November 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church
November 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church
November 2015 Volume 20 To sing the Praises of God, to Live the Grace of Jesus, to Share the Gift of the Spirit. Fall Schedule NOVEMBER AT A GLANCE Sunday Nov. 1 All Saints Sunday Issue 9 A Message from Pastor Kristin “Oh When the Saints…” Sunday, November 1, is All Saints Sunday and we remember all of the saints who have gone on before us and now rest from their earthly labors. We will especially remember our members who have died since last All Saints Sunday – Mary Brehm, Carl Harris, Regina Linder, Wilbur Linthicum, and Karl Reichlin. May the peace and comfort of God continue to surround all who mourn. On Sunday, November 15, there will be a congregational meeting after the 10:30 a.m. service. All members of the church are encouraged to attend. The next issue Sunday, Nov. 8 Women of the Church Thankoffering Sunday Tuesday, Nov. 10 Dec/Jan Newsletter Content Due Sunday, Nov. 15 Congregational Meeting 11:45 a.m. Friday, Nov 20 Christian Singles 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov 21 Blood Drive 7:30-12:00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 22 Christ the King Sunday Congregational Thanksgiving Dinner & Service 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Day & Friday, Nov 27 Office Closed Sunday, Nov. 29 Advent 1 “Have patience. Have patience. Don’t be in such a hurry. When you get impatient you only start to worry. Remember, Remember that God is patient, too, so think of all the times that others had to wait for you.” From “Music Machine” Musical Dedication planned for Sunday, November 1 – Postponed. (Watch your mailbox for more details. Due to some construction delays, our dedication has been postponed. We know it is disappointing and we know it’s been a long time and we are eager to get back to worshipping in our sanctuary. We wait with great anticipation, as we will begin the season of Advent at the end of the month. Please stop by and take a look at the progress that has been made inside and out. God’s Peace- Pastor Kristin Dubsky The next issue of the Epistle is a double issue! Think December, January and February, and get your information to Frances by November 10! Thanks! CONTENT Fall is always Birthdays ..................... an12 exciting time at Church Calendar ......... church as we re-13 sume our Council Member List .. 15 “regularly scheduled programming” Financial Report.......... 15 that has taken a break over the Prayer List................... 13 summer. It is even more exciting as Thanks/Notes .............. 14 we see the new entry way getting What’s Happening ...... 2 closer to completion each day! Worship Leaders ......... 13 If you haven’t seen Youth News ................ 4 the new construction turn to page 4 HAPPENING AROUND THE CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. Sunday, November 15, following the 10:30 a.m. service, we will hold a congregational meeting. On the agenda: 2016 Spending Plan, New Council Members, Construction Update, Musician search update and Audit committee. All St. John’s members are encouraged to attend. SUNSHINE CIRCLE. The Sunshine Circle will hold their monthly meeting November 4th at 6:30pm in the Sunday School Auditorium. Lois Bankert has devotions, Pat Heath is in charge of Thanksgiving Favors. The hostess is Lois Bankert. REMINDER MEMBERS--We will also be doing Seafarer's boxes also so please remember to bring the items you signed up for. All ladies of the church are invited. For questions call Audrey Byrd 410-848-1995. The Sunshine Circle will also be collecting the following used magazines and books from October 4 to November 8 (Thankoffering Sunday). These will be given to the Seafarer's Project at the Port of Baltimore. There will be a box in the Caring center in the Sunday School Auditorium to place the items. Time/Newsweek or news periodicals (up to 3 months old) , Reader’s Digest (up to 2 years old), Sports Illustrated/People Magazine (up to 6 months old), Books about the United States, Magazines on cars, computers, Consumer Information and Action/Adventure DVDs CHRISTIAN OUTREACH. During the Advent season, The Christian Outreach Committee is having a “Baby Shower For Mary.” The committee will be collecting baby items (new & lightly used baby clothes, booties, hats, sweaters, lotions, powder, shampoo, etc.) for Tender Care Pregnancy Center