rochester, N.Y. JOHN A. HRUSA Ring's End, Inc. Darien, Conn. VERNE R. SPEAR Spear Lum ber Co. W. Suffi eld, Conn. VINCENT N. BRESCIA Brescia Lumber Corp. Montgom ery, N.Y. Consultant and Advisor PAUL S. COLLIER Rochester, N.Y. DIRECTORS LEE F. ADAMS, JR. Lumber & Supplies, Inc . Yarmouth, Me. DONALD G. HAYES Ricci Supply Co., Inc. Portsm outh, N.H. REYNOLD A. BELLETETE Belletete's. Inc. Jaffrey, N.H. RANDALL S. INGALLS GNH Lumber, Inc. Norton Hill, N.Y. DONALD F. CALKINS D.F. Calkins Lumber Co., Inc. Sanborn, N.Y. KEVIN M. KELLY J ay-K Independent Lumber Corp. New Hartford , N.Y. WILLIAM CASE Dunkirk Lumber & Coal Co. Dunkirk, N-.Y. G. BURTON MULLEN Mullen Lumber Co., Inc. Sudbury, Mass. JOHN C. CL YNES Robinson & Carpenter, Inc. Ithaca, N.Y. ARNOLD B. MYERS Friend Lumber Co. Medford, Mass. WILLIAM D. CONKLIN Chester Lum ber Corp. Chester, N.Y. HARRY C. PARKER Parker & Stearns, Inc. Johnson, Vt. HARRY M. EHLE, JR. Liverpool Lumber Co., Inc. Liverpool, N.Y. RICHARD E. RASCHKE Home Lumber Co. Lindenhurst, N.Y. DOUGLAS C . ELDER Elder Lumber Corp. Amherst, Mass. LARRY RUSSELL Nunda Lumber & Hardware, Inc. Nunda, N.Y. HARRY E. EVASICK Builders Supply Co. of Milford Milford, Conn. D. PAUL VENIER Brentwood Lumber & Supply Corp. Brentwood, N.Y. WILLIAM GOLDBERG Shunplke Lumber Co., Inc. Roc ky Hill, Conn. WILLIAM A. WARDWELL Wardwell Lumber Co. Bristol, R.I. NISSIE GROSSMAN Grossman's Inc. Braintree, Mass. HENRY ZOTTOLI Holden Farmers Supply Holden, Mass. ASSOCIATION STAFF James E. Dunbar, Staff Vice President Marilyn E. Guthrie, Executive Assistant Paul J. Julius, Training Director James K. Baker Staff Vice Presiden t Jean M. Lelske, Controller FREDERICK N. INDERMAUR Regional Manager 11 Elizabeth Lane Tolland, Conn. 06084 Tel: 203-875-3240 HAROLD L. MOULTON Regional Manager P.O. Box 113 North Hampton, N.H. 03862 Tel: 603-964-6324 J.N. UJACK" CLOUGH PHILIP J. WELCH Regional Manager Regional Manager 7 Walnut Lane E. 1255 Strong Ad . Victor, N.Y. 14564 Tel: 716-924-2609 Schenectady, N.Y. 12309 Tel: 518-783-5411 You saw It in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE Replies should be sent to Department Number listed c/ o The Lumber Co-Operator, 339 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 14604 Rates on Classified: $1 .00 per line Minimum charge: $10.00 per Insertion HELP WANTED SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED We are seek ing a sales representative with experience in lumber and building materials. He should be able to grow while he helps us grow. He should recognize opportunity when he sees it. Our customers are retail lumber dealers In Maine and eastern New Hampshire. We are a long established, successful producer and distributor of eastern lumber and building materials. Contact: Irving Hibbard RICHARDSON, DANA & CO. 165 Presumpscot Street Portland , Maine 04103 Tel. 207-773-0227 FOR SALE Lumber, hardware and building materials business in upstate eastern New York. Long established , consistent volume. Adequate real estate for expansion. Owner wants to retire. Reply to Dept. No. 2090. I Obituaries . . . I MARJORY B. CAVES, wife of J. Walter Caves who is president of J. Walter Caves I nc., Newark, N.Y., diedAugust31 at the age of 71. She is survived by her husband, J. Walter; 2 sons, James, of Phelps, N.Y., and Joel of Reading, Pa.; I daughter, Mrs. Alan (Nancy) Dickson of Newark, Calif.; 2 sisters, D orothy Bu llock and Mrs. George (Elizabeth) Ra1f, Rochester; and 6 grandchildren. * ** A . JACK VAN REYPEN, salesman for Har:oun Lumber Co., Watertown, N.Y., died August 29 at the age of 55. An East Rochester native, Van Reypen played football at Brighton High School, where he graduated in 1940. During World War II he served as a night engineer in the Air Force. After the war he joined H arroun Lumber Co. H e belonged to the Oak H ill Country Club, where he was an avid golfer for many years. Van Reypen is survived by his mother, Pearl; his wife, I sabelle; a so n, R . Scott of Pittsford, N.Y.; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas (Sandy) D oyle of Hanover, N .H .; a brother, Robert of Newark, N.Y.; and two grandchildren. Lumber & Build ing Supply Business & property - ideal spot in the center of Middletown, Ellenville, Port Jervis, and Monticello. This Is an excellent location for a retail lumber chain or a wholesale lumber distributor. 