E-Zine Issue 6


E-Zine Issue 6
The 6th SCYP E-Zine!
The Inspiration Issue!
Greetings and salutations!
Please pass this
E-Zine along to
people you
know and also
tell them about
SCYP, so that
we can spread
the word about
the greatness
of co-ops!
The winter may still be holding us captive in its icy grip but we here at the
SCYP office are not letting a little snow, wind, and ice chill our spirits! We
are full of sunshine, pep and like kids on the eve of their birthday, anxiously
awaiting the upcoming Co-op Camp season! We hope that you are as excited as we are and that you will be able to join us this summer!
In this sixth edition of the SCYP E-zine we have compiled stories, profiles,
and ideas from people and co-operative organizations that have inspired uslike Co-opérative La Mauve– true innovators of local and fair trade food marketing, and Lee Knafelc, who was a SCYP Program Assistant for 4 summers!
It is our goal to help you find your own inspiration! We hope that something
in this issue sparks your interest, gets you thinking, and motivates you to get
involved (perhaps by doing a SCYP presentation or planning an event in
your town for this year’s Co-operative Youth Day?) Whether that involvement is with a co-operative organization in your area, a school group, or a
cause or issue that you are
passionate about, we want to
hear about it!
As always,
We hope you enjoy
this issue of the
I Heart CoCo-ops EE-Zine!
What’s Inside!
Greatest Photo in the Co-op Universe………….……………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 2
SCYP News and Information……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 4
Co-operative Profile—Coopérative La Mauve………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 5
SCYP Profiles—Concentra Financial…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 6
Looking for Inspiration?...........................................................................................................................................Page 7-8
SCYP Guest Artist Profile—Chico Sousa………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 10
SCYP Alumni—An interview with Lee Knafelc……………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 12
Upcoming Opportunities and Groovy Things to Do!!...........................................................................................Page 13-15
Cool Sites & Resources for Youth………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 16
Food for Thought……………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 17
E-zine Editorial and Submission Information…………………………………………………………………………….………………..Page 18
Did You Know?
Greatest Photos in the CoCo-op Universe!
Singer Bob Dylan has given the go-ahead for a
British co-operative to use one of his most famous songs in a television ad campaign.
The Co-operative Group, which runs a string
of supermarkets as well as banking, funeral
and travel services, will feature the song
Blowin' in the Wind in its advertising. The
song, released in 1963, was rated by Rolling
Stone as the 14th greatest song of all time.
This is the first time Bob Dylan has allowed
one of his songs to be used in a British ad, although other Dylan songs have been used in
advertising in the US. A spokesman for his
record company said Dylan was swayed by Cooperative Group's ethical approach to business
in allowing the song to be used.
From: Co-operative News Briefs, Canadian Co
-operative Association
Grad 2008 staff Alicia Wehrkamp, Tricia
McNair and Alesha Goodwin prepare for a super
all out water assault on unsuspecting
Pack Your Bags for SCYP
Dates to remember!
Staff Application Deadline: March 20
Staff Training: June 2-4
Ca 4!
Co ince 1
Seminar Dates:
June 29-July 2 *New* Junior
July 2– 6 Intro 1
July 6-11 IM 1
July 11-15 Intro 2
July 15-19 Intro 3
July 19-24 IM 2
July 24-27 *New* Senior Grad
Aug. 9-14 Grad
SCYP’s Spectacular Additions to the
Summer Seminar Line Up!!
That’s right! This summer SCYP will be offering two new seminars!
Junior—June 29 t-July 2
This session is specifically design for 12 and 13 year olds. Through fun and interactive activities participants will
make new friends from across the province, build self-esteem and explore how we all belong in a world of cooperatives. There will also be a chance to take a deeper look at the media, build co-operation and consensus
building skills, and experience all the zany co-op camp traditions like rap sessions, warm fuzzies, and campfire
Senior Grad– July 24-27
This is for all those who have completed Grad and can’t get enough Co-op Camp! This seminar will not only provide you with a chance to see old friends, but it will also take all the knowledge and skills you have learned at
your past seminars and take it to the next level! You will be challenged to step it up - take more of a leadership role and responsibility for making the seminar a success. And there will still be all the fun
things that make Co-op Camp magical--like swimming, rap sessions, and warm fuzzies!
Register Now! Visit our website at http://youth.sask.coop or call the office at
244.3702 for more information!
SCYP-ers in Action!!
