El Cristo Negro - The Church of St Bernard, White Plains, NY


El Cristo Negro - The Church of St Bernard, White Plains, NY
51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606
August 10, 2014
El Cristo Negro
Rev. Robert J. Morris
Pastor &
Director of Rel. Ed.
Verónica Meléndez
Office Manager
Jennifer Frias
The Little Disciple
Learning Center
Brenda Lopez
of Religious Education
Parish Trustees:
Elizardi Castro
Millie Castro
5:30 pm
9:00am, 10:30am,
Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm
The concept of the Black Christ,
“Cristo Negro” originated in the year
1594 in the village of Esquipulas of
Guatemala. This Cristo Negro is also
known as "The Lord of Esquipulas".
He has also been adopted as the Patron Saint of La n American immigrants in the United States. The patronal celebra on of the Black Christ
of Esquipulas is on January 15th.
(Con nued on page 3)
El concepto del Cristo Negro se originó
en el año 1594 en el pueblo de Esquipulas de Guatemala. El Cristo Negro
también es conocido como “El señor de
Esquipulas”. Además, ha sido adoptado
como Santo Patrono por los inmigrantes la noamericanos en los Estados
Unidos. La celebración patronal del
Cristo Negro de Esquipulas quedó fijada para el día 15 de enero.
(Con nuacion en pagina 3)
Ministry Schedules
This weekend – August 9th & 10th, 2014
Next weekend – August 16th & 17th, 2014
Altar Servers
5:30 pm
G. Coatl (A1), A. DeMarco (A2),
C. DeMarco (CB), D. Rosado(BB)
9:00 am
C. Cortes (A1), A. Pereguachi-Sanchez(A2)
TBA (CB), H. Vera (BB)
10:30 am
R. Morocho (A1), A. Tandazo (A2)
C. Orellana-Or z (CB), J. Torres(BB)
12:00 pm
K. Bravo (A1), L.F. Garcia (A2)
D. Hernandez (CB), M. Mazo(BB)
5:30 pm
J. Corson, TBA
9:00 am
S. Cortes, R. Cashman
10:30 am
J. Sayer, M. Merenda
12:00 pm
R. Le owitz—Commentator
N. Bonilla—1st Lector
J. Velez-Cardona—2nd Lector
Altar Servers
5:30 pm
J. Flores (A1), V. Quintero (A2),
S. Velezaca (CB), F. Velezaca (BB)
9:00 am
C. Stanton (A1), P. Stanton (A2)
M. Sanchez (CB), TBA (BB)
10:30 am
D. Arias (A1), E. Garcher (A2)
S. Chica (CB), V. Chica (BB)
12:00 pm
D. Ramirez-Velazquez (A1), C. Castro (A2)
C. Cas llo (CB), E. Lopez (BB)
5:30 pm
L. Quintero, A. Lueth
9:00 am
W. Shu s, B. Stanton
10:30 am
TBA, D. Gaven
12:00 pm
L. Mar nez —Commentator
L. Ramirez—1st Lector
R. Cabrera—2nd Lector
Eucharis c Minister
5:30 pm
V. Hiraldo
9:00 am
M. Fargelli
10:30 am
L. Claroni, P. Mincey
12:00 pm
E. Cortes, J. Muñiz,
C. Alfonso
Eucharis c Minister
5:30 pm
C. Cook
9:00 am
M. Variano
10:30 am
E. Rodriguez, R. Cherubini
12:00 pm
A.M. Galarza, L. Luna,
P. Cabrera-Leguzman
Hymns in English
Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español
9:00 Mass
Entrance - Hymnal 389 / Open My Eyes
Offertory - Hymnal 383 / Take the Word of God
with You
Danos un corazón
El Señor es mi fuerza
Vamos cantando al Señor
Communion - Hymnal 357/ One Bread, One Body
Closing - Hymnal 601 / Alleluia No. 1
5:30/ 10:30 Mass
Entrance - Missale e 21 / Birght as the Sun, Fair
as the Moon
Offertory - Missale e 43 / Come, Ye Thankful
Communion –Hymnal 468 / Endless is Your Love (5:30)
Hymnal 327 / Gi of Finest Wheat (10:30)
Closing—Hymnal 742 / Rejoice, the Lord is King
Page 2
(Con nued) As Chris anity con nued to spread in
Guatemala the residents there decided to have a
new image of Christ crucified sculpted, whom their
evangelists had spoken so much about.
