Getting Started with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles
Getting Started with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles
Getting Started with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Consoles By Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. Part No. D3P01861002 July 2002 DeltaV, ENVOX, PROVOX, and PROVUE are marks of one of the Fisher-Rosemount group of companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. FISHER-ROSEMOUNT 1998—2002 Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warrantees or guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the design or specification of such products at any time without notice. Contents 1 Introduction..............................................................................11 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.12.1 1.12.2 1.13 Overview..................................................................................................................... 11 Requirements .............................................................................................................. 14 What's New or Different ............................................................................................. 14 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Interface ..................................................................... 16 Intended Audiences..................................................................................................... 18 Assumptions................................................................................................................ 18 Installation Scenarios .................................................................................................. 19 Product Revision This Manual Supports..................................................................... 20 Manual Conventions ................................................................................................... 20 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes................................................................................... 23 Structure of this Manual.............................................................................................. 23 Related Documents ..................................................................................................... 25 Printed Documentation ............................................................................................... 25 Online Documentation ................................................................................................ 26 Where to Find Answers for Product and Document Questions................................... 26 2 Product Overview ....................................................................27 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 Introduction................................................................................................................. 27 Hardware And Software Components......................................................................... 27 Console Equipment List.............................................................................................. 27 DeltaV Operator Stations ............................................................................................ 29 Console Software ........................................................................................................ 30 Communications Equipment....................................................................................... 30 Type DH6032 Highway Data Link ............................................................................. 31 Type DH6047 Process Network Switch (Twisted Pair).............................................. 31 Type DH6045 Process Network Hub (Twisted Pair).................................................. 32 Ethernet Cables ........................................................................................................... 33 3 Initial Hardware Setup.............................................................35 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 Hardware Variations ................................................................................................... 35 System Setup............................................................................................................... 36 Setting Up Consoles.................................................................................................... 38 Setting Up Console Data Servers................................................................................ 40 System Configuration: Console .................................................................................. 51 Test The Network Connections................................................................................... 68 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Contents • iii 3.4 Setting Up Primary/Secondary Consoles .................................................................... 69 4 Saving Console Information ...................................................73 4.1 4.1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 73 Console Properties To Save ........................................................................................ 74 5 Software Setup ........................................................................79 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.10.1 5.10.2 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.15.1 5.15.2 5.15.3 5.15.4 5.15.5 5.15.6 5.15.7 5.15.8 5.16 5.17 Supported Console Hardware And Software .............................................................. 79 Introduction................................................................................................................. 80 Changing The PROVOX Account Passwords ............................................................ 82 Establish Secure Common Login................................................................................ 85 Disable Web Server Log ............................................................................................. 86 Set DeltaV-Style Alarm Processing ............................................................................ 87 Initialize PROVOX Communications......................................................................... 87 Define Operator Stations............................................................................................. 88 Uninitializing The HDL .............................................................................................. 88 Defining The HDL...................................................................................................... 89 Set Or Verify POC Services........................................................................................ 91 Change PROVOX21Admin Account Passwords for DCOM Servers ........................ 94 Verify Software Startup .............................................................................................. 95 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers ............................................................... 96 Operator Stations ........................................................................................................ 96 Setting Internet Options .............................................................................................. 97 Setting Acrobat Reader Options.................................................................................. 98 Cleaning Up The POC\programs Folder..................................................................... 99 Removing The Master License Popup ........................................................................ 99 Other Settings............................................................................................................ 100 Setting IA And Trend Window Positions ................................................................. 100 Enable PROVOX Communication ........................................................................... 101 Create a PROVOX Toolbar ...................................................................................... 103 Create UserSettings.grf from User_ref_PROVOX.grf.............................................. 105 Defining Primary And Secondary Servers And Workstations .................................. 108 Setting Unsolicited Data Reporting .......................................................................... 108 Point Tag and Display Tag Substitutions.................................................................. 109 Logging On To the Operator Station ........................................................................ 113 Convert Existing Pictures.......................................................................................... 114 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 114 6 Database Configuration ........................................................117 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 Introduction............................................................................................................... 117 Console Configuration .............................................................................................. 119 Console Device Definition Form .............................................................................. 119 Option Definition Form ............................................................................................ 120 System Clock List Form ........................................................................................... 121 Shift Table Form ....................................................................................................... 121 Trend Set Definition and Trend Trace Definition Forms.......................................... 121 iv • Contents DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.2.9 6.2.10 6.2.11 6.2.12 6.2.13 6.2.14 6.2.15 6.2.16 6.2.17 6.2.18 6.2.19 6.2.20 6.2.21 6.2.22 6.2.23 6.2.24 6.2.25 6.2.26 6.2.27 6.2.28 6.2.29 6.2.30 6.3 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 Operator Display List Form ...................................................................................... 122 PMA List Form ......................................................................................................... 123 User Access List Form.............................................................................................. 123 Pen Recorder List Form ............................................................................................ 123 Report List Definition Form ..................................................................................... 123 Report Header Definition Form ................................................................................ 123 Equipment List Form ................................................................................................ 123 Configuring Reports.................................................................................................. 124 Console Preferences Form ........................................................................................ 124 Horn Tone Definition Form ...................................................................................... 124 Display Limits Form ................................................................................................. 124 Procedures Forms...................................................................................................... 124 Conditional Color Editor........................................................................................... 125 Conditional Text Editor ............................................................................................ 125 PMA Definition Form............................................................................................... 125 PPA Definition Form ................................................................................................ 126 Alarm Priority Definition Form ................................................................................ 126 User Definitions Form .............................................................................................. 127 User Application List Form ...................................................................................... 130 User UDK List Form................................................................................................. 130 Application Definition .............................................................................................. 130 User Defined Key ..................................................................................................... 130 User Palette ............................................................................................................... 130 Highway Access Control List Form.......................................................................... 131 Display Editor ........................................................................................................... 131 Console Points .......................................................................................................... 131 Targeting Points To A Console................................................................................. 131 Target Data ............................................................................................................... 132 Console Target Data ................................................................................................. 132 Extended Alarms....................................................................................................... 132 7 Display Configuration ...........................................................133 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.6 7.6.1 7.7 7.7.1 7.7.2 7.8 7.8.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 133 Display Names in the ENVOX Configuration .......................................................... 133 Display Names in DeltaV Operate............................................................................ 135 Display Elements And Link Limits........................................................................... 135 Using the Expression Builder ................................................................................... 135 Datalink Dialog......................................................................................................... 136 Expression Builder.................................................................................................... 136 Selecting A Tag And Attribute ................................................................................. 137 Editing Occurrence Numbers.................................................................................... 138 Tagnames .................................................................................................................. 139 Entering Tagnames ................................................................................................... 139 Display Attributes ..................................................................................................... 141 Calculation Attributes ............................................................................................... 143 THISUSER Display Attributes ................................................................................. 148 Using Scripts............................................................................................................. 148 frsPocTasks............................................................................................................... 149 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Contents • v 7.8.2 7.8.3 7.8.4 7.8.5 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.11.1 7.11.2 7.11.3 7.11.4 7.12 frsPOCIntegrity......................................................................................................... 151 frsInputAnyModuleNameFP..................................................................................... 152 frsInputAnyModuleNameDT.................................................................................... 152 frsInputAnyModuleNamePD .................................................................................... 152 Accessing DDP Values From Scripts ....................................................................... 153 #Current .................................................................................................................... 153 Writing Attributes From Displays............................................................................. 153 Field Types ............................................................................................................... 153 Configuring Entry Fields .......................................................................................... 154 Writeable Display Attributes .................................................................................... 155 FST Attributes........................................................................................................... 155 Managing Displays ................................................................................................... 156 8 Operating Environment.........................................................157 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.9.1 8.9.2 8.9.3 8.9.4 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.12.1 8.12.2 8.12.3 8.12.4 8.12.5 8.12.6 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.15.1 8.15.2 8.15.3 8.15.4 8.16 8.16.1 8.16.2 8.16.3 8.16.4 Introduction............................................................................................................... 157 Supported Console Hardware And Software ............................................................ 157 Console Security ....................................................................................................... 159 Default User Accounts .............................................................................................. 159 Console Startup......................................................................................................... 161 Horn .......................................................................................................................... 161 Time .......................................................................................................................... 161 Stale Data.................................................................................................................. 163 Instrument Area and DDP Area ................................................................................ 163 Instrument Area ........................................................................................................ 163 DDP Area.................................................................................................................. 163 Starting And Positioning........................................................................................... 164 Examples................................................................................................................... 165 Popup Faceplates ...................................................................................................... 165 Message Logging ...................................................................................................... 166 Viewers ..................................................................................................................... 166 Connecting To A Server ........................................................................................... 167 Event Journal ............................................................................................................ 168 Status Summaries...................................................................................................... 168 Reports Viewer ......................................................................................................... 169 Document Viewer ..................................................................................................... 169 Controlling Access To The Viewers ......................................................................... 170 Alarm Banner Access................................................................................................ 173 Disk Space ................................................................................................................ 173 The PROVOX Trend Viewer.................................................................................... 173 Trace Data Set........................................................................................................... 173 Trend Views.............................................................................................................. 174 Opening And Positioning.......................................................................................... 174 Examples................................................................................................................... 175 The Trend Viewer ..................................................................................................... 176 Importing Configured Trend Sets ............................................................................. 176 Adding Trace Data Sets To Trend Views ................................................................. 177 Creating Trace Data Sets........................................................................................... 178 Removing Trace Data Sets........................................................................................ 180 vi • Contents DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 8.16.5 8.16.6 8.16.7 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.19.1 8.19.2 8.19.3 Viewing Trends......................................................................................................... 180 Trace Data Set Definition Files................................................................................. 181 Other Trend Issues .................................................................................................... 182 Troubleshooting And Recovering ............................................................................. 182 Restarts...................................................................................................................... 183 Console Redundancy................................................................................................. 184 Console Data Server Redundancy............................................................................. 187 Console-Resident Point Redundancy ........................................................................ 192 Redundancy In Action .............................................................................................. 197 A Installing The Operator Console Software ..........................201 A.1 A.2 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.2.3 A.3 A.3.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 A.1.5 Introduction............................................................................................................... 201 PROVUE or Operator Workplace Console Systems................................................. 202 Installing Software On Console Data Servers........................................................... 202 Install DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software on DeltaV Operator Stations.......... 206 Post-Installation Setup .............................................................................................. 209 PROVOX Operator Console Systems....................................................................... 209 Converting Existing Console Data Servers............................................................... 210 Converting PROVOX Operator Console Workstations to DeltaV Operator Stations218 Installing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software on DeltaV Operator Stations..... 218 Creating Migration Stations ...................................................................................... 218 Post-Installation Setup .............................................................................................. 220 B Installing Windows NT Software ..........................................221 B.1 B.2 B.2.1 B.2.2 B.2.3 B.2.4 B.2.5 B.2.6 B.2.7 B.2.8 B.2.9 B.2.10 Introduction............................................................................................................... 221 Installing Windows NT 4.0 Server Software ............................................................ 222 Required Windows NT Server Software................................................................... 223 Preliminary Planning ................................................................................................ 223 Install Server Software.............................................................................................. 224 Install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 ................................................................... 234 Install Internet Explorer 5 ......................................................................................... 238 Install Windows NT4 Option Pack ........................................................................... 239 Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 Software.............................................................. 240 Install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 ................................................................... 241 Install Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1.2 ..................................................... 241 Set Task Bar For Front And Auto Hide .................................................................... 242 C Upgrading Consoles .............................................................243 C.1 C.1.1 C.1.2 C.1.3 C.1.4 Introduction............................................................................................................... 243 Upgrading Console Software Licenses ..................................................................... 244 Adding Operator Stations To Existing Consoles ...................................................... 244 Adding Unsolicited Data Reporting.......................................................................... 246 Adding Event Journal................................................................................................ 247 D Other Network Solutions ......................................................249 D.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 249 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Contents • vii D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 Index The Hub Extension ................................................................................................... 250 Plant Network Connection With Central Switch ...................................................... 252 Plant Network Connection With Router Only .......................................................... 254 Remote Workstations................................................................................................ 255 Redundant Remote Workstations.............................................................................. 256 ..........................................................................................259 Figures Figure 1-1: DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console ....................................................................... 11 Figure 1-2: Typical User Interface.................................................................................................. 17 Figure 2-1: Typical Console Connections ...................................................................................... 29 Figure 3-1: DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Network Schematic..................................................... 37 Figure 3-2: Typical Console System Configuration ....................................................................... 39 Figure 3-3: Ground Connections: Server Cabinet........................................................................... 43 Figure 3-4: Power Connections: Server Cabinet with Monitor ...................................................... 45 Figure 3-5: Server/HDL Connection .............................................................................................. 48 Figure 3-6: Server/Switch Connection ........................................................................................... 49 Figure 3-7: HDL/PROVOX Highway Connection......................................................................... 50 Figure 3-8: DeltaV Operator Station/Switch Connection ............................................................... 51 Figure 3-9: Network Settings Dialog.............................................................................................. 53 Figure 3-10: Identification Changes Dialog ................................................................................... 54 Figure 3-11: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—IP Address Tab.............................................................. 55 Figure 3-12: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—DNS Tab ....................................................................... 57 Figure 3-13: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—WINS Address Tab ....................................................... 58 Figure 3-14: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—Routing Tab .................................................................. 59 Figure 3-15: Typical Primary/Secondary Console System............................................................. 70 Figure 5-1: Services and Service Dialogs (Typical) ....................................................................... 92 Figure 5-2: Positioning Tab of DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Properties Dialog........................ 101 Figure 5-3: Unsolicited Reporting Control ................................................................................... 109 Figure 7-1: Datalink Dialog.......................................................................................................... 136 Figure 7-2: Expression Builder..................................................................................................... 137 Figure 7-3: Point Calculation Attribute Expressions Dialog ........................................................ 145 Figure 8-1: Viewer Selector.......................................................................................................... 167 Figure 8-2: Server Setup Dialog ................................................................................................... 167 Figure 8-3: Internet Service Manager ........................................................................................... 171 Figure 8-4: IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions Dialog ................................................... 172 Figure 8-5: Grant Access On Dialog ............................................................................................ 172 Figure 8-6: Importing Configured Trend Sets .............................................................................. 176 Figure 8-7: Trace Data Sets .......................................................................................................... 178 Figure 8-8: Adding Trace Data Sets ............................................................................................. 179 Figure 8-9: Console Redundancy ................................................................................................. 186 Figure 8-10: Integrity Detail -- Console Data Server Redundancy............................................... 189 Figure 8-11: Redundancy Application Console Data Server Tab................................................. 191 Figure 8-12: Integrity Faceplate -- Console Point Redundancy.................................................... 195 Figure 8-13: Redundancy: Console-Resident Points Tab ............................................................. 196 Figure 8-14: Console Redundancy ............................................................................................... 199 Figure D-1: Hub Extension to a Console Using Fiber Optic Cables ............................................ 251 viii • Contents DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure D-2: Connecting A Process Network to A Plant Network with A Central Switch............ 253 Figure D-3: Connecting Process Networks to A Plant Network without A Central Switch......... 254 Figure D-4: Using Fiber Optic Cables to Connect Remote Workstations .................................... 255 Figure D-5: Primary/Secondary Console Data Servers with Remote Operator Stations .............. 256 Tables Table 1-1: Using The Mouse .......................................................................................................... 21 Table 1-2: Type Style Conventions ................................................................................................ 21 Table 3-1: Naming and IP Addressing ........................................................................................... 51 Table 4-1: Console Information to Back Up................................................................................... 73 Table 5-1: User Access Levels ....................................................................................................... 83 Table 7-1: Renamed Display Attributes ....................................................................................... 141 Table 7-2: Attributes That are in DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software but not in Operator Workplace................................................................................................................. 142 Table 7-3: Operator Workplace Attributes Not Implemented ...................................................... 143 Table 7-4: Writeable Display Attributes....................................................................................... 155 Table 8-1: Instrument Area Command Line Switches.................................................................. 164 Table 8-2: Pixel Dimensions Of An Instrument Area................................................................... 165 Table 8-3: Report Colors .............................................................................................................. 169 Table 8-4: Number of Trend Traces That Can Be Defined Versus Sample Interval and Duration174 Table 8-5: Trend Viewer Command Line Switches ..................................................................... 175 Table 8-6: Durations for Imported Trend Traces.......................................................................... 177 Table 8-7: Effect of Restart on Console Operations ..................................................................... 184 Table 8-8: Console Redundancy Terms........................................................................................ 187 Table C-1: Actions Required For Various Console Upgrades...................................................... 243 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Contents • ix This page intentionally blank. x • Contents DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 1 Introduction The following figure is a schematic drawing of a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® implementation in a plant. Figure 1-1: DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console 1.1 Overview The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Console is the combination of DeltaV and PROVOX hardware and software that allows an operator to control both DeltaV and PROVOX systems from a single DeltaV DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 11 Operator Station. The PROVOX components of the software have evolved from PROVOX Operator Console software. Note that some of the terminology is different between the two systems and that some special operator training may be required. The entire system consisting of DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers (also known as Console Data Servers) and DeltaV Operator Stations with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installed is referred to as the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. The following list explains the major components that make up the console: • DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server supports display of PROVOX data on DeltaV Operator Stations. • PROVOX Control Network (HDLs, controllers, I/O, and so on) This is standard PROVOX equipment. No changes or modifications are required. • DeltaV Operator Stations These are standard DeltaV Operator Stations that have the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX update installed to support display of PROVOX data. • DeltaV Control Network (controllers, I/O, and so on) This is standard DeltaV equipment. No changes or modifications are required. • ProfessionalPLUS station This is a standard DeltaV ProfessionalPLUS station that has the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX update installed. ProfessionalPLUS stations are used as DeltaV engineering workstations. • PROVOX Operator Console Migration Station (not shown) This is a standard PROVOX Operator Console Operator Station at the P3.x revision level with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX update installed. Migration stations are not required, but if you are migrating from a PROVOX Operator Console system, you can use migration stations to compare original displays to converted displays to make sure they work as intended. 12 • Introduction DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Note... Migration workstations are supported only for use when migrating to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software and are not supported for plant operation. Note... In this manual the term operator station refers to both migration stations and DeltaV Operator Stations. As the schematic figure shows, DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Consoles integrate the operation of PROVOX and DeltaV systems at the operator station. The two control networks remain separate. Data does not move between the systems. For example, you cannot add a PROVOX parameter to the DeltaV Data Historian or view DeltaV events in the PROVOX Event Viewer. Conceptually, a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX console combines the functions of both a standard DeltaV Operator Station controlling a DeltaV network and a PROVOX Operator Console Workstation controlling a PROVOX system in one PC workstation. The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX update adds PROVOX Operator Console functionality to your DeltaV Operator Stations so that you can include links to data from PROVOX controllers and links to data from DeltaV controllers on the same display. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software also installs several PROVOX Operator Console applications on the DeltaV Operator Stations that let you view and manipulate information in your PROVOX system as if you were working from a PROVOX Operator Console. Experienced DeltaV users will see no difference when operating a DeltaV control system. Experienced PROVOX Operator Console users operating a PROVOX control system will see the advanced graphics capabilities provided by DeltaV Operate. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software does not support the graphics used in the PROVOX Operator Console, but those graphics can be partially converted by the DeltaV Operate software. Operators will notice no difference when using the other PROVOX Operator Console applications. The remainder of this manual and the other DeltaV Operate for PROVOX system documentation use the trademarks DeltaV and PROVOX to indicate which system's components are being described. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 13 1.2 Requirements DeltaV ProfessionalPLUS station running DeltaV 7.x software with the DeltaV Operate graphics. (The Operator Interface graphics are not supported.) The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server running DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. 1.3 What's New or Different If you are familiar with the PROVOX Operator Console, note the following differences or new features in DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software: • Secure logon Provides the following: • Strong passwords, timeouts to force change of the password, lockout on too many wrong attempts. • Can configure one password to access both systems. • Robustness and ease of administration. • No circumvention possibilities See Section 5 of this manual for more information. • Persistent Trend Trace definitions Retain your online trend trace setup (but not the previous trend data) through a total download. See Section 8 of this manual for more information. • New tagname browser The Tags & Attributes browser has been replaced by the Expression Builder in DeltaV Operate. See Section 7 of this manual for more information. • New syntax for specifying PROVOX points in displays and scripts Instead of THISNODE.point… and FIX32.THISNODE.point, use POC.point… See Section 7 of this manual for more information. 14 • Introduction DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • New Settings dialog items on the Console Data Server: • Use the Trend tab to adjust master file preference versus current file preference, and location • Use the Alarm tab to select the alarm sort characteristics (DeltaV style or PROVOX style) • Use the Tags tab to define how point tags and display tags that contain characters invalid for use in DeltaV Operate are translated. See Section 5 of this manual for more information. • The operator interface may optionally have two alarm banners, one on each screen Use the new toolbar builder to create toolbars. The builder includes a library of buttons for both DeltaV and PROVOX functions. See Section 5 of this manual for more information. • The operator interface has two alarm banners, one on each screen The two alarm banners can be configured in the following ways: • DeltaV alarms only across both toolbars • PROVOX alarm and OAR information on one screen and DeltaV alarms on the other screen • Combined and sorted DeltaV and PROVOX alarms. See Section 5 of this manual for more information. • New display attributes to support DeltaV software: • ALMPRIODV converts PROVOX alarm priorities to DeltaV alarm priorities. • ZALMPRDV takes the PROVOX alarm priority and adds 3 to it so you can map to DeltaV alarm priorities and colors. • DECPT is the configured number of decimal places for an attribute. This attribute supports DeltaV-style numeric fields on displays. See Section 7 of this manual for more information. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 15 • Tag substitution on ENVOX® download. Replaces characters in point and display tags in the ENVOX download that are invalid on DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. See Section 5 of this manual for more information. • Calculation Expression Editor is a Start menu selection Provides access to the editor (which for PROVOX Operator Console was performed from the PROVOX Operator Console Draw application) See Section 7 of this manual for more information. • DeltaV-style Faceplate popup displays for PROVOX points. See the user manual for more information. • Horn disable/enable In DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Operator Stations disabling the horn also acknowledges the horn. • Terminology differences A DeltaV module is equivalent in most respects to a PROVOX point. A DeltaV module parameter is equivalent in most respects to a PROVOX point attribute. Download can have a slightly different meaning depending on whether the term refers to downloading the Console Data Server or the DeltaV Operator Station. 1.4 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Interface The following figure and text explains the differences between the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX user interface and the DeltaV and PROVOX Operator Console user interface. If you are using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles to operate both DeltaV and PROVOX controllers, Fisher-Rosemount Systems strongly recommends that the consoles use dual monitor workstations. The dual monitors ensure that operators have access to all pertinent information and controls for both systems. 16 • Introduction DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 1-2: Typical User Interface The user interface includes the following: • The main window which can consist of: • Two main pictures. • Two toolbars, one on each screen • Two alarm banners, one on each screen. • DeltaV and PROVOX integrity indicators. • Alarm Acknowledge buttons on each alarm banner. PROVOX-related applications that are available are: • Instrument Area (includes the DDP area) • Trend Viewer • Event Journal • Summaries (Point Status and Communications Failure) • Document Viewer • Reports Viewer DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 17 The Main window combines the main graphics display, the toolbar and the alarm banner into an integrated layout whose size and relative position are fixed. The popup graphics display is a secondary (child) window of the Main window, and can be moved around the screen. The Instrument Area, Trend Viewer, Event Journal, and Alarm and Status Summaries are separate applications in separate windows that can be moved around the screen. 1.5 Intended Audiences There are several intended audiences for this manual: • Persons responsible for installing, upgrading, and managing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Persons who create the configuration and operator pictures for the DeltaV Operator Stations. • Persons responsible for training operators how to use the software. Persons in the first group should be familiar with Windows NT installation and user account management. Persons in the second group should be familiar with the ENVOX configuration software and the issues involved in creating a configuration for an operator console. 1.6 Assumptions This manual assumes the following: 18 • Introduction • Your plant has both DeltaV and PROVOX control systems installed and you want operators to be able to control both systems from one user interface or your plant has only a PROVOX system installed and you want to use the advanced graphics capabilities of DeltaV Operate. Note that in the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software, DeltaV terminology is used when required instead of PROVOX terminology. • The DeltaV system is running with revision 7.x and DeltaV Operate graphics. (Refer to the section Installing Your DeltaV System in the DeltaV Books Online for instructions on installing and setting up DeltaV systems). • The PROVOX system is installed and operating. The PROVOX system can have PROVUE®, Operator Workplace, or PROVOX DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operator Consoles. This manual explains how to move from any of these consoles to the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX console. 