Jacob Hespeler Secondary School Roots and Wings
Jacob Hespeler Secondary School Roots and Wings
This book belongs to: ____________________ Jacob Hespeler Secondary School Roots and Wings 2016-2017 Course Calendar Grades 10 - 12 PHONE: 519-658-4910 FAX: 519-658-8171 355 Holiday Inn Drive Cambridge, Ontario N3C 1Z2 CREDO We, the staff of Jacob Hespeler Secondary School believe: IT IS THE GOAL OF JACOB HESPELER SECONDARY SCHOOL TO HELP OUR STUDENTS DEVELOP ROOTS ‐ TO BUILD STRONG FOUNDATIONS IN KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, VALUES AND POSITIVE ATTITUDES ‐ THAT WILL LEAD TO SUCCESS IN THEIR FUTURE LIVES: AND TO HELP OUR STUDENTS SPREAD THEIR WINGS ‐ TO STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE, SELF SATISFACTION AND PRIDE IN THEIR OWN ABILITIES AS SCHOLARS, AS CITIZENS OF THEIR COMMUNITY, AS WORK‐ ERS AND AS INDIVIDUALS. ElectiveCredits In addi on to the 18 compulsory credits, students must earn 12 elec ve credits selected from the courses listed as available in the school course calendar. General Course Informa on Defini on of a Credit A credit is recogni on of the successful comple on of a course for which a minimum of 110 hours is scheduled. A credit is granted to a student by the principal of a secondary school on behalf of the Minister of Educa on. Defini ons of Types of Courses Four types of courses are offered in Grade 9 and 10: Academic courses emphasize theory and abstract problems Applied courses focus on prac cal applica ons and concrete examples Open courses are designed to prepare students for further study in certain subjects and to enrich their educa on generally Essen al / Locally Developed courses are designed to prepare students for transi on from high school to the workforce. Available to Fast Forward students only Course Coding System The course code consists of a course tle and a sixth character code: The first five characters are designated by the Ministry of Educa on and Training. The Waterloo Region District School Board determines the sixth character. Code Characters Explana on Example ‐ ENG 1 D I 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Subject discipline of the course in le ers. “ENG” English 4th Grade level as a number * (see below) “1” Grade 9 “3” Grade 11 “2” Grade 10 “4” Grade 12 Type of course as a le er “1” Grade 9 5th “D” Academic course “D” Academic “E” Workplace 6th “P” Applied “C” College “O” Open “M” University/College “L” Locally Developed “U” University Board designated character that indicates cred‐ it value or may be used to differen ate between courses with similar codes. “I” 1 credit *In the case of a language course the fourth character refers to the level of proficiency. Minimum Course Load Grade9and10 Grade9and10 Minimum 4 courses per semester Minimum 4 courses per semester Grade11and12 Grade11and12 Minimum 3 courses per semester Minimum 3 courses per semester Course Changes Students are expected to complete all courses in which they are registered. Most metable changes must be approved by parents and must be in the best interest of the student. All changes must meet prerequisite requirements and class sizes must be small enough to accommodate the change. Teacher ini ated transfers may be made, with parental and department head approval, in an a empt to meet the best interest of the student. Course changes can only be made in the very early stages of each semester. Student requests to change to less demanding courses will only be considered when the student is in regular a endance in class, has completed all assigned work and is making a daily effort to master the course. Such requests require subject teacher, counsel‐ lor and parent support. Minimum Program – Full‐Time Students The Ministry of Educa on requires that a student must be enrolled in 3 courses in a semester to be considered a full‐ me student. In order to remain qualified for pension or welfare programs, or athle c compe on, students may be required to be enrolled in 3 or more credits per semester. Recogni on of Academic Excellence School Honour Roll and General Proficiency Guidelines: The following guidelines will be used to determine the names of students who will be placed on the school’s Honour Roll. The selec ons will be made at the conclusion of the school year. Grades 9‐10 – average of the 8 courses taken throughout the school year. Grades 11‐12 – average of the best 6 courses taken throughout the school year. In keeping with Ministry and Board direc on, 80% will be used as the minimum average for Honour standing and 75% will be used as the minimum average for General Proficiency. COPERATIVE EDUCATION Coopera ve Educa on is a unique method of learning designed for Grades 11 and 12 students to combine the resources of an in‐school course with a planned and supervised on‐the‐job experience in a business, industry or community organiza on. Work placements are arranged and monitored by the school and are designed to provide opportuni es to apply skills and concepts learned in a par cular in‐school program. It allows the student to learn more about the reali es of the workplace, to explore ca‐ reer opportuni es and to assist in the transi on from school to post‐secondary educa on or directly to the workforce. Course Offerings through Other Means The op ons available to students who wish to consider alterna ve methods for earning credits to enrolling in courses offered in their secondary school include: E‐LEARNING: Online Courses E‐Learning is a program delivery model that provides students with an opportunity to earn secondary school credits online. See your guidance counsellor or visit wrdsbelearn.ca for addi onal informa on. Con nuing Educa on This involves the provision of credit and non‐credit courses for students who wish to study part‐ me or full‐ me for a short term outside of the secondary school program. Courses may include evening, summer school, day me classes and adult basic educa on courses. See your guidance counsellor for further details. Specialist High skills major The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program offers students the opportunity to explore a specific com‐ munity, economic and/or industry sector of interest and to acquire skills and experiences within that sector, preparing them for post‐secondary des na on in one of four pathways: Appren ceship, College, University or the Workplace. Benefits of par cipa ng in the SHSM program include: Specified, bundled credits, including coop and 4 major credits building the founda on concepts and skills necessary for a future career in a par cular sector Sector‐recognized cer fica ons and/or training, including First Aid, CPR and WHMIS Experien al learning and ‘Reach Ahead’ opportuni es involving community partners ac ve in the sec‐ tor‐specific industries Development of the Ontario Skills Passport A SHSM red seal placed on the student’s secondary gradua on diploma indica ng the students’ suc‐ cess in SHSM program The SHSM programs offered at JHSS include Arts and Culture and Sport Possible career opportuni es in the different pathways include: Pathway Pathway Arts and Culture Arts and Culture Sport Sport Appren Appren ceship Training ceship Training Entertainment Industry Power Technician Entertainment Industry Power Technician Special Events Planner Special Events Planner Gem Se Gem Se er / Goldsmith er / Goldsmith Horse Groomer Horse Groomer Pa Pa ern maker (tex ern maker (tex le and leather) le and leather) College College Performance Studies Performance Studies Broadcast Journalism Broadcast Journalism Musical Theatre Musical Theatre Recrea Recrea onal Therapy onal Therapy Theatre Produc Theatre Produc on on Sports Management Sports Management University University Theatre Performance Theatre Performance Biology Biology Anima Anima on, Graphic Design on, Graphic Design Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Journalism Journalism Human Kine Human Kine cs cs Workplace Workplace Dance Studies Dance Studies Coaching Coaching Applied Music Applied Music Fitness/Personal Trainer Fitness/Personal Trainer Fundamentals of Stage Design and Construc Fundamentals of Stage Design and Construc on on Sport Official Sport Official Contact the guidance department if you have any ques ons or would like to register for this program. Fast Forward is geared toward students who are 2‐4 years behind in academics. Fast Forward is a unique diploma gran ng program that allows students to shape their own future. Through the Fast Forward program, students earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma while studying academics at the essen al level and learning the skills they need to build a rewarding career in their areas of interest. FastForwardhelpsstudentsby: Offeringessential–levelacademicprogramming Providinganopportunitytolearnbothinsideandoutsideoftheclassroomenvironment Providingopportunitiesfor‘hands‐on’trainingforaspeci icindustry Developingcommunicationandinterpersonalskillsintheclassroom Buildingstudentself‐con idencethroughpersonalsuccessinthelearningenvironment Providingasolidfoundationforlifelonglearning Preparingstudentsforrewardingcareersandpromisingfutures HOWTOAPPLY: Applicationpackagesarerequiredandwillbecompletedbythestudent’shomeschool.Uponcompletion,thenecessary informationwillbeforwardedtotheJHSSGuidanceDepartment. GRADE10 REQUIRED(ALL) ELECTIVES (CHOOSE4) ENG2LI English AMG2OB Music–Guitar CHC2PB History ADA2OB Drama MAT2LI Math AWA2OB VisualArts SNC2LI Science BBI2OB IntroductiontoBusiness TCJ2OB Technology:Construction TFJ2OB Food&Hospitality TGJ2OB Communications TTJ2OB Transportation GRADE11 ELECTIVES ELECTIVES (CHOOSE5) (CHOOSE5) ENG3EB ENG3EB ADA3OB ADA3OB Drama Drama AMU3OB AMU3OB Music Music AWA3OB AWA3OB VisualArts,Crafts,General VisualArts,Crafts,General BMX3EB BMX3EB RetailandServicesMarketing RetailandServicesMarketing CGG3OB CGG3OB TravelandTourism TravelandTourism EMS3OB EMS3OB EnglishMedia EnglishMedia TCJ3EB TCJ3EB Construction Construction TFJ3EB TFJ3EB FoodsandHospitality FoodsandHospitality TGJ3OB TGJ3OB Communications Communications TTJ3CB TTJ3CB AutoMechanics AutoMechanics TTS3CB TTS3CB SmallEngines SmallEngines WorkplaceEnglish WorkplaceEnglish MEL3EB MEL3EB WorkplaceMath WorkplaceMath CHV2OB CHV2OB Civics(0.5credit) Civics(0.5credit) GLC2OB GLC2OB CareerStudies(0.5credit) CareerStudies(0.5credit) GRADE12 REQUIRED REQUIRED ENG4EB ENG4EB ELECTIVES ELECTIVES ADA4EB ADA4EB OSSLiteracyCourse OSSLiteracyCourse BOG4EB BOG4EB BecomingaManager BecomingaManager (ifstudenthasnotpassedtheOSSLT) (ifstudenthasnotpassedtheOSSLT) CHM4EB CHM4EB AdventuresinWorldHistory AdventuresinWorldHistory GWL3OB GWL3OB Co‐op Co‐op