pays bastiais - Office de Tourisme de Bastia
pays bastiais - Office de Tourisme de Bastia
PAY S BASTIAIS Betw�n lands and seas Guide Touristique du Pays Bastiais 2015 Cap Corse - Marana Golo - Nebbiu Summary Bastia, in pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.4-9 Bastia, within 4 seasons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 10-13 Around Bastia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 14-17 Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 18-37 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 38-47 Recreational. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.48-55 Tours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.56-65 Way of life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.66-78 Celebrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.79 Useful information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 80 3 4 5 6 7 Autumn leaves Feasting autumn leaves dancing in a swirling ballet take us along to enjoy the fine days before winter’s bite. Wine harvesting, mushroom picking, season fruits cropping, Mother Nature invites us for a nice walk, within a forest bathed in colours and sun. Winter evening Winter comes in a gathering of traditions, legends and delicious recipes ; it echoes celebration songs in streets and villages. It’s always relaxing to enjoy a fireplace after a stroll by the sea or through a chestnut grove. What a delight to taste our mountain cooked pork meats accompanied by new wine while listening to Christmas bells. It’s so inspiring to live, hear and breathe the Corsican spirit ! Spring colours The gentle golden sun chased away winter’s dullness and mist. White and pink rockroses, gorse and asphodels fill the air with delicate effluvia. Footpaths, wrapped in gorgeous coloured fireworks, already await the Holy Week processions. Every bells of the countryside chime to celebrate that joyful rebirth, nature awakens! Spring is here at last ! Summer jubilation Rooftops twinkle in the reflection of lauze slates ; beaches bloom with multicolour umbrellas ; the sea sparkles in the sun; tourists gather in the oratories to benefit from the shade; Saint Nicolas Plaza, the Old Port and the Citadel are being festive; Bastia, is proudly standing on its headland, overlooking the sea and welcoming visitors. Cap Corse Far from the hectic bustle of the major tourist sites, at the tip of the island, Cape Corsica points towards an unforgettable journey in the heart of an unspoilt nature area with a unique heritage. Thousands of treasures are offered to the traveller who is dazzled by such pure beauty: secret coves, sandy beaches, Genoese towers, the «Americans’ Palaces», grain mills, picturesque villages and coastal hiking trails. Centuri Ilôt de Finocchiarolla Capo Sagro But Cape Corsica is also a way of life: dine on lobster in Centuri, discover famous vineyards and muscat, taste locally produced olive oil, goat or sheep cheese, charcuterie and honey, or simply let yourself be captivated by the warmth and friendliness of the inhabitants. Here, enjoy a change of scenery and wonderment, during a stay that is rich in encounters and excitement. Moulin Mattei Plage de Nonza Tour d’Erbalunga Canari Nebbiu The Nebbiu region is paradise for the curious. Many treasures hold the place of honour in churches, or are still buried in the maquis. Perched on a hill, each village reveals every facet of authentic living with its fountains, wash houses, chapels and ovens, inviting you on a journey through the past. The region, which is particularly favoured for its agricultural riches, offers many markets where you can discover local specialities. Pieve Desert des Agriates Plage de Saleccia Marked trails give way to rambles and hikes from the mountainous peaks to the plains. Farms and vineyards dot the countryside all the way to the coast where you will find heavenly beaches. Here, nature offers an ideal setting for sporting and leisure activities; not to mention that you can also discover beautiful museums. During your holiday, this region quite naturally welcomes you to relaxation and contemplation. Marché traditionnel Chapelle St Antoine,Oletta Oletta Lac de Padule GITES DE FRANCE CORSE, la Corse que je préfère ... Plus de 1200 locations de vacances en gîtes, appartements, villas, chambres d’hôtes, campings et gîtes d’étapes, Un accueil convivial et personnalisé par le propriétaire, véritable ambassadeur de sa région, La garantie d’un label de plus de 60 ans, Une équipe de spécialistes de la Corse basée à Ajaccio, à votre écoute avant, pendant et après votre séjour, Des réponses rapides et personnalisées à toutes vos demandes, La recherche du meilleur voyage au meilleur confort (billets d’avion et de train, traversées maritimes, location de voitures), La réservation d’activités sur place : culturelles, sportives et découverte. GITES DE FRANCE CORSE locations de vacances et agence de voyages CollectionPrintemps-Eté, Automne-Hiver, Quelle que soit la saison, la Corse vous va si bien ! 04 95 10 54 30 77 cours Napoléon, 20000 Ajaccio Accommodation Hôtels Bastia Best Western Bastia Centre *** Bonaparte *** 45 boulevard Général Graziani 20200 Bastia 20 Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 34 07 10 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 32 35 62 Avenue Jean Zuccarelli 20200 Bastia Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 55 05 10 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 55 05 11 GPS: Latitude 42.70276 Longitude 9.44103 Opening period: all year long Nb of rooms 71 Nb of beds 169 Low season from 66 € min up to 120 € max Mid season from 81 € min up to 150 € max Peak season from 100 € min up to 200€ max GPS: Latitude 42.703135 Longitude 9.451053 Opening period: all year long Nb of rooms 23 Nb of beds 48 Low season from 55 € min up to 100 € max Peak season from 65 € min up to 95 € max Central *** Les Voyageurs *** Posta