December Newsletter
December Newsletter
Grottos of America—Minneapolis, Minnesota Editor: Stephen Kesler—PM SELIM GROTTO Selim Grotto Web Site: December Newsletter Volume 5, Number 12—2015 MONARCH’S REPORT— Greetings Prophets, I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year’s Celebration! To start off I would like to thank everyone for having the confidence in me to take the helm of Selim Grotto. We had a great time at the installation. Not many of you know much about me, maybe, none of you. So here it is in a nut shell. I was born in Preston, Minnesota and soon moved to Bloomington where I graduated from Abraham Lincoln Sr. High. I later joined the U.S. Air Force and served 20 years working in both Aircraft maintenance and Communications Electronics. Through my AF career I provided communications support for the U.S. Secret Service during 3 Presidential campaigns and various other international events. Since retiring from the U.S. Air Force I have become active Masonic Fraternity. I was raised as a Master Mason at Richfield Lodge #334 (now Cataract #2), on May 5th, 1993. The very next year I was appointed Senior Deacon and progressed through the line, becoming Master in 1997 and again in 2004. I am also a member of St John’s Lodge #1 and currently serve as Chaplain in both lodges. I also belong to many of the other Masonic bodies, but if you want to know which ones, you’ll have to ask me. My wife Carol and I have been married for 42 years, and we have two daughters, Megan and Jenny. Since joining, I have enjoyed watching Selim Grotto grow. It’s gone from a few guys sitting around a conference table to having a good compliment of sideliners in a traditional setting. We have become a very vibrant and active group. I don’t plan on making changes to any of the events we host, but the locations may change. We have Prophets on the east side that need to be thought of, me for one. So if you live in the north west metro plan on sojourning to the east side and if you’re already there come on out to enjoy the hospitality! All for the Realm! Bob Selden Monarch, Selim Grotto MOVPER SECRETARIES REPORT— Selim Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R. Minutes December 5th, 2014 Anoka Lodge #30 Anoka, MN Present were: Monarch Lee Kielblock, Secretary Todd Mayer PM, Jeremy Hill, Brian DiMatteo, Stephen Kesler PM, Dave Hansel PM, Ken Martin, Larry Jensen PM, Joel Peterson, Don Sorenson, Treasurer Don Nolley, Chaplain Paul Agustin, Chief Justice Bob Selden, Master of Ceremonies Steve Kingdon Meeting was called to order at 6:31pm by Monarch Lee, pledge was given. Minutes were approved as printed. Treasurer Don passed out treasurer’s report. EL Fund has been reconciled, budget to be made for 2015. Secretary read correspondence from Supreme Council. Dues notifications will be going out with Enchanted Lantern (EL) Fund. Trustees report: Bonded issue will be looked into with new trustees. Possibly invest $50K instead of sitting in checking now that all investments are located and consolidated. Motion was made and passed to reimburse Sec Todd $125 for can coolies. Motion was made and passed to remit $13/person for installation dinner, and pay for PGM Mike Wahl. EL Presentations for PM Dave Hansel (1), PM Stephen Kessler (3) John Doe EL fund has around $500 for passing of Prophet or Lady Motioned and passed to buy a lantern for Donna Naeve PM Stephen mentioned about putting information about EL Fund into by-laws. Dues payments at next stated to save on mailing. DTurin order to go out soon. Officer Installation is December 7th in Bloomington. Flyer has been sent out. Contact Bob Selden if going and send payment to him. Closed in form at 6:54pm. “Holiday Party” “Officer Installation” “Sympath and Good Felloship” Will you have More, or less? We answer this question at the opening and closing of every Selim Grotto meeting. The answer was repeated multiple times at our latest installation. As Prophets of the Mystic Order we are charged to promote “Sympathy and Good Fellowship”. At Selim Grotto, we embrace and deliver on the fellowship portion better than any origination I can imagine. As brothers we love sharing our lives together. Our wives have become good friends and our children eagerly await the chance to see their “Grotto friends” each month. But how have we done on the sympathy portion? From my perspective, we’ve done pretty well. Prophets are always there to lend a hand when needed. Families have come together to support each other during difficult times. We love each other and our neighbors as we should. I am very proud of that. However, I believe the Sympathy obligation extends to our humanitarian foundation as well. This past year I presented a challenge to the Prophets of Selim Grotto to purchase Enchanted Lanterns. I believe in the philosophy that those that can, should. I was blessed this past year to be able to offer the challenge and I will be honest, you Prophets made it hurt a little by pushing me outside of my comfort zone, and I love you for it. I would like to put the cost of the lantern into perspective. Let’s say you take your lady out on a Friday night to a nice dinner, have a few drinks and throw in some dessert. Add in the entertainment of laughing and sharing memories with your friends. Can you do that for $50? What if you add in the kids? Get where I’m going here? If this past year you purchased a lantern, ask yourself, can I buy 2 this year? If you purchased 2, can you handle 3? I am asking you to consider pushing your comfort zone a little. In 2013 Selim Grotto members purchased 5 Enchanted Lanterns. This year we purchased 26! I was very humbled and honored to receive the Fairchild Societies Grand Monarchs Gold Circle, but It truly belongs to all of you, because you made it happen. I thank you for keeping sympathy in your hearts while you embrace the good fellowship of this great organization. Steve Kingdon Chief Justice 2015—Selim Grotto Officers Birthday’s: Officer Mtg. & Membership Mtg. January 2nd AmericInn, Coon Rapids, MN Officer & Membership meeting—6:00 pm Pot Luck & Swimming 6—10:00 pm Monarch—Bob Selden Chief Justice—Steve Kingdon Master of Ceremonies–Myron Shelton Treasurer-Don Nolley Secretary-Todd Mayer PM Venerable Prophet-Don Sorenson Marshall-Joel Peterson Captain of the Guard-Josh Fulwider Sentinel-Ken Martin Chaplain-Paul Agustin Newsletter Editor—Stephen Kesler PM $10 per family Be Sure To Wish Them A “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” Larry Jensen 4-Jan William Bram 8-Jan Sidney W. Lee 17-Jan Nicholas Settich 21-Jan Michael Wahl 22-Jan Brian K. Dimatteo 26-Jan Please bring a dish to share, plenty of outlets for crock pots Bring your swimming suits B.Y.O.A.B. (bring your own adult “SELIM GROTTO 2015 EVENTS” Date: January 2nd: EVENT Pool Party & Potluck—Americain Inn Coon Rapids “Bring something to share” Kid’s Club Events January 2nd: Pool Party & Potluck—AmericInn Coon Rapids “Selim Grotto Membership” To change or add your email, telephone, and home address E-mail us at: ( ) Future Newsletters Please submit articles, pictures and other info by the 18th of the month to Stephen Kesler at: or call: 763-755-7522 Articles & Pictures must be received no later than the end of the 19th of each month to be included in REMEMBER TO SUPPORT YOUR BLUE LODGES! SELIM GROTTO POOL PARTY—2015