October November 2012 - Christ the King Lutheran Church


October November 2012 - Christ the King Lutheran Church
Christ the King Lutheran Church
402-733-3294 · 7308 South 42nd Street (3 blocks south of Harrison)
www.ctklc-bellevue.org Newsletter Email: ctknewsletter@yahoo.com
Growing in Faith Love and Service to the God who loves us
Christ the King Lutheran Church
7308 South 42nd Street
Bellevue, Nebraska 68147
Details Inside!
Celebration Dinner
After worship October 21
How convenient for those who prefer to reduce
faith to a manufactured pursuit of self-declared
moral “perfection,” and in the process squeeze
the last drop of joy out of any church.
Grace and Peace!
“Rejoice in the Lord always.
I will say it again: rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4
When the joy of the Lord fills a room, it’s hard
to miss.
Last Sunday was Youth Sunday. Honestly…
Youth Sunday is always a nail biter for pastors.
“Please Lord, let there be no heresy.” is the
typical prayer said many times throughout the
service. Prayers are also lifted up that things
go smoothly, that technology does not fail and
that most importantly that the children show up
on time so that they know what they are doing
and can lead a worship experience that is
meaningful and life giving to them and the
congregation, not just tolerable.
After 13 Youth Sundays I can actually say that
this is the best one I have ever been blessed to
help make happen. It would be easy to feel
very proud and self-congratulatory, but it
wouldn’t be honest. I have worked just as hard
on other Youth Sundays, what was different
about this one? It wasn’t me.
Last Sunday, if I’m not mistaken, we were a
church with children (of all ages) and volunteers
singing, a little dancing even, and joyfully
praising God! The joy God wants to give to all of
his children is real, significant, and deep, and I
hope this joy is present in your life.
Too often, well-meaning Christians live as if joy
doesn’t count, at least not as much as the
other fruits of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:2223). We slip into the trap of taking ourselves
too seriously, as if faith depended more on
what we do than what Jesus has already done.
We might even stir up a list of religious rules
and regulations, and suggest that this list must
be mastered as a qualification for arrival at a
destination falsely labeled “spiritual maturity.”
Please don’t misunderstand. There’s also a
need for sincere pondering, quiet reflection,
and healthy spiritual discipline in any Christcentered community. And we live in a time
when some Christian leaders seek to water
down the Scriptures for the sake of making
them more palatable to the masses – kind of
an overly simplistic “don’t worry, be happy”
approach to God. I’m not at all interested in
that, or any other version of Christianity that
falls short of biblical truth.
But that’s the thing. The Bible rings and sings
with joy, consistently and powerfully:
“’Don’t be afraid!’ the angel
said, ‘I bring you good
news that will bring great
joy to all people!’” Luke 2:10
Jesus: “I have told you
these things so that you will
be filled with my joy. Yes,
your joy will overflow!”
John 15:11
“Don’t be dejected and sad,
for the joy of the Lord is
your strength!” Nehemiah 8:10
Don’t sweep away the joy of the Lord in
careless moments of overly serious and selfdefeating religiosity. Instead, thank God for joy,
which breaks through the darkness of
deceptive, overly self-important forms of
religion, and sheds light on the truth of the
gospel that sets us free…free to be and free to
Fall is here. The children are all back in
school. Our days are definitely getting shorter.
I am ready for some respite from summer's
heat. In spite of this year's drought, we have
much to be thankful for. Please remember in
your prayers all those people whose income
has been affected by the drought.
Lutheran Women of Omaha will meet Tuesday,
October 9th, at 12 noon at Lutheran Memorial
Lutheran Church, 61st and Western. Program
will be a speaker from CASA (Court Appointed
Special Advocate). Cost is $6. Our November
meeting will be on the 13th with a speaker from
the Durham Museum. See Mardelle for more
Our Women’s Bible Study group will meet on
Tuesday, October 16th, 11:30 am in the
Fellowship Hall. We continue our study
"Gathered by God". We will join the disciples
in the Gospel of Mark as they gather with the
crowds to learn from Jesus. Gayle is hostess.
