Annual Report


Annual Report
If 4x + 1 = 1005
what is the value of
8x + 8?
start with...
4x + 1 = 1005
If I double both sides,
I’ll get an 8x on the left.
2(4x + 1) = 2(1005)
8x + 2 = 2010
I need 6 more on the left
to get to 8x + 8.
8x + 2 = 2010
+6 +6
8x + 8 =
annual report
Chances are, at some point during your time as a math student, one of your teachers told you to
“show your work.” Some teachers may have given you partial credit for an incorrect answer if
you showed how you got it. And maybe some of your teachers even took off points for a correct
answer that was missing an explanation…
Many of our Mathletes and alumni probably can do a great deal of math in their heads—a few
years ago a MATHCOUNTS National Champion went through the entire Countdown Round
without once putting a pencil to paper. Why, then, do so many math teachers want to know that
students can prove their solution to a problem, even if they get the right answer? What is the point
of showing your work if you’re getting everything right?
Different math teachers have different reasons behind their teaching methods, but as we reflect on
the year we’ve had at MATHCOUNTS, one reason is obvious: what goes into your work matters
just as much as, if not more than, the final product.
Just like a student can accidentally arrive at the correct answer without fully understanding a math
concept, it can be easy for organizations like ours to do good work without fully understanding
why it matters. And just as a student probably catches a few of his own errors as he writes down
a solution, mapping out our actions helps us ensure that everything we do truly does support our
For that reason, we have focused a lot of our efforts this year on “showing our work”—
recognizing that the people behind every empowered student matter just as much as that student’s
ultimate success:
Credit: Photo Courtesy
of the White House
„„ We partnered with the University of Oklahoma to offer professional development for more
than 200 MATHCOUNTS coaches across the nation.
„„ We conducted in-person workshops for over 200 public school educators in Chicago, New
York City and Atlantic City to help teachers make the most of our programs and materials.
Introduction Letter..........................................................................................................3
Enhancing the MATHCOUNTS Experience......................................................................4
MATHCOUNTS Recognized by Change The Equation......................................................5
NFLPA Community Service Award Used to Support MATHCOUNTS...................................6
MATHCOUNTS Alumni Scholarship................................................................................7
MATHCOUNTS Competition Series................................................................................8
2016 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition.....................................................9
The National Math Club..............................................................................................10
Math Video Challenge................................................................................................11
Winning students from last year’s
Competition Series and Math
Video Challenge attended the
2016 White House Science Fair
in April as distinguished guests.
Pictured above with President
Obama are 2015 Math Video
Challenge winners (back row,
starting at third from left) Shawl
Pryor, Quivion Wynn, Peter
Warrick and Brandon Benn; 2015
National Champion Kevin Liu
(second row, second from right);
and 2015 Countdown Round
Runner-Up Andy Xu (third row, third
from right).
„„ We launched guides for new coaches, club leaders and team advisors to ensure every
teacher who tries out a MATHCOUNTS program for the first time has the resources she
needs to make a difference for her students.
„„ We learned from and partnered with outstanding alumni—from Richard Rusczyk of Art
of Problem Solving, to 2002 National Champion Albert Ni, to professional football
player John Urschel—to provide resources, encouragement and support for students just
embarking on their math journey.
We already have seen the benefits to our organization of prioritizing our path as much as our
mission. Other STEM education advocates have started to take the same approach: at the 2016
White House Science Fair in April, the six winning students from last year’s MATHCOUNTS
National Competition were asked to participate in a roundtable discussion with acting Secretary
of Education John King. The purpose? Not to talk about what they had accomplished, but how
they did it, so others could learn from them.
So what’s the point of showing your work if you’re getting everything right? It’s to share what
you’re doing with others, to reflect on it yourself and, above all else, to learn.
There are many paths to math. A student’s journey matters just as much as, if not more than, where
he or she ends up at the end of it.
2015-2016 Organization Donors................................................................................13
2015-2016 Individual Donors......................................................................................14
2015-2016 State & Chapter Coordinators....................................................................15
Board of Directors & National Staff...............................................................................18
Bhupinder Singh
Board of Directors
Louis M. DiGioia, CAE
At the beginning
journey, not
only was I quite
horrendous at
math, but I was
also afraid of
delving deeply
into a subject
that I was just
naturally ‘not
good’ at... At
some point in
experience, I
started to love
the intricate
ways of solving
problems so much
that I began to
talk incessantly
to others about
- Nancy Lu, PA
Executive Director,
2015-2016 Annual Report
Enhancing the MATHCOUNTS
Coaching a MATHCOUNTS Competition Series team can be one of the most rewarding
and enriching experiences a math educator can have, but getting started or getting
better as a coach can sometimes be a challenge. To help first-time coaches establish
new MATHCOUNTS programs, and to give veteran coaches strategies for taking their
coaching to the next level, MATHCOUNTS partnered with the University of Oklahoma
and Art of Problem Solving to create a new online course for coaches.
To give students a fun practice resource for the Competition Series, MATHCOUNTS and
Art of Problem Solving launched the MATHCOUNTS Trainer app in September 2015. In
just its first year, tens of thousands of students have combined to solve over two million
problems on the app.
Available as an online program, as well as a free download in the App Store for iOS
devices, the Trainer includes hundreds of thousands of MATHCOUNTS problems from
past school, chapter, state and national competitions. The app also features real-time
dashboards and leaderboards giving students ways to track their progress and engage
with other Mathletes across the country.
The course, Competition Math for Middle School, was offered in Fall 2015 and Spring/
Summer 2016 and featured content created by Art of Problem Solving, as well as tips
from MATHCOUNTS national staff and national-level coaches. In addition to resources
and advice, teachers who successfully completed the course requirements received one
graduate credit from the University of Oklahoma, which they could use for continuing
education credits at their local district or county.
As part of the MATHCOUNTS Foundation’s commitment to investing in math educators,
MATHCOUNTS national staff led four different hands-on workshops for math teachers in
Chicago Public Schools, Atlantic City Public Schools and New York City Public Schools.
More than 200 teachers received training and free, high-quality math materials at
MATHCOUNTS workshops conducted from August through November 2015.
introduced me to
the excitement
of solving math
problems, making
math an integral
part of my life.