Co-operative Profiles
13 Questions for Coopérative La Mauve
Where are you based?
Co-opérative La Mauve is based in St-Vallier;
which is a small town of 1000 people near Québec city.
When was your co-operative established?
La Mauve was established in the fall 2002.
How many people work at Coopérative La
We have 6 people working at the coop in winter
and 8 people in the summer.
What is Coopérative La Mauve?
La Mauve is a non-profit social economy cooperative. The central concern of its members is
sustainable development. The coop is divided in
three different sectors:
Young participants of La Mauve’s educational workshop
proudly display their first attempts at crop production!
Local and fair trade marketing
In St-Vallier, the La Mauve shop offers local and
organic produce to the population. With its food baskets, La Mauve also offers an alternative
way of distributing food produce that directly links farmers and consumers. La Mauve wants to
establish the basics of local, fair trade, organic and sustainable marketing.
Located in Beaumont, La
Mauve owns lands that
regroup resources and
encourages small-scale
agricultural, and viable
and certified organic production. La Mauve Gardens are also a demonstration site for sustainable development in the
agricultural and forestry
sectors, and biological
La Mauve is
a non-profit
social economy
cooperative. The
central concern of
its members
is sustainable
Public awareness campaign and education
Members of La Mauve
cooperative organize
workshops, seminars and
seasonal events such as
the Seed Celebration and
Patrons enjoy the warm summer sunshine and a delicious lunch of local and
Harvest Celebration. At
organic food from La Mauve’s shop in St-Vallier, Quebec.
these events members
exchange ideas and knowledge about best practices when it comes to agricultural and environmental sustainable development.
(Continued page 9)
SCYP Profiles
Concentra Financial
SCA is fortunate to have a number of great member organizations. These members directly
and indirectly support the Co-operative Youth Program Seminars. In this issue, we profile
Concentra Financial.
Name of Organization: Our trade name is Concentra Financial. Our full legal name is Concentra Financial Services
Association. Concentra Trust is a wholly owned subsidiary of Concentra Financial.
Is your organization a co-operative? Concentra is a co-operative organization owned by its members. We are a
credit union company and an integral part of the Canadian co-operative financial system. Our co-operative foundation
is an important part of who we are and is reflected in our culture through strong leadership, accountability and commitment to community demonstrated by our employees throughout Concentra.
Where are you based? The greatest concentration of employees are based in Saskatoon and Regina, however there
are staff located across the country.
What communities do you work in? We have a national
presence. In addition to Saskatchewan, we have service locations across Canada: Vancouver, Kelowna, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Orillia, Wallaceburg, Toronto, Kitchener,
Peterborough and Halifax.
When was your co-op/organization established?
Concentra was established in 2005 by bringing together the
operations of Co-operative Trust, established in 1952, and
Corporate Banking operations from Credit Union Central of
Saskatchewan (SaskCentral), established in 1938.
How many people work at your co-op? 385
What does your organization do? We partner with
credit unions and other organizations, nationally, to deliver
value added services and specialized solutions to members.
Most of our services are classified as business-to-business
Concentra Staff serve up a delicious breakfast financial or trust services, but we also help our business cliin Saskatoon!
ents serve their retail financial customers. The solutions we
deliver simplify business operations, expand product offerings
and provide specialized expertise. We help our business clients increase returns and growth; diversify portfolios; manage risk; innovate; and, access our resources through partnerships.
By partnering with credit unions and other organizations nationally, we make available to them the specialized products and services that enhance their competitive advantage and success. The financial services we offer to credit unions include corporate credit, investments and
consulting; deposit administration and warehousing; and mortgage origination, funding and
(Continued page 17)
Looking for a little inspiration?
Inspiration is all about learning, getting new ideas, and encouragement from the people, places and
things around us. Here are 60 creative suggestions for jump starting those “light bulb” self educational
Ask a low rider
Spend a day alone in a wild place
Follow your trash to its final resting
Collect food and blankets and spend a
day giving them to homeless people taking the time to stop and talk about life
Help in the birth of a lamb, cow, or horse
Switch genders for the day
Build a house (your own, or for Habitat
for Humanity)
Apprentice yourself to someone you've
always wanted to learn from
Read the sacred texts of another tradition
how the lifters
on their car
Visit the emergency ward of a major
Find out what the clerk at the grocery
store is thinking about
Follow your electricity wires to the
source of the electricity
Learn to line dance
Take a bicycle to pieces and put it together again
Learn how to give a good massage
Spend a day watching a provincial
legislature at work
Calculate how much carbon dioxide
your family is adding to the atmosphere each year
Get the names of the favorite books
of your dentist, grocery store clerk,
mother, co-worker, and your minister/rabbi/priest or spiritual guide.