Phyllis will lead the Bible Study. We will meet
on November 20th, 11:30 am in the Fellowship
Hall. This month Jesus invites us to "come and
see" what it is like to be in the presence of the
one "who came down from heaven".
November hostess is Phyllis, Jeri is Bible
Study leader.
Upcoming Events:
March 13th 2013
Spring Gathering, St Paul Lutheran in Omaha
Please continue to save UPCs from "Our
Family" products, UPCs from Campbell soups
(the entire label), and General Mills "Box Tops
for Education". A box for these items is located
on the piano in the elevator room.
October 8
Halloween Party
For many years Christ the King has had a
wonderful relationship with the guys at the
Grandview Duplex operated by Mosaic – the
serving arm of the church that cares for the
intellectually disabled. A group of us have
gone each month to celebrate birthdays with
the residents and have enjoyed ourselves
This ministry of Christ the King was led mostly
by Harriet. As such we have been looking for a
way to continue our relationship with the guys
in a way that makes sense in Harriet’s
This month we would like to do a Halloween
party with the guys, but we need some help.
We are looking for:
• About 4 dozen Halloween cookies –
some cut out sugar cookies with butter
crème frosting… pumpkins cats etc.
• Craft supplies – we’ll be making spiders
out of Styrofoam balls and pipe cleaners
with googlie eyes.
• Loving people to come and help… to
share some joy with “the least of these,
my brothers.”
Birthdays and Anniversaries
October is Clergy Appreciation Month
October 14 is Sunday School Teacher
Appreciation Sunday
What is a member?
Am I a member?
Should I be?
Membership in a congregation is not like
membership in a club. In a congregation
membership is not about perks or rights, but
about making a commitment to God to accept
the responsibilities of the mission he gave to his
people – the church. Here at Christ the King we
say that is to be a people together “growing in
faith, love and service to the God who loves us.”
To become a member is simple. If you fill out a
friendship form and ask to get mail we will put
your name on a mail box for regular
correspondence and also include you in
mailings that get sent out. Anyone who attends
a few times a year and makes a financial
contribution of record can become a member.
(That's what we ask of people who are members.)
Since, each person has something unique that
has brought them to Christ the King, instead of
classes in history and doctrine, we like to do
what Jesus did... share a meal. You'll be asked
to share a meal with the pastor and a few other
people so that you can ask your questions and
share your stories.
We are in the midst of our Stewardship
Campaign (another way people show their
commitment to the congregation) we’d like to
encourage all of you who have been thinking
about membership to consider formally joining
the congregation on Reformation Sunday October 28th. We’ll even be having a baptism
that day, so the congregation is already
welcoming in a new member. Why not you?
Mark & Amy Dyer
Dave & Val Johnson
Bryan & Sheli Rice
Austin James Hohn
Jodi Keating
Diana Welshonse
Richard Arellano
Tammy Morrow
Jeff Kiesel
Jean Grob
Ray Fink
Stephanie Welshonse
Logan Velazquez
Tom Linn
Lori Kiesel
Rebecca Rish
Alexander Palm
Shelly Zeek
Bernie Drassal
Carroll Raven
Seth Andresen
Abbey Dyer
November Anniversaries
6 Jim & Debi Marx
19 Erwin & Wanda Haack
25 Ralph & Aimee Robalik
26 Lee & Phyllis Fideline
29 Gary & Ann Hunter
November Birthdays
1 Susan Andresen
4 Jeff Hunter
5 Tammi Palm
6 Merna Daniel
7 Kirsten Bell
8 John Wicklander
13 Barbara Myers
19 Jon Butler
25 Jaxon John Robert Wicklander
If we missed you, we are very sorry for the oversight.
You can help us correct it, by making a note on a
friendship form.
Sharing Financial
In planning for our 2012 stewardship drive, I
feel that there may be a need for a broader
exchange of information regarding finances at
Christ the King. I have been fortunate to have
been involved in this area of work for several
years here at our church. I am proud to be
associated with such a nice group of people
who have faithfully supported this congregation
in so many ways.