Vecchia *** Hôtel-Restaurant 3 rue Miot 20200 Bastia 9 avenue Maréchal Sébastiani 20200 Bastia 8 rue Posta Vecchia 20200 Bastia Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 31 71 12 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 31 82 40 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 34 90 80 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 34 00 65 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 32 32 38 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 32 14 05 GPS: Latitude 42.699552 Longitude 9.449192 GPS: Latitude 42.7023765 Longitude 9.4492186 GPS: Latitude 42.6983579 Longitude 9.451729 Opening period: from january 13th to december 21th Opening period: all year long Opening period: from january 5th up to december 12th Nb of rooms 26 Nb of beds 50 Nb of rooms 24 Nb beds 44 Nb of rooms 50 Nb of beds 98 Low season from 67 €min up to 77 € max Mid season from 80 € min up to 110 € max Peak season from 110 € min up to 150 € max Low season from 60 € min up to 110 € max Mid season from 82 € min up to 144 € max Peak season from 93 € min up to 180 € max Low season from 52 € min up to 77 € max Mid season from 57 €min up to 87 € max Peak season from 62€ min up to 107 € max 21 Hôtels Bastia Ostella *** Hôtel-Restaurant-Spa 22 Avenue Sampiero Corso, RN 193 20600 Bastia Opening period: all year long Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 30 97 70 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 33 11 70 Nb of rooms 52 Nb of beds 107 Low season from 70 € min up to 130 € max Mid season from 90€ min up to 130€ max Peak season from 130 € min up to 150 € max GPS: Lat. 42.667755 Long. 9.440420 Sampiero *** Hôtel du Port de Toga *** Avenue Sampiero Corso , RN 193 20600 Bastia Opening Summer Tél : 33 (0) 4 95 30 00 78 Fax : 33 (0) 4 95 30 12 99 2015 GPS: Latitude 42. 6649079 Longitude 9. 4418585 Opening period: from january 19th up to october 31th Nb of rooms 30 Nb of beds 80 Low season 60 € Mid season 64 € Peak season 77 € Forum ** 20 boulevard Paoli 20200 Bastia Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 31 02 53 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 31 65 60 GPS: Latitude 42.698215 Longitude 9.449358 3 stars Etablishement Opening period: all year long close Nb of rooms 21 Nb of beds 50 commercial harbour and marina of Toga Low season from 40 € min up to 50 € max Mid season from 50 € min up to 60 € max Peak season from 60 € min up to 80 € max 23 Hôtels Bastia Hôtel du Palais ** 24 Napoleon ** Riviera ** 2 boulevard Paoli 20200 Bastia 43 boulevard Paoli 20200 Bastia 1 bis Rue Landry 20200 Bastia Tél : 33 (0) 4 95 31 06 94 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 31 60 30 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 31 77 83 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 31 07 16 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 34 17 39 GPS: Latitude 42. 6961099 Longitude 9. 4474643 GPS: Latitude 42.7016609 Longitude 9.450495 GPS: Latitude 42.702582 Longitude 9.452110 Opening period: all year long Opening period: all year long Opening period: all year long Nb of rooms 15 Nb of beds 24 Nb of rooms 13 / 1 suite Nb of beds 28 Nb of rooms 21 Nb of beds 62 Low season from 40 € min up to 115 € max Mid season from 50 € min up to 115 € max Peak season from 55 € min up to 135 € max Low season from 50 € min up to 55 € max Mid season from 59 € min up to 62 € max Peak season from 65 € min up to 80 € max Low season 58 € Mid season 80 € Peak season 90 € Sud Hôtel ** Univers ** Others Hotels Hôtel-Restaurant THALASSA *** 20200 San Martino di Lota Tél: 33 (0) 4 95 31 56 63 TORREMARE *** 20200 Santa Maria di Lota Tél: 33 (0) 4 95 33 47 20 ATHENA ** 2 rue Miot - 20200 Bastia Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 34 88 40 Other Campsite Avenue de la Libération 20600 Bastia 3 avenue Maréchal Sebastiani 20200 Bastia Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 30 20 61 Fax: 33 (0) 9 70 06 34 97 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 31 03 38 LES SABLES ROUGES L’ Arinella - 20200 Bastia Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 33 36 08 FURNISHED ACCOMMODATIONS AND B&B franç GPS: Latitude 42.6817887 Longitude 9.4438863 GPS: Latitude 42.702169 Longitude 9.450339 See our furnished accommodations and B&B at Opening period: all year long Période d’ouverture: Toute l’année Pictograms Nb of rooms 24 Nb of beds 34 Nb de chambres 26 Nb de lits 54 Low season from 52 € min up to 56 € max Mid season from 62 € min up to 68 € max Peak season from 72 € min up to 84 € max Low season 50 € Mid season 60 € Peak season 80 € Accès Mobilité Ascenseur Climatisation Piscine Spa Tennis Wi-Fi TV Internet Téléphone Animaux Parking Restauration Chèques Vacances Bord de Mer Centre-Ville 25 Hôtels Agglomération Bastia Pietracap *** Alivi *** Hôtel-Restaurant Route du Cap San Martino di Lota 20200 Bastia 26 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95550000 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95310395 20 Route de San Martino 20200 Bastia Opening period: from april 1st up to november 30th GPS: Lat. 42.717309 / Long. 9.455881 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 31 64 63 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 31 39 00 Nb of rooms 39 Nb of beds 95 Opening period: from march 12th to november 15th Mid season from 76€ min up to 181 € max Peak season from 97 € min up to 223 € max Nb of rooms 36 Nb of beds 55 GPS: Latitude 42.72167 Longitude 9.45154 Low season from 85 € min up to 135 € max Mid season from 100 € min up to 175 € max Peak season from 140 € min up to 210 € max Ariana *** Cyrnea ** Hôtel-Restaurant La Corniche Hôtel-Restaurant 42 Route du bord de mer 20200 Santa Maria di Lota Route du Cap Corse - Pietranera 20200 Bastia Hameau castagneto 20200 San Martino di lota Tél : 33(0)4 95 58 50 20 Fax : 33(0)4 95 33 95 97 Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 