The story of the Cristo Negro of Esquipulas is well
known in the countries of Central America and
southern Mexico. As per the request by the indigenous people of Esquipulas, Guatemala, a religious
young man named Quirio Cataño, sculpted an image of Christ crucified. The indigenous people from
the village wanted a dark image, similar to the color
of their skin. However, as there was no such dark
wood they accepted the sculpture the young man
gave them. The image of El Cristo Negro was finished on October 1594 and was enthroned in Esquipulas.
People from Esquipulas received Him with much
love; they built a Sanctuary where they could present their prayers and receive comfort and blessings from Him. During the late sixteenth century
pilgrimages or processions were so numerous that
this first Sanctuary was insufficient and a larger one
was build.
There are several stories that may explain the dark
color of the image. One story holds that smoke
from sanctuary candles caused the image to darken
over me. Another tradi on claims that the sculpture miraculously appeared dark over night. Over
the years the Cristo Negro has drawn countless pilgrims to the village of Esquipulas and many miracles have been experienced by pilgrims from these
visits. Over the centuries devo on to the Lord of
Esquipulas has transcended boarders to millions of
pilgrims in La n America and Europe who have
come to venerate the crucifix in person . Several
books have been wri en about the Lord of Esquipulas and subsequent miracles.
Pope John Paul II visited Guatemala on February 6th,
1996 to celebrate the 400th year anniversary of the
image of The Lord of Esquipulas, also known as Cristo
Negro. On that occasion, he
appointed the Sanctuary of
Esquipulas a Basilica.
(Con nuación) Mientras Cris anismo con nuaba
extendiéndose en Guatemala los residentes decidieron tener una nueva imagen del Cristo Crucificado esculpido, el cual los evangelistas habían
hablado mucho acerca de el.
La historia del Milagroso Señor de Esquipulas, es
muy conocida en los países de Centro América y el
sur de México. A pedido de los indígenas del pueblo de Esquipulas, Guatemala, un joven muy religioso de nombre Quirio Cataño, esculpió la imagen de Cristo crucificado. Los indígenas querían
una imagen de color oscuro, semejante al color de
su piel. Sin embargo, como no exis a madera tan
oscura, ellos aceptaron la que el joven Cataño les
entregó. La imagen del Señor de Esquipulas fue
terminada en octubre del ano de 1594 y entronizado en Esquipulas.
Los habitantes del lugar lo recibieron con mucho
amor en el rancho-cabaña que construyeron desde donde pudieran presentarle sus oraciones y
recibir de él consuelo y bendiciones. Los primeros
peregrinos llegaron a venerar la imagen a este
lugar y a finales del siglo XVI las peregrinaciones o
romerías eran tan numerosas que este primer hogar fue insuficiente.
Existen varias historia en relación con el color oscuro de la imagen. Una es que el humo de los cirios que alumbran el Santuario constantemente,
provocó el oscurecimiento de la imagen. Sin embargo, la tradición nos dice que de la noche a la
mañana apareció completamente oscura. Los milagros son innumerables. La veneración al Señor
de Esquipulas trasciende las fronteras de Guatemala. Millones de peregrinos procedentes de toda
La noamérica, así como también de Europa acuden anualmente a venerar la sagrada imagen.
El Santo Padre Juan pablo II visitó Guatemala el 6
de febrero de 1996 para celebrar los 400 años de
haber sido esculpida la Imagen del Señor de Esquipulas, también conosido como el Cristo Negro.
En esa ocasión designó al Santuario como Basílica
Page 3
Cristo Negro
Today, Sunday, August 10th at the 12:00 pm Mass we
will introduce the Cristo Negro Devo on
to the parish. This devo on is very popular
in Guatemala where it originated. Following the mass The Cristo Negro Cross will
be enthroned in the main display case in
the ves bule and there will be a light recep on in the Cafeteria.