1.7 Installation Scenarios The tasks you must perform to connect your current PROVOX system to a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX console depends on your starting point. If your PROVOX system has PROVUE or Operator Workplace consoles: 1. Acquire DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers. 2. Install DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on existing DeltaV Operator Stations. Note that the DeltaV Operator Stations must be upgraded to DeltaV 7.x before installing the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. 3. Convert configurations to Operator Workplace Console downloads compatible with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 4. Create displays If your PROVOX system has PROVOX Operator Consoles: 1. Uninstall the PROVOX Operator Console Data Server Software. 2. Install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX console software on the PROVOX Operator Console Data Server hardware. 3. Create a migration workstation by selecting the PROVOX Operator Console P3.* Workstation Update (Fix32) option when installing the software on a PROVOX Operator Console Workstation. A migration workstation is a PROVOX Operator Console Workstation that supports PROVOX systems but does not have DeltaV Operate software or DeltaV Operate graphics and does not communicate with DeltaV systems. Note... Migration workstations are supported only during migration to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software and are not supported for plant operation for the 7.1 version. 4. Convert PROVOX Operator Console Operator Workstations to DeltaV Operator Stations (if possible) and install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on them. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 19 5. Install DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on existing DeltaV Operator Stations. Note that the DeltaV Operator Stations must be upgraded to DeltaV 7.x before installing the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. 6. Convert existing PROVOX Operator Console displays or create new displays. 1.8 Product Revision This Manual Supports This manual supports DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software revision 7.1 and version 7.1 of the DeltaV software. 1.9 Manual Conventions This manual uses the following conventions: • Acronyms and Abbreviations — Terms are spelled out the first time they appear in text. Thereafter, only the acronym or abbreviation is used. In addition, the glossary defines the acronyms and abbreviations. • Revision Control — The title page lists the revision level and the printing date of this manual. The versions of the product this manual covers are listed in this section as well. When the manual is revised, the revision level and the printing date are changed. • References — References to other documents give the document name and number (and catalog number for Fisher-Rosemount Systems manuals). • Commands — Command lines shown in this manual include the operating system prompt. The operating system prompts you see can be different than shown. Enter commands at the system prompt on your screen. Most operating system commands require that you press the Return or Enter key after entering the command. This manual does not show these keys in command lines and assumes you use them when necessary. • 20 • Introduction Long Command Lines — Some commands may be too long to fit on one line in this manual because of margin restrictions. However, you normally enter such commands as a single line. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Mouse or Trackball Conventions — You can use either a twobutton mouse or multi-button mouse or trackball. Since you can swap use of the left and right buttons, this manual refers to the primary button (the left button) as the one used for most actions and the right mouse button for specific actions. The following table lists terms describing actions you take with the mouse. Table 1-1: Using The Mouse Term Meaning Point Move the pointer (arrow or other shape) until the tip rests on the object or area to which you want to point. Click or Select Point to the item you want to select, then press and release the primary button without moving the mouse. If you want to select several items for deletion, hold down the Shift key and click the items to be deleted. Double-click Point to the item you want to select, then click the primary button twice rapidly without moving the mouse. Drag and Drop Press and hold down the primary button while you move the mouse. When you have moved the mouse pointer to the position you want, release the primary button. • Typographic Conventions — The following table describes the type styles this manual uses to distinguish different types of information. Table 1-2: Type Style Conventions When Text Appears This Way ... It Is ... ENVOX Technical Reference The title of a manual. BACKUP An operating mode, alarm state, status, operand, keyword, or key function (used instead of a specific keyboard key). Select File → View from... Menu options you select (in the order given) DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 21 Table 1-2: Type Style Conventions When Text Appears This Way ... It Is ... Press the Enter key… A named keyboard key. The key name is shown as it appears on the keyboard. An explanation of the key’s acronym or function immediately follows the first reference to the key, if required. Press the F12 key… Press the Ctrl V key combination… For key combinations, press and hold down the first key, press the second key, then release both keys. Username: Database $ Write SYS$OUTPUT Text in a source file or a system prompt or other text that appears on a screen. Choose the OK button… You can either Select a file name from the list… click on the button by moving the cursor to point to it and pressing the primary button on the pointing device (mouse or trackball), or press the Tab key and up or down arrow keys to select (or highlight) the button, then press the Enter key. 22 • Introduction example3.txt A command you enter at a system prompt or text you enter in response to a program prompt. You must enter commands for case-sensitive operating system exactly as shown on the printed page. my_data Text that you replace with your own text or values when issuing commands. For example, you would replace my_data with an appropriate value. An object is... A new term being introduced. Do not set... A word or term given special emphasis so that you do not miss the idea being presented. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 1.10 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes Warnings, Cautions, and Notes attract attention to essential or critical information in this manual. The types of information included in each are explained in the following: Warning... All warnings have this form and symbol. Do not disregard warnings. They are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, statements, and so forth, which if not strictly observed, may result in personal injury or loss of life. Caution... All cautions have this form and symbol. Do not disregard cautions. They are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, statements, and so forth, which if not strictly observed, may result in damage to, or destruction of, equipment or may cause a long term health hazard. Note... Notes have this form and symbol. Notes contain installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, statements, and so forth, that alert you to important information which may make your task easier or increase your understanding. 1.11 Structure of this Manual This document provides information on installing, configuring, and using the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX console. This document contains the following sections: • Section 1: Introduction — An overview of this manual, the intended audience, the stylistic and typographical conventions used, and a list of related documents. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 23 24 • Introduction • Section 2: Product Overview — Discussion of the hardware and software components that make up a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX systems implementation. • Section 3: Initial Hardware Setup — Describes the procedures of installing the console hardware and performing initial setup tests. • Section 4: Saving Console Information — An overview of the types and locations of console information you may want to back up periodically. • Section 5: Software Setup — Contains the tasks that tailor the software and implement console security. • Section 6: Database Configuration — Explains differences between Operator Workplace and PROVUE console and DeltaV Operate for PROVOX database configuration. This section outlines what you have to know to create a configuration database in ENVOX or Control Desktop software to use with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. • Section 7: Display Configuration — Contains an introduction to creating graphics displays for the console using DeltaV Operate in Configure mode. This section includes hints and tips on how to accomplish effects similar to what can be done with ENVOX or Control Desktop software. • Section 8: Operating Environment — This section, aimed at configuration engineers and persons who train operators, explains how operating a PROVOX system from the DeltaV Operator Station is different compared to Operator Workplace Consoles and PROVUE consoles. • Appendix A: Installing the Operator Console Software —This appendix explains how to install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on PROVOX Console Data Servers and DeltaV Operator Stations. • Appendix B: Installing Windows NT Software — Though servers are shipped with NT software installed, you may need to re-install or upgrade Windows NT software under some circumstances. This appendix tells how • Appendix C: Upgrading Consoles — This appendix explains common console upgrades. • Appendix D: Other Network Solutions — Shows several supported alternative network configurations. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Index — Contains an index of the information in this manual. Take the time to read through this document before attempting to install, configure, or use the hardware or software. 1.12 Related Documents Other PROVOX documents that may be helpful are listed below. See your Fisher-Rosemount Systems representative or sales office for a complete list of available documents or copies. Note... Retain all of your PROVOX Operator Console P3.x documentation, even after converting to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. Under some circumstances you may need to refer to it after conversion. 1.12.1 Printed Documentation This manual, Getting Started With DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles, is distributed with the console. Two other manuals can be ordered from your sales representative: • Configuring PROVOX Operator Console Software (CE:NT2100) (Part number D2C01691002) This revision of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software is supported by the PROVOX Operator Console configuration manual. This manual explains the database configuration differences between Operator Workplace and PROVUE consoles and PROVOX Operator Consoles. The changes to a PROVOX Operator Console configuration required to be compatible with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software are detailed in Section 6, Database Configuration, of the Getting Started manual. • Using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles (Part number D4U01861002) The user manual for the console explains the user interface of the console software and how you operate a plant using the controls and applications included in the console. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Introduction • 25 1.12.2 Online Documentation All of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console documentation is available online from any operator station or Console Data Server. The Books Online are accessible from the Start menu on both Console Data Servers and DeltaV Operator Stations. The Books Online that support DeltaV Operate for PROVOX systems included with the software are: • Getting Started With DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles The online version of the printed getting started manual. It contains information on modifying Operator Workplace configurations for use with the console, differences in operation between Operator Workplace and the Console, and installing the console software and Windows NT. • Configuring PROVOX Operator Console Software The configuration manual that supports this release of the console. • Using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles The user manual for the console. In addition, the DeltaV Operator Stations have the complete DeltaV Books Online available. For information on creating displays and using DeltaV Operate, refer to the DeltaV documentation. 1.13 Where to Find Answers for Product and Document Questions If you believe that this product is not performing as expected, or if you have comments about this manual, please contact your Fisher-Rosemount Systems representative or sales office. We also appreciate your suggestions on ways to improve any page of the manual. Please mark your suggestions on a copy of the page. Thank you for providing this information. 26 • Introduction DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 2 Product Overview 2.1 Introduction This section provides an overview of the components of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Console. 2.2 Hardware And Software Components The console consists of a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server and as many as six DeltaV Operate Stations or PROVOX Operator Console Migration Stations. If you are using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles to operate both DeltaV and PROVOX controllers, FisherRosemount Systems strongly recommends that the consoles use dual monitor workstations. The dual monitors ensure that operators have access to all pertinent information and controls for both systems. 2.2.1 Console Equipment List The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console provides connections from the Console Data Server through a Type DH6047 Process Network Switch to as many as six DeltaV Operator Stations. The Console Data Server is linked to the PROVOX® highway system through the Type DH6032 Highway Data Link (HDL). Each Console Data Server consists of the following components: • Server Computer (with network interface controller (NIC) cards installed) with Microsoft NT Server, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and console software installed. Includes mouse and keyboard. • One Type DH6032 Highway Data Link (HDL) • One License Module • One Type DH6047 Process Network Switch • One Type NT7210 Server Cabinet (optional) DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Product Overview • 27 • One Type NT7301 1000 VA Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) (optional; recommended) • Category 5 screened cables with twisted pair connectors (one for each of the following connections: HDL/Server, Server/switch) • Serial cable for the Process Network Switch • One color monitor (17 inch) Each Console Data Server can support one to six DeltaV Operator Stations. The following figure shows a typical layout for a console. Note... The figures in this manual are conceptual only. Your system’s hardware may appear different than that shown. 28 • Product Overview DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 2-1: Typical Console Connections 2.2.2 DeltaV Operator Stations The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX consoles use standard DeltaV Operator Stations. The only differences are that the operator stations have an additional network interface card (NIC) installed to support the connection to the PROVOX Console Data Server and they have the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Upgrade installed. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Product Overview • 29 For information on installing and setting up standard DeltaV Operator Stations, refer to the section Installing the DeltaV Workstation in the DeltaV manual Installing your DeltaV Automation System. For information on setting up the additional NIC card, refer to the section Installing a Non-DeltaV NIC in the Workstation in the DeltaV Maintenance manual. For information on installing the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on DeltaV Operator Stations, refer to Appendix A of this manual. 2.2.3 Console Software Each Console Data Server includes the following components: • ® Microsoft Windows NT Server CD • Appropriate Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack • DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software CD • DeltaV Operate for PROVOX License Diskette • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) • Microsoft Internet Explorer (with appropriate Service Pack) • Driver software • Adobe Acrobat Reader Note that some of the software may be on its own separate media or included on the console software CD. 2.3 Communications Equipment The communications equipment permits the servers and workstations to communicate with each other and to connect to the data highway. There are three types of communications devices associated with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console: 30 • Product Overview • Type DH6032 Highway Data Link (HDL) • Type DH6047 Process Network Switch • Type DH6045 Process Network Hub (for other network solutions) DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 2.3.1 Type DH6032 Highway Data Link The Type DH6032 HDL is a microprocessor-based communications device that provides a secure interface to the PROVOX Highway. The HDL provides a dedicated Ethernet connection that is not shared with other non-console or non-host computer-related network traffic. This allows the console computer to communicate with PROVOX control devices in a reliable and responsive fashion. Each self-contained Type DH6032 HDL includes a: • 32-bit microprocessor unit (MPU) • Redundant assembly for the PROVOX Highway • Ethernet interface assembly The HDL contains a local operator interface composed of a fourcharacter alphanumeric LED status display and five pushbuttons. You can use the pushbuttons and status display to verify locally the status of the HDL. The HDL uses standard 19-inch (483 mm) mounting rails. It requires 3.25 inches (82.88 mm) of vertical space. The HDL chassis requires front access for servicing. 2.3.2 Type DH6047 Process Network Switch (Twisted Pair) The Type DH6047 Process Network Switch equipment includes: • One 12-Port Twisted Pair Ethernet Switch with shielded RJ45 connectors. • One expansion slot for media options such as coax, twisted pair, and fiber optic transceivers • Power cable • Rack mount kit A shielded twisted pair (10BaseT) cable assembly, up to 328 feet (100 m), can be attached to each of these connectors on the switch. The twisted pair cable assembly must be category 5 screened twisted pair cable that is ground isolated on one end. The standard cable lengths from 20 ft. (6.1 m) to 100 ft. (30.6 m) are available from Fisher-Rosemount Systems. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Product Overview • 31 The process network switch provides a bridge-like function that is necessary to keep individual console area Ethernet traffic isolated from other console areas to maintain low, stable, traffic levels within each console area. When multiple consoles are connected, or when accessory Process Network Devices such as printers and PROVOX Computer/Highway Interface Package (CHIP) hosts are used in conjunction with the data servers, a twisted pair switch, referred to as a central switch, is also required to isolate that Ethernet traffic from the rest of the Process Network. The local switches and central switch require IP addresses. The IP addresses are entered from a serial terminal connected to the switches' serial ports. A PC that has Windows NT or Windows 95 or later installed, and that uses a Web browser (such as Internet Explorer) is required to configure the central switch. 2.3.3 Type DH6045 Process Network Hub (Twisted Pair) The Type DH6045 Process Network Hub (twisted pair) equipment includes: • One 12 Port Twisted Pair Process Network Hub with shielded Twisted Pair connectors. • One AUI port (if used, disables expansion slot) • One expansion slot (if used, disables AUI port) • One 1-foot (0.305 m) Hub expansion cable • Power cable • Rack mount kit A shielded twisted pair (10BaseT) cable assembly, up to 328 feet (100 m), can be attached to each of these connectors. The shielded twisted pair cable (sometimes referred to as screened twisted pair cable), is required for electromagnetic noise immunity and to meet CE compliance. The shielded twisted pair cable assembly is a Category 5 (high-speed) cable that has been designed with a single grounded connector to prevent possible ground loops that can exist in some installations. All equipment that connects to the twisted pair hub is supplied with this shielded twisted pair cable assembly. 32 • Product Overview DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 2.3.4 Ethernet Cables DeltaV Operate for PROVOX consoles use Category 5 shielded (screened) twisted pair Ethernet cables in a number of places. There are two types of cables available: straight through and crossover. Straight through cables are used for most connections. Crossover cables are required when connecting two switches. The standard length cable is 30 feet (9.15 m). Optional assembled cable lengths available are 20, 40, 50, 75, and 100 ft. (6.1, 12.2, 15.25, 22.87, and 30.6 m). DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Product Overview • 33 34 • Product Overview DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 3 Initial Hardware Setup This section explains how to install the hardware for DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Data Servers (also known as Console Data Servers) and connect the servers to DeltaV Operator Stations. If you already have a PROVOX Operator Console installed, you may want to review this section to ensure that your servers are installed as described. This section does not discuss migration stations (PROVOX Operator Console Operator Stations upgraded with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software). The hardware setup for these workstations is identical to the setup described in the PROVOX Operator Console P3.0 installation manual. This section does not discuss installing and setting up DeltaV Operator Station hardware. Refer to the section Installing the DeltaV Workstation in the DeltaV Books Online. This section does not explain how to install and set up the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. Refer to Appendix A and Section 5 of this manual for that information. This section assumes your DeltaV network is installed and operating correctly and that you are installing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX for the first time. If you already have PROVOX Operator Console P3.0 installed, modify these instructions accordingly. 3.1 Hardware Variations The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server has evolved from the PROVOX Operator Console Data Server. Since the initial release of the PROVOX Operator Console, the hardware platform for the servers has changed and will continue to change. It is therefore important that you install, set up hardware, install software (as needed), and set up the software as required by your particular hardware. Servers The network interface card (NIC) and video hardware have changed several times. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 35 DeltaV Operator Stations Refer to DeltaV documentation for information on DeltaV Operator Stations. For information on your specific hardware, visit the Dell support web site, Each Dell computer has a System Service Tag. Enter this tag number in the Dell support web site to see information specific for your computer, including drivers and utilities available. Note... The instructions in this section are specific for the hardware and software being shipped when this manual was printed. If console hardware or software changes subsequently, you may need to modify these instructions accordingly. Pay particular attention to network interface and video hardware and drivers. These cards and drivers have changed from the previous release and will continue to change. The instructions in this section apply generally to NIC and sound hardware and drivers, but do not apply directly to hardware and software of earlier releases of PROVOX Operator Console that you may be upgrading for use with a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX system. 3.2 System Setup The Microsoft Windows NT-based DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console is implemented with a networked architecture. The following figure is a schematic of a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. 36 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 3-1: DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Network Schematic Note... To simplify the figure, redundant DeltaV and PROVOX control schemes are not shown. The console consists of a Windows NT-based Console Data Server connected to as many as six DeltaV Operator Stations (including a DeltaV ProfessionalPLUS workstation) through a dedicated Ethernet. The Console Data Server is connected to the PROVOX Data Highway through a dedicated Ethernet connection to the Highway Data Link (HDL). The console can be part of a Primary/Secondary solution that consists of two consoles linked by either a twisted pair or fiber optic Ethernet connection. An optional networking solution consists of a remote hub connected to the Process Network Switch by fiber optic cable (refer to the appendix Other Network Solutions). DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 37 The Console Data Server and the DeltaV Operator Stations include Windows NT software and DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. The following subsections provide the steps for setting up the console. Note... The figures in this manual are conceptual only. Your system’s hardware may appear different than that shown. 3.3 Setting Up Consoles The console components that connect to a PROVOX control system consist of a data server, an HDL, a process network switch, and one to six DeltaV Operator Stations. The server contains two Ethernet network interface cards (NIC): one connects to the HDL and the other connects to the switch. The following figure represents a typical console installation. 38 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 3-2: Typical Console System Configuration To set up the hardware for a console, perform the following steps: 1. Install the equipment in the (optional) server cabinet (refer to subsection 2. Connect the power and ground cables inside the server cabinet (refer to subsection 3. Perform a test power-up of the server cabinet (refer to subsection DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 39 4. Interconnect the server equipment (refer to subsection 5. Change the Windows NT Administrator Account Password on all servers (refer to subsection 6. Set the network parameters for the Console Data Server (refer to subsection 7. Configure the process network switch (refer to subsection 8. Test the network connections between the Console Data Server and the DeltaV Operator Stations (refer to subsection 3.3.3). 3.3.1 Setting Up Console Data Servers This subsection explains how to set up the hardware for Console Data Servers in cabinets that were available with PROVOX Operator Consoles. If you do not have cabinets, modify the instructions to fit your installation. The tasks covered are: • Equipping the server cabinet • Power cabling the server cabinet • Power up testing the server cabinet • Interconnecting the server hardware Equipping The Server Cabinet Equipment is installed in the optional server cabinet in the following order: 1. (Optional) 1000 VA Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) - topmost position 2. Type DH6032 Highway Data Link (HDL) — second from top 3. Type DH6047 Process Network Switch — third from top 4. Server Computer — bottom position The following explains each of these in detail. Perform the following procedure to install the console equipment in each server cabinet. 40 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Server UPS Note... If your equipment does not include the optional UPS, connect the system to protected plant power. Refer to subsection for more information. 1. Attach the device portion of the slide rail kit to the UPS per the instructions with the kit. 2. Attach the cabinet-portion of the slide rail kit to the cabinet rails. The top side of the rail brackets should be installed in the fifth screw-hole location down from the top of the vertical rails in the cabinet on front and rear rails. Note... The UPS is heavy (approximately 60 pounds), so a second person is required to help position the UPS on the slide rails in the cabinet. 3. Install the UPS on the slide rails and push the UPS all the way into the cabinet until seated. 4. Secure the front panel of the UPS to the front cabinet rails with the four screws provided. Installing the HDL 5. Position the HDL directly under the UPS. Secure the HDL to the cabinet rails with the four screws provided. Installing the Switch Note... Consult your site-specific network diagram to determine if there are any internal switch options (such as fiber optic or other transceiver type) to be installed in the switch. Install these transceivers in the switch before installing the switch in the cabinet. 6. Install any internal transceiver types in the switch. Note... DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Install transceivers at a static controlled work area and wear a grounded wrist strap. Initial Hardware Setup • 41 If external transceiver types will be used with the switch, attach these transceivers to the switch after the switch is installed in the cabinet. 7. Attach the rack-mount brackets to the switch with the screws provided. 8. Position the switch directly under the HDL. Secure the switch to the cabinet rails with the four screws provided. Installing the Server Computer 9. Raise the clamp lever on the server brace over the sliding shelf directly under the switch (at the bottom of the cabinet). 10. Position the server on the sliding shelf in the retention pan. 11. Lower the clamp lever to secure the server to the brace. Cabling For The Server Cabinet Use the following procedure to connect the power and peripheral cables for the server cabinet and the installed equipment. For more information on this procedure, see the manual AC and DC Power and Ground Wiring (PN1:003). Caution... Verify that power is not turned on for any installed equipment. Do not plug in any power cords or attach building power to the cabinet until the following items are complete. Attaching Ground Wires To the Server Cabinet 1. Attach the ground wires as shown in the following figure. 42 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Ground Hwy II TAPS 1 TAP P Isolation Transformer P 2 S S 2 Neutral Ground HDL AC Ground 3 PROVOX Instrumentation Ground (PIG) 4/0 Wire Minimum 4 Grounded Steel Column Server Cabinet 5 5 NOTES: 1 8 AWG wire with ring tongue terminals 2 Drop cable shown in 3 Screw TAP ground wires to cabinet frame member 4 8 AWG wire with ring tongue terminals 5 Up to 25 ft - 1/0 Wire Up to 50 ft - 2/0 Wire Up to 200 ft - 4/0 Wire 6 Run one continuous wire from neutral ground on isolation transformer to dedicated plant ground. Wire should be stripped and clamped at PROVOX Instrumentation Ground. 6 Master Ground Bus (MGB) Dedicated Plant Ground Figure 3-3: Ground Connections: Server Cabinet Power Cabling the Server Cabinet Use the following procedure to connect power cables to the server cabinet. Note... DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Verify that power is not turned on for your input power cable before you attach it to the cabinet input terminal block. Initial Hardware Setup • 43 Caution... When working with the UPS be sure to shut off battery power during installation. Refer to the UPS manual for specific instructions. 2. Attach the input power cord from the breaker panel to the terminal block of the cabinet — be sure to follow the labels on the terminal block for proper orientation of LINE, NEUTRAL, and GROUND connections. Be sure to replace the protective cover on the input power terminal block. Note... Cabinets for 230 VAC installations have two five-outlet power strips. This requires two input power connections to the cabinet. 3. Verify that all devices containing a power switch are set to the OFF position, including the UPS. The Process Network Switch does not have a power switch. 44 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Server Power (with UPS) Cabinet Fan Server Power (without UPS) UPS HDL Switch Server UPS Input Input Power Terminal Block HDL Switch Server Input Power Cord To Breaker Panel (Protected Plant Power) Input Power Cord Input Power Terminal Block To Breaker Panel (Protected Plant Power) svr_pwr.cdr Figure 3-4: Power Connections: Server Cabinet with Monitor 4. If you are installing the optional UPS in the cabinet, verify that the power selection switch located on the rear of the UPS is set to the proper input voltage for your plant site. Then connect all power cords (including the fan power cords and monitor power cord) to the output sockets of the UPS. If you are not installing the optional UPS in the cabinet, proceed by connecting all power cords (including the fan power cords) to the power strip. 5. Leave enough slack in the power cable to allow the server to slide fully out on the shelf. Secure the power cord to the sliding shelf with the wire ties provided while the shelf is fully extended so that the cord will not become disconnected when the shelf is pulled out. Secure all other power cords to the cabinet support rails with the wire ties provided. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 45 6. Verify that if the server monitor you are using has a voltage select switch that it is set to the proper input voltage and frequency for your plant site. Route the monitor power cable through one of the openings in the top of the cabinet. Note... There are two openings in the top of the server cabinet. When routing cables, route the monitor power cable through one opening. Route the video, keyboard, and mouse cables through the other opening. 7. Attach the power cord supplied with the UPS to the UPS input power socket and then to the cabinet power strip. If you are installing the optional UPS, it should be the only device directly connected to the power strip. Attaching Monitor, Keyboard, And Mouse Cables 8. Attach the video cable to the monitor and route this cable, the keyboard cable, and mouse cable through the other opening in the top of the cabinet. Securely fasten these cables to the sliding shelf of the server so that when the shelf is fully extended, the cables do not become unplugged from the server. Power-up Test Sequence: Server Cabinet Perform the following procedure to check the server cabinet power system. This is necessary before attaching the remaining inter-cabinet wiring (such as twisted pair and Highway cables). 1. Perform the following checklist to ensure operator safety and prevent equipment damage. ➼ Is the ground wire securely fastened to the PROVOX Instrumentation Ground and to the ground lug of the server cabinet? ➼ Is the input power wire attached to a properly wired circuit breaker of your building power? ➼ Is the input power wire correctly attached to the LINE, NEUTRAL, and GROUND tabs on the input terminal block? ➼ Is the UPS rear panel input voltage select switch set to your plant voltage? ➼ Are all the power cords securely fastened to the cabinet’s support rails? 46 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles ➼ Are power switches on all devices in the cabinet, including the monitor on top of the cabinet, set to the OFF position? After you have verified all the previous conditions, perform the following 2. Power up the breaker panel. 3. Turn on the 1000 VA UPS. The Process Network Switch powers up and performs a self test. When it completes the self test (normally this takes about 10 seconds) only the Green power LEDs should be illuminated on these devices. Note... If no LED is illuminated, there is a power problem or self test failure of the device. Check the power cord connections and breaker panel. The switch user manual contains information about fuse replacement if necessary. 4. Inspect the cabinet fan operation. Both fans should be free running. Filters should be installed and clean. 5. Turn on the HDL. The display panel on front of the HDL and the power LED on the rear of the HDL will illuminate. Because Ethernet and Highway cables are not attached yet, error indications may appear. For this power up test, ignore any error indications. 6. Turn on the Console Data Server monitor. Depending on the monitor type used either an amber or green LED will illuminate indicating that the monitor is powered. There will not be any display because the server has not been powered up yet — this is OK, this test is a quick check of power to the monitor. 7. Turn on the server. In a few seconds power-up information will start to appear on the monitor. Since the Ethernet and Highway cables are not yet installed, some error information may appear. This is OK. Let the system complete the power up sequence. When complete, do an orderly shut down of the server. 8. Turn off the server monitor and the HDL. The 1000 VA UPS will still be providing power to the Process Network Switches and cabinet fans because these devices do not have power switches. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 47 Interconnecting Server Equipment Use the following procedure to interconnect the server equipment: Console Data Servers, Highway Data Links, and Process Network Switches. Note... Make sure the HDL is turned off before cabling it. It is OK to connect/disconnect Ethernet cables to the switch while it is turned on. Connecting the HDL 1. Insert the black metal connector of a Category 5 screened (shielded) twisted pair cable in the twisted pair port marked LAN on the front left of the HDL. 2. Insert the blue plastic connector of the cable in the twisted pair port in the top network interface controller (NIC) card on the server. The following figure shows the proper connections. Server Category 5 Shielded (Screened) Twisted Pair Cable Black Metal Connector Highway Data Link (HDL) Blue Plastic Connector svr_HDL.cdr Figure 3-5: Server/HDL Connection 48 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Connecting the Switch 3. Insert the blue plastic connector of a Category 5 screened (shielded) twisted pair cable in the twisted pair port in the bottom NIC on the server. 4. Insert the black metal connector of the cable in a 100 MBit twisted pair port of the switch. The following figure shows the proper connections. Server Category 5 Shielded (screened) Twisted Pair Cable Blue Plastic Connector Process Network Switch Black Metal Connector 13x 14x svr_SW.cdr Figure 3-6: Server/Switch Connection Connecting the HDL to the Highway 5. Connect the data highway cables to the HDL at the ports titled Primary Comm and Secondary Comm. Connect the other ends to the Highway taps. The following figure shows the proper connections. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 49 Pri LAN Sec 1 HDL Note: 1 Connections for Highway II shown. Data Highway I also supported. Tighten to 22 Inch-Pounds Highway II Tap HDL_hwy2.cdr Figure 3-7: HDL/PROVOX Highway Connection Note... If a torque wrench is not available, first fingertighten all Highway II connectors, then place a six inch open end wrench on the hex nut and rotate wrench one inch. Connecting DeltaV Operator Stations To Process Network Switches Use the following procedure to connect DeltaV Operator Stations to the Process Network Switch. For each DeltaV Operator Station: 1. Insert the black metal connector of a Category 5 screened (shielded) twisted pair cable in the switch twisted pair port. Note... Avoid using port 1 on the front of the switch. Port 1 is disabled if you install a 10 MBit fiber optic, twisted pair, or coaxial port expansion card in the switch. Using the 100 MBit fiber optic FX module does not disable port 1. 2. Insert the blue plastic connector of the cable into the twisted pair port of the third Ethernet NIC card of the DeltaV Operator Station. 50 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 3-8: DeltaV Operator Station/Switch Connection 3.3.2 System Configuration: Console The following table shows a suggested naming and IP addressing scheme used for the PROVOX network. Table 3-1: Naming and IP Addressing Setup Parameter First Second Name PBASE10 PBASE11 Ethernet card [1] (connected to HDL) HDL Ethernet card [2] (connected to switch) Console Data Server DeltaV Operator Stations Name Set up by DeltaV Installation Ethernet card [3] Ethernet card [2] Set up by DeltaV Installation Ethernet card [1] Set up by DeltaV Installation DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 51 The First and Second columns illustrate how the naming and numbering of multiple servers and operator stations are implemented. Note... All of the IP addresses and node names used in this manual follow the above scheme and are from the addresses set aside for private networks (networks that do not communicate with other networks). If your plant uses a different addressing scheme, change the IP addresses and node names accordingly. The following subsections explain how to set the required values. The Windows NT installation includes a default administrator account with the name and password Administrator. This account provides access to the consoles even if Fisher-Rosemount Systems software is removed from the hard disk. The Administrator account is a superuser and you should use this account only if you need its access. Changing The Windows NT Administrator Account Password Perform the following steps to change the default password for the Windows NT Administrator account: Note... Perform the following steps on every Console Data Server. 1. Log on to Windows NT as Administrator. 2. Press Ctrl Alt Del. The Windows NT Security dialog appears. 3. Click on the Change Password button. The Change Password dialog appears. 4. Change the password and click OK. Note... 52 • Initial Hardware Setup Remember this password. If you forget this password you will be unable to log on as Administrator. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles The Windows NT Security dialog appears. 5. Click on Cancel. The Windows NT Desktop appears. Setting The Console Data Server Parameters You must ensure that network parameters are set correctly for all Console Data Servers and DeltaV Operator Stations. Perform the following to set network parameters for the server. 1. Log on to Windows NT using the Administrator account. 2. From the Start menu, select Settings | Control Panel. 3. Double click on the Network icon in the Control Panel. The Network dialog appears with the Identification tab selected. Figure 3-9: Network Settings Dialog Note that the Computer Name and Workgroup fields are filled in with default values. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 53 4. Change the name of the Console Data Server by clicking on the Change button. Figure 3-10: Identification Changes Dialog The only other tab of concern is the Protocols tab. You can ignore all other tabs on this dialog 5. Click on the Protocols tab. The protocols options appear in the Network dialog. 6. If TCP/IP Protocol is not displayed in the Network Protocols field, press the Add button to add the protocol from the Select Network Protocol dialog. Otherwise, go to the next step. 7. Highlight TCP/IP Protocol and click on the Properties button. The Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog appears with the IP Address tab selected as shown in the figure. Note that the name in the Adapter field may be different than that shown in the figure. 54 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 3-11: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—IP Address Tab The dialog has five tabs. You can ignore the DHCP Relay tab. The following steps explain what you need to set or verify on the other tabs. The server has two Ethernet network interface controller (NIC) cards. The following steps explain the settings for both cards. Defining the First Ethernet NIC card 8. Make sure the [1] Ethernet NIC card is selected in the Adapter field. The [1] card is connected to the HDL. Note that the name in the Adapter field may be different than that shown in the figure. Verify the IP Address Tab 9. Select the Specify an IP address option. 10. If this is the first Console Data Server, set the IP address to For each additional Console Data Server in your installation increment the IP address by one (,, and so on). DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 55 Note... The IP addresses used in this section are in the range of addresses reserved for private networks (that is, networks that are not accessible from other networks). If you are using a different addressing scheme, adjust the IP addresses accordingly. Whether you use the address scheme shown in the examples or your own address scheme, you must make sure that you do not use the same address for more than one piece of equipment. 11. Set the Subnet Mask to 12. Set the Default Gateway to blanks. Verify the DNS Tab 13. Click on the DNS tab. The DNS tab appears. Verify that the DNS tab is blank except for the Host Name field. 56 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 3-12: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—DNS Tab Verify the WINS Address Tab 14. Click on the WINS Address tab. The WINS Address tab appears. Note that the name in the Adapter field may be different than that shown in the figure. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 57 Figure 3-13: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—WINS Address Tab 15. Select the Enable LMHOSTS Lookup option. Leave all other fields blank (except the Adapter field). Verify the Routing Tab 16. Click on the Routing tab The Routing tab appears. 58 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 3-14: TCP/IP Properties Dialog—Routing Tab Make sure that Enable IP Forwarding is not selected. It is important that IP forwarding is disabled to keep traffic between the server and the network isolated from the HDL. Defining the Second Ethernet Card You have set all the parameters for the first Ethernet NIC card. Now you must set the parameters for the second card. Note that you do not need to check the DNS, DHCP Relay, and Routing tabs when you are defining the second Ethernet NIC card. Verify IP Address Tab 17. Click on the IP Address tab. 18. Select the [2] Ethernet NIC card in the Adapter field. The [2] card is connected to the Process Network Switch. 