Rodgers and Hammerstein`s
Rodgers and Hammerstein`s
Pifale ProduclionsandAmericar InLcn{tionai School of Luxembou8 p'esenN Rodgersand Hammerstein's L---9 '\ 19.20.21 March 1997. 20:00 22March.16:00 Athen6ede Luxembourg/ Merl Nlusicb) RICHARD ROD(;ERS Bookand Lyri.s by OSCAR HAMMEIiSTtsIN ll Based onlheplay"GreenGrcwlheLiLacs-by LynrRiggs. O,ignralDincesb) ABDes deMille ft'onr l3obc to Br,fcttl to l?ocitrc,,,...., fron l?htcrclancc fron Snottt'lf/hiteto Stoppord,,,,,,,, * Come to us for aI you need to keep you entertained. informed ar1d amused - books, magazines, cards .... and aI the latest videos I l( Ilwe dont have it on the shelves,just ask we can order it. 42 rueAstrid.L1143Belair Tel. ,140709/ Fax.4406 92 @haBfenl llonday , saturday ,0,00- 18,00 8.30- 13.00 Sunday Aunt E1ler sqys . . . Get your T-Shirt from FM Sports 2 tlae 4e Csncrch, L-536? Sehuttrenge Erlz 35 87 7a Tel.356364; Opening hours: Tuesdoys Scturd.eys: 1.OO- 6.00 p,m. &I{0, OFEX,n6Lngll te,Rqfi.gELfl_eTIOlJ &LEg f"nX\IE [8n5+ITRADITIOI,IAn E*tTEj{gtVE.Ad!R SM,CK MINU BKXlXlGARDEN] n&RGEOSIRPA&K 217 rlrc Alberl Unden L-2652 l-rrxcmbotrrg tcl 47 tr]i 86 ATHENEE de LUXEMBOURG 24, boulevardPierreDupong L- 1430Luxembourg 44 t5 57 TheAthen6eis very pleasedto rvelcomePirateProductions and the American Intemational School to its Salle des F6tes for ff Rodgers and Hammerstein'sOklahoma presentation. Besidesour orl'rr actiyity in performing various plays and songs from tie Arnedcan musical repertoire, we take advantageof the opportuniS,to improve our contact with the Am€Iican IntemationalSchoolin orderto leam from it, give our pupils an oppoftunity to meetandget to k ow one another better and possibly joh forces for common ventues. We ale looking folward to a successfulfuture cooperation andexpressout bestwishesfor the success of Oklahoma. lVLHaag- Director,Athen6e. f 3h The AmericanInternational Schooland PirateProductions pleased are very to welcomeyou to their productionof OKLAHOMA. Our artisjicdirectorEileenNober and musicaldrrector PeggyKenkshavebeenputtingus lhroughour pacesat a furiousrate since beforeChristmas. Those of you vfro know Oklahomawill recognisethat it makes extreme demandsin terms of troupe size, acting,singingand dancing. Puttingtogethersuch a show is no easy enterpriso. All has nowcometogetherand we believewe havea showwellworthviewing. This production is the joint effort of lhe American International School and Pirate Productions, group. Luxembourg's musicaltheatrical Interestingly enoq.bdthe originsof Piratesare lodgedin just sucha cooperativeeffor!1 Manyyearsago when AISL director Harry Barteariwanted' to produce ': The Pirates of Penzance" ani'found that the studentbbiy was too small for such a production, he enlistedthe aid of the local expatriatecommunity. That show was appa#ntly a e tremendous successand ledto the formation of Piralesas a permanentfeatureof Luxembourg's amateurtheatre. joint In our Oklahoma venturethe schoolis providing the directorsand practtdespaceand has a significantnumber of studentsand facultyin the cast,includingseveral leadingroles. Piratesprovides the remainder of the cast, logistical, financial andpublicrelations expertise.The resultof theseeffortsis soonto be knownbutwe hope you enjoythe performance and urgeeveryoneinterested in Englishtheatreandmusicalcomedyto judgefor themselves. GerryShields- Director. 