65 m iles from New York C ity. Property also suitable for other business endeavors. Phone (914) 888-2201 . FRIDEN 5010 COMPUTYPER. Electronic Billing/ Accounting Machine-programmed for lumber/building materials business. Asking $2500. Contact Robert Sanford, Sanford & Hawley, Inc., Unionville, Ct. 203673-3213. HELP WANTED Salesmen or reps calling on dealers in Rockland, Orange, Ulster counties; also Westchester, Conn. and Mass. for major importer and wholesaler of plywoods, paneling, moldings, etc. Please send complete resume. Box 937. New Hyde Park Station, New York 11040. FOR SALE Potential retail lumber yard; 3.1 acre property with frontage on three thoroughfares located in Orange County. Mid-Hudson Valley, N.Y. Was lumber supply yard for single family builder; contains 5,000 sq. ft oHice space, 25,000 sq. ft. enclosed unheated high roof storage and 12,000 sq. ft. heated storage. Owner presently underutilizing yard and can provide attractive financing. Direct inquiry to Attention: John Steinberg, Jr., Schoonmaker Homes, Temple Hill Road. P.O. Box 98, Vails Gate, N.Y. 12584. (914)562-1500. SYNDICAT DE NORMANDIN LUMBER LTD. MONTREAL CALL COLLECT 514-325-4000 The Most Competitive Eastern Spruce Wholesaler In The Industry Circle 23 on Information Request Card HIGH-FASHION Ceilings by @ mstron 9 AT DOWN-TO-EARTH PRICES NUTMEG BUILDING SUPPLY CORP. ENFIELD, CONN . - (203) 623-2586 BRIDGEPORT, CONN . (203) 366-4553 Circle 16 on Information Request Card HOLBROOK WAREHOUSE CORP. SAMUEL KAITZ, treasu r er of the National L umber Co., Newton, Mass., died September II. Mr. K aitz, in addition to being treasurer of the National Lumber Co. of Newton and Salem, was a past president of the Boston Retail Lumbermen's Association, a director continued on page 66 You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 P. 0 . Box 5229 Albany, N.Y. 12205 518-482-3314 Circle 8 on Information Request Card 65 Obituaries Continued from page 65 of the Home Builders' Association and a member of the Northeastern Reta il Lumbermens Association. A graduate of the Boston Public Latin School and Boston University, he was a foun der a nd directo r of the New England Villages for Retarded Ad ults, a member of the Shawmut Masonic Lodge a nd was active in numero us philanthropic programs. H e is survived by his wife, Florence; two sons, Paul of Framingham, M ass., and Stanley of Newton; two brothers, Lo uis and J ohn; and two grandchild ren . R IC HAR D A. H ADLEY, president and treasurer of H adley Industries, Inc., Claremont, N .H ., died September 3, a t the age of 50. A life long C laremont resident, H adley was active in both business, operating building supply centers in Claremo nt, K eene and West Lebanon, and civic organizations. He was a member of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association and was a member and past secreta ry-treasurer of the New Hampshire Reta il Lumbermen's Association. One of the original incorporators o f the City Bank and Trust Co., he was, at the time of his death, the nominee for seco nd vice *** ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. . . . . . . ..... . ..... . .... . ... . ... 3 Ajayem Lumber Corporation . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . ...... .. ....... . ... 59 Anchor Sales Corporation ......... . ............... .. . . . . .. . . . .. . 27 BPS Paint Company . ........ .. . . .. . . .. .... ... ... . ........... . .. . 62 Brockway-Smith Company .... . ... . .... . .......... .. .... . ... .. .. 15 Builders Kitchen Cabinet Company .... ... . ............ .. ....... 11 California Cascade Industries . . . . ... . .. . . . .. . . .... . ... . ..... . ... 