The Parent Newsletter of Incarnate Word Academy
The Parent Newsletter of Incarnate Word Academy
The Parent W rd The Parent Newsletter of Incarnate Word Academy MAY 2011 Dear Parents and Guardians, At morning prayer one Friday during April, Sr. Eileen and Geri Pitti were discussing their service trip to Ellington, MO. At our Mission Committee meeting, two students who volunteered spoke about what they learned. Ellington is extremely rural. Most of the families who were assisted live in trailers. This was more than culture shock. However, when asked what the girls learned, one responded, “We should never judge.” Another student commented, “Although poor and not as tidy as we would have wanted, there was a lot of love.” I sat back in my chair and thought to myself. This is Jesus. will influence the lives of the students forever. I am witness to ultimate goodness. This trip The weekend of April 1st, faculty and staff: Julie Hercules, Sr. Eileen, Danielle Harrison, and Julie Hamilton took students to Memphis to the Civil Rights Museum. Two vans full of students made the road trip. One student indicated that she was “amazed and appreciative” for the experience. Another student said, “There is so much I do not know; I want to learn more!” These are those “Ah Ha,” moments in life, but truth be told, these occur on campus, daily. Currently all of the Seniors experiencing exit interviews. When asked about their spirituality, these were some of the comments: -Treat others as Jesus would have; respect everyone -Be positive -Serve others -Be proactive; help others -Respect yourself -Think about what you believe in and then implement what you believe What a gift your daughters are! We are so fortunate to share their four years. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to share the journey. Our community it blessed. Always, Randy Berzon-Mikolas Ph.D President FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE: Dear Parents and Guardians, The end of the school year is quickly approaching and even though May is our final month of the school year, it is filled with numerous important activities. Our month begins with the Spring Concert and Art Show on May 3rd. The Concert will begin in the Theater at 7:00 pm and will be followed by an amazing Art Show. Please plan to join us for an enjoyable evening highlighting the musical and artistic talents of our students. Information for Parents/Guardians of Incoming Freshmen: • For those incoming Freshman students signed up to take the Advance Placement tests, they will be held in the cafeteria on Saturday, May 7th. Advance Placement testing for Algebra will be from 9:00 10:00 am and the testing for Foreign Language will be from 10:15 - 11:15 am. • Uniform Fitting will be held in the MPR (lower level of the Theater Building) from 9:00 am until noon. Important Information for Parents/Guardians of Juniors and Seniors: • Performance Day for Juniors and Seniors will be on Friday, May 6th. This day provides your daughter with an opportunity to review material, ask questions, or seek individual assistance from her teachers before her Final Exams. Even though attendance is not mandatory, please encourage your daughter to attend. • Final Exams for Juniors and Seniors will be on May 9th and May 10th. The Exam schedule will be posted on Edline the first week of May. • The Book Buyback for Junior and Seniors will be from May 10th from 9:30 am until 1:00 pm in the Theater Foyer. • Rose and Candle Ceremony will be on May 13th at 9:20 am in the Theater. • The Baccalaureate Mass at St. Ann’s Church in Normandy will be at 2 pm on May 15th. • Our Graduation is at Lindenwood University on May 16th at 7:00 pm. Congrats to our Seniors! Important Information for Parents/Guardians of Freshmen and Sophomores: • Performance Day for Freshmen and Sophomores will be on May 23rd. This day is not mandatory but do encourage your daughter to attend because it is an important day of review before Final Exams. This day gives your daughter the opportunity to review material, ask questions, or seek assistance from her teachers before her exams. • Final Exams for Freshmen and Sophomores are being held on May 24-26th. The Exam schedule will be posted on Edline the third week of May. • The Book Buyback for Freshmen and Sophomores is on May 26th from 8:00 am until 11:00 am in the Theater Foyer. Important Information for August 2011: I have briefly outlines some important dates in August so you can plan your summer accordingly. • Sunday, August 14th -There is a mandatory meeting for incoming Freshmen and their parents/guardians at 6:00 pm. Please reserve this date on your calendar. I will send detailed information to the incoming Freshman parents in June. • Monday, August 15 -Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will pick up their class schedules in the morning. -Math Review Packet time will be from noon until 3:00 pm for Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. -There will be a mandatory meeting for all parents/guardians of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior students. The meeting will begin in the Theater at 7:00 pm. All parents must attend as important information pertaining to each grade level will be shared at this meeting. • Tuesday, August 16 & Wednesday, August 17 -Freshmen Orientation will be from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm on both days. Again, more information will follow in a June letter to incoming Freshman parents. • Friday, August 19 -This will be the first day of school. All students will be in attendance from 8:00 am until noon. Over the past few weeks, the Administrative Team has conducted exit interviews with our graduating Seniors and I found it to be a very heartwarming experience. The girls I interviewed clearly expressed how IWA has challenged and empowered them over the past four years. They continually expressed how the