Read those books
Read primary sources on history, science, social science (that is, avoid the
authors who are interpreting the work
of others)
Write an episode of one of the current
top-rated sitcoms on commercial TV;
explain the story line to a friend
Throw the biggest party you can; try
to get someone from every decade
Admit that you don't know and ask
for help
Tell people how you are really doing
Calculate the total kilometers traveled
from the towns labeled on food cans
in your pantry
Make a movie about your neighborhood
(continued page 8)
Looking for a little inspiration? ...continued
Exchange tutoring with a
Finger paint
Be quiet for 5 minutes per day; increase gradually to 20
Read a foreign newspaper
Talk to the janitor
Examine a handful of compost or
rich soil under a microscope
Write a creation myth
Visit an observatory, and look at
the stars through a big telescope
Choose six jobs that interest you;
find someone to interview for each
and spend a day working alongside
Take a dance class from a different
Imagine yourself looking back on
your life at 90 years of age: what are
the highlights? Who has been most
important? What do you wish you
had done? Now go out and do those
things, thank those people and live
those highlights.
friend - math or bicycle repair in exchange for Web
design, skate boarding,
dance, or something else??
Channel surf for an evening; ask yourself what
about the program is interesting to people
Spend a week without stepping in a
Grow enough grain
for one loaf of
bread -- and make
and eat the loaf
Trace your water supply
back to its source - and
car. Pay attention to how your town
looks from a bike, bus, or sidewalk
Go to someone else's church, synagogue, or place of worship
Interview the oldest person you can
find; record the conversation
Interview a child
Find out what percentage of the
world's financial wealth is owned by
the top 50 corporations, and how
much by the 50 wealthiest people
Imagine a day in your life 15 years
from now
Plant and care for a tree
Ask yourself, "What if everyone in
the world behaved the way I am behaving?"
follow it down the drainpipes to its destination
Adapted from 101 Way To Get Educated by YES! Editors and advisors, Winter 1999 Issue: Education for
Life ...YES! Magazine
(continued from page 5)
Who are your members?
We have three kind of members:
The working members
The user members which are producers
The support members
How are young people involved in Coopérative
La Mauve?
Young people are involved in all aspects of the coop. Besides having youth members from all three categories,
there are young people on the board of directors and
youth are also members on all of the committees.
Why was Coopérative La Mauve developed? Is
that still the role that the co-op serves?
The coop was created to respond to three needs in the comA Coopérative La Mauve Committee hard at work
Accessibility to agriculture land for young producers
Having alternative marketing that is well adapted to the specific situation of small farmers
Increasing educational opportunities for local members in the area who wished to further develop their sustainable development practices
The cooperative continues to work on these issues today.
What do you find inspiring in your work?
The creative ways in which we have power and control over
our way of life, consumption patterns and decisions.
What, if any, barriers or major hurdles have you
experienced in setting up and running Coopérative
La Mauve? How have you addressed these challenges?.
The major barrier that we had to face was how to arrange
all the projects in a way that was profitable for our members. We had to use all our creativity and all our members’
experiences to find solutions. Also we had to ensure that
our solutions were in line with the coop’s missions and
Do the members of Coopérative La Mauve have
‘day jobs or activities’ or are members doing this
full time?
Most of the members have ‘day-jobs’ and spend their free time at the coop when they can.
Coopéative La Mauve members’ meeting
What do you envision for Coopérative La Mauve for five years from now?
We want to develop additional partnerships and programs with schools. We also would like to help our producers to
strengthen their working relationships.
What has been the best part of your experience with Coopérative La Mauve so far?
To be able to work together on common goals and adapt projects with the richness of the membership that work with
us and the situations that we are facing.
How can people find out more about La Mauve?
They can visit our wesite at www.lamauve.com or email for additional information in English to
Fun with words
We continue to profile the writing and
art work from the immensely talented
Chico Sousa.
I just want to write
Throw down some words
Pretend there are no critics
Witness thoughts converge
Inspired by this life
Where my spirit leads the way
Trust in the universe
That things will be okay
Follow my big heart
Play follow-the-leader with myself
It seems to be part of me
And definitely someone else
He fell in love with writing in the second grade and has
been pursing his passion ever since!
