Easter Newsletter 2014


Easter Newsletter 2014
Spring Term Review
April 2014
Dear Parents and Carers,
event was a cake sale in support of World Down
Syndrome Day. It raised a whopping £800 and was
Welcome to our Spring Term Newsletter. supported by parents, carers, students and staff
It is hard to believe how much our alike. The atmosphere in our school was incredible
students and staff have packed into and something we are all very proud of.
the past term with school trips abroad
to Poland visiting Auschwitz and the As we are fast approaching the exam season
annual school ski trip, this year to please keep an eye out for intervention sessions that
Austria (what an eventful journey they had!). There will be running during the Easter and May half-term
have been numerous sporting events and I must hi-light holidays. Dates will be published on our website
the incredibly successful achievements of our Boccia and parents informed as soon as they are finalised.
team, who continue to go from strength to strength. We wish all of our students taking exams every
We look forward to following their success in the near success and are confident they will be revising hard
to achieve their very best.
We continue to support the learning of our students
through a variety of exciting and innovative ways;
our first ever ‘Harry Potter Day’ was hugely successful
in supporting World Book Day; a visit from ‘Zoolab’
to enhance the learning of our KS3 Geographers; a
demonstration to our KS4/5 Food Technology students
from Burger & Lobster’s executive chef and former
Cleeve Park student, William Horswill on how to cook
Lobster Thermador and our very funky whole school
production of Disco Inferno are just a few of the events
that continue to enhance our curriculum. Our fund
raising is growing with many students getting involved
in a number of different activities. Our most recent
Please enjoy reading our Newsletter.
I would like to take the opportunity to wish you a
lovely and hopefully warm Easter break.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Jenni Tyler-Maher
Head Teacher
Please note arrangements for the end of this term and the start of the summer term are as follows:
End of Spring Term 2013
Friday 4th April 2014
Start of Summer Term 2014
Tuesday 22nd April 2014 - 8.30am
Inside this edition...
The Brilliant Club... Poland... World Book Day... Boccia Boys... 6th Form News... Spotlight on English... and much more....
We believe good communication between the school and parents and carers is essential for your child’s
success during their time here. Please ensure that the school has up to date contact information including
mobile telephone numbers and email. Please register with our Parent Portal (links on the website) to see
data including Attendance, Notifications, School Documents and termly Reports.
If you need to contact the school regarding your child the first point of contact is their Form Tutor. For general
enquires please contact the school office on 020 8302 6418 or enquiries@cleevepark-tkat.org and they will forward
your enquiry to the correct member of staff as detailed below:
Subject Teacher
For concerns about classwork or homework in a specific subject
Form Tutor
For general issues, progress and behaviour
Head of Department
For queries relating to the curriculum or progress in a subject
Head of Year and
Assistant and Deputy
Head of Year
For issues involving groups of students, social matters or second line progress and attainment discussions
Head Teacher, Deputy Head
For queries relating to school systems, matters relating to staff and
Teachers and Assistant suggestions for improvement
Head Teachers
Important Dates for 2014
Spring Term 2014
Other dates for your diaries:
Monday 6th January to Friday 4th April 2014
Easter Break - 7th to 21st April 2014
Summer Term 2014
Tuesday 22 April to Wednesday 23 July 2014
Half Term Break - 26th - 30th May 2014
Summer GCSE/GCE Exams
Thursday 8th May - 27th June 2014
Exam Results Days
14th August - AS & A2 Results
21st August - GCSE Results
Easter Concert - 3rd April 2014
Parents Consultation Evenings:
Year 10 - 21st May 2014
Year 7 - 9th July 2014
Year 11 Prom - 19th June 2014
Prize Giving - Lower School - 2nd July 2014
Expressive Arts Fun Days - 10th -11th July 2014
Activity Days - 16th -17th July 2014
Professional Development Days 2014
Useful Contact Details
Students should not attend school on Professional
Development days,
Telephone: 020 8302 6418
21st July 2014, 22nd July 2014 and 23rd July 2014
The Boccia Boy’s do it again and again.....