- Ina Flood, AK
Funding from the U.S. Department of Defense made these workshops possible, and they
have been lauded by participants and math curriculum specialists for their effectiveness
and relevance. On post-workshop surveys, when asked to rate the preparation and
presentation of the workshop material on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), the average
rating given by workshop attendees across all four workshops was 4.93. MATHCOUNTS
plans to further develop ongoing partnerships with school districts and provide even more
professional development opportunities for math teachers in the future.
MATHCOUNTS recognized by
Change the Equation
In August 2015, the Math Video Challenge was added to STEMworks, a database of the
most highly effective science, technology, engineering and math programs. STEMworks
was created by Change the Equation, a non-profit, non-partisan partnership of CEOs
with the mission of building STEM literacy in all U.S. students.
The Math Video Challenge was also identified by Change the Equation as an
Accomplished Program—the highest accolade awarded in the STEMworks database,
reserved for only the highest-quality, most effective programs. Receiving this support from
Change the Equation will help MATHCOUNTS expand the reach of the Math Video
Challenge and have an even greater impact on students who participate in the future.
The past three
years of coaching]
taught me more
about myself
than any other
experience. For
me, the only
feeling better
than solving a
difficult math
problem is helping
someone else do
the same.
- Jeremy Du, MD
2015-2016 Annual Report
It is rare to find people who have talents in multiple fields; even more exceptional are
people who make it to the highest level in those fields. MATHCOUNTS alumnus John
Urschel is one of those exceptional people and is perhaps the quintessential Mathlete.
Urschel, a guard for the Baltimore Ravens, is also a mathematician. He received a
Bachelors and Masters in Mathematics from Pennsylvania State University and is currently
working toward his Ph.D. in Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Learning is an
incredible journey,
and I am reminded
of this fact every
year I return to
be an assistant
coach in the
middle school
Not only helping
these students to
learn more about
math, I also guide
them on a path in
developing problem
solving skills
that pertain to a
variety of STEM
- Megan Zhao, OH
In addition to dividing his time between the NFL and MIT, Urschel is an active advocate
for STEM education, and mathematics in particular. In December, he was nominated
by his Ravens teammates for the NFL Players Association’s Byron “Whizzer” White
Award, which recognizes NFL players who give back to their communities. When
asked to choose a charity to donate his $5,000 nomination award to, Urschel chose the
MATHCOUNTS Foundation.
Urschel’s success and support for STEM education make him a powerful role model for
all of our students. His story tells us that a love of math does not need to come at the
expense of other passions.
“I was nominated by my teammates for the 2016 NFLPA Byron “Whizzer” White Award.
My charity of choice is @MATHCOUNTS.”
“The initial 5k for the nomination will go to @MATHCOUNTS, as will the additional 100k
if I win. Program had profound effect on me as a child.”
The Alumni Scholarship was established in 2013 to recognize and support outstanding
alumni whose time participating in MATHCOUNTS had a meaningful impact on their
lives and helped influence their future endeavors. So far, more than 500 alumni have
applied for the award and shared their inspiring stories of being Mathletes, volunteers,
students and even MATHCOUNTS coaches and teachers. The winner of the 2016
scholarship was Jacob Wachspress, a former State Competitor and finalist for the 2015
Alumni Scholarship.
Jacob participated in MATHCOUNTS as a sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade student and
advanced to the Pennsylvania State Competition. His journey in mathematics continued
beyond middle school, leading him to participate in—and later lead—the Lehigh Valley
Team in the American Regions Mathematics League (ARML). As a team member and
captain, Jacob led his ARML team to finish in the top 10 in the nation three years in a row.
What sets Jacob apart from many other students, beyond his math ability, is his passion
for giving back. Throughout high school he volunteered weekly at the Boys and Girls
Club of Trenton, where he tutored elementary school students. And most recently, he
spent a year abroad working as a volunteer math teacher in Bolivia through the Princeton
University Bridge Year Program. Jacob plans to continue working to help his community,
saying “I know that the arc of my life will inevitably put me in positions to spread the
incredible joy math can bring.” He will attend Princeton University in the fall and plans to
major in math.
“It’s that moment. That moment when the perfect neuron fires and the connections rush
through your brain and everything suddenly makes sense and you see the solution
without even knowing why…the ‘click’ moment, when on a profoundly emotional level
math becomes fun, cool, and even beautiful…The real lesson MATHCOUNTS taught me,
which I have used and hope to use forever, is that this magical moment has immense
power and can truly change one’s life for the better.” -Jacob Wachspress
Jeremy Du, MD
Sarah Koubek, NE
Laura Seaberg, MD
Ina Flood, AK
Michael Kural, CT
Kelsey Sucher, KY
Adam Graunke, AZ
Hans Li, TX
Richmund Tan, CA
Meghal Gupta, CA
Celine Liang, CA
Megan Zhao, OH
Trisha Hariani, GA
Nancy Lu, PA
Geoffrey Zheng, FL
Nithin Kannan, AZ
Tristan Pollner, CA
Emma Kerwin, MA
Shravan Ravishankar, KY
The real lesson
taught me, which
I have used and
hope to use
forever, is that
this magical
moment has
immense power and
can truly change
one’s life for the
- Jacob Wachspress
2015-2016 Annual Report
and my middle
school math
team experience
for opening my
horizons to
the world of
integrity, and
and this has
ultimately fueled
my desire to be
able to produce
compelling and
research in the
health industry.
The 2016 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition took place at the Renaissance
Washington, DC Downtown Hotel—the 22nd time the event has happened in our
nation’s capital. A total of 224 Mathletes earned the right to compete, representing all
50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Department
of Defense and the State Department.
The MATHCOUNTS Competition Series was created in 1983 to provide engaging,
challenging extracurricular math activities for students. In 33 years the program has
grown, currently reaching more than 100,000 students nationwide annually. Designed to
help students develop their math and critical thinking skills, the Competition Series helps
prepare today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders and problem solvers.
After taking the Written Competition on Sunday, May 8, the top 12 scoring students
advanced to the Countdown Round on Monday, May 9, which determined the
winner. After a thrilling final match-up, Edward Wan, a seventh grader from Bellevue,
Washington, won the title of National Champion and the $20,000 Donald G. Weinert
College Scholarship. Wan also was the only national competitor to achieve a perfect
score on the 2016 Written Competition.
Students began working in the fall with teachers and volunteers serving as coaches. After
using the 2015-2016 MATHCOUNTS School Handbook—provided for free to all U.S.
middle schools—and attending team practices and meetings, students competed in school
competitions beginning in December 2015. Top students represented their school at over
500 chapter competitions in February 2016, with the top chapter competitors advancing
to state competitions taking place in March. The top four students from each state
competition received an all-expenses-paid trip to the 2016 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS
National Competition in May.