The St. Bernard’s Crea ve Cra Group
The St. Bernard’s Crea ve Cra Group will meet on Friday, August 22nd at 7pm in the cafeteria. This group is
open to all adults and children who enjoy being crea ve
and making arts & cra s. All cra s are created by the
children and sold with all proceeds
going towards St. Bernard’s. Please
join us for some crea ve fun! Any
ques ons, please contact Angela
Lueth at (914) 428-4259.
Grave Decora on Service
If you can’t visit your loved one’s grave, let Roland Produc ons Grave Care decorate your loved one’s grave on
your behalf. Holiday decora ons, fresh-cut floral bouquets, plan ng of annuals, weeding and sprucing up the
grave area. Before and A er photos sent to you. $50
per single visit and decora on service. 4 and 10 visit
annual decora on discount plans available. Serving
cemeteries in the Bronx, Westchester, Putnam and
Dutchess. All graves cared for with respect, compassion,
dignity and reverence. For holidays, special mes, - or
any me at all. Visit their website: rolandproducongravecare.net or call 845-475-6041. Roland Producon Grave Care: “Because Love Never Dies”
Regis High School
Regis High School, an all-scholarship Jesuit Secondary
School for Catholic boys, announces its Open House for
8th graders and their parents, to occur on Wednesday,
October 8th, from 5:30 pm—8:30 pm. For addi onal informa on, Please write, e-mail or call:
Eric Di Michele, Director of Admissions
Regis High School
55 East 84th Street
New York, NY 10028
(212)-288-1100, Ext 2057
Religious Educa on
New Coordinator of Religious Educa on
We are happy to announce that Brenda Lopez is the
new Coordinator of Religious Educa on. Maria Mendez, our former Coordinator of Religious Educa on
has decided to step down from this posi on to focus
on her collegiate studies. Fr. Morris will con nue to
oversee the program in the Role of Director, working
in conjunc on with Brenda Lopez, the new Coordinator of Religious Educa on.
We’re grateful to Maria Mendez for her hard work
and dedica on to our Religious Educa on program
over the past few years, and we wish her the best in
her studies.
Religious Educa on Office Assistant Needed
We looking for an Office Assistant for our Religious
Educa on Program in September. If you are interested in this posi on, please speak to Father Morris
a er Mass or contact him at the Rectory.
Catechists Needed
We are in need of Teachers for our Religious Educaon Program in September. If you are interested in
teaching Religious Educa on classes to the youth of
our parish on Sunday Mornings from 10:10 am 11:40 am, or Wednesdays a ernoon from 4:00 pm 5:30 pm, or Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm—
8:00 pm, or Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm—8:30
pm, please speak to Father Morris a er Mass or contact him at the Rectory during the week. Training will
be offered for Catechist throughout the school year.
Registra on 2014-2015
On Sunday mornings we are registering students for
the 2014-2015 Religious Educa on Academic Year in
the Religious Educa on office and during the week in
the Rectory from 9:00 am—5:00 pm. If you have any
ques ons please call 914-949-2111.
Page 4
Cristo Negro
Hoy, domingo, 10 de Agosto en la misa de 12:00 pm
introduciremos la Devoción al Cristo Negro a la parroquia. Esta devoción es popular en Guatemal donde
fue originada. Después de misa la Cruz del Cristo Negro
sera entronizado en el caso principal por el ves bulo y
habra una perqueña recepción en la Cafeteria.
Grupo Cea vo de Artesanias
de San Bernardo
El Grupo Cea vo de Artesanias de San Bernardo
se reunirá el viernes 22 de agosto a las 7:00 en
la cafetería. Este grupo está abierto a todos los
adultos y los niños que disfrutan de ser crea vo
y hacer arte y manualidades. Todas las crea vidades por
los niños se venden y las ganancias son donadas a la
Campaña Capital San Bernardo. Por favor, únase a nosotros para una tarde de diversión crea va! Cualquier
pregunta, contacte a Angela Lueth al (914) 428-4259.
Servicio de Decoración de Tumba
Si no puede visitar la tumba de su ser querido, y deje
que Roland Produc ons Grave Care decore la tumba de
su ser querido en su nombre. Decoraciones para las fiestas, ramos de flores recién cortadas, plantación de
plantas anuales, deshierbe y engalanar el área de la
tumba. Fotos del antes y después son enviadas a usted.