19. If your installation has multiple Console Data Servers, set the IP address of the [2] card for the first one to Increment the IP addresses of subsequent servers by one (,, and so on). DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 59 20. Set the subnet mask to 21. Set the Default Gateway to blanks. The gateway is not needed as this is an isolated Ethernet. Verify the WINS Address Tab 22. Click on the WINS Address tab. Verify that the WINS Address tab Primary and Secondary WINS Server fields are blank and that the Enable LMHOSTS Lookup checkbox is selected. 23. Click OK to close the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog Note... When you close the dialog a message may appear telling you that the WINS Server fields are blank. If this message appears, click Yes to ignore this message and continue. 24. Click on Close to close the Network dialog. If a message appears telling you that you need to shutdown and restart the computer for the changes to take effect, click No and continue to the next step. You will restart the computer later. Configuring The Process Network Switch The following operations can be performed on the switch: • Manage the switch • Set half duplex flow control • Set resilient links Use the following operations to perform the previous functions on the switch. 1. Obtain an IP address for the process network switch from your network manager. This should be an authorized IP address if you intend to access/manage the switch from a remote location. 2. Ensure the 9-pin to 9-pin serial cable between the Console Data Server COM1 serial port (the top serial port) and the Switch 1100 Console port is connected, and power is on. 3. Log on to the Console Data Server as a user with Administrator privileges. 4. From the Start Menu, select Programs | Accessories | Hyperterminal | HyperTerminal. 60 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 5. If the Location Information dialog appears, in the What area (or city) code are you in now field, enter your local area code and click on Close. 6. If the Dialing Properties dialog appears, click OK. 7. If a message appears asking you if you want to configure a modem, click No. The Connection Description dialog appears. 8. Enter the name SWITCH in the Name field and click on OK. The Connect To dialog appears. 9. Click on OK. The COM1 Properties dialog appears. 10. Click on OK. The HyperTerminal window appears. 11. Press Enter a few times to obtain the Login prompt of the switch in the HyperTerminal window. 12. At the Login prompt, type security in lowercase and press Enter. 13. At the password prompt, type security in lowercase and press Enter. 14. At the Select menu option, type ip in lowercase and press Enter. 15. At the Select menu option (ip) prompt, type interface in lowercase and press Enter. 16. At the Select menu option (ip/interface) prompt, type define in lowercase and press Enter. 17. At the Enter IP address prompt, enter an address that is 100 higher than the IP address of Adapter 2 of the Console Data Server. For example, if the Console Data Server's Adapter 2 IP address is, type and press Enter. Note... The highest address for this class of network is 254. If the server's IP address is 155 or higher, type an IP address that (according to your network administrator) does not conflict with any other local addresses. 18. At the Enter subnet mask prompt, type and press Enter. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 61 19. At the Enter default gateway prompt, enter and press Enter. 20. At the Enter slip address prompt, press Enter. 21. At the Enter slip subnet mask prompt, press Enter. All the entries from steps 17 through 21 appear followed by the Select menu option (ip/interface) prompt. 22. Verify the information entered is correct. Ignore the SLIP settings. • If the information is not correct, type ip at the Select menu option (ip/interface) prompt, press Enter, and return to step 15. • If the information is correct, type q and press Enter. 23. Type logout and press Enter. 24. Select File | Exit to close the HyperTerminal window. 25. A message appears saying that you are currently connected. Click Yes to disconnect. 26. A message appears asking if you want to save the session. Click No then close the HyperTerminal window. Set the Half Duplex Flow Control 27. Refer to your site-specific diagram to determine the ports on the switch to be connected to hubs. You must configure these ports with half duplex flow control DISABLED. 28. Double-click on the Internet Explorer icon on the server desktop. The Internet Connection Wizard should appear. If it does not, select Start | Programs | Accessories | Communications | Internet Connection Wizard. 29. On the Wizard dialog, select the third option (I want to set up my Internet connection manually...). 30. Click Next. 31. On the dialog that appears, select I connect through a local area network (LAN). 32. Click Next. 33. On the dialog that appears, select Automatic discovery of proxy server. 34. Click Next. 35. On the dialog that appears, select No to bypass setting up a mail account. 62 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 36. Click Finish to close the wizard. 37. In the Address field of the Internet Explorer, type in the IP address assigned to the switch in step 17 and press Enter. A dialog box for the switch's username and password appears. 38. In the Username field, type security and press Tab. 39. In the Password field, type security and press OK. The 3Com web page appears. Caution... Refer to the Switch User's Guide for information on changing passwords and security levels. It is very important to limit access to the switch database. Ports can be disabled/enabled from the current security access level. The operation of the entire process network could be at risk from unauthorized access 40. Click on the small switch icon, located on the left side of the 3Com web page. The label Unit 1 will be displayed when you place the cursor over the icon. A larger picture of the switch appears. 41. In the picture, click on the first port that will have a hub connected to it. The Port Setup dialog box appears. 42. Click on the down-arrow on the Half Duplex flow control field. A drop-down menu appears. 43. Select DISABLE from the drop-down menu. 44. Click on Apply. 45. Repeat steps 40 through 44 for each switch port that is connected to a hub. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 63 Resilient Pair Configuration Note... If resilient links are to be configured when a switch is connected to a hub then both ports of a resilient pair must have half duplex flow control DISABLED. The following steps are for setting up resilient pairs. See the previous steps 40 through 44. Note... Configure resilient links on only one switch in the link, not both. 46. Click on the Configuration icon on the left side of the 3Com Web page. 47. From a diagram of your network, locate the first pair of resilient ports on the switch that will be connected to a hub or switch. 48. Click on Resilient Links at the top of the pane. The Resilient Link dialog box appears. 49. Click on ADD. The Add Resilient Link Dialog box appears. 50. Highlight the main port and click on Next. An Add Resilient Link Dialog box appears. 51. Highlight the standby port and click on Next. A list of resilient links appears. 52. To add more resilient link pairs, refer to the Site-Specific Network diagram and repeat steps 48 through 51. 64 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Note... In normal operation of resilient pairs, if the primary link fails, the standby link will automatically take over. If the main link comes back at a later stage, you may manually swap back to it from the standby link using the Web management interface on the PC. You may also choose to continue communicating over the standby link, and should the standby link then fail at some future time, the switch will automatically disable it and swap back to the main link. More information about swapping main and standby links is contained in the Switch User's Guide. Caution... In some cases it may be necessary to reset the switch. For example, a reset is used to clear the switch's statistics counters or to clear learned addresses (see the Switch User Guide). Resetting the switch may cause some of the traffic being transmitted over the network to be lost. It takes about 10 seconds to reset. While the switch is resetting, Internet Explorer cannot browse the switch. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 65 Caution... It should never be necessary to initialize the switch. Initializing the switch returns its settings to the factory defaults. Only initialize the switch if it has been used in a different part of the network and the configuration does not suit the new environment. Initializing the switch removes all links and passwords. However, IP information is retained so you can continue to manage the switch. Additionally, if you configured resilient links and connected resilient cables, initializing the switch clears the resilient links configuration and creates network loops (two paths to the same point). Before initializing the switch, remove resilient pair cables. Initialization takes about 10 seconds. Note... Addresses learned on each switch port can be made permanent so that when the switch loses power the addresses do not have to be relearned. Use Internet Explorer to select the ports into which you want to enter permanent addresses. You can still connect non-permanent devices to this port, but should the switch lose power, the devices will have to transmit a packet first before the switch can learn the new address and allow transmission of a packet from that device. Consult the Switch Users Guide for more information on this. Setting DeltaV Operator Station Parameters At each DeltaV Operator Station, perform the following to verify and set (if necessary) the network parameters: 1. Log on as Administrator. 2. From the Start menu, select Settings | Control Panel. 66 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 3. Double click on the Network icon in the Control Panel. The Network dialog appears with the Identification tab selected. 4. Click on the Protocols tab. 5. If TCP/IP Protocol is not displayed in the Network Protocols field, press Add to add the protocol from the Select Network Protocol dialog. Otherwise, go to the next step. The protocol options appear in the Network dialog. 6. Highlight TCP/IP Protocol and click on the Properties button. The Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog appears with the IP Address tab selected. DeltaV Operator Stations should have three Ethernet adapters enabled. The first two are used in the DeltaV Network. Select the [3] Ethernet adapter. This adapter is connected to the Process Network Switch. Note... Make sure you do not disturb the settings for the adapters used to connect the DeltaV Operator Station to the DeltaV network. 7. Select the Specify an IP address option. 8. For the first operator station enter the IP address If you are setting up additional operator stations, increment the IP address by one for each subsequent operator station. 9. Enter a subnet mask of 10. Set the Default Gateway to blanks. The gateway is not needed as this is an isolated Ethernet. 11. Verify that the DNS tab is blank except for the host name. 12. Verify that the WINS Address tab Primary and Secondary WINS Server fields are blank and that the Enable LMHOSTS Lookup checkbox is selected. 13. Click on the Routing tab and ensure that Enable IP Forwarding is NOT selected. It is important that IP forwarding is disabled to keep traffic on this card (between the server and the network) isolated from the HDL. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 67 14. Click OK to exit the TCP/IP Properties dialog. Note... When you close the dialog a message may appear telling you that the WINS Server fields are blank. If this message appears, click Yes to ignore this message and continue. 15. Click on Close to close the Network dialog. If a message appears telling you that you need to shutdown and restart the computer for the changes to take effect, click No and continue to the next step. You will restart the computer later. 3.3.3 Test The Network Connections Note... After setting the network parameters on all the DeltaV Operator Stations, return to the Console Data Server to test the network connections to the operator stations. 1. Log on to the server as Administrator. 2. Open a Command Prompt window by selecting Start | Programs | Command Prompt. 3. From the Command Prompt enter the following command: C:> ping DeltaV_Operator_Station_name 4. If the server and DeltaV Operator Station are communicating, messages similar to the following appear: Pinging nodename [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn] with 32 bytes of data: Reply Reply Reply Reply from from from from nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn: bytes=nn bytes=nn bytes=nn bytes=nn time=nn time=nn time=nn time=nn TTL=nnn TTL=nnn TTL=nnn TTL=nnn The messages you see will have actual values in place of nodename and the numbers. 68 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Note... If the system displays the message Request timed out for every operator station, the HDL and switch may be connected to the wrong NIC cards at the back of the server. Switch the connections and try again. If the system displays the message Request timed out for some operator stations, review the Network parameters in the problem station(s) and try again. Now that you have the console hardware installed, connected, and tested, you can proceed to Appendix A of this manual for information on installing the console software. 3.4 Setting Up Primary/Secondary Consoles The primary/secondary console configuration consists of two consoles connected at their switches by an Ethernet cable. The following figure represents a typical Ethernet primary/secondary console installation that uses resilient connections between the two switches. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 69 Figure 3-15: Typical Primary/Secondary Console System 70 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles To set up the primary and secondary consoles, perform the following steps: 1. Perform the installation procedure for consoles to install the Primary Server. 2. Repeat step 1 to install the Secondary Server. 3. Connect a Category 5 twisted pair cable to the 100mb port in the front of the switch on the primary console. Connect the opposite end of the twisted pair cable to the 100mb port in the front of the switch on the secondary console. 4. Connect a Category 5 twisted pair cable between two available ports on the switches. When you define the switches configure this connection as the standby (resilient) link. Refer to subsection for more information on defining resilient links. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Initial Hardware Setup • 71 This page intentionally blank. 72 • Initial Hardware Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 4 Saving Console Information 4.1 Introduction This section provides an overview of the types and locations of information you should consider backing up periodically to ensure that you can restore your consoles should you need to replace console hardware or re-install console software. If you are upgrading to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® consoles from PROVOX Operator Consoles, refer to the PROVOX Operator Console documentation for information on saving console information before you upgrade. The table describes information that is used in several ways, such as for regulatory purposes, in disaster recovery procedures, and for operations. Save the information listed in the following table using the backup method you prefer. You should consider the simple backup for one-time saves and the complex backup for day-in and day-out operations. Table 4-1: Console Information to Back Up Information Server/ operator station Console Properties Both -- -- Paper documentation of Network addresses -- Originally entered at installation. License Info Both -- -- Diskette -- Contact Rep or FSO Device Drivers Server1 -- -- Diskette Tape Backup after installation Contact Rep or FSO Directory DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Extensions Simple Backup Complex Backup Dell Accessories Program Disk Maker Source Saving Console Information • 73 Table 4-1: Console Information to Back Up Information Server/ operator station Directory Operating System with extensions Server1 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software Server1 -- Event Journal Server C:\POC\spooler Trend Views operator station C:\POC\trendpic Extensions Simple Backup Complex Backup Source Install CDs Tape Backup after installation Contact Rep Install CDs Tape Backup after installation Contact Rep CSV copy files to another machine Daily or periodic backup to tape Information about the live process. This is unique information that needs to be managed locally. PTV save files to server Daily or periodic backup to tape User created. -- -- Dell Accessories Program Repair Disk -- Notes: 1. Refer to the DeltaV Maintenance manual for information on saving this information for DeltaV Operator Stations 4.1.1 Console Properties To Save Settings for the Console Data Server and operator stations are defaults that are used when the software is installed for the first time. If you are reinstalling the software and are using customized operator console settings, be sure to back up the settings so that you can restore the custom settings at the end of your software installation. Console Data Server Examine the following Console Data Server window tabs to collect information that you should save: • Highway Interface Tab HDL IP Address: _____._____._____._____ 74 • Saving Console Information DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Port A Baud Rate: ______ Port B Baud Rate: ______ Network Index: ______ Highway: ______ Device: ______ Enable Primary: yes no Enable Secondary: yes no Enable Maintenance port: yes no CDS IP Address [1]: _____._____._____._____ CDS IP Address [2]: _____._____._____._____ Subnet Mask _____._____._____._____ Initialize an uninitialized HDL at next restart: yes no • Workstations Tab Primary Node Names: ___________ ___________ __________ _________ __________ __________ Secondary Node Names: ___________ ___________ __________ _________ __________ __________ • Message Spooler Tab Message Files Location: _______________________ Max Disk Space: __________ Keep messages for: __________ • Event Journal Tab Min Records Retained: __________ Max Records Retained: __________ Enable Event Journaling: yes no • Calculation Expressions Tab Calculation Expressions Files Location: ___________________ Master Preference: Current Master Number of Calculation Expressions: __________ DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Saving Console Information • 75 • Reports Tab Reports File Location: _______________________ Number of Reports Saved: __________ Keep reports for: __________ • Trend Tab Files Location: _______________________ Master Preference: Current Master • Alarms Tab DeltaV-style Alarm Processing: Yes No • Tags Tab Tag Character Substitution Enable: Yes No Tag Substitutions Log File Location: _____________________ Point tag replacement area • Comma replaced by ___ • Period replaced by ___ • Slash replaced by ___ • Space replaced by ___ Display tag replacement area • Insert for invalid leading character ___ • Comma replaced by ___ • Dash replaced by ___ • Period replaced by ___ • Slash replaced by ___ • Space replaced by ___ DeltaV Operator Stations Examine the following tabs on the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Properties dialogs to collect information that you should save: • Console Data Servers Tab Primary CDS________________ Secondary CDS________________ 76 • Saving Console Information DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Auto Switchover Enabled Disabled • Instrument Areas Tab Input Timeout________________ Session Timeout________________ Station Number________________ Identification________________ Window 1 Always On Top: checked unchecked Toolbar Visible: checked unchecked Tag Bar Visible: checked unchecked Status Bar Visible: checked unchecked DDP Visibility: None Local Remote Window 2 Always On Top: checked unchecked Toolbar Visible: checked unchecked Tag Bar Visible: checked unchecked Status Bar Visible: checked unchecked DDP Visibility: None Local Remote • Trend Tab Files Location________________ Window 1 Always On Top: checked unchecked Horizontal Grid Visible: checked unchecked Cursor Visible: checked unchecked Vertical Grid Visible: checked unchecked Legend Visible: checked unchecked Horizontal Grid Spacing: ___________ Vertical Grid Spacing: ___________ Time Units: Minutes Hours Time Span: ___________________________ DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Saving Console Information • 77 Window 2 Always On Top: checked unchecked Horizontal Grid Visible: checked unchecked Cursor Visible: checked unchecked Vertical Grid Visible: checked unchecked Legend Visible: checked unchecked Horizontal Grid Spacing: ___________ Vertical Grid Spacing: ___________ Time Units: Minutes Hours Time Span: ___________________________ • Positioning Tab Position A IA 1 Position B Position C Position D Home X Y IA 2 X Y Trend 1 X Y Width Height Trend 2 X Y Width Height 78 • Saving Console Information DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 5 Software Setup After you have installed the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® hardware as described in Section 3 of this manual and installed the software as described in Appendix A of this manual, there are some additional setup tasks required to make the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console work as intended. This section explains those tasks. 5.1 Supported Console Hardware And Software The hardware and software components of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console have been chosen and designed to work together as units. It is important that you do not use unsupported hardware and software. Caution... The Console Data Server is a mission critical component of the control system that is intended to run only Fisher-Rosemount Systems supplied software. Do not install or run any other software applications on the Console Data Server. Caution... The DeltaV Operator Stations are intended to run only Fisher-Rosemount Systems supplied software. Fisher-Rosemount recommends not installing any software applications other than the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on the operator stations. Running other software applications on the Console Data Server or DeltaV Operator Stations may negatively impact console operation. Fisher-Rosemount Systems does not support installations that disregard this policy. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 79 Caution... The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software is intended for operation only on server and workstation hardware supplied by or approved by Fisher-Rosemount Systems. Do not install or run the software on other hardware. Running DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on other than Fisher-Rosemount Systems supplied or approved hardware may negatively impact the operation of the control system. Fisher-Rosemount Systems does not support installations that disregard this policy. 5.2 Introduction A DeltaV Operate for PROVOX system includes DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers (also known as Console Data Servers), migration stations (PROVOX Operator Console Operator Workstations with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installed), and DeltaV Operator Stations with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installed. The following is a list of the tasks required to set up a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX system after the initial hardware and software installation: 1. Change the PROVOX Account Passwords 2. Establish Secure Common Login 3. Disable Web Site log 4. Set DeltaV-Style Alarm Processing 5. Initialize PROVOX Communications 6. Set or Verify POC Services 7. Change PROVOX21Admin account password on DCOM servers 8. Verify Software Startup 9. Add DeltaV users to PROVOX21 user group 10. Start DeltaV Operate 11. Setting Internet Options 12. Setting Acrobat Reader Options 13. Clean Up the POC\programs Folder 14. Remove the Master License Popup 80 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 15. Set IA and Trend Window Positions 16. Enable PROVOX Communications 17. Create a PROVOX toolbar 18. Create UserSettings.grf from User_ref_PROVOX.grf 19. Define Primary And Secondary Servers And Workstations 20. Set Unsolicited Transmit Method 21. Log On To the operator station 22. If you have PROVOX Operator Console pictures, convert them to DeltaV Operate pictures. Note... In most cases, the instructions in this section are specific for the hardware and software being shipped when this manual was created. If console hardware or software changed subsequently, you may need to modify these instructions accordingly. Pay particular attention to network interface and video hardware and drivers. These cards and drivers change often. The instructions in this section apply generally to NIC and sound hardware and drivers, but except as noted, do not apply directly to specific hardware and software. Other Useful Information In addition to the installation and setup steps outlined above, there are several other things you need to know: • The practical limit for the number of data links on a display is 500 to 800 Datalinks, depending on level of performance that you require. • To change console settings on servers and workstations, you must log in as the PROVOX21Admin. • Configure the maximum number of online trend traces in the ENVOX® database, even if you do not download trend sets. • In the console software, you cannot have more than 12 trend traces on any point. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 81 • If you run the Event Journal from other remote PCs, you may degrade the performance of the Console Data Server. • The HDL connection to the Console Data Server differs from the connection to Operator Workplace Consoles. Operator Workplace consoles use the dual port mode of the HDL. The Console Data Server uses the single port mode and connects to the LAN port of the HDL. • The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software is configured with Workgroups. The software is not set up to handle different requirements. If your operation requires a different NT configuration that uses domains, you should obtain detailed network information to change the environment. • You should take care when setting up your network addressing, subnets, IP addressing, and other network changes. The remainder of this section explains the software setup tasks. 5.3 Changing The PROVOX Account Passwords Installing the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software creates the PROVOX21 user group on both Console Data Servers and operator stations. In addition, the software creates user accounts in that group. The accounts created are: • On Servers — PROVOX21Admin, PROVOX21Eng, PROVOX21User, and PROVOX21pints. • On operator stations — PROVOX21Admin The PROVOX21Eng and PROVOX21User accounts are required only if you have migration stations. If you do not have migration stations you can disable these accounts. The following table shows the user names and initial passwords for the accounts and summarizes information about these users. 82 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Table 5-1: User Access Levels User Name and Password (case sensitive) Access Level System Access PROVOX21Admin Administrator Total system access on servers and migration stations INCLUDING Registry and System files. PROVOX21Eng Engineer Total system access on migration stations INCLUDING Registry and System files. No access to the servers. PROVOX21User Operator Access only to the PROVOX Operator Interface on migration stations. No access to servers. PROVOX21pints (the password is encrypted) NA This is not a user account. It is an internal account the software uses to run the web servers for the viewers. Caution... If you change the password of the PROVOX21pints account, or make any other changes to the account, you will have to reinstall the console software. The PROVOX21Admin account is a superuser account. Use this account only when you need its access to the system. The PROVOX21Admin account is used by the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. Note... The PROVOX21Admin account on DeltaV Operator Stations is used internally by the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software and should not be used to log in to DeltaV Operator Stations. Users logging in to DeltaV Operator stations using this account will have no privileges. The PROVOX21Eng and PROVOX21User accounts are required only to support migration stations. The PROVOX21Eng account has normal access to the Windows NT desktop and other facilities and programs. On migration stations the PROVOX21User account is restricted by a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 83 System Policy. This account's access to the Windows NT desktop depends on some console software settings. Refer to the manual Getting Started With PROVOX Operator Console Software (PN9.2:NT2100) for more information on the PROVOX21User account's access on migration stations. To ensure console security you should change the user account passwords for each default user on every Console Data Server and operator station. Perform the following steps to change the default passwords for the PROVOX21Admin, PROVOX21Eng, and PROVOX21User accounts: Note... Perform the following steps on every Console Data Server and operator station. 1. Log on to Windows NT as Administrator. 2. From the Start menu, select Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | User Manager. The User Manager dialog appears. 3. Double-click on PROVOX21Admin. The User Properties dialog appears. 4. Change the password and click OK. Note... Remember the new password. If you forget this password you will be unable to log on as PROVOX21Admin. Note... There are a few other places you must enter the new PROVOX21Admin account password. See sections 5.8 and 5.9 for more information. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to change PROVOX21Eng and PROVOX21User passwords if they exist. Alternatively, if your system does not have migration stations, you can disable the PROVOX21Eng and PROVOX21User accounts. 84 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Note... The PROVOX Administrator account default privileges are the same privileges as the NT Administrator account. 6. Click on OK. 7. Close the User Manager. 5.4 Establish Secure Common Login Perform on: Using account: Operator Station Administrator There are a couple of tasks required to establish user accounts that are secure and that can log users in to both the DeltaV and PROVOX systems with one user name and password. One task is performed on the DeltaV Operator Stations and the other task is performed in the ENVOX configuration: • From the DeltaV Operator Station, add DeltaV users to the PROVOX21 user group. • From the ENVOX configuration workstation, add the DeltaV users to the ENVOX download. Refer to Section 6: Database Configuration for more information. To add the DeltaV users to the PROVOX21 group: 1. Log on to Windows NT as PROVOX21Admin. 2. From the Start menu, select Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | User Manager. The User Manager dialog appears. 3. Double-click on a DeltaV user. The User Properties dialog appears. 4. Click the Groups button. The Group Memberships dialog appears. 5. Select the PROVOX21 group in the Not members of area and click the Add button to add the selected user to the PROVOX21 group. 6. Click OK to close the Group Memberships dialog. 7. Click OK to close the User Properties dialog. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 85 8. Double-click another DeltaV user and repeat steps 4 through 7. 9. Continue until all DeltaV users required are in the PROVOX21 group. 10. Close the User Manager window. 5.5 Disable Web Server Log Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers Administrator Installing the software on the Console Data Server creates the POC Web Site. There is one setting you must make for this web site to ensure that server disk space is not consumed by web events: 1. Select Start | Programs | Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack | Microsoft Internet Information Server | Internet Service Manager. The Microsoft Management Console opens. 2. Open the Internet Information Server, then open the Console Data server. 3. Select the POC Web Site 4. Right click and select Properties. The POC Web Site Properties dialog opens. 5. Select the Home Directory tab. 6. Under Content Control, make sure the Log access checkbox is not selected. 7. Click Apply 8. Click Close. A popup appears. 9. Select No. The change takes effect the next time you restart the server. 86 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 5.6 Set DeltaV-Style Alarm Processing Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin If you are going to use a combined alarm banner, you must set the Console Data Server to process PROVOX alarms in the DeltaV style so the priority order of alarms in the combined alarm banner is correct. To set DeltaV-style alarm processing: 1. From the Start menu select DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties. The console properties dialog appears. 2. Select the Alarms tab. 3. Select the DeltaV style alarm processing checkbox Leave the dialog open if you are going to continue setup, otherwise, click OK to close the dialog. Note... 5.7 After any change to alarm processing behavior you must either perform a total download or stop and start the POC services on the Console Data Server for the change to become effective. Initialize PROVOX Communications This section explains the tasks required to ensure the Console Data Server is communicating with the DeltaV Operator Stations and the HDL. Note... DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles If you defined DeltaV Operator Stations and established communications from the server to the HDL during software installation, you can skip to section 5.8. Software Setup • 87 5.7.1 Define Operator Stations Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin 1. If the PROVOX Operator Console Properties dialog is not already open, from the Start menu select DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties. The console properties dialog appears. 2. Select the Workstations tab. 3. Enter the node name of each DeltaV Operator Station in the Primary Node Names field and click on Add. 4. If applicable, enter the node names of the secondary DeltaV Operator Stations in the Secondary Node Names field. 5. Leave the PROVOX Operator Console Properties dialog open as you will return to it after uninitializing the HDL. 5.7.2 Uninitializing The HDL Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin Note... The console only supports the single port connection to the HDL. For the console to connect to and communicate with the process network the HDL must be properly uninitialized and defined in Console Properties so that it can be initialized by the console software. The steps required to uninitialize the HDL depend on its state: • If the STATUS LEDs currently display CONN: The HDL is currently initialized, connected and in use. 1. Make sure this HDL is connected to the server whose properties you are changing. 2. On the Console Data Server, stop the POC Base service. 88 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 3. Press and release the RESET button on the HDL. Wait 10 seconds. The STATUS LEDs display DISC. 4. Press the DEFAULT CONFIG button. The STATUS LEDs display UNIN. 5. On the Console Data Server, start the POC Base service. • If the STATUS LEDs currently display DISC: The HDL has been initialized and connected, but it is currently not connected. 1. Press the DEFAULT CONFIG button. The STATUS LEDs display UNIN. • If the STATUS LEDs currently display INIT: The HDL has been initialized but is currently not connected. 1. Press the DEFAULT CONFIG button. The STATUS LEDs display UNIN. • If the STATUS LEDs currently display UNIN: The HDL is already uninitialized. No further action is required. You can now define the HDL. 5.7.3 Defining The HDL Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin Define the HDL using the Console Properties utility. You may want to refer to the Ethernet NIC card setup for IP address information. From the server perform the following steps: 1. From the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console Properties dialog select the Highway Interface tab. 2. Open a Command Prompt window by selecting Start | Programs | Command Prompt. 3. From the Command Prompt enter ipconfig/all. The Windows NT IP configuration and adapter information appears. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 89 4. Ensure that the IP address in the Console Data Server area of the Highway Interface tab is the IP address of the NIC card connected to the HDL. 5. Close the Command Prompt window. 6. In the Highway Data Link area of the tab, set the HDL's IP Address: • If you are using the default addressing scheme, set the HDL's IP address to • If you are using other addresses, the HDL IP address and the address of the Ethernet NIC card in the server connected to the HDL must be on the same subnet. The network between the server and the HDL is a private network and traffic should not be routed to or from this network. You may need to consult your network administrator for more information. 7. If the plant has only one process network, set the PROVOX Network Index to 0 (zero). If your plant has multiple process networks, refer to the HDL documentation for information on setting the PROVOX Network Index. 8. Set the PROVOX Highway and PROVOX Device values. 9. If you have made any changes make sure the HDL Initialization checkbox is selected. 10. See your site supervisor for information for the other values in the Highway Data Link area. 11. In the Enable HDL area, select all the options. Note... If there is no secondary highway, deselect Enable Secondary Data Highway. 12. Click OK to close the Console Properties dialog. If the Console Data Server software is running or the next time Console Data Server software is started, the software attempts to set the HDL parameters every couple of minutes until successful. 13. Restart the system. You must restart so that changes you made take effect and the HDL is initialized. 90 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 5.8 Set Or Verify POC Services Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin Operator Stations Administrator A service is a software process that performs a specific function that supports one or more applications. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles are supported by services that support the underlying console functionality. The services settings for the console services determine whether the services start automatically when the Console Data Server or operator station starts, or if you start them manually. The affected services depend on whether you are setting up a Console Data Server or an operator station: • Console Data Servers are supported by the POC Base service. • Operator stations running the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software are supported by the POC Station service. To set or verify the console services (POC Base on Console Data Servers, POC Station on operator stations) follow these steps: 1. Log on to Windows NT using the PROVOX21Admin account. 2. Open the Control Panel (select Start | Settings | Control Panel). 3. Select the Services Icon and double click. 4. In the Services dialog box, select the POC Base service (on Console Data Servers) or POC Station (on DeltaV Operator Stations). 5. Click on the Startup... button to open the Service dialog The following figure shows the service dialog for the POC Station service. The dialog is nearly identical for the POC Base service. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 91 Figure 5-1: Services and Service Dialogs (Typical) 6. Select Log On As This Account and enter PROVOX21Admin. 7. In the Password entry field enter the current password for the PROVOX21Admin account. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password entry field. 8. Select the desired Startup Type toggle button: • If this is a Console Data Server, select Automatic. This ensures that the POC Base service starts when the computer is started. • If this is a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Workstation used as a dedicated operator station, select Automatic. This ensures that the POC Station service that supports console operations are started when the computer is started. • If this workstation used is as an engineering workstation and not used for process control, you may want to select Manual. When you are using the console you can start and stop the POC console service from the Services dialog. Note that it requires Windows NT administrator privileges to start and stop services. 92 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 9. Click OK to exit from the Service dialog. 10. On Console Data Servers only, select the POC TimeWatch service. 11. Click on the Startup... button to open the Service dialog. 12. Verify the following: • Startup type is Automatic • Log on as System Account is selected • Allow Service to Interact with Desktop is checked 13. Click OK to exit from the Service dialog. 14. Click Close to exit from the Services dialog. Note... The system verifies POC Service passwords only on system startup. Therefore, any disagreements in passwords, either account passwords or the POC Service password, are not detected until the console restarts. Note... Do not start, stop, or change the startup options for the FIX service from the Services dialog. Note... If you have set the POC Base service to start automatically, be sure to set the HDL information correctly in the console properties dialog from the Console Data Server before you restart it. Otherwise, the HDL may not be initialized correctly. If the HDL is not initialized correctly, the console will have problems communicating with other PROVOX devices on the data highway. For more information refer to section 5.7. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 93 About the PROVOX21Admin Account Password in the Service Dialog When you enter the PROVOX21Admin account password in the Service dialog you are not setting or changing the password. You are authenticating the PROVOX21Admin account’s authority to run the service. The password you enter must be the current password for the PROVOX21Admin account. If you enter an incorrect password, the console software will not function. If you change the PROVOX21Admin account password later, you must change the password in this dialog as well. There are two things to remember about the PROVOX21Admin account password: • The PROVOX21Admin account password must be the same on all connected Console Data Servers and operator stations. If it is different, workstations will not be able to connect to Console Data Servers. Note... The PROVOX21Admin account must have the same password on all connected Console Data Servers and operator stations. • 5.9 The PROVOX21Admin password you enter in the Service dialog must be the correct PROVOX21Admin account password the next time the computer restarts or the POC service will not run and the console will not function correctly. Change PROVOX21Admin Account Passwords for DCOM Servers Perform on: Using account: Operator Stations Administrator There are two DCOM servers (components of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software) that run under the PROVOX21Admin account: PAlmBnr and POPC. When you change the PROVOX21Admin account password you must enter the new password in the DCOM servers properties dialog for both or the software will not function correctly. 94 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles To change the password: 1. From a Command Prompt or the Run dialog, enter the command dcomcnfg. The Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog opens. 2. From the list on the Applications tab, find and select PAlmBnr. 3. Click the Properties… button. The server Properties dialog opens. 4. Select the Identity tab. 5. In the Password and Confirm Password fields of the dialog enter the PROVOX21Admin account password. 6. Click the OK button to accept the change and close the server Properties dialog. 7. From the Applications list, find and select POPC. 8. Repeat steps 3 through 6. 9. Click the OK button on the Distributed COM Configuration Properties to accept your changes and close the dialog. Note... Do not make any other changes in these dialogs. 5.10 Verify Software Startup Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin Operator Stations Administrator Verify that the console software starts without errors on both Console Data Servers and operator stations using the Windows NT Event Viewer. To verify startup: 1. Start the Event Viewer (select Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | Event Viewer). 2. Look for console events in the Application log. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 95 What you see depends on whether you are at a Console Data Server or a DeltaV Operator Station. 5.10.1 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers On DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers (Console Data Servers) you should see the following events. Note that the text below each event is the message that appears if you double click on an event in the list. For example, the following shows the messages that appear in the Event Viewer Application Log of a Console Data Server named MOWER connected to an operator station named ZINFANDEL. Date Time Source Category Event User Computer 5/13/02 6:15:33 PM POC BasePort 8 N/A MOWER Console Workstation on ZINFANDEL requested a connection, and is now connected/validated to the Console Data Server. Connection = 1 = 0x00000001 5/13/02 6:15:30 PM POC Grand 63 N/A MOWER HwyIf 35 N/A MOWER OPCON 85 N/A MOWER Valid License Module connected to HDL 5/13/02 6:15:27 PM POC Connected to the HDL 5/13/02 6:15:01 PM POC POC Base service started. 5.10.2 Operator Stations Similar messages appear in the Event Viewer on operator stations. For example, the following table shows the messages that appear in the Event Viewer Application Log on an operator station named ZINFANDEL that is connected to a Console Data Server named MOWER. 96 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Date Time Source Category Event User Computer 5/13/02 6:17:45 PM IntellutionFIX None 201 N/A ZINFANDEL 7 N/A ZINFANDEL The Fix service software is currently running. 5/13/02 6:17:33 PM POC StationPort Console Workstation connected/validated to the Console Data Server MOWER. Connection = 1 = 0x00000001 5/13/02 6:17:23 PM POC StationPort 2 N/A ZINFANDEL Requesting connection to the Console Data Server MOWER. Connection = 1 = 0x00000001 5/13/02 6:17:01 PM POC OPCON 85 N/A ZINFANDEL POC Station service started. 