Annual Fall
Campaign Schedule
In the past, there were times when it was felt
and practiced to some extent, that sharing
financial information with the congregation was
to be carefully guarded and not discussed. I
disagree with this approach as these are not
secret matters by any means. At other times it
has simply been perceived that few people are
interested in the specifics of what our
insurance plans are, what we spend on utilities
and things of that nature.
A Temple Talk from Debbie Cline focusing on
our fellowship and relationships as a
We will also recognize our
Custodian Vicky Levine.
I believe that church members are entitled to
know where their money is going and your
finance committee has an obligation to make
that happen. With this in mind, I am suggesting
that the best way to make this happen is for
you get in touch with me and I will be happy to
sit down with you and answer any questions or
concerns you may have. Please feel free to
call me at home or collar me at church and we
can arrange a get together and go over and
through any question or area of concern you
may have in as much detail as you would like.
My home phone is 402-291-5660 and cell
phone is 402-990-1345.
Dick Lindauer
October 7, 2012
October 14, 2012
A Temple Talk from Beth Christy focusing on
our Christian education and children’s
ministries and their importance to the entire
congregation to fulfill our mission.
October 21, 2012
Celebration Sunday
On this day the sermon will be given by Lee
Fideline. Lee has a passion for our
congregation and will direct our focus to the
future as a thriving congregation of the body of
Christ. He will share his personal experiences
of faith. You will not want to miss his message.
This will also be the first opportunity to submit
your commitment for the coming year and a
lasagna dinner will follow.
Friday, October 5
8am – 5pm
Life Line Screenings will be at Christ the King
8am – 5pm October 5, 2012. Life Line
assesses risk for stroke and heart disease with
a few quick painless tests.
Using the latest ultra sound technology, Life
Line will assess several indicators of heart
disease, and osteoporosis.
Check your insurance provider for coverage.
Pet Blessing
Sunday, October 7
2:00 pm
Pets of all kinds are welcome;
horses, dogs, cats birds, mice,
guinea pigs, spiders, turtles,
snakes, and other reptiles.
Please leave all spiders in their sealed
enclosure… Pastor Bryan is less than fond of
There will also be a time to remember our
animal friends who have passed away.
We even have collar tags to give away, so if
your pet is anti-social, come anyway and we
will bless the tag and you can take the blessing
Noah’s Ark Party
Saturday, October 6
10:00am – 11:30am
Bring your favorite stuffed animal (even better
a pair of them) and be ready to have a great
time learning about Noah and God’s promises
for you. We’ll put our amimal in the ark for a
great group picture, play games, have a snack
and hear from Noah and Mrs. Noah about life
on the ark! Bring a friend!
October 13 and
November 10 at 8:00am
Men’s Breakfast meets the second Saturday of
every month at 8:00 a.m. where men of Christ
the King unite in fellowship, dialogue and
service to others. Come yourself and bring a
Thursday, October 11
Friday, October 12
Saturday, October 13
Sign up at
Saturday, October 13
The fall Saturday morning All-Church Work
Day is October 13, from 9:00am until noon.
Volunteers will complete a number of
necessary projects around the church property
and grounds. The Property Committee is
making a concerted effort to organize and
announce the “job list” in advance of the Work
Day so that the skills and interests of
volunteers can be matched with the tasks that
are to be accomplished.
Or you can call Debbie Cline
to set up a portrait time 402-995-9916
Let us know if you have special requests for
intergenerational family poses. Also, you can
bring pets or props and have special posing
done for extra portraits of family members.
You’re part of the
Christ the King family!
It won’t be the same without you! Sign up in
august be part of our church directory and
receive your complimentary portrait and
There’s even a $10 coupon at Lifetouch.com!
Celebration Dinner
After worship October 21
Not a potluck....
October 28 is
Reformation Sunday!
Uhh… what?!?!
Why would I do that?!?!
On the last Sunday in October we celebrate
Reformation Sunday. On this day we
remember the history of our Lutheran heritage.
It was in Wittenberg, on October 31, 1517, that
Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door
of the Castle Church; the Medieval equivalent
of posting on Facebook or Twitter. This was
the start of what we call the Reformation.
Martin Luther was stating a theological position
– that the selling of indulgences (a piece of
paper that lessened time that one spent in
purgatory) was not the way to salvation.
