self denial - The Salvation Army


self denial - The Salvation Army
Official Organ of The Salvation Army in Southern Africa ~ Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper ~ R5.00 ~ 129th Year ~ Issue No 5817 ~ August 2012
From the Editor
n December 1,
1912 Russell
H. Conwell,
pastor of Grace Baptist
Church in Philadelphia
told the story of a little
girl, Hattie May Wiatt.
She lived near a church
where the Sunday
School was very
crowded and he told her that one day they
would have buildings big enough to allow
everyone to attend who wanted to. Later,
Hattie May Wiatt became sick and died.
Rev. Conwell was asked to do the funeral
and the girl's mother told him that Hattie
May had been saving money to help build a
bigger church and gave him the little purse
in which she had saved 57 cents. Rev.
Conwell had the 57 cents turned into 57
pennies, told the congregation the story of
little Hattie May and sold the pennies for a
return of about $250. In addition, 54 of the
original 57 pennies were returned to Rev.
Conwell and he later put them up on
display. This was in a time when 57 cents
was no small savings account for a little girl
from a poor family. Some of the members
of the church formed what they called the
Wiatt Mite Society which was dedicated to
making Hattie May’s 57 cents grow as
much as possible and to buy the property
for the Primary Department of the Sunday
school. A house nearby was purchased
with the $250 that Hattie May’s 57 cents
had produced and the rest is history.
What’s Happening
Whether it is giving up pudding, a week’s
wages or your favourite magazine for a
while, our money has the capacity to help
change people's lives. This issue is
dedicated to this.
I share with you some stories from the
countries that will directly impact from our
self-denial giving and how they benefit
from it.
It is not just in giving money, that we can
bring the love of God to others, but by
taking part in helping other by serving
them. Take a look on page 14 as staff
members take time out of the office and roll
up their sleeves.
I also highlight a positional statement of
The Salvation Army this month on
corruption. As we strive to be more
transparent and people of integrity
especially in the area of our finances, this
will help guide us to do so.
Hattie May gave 57 cents, because she had
a vision and it challenged me to look at my
sacrificial giving this year and to give ,in
the words of Katherine Booth, until it hurts
so that those that are hurting may know a
kind hand and word of comfort.
Much love and blessings
Captain Wendy Clack
Day of Prayer for Children
National Women’s Day
11-12 Young Women’s Fellowship
Rally (Central Division)
18-21 Mpumalanga & Swaziland
Divisional Review (TC, TPWM
& Sec for Pers/THLS)
Candidates Sunday
20-26 Discovery Week
20-29 SAMET (Aux Captains)
23-25 MASIC
24-26 Y-Connexion Bloemfontein
Section (Central Division)
25-28 Eastern Cape Divisional Review
(CS, TSWM & Sec for Prog/Asst
Sec for Pers)
Youth Sunday
William Booth
Linda Bond
Territorial Commander
Commissioner W. Langa
International Headquarters
101 Queen Victoria Street,
London EC4P 4GP England
Territorial Headquarters
119 - 121 Rissik Street,
Johannesburg 2001
Captain Wendy Clack
Editorial Office
P.O. Box 1018
Johannesburg 2000
Tel:. (011) 718-6700
Fax: (011) 718-6790
Design, Print &
Dyman Print,
Annual Subscription Rates
Local: R70
International: R100
Subscription to
The Financial Secretary
P.O. Box 1018
Johannesburg 2000
Published bi-monthly
Home League Rally
(Mpumalanga & Swaziland
Home League Rally (Northern
KZN Division)
Home League Rally (Western
Cape Division)
English Speaking Rally (Eastern
Cape Division)
English Speaking Rally (Central
22-23 Home League Rally (Mid KZN
22-23 Home League Rally (Northern
Children Ministry Sunday
Heritage Day (Public Holiday)
29-30 Home League Rally (Eastern
KZN Division)
Decision Sunday (3rd)
The Salvation Army, an
international movement, is an
evangelical part of the
universal Christian Church. Its
message is based on the Bible.