Adding to the excitement of the Countdown Round, the team from Texas set two new
MATHCOUNTS national-level records. The Texas team—with Mathletes Andrew Cai,
Luke Robitaille, Benjamin Wright and Justin Yu—was the first to have all four team
members qualify for the Countdown Round, and was also the first team ever to have two
sixth graders (Cai and Robitaille) qualify for the Countdown Round.
Countdown Round Participants
Alex Wei, WA
Justin Yu, TX
Eric Wei, NY
Wentinn Liao, CA
1st Place Team – Texas
Credit: Raytheon Company
Andrew Cai, Luke Robitaille, Benjamin
Wright, Justin Yu; Isil Nal, Coach
2nd Place Team – California
- Richmund Tan, CA
National Competition Sponsor
Credit: Rich Kessler Photography
2016 National Champion and Written
Competition Champion
Nevin Liang, Wentinn Liao, Brent Liu,
Ishika Shah; P.J. Yim, Coach
Edward Wan, WA
3rd Place Team – Washington
Countdown Round Runner-Up and Written
Competition Runner-Up
George Lan, Axel Li, Edward Wan,
Alex Wei; Bin Lan, Coach
Luke Robitaille, TX
Three-Time National Competitors
Countdown Round Semifinalists
Divyesh Gurnani, VI
Jason Liu, NV
James Hawkes, ME
Ben Kang, VA
Edward Hu, MS
Countdown Round Quarterfinalists
Kelvin Kang, AR
Benjamin Wright, TX
Sruthi Parthasarathi, OH
Brian Liu, NJ
Ragulan Sivakumar, VT
Alex Xu, MI
Eric Wei, NY
Andrew Cai, TX
Allen Wu, ND
Moments like the
Countdown Round
taught me how to
handle pressure
by staying calm
and focused and
shutting out
everything else.
- Emma Kerwin, MA
2015-2016 Annual Report
Before my
Mathlete days I
was shy,
and unaware of my
passion for math.
me to discover
what I love most
and hope to spend
my life doing.
The National Math Club was created in 2007 to give students a way to engage in math
in a fun, social, non-competitive setting. Club leaders can register throughout the year
beginning in the fall and receive a free box of hands-on materials, activity ideas and
prizes for their students. Sponsored this year by the Northrop Grumman Foundation, the
National Math Club was an invaluable classroom and extracurricular resource in more
than 2,800 schools and organizations nationwide.
The Math Video Challenge gives students a unique opportunity
to use technology and creativity to complete a fun and
challenging math project. In addition to building math skills, the
program requires students to cultivate skills necessary for the
21st century, such as communication, collaboration and use of
technology—skills not typically associated with math projects.
Active clubs can qualify for additional prizes and recognition. Silver Level Status, which
recognizes a high level of student participation, was awarded to 480 clubs this year.
Silver Level clubs received a trophy, student certificates and entry into drawings for $250
gift cards. The highest accolade a club can receive in the National Math Club is Gold
Level Status, which recognizes clubs whose students complete a challenging, multi-step,
collaborative project. A total of 187 Gold Level clubs received a trophy, banner, student
certificates and entry into drawings for $500 gift cards. One Gold Level club, Hawthorne
Middle School in Pocatello, Idaho, won this year’s Grand Prize—a $500 gift card
plus an all-expenses-paid trip for four students and the club leader to attend the 2016
Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition.
Starting in the fall and winter, student videographers worked
in teams of four to select a handbook problem to solve from
the 2015-2016 Math Video Challenge Playbook. In addition
to explaining the solution, students were challenged to craft an
interesting story that showed the real-world application of the
math used in the problem. After a general public voting period,
the top 100 videos with the most votes were judged by a panel
of math, technology, communications and education experts.
Twenty semifinalist videos, and then later four finalists, were
selected in the spring.
Credit: Rich Kessler Photography
The 16 students who created the finalist videos received an
all-expenses-paid trip to the 2016 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS
National Competition, where they presented their videos to the
224 Mathletes competing in the finals of the Competition Series.
These 224 Mathletes then voted to decide the First Place Video.
This year, the GLU3 team from Georgia took top honors for their
video, “#MarbleChallenge.” Each GLU3 team member won a
$1,000 college scholarship.
“#MarbleChallenge” by GLU3 of Georgia
Hawthorne Middle School in Pocatello, ID
Aaliyah Brown, Jadon Edwards, MacKenzy Jordan, Kennedy Spencer;
Dr. Camille Jones, Team Advisor
Pictured above: Noemi Campbell, Drake Johnson, Max LeFevre, Grace Sistrunk; Michael
McFadden, Club Leader
The Bement School in Leverette, MA
Canty Elementary School in Chicago, IL
High Desert Middle School in Bend, OR
Pequannock Valley Middle School in
Pompton Plains, NJ
“Back in the Good Old Days” by The Mathtastic 4 of Ohio
Kellie Keaton, Shadarria Robinson, Anaya Spencer, Jayla VanHorn;
Stacy Ans-Duffy, Team Advisor
“Back in the Good Old Days” tells the story of four elderly women
reminiscing about their lifelong friendship, and who remember one
silly, ridiculous trip to the movie theater back when they were young.
Shot as a silent film, the video shows how the young women figured
out a seating arrangement at the movies.
“The Greatest Pizza” by Maple Lake Homeschool Movie Club of
Louise Grabow, Bruce Haines, Eleanor Haines, Andrew Rucks; Jennifer
Grabow, Team Advisor
“The Greatest Pizza,” featuring unique special effects and handmade props, tells the story of a pizza chef who also happens to be
a MATHCOUNTS enthusiast. After 150 students win a math contest
he created, the chef has to make a pizza large enough to be equally
shared by all of the contest winners. How will he figure the size of a
“Laurie’s Coins” by The Creative Team Name of Illinois
Amelia Jensen, Ela Kusmierz, Lauren Pokonosky, Sydney Williams;
Jeanne Salazar, Team Advisor
“Laurie’s Coins” uses witty jokes and silly puns to tell the story a
girl who buys lemonade each morning on her way to school from a
neighborhood lemonade stand. After a week, she needs to figure out
how many coins she has left in her change purse. How will she use
algebra and problem-solving skills to figure it out?
