May 2016 Newsletter


May 2016 Newsletter
Pulaski Alumni Association Newsletter
May 2016
P.O. Box 344, Pulaski, NY 13142
Class of 1966
Class members included: Vicki M. Allport, Alton Balcom, Mary Balcom, Linda Bell, Charlon Berry,
Carol L. Bollinger, Roberta Boyd, Johnna Dee Bulger, Daniel J. Burdick, Susan Butler, Merriam Campbell,
Dennis Caufield, Donald C. Clark, Herbert E. Clark, Linda Coon, Pamela Cornell, Thomas Cornell, Charles R.
Crouse, Apolonio Miranda Cutipa, Irene Davis, Bonnie Dawley, Dawn Dunbar, Susan Ebert, Constance
Ellis, Larry Gallagher, George C. Gibbs, Robert Gibbs, Chris F. Goodsell, Dean Goodsell, James S. Goodwin,
John M. Goodwin, Patricia Goodwin, Claudia Grala, Janet Guthrie, Larry F. Hall, Shirley Hilton, Donald
Hoenow, Robert Hubbard, Donna Ivens, Nancy Jones, Herman Jordal, Terry Joss, Jean Litts, Janet Litts,
Barbara Lloyd, Jerry L. Manwaring, Dennis R. Martin, Robert W. McDonald, Gilbert Miller, Thelma
Mooney, Gary Murray, Brian Murtha, Elizabeth North, Maureen Oakes, Jana Orton, Michael Ostrander,
Lawrence Peabody, George A. Pollic, Jr., Frank Reynolds, Constance Richards, Jacqueline Ridgeway,
Brenda Rogers, Terry Rossman, Nancy Sampson, Patricia Sanderson, Virginia Ellen Seal, Dennis Seamans,
Richard Shannon, John E. Steele, Gregory Stone, Linda Teachout, JoAnn Vrooman, Christine Walklett,
Richard Woodruff, Jr., (thanks to Brian Murtha for the photo!)
Class of 1966 reunion plans: Friday night June 24th –meet and greet reception at Kallet Theater (door
fee to cover expenses and cash bar). Saturday June 25th-We plan on meeting at the elementary school
for the bus tour from 11am-3pm with lunch provided at Half-Shire Historical along the way (free will
donation). We hope to have a good crowd at the Alumni banquet on Saturday night to try to claim one of
the trophies.
Sunday June 26, 10:00am "Buy Your Own Breakfast " at Brandy's in Port Ontario.
Your Alumni Association Officers (2015-16)
President: Theresa Clark-Switzer, 82
Vice President: Charlotte Summerville DeGaetano, ‘59
Corresponding Secretary-Barb Mathison Pulvermiller, ’80
Rec. Secretary: Lisa Hilton Farmer, ‘97
Treasurer: Tammie Frank Wilson ‘82
Executive Committee
Mary Lou King Morrow, ’47
Judy Schreiner Parker, ’59
Margaret Mathison Weigel, ’67
Shawn Doyle, ’84
Laura Brow Denny, ‘80
Jennifer Griffith Edick, ’90
Bernadette Fernan Eickoff, ‘68
Kip Hilton, ’74
Ted Williams, ’77
Grace Gibbs Friot, ’86
Tiffany Hax Craig, ’04
Laura Gibbs, ‘88
Minutes of the 2015 Alumni Banquet held at Ringgold Fire Hall:
The 126th Annual Pulaski Academy and Central School Alumni Association banquet and meeting was held on
Saturday, June 27, 2015 at the Ringgold Fire Hall. President Theresa Clark-Switzer welcomed 245 guests and
Pastor David Hays from Park United Methodist Church gave the invocation followed by the singing of the Alma
Mater. A buffet dinner was catered by Eddy’s Place with assistance given by the Art Club of Pulaski High School
under the leadership of Mrs. Karen Backus.