17 Caradco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 2 Classified Ads ....... . .... . ......... . ... . ..................... . . . 65 Samual J. Cohen ......... . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. ... .... . .. .. . . . . .. .. . 62 Connecticut Reserve Supply Company ...... . ..... . ..... . ... . .. 61 Coronia Building Systems, Inc. .. ............ .. .... .. .... ...... . 45 Cotton-ttanlon, Inc.. . . .... . .... . .. . . . .. . . . ......... . . . ........... 49 Dealer Merchandising Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, Inside Back Cover Diamond International Corporation .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .... . . . . . . .. . . . 29 Hallock Lumber Company ........................... . .... . . . ... 23 Holbrook Warehouse Corporation .. . ... .. ... . .. . .. . ............ 65 Inter-State Builders Supply .. ... ........... . ...... .... ... . ...... 51 Iroquois Millwork Corporation . . .. . . . ... .. ... . Inside Front Cover Kasson & Keller, Inc . . .. . ..... . . . .... . ... . .... . .. . ............... 61 Kemper Insurance Companies . . ........ . ..... . . . .. ... . . . .. ..... 7 Kitchen Distributors, Inc... . .. . . . ........ .. ... .. . . .. .. ..... . . . ... 41 The Lumber Mutual Fire Insurance Company .... . .. Back Cover Marlite, Division of Masonite Corp . ..... .... . ..... .............. 43 Mason Supply Reserve, Inc. .. ............. . ..... . .. .. .... .. .. .. 62 National Texture Corporation .. . ... .. ........ . ....... . ... . .... .. 31 Northeastern Group Insurance Trust Fund .. . .. ........... . 46, 47 Northeastern Retail Lumbermen& Association . . .. . .. . .. 34, 35, 58 Nutmeg Building Supply Corporation ... . ........... . .... . .. . . . . 65 Pennsylvania Lumbermen& Mutual Insurance Co. . . . Back Cover Plywood Plastics, Inc . . ... . ....... . . . .... . . . .. . ... . .. . .... . ... . . . 55 Plywood Wholesale Company .. ..... ...... .. . .. . .. ... ... ..... ... 37 RKB Enterprises, Inc . ........... . .. . . . ..... . ....... . .... . ....... 5 Seaboard Plywood & Lumber Corp . ................... .. ....... 63 Spear-Newman, Inc . ........... . .... . ... . .... . ... . ............ . .. 53 Superior Distributing Co., Inc. .... .. ............... . ............ 25 Syndical de Normandin Lumber Ltd . ........................ . .. 65 True Manufacturing Company . . ... .. .... . .. . . . .. . . ... ... ... ... . . 39 United Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Walta Crete Company, Inc. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. ... .. . . . ....... . ... .. . 59 Wilmod Co., Inc. . ........ . ......... . ........... . ....... . ........ 21 66 president of the new bank. Additional positions held in the community include p residen t of the board of trustees of the Cla remont General H ospital and a director of the Claremont C ha mber of Commerce. Fratern al o rganiza tions of which H adley was a member of include H iram Lodge No.9, F. a nd A.M. , Scottish Rite Bodies of N .H., Valley of Nashua, a nd Bektash Temple, A.A.O.N. M .S., Concord. He also belonged to the Claremont Country C lub and was a former member of the Rotary and Kiwanis C lubs. Attending Claremont sc hoo ls, he graduated in 1945 from Stevens High School. Duri ng World Wa r II he served with the U.S. Air Force. Surviving arc his wife, O live; two sons, Steven a nd Dana; a daughter, Mrs. William (M artha) Foley, Beverly, Mass.; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Hadley, Boca Raton, Fla.; a brother, Bradford, Boca R aton; a siste r, Mrs. Earl (H o no rine) Bourdon; and severa l nieces and nephews. *** JOHN K . DAMON , president of Concord Woodworking Compa ny, Concord, Mass., d ied August 5 a t the age of 60. A long time resident of Concord, he graduated from the Un iversity of New H am pshire in 1938. During World War II, Damon served as a member of Genera l Omar Bradley's General Staff in the European Theatre of Operations as Lieutenant Colonel. He was involved in the planning