London Panathlon Games at St Paul's Academy 11/02/14
Cleeve Park’s Boccia team, consisting of Harry Crouch, Jack Tatton and Asa Hems, represented the
borough of Bexley in the Boccia event at the London Panathlon Games. They competed in 4 games,
winning 3 and losing 1. As a result they claimed the gold medal for Bexley, as well as entering the
Panathlon Games record books by scoring 6 points to nil in one game, the highest possible points
total available in a given game. Jack Tatton also competed in the Slalom Wheelchair race and
came second winning the silver medal.
London Youth Games 18/03/14
At the London Youth Games the
Boccia team consisting of Harry
Crouch, Jack Tatton, Josh Wilkins
and Asa Hems represented the
borough of Bexley. They won all
3 of their group matches against
the boroughs of Hackney, Enfield
& Barnet to qualify for the
knockout phase. They competed in the first round of the knockouts beating
their opponents, the Royal Borough of Greenwich, to qualify for the final
round knockout. In a tense final phase knockout match they came from behind to beat the borough
of Camden and qualify for the London Youth Games final at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre
on the 2nd April 2014.
This is yet another fantastic achievement from the Boccia boys! Looking ahead, there are exciting
events lined up for the Boccia team, as well as the London Youth Games Final they
will be competing in the Panathlon South London Regional Final at Crystal Palace
National Sports Centre on Thursday 27th March 2014.
I am sure you will join me in congratulating their efforts and achievements and wish
them all the best for their upcoming events!
Mr Thompson
Teacher of PE & Maths / PSHE Coordinator / Safeguarding Officer
United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Team Maths Challenge
A team of Year 8 and Year 9 mathematicians participated in the Team Maths Challenge organised by United Kingdom
Mathematics Trust. The team of four students spent a day out of school competing against other local schools in a variety of
engaging and inspiring mathematical activities.
Congratulations to Zakari Potter-Scarborough 8BOX,
Will Shorten 8TUC, Corinne Cornwell 9WHA and Samuel
Farmer 9SPA for excellent team work and representing our
school successfully.
Mrs Karakas, Maths Department
Recent training for DofE participants
Fitness for the expedition is one of the most important aspects of the Duke
of Edinburgh’s Award at all levels. For the groups to identify who needs to
improve, they do a circuit of fitness tasks, such as the
multi fitness test.
As part of their training for the expedition in the summer
the groups were also given leadership and team tasks
to do. Everyone played their part and each group
succeeded in their endeavour.
Only using a pre-agreed series of whistle signals
the intrepid expeditionary group’s had 5 minutes to
manoeuvre blindfolded around a maze, having to put
their trust in each other and their appointed leader to
get them successfully through the task.
Mrs Cherry, DofE Coordinator
The recent performance of Disco Inferno was truly a ‘whole school’ production. Students
from all year groups were involved in the show at every level from the main cast, breakout
dancers, musicians, set designers, sound and lighting engineers to the staff who helped
sell tickets, man the doors and, most importantly, the Bar!
The students were thrilled to hold a special dress rehearsal performance at which our
friends from the Sidcup Pop-in Parlour and the Mayor of Bexley attended. They also
impressed the reporter from the New Shopper who gave them a glowing review!
Where do I start? It has been non-stop in the Drama Department with the BTEC Showcase in January, a trip to the West End to
see the Woman in Black followed by the Unit 2 exam on the play and rehearsing for Disco Inferno! We are now focussing on the
Year 11s exam showcase for next term…..
The BTEC Showcase was a brilliant evening highlighting the amazing work created by students studying Music and Drama in the
6th Form. The Drama students produced a night of comedy including scenes from Monty Python, Black Adder and Only Fools
and Horses, they called the performance Only Monty Adder...... get it??? The Del Boy and Trigger impressions were outstanding
and had the audience in fits of laughter!
