Mar 16 2014 - Glebe Road Uniting Church
Mar 16 2014 - Glebe Road Uniting Church Sunday 16 March 2014 Welcome to Worship at Glebe Road Uniting Church . . . May the Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us in our worship and fellowship together. Everyone is welcome to join together for refreshments following the services. BEING BORN AGAIN Secondly, some of us may experience a dramatic, almost instantaneous, transformation in which we change from a life without Jesus to a life completely surrendered to Jesus as Lord and Saviour. A bit like a chrysalis breaking open and releasing the butterfly into newness of life. The essential difference between the frog and the butterfly is that the butterfly undergoes its transformation, from being a caterpillar, in the unseen sacred place of its cocoon. In my teen years there was a famous American Christian singer called Barry McGuire. He sang with a distinctly recognisable raspy and folksy voice. He was most famous for his Christian songs of protest against the excesses of society and providing political commentary. He also sang children’s songs and one of his most popular was a song entitled “Bullfrogs and Butterflies”. The opening lyrics, and feel free to sing along with me if you know it, are: “Bullfrogs and butterflies, they’ve both been The truth is that the Spirit of God is at work in born again. Bullfrogs and butterflies, they’ve the lives of those who appear to be transformed slowly and those who appear to both been born again.” be transformed dramatically. Both are born A simple truth of re-creation, new life and again. Both are evidence of God’s lifetransformative processes, illustrated by two transforming grace. groups of the animal kingdom. It reminds me that the life-transforming experiences that we When Nicodemus comes to Jesus, as described encounter in our relationship with God can in John 3:17, Jesus speaks to him about being born anew. This is a revolutionary concept for occur, essentially in two ways. Nicodemus and Jesus Firstly, some of us may grow into a deepening explains the importance understanding and gradual transformation of of being recreated. our lives in relationship with the Lord. A bit like We’re all challenged to a frog who visibly morphs over time from a being recreated day by tadpole to a frog. The loss of the tail and day as disciples of Jesus being like development of the legs happens over a period Christ: b u l l f r o g s a nd of about five to eight weeks. What’s taking place internally is the loss of gills and the butterflies. development of lungs. It’s a process akin to the rising of the sun, gradual but noticeable. Ministry Team Mrs Noela Rothery, Rev Peter Arnett , Lead Office Administrator Minister e: p: 0400 774 890 e: Every member of the Mr Adam Tipple, Young Congregation is a valued Families Pastor member of the Team e: Church Family Camp Next Sunday 23rd March 2:30 pm Minden Retreat 25 Boughen Road Minden Camp Worship Service Everyone is invited Please note: No 10:15 am or 6:00 pm service will be held at Glebe Rd on 23rd March Blessings, Pete. Church Council Regular Sunday Services Bev Bruce, Chairperson Nyleta Bruce, Secretary Derek Hirons, Treasurer 8:15 am; 10:15 am & 6 pm Vi Beaumont, Peter Case, Lyn Favelle, Daniel Francis, David Hunter, Judy Jackson, Noel Rothery. Church Office Celebration Service: 9:00 am Sunday 20 April—Easter Sunday Tues to Fri 9 am—12:30 pm Phone 3202 1700 PO Box 83, Booval, 4304 What’s happening this week ... Sunday 16th Mar 8:15 am Leader: Vi Beaumont Preacher: Rev Peter Arnett 10:15 am Leader: Jeremy Bruce Preacher: Rev. Peter Arnett 6:00 pm Leader: Margaret Pohlmann Preacher: David Pohlmann Mon 17th Mar 9:30 am Mainly Music Tue 18th Mar 9:30 am Horizons Wed 19th Mar 7:00 am Weeders and Waterers Thurs 20th Mar 9:30 am Mainly Music Friday 21st Mar 7:30 pm Collision 8:00 pm Resurrection Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd March Sunday 23rd March 8:15 am Leader and Preacher: Vi Beaumont Birthdays: 21 March Joyce Lawton 22 March Vanna McGreevy Anniversaries: 16 March Noel & Robyn Kunde 21 March Evan & Merle Setch The Glebe Road Single Ladies Group will meet for morning tea at the Coffee Club at Booval Shopping Centre at 10.00 am on Sunday 16th. March, 2014. Please note change of time and venue. Any queries, please contact Diane on 3202 2852. HORIZONS 9.30 am on Tuesday 18th March. Come and enjoy a morning out. Good company, morning