Bexley Magazine Summer 2014


Bexley Magazine Summer 2014
Summer 2014
River crossings
and opportunities
for growth
Budget consultation:
You Choose
news - what’s on - local information
Listening to you, working for you
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01/07/2014 10:40
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Listening to you, working for you
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30/06/2014 16:08
Inside your
7 Budget consultation
10-11 River crossings and
growth: Have yourB Asay
It was great to meet and talk to
9 Working together
Above and front cover: The proposed Belvedere bridge
16-17 Your councillors
13 Webcasting
22 Remembering the
First World War
Your community 18-19
Your local health service 23
Local Information 25
What’s on 26-27
A-Z of services 29
Local organisations 30
Take the online Bexley Magazine survey at
many of you during the election
campaign. I was delighted to be
re-elected and it is an honour to
serve you as Council Leader.
Our priority over the next four years
will be to work with everyone in the
borough – residents, businesses and
our partners - to secure a prosperous
future for local people.
We will be working to manage
the economic growth that is gathering
pace across the capital, to ensure that
it results in new opportunities for you
and your family.
Our government grant continues
to fall and demand for our services
increase, so we will need to make
further savings. That will mean
stopping some non-essential services
or preventing the need for others, as
well as asking local people to do more
for themselves and our community.
We will continue to do everything
we can to make you both enjoy and be
proud to live in Bexley.
One of the ways you can help us is
to take part in our new style Budget
consultation (page 7) and Transport
for London’s consultation on river
crossings (pages 10 & 11) - both raise
issues that will impact on our lives for
years to come.
In Bexley, elections are not the only
time you can have your say and we look
forward to hearing your views.
If you would like to know more about the services the Council provides, or would like either
a translation of this document or the information in a different format, please call our
Customer Contact Centre on 020 8303 7777, quoting reference: 602063/6.14
London Borough of Bexley, Civic Offices, 2 Watling Street, Bexleyheath, Kent DA6 7AT • Phone: 020 8303 7777
Website: • Email: • Distributed free of charge to every
property in the borough • Editorial: Bexley Communications Team. Designed and produced by: Bexley Graphics
Cllr Teresa O’Neill
Leader of the Council
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 2 (ADS)-3.indd 2
01/07/2014 11:16
Bexley’s 51st Mayor
The London Borough of Bexley’s
51st Mayor is Cllr Howard Marriner.
His wife, Dianne, is his Mayoress.
Cllr Howard Marriner
Howard was educated at Belmont
County Primary School and then
Erith Grammar School before
moving to Bromley Grammar School
for Boys to take A’ levels.
On finishing his education,
Howard entered a career in banking
– which eventually led him to work
in a number of locations abroad,
including Nigeria, Hong Kong,
Botswana and Swaziland. In fact his
first position abroad saw him bound
for Nigeria on the day the Nigerian
civil war began – leading to some
difficult moments witnessing life in a
war zone.
Over the years, Howard has
been very involved in local politics
and charitable work - serving as a
ward councillor – and being a past
President of the Rotary Club of
As Mayor, Howard intends to
fundraise for the Greenwich and
Bexley Community Hospice – and
support a variety of other local
charities, including Rotary, Round
Table, Inner Wheel and the Lions.
Cllr Ross Downing has been
appointed Deputy Mayor and her
husband, Cllr Alan Downing, is
Deputy Mayor’s Consort.
Further details about the
new Mayor can be found at
Results of local elections
The Conservatives retained
control of the Council as
a result of the Council
elections on 22 May.
The Conservatives gained
45 seats on the Council,
Labour 15 and UKIP 3.
Cllr Teresa O’Neill was
again selected by her party
colleagues to be Leader of
the Council.
Residents voted by post
and at 123 polling stations
around the borough.
The names and Wards
of all Councillors elected
on 22 May are set out on
pages 16 & 17.
You can see the full
results of the elections
on the Council’s website.
Share of seats
Conservative Party
Labour Party
UK Independence Party
New Council – new Cabinet
Cllr Teresa O’Neill:
Leader of the Council
Cllr Eileen Pallen:
Cabinet Member for
Adult’s Services
Cllr Alex Sawyer:
Cabinet Member for
Community Safety and Leisure
Cllr Don Massey:
Cabinet Member for
Environment and Public Realm
Cllr Gareth Bacon: Deputy Leader
and Cabinet Member for Finance
and Corporate Services
Cllr Philip Read:
Cabinet Member for
Children’s Services
Cllr John Fuller:
Cabinet Member
for Education
Cllr Linda Bailey:
Cabinet Member for
Regeneration and Growth
Listening to you, working for you
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01/07/2014 10:42
for business
The former Woolwich Building in
Bexleyheath re-opened as Bexley’s
Civic Offices on Monday 12 May.
The offices are open from 9am to 5pm
from Monday to Friday.
Staff from the current Civic Offices in
Broadway Bexleyheath moved into the
building during May, while staff based at
the Howbury Centre in Slade Green moved
earlier this month.
Staff from the Council’s office in Welling
and Sidcup will complete their moves
this month.
When the moves are complete, 1,300
office staff previously working from four
separate sites around the borough will use
the Civic Offices as their base.
Council telephone numbers, email
addresses and online services will not be
affected by the moves, which have been
carefully planned so that services continue
with the minimum of disruption.
The postal address of the Civic Offices is:
London Borough of Bexley, Civic Offices, 2
Watling Street, Bexleyheath, Kent DA6 7AT.
Council staff working in area focused
teams based at Foots Cray, in libraries,
children’s centres, at the Youth Advisory
Service in the Broadway and Atrium Court
in Erith will not be moving. The Council Tax
and benefits service based at Erith Town Hall
will also not be affected.
Council welcomes latest Ofsted
report on its children’s services
The Council continues to give
priority to services for vulnerable
children, after the latest Ofsted
inspection of children’s services in
the borough found that the majority
of the services have improved since
the last inspection in 2012.
Nine Ofsted inspectors were
involved in a thorough inspection
of safeguarding and looked after
children services in the borough
over four weeks in March and April.
Using Ofsted’s new harder test,
the inspectors reviewed case files,
watched how social workers worked
with children, families and each other
and spoke to children, young people
and families.
The Ofsted inspectors overall
judgement was that Bexley’s service
for children in need of help and
protection, looked after children
and care leavers “requires
improvement”. They found no
widespread or serious failures that
create or leave children being harmed
or at risk of harm. They also found
that the Council was safeguarding
and promoting the welfare of looked
after children and commented on
the commitment to improvement
demonstrated by the Council.
The Council recognises however
that further improvement remains
necessary and is working hard to
achieve that goal.
Ofsted Inspectors make their
judgements on services for children
in need of help and protection, children
looked after and care leavers using a
four-point scale: outstanding, good,
requires improvement, inadequate.
Former Councillors
Seventeen Councillors who
served from 2010 to 2014
either decided not to stand
for re-election or were not
elected on 4 May.
They included two former
Council Leaders, two former
Deputy Leaders, two former
Mayors and five former
Cabinet members. Most
served as Councillors for a
number of years – in one
case 40 years!
They were: Kerry Allon,
Chris Ball, Sandra Bauer,
Mrs Pat Cammish, Colin
Campbell, Peter Catterall,
Eleanor Hurt, Munir Malik,
Margaret O’Neill, Katie
Perrior, Harry Persaud,
Ray Sams, Mike Slaughter,
James Spencer, Michael
Tarrant, Chris Taylor and
Simon Windle.
“I would like to thank all
those who are no longer on
the Council for their service
to their constituents and to
the borough,” said Council
Leader Cllr Teresa O’Neill.
“They had a wealth of
knowledge and experience
and I know that many
will continue to serve the
community in other ways.”
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01/07/2014 15:06
Housing Support
Housing Support is a service
offered by the London
Borough of Bexley to help
residents and landlords in the
borough who are experiencing
housing problems.
We can help you with all sorts
of housing issues, such as:
● Managing unpaid rent and
other debts
● Budgeting household finances
● Advice around benefits,
employment and training
● Sourcing and securing your
own property
● Advice and support on your
current tenancy.
Support can
advise and
help you with
any of these
issues early
on before
the problem
worse. We
can also help
you with
getting in touch with the right
people and services to support
you now and in the future, and
you can contact us regardless of
your housing type or situation.
If you are a landlord with
a property in Bexley we can
also support you and advise
you about concerns you may
have with a tenant, and we can
work together to help resolve
any issues.
This service is also for housing
associations and letting agencies
which manage tenants.
To contact us, please visit
and fill in the form on the web page or call 020 8303 7777
and ask for Housing Support
Do you have
a property
to lease?
Under the Council’s
Private Sector Leasing
Scheme, properties can
be leased from landlords
for three to five years
to provide temporary
accommodation for
Bexley residents.
The scheme guarantees
rent for the lease period
even if the property is
empty. The Council also
manages the tenants on
the landlord’s behalf.
The Council can provide
an interest free loan for
a minimum of £1,000 to
cover any works required
to meet the scheme’s
standard. Rent is paid
directly into the landlord’s
bank account.
The scheme offers
support throughout the
tenancy, including setting
up the lease agreement
and arranging for damage
cover up to £5,000.
Landlords looking for
a shorter term lease can
sign up to the Rent Direct
Scheme. This free service
ensures direct rents for
landlords from tenants in
receipt of benefits. The
Private Sector team can
find a tenant and provide
a deposit bond, which the
landlord can claim back
if there is damage to the
Other benefits in the
Rent Direct Scheme
for landlords include
assistance establishing
a tenancy (minimum six
months) and ensuring
a smooth relationship
between the tenant and
the landlord.
or call 020 8303 7777 and ask for
Private Sector Leasing
Food safety in Bexley
Bexley has a tough ‘zero
tolerance’ approach to
food businesses across the
borough. The Council’s Food
Safety Team will not accept
dirty, unhygienic premises or
unsafe food handling practices
– and neither should you!