Students have recently completed the 6 hour practical for the Unit 2 Woman in Black exam went really well. The final part of the
exam was to create ‘an atmosphere of tension’ in the performance and I was just as uncomfortable during their performances
as I was watching the professionals perform at the theatre!
Disco Inferno, as those of you who attended one of the performances will attest, was an amazing show and all round experience
for the whole school, we were rehearsing Tuesdays to Fridays each week for months and the buzz the pupils had on the evenings
was just unforgettable. They could not believe it when actress Cheryl Ferguson paid them a visit back stage to give them all
a pep talk and it was brilliant for our Year 7 pupil Calum Pinder to get noticed by Cheryl who will be looking into arranging a
scholarship for him to attend Bird College due to his fantastic dance ability.
Now that is over we have our Year 11 exam showcase to look forward to next term! That's showbiz baby! We never stop in Drama!
Mrs Osman, Head of Drama
Pupil becomes teacher!
Former student Gareth Fient offered a two day workshop for the 6th Form Media Studies students to aid with their theory and
production skills. Gareth (who not only owns a film production company, but an advertising company too) was able to spend
a day teaching the students about the theories behind advertising and how they are put into action on screen. He showed them how a real life pitch would be presented and the
students had to use a real brief to come up with their own pitch, which
he then evaluated. The second day was filled with script writing, technical workshops and
shooting the advert they had pitched the day before, followed by
editing and the introduction of sound.
The workshop was a success with teachers and students alike. The
students now feel much more confident using the production equipment
for their own production coursework when creating their own adverts.
Ms Sparks, Head of Media
Spotlight on the English Department...... Spotlight on the English Department..... Spotlight on the English Department...
Playing Shakespeare Workshop – 25/02/14 - Mrs Wright, English Department
This year we are participating in the Globe Education’s project, Playing Shakespeare with Deutsche Bank which is Globe
Education's flagship project for London schools, with 16,000 free tickets given to students for a full-scale Shakespeare
production created specifically for young people. As we were not studying this year’s play, The Merchant of Venice, Globe
Educators came into school, on Tuesday 25th February 2013, to work with small groups to prepare us for the production by
introducing us to some of the main characters, plots and themes of the play.
There were three workshops throughout the day. They were run by Jen, a professional actress who had often worked at
the Globe. After warming up, we were split into two groups, we had to walk around imagining at one point that we were
powerful, rich and gorgeous merchants who ruled the Rialto (the Venetian stock-exchange) and then changing as we
imagined we were outcast money lenders, who didn’t know whether they’d be invited to make a deal or have people spit
in their faces.
It was interesting to see how our body language and expressions changed depending on how much status we were given.
It made us think about what it is like for people who are outcasts or unpopular compared to powerful people.
We then looked at a piece of text from the play, where Antonio is bargaining with Shylock to lend him some money. If
Antonio defaults on the loan, Shylock asks for a pound of Antonio’s flesh! We didn’t sit and read through, we walked around
the room, playing with the language and doing different actions. This really helped us understand what Shakespeare was
on about!
When we had worked with the script for a while, we thought about why, since Antonio has been so nasty to Shylock, he
would agree to lend him the money and why he might ask for such a horrible interest payment! We also thought about how
money determines how people behave to others and how it is such an important thing, even now in our modern society.
It was really exciting to work with a real actress and learn about Shakespeare in a dynamic and different way. See below
about our trip to the Globe to see The Merchant of Venice in March!
Year 7 – Final Mission - Ms Orbell and Ms Cutting, English Department
After a term of work on the topic of spies, two Year 7 classes had the opportunity to embark upon one last mission before
breaking up for half term. This final task took place in ‘Mission Control’ (the school hall) and was introduced by various
teachers via a personalised video link that played in to the classrooms. Students were given an individual ‘top secret’
mission card and directed to creep down to mission control. It was here that the ‘agents’ were greeted by another video link
that directed them to find their group and begin their task. Manically searching for their team and finding out each other’s
roles, the students began to create a piece of drama portraying one of their most memorable missions. This piece of
drama, which had to include the ambitious vocabulary they had been learning throughout the term, was then performed
in front of the rest of the two classes and many teachers who popped in to see the final result. All students who participated
were extremely well behaved and made the hours mission a complete success. This task was a brilliant end to a term of
work that everyone has thoroughly enjoyed.
