God`s Plan for Every Life - Union Chapel Missionary Church


God`s Plan for Every Life - Union Chapel Missionary Church
Union Chapel Missionary Church
4869 Ada Road ● Lima, OH 45801 ● (419) 221-1234 ● www.ucmc.us
Every Sunday
8:15 & 10:45 AM - Worship
9:00 AM - Coffee, juice and
donuts in FLC foyer
9:30 AM - Sunday School
for all ages
Nursery provided for birth to
age 2 in lower level
sanctuary for both services
Children’s Church age 3
through 6th grade, both
Wednesday Night
Family Night is taking
a summer break! It will be
back in full swing beginning
September 9th! The Oasis
student ministry is meeting
at various times throughout
the summer and the adult
Bible study will begin
meeting again August 5th.
Security Person of the Day: Dave AUgsburger
Security Person for June 28th: Ken Skonieczny
8:15am Worship
Teresa Wilson
9:30am Sunday School Bruce & Rhonda Sparrow
10:45am Worship
Wed., June 24th No Wednesday Night Activities
Nursery workers for next Sunday, June 28th
8:15am Worship
The Pauff Family
9:30am Sunday School Beth Hawk & Marci Belcher
10:45am Worship
Lori & Marci Belcher & Miraya
Nursery Schedule
Nursery workers for TODAY
God’s Plan for Every Life
What does it mean to receive or accept Jesus Christ as our Savior?
First, the Bible says no one is born a Christian. Jesus said we must be “born again”,
meaning we have a spiritual birthday and a physical birthday. John Chapter 3
Second, the reason we need this spiritual rebirth is because
everyone is born in sin and separated from God. Ephesians Chapter 2
Third, God provided the solution to our sin problem by sending His son,
Jesus Christ, to the cross to take our sin upon Himself, die for us, and rescue us.
The next step? Commitment that tells God we are placing our faith and trust in Him!
“Father, I need to be saved from my sin and for heaven so I surrender to Your authority
as I ask You to come into my life. Please forgive me of my sins (my tendency or nature
to sin and specific sins I know are not pleasing to You). I repent of my sins - I’m sorry
enough to change with Your help. I receive you now as my Lord and Savior.”
Have more questions? Contact any of our pastors or check out the
two links on our website WWW.UCMC.US and click on “searching?”
Received as of June 14, 2015….........$17,053.05
Needed by June 30, 2015……..…........$40,045.27
June 21, 2015
Praise & Worship
Please feel free to be seated at any time.
Our Worship Through Giving
Pastor Mark - Exodus 3:1-10 (41)
Our altar is a friendly place! If you come to the altar, please note
the left side is for those who would like some time alone with
the Lord. If you go to the right side, someone will pray with you.
Please remember to fill out the Connection Card and
place it in the offering or in the basket in the foyer!
This year, we
supported the
with our Vacation Bible School offerings.
Each quarter that we raised provides a
meal for someone in need overseas. The
meals are delivered by trained volunteers
with local churches around the globe, so
every meal is an opportunity for a family
to hear the gospel message. The children
raised $418.10, which is 1672 meals!!!
Informal Fellowship Golf
Thursday evenings @ 5:30pm
Hidden Creek Golf Club
Contact Dave Mauch at 419-234-6572
or davidlsg55@yahoo.com.
For kids clothes located in the hallway
by the nursery. Take some or leave
some, whatever you need at the time. If
an article of clothing hangs out for over
a month, we’ll take it to Goodwill for you!
WEDNESDAY - No Family Night Activities
THURSDAY - Elder Council meeting @ 6pm
Student Ministry
Squirty Worm!
Wednesday June 24
$10 for mini golf
and go carts!
July 19-25
Cost: $70
Registration Deadline: June 28
Our purpose is to passionately pursue the reaching and discipling of people for Jesus Christ.