BookFest - Lake County Library System
BookFest - Lake County Library System
16th Annual Bookmark Design Contest 2015 mares ight Dr eam N & s The Lake County Library System is proud to announce the 16th annual Bookmark Design Contest. Dreams and Nightmares is this year’s theme, and the targeted genre is Fantasy where imaginary worlds and magical creatures are common. All students (K-12) and adults in Lake County are encouraged to enter multiple designs. Each contest entry should contain an element of fantasy. All students (K-12) and adults in Lake County are encouraged to enter as many times as they wish. The awards will be announced at the annual Authors’ Reception on Friday, March 13th, at the W. T. Bland Public Library. The winning bookmark designs will then be available at all 15 libraries in the Lake County Library System and will be printable from the library system’s web site. Prizes will include gift cards for 1st - 3rd prize winners. L A K E C OUNTY L I BR A R Y SY STEM L I BRA RIES •Astor Library •Marianne Beck Memorial Library •Cagan Crossings Community Library •Marion Baysinger Memorial Library •Cooper Memorial Library •Minneola Schoolhouse Library •East Lake Library •Fruitland Park Library •Paisley Library •Helen Lehmann •Tavares Public •Lady Lake •Umatilla Public •Leesburg Public •W. T. Bland Library Memorial Library Library Public Library Library Public Library DEADLINE: February 13, 2015 Deliver completed entry form with your original bookmark design to any LCLS library. Entries may also be mailed to: Linda Goff, Youth Services Coordinator, 2401 Woodlea Road, Tavares, FL 32778. Electronic files (300 dpi or greater) may be submitted via e-mail to: CONTEST RULES & GUIDELINES • Youth and adults may participate. • Judging will be divided into four age categories: Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Adult. • Paper entries must be in color on unlined white paper. •Electronic entries must be submitted as flattened TIFF, JPEG, BMP or EPS image files and may be no less than 300 dpi at full size (8x3 inches or 2400 x 900 pixels). •Finished bookmark size is 3 x 8 inches. A template is provided below for one entry. •Entries will be judged for originality, neatness, spelling and printability. Please make sure you have not traced or included copyrighted images such as book, TV or movie characters. •The Lake County Library System reserves the right to make necessary adjustments to designs for printing. Deadline is February 13, 2015. Incomplete entry forms will not be considered. THEME: Dreams & Nightmares EVENT: 16th Annual Bookmark Design Contest Name Male ( Mailing Address Home Phone School Parent/Guardian Signature* ) Female ( ) City Zip E-mail Grade Age *if entrant is under 16, parent or guardian must sign.