Its ministry is motivated by
love for God. Its mission is to
preach the gospel of Jesus
Christ and to meet human
needs in His name without
Take ownership of your place of worship
TC Talk - By Commissioner William Langa
ecently my wife and I had the
privilege of meeting Leaders at the
International Leader’s Conference
in Toronto Canada. The theme for the
conference was:
A regular column
from the
desk of the
During the conference we were challenged that we need to
start growing as a Territory in taking ownership of all that has
been given to us as stewards. We have been promoting for a
very long time now that we as the Mother Territory of Africa
should be self-supporting. As you prayerfully reflect on your
self-denial this year, I will ask you to embrace your Corps,
Division and Territory's financial status. WE ARE The
Salvation Army Southern Africa Territory and we can
determine what it looks like by our sacrificial giving.
This territory has a great future IF we stand together! Let me
remind you again that The Salvation Army is a vibrant
movement with people of integrity, coming alongside
communities, enabling growth and transformation of the
whole person through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our global Self - Denial has the power to touch people in
every corner of the earth with the Gospel, including here
what an incredible thought!
I recently visited Maseru Corps in the Kingdom of
Lesotho and saw the vibrancy of The Salvation Army
amongst the young people and children. They are
rebuilding ministry in a community that is hungry for
God's Word. There are other such places and
communities in our Territory that are reflecting our
Vision Statement as they own their Corps and take
responsibility for the upkeep of buildings and furtherance
of the Gospel in their Communities. This gives me such
hope for the future.
Therefore my dear friends I remind you of Jesus' words in
Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was
thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you
invited me into your home” as we take ownership of our places
of worship and communities by giving to God sacrificially.
Women’s Month
reetings in the wonderful name of
Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour!
It is an honour and a privilege for
me to be able to share my views
concerning women’s month.
As I ponder upon this month, I’m reminded of a few women in
the Bible who stood their ground in what they believed in:
Women’s Ministries Mission Statement:
Abigail - 1 Sam. 25: 3, 18, 19, 23
She was a capable woman, efficient and competent
Ruth - 1:16
She was constant (she possessed the quality of being
faithful and dependable, enduring and unchanging)
Deborah - Judges 4:4-10
She was a patriotic woman (devoted to and supportive
of her country). She fought for her country, putting her
trust in the Lord.
Dorcas - Acts 9:36
She was well meaning and kind
Serving a charitable rather than profit making purpose
We want to bring women into a knowledge
of Jesus Christ and encourage their full
potential in influencing family, friends and community. We
also aim to equip them for growth in personal understanding
and life skills. We will address issues which affect women and
their families in the world.
‘Arise and Walk’ and ‘Unity and Harmony’ (2011) were the
themes for Women’s Ministries over these last 2 years. We
preached, sang and taught unity and harmony among our
women. Now it is time for us to arise and walk. We believe
that women will arise and walk in unity. We need to stand up
and do something - take a stand for what we believe in. “If you
do not stand for something you will fall for anything.” Not so
with us. This is the year when women of the Southern Africa
Territory will take a stand against injustice in all facets of life.
This month of August the focus will be on equipping,
empowering and sensitizing women on issues that affect their
everyday lives. Issues that women need to take a stand against
Injustice in our communities
With these few women in mind, and following their example
we could win a lot of challenges and battles that we face.
God is good - all the time. He is always with us and keeping
watch over us. I pray that all the women of this country would
experience a blessed Women’s month!
God bless you all
Human trafficking
Abuse (sexual, mental, physical and verbal)
Commissioner Thalitha Langa (TPWM)
The Territorial Moral and Social Issues Council advises the Territorial Commander on
contemporary moral and social issues, and recommends statements of official position on
such issues.
Its members are drawn from all around the Southern Africa Territory, and include both
officers and soldiers of The Salvation Army. The council also calls upon expertise from outside
the Movement when necessary. The Chair of IMASIC is Captain (Dr) Felicia Christians who is
currently serving in Namibia.
Positional statements express the scriptural basis for the statement and the principles
underlying it. They are intended to provide information to the public and guidance to
Salvationists, and must be approved by the General before publication. While it is understood
that individual Salvationists may hold different views on some subjects, official statements
made on behalf of The Salvation Army must be consistent with the stated position.