modular system taught them time management and organizational skills. Each girl said she felt IWA had prepared her to be successful in college. Our graduating seniors expressed their excitement about moving on to college and being able to make a positive impact on their new world. In a few weeks, our school year will come to an end. We have witnessed our students grow and develop into Women of the Word. I feel it has truly been a successful school year. Thank you for entrusting your daughter’s education to IWA. Praised be the Incarnate Word! Best wishes, Mary T. Maguire M.A. Ed. Principal from the finance office: FINAL NOTICE: No student will be allowed to take final exams at the end of the semester unless tuition has been paid in full. Juniors and Seniors will take exams beginning May 9th. Freshmen and Sophomores will take exams beginning May 23rd. Seniors will not receive cap and gown and may not participate in graduation ceremonies if tuition is not paid in full. 2011-2012 TUITION: In late June, all families will receive a parent guide from Regions Bank detailing our tuition payment program with them. In addition, all families will receive a coupon book for payments or an automatic deduction confirmation letter. Payments will begin in July, based on the frequency and method you chose on your tuition enrollment form. All payments are due on the 10th of the month. Reminder: Regions Bank does not send subsequent billings for quarterly and semester payments. All necessary payment coupons are sent out in June. If you have any questions regarding tuition, do not hesitate to contact the Finance Office at ext. 121. DISHIN’ WITH THE DEAN Dear Parents/Guardians: I have three important subjects to cover with you. 1. Facebook is the devil. If your daughter has an account, please take a look at it on occasion. I keep telling girls that if they wouldn’t want their parents or their pastor to read it, then they shouldn’t be writing it. Also half of the girls don’t understand that everyone can see what they write on Facebook (they don’t seem to comprehend that WWW stands for the World Wide Web), and the other half don’t care that everyone can see it. They write things about others that they would never say face to face. By the time they get to school, EVERYONE knows what was said, and then we have problems. I repeat: = 2. How to sell your daughter’s books. Option 1: After checking the booklist (it’s on our website under Student Information) to make sure that the books are still being used next year, you can find another student to buy them. If your daughter is struggling to find someone to whom to sell, we are attempting to set up a message board on our website. If we are able to do this, I will let the girls know. Option 2: If you are interested in selling your daughter’s books to MBS Direct, our book company, this is what you need to do: 1. Go to the front page of our website and click on the tab that says Student Life. Then click on the Book Information tab and then the tab that says Buy and Sell Books. 2. Click where it says Click Here to Order Your Textbooks (even though you are selling). Then click where it says Sell My Books. At that point you will have to login. 3. You will see a place where you need to type the ISBN number of the book(s) you want to sell. The ISBN number should be on the back of the book. 4. After all your numbers have been entered, click where it says Price My Books. MBS will then give you a quote for your books. If you are satisfied with the prices that you were given, print out two copies of the quote and bring them and the books to the book buyback day. If you are not happy with some prices, just draw a line through those. These are the book buyback days: JUNIORS-SENIORS - May 10th from 9:30-12:30 FRESHMEN-SOPHOMORES - May 26th from 8:00-11:00 Both will be held in the Theater foyer. Option 3: On the day of the book buyback, we will have tables set up for people who want to buy or sell books. We will have a parent volunteer watching the table while the students are taking exams. We ask that you make a list of the books with the price you are asking and drop them off at the Buy and Sell tables. Put your name and phone number on the list also. If someone buys one of your books, we will collect the money and give it to your daughter when she returns for the books that were not sold. If you have a lot of books, put them in a box. Make sure your daughter comes back to the foyer after her exams to pick up leftover books. 1. How to purchase your daughter’s books. Option 1: The booklists for the 2011-12 school year are on the website now. You will find them under the Student Life tab. Currently, there are several ways to purchase books. One way is to use MBS. This is our online book company. There is a MBS link on our website that you can get to by clicking on the Student Life tab. You may purchase new and used books from MBS. One advantage of buying your daughter’s books from MBS is that you will receive free shipping from July 1st until August 4th. Option 2: A second option is to buy your daughter’s books from other websites. You will need to find the ISBN numbers off the booklists on the website and use those numbers to ensure that you are getting the correct books. Option 3: Your third option is to purchase books from a current IWA student. Again you would need to check the booklists for the ISBN numbers to make sure that you are getting the correct books. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Jim Johnson Dean of Students FROM THE THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT: Our Freshmen are now studying the Protestant Reformation in Europe. As the Spanish, French and the English move to colonization in America, there appears a collision of cultures. The Native Americans and the European cultures were on a collision course; and it is the missionaries from Spain and France who tried to make the meeting of the cultures more tolerable. But much suffering ensued. Our students are doing a creative project for this LAP which includes the heroes of this era. The essence of this project is to Celebrate the Diversity that began during this time in church history. Through song, story and poetry the students will present the heroes of the time whose lives contributed to setting new directions for the Church. The journey continues to this day, the journey to celebrate the beautiful cultures that are woven into the tapestry of the Church’s history. The Sophomores are just finishing a thorough study of the Gospels in the New Testament. We have been comparing and contrasting the Synoptic Gospels with the Gospel of John, recognizing that John’s Gospel spends more time focusing on Jesus’ Divinity. The girls have also been giving oral presentations on their exegetical papers. It has been very educational for all. We will finish the year by examining the book of Acts, and preparing for debates on biblical topics. It should be fun! At the end of their semester in Morality, the Juniors are beginning to explore what it means to develop a healthy, integrated sexuality. The students are examining a variety of issues in sexuality including what it means to embrace chastity and how we are all called to treat our bodies as sacred gifts from God. As the semester progresses we will explore a variety of issues in sexuality and explore what the Church teaches about living a chaste life. Juniors studying social justice are concluding their semester with issues of peace and nonviolence. They are concentrating on making the proper connections between all the course themes throughout the semester. This is displayed through their final project which challenges each student to create her own non-profit organization to fight some form of injustice in our world. In Spiritual Anthropology, the Seniors are wrapping up a semester of study into who they are and how they connect with others and God. They are currently working on their final projects, allowing them the opportunity to explore an area of spirituality and reflect on their learning from the semester. As we continue to learn what it means to seek wisdom and to connect with the divine, we will begin reflecting on how we live out spirituality towards our compassion and love for others. The Seniors studying Marriage, Family, and Commitments are completing their academic and personal journey with a research paper. They are applying the course material to various topics and completing necessary experiment tasks (collecting data, reporting results, etc.) Through this process, each student is learning how her actions and circumstances are affected and connected to each other. This will prove valuable as they venture into their future academic endeavors. campus ministry news By: Geri pitti Thank you to all of the IWA community for their support of the fundraising efforts of the Marian Middle School Committee this year. We were able to present to Marian Middle School a check for $516.43 as part of the “Girls’ Schools Together Program” on April 28. The girls that attend Marian Middle School are most appreciative of our generous gift. Thank you to the committee for a job well done! On Friday, April 29 eight of our girls volunteered at the Breakfast with the INN Crowd held at the Marriott St. Louis Airport Hotel. The girls helped with the auction portion of the morning, collecting bids, delivering forms, and assisting people with their auction items. All the proceeds from this event benefit Room at the Inn. On Saturday, May 14, six students and three staff members will join me in volunteering at the Progress in Bloom Project. This project is associated with Beyond Housing and the 24:1 Community Vision. Progress in Bloom volunteers will join residents and community leaders to conduct a mass flower planting throughout the entire 24:1 area. Volunteers will plant a single type of blooming perennial flower to provide a high impact visual feature that will convey unity and progress within the 24:1 communities. We will be planting flowers around Incarnate Word Academy and in the Bel Nor neighborhood as part of this project. The school community will celebrate with the Class of 2011 at their Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday, May 15 at 2:00 p.m. The Liturgy will be held at St. Ann’s Church, and Father Jack Schuler, pastor of St. Ferdinand’s Parish and uncle of Nicole Schuler ’11, will be the celebrant. We thank God for the many blessings bestowed upon the Class of 2011! All of the girls will be receiving their new community service cards during the month of June, so that they can begin to work on their service hours for the next grade level, and so they can continue to reach out to those in need. Please call the school office if you do not receive the card by June 15. Remember to check out the service opportunities on Edline, under the Campus Ministry Link to Service Opportunities, and on IWA’s website under Inside Campus Ministry. The Juniors will participate in a special Prayer Service as part of their Junior Service Orientation on Tuesday, May 10, immediately following their exams for that day, as well as a Prayer Service as part of their Junior Service Reflection on Wednesday, May 25 from 8:00-9:30 a.m. Both of these events are mandatory for the Juniors, and will be held in the Theater. Please keep the girls in your prayers, that they may find their service work rewarding and memorable as they live out IWA’s mission of making a positive impact on our world. All of the Juniors will be serving the community at fifty-seven different sites from May 11 - May 24, 2011 as they complete their service requirement for this school year. They will attend their selected site from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each of these nine days. There is a supervisor at each of