August - Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation
August - Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation
ALUUC Focus ALUUC is a Welcoming Congregation We are a congregation which celebrates the lives, the relationships, and the contributions of its lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender members and friends. We affirm and promote their full participation in the leadership, ministry, responsibilities, and blessings of our congregation’s life and in the community. August 2015 Special points of interest: From Your ALUUC Board President: Game Night! 1st Annual Faith & Equality Summit What is a Kitchen Coordinator? Movie Night Inside this issue: From the President 1 From the DRE 2 Upcoming Events, News, & Updates 214 Sermons 3 Fellowship News 4 Liturgical Arts Workshop 4 In Memoriam 5 Conversations on Race BBQ 5 UIS Expo 5 New Members 6 Eco Camp 2015 8 Solar Report 10 Call for UUs in Ferguson, MO 11 Social Action & UUSC Updates 12 Groups at ALUUC 13 Calendar 14 Hello, Everyone. I'm writing this newsletter article on the fringe of the chaos of Eco-Camp. The children's voices coming from the commons and classrooms reminds me of the buzzing bees they learned about today in the sanctuary. It is amazing to hear the building bustling with youthful activity. Earlier today, Arvin the Beekeeper brought us a sampling of living bees along with a wonderful slide show that included videos of him capturing and moving hives around the region. Our own UU Bee Keeper, Stu Jacobson, brought bees to Eco Camp in past years. My mom, Dottie, recently took Stu's beekeeping class. He and his fellow instructors helped get her set up so now our family gets to experience bees hands on. I'm thankful to have Stu and his passion for bees in our congregation. Bees are a fascinating way to learn about the interconnections of all living things. What do the bees teach the children? It is an up close look at the complexity of life. It is a shining example of mass cooperation for the survival of the group. The bees sacrifice themselves for the hive without fail. They each do their assigned task with the result being a healthy family and walls full of sweet golden honey. Of course, humans are not bees. There have been many dystopian science fiction stories exploring authoritarian realities that compartmentalize people into a hive mentality where they do their job without knowing or understanding the end result of their labor. These tightly controlled imaginary societies typically do not resemble UU congregations. The brilliant minds drawn to the UU religion strive for knowledge and understanding above all. Yet I observe that our strengths are our weaknesses. Our determination to understand is often detrimental to getting things done. Our amazing ability to find flaws and think critically works splendidly when directed at social injustice, but those skills can slash our own group dynamics to pieces. How can we organize and coordinate into a powerful force for good if we can't agree on what to do? How will we truly bring change to the world if our drive for perfection keeps us in planning committees until we are blue in the face? We must find the balance. To do so may be our greatest challenge. It is my hope that we can embrace the optimism of youth, yet temper it with the experience of reality. While young, we do not yet know all the ways we can fail, yet the experience of many failures over a lifetime leaves us jaded and unwilling to even try. Our congregation has been building potential for decades thanks to many diligent bees working year after year no matter which way the wind blows. With one mortgage paid and another set to be paid in 2018, we have some decisions to make about the near and distant future. I believe we are ready to release our potential and take action to improve the health of our hive. We can do this without forsaking our strong desire to understand. We can do it with youthful exuberance and the wisdom of experience. The wheels are in motion. A long term planning committee is being formed intent on categorizing our priContinued on page 2 Page 2 From Your ALUUC Board President (Continued from page 1) orities into a definitive plan of action. The congregation will be called on to determine which forks in the road to follow so we can move full speed ahead on this amazing journey into the future. If we work as a team, we can