Thanks to increased
resources the team now carry
out twice as many visits as
before. The result is that more
improvement notices are being
issued and businesses are
cleaning up their act to avoid
On inspection, businesses
are given a score in line with
the national Food Safety
Agency’s (FSA) scheme. This
score is made public on the
FSA’s website at
uk You can visit the website
to check out the scores of
food businesses you may be
planning to use.
Premises that have a food
hygiene rating of three
or above have achieved a
‘satisfactory’, ‘good’ or ‘very
good’ standard. Anything below
that is in need of improvement.
The higher the score the better
the premises.
By checking the score and
choosing to give your custom
to businesses that have met
this standard you will be
making sure that lower rated
businesses know that they
must comply or lose trade.
If a business receives a
score they don’t think
reflects their premises
they can appeal – or
once they have made
recommended changes
– ask for a re-inspection.
The Food Safety Team
in Bexley offers advice
to businesses, runs
regular food hygiene
courses and provides
information leaflets
and newsletters
covering a range
of topics.
So, before you
decide where you
want to eat in
Bexley, check the FSA
website or simply ask the
premises for their FSA score.
Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 6-7.indd 1
30/06/2014 16:01
Challenging budget outlook
Although the national economy is recovering,
the Council faces tough financial decisions for
at least another four years.
The Council has reduced its spending by £61
million since 2006 due to cuts in its government
grant and increased demard for services. This
squeeze is set to continue. It expects to have to
find another £40 million in savings by 2018.
Savings have been made across all areas of
the Council. Making further savings is going to
be a significant challenge.
The Council is looking again at your priorities
and will need to stop some non-essential
services and deliver others in new, bold or
innovative ways.
Councillors have indicated that they are
willing to consider a Council Tax increase of up
to 2% - the current maximum above which it
would be necessary to conduct a costly public
referendum – if this proves necessary.
To help guide their decision-making, the
Council’s Cabinet has agreed to collect the
views of local people using a free online
consultation tool, called ‘You Choose’. A number
of other councils have successfully used the
tool. Councillors hope it will provide local
people with a fresh way of engaging with
these important issues.
Have your say on the Council’s
future budget priorities
21 July – 12 September 2014
The tool will be available for 24 hours a day, seven
days a week for eight weeks for you to give your views
on the Council’s future Budget priorities.
You do not have to give your name and the results
will be considered by Councillors as part of next year’s
Budget-making process.
Total external funding received by Bexley (£’m)
Like for like comparisons between years are approximate due to changes in the
make up of core and specific grants as a result of central government policy.
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30/06/2014 16:01
Changes to Foots Cray
Reuse and Recycling centre
Foots Cray Reuse and
Recycling Centre is now
open six days a week instead
of seven. The centre will
be shut to the public every
Wednesday from 2 July.
Thames Road Reuse and
Recycling Centre will remain
open every day and the
opening hours at both sites
will continue to be from
7.30am to 4pm.
The one day a week closure
was part of the Council’s
2014 budget consultation at
the end of last year, and was
approved in March. It will save
the Council in the region of
£50,000 a year, at a time when
resources are under
immense pressure.
Wednesday has been
chosen to minimise disruption
and inconvenience to
residents as it is generally the
quietest day of the week.
A ‘reuse area’ has recently
been added to both sites.
The ‘reuse area’ is for good
quality items such as wooden
household furniture, sofas
(which must have a fire label),
bric-a-brac, pictures and
mirrors. These items will be
collected by Recyclemart, the
reuse partner of the Council’s
reuse and recycling centre
contractor SITA.
thriving families
The Council has recognised
the need to change the
way families receive
support. Thriving Families,
our new early help and
prevention service, will
ensure that the whole
family receives the help
it needs to improve its
chances of a better future.
Caring technology
New technology to improve
the delivery of social care
and reduce bureaucracy
has been adopted by the
Care staff employed to work
with residents in their homes
use ‘call logging’ by calling
a freephone telephone
number using residents’
phones. The system will
record and provide evidence
of when carers arrive and
leave and automatically
feeds this information into
an invoicing system.
The system allows time
for carers to greet people
and settle in, so that the
provision of care is not
It ensures that ● People will get their full
time allocation, helping
to ensure that tasks are
not missed.
We want to make sure
families get the right help
they need, when they need
it and to work with families
to find the solutions to the
challenges they face. We
work with the whole family
and each family will have a
dedicated key worker.
The help provided will
depend on each family’s
situation and may include ● Helping to develop and
maintain positive family
● Improving children’s
school progress and
● Offering practical advice
and support, plus access
to parenting groups.
The Family Key Worker
will work with you and
your family to identify your
family’s needs and then
agree a plan of support that
suits you and your family.
Thriving Families service is
currently being introduced
and will be fully in place by
the end of September 2014.
● Residents only pay for the
care they receive - and a
record is available in the
event of a dispute.
Provider rostering,
monitoring the quality of
delivery and invoicing are
now all much easier and
more effective.
For more information,
please contact
Care Central on
020 8303 7777 and ask
for the Brokerage Team
Could you foster in Bexley?
Bexley’s Fostering Team took
their roadshow across the
borough during national
Fostering Fortnight (12-25
May). Visitors were able to
speak to qualified staff as
well as finding out more from
experienced foster carers.
The team want to hear from
anyone willing to foster and, in
particular, anyone interested
in fostering a disabled child
or teenager.
Call 0800 783 7699, email
adoptionandfostering@ or visit
Listening to you, working for you
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30/06/2014 16:00
Working together
Residents take great pride in their communities and have
always worked closely with the London Borough of Bexley
to help keep the borough looking clean and tidy. With the
continuing squeeze on the Council’s finances due to central
Government funding reductions, it is even more important
that we all embrace the ‘Bexley spirit’ and play our part in
keeping the borough a safe and pleasant place to live.
Here are some simple and easy measures we can all
take to help.
Bag it and bin it!
Bexley actively encourages
dog owners to be responsible
and clear up after their
dogs. Sponsored dog
waste bags are
currently available
free for residents
at libraries and
at the Civic
Offices, 2
Watling Street,
It is
not only to
pick up your
dog mess,
but also to
dispose of
the waste
properly. Please
seal the bag and
place it in one
of the borough’s
200 dog waste bins
in parks and open
spaces, a highway bin
or your own household
waste bin.
For more information
Living in such a green and
leafy borough can sometimes
have its drawbacks. Trees and
shrubbery sometimes grows
over important road signs,
into the path of pedestrians or
blocks sight lines for drivers.
Bin collections
Our recycling and waste
collection crews collect from
more than 19,000 homes
across the borough each day.
They try and leave each street
clear and tidy before moving
on, but with such large
numbers of collections and
sometimes windy weather
conditions, it is
difficult to
all containers are returned
exactly where they were
originally put out.
Residents are asked to
return their bins to their
properties as soon as possible
after collection and to
consider doing the same for
their neighbours. They are also
asked to ensure all residual
waste goes into your green
wheelie bin. If bin bags are
left out, foxes and cats can
tear them open and scatter
the items along the street,
leaving an unpleasant mess.
If you have any problems
with your waste or
recycling collections
please contact us on
020 8303 7777 or
If you have plants and trees
that are spreading onto the
public highway or into your
neighbours’ gardens, please
remember that is it your
responsibility to keep them
under control. If the Council
has to cut them back under
the Highways Act, the cost
can be re-charged to the
property or landowner.
“Residents take
great pride in their
Around 42,000
children and
young people
attend the 79 schools
in the borough.
We receive regular calls
from local residents asking
us to take enforcement action
to control inconsiderate
parking and traffic
manoeuvres near schools.
The Council asks all
parents and carers to act
responsibly and not put
children in danger. So please
be more considerate and
park responsibly - if necessary
some way away from the
school gates - and walk
the rest of the journey. This
makes it more pleasant and
safe for everyone.
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 8 (BexleyFirst) - 9 (local economy).indd 2
01/07/2014 10:45
community groups
Bexley RFC celebrate
promotion with prestigious
RFU accreditation
Club representatives Alan Perry, Kevin Cope and Keith Sylvester
with Tim Fagg, President of Kent RFU (second from right)
Bexley RFC have secured
promotion to Kent 1
following a challenging
season that also saw them
reach the final of the
Kent Salver and gain the
prestigious Rugby Football
Union’s Club Accreditation
Having served their local
community since 1957, the
club certainly deserved
recognition. Matt Mitchell
RFU Rugby Development
Officer, said: “Accreditation
has confirmed the club’s
commitment to the
development of rugby as a
major sport and its standing in
the community as a respected
club, where enjoyment comes
first and everyone is welcome
to take part in whatever way
they are able.”
Club President, Kevin Cope,
added: “With a home Rugby
World Cup in 2015 we wish to
attract more members. This
is a great time for our sport
and we can guarantee anyone
getting involved at Bexley RFC
a friendly welcome.”
River crossings k
Britain’s economy is recovering and the
population growing. Strong national
economic growth is forecast until 2017.
All areas of Bexley are well placed to benefit from a
number of new developments planned for Kent and the
south east, including –
 Crossrail at Abbey Wood.
 The number of new homes being built in
the borough.
 Extra river crossings.
 Paramount Leisure near Bluewater.
 A new ‘garden city’ at Ebbsfleet.
Growth is inevitable, but the Council believes it needs to
be managed carefully to benefit local people and ensure
that they remain proud to live in the borough.
It’s important to take control of our own destiny,
rather than have this imposed from outside.
What growth could mean for
you and your family
Well-managed growth would see the creation of
attractive new neighbourhoods backed by properly
resourced infrastructure, including public transport,
education, health and social care.
It will help safeguard the best of Bexley’s existing
character, including our open spaces, bustling local
centres and family friendly housing areas.
Please contact Pete Nottage
on 07944 952275 to
find out more
BVSC have moved!
In May Bexley Voluntary
Service Council moved
from their offices
in Brampton Road,
Bexleyheath to Crayford
Manor House.
BVSC’s new address is –
Crayford Manor House,
Mayplace Road East,
Crayford, Kent DA1 4HB
The offices are open
from Monday to Friday
from 9:30am to 4pm.
BVSC promote voluntary
and community action
in Bexley.
