Welding Certification Candidate Packet
Welding Certification Candidate Packet
AWS Certifications Welder Candidate Package Apollo Career Center Ann Benfield, DIT Manager 3325 Shawnee Road Lima, OH 45806-1454 Phone: 419.998.2980 Fax: 419.998.2994 Required on test day: 1. Completed AWS application. 2. Check payable to “Apollo Career Center” for full amount of test(s). 3. Picture identification. 4. Personal welding equipment: Helmet Safety Glasses Welding Gloves Work boots & clothes Pliers/Wire cutters Measuring and marking tools Grinder Rental kit available for the day if you forget your welding equipment; cost $50. 5. Some practice is allowed, however; you are expected to be able to adjust the settings, assemble the test weldment, and have the skill to weld the tests. GUIDE TO INTERPRETING ABBREVIATIONS ON AWS CERTIFIED WELDER CARD EXAMPLE Supplement Code Process Gas Filler Metal Base Metal Position Qualified Thickness Range G D1.1 SMAW 75/25 E7018 A-36 3G UNLIMITED AWS Supplements C F G Codes Sheet Metal Welding (AWS D9.1) Chemical Plant and Petroleum Piping (ASME B31.3 and Sec. IX) Generic Supplement (Company; furnished WPS and acceptance criteria) (For Supplement G only, reference appropriate acceptance criteria.) B2.1 AWS B2.1 Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification D1.1 AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code – Steel D1.2 AWS D1.2, Structural Welding Code – Aluminum D1.5 AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code D9.1 AWS D9.1, Sheet Metal Welding Code ASME IX ASME Section IX, Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators D15.1 AWS D15.1, Railroad Welding Specification – Cars and Locomotives API API 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities CUST Other customer may be used as indicated on the employer supplied WPS Processes SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) GMAW-S Gas Metal Arc Welding – Short Circuit FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) SAW Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) BZ Brazing Gas AR HE Ar/CO2 CO2 Argon Helium Argon/Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Cert – Guide to Interpreting Abbreviations – 04/15/2009 Filler Metal (AWS CLASSIFICATIONS) ER309-L E7018-A1L ER70S-2 E71T-1 Base Metal AXXX ASTM Designations (i.e., A36) M Material Numbers from B2 SAXXX (SA106, SA105, SA304L, etc.) PX (P1, P8, P44, etc.) Position 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G 1F 2F 3F 4F V D A Groove Weld, Flat Groove Weld, Horizontal Groove Weld, Vertical Groove Weld, Overhead Groove Weld, (Pipe) Vertical Groove Weld, (Pipe) 45◦ Vertical Fillet Weld, Flat Fillet Weld, Horizontal Fillet Weld, Vertical Fillet Weld, Overhead Vertical Progression Up Vertical Progression Down All Thickness U L xx-xx x/x SCH WB WOB Unlimited (1/8” to Unlimited) Limited Range in sheet gauges (i.e., 11 – 18) Thickness in fractions of an inch (i.e., 3/8”) Schedule listing for pipe thickness (Sch 40) With backing Without backing SAMPLE AWS Certified Welder Application Please print in blue or black ink 550 N.W. Lejeune Road Miami, FL 33126 Tel: (800) 443-9353, Ext #: 273 Fax (305) 443-6445 Method of Payment Check # 510 Visa MC AMEX Credit Card #: Diners Discover Exp. Date: Signature: ______________________________ AWS Use Only Date Received: Amount: Account #: Personal Information (To be completed by the applicant) Last Name: _Benfield_____________________________ First Name: _James ____________ MI: _R _ Home Address: _1820 Krieft St __________________________________________ Apt No. __________ City: __Delphos______________________________________________ State _OH_ Zip Code_45833__ Province/Country: ___U.S.A. _____________________________________________________________ S.S. #: XXX-XX-_4545__ Home Tel. #: (_419_) _555__ -_2980__ Work Tel. #: (______) ______ -______ Email Address: _ben45@hotmail.com______________________________________________________ x Check here to mail Welder’s Certification to the employer. Company