the sites that the girls must report to each day, and this supervisor will fill out an evaluation form at the end of the service. During their Junior Community Service, one of the faculty/staff members or I will go and visit the girls, and will document observations of the service. Here is the list of all the sites. It is quite impressive! Schools Christ the King School Gateway Elementary Holy Trinity Catholic School Iveland Elementary School Marion Elementary School North County Children’s Academy Our Lady of Guadalupe School Russell Elementary School Sacred Heart Kindergarten St. Rose Philippine Duchesne School Pre-Schools/Day Cares Academy of the Sacred Heart Pre-School Chesterfield Children’s Center Christian Family Learning Center Ferguson-Florissant Early Childhood Education Great Beginnings Learning Center Hamilton Pre-School Hazelwood Early Childhood - West Hazelwood Early Childhood - Central Hope Montessori - Creve Coeur Little Learners Magnolia Head Start McCluer Child Development Center St. Andrew’s Day Care St. Ann Early Childhood Center St. Charles Community College Child Development Center St. Charles YMCA Early Child Education Center St. Mark’s Mini-School St. Norbert’s Pre-School Trinity Child Development Center UMSL - Child Development Center United Services Early Childhood Center Webster Groves Childcare Center YWCA Head Start/EHS Pagedale Center Zion Child Development Center Social Service Agencies Haven House Karen House - Catholic Worker Marygrove Room at the Inn St. Charles Crisis Nursery - St. Charles St. Louis Arc - Community Integration St. Louis Crisis Nursery - West Bldg. St. Louis Crisis Nursery - Wentzville Theraputic Horsemanship Social Interaction Agencies UMSL Admissions UMSL Center for Character & Citizenship UMSL Office of Student Life Hospitals Barnes-Jewish Hospital - St. Louis DePaul Health Center Missouri Baptist Hospital Ranken Jordan Pediatric Hospital St. John’s Mercy Medical Center St. Joseph’s Health Center St. Louis Children’s Hospital Retirement Communities Breeze Park Lutheran Senior Services Delmar Gardens North National Healthcare of St. Charles Twin Oaks at Heritage Pointe Thank you for your support and encouragement to the girls to continue their faith development and spirit of service here at Incarnate Word Academy. Thank you to the Theology Department and all of the faculty and staff for their excellent model of Christian witness. Service Opportunity: If anyone is interested in helping with the Arthritis Foundation’s 2011 Arthritis Walk which will take place on Friday, May 13 in Forest Park, please contact Kim Rosenthal at krosenth@ Volunteer opportunities include set-up, registration, course direction, and clean-up. Throughout this school year the school community has participated in many religious events. The girls have attended and been involved in all of our school liturgies, prayer services, class retreats, and have been given the opportunity to attend Kairos retreats, and receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. They have been invited to participate in the weekly Communion Service held on Friday mornings, the Communion Service offered on H days once a month, the Adoration in the Chapel twice a cycle, and have been encouraged to join members of the faculty for Morning Prayer in the Chapel. Many of the girls have participated in the GIFT prayer group on C days or H days once a cycle. In addition, the Chapel is always open during the day for the girls to come in and offer their own prayers. We have reflected each morning on the Saint of the Day and have begun our day with the Incarnate Word prayer. Each class is encouraged to begin with prayer, and we end the day with a prayer. Eight students joined Sr. Eileen and me on a Mission Trip to Whole Kids Outreach in Ellington, MO during Spring Break. The total number of service hours that all of our students performed this year exceeds 12,860 hours of community service. Thus the spiritual dimension of our school’s mission is very evident as the girls strive to follow the example of Jesus, the Incarnate Word. Evangelization: As an evangelizing school, we are actively conscious of forming and transforming students according to the social teaching of the Church. Here at IWA, faculty, staff and students alike, see service to others on both a local and global level as an integral part of stewardship. We are all stewards of God’s creation. Our school encourages and promotes service at many levels to better society. Prayer Reflection: Our school theme this year has been “IWA - Following In His Footsteps.” Thus we have focused on using our gifts and talents to reach out to others by loving and caring for one another; by following Jesus with many virtues including compassion, understanding, gratitude, good judgment, open-heartedness, trust, humility, and faith; and by trying to make a positive difference in others’ lives. We recognize that all of us have been blessed with many different qualities, gifts and talents, and we hold Jesus, the Incarnate Word as our model and guide. We celebrate with His Resurrection and rejoice in the uniqueness of every individual. Whether we are artists, musicians, singers, readers, writers, athletes, or have other talents, we all have the power to give life and love to each other through our words and deeds. So let us continue to spread the Gospel message of Christ as we live the mission of Incarnate Word Academy and follow in His footsteps. MISSION INTERGRATION: BY SR. EILEEN O’KEEFFE, CCVI An attitude of gratitude leads us to once again thank God for the many blessings of another school year. We sincerely thank all of you for entrusting your precious daughters to us and for supporting their education as “Women of the Word.” We deeply appreciate your having encouraged them to share their time, talents, and resources in IWA’s numerous outreach projects. We now have the final report