in Westminster. The collection drive will be November 29th through December 20th. Please bring in your donations and placed them in the blue bins marked “Baby Shower For Mary.”St. SOUP KITCHEN. St. John’s Soup Kitchen Committee will work at The Shepherd’s Table on Friday, December 4th, 10:30 a.m. at Westminster United Methodist Church. The committee will serve a Christmas theme meal and we will need 4 cakes and candy canes. If you can donate a cake, candy canes or would like to volunteer to help with this meal, please contact Linda Sterner at 410-596-3921 or email her at During this Advent and Christmas season, let’s take time to help God’s people in need. CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Thanksgiving will be celebrated by the Singles Group on Friday, November 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The Celebration will begin with a covered dish dinner followed by a time of sharing and fellowship. Please bring a covered dish, something to share with the Group and a food item for Carroll County Food Sunday. All adult singles are invited to attend. THE SHEPHERD’S STAFF NEWSLETTER TEAM will assemble the newsletter from November 2—5 (Monday through Wednesday, Thursday if necessary) from 9:30-2:00 p.m. on Monday, 9:00-2:00 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday and Thursday. COMMUNIOWARE REFURBISHED. The gold set of Communion Ware has been refurbished and will be used for the first time when we once again are able to worship in the Sanctuary. The Flagon and two chalices were refurbished in memory of all who have assisted in planning, organizing, and carrying out the Semi-annual Yard and Rummage Sales over the years. Members of the Adult Bible Class had determined this action and utilized some of the profits from the recent sales to do so. We are reminded as we view and use these vessels that Christ shed His blood for the redemption of all of us. His love is constantly given to us and we must in turn show our love to others by showing our care and concerns for others. And so we will as we commune with Him and with the whole Body of Christ. ANNUAL FALL BLOOD DRIVE. The annual fall blood drive will be here at St. John’s on Saturday, November 21st from 7:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. To schedule a donation time, please call Audrey Byrd at 410-848-1995. You must be at least 17 years old to donate to the general blood supply, or 16 years old with parental/guardian consent. Remember to bring a picture ID. 2 HAPPENING AROUND THE CHURCH CHORAL CANTATA TO BE HELD DECEMBER 20th. The seasonal Cantata, “Prince of Peace,” will be prepared and shared during the Advent Season on Sunday, December 20, during the 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Services. Rehearsals for the cantata will be held on Wednesday evenings, beginning on November 4th. Rehearsal time will be 8:00 PM. One exception will be on Thursday, December 3rd instead of Wednesday, December 2. All persons who would enjoy participating in this musical event are encouraged to come and join their voices in song as we proclaim the birth of Our Prince of Peace! EVANGELISM COMMITTEE. November, the month of Thanksgiving, we encourage you to find ways to use your gifts for good in Christ’s Kingdom. “Lord, help each of us to be thankful, as we discover our special abilities and use them in your service. Amen.” Eyeglass Collection: We need your help to reach our 2015 goal of collecting 100 pairs of used eyeglasses for our needy friends. Since 2006, along with the Carrollton 4-H club, we have donated 11,709 pairs of eyeglasses. Together, let us recycle 100 more. We can do it! Place them in the box found in the Fellowship Hall. Helping: It was fun baking for the Rummage Sale and bringing our treasures to be sold. Workshop Meeting: We are preparing surprise bags to be delivered for the Fall Harvest visit. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please Help: We need to update our military addresses today. If you want the committee to send Holiday greetings, call or email Frances, the office manager, to give her the address where mail can be received in December 2015. We will send thank you notes to our military folks serving away from home. This month of November, let us pause and reflect on all that God has done and is doing for us in our lives. Please consider the ways you can offer your gifts, your talents and your treasures in response to God’s love for us! May the peace of the Lord abide in your heats and lives. May the joy of our Lord be revealed in all that your think, say and do! Peace. Loretta Basler 410-374-6436 THANKOFFERING SUNDAY. Sunday, November 8 is Thankoffering Service Sunday, when the ladies of the church will lead the service. The Special Speaker will be Brenda Meadows, Executive Director of Shepherd’s Staff.. Our church supports this organization, so please join us and learn how you can help those less fortunate. ANNUAL THANKSGIVING MEAL AND SERVICE The annual Thanksgiving meal for the Congregation will be on Sunday, November 22, at 5:30 p.m. Turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, a vegetable, rolls and drinks will be provided by the Fellowship Committee. Each family is asked to bring a salad or dessert and/or make a cash donation to cover the cost of the meal. We will close the evening with a brief Thanksgiving service around the tables. Please join us as we give thanks to God for all God has done, is doing and will do in our lives, the life of our congregation and the life of the world! 3 MEN OF THE CONGREGATION News from the Men of the Congregation PAST NEWS October 10: The monthly breakfast meeting was held on October 10. The topic was, “Patience,” with a reflection on two verses of Scripture as written by Paul. October 26: Fourteen men from the congregation attended the Westminster Conference Fall Dinner Meeting on October 26. The next Conference Dinner will be in the spring. Details will be announced later. UPCOMING EVENTS (Nov. 2015 thru Feb. 2016) November 14: The regularly scheduled breakfast meeting will be Saturday, November 14, 8:00 AM, at the Meadow Branch Church of the Brethren. December 12: The regularly scheduled breakfast meeting will be held Saturday, December 12, 8:00 AM, at the Meadow Branch Church of the Brethren. The topic will be, “Gifts.” January 9: Regular meeting will be at the church on Saturday, January 9, at 8:00 AM. Participants in the Work Camp will be preparing breakfast that morning. February 9: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. February 13: Regular meeting will be at the church on Saturday, February 13, at 8:00 AM. Participants in the Work Camp will again be preparing breakfast that morning. MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NEWS! The confirmation youth will be on retreat at Mar-Lu-Ridge Camp, November 20-22. Please pray for them as they grow in faith this weekend. All Confirmation Youth - YouthQuake - January 15-17, 2016, Hunt Valley Marriott - This is a fun event with great music, speakers and learning, too! You can go to - Baltimore Quake to learn more about the details. $90/ youth (does not include meals). You can choose to pay a non-refundable $60 fee by November 15 and $30 before January 15 or pay all $90 by November 15. If you want more information, talk to Pastor Kristin. All 9th-12th Grade Youth - Roadtrip - Ocean City, MD, January 22-24, 2016. $90 - non-refundable fee, due in by November 29. Bring your High School youth for a weekend of service projects, faith-filled discussions, and relationship-building in small groups. RoadTrip includes workshops and networking for adults, as well as opportunities to worship with brothers and sisters in Christ from throughout our Synod. Come make new friends and renew friendships with attendees from throughout our synod! You’re invited to learn how God is speaking to and through you – to the world. Are You Ready For A Paintball Adventure? We have made reservations for Sunday, November 8th from 2PM-4PM (rain or shine). You must be at least 10 years old to play (sorry no exceptions!). Cost is $25 per person and includes the paintball gun, facemask and 300 rounds of paintballs per person, a slice of pizza and a soda. Our group will plan to leave the church parking lot no later than 1PM. All participants must sign a waiver! Parents: transportation help may be needed!! Location of the activity is: 3939 Old Taneytown Rd Taneytown, MD, 21787. If you are planning to join us, please contact Genny Resch at 443-789-3913 no later than November 1st. ***************************************************************************************** 4 UPCOMING DATES Sunday, November 1, All Saints’ Sunday – Time Change – Don’t forget to “fall back” your clocks. Sunday, November 8 – Thank Offering Sunday (Led by the women of the church.) Sunday, November 15 - Congregation Meeting at 11:45am in the