President Theresa Clark-Switzer opened the business meeting and thanked the Pulaski Fire Department,
Eddy’s Place and members of the Art club for the dinner preparation and service. President Theresa Clark-Switzer
asked for approval of the minutes of the 2014 meeting as presented in the newsletter which can also be found on
our website. A motion was made by Dick Arthur, and seconded by Bill Larabee, to approve the minutes. All
approved. Tammie Wilson presented the treasurer’s report for approval: Harold Youker Scholarship Account,
$3,429.76. Alumni Scholarship Account, $7,815.37. Lura M. Sharp Scholarship Account, $3,337.51. Alumni General
Account, $5,631.85. Alumni Checking Account, $348.62. A motion was made by Don Cronk, and seconded by Don
Pratt for approval. All approved.
Corresponding secretary Barb Pulvermiller reported that thank you notes were received from the
following 2014 scholarship recipients: Randall LeBeau, Koti Turner, Devon Bice, Kathleen Kinney, Shelby Sheehan,
Tyler Hitchcock, Miranda Edick, Kathryn Paye, Margery Skilinski, Drew Holbrook, Alantis Bonanno, Callie Wilson,
and Cody Mosher.
Deaths reported since the 2014 meeting are printed in the program. They include: Veronica Coville
Bonner Glover ’31, Velton Walker ’32, James Valley ’34, Helen (Eve) Bennett McCune ’36, Margaret Bonner
McCarthy ’37, Georgianna Lattimer Monson ’37, Dorothy Brandt Vrooman ’38, Ruth Collins Robarge ’38, Dorris
Zufelt Loomis ’39, Louis Goodsell ’40, Bessie Barker Hilton ’40, Edith Balcom Frary ’42, James Fahnestock ’43, Julia
Hutchins Howard ’44, Blanche (Twig) Eldridge Williams ’45, Charles Upton ’45, Dorothy Corbett Scharoun ’45,
Patricia Murray Hussain ’46, Patricia Parkhurst Manwaring ’45, Helga Wedemeyer ’49, Patricia Greenfield Dunton
’51, Lawrence Upton ’52, James Pratt ’53, Charles Mauro ’53, Dixie Stowell Matott ’55, Fred Dawley ’55, Sally Wilson
McEvoy ’56, Beverly Lloyd Metz ’57, Barry Fuess ’58, Wayne Taplin, Sr. ’59, David Towles ’59, Sharon Crane ’60,
Terry Joss Lawrence ’66, Edward Peterson ’69, Mary Ellen Murtha Miller ’69, Ward Manwarren ’71, Marsha
Skotniski Shannon ’77, Bridget Deming Chaisson ’80, Paul Crosby ’90, Tyler Spicer ’96, Honorary Sheilla Rae Poole.
Under old business our president reminded to “like us” on Facebook and to check out our new website – a
work in progress – .
The roll call of classes resulted in the Class of 1965 receiving the Lura M. Sharp trophy for 59% of their
class in attendance and the Henry (Hank) Mathison trophy for the largest number of classmates in attendance
totaling 40. The oldest graduate in attendance was Edith Switzer Cox ’36 who received a centerpiece. Pat
Summerville VanNort introduced 14 members of the class of 1955. Channing Funk introduced 10 members of the
Class of 1960. Kathy Cox McLeod introduced 40 members of the Class of 1965.
Five three-generation families were introduced : Merton Shaw ’65, Shelly Shaw Kranz ’89, Ty Kranz 2015;
Ann Hurd Gibbs ’54, Grace Gibbs Friot ’86, Jerry Friot 2015; Terry Walker ’74, Nellie Mae Walker ’99, Nykeia
Walker 2015; Dirk Wansink ’49, Ellen Wansink Lowery ’83, Max Lowery 2015; Suzanne Murray Hatfield ’65,
Christine Hatfield Monroe ’92, Ashley Monroe 2015
Mr. Jay Altabello, High School Principal, introduced the Class of 2015. Each of the 21 seniors present
shared their future plans. Superintendent Brian Hartwell and Mr. Altabello presented the following scholarships to
the Class of 2015: Alumni Scholarships in the amount of $500 each to Jordan Turner, Jacob Atkinson, Larissa Clark,
Max Lowery, Craig Gibbons, Ashley Monroe, Mary Young; Harold Youker Scholarships in the amount of $500 each
to Aleah LaFlamme and Justin Eckert; Lura M. Sharp Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1500 to Kathleen
Kinney; John Ben Snow Alumni Scholarships in the amount of $500 each to Eric Oakes, Aleah LaFlamme, Caleb
Sedore and Cassie Delgado. Brian Hartwell thanked the Alumni Association for their generosity and continued
support of our students.