Although much careful and prayerful thought is given to each positional statement before
publication, they are all subject to periodic review. They may therefore be said only to
represent the considered view of The Salvation Army on a given subject at a certain point in
UN Global Compact. (2011, April 30). Global Compact Principle 10.
Stückelberger, C. (2003, 02 01). Continue Fighting Corruption:
Experiences and Tasks of Churches and Development Agencies.
Bread for All.
Stüeckelberger, C. (2010, 09 27). Corruption-Free Churches are
Possible: Experiences, Values, Solutions. Focus
number 2. Http://
Micah Challenge International (2010, 09 14). Open for Service - A
Case for Good Governance.
Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution. (2011, 05 19).
Corruption: Towards a Comprehensive Societal Response.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. (1999). Combating
Corruption Guidelines. Bern: Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation, CDC.
Unashamedly Ethical.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2004, 09 01).
United Nations Convention Against Corruption.
Statement of the issue:
A widely accepted definition of Corruption, which is provided by Amnesty
International and recognised by the UN, reads as follows: “Corruption is the
abuse of entrusted power for private gain”.1
Incazelo emukelekile yokuchaza inkohlakalo enikezwe wumkhandlu
wezokuxolela emhlabeni kanye noMhlab’uhlangene (iNhlangano yeZizwe),
ithi: “inkohlakalo ukusebenzisa komuntu amagunya awanikeziwe ukuze
Corruption also refers to the abuse of, or complicity in the abuse of, private or
public power, office or resources for personal gain.2 This can include not only
financial gain but also non-financial advantages such as the furtherance of
political or professional ambitions.3 Corruption can take many forms that vary
in degree from minor use of influence to institutionalised bribery. Corruption
takes place in the public and private sectors, as well as within civil society. It
has a debilitating effect on democratic values, and impacts the socio-economic
rights and dignity of all people.
Those who suffer the most because of corruption are the poor, vulnerable and
marginalised. Corruption diverts resources, increases the cost of goods and
services, and perpetuates the root causes of poverty.
Inkohlakalo futhi ichazwa njengokuba nesandla ekuxhashazweni kwempahla
yakho noma yomphakathi ukuze azuze. Lokhu akusho kuphela ukuzuza imali
kodwa nokuqhuba izinhloso zezepolitiki/umbangazwe noma ubungcweti
emsebenzini. Inkohlakalo ingaba yizimo ezahlukene kusuka ekusebenziseni
amandla esikhundla kuya ekugwaziseni. Inkohlakalo yenzeka kuhulumeni,
ezinkampanini ezizimele kanye nasemiphakathini. Inomthelela omubi
emigomweni yentando yeningi, ngaleyondlela ibe nomthelela kumalungelo
enhlalonhle nesithunzi sabantu.
Statement of position:
Abampofu, abangakwazi ukuzisiza nalabo abakhishwa inyumbazane yibo
abakhahlamezeka kakhulu ngenxa yenkohlakalo. Inkohlakalo iholela
ekuphathweni budlabha kwezinto ezilusizo, kwenyuke amanani ezimpahla no
sizo lomphakathi bese futhi ibhebhezela ukuhlupheka.
The Salvation Army deplores corruption in any form.
The Salvation Army realises that there is often a lack of understanding,
acknowledgement and identification of corruption because it is so entrenched
in society. However, corruption is not an acceptable behaviour in any culture
or society. The Salvation Army seeks to uphold Biblical values such as justice,
integrity, honesty, impartiality, transparency and authenticity.
Impi yoSindiso ayihambisani nenkohlakalo ngazozonke izindlela.
Biblical Principles
Izimiso zeBhayibheli
Commendation of integrity:
Ukutuswa kokuthembeka
Psalm 15 : - God desires blamelessness, integrity, honesty,
trustworthiness, the keeping of promises and refusal of bribes.
Proverbs 16:8 - “Better a little with righteousness than much gain with
Isaiah 33:15, 16 - God will supply the needs of the person who refuses to
take or offer bribes.
Condemnation of corruption:
Exodus 23:8 and Isaiah 5:23 - Bribery and corruption have far reaching
devastating consequences for a nation.