31 41 71 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 31 72 65 Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 31 40 98 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 32 37 69 GPS: Latitude : 42.742500 Longitude: 9.461870 GPS: Latitude 42.720502 Longitude 9.455816 GPS: Latitude 42.7346727 Longitude 9.4342732 Opening period: from april 10th up to october 15 th Opening period: from april 1st to november 1st Opening period: from february 12th to december 31th Nb of rooms 45 Nb of beds 256 Nb of rooms19 Nb of beds 38 Nb of rooms 20 Nb of beds 47 Low season from 72€ min up to 76 € max Mid season from 91 €min up to 96 € max Peak season from 98 € min up to 103 € max Low season from 54€ up to 56€ max Mid season from 60€ min up to 66€ max Peak season from 80€ min up to 86€ max Low season from 56€ min up to 71€ max Mid season from 65€ min up to 91€ max Peak season from 78€ min up to 130€ max 27 Hôtels Cap Corse Castel Brando **** Hôtel-Spa 28 Erbalunga 20222 Brando Opening period: from april 2th up to october 31th Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 30 10 30 Nb of rooms 44 Nb of beds 100 Low season from 119 € min up to 159 € max Mid season from 149 € min up to 249 € max Peak season from 205€ min up to 289 € max GPS: Latitude 42.774204 Longitude 9.474869 pub ot bastia 2_Mise en page 1 13/01/2015 22:48 Pag A Stalla Sischese *** Hôtel-Restaurant Kurnos Voyages, Tour Opérator corse pour groupes et individuels, vous fait d é c o u v r i r l a corse authentique. Excursions tous les jours en minibus vers les plus belles destinations de l’île avec un guide conférencier. Venez rencontrer nos bergers, écouter nos chants polyphoniques, suivre nos conférences, déguster nos produits corses... des moments inoubliables ! Marina di Sisco 20233 Sisco Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 35 26 34 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 35 36 04 GPS: Latitude 42.809176 Longitude 9.484452 Opening period: from march 1st up to october 15th Nb of rooms 27 Nb of beds 65 Low season from 65 € min up to 110 € max Mid season from 80 € min up to160 € max Peak season from100 € min up to 210 € max Circuit à la carte ou package “clef en main” : on s’occupe de tout, avion ou bateau, hébergement, voiture de location. 04 95 32 30 06 06 23 53 65 26 29 Hôtels Marana -Golo 30 Auberge Les Oliviers *** Chez Walter *** Cors’Hôtel *** Hôtel-Restaurant Hôtel-Restaurant Hôtel-Restaurant Route de la Canonica 20290 Lucciana Casamozza 20290 Lucciana RN 193 20620 Biguglia Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 36 06 63 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 36 15 71 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 36 00 09 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 36 18 92 Tél. : 33 (0) 4 95 30 02 00 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 33 84 46 GPS: Latitude 42.536957 Longitude 9.472623 GPS: Latitude 42.523991 Longitude 9.44153 GPS: Latitude 42.664166 Longitude 9.441823 Opening period: from january 5th up to december 19h Opening period: all year long Opening period: all year long Nb of rooms 6 Nb of beds 16 Nb of rooms 64 Nb of beds 90 Nb of rooms 60 Nb of beds120 Low season from 70 € min up to 80 € max Mid season from 78€ min up to 88 € max Peak season from 92 € min up to 102 € max Low season from 96 € min up to 120 € max Peak season from 100 € min up to 130 € max Low season from 59 € up to 66 € max Peak season from 74 € up to 83 € max La Lagune *** Hôtel-Restaurant 31 Cordon Lagunaire de la Marana 20290 Lucciana Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 58 63 00 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 36 01 21 GPS: Latitude 42.5479825 Longitude 9.528871 Opening period: from april 15th up to november 30th Nb of rooms 42 Nb of beds 100 Low season 133,20 € Mid season 142,20 € Peak season from 182,70€ min up to 197,20 € max Hôtels Marana -Golo La Madrague Resort *** Poretta *** Colibri ** Hôtel-Restaurant-Spa-Club 32 Route de Pineto Route de la Canonica, RD 107 20290 Lucciana Route de l’aéroport 20290 Lucciana Casamozza 20290 Lucciana Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 36 09 54 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 36 15 32 Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 36 03 15 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 38 35 79 GPS: Latitude. 42.542489 Longitude 9.469292 GPS: Latitude 42.5503298 Longitude 9.4687128 GPS: Latitude 42.526274 Longitude 9.440721 Opening period: from january 6th to december 31th Opening period: from january 5th to december 20th Opening period: all year long Nb of rooms 43 Nb of beds 77 Nb of rooms 26 Nb of beds 80 Low season 80 € max Peak season 95 € max Low season 70€ Mid season 73€ Peak season 79€ Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 30 02 50 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 38 31 59 Nb of rooms 32 Nb of beds 64 Low season from 80€ up to95€ max Mid season from 90€ up to 105€ max Peak season from 100€ min up to 115€ max Hôtels Nebbiu-St Florent La Dimora **** Madame mère *** La Roya *** Hôtel-Restaurant Hôtel-Restaurant Route de Saint Florent 20232 Oletta BP 56 - Route de Bastia 20217 Saint Florent Plage de la Roya 20217 Saint Florent Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 35 22 51 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 38 25 31 Tél : 33 (0) 4 95 37 40 50 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 37 09 45 Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 37 00 40 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 37 09 85 GPS: Latitude 42.646081 Longitude 9.33898 GPS: Latitude 42.681846 Longitude 9.303704 GPS: Latitude 42.674122 Longitude 9.295678 Opening period: from april 16th to october 18th Opening period: All year long Opening period: from march 26th to november 15th Nb of rooms 17 Nb of beds 42 Nb of rooms 84 Nb of beds 160 Nb of rooms 32 Nb of beds 70 