Crayford Manor House
is a Georgian manor
house which was used
until recently as an adult
education centre.
Call the BVSC on 01322 524682
email or visit
New high quality family homes in Slade Green
“Our aim is growth that creates new
neighbourhoods of high quality, but
growth that also preserves what’s best
about the borough now.”
Cllr Linda Bailey, Cabinet Member
Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 10 - 11 (QMH) JOHN.indd 10
30/06/2014 15:36
gs key to our borough’s future
“How we manage growth
is the number one issue
facing the borough.”
Cllr Teresa O’Neill, Leader of the Council
Transport for
London (TfL) has
launched its latest
consultation on
river crossings
TfL is writing to residents in
the north of the borough.
You can read about the
options and access more
detailed information online
Please read the consultation
information. The outcome of
the consultation is likely to
affect the borough for many
years to come.
The Council will consider all
the proposals carefully and is
keen to hear the views of local
people before it submits its
formal response.
If you would like to join
this debate please email
For more information
and to read how the
Council is working to
secure well-managed
growth please visit
“We need better transport infrastructure for
our residents and businesses - but they have
to be the right measures in the right places.”
Cllr Don Massey, Cabinet Member
Why do we need new
river crossings?
North Bexley has been
identified as a growth area
by successive governments
for more than 20 years.
Despite some notable
achievements, it is yet to
reach its full potential.
As we recover from
recession, the requirement
to strengthen our local
economy and support the
housing needs of London’s
growing population means
that this land is attracting
fresh interest from the
development world. At
the same time, we are
experiencing growing
demand for housing, school
places, health and social
care services.
All of this means we
have to plan proactively for
change, rather than just let
it happen.
The Council supports
the principle of new river
crossings and recognises
that they could –
● Help manage and support
London’s population
● Ensure that south-east
London and east London
benefit from the capital’s
booming economy.
● Reduce transport
● Make journey times more
The proposals that
would have the greatest
direct impact on the
borough would be the
longstanding plan for a river
crossing at Gallions Reach,
Thamesmead and for a new
bridge from Belvedere to
A Belvedere-Rainham
Bridge would extend our
local road network across
the river into Havering.
It would carry two lanes of
traffic in each direction:
one for general traffic and
one for buses and HGVs.
TfL would build new
roads to link it to the road
network. On the south side
of the river, a new access
road would connect it to
the A2016 in the area of the
Picardy Manorway junction.
TfL says that the bridge
could be built by 2025 for
between £500 and £900
million. It would be open
to all road users, including
cyclists and pedestrians.
It would create
opportunities for new crossriver public transport links
and stimulate growth on
both sides of the river.
The Council believes that
river crossings and growth
are key issues for Bexley. A
crossing at Belvedere could
create around 10,000 new
jobs - some in new and
under-represented sectors
of the local economy - and
more than 20,000 new
homes. This would offer
huge opportunities for
existing and future residents
and businesses. But any
link would need to include
measures to minimise the
risk of negative impacts on
the environment and traffic.
Belvedere-Rainham is not
the only new link proposed.
The impact of a package of
crossings will need to be
thoroughly tested. Some
crossing options may leave
Bexley having to deal with
adverse impacts - without
the benefits of growth which is why it’s importatnt
our views are heard.
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 10 - 11 (QMH) JOHN.indd 11
01/07/2014 12:14
children and young people
Could you help a young
care leaver?
Supported lodgings is
a scheme for young
people aged 16–21 who
are leaving care, but are
not ready to live on their
own. The scheme offers
the opportunity to live
in the home of an
approved person who
will help them prepare
for independent living.
Call 020 8303 7777 and
ask for the Supported
Lodgings Team.
We are looking to recruit
people who live in the
borough, who have a spare
room and a positive attitude
towards young people.
Free school meals
From September 2014,
every pupil in Key Stage 1 –
reception classes and Years
1 and 2 – will be entitled to
a free school meal!
The change will save
parents more than £400 a
year and should encourage
even more children to have
a school dinner.
It is a fact that having a
nutritious meal at lunchtime
boosts concentration and
improves behaviour in the
afternoon, helping children
to fulfil their potential.
Establishing healthy
lifestyle habits such as
enjoying portions of
vegetables, salad and fruit
at primary school age is also
is a good way of ensuring
healthy lifelong routines.
We expect that free school
meals will be very popular
in Bexley. It is important
that you let your child’s
school know if you would
like them to have free school
meals as soon as possible.
Contact details for all
Bexley primary schools
are available at
If you’ve received
outstanding service from
someone who works for
the Council, we would
like to hear from you.
We’re opening nominations
for this year’s STARS – our
staff thanks and recognition
scheme. Last year’s scheme
was a great success, with over
100 nominations for teams
and individuals in the Council
whose exceptional hard work,
dedication and achievement
have helped make Bexley a
better place to work and live.
This year there will be
awards in eight categories,
including Excellence
in Customer Services,
Outstanding work in the
Community and Your
Bexley Star.
“We launched the scheme
last year and it proved a great
success. With budgets and
services under pressure across
the public sector, recognising
those staff who go the
extra mile to help local
people is more important
than ever”, said Council
Leader Cllr Teresa O’Neill.
If you’ve been impressed
by a member of staff,
please nominate them using
our easy online nomination
form, or the printed form
available in Council libraries
and receptions.
The nomination period
runs from Monday 30 June
until Friday 22 August.
Everyone who is nominated
will receive a letter of
congratulation from the
Chief Executive. Outstanding
representatives from each
category will be presented
with a certificate before
the full Council meeting
in November.
Listening to you, working for you
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Council meetings on the Web
You can now stay in touch
with the Council’s decisionmaking via the Web, using
a trial one-year webcasting
All Council meetings,
Cabinet meetings, Planning
and Overview & Scrutiny
Committee meetings will be
webcast during the trial.
“We recognise that coming
to our meetings is difficult for
many people and that most
residents are busy getting on
with their lives, but decisions
that the Council takes - or is
asked to take on issues like
planning - impact on all our
lives,” said Council Leader,
Cllr Teresa O’Neill. “Webcasting
makes it easy for residents
to view these discussions
in an easy, open and
transparent way.
“I hope people will take a
look at the service and let us
know whether they think it
is something we should
continue beyond the one
year trial period.”
What’s a webcast?
A webcast is a transmission
of audio and video over the
internet. Video cameras in
the Council Chamber at the
Civic Offices will capture
the live information and
send it to anyone that
would like to view the
meeting. You can view the
meetings live from the
comfort of your own home
using an Internet
connection and a
standard browser.
Should you miss a meeting,
or if you would like to view
part of a meeting again, you
can view past webcasts. The
archives allow you to view
a meeting and use index
points to jump to a specific
item or speaker.
All change for electoral registration
The electoral registration
system is changing. The new
system, called Individual
Electoral Registration (IER),
is now in place.
Under the previous system the
‘head of every household’ was
able to register everyone who
lived at their address. IER will
call on every eligible person
to become responsible for
registering themselves. The
new system will also allow
online registration.
Unlike the old system, IER
will require personal details –
including a National Insurance
number and date of birth. This
change is to make registering
more secure.
If you aren’t registered to
vote, you won’t have the
chance to have a say on who
represents you. You may also
have difficulty getting credit.
If you have recently
registered, you may not need
to register again using the
new system. If this is the case
you will receive a letter by
Call 020 8303 7777 and ask for
‘Electoral Services’ or email
Online registration is available at
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 12 (Caring) - 13 (Democracy).indd 2
01/07/2014 15:04
the children at
the event.
community safety
Love shouldn’t hurt
Police call outs in
the borough. Bexley
Police have joined
forces with domestic
abuse workers,
to offer help and
advice to those
Officers tackling
the problem want
to raise awareness
of household abuse
and encourage
people to contact
them if they, or
someone they
know, are at risk.
Friends and
neighbours are
asked to report
abuse they are
aware of to
the Police.
Large sporting events like the
World Cup see an increase
globally in incidents of
violence against women.
Domestic abuse is a Bexley
community safety priority, with
domestic violence constituting
the highest proportion of
The message is simple:
Be a friend to a neighbour,
don’t put yourself
in danger – pick up the
phone and dial 999 if
someone you
know is at risk.
For more information, visit
Citizen’s Advice move
to Town Centres
The local Citizens Advice
Bureaux (CAB) have
moved to more central
positions across the
borough. Bexley CAB
now provide services
from the Central Library
in Townley Road,
Bexleyheath, Pier Rd in
Erith and from Sidcup
Library in Hadlow Road.
Residents are still advised
to make the CAB website
their ‘first port of call’, or
to telephone the advice
line before making a trip
to see them. The move
was a partnership project
designed to make the
CAB service more
accessible to local people.
The website includes
details of services and opening
times and can be found at
call 01322 517150.
Safe places
Bexley Mencap has
launched an initiative to
provide clearly marked
‘safe places’ for people with
learning disabilities who
find themselves in distress
when they are out and
“We have signed up more
than 170 local shops and
businesses in the borough’s
main town centres to the
scheme,” said Steve Davies,
Chief Executive of Bexley
Mencap. Staff within each
have been trained on how
the scheme works.”
Stickers are displayed in
the windows of shops
and businesses that
are part of the scheme.
The scheme
was funded
from Bexley’s
Reward Grant,
which was awarded to the
Council and its partners for
meeting joint targets agreed
with the Government. It is
supported by the police, the
Council and Bexley Clinical
Commissioning Group.
People with learning
disabilities or their carers
who would like to know
more should contact
Bexley Mencap on
020 8303 6336 or email
Take it or
lose it
Bexley Police are urging
people to take action to
reduce their chances
of having their vehicle
broken into.
Police advice ● It can take as little as 10
seconds for a thief to steal
something from your car.
If at all possible, leave
nothing on view.
● NEVER leave valuable
items in your car - cash,
credit cards, chequebook,
mobile phones, vehicle
documents or other
valuables. This includes
your Sat Nav.
● Don’t leave presents
or purchases on the
back seat.
Always close the windows
and sunroof; lock the
doors and activate
security devices.