Exodus 23:3 - God requires all people to be treated with fairness and
I Samuel 8:3, Acts 24:25, 26 - People who love money and practice
corruption do not make trusted leaders.
Acts 8:20 - Godly anointing and power cannot be bought with money.
Impi yoSindiso iyavuma ukuthi lokhu okulandelayo kuvamile, ukungaqondi,
ukwamukela kanye nokubhaqa inkohlakalo ngenxa yokuthi vele igxilile
emphakathini. Alikho isiko noma umphakathi owamukela inkohlakalo.
Amahubo 15 : - uNkulunkulu ufuna okungasolekiyo, iqiniso,
ukuthembeka, ukugcinwa kwezithembiso kanye nokwala ukugwazelwa.
Izaga 16:8 : - “Okuncane okutholakale ngendlela eqondile kungcono
kunenzuzo eningi etholakale ngenkohlakalo”
uIsaya 33:15, 16 : - uNkulunkulu uyofeza izidingo zalowo owenqabayo
ukuzuza ngokugwazelwa noma agwazelwe.
Ukugxekwa kwenkohlakalo
Exodus 23:8 no Isaya 5:23 - ukugwazelwa nenkohlakalo kunomthelela
Exodus 23:3 - uNkulunkulu ufuna ukuthi bonke abantu baphathwe kahle
1 Samuel 8:3, Izenzo 24:25,26 - Abantu abathanda imali
bazimbandakanye enkohlakalweni ababi ngabaholi abathembekileyo.
Izenzo 8:20 - Ugcobo olunobuNkulunkulu kanye nokuphatha
akuthengwa ngamali.
Practical responses
The Salvation Army is committed to transparency and good governance in its
own administration and business practices, acknowledging, “A corrupt church
has no message for a corrupt nation”.
iMpi yoSindiso izimisele ekusebenzeni ngendlela enhle futhi esobala kukho
konke ekwenzayo futhi iyavuma ukuthi “inkonzo eqhuba ngenkohlalo ayinalo
izwi esizweni esikhohlakele”
Furthermore, The Salvation Army strives to take utmost care in the
administration of, and accounting for, donor, government and internal assets
and funds, which may be entrusted into its care. The Salvation Army is
committed to the establishment and implementation of anti-corruption
mechanisms in its administration.
iMpi yoSindiso izama konke okusemandleni ukuphatha ngesinono, ibike
ngezimali ezinikeliwe ngabantu, uhulumeni kanye nempahla ebekwe
ezandleni zayo. iMpi yoSindiso izinikele ekusunguleni futhi isebenzise
izinsiza ekulweni nenkohlakalo ekuphatheni kwayo.
The Salvation Army promotes integrity, accountability and proper
management in society by:
" Setting an example of ethical business practices, and by displaying the
“fundamental principles that ensure the weak and powerless are treated
with the dignity that is rightfully theirs as people made in God's image”.
The Salvation Army holds a “zero tolerance” position on corruption
within its ranks.
" Encouraging all Salvationists to act according to the highest moral
standards, to refrain from corruption, and to expose and challenge
corruption in the workplace.
" Being an advocate for good governance and fair practice in the private and
public sector, wherever possible.
Impi yoSindiso iqhakambisa emphakathini iqiniso, ukuthembeka kanye
nokuphatha ngendlela efanele ngalokhu okulandelayo:
" Ukuba isibonelo esihle sokuphatha umsebenzi, nangokukhangisa nge
“migomo-ngqangi eqinisekisa ukuthi labo abangenamandla banikwe
isithunzi esibafanele njengabantu abakhiwe ngomfanekiso
kaNkulunkulu”. IMpi yoSindiso ayi “vumelani sanhlobo” nenkohlakalo
ikakhulukazi ezinhlakeni zayo.
" Khuthaza bonke abeMpi ukuthi baziphathe ngendlela efanele,
bangazimbandakany iezenzweni zenkohlakalo, babike futhi balwisane
nazo endaweni abasebenza kuyo.
" Ngokuba ikholelwa ekuphatheni okuhle kanye nokusebenzisana
okwamukelekile ezindaweni zonke.
can be
special AGENT
God has CALLED and CHOSEN you to be His special agent!