Low season from 145€ up to 290€ max Mid season from 180€ up to 350€ max Peak season from 230€ min up to 450€ max Low season from 69€ up to 77€ max Mid season from 70€ up to 87€ max Peak season from 88€ min up to 99€ max Low season from 150€ up to390€ max Mid season from 210€ up to 480€ max Peak season from 270€ min up to 580€ max 33 Extra accommodations Belambra Club *** Tourism Residence 34 Lido de la Marana 20290 Borgo Opening period: du 10 mai au 04 octobre Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 30 16 50 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 33 70 59 Call center: 33 (0) 825 808 808 Nb of bungalows 299 Nb of beds 1450 GPS: Latitude 42.5544546 Longitude 9.424590 Low season (a week for 4 pers.) from 600€ up to 900 € Mid season (a week for 4 pers.) from 700€ up to 1200 € Peak season (a week for 4 pers.) from 900€ up to 3000 € Extra accommodations San Damiano **** Campsite-Bungalows rentals Les Orangers ** Campsite-Bungalows rentals Licciola 4 chemin du Fiumicellu 20200 San Martino di Lota Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 33 24 09 Portable: 33 (0) 6 12 53 73 33 Lido de la Marana 20620 Biguglia Opening period: from april 29st to october 3 th Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 33 68 02 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 30 84 10 Camping places 280 Nb of bungalows 107 Adult from 5,90€ up to 8,90€ Child (from 1 to 8)de 3,80€ up to 5,90€ Tent from 5€ up to 9.20€ Électricity from 3€ up to 5€ GPS: Latitude 42°37` 45 N Longitude 9° 28` 05 E GPS: Latitude 42.74646 Longitude 9.458447 Opening period: from April 20th to september 30th Camping places15 Nb of bungalows 10 Adult 7,50€ Child 3€ Tent 6€ Car/ Motorbike 4€ Électricity 5€ 35 Autres hebergements Marina-Vacances Appart’hotel Tourism Residence Maison Saint Hyacinthe Religious Accomodation Lieu dit Miomo 20200 Santa Maria di Lota 36 Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 33 28 29 Fax: 33 (0) 4 95 33 28 29 34 route du Cap 20200 Pietranera Opening period: all year long Tél.: 33 (0) 4 95 35 49 32 Portable: 33 (0) 6 08 65 05 37 GPS: Latitude 42.7239 Longitude 9.455795 Nb of rooms 7 Sleeping 20 Opening period: all year long Low season from 70€ min up to 80€ max Mid season from 85€ min up to 95€ max Peak season de 110€ min up to 130€ max Nb of rooms 45 Dormitory 28 places Nb of beds 98 GPS: Latitude 42.7230 Longitude 9.4568 Low season from 31€ min up to 84€ max Peak season from 38€ min up to 98€ max Autres hebergements Cala Bianca *** Tourism Residence Lido de la Marana 20290 Borgo Tél : 33 (0) 4 95 33 45 40 GPS: Latitude 42.3556029 Longitude 9.91946012 Opening period: from april 18th to october 2nd Nb of rooms 90 Sleeping 500 Low season from 60€ min up to 65€ max Mid season from 80€ min up to 110€ max Peak season de 95€ min up to 130€ max 37 ELUÈRE & ASSOCIÉS POUR NOUS LA CORSE, C’EST CORSICA animaux bar voiture piscine resto cabine T O U T E L’ A N N É E , L E S É Q U I P E S CORSICA FERRIES SE MOBILISENT POUR OFFRIR À CHAQUE PASSAGER un service, une fiabilité et un niveau de prix performant quelle que soit la traversée vers la Corse. En 2015, Corsica Ferries propose plus de 5000 traversées pour répondre au mieux aux besoins du plus grand nombre. Transport PRENEZ LE MAQUIS PAR LA MER TOUS LES PORTS DE CORSE DESSERVIS - RCS Marseille B 775 558 463 - Crédit photos : GettyImages. Réservez dès maintenant sur s SNCM (0,15 € TTC/mn) agence de voyages, 3260 dite Départs de Marseille, Nice, Toulon. Commercial Port Tel: +33(0)4 95 55 25 00 Sea Transport La Meridionale Tel:+33(0)810 20 13 20 Corsica ferries Tel: +33(0)825 095 095 SNCM Tel: +33(0) 3260 Moby Lines Tel : +33(0)4 95 34 84 94 The Marinas Vieux Port Tel : +33(0)04 95 31 31 10 Toga Tel: +33(0)4 95 34 90 70 TAXIS Radio Taxis bastiais Tel : +33(0)04 95 32 70 70 Taxis Prestige Tel:+ 33(0)6 13 45 15 46 Railway Transport Chemin de fer de la Corse Tel :+33(0)4 95 32 80 61 Bastia-Poretta Airport Tel :+ 33(0)4 95 54 54 54 Air Transport Regular companies Air Corsica Tel : +33(0)825 35 35 35 infos et resas : Air France Tel : +33(0) 36 54 Regional Britair Tel: +33(0)36 54 Lufthansa Tel :+ 33(0)826 10 33 34 Luxair Tél: +33(0) 820 82 08 20 CAr Rental Ada Tel :+33(0)4 95 54 55 44 Avis Tel :+33(0)4 95 31 95 64 Europcar Tel :+33(0)4 95 31 59 29 Hertz : Tel :+33(0)4 95 31 14 24 Citer Tel :+33(0)4 95 36 07 85 LAE : Tel :+33(0)4 95 59 29 00 CAR GO : Tel :+33(0)4 95 38 31 14 Sixt Tel :+33(0)4 95 30 16 06 UCAR : Tel :+33(0)4 95 35 10 10 Air Transport Low Cost Easyjet Tel +33(0)820 420 315 Germanwings Tel : +33(0) 892 390 158 Jetairfly Tel: +33(0) 825 019 193 Volotea Tel: +33(0) 821 61 07 52 Vueling Tel : +33(0) 899 232 400 FLYSAS Tel: +33(0)825 325 335 Hop Tel: +33(0)825 30 22 22 XL Airways Transavia Ryanair MOTORCYCLE AND 4X4 OFF-ROAD RENTALS Europ’Active Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 44 49 67 41 Franchisé Indépendant mycorsica L’ agenda de vos loisirs en Corse Retrouvez-nous également sur Recreational Détente et évasion, entre amis, en famille, en groupe Exciting adventure and escape for adults, teens and children Activités de pleine nature Outdoor activities Canyoning Rafting Via ferrata Tyrotrekking Parcours aventure Paintball Paddle Kayak de mer Planche à voile Catamaran InTerraCorsa Route de Calvi 20218 Ponte Leccia 04 95 47 69 48 JOIN US Recreationnal HORSE-RIDING École d’équitation de Haute-Corse Tél. : +33 (0)4 95 30 23 82 U Cavallu di Brando Tél. : +33 (0)6 13 89 56 05 Tennis Tennis Club de Miomo Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 33 98 32 Tennis Club Open Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 39 66 32 Détente Sports et Loisirs Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 32 08 09 Guides interpreters Association Via Corsica Tél. : +33 (0) 6 81 89 80 80 ou +33 (0) 6 24 26 59 66 Association Contact Tél. : +33 (0) 6 86 78 02 38 Association Cogitour Tél. : +33 (0) 6 15 11 14 99 Boat Trip