President Theresa Clark-Switzer presented the 2015-2016 slate of officers: Theresa Clark-Switzer ’82 –
President; Charlotte Summerville DeGaetano ’59 – Vice President; Tammie Frank Wilson ‘82 – Treasurer; Lisa
Hilton Farmer ’97 – Recording Secretary; Barbara Mathison Pulvermiller ’80 – Corresponding Secretary. Executive
Committee: Mary Lou King Morrow, ’47, Judy Schreiner Parker, ’59 Margaret Mathison Weigel, ’67; Bernadette
Fernan-Eickhoff, ’68; Kip Hilton, ’74; Ted Williams, ’77; Shawn Doyle, ’84; Laura Brow Denny, ’88; Grace Gibbs
Friot, ’86; Laura Gibbs, ’88; Jennifer Griffith Edick, ’90 and Tiffany Hax Craig, ’04. A motion was made by Lois
Mosher, seconded by Dick Arthur to elect the slate of officers. All approved.
Memorial toasts were presented by the members of the honored classes. Pat Summerville Van Nort, Class of
1955, toasted her class. Channing Funk, Class of 1960, toasted with words of his father (Carl Funk) and addressed
the class of 2015 reminding them to remember their roots. Also he gave appreciation to the Alumni Association for
their volunteers, teachers from the past – Larry Piper, Les Mitiguy, Mr. Hartley, Miss Wood and Hank Mathison and the class of ‘59’s unbeaten football team. Don Johnson toasted for Class of 1965 reminding everyone that
home is special and toasted the Main Street stores, Fernwood, Richland, Selkirk, Pulaski, the New York City Trip,
Jan Monnat, his classmates and teachers of the past. Ken Hubbard from the class of 1975 – the first class to attend
the new school grades 7 to 12 – toasted Hank Mathison and the Board of Education stating that their class may
have been the worst class at PACS. Nick Allen, Class of 2015 toasted and thanked Ringgold, Alumni Association, the
Art Club, and the Community. After the classes made their toasts, Shawn Doyle, Class of ’84, made a toast thanking
everyone for their support.
The Benediction was given by Pastor David Hays. A motion was made by Theresa Clark-Switzer and seconded
by Lisa Hilton Farmer to adjourn the Meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Hilton Farmer,
Recording Secretary
Message from Brian Hartwell, Pulaski School Superintendent
Hello Pulaski Alumni,
Welcome home! It is an honor and privilege to serve The Academy and greater Pulaski community as
Superintendent of Schools. It has been said that “It’s people, not programs…” that make the difference in fostering a
culture of excellence. That is certainly true in Pulaski.
Last June I had the opportunity to attend my first Alumni Banquet in Pulaski. I was amazed at the level of
participation from class to class. As I observed I couldn’t help but take note of our seniors that were taking in the
moment. You were showing them the way, and they were paying close attention. That is the formula that a very
special tradition and culture are built on.
Lastly, I want to thank each of you that so generously donate your time and money in order to recognize
members of the graduating class. The scholarships that the Alumni Association provide are highly coveted among
each member of the senior class. While each award carries a monetary value that recipients truly appreciate and
value, they also represent a time honored practice and recognition from you, the Alumni, that they will carry with
them throughout their days. So, no matter where life brings them, the ups and downs, the successes and failures;
they, like you, will always be welcome home and will always be Blue Devils.
Thank you for all you do to support the Alumni Association and your school.
All the best,
Greater Pulaski Community Fund- The Greater Pulaski Community Endowment Fund is a union
of gifts contributed by the people of the Pulaski community that makes grants to support
programs and projects of importance to the area. The Pulaski Fund is a component fund of the
Central New York Community Foundation. Since its inception in 1992, the Fund has provided
more than $245,000 in grants to benefit the Pulaski community. People can learn more about the
fund and contribute at The Greater Pulaski Community Endowment
Fund recently awarded $16,440 in grants to four Pulaski-area nonprofit organizations:
Class of 1967 AFS Student to visit Pulaski
Yuangrat (Patti) Wedel was an American Field Service Exchange Student from Thailand with the Class of 1967 and
lived with both the Stanley Hubbard and Richard Mandigo families. Patti and her husband Paul will be visiting
Pulaski in June. An open house in their honor will be held at the Pulaski Historical Society on Tuesday, June 7 from
5:00 until 7:00PM. Refreshments will be served. Patti will give a brief presentation on her life since leaving Pulaski
at 5:45. We invite any and all classmates and community members to greet the Wedels. For further information,
please contact Margaret Weigel at 387-3377 or 298-2717.