Sanctuary. Sunday, November 22 – Congregation Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 29 – Advent begins Church & Village: Partners in Ministry October 2015 Fall Classes for Older Adults Now Forming Art History Series – October 6, 1:00 p.m. Susan Williamson from the Carroll Arts Center focuses on impressionist Paul Gauguin. Cost is $8 for CLV residents and Arts Center members, $10 for non-members. Boost Your Brain & Memory – Tuesdays, October 6 – November 24, 11:00 a.m. Learn how to remember better, become more organized and pay closer attention to and regulate emotions. Program is free. Human Dignity in the Midst of Tragedy – Wednesdays, October 7 – 28, 2:00 p.m. explore and discuss the meaning of being human in a world in which people mistreat each other. Cost is $40 per adult. Bone Builders Club- October 23, 1:30 p.m. This free osteoporosis support group focuses on bone health. Featured speaker this quarter is Amy O. Michaels, MS, RD, LDN, CDE. Program is free. Climate – October 27 & November 10, 12:30 p.m. Climate and climate change is a hot button issue globally – learn more about it at these informative sessions. Cost is $20 per adult. Please register in advance for all courses at 443-605-1070 or A complete list of offerings is available at or by calling 443-605-1070. Lifelong Learning Series courses are open to all older adults in the community. Carroll’s Best Results Thank you! Carroll Lutheran Village was voted Best Retirement Community, Best Assisted Living Facility, and Best Nursing Home by the readers of the Carroll County Times. The winners were announced in late September. Thank you to everyone who voted for CLV and have supported us over the years – we couldn’t do it without you! New CLV Resident Leadership in Place The Carroll Lutheran Village Residents Association elected new leadership at its annual meeting on September 2. The newly elected officers include Judy Piel, president; Ann Wickersham, vice-president; Ken Plante, treasurer; and Martha Slay, secretary. All residents of Carroll Lutheran Village are members of the Residents Association. Scholarships and Tuition Support Available for Students and Adults at CLV Did you know that Carroll Lutheran Village offers scholarships to student employees and tuition reimbursement to adult employees? Student employees who work 1,000 or more are eligible for $500 per term for up to eight terms. Adult employees who wish continue their professional development or pursue clinical licensure/certification can qualify for up to $3,000 or $6,000 per year respectively. Positions are available now. Visit for current opportunities and to apply online. 5 HAPPENING AROUND TOWN _____________________________________________________________________________________ Attention: Runners and Walkers! St. Benjamin’s - Christmas Camel Canter 5k St. Benjamin's Lutheran Church, 700 Kriders Cemetery Road, Westminster, MD 21158 Registration: Race details: Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015 - pre-registration via the runsignup website. Check-In: Check-in the day the race as well as the day of registration. 5k race begins at 8:30 a.m. One mile fun run is at 8:45 a.m. This is a charity event, helping the HOLIDAY HOPE PROGRAM recipients through the Carroll County Times. Last year we were blessed to be a blessing and give over $800 total to four charities. Thanks so much! We look forward to seeing you and better yet having you register DAVID S. SCHAFER Pastor, St. Benjamin's Lutheran Church 410-848-3311 443-789-1271 Operation Christmas Child – Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Time The members of the Sunday School will be participating in the Operation Christmas Child program. The mission of OCC is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. For information and a box to fill, please pick them up from the corner display tables in the Fellowship Hall. There are lots of extra goodies to fill your boxes! (Thank You Thrivent Financial!) Just a reminder that each box needs a donation of $7.00 (made payable to Samaritan’s Purse) to help cover the shipping costs. Donate online, get a special mailing label and follow your box to its final destination! Visit Please return all completed boxes to the corner display tables in the Fellowship Hall by Sunday, November 22, 2015 (Sorry but no boxes can be accepted after this date!) Any Questions, contact Bonnie 410-8578756 or Thank You!!! 6 Advent Family Gathering Sunday, December 