Annual Report - The Salvation Army: Alabama Louisiana Mississippi
Annual Report - The Salvation Army: Alabama Louisiana Mississippi
The Salvation Army Jackson Corps Annual Report 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 CORPS COMMUNITY CENTER 5 CENTER OF HOPE 6 FAMILY THRIFT STORE 7 FINANCIAL REPORT 8 SERVICE REPORT 9 FAMILY STORE FIRE 10 GRANTS 11 FUTURE PLANS 14 GOVENOR PHIL BRYANT 15 OUR STAFF 17 ADVISORY BOARD 18 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY MISSION STATEMENT The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. If we had to describe it in one word... The story goes that it was late in the Christmas season and The Salvation Army’s William Booth was running out of time to distribute a holiday greeting that would inspire and refresh his troops stationed literally around the world. Time was short. Resources were thin. But Booth was brilliant and he nailed it. The Founder and first General of The Salvation Army telegraphed a single word to officers scattered far and wide. The word? Others. Words From a/Captains Ken and Jessie Chapman Dear Friends and Supporters: It has been one wild ride this past year! We have experienced significant growth on all levels, disasters, victories, defeats, and even a devastating fire – all in one year. I am reminded of the words in I Peter 1:7, “These have come so that your faith – of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire – may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” We have so many wonderful programs at The Salvation Army of the Greater Jackson Area that are truly bringing about transformational change to many lives. Our stand against entitlement and moving people to empowerment is being expressed through programs such as Project New Start, S.M.A.R.T., Why W.A.I.T?, After-School Tutorial, Conservatory for the Performing Arts, Developmental Sports, Senior Citizens Enrichment, Character-Building, Music, Men & Women’s ministry, and other life-changing programs. This is all in addition to our on-going Social Services, Disaster Response and Relief, Feeding, Workfare/Rehabilitation, GED, and Angel Tree Programs. You can see we are very busy at The Salvation Army. All of these programs are made possible by your continued support. We live in the most generous region of the United States, Mississippi, and I thank God for each of you. I want to give you a renewal of our pledge to do the most good for as many people as we can possibly reach. We are responsibly using the resources you entrust to us to love and teach people out of multi-generational poverty and into a new world of productivity. Our soon to be completed new Family Store and Distribution Center will enable us to serve in a more productive capacity and we will be stronger and better. God’s plans are always so much greater than ours, hallelujah! Serving this area as an Officer of The Salvation Army is the greatest thrill of my life and I am so honored to join hands with you. Together, you and I can make our communities a better place to live and the quality of life can be uplifted to a new level. Beauty from Ashes is what we are living and experiencing from the Hand of God. May each of you feel His greatest blessings upon you in the days to come. Great things are about to happen! Yours for “Others,” Ken Chapman, A/Captain Regional Coordinator/Corps Officer Jessie Chapman, A/ Captain Associate Regional Coordinator/ Corps Officer LEADING OTHERS 2 Corps Community Center 570 East Beasley Road | Jackson, MS Developmental Sports Basketball Soccer Volleyball visual & performing arts Ballet “ Creative Dance Piano Percussion Track & Field “ General Fitness Drama Guitar Dodgeball Visual Arts 10 year old Princess had never been in a dance class before. She was nervous about what the others would think about her. After being involved in our dance program, she asked her church if she could dance in worship to the song, “Take Me to the King.” senior citizens program Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday senior adults gather at the center to socialize and have fun by taking part in activities such as arts and crafts, bingo, computer class taught by an IT Specialist, movie days, guest speakers, and even day trips! After School Enrichment Program The After School Enrichment Program is designed to promote academic excellence in the lives of children in K-5 grade. Children receive school homework assistance, core subject area tutoring, career awareness classes, character education classes, nutrition, health & fitness