5.11 Setting Internet Options Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin Operator Stations All DeltaV accounts Note... The settings you make in this section are by user. That is, each Windows NT user account has its own copy of the settings. It is therefore necessary that the settings explained in this subsection be made from each user account. Console Data Servers and migration stations have all three user accounts. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Operator Stations have only the PROVOX21Admin account The console software uses Internet Explorer functionality in several of the viewers. It is important that you make the following settings for the viewers to work as expected: 1. Select Start | Settings | Control Panel. 2. Double click on the Internet Options icon. The Internet Options dialog appears. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 97 3. Select the General tab. 4. Change Home page address by clicking on Use Blank. 5. Click the Settings button in the Temporary Internet Files area. The Settings dialog appears. 6. Select the Automatically radio button. 7. In the Temporary Internet files folder location, set the Amount of disk space to use to 10 Mbytes. 8. Select the Security tab. 9. Set the Web content zone to Local Intranet. 10. Click the Default Level button 11. In the Security level area, set to Medium. 12. Select the Connections tab. 13. Click the LAN Settings… button. The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog opens. Make sure none of the checkboxes on this dialog is selected. 14. Click OK to accept the settings and close the dialog 15. Click OK to accept the settings and close the Internet Explorer Properties dialog. You do not need to set anything on the Content, Programs, and Advanced tabs. 5.12 Setting Acrobat Reader Options Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin Operator Stations All DeltaV accounts There are a couple of things to set in Acrobat Reader 5.0. 1. Log in. 2. Start Acrobat Reader. 3. If a license agreement appears, acknowledge it by clicking Accept. The license agreement appears only the first time a user starts the reader. It will not appear again. 98 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 4. After Acrobat Reader opens, select Edit| Preferences | Options. 5. In the Startup area, deselect Display splash screen. 6. Click Ok to accept the change and close the preferences dialog. 7. Exit the Acrobat Reader software. You can repeat these steps for other users if desired. 5.13 Cleaning Up The POC\programs Folder Perform on: Using account: Console Data Servers PROVOX21Admin Operator Stations Administrator Installing Microsoft Internet Explorer during software installation can put a couple of extra files in the POC\programs directory. Programs in the POC\programs directory appear in the start menu of the desktop. Remove the unnecessary files: 1. Start Windows NT Explorer 2. Navigate to the POC\programs directory 3. Leave the shortcut PROVOX Logon and delete everything else. It is possible (but beyond the scope of this manual to explain) to add programs to the start menu of the desktop. If you desire to do so, refer to the Windows NT documentation. 5.14 Removing The Master License Popup Perform on: Using account: Operator Stations Administrator As installed, the console software presents a master license agreement every time an operator station is restarted. To prevent this from occurring on workstations dedicated as operator consoles, remove the shortcut that opens this agreement from the All Users Startup folder: 1. Navigate to the folder \WINNT\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 2. Delete the shortcut View License DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 99 5.15 Other Settings In addition to the software settings made during console hardware installation and setup and software installation, there are several software settings that affect console security and the operating environment. There are several settings you must make to ensure that console security is implemented as intended. There are other settings you should verify and possibly change, depending on how you are using the console and the type of console you have. These settings include: 5.15.1 • Setting Window Positions • Customizing the Operate Environment • Using The Disk Administrator Setting IA And Trend Window Positions Perform on: Using account: Operator Stations Administrator The initial positions of the Instrument Area and Trend window will probably be satisfactory. However, if you want to set the initial location of these applications when they are started from the toolbar, the console software provides a way to do so. Setting the initial position is a two step process. First, define initial positions for the windows in the Console Properties dialog (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties). The Positioning tab of this dialog contains a grid of values. 100 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 5-2: Positioning Tab of DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Properties Dialog The Positioning tab has columns for five possible alternate positions for the windows (A, B, C, D, and Home). The tab is laid out as a grid so that you can easily see all the settings for Instrument Areas and Trend windows for every position defined. Each square in the grid is a number that represents either the x or y coordinate of the upper left corner of a window in pixels, and for Trend windows, the width or height of the window in pixels. 5.15.2 Enable PROVOX Communication Perform on: Using account: Operator Stations Administrator To enable PROVOX components in the DeltaV Operate interface, do the following: 1. Start DeltaV Operate and go to Configure mode. 2. Open the DeltaV User Settings by clicking the Configure toolbar. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles button on the Software Setup • 101 The DeltaV User Settings dialog opens. 3. Select the PROVOX checkbox as shown to enable communication with the PROVOX system. For information on the other checkboxes, refer to the section Using the DeltaV User Settings Dialog in the DeltaV Operator Graphics manual. 4. Click the Add files button. 5. Acknowledge the popup dialogs that appear. 6. Click OK to close the DeltaV User Preferences dialog. 7. Close DeltaV Operate. 8. Wait 30 seconds, then open DeltaV Operate to refresh the file list. The Add files button copies two sets of files to the DeltaV directory structure to support PROVOX pictures. Files are copied into two directories: Copied to \DVDATA\GRAPHICS-IFIX\PIC\Standard\ • 102 • Software Setup ABdvp1.grf — DeltaV-PROVOX combined Alarm Banner Screen 1 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • ABdvp2.grf — DeltaV-PROVOX combined Alarm Banner Screen 2 • ABPOAR.grf — PROVOX Alarm and OAR Alarm Banner • ABPInfo.grf — PROVOX Alarm Information Alarm Banner • User_ref_Provox.grf — PROVOX and DeltaV combined User_ref to make your own UserSettings file Copied to \DVDATA\GRAPHICS-IFIX\PIC\ • ZPALMSUM.grf — PROVOX Alarm Summary Main Picture • ZPOARSUM.grf — PROVOX OAR Summary Main Picture • frsPOCAnalog.fds — PROVOX Dynamo Set of Group Faceplates for Analog point types • frsPOCChip.fds — PROVOX Dynamo Set of Group Faceplates for Chip point types • frsPOCDiscrete.fds — PROVOX Dynamo Set of Group Faceplates for Discrete point types • frsPOCLoop.fds — PROVOX Dynamo Set of Group Faceplates for Loop point types • frsPOCProvue.fds — PROVOX Dynamo Set of Group Faceplates for Console Hosted point types • frsPOCUoc.fds — PROVOX Dynamo Set of Group Faceplates for UOC only point types The \Standard directory already contains two additional alarm banner pictures for use with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console: 5.15.3 • ABdv1.grf — DeltaV Alarm Banner Screen 1 (Use this file as a DeltaV-only alarm banner instead of Alarmban.grf) • ABdv2.grf — DeltaV Alarm Banner Screen 2 (Use this file as a DeltaV-only alarm banner instead of Alarmbn2.grf) Create a PROVOX Toolbar Perform on: Using account: Operator Stations Administrator You must create a PROVOX toolbar for operators to have access to PROVOX functionality. The DeltaV Operate software includes a Toolbar Picture Builder Expert. This section does not explain in general DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 103 how to use the Toolbar Picture Builder. For that information, refer to the section Using the DeltaV Toolbar Builder Utility in the DeltaV Books Online. This section explains only the items of the builder that are specific to PROVOX systems. To create a PROVOX toolbar: 1. Start DeltaV Operate and go to Configure mode. 2. Open the DeltaV Utilities toolbar (Select Workspace | Toolbars, then check the box for DeltaV_Utilities). 3. Open the Toolbar Picture Builder Expert by clicking the on the Configure toolbar. button The Toolbar Picture Builder Expert dialog opens. 4. Select a toolbar template and explanatory text appears in the field below the selection. Note that you must create toolbars from a template. You cannot edit an existing toolbar. The PROVOX Screen 2 Toolbar template is selected in the figure. 5. Enter a name for your toolbar in the New Toolbar Name field. Note that you must use a new name. You cannot overwrite existing toolbar names. 104 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles There are three sets of buttons: Common Tools for any Toolbar, DeltaV Specific Tools, and PROVOX Specific Tools. You can add buttons from any or all of these sets to your toolbar. 6. Select the Common Tools for any Toolbar set. The figure shows that the first four buttons added to the toolbar are from the Common Tools set: • Print Main Window • Last Picture • Open Picture • Exchange Pictures You should probably include these buttons on any toolbar you create. Include any other buttons your operators need from any of the tool sets. The PROVOX Specific Tools button set is selected in the figure. 7. Move buttons between your toolbar and the button set using the left and right arrow buttons. 8. Set the order of the buttons on your toolbar by selecting a button and using the up and down arrow buttons. 9. After you have selected all the buttons you want and arranged them in the order you want, click OK to save the new toolbar in the Standard directory. Refer to the following section for information on creating and editing UserSettings.grf so the toolbar you created appears in DeltaV Operate. 5.15.4 Create UserSettings.grf from User_ref_PROVOX.grf For DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software to operate properly, you must create the UserSettings.grf file from the User_ref_PROVOX.grf file as described in the following steps. From DeltaV Operate Configure mode: 1. If your DeltaV Operator Station already has a UserSettings.grf file, save it to another name. 2. Open \Pictures\Standard\User_ref_PROVOX.grf. 3. Save the file as UserSettings.grf. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 105 4. Press the right mouse button and select Edit Script. 5. Scroll to the Opening Scheduler section and make sure the line for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX scheduler is not commented (as shown in the bold line below). Application.Documents.Open System.SchedulePath & "\FRS_ScheduleEX.evs" 6. Scroll to the Alarm Banner Window Initialization section. 7. If you want to use the combined DeltaV and PROVOX alarm banner, make sure that the two lines under Option 3 that begin with frsVariables are not commented. The three options in this section are: • Option 1 — Standard DeltaV alarm banner (two pictures, one on each screen) • Option 2a and 2b — PROVOX alarm information or PROVOX alarm and OAR information on one screen, standard DeltaV alarm banner on the other screen. • Option 3 — Combined PROVOX and DeltaV alarm banner (two pictures, one on each screen) Note... If your plant has only PROVOX controllers and you are using single monitor operator stations, select option 2b and place the ABPOAR alarm banner on screen 1. The ABPOAR alarm banner is the only PROVOXonly alarm banner that contains the PROVOX integrity indicators. Restoring Changes from a Previous UserSettings file Open or print the previous version of the UserSettings.grf file. Compare the contents of that file with the UserSettings.grf file you just created. If there are changes to the previous file that you want to include in the new file, edit the new UserSettings.grf file to make the changes. Do not copy the previous UserSettings.grf file over the new file. Using the PROVOX Toolbar To make the PROVOX toolbar you created appear, perform the following steps in DeltaV Operate: 106 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 1. Find the TOOLBAR WINDOW INITIALIZATION section of the file. 2. Replace TOOLBAR (the toolbar on screen 1) or TOOLBAR2 (the toolbar on screen 2) with the name of the toolbar you created (in the example, myPVXToolbar). Be sure to uncomment the line after you enter your toolbar name. 3. Save and close UserSettings.grf. 4. Switch to Run mode. The toolbar you created should appear. If the console does not work properly after you edit the UserSettings.grf file you can recover by renaming UserSettings.grf and restarting the console software. You can then correct the UserSettings.grf file as required. Other UserSettings Variables The UserSettings.grf file contains comments that explain how to modify the variables to accomplish changes. Follow the instructions in the file. For example, Using the variables in the UserSettings.grf file you can do the following: • Set whether DeltaV Operate uses the standard alarm banner or alarm and OAR banner or custom alarm banner you create. • Set the behavior of alarm direct access when an alarm button in the alarm banner is clicked. • Set whether the alarm banner is always on top of other windows or not. • Change the default toolbar. • Set whether the menu bar of the main window appears. • Set the initial display. • Set the overview display. • Set whether operators can browse other directories and files when opening pictures in the main window. • Initialize the display history list. • Prevent changes to the display history list. • Initialize the point history list. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 107 5.15.5 • Prevent changes to the point history list. • Set the picture that is opened by the display directory toolbar button. Defining Primary And Secondary Servers And Workstations If you did not define the primary and secondary Console Data Servers for each operator station, or define the primary and secondary operator stations for each Console Data Server, do that now. From each operator station and Console Data Server, select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties. For each workstation, on the Console Data Server tab, enter the Primary and Secondary Console Data Server. For each Console Data Server, on the Workstations Tab, enter the workstations whose primary and secondary connections are to the Console Data Server. 5.15.6 Setting Unsolicited Data Reporting If your PROVOX system includes devices that use pre-1984 device programming (pre-ADR), you may need to enable Standard Unsolicited data reporting. Do not enable Standard Unsolicited data reporting unless you know you need it. If you are unsure, consult with your FisherRosemount service representative. Note... Enabling Standard Unsolicited data reporting on systems can cause undesirable side effects under some circumstances. Enable Standard Unsolicited data reporting only if necessary. To see the current state of Standard Unsolicited data reporting, on Console Data Servers select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Standard Unsolicited. An informational popup appears. Click OK. The Unsolicited Reporting Control appears as shown in the figure. 108 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 5-3: Unsolicited Reporting Control When opened, the dialog indicates the current state of Standard Unsolicited data reporting. For example, in the figure data reporting is set to the default: Standard Unsolicited data reporting is disabled. 5.15.7 Point Tag and Display Tag Substitutions If you have an existing PROVOX configuration that you are going to use with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX consoles, it is possible that some of the point tags, PPA tags, PMA tags, and display tags in the configuration are invalid for use in DeltaV Operate. It is recommended that you change the tags in the configuration to valid tags and display names for DeltaV Operate. However, to ease the transition to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles, the console software can translate invalid point tags and display tags when they are downloaded to the server. Note... PPA and PMA tags are not translated. You must ensure that PMA and PPA tags in the ENVOX configuration are valid for use in DeltaV Operate. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 109 Using Valid Tags Point tags, PPA tags, and PMA tags in the ENVOX software for use on the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console should: • Contain at least one letter • Contain only letters, numbers, and dashes (these are the only characters that are valid for ENVOX point tags that are also valid in DeltaV Operate) • Be no more than 12 characters long. Display tags in the ENVOX software for use on the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console should: • Start with a letter • Contain only letters and numbers (these are the only characters that are valid for ENVOX display tags that are also valid in DeltaV Operate) • Be no more than 12 characters long. Setting Substitution Options To set the substitution options, on Console Data Servers select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties. Select the Tags tab. Note... Any change on this tab forces the next download to be a total download of the console from the ENVOX database. If you make a change, the software prompts you for confirmation. If you confirm the change there is no way to undo it. The tab contains the following fields and areas: • Tag Character Substitution Enable checkbox: Turns the tag substitutions feature on and off. • Tag Substitutions Log File Location: Specifies where tag substitution log files are created. Point tag replacement area 110 • Software Setup • Comma replaced by • Period replaced by DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Slash replaced by • Space replaced by In each of these fields select a substitution character from the dropdown list. The default substitution character is $. Display tag replacement area • Insert for invalid leading character In this field select the letter to insert as the leading character for display names that have an invalid leading character in the ENVOX configuration. The default letter is P. • Comma replaced by • Dash replaced by • Period replaced by • Slash replaced by • Space replaced by In each of these fields select a substitution character from the dropdown list. The default substitution character is _ (underscore). Example Substitutions The following table illustrates how the conversion works when using the default character substitutions . In the ENVOX Configuration After Conversion Point Tags AI,201 AI$201 AI.301 AI$301 AI/401 AI$401 AI 501 AI$501 Display Tags DSP,123 DSP_123 12345 P12345 The Log File The translations are reported in the file TagSubstitutions.csv. This file is created (or overwritten) by a total download. Partial downloads append DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 111 information to the file. The file is in the location specified on the Tags tab. The file is created whether tag character substitution is enabled or not. You can use this feature to determine which point tags and display tags in the ENVOX configuration are invalid for DeltaV Operate. (Remember that the conversion does not affect PPA and PMA tags.) To view the file, open it in Excel. The log file contains only the point tags and display tags that are invalid, and shows what the converted tags would be using the currently selected substitution characters. The file has several columns but those of most interest are: • InputTag — The tag as it is configured in the ENVOX database. • SubstTag — How the tag would appear if translated with the currently selected substitutions. • OutputTag — The tag used in the console. If tag character substitution is enabled, this column is identical to the SubstTag column. If substitution is disabled, this column is identical to the InputTag column. • ErrorText — Not all tags can be translated. This column contains error messages generated during translation. Note that one tag can have several error messages. Errors Substitution error messages during tag substitution include: • Warning: number of characters substituted in tag exceeded 4, original tag = <InputTag>, converted tag = <SubstTag>, append string = XXXXX The software supports a maximum of four character substitutions in a single tag. The append string indicates the characters that were substituted: C (comma), P (period), S (slash), B (space), and D (dash). For example, if InputTag is DCU-DSP1,. /, SubstTag is DCU_DSP1_____, and the append string is DCPBS. (The character before the slash in InputTag is a space.) • Disallowed character found in tag… • Warning: cannot prepend required alpha string to display name (too long), original tag =… Applies only to display tags. The software cannot insert a letter at the beginning of the display tag because display tags can be no longer than 12 characters. 112 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 5.15.8 Logging On To the Operator Station Note... Before beginning this procedure download the Console Data Server database from the ENVOX configuration software with a download that includes: • The operator station defined as a user or the ANYNODE user defined with sufficient privilege • The DeltaV users. If you have defined security and set up accounts in the ENVOX software and the operator station as described in sections 3 and 5 of this manual, log in as described in the DeltaV documentation. Entering the DeltaV Operate user name and password in the DeltaV Logon dialog logs you in to both the DeltaV system and the PROVOX system. If you have not set up the accounts as described in Section 3 and 5, when you log in to DeltaV Operator Station the following message appears. If this message appears you can log in to the PROVOX system in the following manner: 1. On the Start menu, select DeltaV Operate for PROVOX |Operate | Change User. The Change Console User dialog box appears. Note... If the Change Console User dialog does not appear, check the security settings. 2. Enter a user name and password that are in the ENVOX download to the console data server. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 113 If you have not downloaded a configuration and you attempt to log in, a message appears saying “The database is unavailable for logon.” Click on the PROVOX Integrity button in the alarm banner and view the Integrity display. Make sure the indicators that apply are green (indicating good integrity). 5.16 Convert Existing Pictures If you have operator pictures from PROVOX Operator Console 3.0, convert them to DeltaV Operate pictures using the Picture Converter and Convert a Picture to a Main DeltaV Picture tools in Configure mode. Refer to the section Using the Picture Converter Utility in the DeltaV Books Online and the information in the DeltaV Release News for more information on converting pictures. PROVOX Operator Console 3.0 *.odf pictures can be partially converted using the DeltaV Operate picture conversion tools. After you convert your pictures, use Ctrl-F to change all instances of THISNODE and FIX32.THISNODE to POC. Note... 5.17 The amount of manual editing required after you convert pictures depends on the complexity of your pictures. Troubleshooting There are a number of things needed to get the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software working with DeltaV Operate. Here is a list of things to check if your system is not working as expected: • Are the DeltaV users members of the PROVOX21 Group? See Section 5.4 of this manual. • Are the DeltaV user names in the ENVOX download? See Section 6 of this manual. • Does the ENVOX download have an ANYNODE user defined or the operator station defined as a user? See Section 6 of this manual. 114 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • If a user cannot log in to the PROVOX system, does the account have DELTAV or STATION defined as the password configured in the ENVOX download? See Section 6 of this manual. • Do all connected servers and operator stations have the same password for the PROVOX21Admin account? See Section 5.8 of this manual. • Are the POC services passwords set to the current PROVOX21Admin account password on all connected servers and operator stations? See Section 5.15.2 of this manual. • Have you selected the PROVOX checkbox and added files in the DeltaV User Settings dialog? See Section 6 of this manual. • Have you built a PROVOX toolbar and updated UserSettings.grf with the filename? See Section 5.15.3 of this manual. • Have you edited User_ref_PROVOX.grf to create a UserSettings.grf picture and edited the script as required? See Section 5.15.4 of this manual. • Have you installed the DeltaV Network Time Protocol service on the Console Data Server? See Appendix A of this manual. • Have you checked all the network cables and IP address assignments? See Section 3 of this manual. • Have you downloaded the DeltaV Operator Station from the ProfessionalPLUS station? See the DeltaV documentation. • Is the Console Data Server processing alarms using the PROVOX or DeltaV rules? See Section 5.6 of this manual and Section 8 of the User Manual DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Software Setup • 115 • If you cannot start a PROVOX application, is it running on the other Flexlock desktop? See the DeltaV documentation. • Are you using the correct alarm banner file for the alarm settings on the Console Data Server? See Section 5.6 and Section 5.15.4 of this manual. 116 • Software Setup DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 6 Database Configuration 6.1 Introduction To create the database configuration (point information, PPAs, and so on) use the ENVOX® configuration software or the Control Desktop software. The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Console accepts a database download created for an Operator Workplace Console, though some parts, including displays, are not used. However, there are some requirements that the database configuration must meet to be accepted by the console. Note... Make sure that there are no duplicate names or tags in the ENVOX configuration and the DeltaV configuration. All tags and names must be unique across both databases. Duplicate names or tags can cause unpredictable behavior. This section outlines the differences in configuration between an Operator Workplace Console and a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. The information in this section applies directly to the ENVOX configuration software, but applies to the Control Desktop software as well. The two configuration software applications are organized differently, but require the same information to configure a console. You create a console configuration using the configuration software by entering information on a number of related forms. To create a configuration for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console you do not need some of the forms and you may have to do something different on one or more forms. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 117 Note... Tags you configure in the ENVOX software for use on the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console should: • Contain at least one letter • Contain only letters, numbers, and dashes (–) (these are the only characters valid in ENVOX configurations that are also valid in DeltaV Operate • Be no more than 12 characters long. It is recommended that you change your ENVOX configuration to make all tags and display names valid for DeltaV Operate. However, the Tags tab of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Properties dialog provides character substitution for tagnames and display names. This tab is intended only to ease the transition from earlier PROVOX consoles to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles. For more information on the Tags tab refer to its online help and Section 5 of this manual. This release of the console software supports configuration of consoleresident points: • Activity points • Discrete control device points (DCDs) • Extended pulse count input points (EPCIs) • Integrity points • Accumulation points. • Maintenance points • Single-bit discrete points All of these support console-resident point redundancy except maintenance points and single-bit discrete points. ® In addition, console-resident points in PROVUE or Operator Workplace consoles can be targeted to and operated from DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles. (When operating a point hosted on another console the commands are sent to and the functions are performed on the source console.) 118 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Note... The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console is compatible with existing PROVOX devices that use ADR (Advanced Data Reporting) or Background Reporting. Ensure that any existing DCU, MUX, or PCIU devices have been upgraded to support ADR or background reporting. 6.2 Console Configuration If you have an existing Operator Workplace configuration you want to use for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console you will need to review this subsection for items you must change in your configuration. If you have an existing PROVUE configuration you want to use you must first update the configuration to an Operator Workplace configuration, then make the configuration compatible with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. If you are starting a new configuration, this subsection tells you which forms are not required for the console and which forms require specific information to result in a download compatible with the console. The following subsections explain how to use ENVOX software console configuration forms to create a configuration for the console. Note that some forms, though not required for configuration, may have to be at least partially completed for the configuration to generate without errors. If you are using the Control Desktop configuration software, the configuration information required is organized differently than explained in the following subsections, but the same information is required. 6.2.1 Console Device Definition Form Open the form by selecting Add | DEVICES | WPCON from the ENVOX Top Level form. Configure the Revision as 2.0. Unless you are configuring redundant console-resident points, set the Redundancy Status as SIMPLEX. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 119 If you are configuring redundant console-resident points, the redundant console for a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console cannot be a PROVUE console or an Operator Workplace Console. You can clone the configuration of another console if desired. In the Standard Options field, select YES. In the Database Size field, enter 10,000. Setting Batch to YES is valid if you will have console-resident UNIT or Activity points or will be targeting UNIT or Activity points sourced in a PROVUE or Operator Workplace console to this console. The batch control software option must be present on your console if you select YES. Anything you enter in the Help Display, Detail Display, Trend Display, and Maint Display fields is ignored by the console. Note... Even though the Help and Maint displays are ignored by the console, you must configure something in these fields or the configuration will not generate. The Printer configuration fields are ignored by the console. 6.2.2 Option Definition Form The Auto Point Select field is ignored by the console. The Ack Selected Point is currently ignored by the console. In the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console the ACK button in the Instrument Area acknowledges only alarms on that point while the ACK button in the Alarm Banner area acknowledges alarms for all points on the current display. In the No. Alarm History Records field, enter 100. This field is not used by the console but you must enter something or the configuration will not generate. For the three Percent of… fields, calculate a value to enter by dividing the number of points configured by the number of points specified in the Database Size field of the Console Device Definition, then add five percent. For example, if you set the database size to 10,000 points and your configuration includes 3000 points, enter 35. (3000/10000 + 5 = 35) 120 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 6.2.3 System Clock List Form This form is not used by the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX consoles use the Network Time Protocol service to synchronize time. Refer to Section 8 of this manual for more information. 6.2.4 Shift Table Form This form is used by the console as is. 6.2.5 Trend Set Definition and Trend Trace Definition Forms The console uses the configured trend information as is. However, there are some differences in how trend data is stored, manipulated, and viewed from the DeltaV Operator Station. In the console there are two parts to trending: trace data sets and trend views. Trace Data Sets Each trace data set is a combination of tag, attribute (and occurrence, if necessary), sample interval, and duration. Trace data sets are created in two ways: • Created from configured trend trace information downloaded to the console • Defined online from the operator station Each point can have a maximum of 12 trace data sets in any combination of configured or defined online. Trace data sets created from the download cannot be deleted online. The only way to delete them is to remove them from the configuration and download the console. If the download contains more than 12 trend traces for a point, only 12 of these traces are converted into trace data sets. The download order determines which trace definitions are converted to trace data sets. The download order cannot be determined and may vary from download to download. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 121 Trend Views Operators create trend views, either by importing configured trend sets or by creating new views. Trend views include information on the appearance of the trend information at the console. Operators save the trend views as .ptv files on the DeltaV Operator Station and can reopen files as desired. Make sure downloaded trace definitions are suitable for your process and operator needs. Operators will not be able to delete or modify trace data sets for point and attribute combinations that already exist in the download. Refer to Using The Trend Viewer for more information. 6.2.6 Operator Display List Form The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console uses this form a bit differently than the Operator Workplace or PROVUE consoles. For those consoles this form established the list of displays that were downloaded to an Operator Workplace or PROVUE console. Any displays not in the list were not available. For the console use this form to list the displays that are defined as alarm displays when configuring points. Alarm displays are the displays that appear when an operator clicks a button in the Alarm Banner. Every alarm display must be in this list. (Displays that are not defined as alarm displays do not need to be in this list.) Note... Display names you configure in the ENVOX software for use on the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console must: • Start with a letter • Contain only letters and numbers (these are the only characters valid in ENVOX configurations that are also valid in DeltaV Operate) • Be no more than 12 characters long. If you create only the one required dummy display and enter other display names in the Operator Display List the configuration software reports warnings when generating the configuration. You can ignore the 122 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles warnings. If you want to eliminate the warnings you can create a dummy display for every display listed in the Operator Display List. Note... The Display No. (number), Display Forward, Display Backward, and Overview fields are not used by the console, but must be completed for a valid generate. The maximum number of displays a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console can contain is limited only by the disk space available and allocated on the console hard disk. However, the number of alarm displays for points still depends on the configuration software limits: The 500 point console allows 77 alarm displays, the 2000 point console allows 212 alarm displays, and the 10,000 point console allows 1050 alarm displays. 6.2.7 PMA List Form The console uses this form as is. 6.2.8 User Access List Form The console uses this form as is. 6.2.9 Pen Recorder List Form The console does not use this form. 6.2.10 Report List Definition Form The console uses this form as is. 6.2.11 Report Header Definition Form The console uses this form as is. 6.2.12 Equipment List Form The console uses this form as is. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 123 6.2.13 Configuring Reports Use the Language Editor of the configuration software to create reports. Note that the display attributes you can use when configuring reports are the Operator Workplace display attributes, not the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console display attributes. In most cases these are the same, but there are some attributes named differently and some attributes that are available for console displays that are not available for reports. To see the attributes available for reports, refer to the PROVOX online book Reference Tables. It contains a pointer to the help files for report attributes. Some attribute values are reported differently in the console than in Operator Workplace or PROVUE consoles. Refer to the online help for attributes for information on the values returned. 6.2.14 Console Preferences Form The console does not use this form. You can set the Session Timeout and Input Timeout from the DeltaV Operator Station. To set either or both times, at the console select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties. When the dialog opens, select the Instrument Areas tab. If the console software is already running, you must close and re-open the instrument area for the new values to take effect. 6.2.15 Horn Tone Definition Form The console does not use this form. 6.2.16 Display Limits Form The console does not use this form. 6.2.17 Procedures Forms The console uses the Procedures forms to establish procedure names, process names, and so on. If you are going to be operating procedures, you must configure the appropriate forms and fields. 124 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 6.2.18 Conditional Color Editor The console does not use the Conditional Color editor. The console implements conditional color on display objects by applying dynamic color and visibility to multiple display objects in the Configure mode of DeltaV Operate. For example, to have a valve appear in one color if a pump is off and in other colors depending on flow rate if a pump is on, you would create two or more pump graphics and stack them. One valve would be visible if the pump was off and one of the others would be visible if the pump was on. Refer to the section Animating Object Properties in the DeltaV Books Online for more information on using dynamic color and visibility. 6.2.19 Conditional Text Editor The console does not use the Conditional Text editor. The console implements conditional color by applying dynamic color and visibility to multiple text objects in the Configure mode of DeltaV Operate. Refer to the section Animating Object Properties in the DeltaV Books Online for more information on using dynamic color and visibility. 6.2.20 PMA Definition Form The console uses this form as is. Note... The default SYSTEM PMA that the ENVOX software creates is not a valid name for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. You must rename the PMA to use it. For example SYSTEM-PMA. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 125 6.2.21 PPA Definition Form The console uses this form as is. Note... The default SYSTEM PPA that the ENVOX software creates is not a valid name for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. You must rename the PPA to use it. For example, SYSTEM-PPA 6.2.22 Alarm Priority Definition Form The console uses this form as is. Note... The console support for the extended PROVUE alarm colors depends on where the alarm indication appears. In some places the console supports only colors 0 through 15. In other places the console supports the full PROVUE alarm color set: • Display faceplates, the alarm banner, and the alarm summary support only colors 0 through 15. Alarms that use either foreground or background colors with an index greater than 15 are set to Yellow Blink foreground and Red background. • The Instrument Area supports the full set of PROVUE alarm colors except that the gray color is mapped to a salmon pink. The alarm gray does not provide enough contrast against the gray background the console uses. If it is important for alarm indicators to always appear in the same colors, use colors with color indexes from 0 through 15. If you want, you can specify that PROVOX alarms be processed in DeltaV style for use in an alarm banner that combines both PROVOX and DeltaV alarms. 126 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 6.2.23 User Definitions Form The console uses this form as is. However, as part of the way PROVOX security is implemented in the console, DeltaV Operator Stations are considered users and must be defined as such. An operator's access to the PROVOX process is determined both by the operator's privilege configured in the ENVOX download and the configured privilege level of the DeltaV Operator Station. The recommended procedure is to configure each DeltaV Operator Station that is a dedicated operator station as a user in the configuration software. Define these users with privileges consistent with the requirements of each console and your plant's security policy. If you want users configured in the DeltaV Operator Station User Manager to have access to the PROVOX system you must add their user names to the ENVOX download. To allow access to other users who log in from operator stations that are not dedicated operator stations—managers and engineers, for example— configure the special user ANYNODE in the configuration software. The ANYNODE user sets the privilege for any DeltaV Operator Station that is not explicitly configured as a user. Set the ANYNODE user's privileges consistent with your plant's security strategy. Note... You must define DeltaV Operator Stations as users or define the ANYNODE user in configurations downloaded to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles or users will not have any privileges after logging in to the console software. When you define the DeltaV Operator Station and ANYNODE users, define passwords for them as well. Use passwords that cannot be guessed to ensure console security. (Users who know the password of one of the DeltaV Operator Station users can log in to any DeltaV Operator Station as that user.) DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 127 Secure Common Login You can set up the system so that a single user name and password logs a user in to both the DeltaV and PROVOX systems. Or you can ensure that users can only log in to one system or another. There are a couple of tasks to complete to set up the login scheme: • To have a single user name and password log in to both systems add the DeltaV user name to the ENVOX database The default behavior for users who exist in both the DeltaV system and the ENVOX database is to automatically log those users in to both systems when logging in to DeltaV Operate. Note that the passwords in Delta V and the ENVOX database do not have to be the same. These users can also log in directly to the PROVOX system from the PROVOX Change Console User dialog. • To allow a user to log in to both systems automatically but not allow login to PROVOX only, define the user in the ENVOX database with the password DELTAV. Users defined in the ENVOX database with the DELTAV password cannot log into the PROVOX system only. • Similarly, the ENVOX password STATION has been defined to prevent a user logging in to the PROVOX system using a node name as a user name. Set the password for DeltaV Operator Stations to STATION. 128 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles The following table illustrates the effect of several ENVOX and DeltaV password combinations. Username ENVOX Password DeltaV Password SMITH DELTAV abc SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH xyz abc abc abc User not defined in ENVOX database abc abc (user not configured in DeltaV) When logging in to DeltaV software When logging OUT of DeltaV software When logging in using Change User Full configured DeltaV access DeltaV log out completes successfully Not allowed to log in Auto login to PROVOX system with configured access PROVOX log out completes successfully Full configured DeltaV access DeltaV log out completes successfully Auto login to PROVOXsystem, with configured access PROVOX log out completes successfully Full configured DeltaV access DeltaV log out completes successfully Auto login to PROVOX system, with configured access PROVOX log out completes successfully Full configured DeltaV access DeltaV log out completes successfully Auto login to PROVOX system fails Attempts to log out of PROVOX system – no error reported Not allowed to log in to DeltaV software N/A Full configured PROVOX access N/A Not allowed to log in Full configured PROVOX access Full configured PROVOX access Not allowed to log in Does not auto login to PROVOX system NODE1 STATION (user not configured in DeltaV Not allowed to log in to DeltaV software Does not log in to PROVOX system Notes: 1. When the user logs out of NT before logging out of DeltaV, user is logged out of the PROVOX system automatically. 2. If a user logs in to both the DeltaV and PROVOX systems, then uses the Change Console User application to log in as a different user, the next time DeltaV log out is requested, the current PROVOX user is logged out. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 129 PROVOX Security Example An operator's access to the process is the most restrictive of the operator's configured privilege and the DeltaV Operator Station's privilege in the ENVOX download. For example, operator Sam with a base privilege of OPERATE is logged in to the DeltaV Operator Station CONSOLE2. CONSOLE2 is configured as a user with TUNE privilege. However, operator Sam has only OPERATE privilege so he cannot tune any points. Engineer Joe, whose base privilege is TUNE, needs to tune a point. He logs in to CONSOLE2. Because both Joe and CONSOLE2 have TUNE privilege, Joe can tune the point. The plant also has a DeltaV Operator Station named DEMO1 that is not configured as a user. The ANYNODE user has been configured with OPERATE privilege, however, so that privilege applies to DEMO1. If engineer Joe had logged into DEMO1, he would not be able to tune the point as his TUNE privilege would not be able to overcome the more restricted access of the ANYNODE user definition. 