● Park with care, particularly
at night. If possible, park
in a busy, well-lit area.
For more crime
prevention advice visit
Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 14 - 15 (Community).indd 10
30/06/2014 15:57
No need for ‘payday’ loans
The Greenwich & Bexley Credit Union
is a not-for-profit financial service run
for residents and employees in Bexley
and Greenwich.
It offers members loans at 0.5% or
1% per month and currently pays a
dividend of 1% on savings and 4% for
junior savers. A loan of £1,000 paid back
over one year will cost from just £33 in
total interest charges.
Members benefit from free life
insurance on savings and loans. There
are no early repayment charges or other
hidden costs, and savings up to £85,000
are protected by the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme.
The union is currently looking for reps
to help promote the credit union in
their local community or workplace.
Reps are given application forms,
posters and postcards for distribution. If
they wish to, they can also help people
to apply for membership.
Email communityreps@gbcreditunion.
com or visit
New Borough Fire Commander
Bexley resident Richard
Welch is the Borough’s new
Fire Commander. He’s been
with the Brigade for 18 years
and lived in the borough for
10 and is keen to work even
more closely with the local
“A large number of Bexley
firefighters live in the
borough,” he explains. “The
Brigade is more a part of
the community here than
anywhere I’ve worked before.”
Richard’s career has involved
a wide range of community
work, including working on
the successful LIFE scheme,
and a recent project to
promote safer driving to sixth
form students.
Helping vulnerable people
to stay safe is another priority
for the Brigade. “We are proud
of the part we have played
in making Bexley the safest
borough in London and we
want to do everything we can
to keep it that way.”
He’s pleased that the
Brigade has close links with
the Council and is looking to
develop new partnerships
with local businesses and
community groups. “I don’t
want our big red doors to
be closed to local people,”
said Richard. “I would like to
see local community groups
using the conference rooms
at Erith and Sidcup fire
stations and more volunteers
working alongside our
While the Brigade’s budgets
are shrinking, Richard is
passionate about the need
to get results - and clear
how to do it. “We need the
community to get more
involved with us - and we
need to be more involved in
the community.”
Is anti-social behaviour
getting too much?
The borough has strong
processes which allow
the Council, police,
housing providers,
other organisations and
communities to work in
partnership with each
other to tackle anti-social
We want to make sure
we get it right first time, but
recognise that sometimes we
don’t. There is now more help
available to support repeat
and vulnerable victims.
Please visit
uk/communitytrigger for
further information.
Bexley Safer
Neighbourhood Board
From 1 April 2014, Bexley
Community Policing
Engagement Group
(Bexley CPEG) became
part of the Bexley Safer
Neighbourhood Board
(Bexley SNB).
The Bexley SNB is made
up of volunteers from
the community, elected
members and officers
from various partner
organisations whose
representatives reflect
the diverse communities
that live and work in
Bexley. They will come
together to support the
aims and objectives of the
Board in targeting crime
prevention and community
engagement activities.
If you wish to be put on
the mailing list to receive
updates on future public
meetings and other
community policing
issues please contact
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 14 - 15 (Community).indd 11
01/07/2014 10:46
your councillors
Listening to you, working for you
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30/06/2014 15:54
your councillors
You can search for the
names of your local Ward
Councillors on the Council’s
website using your home
post code.
Visit http://democracy.
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 16 - 17 (Your Councillors).indd 2
30/06/2014 15:56
your community
Lesnes Abbey Woods,
Belvedere, Thamesmead
Community shapes
Your com
Local news from your neighbour hoo
Peace spirals on Cory Bridge
Since receiving confirmation
last December of its success
in bidding for nearly £3.5m
funding from the Heritage
Lottery Fund, the Council
has continued to work with
the local community to
develop plans for the park.
The new ‘Lesnes Lodge’
will be a base for park-based
learning and volunteering
activities for schools and
visitors, as well as providing
facilities to enhance visitor
experiences. Demolition
of the existing information
centre is planned for
the end of this year with
construction of Lesnes
Lodge beginning soon after.
Now’s the Time
Live or work in Thamesmead?
Fancy getting active for
just £1?
Sign up to the new ‘Now’s
the Time’ programme and
that’s what you’ll get.
The three-year project
offers activities for £1 each. It
kicked off earlier this year and
is based on feedback from
local people.
Activities so far have
included netball, football,
jogging, Zumba, walking,
gym sessions, boot camp
and much more.
Blackfen • Foots Cray •
New playground
put to test
In March, children from
Longlands Primary School
in Sidcup were among
the first to put a new
playground at Carlton Road
Sidcup to the test.
It boasts a new
contemporary 850 square
metre playground, with a
range of new, challenging,
but safe equipment for
children up to 14 years old,
enclosed by fencing and
gates to keep dogs out.
There is a large climbing rope
activity unit with slides and
bridges, which is the first of
its kind to be installed in the
country. Elsewhere in the
park there are new paths,
fences, anti-motorcycle
gates, signs and bins.
A ‘Peace spirals’ sculpture emerged
as the favourite choice from three
designs produced by landscape
architects, MeiLoci recently.
The sculpture will act as a
striking focal piece at the Eastern
Way footbridge in Thamesmead,
which has been renamed as the
Cory Bridge.
MeiLoci is currently finalising
the design, taking into account
comments received from the local
The sculpture will be installed on
the southern side of the footbridge
later in the year.
Email ntt@trust-thamesmead., call 020 8320 4470 or
visit www.NTTthamesmead. or pop along to the
Summer Roadshows details on page 26.
The perfect place
If you’re planning a
wedding, top of your to-do
list will be finding a suitable
licensed venue for your
Help is at hand. Manor
House, a grand Georgian
property located on
The Green, Sidcup, is
holding two open days,
on Saturday 5 July and
Saturday 27 September,
from 10am
to 1pm.
You can take a tour of
the different ceremony
rooms, check availability,
get prices, make bookings
and have your questions
answered from the team
of Registrars.
As well as weddings,
Manor House can also
offer ceremonies for
baby welcoming, civil
partnership and renewal
of vows. Bookings can be
taken up to three years in
For more information,
please call 01622 221 444.
Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 18 - 19 (Your Community).indd 1
01/07/2014 10:49
our hood
Falconwood • Welling
Model railway
Have a summer of nostalgia
riding behind a steam or
electric locomotive – right
by Falconwood train station!
The Welling and District
Model Engineering Society
has set its date and timings
for this summer’s public
open days. The railway and
clubhouse will be open
from 2pm-5pm. Train rides
will be available for children
and adults with the last
ticket issued at 4:30pm.
Refreshments are available
in the clubhouse.
Sunday 20 July
Sunday 3, 17 and 31 August
Sunday 14 and 28
Sunday 12 October
your community
Crayford • Slade Green • Erith •
Northumberland Heath
New homes
The first homes being
built as part of the Erith
Park development will be
ready in October 2015.
All 343 homes currently
under construction will
be finished by the end
of 2016.
Partners Orbit South
Housing Association and
Wates Living Space are
currently preparing a
planning application to
transform the rest of the
old Larner Road estate building a total of around
600 homes.
Erith Park will include
a mix of homes for
sale, shared ownership
and affordable rent.
A sales centre will
open in October 2014.
Prospective buyers can
register their interest at
Bexley • Bexleyheath
Pocket park
Steeple Memorial Gardens,
next to the bowling alley
and Oaklands Road, will
receive a makeover in the
late summer to make it a
more inviting and pleasant
The focus will be to
enhance the surroundings
of the town’s war memorial
and to showcase its history
as the site of the first
church in Bexleyheath,
the predecessor of the
current Christ Church in the
The Council secured
the funding for the
improvements through the
Mayor of London’s ‘Pocket
Park’ scheme. This aims to
revitalise small parks within
or next to town centres,
enabling those working
and visiting town centres
to step outside busy city
life and relax in a calmer
and green environment.
New track for runners
Athletes will benefit from the
complete resurfacing of the
athletics track at Erith Leisure
Centre this summer.
Originally built in the
1950s, the site was upgraded
in 1999 thanks to a Sport
England (Lottery) award. The
track now needs resurfacing
so that it can continue to
meet the required standards.
The Council worked with
Parkwood Community
Leisure and with track users
to identify the best time for
the works to take place.
Memorial Terrace
The Memorial Terrace at
Erith Cemetery offers new
burial space in a unique
and tranquil setting,
overlooking adjoining
Using a newly
developed burial system,
it is now possible to use
an area of the cemetery
previously seen as being
unsuitable for traditional
earthen graves. The system
allows for the formation of
terraces containing burial
chambers, sarcophagi and
mausoleums suitable for
above and below ground
Subject to availability,
the burial facilities may be
purchased for immediate
or future use.
For further details
please contact
parksandopenspaces@ or
telephone the Council
on 020 8303 7777 and
ask for cemeteries.
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 18 - 19 (Your Community).indd 2
01/07/2014 10:49
Samaritans are ordinary
people just like you
Our training and your desire to help others when life gets
tough, will give you the skills to show that you care. We are
always there for people, giving them time and space to talk
about their feelings. If you are interested in finding out more
contact us now to reserve a place at our next information
evening on Saturday 19th July 2014. From 2pm.
enquiry line:
07761 604 086
Listening to you, working for you
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30/06/2014 15:51
local studies
First World War
Centenary 1914 -1918
This year marks 100
years since the start of
the First World War. The
Council is working in
partnership with a range
of local organisations
to commemorate the
anniversary by holding
a series of high quality
cultural, historical and
educational events
across the Borough from
2014 to 2018.
The first of these events
will be a special Civic Parade
celebration in Bexleyheath
on Sunday 3 August.
The event will include
the usual parade by
uniformed groups, as
well as entertainment,
information stands, displays
and much more.
On 4 August the Borough
will take part in a large-
scale ‘lights out’ event to
mark exactly 100 years after
Britain declared war on
Germany on 4 August 1914.
Look out for more details
and how you can get
involved online at
firstworldwar or in
the local press.