7- andtlteAmerican of PirateProductions Theassociation Irrtcnrational Sohoolgoesback alntosttwenlyyeals. I ' i l r t c I \ o d u c t i o r rwsr t s b o n t I i o r I t l r c s t t c c e s s , 9 ! a plodrrclionof the Gilberrand Strllivatopeletta.lllc by lhe orgartisedand sponsorccl I)iralcsof Pcnzattcc,' School. Todaytlre roles ltave Arnericanlntenratiortal beenreversedand it is the Pirateswho are organlslng and sponsodngOKLAHOMA and AISL who are providingthe talentedexpefiiseof EileenNober as director atd Peggy Jenks as tnusicaldirector. As before,the castis a combinationof AISL studentsand staff, inclLrdirgthe directorGeny Shieldsand PiIate nervand old, of rnanydifferentrrationalities. rnembers, however,rnarksa new depafture11rvenue Oklahoma, with the riseof thi SalledesF6tesof the Athen6ede Luxernbotug. IIere too there is a long standing bet\veen llreAISL antlI\t Errrilellaag.lhe association dilector of the Athen6e. Mr Haag has been both faculty and Board member of AISL and has been wonderftlllywelcomingto the Oklahornateaur. Tltts combinationof differentgroupslrasprovedan exciting rnix andPirateshopesit is onethat canbe repeatedand extendedin futureproductions. Our sincerethanksto peoplewho have all the rnanyenormouslyenthusiastic rnadeOklahomapossible. Algela Mihre,Chair,PirateProductions. This is a photogaph Harry Barteau, taken thirty years ago in May 1967, when he appearedin a production of Oklahoma. As you may have read, Harry was instrumentalin starting Pimtes. His wi told me that after the ve* first production of Se Piratesof Penzance,a46) o{ people decided to -st4rt 'Pirate Productions' a4d were wonied that Harry rnight think it was being takenaway fiom him. His 'typical' reaction was, "good,that is what I wanted to happen", and far from beingworriedaboutit being taken away from him and the school, Hany \yas delightedwith the start of PirateProductions, ]'his page is dedicated to the memory of Hany Badeau who died recently. We thank him for helping to start Pirates, which has glven sucn a lol. ol entertainrnent and lrrrch enloynrent lo so nn|ly peopleovcr lhe lfls{ lwenty ye8rs. gb^.+: MUSICALNIJMAERS ACT 1 acen. t Curly Oh, lrhat a bcautltul molnln' curty, Larrey & Aunt Erhr Th6 au'r6y Elth th. rrlngo on Top wlll, Aunt Ellor 8. th€ Boy Kanle! ctty Ado Annlc I Cain't aiy llo Laur€y & the Gtrll IfGl' Day Many r AU Hatlm & the Boyr and Gtrl It'r a Acandal I lt'r a Outras.l curly & Laur6y Pcoplo V|lll aey Wc'ro h Lot€ Curly & Jud Bcanc 3 out of My DleamB Laffey & the Gtrl! ACT2 Acene I The fatmer and the Col'mdn All o! lluthln' Carne!, Aunt Eller & Eniemble Ado Annle, mll & tso glrlr gcere 2 People gnll Say We're tn LoYe curly & Laurey ac€ne 3 otlahoma Oh, What a Beautttul Mornlng FIIYALE curly & Ensemble laurey, curly & Enaembl€ EI{TIRE COMPAIVY (lastList - in ordero[ apoearencs Prinr;ipak Arnt fller Curlg l.auren I[e Skidnr.rrs Slinr [UillPu.L", Judl:rg AJoAnnieCarnss llli llaktm Gerfie Cumminr Andrew Carnes Cord am Angela ililne Dauidllcnnctr CaroleWilliarns Jonathan Hearfield ChristopIer vanderLugt Douqllnleg IllexTeligodas llnralieOrdiak BrianParker Amanda llgatt Gugiloat Uinr;cnte Drews Trirlslrio CarolAbsl Suson Buckalew