Class of 1941
This is the Class of 1941 in their Junior year, Class members included: Juanita Ames, Mildred Balcom, Rolon
Balcom, Emma Lou Benedict, Aaden Bennett, Marion Brown, Paul Burgdorf, Helen Crocker, Walter Crouse, Allie
Eaton, John Ellis, Jean Fleming, Helen Frank, Mary Jane Furey, Howard Goodwin, Charles Hillijer, Dr. Harlan
Howlett, Norma Ingersoll, Mildred Ivens, Maylor Leach, Elizabeth Littler, Dr. Hugh McChesney, Yates Mahaffy, Jr.,
Howard Miner, Dorene Otis, Robert Palmer, Leonard Prins, Stanley Robarge, Warren Runion, John Scott, Shirley
Skinner, Francis Smith, Kenneth Smith, Teresa Snyder, Douglas Spath, Betty Stacy, Jean Truesdell, Janet Turner,
Irene Wilder, Jean Zimmer
New Web Site keeps Alumni informed year-round
The new website at is proving its worth as more people check it out for information
and updates. We have uploaded ten years of past newsletters, and will have this newsletter on the site very soon.
We hope to add photos and current news as we receive things to add.
Pulaski and Half-Shire Historical Societies work to keep history alive
Returning alumni are encouraged to visit the Pulaski Historical Society at
3428 Maple Ave. in Pulaski. The Society is the custodian of alumni archives,
along with being a repository for local history of all types. The Society
conducts tours by appointment, and can also be reached by email at: PHS conducts interesting monthly program meetings,
and produces a monthly newsletter. Facebook “Pulaski Historical Society”
Half-Shire Historical Society, located in the former Richland School,
represents the surrounding nine townships of northern Oswego County, the
Lewis County Twp. of Osceola and the Oneida County towns of Florence and
The Society concentrates
greatly on genealogical research. Half-Shire produces a 12-page newsletter 3-4
times a year, and conducts monthly lunch meetings in Richland. For more
information or to join ($12 annual dues) contact the Society at P.O. 73, 1100
County Rte. 48, Richland, New York 13144 or or “Half Shire”
on Facebook.
Class of 1991
Members of the Class of 1991 include: Rebecca Lynn Bailey, Gregory Allen Blaise, Christine Nicole Boies, Sophie J.
Broise, Deborah Calabria, Michell Ann Chase, Kip William Claridge, Rene’ Lea Claxton, Teresa Ellen Clemons, John
Christopher Cobb, Cherelyn Copenhaver, Steven John Curry, Jeffrey Lawrence Dence, Brian Dingman, Tracy Ann
Dusharm, Marjorie Ellen Emmett, Cheryl Ruth Foote, Jason Richard Fox, Michael Charles Gadway, Melissa Ann Garno,
Martin Gates, John Michael Geer, Larry Harlan Goodsell, Cheryl P. Granger, Terrence Greene, Jr., Daniel Robert
Gregory, Mathias Allan Gregory, Diane Marie Hall, Jennifer Leigh Hart, Christopher K. Haynes, Matthew S. Hays, David
R. Hellinger, Jr., Mark Wayne Hilton, Nicole Marit Hilton, Chadwick Robert Holbrook, Janet Lynette Horth, Crystal
Shawn Hutchins, Sara Theresa Insel, Laura May Irwin, Sean Kevin Larrabee, Marina Jean Lass, Kelly Joe Last, Michael
James Laux, Tammie LaVanchard, Rene’Lynn LeBeau, Christopher R. Lee, Eric Paul Loomis, Donald R. Martin, Joseph
Anthony Mazzoli, Colleen Michele Mitchell, Mark Louis Mooney, James Howard Morrison, Deborah Lynn Moyer,
Kimberly Anne Mundy, Carly Lynn Newcomb, Scott Novak, Jackie Jean Nutting, Cathy-Lynne Diane Pauley, Anthony
Wayne Perry, Nicole Marie Pollic, Meredith Marie Potter, Christopher Patrick Powell, Gregory Scott Powell, Christal
