To students and guardians - Maunulan yhteiskoulu ja Helsingin
To students and guardians - Maunulan yhteiskoulu ja Helsingin
Drawing: Mira-Juulia Riikonen To students and guardians Welcome to start the new school year! In this leaflet you will find the basic information that students and guardians need about what happens in Maunulan yhteiskoulu secondary school. It is advisable to read the leaflet carefully and keep it handy throughout the school year. The leaflet also includes a preliminary working calendar for secondary school with important dates and other information. Any changes will be updated on the school website (, so it is a good idea to keep an eye on it, too. Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Besides the secondary school, our school also has grade 10 and upper secondary school. The total number of students is just over 800 this year. We have 65 teachers and 15 other staff members. The International Classes that are taught in English bring an air of internationality to the school. The school year is divided into five study periods that are about 7 weeks in length. Students study almost all the subjects throughout the school year. The lessons last 75 minutes in all subject except optionals, where the lesson length is 90 minutes. One of the main themes this year will rise from the preparations of the new syllabus, and it is the My Own School – something that affects both the students and the whole school community. The theme will be present in different happenings and events, including homeroom teachers’ lessons and school theme days. Other coinciding themes that we are bringing to the forefront this year are hearing the youngsters’ out, growing up into tolerance and facilitating learning. It is also as valuable to hear what homes have to say, so our other main theme is Cooperation between home and school. What could that mean as where are approaching the 2020s? This is where you as parents are invited to voice your opinions. One event in which you can do it is in the joint parents’ evening for the whole school that you can find in the preliminary calendar. We are hoping that many guardians from all the grades take part in it, as well as in grade-based parent evenings. On behalf of the teachers and staff, we wish you a very satisfactory school year! Carita Jalasto, principal Maunulan yhteiskoulu Virpi Vatanen, assistant principal Page 1 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Staff tel. Principal Carita Jalasto Assistant Principal Virpi Vatanen Vice Principal Terhi Olkkonen Head teacher of the International classes Auli Fagerström School secretary Marjo Manninen Teachers’ room Special education teachers Arja Markkanen (7th and 8th 777 110 11 777 110 15 777 110 25 777 110 20 777 110 12 777 110 13 045 – 346 06 02 grade) Jenni Tanhuanpää 045 – 872 42 85 (9th and 10th grade, International Classes) Study counsellors Tiina Öster 045 – 279 10 66 (7a, b & d, 9a-d, 10th grade) Marja Loukola 045 – 279 11 03 (7c, g, i & j, 8a-d, 7-9f) Auli Fagerström 777 110 20 (8i & j, 9i & j) Kitchen Business secretary Janitor School counsellor School psychologist School nurse Merja Hiidenvesi Annikki Ura Jouni Ahlgren Anna-Maija Juutila Terhi Rawlings Marketta Hyvärinen 777 110 17 777 110 14 050 – 340 43 48 045 – 606 03 41 045 – 346 94 09 050 – 310 55 48 School address Maunulan yhteiskoulu Kuusikkotie 3 00630 Helsinki 09 – 777 110 12 (office) School year holidays Autumn holiday Autumn Term ends Spring Term begins Winter Holiday Maunulan yhteiskoulu week 42 (12th – 16th October) Sat 19th December 2015 Thu 7th January 2016 Wk 8 (22nd – 26th February) Page 2 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Easter Holiday School year ends No school Fri 25th – Mon 28th March 2016 Sat 4th June 2016 Thu 5th May and Fri 6th May 2016 Study Periods 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th period period period period period Tue 11th August – Fri 2nd October Mon 5th October – Tue1st December Wed 2nd December 2015 – Mon 8th February 2016 Tue 9th February – Mon 11th April Tue 12th April – Sat 4th June Daily schedule The secondary school has lunch in two shifts. The second lesson includes morning assembly via the PA system. Optional subjects’ lessons last 90 minutes in 8th and 9th grade: they begin at 8.00 in the morning and respectively end at 4.00 in the afternoon. Lesson no. 7th & 8th grade Lesson no. 9th grade 1 2 3 8.15 – 9.30 9.40 – 11.00 11.05 – 11.35 1 2 Lunch 8.15 – 9.30 9.40 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.35 Lunch 11.35 – 12.05 3 11.35 – 12.50 3 12.05 – 12.50 4 13.05 – 14.20 4 13.05 – 14.20 5 14.30 – 15.45 5 14.30 – 15.45 Floor plans Maunulan yhteiskoulu consists of one three-storey building, of which section A was built in 1959, section B in 1962 and section C in 1997. The floor plans and exits are presented in the following pictures. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 3 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 4 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 5 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 6 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 7 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Study year 2015 – 2016 autumn term wk 32 33 34 35 day date day date Mon 3 Tue 4 Tue 1 Wed 5 Wed 2 Thu 6 Thu 3 Fri 7 Fri 4 Mon 10 Mon 7 Tue 11 Tue 8 Wed 12 Wed 9 Thu 13 Thu 10 Fri 14 Fri 11 Mon 17 Mon 14 Tue 18 Tue 15 Wed 19 Wed 16 Thu 20 Thu 17 Fri 21 Fri 18 Mon 24 Mon 21 Tue 25 Tue 22 Wed 26 Wed 23 Thu 27 Thu 24 Fri 28 Fri 25 Mon 31 Mon 28 Tue 29 Wed 30 36 Maunulan yhteiskoulu August wk 36 School starts (I period 39 days) Homeroom teacher’s lessons 37 7i & 7J group work in the morning 7th graders in Fun Action sports event 38 39 40 September 7th graders’ evening Sports day in secondary school Secondary school student body elections Hunger Day fundraising Hunger Day fundraising 8th graders’ evening Page 8 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 wk day date October 40 41 45 44 day date Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 wk November day date Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri 4 December 2nd- Science-Maths week 6th November 9th grade work practice 49 III PERIOD starts (37 days) Homeroom teacher’s lesson, 3rd lesson Thu 1 Thu 5 Fri 2 Fri 6 Mon 5 Mon 9 Mon 7 Tue 6 Tue 10 Tue 8 Wed 7 Homeroom teacher’s lesson, 2nd lesson Wed 11 Wed 9 Thu 8 Photographing (from 9am to 3 pm) Thu 12 Thu 10 Fri 9 Photographing (from 9am to 3 pm) Fri 13 Fri 11 Mon 12 Mon 16 Mon 14 Christmas concert dress rehearsal at 2.30pm Tue 13 Tue 17 Tue 15 Christmas concert dress rehearsal at 5pm Wed 14 Wed 18 Wed 16 II PERIOD starts (37 days) 46 Autumn holiday 42 43 wk Helsingin Matematiikkalukio 20th anniversary party 50 47 51 School ends at 14.20 Upper secondary Open Doors day Christmas concert at 18pm Thu 15 Thu 19 Thu 17 Christmas celebration dress rehearsal Fri 16 Fri 20 Fri 18 Christmas celebration dress rehearsal at 9.40 Sat 17 Sat 21 Sat 19 Christmas celebration at 9am Mon 19 Mon 23 Mon 21 Tue 20 Tue 24 Tue 22 Wed 21 Wed 25 Wed 23 Thu 22 Thu 26 Thu 24 Fri 23 Fri 27 Fri 25 Mon 26 Mon 30 Mon 28 Tue 27 Tue 29 Wed 28 Wed 20 Thu 29 Thu 31 Fri 30 Maunulan yhteiskoulu 48 9th graders’ evening 9th grade work practice 52 Hoosianna morning assembly at 9.40am Parents’ evening for the whole secondary school 49 53 Christmas Eve Christmas Day Page 9 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Study year 2015 – 2016 spring term wk day day date Mon Mon 1 Tue Tue 2 Wed 3 Wed date 6 1 2 3 4 Thu 7 Fri January wk Epiphany School starts 5 February Upper secondary Open Doors day Winter Dance wk day date Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 March 9 Thu 4 8 Fri 5 Fri 4 Sat 9 Sat 6 Sat 5 Mon 11 Mon 8 Mon 7 Tue 12 Tue 9 IV PERIOD starts (38 days) Tue 8 Wed 13 Wed 10 Homeroom teacher’s lesson, 3rd lesson Wed 9 Thu 14 Thu 11 Thu 10 Fri 15 Fri 12 Fri 11 Mon 18 Mon 15 Mon 14 Tue 19 Tue 16 Tue 15 Wed 20 Wed 17 Wed 16 Thu 21 Thu 18 Thu 17 Fri 22 Fri 19 Fri 18 Mon 25 Mon 22 Mon 21 Tue 26 Tue 23 Tue 22 Wed 27 Wed 24 Wed 23 Thu 28 Thu 25 Thu 24 Fri 29 Fri 26 Fri 25 Good Friday Mon 29 Mon 28 2nd Easter Day Tue 29 Wed 30 Thu 31 6 8th grade work practice 9th grade parents’ evening 7 Matematiikkalukio Open Doors day 8th graders’ work practice 8 UPPER SECONDARY INTR. EVENING 9 Maunulan yhteiskoulu 10 Sports day in secondary school 11 School ends at 14.20 School ends at 14.20 Winter holiday 12 13 Culture Day Kangaroo math contest Page 10 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 wk day date April 13 16 17 day date Mon 2 Mon Tue 3 Tue Wed 4 Wed 1 Thu 5 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Mon 6 Tue 7 18 Fri 1 Fri 6 Sat 2 Sat 7 Mon 4 Mon 9 Tue 5 Tue 10 14 15 wk May Ascension Day wk date 22 FREE Europe Day/International Day Matematiikkalukio entrance exam 19 day 6 Wed 11 Wed 8 Thu 7 Thu 12 Thu 9 Fri 8 Fri 13 Fri 10 Mon 11 Mon 16 Mon 13 Tue 12 Tue 17 Tue 14 Wed 13 Thu 14 Fri End of Term ceremony Additional exams 20 Wed 18 Thu 15 Mon 25 Wed 15 19 Thu 16 Fri 20 Fri 17 18 Mon 23 Tue 19 Tue 24 Wed 20 Wed 25 Thu 21 Thu 26 Fri 22 Fri 27 Mon 25 Mon 30 Tue 26 Tue 31 Wed 27 Thu 28 Fri 29 Maunulan yhteiskoulu End of Term ceremony dress rehearsals at 9.40 and 12 Secondary school trip day 24 Wed V PERIOD starts (38 days) International Evening dress rehearsal Homeroom teacher’s lesson, 3rd lesson International Evening dress rehearsal International Evening June 21 22 Coffee ceremony for 9th graders 26 27 Wappurieha School ends at 2.20 pm Page 11 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Disciplinary