6 1-4 pm Bring your family and friends and start a new tradition! Enjoy the warmth of our woodstoves and campfires, create some holiday crafts for your home, make a beautiful wreath with greens from the property and fellowship over a delicious meal in Agape Hall at Mar-Lu Ridge. $7/adult - $3/youth ages 3-11 - Children under 3 are free Please RSVP by December 1: 800.238.9974 Note: Please bring your own wire and wire wreath frames, all other supplies included in the cost. November 15 – December 6, 2015 Holiday gifts, personal cookware, pantry items Whether you are shopping for yourself, a friend or family, we are sure you will enjoy this special fundraiser to help support our youth’s 2016 Work Camp trip to Virginia Beach. Your order is appreciated! Catalogs will be available after both services November 15th – December 6th. Final orders must be received no later than Sunday, December 6th. Contact Bonnie Konsen 410-857-8756 or Genny Resch 443-789-3913 for your Catalog or shop online at Simply find “St. John’s Fundraiser” to place your order. A one-on-one demo of selected Pampered Chef items with snacks and drinks will be available on December 6th. Feel free to stop by for refreshments! 7 We are continuing the tradition of decorating the sanctuary with beautiful red poinsettias for Christmas Eve. We invite you to remember or honor a loved one by ordering a poinsettia! THANKS! Deadline for ordering: Sunday, December 6, 2015 Cost per plant: $10.00 Make check payable to: St. John’s Lutheran Church (please write “Poinsettias” in memo portion of check) Please give check & Genny Resch: / 443-789-3913 order form to: or Roxanne Malbrough : / 410-404-0977 Envelopes & pens will be available. PLACE ORDERS IN BOXES AT EXITS Total poinsettias plants: ___ x $10.00 = _______________________ Your Name:________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________ (You will be contacted at this number if there are any questions about the information below.) IMPORTANT: The information you fill in below is what will appear in the special Poinsettia Bulletin on Christmas Eve. Please PRINT clearly. “Sections” 1 and 2 must be filled out! 1) The Poinsettia(s) is (are) given: ___ in memory of ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___ in honor of _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___ to the glory of God 2) By:_____________________________________________________ Feel free to retrieve your purchased poinsettia(s) after Christmas Eve service. All poinsettias not retrieved by Sunday, December 27 will be given to a shut-in. Call the office at 410-848-6402 with questions. 8 9 JACOB ARMACOST FOUNDATION Donations of Baked Goods (pie, cake, brownies, cookies, etc.) are needed for the Jacob Armacost Benefit being held on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at Arcadia Fire Company. They can be brought to the church by 12 Noon that day. Also needed are individuals to help serve food (“cafeteria style”) during the event at Arcadia Fire Hall. The Benefit begins at 6:00 P.M. so individuals would need to be at the Fire Company by 5:30 P.M. If you would be able to help to serve or provide a baked item, please contact Karen Siegman at 443-506-2469 or 10 PIG ROAST AND SILENT AUCTION Jacob Armacost Foundation c/o Chris Cavey P.O. Box 430 Hampstead, MD 21074 501c3 Tax ID: 52-2064630 Jacob Armacost In June 1997, our son Jacob suffered a near-drowning accident at the age of 16 months. Due to this accident, Jacob is severely brain damaged. He has lost the ability to walk, talk and eat. We are not sure how much he sees. The doctors told us this is the worst they have ever seen. Although I believe they did the best they knew how, they gave us little hope. We brought Jake home and did our best to keep him comfortable. This was a momentous job, as his brain was always sending the wrong messages to his body, making him stiff as a board, making it very difficult to take care of his daily needs. He had a Baclofen pump surgically inserted in his abdomen which pumped medicine into his spinal nerves to help deaden the messages from his brain. Initially, this helped a lot. About three years after Jake’s accident, we were at a follow-up appointment with the rehabilitation team. They were impressed that his skin looked nice and he didn’t have any bedsores. They said I was doing a great job and to take him home. When I left that appointment, I rode home thinking, “This can’t be it. There must be