Lee Quackenbush, Tricia Lee Ramsey, Kelly Angel Richards, Patrick Michael Ruddy, Shawn Marie Salisbury, Tracey
B. Sargent, Carolyn Lynn Scott, Merton Richard Shaw II, Mark Leal Sliwoski, Jennifer Lyn Smith, John C. Sperati, III,
Becki-Sue Stowell, Jeffrey Earl Tetrault, David John Timmerman, Charlee May VanDuzer, Carrie Lee Van Wormer,
John R. Victor, Clayton Leland Waite, Michael Steven Waldorf, Robert Charles Warren, Kateri Shea Watson, Michael
Wise, Craig Donald Yerdon, Kurt M. Youker. Class of 1991 Reunion Plans are not yet known
Neighboring Alumni Societies and their Banquet Plans
Sandy Creek Central- The 125th annual Banquet and Meeting of the Alumni Association of the Sandy Creek Central
School District will be on Friday, June 24, 2016 at the high school cafeteria. The night begins with a school tour at 5
pm, Wall of Distinction ceremony at 6:15 followed by dinner at 7 pm. For more details contact Mary LaVeck Hicks,
Corresponding Secretary, 315-387-3961, 240 Miller Rd., Lacona, NY 13083.;, click on Community, then Alumni.
Altmar-Parish-Williamstown- The annual banquet will be held on June 4, 2016 at the APW High School on
County Rte. 22. The night begins with a 5 pm school tour followed by 6 pm dinner. For more details contact either
Evelyn Stelmashuck, 625-7262, Sharon DeNio House, or Sharon White
Camden Central-The annual banquet will be held on June 11, 2016 at the High School Cafeteria on St. Rte. 13 in
Camden. Contact Scott Souva at 315-245-5048, or by email at for more information.
Mexico Academy- The banquet will be held on June 18, 2016 at the Eis House in Mexico; Contact Karen Brown at
105 Halsey Rd., Mexico, NY 13114, 315-396-4132 or Jim Emery for more info.
1st Pulaski Old Home Days a great success! Many Alumni attended
In 2015 news spread across social media and by word of mouth that the Ringgold volunteer fire department had
decided to not hold the annual field days which have been a summertime tradition for over half a century. The Fire
department, which is staffed by volunteers had not realized enough profit with increased costs over the years and
with challenges to increase volunteers found the popular event difficult to staff for little return.
In place of this treasured annual event, the Pulaski Festivals
Committee which operates Winterfest and Salmon Fest each year
organized the 1st Pulaski Old Home Days event for August 5-7, 2015. The
event began with the traditional Friday night farmers market and music.
On Saturday the 6th additional tents, children’s games and a variety of
food was offered. A waterslide and bounce house kept the kids occupied
throughout the pleasant day. In the evening the class of 1985 held a
reunion at the former Earl’s Bar across the street, (some of the ’85 ladies
are pictured on the right out on Earls’ deck) while the class of 1995
enjoyed a night at the Kallet Theater next door.
Meanwhile the park was filled with other spectators who enjoyed a spectacular performance of local singing
greats led by Steve Woolson. It truly was a memorable evening listening to the classic songs of yesteryear sung by
so many talented performers of the Eastern Lake Ontario region!
This event is still evolving, and the committee has a Facebook page at Pulaski New York Old Home Days,
where information on the 2016 event will be posted. Dates are set for August 5-7, 2016 in Pulaski’s south Park.