rules and practices Absences The homeroom teacher must be informed of absences as soon as possible via Wilma, by calling the school or via email. A guardian can also call the school office and leave a message for the homeroom teacher about the absence. A guardian can mark an absence as legit, but the homeroom teacher will still need a clarification on the reasons for the absence. If a student is absent from school for some other reason except an illness, permission must be asked for in advance. If a student has a lot of uncleared absences, the homeroom teacher will ask the guardian to a joint discussion, in which a member of the student welfare team can also participate if needed. Accidents If an accident happens at school or on the way to/from school, the school must be notified immediately. The treatment is free of charge for the student in a public health care center. Possible travel fees and their compensation will be handled case by case. Behaving during lessons Students must behave appropriately according to the teacher’s instructions and give everyone a good study atmosphere. Eating during lessons is forbidden without the teacher’s permission. Bulletin boards The school has bulletin boards in the main lobby and in the locker hall (for P.E. announcements). Bullying Bullying is not tolerated in our school. All cases that come to light must be reported to the homeroom teacher, subject teacher, school counsellor or prefect, so that the school staff is able to intervene. Also telling about it at home (no matter if you were an accomplice or a witness) and then reaching out from home help in dealing with the situation. Our school is part in the KiVa koulu (Schools against bullying) programme. Bus cards Students who live more than three kilometers from the school receive a bus card from school. The card also contains value which is meant to be used on Saturday school days. The card is valid MonFri until 6 pm. If the card goes missing, you have to go to the HSL office, where the data will be transferred to a new card. Card renewal costs 5 euros. On school trips, teachers have bus cards for students who don’t have the school bus card. Students in the 7th and 8th grade return their bus cards to school at the end of spring term, so that it can be recharged for the next school year. Those who live outside Helsinki will get the Helsinki fee covered. The student must load TIME (child regional ticket) so that the time loaded is seen on a receipt. The bus card receipts will be handed over to the school business secretary Annikki Ura at the end of the term, with the student’s name on them. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 12 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Celebrations Traditionally, we have organised a celebration around the time of the Finnish Independence Day, the end of autumn term and end of spring term. These celebrations gather the whole secondary school with their homeroom teachers together into the Great Hall, to follow programmes made by the students. We emphasise the importance of respecting others and tolerance, as we calm ourselves to listen to the performers of the celebration. Classrooms Classrooms 1 to 6 are located on the first staircase of section A, classrooms 7 to 12 on the second staircase, and classrooms 13 to 18 on the third staircase. Classrooms 20 to 24 are on the first floor of section A, and classroom 19 can be found downstairs. The IT rooms are on the second floor of section C, whereas the music auditorium and technical work space can be found downstairs. Classrooms 31 to 34 are on the second floor of section B, and classrooms 35 to 37 on the first floor. The diverse learning class and textile work space are on the ground floor of section B. Clubs Our school has a wide range of extracurricular clubs that are free for the student and led by our teachers. The school club info leaflet gives more information on the clubs in the beginning of September. Contact information It is essential that guardians and students inform the homeroom teacher and school office of any changes in the family’s contact information. Copying/Plagiarism Copying someone else’s work and then portraying it as your own is strictly forbidden and will result in the disqualification of the work. Cycling For safety reasons, we recommend the use of a biking helmet. Bikes are stored on the bike stands in the school yard during the school day. It is advisable to keep your bike locked and visible to minimise the risk of vandalism or theft. Disciplinary discussion, DiDi If a student breaks the school rules or procedures, the subject teacher, DiDi teacher or homeroom teacher will engage in a disciplinary discussion with him/her. If the need arises, also the student’s guardian and (assistant) principal will take part in the discussion. Exams When coming to take part in an exam, the students must have the required stationery with them. Before the exam begins, the supervising teacher will collect all the mobile phones into a box. When the exam is over, the students will get their mobiles back. Should the student not give up his mobile before the exam, but takes it out during the exam, the exam in question will be marked failed. If a Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 13 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 student misses an exam, the exam will be done in the supervision of the special needs assistants in the homework club the next Wednesday. Getting sick in the middle of the school day If a student gets sick in the middle of the school day, the school nurse, homeroom teacher or principal can give permission to go home. The guardian will be notified, if the student feels weak and it is uncertain whether the student is able to go home alone. Holidays When planning family holidays, we would like to emphasise that there is a week-long holiday in the autumn (week 42) and in the winter (week 8). It is advisable to book holidays for those weeks. If a holiday is requested at any other time, the student must study all the things missed because of the holiday independently and plan how to do possible tests with the teachers. The guardian must request a leave of absence from the principal or assistant principal in writing about a week before the holiday. Homepage The school’s homepage can be found at There you can find e.g. invitations to parents’ evenings, the school lunch menu, different forms and applications, information on optional subjects and the study counsellor’s column. Homeroom teacher’s lesson A homeroom teacher’s lesson is held on the first week of every study period. Different themes will be dealt with during the year, concerning e.g. class matters and class spirit, school work, tolerance, disparity and multiculturalism. Class matters can also be discussed on other occasions, when agreed upon jointly. The 7th graders will discuss anti-bullying themes with their homeroom teacher. Homework It is the student’s responsibility to mark down any homework that a teacher gives during a lesson. If the student is absent, it is still the student’s responsibility to find out homework e.g. through Wilma. Homework must be done regularly. Info TV There are three school info TVs: in the main lobby, in the locker hall and in the B wing corridor. Important and current issues will be posted there, so it pays off to see what info there is each day. IT The school network The school has an open WiFi network that is accessible with the school account username and password. It is advisable to memorise the password and renew it now and then. Wilma All the students have their own Wilma accounts. It is easy to check the schedule, exams and exam areas in Wilma. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 14 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 PedaNet We use the portal as an electronic learning environment. Each student creates their own account there. It is possible to save written assignments there (in the OmaTila and in rooms created by a teacher) in all subjects. IT rooms, portable equipment There are two computer rooms in our school, classrooms 18 and 42, as well as tablets for use. New students sign a paper concerning computer use when they start in this school (Netiquette) and receive their own usernames for the school computers. The same username is valid throughout the secondary school. Kick scooters, rollerblades and skateboards Using kick scooters, rollerblades and skateboards is forbidden inside the school premises. We recommend the use of appropriate safety gear when using the aforementioned equipment. Lockers Students can rent a locker for 20 euros per school year. The numbered key must be returned in the spring, and the student will then get 10 euros back. The rest of the money collected from the users of the lockers will be used for the renewal of locker keys and the fixing of the locker doors. Mobile devices The use of mobile phones and other portable devices is permitted during a lesson only if the use is part of teaching and studying. The teacher will always decide upon this case-by-case. The school is not responsible for the disappearance or breakage of a device during a school day. Mopeds There is parking space in the school yard specifically meant for mopeds and motorbikes. Vehicles left in other places will be moved elsewhere by the janitor. When driving in and out of the school yard, extreme caution must be shown. Morning assembly Morning assembly is broadcasted via the PA system at 9.40 am, taking 5 minutes. All other informational announcements are meant to take place after the assembly. Office The school office is open from 8am to 4pm during school days. It is advisable to take care of matters there between 9 and 11 am and 1 and 3 pm. Optional subjects The students can choose optionals for the 8th and 9th grades. In optionals, the students can study the things that interest them very much or that benefit them in applying for further studies. The optionals are chosen in the spring of the 7th grade, and the decisions cannot be changed at a later time – they are compulsory. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 15 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Parents’ evenings We organise a joint parents’ evening for all the grades separately, as well as one conjoint evening for all the parents. Attendance is notified via Wilma or by returning a separate slip on the bottom part of the invitation to the homeroom teacher. More detailed dates are in the calendar and on the school netsite. Permissions A subject teacher can grant a student absence from his/her lesson, if the lesson is the first or the last lesson of the day. This must be done with good reason. A homeroom teacher can grant a maximum three-day absence. Absences longer than that must be referred to the principal or assistant principal. Photography School photos will be taken during week 41 in October. A separate notice will be delivered closer to date. Prefects The main aim of prefect activities is to help in making friends as well as in developing a positive atmosphere and joint responsibility in school. The prefects plan and carry out joint events with the students’ union. New prefects are trained according to the principles of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare. Every prefect holds an important and responsible duty in his/her own support class. Being a prefect is a position of trust, and it is a voluntary task. Being a prefect will grant a student a certificate at the end of 9th grade. The prefects are instructed by Harri Kuokkanen. Religious events Our school celebrates Christmas with a church service in Maunula church at the end of the autumn term. All the Lutheran students attend the Christmas service. Other students attend a coincidental event at school. Remedial instruction Remedial instruction (30 minutes) is used as an aid to learning if the student needs brief revision e.g. before a test or after an illness. Remedial instruction is principally given by the subject teacher outside his/her own lessons. Remedial instruction can be initiated by the teacher, student or guardian. The student must come to a planned remedial instruction lesson. Sanctions (Basic Education Act 36§) Disciplinary Discussion If a student has behaved inappropriately during the school day, the teacher has a disciplinary discussion with the student. The discussion is about the student’s behaviour and the situation, and tries to find an alternative solution to the situation. Also further measures are agreed upon. A student who neglects homework can be kept at school after lessons to do his homework in supervision. The discussion and doing homework after lesson time is marked in Wilma to notify the homeroom teacher and guardian. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 16 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 The student can be removed from a lesson for a while, if he/she is disturbing the teaching. The teacher will take the disturbing student into a supervised room and discuss with him/her as soon as possible. Dismissing the student will be marked in Wilma for the homeroom teacher and guardian’s information. If the student’s behaviour is very intrusive and threatening towards other students, the student can be dismissed from lessons for the remainder of the school day. The guardian will be notified of sending the student home and reasons pertaining to it in the same day. The student will have a constructive dialogue once he returns to lessons. Detention A teacher who has been involved in the situation talks with the student, contacts the guardian and marks down the sanction. Detention is used when constructive discussions do not lead to any changes in the student’s behaviour or when the misdemeanour is of such nature that detention must be given straightaway. Such misdemeanours include the use of violence theft fraud or fabrication in an exam the intentional destruction of someone else’s property The teacher involved in the situation will contact the guardian and mark the given sanction in Wilma. The length of the detention is one or two hours, depending on the nature of the misdemeaour and discussion. The detention must be carried out as soon as possible. We go by the procedures of the Basic Education Act (36§) in all other matters. School