Name: _Benfield Welding and Fabrication_________________________________________ Company Address: _5820 Grubb Road_____________________________________________________ City: _Lima__________________________________________________ State _OH Zip Code_45806 _ Province/Country: _U.S.A._______________________________________________________________ Test Information (To be completed by Facility’s Test Supervisor) Accredited Test Facility: __________________________________________ Certificate#:____________ WPS: _________________________________________________________ Date Tested: ____/____/____ (If Supplement G-Indicate WPS Number as assigned by employer) QUALIFICATIONS: Place the appropriate abbreviation in each category box Supplement _______ Code ____ Process _______ _______ Gas (optional) Filler Metal __________ ________ ________ Base Metal ________ Position _______ _______ Thickness Range ____________ PROVISO: Upon obtaining my certification I give AWS the right to reveal my certification status as it relates to my validity and expiration date only. No other information related to my certification shall be revealed. Yes No REVIEWED: Facility Test Supervisor: Signature Date CWI Certification Number Printed Name Expiration Date CWI Stamp (required) AWS Certified Welder Application Please print in blue or black ink 550 N.W. Lejeune Road Miami, FL 33126 Tel: (800) 443-9353, Ext #: 273 Fax (305) 443-6445 Method of Payment Check # Visa MC AMEX Credit Card #: Diners Discover Exp. Date: Signature: ______________________________ AWS Use Only Date Received: Amount: Account #: Personal Information (To be completed by the applicant) Last Name: _____________________________________ First Name: ____________________ MI: ____ Home Address: ________________________________________________________ Apt No. __________ City: ________________________________________________________ State ____ Zip Code________ Province/Country: _______________________________________________________________________ S.S. #: XXX-XX-_______ Home Tel. #: (______) ______ -______ Work Tel. #: (______) ______ -______ Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Check here to mail Welder’s Certification to the employer. Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Company Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________ State ____ Zip Code________ Province/Country: _______________________________________________________________________ Test Information (To be completed by Facility’s Test Supervisor) Accredited Test Facility: __________________________________________ Certificate#:____________ WPS: _________________________________________________________ Date Tested: ____/____/____ (If Supplement G-Indicate WPS Number as assigned by employer) QUALIFICATIONS: Place the appropriate abbreviation in each category box Supplement _______ Code ____ Process _______ _______ Gas (optional) Filler Metal __________ ________ ________ Base Metal ________ Position Thickness Range _______ _______ ____________ PROVISO: Upon obtaining my certification I give AWS the right to reveal my certification status as it relates to my validity and expiration date only. No other information related to my certification shall be revealed. Yes No REVIEWED: Facility Test Supervisor: Signature Date CWI Certification Number Printed Name Expiration Date CWI Stamp (required) Certified Welder Application INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION There is a $30 service charge for each certification granted. For credit card information, fill out the box at the top of the application. Please fill out a separate application for each certification that the welder tested. Personal Information (supplied by welder): The welder is responsible for maintaining the certification and AWS must have a personal address in order to stay in contact with him/her. All certification materials will be sent to the welder's home address. Remember to contact AWS if you change your address! If the box is