6.2.24 User Application List Form The console does not use this form. 6.2.25 User UDK List Form The console does not use this form. 6.2.26 Application Definition The console does not use this form. 6.2.27 User Defined Key The console does not use this form. 6.2.28 User Palette The console does not use this form. 130 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 6.2.29 Highway Access Control List Form The console uses this form as is. 6.2.30 Display Editor The console does not use displays created by the Display Editor. However, you must use the Display Editor to create a single empty display. The configuration must contain at least one display for it to generate. Also note that every display listed in the Operator Display List and configured during targeting as a point's Alarm Display that does not exist in the configuration causes a warning during generation. You can ignore the warnings. To eliminate the warnings you must create a dummy display for every display listed in the Operator Display List. 6.3 Console Points The console can host any of the console-based points: • Accumulation Point • Activity Point • Console DCD Point • Maintenance Point • Console EPCI Point • Integrity Point • Single-Bit Discrete Point. In addition, the console can be a target for console-based points and operate those points that originate in a PROVUE or Operator Workplace console as long as the source PROVUE or Operator Workplace console is running. 6.4 Targeting Points To A Console Targeting PROVOX points to the console is accomplished the same way as for PROVUE and Operator Workplace consoles. The following subsections list the forms involved. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Database Configuration • 131 6.4.1 Target Data The console uses this form as is. 6.4.2 Console Target Data The console uses this form as is. The displays configured as Alarm Displays for each point must also exist in the database to prevent generation warnings. 6.4.3 Extended Alarms The console uses this form as is. 132 • Database Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 7 Display Configuration 7.1 Introduction One of the most useful features of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® console is its ability to display graphical representations of your process. These displays can help operators understand and control the process. For general information on creating displays for the DeltaV Operate environment, refer to Creating Pictures in the DeltaV Books Online. This section explains only PROVOX-specific information you need to create displays that reference data from the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server (also known as Console Data Server). This section also discusses using DeltaV Operate to create displays and explains some of the ways to provide display functionality that is similar to that of PROVUE® and Operator Workplace displays. 7.2 Display Names in the ENVOX Configuration Though you use the DeltaV Operate software to create displays for the operator stations, there are a couple of places in the ENVOX® software you need to create or name displays. The ENVOX configuration must contain at least one display (it can be blank) for the configuration software to successfully generate and download the configuration. If your configuration uses alarm displays (a particular display opens when an operator clicks on an alarm button in the alarm banner), you must include the alarm display names in the Operator Display List and the displays must exist in the ENVOX database. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 133 Note... Alarm displays (displays that are configured as alarm displays for points, PPAs, and PMAs) must be included in the Operator Display List for the console. See the subsection Operator Display List Form for more information on configuring the Operator Display List. The display names you configure in the ENVOX software are limited to 12 characters. To ensure that the names you configure in the ENVOX software are compatible with DeltaV Operate display names, begin each name with a letter and complete the name with letters and numbers only. There are more characters that are valid in the ENVOX software but these characters are not valid in DeltaV Operate. Note... Display names you configure in the ENVOX software for use on the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console must: • Start with a letter • Contain only letters and numbers (these are the only characters valid in ENVOX that are also valid in DeltaV Operate) • Be no more than 12 characters long. It is recommended that you change your ENVOX configuration to make all tags and display names valid for DeltaV Operate. However, the Tags tab of the Console Properties dialog provides character substitution for tagnames and display names. This tab is intended only to ease the transition from earlier PROVOX consoles to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles. For more information on the Tags tab refer to its online help and Section 5 of this manual. 134 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 7.3 Display Names in DeltaV Operate In DeltaV Operate each display is a file with a .GRF extension. Display files are in the directory DeltaV\DVData\Graphics-iFIX\PIC. The display name and file name are the same and the display name is stored within the display. Display names must follow the DeltaV Operate rules. The name must: 7.4 • Start with a letter • Contain only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) • Be no more than 31 characters long. Display Elements And Link Limits Displays are made up of static and dynamic elements. Static elements include lines, circles, bitmaps, and text. Dynamic elements include information fields that report data, as well as static elements to which dynamic properties have been applied to control the element's size, visibility, color, and so on. Dynamic elements use tagnames to link to attributes in the console database. Example attributes include common attributes such as setpoint and point mode, as well as attributes such as alarm status and critical level. Console resources are required to process each link to the database and therefore the number of dynamic elements you can have on a display is limited. The practical limit is in the range of 500 to 800. The limit depends on your system's dynamics and the speed at which you require displays to be updated. 7.5 Using the Expression Builder The Expression Builder is a tabbed dialog. Each tab contains information about one type of data source. For DeltaV Operate for PROVOX systems the primary tab of interest is the Data Servers tab. This tab contains a hierarchical browser list of PMAs, PPAs, Points, and users on the Console Data Server the operator station is connected to. Using the browser you can navigate through the list to find and select an attribute reference (tagname). You can access the Expression Builder from most dialogs that use tagnames. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 135 7.5.1 Datalink Dialog For example, when you insert a data link in a display, the Datalink dialog appears as shown in the figure. Note... The example uses the Datalink dialog, but most dialogs that require or use tagnames work the same way. Figure 7-1: Datalink Dialog 7.5.2 Expression Builder Clicking the … button on the Datalink dialog opens the Expression Builder. Select the Data Servers tab as shown in the figure. 136 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 7-2: Expression Builder You can use the Filter area and button to reduce the amount of information shown. For example, in the figure the filter T* was applied at the point level and the filter P* was applied at the attribute level. For more information on using the Expression Builder, click on the Help button. For help on PROVOX attributes, click on the link from the help for the dialog. 7.5.3 Selecting A Tag And Attribute Start by opening the POC branch of the hierarchy. The Console Data Server this operator station is connected to appears. Four items appear under the data server: Plant Management Areas (PMAs), PROVOX points, Plant Process Areas (PPAs), and users. Open Points to see a list of all points configured for that server. Open a point to see all the attributes associated with that point. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 137 Navigate through the hierarchy by clicking items and using the scroll bar as necessary. After you have navigated to and selected the desired combination of tag and attribute (and occurrence, if necessary), the selected tag and attribute and a valid default field appear in the expression box. For example, in the figure the expression is: POC.TIC101/PCTINTSP.F_CV Click the OK button to transfer the attribute reference to the Datalink dialog Source field. Note that there are four field types: • A_CV — ASCII text • F_CV — Floating-point number • I_CV — Integer • B_CV — Boolean value You can change the I_CV and B_CV fields to F_CV if you desire. If you are going to compare Boolean values, change them to floatingpoint numbers and compare them numerically. False = 0 and True is any non-zero value. 7.5.4 Editing Occurrence Numbers If you select an attribute that has multiple occurrences—for example, the DDPLD attribute—the value that appears in the expression box of the Expression Builder looks like: POC.TIC101/DDPLD[0..1023][0..63].A_CV You must edit the occurrence numbers to valid values. You can edit the occurrence number in the expression box of the Expression Builder or in the Datalink dialog. If you have not edited the occurrence values and click OK on the Datalink dialog the following message appears: 138 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles To edit the occurrence numbers click Use Anyway, then double click the data link to re-open the Datalink dialog. 7.6 Tagnames The term tagname usually refers to the specifier for a PROVOX point attribute. A tagname consists of the node name, point tag, field, attribute name, and occurrence, if any. There are a few things to be aware of when specifying tagnames (attribute references) while creating displays. The recommended method to specify a tagname is to use the Expression Builder that opens if you click the … button in a Source field of a dialog. Some dialogs and circumstances may require that you edit the tagname after selecting and inserting it into a dialog. If you use tagnames in scripts or enter tagnames rather than use the Expression Builder, there are a few things to be aware of: 7.6.1 • Your PROVOX configuration database tags must be valid DeltaV Operate tagnames. (contain only letters, numbers, and dashes (–)). • If you enter tags rather than use the Expression Builder, there is a recommended syntax to use in most cases. • Entering tagnames in dynamos may require that you edit the tagname after you insert it. Entering Tagnames The recommended method for entering tagnames is to use the Expression Builder to find and select a tag and attribute. However, you can enter tagnames directly. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 139 Note... This discussion applies only to tagnames referring to PROVOX points and attributes. References to DeltaV data begin with DVSYS and have a different syntax. Refer to the DeltaV documentation for more information. Recommended Syntax If you enter tagnames directly without using the browser, this recommended syntax most closely matches the DeltaV syntax: POC.tag/attribute[occurrence].field where POC specifies that the reference is to PROVOX data tag is the point tag attribute is a PROVOX attribute valid for that point type. occurrence may be required depending on the attribute and specifies the number of the occurrence you want to use. If you do not enter an occurrence, zero (0) is the default. field is one of the following: • A_CV — ASCII format. Displays text and numeric data as ASCII strings. • F_CV — Floating Point Format. Displays numeric data as floatingpoint numbers. • I_CV — Integer • B_CV — Boolean value Note... CV in this context refers to "the current value" of the attribute and is not related to configured variables. If you enter a tagname (attribute reference) that does not exist in the Console Data Server database, the following appears: 140 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Select the Use Anyway button if you are sure you want to use this tagname. For example, if you entered a tagname that is not currently downloaded but will be later. Select Cancel to return to the Datalink dialog to edit the tagname you entered. 7.7 Display Attributes The attributes available to create displays for are identical in most cases to the display attributes available for the Operator Workplace console. Some of the Operator Workplace attributes no longer apply, some are implemented differently, and some have been renamed. In addition, some new attributes have been added. Online help for display attributes is available from the Expression Builder. To access the help, click the Help button on the browser, then click the link to PROVOX attribute help. The following table shows the attributes that have been renamed. Table 7-1: Renamed Display Attributes Operator Workplace Attribute New Attribute Name %BI BIASPCT %INTSP PCTINTSP %OUTPUT OUTPUTPCT %PV PVPCT %SP SPPCT MVPCV1 through MVPCV9 MVPCV01 through MVPCV09 MVP%CV1 through MVP%CV12 MVPPCTCV01 through MVPPCTCV12 RA RATIO The following table lists the attributes that are not available in Operator Workplace. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 141 Table 7-2: Attributes That are in DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software but not in Operator Workplace Attribute Meaning ALMPRIODV DeltaV-style alarm priority BVAR Unit point boolean variable CALCEXPR Calculation expression CALCVAL Calculation expression value CDISPLAY Control display for current point in Instrument Area CHAL Highway access list number of point in Instrument Area CPPA Plant Process Area for point in Instrument Area CTAG Point tag of point in Instrument Area DECPT Number of decimal points configured EALMDBND Extended alarm deadband EALMLMT Extended alarm limit EALMTYP Extended alarm type FSTADV Advance an LCP FST (Function Sequence Table) FSTSTART Start an LCP FST FSTSTOP Stop an LCP FST GTAG Graphics tag HOPER Unit Point Operation HOPERTIME Unit Point Operation Timer HUNIT Unit Point Tag for Operation HUNITDSCR Unit Point Description for Operation NUMGRD Number of grades configured for the procedure NUMOPSTATE Number of operational states configured for this PPA NUMPDR Number of procedures in the activity point NUMPHS Number of phases configured for the operation. NUMPNTSET Number of point sets configured for the procedure NUMPRS Number of processes configured for the procedure NUMSP Number of setpoints for this DCD or Group point OARMSGP OAR message pending PNTSLCTD Point selected (in an Instrument Area) PPANAME Plant Process Area name PVEQSP PV equal Setpoint (DCD and Group points only) STALE Stale data STALEDEVICE Stale device 142 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Table 7-2: Attributes That are in DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software but not in Operator Workplace Attribute Meaning STALEPOINT Stale point TIME Time function ZALMBG Alarm background color in priority order ZALMFG Alarm foreground color in priority order ZALMPR PROVOX alarm priority in priority order ZALMPRDV Adds 3 to the PROVOX alarm priority so you can map to DeltaV alarm priorities and colors in priority order ZALMSTR Alarm word in priority order ZALMVIS Alarm visibility (of active alarms) in priority order ZSTATBG Point status background color in priority order ZSTATFG Point status foreground color in priority order ZSTATSTR Current point status in priority order ZSTATVIS Status visibility (of active statuses) in priority order The occurrence numbers for the attributes that begin with Z are the current relative priority. For example, ZALMSTR[2] displays the configured alarm word for the alarm that currently has the second highest priority of all alarms at the console. For more information on display attributes and their use, refer to the PROVOX online book Reference Tables, which provides a link to the online help for display attributes. The following table shows the Operator Workplace console attributes that are not available in DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. Table 7-3: Operator Workplace Attributes Not Implemented 7.7.1 Operator Workplace Attribute Equivalent ACOLINV Implemented with dynamic properties ACOLNOR Implemented with dynamic properties STATUSER None Calculation Attributes Use the calculation attributes, CALCEXPR and CALCVAL, to create expressions containing point attributes and use the results of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 143 expressions in displays, either by reporting the result directly or using the result to set the appearance of a display element. Note... The Calculation Expressions Editor is included in the software to maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of PROVOX Operator Console software. Use the editor to access previously configured expressions. If you are creating new expressions it is recommended that you use the Mathematical Functions available in the Expression Builder. Use CALCEXPR to display the expression. Use CALCVAL to return the value of an expression. The CALCEXPR and CALCVAL attributes appear in the Expression Builder, but do not necessarily need to refer to the point used to navigate to them. Entering Expressions To enter and use expressions: 1. Select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Engineering | Calculation Expressions Editor. You can also add a Calculation Expressions Editor button to the DeltaV Operate configure mode toolbar from the ComConTools button palette. 2. In the browser, navigate to and select a point. 3. Click the Edit Calc Attr Exprs button to open the Point Calculations Expressions Editor 4. Edit the CALCEXPR expressions for the point. 5. Use DeltaV Operate in configure mode to add data links referencing the CALCVAL (and CALCEXPR if desired) attributes for the point. The Point Calculation Attributes Expressions dialog appears as shown in the figure. 144 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 7-3: Point Calculation Attribute Expressions Dialog The read-only field in the upper left corner indicates the point you are creating CALCEXPR attributes for. The dialog contains five Expressions fields, one for each expression you can create for this point. Calculation expressions are not case sensitive or space sensitive. The fields are free form and syntax checking is not performed until input focus moves to another part of the dialog. Each expression can be as long as 80 characters and can refer to other attributes and occurrences. The attributes and occurrences can refer to other points. The value returned by CALCVAL is a floating-point number. The Values field contains the current value of the corresponding expression. The software updates the Values field periodically. Calculation Expression Syntax Each calculation expression has the following syntax: argument operator argument In each expression, argument can be one of the following: • Another expression • A number • A function • A constant • A point attribute reference For more information on these refer to the online help for calculation attributes. You can get to the help by pressing F1 from the Point DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 145 Calculation Attribute Expressions dialog or from the online book Reference Tables. This online book contains a link to the online help for display attributes. From that help you can navigate to information on the calculation attributes. Example Calculation Expressions The operators, functions, and constants available to calculation expressions make it possible to create powerful expressions. The ability to refer to other calculations, even for other points, extends the functionality. Refer to the following examples: • time(1) Returns the current number of milliseconds past the last second • ({|PV}+{COMP3LP1|PV}) Add the PV of the point this calculation attribute is configured for to the PV of point COMP3LP1 • ABS({COMP2LP2|PV}-{COMP4LP2|PV}) The absolute value of the PV of two different points. • ABS({|PV}-{|SP}) Returns the absolute value of the difference between this point's PV and SP • ABS({|PV} – {|SP}) > 10 ? 3 : 11 If the absolute value of the difference between the PV and SP of this point is greater than 10, return 3. Otherwise, return 11. • {|PV}>{FIC-31|PV}) ? {|PV} : {FIC-31|PV} Returns the PV of this point if it is greater than the PV of point FIC31. Otherwise, returns the PV of point FIC-31. • ABS({|PV}–{|SP})>10?ABS({|PV}–{|SP})>20?3:2):1 Returns 3 if the deviation is greater than 20. Returns 2 if the deviation is greater than 10 but less than or equal to 20. Returns 1 otherwise. • {|PNTSLCTD[0]} This expression shows the syntax to refer to occurrences of an attribute. 146 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Calculation Attribute Expression Files The console software uses three files on the Console Data Server to store calculation attribute expressions: • CalcAttrs_Master.csv You create and maintain this master file of calculation attribute expressions. You can use this file to ensure that all Console Data Servers have the same calculation attribute definitions available. This file is not modified by any changes you make and save online. • CalcAttrs_Current.csv The console software creates and maintains this file as you define calculation attributes. If your system has redundant Console Data Servers, changes and additions to expressions are saved in the CalcAttrs_Current.csv file on the currently active Console Data Server. Note that there can be multiple versions of the CalcAttrs_Current.csv file, one on each Console Data Server of a redundant pair. • CalcAttrs_Previous.csv This file is created at the start of a database update. The expressions in use are saved in this file on the currently active Console Data Server. The default directory for expression files is the cfg directory under the console software installation directory, but you can change this from the Calculation Expression tab of the Console Properties dialog (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties) on the Console Data Server Properties dialog. After a database update the console software loads the definitions in the files CalcAttrs_Master.csv (if it exists) and CalcAttrs_Current.csv. If both the master file and the current file define expressions for the same combinations of point and calculation attribute occurrence, use the Console Properties dialog to set which file the console uses to define the attributes. The format of a calculation expression in one of the calculation attribute files is: “TAG”,occurrence,“expression” The tag and expression are in double quotes and the occurrence value is a single digit from 1 to 5. Note that the double quotes are optional in the input files. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 147 For example, the expression defined for one point that returns the absolute value of the difference of the PV of two other points looks like the following in an expression file: "COMP4LP1",1,"ABS({COMP2LP2|PV}-{COMP4LP2|PV})" 7.7.2 THISUSER Display Attributes Four display attributes, CDISPLAY, CHAL, CPPA, and CTAG, are not point attributes, but provide information on more general aspects of the current operator session. Therefore, these attributes are not found in the Expression Builder. To use them you must enter them in the Datalink dialog. Note... CDISPLAY, CHAL, CPPA, and CTAG do not appear in the Expression Builder because they are not point attributes. To use the CDISPLAY, CHAL, CPPA, and CTAG attributes the correct syntax is: POC.THISUSER.field_attribute[occurrence] • POC and THISUSER are required. • field_ will be one of the four listed in section 7.5.3 depending on what the attribute returns. • attribute will be one of the four THISUSER attributes. • occurrence corresponds to a particular instance of the Instrument Area.. Occurrence 1 corresponds to the first Instrument Area. For example, to display the point tag of the point in the instrument area, use the following: POC.THISUSER.A_CTAG[1] The A_ is required because CTAG returns a text string. 7.8 Using Scripts The DeltaV Operate environment includes a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripting language available from the displays you create. You can write scripts that perform a number of functions, both general to displays (changing colors, animating graphics, and so on) and specific to PROVOX and DeltaV systems (opening PROVOX 148 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles applications, acknowledging the horn, and so on). For general information on using scripts refer to the section Getting Started with DeltaV Operate and VBA in the DeltaV Books Online. The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software includes several Visual Basic functions you can use to access DeltaV and PROVOX functionality from scripts. Two commands are PROVOX specific: • frsPocTasks "command", "optional param1",_ "optional param2", "optional param3" • frsPOCIntegrity "IntegrityFaceplate",_ "server", object Three other commands are useful for both DeltaV and PROVOX functions: • frsInputAnyModuleNameFP picture, _ "optional point tag or module" • frsInputAnyModuleNameDT picture, _ "optional point tag or module" • frsInputAnyModuleNamePD picture, _ "optional point tag or module" Refer to the DeltaV Automation help in DeltaV operate for complete information on these commands. This document explains the PROVOX use of these functions. 7.8.1 frsPocTasks Use frsPOCTasks to access a number of PROVOX functions. PROVOX Instrument Area To open an instrument area use frsPocTasks in the following ways: frsPocTasks "IA1", "TAG", "POSITION" Opens point TAG in Instrument Area 1 at the specified position where POSITION is A, B, C, D, or Home as defined in the Console Properties dialog. Example: frsPocTasks "IA1", "LOOP707-001", "B" To open Instrument Area 2 use the command in the form: frsPocTasks "IA2", "TAG", "POSITION" DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 149 PROVOX Trend Application To open the PROVOX Trend application, use frsPocTasks in the following way: To open Trend Window 1: frsPocTasks "Trend1" To open Trend Window 2: frsPocTasks "Trend2" PROVOX Horn and alarm There are two ways to use frsPocTasks to access the PROVOX horn and alarm functionality: To silence the PROVOX horn (does not silence the DeltaV horn) frsPocTasks "HornSilence" To acknowledge the alarms on a particular point: frsPocTasks "AckAlarm", "TAG" Example: frsPOCTasks "AckAlarm", "LOOP707-001" Console Data Server Redundancy There are several forms of the frsPocTasks routine that access Console Data Server Redundancy: To switch to the Primary Server: frsPocTasks "ServerSwitchPrimary" To Switch to the Secondary Server: frsPocTasks "ServerSwitchSecondary" To enable Auto Switchover frsPocTasks "ServerAutoSwitchEnable" To disable Auto Switchover: frsPocTasks "ServerAutoSwitchDisable" Console Resident Point Redundancy There are several forms of frsPocTasks that access console-resident point redundancy: To manually switch control to the standby server: frsPocTasks "PointManualSwitch" 150 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles To enable automatic switchover of console resident point redundancy: frsPocTasks "PointAutoSwitchEnable" To disable automatic switchover of console resident point redundancy: frsPocTasks "PointAutoSwitchDisable" Other PROVOX Tools To open the PROVOX Event Journal and point and press a particular server button: frsPocTasks "ViewJournal", "BUTTON" Example: frsPOCTasks "ViewJournal", "2" To open the PROVOX Status Summary viewer and press a particular server button: frsPocTasks "ViewSummary", "BUTTON" To open the PROVOX Report viewer and press a particular server button: frsPocTasks "ViewReport", "BUTTON" To open the PROVOX Documentation viewer and press a particular server button: frsPocTasks "ViewDocumentation", "BUTTON" To perform a PROVOX Database Update on the console: frsPocTasks "DatabaseUpdate" To open the PROVOX Change User dialog: frsPocTasks "ChangeUser" To open the Calculation Attribute Editor: frsPocTasks "CalculationAttributeEdit" 7.8.2 frsPOCIntegrity Use the frsPOCIntegrity routine to open the PROVOX integrity display. The form of the command to use is: frsPOCIntegrity "IntegrityFaceplate", , _ optional object object is the picture that contains the script--usually Me. (Me is a VBA keyword that refers to the object containing the function. For this DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 151 function, Me refers to the picture from which the function was run.) Note that the two commas are required. For example, to open the Integrity on the screen containing the current picture: frsPOCIntegrity "IntegrityFaceplate", , Me 7.8.3 frsInputAnyModuleNameFP Use frsInputAnyModuleNameFP to open the faceplate for any PROVOX point or DeltaV module. The form of the command to use is: frsInputAnyModuleNameFP object, _ "optional tag or module name" object is the picture that contains the script--usually Me tag or module name is a valid PROVOX point tag or DeltaV module name For example, to open the faceplate for the PROVOX point LOOP707-001 on the current picture: frsInputAnyModuleNameFP Me, "LOOP707-001" If you leave the tag or module name parameter blank a dialog appears when the command is invoked to prompt the operator for a tag or module name. 7.8.4 frsInputAnyModuleNameDT This command works exactly like frsInputAnyModuleNameFP except that it opens the detail display for the PROVOX point or DeltaV module. Note that the detail display for PROVOX points in the PROVOX Instrument Area. 7.8.5 frsInputAnyModuleNamePD This command works exactly like frsInputAnyModuleNameFP except that it opens the configured primary control display for the PROVOX point or DeltaV module. 152 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 7.9 Accessing DDP Values From Scripts You can read and change DDP values from scripts. For the DDP value to be available to the script, the DDP must be on the display from which the script is called. Note... Under some circumstances the DDP value may be stale. You can write your scripts to check for stale data and wait for the DDP value to be refreshed before the script uses the value. 7.10 #Current The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console does not support #Current functionality. See the documentation on tag group substitution of the scripting language for functionality that is similar to #Current. 7.11 Writing Attributes From Displays There are a couple of things to be aware of when configuring displays that contain data entry fields for operators to enter values. Entry fields on displays do not trap or report errors generated in field devices. For example, if you have an input field configured to accept a point mode and an operator attempts to change the point's mode to an invalid mode, or attempts to change the setpoint when the point is not in an appropriate mode, no message appears. In contrast, if the operator attempts to change the point's mode from the Instrument Area an error message does appear. 7.11.1 Field Types When you add an attribute to a display the DeltaV Operate software assigns it the default field type for the attribute. You can change the I_ and B_ fields to F_ fields if you desire. You can also change F_ fields to A_ fields. For example, if your console has a loop point and you configure an input field for the setpoint, you can leave it as F_ or change it to A_. There are advantages and disadvantages to both entry types. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 153 How the console software interprets a field in a display depends on the field type. ASCII Fields (A_) The console software attempts to interpret ASCII input as something appropriate for the attribute. The console software does not perform range checking on ASCII input fields. The software attempts to process whatever is entered. If the value entered is not appropriate (entering ABC for a loop output value, for example), nothing happens. No error message appears and the value does not change. For entry fields for attributes that have both ASCII and numeric values, MODE for example, an ASCII entry field accepts either the ASCII string or the numeric value—MAN or 1, for example. Floating-point Fields (F_) If the input field is configured as a floating-point field, the software performs some checking at the console. If the operator enters something that is not a number, the console reports an error. The software also performs range checking on fields configured for floating-point input. The range checked depends on how you configure the entry field. Integer Fields (I_) If the input field is configured as an integer field, the software performs some checking at the console. If the operator enters something that is not a number, the console reports an error. The software also performs range checking on fields configured for integer input. The range checked depends on how you configure the entry field. Boolean Fields (B_) If the input field is configured as a boolean field, the valid entries are 0 (zero) or false for False, and any non-zero number or true for True. If you are going to compare Boolean values, change them to floatingpoint numbers and compare them numerically. False = 0 and True is any non-zero value. 7.11.2 Configuring Entry Fields Use the Data entry area of the Datalink dialog to create fields that operators can use to directly input values from graphics displays. To configure a field for entry, select In Place in the Type field. To have 154 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles DeltaV Operate request confirmation when an operator changes a value, select the Confirm checkbox. The DeltaV Operate software also includes the Data Entry expert you can use to customize the entry field. Refer to the topic DeltaV Data Entry Expert in the DeltaV Books Online for more information. 7.11.3 Writeable Display Attributes The table shows the PROVOX display attributes that are currently writeable and how they can be written. Table 7-4: Writeable Display Attributes 7.11.4 Attribute Writeable As… ASCIIMSG ASCII string BIASPCT ASCII string, Floating-point DDPLV ASCII string, Floating-point DDPLOV ASCII string, Floating-point DDPRV ASCII string, Floating-point DDPROV ASCII string, Floating-point FSTADV ASCII string FSTSTART ASCII string FSTSTOP ASCII string MODE ASCII string, Floating-point MVPCV01 through MVPCV12 ASCII string, Floating-point MVPPCTCV01 through MVPPVTCV12 ASCII string, Floating point MVPSTATE ASCII string OUTPUTPCT ASCII string, Floating-point PMAMODE ASCII string, Floating-point PV ASCII string, Floating-point RATIO ASCII string, Floating-point SP ASCII string, Floating-point FST Attributes The three FST attributes, FSTADV, FSTSTART, and FSTSTOP, are used a bit differently than most other attributes. Though these attributes have display and compare values (all three attributes provide information on the state of an LCP), their primary purpose is to allow controlling FSTs from graphics displays. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Display Configuration • 155 Writing any ASCII value to one of the attributes has an effect on the LCP FST: • FSTADV — Advances the FST • FSTSTART — Starts the FST • FSTSTOP — Stops the FST To make it easier for operators to control FSTs from a display, you can create buttons that have scripts attached that write to the attributes. 7.12 Managing Displays Displays for PROVUE and Operator Workplace consoles are created centrally during console configuration and downloaded from the configuration software to the consoles. Displays for the DeltaV Operator Station can be created on one or more configuration stations using DeltaV Operate in Configure mode. Each operator station must have a copy of every display it uses in the DeltaV\DVData\Graphics-iFIX\Pic directory on the workstation hard disk. Refer to the section in the DeltaV Books Online named Downloading and Uploading Operator Pictures for more information. 156 • Display Configuration DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 8 Operating Environment 8.1 Introduction Though the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Console and the Operator Workplace Console can control the same PROVOX process control system, there are some differences in the operator interface, primarily due to the differences between hardware and software operating platforms. This section outlines and explains the differences thought to be the most likely to cause confusion. Note... The console software uses the standard Windows NT desktop. If you need to reinstall Windows NT for some reason, do not install or enable the Internet Explorer Active Desktop. This section also explains how to tailor the operating environment security and how to modify the appearance of some console features, where possible. 8.2 Supported Console Hardware And Software The hardware and software components of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console have been chosen and designed to work together as units. It is important that you do not use unsupported hardware and software. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 157 Caution... The Console Data Server is a mission critical component of the control system that is intended to run only Fisher-Rosemount Systems supplied DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. Do not install or run any other software applications on the Console Data Server. Caution... DeltaV Operator Stations with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installed are intended for use only with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server and the DeltaV network, and are intended to run only Fisher-Rosemount Systems software. Fisher-Rosemount Systems recommends not installing any software applications other than the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on the DeltaV Operator Stations. Running other software applications on the Console Data Server or operator station may negatively impact console operation. FisherRosemount Systems does not support installations that disregard this policy. Caution... The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software is intended for operation only on server and workstation hardware supplied by FisherRosemount Systems. Do not install or run DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on other hardware. Running DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on other than FisherRosemount Systems supplied hardware may negatively impact the operation of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. FisherRosemount Systems does not support installations that disregard this policy. 158 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 8.3 Console Security Console security is one of the more important considerations when setting up a console. For the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console there are several components that combine to define console security: • Physical security • Console security • Operator Interface security • Process security Physical security is accomplished by installing Console Data Server computers, operator station computers, and other hardware into secure cabinets or equipment rooms. Console security is implemented at the Windows NT level and defines user accounts and access for these accounts to Windows NT on both Console Data Servers and operator stations. At this level users are granted access to the Windows NT desktop. Operator Interface security defines the access users have to the operating environment of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. At this level you can define whether users have access to the DeltaV Operate main menu, title bar, popup menus, and other functions. Process security defines the users and operator stations that can access the Operator Interface and the privileges users have at the process level. These privileges are defined in the ENVOX® software. Users are defined and assigned privileges exactly the same as for PROVUE® and Operator Workplace Consoles with one exception: operator stations must be defined as users (or the ANYNODE user must be defined) for users to be able to make process changes. The following subsections discuss operator station security and Operator Interface security, as well as describing the default security scheme for operators. 8.4 Default User Accounts On data servers, the default console software installation creates the Windows NT user group PROVOX21 and the following accounts in that group: DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 159 • PROVOX21User—a user without administrator privileges that is subject to a system policy to restrict access to the Windows NT desktop. • PROVOX21Eng—a user with normal access to the Windows NT desktop, without administrator privileges. • PROVOX21Admin—a user with NT administrator privileges, including access to the Windows NT desktop. • PROVOX21pints—an account on data servers that runs the web site for the viewers. Do not delete, disable, or change the password of this account. Caution... If you change the password of the PROVOX21pints account, or make any other changes to the account, you will have to reinstall the console software. Installing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on DeltaV Operator Stations creates only the PROVOX21 group and the PROVOX21Admin account. Unless your system includes migration stations (PROVOX Operator Consoles that have had the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installed to facilitate comparing displays during conversion) you do not need the PROVOX21Eng and PROVOX21User accounts. If you have migration stations, change the passwords of all the accounts. If you do not have migration stations, you can disable the PROVOX21Eng and PROVOX21User accounts on the Console Data Server from the Windows NT User Manager. The software installation does not alter or remove the default Windows NT Administrator account. That account is still available. The PROVOX21Admin and PROVOX21Eng accounts are normal Windows NT accounts. The only difference is that the PROVOX21Admin account has Windows NT administrator privileges. Operators do not use these accounts and they are therefore not a part of the following discussion. If you have migration stations, the PROVOX21User account is intended to be the account that all operators at PROVOX Operator Consoles use to log in to Windows NT. The PROVOX21User account’s access to Windows NT is severely limited and controlled by a system policy file. For more information on security on migration stations, refer to the 160 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles PROVOX Operator Console P3.0 documentation. DeltaV Operator Stations use a different method to control security that is discussed in the DeltaV documentation. If you install the software as described in the installation or upgrade instructions, most of the setup is complete. There are only a few things you must do after installation to complete the setup of the console environment. If you have not already done so, refer to Section 5 of this manual for more information on software setup. 8.5 Console Startup If you have not altered the default installation, several services start automatically on both the Console Data Server and operator station when they are started. Console Data Servers open to the Windows NT login prompt and can be left as is. All the Console Data Server services run without user intervention. How operator stations start depends on their setup. 8.6 Horn Refer to the DeltaV Books Online for general information on the horn. If you are running the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software and you exit the Instrument Area and DeltaV Operate, the console services are still running on the workstation. The PROVOX horn can still sound but you will be unable to silence it. To avoid this be sure to log out of the PROVOX system by clicking the Logoff button on the PROVOX Change Console User dialog. 8.7 Time In DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles, the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server maintains time synchronization only with migration stations (PROVOX Operator Console Operator Workstations upgraded to communicate with DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers). Note that PROVOX time synchronization updates time only when the time difference between two machines is greater than 5 seconds. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 161 Network Time Protocol DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Operator Stations rely on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) service for time synchronization. Refer to Appendix A of this manual for more information on installing the NTP service on Console Data Servers. (The NTP service is installed on operator stations as a part of the DeltaV software installation.) Time Zone Be sure to set the time and time zone consistently for all Console Data Servers and operator stations. Select Start | Settings | Control Panel, then double click the Date/Time icon to open the Date/Time Properties dialog. You must be logged with Administrator privileges to set the date and time. On the Time Zone tab of the Windows NT Date/Time Properties dialog select the check box that sets the operating system to automatically adjust the clock for daylight savings time. Note that you may have to exit the dialog and re-open the dialog to see your changes. Note... The settings on the Time Zone tab (Time Zone and the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes checkbox) must be the same on all Console Data Servers and operator stations in your PROVOX system. If the time zone and daylight savings settings are not the same on all Console Data Servers and operator stations, consoles may be unable to synchronize the time or may stop synchronizing the time between the Console Data Servers and operator stations when a daylight savings time rollover occurs. One symptom that the time or time zone is not set correctly is that the times on the trend view will not be correct. The console includes a facility that synchronizes the time among the servers and workstations that make up a process network. This facility, known as Console Clock, does not require any configuration or setup. To set the time for a process network, use the Windows NT Date/Time dialog from the Console Data Server (or the active server of a redundant pair). 