surely fill our souls with sweet golden honey. Sincerely, Phillip Anderson From Your Director of Religious Education Marla Johnson The Religious Education 2015/2016 year is scheduled to begin with classes resuming August 23, 2015. There is a need for volunteer teachers. The RE Committee and I make every effort to recruit enough teachers each year to allow for a rotation in each classroom. This means that a volunteer need only dedicate one Sunday a month to teach. There are openings in the Pre-K/K, 3rd/4th, and 5th/6th classrooms. Please, contact our DRE, Marla Johnson at if interested. Thank you! Marla Johnson, DRE, Kids Club/District 12 Kids Club/District 12 will not meet in August. Kids Club/District 12 will resume meeting the first Friday of each month in September! Rev. Martin Woulfe’s Office Hours: Beginning in September, Rev. Woulfe will resume regular office hours at ALUUC. Monday: Off Tuesday: Thurs, Friday: 10am – 3 pm Wednesday: 10 am – 2:00 pm Saturday: Sermon Preparation Day Evening appointments are available upon request. Martin’s article will resume in September If you have completed your service as a Committee Chair or board member and still have a set of keys to the building, please return them to Cheryl in the Office. Thank you! Page 3 Sunday Morning Services 10:30 am August 2, 2015 "Mysteries of the Web" - Report on Eco Camp Eco Camp Staff and Campers Staff from Eco Camp will report on the week's activities with participating students receiving certificates. This will be a “Change for Change Sunday” August 9, 2015 Walking in Her Shoes Mary Keldermans Mary Keldermans will discuss her inspiration and teachers that took her on the path to becoming a woman Catholic priest. August 16, 2015 Islam: Perception and Reality Dr. Ali Nizamuddin, Associate Professor of Political Science at UIS Dr. Nizamuddin will be speaking on the misperceptions people have about Islam and the negative imagery that is promulgated in the media. He will cover the universal values Islam shares with Christianity and other faith traditions. In addition, Dr. Nizamuddin will cover the context in which some acts of terrorism are taking place in the name of Islam. August 23, 2015 Joy & Meaning in a World Without God Michael Plog and Mike Haynes Two of our most interesting and entertaining presenters, Michael Plog and Mike Haynes, offer their insights on atheism as an honest, ethical and spiritual life path. August 30, 2015 The Many Meanings of “God” Rev. Martin Woulfe What’s in a word? In this service, Rev. Woulfe will share some of his personal narrative about how the word “God” has taken on different meanings throughout his life and career. This service will include a New Member Recognition Ceremony. September 6, 2015 Theologies of Forgiveness Rev. Martin Woulfe In the wake of various human tragedies, religion is one of the important resources upon which people rely to make sense of the suffering and to wrestle with forgiveness. What do different traditions teach about forgiveness? Is there a UU theology of forgiveness? This will be a “Change for Change Sunday” Reminder: The Water & Stone Communion will be held on Sunday, September 13. If you haven’t done so already, please gather a stone or some water, to share, at out annual ingathering service. Page 4 Greetings from ALUUC Fellowship! There's a lot of great community events throughout the summer; here's a few you'll be likely to see some other UUs attending. August 1-2, 12:00PM-12:00AM, Prairie Capital Convention Center. Gus Macker Basketball Tournament. See some great 3-on-3 team action! All ages and skill levels. For more information: Volunteers are needed! Contact Martin Woulfe at to volunteer. August 2, 2:00-3:00PM, Vachel Lindsey Home. Poets in the Parlor: Teen Writing Camp Showcase! Hear local teen writers (including Angela Solon) read their works. Small reception afterwards. Free. August 7, 5:30-7:30PM, Robbie's. Uptown Friday Night: Sam Crain Trio (jazz). Sponsored by the Springfield Area Arts Council, Uptown Friday Nights are a great place to unwind from the week and hear some good music. Family-friendly (if the kids like music!), great food, and while there's no cover, there is a 50/50 drawing available that helps support the SAAC and this program in particular. Free. August 7-8, hours/cost/lineup TBA, 7th & Washington. Downhome Music, Beer, & Art Fest. Local bands with a wide variety of music, over 100 