Forest Ridge Forest Ridge Times - Forest Ridge | Ravenna, Ohio


Forest Ridge Forest Ridge Times - Forest Ridge | Ravenna, Ohio
Forest Ridge Times
July 2011
Forest Ridge Homeowners Assoc, Inc.
3108 Hidden Brook Drive
Ravenna, OH 44266
Current Forest Ridge
Ridge Trustees For 2011
Rita Kral
Vice President
Mel Schindler
Natalie Schindler
Robin Dudley
Gary Haney
Ravenna Balloon-a-fair
Sat/Sun Sept 17&18
Balloons to lift off at 5:30pm both
nights at Sunbeau Valley Farm.
See the website for more details!
Portage County Randolph Fair
August 23-28th
General Admission $5
Children 6-11 $1
Children under 6 Free
Check out their website!
Just a reminder, if you want the latest
information and neighborhood news please
send us an email to
Pool Petition in Phase 3 and 4
Some members of the Association are interested in revising the restrictions to allow
above ground pools in Phase #3and 4.
A while back the Board had asked an Attorney to provide a procedure for revising our
restrictions that is based on our current Restrictions and By-Laws. The Members
that are initiating the current petition are utilizing this procedure and have
communicated with the Association Board and accepted input into their petition to
change these restrictions. A copy of the proposed change is included in this
newsletter for your review.
In order to change a restriction in an individual phase a majority of the Owners of
the entire development must sign the petition. An “Owner” is defined as anyone who
is listed on the deed to a property in the development.
We are adding information regarding the Petition to this newsletter as advance
notification of the Petition being circulated so everyone will have the opportunity to
review and consider the details of the proposed change prior to being approached for
your signature of approval. If you agree and you are listed as an Owner on the deed
to your property you can sign the petition to indicate your approval. You also have
the freedom to decline signing the Petition if the revision or any detail of it is
something you do not wish to see implemented.
If the Petition does get a 51% approval then documentation will be filed according to
the change procedure. A copy of the petition listing the names of the Owners
approving it will then be posted with the revised restrictions in place of all old
Please note that a petition will only change a single restrictive covenant of the
Phase(s) in particular it applies to. Passage of a restriction change in one particular
Phase may not necessarily mean there will be the ability to install a pool in another
Phase of the development. This is because each Phase has its own restrictive
In summary the proposed Petition signed by 51% or more of the Owners in all of
Forest Ridge will allow pools in Phase #3 and #4 which are combined on one
restrictive covenant. Any other Phase wishing to change restrictions would need a
separate Petition circulated.
Members of the Association Board remain neutral on any proposed revisions and do
not endorse or discourage changes. It is our obligation as Board Members to facilitate
the Bylaws and Restrictions and leave the decision to Members.
Thank You