Last year we ran
4 Annual Alumni Bus Trip
another successful bus tour around town and up to Salmon River Falls
by way of Altmar, with stops at Half-Shire Historical (Old Richland
School) for a light lunch and Pulaski Historical Society for dessert!---it
was a huge success and a lot of fun! We are planning again to offer this
free bus trip—with three buses-- around the village of Pulaski and Town
of Richland on Saturday June 25, 2016. This year three buses will depart
Lura Sharp School by “the old bus garage” at 11 am. The same plan is
set out, with some updates to the tour. Shawn Doyle, Margaret Weigel
and Ted Williams will be your guides! While at Half-Shire a light lunch will again be offered. Even if you live here
you might be surprised by the things you “don’t see” everyday! Check out the Facebook page or email Shawn
Doyle or call/text 315-532-5919 as the day get closer. Above right, members of the
Class of 1965 on the tour at Salmon River Falls….
Reunion notices, Class Lists and the Blog
One of the services your Alumni Association offers is class reunion organization assistance. If you are a Pulaski
graduate and are thinking about a class reunion, contact us by mail or email and we will assess what we have for
your class in the way of photos, names and addresses. These are events we have been notified about:
Classes of 1955, 1971,1981, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011- no word, see alumni website for any change.
Class of 1961-Friday June 25th from 4-5 pm the class will gather at the Riverhouse. Bus tour and banquet on
Saturday with breakfast at Half-Shire on Sunday. For more info contact Stanley Hinman at:
Class of 1976- Michele North Erbacher is leading the planning. Class will meet at Ringgold Fire hall 2pm Saturday,
then will take a tour of the Kallet Theater where popcorn and a complimentary drink will be provided. Owners of
the restored landmark will be playing excerpts of 1976 movies for the class. After this we will go out back and walk
the restored Riverwalk, return to the fire hall parking lot and board a bus between 3:30 and 4pm. The bus will take
us on a short tour around town and a stop at the Elementary School to take a photo on stairs before going to Alumni
banquet at the fire hall. After the banquet we will go to the Elms at Sandy Pond for a party and dance from 8:30pm
till? Sunday cookout at Selkirk Shores State Park from noon on, shelter closest to beach, all food provided. Please
contact Michele for exact details at: or 716-807-6708
Class of 1986-Eric Pappa leads the planning for a 30th reunion; location not firm yet, time will likely be Saturday
August 6th during Pulaski Old Home Day weekend---contact Eric for more info--cell or text at 315.427.1123.
***Additional Reunion dates and information will be posted on the new website, and Facebook as we
receive. Email Shawn Doyle at to submit information of with any questions.
Pulaski Alumni Association Inc. 2016 Financial Report
Community Bank, Pulaski
Balance Brought Forward (1/1/2015)
CNY Fund Dividend
342 Dues @ $5. Each
187 Dinner Res. @ $14.00
Interest on working account:
Total income, working account
Post Office Box Rent
Postal Costs (newsletter)
Quill Co. (envelopes)
Banquet Costs (Eddie’s Place and Ringgold)
2 Yearbooks
Flowers (Designs of Elegance)
New Website
CNY Foundation Fund Investment
2014 Error-Transferred to Lura Sharp Fund
Working Balance in Pulaski 12-31-2015:
Pulaski Alumni Association Scholarship
CNY Community Foundation
Balance on 1/1/2015
Interest & dividends to 12/31/15
Losses 2015
Grants paid out 2015
Administrative fees paid to CNCF-2015
Funds transferred from Community bank
Balance on 12/31/2015
Lura M. Sharp Memorial Scholarship
CNY Community Foundation
Balance on 1/1/2015
Interests & dividends to 12/31/2015
Losses 2015
Grants paid out 2015
Administrative fees paid to CNYCF-2015 (265.23)
Funds transferred from Community Bank 2,000.00
Balance on 12/31/2015
Harold Youker Memorial Athletic Award
CNY Community Foundation
Balance on 1/1/2015
Interest and dividends to 12/31/2015
Losses 2015
Grants paid out 2015
Administrative fee paid to CNYCF-2015
Funds transferred from Community Bank 2,000.00