Shaka sailing Tél. : +33 (0) 6 70 65 41 35 Mount Bike Rental Cycles 20 Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 32 30 64 Objectif Nature Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 32 54 34 Europ’Active Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 44 49 67 Swimming Pools Piscine de la Carbonite Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 33 56 62 Piscine du Fango Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 32 42 15 Diving Club de Plongée Bastiais Tél. : +33 (0) 6 18 39 96 37 Flabelline plongée Tél. : +33 (0) 6 88 30 99 27 Toga Plongée Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 57 46 90 Fishing Bastia offshore Fishing Tél. : +33 (0) 6 23 15 50 22 Sailing Club Nautique Bastiais Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 32 67 33 Base Nautique Arinella Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 31 87 03 Club Nautique Belambra Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 30 16 50 Boat Rental Toga Location Nautique Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 34 14 14 Beach Activities Nager Grandeur Nature (Apprentissage à la natation pour les enfants à partir de 5 ans par le biais de jeux) Tél. : +33 (0) 6 50 44 19 75 Movie Theaters Le Studio Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 31 12 94 Cinéma 7e Art Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 48 82 09 51 Tours Bastia, throught time Saint Mary Cathedral Bastia, throughout time City of art and history, Bastia has a unique stunningly rich baroque legacy that you can easily admire when wandering around Saint Nicolas Plaza. Walk down the cafés lane and roam in Napoleon Street Saint Roch Brotherhood Oratory (1604). You will love The great altarpiece made of polychrome marble (XVIIIth century) The gorgeous Italian organ made of carved and gold plated walnut wood (1750) The processional statue of Saint Roch (XVIII) The Immaculate Conception Brotherhood Oratory (1611) 3h pedestrian tour The little alley on the left of the Oratory will take you straight to the Church of Saint John the Baptist (1636 and 1671), the largest one in Corsica. You will love The Lateral Chapels and their polychrome marble made altarpieces The XVIIIth Century paintings highlighting the Fesch legacy building The charming tabernacle made of chased silver The specifically original organ gallery shaped in “swallow’s nest” Walking around the Old Port will eventually take you to the Romieu Gardens, a green oasis overlooking the sea. Horseshoe shaped stairs will take you to the doors of the Citadel (1381) You will love The Bulwarks The Louis XVI main door The Donjon Plaza The magnificent baroque front of the Genoese Governor’s Palace, which hosted the Genoese Administration until 1768 Did you know it? The Donjon Plaza was the heart of the Genoese city. One of its corners was made of a stone slab called lastrone, which purpose served a curious custom. When a merchant was accused of stealing from his customers, he was tied “butt nacked” to the slab all day long so people could make fun of him. He would then be brought back to his shop in the evening and Sergeant- at-Arms would break his counter with a sledgehammer. That broken counter (or bank - tn), in italian banca rota, later gave the word “bankrupt”. 59 The Saint Mary cathedral (1604 to 1619). Church Saint John The Baptist Did you know it? During the Anglo-Corsican Kingdom period, the Parliament sessions were being held in this Chapel. United Kingdom King George III’s throne (then empty) was at the time located on the highest steps of the altar, his viceroy Sir Elliot had his throne just down the steps. During each beginning and end of session, the attendees would sing “God Saves the King”. You will enjoy The polychrome marble altarpiece (XVIIIth century) The beautiful copy of Murillo’s Immaculate Conception The rare silversmithery pieces of the altar The processional statue of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (XVIIIth century). You will enjoy The Bishop’s hats hanging on the side arches of the Choir The magnificent silver Virgin Mary (XIXth century). She was originally supposed to be of smaller size but the generosity of the People of Bastia enabled silversmith Gaetano Macchi to create that 650 kg (1430 lbs) fine silver masterpiece. The Holy Cross Brotherhood Oratory (1542) is the “only Rococo style monument built on French soil”. Did you know it? That Chapel was built on a ground belonging to the Holy See. Visitors will then be just steps away from… Vatican soil. You will love Rococo style interior design The Crucifix of Miracles Chapel and its Renaissance painted coffered ceilings The Black Christ of Miracles (1428) The Annunciation baroque Processional Group (XVIIIth Century) painted box beams. The Baroque processional group of the Annunciation (XVIII th) « Guide Walks» available entirely on Narrow Escape Monserato Chapel Fountain of Alzeto Narrow Escape Begin your stroll from Saint Nicolas Plaza This charming esplanade of generous dimensions got its name from a little Chapel dedicated to Saint Nicolas. The Chapel stood there until the XIXth century, when it was destroyed to extend the plaza. You will love The Emperor statue by sculptor Bartolini The War Memorial The Booth of Submarine Casabianca You may then head towards Paoli Boulevard, the city’s main street. You’re now facing the Law Courts (1852-1856). Walk around it to the right and take the first alley on your left, you’ll reach a flight of stairs that will lead you to the countryside in only a few minutes. You will enjoy The amazing panorama over the islands in the Tuscan Archipelago (from left to right : Capraïa, Elba, Pianosa and Monte Cristo) Half a day pedestrian tour Once you’re up the stairs, make a left and follow the directions for “Scala Santa”. On the pastoral way used by strollers, you’ll get to the Aletto Foutain, one of the oldest in Bastia. A couple hundred