“#MarbleChallenge” is a musical that tells the story of Jadon and
Kennedy, two students who decide to try out a new game called the
#MarbleChallenge, after seeing a GLUTube video starring Internet
sensations KittenGal24 and GalaxyGalore. Which player will come up
with the game-winning strategy using logic skills?
Turtle River Montessori in Juno Beach, FL
- Kelsey Sucher, KY
AccelPlus Math Club in Cupertino, CA
Pope John Paul II Middle School in Muncie, IN
Clearwater Fundamental Middle School in
Clearwater, FL
St. Michael Catholic School in
St. Michael, MN
Emory Math Circle in Atlanta, GA
Union Middle School in Dysart, IA
Forrestdale Middle School in Rumson, NJ
Villa Madonna Academy in Villa Hills, KY
Hopewell Elementary School in Oxford, PA
James Denman Middle School in
San Francisco, CA
Credit: Rich Kessler Photography
2015-2016 Annual Report
Organization donors
School Registration Fees
Donated Services, Materials and Facilities
Net Investment Income
Sale of Trophies and Promotional Items
Coaching Materials Revenue
National Competition Revenue
Miscellaneous Revenue
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Total Revenue
Raytheon Company
General Motors Foundation
National Society of Professional
National Council of Teachers of
Northrop Grumman Foundation
U.S. Department of Defense
National Society of Professional
Bentley Systems Incorporated
CNA Foundation
The National Council of Examiners for
Engineering and Surveying
Phillips 66
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Art of Problem Solving
Brookhill Institute of Mathematics
CNA Foundation
The 2A Foundation
NFL Players Association
Math Video Challenge
Volunteer Support
Curriculum Development
National Competition
Public Relations and Newsletter
The National Math Club
College and Outreach Programs
Now, I plan to
attend Georgia
Tech in the
fall, and I have
to thank for
me to it through
the state
Production of Coaching Materials
School Registration and Materials
General and Administrative
Total Support Services Expenses
Total Program Services Expenses
Total Expenses
- Trisha Hariani, GA
Members of the winning Math Video Challenge team present their video
at the 2016 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition.
Credit: Rich Kessler Photography
2015-2016 Annual Report
George McHugh
Phillip Peters
Christine Schlosser
David S. Thomen
Jonathan McLaughlin
Joseph Plevelich
Marisa Schongalla
Guy Thompson
Bob McWilliams
Deborah Pollak
Brandon Schroyer
Lydia Thurman
Andrea Mejia
Maxine and Martin
Derek Schubert
Beckie Torrey
Ramona Pond
Ryan Scott
Karen Toth
Craig B. Sheldon
Cris Turner
Geoffrey Silcox
Susan Ullman
Maura Sleevi
Union College Math Club
Cordell Sloan
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia and Southern
New Jersey
Miriam Melnick
Edward B. Miller
$ 1 5 ,0 0 0
CASERVE Foundation/
Richard P. Case
$ 5 ,0 0 0 –14,999
Andrei Gnepp
Raytheon Employees
Bhupinder Singh
Chris Stone
me to treasure
the intellectual
challenge of
trying to solve
a problem, be
it a matter of
in math or of
adjectives in
Jonathan Graham
Ron Wasserstein
Chris Bright
Benjamin Grosz
Don Weinert
Eric Broberg
Jeffrey Grotte
Jessica Brown
Scott A. Gunn
Robert Bruce
Eugene Hall
Hansel Bulen
Weimin Han
Michelle Burgess
Michael Hardy
Linda Burton
Daniel Harn
Timothy Buss
Susan Harrold
Luana Carey
Glenwood Harvey
Harry Carpenter, Jr.
John Hendricks
Johnny Casey
Roni Hernandez
Steven Blasberg
Christy Canida
Nancy Carosso
Austin Decker
$ 1 0 0 0 –4,999
Elton and Nancy Doi
Charles Cate
Alexander Lloyd Hill
Gerard Bogacz
Jay Gentille
Samidh Chakrabarti
Patricia Holman
Sharon Bryant
Karin Hacker
Kristen Chandler
Christine Hood
Mr. and Mrs. David M.
Robert Johnson
Mathew Chase
Bill Hoskins
Jean-Charles M. Lede
David Hruska
Louis M. DiGioia
Gary McDonald
David Chase and
Stephanie Woerner
Matt Dinusson
Jeffrey Mermin
Gail Chasey
Vimala Iyer
Nathaniel Edmonds
Jim Myers
Sue and Tony Eltringham
Ronald P. Nedrow
Pamela Erickson
Patrick Peppe
Mary Lambert and David
Gaylon Pinc
Robert S. Miller, III
Richard and Vanessa
Sulaksh Shah
Justin Steil
John Thacker
Charles W. Wampler
Pamela Wickham
$ 5 0 0 –9 99
Ansley Browns
Khrystina N. Campana
Kenneth Chang
John Daegele
Michael and Christine Frost
Gerran Geyser
Beverly and Tim
Raymond C. Holmer
Tai Hon
Frances Lo
Michael Miller
My Next Season
Piersol Foundation
Heidi Pomerantz
Randy Rogers
Randell Sedlacek
Ilya Sherman
Paritosh Somani
Kevin Bongiovanni
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel
McAdams Foundation
- Laura Seaberg, MD
Michael Swank
Jerry Schlabach
Cynthia Sexton
Douglas Sheets
Melissa Chen
Deborah Chont and
William Adams
Arthur and Betsy Chotin
Fred Chreist
Mark Clifton
Rebecca Cobb
Bob and Laura Hughes
Phil Jackson
Sunil Jha
Valerie Mis
James and Susan Morrell
Thomas Mouch
Deirdre Murphy
Meghan Murphy
Daniel Mytelka
Amanda Naar
Beau W. Nelson
Cara Norton
Kathy and John Olson
Garrett Olszewski
B. Raquel Ornelas
Jeffrey O’Sullivan
Gregory Padilla
Leon Pallasch
Gregory Papp
Karen Parenti
Don Partridge
Suvarna Pathy
Bradley J. Paul
Leslie Peoble
Joanie Kalin
Robert and Margaret
Steven Kaun
Xi Yu
Lisa Kiff
Ryan Zelnio
Blake Thomas Cripe
Corey Robert King
Rebecca Cunningham
Kelvin Kirby
Mary DeMers
Scott Klingensmith
Jason Doan
Aaron Kock
Racquel Douglas
Gary Kosten
Rick Adelsohn, P.E.