In this issue the focus is turned inwards and Chico
looks at where he finds his artistic inspirations in the
world that he surrounds and emerges himself in. Inspiration is not limited to artistic pursuits. To make any
cool stuff or things happen you need a little inspiration.
And co-operatives are leaders in making cool stuff and
Where do you draw your inspiration
from? What changes are you inspired to
make it the world these days? How are
you involved in coco-operatives and inspinspiring change in your community?
I dive and swim under water
The silence so peaceful
Let myself just go
Drowning but graceful
Instantly she reappears
Since she is so far away
Then I know that is what carries me
Only what your smile can say
This fun with words
Keeps me awake
Sometimes for days
Its how I pray
Thanks for this day
© Chico Sousa 1998-2008
(Reprinted with permission )
Credit Union
om !
Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth
Program is looking for this year’’s
We need your superhero abilities to
staff the 2009 SCYP seminars!
For information on our Superhero Training
Dates and Crew Applications
check out:
Deadline for
Applications is
March 20th, 2009
SCYP Alumni
An Interview with Lee Knafelc
Former SCYP Program Assistant
Name? Lee Knafelc
Where do you live? Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
What do you do for work? I’m Senior Director of Human Resources for Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan
Inc. (PotashCorp).
What kinds of skills and knowledge do you use in
the work that you do? My role is fairly broad and
diverse, as I have overall responsibility for all human resource programming and strategy for approximately
2,000 PotashCorp employees in Canada, as well as
global compensation programming, and facilities management for our Corporate Office. I lead a team of approximately 15 professionals, so I rely on them to have
the technical expertise and knowledge to execute the
many programs and initiatives we’re responsible for. My
job as a senior leader is to ensure we have the right people in the right jobs, focused on the right priorities. I’ve
been a human resources professional for almost 18 years,
and my role has evolved from “doing” to “managing” to
“leading”, and it’s been a great ride!
How were you involved in SCYP? I attended my first
Introductory Seminar in 1983, at the Co-op College in
Saskatoon. The experience blew me away and I went
on to attend another seminar there in 1984, and a
graduate seminar at Goldeye Centre in Alberta as an
exchange participant the next year. After a “brief hiatus” from SCYP, I got involved again while attending the
Lee Knafelc, SCYP Alumni and former Staffer
University of Saskatchewan and worked as a Summer
Program Assistant through four summers (1987 through
1990). I also staffed a couple of Intro Seminars at Candle
Lake after I had entered the workforce in 1991 and was to develop a leadership style and a self-confidence which
I believe paid tremendous benefits later in my personal
employed at Federated Co-operatives Limited.
and professional life.
How did your involvement in SCYP influence
you? Where do I start?! My first SCYP experience came
at a time in my life when I really needed it – even
though I might not have known that at the time! I grew
up on a farm in rural Saskatchewan and had been a
very “involved” student, but my involvement with SCYP
gave me the leadership focus and the drive to do more
with the skills I had. It also exposed me to an entirely
new world of contacts and friendships, some of which I
maintain to this day. SCYP instilled a confidence in me
that no other exposure as a youth or a young adult was
able to match. The Program allowed me to practice my
leadership skills in a wide variety of scenarios and in a
multitude of situations, many of which are not encountered without years of work experience. It allowed me
What influenced/led you to do the work that you
are doing now? You mean aside from SCYP?? I have
to admit that I sort of “stumbled” into human resource
management as a career, but looking back it’s hard to
imagine building a life-long career in another field. I
work in this field because I have an innate and intense
interest in people. I can’t imagine a job without constant interaction with people. HR allows me to learn
and be involved with many aspects of the business, and I
enjoy bringing the “people” perspective to business conversations. And by the way: It was a SCYP staffer who
said to me in 1990, “You should work in Human Resources!”
(Continued on page 15)
Upcoming Opportunities and Groovy Things to Do!
Impact: The Co-operators Youth
Conference for Sustainability
180 university and college students from
across Canada
Explore real sustainability solutions with National business and sustainability leaders
September 24-27, 2009 Guelph, Ontario
All conference expenses paid!
Application deadline is February 27, 2009
Keynote Address by David Suzuki
For more information check out
Youth Challenge International—
Make a world of difference.
Africa - Americas and the Caribbean South Pacific
Youth Challenge International builds the skills, experience and confidence of young people by involving them
in substantive overseas international development projects in partnership with local youth-serving organizations.