more. Someone needs to tell me what to do next to make his life better.” I began researching alternative therapies. I found Hyperbaric Oxygen. We started treatments and Jake became much more calm and alert, and began swallowing. I was able to take him off most of his medications and we started reducing the medication in his internal pump. We were able to remove the pump in February 2007! I also found a sensory stimulation program out of England called Brain-Net. It consists of an exercise routine that we do with Jake every day. He smiles a lot now and laughs out loud. He enjoys riddles and rhymes and being read to. He vocalizes more and seems to be speaking to us in his own language. Recently Jake has been receiving Feldenkrais therapy and acupuncture. It seems to be a great combination. His vision also continues to improve. We visited the Amen Clinic in Reston, VA where we were told there is a lot of Jake’s brain that works really well. We are trying some supplements to aid in the production of new neural cells. We have tried many other therapies. The ones that work we continue and the ones that don’t we chalk up to life experience. I know that God had a reason to give this boy back to us. The road ahead of us is long and sometimes lonely but Jake is our miracle. To see how he touches lives is a priceless gift. Without speaking, he can cross barriers and melt hearts. He has come a long way for a boy who “probably would not make it through the night and if he did would be a vegetable.” Jake has shown us how fragile life is and how we need to value it. Deep in my heart I know he will get his life back! He is a fighter! Jake’s therapies are very expensive and are not covered by insurance. Jake has a fund that was started by friends and family when his accident happened. We need your help to continue the therapies that have helped Jake so much. Sincerely, Doug and Donna Armacost 11 November Sun Mon Tue 3 1 All Saints’ Sunday 2 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 9:30-2:00 p.m. 9:00—2:00 p.m. Shepherd’s Staff Newsletter Assembly Altar Flowers: Lavena Basler 9 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Altar Flowers: Lois & Larry Bankert 10 4 5 Dec/Jan Newsletter Input Due Today 16 17 Fri Sat 7 6 9:00-2:00 p.m. 11 9:30 a.m. World Community Day 12 3:00-6:30 p.m. 4-H Making Subs 2:00 p.m. Paintball 15 Thu 6:30 p.m. Sunshine Circle 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4-H 8 Thankoffering Sunday Wed 14 8:00 a.m. Men of the Congregation Breakfast Meadow Branch Church of the Brethren. 13 1:00-3:00 p.m. Evangelism 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir 18 ALL DAY Scrapbooking 19 21 20 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 7:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Blood Drive Newsletter Volunteers Altar Flowers: Holly Grothe Congregational Meeting 11:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Christian Singles 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Confirmation Retreat (through Sunday) 22 Christ the King Sunday 23 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 24 5:30 p.m. Congregational Thanksgiving Dinner & Service 29 Advent 1 26 27 28 OFFICE IS CLOSED 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Altar Flowers: Bonnie Wilson 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 25 OFFICE IS CLOSED 30 Altar Flowers: Julia Wolfe 11:30 a.m. Christian Education & Youth 12 11/01 Robert Kriel 11/11 Jenny Parsley 11/20 Sylvia Moklak 11/01 Kristin Scherbarth 11/12 Sarah LeDuc 11/23 Paul LeDuc 11/01 Heidi Tompkins 11/13 Thomas Kriel 11/26 Brett Peregoy 11/05 Betty Blauvelt 11/14 Nadia Grothe 11/27 Bradlee Lang 11/05 Lara Findeisen 11/16 Mark Howard 11/27 Dolly Long 11/05 Abigail Schindler 11/17 Robert Braman 11/28 Lindsay Dell 11/06 Betty Boone 11/17 Deborah Brehm 11/28 David Resch 11/07 Dennis Seymer 11/18 Marsha Herbert 11/28 Stewart Sterner 11/07 Bryan Yeager 11/19 Charles Brehm 11/29 Adelaide Sies 11/08 Mason Dean 11/19 Shannon Leister 11/30 Jimmy Bean 11/10 William Brehm 11/20 Garrett Dell 11/30 Kathleen Blum 11/08 Carole Brothers 11/20 Sylvia Moklak 11/10 Teresa McCulloh 11/23 Paul LeDuc 11/10 Bonnie Null 11/26 Brett Peregoy If you know of a St. John’s member whose birthday we missed above, please let us know at the office! NOVEMBER 2015 WORSHIP LEADER CALENDAR DATE SERVICE 8:00 a.m. MINISTER Jack Joiner USHERS/ OFFERING ACOLYTE ASSISTANT LECTOR (10:30 A.M. GREETERS NURSERY