classes, reading assessments, and public speaking training. “ “ 8 year old Chance was really down on himself because he was struggling to complete his homework assignment. He told his teacher, with tears in his eyes, that he did not feel smart. A Salvation Army after-school program teacher and a nursing student volunteer from Mississippi College took Chance aside and worked with him on his assignment. When he was done, he told his teacher and the volunteer that he felt much better about himself and believed he was smart enough to learn even more! 3 MENTORING OTHERS (making dreams a reality) “Since I have been here I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and I have found two jobs, but the most important thing that I have learned is how to have God in my life, thanks to The Salvation Army. Sometimes a man finds his own destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” -James L. Center of Hope 110 Presto Lane | Jackson, MS The Center of Hope Provides men and women, 18 years and older, in despair from all walks of life with the help necessary to turn their lives around. Housing, intensive counseling, life skills classes, and jobs, often associated with The Salvation Army Thrift Stores, are part of this program. Last year, The Center of Hope provided 566 people with Transitional Shelter and 620 with Emergency Shelter. New Start Program - Education and stability to help get people, including those just out of prison, back in to a productive life Life skills classes - Teaching good choices, money management, relationships, parenting, being responsible Celebrate Recovery - Counseling and restoration to recover The Learning Center GED Classes open to anyone 17 years and up 5 INSPIRING OTHERS Family Store 3510 HWY 80 | Pearl, MS Temporary Family Store 590 Raymond Road | Jackson, MS see page 12 for more info In a very real sense, The Salvation Army Family Stores are at the heart of the mission of The Salvation Army. They are much more than meets the eye. When you donate goods to The Salvation Army, men and women in our Work Therapy program collect those items, sort them, and organize them on racks to be sold in our Family Stores. This allows them to regain selfesteem and learn valuable vocational skills all while saving money to one day live a successful life on their own. Shopping on a budget is another perk of our Family Stores. The community is able to find clean, gently-used, and brand new items for very affordable prices and the proceeds from every purchase are used to fund the programs at the Center of Hope. Items in our Family Store are also given to those who are burned out, kicked out, and fallen out free of charge to help them get back on their feet. Our Family Stores are powered by the cycle that keeps on giving - every donation and purchase makes a life-changing difference! “Owe no one anything, except to love each other , for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8 Disaster Services A 24/7, 365 days-a-year program offering relief for first responders and survivors of emergency disasters. Included are provisions of food, coffee, water, clothing, and spiritual counseling. Winter Night Watch Reaching out on cold evenings to individuals and families who are homeless or near-homeless with food and warm clothes. Financial analysis REVENUE 2012 - 2013 Fiscal year Public Support $2,080,270.71 Donations-in-Kind and Contributed Services $355,910.00 Allocations from United Way $28,695.98 Fees and Grants from Public Funds $215,645.12 Internal Support $1,791,545.32 Other Revenue $5,240.20 Community Services $780,313.84 Residential and Social Services $2,281,765.28 Supporting Services: Management and General $599,710.45 Fundraising TOTAL REVENUE $4,477,307.33 $544,836.80 TOTAL EXPENSES $4,206,626.37 EXPENSES Programs Services: Net Income & Expense $270,680.96 worship & witness ADULT SEEKERS YOUTH SEEKERS to 7 13 adults to 361 youth 68.4% 7 SERVING OTHERS 61.5% For a more in-depth analysis, visit Comprehensive Assistance 17,037 persons served MEALS PROVIDED 614 given Energy Assistance “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 nights of lodgings 1,707 families helped with groceries TOYS 43,712 16,993 19,194 21,861 clothes distributed 23 housing assistance provided 16,835 GIFTS 2,616 17,833 volunteers volunteer hours SERVING OTHERS 8 “ BEAUTY FROM ASHES” Isaiah 61:3 DISASTER Family Store Fire Friday, January 3rd, 2014 at around 6:00 a.m. we experienced our own disaster - our Family Store in Jackson, MS caught fire. The fire spread