Volunteer and travel overseas with YCI! YCI has volunteer and travel opportunities in Canada, Africa, the
Americas, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. Over
2,500 Canadian youth have had life changing experiences with YCI since 1989.
YCI projects can focus on:
* gender equality
* youth employability
* environmental protection
* and life skills
For more information on how to get involved visit the
website at www.yci.org!
The Ecological Footprint Quiz
What is your IMPACT?
This website has a relatively detailed Ecological Footprint
Quiz. The Ecological Footprint Quiz estimates the area of
land and ocean required to support your consumption of
food, goods, services, housing, and energy and assimilate
your wastes. Your ecological footprint is expressed in "global
hectares" (gha) or "global acres" (ga), which are standardized
units that take into account the differences in biological productivity of various ecosystems impacted by your consumption activities. Your footprint is broken down into four consumption categories: carbon (home energy use and transportation), food, housing, and goods
and services. Your footprint is
also broken down into four ecosystem types or biomes: cropland, pastureland, forestland,
and marine fisheries.
More Opportunities and Things to Do...
Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Day is a chance
to celebrate youth and co-operation in Saskatchewan, to provide a fun event for young people to
celebrate, and to learn about cooperatives and the Saskatchewan
Co-operative Youth Program.
There are lots of possibilities for activities! It all depends on what you and other
youth in your community are interested
in and what you have the time and cashmoney to organize! Be creative!
Co-operative Youth
Day is May 23rd!!
What are you doing
to celebrate?
SCYP has put together a
“Build Your Own Co-op
Youth Day” Toolkit, to assist
others in setting up events
across the province! If you are
interested in creating your own
event, download the toolkit for the
SCYP/SCA website, http://youth.sask.coop.
Here are some ideas to get you
started, You could have:
Co-operative initiative
musical performances
Face painting
Scavenger Hunts
Talent Shows
BBQs or other food related events
Here at SCYP we would love to hear what you are
planning! So send us an email or give us a call and
let us know about your event and we will help out in
any way we can!
SCYP on Facebook!
Remember any event where people get
the chance to celebrate and learn more
about youth and co-operative in Saskatchewan is a success!
SCYP on youtube!
For all of those who are on Facebook show
your co-op camp love by becoming a fan of
Want to hear more about why co-op
camp is so fantastic? Check out some
the testimonials for past staff and participants on youTube!
JD’s testimonial -http://www.youtube.com/
The fan page has all the camps listed as events where
you can ask questions and get to know other people
who are attending the same camp!
Remember, you still need to fill out a registration form and find a sponsor in order to
attend co-op camp!
Xochitl’s testimonial -http://
If you are looking to get in touch with people you went
to camp SCYP Alumni have started several Facebook
groups called:
1. Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program
2. SCYP (Sask. Co-operative Youth Program)
3. SCYP "Co-op Camp"
4. SCYP Grad 2008
5. SCYP 2008 Grad Reunionists
Sasha’s testimonial- http://www.youtube.com/
If you are inspired go ahead and make
your own testimonial video! Be sure to
let us know because we’d love to see
And Even More Opportunities and Things to Do...
Be An Olympic Flame Bearer!!
Create You
r Own
The Otesha Project
Coca-Cola has developed two ways for Canadians to
demonstrate how, by living active, they can earn a
chance to be a torchbearer and carry the Olympic Flame.
Here’s how Canadians can get involved
Canadians, over the age of 13, who demonstrate that
they have made a commitment to active living can submit
an application through iCoke.ca.
Coca-Cola Canada, in collaboration with ParticipACTION,
the national voice of physical activity and sport participation in Canada, has designed and launched SOGO
Active, an innovative youth engagement program aimed at
13-19 year-olds, which gives young Canadians the tools to
design, change and control their own individual “get active”
Otesha's 2009 cycling and performing tours are ready to roll! Teams of 12 to 18 motivated and energetic young people,
aged 18 to 30, will set off on tours beginning this spring, summer and autumn. They will
travel by bicycle throughout parts of Canada performing a play and offering workshops on
sustainability and social justice issues to schools and community groups. You can be one of
them! To learn more about the project visit their website at www.otesha.ca!