from our school’s Mission Week of 2011. The students’ creative fund-raisers netted $4,318.00 for the people of Haiti. This will provide one family with a house, clothes, and supplies. Thank you for continuing to remind your daughters that each person can “make a positive impact on our world,” as expressed in our Mission Statement. Our long-awaited Mission Trip became an enriching reality! We learned about Whole Kids Outreach (WKO) in Ellington, MO and decided to help there during spring break, March 21-25, 2011. Volunteers were: Riley, Senior; Rachel, Junior; Christine, Lauren, Meredith, Alicia, and Monica, Sophomores; Alicia, Freshman; Ms. Geri Pitti, Campus Minister, and Sr. Eileen O’Keeffe, CCVI, Mission Integration Coordinator. Whole Kids Outreach mission statement describes it as “a faith based not-for-profit organization committed to addressing the unmet wellness and developmental needs of children within their family structures. We form healthy relationships with our participants and other service providers, organizations and church groups. We provide both home and center-based educational and health care programs staffed by lay, professional, and volunteer workers.” WKO began in 1999 and has served thousands of families in rural Missouri. Sr. Anne Francioni, a School Sister of Notre Dame, and also a nurse, is the founder and executive director. She has worked with many high school groups and warmly welcomed us. She and her staff planned a variety of on and off-site tasks, projects and activities for our group. A very meaningful part of our time was going in small groups with a WKO outreach specialist or nurse to visit particular families as she assessed their needs. She offered a wide range of relevant information about such essential matters as child care, health issues, housing, employment, etc. Each evening at WKO’s guest house where we ate and slept, the students shared some of the “life lessons” they were learning this week. These included: an awareness that money and wealth are not as important as love, which was obvious in some of the families; that people in poverty are often stuck in a cycle of poverty and need extensive help to break this pattern; that persons’ pasts can make a huge impact on their futures; that God may work in lives through other people’s stories and experiences; that it is important to be open-minded, rather than judgmental; how to become more loving and grateful for all the blessings in our lives; the ability to make a positive difference; the realization that we are God’s “hands and feet” to help others; that reaching out to others is part of our life’s mission to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. It was a true gift to participate in this Mission Trip, and we encourage others to consider such an adventure. Donations of time, talent, and other resources are greatly appreciated by all involved in WKO. For more information please check out their website at IWA’s Mission Trip to Whole Kids Outreach At our March and April meetings of the Mission Committee, we discussed the nominations submitted and selected as March “Mission Models”: Mr. Mark Townsel, maintenance staff, Sara Crinnion (9), Elissa Kuhn (10), Cierra Young (11), and Moira Kelly (12). These awardees were announced and recognized after our Lenten Prayer Service April 4. We selected as April “Mission Models”: Ms. Diana Cobos, teacher, Kelsey Murphy (9), Monica Wilson (10), Kayla Keys (11), and two seniors who received the same number of nominations, Laura Beckering and Abby Rooney. These honorees were announced and recognized after our last school Mass April 27. Our next Mission Models will be selected in Sept., 2011. May the Incarnate Word bless you and all your dear ones in a peaceful, growthful summer. COUNSELORS’ CORNER Summer is almost here! All grade levels are encouraged to participate in some kind of college-oriented activity over their summer break, whether it is a leadership conference, a college visit, or some type of volunteer work. A list of summer programs is available on College Corner at Credit Recovery Options for the summer: Students who did not receive credit for courses this school year MUST make up the credit in summer school. The following are options for recovery: -Check with your local school district or other area high schools for summer school opportunities -Just Learn Now: Contact Elizabeth Gill at 314.394.2288 or or visit -Ace Learning Center in Florissant: -Tutor (must be a certified teacher in area needing recovery); student must complete 20 contact hours with the tutor as well as 20 hours of homework. For more detailed information and to approve the tutor, please call Molly Grumich at ext. 106. -Archdiocese Correspondence Program: Please call Valerie Todd at 314.481.8400 for a list of classes, dates of the program and cost. -More options are available on College and Counseling Corner on Edline. Letters will be mailed home at the beginning of June informing parents of any credits that need to be recovered. The options above will also be listed in the letter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Molly Grumich at ext. 106 or your counselor. Add/Drop Policy Reminder: Any changes for either first or second semester will require an add/drop form and can only be made prior to the start of classes in August. These changes must be made over the summer by contacting Joyce Taylor (Registrar) at ext. 109 or email OR during registration week in the Counseling Office. Permission from a parent or guardian will be REQUIRED. NO CHANGES for either semester will be made once classes have begun unless due to a conflict in the schedule. FEE: Please note that the add/drop fee has increased to $15.00 per course change. For example, to drop one course and add another, the total fee would be $30.00. No fee will be charged due to a conflict in the schedule or scheduling error. Upcoming