Your help truly matters...more than you may know!
Your help truly matters...more than you may know!
NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Springfield, MO Permit No. 408 The Salvation Army 1707 West Chestnut Expressway Springfield, MO 65802 Phone: 417-862-5509 Fax: 417-862-1135 Serving the Ozarks since 1890 H E A R T Return Service Requested We can provide a complete hot meal for $.44. Each year we serve more than 110,000 meals to those in need. Our emergency food pantry provided more than 6,800 bags of food in 2012. On average, 70 men, women and children stay in our housing programs each night. Your help truly matters...more than you may know! The Salvation Army in Springfield, Missouri recently received a springtime surprise in the form of a thank you letter from a former client, named Kathy. Kathy, a local senior citizen, began her short but touching letter by saying that she simply wanted to “thank all the people involved in helping me through Christmas.” This past Christmas, the Springfield Missouri Corps provided Kathy with a voucher to a local grocery store to purchase much- needed food for her family. “I was blessed with making new memories with my family members around the table that I will always treasure,” she said. “Thank you all!” In the letter Kathy also expressed her gratitude for the hand-made quilt she received, which has continued to keep her warm. for the kindness and compassion shown to not only her, but to the many others who were also helped during Christmas. “May God bless all involved, the givers and the ones given to,” Kathy. Every day, we serve nearly 200 meals to the hungry and homeless through our Front Line Feeding Program. During the Christmas season more than 7,200 individuals received assistance. During the Back-toSchool program nearly 1,100 children received new school supplies, clothing & shoes. Through our Emergency Social Services office 11,500 “The quilt has brought me comfort every single day since I received it!” people received helped for rent, Kathy ended her letter by saying that she thinks of The Salvation Army every day and gives thanks to the Lord 2012. utilities, clothing and other necessities in GREENE & T O G O D . . . H A N D T O M A N N O V E R M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 3 TREE OF LIGHTS CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN While many associate the holidays with happy gatherings of family and friends, there are many living here in the Ozarks whose holiday spirits are dampened by the harsh realities of simply trying to make ends meet. Each holiday season, The Last year, The Salvation Army helped Salvation Army makes a more than 7,200 local individuals determined effort to bring during the Christmas season. hope to local families and uncertainty, The Salvation individuals who desperately Army increasingly finds it need a helping hand. Howevmore difficult to help those er, The Salvation Army’s abilwho struggle to provide even ity to help so many would not the most basic necessities for be possible without generous their families,” Major Norman support from the local Grainger, Corps Officer, said. Ozarks community. “But we remain hopeful that “In this time of economic HELP US HELP OTHERS ... When you donate to The Salvation Army - either at the red kettles, by writing a check or making an online donation you’re helping your local Ozarks’ neighbors in need. You're helping struggling families provide food for their children, you're helping shelter a homeless individual who has nowhere else to go, you're helping a senior citizen know they're not forgotten... and much more. CHRISTIAN COUNTIES The Salvation Army is one of the most efficient & effective nonprofit organizations around 82¢ of every dollar goes directly toward supporting vital programs and services for those most in need here in our local community. The Salvation Army P.O. Box 9685 Springfield MO 65810 - 9685 (417) 862-5509 the local Ozarks community will recognize the needs of these individuals and, as always, give generously to help us help them.” Year round community support is vital. Whether it's an in-kind donation such as toys for underprivileged children, a financial donation to help provide food baskets for families or a donation of time through volunteering - all donations are greatly appreciated and allow The Salvation Army to keep doing the most good for the most people right here in the Ozarks. TOY DONATIONS NEEDED! Help The Salvation Army make Christmas brighter for local children in need! Each year, hundreds of families turn to The Salvation Army for holiday assistance. But if it weren’t for generous donations from the local Ozarks community helping so many would simply not be possible. Hosting a toy drive is a simple and fun way to have a big impact on the lives of local children. This is also a great project for groups, businesses, and civic organizations! For more information please call (417) 862-5509 ext. 116 or email PAGE 2 Wehrenberg Theaters’ CANS FILM FESTIVAL Saturday December 7th Thank you Wehrenberg Theaters, UPS & Midwest Family Broadcasting for helping us help others! On December 7th, bring five canned food items to Wehrenberg Theaters’ Campbell 16 Cine