$ 50 por cada visita y servicio de decoración. Planes disponibles 4 y 10 de estancia decoración anual de descuento. Sirviendo a los cementerios en el Bronx,
Westchester, Putnam y Dutchess. Todas las tumbas son
atendidas con respeto, compasión, dignidad y reverencia. Para dias fes vos, momentos especiales, - o en
cualquier momento en absoluto. Visite nuestra pagina
web: rolandproduc ongravecare.net o llame al 845-4756041. Roland Producción Cuidado tumba: "Porque el
amor nunca muere"
High School Regis
La escuela secundaria jesuita esta ofreciendo becas para
los niños católicos, anuncia que tendra un open house
para estudiantes de 8vo grado y sus padres, que se
produzca el miércoles, 8 de octubre de 5:30-8:30 pm.
Para obtener información adicional, por favor escríbanos, e-mail o llame al:
Eric Di Michele, Director de Admisiones
High School Regis
55 East 84th Street ,Nueva York, Nueva York 10028
(212) -288- 1100 x. 2057
Educacion Religiosa
Nueva Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa
Estamos felices de anunciar que Brenda Lopez es la
nueva Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa. Maria
Mendez, nuestra ex Coordinadora de la Educación
Religiosa ha decidido renunciar a este puesto de trabajo para concentrarse en sus estudios universitarios.
El Padre Morris seguirá supervisando el programa en
colaboración con Brenda Lopez, la nueva Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa. Estamos muy agradecidos
con Maria Mendez por su dedicación y su arduo trabajo a nuestro programa durante estos años y le
deseamos lo mejor en sus estudios.
Se necesitan Asistente para la Oficina
de Educación Religiosa
Estamos necesitando una asistente para la Oficina de
Educación Religiosa. Si usted esta interesado en esta
posición , por favor hable con el Padre Morris después
de Misa o el llame a la Rectoría.
Se necesitan Catequistas
Estamos necesitando catequistas para nuestro programa de Educación Religiosa en sep embre. Si está
interesado en enseñar clases de educación religiosa a
los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia los domingos por la
mañana de las 10:10 am - 11:40 am, o los miércoles
por la tarde de 4:00pm – 5:00pm, o los miércoles por
la noche de 6:30 pm—8:00 pm, o jueves por la noche
de 7:00 pm—8:30 pm, por favor hable con el Padre
Morris después de misa o llame a la Rectoría. Cursos
de entrenamiento se ofrecerán a través del año escolar.
Inscripción de Educación Religiosa 2014-2015
El domingo por la mañana empezaremos a inscribir a
los estudiantes para el año académico de Educación
Religiosa 2014-2015. Las inscripciones tomaran lugar
en la oficina de Educación Religiosa. También puede
inscribir a su hijo/a durante la semana en la Rectoría
de 9:00 am—5:00 pm. Si ene alguna pregunta por
favor llame al 914-949-2111.
Page 5
Parish Schedule - Horario de la Parroquia
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Spanish Bible Study-Guadalupe Rm.
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting-Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
1:00pm Corazones Unidos Meeting– Guad. Rm.
1:00pm Caacupe Meeting - Fatima Room
1:00pm Divine Infant Jesus Meeting-Comm. Rm.
Monday, August 11, 2014
St. Clare, Virgin-Memorial
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel hall
7:30pm English Bible Study - Community Room
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
9:00am Mass—Chapel Hall
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guad. Rm.
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guad. Rm.
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice
Thursday, August 14, 2014
St. Maximilian Kolbe,Priest & MartyrObligatory Memorial
9:00am Mass-Chapel Hall
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting
7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation –Guad. Rm
Friday, August 15, 2014
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MarySolemnity
9:00am Mass-Chapel Hall
9:30am Ladies of Charity Meeting-Chapel Hall
5:00pm Wedding
6:30pm English Classes-2nd Fl. Classroom
7:00pm Junior High School Youth Group Meeting
Saturday, August 16, 2014
12:00pm Spanish Baptisms
1:30pm English Baptisms
4:00pm Confessions
5:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Spanish Bible Study– Guadalupe Room
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting-Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
1:00pm Señor de los Milagros Meeting-Comm. Rm.