162 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 8.8 Stale Data PROVOX Point information is shown with a magenta background when the point status is DUPDWT (Data Update Wait). On DeltaV Operate for PROVOX consoles two additional conditions cause point data to appear with a magenta background: 8.9 • The connection between the operator station and the Console Data Server is severed. • A download merge or database coalesce is being performed on the Console Data Server the operator station is connected to. Instrument Area and DDP Area In the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console these two functions are combined in one dialog. To select a point to load in the control you use the Tags browser, which contains a hierarchical list of points, PPAs, PMAs, and users. The Tags browser does not contain a match facility, but if you click in the list area, pressing a key takes you to the first tag that starts with that character. 8.9.1 Instrument Area The instrument area looks and works much like the Operator Workplace instrument area. As you change the points loaded in the instrument area, the controls in the dialog change. 8.9.2 DDP Area The DDP area is similar in appearance and function to the Operator Workplace DDP window. To change a DDP's value, click on the DDP's information to open a dialog. Enter or select a new value and click Apply or OK. DDP reference information is available in the online help. To open the help, click the Help button. Note that if you do not have TUNE privilege and attempt to change a DDP, nothing happens. There is no other indication that you do not have TUNE privilege. For some DDPs that have multiple occurrences, only the configured occurrences appear in the DDP area (EALMLMT and EALMDBND). DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 163 8.9.3 Starting And Positioning Instrument Areas can be opened from a batch file by running the application PIA. The following table shows the command line switches available when starting the Instrument Area application. Table 8-1: Instrument Area Command Line Switches Switch Effect -WIN n Specifies which Instrument Area to affect. n is 1 or 2. -TAG <tag name> Opens the Instrument Area and loads a tag in it. -DDP NONE | LOCAL | REMOTE Affects if and how the DDP pane appears. Use NONE to open the IA without opening the DDP pane. Use LOCAL or REMOTE to open the IA and display local or remote DDPs. -POS keyword Positions the Instrument Area at one of the positions defined in the Positioning tab. Keywords are HOME, A, B, C, and D. If no keyword is specified, the IA appears in the HOME position. -POS TL <x y bx by> Positions the Instrument Area in a location defined by pixel coordinates. The first parameter for this switch (TL) is the anchor point, top left. The second set of parameters contains two pairs of numbers. The first pair is the offsets from the anchor point for the IA. If no offsets are specified, the IA appears in the top left corner of the screen. The second pair of numbers is the offset from the anchor point for the IA's tag browser. -SILENCE Silences the alarm horn. Use the -WIN switch plus only one other switch per command line. Define the pixel values for the positioning keywords in the Positioning tab of the Console Properties dialog. To help you position the Instrument Area accurately from Command Language scripts or batch files, the following table shows the pixel dimensions of the Instrument Areas in the various combinations of features turned on and off. 164 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Table 8-2: Pixel Dimensions Of An Instrument Area Features 8.9.4 Without DDP Area With DDP Area Width Width Height Height With everything 205 612 835 617 Without statusbar 205 594 835 599 Without toolbar 205 582 835 587 Without tagbar 205 576 835 581 With toolbar only 205 558 835 563 With tagbar only 205 564 835 569 With statusbar only 205 546 835 551 With nothing extra 205 528 835 533 Examples This subsection shows several examples of how to start an Instrument Area. PIA Opens the first Instrument Area. If this is the first time the Instrument area is opened, it opens at the default location (top left corner at 820, 100). If the Instrument Area has already been opened, it appears in its previous location. PIA -POS Opens or moves the first Instrument Area to the HOME position. PIA -WIN 2 -TAG FIC-101 -POS TL 100 100 200 200 Opens (or moves) the second Instrument Area so that its top left corner is at screen coordinates 100,100 and loads the point FIC-101. The Instrument Area's tag browser opens with its top left corner at screen coordinates 200, 200. 8.10 Popup Faceplates The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software includes popup faceplate pictures for PROVOX points. When an operator clicks on a PROVOX point in the alarm banner the point's faceplate picture appears. Many of the normal point operation tasks can be performed from the popup faceplate pictures. If you need to open the instrument area for the point, click on the Detail button in the faceplate. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 165 8.11 Message Logging The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console does not have a logging printer. The console has a Message Spooler that stores records of events—including alarms, OARs, operator changes, and system events— in .csv (comma separated value files) in the POC\Spooler directory on the Console Data Server. The files have names in the form: 1998-03-21-14.csv In the file name the 1998-03-21 is the date (in year-month-day format) and the 14 is the number of hours past midnight UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) at which the file was created. The server creates a new file every hour. The first line in each file contains header text for all the columns in the file. This line is useful if you import the .csv file into a spreadsheet. Each remaining line in the .csv file is a record corresponding to a console event. The records are logged in the order received. Note... Under some circumstances it is possible for operator change messages to be logged after the message verifying the operator change. Each record has a unique identifying number and contains more than 200 fields, though most records use a small subset of the fields. The second column of the .csv file is the MsgId column. Each message type has a different Message ID. You can use the information in the Message ID column to search for specific types of information in .csv files. The Message Spooler files reside on the Console Data Server. You can view the .csv files from the server or copy them to other machines for further processing or analysis. The Message Spooler also provides records of these console events to the Event Journal Database. 8.12 Viewers There are four viewers in the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console software that share a similar look and feel: • 166 • Operating Environment Event Journal—displays console and system events stored by the message spooler. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Status Summaries—displays point status and communications failure status. • Reports—generates and displays configured reports. • Books Online—displays the online manuals for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. To open a viewer select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Viewers to open the Viewer Selector shown in the following figure. Figure 8-1: Viewer Selector Open a viewer by clicking on a button. 8.12.1 Connecting To A Server The viewers automatically configure their buttons 1 and 2 to connect to the primary and secondary servers of the operator station. To set up connections to other servers, use the viewer's Setup button. Click the button to open the Server Setup dialog as shown in the figure. Figure 8-2: Server Setup Dialog The dialog automates connections to the primary and secondary Console Data Servers for an operator station and simplifies connections to other Console Data Servers. To connect to the primary and secondary servers, select the Server Setup checkbox. A Server Setup button appears in the middle of the dialog. The button label is different for the different viewers, but for all of them the button automates the connection to the workstation's primary and DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 167 secondary servers. Click the button and the dialog fills in the fields for Button 1 and Button 2 and creates buttons. Note that you do not need to enter anything in any of the fields on the dialog. To connect to other Console Data Servers, select Auto Complete. The Auto Complete button appears. The button label is different for the different viewers, but for all of them the button automates connections to other servers. Enter text in the Button Label fields and enter a server name in the Server name field. Click on the button and the dialog completes the Server Name field. Click Apply to save the information and keep working. A button labeled with the text you entered appears at the bottom of the Viewer. Click Close to close the dialog. You can specify as many as six servers at one time. If you have more servers in your installation and want to change the server connections, edit the server connections in the Server Setup dialog. 8.12.2 Event Journal Use the Event Journal to view console and system events stored by the message spooler. You can view, filter, and query the events in a variety of ways from the Event Journal. You can print the results of queries. The Event Journal provides two interfaces to view and query the stored events: • The CSV view • The optional database view The standard CSV view opens a selected CSV file in the Event Journal. You can navigate through the file to view specific events and messages. The optional database view adds a database engine that creates a database from the CSV files and Event Journal enhancements you can use to view and query the database in a number of ways. For more information on the Event Journal, see the online manual Using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console Software. 8.12.3 Status Summaries Use the Status Summaries application to view Point Status and Communications Failure summaries. You can also view the combined information of these two summaries. You can print summary information. 168 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles For more information on the Status Summaries viewer, see the online manual Using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console Software. 8.12.4 Reports Viewer Use the Report Viewer to generate, view, and print configured reports. Note... Even though reports are saved as HTML files, do not edit the saved report files. Modifying the files can result in unintended appearance when the files are displayed. Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc., does not support modifying saved report files. The color of text, data, and other information in reports has meaning as shown in the following table. Table 8-3: Report Colors Color Meaning Black Normal report text and data Green Title information at the top of the report, time and date at the bottom of the report. Red Number of points referenced in the report that did not respond before the report was produced. Blue The data was truncated to fit the field. For example, the value 100 in a two-character field appears as 10. Magenta Stale data or (if the field contains question marks) the point referenced is not available in the database. For more information on the Reports Viewer, see the online manual Using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console Software. 8.12.5 Document Viewer Use the Document Viewer to view Books Online, the collection of user documentation for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. The Books Online are installed on Console Data Servers when you install the console software. Installing the console software on operator stations installs a Books Online viewer that contains embedded Adobe Acrobat Reader software. The viewer is accessible from the Start menu. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 169 Note... on the toolbar of the The Adobe icon Document Viewer is a direct link to the Adobe corporation web site. This icon cannot be disabled or removed from the toolbar. Therefore, if your operator stations are connected to the Internet, operators will be able to access the Adobe web site. For more information on the Document Viewer, see the online manual Using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console Software. 8.12.6 Controlling Access To The Viewers By default, the Event Journal, Reports, Document, and Status Summary viewers can be accessed from any computer with Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater installed if the computer can communicate with the Console Data Server. To allow access only to specified computers you can configure the Web Site on the console using the Microsoft Internet Information Server Management Console. The Management Console is a powerful and flexible tool you can use to control access to servers in a variety of ways. The following steps show how to control access by first denying access to all computers, then specifying only the computers you want to have access. For information on other ways to control access, refer to the Microsoft documentation. 1. From the Console Data Server select Start | Programs | Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack | Microsoft Internet Information Server | Internet Service Manager. The Management Console opens as shown in the figure. 170 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 8-3: Internet Service Manager 2. In the left pane, open the Internet Information Server Folder, click on the icon for the server, then select the POC Web Site, right click, and select Properties. The POC Web Site Properties dialog appears. 3. Click the Directory Security tab. 4. On the Directory Security tab, click the Edit button in the IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions area. The IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions dialog appears as shown in the following figure. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 171 Figure 8-4: IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions Dialog 5. Click the Denied Access toggle. 6. Click the Add button and the Grant Access On dialog appears as shown in the following figure. Figure 8-5: Grant Access On Dialog 7. Leave the Single Computer toggle selected and enter the IP address of a computer in the IP Address field. The specified computer can now access the Event Journal on this Console Data Server. 8. To allow access to additional computers, repeat steps 6 and 7 for each computer. 172 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 8.13 Alarm Banner Access If an operator has an operator interface dialog open—the Replace Main Picture dialog for example—that dialog has focus and the operator cannot change focus to (select) the alarm banner or an alarm button or silence the horn until the dialog is closed. 8.14 Disk Space It is important to ensure that operator stations have adequate disk space to operate properly. If available disk space becomes too low, operators may be unable to open the Instrument Area or other console applications. 8.15 The PROVOX Trend Viewer Although configuring trend sets and traces is no different than in PROVUE Consoles or Operator Workplace consoles, PROVOX trend information is stored, processed, and viewed differently in the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console. Trend data has two major components in the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console: trace data sets and trend views. 8.15.1 Trace Data Set The configured trend sets are downloaded to the Console Data Server. On the server, each configured trace becomes a trace data set, the collection of information about a trend trace—point, attribute and occurrence (if applicable), sample interval, and duration (the length of time for which data is stored). If a point and attribute combination is defined multiple times at more than one sample interval in more than one downloaded trend set, only one trace definition per sample interval is converted into a trace data set. The download order determines which trace definitions are converted to trace data sets. The download order cannot be determined and may vary from download to download. In other words, if a download contains multiple trace definitions for a point and attribute combination that have different sample intervals and durations, there is no way to tell which definitions will be converted to trace data sets. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 173 Configured (downloaded) trace data sets cannot be removed from the data collection. Trace data sets that operators add from a console session can be removed. The Console Data Server reserves 30 Mbytes of disk space to store trace data sets. The number of trace data sets that can be stored depends on their sample interval and duration, and is limited to no more than 1200. The following table shows the number of trend traces that can be stored for several combinations of sample interval and duration. Table 8-4: Number of Trend Traces That Can Be Defined Versus Sample Interval and Duration Duration Sample Interval (Seconds) (Hours) 2 5 15 30 60 120 240 480 72 48 121 363 727 1200 1200 1200 1200 24 145 363 1091 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 12 291 727 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 Trace data sets added online are volatile. That is, subsequent downloads that affect trend sets may delete trace data sets. Also, updating the console software deletes all trace data sets (though downloading creates trace data sets for all trend traces configured in the download). 8.15.2 Trend Views From the operator stations operators import downloaded trend sets into trend views or create new trend views. Operators can manipulate these trend views (stored as .ptv files on the operator stations), adding and deleting traces in the views. Each trend view can contain as many as six traces. Note that manipulating the trend views (.ptv files) has no effect on the underlying trace data sets. 8.15.3 Opening And Positioning Trend windows can be opened from a batch file by running the application PTV. The following table shows the command line switches available when starting the Trend viewer application. 174 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Table 8-5: Trend Viewer Command Line Switches Switch Effect -FILE <file name> Opens the Trend window and loads a previously saved ptv file in it. -TSET <trend set name> Opens the Trend window and imports the configured trend set into it. -WIN n Specifies which Trend window to affect. n is 1 or 2. -POS keyword Positions and sizes the Trend window by one of the positions defined in the Positioning tab. Keywords are HOME, A, B, C, and D. If no keyword is specified, the Trend window opens in the HOME position. -POS TL <x y bx by> Positions the Trend window in a location defined by pixel coordinates. The first parameter for this switch is the anchor point, top left. The second set of parameters contains two pairs of numbers. The first pair is the offsets from the anchor point for the Trend window. If no offsets are specified, the Trend window appears at the top left corner of the screen. The second pair of numbers is the offset from the anchor point for the Trend window's browser. -SIZE <w h> Sets the initial size of the Trend window in pixels. Ignored if -POS keyword is used. Valid ranges are: • 150 to 1010 pixels wide • 200 to 768 pixels high -SPAN <t> Sets the time span shown in the Trend window to the interval specified. Valid values are: 15 or 30 (minutes) or 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48, or 72 (hours). -LEGEND ON | OFF Sets whether the trend view legend appears. Define the pixel values for the positioning keywords in the Positioning tab of the Console Properties dialog. 8.15.4 Examples This subsection shows several examples of how to start a Trend window from the command line. PTV Opens the first Trend window. If this is the first time the window is opened, it opens at the default location (top left corner at 100, 247) and size (800 pixels wide by 625 pixels tall). If the Trend window has already been opened, it appears in its previous location. PTV -POS Opens or moves the first Trend window to the HOME position. PTV -WIN 2 -FILE MYTRND.PTV -POS TL 100 100 -LEGEND OFF DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 175 Opens (or moves) the second Trend window so that its top left corner is at screen coordinates 100,100, loads the trend view file MYTRND.PTV, and turns the trend legend off. 8.16 The Trend Viewer This subsection explains how to setup and use the Trend viewer. 8.16.1 Importing Configured Trend Sets To import a configured trend set, select File | Import from the Trend Viewer. The Trend Sets dialog opens. After you select a server and trend set, the dialog looks similar to the figure. Figure 8-6: Importing Configured Trend Sets The Traces pane of the dialog shows the trend traces in the selected trend set. Click OK to import the trend set and the software prompts you to save the set as a trend view (.ptv file). You must save the trend set as a .ptv file to be able to view it. Imported trend traces are assigned a duration based on the sample interval. The following table summarizes how the configured sample 176 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles intervals are assigned durations and how the durations compare with the duration available on Operator Workplace consoles. Table 8-6: Durations for Imported Trend Traces Configured Sample Interval Operator Workplace Duration Duration Stored In DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console Note 2 seconds 8 minutes 3 hours --- 5 seconds 20 minutes 6 hours --- 15 seconds 1 hour 18 hours --- 30 seconds 2 hours 36 hours --- 1 minute 4 hours 72 hours --- 2 minutes NA 72 hours New 4 minutes 16 hours 72 hours --- 8 minutes 32 hours 72 hours --- 24 minutes 4 days 72 hours at 8 minute sample rate NA 72 minutes 12 days 72 hours at 8 minute sample rate NA In all cases except the 24 minute and 72 minute sample interval the assigned durations contain significantly more than 240 samples, the standard in Operator Workplace and PROVUE consoles. If you want to store trace data for a different duration, you must remove all instances of the trace from the ENVOX configuration and add the trace online. 8.16.2 Adding Trace Data Sets To Trend Views With an empty trace field selected in the Trend Viewer, select Edit | Add. The point Trace Data Sets dialog appears as shown in the figure. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 177 Figure 8-7: Trace Data Sets In the figure the point IACLP8 is selected. The text in the Traces pane of the dialog (DVAD @ 15 Seconds ^ 4 Hours) indicates that for this point a trace data set for the PV attribute already exists. This could be a configured trace data set or it could have been added online. To add this trace data set to the trend view, select the trace information in the Traces pane and click the OK button. 8.16.3 Creating Trace Data Sets To add a new trace data set to the trace data collection click the New button on the Point Trace Data Sets dialog. The Add Trend Trace to Point dialog appears as shown in the figure. 178 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 8-8: Adding Trace Data Sets The pane at the right of the dialog contains the valid trendable attributes for the currently selected point. As you select an attribute it appears in the field above the list. If an attribute has multiple occurrences, you must edit the occurrence in that field if you want to use anything other than occurrence 0. After you edit the occurrence, if necessary, set the duration and sample interval and click OK to transfer the tag, attribute, occurrence, duration, and interval to the Traces pane of the Point Trace Data Sets dialog. Note that attributes with multiple occurrence numbers do not include the occurrence number for occurrence 0. For example, the following is a list of all three TRACKING occurrences as they appear in the traces list: • TRACKING @ 15 Seconds ^ 4 Hours • TRACKING[1] @ 15 Seconds ^ 4 Hours • TRACKING[2] @ 15 Seconds ^ 4 Hours You can add a trace to a trend view by selecting it in the Point Trace Data Sets dialog and clicking the OK button. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 179 Each point can have as many as 12 trace data sets defined for it. They can be any combination of configured traces and trace data sets added online. You can create more than one trace for a point, attribute, and occurrence combination. 8.16.4 Removing Trace Data Sets To remove a trace data set, select it in the Traces pane of the Point Trace Data Sets dialog and click the Remove button. A confirmation dialog appears. Click OK to remove the trace data set. If the trace data set is from a configured trend set, an error message appears. Note... You cannot remove a configured trace data set from the list of traces for a point. 8.16.5 Viewing Trends After you create a trend view, you can open it by selecting File | Open from the Trend Viewer. The software presents a dialog from which you can select an existing trend view (.ptv file). After the view files is open you can manipulate the view in a variety of ways: adding grids, adding a legend, and so on. Note... Viewing trace data sets collected at small sample intervals with the time span set at a large duration may mask some short duration events. The Trend Viewer creates a trace view by computing an interval at which to extract trace values from the trace data. The computed interval is based on the trace data set's sample interval and the trend view's time span. If the duration of an event is less than the computed interval, it is possible that the event will not appear in the view. 180 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 8.16.6 Trace Data Set Definition Files The console software uses three files on the Console Data Server to store trace data set definitions. Use these files to define which online trend trace definitions are restored after a console download. Note... Trend data is not preserved through a download. The three files are: • TrendTraces_Current.txt The console software creates and maintains this file. The file contains trace data set definitions downloaded from the ENVOX software and definitions added online. The definitions for traces added online are flagged with a trailing asterisk (*). If your system has redundant Console Data Servers, changes and additions to trace data set definitions are saved in the TrendTraces_Current.txt file on the currently active Console Data Server. Note that there can be multiple versions of the TrendTraces_Current.txt file, one on each Console Data Server of a redundant pair. • TrendTraces_Previous.txt This file is created at the start of a database update. The trace data set definitions in use (downloaded and added online) are saved in this file on the currently active Console Data Server. • TrendTraces_Master.txt You create and maintain this master file of trace data set definitions. You can use this file to ensure that all Console Data Servers have the same trace data set definitions available. This file is not modified by any definitions you make and save online from the Trend application. An easy way to create TrendTraces_Master.txt is to copy and edit TrendTraces_Current.txt. The default directory for these files is the cfg directory under the console software installation directory, but you can change this from the Trend tab of the Console Properties dialog (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties). You also set which file, DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 181 TrendTraces_Master.txt or TrendTraces_Current.txt is loaded first after a console download. After a database update the console software loads the definition files in the order you specify in the Console Properties dialog, either TrendTraces_Master.txt first or TrendTraces_Current.txt first. The format of a trend trace definition is: ACCUM1 | MVPCV02 @ 15 Seconds ^ 4 Hours * From left to right the information in the definition is: • Point tag, attribute, and occurrence, if any (ACCUM1 | MVPCV02) The pipe symbol (|) is required to separate the point tag and attribute. If the attribute has occurrence numbers specify the occurrence by inserting it in brackets. For example, DVAD[2]. • Data sample rate (@ 15 Seconds) The ampersand (@) is required • Trend duration (^ 4 Hours) The caret (^) is required • Asterisk (*) to indicate this trend trace definition should be restored The trailing asterisk is important because after a download the console software restores only the online trace definitions (those flagged with an asterisk). Note that only the first definition of a unique trace is loaded into the database. A unique trace is defined by the combination of point tag, attribute, occurrence number, and sample rate. 8.16.7 Other Trend Issues If data becomes unavailable for a trace data set, there are some indications in the Trend Viewer. If a point becomes unavailable (UNAV), the trace continues at the last available value. If you use the cursor to check the trace value, the last value is displayed on a magenta background. 8.17 Troubleshooting And Recovering If the console begins to behave in an unexpected manner, the quickest way to re-establish normal operations is to perform an orderly shutdown 182 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles and restart of Windows NT. Do not reboot the computer by cycling the power while the console software or Windows NT is starting or running. Caution... It is possible (though rare) for cycling the power while Windows NT is starting or running to damage the NT file system and make it necessary to re-install the Windows NT operating system. Damaging the file system is more likely if you cycle the power while Windows NT is starting. To perform an orderly shutdown and restart: 1. Close all open applications, including any components of the console software that are running. 2. Select Start | Shutdown. 3. Select Restart the computer. After a few moments the computer will shutdown and restart. The console software may restart automatically depending on how the software is installed and set up. 8.18 Restarts The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console is designed to retain as much of the current console state as possible if a power failure or restart occurs. Depending on whether an operator station or Console Data Server is restarted, most or all operating data may be preserved. Operator Station Shutting down and restarting an operator station has very little effect on operations as most operating data is kept on the Console Data Server. After the console software restarts and the operator logs in, operations should continue without interruption. Trending, event logging (message spooling), and local DDP changes are all unaffected by restarting an operator station. Console Data Server Restarting a Console Data Server causes some interruptions. Trend data and event log entries are lost for the duration of the outage. The alarm history (alarm instance records) and OAR history are lost as well, but are DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 183 rebuilt from current field device information after recovery. Other console functions are unaffected. Note... The alarm and OAR histories (as reflected in the alarm and OAR summaries) are rebuilt in the order in which the information becomes available to the console, not in the original order. The following table summarizes the effect of restarting the Console Data Server and the operator station on console operations. Table 8-7: Effect of Restart on Console Operations Effect of Restarting… 8.19 Console Function Console Data Server Operator Station Local DDP value changes No effect No effect PMA mode No effect No effect Trend data Lost for duration of outage No effect Trend traces added by operator No effect No effect Trend views No effect No effect PPA operating state No effect No effect PPA critical level No effect No effect Event log Events during outage are lost No effect Console Redundancy Redundancy in process control means that more than one hardware or software component is capable of performing important control functions. There are two different types of console redundancy implemented in the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console: • Console Data Server redundancy — Operator stations can connect to two Console Data Servers, Primary and Secondary, one of which is Active and the other is Standby. During normal operation the workstation receives process data from the Active Server. If the Active server fails the workstation can switch to the Standby server. The Primary and Secondary Console Data Servers are defined during software setup. 184 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Console-resident point redundancy — Point processing for console-resident points that support point redundancy can be done in a pair of Console Data Servers, a Primary and a Secondary. One of these is Active, reporting point information to the operator stations and other devices. The other server is Standby. If the Active server fails, the Standby Console Data Server detects the failure and takes over reporting point information. The Primary and Secondary Console Data Servers are defined during console configuration and can be redefined only through a total download. The following figure is a block diagram that shows the recommended way to configure and set up a redundant pair of DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles for both types of redundancy. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 185 Data Server Redundancy Control Room 1 W1 W3 Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby Pri: S2 Active Sec: S1 Standby Control Room 2 W2 W4 Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby Switch Pri: S2 Active Sec: S1 Standby Switch Console Point Redundancy Server S1 Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby Server S2 HDL Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby HDL PROVOX Highway Redun2.cdr Figure 8-9: Console Redundancy Note that the two types of redundancy use similar terminology and under many circumstances can have the same effect—transferring some aspect of process control from one Console Data Server to another when the currently active server fails or is otherwise unable to function. However, the two redundancy types are not related and do not depend on each other. It is possible to have either type of redundancy without the other. Understanding the two types of redundancy can help you create and maintain a more robust control system that is less likely to be adversely affected by hardware or configuration maintenance or equipment problems. 186 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles The following subsections explain the two redundancy types and how to use them in the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console environment. For more information on the theory behind how redundancy is implemented in the console, refer to the manual, Configuring PROVOX Operator Console Software (CE:NT2100). For reference, the following table contains abbreviated definitions for terms used to describe both redundancy types. The table emphasizes that the two redundancy types are distinct and not related. Table 8-8: Console Redundancy Terms Redundancy Term Defined For Console Data Server Redundancy Defined For Console Point Redundancy Active Active Server — The Console Data Server currently providing data to the operator station. Active Console — The console of a redundant pair whose Console Data Server is currently computing console-resident point data. Standby Standby Server — The Console Data Server of a redundant pair that is not currently sending data to the operator station. Standby Console — The console of a redundant pair whose Console Data Server is not currently computing console-resident point data Primary Primary Server — The Console Data Server that usually provides data to the operator station (is usually Active). Primary Console — The console whose Console Data Server is usually active. Secondary Secondary Server — The Console Data Server that is usually on standby. Secondary Console — The console whose Console Data Server is usually on standby. Switchover Switchover — An operator station's transition from receiving data from one Console Data Server to receiving data from another Console Data Server. Switchover — A console’s transition from active to standby or from standby to active. The Console Data Server of the console going to standby stops computing console-resident point data and the Console Data Server of the console going active begins computing console-resident point data. Simplex No term defined Simplex Console — A console that is not part of a redundant console pair. 8.19.1 Console Data Server Redundancy Console Data Server redundancy refers to the ability of an operator station to receive operating data from either of two Console Data Servers. Console Data Server redundancy is defined from operator stations, not during configuration. For example, the connection between the switches in the figure means that all four workstations can connect to both servers. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 187 Console Data Server redundancy is defined for each workstation in the Console Properties dialog. Figure 8-9: Console Redundancy indicates that server S1 is defined as the primary Console Data Server and server S2 is defined as the secondary server for workstations W1 and W2. Similarly, workstations W3 and W4 have server S2 defined as primary and S1 defined as secondary. This is the recommended way to define primary and secondary servers. If one of the servers fails or otherwise becomes unavailable, at least two of the workstations are unaffected. For example, if server S1 fails, workstations W3 and W4 still receive data from server S2. W1 and W2 cannot be used unless they are switched to use S2 as their active server. Fisher-Rosemount Systems recommends that the primary and secondary data servers have the same configuration so that the same data is available from both servers. Note that the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software does not check that the downloads are the same. The workstation attempts to establish communication with both the primary and secondary Console Data Server when the workstation services start. Redundancy Event Logging Changes in Console Data Server redundancy are logged when: • The workstation switches over to the standby server. • The automatic switchover function is enabled or disabled. Manual and Automatic Switchovers Switchovers can be performed automatically or manually. An operator must have OPERATE or TUNE privilege to perform manual switchovers or disable automatic switchovers. To enable automatic switchovers operators must have ACCESS, OPERATE, or TUNE privilege. 188 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Caution... Fisher-Rosemount Systems recommends that you attempt manual switchovers only if the standby Console Data Server status is Ready. Because the workstation allows a manual switchover even if the status of the standby server is Unknown, you may lose data if you attempt a switchover when the standby server is unavailable. You must ensure that the standby server is available to become active before requesting a manual switchover. An operator can switch a workstation to its redundant server manually from the workstation's integrity faceplate. To navigate to the Console Data Server Redundancy faceplate click on the PROVOX Diagnostics button in the toolbar or the PROVOX Integrity buttons in the PROVOX alarm banner. Click the Data Server field in the integrity faceplate and the POC Integrity Detail picture including Console Data Server Redundancy controls appears as shown. Figure 8-10: Integrity Detail -- Console Data Server Redundancy DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 189 From the faceplate the operator can enable and disable Console Data Server Auto Switchover, or manually switch servers. The word Active and a border around the green box indicate which server is currently active. The colored boxes and indicators on the integrity faceplates have the following meaning: • Red — The integrity of the hardware this indicator represents is bad. You cannot operate the process. • Yellow — You can operate the process but the integrity of the hardware this indicator represents is questionable. • Green — The console is operating normally and the integrity of the hardware this indicator represents is good. • Magenta — The data displayed is stale. The integrity of the hardware this indicator represents is unknown. • No color or hidden — This indicator does not represent any hardware because the hardware is not configured. From the faceplate the operator can view information on the state of the workstation and its servers and enable or disable automatic switchover on the workstation or manually switch over to the desired server. An engineer can switch the servers for one or more workstations from the Redundancy application on the Console Data Server (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Engineering | Redundancy) as shown in the following figure. 190 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 8-11: Redundancy Application Console Data Server Tab The dialog shows the current switchover state of all workstations defined for this server: whether Auto Switchover is enabled or disabled and the Console Data Server the operator station is currently receiving data from (the active server). From the dialog you can enable and disable automatic switchover and manually switch between the primary and secondary Console Data Servers for all operator stations connected to the server. You can perform a manual switchover when the standby server is Ready, Unknown, or Idle (not downloaded). Automatic switchovers occur when the active Console Data Server has a critical failure, such as a power loss. When either a manual or automatic switchover occurs, the workstation disables automatic switchover. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 191 Caution... Fisher-Rosemount Systems recommends that you attempt manual switchovers only if the Console Data Server state is Standby. Because the workstation allows a manual switchover even if the status of the standby server is Unknown, you may lose data if you attempt a switchover when the server state is Unavailable or Unknown. You must ensure that the server is available to become active before requesting a manual switchover. When the primary Console Data Server is available again you can reenable automatic switchover and manually switch back to the primary server. 8.19.2 Console-Resident Point Redundancy Console-resident point redundancy, also known as console point redundancy, refers to console-resident points that reside in a pair of consoles in the same PROVOX area. Console point redundancy provides for continued operation of console-resident points (that support redundancy) in the event a console fails or becomes unavailable. The redundant pairs of consoles are defined during configuration and cannot be changed except through a total download. There are five console-resident point types that support redundancy: • Activity points • Discrete control device points (DCDs) • Extended pulse count input points (EPCIs) • Integrity points • Accumulation points. The two other console-resident point types do not support redundancy: maintenance and single-bit discrete points. During configuration, one console of the redundant pair is configured as the primary console and the other is configured as the secondary console. The currently active console performs point processing for console-resident points and reports the information to operator stations and other PROVOX devices along with the standby console. 192 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles The figure at the beginning of this subsection indicates the initial state of consoles paired for console point redundancy immediately after a download. Note that both servers, S1 and S2, show the same information: S1 is the active server and S2 is the standby server. For console point redundancy both servers of a pair of consoles always have the same active and standby servers. Console point processing can switch from the currently active server to the standby server either through operator action or automatically, if auto switchover (of console-resident point redundancy) is enabled. The configuration for the console-resident points must be identical in both paired consoles. However, targeted points, displays, and other nonsource information may be different between redundant consoles. The active console computes console point data and communicates it to the standby console. If the active console fails and auto switchover is enabled between the redundant consoles, the standby console becomes active and continues computing point data for the redundant consoleresident points. Because all devices obtaining information from the pair must know how to locate the active device, console redundancy is not transparent to all other devices in the system. Only consoles, CHIP VAX version P3.0 and later, CHIP IBM version P1.0 and later, and all newer versions of CHIP can transparently manage information processing and switchovers from a redundant console pair. Console Pairing For Console Point Redundancy As you configure consoles, you define redundant pairs of console. In creating the partnerships, you also configure the primary and secondary assignments and identify the highway addresses of the consoles. A primary console is the master in the redundant pair’s communications. It becomes active following any disagreement about which console of the pair should be active. A secondary console is the slave in the redundant pair. It becomes the standby console following any disagreement about which console should be active. The standby console tracks the active console, so that if the active console fails, the standby console accepts control of the process (becomes the active console). In redundant pairs, if the active console fails, the standby console becomes active and resumes operation. By configuring the consoles this DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 193 way, the console resident points remain operable even if one of the consoles fails. However, if a console-resident point is in a simplex console and targeted to other consoles, an operator can operate the point from any of the other consoles as long as the point’s source console is operating. If the console where the point is resident fails, though, the other consoles show UNAVL (unavailable) for the point, and it is no longer available for operation. Manual And Automatic Switchovers Switchovers can be performed automatically or manually. An operator must have OPERATE or TUNE privilege to perform manual switchovers or disable automatic switchovers. To enable automatic switchovers operators must have ACCESS, OPERATE, or TUNE privilege. An operator can switch console-resident points to their redundant server manually from the workstation's integrity faceplate. To navigate to the Console Data Server Redundancy faceplate click on the PROVOX Diagnostics button in the toolbar or the PROVOX Integrity buttons in the PROVOX alarm banner. Click the Console Point Redundancy field in the integrity faceplate and the POC Integrity Detail picture including Console-Resident Point Redundancy controls appears as shown. 