MB - St. Joseph Old Cathedral
MB - St. Joseph Old Cathedral
St. Joseph Old Cathedral 307 NW Fourth Street z Post Office Box 408 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Phone: 235-4565 z Fax: 815-6644 E-Mail: stjosephs1@coxinet.net Parish Web site: stjosepholdcathedral.org Facebook: Saint Josephs Old Cathedral Twitter@TheOldCathedral Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday 4:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am En Español 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Weekdays 12:00 pm Holy Days Vigil: 6:30 pm 12 noon & 5:15 pm Confessions Saturdays Weekdays 3:15 pm 11:15 am Pastoral Staff Pastor Reverend M. Price Oswalt, KCHS Deacons Deacon Edward Duclos Deacon Herbert Vance Pastoral Associate Sister Susan Clark, C.S.T. Sister Soledad Arellano, C.M.S.T. Secretary Mrs. Sonia Estrada Parish Organist Mrs. Julie Hagen Parish Choir Director Mr. Aaron Kellert Youth Director Mr. Joel de Loera The Ministry to the Homebound Mr. Joel de Loera The Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Lydia Foote Hispanic Ministries Liaison Sra. Julia Onofre de Cardenas Weddings Ms. Delores Barajas 6 months advance notice Baptisms By Appointment ~Open Wide The Doors To Christ~ ST. JOSEPH OLD CATHEDRAL ¬ 307 N.W. FOURTH STREET ¬ OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73102 Masses Sat. Vigil-4 pm z Sun.-8 am - 10 am - 12 pm (Spanish) - 4 pm Weekdays: 12 pm Confessions Weekdays: 11:15 am Saturdays: 3:15 pm Parish Events Catholic young adults of OKC Open to all young adults (ages 18-39, married or single) in the archdiocese. Visit our Facebook page (Catholic Young Adults of OKC) for events and Information: e-mailinfofo@catholicyoungadultsokc.com 05/28– Saturday-Vigil of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 8:30 AM-12:00 Noon-Clases Pre-Bautismales 3:15 PM-Confessions 4:00 PM-Mass 6:00 PM-Wedding 05/29–Sunday: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Youth Group Steubenville Fundraiser (all day) 8:00 AM-Mass 10:00 AM-Mass 12:00 Noon– Spanish Mass 4:00 PM-Mass 05/30-Monday Memorial Day-Church and Office closed 06/01– Wednesday 7:00 PM-9:00 PM– Youth Group 06/03-Friday 5:00 PM-Wedding rehearsal 7:00 PM-Quince rehearsal 06/04-Saturday: Vigil of The 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 11:00 AM-Quince 1:00 PM-Quince 3:15 PM-Confessions 4:00 PM-Mass 6:00 PM-Wedding 06/05- Sunday: The 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM-Mass 10:00 AM-Mass 12:00 Noon-Mass 4:00 PM-Mass Agimus Gratias Vobis We thank all who generously donate sacramental wine and hosts for the Sacred Liturgy throughout the year. This week we thank those who gave: Mildred Stone * WG & Mildred Thornton In Memory of Oscar Means * The Dukes (2) In memory of Alvida Pico de Bird The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City through its programs, organizations and events, has numerous daily contacts with many children and young people. It is, therefore important that all Archdiocesan Personnel, clergy, seminarians, religious, employees and volunteers, protect the rights of children and be alert to the possibility for child abuse. Under Oklahoma State law, all individuals MUST report an incident or suspicion of sexual abuse of a minor (person under 18 years of age) to the civil authorities. The Oklahoma Department of Human Services has established a statewide abuse reporting hotline for reporting: 1-800-522-3511. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you feel a child is in immediate danger of harm call 911. For the safety of children and the healing of victims, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City provides an Abuse of Minors Pastoral Response Hotline for reporting the abuse of a minor (in the past or presently) by a member of the clergy or other church personnel: 1-405-720-9878. The Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, a licensed professional counselor, will respond to calls to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Response Hotline. A report to the Archdiocese does not relieve the individual of the duty to report child abuse to civil authorities as required by Oklahoma State Law. In Oklahoma, failure to report child abuse is a misdemeanor punishable by law. 2016 St. Joseph Woman of Merit Annie Tran is the 2016 St. Joseph Woman of Merit. She will be honored June 12 during the 10 a.m. Mass. A reception will follow in the parish hall. Annie has attended St. Joseph Old Cathedral for 15 years. She enjoys serving God in the ministry of altar server and helping with the preschool religious education class. Annie also volunteered with the youth group for four years. Annie is the daughter of Binh and June Tran and the sister of Anna Tran, who is her best friend. She credits her dedication to God to the example of her grandparents — Pham Tran and the late Cay Tran — who she says always have put God first and helped others. Annie works as a clerk at Classen Tag Agency and volunteers with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the March of Dimes. Congratulations, Annie, and thank you for all you do for our parish family! The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 28-29, 2016 Masses for the Week 05/28 Saturday 05/29 Sunday 4:PM † Theresa Henfling (63rd Wedding Ann.) Harold Henfling & Fam. 8 AM Luke Stuckmeyer Cathy Lees 10 AM For The People 12 PM Special Intention 4 PM † Helyn Koelsch Lydia Foote 05/30 Monday 12 PM NO MASS 05/31 Tuesday 12 PM † Lucille Watkins Lydia Foote 06/01 Wednesday 12 PM † Carlotta Checkett Jan & Vern Goetz 06/02 Thursday 12 PM † Linda Gugle Lydia Foote 06/03 Friday 12 PM † Sue Bigham † Pope John XXIII Gerald Chavez 06/04 Saturday 4 PM † Rev. Denis G. Hanrahan Rev. M. Price Oswalt 06/05 Sunday 8 AM † Holy Souls 10 AM 12 PM † 4 PM † For The People Holy Souls 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Los Avisos de La Parroquia en Español Requisitos para Bautizar Pertenecer y estar registrados en esta Catedral Presentar acta de nacimiento de su niño/a Padrinos deben de estar casados por la Iglesia Registrarse para las platicas y asistir a Misa por lo menos 6 meses Niños mayores de 6 años sin bautizar, deben asistir a Catecismo Papas y padrinos deben comprometerse a participar en esta Catedral y comunidad. Comuníquese con la Sra. Julia al 405-974- 8922 Weekly Flowers St. Joseph Old Cathedral accepts donations for the Weekly Flowers that adorn the altar. Flowers for the church can fittingly mark the anniversary of a birth, baptism, confirmation, marriage or death, or may be used as an expression of joy & thanksgiving at any time. When flowers are given in thanksgiving or as a memorial, a special prayer is offered & an announcement is printed in the Sunday bulletin. If you would like to donate flowers there is a signup sheet on the information table at the back of church or contact the church office at 235-4565. Cynthia Brockhouse James Sykora The Ministry to the Homebound Mr. Joel de Loera, our minister to the homebound, wishes to know all those who wish to receive Holy Communion or in the hospital and wish to receive the sacraments. Please call the parish office. The Social & Charitable Club The Social & Charitable Club is asking the parish for canned meats for the month of May to be placed in the wooden box located by the elevator. Please remember our parishioners in Afghanistan who are defending freedom. Donate items they would want! Please help us, also, to assist our veterans with toiletry items which will be distributed at the V.A. Hospital. Thank you for your generosity. Prayer Concerns For the Sick and Homebound of the Parish Angela Meier * Rhonda Howard * Ann Smith Jim Snyder * Sebastian Dawson * Irene Sykora Louis & Novaline Korhuniak * Jim O’Neill Antonio & Lupita Barajas * Aurora Fraire Tabernacle & Altar Candles Would you like to provide Candles for the Altar In memory of a loved one or for a special prayer intention? St. Joseph Altar Society is accepting donations for Altar Candles & Tabernacle Light. For a $150.00 donation the Candles on the Altar will burn at each Mass for the entire month or for a donation of $100.00 the Tabernacle Light will burn continuously for 7 days as a vigil for your special prayer intention. With your donation a special prayer is offered & an announcement is printed in the Sunday bulletin. If you would like to make a donation please contact Denise Waters at 659-1324 or the Church Office at 235-4565. Funeral Homes and Crematory “Oklahoma City’s Oldest Family Owned & Operated Since 1939” 1401 N.W. 23rd • 528-7542 14624 N. May • 302-0021 Christ the King Catholic School “Where everybody is somebody and all live for God” Max Baker Martinez Chiropractic Clinic AMERICAN TRANSMISSIONS 10% off with this coupon All Types Transmission Repair All Work Guaranteed 2424 S. 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Need assistance to fill out forms/Necesita ayuda para llenar los siguientes formularios? • Income Tax/Hacienda Immigration/Inmigracion • Ask about our FREE services/ Preguntar acerca de nuestros servicios gratuitos! Maricela Chavez 2925 E. Waterloo Road Suite C. Edmond, OK 73034 (405) 657-2487 www.themulticulturalagency.org VONDEL L. SMITH & SON HERITAGE BURIAL PARK|MORTUARIES •CREMATORIUMS Tiffany Phuong Phan, Enrolled Agent 3515 S. Pennsylvania Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73119 tifpaconsulting@gmail.com Family Owned and Operated Since 1957 • www.vondelsmithmortuary.com Steven V. Fuller, Advance Funeral Planning, Parishioner (S. OKC/Tri-City Location) North OKC/Bethany 720-1439 Yukon/Mustang 354-2533 South OKC 634-1439 S. OKC/Tri-City 692-5503 EL DIAMANTE CLEANING SERVICES LLC Commercial & Residential Cleaning Eldiamantecleaning@gmail.com Please call us at 405-441-1169 or Visit us at 2925 E Waterloo Rd. Ste C • Edmond Background check on all employees Our work is 100% guarantee. We Keep our contract word. We clean until you are satisfied or will give your money back. Anderson Properties Emilykaye Mitchelson Realtor (405) 659-5114 cell (405) 348-4422 office emilykaye.mitchelson@gmail.com Full Ser Service vice Florist & Arrangements 405-602-5929 1633 West Main St. ww www.JamFlowers.com Leading. LW Insurance Services, Inc. Serving. Living Mercy. Legacy 1010 N. W. 45th (405) 232-6185 7501 W. Britton Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Tele: (405) 721-0747 Fax (405) 721-0492 601-4682 322 N Walker, Oklahoma City www.takecareofmycar.com www.saintannretirementcenter.com A Ministry of the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City 7 5 9 -2 2 1 1 ...Because your car shouldn’t be something you have to pray about Maguire O’Hara Construction 2900 N. Classen Blvd. Ste. G Residential & Commercial Vietnamese Noodle Soup Fire • Wind • Hail • Water Reconstruction / Damage Repair Mark E. 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Park Ave. Ste 210 Oklahoma City, Ok 73102 Phone: 405-235-8488 clark@clarkmitchell.com Fax: 405-253-7979 Toll Free: 1-888-725-9056 For ad info. call Kyle Eubanks at 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Joseph, Oklahoma City, OK. A 2C 05-0282