tea, interesting discussion, and lets hear your ideas for future meetings. Cost $2 50. Thanks Yvonne Wood LAST CALL FOR NAME BADGES Need a name badge? Write your name on the list on the clipboard in the foyer. Thanks. Church Family Camp Congratulations to those celebrating this week... Notices ... NOTICE TO RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION SUPPORTERS Ipswich Central State School still in need of a Year 6/7 Religious Instruction teacher. RI is on Tuesday mornings from 9 – 9.30am - curriculum materials supplied. Please contact Noela at the church office if you require any further information. PROPERTY MATTERS Volunteer Help Required Volunteer help from members of the congregation is sought to join in a “Working Bee” to pressure clean the external walls of the Church, Shalom House and the Fellowship Centre which will improve the presentation of all the church buildings. Thanks to those members who have already put their names forward to help; however, the more help that comes forward will make this enormous task quicker and easier to complete. The plan is to allocate building areas which can be completed at a time that best suits each volunteer. David Murphy, GRUC Property Officer “He’s Alive”!!! is a dramatic recreation of the first Easter, set on the scenic banks of beautiful Lake Moogerah, just 100 kms. from Brisbane. This is the twenty-second year of the Play, and it will be an exciting new production. Twilight performances begin at 5.00 p.m. on Saturday 12th April, Sunday 13th April, Good Friday 18th April, and Easter Saturday 19th April. Congratulations to “Our Dave” who received the Ipswich Rotary Police Officer of the Year award this week. Take family and friends to The Moogerah Passion Play this year. ENTRY IS FREE Nom in at ion an d Ele ct ion of Eld e r s 2 0 1 4 Nom in at ion For m s Nomination forms are available in the foyer from today. Simply write the name of the person you wish to nominate, your name and signature, the name and signature of the person seconding your nomination, and an affirmation of the nominee’s credentials to be elected as a member of the Church Council. Me m b e r sh ip of t h e Ch ur ch Coun cil Therefore, within the Church Council we require a mixture of people with diverse and complimentary giftedness, skilfulness and experience. For example, some may be gifted in pastoral care, some in administration, and some in leadership. All Members and Members-in-Association are eligible for election to the Council. Your responsibility is to seek the wisdom and inspiration of the Holy Spirit to discern that person, or those people, whom you will nominate. Please note that the role of Elder and Church Councillor are synonymous. All members of the Church Council are Elders and all of the Elders comprise the Church Council. There are ten (10) elected positions on the Church Council. We have three (3) continuing Elders who have not yet completed their terms of service: Mrs Nyleta Bruce, Mr David Hunter and Mrs Vi Beaumont. Therefore, we have seven (7) positions vacant. Th e Con v e r sat ion s The nomination form will provide the basis for a conversation This is the first part of the discernment process. Anyone between Peter Arnett and each nominee. This conversation belonging to Glebe Road Uniting Church may make a will include a discussion regarding the affirmations expressed nomination. There is no need for you to approach the nominee before you make your nomination. Nominations will by the nominators and an exploration of the nominee’s sense of call to this ministry of servant leadership. This is the second close at 7:30pm on Sunday 16th March. part of the discernment process. Re sp on sib ilit ie s of t h e Ch ur ch Coun cil According to Regulation 3.1.2 Those who accept nomination will be invited to provide a a. The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up profile and photo of themselves to the Secretary of the Church the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, Council by Thursday 27th March, for publication and and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s distribution in the Notice Sheet on Sunday 30th March. mission in the world. This priority shall be reflected in the Th e Ele ct ion an d Com m ission in g agenda of its ordinary meetings. The election of Elders will take place across the three services of worship on Sunday 13th April (Palm Sunday). This is the (b) The