(continued from page 12—Interview
with Lee Knafelc)
“SCYP instilled a confidence in me that
What do you find inspiring in your work? I’m inspired by watching other people learn and grow and
no other exposure as a youth or young
flourish at whatever it is they happen to be doing, from
adult was able to match.” ---Lee Knafelc
the most basic of roles to senior leadership. I find it inspiring to know that someone has accomplished a goal
that they didn’t previously think they could. It’s inspiring
to watch people face adversity and incredible challenges
and still be able to laugh and reach out to others in the Favourite summer activity? It’s more of a “yearround” activity, but we have undertaken the ambitious
midst of it all.
project of building a new cottage at our place at Anglin
Lake in north-central Saskatchewan. Planning and
What else inspires you? Music will always be an inconstruction has been a long ordeal, but then you sit out
spiration. Certainly my family inspires me, gives me a
on that beach, watch the sun set, listen to the loons
centre and a purpose, and believes in me even when I
across the lake, and it all seems worth it…..
doubt myself. I’m inspired by others who do selfless acts
or take a chance in order to help someone else, even if
Last book you read? At the moment I’m reading “A
they have nothing to gain.
Suitable Boy” by Vikram Seth. It’s 1,500 pages long and
I only have time to read before I go to sleep – and I usuIf you could go anywhere in the world, where
ally only get through 3 or 4 pages before I doze off. So
would you go? See next question…I’ve had the oppor- it’s going to be a l-o-n-g read…For “escape” reading I’ve
tunity to do some traveling and hope to do lots more as lately taken a real interest in fictional works set in India
time allows. But when I’m there, I can’t imagine a bet- and Asia. Rohinton Mistry is my all-time favourite ficter place on earth than looking out at the water from
tional author.
our beach at Anglin Lake.
Youth Noise
This is a social networking site for youth that is based on causes. You can learn more about causes such as animal rights,
the environment, tolerance, arts and the media and connect with people around the world that are interested in the same
things you are. To get hooked up go to http://www.youthnoise.com/
This site is dedicated making sure that Canadian youth have all the information they need to vote! Did you know:
“It’s only been four years since ALL (adult) Canadians have had the right to vote. Prior to this, various limitations were
placed on the right to vote.
Before Confederation, the right to vote was based on property ownership, which led to a very small and elite number of
voters — a list that excluded all women as well as many ethnic and religious groups. Even when the first legislative assembly was elected in Nova Scotia in 1758, most people were still excluded from voting.
Only in 1918 were women granted the same right to vote as men, and only in 1920 did the right to vote become
“universal” — though people of Aboriginal and Oriental descent could only do so if they gave up treaty and status
In actuality, the freedom to vote wasn’t given to every Canadian — both genders, all races, and without limitations —
until 2004, when prisoners serving a sentence of longer than two years were granted the right to vote. That’s an achievement that, for today’s voters, is difficult to imagine. And it was just four years ago. “ D250 told me so!
For more information on Democracy and to have your say on issues like should our troops stay in Afghanistan, should
Marijuana be decriminalized, should private health care be more widely available go to https://www.d250.ca/index.asp.
For all you music lovers Kompoz.com is an online workspace for musicians and songwriters. You can use it to record
tracks, upload your stuff and you can collaborate with other artists around the world by inviting them to add drums, bass,
mad accordion beats, or anything else!
There are also resources and discussion forums to learn more about mixing techniques, hardware and software, songwriting and just about anything else your musical brain needs!
To start your own projects visit www.kompoz.com.
Next time you are looking for a fun way to spend a few minutes and feeling
crafty check out https://snowflakes.barkleyus.com. This website allows you to
make your own snowflakes via digital paper and scissors, and you don’t have
to clean up all those little bits of paper!
Saskatchewan Co-operative Association, in conjunction with the Centre
for the Study of Co-operatives, is pleased to announce the publication of
“Co-operative Youth Education in Saskatchewan” a history book written
by SCYP staff Chassidy Puchala and SCYP Alumni Breeann Heggie! This
book celebrates the 80 years of co-operative youth history in SK, capturing the essence of the program and documenting the history, development, and achievements! Contact the SCA office to order your
copy today!! Books are $20 and a must have for any library!
(Concentra Profile, cont’d from page 6)
Our Corporate Banking division offers access to a full line of banking services for businesses. Personal trust services
provide assistance to individuals with estate and trust administration. Corporate trust services provide businesses
with access to a trustee for registered savings and benefit plans so that they can offer such programs to clients and employees.
Who are the members of your co-op? Our members are credit unions, provincial credit union centrals and other
financial co-operatives.