yards away stands Monserato chapel. Turkish Chapel in Vilayet Did you know it? Only the most renowned places of Christendom benefit from the privileges it gets. As a matter of fact, anyone who’d climb up the “Holy Stairs” on bended knees “in a true spirit of contrition” will be absolved from their sins. That privilege was given to the people of Bastia by Pope Pie VII as to thank them for welcoming the 424 Roman priests and prelates exiled in Corsica for refusing to take an oath of allegiance to Napoleon I. You will love The beautiful marble statue representing the Virgin and Child, dated 1637 Go down the secondary road to Saint Florent. First road on the right will take you to the village of Cardo in 25 min. You are going to love The eccentric ‘’Turkish Chapel’’ in Villayet. The little stone bridge, at the entrance of the village, which once witnessed a love affair between Marshal Bernadotte and a girl from the village Get back to the Village of Cardo. 61 Did you know it? Cardo has been the acknowledged ancestor of Bastia for a very long time. The current Old Port in the city was formerly called Porto-Cardo way before the bastilla exists. You will love Baker’s ovens, washing places and press-houses The fountain on the church plaza (from which the water have long been famous for its pureness) Saint-Étienne Church (XIXth century) On the village plaza, a useful map helps you visualize the route through the ice houses, which is detailed in another brochure. Did you know it? It will only take you a 1 h 30 walk to reach those stone made sheds built in the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries in order to keep refrigerated the ice that was collected in winter, then cut into pieces to be sold during summertime. If you wish to go back to Bastia, just take the road on your right when leaving the church. It will take you to secondary road n° 81 passing by Vetrice Tower (a square tower used for housing and restored with taste). « Guide Walks» available entirely on Between the sea and the mountains Between the sea and the mountains 62 Several fantastic villages are hiding north of Bastia. Through the scrub, olive and chestnut trees, between the sea and the mountains, seek for the wonders of Santa Maria di Lota, San Martino di Lota and Ville di Pietrabu- Miomo Beach From Bastia, head to Cape Corsica until reaching Miomo marina, You will love which became with time a very trendy, well patronized, seaside The old Washing Place and a rare “Butter Dish” resort. Cagninacci Palace, a.k.a. “House of Americans” Saint Anthony Church and its setting: crystal chandeliers, organ Did you know it? and painting from the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries. The origins of the name Miomo would come from the word “mitoyen”(adjoining - tn) as it was the common property of three After a nice walk in this picturesque village, go back on the road hamlets located in the Pieve di Lota area. During the Pisan and that will take you to San Martino di Lota. Genoese period, the pieve were administrative units (administrative and religious divisions that would be comparable to You will love nowadays’ districts). The beautiful waterfall Hidden streams among the lush vegetation You are going to love The Genoese Tower from the XVIth century Did you know it? Close to the tower stands a baroque designed private chapel A few yards before getting to the village stands a large building Drive away from the littoral and follow D31 road to Figarella, we holding a little cloister. This is an old Capuchin convent from the highly recommend you stop by Partine hamlet. XVIth century where the Grand Inquisitor used to live; Count Romain Cagninacci then turned it into a castle. You will enjoy Santa Maria Assunta Church (XVIth century triptych) Go back on your steps and keep going until you reach Figarella On the main plaza of the village stands Saint Martin Church, erected on the very same location of an old little fort and a Chapel hamlet from the XIIIth century. Half day Tour Personal vehicle required 63 San Martino di Lota Vue panoramique de Ville di Pietrabugno Did you know it? You will enjoy The Holy Cross Brotherhood adjoining the Church is turned each The wonderful panorama over Cape Corsica year into a palm leaves weaving workshop. The tradition was inheThe unrestricted view from the city of Bastia over the islands in rited from the Middle Ages, it used to make all villagers gather to theTuscan Archipelago (Elba, Capraï, Monte Cristo and Pianosa) challenge their skills onto creating masterpieces from the weaved The remains of a square tower (1100) palm leaves that were then solemnly carried in procession on Palm Saint Felicity and Saint Lucy Church (1796) : Sunday. The triptych dated 1577 Several paintings from the XVIIth and the XVIIIth centuries You will love The Italian Organ dated 1837 The stunning marble Virgin from the XVIIth century Several fountains, washing places, oil press houses, baker’s ovens The lovely inlaid wood tabernacle and a couple of small votive chapels are to be found within little The weaved palm leaves masterpieces’ exhibition hamlets of Alzeto, Guaïtella, Astima and Casevecchie, where houses are dated from the XVth and the XVIth centuries. Continue on the panoramic road to end up in the city of Ville di Pietrabugno If you take the hiking trail to the Alzeto hamlet (1h30) you’ll get back to the road leading to the remains of the old ice houses called Did you know it? Nivere (4h15). The elders used to pile up the fallen snow in order The origins of Ville di Pietrabugno village would come from the to sell it to the rich merchants and to the noble people of Bastia in latin words “villae”, hamlet, and “petra a bugna”, the stone hive. summertime. « Guide Walks» available entirely on Between nature and legacy Natural reserve of pond Chiurlinu Between nature and legacy Village set high up in the mountains, sand