Once again, a big well done to all agents.
Globe Trip 12/03/14 – Ben Edwards, 6th Form Student
“Every Student in the land should have the opportunity of meeting Shakespeare’s plays ‘live’, as Shakespeare intended, in
performance.” says Patrick Spottiswoode (Director, Globe Education)
On Wednesday 12th March 2014, Mrs Wright (English) took 42 students along with four other members of the department (Mrs
Carey, Mrs Bisson, Ms Hardy and Ms Keeler) up to Shakespeare’s Globe theatre in London to see The Merchant of Venice.
On arriving in London, we took a walk from London Bridge station, via Southwark Cathedral where Shakespeare’s younger
brother is buried, along to the old site of the original Globe theatre. Shakespeare himself once performed here and was
a shareholder. After stopping for a picture, we moved on along to the Southbank, which was a beautiful scene with such
stunning weather. To sit outside the Tate Modern for lunch, with Reggae Music in the distance, who would have thought?
Sitting on the grass outside the Tate Modern eating lunch in March!
We made our way to the theatre and began to enter along with all the other schools. The play started just after 2pm and
the atmosphere in there was something different, with two thousand school students screaming, shouting and laughing at
the play. At first there were live musicians playing drums and sousaphone and one of the actresses joined in playing the
cowbell. Meanwhile, the cast were wandering around the theatre crowd, distributing masks for us all to wear in the party
scene, and encouraging us all to have a dance. Mrs Wright had a boogie which was embarrassing but fun! Eventually, all
the actors made their way onto the stage for a riotous song and dance and everyone was clapping along as they threw
real ‘Venetian Ducats’ out into the crowd.
The play was interesting as it dealt with themes such as love, prejudice and justice. There were also lots of fun scenes, such
as Portia’s hot tub, alongside some really dramatic ones; I, along with many audience members, was genuinely shocked
when Shylock began to plunge his sharpened knife into Antonio’s bare chest!
A heart-breaking finale, where everyone’s assumptions about the villainous character, Shylock, were really challenged,
ended when he and his daughter led the cast and us into an ebullient jig where we all shouted, ‘Hopa! Hoo ha!’ Sadly, apart
from a mad dash to the station, that was the end of our day. We were tired and our legs ached from standing but it was a
brilliant day and definitely the best way to experience Shakespeare! More please!
Harry Potter was wielding his wand and creating magic all over Clee
As part of the celebrations for World Book Day, Hogwarts School of Wizardry visited Cleeve Park on Thursday 6
With lots of mini 'Harrys' and 'Hermiones' arriving from the Hogwarts Express, platform 9 3/4, it wasn't only the st
the fun.
Mrs Tyler-Maher led the dressing up and headed the house of 'Gryffindor' whilst Mrs Carey cast her 'Volde
unsuspecting muggles. Mrs Ovenden haunted the corridors as a 'Dementor' and Mr Luck grew an amazing
rival Hagrid. It was great to see so many other teachers dust off their brooms, hats and wands to support th
Camden) even brought their owl!
After the 'Sorting Ceremony' and the help of Ms Hall's Sorting Hat, students were assigned to either Hufflepuff, R
or Slytherin.
Everyone then went into the Great Hall where they were met by all the Professors and the other Hogwarts stud
into class where the Hogwarts theme was continued throughout the day....
The days lessons involved:
Writing spells with invisible ink (E
Harry Potter themed book mark
Designing a Hogwarts's School
Studying the landscape of Hog
The History of Witchcraft (History
Eating magic potions and ingre
Looking at ratios and proportio
Quidditch (PE)
Re-enacting scenes of magic (
Composing a score for the Har
The Sorting Ceremony
Students also entered a 'Harry Potter Cartoon Comp
story-lines in the library with Mrs Bisson.