Chrirtineltlat[onqt JieunSuh Rachel Tlrner [dit[ vandcnlleuvel JuliaUinicombe lsabella yef llolstein JanicsWakem Von tlen'sChorur fiogerClorgh Atkins Alerander G",,g Shieldt f,obertfiloore lohn Hull LadierChorus AnJerson Deborah CaroleDagonJ firinJordan Catarinailarquer GitreStilling KoteBaileg llollg Gu"" J1 Linster-Berch AnnsStrvio AnnaUaudreg Dantrrs SandgOctaue LgnnSiton Danicllenkr Cr,*"n Burboru Blanc Corhcrine Eienert Chrislina Pavonc Danicla lrabcllaHer[er l(arenllog [ile"n llobs, ChoreograPhg andBallet TaPDance andBallet TaPDanr:e Ballet llallet Ballet Ballet Ballet Ballet - Ilrmsr li (]owman Choreog'aplrg lla(hstlqe l.indailgerr Gst'[[Stsvens Stageltlonrner lhsistantslaqerflanager llar:lstoceCrsw ? Turner I 'tlctthn l{enS;runders [u6].nicl.ourie v Th,,tnsSl"u"nt Simon(,rircl,lrrw Liqhtinq Plan AlanCarlisle- l.iqhting uanderland Adabella Samllarilon Snun.l PaulHohlman Clnud"Sr'ltuntl"l SetDssign LirTurnsr SstBuilding SimonCrilclrlow IllalcolmTurner Sarnlloriron fugenel,ourie Janisrswshi Jlannah (,rnlrrmc(.o-or_Jinirtor andDcsigner Lur:inda,ftrbe Hilar,rlh,rwn Corlurnelroduction Rioilo,@ i\ PatCIarnIen SusisRour - tg4 /llclanicCordew linJallt.oJfi"ll l.,uise Curwen . {,ftff" /tlaifleadCranlirld SallrrCardnw ,, - , ficler Sales rirn t.irrlislc frica Bartian Bar0roanisation firicaBastian lle.rnanUonJer[ec] Udsa ChrisAt[in.on CoverDerion PosterandProgramme Sarha[oppiano l^aUoul Procramme Gao[[Stevenr Putlicttu G"oJ[Stev"nt JanePhilpott hss!!L&d$ to' Thr DircctoroJ theAthen(efor ihc urc oJtheirlacilitics. Ths Dircctoro[ AISI for ]he useoJ their rchsarsalandsel lacilitics.Clrrb building theurco[ tfieirlightn. llcw WorldTheatrq^l"r ( SendgOctave YagaAntongscltoolo[ dan""). hair. [or Curlg's HelloClemm"nton lor thc urc o[ hcr barhctsItlarilgnStephenson o[ rhir]r. Jranslor donation Connic\ CrntrelquertrcDucalJorthc useo[ theweslerns ddle ThcScgmounfor tte useo[ horseridingprops. [or ulriorr propr. G"o[[ St"u"nr,Annc(nicklc,caslmembcrr Tht ll\uricShop' JaniccLcnm[or arrirlingwilfi rftorurrsheanak. SueOndiakand(iroline Baihgl t, ,*lt*urtullun,'lt. Did you know that thc Stateol Oklahornahas 'l'exas to the south, New Mexico to the west. (-olorado alrdKansas to thenorthrnd Missouri and Arkansas ( tsill Clinton,ex-Govenrorto the east. ) Mcmbcrsof 67 nativeAmericantritres(Indians) Iive in Oklahoma. The centralandeasternparto thestatehasa lot of oil. Tulsa,in thenorth-tasto the statehasthe Gilcrease Instituteof Aurerican llistoryarrdArt lor piorreer hisroryand lndran artelacts. Mohawkffark.6 milesnorlh-east of Tulsahasa fine zooanda herdof roarningbuffalo. CenePitneyoncesangaboutbeing' 24 hoursfrom Tulsa'. The town of pawneewasthe homeof Pawnee Bill, a partnerof BuIIaloBill. FiveIndian trrbeslive at pawnee. Oklahorna City is the state capitalandis in the centreofthe state. It hasthe NationalCowboyHall of Famewith manycowboy andIndianexhibits. Anadarkois an IndianCitv. an authenticrecrcationof an Indian village. depictingdwellingsof sevendi{Ierenttribes. Ti; NationalRodeofinalsarelield in Oklahoma City in December. Tulsahasan Indianweekin Auiusi andan annualTulsapow-wow. Anadarkohai an Amerrcan Indian Exposition rn August with _ ceremonial dances, games andraces.Oklahoma is onAmencanCentraltime. We hopethat you havereadthe programme' enjoyedan