194 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure 8-12: Integrity Faceplate -- Console Point Redundancy From the faceplate the operator can view information on the state of the workstation and its servers and enable or disable automatic switchover on the workstation or manually switch over to the desired server. An engineer can switch servers from the Redundancy application on the Console Data Server (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Engineering | Redundancy) as shown in the following figure. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 195 Figure 8-13: Redundancy: Console-Resident Points Tab The application shows information on the redundant servers and provides controls to enable and disable Auto Switchover and manually switch over to a desired server. Effects of Console-resident Points Console redundancy rejects a manual switchover request while the points are not synchronized and the console can communicate with its partner. Disallowing manual switchovers prevents failures caused by switchovers while console-resident points are not synchronized. Normally, console-resident points are ready for manual switchover within three minutes of establishing communications after download. Changing Paired Consoles’ Relationships To change a redundant console’s pair assignment, you must do a total download. You must change and download the affected consoles so they become simplex (non-redundant) before you can create new redundant pairs. Otherwise, you end up with a disagreement caused by the newly paired consoles both behaving as the primary console or both acting as the secondary console. 196 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Downloading Devices after Changing Pairs If you change the pairing assignments for a pair of consoles, you must also do a partial download to all devices that obtain data from the original pair. Items contained in this download generally consist of all points that get their data from the pair and the redundant console pairing table. Redundant Pair Downloading If you are doing a partial download configuration update on a standby console, the configuration update has no affect on any console that obtains data from the pair. If you send a partial download to an active console, either as part of a redundant pair or as a simplex console, other devices that get point information from that console display an unavailable status until the configuration update ends. Follow the procedures for total and partial downloads outlined in the documentation for the configuration software you are using. 8.19.3 Redundancy In Action This subsection uses examples to explain how both types of redundancy work. The examples are: • A power failure on a Console Data Server • Replacing an Ethernet cable between a switch and Console Data Server • Database download and update. The figure at the beginning of this section indicates the system setup for both examples. Also, auto switchover is enabled for both Console Data Server redundancy and console point redundancy. Console Data Server Power Failure This example shows how auto switchover works for both types of redundancy. The system is operating normally when Console Data Server S1 loses power. Both types of redundancy are involved in recovering from the power loss. Console Data Server Redundancy Workstations W1 and W2 detect bad integrity on server S1 and automatically switchover to connect to server S2 (make it the active server). Both workstations set S1 to standby and disable auto switchover. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 197 The workstations continue to function because they are now receiving data from server S2. Server S2 remains the active server for both workstations until S1 is manually switched back to be their active server. Console Point Redundancy After the power loss Console Data Server S2 detects a fault with server S1. S2 becomes active, sets S1 to standby, disables auto switchover, and begins processing console resident point data. Server S2 remains the active server for console point redundancy until S1 is manually switched back to be the active server. Replacing An Ethernet Cable For this example, the Ethernet cable between server S1 and its switch needs to be repaired or replaced. This interrupts the data flow from the server to workstations W1 and W2. Console Data Server Redundancy In anticipation of the disruption, the operator performs a manual switchover in workstations W1 and W2, setting server S2 to be the active server. The operator also disables automatic switchover. The Ethernet cable can now be disconnected without affecting control from workstations W1 and W2. After the cable is reconnected, the operator manually switches S1 back to active for both workstations and re-enables auto switchover. Console Point Redundancy Console point redundancy is not affected by disconnecting the cable so no action is required. Server S1 continues to process console point data and sends it over the data highway to S2. S2 sends the data to workstations W1 and W2 over the cable connecting the two switches. Throughout the cable repair or replace, S1 continues to be the active server for console point redundancy. Database Download And Update A process network consists of a pair of Console Data Servers connecting to several operator stations as shown in the following figure. 198 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Data Server Redundancy Control Room 1 W1 W3 Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby Pri: S2 Active Sec: S1 Standby Control Room 2 W2 W4 Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby Switch Pri: S2 Active Sec: S1 Standby Switch Console Point Redundancy Server S1 Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby HDL Server S2 Pri: S1 Active Sec: S2 Standby HDL PROVOX Highway Redun2.cdr Figure 8-14: Console Redundancy The process network uses both console-resident point redundancy and Console Data Server redundancy. The engineer needs to update the configuration on the pair of servers, starting with S2. To do so, he would use the following steps: 1. Log in to Console Data Server S2 with DOWNLOAD privilege. 2. Open the Redundancy application (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Engineering | Redundancy) 3. Select the Console Data Server tab DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Operating Environment • 199 The list in the tab shows all operator stations that can be connected to Console Data Server S2 (the workstations listed in the Console Properties dialog of the server) and their relationship to S2: Node Name Switchover State Type W1 Disabled Standby Secondary W2 Disabled Standby Secondary W3 Disabled Active Primary W4 Disabled Active Primary 4. Select workstations W3 and W4 in the list, then click the Secondary button (in the Switch to area). The list changes to show workstations W3 and W4 are now in Standby State with respect to this server (S2). No workstations are currently connected to the server so the database update can be performed without disturbing operation. 5. Select the Console-Resident Points tab. The list reflects the current state of console point redundancy for the pair of servers: Node Name Switchover State Type S1 Disabled Active Primary S2 Disabled Standby Secondary Ensure that this server (S2) is in Standby State. In this example it is so no action is necessary. 6. Click the Database Update button. The Shared Database Update dialog appears. Perform the actions required then close the dialog. 7. Log in to server S1 and perform the equivalent steps to update its database. First, make sure all the workstations are in Standby State with respect to S1. Then manually switch over the console point redundancy to S2. Then update the database on S1. 8. Restore the network to its original state. Make S1 the active server for W1 and W2. Make S2 the active server for W3 and W4. Make S1 the active server for console point redundancy. 200 • Operating Environment DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles A Installing The Operator Console Software A.1 Introduction The assumptions made in this section of the manual are: • You have a DeltaV control system installed and running in your plant and your operator stations are running DeltaV Operate graphics. (The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® software does not support Operator Interface graphics.) • You have a PROVOX control system installed and running in your plant. • You want to control and monitor the PROVOX system from DeltaV Operator Stations using DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. The tasks required to install the software depend on whether your PROVOX system includes PROVOX Operator Consoles or Operator Workplace or PROVUE® consoles. The remainder of this section is divided into two subsections: • PROVUE or Operator Workplace Console Systems — Explains how to upgrade Operator Workplace and PROVUE consoles to DeltaV Operate for PROVOX systems. • PROVOX Operator Console Systems — Explains how to upgrade a PROVOX Operator Console System to a DeltaV Operate for PROVOX system. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 201 A.2 PROVUE or Operator Workplace Console Systems If your PROVOX system has only PROVUE or Operator Workplace consoles, you must perform the following tasks: 1. Obtain and install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server (Console Data Server) hardware 2. Connect the server to your DeltaV network as described in the getting started manual. 3. Install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on the Console Data Server 4. Install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on the DeltaV Operator Stations connected to the Console Data Server. 5. Perform some additional setup tasks on both Console Data Servers and DeltaV Operator Stations. A.2.1 Installing Software On Console Data Servers To install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on the Console Data Server: Note... Install only the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on console data servers. Do not install DeltaV software on console data servers. 1. Start the server and log in under the Administrator account. 2. Verify that the Windows NT Server system contains the following: • Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or later • Microsoft Data Access components 2.1.2 • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later and Internet Tools • Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack • Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 3. Insert the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. 4. Open the Windows NT Explorer. 202 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 5. In the NT Explorer window, click on the root level directory of the installation CD. 6. Select and double click the Setup.exe program to start the installation. You may see a message that says: Installation had to update one or more system files. If you see this message, acknowledge it. If the computer does not automatically restart after you acknowledge the message, restart it manually. After the computer restarts, resume the installation at step 3. The second time you start the installation, the Welcome dialog appears. 7. Click Next The Software License Agreement appears. 8. Click Yes to accept the license. The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX License dialog appears. 9. Insert the correct license diskette in the A: drive. 10. Click OK. The Installation Folder dialog appears. 11. Select a folder and click Next. The Console Data Server Requirements dialog appears, listing the software that must already be installed on the server. 12. Acknowledge the popup The Setup Type dialog appears. 13. Select DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Server. 14. Click Next. The Service Startup Type dialog appears 15. Select Automatic 16. Click Next The PROVOX21Admin account password dialog appears. 17. Enter the PROVOX21Admin account’s current password in both the Password and Confirm fields. The default password for this account is PROVOX21Admin. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 203 The console software runs the POC Base service from the PROVOX21Admin account so you must enter the current password or the service will not start correctly when you restart the system. The installation software does not validate the password you enter. If you enter an incorrect password, you can correct it from the User Administration program and the Services dialog after you complete the installation. Refer to Section 5 of this manual for more information. 18. Click OK. The Start Copying Files dialog appears. 19. Click Next to start copying files. Wait for the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Viewers Toolbar Setup dialog to appear. 20. Click OK. 21. Click the large icon button. Setup installs the software and displays a popup indicating success. 22. Click OK to acknowledge the popup. A command window (CMD.EXE) that contains a question about continuing the operation of stopping the IIS service may appear. 23. If the window appears, enter Y to continue. The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX WebComponents Setup dialog appears. 24. Click OK. 25. Click the large icon button to install. Setup installs the software and displays a popup indicating success. 26. Click OK to acknowledge the popup. A Windows Scripting Host popup appears saying that a Web Site has been created. 27. Click OK to acknowledge the popup. A Question popup appears asking if you want to enter site-specific information. 28. Click Yes to enter or verify information or configure the HDL. A popup appears with instructions for uninitializing the HDL. For complete instructions refer to section 5 of this manual. You can 204 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles proceed without configuring the HDL and configure it during software setup if you desire. When you are ready to continue close this dialog and the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Properties dialog appears. Note... If the POC Base service is set to start automatically, be sure to set the HDL information correctly in the Console Properties dialog before you restart the Console Data Server. Otherwise the HDL may not be initialized correctly which can cause communication problems with other PROVOX devices on the data highway. After you enter site specific information and close the dialog, the Setup Complete dialog appears. 29. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer. 30. Remove the license diskette from the diskette drive. To verify the HDL settings select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties. Verify the HDL settings in the dialog that appears. 31. Click Finish. The computer restarts. 32. Once the system has restarted, log on as Administrator and examine the Event Viewer and verify that the system came up correctly. 33. Before you use your system, refer to Section 5, Software Setup, for instructions for verifying and changing several software settings. Installation of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software is complete. Now install the Network Time Protocol Service. Note... Before you use your system, refer to Section 5, Software Setup, for instructions for verifying and changing several software settings. A.2.1.1 Installing the Network Time Protocol Service You must install the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Service on the Console Data Server. Use the utility InstallNtpService.exe and the NTP DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 205 service ntpd.exe included in the DeltaV bin directory on the ProfessionalPLUS workstation (C:\DeltaV\bin). To install the NTP service: 1. Copy the files ntpd.exe, ntpq.exe, and InstallNtpService.exe from a DeltaV system (in \DeltaV\bin) to c:\winnt\system32 on the fixed disk of the Console Data Server. 2. Open a command window and run InstallNtpService supplying the fully qualified pathname of the ntpd.exe executable and the IP address of DeltaV Network Time Server. For example: c:\> InstallNtpService c:\winnt\system32\ntpd.exe Make sure you use the correct IP address of Network Time Server. The easiest way to find the correct IP address is to open a command window and ping the Network Time Server by name: c:\> ping nodename The command results include the IP address of the Network Time Server. If the node whose IP address you specify is not the master time server, the node must have Remote Access Server enabled. This command line utility creates and removes the NTP service, updates the NT registry, and creates an NTP configuration file. The utility ntpq.exe, which is also in the DeltaV bin directory, is useful in verifying the operation of the NTP service and for diagnosing problems. After you install the NTP service you must start the service, either from the Services dialog or by restarting the data server. Refer to the section System Time in the DeltaV Maintenance manual for more information on the Network Time Protocol Service. A.2.2 Install DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software on DeltaV Operator Stations To install console software on DeltaV Operator Stations: 1. Restart the system and log in under the Administrator account. 2. Verify that the Windows NT Workstation system contains the following: • Adobe Acrobat 5.0 • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Tools 206 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 3. Exit all Windows applications. 4. Insert the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. 5. Open the Windows NT Explorer. 6. In the NT Explorer window, click on the root level directory of the installation CD. 7. Select and double click the Setup.exe program to start the installation process. You may see a message that says: Installation had to update one or more system files. If you see this message, acknowledge it. If the computer does not automatically restart after you acknowledge the message, restart it manually. After the computer restarts, resume the installation at step 3. The second time you start the installation, the Welcome dialog appears. 8. Click Next The Software License Agreement appears. 9. Click Yes to accept the license. The license dialog appears. 10. Insert the correct license diskette in the A: drive. 11. Click OK. The Installation Folder dialog appears. 12. Select a folder and click Next. The Setup Type dialog appears. 13. Select DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Station Upgrade. 14. Click Next. The Installation Requirements popup appears. This popup lists the software required for the console software. 15. Click OK to acknowledge. The Service Startup Type dialog appears 16. Select Automatic DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 207 17. Click Next The PROVOX21Admin account password dialog appears. 18. Enter the PROVOX21Admin account’s current password in both the Password and Confirm fields. The default password for this account is PROVOX21Admin. Note... Do not copy and paste the password from the Password field to the Confirm field. The console software runs the POC Station service from the PROVOX21Admin account so you must enter the current password or the service will not start correctly when you restart the system. The installation software does not validate the password you enter. If you enter an incorrect password, you can correct it from the User Administration program and the Services dialog and the User Administration program after you complete the installation. Refer to Section 5 of this manual for more information. 19. Click OK. The Start Copying Files dialog appears. 20. Click Next to start copying files. The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Viewers Toolbar Setup dialog appears. 21. Click OK. 22. Click the large icon button. Setup installs the viewer software and displays a popup indicating success. 23. Click OK to acknowledge the popup. A popup appears saying that the registry had been successfully updated. 24. Click OK to acknowledge the popup. A Question popup appears asking if you want to enter site-specific information. 25. Click Yes to enter or verify information. After you enter site specific information, the Setup Complete dialog appears. 208 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 26. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer. 27. Remove the license diskette from the diskette drive. 28. Click Finish. The computer restarts. 29. After the system restarts, log on as Administrator and examine the Event Viewer and verify that the system came up correctly. Note... Before you use your system, refer to Section 5, Software Setup, for instructions for verifying and changing other software settings. 30. Install the Adobe Acrobat Reader software if it is not already installed. The acrobat software can be found on the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software CD in the Support\Adobe directory. The installation is complete. A.2.3 Post-Installation Setup Now that you have installed the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on your Console Data Server and DeltaV Operator Stations, refer to Section 5 of this manual for information on settings required for both servers and operator stations for the system to function properly. A.3 PROVOX Operator Console Systems If your PROVOX system has PROVOX Operator Consoles, the tasks required to install DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software can include: • Convert existing Console Data Servers to the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software • Convert PROVOX Operator Console Operator Workstations to DeltaV Operator Stations • Install DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software on DeltaV Operator Stations • Create Migration Stations DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 209 A.3.1 Converting Existing Console Data Servers This subsection explains how to upgrade the console software on PROVOX Operator Console Data Servers with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. To successfully upgrade software on a Console Data Server, you must do the following: 1. Plan your upgrade and take some initial steps to prepare for it. 2. Save information as required 3. Uninstall existing console software 4. Cleanup 5. Install new software 6. Checkout, setup, and restore data Note... The instructions in the following sections assume the PROVOX Operator Console is at the 3.x revision level. If it is not, to use these instructions you must first upgrade your Console Data Server to the 3.x revision level. A.3.1.1 Planning And Preparation Before performing the upgrade, determine the answers to the following questions and discuss with the appropriate site personnel. These questions involve changes that may have been made to the system since the original installation. • Have there been any changes to the default directories for the message (*.csv) files? • What are the current settings for the minimum and maximum number of records saved in the Console Event Journal database? • Has the PROVOX21Admin account password been changed? After you have the answers to these questions, continue with the following. 1. Log in to the Console Data Server as Administrator. 2. From each PROVOX Operator Console Operator Workstation use the Console Data Servers tab of the PROVOX Operator Console Properties dialog (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties) to set the workstations to connect to a different Console Data Server. 210 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Note... If you cannot set your Console Workstations to connect to alternate Console Data Servers, you will not be able to operate your process from these workstations until you upgrade the Console Data Server and Console Workstations. Stopping the POC Services 3. Select Start | Settings | Control Panel. 4. Double click on Services 5. In the Services application, select POC Base service and click Stop. Confirm by clicking Yes. 6. In the Services application, select POC TimeWatch service and click Stop. Confirm by clicking Yes. 7. Set both services to Manual startup 8. Exit the Services application and the Control Panel. 9. Disconnect all Ethernet cables from the Console Data Server. You may want to label the Ethernet cables so that you can easily reconnect them later. 10. Restart the server (select Start | Shutdown | Restart). A.3.1.2 Saving Console Data Server Information Use the following steps to preserve important information from the current installation. This includes the following: • Current PROVOX Operator Console license files • Current set of Spooler files To save console information perform the following steps: 1. Log in as Administrator. 2. Make sure the console software CD is in the CD drive. 3. If Windows NT Explorer is not already running select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer. 4. From NT Explorer, create a folder named POC_Upgrade on the C: drive. 5. In the POC_Upgrade folder, create a folder named cfg (resulting in the directory C:\POC_Upgrade\cfg). DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 211 6. Make a text file record of the current FRSI key in the registry: • Start REGEDT32 using the Start | Run command and entering regedt32 in the Open field of the Run dialog. • In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE window, navigate to the SOFTWARE key set and then to the FRSI key set. Make sure FRSI is the highlighted key. • Select Registry | Save Subtree As... • Set the Save as type field to text files • Set the File name to c:\POC_Upgrade\cfg\FrsiRegistrySettings.txt. • Click on the Save button to save the registry key. • Exit Regedt32. 7. Because the upgrade may make the System and Application logs unusable, save them to text files: • Start the NT Event Viewer using the Start | Run command and entering eventvwr in the Open field of the Run dialog. Saving the Application log: • On the Log menu make sure that Application is selected (a checkmark appears next to it) • Select Clear All Events. • When prompted by the Clear Event Log dialog, click on Yes to save the current contents. • In the Save As dialog set the File name to c:\POC_Upgrade\applog.txt • Set the Save as type to Text Files (*.TXT). • Click Save to save the file. • Click Yes to clear the log. Saving the System log: • On the Log menu make sure that System is selected (a checkmark appears next to it) • Select Clear All Events. • When prompted by the Clear Event Log dialog, click Yes to save the current contents. 212 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • In the Save As dialog set the File name to c:\POC_Upgrade\syslog.txt • Set the Save as type to Text Files (*.TXT). • Click Save to save the file. • Click Yes to clear the log. • Exit the Event Viewer. 8. Select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties. Record the current settings for this console under each tab. If there has been no change to the defaults from the original installation, use the defaults for this installation. If changes have been made, note them so that the custom values can be re-entered after you install the new software. Record your entries below: • Highway Interface Tab HDL IP Address: _____._____._____._____ Port A Baud Rate: ______ Port B Baud Rate: ______ Network Index: ______ Highway: ______ Device: ______ Enable Primary: yes no Enable Secondary: yes no Enable Maintenance port: yes no CDS IP Address [1]: _____._____._____._____ CDS IP Address [2]: _____._____._____._____ Subnet Mask _____._____._____._____ Initialize an uninitialized HDL at next restart: yes no • Workstations Tab Primary Node Names: ___________ ___________ __________ _________ __________ __________ Secondary Node Names: ___________ ___________ DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 213 __________ _________ __________ __________ • Message Spooler Tab Message Files Location: _______________________ Max Disk Space: __________ Keep messages for: __________ • Event Journal Tab Min Records Retained: __________ Max Records Retained: __________ Enable Event Journaling: yes no • Calculation Expressions Tab Calculation Expressions Files Location: ___________________ Master Preference: Current Master Number of Calculation Expressions: __________ • Reports Tab Reports File Location: _______________________ Number of Reports Saved: __________ Keep reports for: __________ • Trend Tab Files Location: _______________________ Master Preference: Current Master 9. Most installations have the D:\ drive available. It may be useful to copy the current POC directory and all of its sub-directories to the D:\ drive or an alternate folder on the C:\ drive. If the Console Data Server contains save directories from previous upgrades, you may want to examine them and delete them if they are no longer necessary. If the D:\ drive partition is not present, use the Disk Administrator to set the partition. A.3.1.3 Uninstalling Software From Console Data Servers Before you can upgrade the console software, you must first uninstall the existing version of the software. This subsection explains how. 1. Log on as Administrator (not PROVOX21Admin). 214 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 2. Select Start | Settings | Control Panel. 3. Double click on Add/Remove Programs. 4. Remove the following applications in the order listed: • POC_Viewers Composite Toolbar • POC_Web Components • PROVOX Operator Console Note that in DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software the names of these applications have changed. If you need to uninstall DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software remove the following applications in the order listed: • DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Toolbar • DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Web Components • DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Note... If prompted, select the Remove All option to remove all shared components. A dialog appears showing the progress of the uninstall. After the PROVOX Operator Console uninstall is complete and before you close the dialog, click the Details… button and make a note of the files listed. You will have a chance to save these files in a later step. 5. Click the OK button on the Details window, then click the OK button on the uninstall dialog. 6. Right click on the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop and select Properties. (If the desktop does not contain an Internet Explorer icon, start Internet Explorer and then select Tools | Options from its main menu.) 7. Click the Settings… button in the Temporary Internet files area. 8. Click the View Objects… button in the Settings dialog. 9. If FRSISystemInfo.MiscSysInfo is in the Program File list, right click on it and select Remove. If the file is not in the list, continue with the next step. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 215 10. If FRSIDisplayElements.DurationControl is in the Program File list, right click on it and select Remove. If the file is not in the list, continue with the next step. 11. Close the Downloaded Program Files window, the Settings dialog, and the Internet Properties dialog. 12. Make sure the diskette drive and the CD-ROM drive are empty. A.3.1.4 Cleanup Before you continue, clean out the recycle bin and the Start menu document list: 1. Open the Recycle Bin by double clicking on the icon on the desktop. Select File | Empty Recycle Bin to empty the recycle bin. 2. Close the Recycle Bin. 3. Place the cursor on the task bar and use the alternate mouse button to open the popup selection menu. Select the Properties option. In the Taskbar Properties, under the Start Menu Programs tab, if available (not stippled out) click on the Clear button in the Documents menu area of the dialog box. This clears the Documents menu. Exit the Taskbar Properties dialog by clicking on the OK button. Note... You must restart the computer so that files marked for deletion by the uninstall software are actually deleted from the system. 4. Select Start | Shut Down, then select Restart the computer and click on the Yes button to restart the system. You must restart so the system can remove files marked for deletion. 5. After the system has started, log on under the PROVOX21Admin account. 6. Using the Windows NT Explorer, rename the POC directory to OLDPOC to save any files remaining in this directory tree. 7. Acknowledge the popup message that the change may affect one or more registered programs by clicking Yes. If you cannot rename this directory, check for another Windows NT Explorer window pointing to the directory, another computer with a mapped drive to this system, a system with an open Internet Explorer accessing this console’s Event Journal, a workstation that has not been shut down yet, or a directory with the same name already on the same drive. Clear the conflict and rename the directory. 216 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 8. Reconnect the Ethernet cables to the Console Data Server. A.3.1.5 Install The Console Software Refer to section A.2.1 for instructions on installing the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on a Console Data Server. A.3.1.6 Checkout, Setup, And Restore Data The remaining steps explain how to: • Check the installation to make sure it is working • Perform a few additional setup tasks • Restore files you saved earlier. Perform the following steps: 1. After the system has started, log on as the PROVOX21Admin account. 2. Examine the NT Event Viewer Application and System logs to verify that the console software started without problems. Refer to Section 4 of this manual for more information. If the console software fails to start because of a service error, verify that the POC Base service password is the same as the PROVOX21Admin account password. Then restart the system again or stop and start the POC Base service. For information on setting the POC Base service password, refer to Section 5 of this manual. If the console software fails to start because the HDL link was not established, do the following: 1. At the Console Data Server open the Console Properties dialog (select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties). 2. Select the Highway Interface tab 3. Select the checkbox in the HDL Initialization area. 4. Click the Help button. A help window appears. 5. Click the How to… button in the help window. Follow the instructions to uninitialize the HDL. 6. At the HDL, follow the instructions to uninitialize the HDL. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 217 7. Restart the system. You can either shut down and restart the computer or stop and start the POC Base service. Either of these actions should initialize the HDL. 3. Use the system for a few minutes to determine that the installation is working properly. 4. Log out of any current account session. 5. Download a configuration to the Console Data Server, if desired. The upgrade is complete for this computer. A.3.1.7 Post-Installation Setup Before using the Console Data Server, refer to the instructions in Section 5 of this manual to ensure that all software settings are correct. A.3.2 Converting PROVOX Operator Console Workstations to DeltaV Operator Stations If the hardware platforms for your PROVOX Operator Console Workstations meet the minimum requirements for DeltaV Operator Stations, you can convert the Operator Workstations to DeltaV Operator Stations. To do so, uninstall the PROVOX Operator Console software, then install DeltaV software as described in the DeltaV documentation. A.3.3 Installing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software on DeltaV Operator Stations Refer to section A.2.2 for instructions on installing the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on DeltaV Operator Stations. A.3.4 Creating Migration Stations If you have existing PROVOX Operator Console displays you are going to convert to DeltaV Operate displays, you may want to create a migration station by upgrading a PROVOX Operator Console operator workstation with the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. Note... Do not uninstall the PROVOX Operator Console software before installing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. 218 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles The software allows the PROVOX Operator Console operator workstation to display data from the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers (also known as Console Data Servers). You can use a migration station to view existing displays as you convert or develop new graphics. These workstations cannot be connected to the DeltaV network, cannot display DeltaV data, and do not support the DeltaV Operate graphics. Note... Migration stations are supported for migration only. They are not supported for process control. To install the software: Note... The following instructions apply only if you are installing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software for the first time. To install later releases of the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on migration stations, you must first uninstall PROVOX Operator Console software, reinstall PROVOX Operator Console P 3.0 software, and then install the upgrade as described in the following steps. 1. Verify that the PROVOX Operator Console Workstation has P3.x revision software installed. 2. Select Start | Settings | Control Panel. 3. Double click on Services 4. In the Services application, select the POC Station service and click Stop. Confirm by clicking Yes. 5. In the Services application, select the Fix service and click Stop. Confirm by clicking Yes. 6. Exit the Services application and the Control Panel. 7. Insert the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software installation CD in the operator workstation's CD-ROM drive. 8. Insert the license diskette in the diskette drive. 9. Close all applications except Windows NT Explorer. 10. From Windows NT Explorer, navigate to setup.exe on the installation CD and double click it. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing The Operator Console Software • 219 11. Acknowledge the dialogs until the Setup Type dialog opens. 12. Select PROVOX Operator Console P3.* Workstation Update (Fix32) and click Next. 13. Follow the remaining instructions until the installation is complete. A.3.5 Post-Installation Setup Now that you have installed the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software on your Console Data Server and DeltaV Operator Stations, refer to Section 5 of this manual for information on settings required for both servers and operator stations for the system to function properly. 220 • Installing The Operator Console Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles B Installing Windows NT Software B.1 Introduction The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® software runs under the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 operating system. The hardware for the system is shipped with the operating system installed, but there may be circumstances in which you must re-install the operating system (and the console software). Note... Use the information in this section only if you are performing a new installation of Windows NT. Do not use this section if you are upgrading a computer that already has Windows NT installed. Be sure that you read the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 documentation for installing Windows NT 4.0. If you need to install the console software and the Windows NT operating system, you must install Windows NT before you install the console software. There are two types of Windows NT software: Server and Workstation. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Data Servers (Console Data Servers) require Windows NT Server software. It is important that you install Windows NT and the supporting software in the order listed in the subsequent subsections. If you do not install in this order the software may not work as intended. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 221 Note... The instructions in this section are specific for the hardware and software being shipped when this manual was printed. If console hardware or software changes subsequently, you may need to modify these instructions accordingly. Pay particular attention to network interface and video hardware and drivers. These cards and drivers have changed and will continue to change. The instructions in this section apply generally to NIC and sound hardware and drivers, but do not apply directly to hardware and software of earlier releases. The instructions in this section may seem to repeat steps or the steps may seem to be in an unusual order and require several restarts. However, the instructions have been tested and offer the surest, most problem-free installation of Windows NT and the supporting software required to run the DeltaV for PROVOX software. For best results, follow the instructions as written. Note... The default installation explained in this appendix uses Workgroups. To use Domains, modify the instructions in this section to suit your installation. B.2 Installing Windows NT 4.0 Server Software Windows NT Server software is the operating system used on Console Data Servers. If you are setting up a Console Data Server and one or more operator stations, set up the server first, then the operator stations. 222 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles B.2.1 Required Windows NT Server Software If you have to install Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server software, make sure that you have the following software packages and supplies: • Windows NT Server CD for Version 4.0, export version. This CD also contains the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), Version 2.0. • Windows NT 4.0 Certificate of Authenticity. • Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD. • Several blank diskettes. • The DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Software CD. (This CD contains the console software and several supporting third party software components, including the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack and Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6.) This CD is referred to as the console software CD in the following instructions. Note... The Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 CD is included with the console. You do not need this CD and you should not use this CD. The console uses Service Pack 6, which is included on the console software CD. • The sound driver for the PC. • The mouse driver. • The video driver for the PC. • Appropriate drivers for the printer to be used with the system (if any). Note that some of the drivers may be on separate media or installed on the computer's hard drive. B.2.2 Preliminary Planning You should determine the following information prior to installing the Windows NT 4.0 Server software: • The name of the workgroup to which this computer belongs. The server must be set up in a workgroup rather than a domain. The default workgroup is PROVOX21 and it is recommended that you not change it. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 223 B.2.3 • The name that this computer will be called. This name must not conflict with other devices on the network. • The TCP/IP address for this computer. • The TCP/IP addresses for the network interface controller (NIC) card connecting the Highway Data Link to this Console Data Server. The default is • The Gateway TCP/IP address for the network if available. • The TCP/IP address for the Highway Data Link (HDL). The default is • The PROVOX Highway address for the HDL. This address is made up of the highway number, the device number, and the area number. • If the console is part of the DNS, determine if services are available, the appropriate DNS domain name, service IP addresses, and the domain suffixes that are part of your network. If you are not participating in DNS services, use the installation defaults. Install Server Software Note... The Windows NT Server 4.0 CD and the Dell Server Assistant CD are bootable CDs. Unless you are intentionally booting one of these CDs, remove them from the CD-ROM drive before starting or booting the computer. Disabling Onboard Network Interface Controller Make sure any network interface on the motherboard is disabled in Setup: 1. Restart the system. 2. Press the F2 key when prompted to enter Setup. Wait for the Setup screen to appear. 3. Press the down arrow key until Integrated Devices is highlighted. 4. To open this item, press Enter 5. Press the down arrow key until Network Interface Controller is highlighted. 224 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 6. To enable or disable this item, press the left or right arrow key. Set the Network Interface Controller to Off. 7. Press the Escape key. 8. Press the Escape key again to exit Setup. 9. Select Save Changes and Exit, then press Enter. The computer saves the change (if any) and continues startup. Create SCSI and Video Driver Diskettes and Network Interface Card Driver Diskette 1. If autorun is enabled, Insert the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD in the CD-ROM drive and wait for Dell OpenManage Server Assistant to open. Otherwise, insert the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD in the CD-ROM drive and turn on the computer. The computer boots from the Dell Server Assistant CD. 2. Select a language. 3. Scroll down to the bottom of the license agreement, and click Accept. 4. Click on Create Diskettes. 5. Select the Server model, for example, PowerEdge 2500. 6. Select Windows NT 4.0. 7. Click Next. The Create diskettes dialog appears. 8. Select: NT 4.0 SCSI NT 4.0 Video Controller 1/3 NT 4.0 Video Controller 2/3 NT 4.0 Video Controller 3/3 NT 4.0 Intel Pro Family Adapter 9. Click on Copy Files. The utility will prompt you to insert a diskette, and provide instructions on how to label the diskette. Any information on the diskette will be destroyed. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 225 Follow the instructions provided by the MakeDisk Utility. Five diskettes will be created by this utility. 10. When finished with the last diskette, a dialog prompts you to remove the diskette. Remove the diskette, and click OK 11. On the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant, click Finish 12. Click Exit 13. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes 14. Remove the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD. Install Windows NT To start the new installation of Windows NT 4.0 follow these instructions: 1. Insert the Windows NT Server CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. Reboot the system. 3. When the system displays: “setup is inspecting your windows hardware configuration..." press the F6 key to interrupt the setup sequence. 