checked to Send Results to Employer, the employer's address must be supplied. AWS will send a confirmation letter to the company address indicated below the box. Test Information (supplied by the Facility Test Supervisor): When using Supplement G, AWS must have a copy of the actual WPS on file. If you have previously submitted the WPS, the AWS Certification Department will have a record of this information. Any further tests using that same WPS can be referenced on the application. If this is the first time a WPS is being used, please submit a copy of that WPS and any supporting paperwork along with the application. Under Qualifications, list the abbreviations that should appear on the welder certification card using the code below. Note that some categories (i.e., Gas) may not apply in all situations (e.g., SMAW). Authorization: If the welder wants the certification information to be released, for example, to people wishing to hire AWS Certified Welders, have the welder sign where indicated. Review: After completing the application, the Facility Test Supervisor must sign the document, indicating his CWI Certificate number and its expiration date. Signature by the ATF Supervisor attests to the completeness and accuracy of the record supplied. GUIDE TO INTERPRETING ABBREVIATIONS ON AWS CERTIFIED WELDER CARD EXAMPLE Supplement G Code D1.1 Process GTAW Gas AR/CO2 Filler Metal E71T-1 AWS SUPPLEMENTS C Sheet Metal Welding (AWS D9.1) F Chemical Plant and Petroleum Piping (ASME B31.3 and Sec. IX) G Generic Supplement (Company-furnished WPS and acceptance criteria) CODES: B2.1 D1.1 D1.2 D9.1 ASME IX D15.1 API CUST (For Supplement G only, reference appropriate acceptance criteria.) AWS B2.1, Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code - Steel AWS D1. 2, Structural Welding Code - Aluminum AWS D9.1, Sheet Metal Welding Code ASME Section IX, Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators AWS D15.1, Railroad Welding Specification - Cars and Locomotives API 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities Other customer may be used as indicated on the employer supplied WPS *Other standards may be used as indicated on the employer supplied WPS PROCESSES: SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) GMAW-S Gas Metal Arc Welding - Short Circuit FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) SAW Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) BZ Brazing GAS: AR HE Ar/CO2 CO2 Argon Helium Argon/Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Cert-CW-Certified Welder Application-4/15/09 Base Metal A106 Position Qualified 6G Thickness Range Unlimited FILLER METAL ( AWS CLASSIFICATION NUMBER) ER309-L E7018-A1L ER70S-2 E71T-1 BASE METAL AXXX ASTM Designations (i.e., A36) M Material Numbers from B2 SAXXX (SA106, SA105, SA304L, etc.) PX (P1, P8, P44, etc.) POSITION 1G Groove Weld, Flat 2G Groove Weld, Horizontal 3G Groove Weld, Vertical 4G Groove Weld, Overhead 5G Groove Weld, (Pipe) Vertical 6G Groove Weld, (Pipe) 45° Vertical 1F Fillet Weld, Flat 2F Fillet Weld, Horizontal 3F Fillet Weld, Vertical 4F Fillet Weld, Overhead V Vertical Progression Up D Vertical Progression Down A All THICKNESS U Unlimited (1/8” to Unlimited) L Limited xx-xx Range in sheet gauges (ex., 11 -18) x/x Thickness in fractions of an inch (ex:., 3/8”) SCH Schedule listing for pipe thickness (ex:Sch 40) WB With backing WOB Without backing MAINTENANCE OF WELDER CERTIFICATION $10.00 fee must accompany this form Last Name: _________________________________ First Name: ____________________ MI: ____ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________ S.S. #: XXX-XX-________ Certification #: _________________________ Enter the date you most recently used the processes you would like to maintain. Important: Failure to include dates below will result in payment being forfeited. SMAW ____/____/____ GTAW ____/____/ GMAW ____/____/____ FCAW ____/____/____ Other __________________ ____/____/____ Your certification is extended from the dates