David Dumas
David Kronenfeld
Jeffrey Anderson
Jeff Eberl
Denise Kroubalkian
Norm Arendt, Ph.D.
Brian J. Edwards
Mary Kulas
LuAnne Blickenstaff
Rachel English
Allison and Louis Kural
Maryella Begley, P.E.
Michael and Marianne
Ming-Jun Lai
Suzanne Baase
Jan Lammerding
Paul Bannon
Lewis Lane
Malinda Battey
Amy Larson
Patricia Behrens, P.E.
Benjamin Leiby
Diana Bittle
Peter C. Len
Justin Bosworth, P.E.
Michael Leonard
Paul Brady
Kate Little
Nancy Buechler
Michael Lo
LaQuita Chmielowski
Ricardo Lopez
Noelle Cochran, P.E.
Samuel O. Lopez
Stanley Lu
Adrianne Covington
Melissa Mahabir
Kristen Crumpton
Deborah Marino
Stefanie Dedmon
Rebecca Mason
Connie Dempster
Warren Addison
Sam Adkins
Brian Alderman
Thomas Amodio
Brady and Kristy Artery
Georgia Artery
John Baker
Sarah Barlow
Kimberly Bartak
Shawn Bergeron
Dan Bishop
Rebecca Black
Michelle Boger
Richard Bohlman
Katie Bolintineanu
Herbert Fishman
Chris and Martita Fleming
Forrest Flowers
Terry and Kathy Frame
Matt Frankenbery
Matt Freeman
Kerri Garcia
Victor Garcia
Sally and Charlie Garneski
Dr. and Mrs. James Gates
Robin and Jack Gauthier
Alan Gerber
David Giandomenico
Linda Gojak
Gregory Rassolov
Timothy Reichart
Christine Reinhard
Aivars Reks
Adrienne M. Rexroad
James Rhoads
Jeremy Riley
Karen Robinson
Joseph Rochefort, II
Amy Rod
Ira Ross
Joseph Rousseau
Marie Ryan
Bruce Sakowitz
Lauren Salm
Gerald Scheetz
Donald Smith
James Smith
Jason Smith
Jeremy Smith
Marshall Smith
Virginia Smith
Jeff Snider
Jennifer Snider
Jacqueline Snouffer
David Soloway
Mark Stabb
Kenesha Starling
Benjamin Stephens
Mel and Jan Stiller
Janet Stoker
Deidra Sullivan
Lisa Swick
Sara Walsh
Brandon Walters
Kerry Walzl
John A. Wandishin
Willam Warrender
Jennie R. Weiner
Nancy Weiner
Lisa Wilcox
Theodore R. Williams
Emily Wirth
John Wright
Wade Shigeto Yamada
Nicholas Yang
Allen Zhang
Hong Zhao
Joshua Zinkhon
Matt Tehan
Judith Zolli
2015-2016 State &
Chapter Coordinators
Betsy Westgate
Brigitte Addimando
Phillip Rasmussen
Chatterpaul Joseph
Leib Katz
Katharine Abraham
Aimee M. Racine
Bruce Smith
We are proud to have financial support from 100% of our Board of Directors and National Staff.
Anthony Jones
Christina Coll
Cole Abernathy
Ana Quintero
Kera E. Johnson
Frank Story
Brian Abbey
Jeff Pribble
Benjamin Pernezny
Terry Cole and David
Michael Potter
David Johnson
Emalee Socolosky
Kyle Potratz
Brian Michael Kapp
Gabriel Echandi, P.E.
Frank Eckwright, P.E.
Sophia Lee
James Quigley, P.E.
Joshua Edwards, P.E., PMP
Kiersten Lee, P.E.
Nancy Rierson
Marisa Egbert, P.E.
Josh Lehmen
Andrew Roberts, P.E.
Abraham El
Drew Lillis, P.E.
Holly Ross
Marcie Fisher
Mona Livdahl
Joy Schiele, M.S.
Brenda Gajan
Judy Logue
Stacy Schlags
Elizabeth Gayle, P.E.
Nancy McClain, P.E.
Justin Scott
Becky Golden, P.E.
Marguerite McClam, P.E.,
Trish Smith, CAE
Laura McGovern, P.E.
Gary Staats, P.E.
Jake Greear, P.E.
Michael Haid
George Hamilton, P.E.
Michael Hardy, P.E.
John Hayden, P.E.
Doug Hendrickson, P.E.
Wanda Howell
Cliff Ishii, P.E.
Katie Jamieson, CAE
Betty Jean Jordan, P.E.
Meghan Kelly
Jennifer Klich, P.E., CFM
Claire Kohatsu
Marti Kramer, CAE
Joe Kudrle
Brian Meyers, P.E.
Jesse Morris
Dan Munson, P.E.
Barry Nakamoto, P.E.
Katherine Norris, P.E.
Richard Olsowy, P.E.
Boyd Snowden, P.E.
Shane Steiner, P.E.
Amy Stonaker, P.E.
Jennifer Summers
Don Taylor, P.E.
Because of
my positive
experiences with
I decided to
volunteer at my
local chapter’s
hoping to inspire
other students
to see the
beauty behind
mathematics while
they competed and
socialized with
other students
who were
passionate about
Sarah Tuite, P.E.
Joel Oppenheimer, P.E.
Natalya Vinogradova,
Laura Pellizzi, P.E.
Julie Wall
David Phipps, P.E.
Matthew Ware, P.E.
Gaylon Pinc, P.E.
Leon Winget, P.E.
Benjamin Pratt, P.E.
Marc Worth, P.E.
Jason Prescott
Jack Young, P.E.
Eric Prive, P.E.
Nathan Yuen, P.E.
- Geoffrey Zheng, FL
2015-2016 Annual Report
2015-2016 State &
Chapter Coordinators
Jason Bruhn, P.E.
Seena Drapala
Jeremy Gulley
Janet Jaspers, P.E.
Tara Marhefka-Steiner
Marshall Norris, P.E.
Mark Rogers, P.E.
Laura Buchanan, P.E.
Michael Drewyor, P.E.
Michael Gund, E.I.
Jeanine Jensen
Mike Marin, P.E.
Tammy North
Maxine Rognlien
Ron Buckingham, P.E.
Vincent Drnevich, P.E.
Phil Gundvaldson, P.E.
Jerry Jesky, P.E.
Jody Markley
Astrid Northrup
Tony Rome, P.E.