“Who? Me?” you might be asking. The answer is “Yes! You!”
God wants to use you to make a difference in the lives of men,
women, boys and girls living on the other side of the world!
He has given you an ‘Agent’s Kit’ to get the job done. Ready to get started?
Good! Pick up your kit and let’s get going!!!!!!
Sometimes being God’s special Agent can seem
like a huge job but remember these Words
found in Hebrews 13:5 that God has said
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake
you.” In other words - YOU ARE NOT
ALONE IN THIS! God IS with you!
ower Words
Yip, you heard right! Power words
are part of your Agent’s Kit and
when you speak to God …
amazing things can and do
Spend some time talking to God
children just like you living in Nepal,
Phillipines, Democratic Republic of
Congo and Suriname, who don’t know
Officers and Corps workers who are
serving the people in these areas!
Him using the money that the Children of
our Territory will raise to make an eternal
difference in the lives of these people.
Be sure to get the Self Denial material that was sent for the Children’s Ministry.
SPEAK to your Corps Officers & Divisional Youth Secretaries for more information!
We can’t all go right across the world to Nepal,
Phillipines, Democratic Republic of Congo and
Suriname, but the good news is that we don’t have to!
You can serve God right here! And serving God is a
powerful tool that He uses to change lives. LOOK for
ways that you can serve Him in Your Corps! Maybe is it
greeting people as they arrive to worship, or putting
away the songbooks, or writing notes/pictures to give
to people to remind them that God loves them!
Every year The Salvation Army has a Self
Denial Appeal. During this time we
chose to go without something (e.g.
sweets/chips/pudding etc) and save the
money we would have spent on that
item and give it to God during a
special Self Denial service , to
be used for the good of
As children, we might
not think that the little
money we can give
even matters. But we
know from the Bible
that God is able to take
our little and do great
things with it.
As God’s special agent
you get to give to others.
During self denial ask your
parents/guardians to join you
in giving for God’s glory! THINK
about what you can give up so
that you can give more to the work
of the Lord!
Find a map of the world
and see if you can find the
following countries: Nepal,
Phillipines, Democratic
Republic of Congo and
Suriname! These are the
countries that benefit
from YOUR giving to
Self Denial!
can be
special AGENT
God has CALLED and CHOSEN you to be His special agent!
“Who? Me?” you might be asking. The answer is “Yes! You!”
God wants to use you to make a difference in the lives of men,
women, boys and girls living on the other side of the world!
He has given you an ‘Agent’s Kit’ to get the job done. Ready to get started?
Good! Pick up your kit and let’s get going!!!!!!
Sometimes being God’s special Agent can seem
like a huge job but remember these Words
found in Hebrews 13:5 that God has said
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake
you.” In other words - YOU ARE NOT
ALONE IN THIS! God IS with you!
ower Words
Yip, you heard right! Power words
are part of your Agent’s Kit and
when you speak to God …
amazing things can and do
Spend some time talking to God
children just like you living in Nepal,
Phillipines, Democratic Republic of
Congo and Suriname, who don’t know
Officers and Corps workers who are
serving the people in these areas!
Him using the money that the Children of
our Territory will raise to make an eternal
difference in the lives of these people.
Be sure to get the Self Denial material that was sent for the Children’s Ministry.
SPEAK to your Corps Officers & Divisional Youth Secretaries for more information!
We can’t all go right across the world to Nepal,
Phillipines, Democratic Republic of Congo and
Suriname, but the good news is that we don’t have to!
You can serve God right here! And serving God is a
powerful tool that He uses to change lives. LOOK for
ways that you can serve Him in Your Corps! Maybe is it
greeting people as they arrive to worship, or putting
away the songbooks, or writing notes/pictures to give
to people to remind them that God loves them!
Every year The Salvation Army has a Self
Denial Appeal. During this time we
chose to go without something (e.g.
sweets/chips/pudding etc) and save the
money we would have spent on that
item and give it to God during a
special Self Denial service , to
be used for the good of
As children, we might
not think that the little
money we can give
even matters. But we
know from the Bible
that God is able to take
our little and do great
things with it.