1:00pm Divine Mercy Meeting-Guadalupe Room
Monday, August 18, 2014
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel Hall
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
9:00am Communion Service-Chapel hall
7:30pm English Bible Study– Fatima Room
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
St. Bernard’s Feast
9:00am Mass-Chapel Hall
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice
Thursday, August 21, 2014
St. Pius, Pope– Obligatory Memorial
9:00am Mass –Chapel Hall
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting
7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation-Guad. Rm.
Friday, August 22, 2014
The Queenship of the blessed Virgin MaryObligatory Memorial
9:00am Mass –Chapel Hall
6:30pm English Classes - 2nd Fl. Classrooms
7:00pm Junior High School Youth Group Meeting
7:00pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturday, August 23, 2014
11:00pm Quincenera
1:00pm Quincenera
4:00pm Confessions
5:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Spanish Bible Study
10:30am English Mass
10:30am Cursillistas Meeting - Chapel Hall
12:00pm Spanish Mass
Monday, August 25, 2014
9:00am Communion Service– Chapel Hall
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
9:00am Communion Service –Chapel Hall
7:30pm English Bible Study– Fatima Room
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
St. Monica—Memorial
9:00am Mass– Chapel Hall
4:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation - Guad. Rm.
5:30pm Youth Choir Practice - Music Room
6:30pm Spanish Bible Meditation –Guad. Rm
7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal-Music Room
Thursday, August 28, 2014
St. Augustine, Bishop & Doctor of the
Church - Obligatory Memorial
9:00am Mass—Chapel Hall
7:00pm Spanish Bible Meditation
7:00pm Youth Group Meeting
Friday, August 29, 2014
The Passion of St. John the BaptistObligatory Memorial
9:00am Mass– Chapel Hall
6:30pm English Classes-2nd Fl. Classroom
7:00pm Junior High School Youth Group Mtg.
7:00pm Spanish Baptism Preparation Class
8:00pm English Baptism Preparation Class
Saturday, August 30, 2014
4:00pm Confessions
5:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass
7:00pm Virgin of the Cloud Meeting– Guad Rm.
Page 6
Invest just five minutes a day,
and your faith will deepen and
grow—a day at a time.
Dive right in
In the same month as his conversion to the Christian faith, author C. S. Lewis
wrote, “I learned an art which I had been trying to learn since boyhood. I
learned to dive.” What’s involved in diving, Lewis’ comparison points out, is
also what goes on in faith: temporarily letting go of control and trusting you
will come back up to the surface. But as one of Lewis’ characters put it, “It’s
all very well discussing that high dive as you sit here in an armchair, but wait
till you get up there and see what it’s really like.” You still have to make the
TODAY’S READINGS: 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew
14:22-33 (115). “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on
the water.”
Are you imagining things? Good!
Before Saint Clare’s birth, one biographer wrote, it was revealed to her mother that the child “would be a brilliant light in the world.” As abbess of the
first convent of Franciscan sisters, Clare rose from her sickbed to pray for the
protection of her sisters from marauders and heard a voice say, “I shall
always watch over you.” At her death in 1253 she saw the Virgin Mary coming to meet her. Were these things only products of the imagination? Even if
they were, imagination is necessary to making something real. Before you
can do or become anything, you have to picture it. And with faith, that imagination might soar all the way to heaven.
TODAY’S READINGS: Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28c; Matthew 17:22-27 (413). “I
heard the sound . . . like the voice of the Almighty.”
A guiding light through the dark night
Saint Jane Frances, who founded a religious order in France 400 years ago,
suffered years of interior anguish and spiritual dryness. Her contemporary,
Saint Francis de Sales, said of her struggles: “For all that suffering her face
never lost its serenity, nor did she once relax in the fidelity God asked of her.
And so I regard her as one of the holiest souls I have ever met on this
earth.” Whatever your inner struggle, hold fast to your faith and your holiness will shine through.
TODAY’S READINGS: Ezekiel 2:8-3:4; Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 (414).
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives
one another and remembered together. An old proverb might apply to these
men: “We grow too soon old, and too late smart.” Is there someone you need
to be reconciled with, while you’re still “smart”?
TODAY’S READINGS: Ezekiel 9:1-7; 10:18-22; Matthew 18:15-20 (415).
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between
you and him alone.”