throughout the entire building, destroying just about everything the building entailed. Throughout the weeks following the disaster, we were able to witness the amazing power of God. Within two weeks, the community and our outstanding business partners filled a 100,000 square-foot donated building with spectacular donations. So many donations that not a single Family Store staff member lost one hour of work. Some even got extra hours because so many donations were flowing in. Oklahoma Tornado | May 2013 The Salvation Army of Jackson, alongside many other Corps and Disaster Emergency teams, were on-site offering comfort and hope to the tornado victims. The Salvation Army put in 11,823 hours distributing 44,573 meals, 62,915 drinks, 54,479 snacks, 3,619 clean up kits, and 3,439 comfort kits. Spiritual and guidence counselors were on-site. The Salvation Army said prayers with 7,115 persons. Hattiesburg Tornado | February 2013 Two canteens from The Salvation Army Jackson Corps arrived within hours after the detrimental tornado wiped out much of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The Salvation Army served warm food at lunch and dinner and passed out comfort and clean up kits to thousands daily. Emotional and spiritual care officers were on-site to comfort those affected. 9 ASSISTING OTHERS GRANTS The Salvation Army Jackson Corps has secured three major Grants for programs and services. YOUTH FEEDING PROGRAM GRANT HUD 21ST CENTURY GRANT + Funded through the MS Department of Education - Office of child Nutrition Program. Up to $68,000.00 annually. This grant helps feed nutritional meals at The Salvation Army After-School Program, the Character Building classes and our Summer Enrichment Camp and two Mobile Feeding Programs. Supportive Housing Grant - $203,842.00 (annually) supports the Center of Hope "New Start" Program to help men and women 18 years and older receive education, shelter, food, workfare, and the opportunity to get their lives back on track as a responsible citizen. Funded through the MS Department of Education - $1.2 mil over five years. This grant assist in our After-school Enrichment Program, the Character Building Classes, the Performing and Visual Arts Programs and the Summer Enrichment Camp. This is a valuable grant that supports our at-risk and under-served youth. BANKPLUS SMART PROGRAM Saving Money and Resource Training The Jackson Corps has partnered with BankPlus to implement a financial education and training program which mentors Angel Tree clients every month. BankPlus employees teach clients how to save money and budget for their families. As an incentive to save, BankPlus matches each client’s monthly saving deposit of $10. In December, Angel Tree parents see the benefits of their savings as they are able to buy Christmas gifts for their children and move off of the Angel Tree program. oTHER aSSISTANCE OUR FUTURE New Initiatives 2 3 1 Mentoring for shelter clients Warfare on human & sexual trafficking in our community “Grace Place” Transitional housing for women and children in crisis 4 5 Increased disaster training and preparedness Enhanced community life skills building programs (unlocking, nurturing, & revitalizing possibilities) 11 MOTIVATING OTHERS OUR FUTURE What are you willing to do? To kick off our new year, we began asking the masses, “What are you willing to do?” The Salvation Army Jackson Corps will be asking the community this question all year long. The idea is that we all need to do more sacrificially in our lives to help others. We need to take the focus off of ourselves and think about and do more for others. Captain Ken Chapman answered the question, “What are you willing to do to bring awareness to the conditions the homeless live in every day?” Captain Chapman lived in the same conditions homeless people do every day for 24 hours in mid-December with temperatures below freezing and wind that made it feel even more unbearable. He began by ringing the bell on a 50 foot high billboard. He then slept in a cardboard box and got right back up on the billboard as soon as the sun began to rise. What are you willing to do to help someone in need? What are you willing to do to collect enough food to feed a family of 16 that lost their house to a fire? What are you willing to do to get the homeless man you see on the way to work back into a productive life? What are you willing to do to make this world a better place? Our Challenge We want to see what YOU are willing to do to make a positive impact on this earth. Get