As God’s special agent
you get to give to others.
During self denial ask your
parents/guardians to join you
in giving for God’s glory! THINK
about what you can give up so
that you can give more to the work
of the Lord!
Find a map of the world
and see if you can find the
following countries: Nepal,
Phillipines, Democratic
Republic of Congo and
Suriname! These are the
countries that benefit
from YOUR giving to
Self Denial!
Self Denial Stories
If anyone would
And he
and servant of
first, he must
Mark 9:35
In 2009 I was informed that a group of Christian people who
wear a uniform were opening a tailoring and English learning
centre at which tuition would be free. I took the application
form in which is written that we need to attend devotion. At the
time I had no idea what this meant.
So I attended the Tailoring and English language classes. I was
given special attention because the Major could not
understand me. When I finished the tailoring class I was given
a sewing machine with which I could earn some money. Now
wherever I live, whoever I live with, I have my own dignity
because I can do something to earn money. I was happy and
finally started to have some hope.
axmi’s Story - Kathmandu, Nepal
My name is Laxmi Adhikarii and I am 26 years old. I am the
youngest of five children. My parents died when I was a small
child. We struggled to survive living in immense poverty.
After time spent in devotion I began to learn the love of Jesus
and now I love him very much. I know that I am a child of God.
I thank The Salvation Army who God has used to give me
I have a cleft palate which gives me speech problems and left
me feeling ugly. I was not educated, I could not find myself any
job, even as a house maid because I cannot speak clearly. I
lived with my sister who is married and has two children but
wherever I was I felt like a useless member of the family. I used
to live a very unhappy life.
The Salvation Army has started work in Nepal which is a
Hindu country bringing many souls to Christ and to bring more
souls to Christ we need financial help. For this the Self Denial
Appeal is very important to us and we are praying that you may
give more generously for this ministry.
oberto’s Story - Batac, Tanay Rizal, Philippines
My name is Roberto Baldemor and I live with my family at city
of Batac, Tanay Rizal (Philippines).
When (typhoon) Ondoy came, flooding destroyed our house
and all of our things. Once the floods had gone I needed to go
out and work to save money for my family. After two weeks I
already had enough money and we found another house. But
then I got very sick. I was unable to work and I could not walk
for three days.
The landlord was again asking me to pay the due of my rent. I
beg him for two more days but he insisted we pay him
immediately. Our things were removed by the landlord and all
of a sudden we were homeless again.
One day I walk up to the place of Salvation Army as I needed to
talk to someone. There I found two people wearing a uniform
named Captain Rod and Debbie Serojales. I asked them if we
can keep our things there because we did not have a house
because we could not pay rent. Praise God, Captain was eager
to help our situation. The Captain took us and gave us financial
help so that we could pay our rent. They also offered us funds
so that my two kids can continue their studies.
I now attend The Salvation Army Tannay Corps. I’ve been
blessed physically, emotionally and spiritually. I’m proud that
I belong to the family of God under the banner of The
Salvation Army. God used The Army to help us in all aspects of
our spiritual life. To God be the glory.
Because of your past giving to the Self Denial Appeal we’ve
been able to help families like the Bademor’s and that is why
we ask you to give a considered sacrificial gift this year so
please give generously.
Democratic Republic of Congo
full and stayed outside in the open whilst it was raining. After
we had spent two nights out in the open, this boy from Kiroriro
came and lent us a small house. The house that the boy lent to
us was also where he got me pregnant with my child.
After 6 months of living in these conditions we were lucky
when The Salvation Army arrived. They gave us corn and bean
seeds and food to eat. We farmed and we were lucky because
The Salvation Army even built us a house. And that is why I am
thanking God because now I can sleep without being rained
Even though we’re tired of the way things are and our children
are not educated, I am thanking God for bringing The
Salvation Army our way.
harlotte’s Story - Rubaya, North Kivu, Democratic
Republic of Congo
My name is Oaumaha Charlotte and I am 22 years old. I live
here in Rubaya with my family.
We are very grateful that we have been able to assist the people
because of your giving to the Self Denial, please continue to be
When the war started, people came at night,
knocked on our door and called my father.