craft beers, local food vendors, and a children's activity area. If you're in for the long haul, it is wise to bring lawn chairs. For more information: August 14, 6:00-10:00PM, Game Night at ALUUC. Weather permitting, we'll grill outside, have a bonfire, and play outdoor games. If raining, we'll stick to board games inside. In any case, come on out and enjoy a relaxing evening! August 19, 6:00-8:00PM, Robbie's, Springfield Poets & Writers Open Mic. No cover, but bring money for food and drink. They have a great wine list, serve a good cup of coffee, and the pie is outstanding. August 21, dusk, Rotary Park. Movie in the Park: Guardians of the Galaxy. Bring lawn chairs or a blanket. Free. Save the Date: October 3 — Liturgical Arts Workshop for 3rd-8th graders! The Liturgical Arts Festival of Springfield Board Directors will be hosting a liturgical arts workshop for 3rd-8th grade students on Saturday, October 3, at Union Baptist Church. The Liturgical Arts' Board seeks to offer the community opportunities for education, inspiration, and appreciation of the many forms of spiritual expression found in the liturgical arts. We are a non-profit, interfaith organization, founded in 1995 by clergy, artists and community volunteers interested in expression of spirituality in the arts. Please contact Rev. Martin Woulfe at if you have any questions about this event. Page 5 In Memoriam Long time member Wes Duiker passed away on July 23 at his home. Wes had been a member of ALUUC since 1975 and was cherished and respected by all who knew him. A funeral service and burial service were conducted on July 28. A Celebration of his Life will be held at ALUUC on Saturday, August 1, beginning at 1 pm. A reception will follow. Nancy Standen's daughter, Heidi Heilkema, passed away unexpectedly on July 18. Heidi was 60. A Celebration of Life in her honor was held at ALUUC on July 25. Beverly Holmes's brother, Gilbert Lewis Holmes, passed away on June 24. Penny Wollan-Kriel’s brother Laurin Arthur Wollan, Jr. 78, died Saturday, July 4, 2015 in Richmond, VA. A memorial service was held at River Road Church, Baptist in Richmond. A family service of interment will take place in Springfield, IL, at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Virginia Opera, the Richmond Symphony, or Sweet Briar College. Wes Duiker Choir News! Choir will begin on August 30 at 9:20 am and continue each Sunday through December, then again begins from February through May. We generally perform for two Sunday services each month with additional Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve services. All vocal ranges are needed and the ability to read music is a plus. Come join us in this fun, healing ministry! Need more information? Please contact Kathy Schultz or Bonnie Ettinger at and, respectively. Conversations on Race BBQ If you have been involved with C-O-R during the past year, please join us for a special BBQ at the home of Rev. Woulfe on Saturday, August 8, beginning at 4 pm. Join members of ALUUC and Calvary Missionary Baptist Church for an afternoon of fun, fellowship and good food! New to UU This session is designed for people who are either new to UUism or ALUUC. All are welcome. Come and join us and get acquainted with Rev. Woulfe and Susan Solon, our Membership Coordinator, and each other. Bring your questions! Snacks are included, and babysitting can be arranged when requested. Our August session will be held on Monday, August 10 at 7 pm, in the Channing Room at the ALUUC. Contact Susan Solon at if you have any questions. ALUUC at UIS Involvement Expo Come represent Area UUs at UIS on Wednesday August 26! The ALUUC will have a booth at this event, meeting and greeting staff, faculty and incoming students. This is a great opportunity to practice your “elevator speech” and share what UUism is and what it means to you. We will set up the booth from 3-4 pm & the actual event will be from 4-6 pm. If interested, please contact Martin Woulfe or Susan Solon. Page 6 What is a Kitchen Coordinator? The Kitchen Coordinator system now begins its fourth season. The last three seasons have been very successful. Snacks, desserts and other assorted goodies have been provided on a constant basis. The variety of food on Sundays for the coffee hour and the potlucks rival any eating establishment in Springfield. The success is due to the participation of our congregation, especially the