and receive FREE ADMISSION to any movie that day beginning before 5 p.m! Guests who bring an additional ten canned food items - or a total of 15 - will then also receive a free movie pass to use during a future visit. Wehrenberg Theaters will also award one year-long movie pass to the Donate canned food & see movies for FREE! largest canned food donation received during the single-day food drive in the entire theatre circuit. Wehrenberg Theaters’ ‘Cans Film Festival’ is one of the Ozarks largest and most popular food drives and helps stock The Salvation Army’s food pantry shelves during a time when those who are less fortunate need help the most. In 2012, the Ozarks community donated more than 25,000 canned food items during the single-day event. Volunteers with UPS will help collect donations at the theater during the food drive. However, many additional volunteers will be needed on Saturday December 7th from Noon until 8 p.m. at The Salvation Army’s main location - 1707 W. Chestnut Expressway to help sort & box the items once they arrive. To sign-up to volunteer or for more information please call (417) 862-5509 ext. 144. Hundreds and hundreds of volunteers are needed to simply ring a bell and help us collect vital funds that will support numerous local programs & services! Call (417) 862-5509 ext. 144 to SIGN-UP FOR VOLUNTEER BELLRINGING TODAY! CHRISTMAS TOY SHOP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! G ive back & help your local neighbors in need by volunteering your time during The Salvation Army’s 2013 Christmas Toy Shop. Volunteer 'shopping buddies' are needed in shifts on Thursday December 19th & Friday December 20th to help distribute toys & food to families that are receiving Christmas assistance from The Salvation Army. This is a great volunteer opportunity for businesses, civic groups, churches and organizations! Please note that all volunteer 'shopping buddies' who help in the Christmas Toy Shop must be at least 18 years old. However, those under the age of 18 are welcome to volunteer during Shift #3 on Friday December 20th from 5 pm until 7 pm. During this shift, children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. CHRISTMAS TOY SHOP VOLUNTEER SHIFTS Thursday December 19th Shift #1 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Shift #2 12:30 pm - 5 pm Shift #3 5 pm - 7 pm Friday December 20th Shift #1 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Shift #2 12:30 pm - 5 pm Shift #3 5 pm - 7 pm To sign-up to volunteer please call (417) 862-5509 ext.116 or email All Christmas Toy Shop volunteer activities will take place at The Salvation Army's main location 1707 W. Chestnut Expressway in Springfield MO. SIGN-UP TODAY! GREENE & CHRISTIAN COUNTIES HEART TO GOD...HAND TO MAN PAGE 3 WANTED: VOLUNTEER BELLRINGERS! easy way to help us help our local neighbors in need,” Major Norman Grainger, Corps Officer, said. “Bellringing is also a terrific volunteer opportunity for groups, families, businesses & organizations.” Hundreds and hundreds of volunteers are needed to simply ring a bell at one of The Salvation Army’s Iconic red kettles! Volunteer bellringers are needed November 8th until December 24th; Monday through Saturday at dozens of locations throughout the Ozarks – including Walmart, Battlefield Mall, Hy-Vee, Bass Pro Shops, Price Cutter & Hobby Lobby. “Bellringing is a great volunteer opportunity and an Ozarks residents throughout the entire year – not just during the holidays. “Thank you so much for the To sign-up please call (417) 862-5509 ext. 144. Call today to reserve your preferred location, time or date! Christmas gifts for my children...I can’t begin to tell you Volunteer bellringing makes a great annual holiday tradition to do with your family & friends! The funds collected in the red kettles during the annual Tree of Lights Christmas Campaign are vital in helping The Salvation Army help numerous local how much it meant to them,” Dawn, Springfield resident Our Mission... The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. ANGEL TREE GIFT PROGRAM B e an angel and help make Christmas brighter for local children in need through The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree gift program. located at Walmart & K-Mart stores throughout Greene & Christian counties, purchase the items listed on the tag, then place the items in The Salvation Army donation barrel before you leave the store. The Angel Tree gift program is a simple & convenient way to make a big difference in the life of a local child! From November 29th through December 24th, simply pick an Angel Tree gift tag off of any Salvation Army Angel Tree Pick one Angel Tree gift tag and buy a single item listed, or pick several Angel Tree gift tags and buy all items listed. For more information please call (417) 862-5509 or visit springfield-mo. Angel Tree Gift Program November 29th - December 24th How the program works: Simply pick an Angel Tree gift tag off of any Salvation Army Angel Tree located at area Walmart & Kmart stores, purchase the items listed on the tag, place the items into The Salvation Army donation barrel before you leave the store. It’s that easy!
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