Creative! Here are some ideas... GET OTHERS INVOLVED Guys: Tell your school team that if everyone on the team raises $50 for charity you will shave your head. Girls: If everyone on your school team raises $50, you will dye your hair your school colors for a week. TEST THE LIMITS Do not wear shoes anywhere. You will have people stare and you simply tell them that you refuse to wear shoes until you collect 100 pairs of gently used or new shoes for those who are without. START A COMPETITION Get your family to see who can save the most money for charity in a month. The winner gets to decide what is on tv in the family room for a week. GIVE SOMETHING UP Pledge to give up something (like that daily soft drink) and donate the money you save to charity. MOTIVATING OTHERS 12 (providing help to the hopeless) Words from Governor Phil Bryant Dear Friends, It is one of my greatest pleasures to serve as a member of the Advisory Board for The Salvation Army of Jackson. For many years I have seen the tremendous work that has been done by this organization. I have witnessed firsthand how lives have been changed and needs have been met in our community. I believe we are called to help those in need and to support those less fortunate. I agree with Captain Ken Chapman's stance on helping those who want a hand up, not a hand out. "Breaking the Cycle-Building Lives" is a vision that is bringing real change to our community as The Salvation Army of Jackson is holding people accountable and giving them a real vehicle for change. Through many of the programs of the Jackson Corps, generations of Mississippians will learn how to lead fulfilled lives of purpose. As Governor, I will continue to support the efforts of Captain Chapman as he strives to make real change in our community. Through the opening of the new Corps Community Center, thousands of families have been given opportunities to experience life as never before as they enter into programs that will spur academic excellence, healthy lifestyles and cultural enrichment. Deborah and I congratulate The Salvation Army on the work done in our communities and we pray God's best on all that the Army is doing to make our community a better place for all. Governor Phil Bryant State of Mississippi SUPPORTING OTHERS 14 104 POSITIONS SERVANTS FRIENDS ADMINISTRATION CORPS COMMUNITY CENTER CENTER OF HOPE 1 Operations Director 1 Community Center Director 1 Building Maintenance Manager 1 Assistant Community Center Director 1 Building Maintenance Worker 1 Secretary I 1 Custodian 1 Secretary II 1 Transportation Coordinator 1 Christian Education Director 2 Bus/Van Drivers 1 Youth Evangelism & Outreach Director 1 IT Systems Specialist 1 Salvation Army Missions Specialist 1 Receptionist 1 Cook 1 Social Services Director 1 Custodian 1 Social Services Case Worker 1 Lead Building Maintenance Worker 1 Secretary II 1 Custodian/Groundskeeper 1 HR/Office Manager 1 Senior Citizens Program Coordinator 1 HR Administrative Clerk 1 Lead After School Teacher 1 Volunteer/Special Events Coordinator 6 After School Teachers 1 Communications Director 6 Performing Arts/Sports Teachers 1 Development Director 6 Teacher Aides 1 Resource Development Specialist PEARL THRIFT STORE 1 Donor Services Assistant 1 Director of Finance 2 Bookkeepers 1 Manager 1 Lead Store Clerk 1 Store Clerk 4 Sorters 1 Social Services Program Coordinator 1 Case Worker 5 House Monitors 2 Cooks 1 Workfare program Custodian 1 Workfare program Kitchen Assistant JACKSON THRIFT STORE 1 Manager 2 Lead Warehouse Workers 11 Sorters 3 Drivers 3 Truck Helpers 1 Donation Scheduler 1 Baler 3 Store Clerks 8 Workfare program Sorters Development Team Our Development Team at The Salvation Army leads the way to help educate our public in understanding what The Salvation Army is doing in our six county service area of Copiah, Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Scott and Yazoo. The Development Department daily seeks funding for our on-going educational and supportive programs for the under-served youth, families and senior citizens through corporate and private donations. Your gifts, monetary and in-kind, support The Salvation Army in its mission to help those in need without discrimination. We focus on the helping hand up not the helping hand out. It is our hope that you will seek to know what your Salvation Army is doing in your area and that you will partner with us with your time, talents and/or gifts. The Salvation Army " is" making a difference as we continue our pledge of "doing the most good" with