Kitchen Coordinators. What do they do? Basically, a Kitchen Coordinator coordinates the kitchen on specific Sundays. They are responsible for making sure there are coffee, food and drinks. They ensure that everything is set up and everything is cleaned up afterwards. The key word here is coordinate. They still need help from the people at the service to actually perform the tasks. It is not their job to do all the work. So, if you attend the coffee hours please pitch in. It may be something as simple as drying a dish or two, vacuuming the rug and/or providing a snack or dessert. Now, if you are really adventurous you may consider being a kitchen coordinator. On a regular Sunday it takes about 3 hours of your time. A potluck Sunday would be about 4 hours. Currently we have about eight people signed up but we can use more volunteers. Even if it is for only one or two Sundays it would help. Also if you are a member of a committee or a group, consider taking on a Sunday. It would be a good way of promoting your committee or group. Have an informal committee meeting in the kitchen. In the past the Pagan Group and Senior Youth group have stepped up. We would like to thank everyone who has volunteered to be a Kitchen Coordinator this year and for the last few years. If you or your group/committee is interested in being a kitchen coordinator for a Sunday, please contact Phil Anderson or Martin Woulfe at or, respectively. Thank you! Welcome New Members! The following members have signed the membership book: Jim Curran joined on July 13, 2015 Joe Clark joined on July 13, 2015 New Member Ceremony A new member ceremony will be held during the regular service on August 30. Please join us as we welcome those seven women & men who have joined ALUUC since June: Gwyn Barron , Joe Clark, Jim Curran, Jordan Humphrey, Heather O’Brien, Elaine Orr, and Adam van Hecke. Page 7 1st Annual Faith and Equality Summit — at the ALUUC Please join us for our first annual Faith and Equality Summit on Friday, August 28 from 2 to 5 pm. This year, the event will be hosted in Springfield, at the Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation (745 Woodside Rd, Springfield, IL 62711). This event will be an afternoon summit for clergy persons and faith leaders to discuss the intersections of faith and LGBT equality in Illinois and nationally. We will deliberate on the unique challenges in an array of faith traditions, resources for building an open and affirming community, and suggestions for staying connected to the LGBT equality movement. We hope you can join us! Registration is no cost, but we ask that you RSVP by Wednesday, August 26. Register here: Contact Patty Dillon at with questions. ALUUC hosts our local PFLAG chapter (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) on the Third Monday of every month. The next meeting will be held at ALUUC on Monday, August 17 at 7:00 pm. This is a safe and confidential gathering of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer) people, their families, friends and allies to meet and share. This PFLAG group is open to all and welcomes your energy! ** Stop by the Equality IL table at the Illinois State Fair on August 20 — PFLAG volunteers will be staffing the table throughout the day! ** ● Visit our FaceBook page at: ● To contact the group by email, use: Buy a PFLAG t-shirt! Show your support for Marriage Equality in Illinois. Shirts are only $15 and all proceeds support PFLAG-Springfield; see Rev. Woulfe. Labyrinth Walks will begin again in September. The Greater Springfield Interfaith Association is on their summer break, and will resume in the Fall. Chalice Circle: The Sustainable Soul is on hiatus. Look in the announcements for news about Sassy Sisters and Debonair Dudes meetings. Flowers for August August 2 — Penny Wollan-Kriel August 9 — Sandra Creasey August 16 — Kitty Wrigley August 23 — August 30 — Page 8 At EcoCamp 2015: Mysteries of the Web, each day had a theme, starting with Spirit on Monday, then Air, Fire, Earth and Water. Children at the camp learned to be good stewards of the Earth. Workshop presenters included members and friends of the congregation; City, Water, Light, and Power staff; an employee from Discover This; and staff from the Scoville Zoo in Decatur. Thank you volunteers and donors. A more detailed report will be in the September newsletter. Continued on page 9 Page 9 Continued on page 10 Page 