beaches, pinewoods, natural reserve and archaeological site… as many treasures you will discover only a few miles away from the south of Bastia. Half a day tour Personal vehicle required Quittez le centre-ville en direction d’Ajaccio. À la sortie du tunnel, vous passerez devant la Fontaine et le Lavoir de Ficaghjola. Le saviez-vous? L’eau de cette fontaine était jadis fort réputée pour se conserver parfaitement en mer. Les marins venaient mouiller dans l’anse de Ficajola pour s’abriter des vents violents et s’approvisionner en eau potable. Continuez jusqu’au rond-point puis prenez la route sur votre droite pour rejoindre le village de Furiani. Vous allez apprécier Les petites ruelles typiques Les fours, lavoirs et fontaines La tour génoise de défense et le superbe point de vue sur l’Étang de Chiurlinu, la plaine, la ville de Bastia et les îles de l’archipel Toscan. L’église piévanne Santa Maria Assunta IXe/Xe siècle (promenade de 45minutes.). Le saviez-vous? Cette tour fut le point central de la bataille menée par les Génois face aux Corses indépendants menés par Pascal Paoli à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. L’histoire nous rapporte que ce combat d’une violence extrême qui dura plusieurs mois fut le déclencheur du départ définitif des Génois hors de Corse et de la cession de l’île à la France. 65 Furiani- Square of the Church XVIIIth century. History tells us that this extremely violent months lasting fight triggered the permanent departure of the Genoese out of Corsica and the island was transferred to France. Go back to the plains, when at the roundabout take the D107 road and follow directions to the cordon lagunaire de la Marana (the path around the lagoon - tn) You are going to love The Armand Cesari stadium. Guided tour upon request. Sporting shop and Memorial of the May 5, 1992 tragedy. The Pietra brewery. Free guided tour during the season, prior booking required. Make a right turn when leaving the Brewery towards Lido de La Marana. On the way you’ll be passing by gorgeous sand beaches with pinewoods running alongside. A lot of those beaches are open to swimmers and they offer a lot of sports and nautical activities. You are going to love Natural reserve of Pond Chiurlinu: free guided tours on request during summertime. These fun and fulfilling tours will be a delight for the whole family. The Archeologic Site «Mariana» Did you know it? Traditionally named Pond Biguglia, this 100 % natural pond is made of brackish water, a mix between the Bevinco River (which source is in the mountains) and the Tyrrhenian Sea (narrowing through a bottleneck at the north of the pond). This huge damp area is an exceptional site for the richness of its fauna (240 species) and its flora (over 300 vegetal species). You will discover numerous species of fishes, birds, batrachians, reptiles or insects, from the most famous to the most mysterious. The archaeological site in Mariana and Canonica old Cathedral. Did you know it? The Canonica Roman Cathedral was officially consecrated in 1119 under the name of Santa Maria Assunta. The building material is of polychrome nature, switching from yellow-grey to light green, with hints of blue and orange shades. The portal on the west front is decorated with intertwined scenes and voussoirs carved with animals ; from left to right you can see a lion, two winged griffins fighting, a lamb carrying the Cross (as a symbol of triumph upon Evil), a wolf and at last a deer being chased by a dog. Surrounding the Cathedral, the dig on Paleochristian Site of Mariana is the most thorough excavation ever carried out in Corsica. It brought to light the bases of a Paleochristian Basilic from the IVth century, which had three naves and a baptistery of the same period. « Guide Walks» available entirely on Way of life Our Preferences Rendez-Vous Bastiais Flea market on Saint Nicolas Plaza every Sunday morning Traditional market on the city hall plaza, every weekend Garment Market on Saint Nicolas Plaza, every 2nd Friday of the month Rempart’s Antiques From 8am to 6pm every first month Saturday Ecological Museum The place is situated in the heart of the natural reserve of Biguglia, the ecomuseum receive from tuesday to saturday, from 9am to 12am and from 13pmto 17pm. Entry: 2 euro and 4 euro for guided tour, only for groups and on reservation from june to september. Tel. + 33(0) 4 Dian’Arte Museum is consecrated to the Corsica painter and sculptor Gabriel Diana. The meet between the sculpture and the paint sweep the visitor away in the world of outrageousness. You are sended into a univer where moderation and reason are become obselete. Tel: + 33(0) 4 95 36 15 08 - Gsm: + 33(0) 6 69 24 01 10 Bio Mercatu Place Vincenti every1st and 3rd saturday of the month, Military Memorial Open evert tuesday pm. Free admission. Tel. : + 33 (0) 4 95559522 Pedestrian area around the old Port, in the evenings in July and August and all year long in Rue Napoleon and Rue des Terrasses Miniature village of la Poudrière - Citadel Open from April to October in the afternoons only. Tel. : + 33 (0) 6 10268208 Nightly Shopping every friday night from mid-July to mid-August Museum of sacred art of Oletta Open of June 1st at the end of September This museum through walls of stereoscopic images will make you discover and admire Producers Marketof the Cape Corsica Macinaggio, the parking lot of the tourist office monuments and churches in three-dimensional prospect(perspective) Phone: + 33 ( 0 ) 4 95 39 01 09 Every Thursday aprés noon, of the middle of June in in the middle of September White Market Macinaggio village square Every Friday morning. Cathedral of Canonica Open all year long from 10 am till 12 am Impressive in its solitude, moving by its simplicity, the cathedral SANTA Maria ASSUNTA, like a challenge in time(weather), raises(draws up) above the Roman vestiges its impressive structure. Phone: 33 ( 0 ) 4 95 38 43 40 Ecomuseum of the Citron to Nonza: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: from 10 am till 1 pm. On Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: from 10 am till 1 pm and from 1:30 pm till 6:30 pm Price lists(Rates) of the Ecomuseum: entrance(entry): 2 € This small ecomuseum presents us the history(story) of the corsican citrus, worth knowing the citron fruit (has limia or alimea in Corsican). 