As the day ended, the secret everyone wanted to kno
'What will we do for World Book D
Some of our Wizarding Students
Food Technology
Lord Voldemort (AKA Mrs Carey)
ve Park School on World Book Day
6th March.
students that enjoyed
emort’ spells on poor
beard (and belly!) to
he day. Some (like Mr
Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
dents before heading
Mr Camden,
Mrs Bonner
Mrs Bonner
ks (Design Technology)
Prospectus (ICT)
gwarts (Geography)
edients (Food Technology)
ons in spells (Maths)
Religious Studies
rry Potter Soundtrack (Music)
petition' and created some fantastic
ow was:
Day next year?!'
Miss Sparkes
Library Book
Book Swap
Mr Luck,
Luck, Mrs
Mrs Bisson
Bisson and
and some
some trainee
trainee wizards
Mrs Adamthwaite and Mrs
Bisson practicing curses
for students who were late
retuning library books...
Report from the Head of Sixth Form
It has been a very busy term for our 6th Form who are currently preparing for their summer examinations.
This term students have sat their mock examinations and have worked hard towards completing any
coursework units. All those that applied to universities through UCAS have been receiving their offers and
many have now had their university interviews. All Year 12 and 13 students are now working very hard in
preparation for their summer examinations and a number of revision sessions will be running over the
Easter holidays to consolidate learning.
All Year 13 students are on a student impact report, where they are getting
targets every week from their teachers to reach their full potential this year.
Students are being mentored to help them achieve this. After their examinations
we will be preparing Year 12 students to apply to UCAS and we will be inviting universities in to meet
our students and help them with this.
We are also looking forward to inducting our current Year 11 students into the 6th form on the 3rd and
4th July.
A copy of our 6th Form prospectus which
Mrs Evans, Head of Sixth Form
includes all Level 2 & 3 course details is
available to view on the website.
Matthew Cornish 13PHI
A huge well done to Matthew who,
following some serious training with
British Athletics at Erith Athletics Club,
recently won a Gold Medal at the
Kent Indoor Championships, Lee
Matthew achieved a PB of 9.95 as a
T35 in the T37 60m event.
His next race will be at the Kent County
Championships in Ashford where he
will hopefully be competing in the
100m & 200m.
Some of our Sixth Form students receiving
their results on ‘Mock Result Day’
Following the visit from William Horswill, the executive chef of the Burger &
Lobster restaurants (see STEM page), I was fortunate enough to be able to
gain a weeks work experience in two of his restaurants (Bread Street & St John
Street) over the February half term.
The experience in the kitchens was an eye opener for me and reassured me
that this was in fact what I want to do as a career. At the end of the week I sat
down with the executive chef, we spoke about how I found the experience
and the outcome was really good with me being offered a job with him when
I finish the Sixth Form if I choose to not take on an apprenticeship or college
On top of this, I got my own set of chefs knives engraved with my name and
on the Friday night, myself and my grandparents were invited by the chef to
have a slap-up dinner as a thank you for my work the previous week!
Ben Edwards, 6th Form Student
Zoolab - 10th March 2014
On 10th March 2014 Year 8 were able to meet with the animals that
live in the Rainforests. A visit from Zoolab allowed them to gain a
greater understanding of the animals that are living in the rainforest
and the conditions they were having to deal with and adapt to day
to day.
All our students were exceptionally brave, having the opportunity to
hold and interact with these animals, including snakes, scorpions
and cockroaches!
Ski Course – Flattach, Austria,
February Half Term 2014
A great time was had by all, despite a 12 hour
delay outward bound (due to stormy weather on the
Brilliant progress was made on the Mollater Glacier by
Cleeve Park students; some difficult skiing conditions
were experienced, but all did spectacularly well.
The trip was rounded off with a beautiful days skiing.
Thanks to all students for making it a successful week.
Look out for application forms for Ski 2015!!