10 ALUUC June/July 2015 Solar Report, by Bob Croteau This report covers both June and July as the Croteaus vacationed in June in central Wisconsin at the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair, enjoying the latest in energy and sustainable living workshops. ALUUC’s Solar Array has been performing well these last two months, even though production was down 11% from “estimated”, which is shown as the straight grey line across the graph. The reason for this lower than estimated production, is all the rain we have been having. But on the other hand, as a result of all the rain, we also experienced lower air conditioning costs. We passed our 2.0 Megawatt hour lifetime mark (2,000 kilowatt-hours) so we have offset close to $300 of electricity so far, pacing us far ahead of all the other churches in the Springfield area who have none. Save the Illinois State Museum! Local UUs protest at the “Rally to Save the Illinois State Museum” on July 21st in front of Capitol Building in Springfield. State Museums have been threatened with closure by Gov. Bruce Rauner. Go to and/or like their page on facebook. Page 11 A Call for UU presence in St. Louis for the 1 year anniversary of Michael Brown's murder. The extrajudicial killing of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014 sparked a cry from Ferguson, Missouri that has not relented. Protests have continued daily across the greater St. Louis metro region ever since August 10. As we approach the 1 year anniversary of Mike Brown's death, Unitarian Universalist leadership in St. Louis joins the local Action Council, Don’t Shoot Coalition and Movement community in a call for people of faith and conscience to join us here for the weekend of August 7-10, 2015. We are calling for UUs to Show Up for Ferguson. The weekend will kick off Friday evening with a UU rally at one of the local congregations. This rally will include orientation for the weekend's events and all who plan to participate must attend. Saturday we will join the “I Am Mike Brown” march, dressed in white t-shirts, khakis and baseball caps. The local organizers are calling for all who attend to dress as Mike Brown was dressed when he was killed, we will humbly comply. Sunday will be a day for worship and additional opportunities to support the local Movement community (yellow Standing on the Side of Love shirts would be appropriate for these events). Monday is direct action day. There will be specific requests about how we show up for this from our community partners, so please be sure to stay tuned for these instructions. If you are interested in Showing Up for Ferguson in August, please register by going to the following webpage: Once you register, make your housing and travel plans. Note that there will be VERY LIMITED home hospitality available. We will be releasing information through Standing on the Side of Love, the Mid America Region, UUMA Connect and the St. Louis Standing on the Side of Love Facebook page Not able to come to St. Louis for this weekend? Consider attending a solidarity event in your area. If there aren’t any currently planned, perhaps you and your UU congregation might consider planning one. Events nation-wide can be found at, and if you plan a new event, please post it there so others can join you and the world will know of your solidarity. If you have questions about the weekend Rev. Julie Taylor is the local contact and can be reached at We look forward to seeing you in St. Louis in August. In service, Rev. Julie Taylor on behalf of the local UU congregations August Quote “I have an almost complete disregard of precedent, and a faith in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things have always been done. I defy the tyranny of precedent. I go for anything new that might improve the past.” —Clara Barton, Founder, American Red Cross Page 12 Change for Change Thanks to the generosity of ALUUC members and friends, $ 305.02 was collected for EcoCamp 2015. For the Sunday, August 2 Change for Change, we will be collecting funds to support the Compass After-School Program. Compass is a free after-school program for homeless and low-income students of Springfield School District 186. The after-school program includes homework help/tutoring, life skills/enrichment, and a full balanced dinner. Compass is currently serving eight schools. Each school is paired with one or more community partners. Community