Andy Abrams
Robert Burdick, P.E.
Eve Drucker
Maggie Gutierrez
Becky Johnson, P.E.
Andrea Martin, E.I.T.
Steve Nowaczyk
Ludence Romney
Cheyenne Alabanzas
Teresa Burgess, P.E.
Jon Dueck
Courtney Haider
Clyde Johnson, P.E.
Jack Martin, P.E.
Madeline Oglesby
Jeffrey Ruhde
Valerie Alexander
Bill Burkland, P.E.
Steve Dunrud
Carri Hales
David Johnson, P.E.
Ryan Martin, P.E.
Amit Sachan, P.E.
Steve Alexanderson, P.E.
Christopher Butler, P.E.
Mark Durbahn, P.E.
Jodi Johnson
Tasha Martin
Courtney Allyn, P.E.
Melanie Caillouet, P.E.
Joshua Edwards, P.E., PMP
Don Hallman, Ph.D., P.E.,
Lennie Okano-Kendrick,
Alicia Martinez
Christopher Oliver
David Salas, P.E.
Lourdes Alonso, M.S.
Kevin Campbell, P.E.,
Marisa Egbert, P.E.
George Hamilton, P.E.
Kristen Johnson, P.E.
Phil Hammar, P.E.
Garrett Johnston, P.E.,
Dan Matonak, P.E.
Robert Campbell
Dale Ekstrom
David Hansen, P.E.
Beniquez Jones, P.E.
Ann Marie Hardin
Devin Jones, P.E.
Jessica Mattingly
Kerry Hardin
Lee Jones, P.E.
Mark Harpole, P.E.
Betty Jean Jordan, P.E.
Mark Harpole, P.E.
Kathy Kallio
Lester Harris, P.E.
Eric Kamm
James Hatfield
Susann Karnowski, P.E.
Joe Hauber
Ross Kasmann, P.E.
Audra Hayden, P.E.
Wesley Kayne, E.I.
Criss Haynes, P.E.
Kevin Keast, P.E.
Xiaohong He, Ph.D., P.E.
Glenn Keates, P.E.
Thomas Headley, P.E.
Seth Keene
Monique Heathcock, P.E.
Michael Keeve, Ph.D.
Tom Heckaman
William Kent, P.E.
Ike Heitlinger, P.E.
Carol Kieson
Kevin Heitz, P.E.
Alexis Kiever, E.I.
Gerald Hendricks
Cynthia King, P.E.
Doug Hendrickson, P.E.
Todd Kinney, P.E.
Tyler Hendrickson, P.E.
James Kirkwood, P.E.
Kevin Fry, P.E.
Vernard Henley
Jason Klemme, P.E.
Brandon Fujishige, P.E.,
Kerry Henry, P.E.
John Knecht, E.I.T.
Gene Hernandez, P.E.
Claire Kohatsu
Edward Garza, P.E.
Milton Hernandez
Angie Kolz, P.E.
Erin Gates
William Hernandez,
Ph.D., P.E.
Sally Kovar
Barb Hettich
Jerry Kraim, P.E.
Ashley Anderson, P.E.
Chris Anderson, P.E.
Deb Anderson
Sandra Anderson, P.E.
Stephen Anderson, P.E
Bill Angeloni, P.E.
Lisa Anneberg
Norm Arendt, Ph.D.
Ryan Athy, P.E.
Mark Austin, P.E., F.NSPE
Jason Autrey, P.E.
Chad Bacas, P.E.
Rachel Back, P.E.
Jeff Baranick
Daneil Barbuto
Joshua Barrett, P.E.
Michael Bartusek, P.E.
John Batchelder
Tim Baumgartner, P.E.
Archie Becher, P.E.
Jennifer Becker, P.E.
Maryella Begley, P.E.
Darwin Behlke, P.E.
me a confidence
and passion for
math, a passion
that resulted
in a trip to
the national
competition, which
in turn motivated
my lifelong
appreciation for
Patricia Behrens, P.E.
Robert Bellamy, Jr., P.E.
Oscar Bello, P.E.
Avon Benjamin
Doug Benner, P.E.
Robert Benningfield, Jr.
Myron Berg
Calisto Bertin, P.E.
Maggie Bilodeau
Jennifer Black, P.E.
John Blake, P.E.
Patrick Bleck, P.E.
LuAnne Blickenstaff
Beth Blumberg
John Bobco
Sharon Boehmer
Joel Boerckel, Ph.D.
Joe Bolzenius, P.E.
Jocelyn Bombard, P.E.
Juanita Boneque
Carl Bonner, P.E.
Tim Boron, P.E.
Mark Borst, P.E.
- Shravan Ravishankar, KY
Len Bradley, P.E.
Paul Brady
Walter Bray, P.E.
Frank Brechting, III, P.E.
Terrie Breyette
Dawn Brook, P.E.
Chris Brown, P.E.
Scott Brown, P.E., S.E.
Travis Bruemmer
Thomas Carlisle, P.E.
Lee Carroll, P.E.
Mike Chancey, P.E.,
Krystal Chanda, P.E.
James Chandler, P.E.
Julie Chao
Clarence Chau
Nitaya Chayangkura, P.E.
Ashlie Childers
Matthew Chinault, P.E.
Daren Christianson
Harry Clark, P.E.
Noelle Cochran, P.E.
Angela Colomaio
Gregg Comstock, P.E.
Robert Conder, S.E., P.E.
Ruth Conwell
Jason Cooper, P.E.
Courtney Corbell, E.I.T.
Jack Corrigan
Natalie Cotton
Jeffrey Cottrell, P.E.
Michael Cowan, P.E.
Chris Cox, Ph.D., P.E.
Tyler Craff
Eric Crantz
Neal Crawford
Stephen Crown, Ph.D.
Damion Cuevas
Doug Curry, P.E.
Mike Curtis, P.E.
Peter Dahlberg, P.E.
Jeff Eidsness
Jim Ellingburg, P.E.
Gee Eng, P.E.
Robert English, P.E.
Dan Eulberg
Sean Everett, P.E.
Lisa Farmer, P.E.
Martine Fils-Aime, P.E.
Aaron Finders
Jim Fischer
Burrell Fisher, P.E.
Thomas Fisher
Kauai Fitt
April Flore
Ronnie Flowers
Katie Fowler
Mark Frederick, P.E.
Melanie Freeman, P.E.
Mark Frost
Derek Gathman
Joseph Gaus, P.E.