Civic Parade
Call to arms
North Cray Parish Council
responded to Kitchener’s
call, with the parish minutes
proudly recording in October
1914 that “of the eligible
unmarried young men
resident in the [Parish] all
were serving either in the
Army, Navy or Territorial
Forces with the exception
of two”. Of the 141 houses
that were visited in North
Cray 43 “eligible unmarried
young men” had already
volunteered. The Council
was so satisfied with their
recruiting efforts that they
“did not consider there to
be any need for any further
action to be taken in regard
to recruiting”. Indeed the
Sidcup Times reported
that, “North Cray [was] an
excellent example of what
patriotism in our villages can
do. Practically all the young
men who were eligible had
volunteered their services.”
In industrial Erith patriotic
sentiment could also be
witnessed by the 100s
of men who rushed to
rejoin the Colours in early
September 1914. One such
Reserve unit was the 4th
Home Counties Howitzer
brigade of the Royal Field
Artillery, whose HQ was
11.30am – 1pm
in Bexley Road, Erith.
In October 1914 the
Howitzers were sent to
the Western Front.
While many of the
men from the Borough
would have survived
the War, a significant
few did not.
Their sacrifice can be
remembered at war
memorials around the
Borough. To discover
more about the Borough’s
First World War past
visit Local Studies
and Arhives at
Central Library.
Entertainment, stalls,
displays and
This year’s parade will
commemorate the
centenary of the
First World War
Within days of the
declaration of war on
Germany, on Tuesday 4
August 1914, Kent County
Council sent a ‘very urgent’
circular to all Parish councils
in the County asking them
to do all within their power
to encourage recruitment
to Lord Kitchener’s
volunteer army.
Sunday 3 August 2014
Broadway, Bexleyheath
Listening to you, working for you
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20/06/2014 12:08
An extract from a Bexleyheath
Observer Article 11 Sept 1914
Photo: Departure of 4th Home
Counties Howitzer Brigade Erith
Aug 1914
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01/07/2014 15:09
six things
2014 marks the centenary of the outbreak of
the First World War. Here we pay tribute to just
some of the borough’s servicemen involved in
the war – and draw your attention to projects
that may interest you.
Private Sidney
Frank Godley
Godley grew
up in Sidcup,
and attended
School. He
became the
first British
private soldier
of the war to win the Victoria
Cross, after heroically defending a
bridge at the Battle of Mons He was
wounded and eventually captured,
but his bravery made him famous
throughout Britain (it was said
that the famous “Old Bill” cartoon
character representing the typical
British Tommy was modelled on
him). After the war, he was presented
with his VC and returned with it
to visit Sidcup and his old school,
where he was presented with a
commemorative clock and £150 in
war bonds. In 2012 his Victoria Cross
was sold at auction for £275,000.
Events and
information sharing!
If your school, club, group or
organisation is planning a public
First World War commemoration
event – please let us know and we’ll
help publicise it on our website and
through twitter.
You’ll find an easy to use online
form to tell us about your event on
our website at
Feel free to let us know what you
are doing – or ask any questions by
six things
Heritage Lottery
Funding for First
World War projects
Fund can
to help groups, communities and
organisations mark the centenary
of the First World War by exploring,
conserving and sharing the heritage
of the War, from memorials, buildings
and sites, to photographs, letters and
literature. The HLF has several funding
streams available.
For further information visit
Bexley war
memorials project
Bexley Archives is leading a
project to record servicemen who
are commemorated on Bexley’s war
The Bexley War Memorials Project
is intended to help the public,
local history groups and schools,
to learn about and research their
neighbourhood war memorials and
record the results.
Further details are available at www.
Walter William Printer
Walter William Printer was
born in 1896. Aged 15, he lived
in Bexleyheath, with his parents
and worked as a telegraph
boy. He joined the Coldstream
Guards soon after the war started
and was quickly promoted. In
November 1915, Lance-Sargeant
William Printer was awarded the
Distinguished Conduct Medal
(DCM) “for conspicuous gallantry”
in rescuing a wounded man
while under fire from the Germans
during the Battle of Loos on
28 September 1915.
George Mepham
Bexley’s last wartime
casualty died in England,
on Armistice Day 11 November 1918
George Mepham
was born in
Crayford, later
moving to Foots
Cray with his
young family. He worked as a
nurseryman and gardener before
joining the army with the South
Notts Hussars.
Towards the end of the war,
suffering from ill-health, he was
transferred to the Agricultural
Corps, but died in hospital at
Woolwich of pneumonia – a
common cause of death for
soldiers at the Front.
Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 22 (six things) - 23 (NHS).indd 1
01/07/2014 10:52
Your Local Health Service
Become a mystery shopper
Would you like to help improve local health services?
Are you a patient, service user or carer and 18 or over?
If so this could be an opportunity for you.
NHS Bexley CCG is launching a mystery shopper scheme to help
improve patient experience of local healthcare services.
Patients, service users and carers are urged to become mystery
shoppers to feed back on their experience of contact with local
health services, whether it was by telephone, letter or face to face,
planned or unplanned.
The scheme will give local people the chance to be actively
involved in shaping and improving local healthcare services.
What will I have to do?
What’s in it for me?
Will my feedback be confidential?
Becoming a mystery shopper gives you the chance to be actively
involved in shaping local health services by providing feedback on
your experiences. It might also offer you the opportunity to:
● Gain new skills, knowledge and experience
● Develop existing skills and knowledge
● Inform the development of Bexley mystery shopper programme
● Make a difference to your community
All feedback will be completely confidential.
Your identity will remain anonymous.
After you have had contact with a healthcare
service, which might be through an appointment,
a letter or phone call, you will give feedback
on your experience by completing a simple
Will I receive training?
All participants will be given the opportunity
to attend a training session on the role of
mystery shopper.
Will I have to pretend to
be a patient?
No – as an existing patient or carer
you will be evaluating your actual
experience of health services at the
time you receive them.
Top tips for keeping you and
your family safe in the sun
The sun makes us feel happy and relaxed, improves
our mood and provides essential vitamins to help
keep our bodies healthy. However, over-exposure to
harmful sunrays, especially when we are young, can
damage the skin and lead to skin cancer.
Local GP and NHS Bexley Clinical Commissioning Group Chair,
Dr Howard Stoate said: “The skin is the largest organ of the body.
It protects you, heals itself and lasts a lifetime so it’s important
to look after.
“There are a number of ways
you can prevent sunburn and
stay safe while you are out
in the sun. For example, use
sunscreen that has a minimum
Sun Protection Factor (SPF)
of 15 and use a higher SPF if
you have fair or sensitive skin.
Remember to seek the shade, especially during warmer periods
of the day, protect your skin by covering up with a t-shirt, hat
and sunglasses, and ensure babies and children are kept out of
direct sunlight. It’s also important to keep your body hydrated –
be sure to keep topped up with plenty of water.
“The most important message for you to remember is to keep
an eye on any moles or freckles you have. If they get bigger or
begin bleeding, make an appointment to see your doctor as this
can be an early sign of cancer.”
If you would like to find out more
about the mystery shopper programme
speak to a member of the patient
experience team - please call
0800 3289712 or email contactus@
Have your say
Members of the public are welcome to
attend NHS Bexley Clinical Commissioning
Group’s meetings in public. At these
meetings, a board of GPs, a nurse,
secondary care consultant, patient
representatives and NHS managers make
decisions about healthcare, discuss future
plans and give local people the opportunity
to ask questions. Join NHS Bexley CCG
on Thursday 31 July from 1.30pm to
3.30pm at 221 Erith Road, Bexleyheath,
Kent, DA7 6HZ.
Visit for more
information and meeting papers.
For more sun safety tips as well as a range of
information about how to stay healthy on holiday,
Follow us on
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 22 (six things) - 23 (NHS).indd 2
30/06/2014 15:50
Expires 30th June 2014
● GPS Lettings are fully regulated by ARLA
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Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 24 (ADS)-25 (LocalInfo).indd 1
30/06/2014 15:47
Local information
Information and
Advice Hotline
Council meetings
All the meetings featured are held at Civic Offices,
Bexleyheath and start at 7.30pm.
All of these meetings will be webcast.
A full list of meetings is published on the Council ‘s
Free access to the internet is available at all
Bexley libraries.
14 July – Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
For information on
local services and
activities for the over
60s or topics from
wills and planning
your retirement
to housing and
benefits, please
contact us.
Call us on 020 8300 0883
Visit us at manor House, Grassington Road, Sidcup
Or email
Need a copy
of the
on tape?
020 3045 3605
Geoffrey Whitworth Theatre Crayford
01322 526390
Playhouse Theatre, Erith
01322 350345 (Box Office)
Edward Alderton Theatre, Bexleyheath
020 8301 5584
(Box Office open 6-8pm)
Old Barn Theatre & Theatre in the Round
Rose Bruford College, Sidcup
020 8308 2616
The Council has a list of places of
worship around the borough. The list
includes churches, temples, synagogues,
meeting rooms etc.
To include a place of worship or for the
full list visit
15 July – Cabinet
17 July – People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
22 July – Place Overview and Scrutiny Commttee
23 July – Council
24 July – Planning Committee
James Brokenshire MP
Old Bexley and Sidcup
Surgeries are by appointment
only by calling the MP’s office on
020 7219 8400.
To contact James Brokenshire MP
Write to: House of Commons,
Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA
Telephone: 020 7219 8400
David Evennett MP
Bexleyheath and Crayford
Surgeries are held on the first and third
Friday of the month - except August.
Venue: 17 Church Road, Bexleyheath,
Kent DA7 4DD
Time: 4pm until 6pm
No appointment is necessary at
these surgeries.
To contact David Evennett MP
Write to: House of Commons,
Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA
Telephone: 020 7219 8403
Fax: 020 7219 2163
Teresa Pearce MP
Erith & Thamesmead
Teresa Pearce MP holds four advice
surgeries each month. Teresa’s surgeries
are held on the first Saturday of the
month in Thamesmead, the second
Saturday of the month in Erith,
the third Friday of the month in
Northumberland Heath and the fourth
Friday of the month in Abbey Wood.
All surgeries are booked by prior
appointment by calling Teresa’s office.