partners provide the program location, volunteers, dinner, and supplies. Adult volunteers serve as mentors to the children. Compass works on educating the children as whole persons, and recognizes that social, emotional, and life skills contribute to overall well-being and academic success. Compass aims to help all participants perform at or above grade level in school. Social Action Committee Meeting — August 23 The next meeting will be August 23, 12 noon, in the RE Commons area. New members are welcome. Agenda will be assessing our on the three goals of activities undoing racism, addressing homelessness and poverty and promoting youth leadership. Movie Night Beyond the Lights August 16, 5 pm ALUUC “The pressures of fame have superstar singer Noni (Gugu MbathaRaw) on the edge. Noni tries to kill herself, but Kaz (Nate Parker), the police officer assigned to be her bodyguard, thwarts her suicide attempt. Their instant connection and romance helps her find the courage to develop her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be.” Also starring Minnie Driver and Danny Glover. Rated PG-13 116 minutes Popcorn and refreshments will be provided, and you are welcome to bring snacks. The movie for September will be Woman in Gold, with Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds GOT SCRIP? Scrip is a fundraising program that allows participants to buy gift cards for hundreds of retailers while benefitting our congregation at no added cost to you. No buying gift wrap or food you don't want; these cards are for retailers, restaurants and gas stations you visit frequently. Our next order deadline is August 16. You can learn more about scrip and how to sign up by going to, or by contacting Kerri Skrudland at Go to and sign up for an account, using the enrollment for the ALUUC, provided by Kerri. Get Scrip as a Card or Print it! You can buy scrip as a Physcial Gift Card, which is Reloadable in many cases, or you can also buy scrip as a ScripNow eCard, which can be printed from your computer and used immediately. Page 13 BOOK GROUP The Book Group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Join us on Tuesday, Aug. 25 at 7:30 pm at Barbara Moore's home. We will be discussing When the Light Goes by Larry McMurtry. An overview of the book by Barnes and Noble says “In this masterful and often surprising sequel to the acclaimed Duane's Depressed, the Pulitzer Prizeand Oscar-winning author of Lonesome Dove has written a haunting, elegiac, and occasionally erotic novel about one of his most beloved characters. Duane Moore first made his appearance in The Last Picture Show and, like his author, he has aged but not lost his vigor or his taste for life.” Future Books we will read include The Goldfinch by Donna Tart. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions call Barbara Moore. DREAM GROUP This is an opportunity for folks to discuss their dreams in a relaxed, friendly, informal setting. During Spring and Summer, the Dream Group is in recess, with informal gatherings and online dream work. For more information contact Phil Gregg by phone or by email. HUMANIST GROUP The Humanist Group emphasizes core values such as dignity of the individual, GROUPS at ALUUC equality, and social justice. We discuss a variety of topics including morality/ethical values, humanism as way of life, separation of church and state, science/ evolution/neuroscience, behavioral economics and bi-partisan politics. Programs have usually focused on book reviews or media presentations followed by group discussion; but other formats can be considered. On Monday, Aug. 24 at 7:00 pm, Carol Floyd will review One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America by Kevin Kruse. Kruse makes the argument that the belief that America was founded as a Christian nation began in the 1930s, when corporate interests enlisted the help of religious activists in the fight against FDR's New Deal. For an NPR interview, go here; a review in The Nation, go here; the NYT review, go here; an article by the author on why he wrote the book, go here; and an author lecture on YouTube, go here. If you have questions about this group, email Susan Solon and/or Vi Lanum at NEWS GROUP The News Group meets on the first Thursday of each month. Join us on Aug. 6 at 7:00 pm at Frank and Linda Kopecky's home where we will have our usual discussion of current events. The first Republican