you have indicated. Verification: I Employer / Test Supervisor / Customer certify that the above named welder used (Please Circle One) The processes on the dates indicated. Important: This form is NOT to be signed by the applicant. Print Name: Company: Signature: Title: Phone: (_____)______-__________ Date: Copy this form as needed. If your address has changed in the last six months, please list below: New Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt No. __________ City: _____________________________________________________ State ____ Zip Code________ Province/Country: ___________________________________________________________________ YOUR CERTIFICATION IS IMPORTANT TO YOU AND TO US! Use these forms before your expiration date to properly maintain your certification. Certifications in accordance with Supplement C or D9.1 for the Sheet Metal Welding Code require maintenance every 12 months. Certifications in accordance with D1.1 require maintenance every 6 months. Check the requirements of the standard that governs your certification to assure that maintenance is received by AWS at the proper intervals. The cost for renewal is $10.00. All checks and money orders must be made payable to AWS and mailed to: AWS 550 NW Lejeune Rd. Miami, FL 33126. WE RECOMMEND SENDING YOUR FORM VIA US MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. Method of Payment Check # Visa MC Credit Card #: AMEX Diners Discover Exp. Date: Signature: _________________________________ Date Received: AWS Use Only Amount: Account #: Cert-Maintenance of Welder Certification-EP-4/15/09 Shop Safety: Welder’s Responsibility 1. Long sleeve shirt a. Free from holes and fringes b. Cotton preferred c. Darker color 2. Pants a. Jeans or regular work pants *no cuffs, tears, or fringes 3. Shoes a. Work shoe type, metal tip preferred *no open toe, canvas, or athletic shoes b. High top boots or shoes preferred 4. Welding cap a. Cotton or leather preferred *no foam liners 5. Safety glasses a. Worn at all times 6. Welding gloves a. Worn while handling hot, warm, or cold metal 7. Pliers a. Used in handling hot metal to reduce chance of burns and extend life of gloves b. Should include wire cutters for GMAW. 8. Measuring and marking equipment a. Tape measure / 6” scale b. Silver pencil and/or scribe 9. Welding helmet Certification Test Checklist I. II. III. IV. Completed Forms – by test day a. AWS application b. Picture identification required on test day i. i.e., driver’s license The candidate may use their own welding equipment – OFF SITE USE ONLY a. Cutting torch, grinders, helmets, etc. Testing Procedures a. Candidate prepares pre-beveled plates for welding i. grind or file to desired condition 1. staying within applicable code requirements; i.e., D1.1, API, ASME, etc. b. Candidate assembles joint to proper dimensions and configuration according to Weld Procedure Specifications (WPS) i. “tack” weld according to WPS ii. stamp identification number as per instruction iii. “tack” weld into testing position c. Pre-weld inspection by Test Supervisor i. inspect fit-up, configuration, dimensions and I.D. number ii. assure position, electrode type and polarity d. Weld inspection by the Test Supervisor i. inspect the root pass 1. to assure proper fusion ii. inspect bead layer prior to cover pass 1. to assure enough fill to cover e. Test Supervisor inspects all grinding operations (before and after) i. grinding shall not be done on weld face or plate surface ii. grinding shall not penetrate into backing or base metal iii. grinding shall not be used for lump removal and/or blend purpose only Accredited Test Facility Inspection and Testing a. Visual weld inspection by the Test Supervisor – CWI i. i.e., AWS D1.1, API 1104, ASME Sec. IX, Mil-Std.