Luther’s position was that it is only through
God’s grace that we obtain salvation and not
by buying things from the Church.
Many Lutheran churches have a tradition of
wearing red on Reformation Sunday because
red is the liturgical color of the Holy Spirit and
Luther believed the Reformation was born from
the moving of the Holy Spirit. This day is a
celebration of the Holy Spirit that continues to
move us toward the grace and mercy of God
even today.
So, if you want to wear red as a commitment to
having the Holy Spirit move through you,
expressing grace and mercy to all who come to
Christ the King, go for it. But it isn’t necessary
to wear red to do so. May we at Christ the King
be open to the Spirit’s direction every day, no
matter what color we wear.
November 3 @ 11am
At Christ the King we value our relationships.
Some of us women here at Christ the King get
together to be more intentional about our
“girlfriends” relationships. This isn’t a book
club, Bible study or a discipleship group. We
just come together for lunch and pray for each
Whether you have been with us in the past or
not, we invite all women looking for some
“girlfriend time” to join us for our fall gathering.
We’re going to warm up our tummies with
some chili (regular and white) and warm our
spirits with each other’s company.
November 4
During our All Saints’ Sunday service you will
have an opportunity to honor those people who
have influenced your spiritual life: those who
are still living and those who have passed on.
You can also commit to the Holy Spirit those
you hope to influence i.e. friends, co-workers,
children or grand-children. As you come to
worship select ribbonsto represent these
people in your life.
There will be a time during worship when
we present these ribbons to Jesus
by attaching them to the
processional cross as
prayers of thanksgiving
and encouragment.
All Saints
Tasting Like a Pro:
Purchasing & Storing Wine Correctly
Ok, why does Pastor Bryan’s License plate say
“Zinfndl”? “Zinfandel” is a variety of red grape
that makes a rich red wine and is also used to
make the “White Zinfandel” made popular by
Beringer Winery in the Napa Valley. Pastor
Bryan likes wine and his favorite is the “Zin”.
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor ministries has put
together a retreat around wine and asked that
he lead the Bible Study and Devotion. NLOM
retreats are always great, so if you are at all
interested in wine check this one out at
Devotion & Bible Study
Wine: Bringer of Joy, Sign of Grace
Pr. Bryan Rice – yup… they asked me! ☺
This retreat will feature a devotion and Bible
study exploring the use of wine in scripture.
The devotion will help us to think about wine as
a blessing in and of itself. The Study will take a
look at Jesus’ use of wine - from the Wedding
at Cana to the Upper Room.
Wine 101: Understanding How Wine is Made
Tim Murman, Glacial Till Winery & Vineyard
The presentation will cover topics from vines to
wines. You can make bad wine out of good
grapes but you can’t make good wine out of
bad grapes.
Plus, we’ll take a field trip to Glacial Till
Vineyard & Winery tasting room, a family
owned and operated vineyard located
in southeastern Nebraska, in Ashland to get
enjoy the atmosphere and wine of this local
Bob Bolden, Wine Styles
Learn to taste like the pros do and you will
never approach a glass of wine the same.
Ensure your have the best wine with your
holiday meals and parties. Bob will take you
through the holidays and talk about what wine
is best paired with what food. Learn how to be
confident in your buying and storing wine, and
never have a ruined bottle of wine again. Bob
Bolden owns and operates WineStyles in
Omaha, Nebraska since 2005. Unique monthly
events and classes to further his customers
wine education consistently showcase Bob as
a true expert in the wine and styles fields!
November 21, 7:00pm
Thank the Lord and sing his praise;
tell everyone what he has done.
What are you thankful for? Sometimes it is
easy to answer that question, especially when
things seem to be going well in our lives.
Other times, when we may be going through a
rough time, it may be harder to come up with
an answer. Think about this question for the
next couple of weeks. During the Thanksgiving
Eve Service on Wednesday November 21,
there will be a time when people in the
congregation can share things for which they
are thankful. One way that we grow in our
relationship with God is to share with others in
our church family. Pie and other pumpkin
desserts will be served after the service. Thank
the Lord and sing his praise; share the Good
News of what God is doing in your life.