HIP4OB HIP4OB PersonalLifeManagement PersonalLifeManagement HPD4CB HPD4CB Parenting&HumanDevelopment Parenting&HumanDevelopment TTJ4CB TTJ4CB AutoMechanics AutoMechanics TTS4CB TTS4CB SmallEngines SmallEngines TFJ4EB TFJ4EB ChefTraining ChefTraining TCJ4EB TCJ4EB Construction Construction Drama Drama Course Fees: All basic materials essential for the completion of a program are made available by the school at no cost to students. It is the policy of the Waterloo Region District School Board to acknowledge that students are entitled to an education that ensures they achieve their full potential through equitable and appropriate allocation of funds provided by the Ministry of Education. Some programs may offer optional course enhancements for an extra fee, however these are strictly enhancements and are not required for a student to reach their full potential and achieve success in the course. Enhanced educational opportunities for all students are made available through shared responsibilities with parents/guardians and other community resources. Students/Families requiring financial assistance should contact a staff member. That staff member will ensure that the student’s issue is dealt with in an appropriate, sensitive and confidential manner. English English OLC4OB OLC4OB REQUIRED(ALL) REQUIRED(ALL) ARTS ADA2OI, Drama c Arts, Open Students further their study of drama by exploring ac ng, direc ng and designing for the stage. Regular a endance, par cipa on and a willingness to perform are essen al to success in this course. This course culminates in a whole class performance. ADA2OB, Drama c Arts, Grade 10, Open This course builds on the coopera on and communica on skills introduced in the integrated arts course. It focuses on the various skills necessary to put on a theatrical produc on such as ac ng and stage cra , and technical knowledge such as ligh ng. This course culminates in a whole class performance. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. AMG2OB. Guitar Music, Grade 10, Open Students taking this course will learn to use the guitar as a harmonic and melodic instrument. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. AMG2OI, Guitar Music, Grade 10, Open Students taking this course will learn to use the guitar as a harmonic and melodic instrument. AMP2OI, Instrumental Music Percussion, Grade 10, Open Students will learn to play and perform a variety of repertoire on pitched and non‐pitched percussion instruments. Students will develop drum technique, perform individually and in groups, and interpret musical nota on for percussion instruments. AMU2OI, Music, Grade 10, Open Students will con nue to develop technique on their instrument while performing instrumental repertoire in a variety of musical styles. Students will perform solos and in groups to gain a greater knowledge of analyzing and performing music. Prerequisite: AMU1OI Recommended AMV2OI, Vocal Music, Grade 10, Open Students will develop vocal technique while performing a variety of vocal repertoire. Students will be required to sing in large groups, small ensembles and solos. AVI2OI, Visual Arts, Grade 10, Open This course emphasizes learning through prac ces, building on what students know, and introducing them to new ideas, materials and processes for ar s c thinking and experimenta on. Lab Kit $20.00 (op onal) Prerequisite: Grade 9 Visual Arts Recommended AVI2OX, Visual Arts, Grade 10, Open This is a founda on course for any student who wishes to start art, but did not take the grade 9 course. Lab Kit $20.00 (op onal) AWA2OB, Visual Arts, Grade 10, Open This course introduces students to cra s involving several media. Students will create a variety of projects including glass and clay. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. AWA2OI, Visual Arts and General Cra s, Grade 10, Open This course introduces students to cra s involving several media. Students will create a variety of projects including glass and clay. Lab Fee $20.00 ADA3OB, Drama c Arts, Grade 11, Open Students con nue to explore and develop coopera on and communica on skills. They will have hands‐on experiences with various aspects of produc on, including performance, set, ligh ng, costumes, and stage management. This course culminates in a whole class performance. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. ADA3MI, Drama c Arts, Grade 11, University/College This course focusses on analyzing the func ons of performers and backstage technicians. It explores various theatrical approaches, both in performance and produc on. A endance, par cipa on and a willingness to perform are essen al to success in this course. This course culminates in a whole class performance. Prerequisite: ADA1OI or ADA2OI ARTS CONTINUED… AMU3OB, Music, Grade 11, Open This course explores the development of popular music and its impact on society. Students will be given the opportunity to learn to play a keyboard or percussion instrument and develop their musical skills through crea vity, individual and group work and performance This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. AMG3OI, Guitar Music, Grade 11, Open Due to the progressive nature of the curriculum expecta ons, it is strongly recommended that students complete AMG2OI prior to taking this course. Students will con nue to develop technique on their instrument while performing instrumental repertoire in a variety of musical styles. Prerequisite: AMU1OI, AMU2OI, or AMG2OI AMP3OI, Instrumental Music Percussion, Grade 11, Open Students will con nue to develop drum technique and advanced rudiments while performing percussion repertoire in a variety of musical styles. Students will perform solos and in groups, and gain a greater knowledge of analyzing and performing music on pitched and non‐pitched percussion instruments. Due to the progressive nature of the curriculum, it is strongly recommended that students complete AMP2OI prior to taking this course. AMV3OI, Vocal Music, Grade 11, Open Students will con nue to develop vocal technique while performing a variety of repertoire. Students will sing solos, perform in ensembles, and gain a greater knowledge of music theory. Due to the progressive nature of the curriculum, it is strongly recom‐ mended that students complete AMV2OI prior to taking this course. AMU3MI, Music, Grade 11, University/College Students will con nue to develop advanced technical skills on their instrument while analyzing and performing instrumental repertoire in a variety of musical styles. Students will have the opportunity to learn a secondary instrument (woodwind, brass, string and percussion) and develop technique while performing solo and group repertoire. Prerequisite: AMU1OI or AMU2OI AVI3OI, Visual Arts, Grade 11, Open This course will broaden your art knowledge, NOT prepare you for University or College Art Courses. Recommended prepara on AVI2OI. Lab Kit $20.00 (Op onal). Prerequisite: AVI1OI, AVI2OI or AVI2OX AVI3MI, Visual Arts, Grade 11, College or University This is the recommended choice for students intending to study AVI4MI. Lab Kit $20.00 (Op onal) Prerequisite: AVI1OI, AVI2OX or AVI2OI AWA3OB, Visual Arts, Cra s General, Grade 11, Open Students will create art works that explore a wide range of subject ma er. There will be a focus on crea ve processes. Lab Fee 20.00. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. AWA3OI, Visual Arts Cra s General, Grade 11, Open This course stresses quality and workmanship while considering crea ve process and cri cal analysis through the use of various glass techniques. Lab Fee $20.00. Prerequisite: AWA2OI AWM3OI, Pain ng and Drawing, Grade 11, Open This course allows students to broaden their knowledge and skills in the visual arts. This course is appropriate for all students in a wide range of post‐secondary des na ons. Students are encouraged to produce a body of crea ve works in many 2‐ dimensional mediums. A en on is also given to crea ve problem‐solving and visual thinking. A must for your por olio. Prerequisite: AVI1OI, AVI2OX or AVI2OI AWQ3OI, Digital Photography, Grade 11, Open Have a digital camera? Want to learn how to use it? Students in this course will learn both technical and ar s c skills to take some amazing photos. Students will use Photoshop Elements to incorporate technology into their artwork. In addi on, photography theory will be explored. You must have a digital camera to take this course. Lab Fee $10.00 (Op onal) ARTS Con nued…. ADA4EB, Drama c Arts, Grade 12, Workplace This course con nues the development of prac cal skills in performance, direc ng and technical theatre. Possible theatre employment and careers are explored. This course culminates in a whole class performance. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. ADA4MI, Drama c Arts, Grade 12, College or University This course furthers the study of produc on roles such as director, stage manager, and actor, as well as exploring the 20th Century Theater. A endance, par cipa on and a willingness to perform are essen al to success in this course. This course culminates in a full theatrical produc on. Prerequisite: ADA3MI AMG4MI, Guitar Music, Grade 12, University/College Students will con nue to develop technique on their instrument while performing instrumental repertoire in a variety of musical styles. A guitar will be supplied. Prerequisite: AMG3OI AMU4MI, Music, Grade 12, University/College Students will develop advanced technical skills on their instrument while analyzing and performing instrumental repertoire in a variety of musical styles. Students may learn a secondary instrument (woodwind, brass, string and percussion) and develop technique while performing repertoire and par cipa ng in solo and group performance. Students will concentrate on developing interpre ve skills, the ability to work independently, and will also complete complex crea ve projects. Prerequisite: AMU3MI AVI4MI, Visual Arts, Grade 12, University/College This course focuses on the refinement of the student’s skills and knowledge in visual arts. Students will produce a body of work demonstra ng a personal approach in prepara on for an exhibi on. Lab Kit $20.00 (op onal) Prerequisite: AVI3OI, AVI3MI or AWM3OI AVI4EI, Visual Arts (Cra s General), Grade 12, Workplace This course focuses on a prac cal approach to a variety of art and design projects related to the workplace. Students will use the crea ve process to produce a tradi onal and/or digital por olio of their work in a variety of media. Students may focus on various aspects of visual arts, including adver sing, ceramics, fashion design, graphic arts, jewellery design, and/or web design. Prerequisite: AVI3OI/B AWA4MI, Visual Arts Cra s General, Grade 12, University/College Students will create high quality projects using various glass techniques including etching, mosaics, stained glass and fusing. There will be a focus on crea ve process and cri cal analysis process. Recommended prepara on AWA3OI. Lab Fee $20.00 Prerequisite: AWA3OI CO‐OP GWL3OB, Co‐op, Grade 11, Open This course gives students the opportunity to explore a career in the community and gain experience in the workforce. This is a 2‐credit course with a minimum of 220 hours in the workplace and classroom. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. GWL3OC, Co‐op, Grade 11, Open This course gives students the opportunity to explore a career in the community and gain experience in the workforce. This is a 2‐credit course with a minimum of 220 hours in the workplace and classroom. BUSINESS BBI2OB, Introduc on to Business, Grade 10, Open This course introduces students to the world of business, including the concepts, func ons and skills required for mee ng the challenges of opera ng a business in the twenty‐first century on the local, na onal and/or interna onal scale. Students cannot get a credit in BBI2OB and BBI2OI. This program is for students in the Fast Forward Program. BBI2OI, Introduc on to Business, Grade 10, Open This course introduces students to the world of business, including the challenges of opera ng a business in the twenty‐first century. Students will also learn concepts and skills related to personal finance, entrepreneurship and interna onal business. BAF3MI, Financial Accoun ng Fundamentals, Grade 11, University/College This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and procedures of accoun ng. Tradi onal and electronic resources will be used in this class to reinforce accoun ng concepts. A workbook fee may be required. BDI3CI, Entrepreneurship; The Venture, Grade 11, College Do you have what it takes to run your own business? This course develops students’ entrepreneurial skills and explores case studies of successful ventures while learning about the pros and cons of running your own venture. Course content includes iden fying and evalua ng business opportuni es and each student will prepare their own detailed Business Plan. BMI3CI, Marke ng: Goods, Services, Events, Grade 11, College Why do we buy the products and services that we do? This course seeks to answer this ques on through the fundamental concepts of marke ng, specifically: product, price, place and promo on. Students will study adver sing from around the world and learn about the various approaches used to create great adver sements. Students will also develop and present a marke ng plan for a local business. BMX3EB, Retail and Service Marke ng, Grade 11, Workplace This course introduces the fundamentals of running a store. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. BAT4MI, Financial Accoun ng Principles, Grade 12, University/College This course builds on the basic principles learned in BAF3MI but emphasizes the study of accoun ng principles that relate to the analysis of financial statements. A workbook fee may be required. Prerequisite: BAF3MI BOG4EB, Business Leadership, Becoming a Manager, Grade 12, Workplace This course helps students prepare for managerial posi ons in their future careers. Students will focus on the development of course skills required to become a successful manager. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. BOH4MI, Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals, Grade 12, University/College This course focuses on the principles of management and how organiza ons deal with issues affec ng their compe veness in a changing global business environment. Contemporary management issues such as the impact of technology, case studies, leader‐ ship and team building exercises are components of this course to understand what makes a good manager and how to make good business decisions. Prerequisite: Any University, University/College, or College course in Business Studies, English or Canadian and World Issues **Please note the course descrip on for Economics is found in the Social Sciences sec on and Law is located in the Canadian and World Studies sec on. CANADIAN AND WORLD STUDIES GEOGRAPHY CGF3MI, Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters , Grade 11, University/College In this course, students will explore physical processes that create natural disasters. Some topics include: earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, and avalanches. Students will explore how these physical processes related to Earth’s water, land, and air can affect the planet and its people. It will help students understand the basic physical systems that affect everyday life (earth‐sun rela onships, water cycles, wind and ocean currents). Prerequisite: CGC1DI or CGC 1PI CGG3OB, Travel and Tourism: A geographic Perspec ve, Grade 11, Open This course focuses on issues related to travel and tourism within and between various regions of the world. Students will inves ‐ gate unique environmental, social, cultural, economic, and poli cal characteris cs of selected world regions. They will explore travel pa erns and trends, as well as problems related to tourism. Students will inves gate the impact of the travel industry on natural and human environments. Prerequisite: CGC1PB CGG3OI, Travel and Tourism: A Geographic Perspec ve, Grade 11, Open This course focuses on issues related to travel and tourism within and between various regions of the world. Students will inves ‐ gate unique environmental, social, cultural, economic, and poli cal characteris cs of selected world regions. They will explore travel pa erns and trends, as well as problems related to tourism, and will predict future tourism des na ons. Students will inves gate the impact of the travel industry on natural and human environments. Prerequisite: CGC1DI or CGC 1PI CGW4CI, World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, College This course explores many difficult challenges facing Canada and the world today – challenges such as unequal access to food, water, and energy; urbaniza on; globaliza on; and mee ng the needs of a growing world popula on while ensuring the sustainability of the natural environment. Students will explore these world issues from a variety of perspec ves to propose workable solu ons. Prerequisite: CGC1DI or CGC 1PI CGW4UI, Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, University This course looks at the global challenge of crea ng a more sustainable and equitable world. Students will explore a range of issues involving environmental, economic, social, and geopoli cal interrela onships, and will examine governmental policies related to these issues. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spa al technologies to inves gate these complex issues, including their impact on natural and human communi es around the world. Prerequisite: Any University or University/College course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humani es CGR4MI, The Environment and Resource Management, Grade 12, University/College This course inves gates the complexity and fragility of ecosystems and the effects of human ac vi es on them. Students will study the principles of sustainability and resource management, and they will evaluate various approaches to achieving a more sustainable rela onship between the environment, society, and the economy. Field trips, computer applica ons, audiovisual material, guest speakers, and experiments will be used to learn about “green” lifestyles, economies and employment. Prerequisite: Any University or University/College course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humani es HISTORY CHC2DI, Canadian History in the Twen eth Century, Grade 10, Academic This course explores the local, na onal and global forces that have shaped Canada’s na onal iden ty from World War I to present. CHC2PB, Canadian History, Grade 10, This course focusses on the connec ons between the student and key people, events, and themes in Canadian history from World War I to the present. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. HISTORY Con nued… CHC2PI, Canadian History in the Twen eth Century, Grade 10, Applied This course explores some of the pivotal events and experiences that have influenced the development of Canada’s iden ty as a na on from World War I to the present. CHV2OB, Civics, Grade 10, Open This course explores what it means to be an informed, par cipa ng ci zen in a democra c society. This is a 0.5 credit. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. CHV2OH, Civics, Grade 10, Open This course explores what it means to be an informed, par cipa ng ci zen in a democra c society. This is a 0.5 credit. This is a 0.5 credit. CHA3UI, American History, Grade 11, University This course will provide a basis for Canadian students to broaden their understanding of our neighbour to the south. Prerequisite: CHC2DI or CHC2PI CHW3MI, World History to the Sixteenth Century, Grade 11, University/College This ‘odyssey through the ages’ will allow students to develop an apprecia on of civiliza ons such as ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome as well as the cultures of Europe and the Middle East. Prerequisite: CHC2DI or CHC2PI CHM4EB, Adventures in World History, Grade 12, Workplace This course explores a variety of human experiences in world history from earliest mes to the present. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program CHY4CI, World History: The West and the World, Grade 12, College This course will study the history of the world since the sixteenth century. Prerequisite: Any University or University/College course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humani es CHY4UI, World History: The West and the World, Grade 12, University This course will study the French Revolu on, the rise of Karl Marx, WWII and other key events and ideas that have helped to shape today’s world. Prerequisite: Any University or University/College course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humani es CIA4UI, Analyzing Current Economic Issues, Grade 12, University This course explores the choices that individuals and socie es make about the use of resources in a compe ve global economy. Current economic issues will be analyzed and explored through case studies and classroom ac vi es. Prerequisite: Any University or University/College course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humani es LAW CLU3MI, Understanding Canadian Law, Grade 11, University/College This course explores Canadian law with a focus on legal issues that are relevant to peoples’ everyday lives. Students will inves gate fundamental legal concepts and processes to gain a prac cal understanding of Canada’s legal system, including the criminal jus ce system. Students will use cri cal‐thinking, inquiry, and communica on skills to develop informed opinions on legal issues and apply this knowledge in a variety of ways and se ngs, including case analysis, legal research projects, mock trials, and debates. The focus of this course is on criminal law including law enforcement processes (inves ga on, arrest and detainment) and courtroom proce‐ dures (trial prepara on, jury selec on, legal defenses and sentencing). Prerequisite: Canadian History Since World War I, Grade 10 Academic or Applied (CHC2DI or CHC2PI) LAW CONTINUED…. CLN4UI, Canadian and Interna onal Law, Grade 12, University This course examines elements of Canadian and interna onal law in the social, poli cal and global contexts. Students will study historical sources of law and the principles of interna onal law and will learn to relate them to issues in Canadian society and the wider world. Students will use cri cal‐thinking and communica on skills to analyze legal issues, conduct independent research, and present the results of their inquiries in a variety of ways. The focus of this course in on cons tu onal law, and includes exam‐ ining philosophies of law and jus ce, historical influences on Canadian law, and the legisla ve process. Par cular emphasis in this course is placed on the development, applica on and influence of the Canadian cons tu on and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Prerequisite: Any University or University/College course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humani es ENGLISH ENG2DI, English, Grade 10, Academic The fundamentals of essay wri ng, text analysis, language and media will be emphasized in an cipa on of senior university prepara on courses. Students will be expected to complete a significant amount of reading and wri ng in this course. Prerequisite: ENG1DI or ENG1PI ENG2LI, Essen al English, Grade 10, Locally Developed Con nues to build on essen al literacy skills of reading, wri ng, speaking and thinking. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. ENG2PI, English, Grade 10, Applied Students will engage in ac vi es for reading, wri ng, listening, speaking and media. The fundamentals of paragraph and short essay wri ng will be emphasized for senior courses. Prerequisite: ENG1DI or ENG1PI ENG3CI, English, Grade 11, College In this course, the development of literacy, oral and wri en communica on, and media will be emphasized. Prerequisite: ENG2DI or ENG2PI ENG3EI, English, Grade 11, Workplace Students will par cipate in reading, wri ng, media, group, and oral exercises. Emphasis will be on prac cal literacy skills necessary for the workplace. Prerequisite: ENG 2LI or ENG2PI ENG3EB, English, Grade 11, Workplace The emphasis of this course is an essen al and prac cal literacy skills necessary for the workplace. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. ENG3UI, English, Grade 11, University Students will par cipate in a variety of wri en, oral, media and reading exercises. Cri cal thinking will be an important focus for university prepara on. Reading and wri ng expecta ons are rigorous. Prerequisite: ENG2DI EMS3OI, Media Studies, Grade 11, Open The focus of this course is understanding media communica on , trends, and the role of social media in student’s lives. Students will be expected to create their own media products as part of the culmina ng assignment. Prerequisite: ENG2DI or ENG2PI EMS3OB, Media Studies, Grade 11, Workplace The focus of this course is on understanding media communica on. This includes ac vi es using digital cameras and video recorders involved in media produc on. Students will be expected to create their own media document as part of the culmina ng assignment. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. ENGLISH CONTINUED…. ENG4CI, English, Grade 12, College This course emphasizes the consolida on of literacy, communica on, cri cal and crea ve thinking skills. It is intended to prepare students for college. Prerequisite: ENG3CI or ENG3UI ENG4EB, English, Grade 12, Workplace An English course for those who are workplace bound. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. ENG4EI, English, Grade 12, Workplace Students will par cipate in group work and in oral exercises. The emphasis is on prac cal literacy skills necessary for the workplace. Prerequisite: ENG3EI ENG4UI, English, Grade 12, University This course emphasizes the consolida on of the literacy, communica on, and cri cal thinking skills necessary for success in the academic and daily life. Prerequisite: ENG3UI ETS4UI, Studies in Literature, Grade 12, University This is an Advanced Dual Credit; students who are successful will receive a .5 transfer credit to Wilfrid Laurier University. The course provides a historical overview of the canon of English Literature with an emphasis on novels, short stories, and plays. This course is ideal for anyone who is planning on pursuing the study of English at university or who wants to improve cri cal thinking and seminar skills. Prerequisite:: ENG3UI EWC4UI, Writer’s Cra , Grade 12, University This is a crea ve workshop course where students have the opportunity to explore a number of different wri ng forms. In addi‐ on to fic on, students can explore journalism, theatre, graphic wri ng and children’s literature. Further, students get to design their own culmina ng assignment. Prerequisite: ENG3UI EWC4CI, Writer’s Cra , Grade 12, College This class o en operates as a workshop where in‐class work skills are important. A variety of types of wri ng and wri ng strategies will be emphasized to assist students in college or prepare them for careers in wri ng. Prerequisite: ENG3CI or ENG3UI ETS4CI, Film as Literature, Grade 12, College This course looks at what makes film a powerful storytelling experience. Students will be looking at a variety of genres‐including ac on, horror, and crime and will develop a greater apprecia on for movies and movie making. Prerequisite: ENG3CI or ENG3UI OLC4OI, Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Grade 12, Open The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course focuses on the four main forms of reading and wri ng to improve the literacy skills needed to succeed in the workplace. Prerequisite: Recommenda on of Guidance Counsellor OLC4OB, Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Grade 12, Open The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course focuses on the four main forms of reading and wri ng to improve the literacy skills needed to succeed in the workplace. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. INTERNATIONAL COURSES FSF2DI, Core French, Grade 10, Academic Students con nue to develop their oral communica on, reading, and wri ng skills as they explore a variety of topics such as food and culture. This credit counts towards the Group 1, 2, or 3 requirements. A workbook may be purchased for $15.00 Prerequisite: FSF1DI or FSF1PI FSF3UI, Core French, Grade 11, University Students con nue to develop their oral communica ons, reading and wri ng skills as they explore francophone culture around the world. A workbook may be purchased for $15.00 This credit counts towards the Group 1, 2, or 3 requirements. Prerequisite: FSF2DI FSF4UI, Core French, Grade 12, University Students con nue to develop their oral communica on, reading and wri ng skills as they explore a variety of topics and franco‐ phone literature. A workbook may be purchased for $15.00 Prerequisite: FSF3UI SPANISH LWSBDI, Interna onal Languages Spanish Level 2, grade 10, Academic A beginner Spanish course where students will develop basic skills in order to communicate in wri en and spoken forms. No previous knowledge required. This credit counts towards the Group 1 requirement. A workbook may be purchased for $22.00 LWSCUI, Interna onal Languages Spanish Level 3, Grade 11, University Students con nue to develop their oral communica on, reading and wri ng skills as they con nue to explore Hispanic culture. A workbook may be purchased for $22.00 Prerequisite: LWSBDI LWSDUI Interna onal Languages Spanish Level 4, Grade 12, University Students further their development of oral communica on, reading and wri ng skills as they explore Hispanic Culture and Literature. A workbook may be purchased for $30.00 Prerequisite: LWSCUI GUIDANCE AND CAREER EDUCATION GLC2OH, Career Studies, Grade 10, Open This course teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, employment and community involvement. Students will assess their interests, skills and characteris cs and inves gate current economic and workplace trends, work opportuni es, and ways to search for employment. This course explores postsecondary learning and career op ons, prepares students for managing work and life transi ons, and helps students focus on their goals through the development of a career. This is a .5 required credit for all students. GLC2OB, Career Studies, Grade 10, Open This course teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, employment and community involvement. Students will assess their interests, skills and characteris cs and inves gate current economic and workplace trends, work opportuni es, and ways to search for employment. This course explores postsecondary learning and career op ons, prepares students for managing work and life transi ons, and helps students focus on their goals through the development of a career. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. GPP3OI, Peer Tutoring, Grade 11, Open This course is designed for students interested in providing direct support to grade 9 and 10 students in a classroom se ng. The students will develop skills in communica on, interpersonal rela ons, teamwork, and conflict management; and apply these skills as a peer mentor in the classroom. This course would be of interest to students exploring future careers in teaching or helping professions. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION PPL2OX (Female) Healthy Ac ve Living, Grade 10, Open This course emphasizes par cipa on in fitness and tradi onal sports. Uniforms are required for class. PPL2OY (Male), Healthy Ac ve Living, Grade 10, Open This course emphasizes par cipa on in fitness and tradi onal sports. Uniforms are required for class. PAF2OX (Female), Personal and Fitness Ac vi es, Power Fit 1, Grade 10, Open Students will be introduced to a variety of different training methods such as: weight training (BFS Program), circuit training, func‐ onal training and cardio‐vascular training. This is an ideal course to improve personal fitness or train for a specific sport. Uniforms are required for class. PAF2OY (Male), Personal and Fitness Ac vi es, Power Fit 1, Grade 10, Open Students will be introduced to a variety of different training methods such as: weight training, circuit training, func onal training and cardio‐vascular training. This is an ideal course to improve personal fitness or train for a specific sport. Uniforms are required for class. PPL3OX (Female), Healthy Ac ve Living, Grade 11, Open This course emphasizes par cipa on in fitness and tradi onal sports. Uniforms are required for class. PPL3OY (Male), Healthy Ac ve Living, Grade 11, Open This course emphasizes par cipa on in fitness and tradi onal sports. Uniforms are required for class. PAF3OX (Female), Personal and Fitness Ac vi es, Live Fit 2, Grade 11, Open This course encourages par cipa on in various group fitness ac vi es to further improve strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and coordina on. Students will experience new and exci ng ways to stay healthy for life. Students will learn about fitness, mental health, and health issues that are par cularly important to young girls today. PAF3OY (Male), Personal and Fitness Ac vi es, Power Fit 2, Grade 11, Open Students will be challenged to build on technique and strength gains realized in Power Fit !. Method of training will vary. This is an ideal course to improve personal fitness or train for a specific sport. Uniform is required. PAF4OX (Female), Personal and Fitness Ac vi es, Grade 12, Open Also known as Girls Powerfit. This course is intended for students who value or wish to improve their personal fitness. Students will develop and implement personal physical fitness plans. PAI4OI (Male), Individual and Small Group Ac vi es, Grade 12, Open Also known as Boys Powerfit. This course is intended for students who value or wish to improve their personal fitness. Students will develop and implement personal physical fitness plans. PLF4M, Ac ve Living Leadership (Powership!), Grade 12, University/College This course enables students to explore the benefits of lifelong par cipa on in ac ve recrea on and healthy leisure and to develop leadership and coordina ng skills needed to plan, organize, and safely implement recrea onal events and other ac vi es related to healthy, ac ve living. Students will also learn how to promote the benefits of healthy, ac ve living to others through mentoring and assis ng them in making informed decisions that enhance their well‐being. The course prepares students for university programs in physical educa on and health and kinesiology and for college and university programs in recrea on and leisure management, fit‐ ness and health promo on, and fitness leadership. Prerequisite: Any health and physical educa on course PPL4OI, Healthy Ac ve Living Educa on, Grade 12, Open PPL 4OI is a Co‐Ed version of PPL 3OY and 3OX. This course emphasizes par cipa on in fitness and tradi onal sports. PSE4UI, Exercise Science, Grade 12, University Topics covered are anatomy, sport injuries, exercise physiology, biomechanics‐motor learning, history of Olympics, and sociology of sport. Strongly recommended if pursuing kinesiology or science at university. Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 U, U/C course in Science or 11/12 course in PHE Calculus & Vectors Jacob Hespeler Secondary School Grade 12, University Pathways through Mathema cs MCV 4UI 75% Recommended grade for success from prerequisite Func ons 75% course. Advanced Func ons 65% Grade 11, University Grade 12, University MCR 3UI MHF 4UI 65% Mathema cs of Data Management Principles of Math Principles of Math 60% 70% Grade 9, Academic Grade 10, Academic Func ons & Applicaons Grade 11, U/C MPM 1DI MPM 2DI 75% 70% MCF 3MI Grade 12, University MDM 4UI Mathema cs for College Technology 85% Grade 12, College MCT 4CI Founda ons of Math Grade 9, Applied Founda ons of Math 65% Grade 10, Applied MFM 1PI MFM 2PI 65% Founda ons for College Math 65% Founda ons for College Mathema cs Grade 11, College Grade 12, College MBF 3CI MAP 4CI 85% Founda ons of Math Mathema cs for Work and Everyday Life Grade 9, Applied Accommodated Grade 11, Workplace MFM 1PX MEL 3EI Mathema cs for Work and Everyday Life Grade 12, Workplace MEL 4EI Essen al Math Essen al Math Grade 9, Fast Forward Grade 10, Fast For‐ ward MAT 1LI MAT 2LI Mathema cs for Work and Everyday Life Grade 11, FF MEL 3EB 80% MATHEMATICS MAT2LI, Essen al Math, Grade 10, Locally Developed This course is organized into three major strands related to money sense, measurement, and propor onal reasoning. Its purpose is to develop numeracy in everyday life and in the workplace. Students have opportuni es to extend their mathema cal literacy and problem‐solving skills and to further develop their skills in reading and wri ng through real‐life and prac cal math ac vi es. MAT 2LI also serves as prepara on for the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Mathema cs Workplace courses. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. MFM2PI, Founda ons of Math, Grade 10, Applied This course extends skills in numeracy, algebra, geometry, measurement and introduces trigonometry. A significant sec on of the course also includes linear rela ons and problem solving. Prerequisite: MPM1DI or MFM1PI MPM2DI, Principles of Math, Grade 10, Academic This course enables students to broaden their understanding of rela onships and extend their problem‐solving and algebraic skills. Students will explore quadra c rela ons and their applica ons; solve and apply linear systems; verify proper es of geometric figures; and inves gate trigonometry. As a guideline, it is recommended that a student be achieving at least 70% in MPM 1DI before selec ng MPM 2DI. Prerequisite: MPM1DI MBF3CI, Founda ons for College Math, Grade 11, College This course builds on knowledge of the quadra c func on and introduces the exponen al func on concentra ng on financial applica ons connected with real‐world situa ons. One variable sta s cs, probability, geometry, and trigonometry are also covered. This is not a preparatory course for all college programs, MCF 3MI may be required. Prerequisite: MPM2DI or MFM2PI MCF3MI, Func ons and Applica ons, Grade 11, University/College This course expands on knowledge of the quadra c func on and introduces basic features of the trigonometric and exponen al func ons. Students expand on their knowledge by solving real‐world applica ons. Students considering non‐mathema cs related university programs or tech‐related college programs should take this course. As a guideline, it is recommended that a student be achieving at least 85% in MFM 2PI before selec ng MCF 3MI. Prerequisite: MPM2DI or MFM2PI MCR3UI, Func ons, Grade 11, University This course explores the concept of a func on. Specifically, students will learn about quadra c, exponen al, trigonometric, and discrete func ons as well as transforma ons of func ons. Students will also learn the necessary algebraic skills to work with these func ons including ra onal expressions, equa on solving, trigonometric ra os, and exponent laws. As a guideline, it is recommended that a student be achieving at least 75% in MPM 2DI before selec ng MCR 3UI. This course is the prerequisite for MHF 4UI. Prerequisite: MPM2DI MEL3EI, Math for Work and Everyday Life, Grade 11, Workplace This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathema cs as it applies to the workplace and daily life. Students will solve problems associated with earning money, paying taxes, and making purchases; apply calcula ons of simple and com‐ pound interest in saving, inves ng, and borrowing; and calculate the costs of transporta on and travel in a variety of situa ons. Prerequisite: MFM1PI or MFM1PX MEL3EB, Math for Work and Everyday Life, Grade 11, Workplace This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathema cs as it applies to the workplace and daily life. Students will solve problems associated with earning money, paying taxes, and making purchases; apply calcula ons of simple and compound interest in saving, inves ng, and borrowing; and calculate the costs of transporta on and travel in a variety of situa ons. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. MAP4CI, Founda ons for College Math, Grade 12, College This course con nues to develop skills in algebra, trigonometry, measurement, sta s cs and financial mathema cs. It also applies all these topics to real‐world situa ons. This is not a preparatory course for all college programs, MCT 4CI may be required. (Contact your Guidance Counsellor for more informa on if needed) Prerequisite: MBF3CI or MCF3MI MATHEMATICS Con nued… MCT4CI, Math for College Technology, Grade 12, College This course expands on knowledge of func ons, including exponen al, polynomial, and trigonometric. Algebraic skills are expanded to include solving more complex equa ons. Vector geometry and proper es of circles are also introduced. This course is not recommended as the preparatory course for MHF 4UI. Prerequisite: MCF3MI or MCR3UI MCV4UI, Calculus and Vectors, Grade 12, University This course explores the deriva ves of func ons and their applica ons. It includes curve sketching and op miza on. This course also explores 2 & 3‐dimensional vectors and their applica ons to physics and coordinate geometry. This course is offered in Semester 2 only and MHF 4UI must be completed before taking this course. As a guideline, it is recommended that a student be achieving at least 75% in MCR 3UI before selec ng MCV 4UI. Prerequisite: MHF4UI MDM4UI, Math of Data Management, Grade 12, University This is an introductory course in sta s cs and probability. Topics include cri cal analysis of data, the normal distribu on, permuta ons and combina ons. A significant part of the course includes a project and presenta on as well as the use of a comput‐ er to run spreadsheets, Fathom and Word. As a guideline, it is recommended that a student be achieving at least 75% in MCF 3MI before selec ng MDM 4UI. Prerequisite: MCR3UI or MCF3MI MEL4EI, Math for Work and Everyday Life, Grade 12, Workplace This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathema cs as it applies to the workplace and daily life. Students will solve problems associated with probability, budge ng, ren ng vs. owning, filing a tax return, measurement and design. Prerequisite: MEL3EB or MEL3EI MHF4UI, Advanced Func ons, Grade 12, University This course con nues to develop the concept of a func on from grade 11. In this course, students will learn about polynomial, ra‐ onal, logarithmic, and trigonometric func ons. Students will also learn about trigonometric equa ons and iden es, combining func ons and rates of change. This course is the prerequisite for MCV 4UI. As a guideline, it is recommended that a student be achieving at least 65% in MCR 3UI before selec ng MHF 4UI. Prerequisite: MCR3UI SCIENCE SNC2DI, Science, Grade 10, Academic This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, and climate change. Prerequisite: SNC1DI or SNC1PI SNC2LI, Essen al Science, Grade 10, Locally Developed A modified course that enables students to gain a background in ecology, chemical reac ons, electricity and science in the media through labs, assignments, classroom discussions and hands‐on ac vi es. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. SNC2PI, Science, Grade 10, Applied This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, and climate change. Prerequisite: SNC1DI or SNC1PI BIOLOGY SBI3CI, Biology, Grade 11, College This course focuses on the processes in biological systems. Areas of study include cellular biology, microbiology, anatomy and physiology. Plant study and environmental issues are also included. Prerequisite: SNC2DI or SNC2PI SBI3UI, Biology, Grade 11, University This course centers on the study of biological systems. Students will study cellular func ons, gene c con nuity, internal systems, diversity of life and the anatomy, evolu on, growth and life func ons of plants. Prerequisite: SNC2DI BIOLOGY Con nued... SBI4UI, Biology, Grade 12, University An in‐depth study of biological systems including metabolic processes, molecular gene cs, homeostasis, and popula on dynamics. Prerequisite: SBI3UI CHEMISTRY SCH3UI, Chemistry, Grade 11, University The course focuses on the following topics: behavior of ma er, nomenclature (i.e. the language of chemistry), chemical equa ons, gas laws, quan es in chemical reac ons, and solu on chemistry. Students are offered meaningful ways to apply chemistry theory in many prac cal laboratory situa ons. Prerequisite: SNC2DI or SCH4CI SCH4CI, Chemistry, Grade 12, College The course focuses on the following topics: behavior of ma er and bonding, chemical calcula ons, organic chemistry, and electro‐ chemistry. Emphasis is placed on lab‐based “hands on” learning with much of the course taking places in the laboratory. Prerequisite: SNC2DI or SNC2PI SCH4UI, Chemistry, Grade 12, University The course focuses on the following topics: atomic structure and bonding, energy, kine cs, and electrochemistry, chemical systems and equilibrium, and organic chemistry. Students are offered meaningful ways to apply chemistry theory in many prac cal laborato‐ ry situa ons. Prerequisite: SCH3UI PHYSICS SPH3UI, Physics, Grade 11, University Topics studied include forces and mo on, energy and power, waves and sound, and electricity and magne sm. Prerequisite: SNC2DI SPH4CI, Physics, Grade 12, College Students will explore concepts in mechanical, electrical and fluid dynamics developing lab skills as they verify laws of physics and solve problems. Prerequisite: SNC2SI or SNC2PI SPH4UI, Physics, Grade 12, University Topics studied include laws of dynamics and energy transforma ons, electrical and gravita onal fields, electromagne c radia on and the interface between energy and ma er. Prerequisite: SPH3UI SES4UI, Earth and Space Science, Grade 12, University This course focuses on the basic concepts and theories of Earth and Space Science, and their relevance to everyday life. Students will first study the origin and evolu on of the universe, and then explore the materials and the internal and surficial processes of the earth as they study the planet’s history. The course draws on biology, chemistry, mathema cs, and physics in its considera on of geological processes that can be observed directly or inferred from geological evidence. Prerequisite: SNC2DI SNC4EI, Science, Grade 12, Workplace Topics studied include hazards in the workplace, chemicals in consumer products, disease and its preven on, electricity at home and work, and nutri onal science. Prerequisite: SNC2PI or SNC2LI NATIVE STUDIES NDA3MI, Current Aboriginal Issues in Canada, Grade 11, University/College This course focuses on exis ng and emerging issues of importance to Aboriginal People in Canada. There will be field trip opportuni es in this course. NDW4MI, Issues of Indigenous Peoples, Grade 12, University/College This course provides students with an overview of the issues and challenges that confront indigenous peoples worldwide. There will be field trip opportuni es in this course. Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 University/College prepara on course in Na ve Studies INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Students can earn a credit in either IDC4UI or IDC4UX but not both. IDC3OX, Leadership, Grade 11, Open The prac cal side of this course focuses on “leaving our school a be er place than we found it”, supported by classroom lessons aimed at personal growth and development, me management, goal se ng and leadership skill development. Students will be expected to spend some me outside of class on related projects/events. An applica on is required before acceptance. The link for the applica on is posted on the school’s website under Guidance. IDC4OI & IDC4UI, Journalism, Grade 12, Open/University Students will be involved in many aspects of the yearbook’s crea on. This course uses industry standard so ware, edi ng, layout, photography and wri ng skills to create the school’s year book. This course draws upon the curriculum from English, Visual Arts, Communica ons Technology and Business. The ability to meet deadlines is mandatory in this course. Students will be expected to spend me outside of class on course‐related work. IDC4UX, Leadership, Grade 12, University Topics and themes of study will include conflict resolu on, planning, goal se ng, problem solving, group dynamics and teamwork. Students will develop the skills and knowledge to support them in pursuing a variety of leadership roles. An applica on is required before acceptance. The link for the applica on is posted on the school’s website under Guidance. Prerequisite: Any University or University/College prepara on course. SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES HNC3CI, Understanding Fashion, Grade 11, College This course introduces students to the world of fashion. Students will gain an understanding of theories related to fashion trends and of how culture, media, fashion cycles, retailing, and social and environmental factors influence fashion trends and consumer behaviour. Students will use various tools, technologies, and techniques safely and correctly to create fashion items. They will ap‐ ply knowledge of fibers, fabrics, and the elements and principles of design when crea ng and assessing fashion‐related products. HPC3OI, Raising Healthy Children, Grade 11, Open This course focuses on how to meet the developmental needs of babies before, during and a er they are born. Students will have prac cal experiences with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, and will be able to prac ce being pregnant with the baby belly or being a parent by taking a computerized boy or girl infant home for the night. An emphasis on toys, snacks, and storybooks is car‐ ried out throughout the course. HPW3CI, Working with Infants and Young Children, Grade 11, College This course prepares students for occupa ons involving children from birth to six years of age. Students will study theories about child behaviour and development, and will have opportuni es for research and observa on and for prac cal experiences with young children. Students will become familiar with occupa onal opportuni es and requirements related to working with infants and young children. HRT3MI, World Religions, Grade 11, University/College This world religions course introduces students to an explora on of religions around the world. HSP3CI, Introduc on to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology, Grade 11, College This course introduces students to theories, ques ons, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Students learn about approaches and research methods used by social scien sts. They will be given opportuni es to apply theories from a variety of perspec ves, to conduct social science research, and to become familiar with current issues within the three disciplines. HSP3UI, Introduc on to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology, Grade 11, University This course provides students with opportuni es to think cri cally about theories, ques ons, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Students will develop an understanding of the approaches and research methods used by social scien sts. They will be given opportuni es to explore theories from a variety of perspec ves, to conduct social science, and to become familiar with current thinking on a range of issues within the three disciplines. Prerequisite: ENG2DI or CHC2DI HFA4CI, Nutri on and Health, Grade 12, College This course focuses on the rela onship between nutri on and health at different stages of life and on global issues related to food produc on. Students will inves gate the role of nutri on in health and disease and assess strategies for promo ng food security and environmental responsibility. Students will learn about healthy ea ng, expand their repertoire of food‐prepara on techniques, and refine their ability to use social science research and inquiry methods to inves gate topics related to nutri on and health. Food labs included. Prerequisite: Any university, college, or university/college prepara on course in social sciences and humani es, English or Canadian and World Studies SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES Con nued… HFA4UI, Nutri on and Health, Grade 12, University This course examines the rela onship between food, energy balance, and nutri onal status, the nutri onal needs of individuals at different stages of life, and the role of nutri on in health and disease. Students will evaluate nutri on‐related trends and will determine how food choices can promote food security and environmental responsibility. Students will learn about healthy ea ng, expand their repertoire of food‐prepara on techniques, and develop their social science research skills by inves ga ng issues related to nutri on and health. Food labs included. Prerequisite: Any university or university/college prepara on course in social sciences and humani es, English, or Canadian and world studies HHS4CI, Families