counsellor The school counsellor Anna-Maija Juutila is available at school from 8.15 am to 3.45 pm Monday to Friday. School doctor The school doctor is available every Monday. The 8th graders will go through an extensive health check-up. The doctor can provide a youth health certificate for a moped license, for example. If needed, the school nurse can refer the student to the doctor. School lunch The secondary school has lunch in two shifts: from 11 to 11.35 am and from 11.35 am to 12.05 pm. The lunch includes salad, a warm meal, drink, bread and table spread. Everyone is also given a vegetarian option. The kitchen staff hopes that everyone takes as much food as they think they will eat. If they are still hungry, they can take seconds. There is one meal line that is meant solely for those with special diets. Behaviour in the lunch room Having lunch means also having good manners and giving others tranquility while eating. Outdoor clothes should be taken off when eating. After lunch, everyone takes their own tableware back to the return line that has information on how to sort possible organic waste. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 17 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Special diets Those with special diets are served their own lunch. A student must inform the school nurse of a special diet at the start of the 7th grade (or when starting at Maunulan yhteiskoulu). Students with special diets must inform the kitchen about longer absences (sickness, travelling) via Wilma. School nurse Marketta Hyvärinen, the school nurse, is available at school every day, from 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Thursday and from 8 am to 2 pm on Fridays. School psychologist Terhi Rawlings, the school psychologist, is available at school from 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday. School yard The recess area is the school yard right next to the school building. Leaving the school yard in the middle of the school day is forbidden without a teacher’s permission. Smoking and snuffing Smoking and the use of snuff is forbidden on school grounds during the school day and in school events. If a student is met doing this, the guardian will be notified. Snack-o-mat Students can buy healthy snacks from the snack vending machine, if the school day is long. The snack-o-mat has fruit, yoghurt, juice and bread at prices ranging from 50 cents to 2 euros. The kitchen is responsible for the filling of the snack-o-mat. Special education If students have learning or concentration problems, they can be referred to special education. Special education can be done individually, in a small group or as coincidental teaching. The goal of special education is to support the students and improve their chances of succeeding in normal school work. The need for special education is discussed jointly with the subject teacher, special education teacher, guardian and student. The special education teacher for the international classes is Jenni Tanhuanpää. Sports lessons (P.E.) Sports lessons are primarily in the school gym halls or in the sports parks of Pirkkola and Oulunkylä. Relocation from school to the activity site takes place during recess. Students are expected to dress according to the lesson plan and weather. The sports teachers will instruct all the groups in the beginning of the school year. Stationery At the start of the school year, the school gives every student the basic stationery for doing school work. The students must have the stationery with them on lessons for making notes. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 18 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Stealing Stealing is a crime that the school always reports to the police. Students’ union All the students belong to the students’ union. The 10 members of the student board are elected in the autumn. The student board can present matters for the school operating committee to discuss. The students’ union organises different events with the prefects throughout the year. At the end of 9th grade the students can get a certificate on having participated in activities of the students’ union. The student’s union is led by Jere Linnanen. Student welfare multidisciplinary team The members of the student welfare multidisciplinary team try to find solutions to situations where the student has difficulties in his/her studies. This is done together with the student’s family. The team includes the principal/assistant principal, school counsellor, psychologist, special education teacher, school nurse and study counsellor. The team members are bound to secrecy. The contact information of the welfare team can be found in this leaflet and on our school website. Study counselling Students and guardians can contact