9am Adult Study
10:00am Worship
11:15am Fellowship
2pm Pet Blessing
9am Adult Study
10:00am Worship
Choir Sings in Worship
11:15am Fellowship
9am SS/Adult Study
10:00am Worship
Celebration 11:15
Reformation Sunday
9am SS/Adult Study
10:00am Worship
11:15am Fellowship
All Saints Sunday
9am SS/Adult Study
10:00am Worship
11:15am Fellowship
11:30am Quilt packing
9am SS/Adult Study
10:00am Worship
11:15am Fellowship
11:30am Choir
9am SS/Adult Study
10:00am Worship
Choir Sings in Worship
11:15am Fellowship
11:30am Council
9am SS/Adult Study
10:00am Worship
11:15am Fellowship
5:30 TOPS
7pm Mosaic
9am Quilting
11:30 WELCA
4-8 Arts4All
5:30 TOPS
Conference in
Grand Island
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
11:30 Hand &
Foot at Mable
2:30pm - 9pm
8am – 5pm
Life Line
2:30pm 9pm
10am Noah's
Ark Party
8am Men's Breakfast
9am Fall Workday
10am Confirmation
10am - 5pm Lifetouch
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
Conference in
Grand Island
4-8 Arts4All
Conference in
Grand Island
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
4-8 Arts4All
5:30 TOPS
8am LUMS
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
9am Quilting
4-8 Arts4All
5:30 TOPS
10am Confirmation
11am Girlfriends
5:30 TOPS
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
4-8 Arts4All
5:30 TOPS
5:30 TOPS
7pm Mosaic
5:30 TOPS
8am Men's Breakfast
10am Confirmation
7:00 Thanksgiving
Eve Worship
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
Office Closed
4-8 Arts4All
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
Big Dates!
11:30 WELCA
11:30 Hand &
Foot at Mable
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
4-8 Arts4All
5:30 TOPS
8am LUMS
7:30 AlAnon
7:30 AA
4-8 Arts4All
October 6 – Noah’s Ark Party
October 7 – Pet Blessing
October 11-13 – Pictures taken for the new Photo Directory
October 13 – All Church Work Day
October 21 – Stewardship Celebration Sunday
November 3 – Girlfriends! Fall Get-Together
November 21 – Thanksgiving Eve Worship
10am Confirmation
December 1
10am St. Nick Party
Monthly Worship Duties
October 7, 2012
Assisting Minister
Cross Bearer
Telle Hines
Katheryn Rice
Mardelle Gocek
Jon and Marge Butler
October 14, 2012
Assisting Minister
Cross Bearer
Val Johnson
Brooke Bell
Nathan Heldt
Phyllis Carlson
Gayle Carmine
Elaine Vaag
Coffee Host Lee and Phyllis Fideline
October 21, 2012
Assisting Minister Debbie Cline
Acolyte Brett Robalik
Cross Bearer Haleigh Welshonse
Greeter Sharon & Bill Webb
Ushers Norm and Jean Grob
Stewardship Dinner
October 28, 2012
Assisting Minister
Cross Bearer
Joy Woita
Jordan Kiesel
Kirsten Bell
Regan & Jedd Taylor
Paul Bernier
Bernie Drassal
November 4, 2012
Assisting Minister
Cross Bearer
Gene Schneiderman
Brett Robalik
Jocelyn Heldt
Ann & Gary Hunter
The Dawkins Family
November 11, 2012
Assisting Minister Jay Welshonse
Acolyte Brooke Bell
Cross Bearer Daniel Rice
Greeter Jean & Norm Grob
Ushers Vern and Julie Junker
Coffee Host Marleene McCulloch
November 18, 2012
Assisting Minister Telle Hines
Acolyte Jordan Kiesel
Cross Bearer Emma Dawkins
Greeter Val & Dave Johnson
Ushers Bill and Sharon Webb
November 25, 2012
Assisting Minister Gene Schneiderman
Cross Bearer Evan Christy
Greeter Edna Keffer
Ushers Dick and Jeri Lindaurer