Look to love
“Pray that I will love without any limits.” It is said that Saint Maximilian Kolbe wrote these words to his mother when he was a young man. He could
never have known, of course, that years later he would make a radical choice
to love by stepping up to take the place of a stranger, a fellow prisoner of
war sentenced to torture and death. You may not know what will be asked of
you in life, but you can give yourself to trying to love more deeply in even the
smallest encounters in life.
TODAY’S READINGS: Ezekiel 12:1-12; Matthew 18:21-19:1 (416). “Lord,
if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him?
What’s so special about Mary?
The most important thing to remember about Mary is her discipleship. She is
the first and most revered of Jesus’ followers because of her embrace of the
role she was asked to play in salvation history and her unflinching support of
Christ’s mission. What Mary endured, we can endure; what Mary achieved, we
can achieve. She is the “guide, strength, and consolation of our mortal life,”
said Pope Pius XII in a prayer in honor of the Assumption. Begin your spiritual
journey as Mary did by proclaiming God’s greatness.
TODAY’S READINGS: Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; 1 Corinthians
15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56 (622). “My soul proclaims the greatness of
the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
Give from the heart
Saint Stephen of Hungary helped bring Christianity to his nation and also
helped popularize the ancient custom of tithing, the practice of offering a
part—traditionally 10 percent—of one’s income or resources to a religious
organization. While in Stephen’s time tithing was imposed as a mandatory
obligation, in the early church donations were treated as freewill offerings.
One’s generosity should not be forced; it needs to come from a willing heart.
Open yours and share generously.
TODAY’S READINGS: Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Matthew 19:13-15
(418). “If a man . . . gives food to the hungry and clothes the naked . . . he shall surely live, says the Lord God.”
©2014 by TrueQuest Communications.
Get smart
The stories of Saints Hippolytus and Pontian remind you starkly
that divisions in the church (at the time only several hundred
years old) are not new. Both of these men were caught up in battles over orthodoxy and heresy and were bitterly opposed to each
other’s teaching. But it is important to remember that toward the
end of their lives they were reconciled and are buried near
Page 7
Mass Intentions for the Week
Saturday, August 9, 2014
5:30 Bessie Paloscia
Sunday, August 10, 2014
9:00 Luis Perez
10:30 Carlos Colero Cortes
12:00 For the people
Monday, August 11, 2014
9:00 Communion Service
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
9:00 Communion Service
Last Sunday’s Collec on :
First Collec on : $ 3,520
Second Collec on: $ 1,209 (La n America
/Home Missions)
Today’s Second Collec on is for Maintenance. Next
week’s second collec on will be for Air Condi oning
Thank you for your generous support of our parish.
La segunda Colecta de hoy es para el Mantenimiento La
segunda colecta de la próxima semana será para el Aire
contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
9:00 Rosamma Ka ukaran
Thursday, August 14, 2014
9:00 Rosamma Ka ukaran
Friday, August 15, 2014
9:00 Rosamma Ka ukaran
Parish Pay
Saturday, August 16, 2014
For the month of July, $3,482.95 has been donated
to our Parish by Parishioners through Parish Pay. If
you would like to make your offerings to the Church
5:30 Jessica Escobedo
Sunday, August 17, 2014
9:00 Gioacchino Giglio & Family
10:30 Kassimire Rapala
12:00 For the people
Prayers for the Sick
Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and
those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas
de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.
Teresa DeQuina
Michael DiGuilmi
Reyna Le owitz
María Romero-Pérez
Micky Stagg
Para el mes de julio, $3,482.95 han sido donados a
nuestra parroquia por nuestros feligreses por medio
de Parish Pay. Si le gustaría hacer un ofrecimiento a
la Iglesia de San. Bernardo electrónicamente
conectese a www.parishpay.com
St. Bernard’s
Capital Campaign Update
Total Amount Pledged: $565,311
Total Amount in Payments: $251,082
Average Pledge: $2,098.72
Cardinal’s Annual Appeal
Total Amount Pledged: $26,628
Total Amount in Payments: $24,263
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EL Centro Hispano will start a new cycle of Beginners Computer Classes in September. The classes will be Mondays and Wednesdays from
6:30 to 8:30; Fridays from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m and Saturdays from 8-12
noon. The course will last 16 weeks and the cost is $100. If you are
interested, come to El Centro Hispano to register as soon as possible.