intervaldrin ouradvertisers, remembered but above all have had a great eveningof entertainment. We haveall workedhard,for manyhoursover butwe haveallhadfunaswell manymonths, because We take part in a Piratesproduction we like to sjng,sew,dance,paint,act, build'sell tickets,play the horn, meet new people,direct' produceor any numberof otherreasons. lf you in doing any of the above would be interested whynotjoinus? actlvities, Justphoneoneof us andwe will contactyou is aboutto begin whenournextproduction 660192 Chair AngelaMilne DavidBennett Secretary 428823 SimonCritchlowTreasurer33 38 15 JanePhilpott PublicitY 66 1085 37 1284 GeoffStevens News 25 2784 News BrianParker 6392 Membership44 Ball Victoria 52 08 93 StevePreston Social g LAR spccialhes in supcriorArchivc& Intorn,ation Systcms: Dorun|cnilll an:recorcnr . Archn,cSrfety Deposirlioomi . Compulc sedlnlcrrlol.l . RapidIicrricYal & Dctivcrr' . SccurcDcs(ruction Con|putcrl'vlcdiaSloragc . Environmcniay Conrro ed OffSilcStorage . Scc[rcCol]cclion, Dctircrt& Dcslruc(io l- OplicalArchiyine . DatasloreFor \\jindoli s . OCR.e ImagingSysrcms ZoncIndustriclle, L-5366 Miinsbach Tcl428989 / t'ar 428939 LU\T]\'IBOURG / tSCHiATZ, At yourDisposal 229, routed'Arlon - L-9002Strassen Telephone 31 ll 59/60 PrAN0$flKflLt '. a a. -' \out rtano lo . - : - : - - , : - _- :- - . . . _ - : : -.e dLuu:ul;3 - j l e s s o ni n s i l e n c e\ \. i r r : r a !ir-'3 a:r- . :'-:- -,-- IBACH ---:i:::1i =:: . BECHSTETN :j: :.:- YAMAHA : ' : : r a ; r a c o u s t i ct o a n hlELLlAR e t e c t r o n rIcn s t r u m etn, w t t h o u t W.LLN . J J LJ.\:J!71<I) sacrificingthe benefitsof either. QUe i r / / m em a h . eps t J y t n gy o r l r p i a n oa p p r o p r i a t e a n ) it i n r e ^^-l ^^.. ^r^-drru d y lJt.1cc. 5.2:,JI CK : ---'---:'-- . -anoS fr-F PianoDisc ,,^--- - -: a: :-- -'-.1V aLK _Fr,,,. ST.GEORGI'S INTERNATIONAT SCHOOL In Septemqel 1996,St jeorge'sScfito[na[e !1Eig,tl successfu[ moveto its in Cmts. St Eeorge's offelsd qitili Sryb E[ucdtion to lresehtpremtses cfrifitrenftontlie agesoJ3 to 11. 1le Scfrootako operates a g.peciatl{eets pfogtamne. m patattefwitfi @ nainstreanckises. Jor ciiffren ,atfr ,IEi: teaminghffcutties. hcftdesintmsfueassistance to c1ittrm io ioin witli kttte or noEngtisfr- I Itt Septemqer 1997,St Eeorge's mwesto@fitaf fnne in ,tleiners6of.In tlie neluWmises,a sef-containet'British stlb" erimaryScl;oo|wc are foo|jtq into tfrefedsifii1L] of e4endingtrtlir mblimumage-range dn{ opminga crecfre@The Scfroo[lias recentbret up a frn(witfr a 1oarfrng sclioo[in the Dft, ofJertngiot onb coninltitJ of e[ucaion 6ut afso signficentretuttionsfof pupi6 of 11+J-tom St Eeofge's. Ifre Scfroo[offerstlie iiglest quatitl oJ etucation in sfia[[ ctasses dt competitipefee [eeeh.If 1ouwouu Ekgn 1]iit St geolge'Vl/ @oJce, trta l{ea[master,woutt 6e{eigfitet m s6owyu rotmt t6eSclioofan[ a61uer ,L'/efooQ;forwat[ an1queries tiomeetiq witft JotL 1ou ma1frat'e. St qeorge'sIntenutiona[Scfroo[ qye'lomaco L-2623Luqgn'ourg tet/f a.a43.63.69 s2@comptuerve.cont f,-9 ai[ 101737.17 b0 = EE oi =Ee i : E-' ;i !i.=€ : +Fi i ?q" EE";;; ls1,=s : x Fl [,E:, E=.F!!;EE:s EEi'''" :iei EE:it 'j >K €$E,;!;i: H:;;EA E E.r;:aEEEE:Zz d" 5EEEi 50" N cag0E €P: I a 3iE3iE;lisEF;=gF E. \vj F ,: -, \ q) I €;"i, $ s (, \.s --Y 4) \D Ei E 3{-3