and execution of landings in Normandy and field operations in Western Europe that ended with the defeat of H itler's Armies. He also had special assignments on the General Staffs of Fie ld Marshall Mo ntgomery and General Pa tton. Damon retired from the A rmy in 1944. In 1946 he became associated with Concord Woodworking, a fi rm established in 1910 by his father. He took the posit ion of president in 1953. The fi rm is engaged in the wh olesale lum be r business producing a special ty line o f wood products wi th manufacturi ng fac ili t ies in Co nco r d; Kempton, Indiana; Lyndo nvi lle, Yt.; and Bury, Quebec. His activity in community affairs included serving as a director of the Harvard Trust Company, president of the Ho usewares C lub of New England and the Concord C hamber of Commerce, and a corporator of the Middlesex Institutio n for Savings. Other positions included deputy grand marshal of the 1975 Bicentennial Parade, chairman of the 1975 Parade Subcommittee, former selectman fr om 1959 to 1963, a fo rmer member of the Pl anni ng Board, Special Building Committee member, and a member of the 1950 Celebratio ns Committee. Dam on was also a member o f many groups including the American Legion, Corinthian Lodge of Masons, Concord Rota ry C lub, Musketaquid Spo rtsmen's Club, and director of Veterans Services as well as being a Vetera ns' Agent. • *• You saw it in THE LUMBER CO-OPERATOR, October 1976 LOOKING FOR WAYS TO BUILD SALES OF ... • insulation .storm doors and windows .weather stripping ... 7 8 1/2"x11 " 72 EASY TO READ PAGES . • • SO CHARTS AND TABLES LET YOUR CUSTOMERS TAKE HOME EXPERT ADVICE Th is new book, originally prepared for HUD, gives the homeowner detailed in formation on how to save money •. • a complete dolla rs and cents guide to Energy Saving Home Improveme nts. Provides how-to information on saving heating and cooling energy. Step-by-step ways to fig ure costs and resulting savings . How to choose a contractor. Available from HUD under original title "In the Bank . • . or Up the Chimney" at $1.70 . O ur volume reprint makes it available to you as low as $1 .05. Ten or more books shipped with a display carton. THIS BOO K CO N TAINS INFO RMATION O N THE FO LLOWING "HOW-TO - DO - IT" PROJECTS Weatherstrip Your Windows Wea therstrip Your Doo,.. Ins tall Combination StO<m Windows Insta ll Combination Storm Doors Insulate Your Un fin ished Attic Insula te Your Unfinished Floored Attic Insulate Your Crowl Space Walls Insula te Your Base ment Walls -----------------------ORDER FORM FREE DISPLAY Mat., t O.. AVAILABLE WITH 10 OR MORE BOO K ORD ER. 0 Send me 0 Send me - - - - (Less thon 10) "MO N EY SAVED" Books @ S1. 20 eo. PRICES 10 OR MORE ••••. $ 1. 05 ea. 1 - 9 COPIES ..••• $1.20 ea. (Suggested Retai I price - $1 . 70) NORTHEASTERN RETAIL LUMBERMEN$ ASSOCIATION, INC. 339 EAST AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14604 0 0 ( 10 or more) "MONEY SAVED" Books - - - - @ S1. 05 eo . (inc lude FREE Co unte r Displa y) Send FREE NPS full· line catalog Established credit customer- bill me later . All PRICES F.O.B. ELMHURST NET 30 DAYS You r Name Fi rm Na m e Address City 8133 - 19~2 Sta te Circle 7 on Information Request Card Zip Code a Locks and Lights will discourage trespassers who are the second largest known cause of losses. A burned-out floodlight won't help you when the trespasser arrives. So, replace it immediately. And an unlocked gate only invites arson - plus a variety of other problems. business as providing specialized insurance protection for the lumber industry. We've been doing a pretty good job at both for 80 years. Isn't it time you called Lumber Mutual of Boston or Pennsylvania Lumbermens for an individualized insurance plan for your company? Putting out fires before they start is as much our Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company The Lumber Mutual Fire Insurance Company P LM Building, Philade lp hia, Pa. 191 0 7 45 William St., Wellesley, Mass. 02181 Circle 11 on Information Request Card