How are young people involved in your co-op? What can
young people do to get involved in your co-op? We are very
interested in providing employment opportunities to youth. We participate in co-operative work placements and internships with educational institutions that provide students with an opportunity to gain
work experience as they complete their education. Students involved
in business programs can pursue such an opportunity via their program administrator. We attend career fairs to provide information to
students interested in our organization.
This year we were involved in a very exciting pilot mentoring program
for the National Young Leaders’ Committee (NYLC) sponsored by
Credit Union Central of Canada. The goal of the program is to allow
Credit Union staff an opportunity to learn, observe, and obtain a high
level of understanding of the co-operative system as well as capture the
invaluable leadership skills of leaders across the system. Information
about getting involved with the NYLC is available at http://
Editor’s note: Concentra also sponsors SCYP participants and supports staff to participate in SCYP!
Mary Beckett, SCA Board Member and Concentra’s Chief Governance Officer
What is your name and what is your job at the co-op? Mary Beckett, member of the executive leadership team
and Chief Governance Officer
How long have you been working at Concentra? For over 25 years
What made you choose to work there? Had known others who worked for the company (then Co-operative
Trust) and knew it to be a good place to work with good career opportunities.
What is your favourite thing about your job/ your organization? The people, it is great to work with such a
large group of dedicated, caring individuals.
For more information on Concentra Financial visit their website: http://www.concentrafinancial.ca/
What would you attempt to
do if you knew you would
not fail? Dr. Robert
Food for Thought...
Change will not come if
we wait for some other person or some
other time. We are the ones we've been
waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
Barack Obama
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havTo gain that which is worth e
ing, it may be necessary
everything else.
Bernadette Devlin
You must be the
change you wish to
see in the world.
Mahatma Ghandi
About the Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program
To contribute to the personal development of youth and encourage their active involvement in community
and co-operative organizations.
Values and Principles
The Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program contributes to the
personal development of youth and encourages their active
involvement in community and co-operative organizations. The
uniqueness of the Program stems from its ability to provide a cooperative, participatory learning experience for young people, co-op
staff and volunteers, within a positive, enjoyable environment.
The Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program respects the
equality of people. We believe in social responsibility, justice
and economic empowerment through co-operatives. We
welcome a diversity of beliefs, cultures and values in our
program and we act to include this diversity.
The Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program has a fundamental
respect for people. We honour the uniqueness of the individual and
the value of groups. Respect fosters openness and authentic selfexpression, which, in turn, builds trust. We enhance this trusting
atmosphere through sharing, listening and respecting
The Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program values the
growth and development of people and their co-operatives. We
contribute to personal growth through education, participation
and skill development, which, in turn, benefits co-operatives.
Our program serves as an information link between youth and
co-operatives in Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program values co-operation
and democratic practices. We value the input of each individual, and
through teamwork, we effectively achieve our goals. Through group
decision-making and communication we generate a spirit of cooperation and sense of community.
The Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program believes in the
interdependence of people. We build a social bond between
individuals through understanding, consideration and
interaction. We act with a responsibility to care for others.
E-Zine Editorial and Submission Information
The next I Heart Co-ops E-Zine will be published in the Fall of 2009 - please contribute! This is your chance to voice your opinion, share your
talents or let people know about an opportunity. Send us your artwork, poems, thoughts, articles, reviews, jokes, comics, events and
opportunities, photos, seminar memories, co-op stories and ideas for other content.
PLEASE NOTE: Submitted content does not necessarily reflect the opinions or viewpoint of Saskatchewan Co-operative Association.
* SCYP reserves the right to publish or not publish any content that is submitted. (i.e. we will not publish any content that is racist, sexist,
homophobic, mean, nasty or otherwise full of cold pricklies or swear words. What would your mother say!?!) We encourage people to
submit their thoughts, feelings, critical reviews of things and otherwise state their opinions, but there are limits.
*SCYP needs permission from the artist(s) for any photos, artwork, or writing, etc that are used.
*SCYP needs permission from anyone for a photo/ image of them, as well as quotes used.
* SCYP will make every effort to return original photos, etc to you - please send your return address if you mail us something.
Please send your e-zine content to:
I Heart Co-ops E-Zine
Saskatchewan Co-operative Association, Suite 301 201-21st St. East Saskatoon, SK S7K 0B8
fax: (306) 244.2165 email: heather.hale@sask.coop
If you want to subscribe or un-subscribe to this publication, send us an email: sca@sask.coop , with "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the subject