To contact Teresa Pearce MP
Write to: House of Commons,
Westminister, London, SW1A 0AA
Telephone: 01322 342991
London Assembly Member
James Cleverly AM
(Bexley & Bromley)
To contact James Cleverly write to:
James Cleverly AM, Greater London
Authority, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk,
London SE1 2AA.
Telephone: 020 7983 4354 (City Hall),
or e-mail:
a day out?
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 24 (ADS)-25 (LocalInfo).indd 2
30/06/2014 15:48
Local events - July to September
For a list of regular events throughout the borough, visit the Council’s website at
Sidcup & Co Summer events
mind getting wet!
Cost: £19 per day, £75 for the week
020 8303 7777
Get along to Sidcup this summer and
join in a range of fun activities from
cupcake decorating to stained glass
For more information or 020 8309 0176
First Sunday of every month 10am – 2pm
Friday 25 July 10.30am 12.30pm Kayaking,
or 1pm - 3pm Sailing
Wednesday 27 September
- 10.30am - 12.30pm
Kayaking, or 1pm - 3pm
Family day
Farmers’ Market
Hall Place & Gardens,
Bourne Road, Bexley DA5 1PQ
First Sunday of every month. Buy the
best local produce, meet the farmers
and producers, try food samples and
buy everything from home-grown fruit
and vegetables, to delicious cakes, bread,
cheese and chutneys.
01322 621238
Daily in the glasshouses 10am – 5pm
Butterfly Jungles Experience &
Plant Centre
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
Walk among stunning free flying
butterflies from around the world in a
rainforest environment.
Admission: £4 adults, £3 children.
No need to book.
01322 621238
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
10am – 5pm (plus Wed &
Thurs in school holidays)
All About Owls
Now until 31 October SunThurs, 12pm – 5pm (last
admission 4.30pm)
Exhibition: Things We Do In Bed
Now’s the Time
An exhibition of quilt works, curated by
Tracy Chevalier celebrating the historic and
contemporary art of quilting.
Admission: £8, £6 concessions
020 8303 6699
Tuesday 22 July and
Tuesday 29 July
Danson House, Bexleyheath DA6 8HL
Now until 3 August,
daily 10am – 5pm
(last admission 4.30pm)
Exhibition: The Cat Circus
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
Jessica Jane Charleston is an artist who
illustrates, writes and makes handmade
letterpress books. Jessica’s picture book, The
Cat Circus, will be brought to life to coincide
with the Quentin Blake exhibition ‘As Large
as Life’. On the 6 July & 3 Aug, 10am to
2pm meet Jessica as she demonstrates
how a letterpress works.
Admission ticket for the house required.
01322 621238
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
Sunday 20 July 1pm
Bexleyheath Trading
Card Gaming Tournament
Admission: £4 adults, £3 children. No need
to book.
01322 621238
Now until Sunday 31 August
Daily 10am – 5pm (last
admission 4.30pm)
Exhibition: Quentin Blake – As
Large as Life
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
Quentin Blake is one of Britain’s best-loved
and most successful illustrators. See his
works created for hospitals
01322 621238
Danson Watersports Centre, Danson
Park, Bexleyheath DA7 8HL
Bexleyheath & District Scout Hall, 85
Mayplace Road West, DA7 4JL
Tuesday 22 July- 3pm - 4pm
Garden Expert Talk: The History
of Sissinghurst Castle Garden
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Maidstone Road DA14 5BQ
Stephen Harmer is a full time lecturer
who specialises in garden history. He
will talk about the history of Sissinghurst
garden and the lives of Vita Sackville West
and Harold Nicolson who designed and
constructed it. Talk will finish at 4pm with
Q&A afterwards
Admission: Free
020 8300 0084
Online updates
Now’s the Time roadshows will be out
and about in Thamesmead offering the
chance of a free health check and some
trial fitness sessions.
Lakeside medical centre
Wednesday 23 July and
Wednesday 30 July
Tesco, Belmarsh
Thursday 24 July and
Thursday 31 July
Morrisons, Thamesmead
Friday 25 July and
Friday 1 August
Grass area in Eynsham Drive,
opposite Lidl
Find out more about the range of Now’s the
Time £1 activities at
020 8320 4470
Wednesday 23 July 23 7pm (gates open at 6pm)
Open Air Theatre - The Tempest
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
The critically-acclaimed Pantaloons put
their own unique, hilarious twist
on Shakespeare’s romantic tale of
shipwrecks, sorcerers and silly servants.
Bring a rug or chair to sit on. Picnics
Admission: £12 adults, £10 concessions, £8
under-16s. No under 5s. Tickets in advance.
01322 621238.
Thursday 24 July – Friday 29
August - 10.30am - 3pm
Stay a day
Danson Water Sports Centre, Danson
Park, Bexleyheath DA7 8HL
A mix of sailing and kayaking, and a
fantastic way to stay active in the holidays.
Each day is split into two sessions and for
mixed abilities. No experience is necessary.
Instructors teach the basics to get everyone
on the water and taking part as soon as
possible. All equipment provided. Wear
appropriate clothing for the time of year
and an old pair of trainers that you do not
A chance to have as much fun as your
children! Have a go at sailing or kayaking.
Admission: £19 per parent and child for
each session.
020 8303 7777
Saturday 26 and
Sunday 27 July
Crossway Park – Now’s the Time
family fun weekend!
Find out more about the range of Now’s the
Time £1 activities at www.nttthamesmead. or email ntt@trust-thamesmead. or call 020 8320 4470
Saturday 26 July 10am - 4pm and Saturday 23
August - 10am - 4pm
Powerboating - youth courses
Danson Water Sports Centre, Danson
Park, Bexleyheath DA7 8HL
Powerboating is fun and you will be able
to drive the boat yourself in no time. This is
a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) one day
course. After the course you will be able to
drive a powerboat under the supervision
of an adult.
Admission: £58 for 12 years and over
020 8303 7777
Monday 28 July – Friday 1
August - 10am - 4pm
Ruxley Rascals - What a hoot!
‘Decopatch Owl Clock’
Booking essential
Admission: Adult and 1 child £7, Adult and
2 children £9
07889 707679
Monday 28 July –
Friday 1 August
Bexley Soccer ‘Summer’ School
Hall Place Sports Pavilion, Bourne
Road, Bexley DA5 1PQ
6-11 yr olds Monday- Thursday
10am - 3pm.
Admission: £15 per day or discount for 3+
days booked.
4-5 yr olds Friday 10am -12pm.
Admission: £9.
07960 576543
Monday 28 July –
Friday 15 August
Danson Tennis
Danson Park, Bexleyheath DA6 8HL
Children’s Summer Holiday Tennis Courses
running for age groups from 4 – 16 years.
Admission: £5 per session, get one session
free if the whole course is booked. Booking
is essential.
020 8303 7777 / www.
Friday 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29
August - 10-11am
Summer Holiday Sessions
Hall Place Sports Pavilion,Bourne
Road, Bexley DA5 1PQ
Dance with your friends to the hottest
music! Suitable for 4 to 11 year olds.
Admission: £5 (includes hot drink for
parent/carer!) 07717 155074
Saturday 2 August – Sunday
31 August - 10am- 4.30pm
Holiday Activity - Summer
Garden Trail
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
Paper and glue is all you will need to
give Ollie the Owl his own personality!
Including a removable clock face with
battery. Running on the hour every hour.
Admission: £3.99
020 8300 0084
Angelica Sprocket has the most amazing
magical pockets. Unfortunately she’s
lost some in the gardens at Hall Place. Can
you find her missing pockets and discover
what’s hidden inside? Pick up your trail
sheet from the house reception.
Admission: £2 per trail.
01322 621238.
Monday 28 July, Monday 4,
11 and 18 August 1.30pm
Adult/child powerhoop sessions
Sunday 3 August –
9.45am – 12pm
Civic parade
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Maidstone Road, Sidcup DA14 5BQ,
Hall Place Sports Pavilion, Bourne
Road, Bexley DA5 1PQ
Suitable for ages 7 years and over (two
children max. per adult). Hoops provided.
Bexleyheath Town Centre
Check press or
For the latest information on local events
visit or follow @whatsoninbexley on Twitter
Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer2014 Pg 26-27 (What'sOn).indd 30
30/06/2014 15:41
Sunday 3 August 1pm
Special Junior Bexleyheath
Trading Card Gaming
13 years & under
Monday 11 August - Friday
15 August - 10am - 4pm
Ruxley Rascals ‘Secret
Keepsake Box’
This faux-book made from paper mache.
Decorate with paint, pens, stickers.
On the hour every hour (between 10am
and 4pm). Admission: £2.99
Bexleyheath & District Scout Hall, 85
Mayplace Road West, DA7 4JL
Monday 4 August – Friday
8 August - 10am - 4pm
Ruxley Rascals ‘Paint & Plant
a Pot’
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Maidstone Road, Sidcup DA14 5BQ,
Paint and plant a flower pot activity is
guaranteed to keep little green fingers busy!
On the hour every hour (between 10am
and 4pm).
Admission: £3.99
020 8300 0084
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Maidstone Road, Sidcup DA14 5BQ,
Wednesday 13 August –
6.30pm – 9.30pm
Charity Toy and Train Fair
Falconwood Community Centre,
32 Falconwood Parade, The Green,
Welling DA16 2PG
New and used model railway, books,
die-cast vehicles and much more.
Refreshments will be available
Admission: 95p
020 8310 5018
Monday 4 August – Friday 8
August - 10am, 11.30am &
2pm (1 hr sessions)
Holiday Activity - Animal Magic
August 13, 14, 18, 19 & 20 10am and 2pm
(2 hours per session)
Holiday Activity - Fairy School
Meet jumping geckos, cute bunnies,
mischievous meerkats, hungry ducklings,
a digging porcupine and much more. A
wonderful family experience.
Admission: £6 children, £3 adults. All tickets
in advance (numbers limited)
01322 621238.
Calling all trainee fairies! An enchanting
school where pupils enjoy storytelling, fairy
cake decorating, dancing, crafts and other
magical skills. For 3-9 year olds.