in Canada, Grade 12, College This course enables students to develop an understanding of sociological, psychological, and anthropological theories as they apply to individual development, the development of in mate rela onships, and family and parent‐child rela onships. Students will ex‐ plore a range of issues rela ng to the development of individuals and families in contemporary Canadian society as well as in other cultures and historical periods. Prerequisite: Any university, college, or university/college prepara on course in social sciences and humani es, English, or Canadian and world studies HHS4UI, Families in Canada, Grade 12, University This course enables students to draw on sociological, psychological, and anthropological theories and research to analyze the development of individuals, in mate rela onships, and family and parent‐child rela onships. Students will focus on issues and challenges facing individuals and families in Canada’s diverse society. They will develop analy cal tools that enable them to assess various factors affec ng families and to consider policies and prac ces intended to support families in Canada. Prerequisite: Any university or university/college prepara on course in social sciences and humani es, English, or Canadian and world studies HIP4OI, Personal Life Management, Grade 12, Open This course focuses on preparing students for living independently and working successfully with others. Students will learn to manage their personal resources to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and housing. They will also learn about their personal, legal, and financial responsibili es, and develop and apply interpersonal skills in order to make wise and responsible personal and occupa onal choices. Students will apply research and inquiry skills while inves ga ng topics related to personal life management. The course emphasizes the achievement of expecta ons through prac cal experiences. HIP4OB, Personal Life Management, Grade 12, Open This course focuses on preparing students for living independently and working successfully with others. Students will learn to manage their personal resources to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and housing. They will also learn about their personal, legal, and financial responsibili es and develop and apply interpersonal skills in order to make wise and responsible personal and occupa onal choices. Students will apply research and inquiry skills while inves ga ng topics related to personal life management. The course emphasizes the achievement of expecta ons through prac cal experiences. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. HNB4MI, The World of Fashion, Grade 12, University/College This course gives students the opportunity to explore the world of fashion. Students will learn how to create a fashion product us‐ ing various tools, techniques, and technologies while developing their prac cal skills. Students will learn about various factors that affect the global fashion industry, the needs of specialized markets, and the impact of fibre and fabric produc on and care. In addi‐ on, they will learn about social and historical influences on fashion. Students will apply research skills when inves ga ng aspects of the fashion world. Prerequisite: Any university or university/college prepara on course in social sciences and humani es, English, or Canadian and world studies HPD4CB, Working with School‐Age Children and Adolescents, Grade 12, College This course prepares students for occupa ons involving school‐age children and adolescents. Students will study a variety of theories about child behaviour and development, and will have opportuni es for research and observa on and for prac cal experiences with older children. Students will become familiar with occupa onal opportuni es and requirements related to working with older children and adolescents. They will develop research skills used in inves ga ng child and adolescent behaviour and development. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. HSB4UI, Challenge and Change in Society, Grade 12, University This course focuses on the use of social science theories, perspec ves, and methodologies to inves gate and explain shi s in knowledge, a tudes, beliefs, and behaviours and their impact on society. Students will cri cally analyze how and why cultural, social, and behavioural pa erns change over me. They will explore the ideas of social theorists and use those ideas to analyze causes of and responses to challenges such as technological change, deviance, and global inequali es. Students will explore ways in which social science research methods can be used to study social change. Prerequisite: Any university or university/college prepara on course in social sciences and humani es, English, or Canadian and world studies TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION PART A: BOARD BASED TECHNOLOGY TCJ2OB, Construc on Technology, Grade 10, Open This course focuses on residen al construc on and wood working tools, processes, and equipment. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TCJ2OI, Construc on Technology, Grade 10, Open The focus of this course is on residen al construc on and woodworking projects. TDJ2OI, Technological Design, Grade 10, Open The focus of this course is the design of residen al housing and architecture. TFJ2OB, Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Grade 10, Open Join in the opera on of the school cafeteria. Learn to prepare foods, use specialized tools and equipment effec vely, and work in a safe and sanitary way. Explore entry‐level careers in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry. This course if for students in the Fast Forward Program. TFJ2OI or TFJ2OX, Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Grade 10, Open Students may choose ONE of the following, but not both: TFJ2OI—Culinary Foods...The focus of this course will provide opportuni es to explore different areas of the hospitality industry with an emphasis on food service and culinary techniques, health and safety standards, as well as environmental and societal issues. TFJ2OX—Baked Foods...This course focuses on baking and pastry techniques. Students will be introduced to measurement and presenta on of various bakery products. Acquisi on of skills will be developed through prac cal projects. TGJ2OB, Communica ons Technology, Grade 10, Open This course introduces students to areas of communica ons such as graphics, photography and the web. This course if for students in the Fast Forward Program. TGJ2OI, Communica ons Technology, Grade 10, Open In this prac cal and hands‐on course, students are introduced to graphic design, photography, mul media produc on, anima on and the web. TTJ2OB, Transporta on Technology, Grade 10, Open This course is designed to develop knowledge of basic types of transporta on and equipment. Areas of study will include vehicle maintenance and care, and various engine types. This course includes prac cal and theory. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TTJ2OI, Transporta on Technology—Vehicle Service, Grade 10, Open This program develops a basic understanding of transporta on opera on, repair, and tool knowledge. This course is designed to introduce students to various engine applica ons and vehicle types. TCJ3CI, Construc on Technology, Grade 11, College This program builds on the basic skills developed in grade 10, focusing on system opera on, diagnosis and repair. Recommended: TCJ2CI TCJ3EB, Construc on, Grade 11, Workplace The focus of this course is residen al construc on and woodworking tools, processes, and equipment. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TDJ3MI, Technological Design, Grade 11, University/College The focus of this course is residen al structures and commercial and office structure architecture. Recommended: TDJ2OI TFJ3CI, Hospitality (Baking), Grade 11, College This course will focus on prac cal work with a strong emphasis on theory. Baking and pastry techniques are inves gated. PART A: BOARD BASED TECHNOLOGY Con nued… TFJ3EB, Foods and Hospitality, Grade 11, Workplace Students will explore entry level careers in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TFR3CX, Hospitality (Culinary Foods), Grade 11, College Students will learn about preparing and presen ng food, inves gate cultural and economic forces in the hospitality/food industry. The focus is on prac cal work as well as theory. Students will develop a further understanding of health and safety prac ces. TGJ3MI, Communica ons Technology, Grade 11, University/College In this prac cal and hands‐on course, students will focus on areas of communica on such as graphic design, photography, mul media produc on, computer anima on and the web. Recommended TGJ2OI TGJ3OB, Communica on Technology, Grade 11, Open This course will focus on areas of communica on such as graphics, photography, video produc on and the web. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TTJ3CB, Automo ve, Grade 11, Open This program builds on the skills developed in grade 10, with a focus on vehicle maintenance and body care. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TTS3CB, Small Powered Equipment, Grade 11, Open This course concentrates on the small engines used in today’s small powered equipment such as ATV’s, snow throwers and lawnmowers. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TTJ3CI, Transporta on Technology (Vehicle Service), Grade 11, College The focus of this course is the automobile. TTS3CX, Transporta on Technology (Vehicle Systems), Grade 11, College This course concentrates on Small Powered Equipment which will include marine and personal transporta on. TCJ4CI, Construc on Technology, Grade 12, College The focus of this course is on residen al construc on with woodworking projects. Prerequisite: TCJ3CI TCJ4EB, Construc on, Grade 12, Workplace The focus of this course is on residen al construc on with woodworking projects. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TDJ4MI, Technological Design, Grade 12, University/College The focus of this course is architectural design and CAD rela ng to all types of structures. Prerequisite: TDJ3MI TFJ4CI, Hospitality and Tourism (Baking Foods), Grade 12, College This course will focus on prac cal work with a strong emphasis on theory. Prerequisite: TFJ3CI TFR4CX, Hospitality and Tourism (Culinary Foods), Grade 12, College Students will demonstrate advanced food prepara on and presenta on skills. Students will inves gate Health and Wellness with emphasis on local/seasonal food products as well as organic and other lifestyle choices. Prerequisite: TFR3CX TFJ4EB, Foods and Hospitality, Grade 12, Workplace In this course students will explore careers in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. PART A: BOARD BASED TECHNOLOGY Con nued… TGJ4MI, Communica ons Technology, Grade 12, University/College In this prac cal and “hands‐on” course students will focus on real world applica ons of communica on technology using graphic design, photography, mul media produc on, computer anima on, and the web. Prerequisite: TGJ3MI TTJ4CB, Auto Mechanics, Grade 12, College This program will have a component on vehicle purchase and ownership. There will be an opportunity to work towards cer ficates of achievement in various areas and levels. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TTS4CB, Small Powered Equipment, Grade 12, College This course concentrates on Small Powered Equipment which will include marine and personal transporta on. This course is for students in the Fast Forward Program. TTJ4CI, Transporta on Technology (Vehicle Service), Grade 12, College This program is designed to develop a be er understanding of industry opportuni es, skill development, and ownership. Alterna ve power will be explored. Prerequisite: TTJ3CI TTS4CX, Transporta on Technology (Vehicle Systems), Grade 12, College This course concentrates on the small engines used in today’s small powered equipment such as ATV’s, snow throwers and lawnmowers, and will include marine and personal equipment as well. Prerequisite: TTS3CX HOMEBUILD PROGRAM TCJ3EX and TCJ3EC, Construc on Technology, Grade 11, Workplace This course will focus on all areas of residen al construc on. Students will build a house from the founda on up on the job site. This course is one semester and worth 3 credits. TCJ4EX and TCJ4EC, Construc on Technology, Grade 12, Workplace This course will focus on all areas of residen al construc on. Students will build a house from the founda on up on the job site. This course is one semester and worth 3 credits. Recommended: TCJ3EX and TCJ3EC PART B: COMPUTER STUDIES ICS2OI, Computer Studies, Grade 10, Open The so ware used for introductory programming is Visual Basic. Introductory concepts of programming are introduced and developed allowing the student to create useful func onal programs. TEJ2OI, Computer Engineering Technology, Grade 10, Open This course introduces students to computer engineering technology. Students will complete hands‐on projects with computer hardware, so ware and networking components. Robo cs and automa on are also part of the course. ICS3CI, Computer Programming, Grade 11, College This course con nues the introduc on to computer programming concepts and prac ces. Students will write and test computer programs, using various problem‐solving strategies. Recommended: ICS2OI TEJ3MI, Computer Engineering, Grade 11, University/College This course focuses on computer hardware and automa on. Students will design, build and automate projects using various con‐ trollers. Computer networking, CNC, robo cs, and electronics are also part of the course. Recommended: TEJ2OI ICS4CI, Computer Programming, Grade 12, College This course further develops student’s computer programming skills. Students will learn object‐oriented programming concepts, create object‐oriented so ware solu ons, and design graphical user interfaces. Prerequisite: ICS3CI PART B: COMPUTER STUDIES CONTINUED…. TEJ4MI, Computer Engineering, Grade 12, University/College This course further develops students understanding of computer hardware and automa on. Using robo cs, CNC, and various controllers students will design and build automated projects. Prerequisite: TEJ3MI GRADE 10 COURSES D = Academic P = Applied O = Open Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title ADA2OI Drama c Arts, Open ICS2OI Computer Studies, Open AMG2OI Music—Guitar, Open AMP2OI Music—Percussion, Open LWSBDI Spanish, Level 2 AMU2OI Music—Instrumental, Open AMV2OI Music—Vocal, Open MFM2PI Mathema cs, Applied AVI2OI Visual Arts, Open MPM2DI Mathema cs, Academic AVI2OX Visual Arts—Introductory, Open AWA2OI Stained Glass/Cra s, Open PAF2OX Livefit 1, Open (Female) PAF2OY Powerfit 1, Open (Male) BBI2OI Introduc on to Business, Open PPL2OX Healthy Ac ve Living, Open (Female) PPL2OY Healthy Ac ve Living, Open (Male) CHC2DI Canadian History, Academic CHC2PI Canadian History, Applied SNC2DI Science, Academic CHV2OH Civics, Open SNC2PI Science, Applied CHV2OU Civics, Open (Future Forum) TCJ2OI Construc on Technology, Open ENG2DI English, Academic TDJ2OI Technological Design, Open ENG2DU English, Academic (Future Forum) TEJ2OI Computer Engineering, Open ENG2PI English, Applied TFJ2OI Hospitality and Tourism—Foods, Open TFJ2OX Hospitality and Tourism—Baking, FSF2DI French, Academic TGJ2OI Communica ons Technology, Open TTJ2OI Transporta on Technology, Open GLC2OH Career Studies, Open GLC2OU Career Studies, Open (Future Forum) GRADE 11 COURSES C=College E=Workplace M=University/College (U/C) O=Open U=University Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title ADA3MI Drama c Arts, U/C HSP3CI Intro to Anthro., Psych., Soc., College AMG3OI Music—Guitar, Open HSP3UI Intro to Anthro., Psych., Soc., University AMV3OI Music—Vocal, Open AMP3OI Music—Percussion, Open ICS3CI Computer Programming, College AMU3MI Music—Instrumental, U/C IDC3OX Leadership, Open AVI3MI Visual Arts, U/C AVI3OI Visual Arts, Open LWSCUI Spanish, Level 3, University AWA3OI Stained Glass , Open AWM3OI Pain ng and Drawing, Open MBF3CI Mathema cs, College AWQ3OI Digital Photography, Open MCF3MI Func ons and Applica on, U/C MCR3UI Func ons, University BAF3MI Financial Accoun ng, U/C MEL3EI Math for Everyday Life, Workplace BDI3CI Entrepreneurship, College BMI3CI Marke ng, College NDA3MI Na ve Studies, U/C CGF3MI Natural Disasters, U/C PAF3OX LiveFit 2, Open (Female) CGG3OI Travel and Tourism, Open PAF3OY Powerfit 2, Open (Male) CHA3UI American History, University PPL3OX Healthy Ac ve Living, Open (Female) CHW3MI World History, U/C PPL3OY Healthy Ac ve Living, Open (Male) CLU3MI Canadian Law, U/C SBI3CI Biology, College EMS3OI Media Studies, Open SBI3UI Biology, University ENG3CI English, College SCH3UI Chemistry, University ENG3EI English, Workplace SPH3UI Physics, University ENG3UI English, University TCJ3CI Construc on Technology, College FSF3UI French, University TCJ3EX, TCJ3EC Home Build Program, Workplace TDJ3MI Technological Design (Dra ing), U/C GPP3OI Peer Helping, Open TFJ3CI Hospitality—Baked Goods, College GWL3OC Coopera ve Educa on, Open TFR3CX Hospitality ‐ Culinary Foods, College TGJ3MI Communica ons Technology, U/C HNC3CI Fashion, College TMJ3MI Manufacturing Control Systems, U/C HPC3OI Raising Healthy Children, Open TTJ3CX Auto Mechanics, College HPW3CI Living & Working with Children, College TTS3CI Small Engines, College HRT3MI World Regions, U/C GRADE 12 COURSES C=College E=Workplace M=University/College (U/C) O=Open U=University Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title ADA4MI Drama c Arts, U/C LWSDUI Spanish, Level 4, University AMG4MI Music—Guitar, U/C AMU4MI Music—Instrumental, U/C MAP4CI Founda ons for College Math, College AVI4MI Visual Arts, U/C MCT4CI Mathema cs for College Tech, College AWA4MI Stained Glass, U/C MCV4UI Calculus and Vectors, University MDM4UI Mathema cs & Data Mgmt., University BAT4MI Accoun ng, U/C MEL4EI Math for Everyday Life, Workplace BOH4MI Management Fundamentals, U/C MHF4UI Advanced Func ons, University CGR4MI Environment & Resource Mgmt., U/C NDW4MI Na ve Studies, U/C CGW4CI World Issues, College CGW4UI World Issues, University OLC4OI OSS Literacy Course, Open CHY4CI World History, College CHY4UI World History, University PAF4OX Powerfit (Female), Open CIA4UI Economics, University PAI4OI Powerfit (Male), Open CLN4UI Canadian & Interna onal Law, Univ. PLF4MI Ac ve Living Leadership, U/C PPL4OI Healthy Ac ve Living (Coed), Open ENG4CI English, College PSE4UI Exercise Science, University ENG4EI English, Workplace ENG4UI English, University SBI4UI Biology, University ETS4CI Film as Literature, College SCH4CI Chemistry, College ETS4UI Studies in Literature, University SCH4UI Chemistry, University EWC4CI Writer’s Cra , College SES4UI Earth and Space Science, University EWC4UI Writer’s Cra , University SPH4CI Physics, College SPH4UI Physics, University FSF4UI French, University TCJ4CI Construc on Technology, College HFA4CI Nutri on and Health, College TCJ4EX / 4EC Home Build Program, Workplace HFA4UI Nutri on and Health, University TDJ4MI Technological Design, U/C HHS4CI Families in Canada, College TFJ4CI Hospitality ‐ Baking, College HHS4UI HIP4OI HNB4MI Families in Canada, University Personal Life Management, Open The World of Fashion, U/C TFR4CX TGJ4MI TMJ4MI Hospitality ‐ Foods, College Communica ons Technology, U/C Manufacturing Control Systems, U/C HSB4UI Challenge and Change, University TTJ4CI Auto Mechanics, College TTS4CI Small Engines, College ICS4CI Computer Programming, College IDC4OI Applied Journalism, Open IDC4UI Applied Journalism, University IDC4UX Leadership, University CourseSelectionWorkSheet–2016‐2017 Name: ___________ Sex: (circle) M F Homeroom: CourseSelections (Example:)E|M|S|3|O|I 1. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 2. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 3. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 4. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 5. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 6. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 7. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ 8. _____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ Alternate:_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ Notes regarding diploma requirements: All students are expected to be working towards mee ng diploma requirements. Students and parents are responsible for the choice of courses and the fulfillment of diploma requirements. If there are any ques ons, please contact your guidance counsellor. Full disclosure for grades 11 and 12 The Ministry of Educa on and Training has instructed Boards of Educa on in Ontario to implement a policy of full disclosure in September, 1999. This policy states that all Grade 11 and 12 courses a empted by students must be recorded on Ontario Student Transcripts. This means that any course completed, dropped or failed will appear on a student transcript along with the marks earned in the program. Full disclosure will take effect a er 5 instruc onal days following the issue of the first provincial report card for single or mul ple credit courses. Student Signature: Date: Date: Parent Signature: