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etal order I T A L I A etal order I T A L I A T H E META L BO RD ER SRL S T Y L E I S C H A N G I N G P U M via ferrari, 27/87 | 41043 corlo di formigine (mo) italy tel. +39 059 573042 | fax +39 059 5773168 info@metalborder.com | www.metalborder.com E R T E A L WWW.METALBORDER.COM 30 CATALOGO GENERALE 2014 % R EC Y C L E D ALUMINIUM etal order I T A L I A 2 0 1 4 METAL ALLUMINIO TUTTO SPESSORE FULL BODY ALUMINIUM ALUMINIO MACIZO ALUMINIUM MASSIF ALUMINIUM IN VOLLMASSE G R A F I C A | A R T- I L L U S T R A T O R C A S T E L L A R A N O R E S TA M PA | A R T E S TA M PA F I O R A N E S E M O VERSIONE 1 | ANNO 2013 Q U A L I T Y 30 ED % A L UR E C Y C LM MINIU L’alluminio è un metallo tenero, leggero ma resistente, con un aspetto grigio argento; il processo di anodizzazione delle leghe ne previene la corrosione all’esposizione degli agenti atmosferici. L’alluminio pesa circa un terzo dell’acciaio o del rame; è malleabile, duttile e può essere lavorato facilmente; ha una eccellente resistenza alla corrosione e durata. Inoltre non è magnetico, non fa scintille, ed è il secondo metallo per malleabilità e sesto per duttilità. Aluminum is a lightweight but resistant metal, with a gray / silverish look. The anodizing process of the alloys prevents corrosion when exposed to atmospheric agents. Aluminum weighs roughly a third of steel or copper, is malleable and therefore easy to work. It has an excellent resistance against corrosion and a long life span. It doesn’t magnetize, doesn’t spark and is the second metal as to malleability and sixth for ductility. El aluminio es un metal blando, ligero pero resistente, con aspecto gris plata; el proceso de anodización de las aleaciones previene la corrosión cuando expuesto a los agentes atmosféricos. El aluminio pesa más o menos un tercio de acero o de cobre; es maleable, dúctil y puede ser fácilmente trabajado; se distingue por su excelente resistencia a la corrosión y por su durabilidad. Cabe destacar que no es magnético, no hace chispas, y es el segundo metal por maleabilidad y el sexto por ductilidad. L’aluminium est un métal tendre, léger mais résistant, avec un aspect gris argent, dont le processus d’anodisation des alliages va prévenir la corrosion à l’exposition des agents atmosphériques. L’aluminium pèse environ un tiers respect à l’acier o au cuivre; c’est malléable, ductile et il peut être travaillé de façon facile; il offre une excellente résistance à la corrosion et durée. En outre, il n’est pas magnétique, il ne produit pas d’étincelles et c’est le second métal pour malléabilité et le sixième pour ductilité. Aluminium ist ein leichtgewichtiges aber strapazierfähiges Metall mit grau bzw silbern schillerndem Aussehen. Durch spezielle Legierungen wird eine Korrosion des Metalls verhindert. Aluminium wiegt nur ein Drittel von Stahl bzw. Kupfer. Es lässt sich daher eifach bearbeiten, ausserdem ist es sehr wiederstandsfähig. Es ist nicht magnetisch und schlägt keine Funken. Im Vergleich der Flexibilität von Metallen steht es an zweiter Stellebei der Biegefähigkeit an 6 Position. Le Leghe di Alluminio da noi utilizzate: The aluminium alloys used are: Las aleaciones de aluminios que utilizamos son: Les alliages d’Aluminium qui nous utilisons sont: Die von uns verwendten 5XXX Leghe Al-Mg 5XXX Al-Mg alloy 5XXX Aleación Al-Mg 5XXX Alliages Al-Mg 5XXX Al-Mg Legierung6XXX 6XXX Leghe Al-Mg-Si 6XXX Al-Mg-Si alloy 6XXX Aleación Al-Mg-Si 6XXX Alliages Al-Mg-Si Al-Mg-Si Legierung Leghe della serie 5000 nome commerciale Peraluman usata per la produzione delle piastre quadrate dei nostri pavimenti in alluminio nei vari formati (20x20, 30x30, 40x40, 50x50) nelle finiture graffiata e levigata. The 5000 Series alloys, trade Aleaciones de la serie 5000, nombre comercial “PERALUMAN”, utilizadas para la producción de las baldosas cuadradas para pavimentos de aluminio en diferentes formatos (20x20, 30x30, 40x40, 50x50) y en acabados cepillado y alisado. Alliages de la série principale 5000 nom commercial Peraluman, utilisée pour la production des plaques carrées des nos carrelages en aluminium, dans les différents formats (20x20, 30x30, 40x40, 50x50), avec des finitions éraflée et polie. Für unsere qua dratischen Fliesen in den verschidenen grösseren Formaten (20x20, 30x30,40x40,50x50 cm) verwenden wir die Legierung 5XXX mit der Handeisbezeichnung „Peraluman“ in Verbindung mit einem gebürsteten und polierten Finish. Il principale elemento di lega è il Magnesio, che conferisce doti particolari di resistenza alla corrosione, oltre a buona resistenza a caldo ed ottime doti di duttilità e lavorabilità. In genere non richiede trattamento termico di invecchiamento e presenta buona saldabilità per fusione. Leghe della Serie 6000 nome commerciale Anticorodal usata per la produzione dei mosaici, delle barre e dei listelli nelle finiture satinata, levigata, graffiata. I principali elementi della lega sono Silicio e Magnesio, presentano buona lavorabilità e saldabilità e sono idonee alla realizazzione di applicazioni architettoniche per interni. La resistenza alla corrosione è altrettanto variabile da lega a lega. Per le leghe della serie 5000 e 6000, che nella denominazione commerciale italiana vanno sotto il nome di PERALUMAN ed ANTICORDAL questa caratteristica è classificata ai massimi livelli. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di rendere l’alluminio materia per applicazioni architettoniche ad uso interno; i molteplici utilizzi sia dei nostri mosaici che delle nostre finiture costituiscono un elemento decorativo elegante ed attuale verso le esigenze del mercato. brand “Peraluman” is employed for the fabrication of our square format aluminum tile production in the various sizes (20x20, 30x30, 40x40, 50x50 cm.) with brushed and smooth finish. The principal element of the alloy is Magnesium bestowing a particular resistance against corrosion along with a good heat resistance and excellent working ductility. Generally speaking it doesn’t require thermal aging treatment and has a good welding fusion. The 6000 Series alloys, trade brand “Anticorodal” is employed for the production of mosaics, bars and the listellos for the satin, smooth and brushed finishes. The principal elements of the alloys are Silicon and Magnesium bestowing easy workmanship and welding properties and are suitable for internal architectural applications. The corrosion resistance is variable from alloy to alloy. The Italian classification of the above two trade brands is of the maximum level. Our aim is to permit the use of aluminum for non conventional internal architectural applications. The manifold uses of our mosaics, in their various finishes, offer an elegant, decorative and trendy element for today’s market requests. El principal elemento de la aleación es el Magnesio, que otorga cualidades particulares de resistencia a la corrosión, así como buena resistencia al calor y excelentes cualidades de ductilidad y elaboración. Por lo general, nuestro aluminio no requiere tratamiento térmico para una mayor durabilidad y presenta una buena soldabilidad para la fusión. Aleaciones de la serie 6000, nombre comercial “ANTICORODAL”, utilizadas para la producción de los mosaicos, barras y listeles en los acabados satinado, pulido, cepillado. Los principales elementos de aleación, Silicio y Magnesio, se distinguen por una buena maleabilidad para ser trabajados y por su soldabilidad; son ideales para crear aplicaciones arquitectónicas de interiores. La resistencia a la corrosión es, de todas maneras, variable entre aleación y aleación. Por lo que se refiere a las aleaciones de la serie 5000 y 6000, que en la denominación italiana de tipo comercial reciben el nombre de “PERALUMAN y ANTICORDAL”, dicha característica se clasifica entre los niveles más altos. Nuestro objetivo es hacer del aluminio materia para aplicaciones arquitectónicas de interiores; los múltiples empleos de nuestros mosaicos, como también así de nuestros acabados, constituyen un elemento decorativo elegante y actual hacia las exigencias del mercado. Le principal élément d’alliance est le Magnésium, qui apporte des qualités de résistance à la corrosion, outre à une bonne résistance à la chaleur et des excellents qualités de ductilité et usinabilité. En général, il ne nécessite pas de traitement thermique de vieillissement et il présent une bonne soudabilité pour fusion. Alliages de la série principale 6000 nom commercial Anticorodal , utilisée dans la production des mosaïques, des barres et des finitions sur listels, des finitions satinée, polie, éraflée. Les principaux éléments de l’alliance sont le Silicium et le Magnésium, qui présent une bonne usinabilité et soudabilité et ils sont aptes à la réalisation des applications architecturaux pour les intérieurs. La résistance à la corrosion est, de la même façon, variable selon alliance. Pour les alliances de la série 5000 et 6000, qui dans la dénomination commerciale italienne s’appellent PERALUMAN et ANTICORDAL, cette qualité se classifie aux maximes niveaux. Notre objectif est de rendre l’aluminium une matière apte pour des applications architecturaux des intérieurs; les différents usages, soit des nos mosaïques que des nos finitions, constituent un élément de décor, chic et actuel, vers les exigences du marché. Legierungen sind: Hauptelement der Legierungen ist das Magnesium weiches die Korrosion verhindert und gleichzeitig das Metall geschmeidig und eicht formbar macht,hierdurch wird auch keine Wärmebehandlung benötigt. Fur die Mosaike, die netzgeklebten Bordüren und die Listellos in satinierter gebürsteter und polierter Oberflache verwenden wir die Legierung 6XXX mit der Handelsbezeichnung “Anticorodal”. Die Hauptelemente hierbei sind Silizium und Magnesium. Diese ermöglichen eine gute Verarbeitung und die Einsatzmöglichkeit des Metalls in anspruchsvollen Architekturanwendungen im Innenbereich. Die beiden Aluminium-Legierungen der Serie 5000 und 6000 mit den Italienische Handelsbezeichnungen Peraluman und Anticorodal stehen für die höchste Güteklasse des Materials. Unser Anspruch ist es, dass unser Aluminiumprogramm durch seine besondere Bearbeitung in der anspruchsvollen InnenArchitektur in vielfältiger Weise eingesetzt werden kann und als ein modernes und trendiges Dekorations und anspruchsvollens Belagsmaterial vom Markt aufgenommen wird. PURE METAL 1 I N F O R M A T I O N Istruzioni di posa Installation directions Instrucciones para la instalación Instructions de pose Verlegehinweise Posare i fogli di mosaico in metallo sull’adesivo steso in modo regolare con spatole dentate e livellare uniformemente lo strato di collante. Rimuovere la plastica dalla superficie del mosaico non appena si è seccato l’adesivo di posa (è importante rimuovere la plastica protettiva diagonalmente e vicino alla superficie del metallo per evitare l’eventuale spostamento dei pezzi). Lay metal mosaic sheets on the thinset and beat it with a wood or plastic pad to make it flat. Remove the plastic film soon after the adhesive drying process is finished (it is important to peel off the plastic film diagonally and close to the surface to avoid possible lifting of the individual metal pieces). Posar la malla metálica del mosaico sobre el adhesivo bien extendido empleando para ello una espátula dentada. Nivelar uniformemente la capa de pegamento. Extraer el plástico de la superficie del mosaico ni bien se halla secado el adhesivo (Es importante extraer el plástico protector diagonalmente y cerca de la superficie de metal para evitar posibles desplazamientos de las piezas). Poser les feuilles de mosaïque en métal sur l’adhésif étalé de façon régulière à l’aide de spatules dentées et puis niveler uniformément la couche de colle. Enlever le plastique de la surface du mosaïque dès que l’adhésif de pose aura séché (il est fondamental d’enlever le plastique de protection diagonalement et près de la surface du métal afin d’éviter que les tesselles se déplacent). Verlegen Sie die Metallmosaike wie üblich in ein dünnes Kleberbett. Gleichen Sie anschliessend Unregelmässigkeiten mit einem Holz-oder Plastikbrett aus. Ziehen Sie dann frühzeitig die Kenststofffolie ab (wichtig ist, dass die Folie diagonal in flachem Winkel nah an der Oberfläche abgezogen wird,damit die Mosaikwürfel nicht verschoben werden). Stuccare le fughe Grout the joints Pastinar las juntas Mastiquer les joints Verfugung Pulire la superficie con una spugna bagnata e non abrasiva e asciugare con un panno morbido e pulito.Per le fughe è importante usare stucchi a grana finissima a basso contenuto di sabbie. Per quanto riguarda la posa a pavimento, raccomandiamo l’utilizzo di un adesivo a conducibilità che permetta la conduzione elettrostatica e l’isolamento del pavimento. Per ulteriori informazioni tecniche, vi consigliamo di fare riferimento alle istruzioni fornite dai più importanti produttori di colle ed adesivi, ad esempio KERAKOLL,MAPEI,CERCOL e LATICRETE. Per rivestimento consigliamo l’uso di collanti con aggiunta di additivi forniti sempre da KERAKOLL,MAPEI, CERCOL e LATICRETE e altri importanti produttori. Clean the surface with a damp sponge, not abrasive, and dry it with a clean, soft cloth. For grouting, it is recommended the use of unsanded grouts. As far as floor installation we recommend the use of conductive adhesive types which let electrostatic charges pass in order to insulate the floor As regards further technical information you may refer to the technical sheets concerning conductive adhesives of KERAKOLL, MAPEI, CERCOL and LATICRETE brands. As regards cladding and wall tiling we recommend the use of a latex added thinset adhesive manufactured by KERAKOLL, MAPEI, CERCOL and LATICRETE or any other major manufacturer. Antes de colocar las pastinas, limpiar la superficie con una esponja, no abrasiva, embebida en agua. Secar luego con un paño suave y limpio. Para las juntas es importante usar pastinas con gránulos minúsculos y bajo contenido de arena. Para la instalación en los pisos, aconsejamos el uso de adhesivos dúctiles que permitan la conducción electroestática y el aislamiento del piso mismo. Para mayores detalles técnicos, les aconsejamos consultar las instrucciones de las firmas productoras de adhesivos y pegamentos más prestigiosas del mercado como, por ej., KERAKOLL, MAPEI, CERCOL y LATICRETE. Para los revestimientos de paredes, recomendamos utilizar pegamentos con añadido de aditivos ofrecidas por KERAKOLL, MAPEI, CERCOL y LATICRETE y otras importantes firmas productoras del sector. Nettoyer la surface à l’aide d’une éponge mouillée et non abrasive et essuyer avec un chiffon souple et propre. Pour les joints il est essentiel d’employer des mastics à grains très fins et au contenu en sables très réduit. En ce qui concerne la pose de revêtement de sol, il est recommandé d’utiliser un adhésif à conductivité permettant la conduction électrostatique ainsi que l’isolation du sol. Pour plus d’informations techniques, veuillez Vous référer aux instructions fournies par les plus importants producteurs de colle et adhésifs, comme par exemple KERAKOLL, MAPEI, CERCOL et LATICRETE. Pour le revêtement de parois, il est conseillé d’utiliser des colles avec le rajout d’additifs toujours fournis par KERAKOLL, MAPEI, CERCOL, LATICRETE ainsi que d’autres importants producteurs. Reinigen Sie die Obefläche mit einem nassen,nicht kratzendem Schwamm, trocknen Sie diese anschliessend mit einem weichen und sauberen Tuch ab. Für die Verfugung muss unbedingt sandfreier Flexfugenmörtel verwendet werden. Wird das Material am Fussboden verlegt,empfehlen wir Kleber,die eine Elektrostatische Aufladung verhindern bzw.die den Fussboden Isolieren. Für genaue technische Anleitungen folgen Sie hierbei bitte den Anweisungen der Kleberhersteller z.B. der Firmen Kerakoll,Mapei,Cercol oder Laticrete. Für wandverlegung empfehlen wir die Flexkleber der Hersteller Kerakoll, Mapei,Cercol und Laticrete bzw. die Markenprodukte der anderen bekannten Hersteller. Istruzioni di manutenzione e pulizia Maintenance and cleaning tips Instruciones para el matenimiento Instructions pour l’entretien et le nettoyage Reinigung und Pflege Recomendamos emplear sólo productos aptos para la limpieza de metales o bien, detergentes neutros. No usar detergentes agresivos ni esponjas abrasivas. No utilizar, en ningún caso, productos a base de ácidos. Il est recommandé d’utiliser uniquement des produits de nettoyage appropriés aux surfaces métalliques ou bien des détergents neutres. Ne pas utiliser de détergents agressifs ou éponges abrasives. Ne jamais employer de produits à base acide. Raccomandiamo di utilizzare esclusivamente prodotti per la pulizia adatti a superfici metalliche o detergenti neutri. Non usare detergenti aggressivi o spugne abrasive. Non utilizzare in nessun caso prodotti a base acida. We recommend to use cleaning products suitable for metallic surfaces only or light detergents only. Do not to use strong detergents or abrasive sponges. Do not use acid based products. Wir empfehlen ausschliesslich Reinigungsmittel zu Verwenden,die speziell für Metalloberflächen geeignet sind bzw. neutrale,sanfte Reiniger. Verwenden Sie keine aggressiven Mittel oder Scheuerschwämme. Auf keine Fall sollten Sie säurehaltige Reiniger verwenden. Si raccomanda di posare i mosaici satinati facendo particolare attenzione che i lati adiacenti presentino lo stesso modulo. Questo per evitare naturali stonalizzazioni a posa ultimata. Vedere esempio di posa qui a lato. Per quanto riguarda invece la posa dei mosaici e del pavimento levigato, prego seguire l’indicazione di posa come da etichetta sul materiale stesso. We recommend to lay the mosaic sheets making sure that the adjacent sides are as shown is the picture. This is to avoid a stonalization look after the installation. As far as the layout of the sanded tiles and mosaic sheets, please follow the direction on the sticker applied on every single piece. Se recomienda instalar los mosaicos satinados con mucho cuidado: los lados adyacentes deberán presentar el mismo módulo. Esto a fin de impedir naturales alteraciones de tonalidad una vez instalado el producto. Ver ejemplo en la fotografía al lado. Por lo que se refiere a la instalación de mosaicos y de pavimentos pulidos, en vez, se recomienda seguir las instrucciones de instalación descritas en la etiqueta del mismo producto. On recommande de poser les mosaïques satinés, en faisant particulière attention aux bords adjacents, qui doivent présenter le même module. Ce pour éviter les naturelles déviations de tonalités à pose achevée. Voir l’exemple de pose à côté détaillé. Wir empfehlen die satinierten Mosaike in fortlaufender Richtung der Profile wie hier auf dem Foto zu verlegen. Dies verhindert ein zu auffälliges Spiel der Oberflächen. Fur die Verlegung der gebürstet bzw. gesandeten Mosaike folgen Sie der auf den Schutzfolien angegebenen Verlegerichtung. 2 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX MBM301S satinato | satin price code 153 MBM301GL mix graffiato/lucido | mix brushed/glossy price code 152 KG BOX 5,60 LBS BOX 12,32 MBM301G graffiato | brushed 30x30 1,5x1,5 12”x12” 3/5”x3/5” M M O S A I C price code 129 MBM301SL mix satinato/lucido | mix satin/glossy price code 168 PURE METAL 3 M M O S A I C 30x30 3x3 12”x12” 11/5”x 11/5” KG BOX 4,90 LBS BOX 10,78 MBM303S satinato | satin IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX price code 130 L CO C I A S MO MBM303G graffiato | brushed price code 115 MBM303G graffiato | brushed 4 PURE METAL N TIO C E L IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX price code 132 MBM304G graffiato | brushed price code 117 M 30x30 5x5 LBS BOX 12,98 M O S A I C 12”x12” 2”x2” MBM304LEV levigato | sanded price code 117 MO SA IC CO LL EC TIO N MBM304S satinato | satin KG BOX 5,90 PURE METAL 5 M M O S A I C 30x30 1,5x3 12”x12” 3/5”x 11/5” MBM305S satinato | satin MBM305G graffiato | brushed 6 PURE METAL KG BOX 6,00 LBS BOX 13,20 price code 147 price code 127 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX MBM387G graffiato | brushed M O SA IC price code 127 D A T E IL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES MBM309G basketweave graffiato | brushed price code 119 MBM390G graffiato | brushed price code 122 MBM324S pencil satinato | satin price code 152 MBM390LEV levigato | sanded price code 122 PURE METAL M M O S A I C 7 MOSAIC COLLEC TION MBM309G basketweave graffiato | brushed 8 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX MBM314S brick satinato | satin price code 147 MBM314G brick graffiato | brushed price code 127 KG BOX 5,40 LBS BOX 11,88 30x30 1,5x3,5 12”x12” 3/5”x1” PURE METAL M M O S A I C 9 M M O S A I C 30x30 2,3x5 12”x12” 1”x2” KG BOX 6,00 LBS BOX 13,20 MBM315S subway satinato | satin price code 117 MBM315G subway graffiato | brushed price code 119 10 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX MBM315LEV subway levigato | sanded price code 119 HI-TECH COLLECTION MBM317LEV naxos levigato | sanded PURE METAL 11 N O I T EC L OL C H C HI-TE MBM315G subway graffiato | brushed 12 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX KG BOX 6,00 LBS BOX 13,20 30x30 1,5x30 12”x12” 3/5”x12” MBM318G creta graffiato | brushed price code 126 MBM319G itaca graffiato | brushed price code 126 MBM318LEV creta levigato | sanded price code 126 MBM319LEV itaca levigato | sanded price code 126 PURE METAL M M O S A I C 13 M M O S A I C 14 30x30 2,5x2,5 / 2,5x5 / 2,5x7,5 12”x12” 1”x1” / 1”x2” / 1”x3” KG BOX 6,50 LBS BOX 14,50 MBM317S naxos satinato | satin price code 121 MBM317G naxos graffiato | brushed price code 119 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX MBM317LEV naxos levigato | sanded price code 119 HI-TECH COLLECTION MBM320G paros graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 15 HITE CH CO LL EC TIO N R5130L lucido | glossy 16 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES MBM322G rodi graffiato | brushed price code 120 MBM323G kea graffiato | brushed price code 122 MBM322LEV rodi levigato | sanded price code 120 MBM323LEV kea levigato | sanded price code 122 PURE METAL M M O S A I C 17 M M O S A I C 18 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX MBM321G samos graffiato | brushed price code 121 MBM370G hydra graffiato | brushed price code 138 MBM321LEV samos levigato | sanded price code 121 MBM320G paros graffiato | brushed price code 122 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES MBM361G seattle price code 121 MBM362G new york price code 107 MBM363G miami price code 108 MBM364G los angeles price code 114 PURE METAL M M O S A I C 19 MBM309 basketweave METAL FINISHES 20 WALL FLOOR BATH-FLOOR satin high low high brushed high high high colored high low high scacchi high low high crema high low high gold high low high black high low high lucido high low high PURE METAL IMBALLO 4 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 4 PCS/BOX 30x30 1,5x1,5/3x3/5x5 12”x12” 3/5”x3/5” / 11/5”x11/5” / 2”x2” M M O S A I C 3D COLLECTION MBM331G atene graffiato | brushed price code 183 MBM333G corinto graffiato | brushed price code 161 3D COLLECTION MBM334G corfù graffiato | brushed price code 140 PURE METAL 21 M M O S A I C 30x30 1,5x3 12”x12” 3/5”x11/5” IMBALLO 4 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 4 PCS/BOX 3D COLLECTION MBM335G zante graffiato | brushed price code 169 MBM337G Olimpya graffiato | brushed price code 151 22 PURE METAL MBM336G tebe graffiato | brushed price code 169 HI-TECH CO LLECTION MBM337G Olimpya graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 23 M M O S A I C 30x30 1,5x1,5 12”x12” 3/5”x3/5” KG BOX 5,60 LBS BOX 12,32 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX METALKER COLLECTION MBM341GB black graffiato | brushed 24 PURE METAL price code 153 MBM341GR rust graffiato | brushed price code 153 MBM341GS silver graffiato | brushed price code 153 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX KG BOX 6,00 LBS BOX 13,20 30x30 1,5x3 12”x12” 3/5”x11/5” METALKER COLLECTION MBM345GB black graffiato | brushed price code 140 MBM345GS silver graffiato | brushed price code 140 MBM345GR rust graffiato | brushed M M O S A I C price code 140 PURE METAL 25 M M O S A I C 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES KG BOX 6,80 LBS BOX 15,18 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX METALKER COLLECTION MBM343GB black graffiato | brushed price code 129 MBM343GR rust graffiato | brushed MBM343GS silver graffiato | brushed 26 PURE METAL price code 129 price code 129 N CTIO E L L O HC HI-TEC MBM345GR rust graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 27 M M O S A I C 30x30 1,5x1,5 12”x12” 3/5”x3/5” KG BOX 5,60 LBS BOX 12,32 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX METALBRIGHT COLLECTION 28 MBM381GIC ICE graffiato | brushed price code 179 MBM381GSA SAND graffiato | brushed price code 179 MBM381GSK SKY graffiato | brushed price code 179 MBM381GWI WIND graffiato | brushed price code 179 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX KG BOX 6,00 LBS BOX 13,20 30x30 1,5x3 12”x12” 3/5”x11/5” METALBRIGHT COLLECTION MBM385GIC ICE graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM385GSA SAND graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM385GSK SKY graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM385GWI WIND graffiato | brushed price code 174 M M O S A I C PURE METAL 29 M M O S A I C 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES KG BOX 6,55 LBS BOX 14,41 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX METALBRIGHT COLLECTION 30 MBM380GIC ICE graffiato | brushed price code 190 MBM380GSA SAND graffiato | brushed price code 190 MBM380GSK SKY graffiato | brushed price code 190 MBM380GWI WIND graffiato | brushed price code 190 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX KG BOX 6,00 LBS BOX 13,20 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES M M O S A I C METALBRIGHT COLLECTION MBM387GIC ICE graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM387GSA SAND graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM387GSK SKY graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM387GWI WIND graffiato | brushed price code 174 PURE METAL 31 ECTION COLL HI-TECH MBM383GIC ICE graffiato | brushed 32 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX KG BOX 7,10 LBS BOX 15,62 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES METALBRIGHT COLLECTION MBM383GIC ICE graffiato | brushed price code 190 MBM383GSA SAND graffiato | brushed price code 190 MBM383GSK SKY graffiato | brushed price code 190 MBM383GWI WIND graffiato | brushed price code 190 M M O S A I C PURE METAL 33 M M O S A I C 30x30 1,5x7,5 12”x12” 3/5”x3” KG BOX 5,90 LBS BOX 13,00 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX METALBRIGHT COLLECTION 34 MBM388GIC ICE graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM388GSA SAND graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM388GSK SKY graffiato | brushed price code 174 MBM388GWI WIND graffiato | brushed price code 174 PURE METAL HI-TE CH C OLLE CTIO N MBM383GIC ICE graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 35 M M O S A I C 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES IMBALLO 11 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 11 PCS/BOX T H I N T E C H C O L L E C T I O N mosaici a 3mm di spessore | 3mm thick mosaics MBM551G graffiato | brushed price code 113 MBM553G graffiato | brushed price code 101 MBM554G graffiato | brushed price code 103 MBM554LEV levigato | sanded price code 103 3mm 36 PURE METAL IMBALLO 11 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 11 PCS/BOX 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIXED SIZES T H I N T E C H C O L L E C T I O N mosaici a 3mm di spessore | 3mm thick mosaics MBM557G naxos graffiato | brushed MBM558G graffiato | brushed price code 105 M M O S A I C MBM551GL mix graffiato/lucido | mix brushed/glossy price code 130 price code 111 3mm PURE METAL 37 M M O S A I C 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX T H I N T E C H C O L L E C T I O N mosaici a 3mm di spessore | 3mm thick mosaics MBM552G graffiato | brushed price code 113 MBM552LEV levigato | sanded price code 113 MBM555G graffiato | brushed 3mm 38 PURE METAL price code 111 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX KG BOX 5,90 30x30 1,5x7,5 LBS BOX 13,00 12”x12” 3/5”x3” METAL DECO COLLECTION MBM388DG Damasco graffiato | brushed price code 142 H EC T I H N O CTI E LL CO MBM388RS Rose Smoke graffiato | brushed N O I T C E LL O C H C TE I H MBM388DG Damasco graffiato | brushed MBM388RG Rose graffiato | brushed M M O S A I C price code 142 PURE METAL 39 M M O S A I C 30x30 1,5x7,5 12”x12” 3/5”x3” KG BOX 5,90 LBS BOX 13,00 IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX METAL DECO COLLECTION 40 MBM388RF Rose Fume graffiato | brushed price code 211 MBM388RS Rose Smoke graffiato | brushed price code 211 MBM388RT Rose Titanio graffiato | brushed price code 211 MBM388RM Rose Moka graffiato | brushed price code 211 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX KG BOX 5,90 LBS BOX 13,00 30x30 1,5x7,5 12”x12” 3/5”x3” M M O S A I C METAL DECO COLLECTION MBM388DF Damasco Fume graffiato | brushed price code 211 MBM388DS Damasco Smoke graffiato | brushed price code 211 MBM388DT Damasco Titanio graffiato | brushed price code 211 MBM388DM Damasco Moka graffiato | brushed price code 211 PURE METAL 41 42 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES GLAMOUR COLLECTION MBM390GANT antares price code 150 MBM390GSIR sirio price code 150 MBM390GVEG vega price code 150 MBM390GMIZ mizar price code 150 H H I -T E C H PURE METAL 43 H H I -T E C H 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX GLAMOUR COLLECTION 44 MBM390GPOL polaris price code 150 MBM390GMAR marte price code 150 MBM323GANT antares price code 156 MBM323GSIR sirio price code 156 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES GLAMOUR COLLECTION MBM323GVEG vega price code 156 MBM323GMIZ mizar price code 156 MBM323GPOL polaris price code 156 MBM323GMAR marte price code 156 H H I -T E C H PURE METAL 45 H H I -T E C H 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX GLAMOUR COLLECTION 46 MBM320GANT antares price code 156 MBM320GSIR sirio price code 156 MBM320GVEG vega price code 156 MBM320GMIZ mizar price code 156 PURE METAL IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES GLAMOUR COLLECTION MBM320GPOL polaris price code 156 MBM320GMAR marte price code 156 MBM301GANT antares price code 175 MBM301GSIR sirio price code 175 H H I -T E C H PURE METAL 47 H H I -T E C H 30x30 MISURE MISTE 12”x12” MIX SIZES IMBALLO 5 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 5 PCS/BOX GLAMOUR COLLECTION 48 MBM301GVEG vega price code 175 MBM301GMIZ mizar price code 175 MBM301GPOL polaris price code 175 MBM301GMAR marte price code 175 PURE METAL HI-TECH COLLECTION MBM1500LEV levigato | sanded PURE METAL 49 H H I -T E C H 10x10 4”x4” IMBALLO 25 PZ/SCATOLA KG BOX 3,70 PACKING 25 PCS/BOX MBM1000G graffiato | brushed 10x10 | 4”x4” price code 30 LBS BOX 8,14 15x15 6”x6” IMBALLO 10 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 10 PCS/BOX KG BOX 3,10 LBS BOX 6,82 MBM1000 bullnose* 10x10 | 4”x4” price code 36 MBM1000LEV levigato | sanded 10x10 | 4”x4” price code 30 * Bullnose disponibile nelle finiture graffiato e levigato; disponibile su richiesta in altre lunghezze. * Bullnose available in both finishes brushed and sanded; available in any length. MBM1500G graffiato | brushed 15x15 | 6”x6” price code 48 MBM1500LEV levigato | sanded 15x15 | 6”x6” price code 48 MBM3060G graffiato | brushed 30x60 | 12”x24” price code 207 diponibili anche con finitura levigato | available in sanded finish as well (MBM3060LEV) ALTRE MISURE DISPONIBILI IN ENTRAMBE LE FINITURE | ADDITIONAL AVAILABLE SIZES IN BOTH FINISHES 50 ARTICOLO item FORMATO COD. PREZZO/pz size price code/pc MBM 2000G MBM 2000LEV 20x20cm 8”x8” PURE METAL price code 82 Pz/mq pcs/mt 25 Kg/pz lbs/pc 0,6 1,32 ARTICOLO item FORMATO COD. PREZZO/pz size price code/pc MBM 3000G MBM 3000LEV 30x30cm 12”x12” price code 125 Pz/mq pcs/mt 11 Kg/pz lbs/pc 1,7 3,74 HI-TECH COL LECTION MBM1000G graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 51 H H I -T E C H 40x40 16”x16” KG BOX 2,64 LBS BOX 5,81 MBM4000G graffiato | brushed 40x40 | 16”x16” MBM5000G graffiato | brushed 50x50 | 20”x20” 50x50 20”x20” price code 169 price code 244 KG BOX 4,35 LBS BOX 9,57 MBM4000LEV levigato | sanded 40x40 | 16”x16” MBM5000LEV levigato | sanded 50x50 | 20”x20” price code 169 price code 244 Custom made sizes on demand | Sur demande nous pouvons realiser plaques sur mesure 52 PURE METAL TION LEC HI-TECH COL MBM5000G graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 53 H H I -T E C H PIASTRE SU MISURA CUT TO SIZE PLATES PLAQUES SUR MESURE 54 Realizziamo piastre su misura per rivestimento cucina, pedate di gradini per scale, e altre applicazioni. Finiture disponibili graffiato e levigato. Dimensioni massime 150x250cm nella finitura graffiata e 50x250 cm nella finitura levigata We manufacture cut to size plates Materiale non adatto come piano di lavoro. Aluminum is NOT suitable for Inviateci disegno con le misure in base al quale vi forniremo il preventivo. Quotation on a job basis will be PURE METAL for kitchen backsplashes, steps and other applications in both brushed and sanded finishes. Maximum workable size on brushed is 150x250 cm, on sanded is 50x250. countertops. provided on request. spessore 8 mm 8 mm thick épaisseur 8 mm Nous pouvons réaliser de plaques sur mesure pour credences de cuisine, escaliers et autres ambients en finitions graffiato ou levigato. Mesure maximum pour finition graffiato 150x250 cm et 50x250 en finition levigato. Nous déconseillon l’utilisation comme plan de travail. Merci de nous envoyer votre dessin sur lequel nous vous ferons le dévis. PURE METAL 55 HI-TECH COLLECTION Boutique - Termoli (CB) - MBM5000G graffiato | brushed 56 PURE METAL 5x60 KG BOX 5,55 LBS BOX 12,21 10x60 4,50 9,90 15x60 6,10 13,42 MBM0560G graffiato | brushed 5x60 | 2”x24” imballo 15 pz/scatola packing 15 pcs/box price code 59 MBM0560LEV levigato | sanded 5x60 | 2”x24” imballo 15 pz/scatola packing 15 pcs/box price code 59 MBM1060G graffiato | brushed 10x60 | 4”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 82 MBM1060LEV levigato | sanded 10x60 | 4”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 82 MBM1060BLNSG graffiato | brushed 10x60 | 4”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 86 MBM1060BLNSLEV levigato | sanded 10x60 | 4”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 86 MBM1560G graffiato | brushed 15x60 | 6”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 99 MBM1560LEV levigato | sanded 15x60 | 6”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 99 FORMATO | SIZE PZ/MQ | PCS/MT PZ/SF | PCS/SF 5x60 | 2x24” 10x60 | 4x24” 15x60 | 6x24” 33,33 16,66 11,11 3 1,5 1 H H I -T E C H PURE METAL 57 H H I -T E C H 5x100 KG BOX 9,20 LBS BOX 20,24 10x100 15x100 7,50 10,00 16,50 22,00 MBM05100G graffiato | brushed 5x100 | 2”x40” imballo 15 pz/scatola | packing 15 pcs/box price code 77 MBM10100G graffiato | brushed 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola | packing 5 pcs/box price code 106 MBM10100BLNSG graffiato | brushed 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola | packing 5 pcs/box price code 113 MBM15100G graffiato | brushed 15x100 | 6”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola | packing 5 pcs/box price code 135 MBM05100LEV levigato | sanded 5x100 | 2”x40” imballo 15 pz/scatola | packing 15 pcs/box price code 77 MBM10100LEV levigato | sanded 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola | packing 5 pcs/box price code 106 MBM10100BLNSLEV levigato | sanded 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola | packing 5 pcs/box price code 113 MBM15100LEV levigato | sanded 15x100 | 6”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola | packing 5 pcs/box price code 135 FORMATO | SIZE PZ/MQ | PCS/MT PZ/SF | PCS/SF 58 PURE METAL 5x100 | 2x40” 10x100 | 4x40” 15x100 | 6x40” 20 10 6,66 1,8 0,9 0,6 N ECTIO HI-TECH COLL MBM0530G graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 59 H H I -T E C H 5x60 KG BOX 5,55 LBS BOX 12,21 10x60 4,50 9,90 15x60 6,10 13,42 METAL DECO COLLECTION 60 MBM0560DG imballo 15 pz/scatola price Damasco graffiato | brushed packing 15 pcs/box code 81 5x60 | 2”x24” MBM0560DLEV Damasco levigato | sanded 5x60 | 2”x24” imballo 15 pz/scatola price packing 15 pcs/box code 81 MBM01060DG imballo 5 pz/scatola price Damasco graffiato | brushed packing 5 pcs/box code 99 10x60 | 4”x24” MBM01060DLEV Damasco levigato | sanded 10x60 | 4”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola price packing 5 pcs/box code 99 MBM1560DG imballo 5 pz/scatola price Damasco graffiato | brushed packing 5 pcs/box code 120 15x60 | 6”x24” MBM1560DLEV Damasco levigato | sanded 15x60 | 6”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola price packing 5 pcs/box code 120 MBM05100DG Damasco graffiato | brushed 5x100 | 2”x40” imballo 15 pz/scatola packing 15 pcs/box price code 99 MBM05100DLEV Damasco levigato | sanded 5x100 | 2”x40” imballo 15 pz/scatola packing 15 pcs/box price code 99 MBM10100DG Damasco graffiato | brushed 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 127 MBM10100DLEV Damasco levigato | sanded 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 127 MBM15100DG Damasco graffiato | brushed 15x100 | 6”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 160 MBM15100DLEV Damasco levigato | sanded 15x100 | 6”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 160 PURE METAL 5x100 KG BOX 9,20 LBS BOX 20,24 10x100 15x100 7,50 10,00 16,50 22,00 H H I -T E C H METAL DECO COLLECTION MBM0560RG Rose graffiato | brushed 5x60 | 2”x24” imballo 15 pz/scatola price packing 15 pcs/box code 81 MBM0560RLEV Rose levigato | sanded 5x60 | 2”x24” imballo 15 pz/scatola price packing 15 pcs/box code 81 MBM01060RG Rose graffiato | brushed 10x60 | 4”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola price packing 5 pcs/box code 99 MBM01060RLEV Rose levigato | sanded 10x60 | 4”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola price packing 5 pcs/box code 99 MBM1560RG Rose graffiato | brushed 15x60 | 6”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola price packing 5 pcs/box code 120 MBM1560RLEV Rose levigato | sanded 15x60 | 6”x24” imballo 5 pz/scatola price packing 5 pcs/box code 120 MBM05100RG Rose graffiato | brushed 5x100 | 2”x40” imballo 15 pz/scatola packing 15 pcs/box price code 99 MBM05100RLEV Rose levigato | sanded 5x100 | 2”x40” imballo 15 pz/scatola packing 15 pcs/box price code 99 MBM10100RG Rose graffiato | brushed 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 127 MBM10100RLEV Rose levigato | sanded 10x100 | 4”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 127 MBM15100RG Rose graffiato | brushed 15x100 | 6”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 160 MBM15100RLEV Rose levigato | sanded 15x100 | 6”x40” imballo 5 pz/scatola packing 5 pcs/box price code 160 PURE METAL 61 H H I -T E C H SERIE THINK COLOR THINK COLOUR SERIES SERIE THINK COLOUR Blends up to 4 colors + background aluminium colour. Mélange jusqu’ à 4 couleurs + la couleur aluminium. TO GET THE PRICE, ADD THE THINK COLOUR PRICE CODE TO THE REGULAR PRICE CODE OF THE MOSAIC YOU WANT TO ORDER. POUR CALCULER LE PRIX IL FAUT RAJOUTER LE CODE PRIX THINK COLOUR AU CODE PRIX DE LA MOSAIQUE QUE VOUS VOULEZ COMMANDER. Example: MBM 301 with colors A17,B18 and C13 Price code of MBM301G = 129 + THINK COLOUR PRICE CODE 63 Example: MBM301 avec couleurs A17,B18 et C13 Code prix MBM301G 129 + THINK COLOUR CODE PRIX 63 ANY 30x30 | 12x12” Mosaic both solid color or blend THINK COLOUR price code 63 TOUTE Mosaique 30x30 | 12x12” soit teinte unie soit mélange THINK COLOUR code prix 63 With the freedom to choose from 192 shades of colors you can create your own personalized custom blends of decorative elements such as mosaics, aluminum plates, feature strips and planks. A bright ink-jet color for a perfect match with the style of your living spaces. An idea that combines the elegance of aluminum with the emotion that only color can provide. All colors are available in a 3 or 8 mm thick aluminum mosaics, floor and wall planks and plates for wall only. The mosaics can be personalized using up to 4 colors from the chart plus the color of the aluminum base for a total of 5 different shades per sheet. All 192 shades are also available as a solid color. Slight shade variation from reference colors is to be expected amongst different production runs. We do not recommend use for floors or work surfaces. 62 PURE METAL Avec THINK Colour, vous avez la possibilité de créer votre propre composition d’éléments décoratifs tels que mosaïques, plaques d’aluminium avec bandes fines ou larges, parmi 192 nuances. THINK Colour: des couleurs éclatantes en parfaite harmonie avec le style de votre intérieur, une idée qui combine l’élégance de l’aluminium avec l’émotion que seule la couleur peut procurer. Toutes les couleurs sont disponibles en carreaux de mosaïque d’aluminium de 3 ou 8 mm d’épaisseur, en dalles de sol et murales, et en plaques murales uniquement. Les mosaïques peuvent être personnalisées en utilisant jusqu’à 4 couleurs de la palette en plus de la couleur de base de l’aluminium, pour un total de 5 différentes nuances par trame. Chacune des 192 nuances est aussi disponible en teinte unie. La tonalité des couleurs peut changer à chaque production. Nous déconseillons leur utilisation pour les sols et surfaces de travail. H H I -T E C H 5130G o LEV 1,5x60 | 3/5x24” price code 47 5130G o LEV 1,5x100 | 3/5x40” price code 59 MBM0560G o LEV 5x60 | 2x24” price code 73 MBM05100G o LEV 5x100 | 2x40” price code 91 MBM1060G o LEV 10x60 | 4x24” price code 97 MBM10100G o LEV 10x100 | 4x40” price code 131 MBM1560G o LEV 15x60 | 6x24” price code 129 MBM15100G o LEV 15x100 | 6x40” price code 183 price code 41 MBM1500G o LEV 15x15 | 6x6” price code 57 price code 250 MBM3000G o LEV 30x30 | 12x12” price code 146 MBM1000G o LEV 10x10 | 4x4” MBM5000G o LEV 50x50 | 20x20” PURE METAL 63 H H I -T E C H S E R I E V I N TA G E | V I N TA G E S E R I E S | S E R I E V I N TA G E 64 MBM0560IRON 5x60 | 2x24” MBM05100IRON 5x100 | 2x40” price code 73 price code 91 MBM0560BRASS 5x60 | 2x24” MBM05100BRASS 5x100 | 2x40” price code 73 price code 91 MBM0560RUST 5x60 | 2x24” MBM05100RUST 5x100 | 2x40” price code 73 price code 91 MBM01060IRON 10x60 | 4x24” MBM010100IRON 10x100 | 4x40” price code 97 price code 131 MBM1060BRASS 5x60 | 2x24” MBM10100BRASS 5x100 | 2x40” price code 97 price code 131 MBM1060RUST 5x60 | 2x24” MBM10100RUST 5x100 | 2x40” price code 97 price code 131 MBM1560IRON 15x60 | 6x24” MBM15100IRON 15x100 | 6x40” price code 129 price code 183 MBM1560BRASS 15x60 | 6x24” MBM15100BRASS 15x100 | 6x40” price code 129 price code 183 MBM1560RUST 15x60 | 6x24” MBM15100RUST 15x100 | 6x40” price code 129 price code 183 MBM3060IRON 30x60 | 12x24” LIGHT3060IRON 30x60 sp3mm 12x24” 3mm thick price code 243 price code 232 MBM3060BRASS 30x60 | 12x24” LIGHT3060BRASS 30x60 sp3mm 12x24” 3mm thick price code 243 price code 232 MBM3060RUST 30x60 | 12x24” LIGHT3060RUST 30x60 sp3mm 12x24” 3mm thick price code 243 price code 232 MBM0560ASH 5x60 | 2x24” MBM05100ASH 5x100 | 2x40” price code 73 price code 91 MBM0560TANK 5x60 | 2x24” MBM05100TANK 5x100 | 2x40” price code 73 price code 91 MBM0560COPPER 5x60 | 2x24” MBM05100COPPER 5x100 | 2x40” price code 73 price code 91 MBM1060ASH 10x60 | 4x24” MBM10100ASH 10x100 | 4x40” price code 97 price code 131 MBM1060TANK 10x60 | 4x24” MBM10100TANK 10x100 | 4x40” price code 97 price code 131 MBM1060COPPER 10x60 | 4x24” MBM10100COPPER 10x100 | 4x40” price code 97 price code 131 MBM1560ASH 15x60 | 6x24” MBM15100ASH 15x100 | 6x40” price code 129 price code 183 MBM1560TANK 15x60 | 6x24” MBM15100TANK 15x100 | 6x40” price code 129 price code 183 MBM1560COPPER 15x60 | 6x24” MBM15100COPPER 15x100 | 6x40” price code 129 price code 183 MBM3060ASH 30x60 | 12x24” LIGHT3060ASH 30x60 sp3mm 12x24” 3mm thick price code 243 price code 232 MBM3060TANK 30x60 | 12x24” LIGHT3060TANK 30x60 sp3mm 12x24” 3mm thick price code 243 price code 232 MBM3060COPPER 30x60 | 12x24” LIGHT3060COPPER 30x60 sp3mm 12x24” 3mm thick price code 243 price code 232 PURE METAL HI-TECH COLLE CTION R5130S satinato | satin PURE METAL 65 H H I -T E C H HI TECH C O L L E C T I O N 0,8 cm 0,3x0,8cm - 1/10”x1/3” 0,3 cm 1,2 cm 0,6x1,2cm - 1/4”x1/2” 0,6 cm 0,8 cm 0,8x0,8cm - 1/3”x1/3” 0,8 cm 0,8 cm 1x0,8cm - 3/8”x1/3” 1 cm 1 cm 1x1cm - 3/8”x3/8” 1 cm 66 PURE METAL R4390 R4390 R4390 R4390 R4390 R4390 R4390 R4390 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 17 price code 32 price code 48 price code 68 price code 23 price code 43 price code 55 price code 78 R8907 R8907 R8907 R8907 R8907 R8907 R8907 R8907 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 23 price code 43 price code 56 price code 79 price code 37 price code 55 price code 71 price code 98 R4600 R4600 R4600 R4600 R4600 R4600 R4600 R4600 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy graffiato | brushed graffiato | brushed graffiato | brushed graffiato | brushed 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 38 price code 55 price code 71 price code 98 price code 21 price code 41 price code 53 price code 75 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 R5880 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 23 price code 43 price code 55 price code 78 price code 35 price code 53 price code 69 price code 95 price code 20 price code 40 price code 52 price code 74 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 R5443 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 23 price code 43 price code 56 price code 79 price code 38 price code 55 price code 72 price code 99 price code 22 price code 42 price code 54 price code 76 H H I -T E C H HI TECH C O L L E C T I O N 1 cm 1x1cm profilo pieno 3/8”x3/8” full body 1 cm 1 cm 1x1cm angolo - 3/8”x3/8” corner piece R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 R5602 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 26 price code 46 price code 59 price code 83 price code 41 price code 59 price code 76 price code 106 price code 25 price code 46 price code 57 price code 80 R5602 x1 cm R5602 x1 cm R5602 x1 cm - 3/8” - 3/8” - 3/8” satinato | matt lucido | glossy graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 10 pcs/box 10 pcs/box 10 pcs/box price code 9 price code 12 price code 10 R5664 R5664 R5664 R5664 R5664 R5664 R5664 R5664 - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 24 price code 44 price code 57 price code 80 price code 38 price code 55 price code 72 price code 99 R5664 x1 cm R5664 x1 cm - 3/8” - 3/8” satinato | matt lucido | glossy 10 pcs/box 10 pcs/box price code 31 price code 33 R5419 R5419 R5419 R5419 R5419 R5419 R5419 R5419 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 23 price code 43 price code 56 price code 71 price code 37 price code 55 price code 79 price code 98 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 R5130 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 23 price code 43 price code 56 price code 79 price code 37 price code 55 price code 71 price code 98 price code 21 price code 41 price code 53 price code 75 1 cm 1 cm 1x1 cm - 3/8”x3/8” 1 cm 1x1 angolo - 3/8”x3/8” corner piece 1 cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm 1 cm 1 cm 1,2x1 cm - 1/2”x3/8” 1,2 cm 0,8 cm 1,5x 0,8 cm - 3/5”x1/3” 1,5 cm PURE METAL 67 H H I -T E C H HI TECH C O L L E C T I O N 0,8 cm PROFILO LEGGERO - LIGHTER PROFILE 1,5x0,8 cm - 3/5”x1/3” 1,5 cm 0,8 cm 2,3x0,8 cm - 9/10”x1/3” R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 R5488 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt satinato | matt lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy lucido | glossy graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 15 pcs/box 30 pcs/box 30 pcs/box price code 21 price code 40 price code 53 price code 76 price code 33 price code 52 price code 67 price code 93 price code 19 price code 38 price code 51 price code 72 R6154 R6154 R6154 R6154 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 10 pcs/box 10 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 20 pcs/box price code 32 price code 51 price code 65 price code 90 R5945 R5945 R5945 R5945 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 10 pcs/box 10 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 20 pcs/box price code 36 price code 54 price code 70 price code 96 R5859 R5859 R5859 R5859 x 30cm x 60cm x 100cm x 200cm - 12” - 24” - 40” - 80” graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. graff. e lev. | brush & sand. 10 pcs/box 10 pcs/box 20 pcs/box 20 pcs/box price code 38 price code 55 price code 71 price code 97 R5864 x 100cm R5864 x 200cm - 40” - 80” satinato | matt satinato | matt 16 pcs/box 16 pcs/box price code 66 price code 91 2,3 cm 0,8 cm 2,5x0,8 cm - 1”x1/3” 2,5 cm 0,8 cm 3x0,8 cm - 1 1/5”x1/3” 3 cm 0,2x8 cm - 1/12”x3 1/5” 68 PURE METAL HI-TECH COLLECTION MBM381GSA sand graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 69 M M O S A I C METALBRIGHT LINERS MBL33765G argento 0,8x30 | 1/3x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33765G fumè 0,8x30 | 1/3x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33765G smoke 0,8x30 | 1/3x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33765G titanio 0,8x30 | 1/3x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33765G moka 0,8x30 | 1/3x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G argento 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G fumè 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G smoke 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G titanio 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G oro 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G bronzo 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G moka 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 MBL33222G nero 1,5x30 | 3/5x12” imballo 20 pz/scatola | packing 20 pcs/box price code 42 ALTRE MISURE DISPONIBILI | ADDITIONAL AVAILABLE SIZES 70 MISURA size imballo packing 0,8x60 1/3x24” 1,5x60 3/5x24” PURE METAL COD. PREZZO price code MISURA size imballo packing COD. PREZZO price code MISURA size imballo packing 20 pz/sc 20 pcs/box 59 0,8x100 1/3x40” 15 pz/sc 15 pcs/box 59 1,5x100 3/5x40” COD. PREZZO price code 30 pz/sc 30 pcs/box 76 0,8x200 1/3x80” 30 pz/sc 30 pcs/box 106 30 pz/sc 30 pcs/box 76 1,5x200 3/5x80” 30 pz/sc 30 pcs/box 106 HI-TECH COLLECTIO N MBM10100BLNSG graffiato | brushed PURE METAL 71 H H I -T E C H METAL LINERS 72 MBL1148G vega dec. graffiato | brushed MBL1148LEV vega dec. levigato | sanded 3x25 11/5”x10” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 54 price code 54 MBL1150G vega rip. graffiato | brushed MBL1150LEV vega rip. levigato | sanded 3x25 11/5”x10” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 54 price code 54 MBL1165G bottoni graffiato | brushed MBL1165S bottoni satinato | satin 3x25 11/5”x10” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 54 price code 54 MBL1138S hi-tech satinato | satin MBL1138L hi-tech lucido | glossy 2x25 3/4”x10” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 46 price code 48 MBL1145S cerchi satinato | satin MBL1145L cerchi lucidi | glossy 1,5x25 3/5”x10” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 30 price code 40 MBL1008L punti lucido | glossy 2x25 3/4”x10” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 49 5130G100QU quadri graffiato | brushed w/glossy inserts 5130S100QU quadri satinato | satin w/glossy inserts 5130L100QU quadri lucido | glossy w/glossy inserts 5130LEV100QU quadri levigato | sanded w/glossy inserts 1,5x100 5/8x40” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 67 price code 70 price code 79 price code 67 5130G100RE rettangoli graffiato | brushed w/glossy inserts 5130S100RE rettangoli satinato | satin w/glossy inserts 5130L100RE rettangoli lucido | glossy w/glossy inserts 5130LEV100RE rettangoli levigato | sanded w/glossy inserts 1,5x100 5/8x40” imballo 10 pz/scatola packing 10 pcs/box price code 67 price code 70 price code 79 price code 67 PURE METAL IMBALLO x30 20 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING x30 GLITTER LINERS 20 PCS/BOX x60 15 PZ/SCATOLA x60 15 PCS/BOX x100 30 PZ/SCATOLA x100 30 PCS/BOX Liners with glitter resin on aluminium base Listels avec resine pailletée sur base an aluminium R4600HOS holographic R4600PVI pastel violet R4600BUR burnished R4600SIL silver R4600SAN sand R4600BRO bronze R4600COA coal R4600RED red 0,8x30 | 1/3x12” price code 45 0,8x60 | 1/3x24” price code 66 0,8x100 | 1/3x40” price code 79 price code 48 1,5x60 | 5/8x24” price code 72 1,5x100 | 5/8x40” price code 81 R5488HOS holographic R5488PVI pastel violet R5488BUR burnished R5488SIL silver R5488SAN sand R5488BRO bronze R5488COA coal R5488RED red 1,5x30 | 5/8x12” H H I -T E C H PURE METAL 73 H H I -T E C