the resources and gifts that are entrusted to us. In advance, we thank you for your consideration to get to know the mission of The Salvation Army and to join us as we work to serve "others". Our Team Director of Development Communications Director Resource Development Specialist Janet Spears Kristin Miller Jason Scarborough DID YOU KNOW? Donations come in all shapes and sizes. Volunteer/Special Events Coordinator Sharon Green Gifts In Kind (Corporate & Private) Donor Services Louida Jones 601-982-4881 ext. 114 Monetary Stock, Real Estate, Vehicles, etc. 601-982-4881 ext. 105 Gently used items - Family Store 601-948-0731 Time - Volunteer 601-982-4881 ext. 115 CLIMB WITH US For The Salvation Army Jackson Corps, CLIMB is about Community Leaders Investing, Mentoring, and Believing in the ongoing work of The Salvation Army, and our commitment to breaking the cycles of entitlement to help transform lives for the better. This partnership includes caring for youth, adults, and senior citizens unable to provide for themselves especially shelter, food, disaster response, and recovery. At the same time, we offer proven programs that guide people toward a better quality of life. The Salvation Army of Greater Jackson seeks your resource and/or financial support through this special partnership. Your participation gives us the ability to continue to meet the needs of citizens in Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Copiah, Scott and Yazoo. It is $5,000 to be a Gold Partner and $2,500 to be a Silver Partner. Please contact our Resource Development Specialist for more information at 601-982-4881 ext. 117. LOVING OTHERS 16 ADVISORY BOARD Elayne Anthony Professor | Belhaven University Alvin Beck Retired | General Contractor Kevin Bingham Wellspring Wealth Group, PLLc Frank Bradshaw Manager Harper, Rains, & Knight PA Phil Bryant Governor of Mississippi Keith Buchanan Director of Physicians Relations St. Dominic Hospital Sara W. Burrow Mike Cashion Executive Director MS Hospitality & Restaurant Assn. John Clagg CFO | Newk’s Franchise Company Noel Daniels Executive Manager Watson Quality Ford Gene Delcomyn EVP-President Metro Region BankPlus Steve Desalvo General Manager Mississippi Braves Ken Shelton Owner Stuary Kellogg John Dorsa President and General Manager Cattle Company State Farm Agent Dr. James Stewart WAPT Dorsa Insurance Agency Bureau Director Mary Ann Kirby Evelyn Edwards MS State Dept. of Health Jeff Laird CRA Officer | BancorpSouth Presdient | Laird + Smithers, Inc. Scott Steele Nancy Fletcher Smith Morning Show Host Dr. Jan Lemon Sales Manager | The Radio People New South Radio US 96.3 Mississippi College Carol Gemmill Donald Taylor Alred Luckett Retired IT Consultant Radio Host | SuperTalk Radio Design Consultant Robert Gibbs Barbara Travis Johnny Maloney Attorney | Gibbs Whitwell, PLLC Executive Director Co-Owner Karen Gordon Cowboy Maloney’s Electric City MS World Trade Center Owner | High Biscuits Tea Room Ed Trim Dr. Beverly McMillan Jason Goree President Retired OB/GYN Lead Developer Pennington & Trim Alarm Brad McMullan 3G Development, LLC Lawrence Turner CEO | BFAC Danny Gray Owner | Turner Awards Dave Miller Owner Michael Wallis D Noblin Furniture & Matress Firm Media Relations Manager General Manager C Spire Clyde Guyse, Jr. Roger-Dabbs Chevrolet Tommy Miskelly Retired | Bancorp South Maggie Wade Dixon Co-Owner | Miskelly Furniture Butch Hammack News Anchor | WLBT TV-3 & Sleepstore Director | Madison County EMA Mike Wigton Joseph Moss Tommy Harrelson President | Irby Company Mid MS Division President Retired BancorpSouth Billy Holliday Emeritus Member Don Noblitt Corp Sales & Operation Manager Ronald E. Butler Co-Owner | MOCO, Inc. Puckett Rentals President Brad McMullen Lifetime Member Thomas Kelly Dear friends, Thank you so much for your continued support of the ministry of the Salvation Army of Jackson. Because of your generous support, people in need have a place to turn. Not for a hand out, but for a hand up. This ministry’s focus is to Glorify God in all we do, by being a good steward of your time and money. Our goal has been to break the cycle of poverty by not only meeting the immediate need (food, shelter or financial support) but also by encouraging people with accountability. When people land new jobs, we give thanks to God. When people are given the counseling and encouragement to become responsible, we give thanks to God. When people who struggle with addiction, break away and move forward, we give thanks to God. When people get a diploma