the study counsellors in matters pertinent to e.g. study options, career choices or further studies. The study counsellors are Auli Fagerström, Marja Loukola and Tiina Öster. Substance abuse It is forbidden to use alcohol and drugs or appear under the influence during the school day or in school events. If a student is seen intoxicated (or is in possession of substances) the school will notify the guardian and take necessary action involving public authorities. Tardiness Students must come on time for lessons. Tardiness will have a negative effect on the assessment of the subject. If a student is late all the time, the homeroom teacher will have a joint disciplinary discussion with the guardian and the student. Teaching outside the school premises All teaching that happens outside the school premises is marked in the school’s strategy which is approved by the school executive board. A teacher or other school adults will always accompany school trips, that start from school and end at school or as is agreed upon according to situation. Educational visit An educational visit is a one-time familiarisation pertinent to one or more subjects that lasts for a few hours. It can be a visit to a museum, a research facility, an exposition or a theatre. Educational trip An educational trip is a one or two-day explorational trip pertinent to one or more subjects. It has to be confirmed in the school strategy as an educational event. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 19 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Camp school A camp school is an educational trip that has been confirmed in the school strategy. It is planned in accordance with the students, guardians and teachers. All teaching, free time, meals and accommodation will be organised out of school. Others E.g. sports days and different theme days. Tidiness and comfort Everyone can participate in making the school a tidy and comfortable place to be in. The school has a lot of rubbish bins and different places to sort rubbish. After a lesson everyone makes sure that their own study place is tidy. Toilets Students’ toilets are located in the ground floor of the main lobby, in the lobby of the lunch room and in the ground floor of the B wing. Vandalism If students damage other people’s belongings or school property, they are obliged to compensate for it. Wilma Guardians get their personal username and password for Wilma as the student starts 7th grade. Wilma is an electronic means of cooperation between home and school. Wilma enables the sending of messages and notices, and it is also easy to find out given homework and exams in Wilma. The students have their own Wilma accounts, which makes it easier to stay in touch e.g. when sick. If a Wilma account is lost or forgotten, the school office can be asked for help. Work practice 9th graders have a two-week work practice period during the autumn term, whereas 8th graders have a week-long work practice during the spring term. If a student doesn’t take part in work practice, the school days will be as much like normal school days as possible. Maunulan yhteiskoulu Page 20 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Teachers The e-mail address for all the teachers is (ä a, ö o) name Ahlgren Kirsi Al-Ebadi Hashem Alen Anne-Mari Eriksson Harri Fagerström Auli Harju Teppo Holopainen Susanna Jalasto Carita Juolahti Sari Jääskinen Minna Kakkola Heli Kallela Anne Karjalainen Helena Kelo-Rakkolainen Satu Kilpi-Lindner Johanna Kovero Jouni Kulmala Salli Kurvinen Sampsa Kuokkanen Harri Leppämäki Tuija Linnanen Jere Loukola Marja Mansikka Kaisa Markkanen Arja Mehtälä Elisa Melajärvi Kata Miekkavaara Inkeri Mikkilä-Huttunen Leena Mäkelä Liisa Niinistö Laura Nykänen Marketta Olkkonen Terhi Paljakka Tapio Penttinen Jarkko Pircklén Nora Pulkkinen Ritva Saarinen Iiro Saarinen Juha Maunulan yhteiskoulu shorten Ahl Has Ala Eri Fag Har Hol Juo Jää Kak Kal Kar K-R K-L Kov Kul Kur Kuo Lep Lin Lou Man Mar Meh Mel Mie M-H Mäk Nii Nyk home class 10A 10B 7-9F 9J 8C principal 9C 9D 7I 7D 9B 7B 8D 7C 8A 8B 9I subjects UE, HI, YH UIS RU EO EN, OP FY, KE ENA, RA RUB, SAA KO, TE LI KO, EO AI KE MU BI, GE KU, MA MA MA S2 HI, YH TS, OP AI EO BI, GE, SCI AI EN, TE UO BI, GE LIT, TE MA, FY, KE vice principal Pal Pen Pir Pul SaaI Saa 7J UKR LIP, TT BI, GE RU TN LI Page 21 Home Info Leaflet 2015 – 2016 Seiskari Päivi Sinivuori Saara Sjöholm Elina Tanhuanpää Jenni Tingstad Arja Tingstad Jerry Toivonen Marja Toivonen Kiti Urpilainen Paula Vanhanen Maija Varja-Raninen Anneli Vatanen Virpi Veckman Kaj Voutilainen Annika Öster Tiina Maunulan yhteiskoulu Sei Sin Sjö Tan Tin TinJ ToiM Toi Urp Van V-R Vat Vec Vou Öst 9A 7G 8J KU EO KE, FY EO 8I MA, EN HI, EN TS 7A EN, S2 AT EN, ESP UE assistant principal KE, FY ET EN OP, KPV Page 22