Mr Bone, Mrs Stokes, Mr Culver, Miss Goodey
Poland February 2014
Very early on a Friday morning in February, 34 students and 3 staff embarked on their journey
to Poland. They were set to visit the sites of one of the greatest human atrocities known to man,
Auschwitz. Students were fascinated to learn of the conditions and horrors of this camp. They were
also able to speak with a relative of one of
the survivors of the camp, who was able to
share his grandfathers thoughts, experiences
and reflections on his time at the camp. This
was a powerful and emotional trip for all
the students, all of whom made the school
proud as they dealt with the realities of such
a place with maturity and empathy.
Well done to you all!
Mrs Mudge, Humanities Department
(Photos courtesy of George Gooden (Year 11)
Humanities trips coming up......
Year 7 will be going to Cuckmere in June 2014 to learn about river management.
Year 10 Geographers are going to Leeds castle to learn about the management of tourist
destinations to support their controlled assessment (25% of their GCSE!).
Year 9s and some Year 12s will be visiting The Somme, in Northern France to witness the sites
and graves of the battles of WWI.
Year 10-12 will be visiting Morocco in October 2014 to experience a totally different environment
and culture.
Food Technology and Catering
The Perfect Lobster Thermador
In January our Catering students had an amazingly
informative and interesting demonstration of how
to prepare, cook and serve Lobster Thermador by
former Cleeve Park student William Horswill. William
is currently an executive chef for the Burger and
Lobster chain of restaurants in central London and
gave up his time to present a demonstration on
how to prepare the classic lobster dish and also
enabling several students the opportunity to act as
commis chef and assist in the preparation of the
William kept the class (and former teachers who
popped in to say hello!) thoroughly engaged and
was able to answer all the questions thrown at him,
ranging from profit margins on food and drink to
what was the most humane way to kill a lobster.
A surprising number of students clamoured to taste
the final dish, which was served in the shell, with
many of them expressing a new-found love of
So a big thank you to William for sharing his time
and expertise and inspiring those students who
want to work in the catering industry.
For more information about William and his career since leaving Cleeve Park School please visit the school website
Design Technology
As part of our Harry Potter theme
for World Book Day our students
in the Technology Department
created amazing bookmarks
using a package called 2D
Design and printing them off on
the Laser Cutter
Miss Hill & Miss Boxall
Graduation at Oxford
On Wednesday 5th February 2014 at Worcester College Oxford
20 students from Years 7 and 8 graduated from the scholars
programme which was organised by the Brilliant Club. This day trip
to Oxford city and university give the students a wonderful insight
into University life. The students took part in a tour of the university
which included a walk around the lakes and beautiful gardens.
To top it off we ate lunch in a ‘Hogwarts’ style lunch room. The
students were presented with feedback in relation to their 1500
word assignment and given a final grade.
There were 3 students who achieved a first class honours grade in
their assignment:
Doran Gouveia
William Walford
Jessica Sawyer
Most other students achieved a 2.1, or 2.2 or a 3rd class honours
Overall a fun filled and rewarding day was had by all.
The Brilliant Club Mission Statement:
To widen access to highly selective universities by placing
PhD students in schools serving low participation
communities to deliver university-style teaching to high
performing pupils.
Brilliant Club Scholars programme:
The new intake!
On Friday 28th February the 24 students from Years 9
and 10 who were chosen to take part in the scholars
programme attended the University of Sussex for the
launch trip. This was a fun filled day where students were
given a tour of the campus and a tasty lunch. It was not
all fun and games however, as pupils took part in three
university style tutorials. These focused on study skills and
an introduction to university life. The students also had the
opportunity to meet their PhD tutor.
The next step in the programme involves the
students taking part in 4 one hour tutorials in
school. They are then required to complete a
2000 word assignment based on their studies
during their tutorials. Having completed their
assignment, it will be marked according to
university standards. If successful the students
will get the opportunity to graduate from the
programme at Oxford or Cambridge university.
Ms Frayne, Brilliant Club
Visit from Hadlow College
On the 27th February Mr Charlie Sharklock came to speak to a group
of students about what Hadlow College could offer them and the
diverse range of courses on offer there. They ranged from Horticulture,
Equestrian Studies, Forestry and Animal Management to sports and
outdoor activities.