Balance on 12/31/2015
Summary of monies managed by Central New York
Community Foundation as of 12/31/2015:
Alumni Scholarship Fund
Lura Sharp Scholarship Fund
Harold Youker Memorial Fund
General Fund (added 2015)
Total with CNYCF 12/31/2015
Community Bank Temporary Scholarship Accounts
Lura M. Sharp Scholarship
Balance 12/31/2014
CNY Fund Dividend
Withdrawl-1 scholarship
2014 Error-Transferred from Lura Sharp Fund 1,116.85
CNY Foundation Fund Investment
Balance 12/31/2015
Harold Youker Athletic Award
Balance 12/31/2014
CNY FUND Dividend
Withdrawl-2 awards
CNY Foundation Fund Investment
Balance 12/31/2015
Pulaski Alumni Scholarship
Balance 12/31/2014
Deposits from Alumni
Snow Foundation match
CNY Fund Dividend
Withdrawal 7-$500 scholarships
Withdrawal JBS 4-$500 scholarships
CNY Foundation Fund Investment
Balance 12/31/2015
Total Assets in Pulaski Bank 12/31/2015 $11,939.98
Total Society assets 12/31/2015
Year end 2014
Year end 2013:
Year end 2012:
Year end 2011:
Year end 2010:
Year end 2009:
Year end 2008:
Year end 2007:
Year end 2006:
Year end 2005:
(market crash)
Scholarship balances Pulaski, 12/31/2015--$10,645.00
Working account in Pulaski, 12/31/2015-- 1,294.98
Balance 11/31/2015 in Pulaski Bank: $11,939.98
*At the 2015 Executive Board meeting monies were approved to be transferred from the Pulaski Bank Fund to The Central
NY Community Fund for greater return and to keep no more than $10,000 in Community Bank.
Non-Profit Organization
US Postage Paid
Permit # 21
Pulaski, New York 13142
Pulaski Alumni Association Inc.
P.O. Box 344
Pulaski, New York 13142-0344
Address Service Requested
The Call……….
To the 2016 Annual Meeting
The 127th Annual meeting of the Pulaski Alumni Association will be held Saturday June 25, 2016 at the Pulaski
Ringgold Volunteer Fire Department, Lake St., Pulaski. A Buffet featuring grilled chicken, baked ziti, meatballs,
toss salad, rolls, vegetable medley, roasted red potatoes, and dessert will be offered at a cost of $15.00 per person
beginning at 6:00PM. A cocktail reception will be held prior to dinner at 5:00PM and the annual meeting of the
Association will begin immediately following dinner at 7:00PM. Honored Classes this year include 1941, 1966 and
1991 as well as the present graduating class of 2016. Prepaid reservations are a must and should be returned to
the Treasurer no later than Monday June 6 2016. IT IS IMPERATIVE if you plan on attending the banquet that you
have reservations ahead of time, all checks MUST BE MADE OUT TO: PACS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION---NOT to your
class representative.
___Yes! I/we will be attending the 2016 Pulaski Alumni Banquet on Saturday June 25, 2016
At the Pulaski Ringgold Volunteer Fire Department, Lake Street., Pulaski
I enclose the Following amounts for Dues, Scholarships and Reservations
(Scholarship Donations are tax-deductible)
_______2016 Pulaski Alumni Dues ($5)
Class Year___________
_______Dinner Reservations ($15.00 each)
_______Alumni Scholarship (Every dollar donated is MATCHED by the John Ben Snow Foundation!)
_______Harold Youker Memorial Sports Scholarship
_______Lura Sharp Memorial Scholarship
$_________Total Enclosed (thank you for your contributions!)
Address_________________________________________________________New address? Yes/No
Face book name (optional)_____________________Would you like to receive newsletter by email?____
_____Yes! I/we will be attending the 2016 Pulaski Alumni Banquet on Saturday June 25, 2016
At the Pulaski Ringgold Volunteer Fire Department, Lake Street., Pulaski
I enclose the Following amounts for Dues, Scholarships and Reservations
(Scholarship Donations are tax-deductible)
_______2016 Pulaski Alumni Dues ($5)
Class year_________
_______Dinner Reservations ($15.00 each)
_______Alumni Scholarship (Every dollar donated is MATCHED by the John Ben Snow Foundation!)
_______Harold Youker Memorial Sports Scholarship
_______Lura Sharp Memorial Scholarship
$_________Total Enclosed (thank you for your contributions!)
Address__________________________________________________________New address? Yes/No
Face book name (optional)____________________ Would you like to receive newsletter by email?____