When he came out, they took him. We don’t
know where they took him to. That year the war
worsened, so we ran away. We fled to a place
known as Kiroriro. After we’d been there a few
days, my mother went back to look for food.
They found her at the farm and chopped her to
pieces. She died.
We met a lot of displaced persons, some of
whom had fled to schools. We found the place
In my heart there rings a melody
read the following written by Major Joginder Masih and
thought it was worth sharing :
“God is our provider, our protector, our creator and our
preserver - yes, He is so, then why does God need money to
carry on His work?
The Bible tells us that a labourer deserves wages (Luke 10:7).
Servants of God are human - they have needs of life and for
meeting their needs they need money - if their needs are met in
an extraordinary way, it would be awesome. The Self Denial
appeal is the backbone of The Salvation Army through which
the funds are raised all over the world.
The first Self Denial Week was observed in September 4-11,
1886. After listening to William Booth’s Bible message during
this week a poor man stood up and told him that he would deny
his pudding for a year and would give this money to The
Salvation Army, and others decided to do the same.
The General suggested that they need not to deny their
pudding for a whole year rather they could deny themselves
for a week. Salvationists not only deny themselves, they lead
others in doing so. The Year Book of the Salvation Army tells
how each Territory and Command in the world contribute to
this great effort and how these funds are utilized where they are
needed to carry on the operations of The Salvation Army.”
This time of the year most Corps are focused on the Self Denial
appeal which has me thinking that not only do we give of our
money sacrificially, but as musicians in The Salvation Army
giving of our musical talent is equally important. The music
ministry we are part of certainly reminds those who listen that
God cares for them. True worship involves real giving,
whether it is time, service, energy or money.
The words of Frances Ridley Havergal are so true :
Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to thee;
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold;
Take my intellect, and use
Every power as thou shalt choose.
You see when your heart’s in tune with God you can tell Him
you love Him:
I love Him better everyday :
Kuyand’ ukumthandakwami (Phinda)
Mangihlal’ eduzemaye
Kuyan’ ukumthandakwami
Why? Because………..
In my heart there rings a melody :
Iculolisenhliz ‘yweni yam’
Njengezingelose le
God Bless
Territorial News
n Port Elizabeth on the 1st of September we will be having a
mind blowing conference with dynamic speakers. The aim
of the one day conference is to birth a vision in the local
church regarding Human Trafficking. We will be screening the
documentary Nefarious at the Salvation Army Hall on the 30th of
August. This will be the first time the film has been shown in the
Eastern Cape. We will also be showing it after the conference for
those who are able to stay behind and watch the film. We are
looking forward to a very special time
at the conference.
There have been a number
of Rallies around the
Territory and we have
been thrilled by the
number of Rallies that have included a Social justice issue. We
are a praying Army and God hears the prayers of His saints so
please remember to pray into all areas of social justice but in
particular that of Human Trafficking. We have just concluded
women’s month when we considered the plight of so many
vulnerable members of our society. May it be an ongoing
strategy to remember those who have falled victim to these
terrible crimes against humanity.
Please be a part of this really exciting adventure in prayer. There
are an incredible number of resources available on this website:
Please make use of this amazing opportunity to bring the needs of
YOUR community to the fasting and prayer weekend.
“The ride” into Mt Frere Section, Eastern Cape Division
Two men on horse - back
leading the Divisional Leader’s car
DC, Captain T Mahlobo
DYS, Captain V Buthelezi
Inter Corps visitation
oshanguve Corps conducted the meetings at Meadowlands
Corps as the two Corps got to know each other better. The
two Corps shared in leading and open-air and service. A
certificate of appreciation was given to the Soshanguve Youth
leader and Bandmaster N V Maseko. The day ended with lunch as
a big family. Meadowlands then promised to visit Soshanguve
Corps before the end of the year.
Johannesburg City Holiday Club
adets Edouard and Lynn Zola, with the
help of fellow cadets and YP workers,
led an action packed week of Holiday
Club in the heart of Braamfontein. The joyful
sounds of children having fun and learning
how to run the Christian race happily echoed
through THQ. Teenagers and children joined
from the community during this time. May this
ministry grow to be a beacon of light in this
Mandela day - The day THQ stood still...