responsibilities of the Church Council include: third phase of the discernment process. The ballot will be i. Sharing with the Minister(s) in mission and in the pastoral care and spiritual oversight of the Congregation; declared and the Elders will be commissioned on Easter Sunday morning. ii. Nurturing the members and adherents in their growth in grace; I invite you to engage in this shared journey of prayerful iii. Making decisions in accordance with the Regulations discernment that we may recognise and affirm those whom concerning baptism, confirmation and membership, and the keeping and reviewing of the rolls of the Congregation; God is calling into leadership at this stage of our life together. iv. Assisting the Minister(s) in the conduct of worship and in Thanks and Blessings, the administration of the sacraments; Pete. v. Determining the time and place of services of public worship; vi. Carrying out its functions in accordance with the Regulations concerning applicants for the specified ministries; vii. Managing the financial affairs and the general A significant ministry of administration of the Congregation including the community service has reception, preparation and presentation of all necessary developed by way of budgets, statements and reports; viii. Arranging for audit, presentation and examination of the providing free tea, accounts of all the funds of the Congregation; coffee, water and ix. Managing and controlling property in accordance with the ANZAC biscuits, to those attending the Commemorative Regulations; Service at Cameron’s Park each year. x. Preparing and presenting to a meeting of the Congregation an annual report concerning the life and work of the To fulfil this ministry we require a co-ordinator plus a team Congregation including its worship, mission and service, of four people to set up, pack up, and serve on the day. If and making recommendations with regard to the program you wish to join Amanda and myself in this special act of for the ensuing year; community service, please contact me. xi. Exercising oversight of the appointment of officers and leaders of Congregational organisations; In addition, we are looking for people to bake ANZAC xii. Referral of matters to Presbytery as prescribed; biscuits for the occasion. More information will be xiii. Discipline of members; provided soon. xiv. Carrying out its functions in relation to Ministers-inAssociation. Refreshments Peter Arnett REGULAR ACTIVITIES Cell Groups For Bible study, Christian learning and fellowship. mainly music Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30 am Craft, Coffee and Chat Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 9:30am to 11:30am. Waterers and Weeders Wednesdays 7:30am. Glebe Garden Club Meets 1:30pm on the 1st Saturday of each month. Women’s Fellowship Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month at 9.30am Collision—Youth Group (Yrs 8-12) Friday night 7:30 pm Resurrection—Young Adults Group Friday night 8 to 10 pm Xtreme—Sunday morning during 2nd Service. ONLINE GIVING Tithes and offerings: UCA GLEBE ROAD IPSWICH UNITING CHURCH BSB : 014010 A/c No.: 387151291 Cards are available in foyer to place in offering bags during worship services. Team Timor Update Jars of Hope We are pleased to announce that we have received over $3500 in donations in the Jars of Hope appeal. If your jar is already full, feel free to return it to the church office during office hours. Chocolate Drive The Chocolate Drive is well underway, with 43 boxes being sold in the community and money already received from some of the sales. This Drive has provided an opportunity for people to share some of the story of our partnership with Ekaristi Church, Timor Leste. The team is grateful for the wonderful support and interest in this project and we are optimistic that we will reach our goal of $40000 with these and other planned projects. Banner for Ekaristi The group who plan to visit Dili in June/July would like to present a large banner depicting our church’s partnership with Ekaristi congregation to hang in their church building. Perhaps you have the gifts and skills to be part of a group who could produce such a meaningful gift. Please talk to Noela Rothery or David Hunter, or any of the Timor Team. News about Rev Domingus Alves We received news this week that Domingus, who visited with us in 2010, and his wife Johanna have welcomed a new baby boy into their family.