when they never thought it was possible, we give thanks to God! Last but not least, when people discover the grace and love of God, we celebrate the eternal victory! I am honored and humbled to serve as the chairman of the Salvation Army’s Advisory Board. On this board, I get the opportunity to serve with some of the most amazing and gifted people from all walks of life. To see how they give is just a testimony to their compassion and love for all mankind. As the board chairman, I also get a front row seat to life change. I get to see how God uses The Salvation Army to transform lives and bring hope in some of the darkest of times. When a tornado devastates a community, The Salvation Army will go. When a person or a family needs a warm meal, The Salvation Army is ready to serve. When a person needs a church home, the doors are always open. When parents ask for a safe place for their children to go in the summer, The Salvation Army opens a camp. When a person is released from prison, The Salvation Army works to help them find work. This ministry is all about doing the most good. Captain Ken Chapman, his wife and his entire staff have made the sacrifice to leave their careers to answer a higher calling. They make less and work more, because they understand the need in our community is great. Please continue to support the mission of answering the call when any disaster strikes. If you already support this ministry, from the bottom of my heart I thank you. If you are looking for an organization to support, I can assure you this ministry will continue to have the highest level of accountability to make sure every last dime you give will be used to do the most good. God Bless you and may God continue to bless The Salvation Army. Sincerely, Brad McMullan Chairman, Advisory Board WOMEN’S AUXILIARY The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary of the Jackson MS Corp exists for the sole purpose of “Others”. Carrying on the tradition and emphasis William Booth stressed in his one word telegram over 100 years ago. Serving “Others” is at the core of every program, project and fundraiser we support and promote. WHAT WE DO Our mission is to be “The Army Behind The Army” helping The Salvation Army meet the need of others at the point of need. More than $.80 of every dollar donated goes directly back to those in need in the Jackson, MS Metro area. Last year the Women’s Auxiliary helped touch the lives of thousands of Mississippians through its volunteer participation in the Angel Tree Program, Red Kettle Campaign, Toy Shop and fundraising through the annual Souper Bowl and Sprint Mart Angel promotion to name a few. Through our fundraising initiatives the Auxiliary was SOUPer BOWL EVENING WITH ANGELS privileged to provide funds for shelter and food to women fleeing with their children from domestic violence and other endangering situations. We also provided funds for under privileged children in the metro area to attend summer camp at Camp Hidden Lake. To help us keep our focus on others, our strategic planning sessions identify our yearly goals consisting of, but not limited to: Increasing our membership by 20%, Increasing our fundraising initiatives by 25% each year, Increasing our volunteer hours beyond 720 hours in 2013 and Educating/Mentoring our membership base. The Salvation Army and its Auxiliaries are Christian organizations providing a refuge to those in need. Come join us, we meet the second Wednesday of each month at our Community Worship Center on East Beasley Road in Jackson, MS. Come as our special guest at 11:30 for lunch followed by our membership meeting from 12:00 to 1:00. For more information, please call 601-982-2881. Then the King will say “For sure, I tell you, because you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you have done it to me.” Matthew 25:40 BELLRINGERS MEMBERSHIP TEA EASTER EGG HUNT ANGEL TREE TOM KELLY TOY SHOP MENTORING SPECIAL EVENTS Millie B. Hardy President The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary JOIN US! Call 601-982-4881 OFFICERS Millie Hardy, President Becky Cade, Vice President Bonnie Shows, Membership Lourie Hollingsworth, Executive Secretary Becky Tilton, Volunteer Coordinator Laura Mullens, Finance Chair Tracy Davis, Treasurer Jennifer Sledge, Recording Secretary Beth Handley, Publicity Chair Diane Smith, Chaplain THANK YOU for helping us help others 365 days a year. Keep up with where your donations are going daily. Follow us! @salarmyjxn
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