The students were all very attentive and keen to ask
questions to find out more about the courses available.
Mrs Amphlett & Mrs Wood
Our student charity coordinator Ben Edwards organised a Valentines Cake Sale and Raffle on the
14th February 2014 in the school hall. The event raised £160.40 for the charities Water Aid and Bexley
Moorings. The winners of the raffle for the cinema tickets and bear were:
Chloe Langford Y8 - Katie-Caroline Hindmarch Y7 - Emily Conabere Y7 - Elizabeth Ball Y7
The School Council
Every year the school council becomes stronger and stronger with students getting more of a say in their school then ever
before. Over the course of this academic year we have organised a Cake sale for charity and we have met with the canteen
management to discuss in detail what students would like to see changed in the canteen as well as a questionnaire which was
given to Sixth Formers to see what they would like from the canteen.
The Head Teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team are regularly present at our meetings which gives students a
great chance to express their thoughts about the school with the people who can make the changes.
At the beginning of 2014, meetings were held with the form representatives from across the school giving them the opportunity
to express their opinions to their year representatives who would feed back to the main school council.
Mrs C Bonner- Deputy Head Teacher - Mrs M Lawrence- Head of Inclusion - Mrs J Tyler-Maher- Head Teacher
Ashleigh Wilson- Year 7
Aiden Chivers- Year 7 Zak Potter Scarborough- Year 8Jessie Welch- Year 9
Jade Smith- Year 10
Thomas Isteed- Year 10
Christopher Benjafield- Year 11Jade Ford- Sixth Form Megan Freeman- Year 8
Jack Snape- Year 9
Holly Palmer- Year 11
Ellie Alabaster- Sixth Form
Abi May- Sixth Form (Head Girl) Jacob James- Sixth Form (Head Boy)
Ben Edwards- Sixth Form (School Council Coordinator)
Boccia is growing in Bexley
An exciting new development is taking place in Bexley’s Boccia. The Bexley
Dodgers Boccia Club in conjunction with Cleeve Park School, Sidcup is
extending membership to include players with a physical disability. Three
students from Cleeve Park have already joined and will be attending the
new Club session to be held at Cleeve Park on the third Sunday in each
month with existing members who have a learning disability.
It is hoped to encourage others with a physical or learning disability to come
along and enjoy the sport. Boccia, similar to French Boules is a game of
skill that is included in both the Paralympics and Special Olympics, players
can either throw, kick or use a ramp to propel a small leather ball towards
a target ball known as a jack. Boccia is a sport that can be enjoyed by
everyone no matter what disability they may have. The club is open to
players of all ages and abilities.
We are sincerely grateful to Mrs Tyler-Maher, Head Teacher at Cleeve Park
School and Mrs Short, Business Manager for their support with this new
development to encourage more disabled people to take up the sport
of Boccia.
For more information ring Janet Swann (Learning Disability Lead) on 01322
330268 or Zeena Wilkins (Physical Lead) on 0208 300 7741.
Due to Easter the first Session will be held on Sunday 13th April, 2014
10.00am – 12.00am Cost: £2.50 at Cleeve Park School, Bexley Lane,
Sidcup, Kent DA14 4JN.
Severe weather conditions or unexpected events
Circumstances can arise from time to time
when it becomes necessary to close the school
due to inclement weather or other unforeseen
events. In the event of severe weather etc. We
shall do everything we can to remain open but
if at any time you wish to check if the school is
open, you may do so in the following ways:
School Open Check system - there are
links on the school and Bexley Council
Calling 020 8408 7508 and entering the
school DCSF code: 303 4030
Calling the Bexley Council Contact Centre on
020 8303 7777
We will always endeavour to update parents
via our website and by email or by text so
please ensure we have up-to-date contact
information for you in the school office. You
can easily check the information we currently
have on file by registering for the Parent Portal,
details are on the website.