Admission: £8 per child, adults free.
All tickets in advance.
01322 621238.
Wednesday 6 August 11.30am – 3pm
National Play Day
Saturday 16 August - 11, 12,
1.30 and 2.30pm
Baby Ballet Teddy Bears’ Picnic
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
Danson Youth Centre, Brampton Road,
Bexleyheath DA7 4EZ
Fun activities for under 12’s including
bouncy castles, donkey rides, face painting
and much more!
020 8303 6052
Saturday 9 August - 1.30pm
- 4.30pm
Family Fun Day
Crayford Baptist Church, Bexley Lane,
Dartford DA1 4DD
Fun for all the family. The event will be held
in the garden and there will be a bouncy
castle, entertainments and refreshments.
Admission: Free
01322 278890
Sunday 10 August 3pm
Bexleyheath Trading
Card Gaming Duelist Alliance
sneak peek & tournament
Bexleyheath & District Scout Hall, 85
Mayplace Road West, DA7 4JL
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
No need to book, just bring your favourite
teddy and a snack.
020 8311 2824
Sunday 17 August
Bexleyheath Trading
Card Gaming Tournament
Bexleyheath & District Scout Hall, 85
Mayplace Road West, DA7 4JL
Monday 18 August – Friday
22 August - 10am - 4pm
Ruxley Rascals ‘Paper Piggy
Coin Bank’
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Maidstone Road, Sidcup DA14 5BQ,
Decorate a little piggy, add some
wiggle-eyes and start to save your
pennies for a rainy day!
On the hour every hour
(between 10am and 4pm).
Admission: £3.99 020 8300 0084
Tuesday 19 August –
Thursday 21 August and
Tuesday 26 August –
Thursday 28 August 10am
till 11.30am
Dance Camp
Sports Pavillion, Hall Place & Gardens,
Bourne Road, Bexley DA5 1PQ
10am-11.30am 5yrs to 7yrs, 11.30am 1pm 8yrs to 12yrs.
Admission £5 per session or £8 for
two sessions.
020 8303 7777 - Outdoor Recreation
Tuesday 19 August and
Thursday 21 August - 8pm
Bat Walks
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
Join us on a dusk walk to listen to, and
hopefully catch a glimpse of, these
nocturnal creatures in their natural habitat.
Followed by tea and cake.
Admission: £10 adults, £8 under-16s. No
under 5s. All tickets in advance.
01322 621238.
Monday 25 August – Friday
29 August - 10am - 4pm
Ruxley Rascals ‘Paint a
Pebble Pet’
Fantastic Fun!
Join free at your local library
12 July - 7 September
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Maidstone Road, Sidcup DA14 5BQ
Unleash your creativity with this simple yet
best-selling activity! Decorate a humble
garden pebble with wiggle-eyes, plenty of
paint and put to practical use afterward.
On the hour every hour.
Admission: £2.99
020 8300 0084
Friday 29 August
Boppin’ Bunnies
Listening to you, working for you
Danson Park, Bexleyheath DA6 8HL
Interactive music sessions for under
5s with professional musicians
performing live! Bring a blanket to sit on.
Admission: Free
Sunday 31 August
12pm - 5pm
Bexley Donkey Derby and
Summer Fayre
Danson Park, Danson Road,
Bexleyheath DA6 8HL
Annual charity and community day
with donkey races, funfair, farmers
and artisan market.
There will be a beer tent, ice creams,
donkey rides a land train and much more
for the whole family.
Admission: £1 adult - 50p child
Wednesday 3 September
gates open at 6.30pm for a
7.45pm start.
Big Screen Outdoor Cinema - Les
Miserables (Certificate. 12A)
Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road,
Bexley DA5 1PQ
The film adaptation of the world’s best
loved musical, “Les Miserables”makes the
perfect film for a night of cinema under the
stars! Sing along to the most rousing score
imaginable. Bring a rug or low-backed
chair to sit on. Picnics welcome.
Admission: £12.50 adults, £8.50 children.
All tickets in advance via The Luna Cinema
0844 858 6767
Saturday 6 September
Big Dance Bus in Sidcup
Hadlow Road and Sidcup High Street
London’s iconic double-decker Big
Dance Bus is coming to Sidcup! Enjoy an
unforgettable experience, including dance,
music and theatre performances from local
community groups.
Admission: free
020 8309 0176
Football and multi
sports sessions
Football and multi sports for boys and girls between
5-15 years old are taking place at various locations in
Bexley during school holidays and at half terms.
For further information visit
You can book online, or by telephone
0871 781 2095*
Free access to the internet is available at all
Bexley libraries.
*Please note calls to this number are charged at 10p per minute from a
BT landline, calls from mobiles and other networks may be more.
Saturday 20 September –
Sunday 21 September
10am - 4pm
Ruxley Rascals
‘Woodland Weekend’
Ruxley Manor Garden Centre
Maidstone Road, Sidcup DA14 5BQ
Enjoy making two animal foam keyrings
from either Fantastic Mr Fox, Harry
Hedgehog, Susie Squirrel or Ollie the Owl.
Finish by decorating two different design
translucent woodland window decorations.
On the hour every hour.
Admission: £2.99
020 8300 0084
Tuesday 30 September
7pm – 9pm
Cookery Workshop
Beths Grammar School, Hartford Road,
Bexley DA5 1NE
Find out how to save up to £60 a month
and create a tasty meal!
Admission: Free
602063 BEX MAG Summer2014 Pg 26-27 (What'sOn).indd 31
01/07/2014 10:56
New shop open
enabling, empowering & enhancing
...the lives of people with disabilities
Family Owned Funeral Directors
Since 1881
Living Solutions Equipment
(Assessment, Demonstration and Sales)
Living Solutions at Inspire
offers impartial advice and support
to enable older people or those with
a physical and sensory impairment
to try equipment before they buy.
6 Townley Road DA6 7HL
020 8303 1279
Our new shop is open and stocks a
selection of equipment items.
Lightweight Rollator from £65
Opening hours are 9am to 5pm
Monday to Friday. Please ring before
you visit the shop to check staff are
available to help you.
64 High Street DA14 6DS
We offer free equipment assessments
at our Independent Living Centre by
appointment only.
020 8300 2002
Home visits £36.
Please compare our prices
Our services and our vehicles
Inspire also provides community
support services. For more information
please visit our website.
Branches also at Eltham, Sidcup,
Petts Wood, Biggin Hill, Dulwich & Camberwell
Surefoot shower/
bath board from £22
Grab Rails 12” 18” & 24”
from £6, £7 and £8
Many more items
competitively priced
To make a booking or for any general enquiries,
help and advice, please contact: 020 3045 5387 or 5100
20 Whitehall Lane, Slade Green, Kent, DA8 2DH
Listening to you, working for you
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 28 (ADS)-29 (A-Z).indd 1
30/06/2014 15:46
at your service
Keep up-to-date with Council news
and sign up to email newsletters at
Register to vote at
100 + services online
Seven days a week + 24 hours a day
Apply - Pay – Find - Report
Useful Council numbers
How do I?
Automated payments – 020 3045 5200
Report an emergency -
Adoption and Fostering - 0800 783 7699
Adult Education – 020 3045 5176
999 for police/fire/ambulance in an emergency
Contact the police when it is not an emergency
on 101 or 0300 123 1212
Bell Link Line - 03000 111 247
Report a gas leak - 0800 111 999
Bexley Magazine - 020 3045 3500
Get health advice and reassurance 111
Births, deaths and marriages - 0300 333 5430
Ceremonies - 01622 221444
Council Tax & Housing Benefits – 0345 302 2317
Disabled Children’s Service – 020 3045 3600
Emergency Out of Hours Service - 020 8303 7777 /
020 8303 7171
Housing advice - 020 3045 3400
Parking Services - 020 3045 3000
Adults Social Services - Residential care – 020 3045 4900
Resources Plus - 020 3045 3800
Temporary Accommodation – 020 3045 4800
Worried about a child? Call 020 8303 7777
and ask for Safeguarding Children’s Services.
In an emergency always call 999.
Report a leak or burst pipe to Thames Water 0800 714 614 (24 hour leakline) or
#tweetaleak to @thameswater
Other useful contacts
Domestic Violence – 0808 2000 247
Job centre plus – 0845 604 3719
Citizens Advice Bureaux
Bexleyheath 020 8303 5100
Erith 01322 357933
Age UK information and advice – 020 8300 0883
Bexley Voluntary Service Council – 01322 524682
Bexley Foodbank - 07932 431350
For all other Council services please call our automated
switchboard on 020 8303 7777 to request the department
you require.