69 M J J J 23,5x23,5_CORSE DE NATURE.pdf 1 08/01/15 16:24 Recipes Pastizzu Corsican cake Ingrédients 72 150g of sugar 7 eggs 1L of whole milk 1 glass of whole milk 4 slices of bread of campaign sat back up 1 bag of vanilla sugar 1 lemon peel For the caramel: 125g of sugar 10cl of water 1 knob of butter Préparation - bring to a boil the milk, the sugar and the lemon peel; - put out(switch off) the fire(light) and incorporate it the pieces of bread When the preparation kicks; - cover the whole and let infuse; - mix in a pan the water, the sugar and the knob of butter and cook over a low heat; -Versez-le at the bottom(in fact) of a round mold; - preheat the oven in 180 °; - beat eggs with the vanilla sugar; - resume(take back) the preparation which you had let infuse,-Versez-y the glass of cold milk and add beaten eggs; - mix the whole and crush the pieces of bread in the fork(range); - pay(pour) your preparation into the mold, on the caramel and cook the pastizzu in the oven in the bath marry during around thirty minutes; Recettes Les sardines farcies au brocciu à la Bastiaise Ingrédients 6 sardines, 250 g of brocciu cheese, 1 œuf1 branch of parsley Stalks of chive, 1 clove of garlic, Salt, pepper Préparation -dip sardines under the water to remove them scales then cut them the head; - open the skin of the back on all the length and remove stops him ridge.; - rinse sardines and drain them on some absorbing paper; - put then all other ingredients in a dish; - season the whole with the salt and the pepper then mix energetically with a fork. -preheat your oven in 220°C (thermostat 6); - stuff sardines with your preparation; -Roulez-les and maintain them in planting a toothpick there. -put finally your sardines in a dish the bottom of which you beforehand oiled. -put in the oven Suggestion Sardines stuffed in the brocciu cheese get married perfectly to a good Corsican wine, as white Patrimonio, for a real gastronomic meal. 73 LA ROULOTTE Votre Supermarché Biologique en Corse BASTIA Canale, RN193, 20600 FURIANI 04 95 34 47 08 AJACCIO Route de Mezzavia, 20090 AJACCIO 04 95 22 69 47 Magasins Certifiés par ECOCERT Née en 1988 avec une vraie ROULOTTE, notre aventure continue avec le supermarché biologique et écologique LA ROULOTTE présent à AJACCIO et à BASTIA. L’entreprise a grandi mais elle a su préserver l’âme de la petite Roulotte des débuts en famille. Chez nous le « bio » c’est une conviction, un crédo, un état d’esprit que nous cultivons depuis plus de 25 ans ! Dans nos magasins vous trouverez une large gamme de produits certifiés : toute l’alimentation biologique, un beau choix de fruits et légumes ainsi qu’une vitrine de produits frais très alléchante et des produits congelés biologiques. Nos libres services vous proposent aussi compléments alimentaires de qualité, produits sans gluten, hygiène, cosmétiques, bien-être, bijoux naturels, librairie, produits d’entretien écologiques … et, bien sûr, les produits corses issus de l’agriculture biologiques. Nos conseillères sont là pour vous aider dans votre quête de bien-être et de santé au naturel, elles vous guideront vers une alimentation plus saine, vous indiqueront les méthodes naturelles pour vous soigner et garder la forme tout en préservant l’avenir de notre planète… Naturellement…. Nos magasins sont ouverts du lundi au samedi, de 9h00 à 19h00. Nos Festivités Useful information Emergencies Pompiers 18 SAMU 15 Consulate of Morocco Tél : + 33(0)4 95 30 10 70 Consulate of Italy Police Secours 17 80 Commissariat Central Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 55 22 22 Tél : + 33(0)4 95 34 93 93 Gendarmerie Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 54 50 22 LEFT-LUGGAGE OFFICE Una Volta Cultural Center Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 32 12 81 Biguglia Cultural Center Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 34 85 55 Bastia Municipal Theater Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 34 98 00 Saint Joseph Vieux Port Quartier Toga Chemin du Furcone LAUNDERETTES Gare de Bastia Rond point du Mal Leclerc Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 32 80 61 Objectif Nature Rue Notre Dame de Lourdes Tél. : +33 (0) 4 95 32 54 34 PAYING CAR PARK Le Lavoir du Port Rue Luce de Casabianca - Bastia La Laverie du Fango Rue du Juge Falcone - Bastia La Laverie Rue du Castagno - Bastia Place Saint Nicolas Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 32 63 17 CHILDREN CARE EQUIpMENT (rental) Parking de la Gare Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 31 54 25 Tél : + 33(0)6 29 18 13 42 BIBLIOTHÈQUE CENTRAL Parking de la Citadelle Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 46 28 35 Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 58 46 00 Parking du Marché Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 34 21 97 Museum of Bastia FREE CAR PARK WiFi Point Office de Tourisme de l’Agglomération de Bastia Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 54 20 40 Tél. : + 33 (0) 4 95 31 09 12 No Exchange in Bastia HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Photos © Pierre Murati © Marcelle Sisco © Tonio Bassani – photoglobale © Marc Boxberger © Desjobert © Atout France Petr Krejci - Blaise Perrin © Fotolia © Shutterstock © Fonds Ollandini / Sylvain Alessandri © Gerard Baldocchi © Alaprod © Enrico Tosi Photographies © Ville de Bastia - cl. Pascal Renucci Design-Realization Dixit-Mediacorse - 0495323396 Office de Tourisme de l’Agglomération de Bastia 2015 - 0495542040