Presidential candidates' forum is being broadcast on Fox News from Cleveland, Ohio at about the same time. Those attending the News Group meeting who wish to watch the forum on TV will be able to watch the program at the Kopecky's. Those who wish to engage in the News Discussion will be able to do so at the same time, but in another area of the house. Everyone is welcome. If you have any question call Frank or Linda. PAGAN GROUP The Pagan Group will have a planning meeting on Sunday, Aug. 9, at 12:30pm in the Fuller room. We will discuss Mabon and other plans. All are welcome to attend. Please come and bring your ideas to the table! Join the Pagan Group on Sat. Aug. 1 for Lammas and the First Harvest. We will celebrate the first harvest and Pagan Thanksgiving with drumming, chanting, ritual, a special meditation with flash paper, the story of Lugh, bread-breaking, and a bonfire (weather permitting). Please be sure to bring flowers, herbs, veggies, or anything harvested from your gardens/yards to share in the ritual. Also bring a favored item to decorate the altar, and something to share for the potluck! Set up begins at 5pm, ritual begins at 6pm! For more information, please contact Tracy Zieber Minks on Facebook, by phone, or by email, or contact Tracy on facebook. Hope to see you all there! Page 14 August 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9:30 am Zen Meditation *12 pm Gus Macker Basketball Tournament 5 pm Pagan Group: Lammas 2 Change for Change 3 4 5 7 9:30 am Uptown Friday *7 pm News Night: Sam Group Crain Trio 7 pm *TBA DownMeditation home Music, Group Beer, & Art Fest *2 pm Vachel Lindsey Home: Poets in the Parlor: Teen Showcase 8 Zen Meditation *4 pm Conversations on Race BBQ *"Show Up for Ferguson" — St. Louis, MO 9 12:30 Pagan Group Planning Meeting 10 11 7 pm New to UU Class 7 pm Board Meeting 17 18 16 Scrip Deadline 7 pm PFLAG 5 pm Movie Meeting Night: Beyond the Lights Children’s 23 Religious Education 7 pm Classes Resume Humanist Group 12 pm SAC Meeting 30 9:20 am Choir Rehearsal New Member Ceremony 6 *5:30 pm 24 25 *7:30 pm Book Group 31 12 13 6 pm Game Night 7 pm Meditation Group 19 *EQIL @ 14 9:30 am Zen Meditation 20 21 the State Fair *6 pm Robbie's, w/ PFLAG Springfield 7 pm Poets & Writers Meditation Open Mic Group *Dusk — Movie at Rotary Park: Guardians of the Galaxy 26 *3 pm UIS 7 pm Involvement Meditation Expo Group 27 15 22 9:30 am Zen Meditation *2 pm Board Retreat 28 29 2 pm 1st Annual Faith & Equality Summit 9:30 am Zen Meditation * indicates event takes place off-site. Check online at for the most up-to-date calendar. Contact Information Clergy: Minister Minister Emeritus Rev. Martin Woulfe Rev. Berkley Moore Staff: Office Manager Accountant RE Director Membership Coordinator Music Pianist ALUUC Cheryl Wycoff Nancy Kraus Marla Johnson Susan Solon Kathy Schultz Bonnie Ettinger Philip Anderson Frank Kopecky Tina Bennett Marissa DeWeese Melissa Bernhardt Kent Childs Debby Leahy Linda Quigley Ricky Stead Kim Villanueva Delinda Chapman Debby Hagan Roger Powers Kurt DeWeese & Marissa DeWeese Cheryl Wycoff & Marissa DeWeese Carol Kneedler Gwen Childs & Kurt DeWeese Gwen Childs Vi Lanum TBA Kurt DeWeese Meg Evans & Art Darken Susan Solon Delinda Chapman Diana DeWeese Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant & Dianne Roberts Nancy Derrig Committees of the Board Electronics & Communication - Newsletter - Webmaster Facilities - Aesthetics - Flower Fellowship Finance Green Sanctuary Welcoming & Publicity Pastoral Care Program Religious Education (RE) Social Action Springfield, IL (217) 585-9550 Committees of the Congregation Committee on Ministry Nominating Committee Endowment Trust Road 62711 Board of Directors: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Board Members 745 Woodside The Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Springfield, IL is a religious community of individuals coming together for spiritual growth and fellowship. Whether you're looking for a church to call home or just curious about Unitarian Universalism, we invite you to get to know our congregation and the people who make it so special. Visit us on the web at ALUUC - Since 1953 Celebrating over 60 years of liberal religion in the Springfield area. Abraham Lincoln Unitarian Universalist Congregation 745 Woodside Road Springfield, Illinois 62711 217-585-9550
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