-248, etc. b. Technical Manager prepares weldments for destructive testing i. prepares test coupons 1. transfers I.D. stamp to test coupons ii. performs designated bend test NOTE: Radiographic testing may take the place of destructive tests c. Final Inspection and evaluation by the Test Supervisor – CWI i. Inspection Criteria will follow the applicable code requirements 1. i.e., AWS D1.1, API 1104, ASME Sec IX, Mil-Std 248, etc. ii. Test Coupons will be evaluated and stamped with results 1. A = accepted/pass 2. F = rejected/failed d. Results will be sent to AWS i. Performance Qualification Test Record (PQR) 1. QC-WFI ii. Application for AWS Certified Welder 1. QC-WF4 e. Weld Test Coupons i. Will be stored for 6 months ii. At the end of 6 months, coupons will be disposed of or shipped to fabrication shop ***THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH ALL OTHER PERTINENT TEST DOCUMENTATION*** SHOP SAFETY WELDERS RESPONSIBILITY LONG SLEEVE SHIRT o FREE FROM HOLES & FRINGES o COTTON PREFERRED o DARKER COLOR PANTS o JEANS OR REGULAR W ORK PANTS o NO CUFFS, TEARS, OR FRINGES SHOES o WORK SHOE TYPE, SAFETY TOE PREFERRED o NO OPEN TOE, CANVAS OR ATHLETIC SHOES o HIGH TOP BOOTS OR SHOES PREFERRED WELDING CAP o COTTON OR LEATHER PREFERRED, NO FOAM LINERS SAFETY GLASSES o WORN AT ALL TIMES WELDING GLOVES o WORN W HILE W ELDING, HANDLING HOT OR COLD METAL PLIERS o USED IN HANDLING HOT METAL TO REDUCE CHANCE OF BURNS & EXTEND GLOVE LIFE o SHOULD INCLUDE W IRE CUTTERS FOR GMAW MEASURING & MARKING EQUIPMENT o TAP MEASURE / 6” RULER o SILVER PENCIL AND OR SCRIBE SAFETY IN ARC WELDING A W ELDING MACHINE SHOULD HAVE A POWER DISCONNECT CONVENIENTLY LOCATED NEAR IT FOR EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF. REPAIRS TO WELDING EQUIPMENT SHOULD ONLY BE MADE W ITH THE POWER OFF. WELDING MACHINES SHOULD BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. AVOID USING ELECTRODE HOLDERS W ITH DEFECTIVE JAWS, POOR INSULATION AND W ITH LOOSE CABLE CONNECTIONS. DO NOT W ELD IN DAMP AREAS AND KEEP HANDS & CLOTHING DRY AT ALL TIMES. DO NOT W ELD AROUND FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OR MATERIALS W ITHOUT TAKING THE PROPER PRECAUTIONS. ALWAYS HAVE PROPER VENTILATION. HAVE PROPER FIRE PROTECTION AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES, SUCH AS A FIRE EXTINGUISHER, OR EVEN A FIRE WATCH STANDING BY. WEAR PROPER CLOTHING, KEEPING ALL PARTS OF THE BODY COVERED AT ALL TIMES. WEAR A W ELDING HELMET THAT IS IN GOOD CONDITION. BE SURE THAT THE PROPER SHADE OF LENS IS USED FOR THE W ELDING OR CUTTING PROCESS BEING USED. CHECK LENSES FOR CRACKS & REPLACE AS REQUIRED. WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AT ALL TIMES & W HEN CHIPPING SLAG. NEVER LOOK AT THE WELDING ARC W ITHOUT PROPER PROTECTION. ALWAYS KEEP W ELDING CURTAINS IN W ELDING BOOTH CLOSED SO THAT NO ONE W ILL RECEIVE A W ELDING FLASH. IF W ELDING OUTSIDE A PERMANENT W ELDING BOOTH, USE SCREENS SO THE ARC W ILL NOT HARM ANYONE’S EYES THAT MAY BE NEARBY. KEEP WELDING CABLES IN AN ORDERLY MANNER TO PREVENT THEM FROM BECOMING A STUMBLING HAZARD. FASTEN CABLES OVERHEAD W HENEVER POSSIBLE. ALWAYS TURN OFF THE MACHINE W HEN LEAVING THE W ORK. BE CAREFUL W HEN STRIKING A W ELDING ARC WITH PEOPLE AROUND. BE SURE TANKS, DRUMS, OR PIPE LINES ARE COMPLETELY CLEANED OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS BEFORE WELDING. KEEP ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT IN GOOD REPAIR. AVOID HORSEPLAY AT ALL TIMES IN THE SHOP. ________________________________________ TEST SUPERVISORS SIGNATURE DATE ________________________________ WELDER’S SIGNATURE DATE ***THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE RETAINED IN CANDIDATE FILE*** WELDER QUALIFICATION TEST COUPON LAYOUT Holes To Be Added To All Coupons, So Samples Can Be Wired Together After Testing XX Layout Lines for Coupon’s CWI Marks These Line After Welding Is Complete Plate Heat # ID R1 Test Type & Location F1 Plate Heat # ID A 2 1 5 0 1st Letter of Welders Last Name A 2 1 5 0 XX CWI Stamp CWI Specific Stamp (This must be present for test to be valid) Welder ID# CWI Stamp ***All Weld Coupons That Are To Be Tested Must Have The Above Markings*** ***When Testing Is Complete Samples Must Be Wired Together***