SERVICE SERVICE ONLY) Marion & George Fleming Carol Blubaugh & family 11/01 Pat Heath Austin Leister 8:00 a.m. Tracey Sanford WELCA 10:30 a.m. Jeanne Joiner WELCA Ashley Leister 8:00 a.m. Carl Rebert Carl Rebert 10:30 a.m. Doris Zepp Amber Blubaugh 8:00 a.m. Paul LeDuc Paul LeDuc 10:30 a.m. Don Heath Holly Grothe 8:00 a.m. Julia Wolfe Julia Wolfe Mary West 11/29 10:30 a.m. John Bucacink Lori Bucacink Dolly Long & Gloria Kniss Jackie & Olivia Leister Nancy & Tom Tracey 11/15 11/22 Melanie Martindale Nancy Boone 11/08 Tate Gavin Barbara & Richard Smith Teresa Schultz Phyllis & Jim Menchey Lily Gavin Claire Null Bonnie Null Barbara & Richard Smith Lois & Phil Short Pat Heath Don Heath Holly Grothe WELCA Michael Schaefer WELCA Deb Schaefer Bill & Nancy Squires Dale Miller Christine Brehm Pat Brehm Carl Rebert Sarah LeDuc NOT STAFFED Gloria Kniss Paul LeDuc Roxanne Sabo Lois & Larry Bankert Spencer Goodson COUNT TEAM (AFTRER SERVICES) ONLY) Jack Joiner 10:30 a.m. (10:30) A.M. Joan Phillips Bonnie Konsen Genny Resch Jean Seitz Ken Seitz For the month of November, the Altar Guild is Dale Miller (8:00 a.m.) and Deb Schaefer and family (10:30 a.m.) KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS PRAY. MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN’S: Jacob Armacost, Gloria Barnes, Dave & Loretta Basler, Bob Blauvelt, Frank Blauvelt, Amber Blubaugh, John & Betty Boone, Bob Braman, Charles & Zadie Brehm, Pat Brehm, Bobbi Corun, Beverly Dutterer, Eileen Gill, the family of Carl Harris, Donald & Pat Heath, Nancy and Harry Jones, Betty Knisley, Paul LeDuc, family of Jean Linder, Edith Linthicum, the family of Karl Reichlin, Nancy Reichlin, Muriel Sabo, Adelaide Sies, Richard Smith, Craig Spicer, Emily Van Horn, Milton Zepp and Charles Zincon. FRIENDS OF ST. JOHN’S: Family of Bob Ambrose, Carole Arrieto, family of John Beilfuss, Ronald Boone, the Boone family, the Bordenski family, Congregations of the Delaware/Maryland Synod, family of Renee Callahan, Chad Carey family, Jim Coolsen, Ashley and Andrew Davis, Sarah Egan, the family of Craig Feaser, Nancy Ferster, Jenn Freed and family Peggy Forbes, Butch Gerringer, Seth Goldsmith, Matthew Gordon, Gary & Lee Gray, Chuck Gyory, Marilyn Habicht, Mark Habicht, Natalie Halpin, Jeremiah Harlan, Ellwood Hawes, Sr., Governor Larry Hogan, Nancy Hollingsworth , Paula Holmes, Eila Howe, Family of Audrey Johnson, Gerri and Don Kadonoff, Dennis Keirle, Marty & Harriett Keirle, Catherine Keller, Mamie Koontz, the Jim Kroneberger Family, Dave & Rachel Lal, Family and Friends of Tommy Lambert and Tom Lambert, Richard LeDuc, Jeannie Leister, Gerry Long, Don & Charlotte Ludwig, Paula Martin, Marge Messersmith, Maria Malbrough, Sue Mencer, Katie Miller, Wyatt Miller, the Morrill family, Robyn Moses-Harney, Jeanne Mueller, Erin Murphy & the Haitian Timoun Foundation, June Murphy, family & friends of Patrick Murphy, Donald and May Nelson, Jackie Nelson, Mark Nelson, Albert Parrish, the Pyle family, Fred & Kathi Polanco, Eric Redilius, family of Gina Resch, Joanne Rhoten, Beverly & Jack Rose, Sue Schildwachter, Connor Schlude, Zella Sherman, Wilda Simpson, Elijah, Joshua, David, & Debbie Smith, Roger J. Stewart, Sharon Stoddard & family, Bikiltu Wakgari Wakjira, and Paul Yeager. This prayer list was updated on October 26 , 2015. Please help keep this list current and accurate. Contact the office at 410-8486402 or with changes (changes include updates, corrections, deletions, new names.) 13 THANK YOU NOTES THANK YOU! The Christian Outreach Committee would like to thank St. John’s congregation for your generous support to our recent Carroll Food Sunday collection drive. Your generosity was greatly appreciated. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Adult Bible Class Rummage Sale. It was the week where “if it could go wrong, it did go wrong.” Even with all the RAIN, and thanks to everyone helping out, it was a BIG SUCCESS! For all of those who: Dear Levi Blubaugh, The card you made us in Sunday School made us very H-A-P-P-Y. It cheered us up tremendously! Love, Dave & Loretta Basler Dear Church Family, We truly appreciate the many kindnesses your have shown us both since Easter. Your prayers, calls, emails, visits, cards, canes, walkers, soup, food, mowing, planting, gardening, picking tomatoes, painting our new ramps, flowers and the list of Donated items – baked goods – THEIR TIME!!! Helped to set up tables, racks and unload the shed on Sunday before the sale. in and out of our car has been appreciated. Priced and put out items for display during the week. have felt encouraged and surrounded by Helped to clean, mop and dry out the floor from the flood on Wednesday. Helped to clean out the refrigerator and freezer on Thursday – and figured out which switch needed to be turned back on. Helped to prepare food to sell. Helped to wait on our Rummage Sale customers. Helped to serve the food. Helped to clean up on Saturday after the sale and set up for Sunday Church services. Without the support of the entire congregation, this event could not be held. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Profit - $3,700.00 14 THANK YOU! kindnesses goes on and on. Helping us to get You have shown us love in so many ways. We your love. Sincere Thanks, Dave & Loretta Basler Thank you, St. John’s congregation, for your generous support to our recent Carroll Food Sunday collection drive. Your generosity was greatly appreciated. The Christian Outreach Committee FINANCIAL NEWS 2015 Council Members Paul LeDuc, President JANUARY - JULY 2015 Total Income 100,632 Total Expense 113,271 Net Income (Deficit) (12,639) Improvement Fund Income 3,603 Keeping You Current We would like to keep everyone current on our Spending Plan. Every Sunday in the bulletin, we publish offering. The average 6,718 weekly current offerings needed to Benevolence Income 7,507 meet our 2015 Building Income 2,804 Spending Plan are $3,580 per week and the average weekly benevolence offering needs to be $405.00. Improvement Fund Expenses Thank Offering Fund Our Thank Offering Fund has had a great kick-off. On behalf 410-751-8925 Council Rep for Property Committee Sylvia Moklak, Vice President 609-923-0212 Council Rep for Fellowship Committee Muriel Sabo, Secretary 410-848-1138 Council Rep for Worship & Music Committee Darry Gross, Treasurer 410-848-1797 Council Rep for Finance Committee Steve Findeisen 410-848-6069 Council Rep for Christian Education Dale Miller 443-605-9399 Council Rep for Cemetery Committee Dennis Kniss 717-359-7681 Council Rep for Stewardship Deb Schaefer 410-848-0342 Council Rep for Christian Outreach Committee hope this fund can help our church mission go forward without many of the financial problems and needs that confront other congregations. Remember the creation of this fund is being used in the future to help balance a yearly budget or for other missions of the church that the Finance Committee and Church Council approve. This will be an ongoing fund that a member can contribute to at any time by writing their request through church envelopes, E-giving or any of the other options suggested. Ways that you can contribute to the ongoing spirit of Christ in our church! Donation of cash or by check; Appreciated Securities; Real Estate; Bequests (Wills & Trusts); Life Insurance; Qualified Retirement Plans. Bill Squires 410-756-1850 Council Rep for Evangelism Committee Pastor Kristin Dubsky 410-299-4853 2015 Committee Chairs Cemetery ............................... Ken Seitz Christian Education & Youth..................................... Bonnie Konsen Evangelism ............................ Loretta Basler Fellowship ............................. Karen Siegman Stewardship ........................... Carl Rebert Property ................................. Michael Grothe Worship & Music .................. Dennis Kniss Christian Outreach ................ Linda Sterner Finance .................................. Janet Gross John Bucacink 15 827 Leister’s Church Road, Westminster, MD 21157 ۰ 410-848-6402 ۰ Pastor: The Rev. Kristin Dubsky ۰ Interim Office Manager: Frances DeBruyn ۰ Office Hours Tuesday— Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Worship Schedule 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School (Ages 3-Adult) 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion Worship Service Please contact the church office…. … if you move to a new address or your telephone number or email address changes. … if you or a member of your family is admitted to the hospital so the pastor may schedule a hospital visit. … when a member of your family leaves home for college. … when your committee or group plans a meeting or an activity—the date needs to be cleared and the church calendar noted. Time Value Material Return Service Requested Westminster, MD 21157 827 Leister’s Church Rd. Westminster, MD Permit No. 469 US Postage PAID Organization Non-Profit 16