Events and College Rep Visits: May 2 – AP Chemistry Exam 8am – noon May 2 – U.S. Army will be on campus mods 7/8 May 4 – AP Calculus Exam 8am – noon May 6 – Deadline to register for June 11th ACT (without a late fee) May 7 – SAT May 20 – Final deadline to register for the June 11th ACT (Late Fee Assessed) June 4 – SAT June 11 – ACT (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE JUNE ACT IS NOT OFFERED AT IWA) SENIORS: All Seniors must complete the short survey on Family Connections by May 6th. This will ensure final tran- scripts are sent to your college of choice. We also need any scholarship letter(s) in order for you to be recognized at graduation. Please give all letters to Mrs. Gruss in the Counseling Office ASAP. All Seniors should have completed the FAFSA and any other financial forms that the colleges you applied to require. If you have questions about the FAFSA, you can call the financial aid office of the college(s) you are applying or call the FAFSA help desk at 1-800-4-FED-AID. Scholarships: Any scholarship that comes across our desk is listed on the Family Connections website. All seniors have a user ID and password for this program. You can also try:,,,,, www.mach25.collegenet. com, and JUNIORS: The summer is a great opportunity to visit colleges and begin narrowing your choices so that you are ready to apply to in the fall. ATHLETES interested in playing Division I or II sports in college should complete the NCAA Clearinghouse application over the summer at Please remember to use Family Connections at All Juniors have a user ID and password for this program. Using this college database helps the Counseling Office keep up-to-date on the progress students are making with the college search. Summer is a great opportunity to look at college applications, see what they entail and begin working on application essays and resume should the college have this requirement. Juniors should be ready to apply to schools early fall. Most students apply in September and October with a school deadline of November 15th. Remember that all Juniors should take the ACT at least once before Senior year. If you have yet to take the ACT, you can register online at for the June 11th administration. Please note that the June ACT is NOT offered at IWA. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! We encourage Juniors to use summer break as a time to practice for the ACT! The following websites are great resources to do so: More test prep opportunities are listed on College Corner on EDLINE. SOPHOMORES: Summer break is a great opportunity to research different colleges and careers using Family Connections. You can logon at Other helpful college websites to use can be found on College Corner at Please feel free to contact us with any questions: Mrs. Sumpter, ext. 117, (A-K) Mrs. Bradford, ext. 120, (L-Z) Donna Gruss, ext. 107, (Counseling Secretary) USED UNIFORM SALE The “used” uniform sale will take place on May 9th and May 10th during lunch mods (10:45 am until 12:30 pm.) Each year differs from the amount of jumpers, blouses, etc. that are donated and in good condition from the Senior class for the uniform sale. So, first come, first served. The profits from the sale will be donated, on their behalf, to the tornado victims. THE WORD FROM THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE Parent Service Card Reminder All parent service cards, except for those parents with a May task, needed to be returned to school by April 30th. If we have not received it, we will be assessing the $250 fee for not participating in the parent service opportunities and your daughter(s) will not receive her report card. For any questions, please contact Charlene Pisciotta at 314-725-5850 x101 or AUCTION THANKS Thank you to everyone who helped out with the Auction in any way. The 2011 Dinner Auction: Cruising into the Knight is now just a fond memory, but our appreciation for all our sponsors, donors, parent and student volunteers, and attendees is still going strong. Look for the amount we raised in the June Parent Word. Special thanks to the Auction Steering Committee, Auction Solicitation Committee and Auction Decorations Committee who met multiple times over the past school year to make the Auction the fun and productive event we all saw on April 9. .Mark your calendars now for March 31, 2012 for the 2012 Auction. It will be here before you know it. Congratulations to the 2011 Auction Raffle Winners: $5,000- Maggie Hahn $1,000-Pam Pearson $500-Mary Dowling from the math department: At Incarnate Word Academy, we are dedicated to providing the very best education possible for your daughter. With this in mind, the Mathematics Department has prepared a summer review packet to ensure that all students are prepared with the basic skills necessary to be successful in their mathematics course next year. A student should choose the summer packet based on the course she will be taking next fall. For example, a student entering Geometry should download the Geometry summer review packet. The review packet contains explanations, examples, practice problems, and an answer key. The summer packets will be posted on IWA's website. This packet will be available for download starting in June. fering it to those students who need extra help or more explanation over any of the topics covered in the packet. The time of this Question & Answer session will be posted on the website. Completing the review packet is optional. It WILL NOT be collected for a grade. It is strictly a preparation tool. However, within the first two weeks of the 2011-2012 school year, the students will be given a test in their mathematics classes over the packet's material. This test WILL be graded, and it will affect the student's semester grade. Mrs. Karla Kutz 314-725-5850 ext.150 On August 15th, the IWA mathematics teachers are providing a Question & Answer session over the