Julia Gee, P.E.
Lisa Gellner
Howard C. Gibbs, III, P.E.
Graig Gilbertson, P.E.
Connie Gipson, P.E.
Carlos Gittens, P.E.
Nancy Glazzard
Randall Hilburn, P.E.
Dean Hinton, P.E.
Jodi Hintz
Sherlock Hirning
Marty Hochhalter
Beth Hodgson, P.E.
Mark Hogge, E.I.T.
Kevin Holland, P.E.
Sandy Koza, P.E.
Gerald Kraus, Ph.D.
Joey Krefft, P.E.
Rich Kresge, P.E.
Sheila Krohse, P.E.
Joe Kudrle
Mark Kuttrus
Margaret Lang, Ph.D., P.E.
Jarrod Holter, P.E.
Martha Ann “Marty”
Larkin, Ph.D.
Arthur Hooks, P.E.
Al Larson
Lee Hooper, P.E.
Becky Larson, Ph.D.
Chip Hoover, P.E.
Jeremy Larson
Fred Dargahi, P.E.
Michael Gomez, P.E.,
Stuart Houston, P.E.
Susan Larson
Peale Davidson, P.E.
Samuel Gonzalez, P.E.
Sean Huck, E.I.T.
Peter Lautensack
Jennifer Davis
Laurie Good
Denise Hudson, M.S.
Robert LeGrano, II, E.I.
Chad Davison
Stuart Goodpaster
Donald Huhman, P.E.
Josh Lehmen
Felicia Dean, P.E.
Audrey Goodrich
Justin Humke
Patrick Lewis, P.E.
Samuel DeLeeuw, P.E.
Chad Gordon, P.E.
Sarah Hunke
Lin Li, P.E.
Ryan Delmotte, P.E., CFM
William Gorman, P.E.
Liz Hunter, P.E.
Natasha Lithway, P.E.
George Dendinger
Jonathan Gotwald, P.E.
Mike Hunter, Ph.D.
Natalie Little, P.E.
David Desrosiers, P.E.
George Goza, P.E.
Stephanie Hyder
Jason Littleton
Ken Discenza, P.E.
Karen Graham, Ph.D.
Frank Iwanicki, P.E.
Peter Livingston, P.E.
Bruce Dockter, P.E.
Elton Graves
Jimmy Jackson, P.E.
Don Lokey, P.E.
Steve Dodge, P.E.
Kristin Greene
Alyssa Jacobson
Robert LoPinto, P.E.
Kelly Dodson, P.E.
Daryl Greer, P.E.
Lucia Jacobson
Ann Lotti
Martin Dolphin, P.E.
Ben Grone, E.I.T.
Colleen Jaltuch, P.E.
Rob MacPherson, P.E.
Christy Donahue
Jonith Grundmann, P.E.
Brad James, P.E.
John Maloney, P.E.
John Dornblazer, P.E.
Caixing Gu, Ph.D.
Katie Jamieson, CAE
Pamela Maloney, P.E.
Chuck Drake, P.E.
Elizabeth Gugliotti
Rajesh Janarthanan, P.E.
Ed Manning, P.E., P.L.S.
Virginia Dailey, P.E.
Michael Danburg, P.E.
David Daniels, P.E.
Drake Danley, P.E.
David Godfread
Eric Gogola
Becky Golden, P.E.
Sally Goldman, E.I.
Kevin Matson, E.I.T.
William Mattingly, P.E.
Janie Mauter, P.E.
Kevin Maxwell
Bryan McCabe, P.E.
Tim McCarthy, P.E.
Larry McCaslin, P.E.
Nancy McClain, P.E.
Terry McClain, P.E.
Marguerite McClam, P.E.,
Joel Oppenheimer, P.E.
Juan Ortiz Tait, P.E.
Leon Pallasch, P.E.
Evangelina Paoluccio, P.E.
Dana Paquin
Stephen Parent, P.E.
Amy Parlo, Ph.D.
Jeffrey Parris, P.E.
Shane Parson, Ph.D., P.E.,
Kalyn Partin
Michelle Patton, P.E.
Victoria Patton
Myesha McClendon,
Mike Peleschak, P.E.
William McCormick, P.E.
Laura Pellizzi, P.E.
Daisy McCoy
Benjamin Pernezny, P.E.
David McCullough, P.E.
Andrew Petersen, P.E.
Joseph McDonald, P.E.
Randy Petersen, P.E.
Jodi McFarland
Bert Peterson, P.E.
William McGee, P.E.
Rick Petricek, P.E., F.NSPE
Laura McGovern, P.E.
Kelly Pierce
Angela McKinstry, P.E.
Jeff Pike, P.E.
Toni McKnight
Rosa Plesner, P.E.
Matthew McLeer, P.E.
Gregory Poole, P.E.
Kevin McMeel, P.E.
Mark Powell, P.E.
Harry McNally, Jr., P.E.,
Raymond Powell, P.E.
Patti McNaughton, M.S.
Laura Prakel-George
Michael Melvin, P.E., PMP
Victor Mendoza, Sr., P.E.,
Mark Metzger, E.I.T.
Amy Miller
Jim Miller
Wendy Miller
Kelly Misner
Marty Mobley, P.E.
John Modlin, P.E.
John Molander, P.E.
Paul Montoia, P.G.
Terry Moran, P.E.
Eric Mountz, P.E., PTOE
Carl Muench, P.E.
Ryan Mumm, P.E., S.E.
Dan Munson, P.E.
Douglas Murray
Corey Napier
Pari Nayak, P.E.
Keith Neilson, P.E.
Steve Nelko, P.E.
Jim Nelson
David Neumann, P.E.
Jim New
Gilbert Nicholls
Peter Nimrod, P.E.
Jasmine Noriega
Krishnaiah Pelleti
Buddy Powers, P.E.
Benjamin Pratt, P.E.
Jon Pratt, P.E.
Jason Prescott
Susan Prescott
Johnnie Price, P.E., CFM
Kevin Primus
Roy Pruett, P.E.
Michael Purol, P.E.
Michael Quandt, P.E.
Denis Radecki, P.E.
John Radosevich
Karthik Ramani, Ph.D.
David Ramirez
Sandra Raskell, P.E.
John Rasmussen, P.E.
Matthew Redmon, P.E.
Nancy Reiser
David Rhodes, P.E.
John Rhodes, P.E.
Jennifer Rice
Casey Ries, P.E.