4. The following message appears: Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices installed in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter. Currently, Setup will load support for the following mass storage devices: ... QLogic PCI SCSI Host Adapter AMD PCI SCSI Controller/Ethernet Adapter BusLogic FlashPoint Compaq 32-Bit Fast-Wide SCSI-2/E Note... You must specify that you have additional SCSI adapters by pressing the S key in the following instruction. If you pressed the Enter key and missed the instruction, restart the installation at the step where the computer is rebooted with the NT Server Setup Boot Disk. 226 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 5. Press S to specify additional devices. The following message appears: Select the SCSI Adapter you want from the following list, or select "Other" if you have a device support disk provided by an adapter manufacturer. 6. Select Other from the list. 7. Press Enter. 8. Insert the disk labeled NT 4.0 SCSI created earlier. 9. Press Enter. Installing SCSI Drivers 10. Select the appropriate driver as follows: 11. If installing to a Dell 2500 server with SCSI drives, select Adaptec Ultra160/m Family PCI SCSI Controller (NT 4.0). 12. Press Enter. A message appears saying which drivers were found. 13. Press Enter to continue. 14. NT 4.0 bootup continues. 15. When the Windows NT Server Setup, Welcome to Setup display appears, select “To Setup Windows NT now, press Enter”, and press the Enter key. 16. Setup has recognized the following mass storage devices in your computer: IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller Adaptec Ultra160/m Family PCI SCSI Controller (NT 4.0) 17. Press Enter to continue. The message "Setup has determined that one or more of your hard disks has more than 1024 cylinders." 18. Press the Enter key. Windows NT Licensing 1. The Windows NT Licensing Agreement appears. 2. Use the Page Down key to reach the bottom of the license agreement. 3. Press F8 to accept the agreement. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 227 If a message appears saying that NT 4 was detected and asking if you want to upgrade, press N to cancel the upgrade and install a fresh copy of Windows NT 4.0. Windows NT Server Setup The display fills with information about your computer. The information includes: • Computer: MPS Uniprocessor or Multiprocessor • Display: Auto Detect • Keyboard: XT, AT, or Enhanced Keyboard (83-104 Keys) • Keyboard Layout: US or regional default • Pointing Device: Microsoft Mouse Port Mouse (includes BallPoint) 4. Select No Changes. 5. Press Enter. A list appears that shows existing partitions and spaces available for creating new partitions. Your computer may have a partition marked unknown that is approximately 40 MB. This partition contains Dell software and system utilities. Do not delete this partition. Delete all partitions except the unknown partition, then create a 3000 MB NTFS partition: 6. Select a partition with the up and down arrow keys. 7. Press the D key. 8. Press the Enter key. 9. Press the L key Repeat these steps for other partitions. The list now shows any existing partitions and the space available for creating new partitions. UNPARTITIONED space nnnn MB Create a partition 10. Select the unpartitioned space 11. Press the C key. 12. Enter 3000 in the size field. 228 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 13. Press the Enter key. Formatting the Partition as NTFS 14. Select the partition and press Enter to install Windows NT on it. 15. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the NTFS (NT File System) Installation Option. 16. Press the Enter key. Please wait while setup formats the partition. Install Windows NT Files Choose the location where you want the Windows NT files to be installed. 17. Enter \WINNT. 18. Press the Enter key. Setup will now examine your hard disk(s) for corruption. 19. Press the Enter key. 20. If prompted, insert the SCSI driver diskette you created earlier. Press Enter. 21. The following messages appear: Please wait while Setup copies files to your hard disk. This portion of Setup has completed successfully. Restart the computer 22. Remove the diskette from Drive A. 23. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM Drive. 24. Press the Enter key. Allow the PC to reboot. Windows NT Server The Windows NT Setup screen appears. 1. When prompted, insert the Windows NT Server CD into the CDROM Drive and click OK. The Windows NT Server Setup dialog appears. 2. Click Next to start Gathering information about your computer. Windows NT License Information A name and organization dialog appears. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 229 3. Enter a Name. 4. Enter an Organization. 5. Click Next. 6. Enter the CD Key:___-____-___. The CD Key is on the Windows NT CD Certificate of Authenticity. 7. Click Next. Choose the licensing mode. You must own the correct license from Microsoft. 8. Select Per server. 9. Use the arrow buttons to set the size to 10 licenses. 10. Click Next. 11. Enter Computer Name:_______. If your plant has a naming scheme for computers, use it. Otherwise, you can use the 5-character Service Tag number on the Dell PC (i.e., 77A20). 12. Click Next. Choose the Server Type 13. Select Stand-Alone Server. 14. Click Next. Administrator Account 15. Password: Administrator 16. Confirm Password: Administrator 17. Click Next. Emergency Repair Disk 18. Select Yes to create an emergency repair disk. 19. Click Next. Select Components 20. From the dialog that appears, select the following components to install: Accessories Communications Multimedia 230 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Make sure the following options are not selected. Accessibility Options Games Windows Messaging 21. Select Accessories. 22. Select Details. 23. In the list uncheck Screen Savers. 24. Check Mouse Pointers Leave all others as is. 25. Click on OK. 26. Click Next to close the dialog. 27. Click Next to Install Windows NT Networking. Network Information 28. On the dialog that appears, select Wired to the network. 29. Click Next. 30. Select the Install Microsoft Internet Information Server option. 31. Click Next. Network Driver Information 32. Click Select from List... 33. Click Have Disk. The Insert Disk dialog appears. 34. Insert the diskette titled NT 4.0 Intel Pro Family Adapter (created earlier) into the diskette drive. 35. Enter the drive letter for the diskette drive. (It should be A: at this point.) 36. Click OK. OEM Options 37. Select Intel (R) PRO/100 Family Adapter 38. Click OK. 39. Click Next. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 231 Note... The instructions for configuring the network interface controller (NIC) cards must be repeated for each NIC installed in the Server. Typically there will be three interfaces, however, the interface on the motherboard is disabled and should not be used. Network Protocol 40. Select TCP/IP only. Make sure other options are not selected. 41. Click Next. Network Services 42. Select the following network services: Microsoft Internet Information Services 2.0 RPC Configuration NetBIOS Interface Workstation Server 43. Click Next to accept your selections. 44. Click Next to install. A message appears asking do you wish to use DHCP. 45. Click NO on the popup to confirm that you do not want to use DHCP. TCP/IP Properties Set up the TCP/IP values for the network interfaces: 46. Select the (1) Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B). Verify that the (1) NIC card is connected to the HDL. 47. Enter the IP Address of the HDL: The default is 48. Enter the Subnet Mask : 49. Clear the Default Gateway. 50. Select the (2) Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B). Verify that the (2) NIC card is connected to the Process Network Switch. 232 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 51. Enter the IP Address of the connection to the Process Network Switch. 52. Enter the Subnet Mask 53. Clear the Default Gateway. 54. Click OK. 55. In the Show Bindings for: field, select All Services. 56. Click Next. Windows NT is now ready to start the network. 57. Click Next. A dialog appears that contains the computer name and a field for the workgroup. 58. Make sure the Workgroup button is selected. 59. In the Workgroup field, enter PROVOX21. 60. Click Next to accept. 61. Click Finish to complete the setup. Internet Information Server 2.0 Setup The Microsoft Internet Information Server Setup dialog appears. 1. Uncheck Gopher Services. 2. Make sure all other services are selected. 3. Click OK to accept. 4. Click Yes to create directory. 5. Click OK to accept Publishing Directories. 6. Click Yes to create directories. The Install Drivers dialog appears. 7. Select SQL Server from the list that appears. 8. Click OK. Date/Time Properties The Date/Time Properties dialog appears. 9. Select the appropriate Time Zone. 10. Select Automatically adjust clock for daylight savings time. 11. Click Close. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 233 Detected Display The Detected Display popup appears. 12. Click OK. 13. Select color Palette: 16 colors. 14. Desk Top Area: 640 by 480. 15. Refresh Frequency: hardware default. 16. Click OK. Setup copies a large number of files. Please wait while Setup copies files to your hard disk. If you selected to create an Emergency Repair Disk earlier, setup prompts you to insert a blank diskette. Click OK to create the ERD. Restart Computer 17. When prompted, remove all of the CDs and diskettes from the drives. 18. Click Restart Computer. 19. Log on as Administrator. Welcome to Windows NT splash screen displays. 20. Click Close. B.2.4 Install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 To install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6, follow these steps: 1. Insert the console software CD in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer. 3. Navigate to Support\Microsoft\NT4_SP6a on the CD. 4. Double click on sp6i386. The Windows NT Service Pack Setup dialog appears. 5. Select Accept license agreement. 6. Deselect BackUp files... 7. Click Install to start installing Service Pack 6. 8. Click Restart. 9. If there is a CD in the drive, remove it. 10. Log on as Administrator. 234 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 11. If the Welcome window appears, deselect Show this welcome... and click Close. 12. If a Windows NT SP6 Setup message appears, click NO. Install the 4mm DAT tape Driver 1. Log on as Administrator if you are not already logged in. 2. Select Start | Settings | Control Panel. 3. Double click Tape Devices. A message appears: New SCSI tape drive found Archive Python 06408-xxx 4. Click OK. 5. Insert the Windows NT Server CD in the CD-ROM drive. If Autorun is enabled, the Windows NT CD-ROM dialog appears. Close this dialog before continuing. 6. Click OK. 7. Click OK in the Tape Devices dialog. Install the Video Driver 1. Double click the Display icon in the Control Panel. 2. Select the Settings tab. 3. Click Display Type... 4. Click Change... 5. Click Have Disk... 6. Insert the video driver diskette you created earlier in drive A: The Install from Disk screen appears. 7. Click OK to accept Drive A 8. Select the RAGE XL PCI (English) 9. Click OK. Install third party driver (Do you wish to proceed). 10. Click Yes on the third party software message. 11. A dialog appears stating: Please insert floppy disk labeled “ATI Installation Disk 2” into drive A: and then click OK. Insert NT 4.0 Video Driver Disk 2/3 (created earlier) and click OK. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 235 12. A dialog appears stating: Please insert floppy disk labeled “ATI Installation Disk 3” into drive A: and then click OK. Insert NT 4.0 Video Driver Disk 3/3 (created earlier) and click OK. 13. A success message appears. 14. Click OK to acknowledge success. 15. Click Close to close the Display Type dialog. 16. Click Close to close the Display Properties dialog. 17. Remove the diskette from Drive A. 18. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM Drive. 19. Click Yes to restart the Computer. Set Display Properties 20. After the system restarts, log in as Administrator. A message appears saying that a new driver was loaded. 21. Click OK to acknowledge. The Display Properties dialog appears. 22. Set Color Palette: 65536 colors. 23. Set Desk Top Area: 1024 by 768. 24. Select Small Fonts. 25. Set Refresh Frequency: 75 Hertz. 26. Click OK to accept your changes. 27. Click OK to confirm the changes. The display settings change. 28. Restart the computer. Set up the Windows NT Event log. 1. Log in as Administrator. 2. The Desk Top Help application screen appears. Uncheck the box “Show this screen next time you start Windows.” Click on the X button to exit. 3. Select Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | Event Viewer. 236 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 4. From the Log menu select Log Settings. 5. Select Change Settings for System Log. 6. Select Overwrite Events as Needed. 7. Select Change Settings for Security Log. 8. Select Overwrite Events as Needed. 9. Select Change Settings for Application Log. 10. Select Overwrite Events as Needed. 11. Click OK. 12. From the Log menu select Exit. Delete Icons from the desktop. 1. Delete the Inbox Icon by right clicking on the icon, then select Delete. 2. Click Yes to confirm. 3. Delete the Briefcase Icon by right clicking on the icon, then select Delete. 4. Click Yes to confirm. 5. Right click on Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin. 6. Click Yes to confirm. Format the C drive free space 1. Select Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | Disk Administrator. Confirm any popups that appear. 2. Highlight the free space by clicking on it. 3. Select Partition | Create… 4. Click on Yes to confirm. 5. The partition size field shows the size of the partition to be created. 6. Click on OK to accept. 7. Click OK to confirm. 8. Select Partition | Commit changes now. Do you want to save the changes? 9. Click on Yes to save. 10. Click on OK to acknowledge a successful update. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 237 11. Highlight the E partition you just created. 12. Select Tools | Format. 13. Set the File System to NTFS. 14. Check the Quick Format selection box. 15. Click on Start to accept the settings. 16. Click on OK to confirm the formatting. Message appears Format Complete. 17. Click on OK to acknowledge. 18. Click Close to close the format dialogs. 19. Close the Disk Administrator. Set Page File size Note... Set page file size to a value that is double the size of the RAM installed in the machine. For example, if RAM size is 256 Mb, set the virtual memory size to 512Mb on the C drive. 1. Select Start | Settings Control Panel. 2. Double click System. 3. Select the Performance tab. 4. Click Change in the Virtual Memory area. 5. Enter 512 for Initial Size. 6. Enter 512 for Maximum Size. 7. Click Set. 8. Click OK to accept your settings. 9. Click Close to close the dialog. 10. If there is a CD in the drive, remove it. 11. Click Yes to restart computer. B.2.5 Install Internet Explorer 5 If you have installed Internet Explorer 4 and have enabled the Active Desktop, use Add/Remove programs to remove the active desktop. 238 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Now install Internet Explorer version 5: 1. Log in as Administrator. 2. Insert the console software CD in the CD-ROM drive. 3. Select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer. 4. Navigate to the directory \Support\Microsoft\Ie5 on the CD. 5. Double click on the file ie5setup.exe. The Windows Update dialog appears. 6. Select the I accept the agreement check button and click Next. Another dialog appears. 7. Select Install Now—Typical set of components. 8. Click Next. A progress dialog appears. 9. When prompted, click Finish to restart the computer. 10. Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive. 11. After the computer restarts, log in as Administrator A Windows Update dialog appears, indicating Windows is setting up the newly installed components. 12. If the Welcome — Microsoft Internet Explorer window appears, close it. After your second logon uncheck the Show this next time you log in box and click Close. This dialog box will not appear in the future. B.2.6 Install Windows NT4 Option Pack To install the Windows NT4 Option Pack follow these steps: 1. Insert the console software CD in the CD-ROM drive. 2. Select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer. 3. Navigate to the directory \Support\Microsoft\NT40_OptionPack on the CD. 4. Double click on the file Setup.exe. A popup appears that says: Setup detected that Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or greater is installed on your machine. We haven't tested this product on SP4. Do you wish to proceed? DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 239 5. Click Yes to proceed. If a dialog appears saying that Gopher is no longer supported, click OK to continue. The Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack Setup dialog appears. 6. Click Next. The license dialog appears. 7. Click Accept. Another dialog appears. 8. Click Upgrade Only. A progress dialog appears 9. Click Finish when the installation is complete. 10. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog to restart the computer. B.2.7 Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 Software To install Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0, follow these steps: 1. Log in as Administrator. 2. Make sure the console software CD is in the CD-ROM drive. 3. If Windows NT Explorer is not already running select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer. 4. Navigate to the directory \Support\Adobe 5. Double click on the file ar505enu.exe. Reader Setup opens. 6. Click Next. 7. Click Accept to accept the license. 8. Click Next to accept the default install folder and begin installing. If dialogs appear asking about overwriting read-only files, click Yes. 9. Check Yes, I want to restart the computer if prompted. 10. Click Finish to restart the computer. 11. After the computer restarts, log in as Administrator. 12. Select Start | Programs | Acrobat Reader 5.0. 13. After Acrobat Reader opens, select Edit | Preferences | Options. 240 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 14. In the Startup area, deselect Display splash screen. 15. Click Ok to accept the change and close the preferences dialog. 16. Exit the Acrobat Reader software. B.2.8 Install Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 Even though you have already installed Service Pack 6, you must reinstall it at this time to restore any files that have been overwritten by installing other software components. To install Windows NT4.0 Service Pack 6 follow these steps: 1. Log in as Administrator. 2. Insert the console software CD in the CD-ROM drive. 3. If Windows NT Explorer is not already running select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer. 4. Navigate to the directory \Support\Microsoft\NT4_SP6a 5. Double click on the file sp6I386.exe. 6. Select Accept this license agreement. 7. Deselect Backup files… 8. Click Install. A progress dialog appears 9. When install is complete, click Restart to restart the computer. B.2.9 Install Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1.2 To install the Microsoft Data Access Components follow these steps: 1. Log in as Administrator. 2. Insert the console software CD in the CD-ROM drive. 3. If Windows NT Explorer is not already running select Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer. 4. Navigate to the directory \Support\Microsoft\MDAC2-1-2. 5. Double click on the file mdac_typ.exe. 6. Click Yes to accept the license agreement. The Microsoft Data Access 2.1 Setup dialog appears. 7. Click Continue. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Installing Windows NT Software • 241 8. Click the icon to accept the default install directory and begin installation. 9. When installation is complete, click Restart Windows to restart. 10. Log in as Administrator. A dialog appears saying that data access components are being set up. B.2.10 Set Task Bar For Front And Auto Hide 1. Select Start | Settings | Taskbar. 2. Select Always on Top. 3. Select Auto Hide. 4. Click Apply to set these settings. 5. Click OK to exit the dialog. Once the components above have been installed, proceed to the appropriate DeltaV Operate for PROVOX installation instructions for data servers or workstations. 242 • Installing Windows NT Software DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles C Upgrading Consoles C.1 Introduction During the life of your system, you may need to upgrade or add or change one or more components. This section addresses typical console upgrades: • Adding Connections (adding operator stations to a console) • Change the number of points • Add standard unsolicited data reporting (this may be necessary if your system uses pre-1984 device programming) • Add Activities to the console • Adding Event Journal The following table summarizes these upgrades and the actions required on both servers and operator stations to implement the upgrades. Table C-1: Actions Required For Various Console Upgrades Action Required Server Upgrade Install License Add Operator Station Connections Add PROVOX Points Reinstall Software X ® Total Download Operator Station Partial Download X X Restart Restart X X X Add Std. Unsol. Data Reporting X X X X Add Activities X X X X Add Event Journal X X X X DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Reinstall Software Upgrading Consoles • 243 C.1.1 Upgrading Console Software Licenses If you are upgrading your console software license in a P4.x installation and are not making any other hardware or software changes, perform the following steps: 1. For every console you are upgrading, obtain a new license diskette. Note... Remember that the console software license is keyed to the License Module attached to the console's Highway Data Link. You must use the license diskette that matches the License Module when upgrading a console. 2. Stop the POC Base service on the primary Console Data Server to make sure the license files can be copied. Note that stopping the POC Base service interrupts console operations on operator stations. 3. Copy the POCLicense.txt and POCLicense.sig files from the License diskette to %POCRoot%\cfg (typically C:\POC\cfg) on the Console Data Server. 4. Restart the POC Base service on the primary Console Data Server to establish the license change. 5. Copy the POCLicense.txt and POCLicense.sig files from the License diskette to %POCRoot%\cfg (typically C:\POC\cfg) on all operator stations defined as Primary Nodes in the server’s settings dialog. (Select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties to verify which operator stations are affected). Repeat these steps on the secondary Console Data Server. C.1.2 Adding Operator Stations To Existing Consoles If you are adding a DeltaV Operator Station to an existing process control network of PROVOX Console Data Servers and operator stations, perform the following steps: 1. Set up the operator station hardware as required. Refer to the to the section Installing the DeltaV Workstation in the DeltaV Books Online. 2. Verify that the operator station you are adding has the same version of the console software that is running on the primary and secondary Console Data Servers this operator station will connect to. If you are installing a new operator station, do the following: 244 • Upgrading Consoles DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles • Assign an IP address to the operator station per your plant’s policies • Assign a name to the operator station per your plant’s policies. • Restart the operator station so the IP address and name changes take effect. If you are adding an operator station that has already been in service or that you need to reinstall for some reason, do the following: • Install or re-install Windows NT and other Microsoft components as needed. Refer to Getting Started with Your DeltaV Automation Software for more information. During the installation set the IP address and name of the operator station as required. • Install DeltaV software. Refer to the section Reinstalling DeltaV Software in DeltaV Books Online for more information. • Install the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX software. Refer to Appendix A of this manual for more information. 3. Use the Console Properties dialog (Select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties) to set the primary and secondary Console Data Servers for the operator station. 4. If you had to upgrade the existing console software license of the Console Data Server to add the additional operator station, use the new license diskette and do the following: • Copy the POCLicense.txt and POCLicense.sig files from the License diskette to %POCRoot%\cfg (typically C:\POC\cfg) on the primary Console Data Server. (If you are installing a new operator station, the license files should already match those on the license diskette. If you are re-installing an existing operator station, you installed the license when you installed the console software.) Note... Remember that the console software license is keyed to the License Module attached to the server's Highway Data Link. You must use the license diskette that matches the License Module when upgrading a console. • Stop and restart the POC Base service on the Console Data Server to establish the license change. Note that stopping and DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Upgrading Consoles • 245 restarting the POC Base service interrupts console operations briefly on operator stations. 5. Enter the operator station name in the Console Properties dialog of the primary and secondary Console Data Servers. (Select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Console Properties.) If the operator station is connected to a secondary Console Data Server, repeat steps 4 and 5 for the secondary server. 6. Set the password of the PROVOX21Admin account and the password for the POC Station service to the same passwords used on other operator stations in the console workgroup. 7. Start the POC Station service on the operator station. You should now be able to log in to the operator station and log in to the operator interface. C.1.3 Adding Unsolicited Data Reporting If your PROVOX system uses pre-1984 device programming, you may need to add Standard Unsolicited data reporting if it is not already installed. Do not install or enable Standard Unsolicited data reporting unless you know you need it. If you are unsure, consult with your FisherRosemount service representative. Note... Enabling Standard Unsolicited data reporting on systems can cause undesirable side effects under some circumstances. Enable Standard Unsolicited data reporting only if necessary. 1. For every console you are adding unsolicited data reporting to, obtain a new license diskette. Note... Remember that the console software license is keyed to the License Module attached to the console's Highway Data Link. You must use the license diskette that matches the License Module when upgrading a console. 2. Stop the POC Base service on the primary Console Data Server to make sure the license files can be copied. Note that stopping the POC Base service interrupts console operations on operator stations. 3. Uninstall the Console Software from the primary Console Data Server. 246 • Upgrading Consoles DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles 4. Reinstall the Console Software on the Console Data Server 5. Select Start | DeltaV Operate for PROVOX | Settings | Standard Unsolicited. An informational popup appears. 6. Click OK. The Unsolicited Reporting Control dialog appears. 7. Select Enable Standard Unsolicited Reporting and click OK. 8. Restart the POC Base service on the primary Console Data. Repeat these steps on the secondary Console Data Server. C.1.4 Adding Event Journal If you want to add Event Journal capability to your system, do the following: 1. For every console you are adding Event Journal capability to, obtain a new license diskette. Note... Remember that the console software license is keyed to the License Module attached to the console's Highway Data Link. You must use the license diskette that matches the License Module when upgrading a console. 2. Stop the POC Base service on the primary Console Data Server to make sure the license files can be copied. Note that stopping the POC Base service interrupts console operations on operator stations. 3. Save the following files from the installed \POC\Cfg directory to a location that won't be overwritten during an install: • TrendTraces_Current.txt • TrendTraces_Master.txt • CalcAttrs_Current.csv • CalcAttrs_Master.txt 4. Uninstall the Console Software from the primary Console Data Server. 5. Reinstall the Console Software on the primary Console Data Server. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Upgrading Consoles • 247 6. Copy the files saved in step 3 back to the installed \POC\Cfg directory. 7. Restart the primary Console Data Server. 8. Perform a total download of the console. Repeat these steps on the secondary Console Data Server. 248 • Upgrading Consoles DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles D Other Network Solutions D.1 Introduction This section contains information on supported network configurations for installing DeltaV Operate for PROVOX® Consoles. The configurations shown in this section include: • The Hub Extension — Installing operator stations at a distance from Console Data Servers using a Process Network Hub. • Plant Network Connection with Central Switch — Connecting the process network to a plant local area network using a central switch and a router. • Plant Network Connection with Router Only — Connecting the process network to a plant network using a router. • Remote Workstations — Fiber Optic Link from a Console Data Server to operator stations. • Redundant Remote Workstations — Fiber optic links from Primary and Secondary Console Data Servers to operator workstations. Note... The figures in this manual are conceptual only. Your system’s hardware may appear different than that shown. In addition, the figures in this section show only the PROVOX control network and operator stations. They do not show connections to the DeltaV control network. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Other Network Solutions • 249 D.2 The Hub Extension You can connect operator stations to Console Data Server Process Network Switches using twisted pair cables as long as 328 feet (100 m). If you need to locate operator workstations at a greater distance from Console Data Servers, you can use a Process Network Hub. You can use this (remote) hub to install one or two operator stations (more than two require a switch) at a distance from the Console Data Server (and Process Network Switch). You can also use a fiber optic cable and a remote hub when routing communications cable through an electrically noisy area. In these cases, use fiber optic cable and transceivers—a hub with a fiber optic port expansion card is required at the far end and a fiber optic port expansion card is required for the switch. The fiber optic expansion cards are installed in the transceiver slot of the switch and hub. Using fiber optic cable allows up to 1Km of communications cable. This configuration allows up to a maximum of two workstations to be connected to the remote hub with local twisted pair cabling—while providing a single fiber optic pipe between the Process Network Switch and the remote Process Network Hub. If there is a need to locate more than two workstations remotely via fiber optic cabling, consult your Fisher-Rosemount sales office to determine alternative hardware products to accomplish this. 250 • Other Network Solutions DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Figure D-1: Hub Extension to a Console Using Fiber Optic Cables Setting up a Hub Extension Perform the following procedure to connect a hub extension to a console. 1. Install a Fiber Optic Port Expansion card in both the process network switch and the process network hub. 2. Connect one end of a fiber optic cable to the Rx outlet on the Fiber Optic Port Expansion card of the switch in the console. Connect the opposite end of the fiber optic cable to the Tx outlet on the Fiber Optic Port Expansion card of the hub. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Other Network Solutions • 251 3. Connect one end of a fiber optic cable to the Tx outlet on the Fiber Optic Port Expansion card of the switch in the console. Connect the opposite end of the fiber optic cable to the Rx outlet on the Fiber Optic Port Expansion card of the hub. 4. Connect up to two operator stations to the hub. Note... A maximum of six operator stations can be configured to each Console Data Server. If two workstations are connected to the remote hub, only four (maximum) can be connected directly to the process network switch. 5. Perform the procedures in Section 3 in the subsection Setting DeltaV Operator Station Parameters. 6. Perform the procedures in Section 3 in the subsection Test the Network Connections. D.3 Plant Network Connection With Central Switch This subsection illustrates how to connect a process network to a plant network using a central switch and a router. The process network consists of a primary/secondary pair of Console Data Servers and their connected operator stations. Note... 252 • Other Network Solutions Always use a router between the process network and the plant network to prevent plant traffic from congesting the process network. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles PLANT NETWORK WS WS WS WS WS WS 10 MBit 10 MBit Router 10 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit Central Switch 10 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit 2 2 10 MBit Resilient 10 MBit Switch 10 MBit 100 MBit Main 1 Switch 10 MBit PROCESS NETWORK 100 MBit 10 MBit 100 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit Server Server HDL HDL WS WS WS WS WS WS PROVOX Highway Note: 1 Category 5 shielded (screened) twisted pair crossover cable connecting 100 port of primary console switch to 100 MBit port of secondary console Black metal connector on end of cable may be placed on either 2 Category 5 shielded (screened) twisted pair crossover Black metal connector on end of cable may be placed on either CenSwSys.cdr Figure D-2: Connecting A Process Network to A Plant Network with A Central Switch Note that this figure is similar to the figure in subsection D.4. The difference is that the figure in subsection D.4 does not use a central switch. With a central switch you can easily expand your network by adding more console pairs to the central switch on the process network. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Other Network Solutions • 253 D.4 Plant Network Connection With Router Only This subsection presents an alternative to the previous subsection. This subsection shows how to connect two process networks to a plant network without using a central switch. In this case one of the switches that serves operator stations connects through a router to the plant network. PLANT NETWORK WS 10 MBit WS 10 MBit Router 10 MBit WS 10 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit WS WS WS 100 MBit 1 WS 10 MBit WS Switch Main Switch Resilient 10 MBit 2 10 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit PROCESS NETWORK WS 10 MBit 100 MBit 100 MBit Server Server HDL HDL 10 MBit WS WS WS PROVOX Highway Notes: 1 Category 5 shielded (screened) twisted pair crossover cable connecting 100 MBit port of primary console switch to 100 MBit port of secondary console switch. Black metal connector on end of cable may be placed on either switch. 2 Category 5 shielded (screened) twisted pair crossover cable connecting 10 MBit port of primary console switch to 10 MBit port of secondary console switch. Black metal connector on end of cable may be placed on either switch. PlantNet.cdr Figure D-3: Connecting Process Networks to A Plant Network without A Central Switch 254 • Other Network Solutions DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles D.5 Remote Workstations If you need to install your operator stations remotely from the Console Data Servers, you can use Fiber Optic cable and 100 MBit FX modules as shown in this subsection. The 100 MBit FX modules are installed in the Process Network Switch's expansion module slot, not the smaller transceiver slot used for the solution described in Subsection D.2 Note that the main and standby (resilient) links between the switches is fiber optic cable and is limited to a length of 2 kilometers. WS WS WS 10 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit WS 10 MBit WS 10 MBit 10 MBit Switch WS 100 MBit FX Module Process Network Switch with 100 MBit FX Module Main 100 MBit, 1 Fiber Optic Cable Resilient 100 MBit FX Module Switch 100 MBit Server HDL PROVOX Highway Note: 1 As much as 2 kilometers FO_Syst.cdr Figure D-4: Using Fiber Optic Cables to Connect Remote Workstations DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Other Network Solutions • 255 D.6 Redundant Remote Workstations This subsection shows how to have a primary/secondary pair of Console Data Servers connected to operator stations at a distance of up to 2 kilometers using fiber optic cable and 100 MBit FX modules. WS WS 10 MBit Process Network Switch with 100 MBit FX Module 10 MBit WS WS WS 10 MBit 10 MBit 10 MBit 100 MBit 2 WS 10 MBit Switch FX Main WS WS Switch 10 MBit 10 MBit WS FX 10 MBit 3 Resilient WS WS 10 MBit 1 100 MBit FO Cable 10 MBit 100 MBit 1 FO Cable 10 MBit 10 MBit 100 MBit 1 FO Cable Main Switch FX 100 MBit Server WS 1 100 MBit FO Cable Main Resilient Switch FX Resilient 100 MBit Server Notes: 1 The distance between the two switches can be as long as two kilometers. 2 Category 5 shielded (screened) twisted pair crossover cable connecting 100 MBit port of one remote switch to a 100 MBit port of a second remote switch. Black metal connector on end of cable may be placed on either switch. 3 Category 5 shielded (screened) twisted pair crossover cable connecting 10 MBit port of one remote switch to a 10 MBit port of a second remote switch. Black metal connector on end of cable may be placed on either switch. AAFOnet.cdr Figure D-5: Primary/Secondary Console Data Servers with Remote Operator Stations 256 • Other Network Solutions DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles To set up the DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Console Ethernet Primary/Secondary consoles, perform the following steps: 1. Perform the installation procedure to install the Primary Server (refer to the subsection Setting Up Consoles). Include connecting it to a Process Network Switch. 2. Install the Console Data Server's operator stations remotely and connect them to a second Process Network Switch. 3. Connect one end of a fiber optic cable to the Rx outlet on the Fiber Optic Port of the switch at the Console Data Server. Connect the other end of the fiber optic cable to the Tx outlet on the switch connected to the operator stations. 4. Connect one end of another fiber optic cable to the Tx outlet on the Fiber Optic Port of the switch at the Console Data Server. Connect the other end of the fiber optic cable to the Rx outlet on the switch connected to the operator stations. 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to install the Secondary Server and its remote operator stations. 6. Connect the two switches connected to the operator stations with resilient links. 7. Define the resilient links from one switch, not both. See Section 3 for more information on defining switches and resilient links. DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Other Network Solutions • 257 258 • Other Network Solutions DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Index # #CURRENT 153 A accounts 159 accumulations 193 Acrobat Reader installing 209 Active Desktop Internet Explorer 157 activity point 193 Adobe Acrobat Reader installing 209 alarm banner initialization 106 ANYNODE 127 attribute 140 selecting 138 attributes calculation 144 display 141 FST 156 THISUSER 148 writeable 155 writing from displays 153 writing from Instrument Area 153 writing to from displays 153 B backups 73 books online 169 C Cabling server cabinet 42, 43 calculation attribute expression files 147 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles calculation attributes 144 examples 146 expressions 144 calculation expression syntax 145 character substitution point and display tags 109 CHIP application software 193 configuration alarm priority 126 console device 120 converting from PROVUE or Operator Workplace 117 database 117 display editor 131 equipment list definition 123 extended alarms 132 Highway Access Control List 131 operator display list 122 option definition 120 PMA definition 125 PMA list 123 PPA definition 126 procedures 124 report attributes 124 report header definition 123 report list definition 123 shift table definition 121 targeting points 131 trend 121 update 196 user access list 123 user definitions 127 console 193 defining HDL 89 interconnecting 48, 50 operator station parameters 66 password 82 primary 193 PROVOX account password 84 redundancy 184 redundant 193 redundant pairing 193 secondary 193 server parameters 53 setting up 38 setup 38 simplex 196 Index • 259 system configuration 51 unitialize HDL 88 upgrading 243 Windows NT administrator password 52 Console Data Server cabinet 40 parameters 53 preserving information 211 redundancy 184, 187 server cabinet installing 42 switchover 188, 194 Console Data Server redundancy integrity faceplate 189 Console Data Servers upgrading console software 210 console messages 166 console restart 183 console security 159 default 161 console service 91 console software installing 201 upgrading Console Data Servers 210 console startup 161 console-resident point redundancy 185 customize DeltaV Operate 105 display elements 135 dynamic 135 static 135 display list 122 display names 133 display tag substitution 109 valid characters in ENVOX software 110 displays converting 114 managing 156 download partial 196 redundant pairs 197 total 196 E entry fields configuring 155 field types 153 ENVOX software using 117 EPCI point 193 Event Journal 166, 168 controlling access to 170 Expression Builder 135, 136 Expression Builder dialog 138 D F Data link inserting 136 DCD point 193 DDP 153 DDP area 163 Defining HDL console 89 DeltaV Operate customizing 105 starting and testing 114 DeltaV Operator Station parameters 66 display link limits 135 naming 135 display attributes 141 display configuration 133 faceplates 165 field 140 frsPOCIntegrity 149 frsPocTasks 149 FST attributes 156 260 • Index G Grounding server cabinet 42 H HDL and POC Base service 205 description 31 installing in server cabinet 41 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles console 166 uninitialize 88 Highway Data Link description 31 Hub extension description 250 installing 251 N I O Installing console 38 HDL server cabinet 41 hub extension 251 Primary/Secondary consoles 69 server server cabinet 42 server cabinet 40 switch server cabinet 41 UPS in server cabinet 40 Instrument Area 163 positioning 164 size 164 integrity faceplate Console Data Server redundancy 189 integrity point 193 intended audience 18 Internet Explorer Active Desktop 157 internet options setting 97 occurrence numbers 138 Operator Display List form 122 operator station adding to existing console 244 definition 13 setting POC service 91 Operator Workplace 117 Other network solutions hub extension 250 plant network connection with central switch 252 plant network connection with router only 254 redundant remote workstations 256 remote workstations 255 L license upgrading 244 license popup removing 99 link limits 135 Logging in 113 login secure 128 M manual switchover effects of console-resident point 196 messages DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles Network Time Protocol 162 NTP 162 P password changing default 82 console 82 PROVOX21Admin 94 pictures converting 114 POC Base Service stopping 211 POC Service and setting the HDL 205 POC Station Service stopping 219 POC TimeWatch Service stopping 211, 219 POC\programs folder 99 point console_resident accumulation 193 activity 193 discrete control device 193 extended pulse count input (EPCI) 193 Index • 261 integrity 193 manual switchover effects 196 sourced 193 targeted 193 point tag substitution 109 valid characters in ENVOX software 110 Power-up test server cabinet 46 primary console 193, 196 primary servers 108 primary workstations 108 Primary/Secondary Ethernet Consoles setting up 69 Process network hub description 32 Process network switch description 31 Process Network Switch configuring 60 PROVOX application software 193 software CHIP 193 PROVOX account password console 84 PROVOX communication enabling 101 PROVOX toolbar creating 104 PROVOX21Admin password 94 R redunancy application Console Data Server 190 redundancy 184, 193 active console 194 changing console pairing 196 console pairing 193 Console Data Server 184, 187 console-resident point 185 examples 197 standby console 194 synchronization 196 redundancy application 262 • Index console-resident point 195 redundant console 194 pairing 193, 196 reports 169 resilient link defining 64 restart 183 S scripts 149 accessing DDP values from 153 secondary console 193, 196 secondary servers 108 secondary workstations 108 security 159, 161 example 130 server connecting a viewer to 167 Server equipment list 27, 30 parameters 53 server cabinet installing 42 server cabinet cabling 42 grounding 42 installing HDL 41 installing server 42 installing switch 42 power cabling 43 Server cabinet installing 40 power-up test 46 service 91 POC Base 91, 205 POC Station 91 Setting up console 38 Primary/Secondary Consoles 69 setup customizing DeltaV Operate 105 defining servers and workstations 108 other settings 100 positioning Instrument Area and Trend windows 100 task overview 80 Unsolicited Data Reporting 246 Unsolicited Transmit method 108, 243 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles shutdown 183 simplex console 196 stale data 163 Standard Unsolicited Transmit 108, 243, 246 startup 161 verifying 95 substitution log file 112 point and display tags 109 Switch configuring 60 server cabinet installing 41 switchover Console Data Server 188, 194 syntax tagnames 139 System configuration console 51 system setup 36 T tag selecting 138 substitution 109 tag substitution log file 112 tagname 139 attribute 140 entering 139 field 140 syntax 139 tag 140 Test network connections to DeltaV Operator Stations 68 THISUSER attributes 148 time synchronizing 162 time zone 162 toolbar initialization 106 PROVOX 104 trace data set definition files 181 trace data sets adding 177 DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles creating 178 removing 180 trend adding trace data sets 177 trace data set 174 trace data sets 173 trend views 174 trend views 174 viewing 180 trend sets importing configured sets 176 Trend viewer 176 Trend Viewer 173 Trend Window 176 positioning 174 size 174 troubleshooting 114, 183 U Uninitialize HDL console 88 Unsolicited Transmit setup 108, 243, 246 upgrading consoles 243 upgrading licenses 244 UPS server cabinet 40 user definitions ANYNODE 127 USER_SETTINGS.GRF 105 users 159 UserSettings.grf creating 105 variables 107 V VBA 149 viewer connecting to a server 167 documents 169 viewers 166 Viewers 166 W Windows NT Internet Service Manager 170 Windows NT administrator password Index • 263 console 52 Windows NT Server installing 222 requirements 223 264 • Index DeltaV Operate for PROVOX Consoles