summer packet. This session is optional. We are of- Also, it is required that each student has her own graphing calculator. If you need to purchase a calculator, a TI-84 Plus is highly recommended as the Testing Center uses TI-84's. Yet, an older model TI-83 is acceptable, but not preferred. If you have any questions concerning the logistics of the summer packet, the Question & Answer session, or calculators, please contact the Mathematics Department Co-Chairs. Mrs. Amy Shupe 314-725-5850 ext.113 We are looking forward to seeing you at IWA this fall! Sincerely, Incarnate Word Academy Mathematics Department Yearbook Senior Portraits Information and Guidelines Your official yearbook senior portrait photographer is McCarty’s Studio at 8901 St. Charles Rock Road; 314-428-5090. Your yearbook portrait must be taken by McCarty’s; however, you may buy Senior pictures from anyone you desire or not at all. You may expect a mailing from McCarty’s that provides you some additional scheduling information. Finally, students who do not have their pictures taken by September 15, 2011, will likely not have a Senior picture in the 2011-12 IWA school yearbook. Guidelines: 1. You must have a dark background. 2. Poses must be of head and shoulders, only. No waist up, no hands, no reclining, no jungle picture with flowers and bare feet, etc. 3. No hats, costumes, props of any kind. 4. Dress appropriately; no excessive cleavage, for example. No drapes, no off the shoulder dresses, no spaghetti straps. Basically dress in a way that Grandma would be proud. Remember, this is not a prom picture or a Glamour Shots photo shoot. 5. McCarty is going to suggest a black top, but you can wear any color top that you wish. KEEP YOUR APPOINTMENT. Getting another will be difficult. McCarty’s has the right to charge you an additional fee for missing your appointment or being late. When you receive your proofs, make your yearbook choice as soon as possible and let the studio know, not Incarnate. Thanks for your cooperation, Mr. Villmer and the Yearbook Staff MARK YOUR CALENDAR! SPRING CONCERT & ART SHOW Please join us May 3rd to enjoy the Spring Concert and Art Show. The concert begins at 7 pm. Reception to follow. INCOMING FRESHMEN IMPORTANT REMINDER Advanced Placement Testing for incoming Freshmen are scheduled Saturday, May 7th. Those of you who expressed an interest in testing on that date will use the following schedule: Completed physical forms for all incoming Freshmen are due Monday, Aug. 1st. Algebra 1 (cafeteria) … 9-10 am (remember to bring a calculator & two #2 pencils) Foreign Language (cafeteria) … 10:15-11:15 am Fischer’s School Uniforms will also be here for uniform fittings from 9-noon in the MPR. PLEASE schedule your daughter’s appointment now. It’s often difficult to get an appointment during the summer if you wait too long. Remember – PHYSICALS ALONG WITH DATES OF IMMUNIZATIONS ARE DUE AUG. 1, 2011. NO EXCEPTIONS! Save the Date You are Cordially Invited to: Incarnate Word Academy Night Hosted by The River City Rascals! Sunday, May 22, 2011 Performances by the IWA Choir & Dance Team!! T. R. Hughes Ballpark, Gates open at 4:05pm/ Game starts at 5:05pm $8.00 Tickets ONLY if you Pre-Order!! Pre-Order by phone, & ask for *Abby* or by mail in order to secure a seat in the IWA Section! Reservations and payment are due by May 19, 2011. You must mail in the form below along with payment if pre-ordering by mail. All tickets must be picked up in “Will Call” under the name “Incarnate Word Academy” on the night of the game. Come Out & Support Tickets will NOT be mailed. Your School!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ For more information or to pre-order your tickets, contact Abby Matusiak of the River City Rascals at (636) 240-2287 ext. 234 Name: ____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City: _________________ State: _____ Zip: _________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Incarnate Word Academy Tickets: _____X $8.00 = $_______ Type of Payment (Circle one): Cash Check* Visa MasterCard Discover American Express Visa/MasterCard/Discover #:__________________________________ Exp. Date:________ CVC Code: _______ Signature: _______________________________________________________________ *Make Checks Payable to The River City Rascals* RETURN TO River City Rascals *ATTN: Abby Matusiak* 900 T.R. Hughes Blvd. O’Fallon MO 63366 Dear IWA Parents and Guardians: Because the English Department encourages reading, we require all students to read one book over the summer. In the fall, each student will complete an evaluation activity. REQUIRED SELECTION FOR INCOMING FRESHMEN: The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd(Required for all for all incoming freshman in U U Comp1A and Comp1B Regular.) ***Comp1B Honors students are REQUIRED to read The Call of the Wild by Jack London. All Comp students will have an objective test and a reaction paragraph to complete during the first weeks of school over the selections. Optional Reading Selections: Read one of the following and write a 250-300 word reaction paragraph to receive 5 extra credit points. A second novel may be read and paragraph written for 3 extra credit points. **Paragraphs must be submitted during the first week of classes to receive the extra credit. Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank The Call of the Wild by Jack London A Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter The Pearl by John Steinbeck Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton U REQUIRED SELECTION FOR SOPHOMORES: Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts A multiple choice test will be given the first class meeting in August. Optional Reading Selections: Either Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns, A Painted House by John Grisham, or Ellen Foster by Kaye Gibbons may be read for 5 extra credit points. A second novel may be read for 3 extra credit points. A paragraph must be written for each title chosen. Deadlines and guidelines will be provided to each student before school ends in May. U U U REQUIRED SELECTIONS FOR JUNIORS: Composition 3/English Literature: Choose either Lord of the Flies by William Golding or Jane Eyre U U by Charlotte Bronte. British Literature and British Literature ACC--Choose one of the following: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Station Island by Seamus Heaney Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett The Lord of the Flies by William Golding The Queen of the Tambourine by Jane Gardam Juniors will complete a test or write a literary analysis essay on either character development or the effectiveness of a poem. This essay will be due the second week of school in the fall. Guidelines will be provided in August. Continued on next page… REQUIRED SELECTIONS FOR WORLD LITERATURE AND HONORS WORLD LITERATURE ACC: Choose one of the following. Completion of a character-based matching/short-essay test will be required during LAP 1 of the course. Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy How to Make an American Quilt by Whitney Otto The Color Purple by Alice Walker Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel Jasmine by Bharati Mukherjee Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School at a Time. by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin REQUIRED SUMMER READING FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM ACC: Typical American by Gish Jen An assessment will be given during the second class meeting. More information will be provided in August. We wish you and your daughters a summer full of family, fun, and a few good books. The English Department *********************************************************** 2011-12 Parking Registration form (2 pages) below. PARKING REGISTRATION-PLEASE READ THE WHOLE REGISTRATION FORM If you wish to purchase a parking permit for the 2011-12 school year, please complete this form (front & back) and return with a $100.00 registration fee by Thursday, July 7, 2011. (Your check should be made payable to Incarnate Word Academy.) Parking on campus is limited, and we would like to accommodate as many students with as possible. Therefore, priority for parking spaces will be given to Seniors with car pools who get their application in quickly. We will then look at Juniors with car pools who also get their applications in quickly. Only one member of the car pool should submit an application. Car identification information should be included for any member of the car pool who may drive during the school year. If you are sharing a space, make sure you have worked out an agreement to everyone’s satisfaction. The chances of getting another spot after school starts are slim. If you list students as car pool members that are not really in your car pool, your application will be put at the bottom of the pile. Make sure your list of car poolers is accurate. Parking tags will be distributed at registration. If you are sharing a spot, we can give you two parking tags. If you lose your tag, please come and see Mr. Johnson. If we can not fulfill your request for a space, your check will be returned at registration. **************************************************************************************** 2011-2012 IWA PARKING APPLICATION Please completely fill out the following form and return it to Dean of Students, Incarnate Word Academy, 2788 Normandy Drive, St. Louis, MO 63121. The $100.00 parking permit fee must be included with this application. DEADLINE: Thursday, July 7, 2011 ________________________________ __________________________ DRIVER'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME ___________________________ ___________________________ CAR LICENSE # MAKE SR. JR. SOPH. (CIRCLE ONE) ___________________ COLOR If there is a second car that you may be driving, please list the second car here. ___________________________ ___________________________ CAR LICENSE # MAKE ___________________ COLOR If you are sharing a spot, please fill in the information for the other driver. ________________________________ __________________________ DRIVER'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME ___________________________ ___________________________ CAR LICENSE # MAKE SR. JR. SOPH. (CIRCLE ONE) ___________________ COLOR I/We have read the section of the handbook concerning parking on campus and agreed to abide by the rules stated in the handbook. I/We also agree to accept any consequences that occur as a result of my/our actions. (Each student driver must sign individually below.) ___________________________________________ Driver’s signature ___________________________________________ Driver’s signature (continued on the next page…) WHERE DO YOU WANT TO PARK? List your preference of parking spots. ( “1” being your first choice and “6” being your last.) Upper Lot_____ Driveway to lower lot______ Lower Lot______ Beach Lot ______ Chapel Lot_____ UMSL Lot ______ Can you parallel park? ____________ ************************************************************************** IF YOU ARE PART OF A CAR POOL, LIST THE NAMES OF THE OTHER MEMBERS OF YOUR CAR POOL BELOW ON THIS FORM. If you list students as car pool members that are not really in your car pool, your application will be put at the bottom of the pile. Make sure your list of car poolers is accurate. _____________________________________ SR. JR. SOPH. FR. (CIRCLE STUDENT’S GRADE LEVEL) _____________________________________ SR. JR. SOPH. FR. (CIRCLE STUDENT’S GRADE LEVEL) _____________________________________ SR. JR. SOPH. FR. (CIRCLE STUDENT’S GRADE LEVEL) _____________________________________ SR. JR. SOPH. FR. (CIRCLE STUDENT’S GRADE LEVEL) STUDENT’S NAME (Please print) STUDENT’S NAME (Please print) STUDENT’S NAME (Please print) STUDENT’S NAME (Please print)