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 28 (ADS)-29 (A-Z).indd 2
01/07/2014 10:56
Local organisations
Academy Photographic Group
020 8310 9218
Active Horizons Youth
07833 477651/020 8310 5481
Age UK Bexley
020 8300 0883
Air Training Corps (Youth)
Welling Sqdn - 020 8303 7379
Bexleyheath Sqdn - 01322 559056
Sidcup Sqdn - 020 8309 9926
Erith Sqdn - 01322 340749
Alzheimer’s Society
Bexley Branch - 01322 524950/ 559308
Art Group Welling
07905 437840
Association of Bexley Charities ‘78
020 8854 6175
Assyrian Community of Kent
01322 331711
Arts Council of Bexley
020 8301 5806
Avante Community Support:
01322 344 980
107 (Bexleyheath) Army Cadet Force
07982 721926
Advocacy for All
020 8300 9666
Barnehurst Yoga Club
0771 222 6261
Belvedere Art Group
01322 556876
Bexley Borough Mummies
07572 473 272
Belvedere Community Forum
01322 435840
Bexley & Greenwich Resource
for Alcohol
020 8304 6588
Bexley Accessible Transport Scheme
01322 311333
Bexley African Caribbean
Community Association
07946 497731
Bexley Archaeological Group
020 8300 1752
Bexley Art Group
01322 430681
Bexley Association of Turkish Speakers
07908 482700
Bexley Borough Pensioners Forum
01322 310507
Bexley Care Trust
020 8298 6000
Bexley Centre for the Unemployed
020 8301 3187
Bexley Churches Housing Assoc. Ltd
020 8320 1086/07920 234806
Bexley Civic Society
020 8302 2443
Bexley Cruse Bereavment Care
020 8304 5245
Bexley & Dartford Cats Protection
01322 611911
Bexley Deaf Centre
Fax/Minicom - 01322 339428
SMS - 07918 881524 / 01322 351122
Bexley Federation of Allotment &
Leisure Gardeners (BFALG)
07818 433256
Bexley Natural Environment Forum
01322 521 259
Bexley Down’s Syndrome Group
Bexley Heritage Trust
(Danson House) - 020 8303 6699
(Hall Place) - 01322 526574
Bexley Historical Society
020 8309 5884
Bexley Keep Fit Club
Hurst Community Centre
Bexley & Lewisham Sea Cadets
020 8304 9448
Bexley Marquetry Group
01689 851702
Bexley Mencap
020 8303 6336
Bexley ME Support Group
020 8303 8553
Bexley Moorings Project
Bexley Neighbourhood Watch
020 8284 5537
Bexley Next Step
(Mon-Wed) 07747 471539
Bexley Philatelic Society
(Bexley Stamp Club)
01322 559210
Bexley SNAP
020 8311 6777
Bexley Stop Smoking Service
0800 7832514
Bexley Talking Newspaper
01322 445293
Bexley Tinnitus Support Group
01322 525115
Bexley Twofold
020 8298 0703/020 3045 4920
Bexley Turkish Elderly Day Centre
020 8306 6736
Bexley Village Tai Chi Club
0771 222 6261
Bexley Voice
07512 409936
Bexley WEA (Workers’
Educational Association)
020 8300 1845
Bexley Women’s Aid
020 8301 1536
Bexleyheath & District Club
for Disabled
020 8303 4826
Bexleyheath & Belvedere Hockey
Bexleyheath Photographic Society
Bexleyheath Trading Card Gaming
07841 517533
Bexleyheath & Crayford Waterside
Women’s Institute
020 8303 5158
Bexrose Gardening Society
01322 527 947
Bird College
020 8302 1456
localorganisations to view
more detailed listings.
Blendon Ladies Group
020 8300 3865
Brampton Art Group
020 8306 7355 / 020 8303 9132
The Boys’ Brigade & Girls Assoc
020 8304 9669
Bridge Mental Health
020 8298 9677
Bridging the Gap South East
020 8302 2890/ 020 8300 5444
British Army Association
01322 449175
British Polio Fellowship
(North West Kent Branch)
020 8304 1694
Cancer Research UK - local fund raising
020 8302 3964
Care Matters UK Ltd 01322 522440
Carers’ Support Bexley
020 8302 8011
Chislehurst & Sidcup Ballet Club
Civil Service Retirement Fellowship
Group - Bexleyheath
020 8310 6169
Complementary Cancer Care Trust
01322 524079
Connexions Prospects
020 8301 3900
County Gate Lodge
Crayford & District Men’s Probus Club
020 8304 2802
Crayford Art Group
01322 221194
Crayford Judo Club
01322 631 108
Crayford Manor House
Historical Society
01322 551279
Crayford Town Archive
01322 551279
The Crossness Engines Trust
Crossroads Care South East London
Cross Street Law Centre
020 8311 0555
Danson Photographic Club (Welling)
Danson Youth Trust
020 8303 6052
Diabetes UK Bexley Support Group
07775 305110
Douglas Macmillan Cancer
Information Service
020 8308 3295
East Wickham Open Space
Conservation Volunteers
Erith & Belvedere Local
History Society
01322 337893/01322 437925
Erith Model Railway Society
01322 223947
Erith Nemesis Martial Arts Gym
01322 335076
Erith Veterans Club Singers
01322 553078
Friends of Danson Park
020 8311 1351
Friends of the Earth - Bexley
To add your organisation to this list, or to update
your contact details please e-mail communications@ or telephone 020 3045 3605
Friends of Foots Cray Meadows
Friends of the Red House
01322 865186
Family Action 020 8310 6570
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Association Bexley Branch
020 8311 1658
Greenwich & Bexley Community
Drug Agency
020 8316 0116
Haven - Gay & Lesbian Social Group
01322 287356 / 07804 808581
Headway South East London/
North West Kent
020 8319 7148
Hill Park Autistic Trust
01322 334318
Hurst Horticultural & Garden Society
020 8306 2202
Independent Custody Visitors Panel
07765 241936
Insight Bexley
01322 448994/07824 999581
Inspire Community Trust
020 3045 5100
Irish Community Services in
Greenwich ,Bexley & Lewisham
Juniors Football Club
07905 264157
Kingfisher Bowls C lub
020 8850 0905
Knitting machine group
07905 437 840
Lamorbey & Sidcup Local
History Society
020 8302 7820
Lamorbey Park Cricket Club
07741 193133
Lesnes Abbey Woods
Conservation Volunteers
London Borough of Bexley Retired
Employees Assoc
020 8300 5526/020 8303 0606
Macular Society
Bexley Support Group 020 8858 8315
Meridian Canoe Club
07801 549601
MIND In Bexley
020 8303 5816
MND Association
01322 228169
Multiple Sclerosis Society
020 8306 7050
National Trust Darent Cray Assoc.
01474 705402
New Community Debt
Advice Service
020 8269 8627
Nexus (drug & alcohol)
020 3326 7309
North Kent Scottish Association Wednesday evenings at Barnehurst
Golf Club
Old Bexley Music Society
020 8306 0353
Parkinson’s Disease Society
020 8303 8971
Photo Digital Club
07762 221909
The Practical Photographic Group
020 8304 6561
Rainbows, Guide or Ranger Groups
020 8301 1200/01322 294516
The Rendevous Club for over 50’s
01322 287356/020 8859 2035
Royal Airforces Assoc
020 8303 5158
St John Ambulance
Crayford - 07793 515488
Erith - 07974 219471
St Michaels Ladies Club Welling
020 8306 1146
020 8301 1010
Shopmobility Scheme
020 8301 5237
Sidcup Art Club
020 8302 5390
Sidcup Chess Club
Sidcup & District Caledonian Assoc
020 8856 4522
Sidcup & District Motor Cycle Club
01634 201268
Sidcup & District Natural
History Society
020 8859 3518
Sidcup Literary & Scientific Society
020 8300 8647
Sidcup Philatelic Society
020 8300 9627
Sidcup Symphony Orchestra
01322 552710
Signpost Community
Drug & Alcohol Team
01322 357940
SmileyArk Kids Club
07956 263531
The Scout Association
0845 094 6368 or 0845 300 1818
Speakability Sidcup –
080 8808 9572
SSAFA Forces Help
020 8639 0495
Stillbirth & Neonatal Death
07951 454682
Trust Thamesmead
020 8320 4470
The Link Thamesmead
020 8320 4499
Sporting Club Thamesmead
020 8320 4488
Thames Innovation Centre
020 8320 1000
Trefoil Guild - Invicta (Welling)
020 8304 8409 / 01689 811116
United Nations Assoc (Bexley)
01322 331711
University of the Third Age (U3A)
Abbey Wood & Thamesmead
020 8311 4797
University of the Third Age Bexley
(U3A) 020 8304 9311
Victim Support (Bexley)
020 7277 1433
Volunteers Information Service (VIS)
01322 347 492
Welling U3A (University of the
Third Age) - 020 8304 4130
Westminster Homecare
01322 280680
Women’s Aid Helpline
020 8301 1536
Listening to you, working for you
602063 ORGANISATION.indd 30
30/06/2014 16:06
St. Paulinus Pre-school
Manor Rd, Crayford
Accepts children 2 – 5 years old
Open 9am – 4pm
Ofsted registered – Good
Places for September now available
Contact Manager: 01322 522628
Appliance Services Ltd
07766 607251
020 8301 1618 / 020 8303 6950
Washing machines, Dishwashers,Cookers,
Ovens, Tumble Dryers, storage Heaters etc
Fast Friendly Service
Protecting your assets
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 Pg 30 (New Org)-31 (ADS).indd 2
30/06/2014 15:45
Blazing Fires:Blazing Fires
Page 1
Blazing Fires
● Modern & Traditional Fireplaces
● Wide Selection on Display
● Site Survey & Fitting Service
● Friendly Advice
020 8850 4887
257 Eltham High Street
Eltham, London SE9 1TY
020 8303 3330
Achieve your personal goals - enjoy your individual experience
Equestrian fun, excitement & interest for all ages & abilities
Carewatch (Bexley),
Riding School & Livery Yard
helping you get the
Professional Qualified Staff
best out of life
Supporting independence
with care at home
1st timer ● Nervous Novice
Junior Rider ● Rusty Returner
Horse Owner ● Seasoned Competitor
2 Indoor Arenas ● 1 Outdoor Arena
Private off-road riding in the Garden of England
Pony Club Centre ● British Riding Club
Clinics ● Lessons ● Hacking
We provide home care and support for people
of all ages, and with a wide range of needs.
Carewatch provides a full spectrum of home care and
support throughout the Bexley Borough, including practical
Take Back the Reins for adults
Dressage ● Show Jumping
Cross Country Course
Shows ● Competitions ● Events
Parties ● Holidays ● Vouchers ● Gifts
care, personal care, and complex care.
ABRS ● BHS ● NVQ Training ● Volunteering (YELA & Duke of Edinburgh)
We help older adults, people with learning disabilities,
High value tailored services & first class facilities across our 70 acre site
physical disabilities and people who have mental health
support needs;
If you would like a chat, or more information about how
we can help you or a loved one, call us on
020 8303 3330, or email us at info@carewatchbexley.
com to discuss your requirements at a time that suits you.
602063 BEX MAG Summer 2014 pg 32 (ADS).indd 1
Annual Summer Bank Holiday Charity Show
& Family Fun Day - Monday 25 August 2014
020 8300 3947
Vicarage Road, Bexley, Kent DA5
2AW Established & owned by the Window family since
30/06/2014 15:43