We can only accept 18 students.
El Centro Hispano will begin a new study skill course for 5th graders on
Saturdays from 3:00 -4:30 in September. For more informaiton call the
center as soon as possible. 914-289-0500 Monday – Friday from 127:00 p.m.
To celebrate its 40th Anniversary, El Centro Hispano will be having a
Gala on October 18th at 7 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Guests will
enjoy a free cocktail hour with international food and then dinner and
dancing until midnight. We will be honoring the many generous supporters of El Centro Hispano and Jorge Ramos, anchorman from
Telemundo will be the Master of Ceremonies. If you would like to attend, please call the Center at El Centro Hispano at 914 289-0500 Monday – Friday from 12 – 7 p.m.
If you have a room, apartment or house for rent, and would like to
advertise it free of charge, please call El Centro, Monday – Friday from
12 noon to 7:00 p.m. at 914-289-0500.
El Centro Hispano will be distributing fresh food on the following
Thursdays August 21 and September 11. The refrigerated truck from
Food Bank for Westchester will be at the parking lot near Centro Hispano after 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to benefit from this program.
Prease bring a bag.
The program will be offered once again Monday –Thursday from 4 to 5
p.m. starting September 22nd Kindergarten students will attend
Mondays and Wednesdays and first grade students Tuesdays and
Thursdays. If you are interested in registering your child, call the Center 289-0500 as soon as possible.
Space is limited.
If you are older than 50, do not have health insurance, and you are in
need of getting a colonoscopy, mammography or Pap smear please
contact El Centro Hispano as soon as possible at 289-0500. You can get
these tests done at a very low cost or at no cost at all.
El Centro Hispano comenzará un nuevo ciclo de clases de computación
para principiantes en septiembre. Las clases serán los lunes y miércoles de 6:30 a 8:30 p.m.; los viernes de 6:00 a 10:00 p.m. y los sábados
de 8:00 a 12:00 del mediodía. El curso durará 16 semanas por un
costo de $100. Si está interesado en tomar estas clases, pase por El
Centro Hispano lo antes posible. Sólo podemos aceptar 18 estudiantes.
El Centro Hispano comenzará un nuevo curso de destrezas de estudios
para niños de quinto grado los sábados de 3:00 – 4:30 comenzando en
septiembre. Para mas información, llamen al Centro lo antes posible al
914-289-0500 de lunes a viernes de 12:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Para celebrar su 40 Aniversario, El Centro Hispano tendrá una fiesta
bailable (Gala) el 18 de octubre a las 7:00 p.m. en el Crowne Plaza
Hotel. Los invitados disfrutarán de una hora de cocktails con bebidas
gratis y comida internacional, después, disfrutarán también de una
cena bailable hasta la medianoche. Honraremos a varias personas que
han apoyado con gran generosidad al Centro Hispano. Jorge Ramos,
locutor de Telemundo será el Maestro de Ceremonias. El costo por
persona es de $150. Si desea asistir a la fiesta llame al Centro Hispano
al 914-289-0500 de lunes a viernes de 12:00 a 7:00 p.m.
Si desea anunciar completamente gratis, cuartos apartamentos o casas
para alquilar, llame al Centro Hispano de lunes a viernes de 12 a 7:00
p.m. al 914-289-0500.
El Centro Hispano distribuirá alimentos frescos los siguientes jueves:
agosto 21 y septiembre 11. El camión refrigerado de Food Bank for
Westchester estará estacionado cerca del Centro después de las 3:00
p.m. Todos están invitados a beneficiarse de este programa. Por favor
traiga bolsa.
El programa se ofrecerá nuevamente de lunes a jueves de 4 a 5, comenzando el 22 de septiembre. Los estudiantes que están en Kindergarten asistirán lunes y miércoles, y los de primer grado martes y
jueves de 4 a 5. Si desea matricular a su niño en el programa, llame al
Centro, 289-0500 lo antes posible. Quedan pocas plazas.
Si es mayor de 50 años, no tiene seguro médico, y tiene que hacerse
una colonoscopia, mamografía o Papanicolaou, por favor llame al Centro Hispano lo antes posible al 289-0500. Es posible que se pueda
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hacer estas pruebas gratis o a bajo costo.