H IMBALLO 10 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 10 PCS/BOX GLITTER LINERS MBL3322GHOS holographic 74 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SHOS holographic 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GHOS holographic 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GHOS holographic 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 MBL3322GPVI paster violet 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SPVI paster violet 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GPVI paster violet 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GPVI paster violet 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 PURE METAL IMBALLO 10 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 10 PCS/BOX GLITTER LINERS MBL3322GBUR burnished 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SBUR burnished 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GBUR burnished 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GBUR burnished 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 MBL3322GSIL silver 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SSIL silver 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GSIL silver 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GSIL silver 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 H H I -T E C H PURE METAL 75 H H I -T E C H IMBALLO 10 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 10 PCS/BOX GLITTER LINERS 76 MBL3322GSAN sand 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SSAN sand 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GSAN sand 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GSAN sand 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 MBL3322GBRO bronze 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SBRO bronze 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GBRO bronze 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GBRO bronze 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 PURE METAL IMBALLO 10 PZ/SCATOLA PACKING 10 PCS/BOX GLITTER LINERS MBL3322GCOA coal 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SCOA coal 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GCOA coal 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GCOA coal 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 MBL3322GRED red 1,8x30 | 3/4”x12” price code 45 MBL3324SRED red 2x30 | 1”x12” price code 63 MBL3323GRED red 2,8x30 | 11/8”x12” price code 58 MBL3325GRED red 3,2x30 | 11/4”x12” price code 62 H H I -T E C H PURE METAL 77 H H I -T E C H METAL JEWEL COLLECTION MBL3303SL onyx 2x33,6 | 34”x13” nominal imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 56 MBL3304S ivory 2x33,6 | 34”x13” nominal imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 54 MBL3305L ebony 2x33,6 | 34”x13” nominal imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 58 MBL3301G diamond 2,2x33,4 | 1”x13” nominal imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 55 MBL3302GL coral 2,2x33,4 | 1”x13” nominal imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 63 MBL3311G opal 78 2,2x33,4 | 1”x13” nominal imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 66 MBL3312GL jewel 2,2x33,4 | 1”x13” nominal imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 70 MBL3313G pearl 3,2x33 | 11/5”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 MBL3314GL sapphire 3,2x33 | 11/5”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 80 PURE METAL H H I -T E C H METAL JEWEL COLLECTION MBL3309SL ruby 3,4x33 | 13/8”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 74 MBL3310GL emerald 3,4x33 | 13/8”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 70 MBL3306SL amber 3,4x33 | 13/8”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 73 MBL3307GL jade 3,4x33 | 13/8”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 73 MBL3308GL crystal 3,4x33 | 13/8”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 72 MBL3315GL beryl 3,4x33 | 13/8”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 68 MBL3316GL silver 3,4x33 | 13/8”x13” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 71 PURE METAL 79 N N A T U R E METAL GLASS COLLECTION MBL1000G flower imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL1001G flower 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL1002G flower 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL1003G flower 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 MBL2000G sunrise 80 2,5x31 | 1”x12” 2,5x31 | 1”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL2001G sunrise 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL2002G sunrise 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL2003G sunrise 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 PURE METAL N N A T U R E METAL GLASS COLLECTION MBL3000G rainbow 2,5x31 | 1”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL3001G rainbow 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL3002G rainbow 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL3003G rainbow 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 MBL4000G snake 2,5x31 | 1”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL4001G snake 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL4002G snake 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL4003G snake 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 PURE METAL 81 N N A T U R E METAL GLASS COLLECTION MBL5000G ocean imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL5001G ocean 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL5002G ocean 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL5003G ocean 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 MBL6000G cherry 82 2,5x31 | 1”x12” 2,5x31 | 1”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL6001G cherry 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL6002G cherry 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL6003G cherry 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 PURE METAL N N A T U R E METAL GLASS COLLECTION MBL7000G africa 2,5x31 | 1”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL7001G africa 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL7002G africa 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL7003G africa 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 MBL8000G earth 2,5x31 | 1”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL8001G earth 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL8002G earth 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL8003G earth 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 PURE METAL 83 N N A T U R E METAL GLASS COLLECTION MBL9000G fog 84 2,5x31 | 1”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 76 MBL9001G fog 1,5x30 | 3/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 61 MBL9002G fog 3,5x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 89 MBL9003G fog 3x30 | 11/5”x12” imballo 10 pz/scatola | packing 10 pcs/box price code 78 PURE METAL METAL ALLUMINIO TUTTO SPESSORE FULL BODY ALUMINIUM ALUMINIO MACIZO ALUMINIUM MASSIF ALUMINIUM IN VOLLMASSE G R A F I C A | A R T- I L L U S T R A T O R C A S T E L L A R A N O R E S TA M PA | A R T E S TA M PA F I O R A N E S E M O VERSIONE 1 | ANNO 2013 etal order I T A L I A etal order I T A L I A T H E META L BO RD ER SRL S T Y L E I S C H A N G I N G P U M via ferrari, 27/87 | 41043 corlo di formigine (mo) italy tel. +39 059 573042 | fax +39 059 5773168 info@metalborder.com | www.metalborder.com E R T E A L WWW.METALBORDER.COM 30 CATALOGO GENERALE 2014 % R EC Y C L E D ALUMINIUM etal order I T A L I A 2 0 1 4