HQ departments lead by example as they offered up more
than 67 minutes on the traditionally celebrated Mandela
Day. Every department donned their work gear and lent a
hand at one of the social centres situated in the Central Division.
Painting, cooking, cleaning, packing ...whatever was needed,
THQ staff were willing to do service and with great enthusiasm.
What a difference the conversations were the next day! The buzz
down the halls as people shared their experiences of serving and
how much blessing they received from serving others. Having the
privilege to share in this day in giving my time as an offering,
reminded me that self- denial is not just about giving money to
another Territory, but also about seeing a need and then taking
time out of your schedule to help out practically.
We would love to hear your stories of self- denial on Mandela
Day in 2013! Keep making a difference in other people’s lives
so that God will receive the glory.
Effective 3rd January 2013
Captains Annanias and Sengeziwe Nhandara (Sambandou
Corps) appointments to be announced later.
Captain Robert Wright (Namibia Outreach) is appointed
Administrator of Beth Rogelim Men’s Hostel in the Western
Cape Division. Effective 01-10-2012.
Majors Reckson and Joyce Radzilani (Katlehong Corps) are
appointed Corps Officers of Sambandou Corps in the Northern
Majors Henry and Martha Maxase (Kwa- Mashu Corps)
are appointed Corps Officers of Katlehong Corps in the
Central Division.
Major Maureen Khoza (Hammarsdale Corps) is appointed
Corps Officer of Mabopane & Soshanguve Corps in the
Central Division.
Aux. Captains Emmanuel and Rosemary Mdluli (Ginsberg
Corps) are appointed Corps Officers of Hammarsdale Corps in
the Mid KwaZulu-Natal Division.
Captain Hlengiwe Dlamini (Tladi Corps) is appointed Corps
Officer of Estill Corps in the Eastern KwaZulu-Natal Division.
Major Naomi Malinga (Motherwell Corps) is appointed
Corps Officer of Tladi Corps in the Central Division.
Aux. Captain Billy Benadie (Worcester Corps) is appointed
Assistant Officer (DHQ) in the Western Cape Division.
Major Collette Leitch (Kensington Corps) is appointed
Administrator of Emmarentia Eventide Home in the Central
Lieutenant Juanita Wright (Namibia Outreach) is appointed
Director of Services of Beth Rogelim Men’s Hostel in the
Western Cape Division. Effective 01-10-2012.
Captain Robert Hendricks (Beth Rogelim) is appointed
Officer in Charge of The Salvation Army Namibia Outreach in
Namibia. Effective 01-10-2012.
Captain (Dr) Felicia Christians (Medical Ministries
Secretary) is appointed Officer in Charge of The Salvation
Army Namibia Outreach in Namibia in addition to her present
appointment. Effective 01-10-2012.
Captain Keith Holmes (Development & Donor Relations
Officer) is on sick leave as of the 30th of August 2012. Please
continue to pray for Captain Keith Holmes.
Colonel Hezekiel Mavundla (R) is appointed Development
& Donor Relations Officer at Territorial Headquarters.
Effective 13-08-2012.
Captains Glen and Moya Hay have been promoted to the
rank of Majors, effective 01 August 2012.
Aux.Captains Mzamo and Nandipha Mambukwe (Estill
Corps) are appointed Corps Officers of Madadeni Corps in the
Northern KwaZulu-Natal Division.
Captain Thomas and Major Dominica Sesedi (Claremont
Corps) are appointed Corps Officers of Kwa-Mashu Corps in
the Mid KwaZulu-Natal Division.
Effective 1st September 2012
Captains Alfred and Nomathemba Hadebe (Ezakheni
Corps) are appointed Divisional Youth Officers in the
Northern KwaZulu-Natal Division in addition to their present
Major Joyce Radzilani’s (Kathlehong Corps) sister was
Promoted to Glory on 16 June.
Major Margaret Strydom’s sister was Promoted to Glory on 28
Lieut. Colonel Jockton Zwane (R) was Promoted to Glory on 4
Lieutenant Zweli Fakudze’s grandfather was Promoted to
Glory on 22 July.
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