Douglas Riley, P.E.
David Ritter, P.E.
Mark Ritter
Manny Rivera, E.I.T.
Bill Roberts, P.E.
Nathan Roberts
Tyler Robinson
2015-2016 State &
Chapter Coordinators
Mandy Saito, P.E.
Tony Schacher, P.E.
Mary Ann Schillo
Bob Schlieman, P.E.
Linda Schlittenhard
Roger Schlotman
Darnell Schmidt
Jeri Schmidt
Jerry Schreck, P.E.
Charles Schulz
Coreen Schumacher
Gary Schumacher
Gregory Schumacher, P.E.
Joaquin Serrano
Atul Shah, P.E.
Pallavi Shah
Vatsal Shah, P.E.
Elliot Shapiro, P.E.
Tommy Sherard, P.E.
Shawn Shuler, P.E.
Ginny Shultz
Brian Simmons, P.E.
David Simoneau, P.E.
Shawntay Simpson
Brent Sisler, P.E.
Kirk Slusher, P.E.
Mike Smith, P.E.
Chris Snowdeal, P.E.
Cory Snyder, E.I.
William Snyder, P.E.
Jeff Soesbe
Adam Sola
Alex Sopin
Jeffery Spencer, P.E.
Susan Sprague, P.E.
Daniel Stark, P.E.
Wayne Stark, P.E.
Eric Stauffer
Katie Steele
Matthew Stegman
Alice Steimle, Ph.D.
Brian Stepanek, E.I.T.
Jerry Stephens, P.E.
Brandon Stevens, P.E.
Ned Stewart
Jennifer Stines, P.E., PTOE
Greg Stoewer, P.E.
My experience
made me realize
my passion for
math. I’d always
been pretty good
at it, but I never
knew exactly
how good until I
won the district
and competed at
Eric Strack
Warren Strand
Tracy Straub, P.E.
- Sarah Koubek, NE
Steve Strauss, E.I.T.
Jennifer Strickland
Charles Strobino, M.S.
Michael Swanson, P.E.
Donald Swygert, P.E.
John Tardy, P.E.
Moses Tefe, Ph.D.
2015-2016 Annual Report
2015-2016 State &
Chapter Coordinators
Jared Thoele
Barbara Vilbig, P.E.
David Weaver, P.E.
John Wyatt, P.E.
Roxann Tietz
Diego Villareale, P.E.
Dean Webb, P.E.
Roy Yang
J. David Tillman, P.E.
Natalya Vinogradova,
Trey Wehrum, P.E.
Lan Yokota
Michael Vo
Brian Weiss Sharon Young
David Welter, P.E.
Nathan Yuen, P.E.
Mark Wenner
Leonard Zabilansky, P.E.
Tom Wheat, P.E.
Sandy Zahn
Jonathan Wheeler, P.E.
Lori Zahradka Robert Wheeler, P.E.
Mark Zastoupil
Randy Whorton, P.E.
Dan Zemke
Jud Wible, P.E.
Ahmet Zeytinci, Ph.D., P.E.
Paula Wiles, P.E.
Ziliang Zhou, Ph.D.
Tim Wiles, P.E.
Stephanie Zojonc
Jason Williams, P.E.
Dan Zrallack
Ross Winglovitz, P.E.
Yvonne Zubovic
Jennifer Wirsing
Adam Zuroweste, P.E.
Frank Tilton, P.E.
Randall Timi, P.E.
Robert Tobin, P.E.
Robert Tollefson
David Topolenski
Joe Tormoehlen
Tracy Torres
Robert Turnage
John Turpin, P.E.
Jason Unruh
Dean Upton, P.E.
Derek Van Heuveln, P.E.
Derek Vap, P.E.
Robert Varner, P.E.
Jason Vaughn, P.E.
Ashley Verling
Arun Verma, Ph.D.
Robby Voigt
Brian Vokal, P.E.
Brad Volker, P.E.
Udit Vyas
Linda Wagner
Larane Wahlen
William Walker
Nathan Walsh
Travis Wambeke, P.E.
Dale Wanner
Rodney Ward
Charles Warren, P.E.,
Maia Watkins
John Watson, P.E.
Randall Watson
Joseph Witkowski, Ph.D.
Bonnie Wood, P.E.
Kevin Wood
Marc Worth, P.E.
Board of Directors & National Staff
Thomas A. Kennedy, Chairman and CEO of Raytheon Company*
Bhupinder Singh
Bentley Systems*
Pamela Erickson
Vice Chair
Raytheon Company*
David M. Case
Universal Service Administrative
My experience with
me the confidence
to pursue my
dream of becoming
an aerospace
Manuel DePonte, Ph.D.
Immediate Past Chair
The Aerospace Corporation
Louis M. DiGioia, CAE
Richard P. Case, P.E.
Honorary Board Member
John Daegele
Northrop Grumman*
Nathaniel Edmonds
Paul Hastings LLP
Gerran Geyser
Linda Gojak
John Carroll University
Past-President of the National
Council of Teachers of
Michael Hardy, P.E., F.NSPE
Black Oak Engineering
Past President of the National
Society of Professional Engineers*^
Aaron Kock
Robert S. Miller, III, P.E.,
Honorary Board Member
Past President of the National
Society of Professional Engineers*^
Heidi Pomerantz
Texas Instruments, Inc.*
Maura Sleevi
Fairfax County Public Schools
MATHCOUNTS Volunteer Coach
Justin Steil
PineBridge Investments
Chris Stone, P.E.
Clark Nexsen
Past President of the National
Society of Professional Engineers*^
Cris Turner
Dell, Inc.
Charles W. Wampler, Ph.D.
General Motors*
Donald G. Weinert, P.E.,
Board Member Emeritus
Co-Founder of MATHCOUNTS
^Founding Sponsor
Sulaksh Shah
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP*
- Carter Huber, SD
Louis M. DiGioia, CAE
Executive Director
David Dumas
Digital Project Manager
Amanda Naar
Communications Manager
Kristen Chandler
Associate Executive Director
Matt Freeman
Customer Service Coordinator
Cara Norton
Senior Education Coordinator
Chris Bright
Program Manager
Kera Johnson
Manager of Education
Credit: Rich Kessler Photography
2015-2016 Annual Report
annual report
1420 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
703-299-9006 | |
The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.
All donations are tax deductible.
MATHCOUNTS® and Mathlete® are registered trademarks
of the MATHCOUNTS Foundation.