What if Wilma Rudolph? - Perry First Christian Church


What if Wilma Rudolph? - Perry First Christian Church
The Perry Christian
First Christian Church Disciples of Christ
April 18, 2016
What if Wilma
Disciples of Christ
701 Holly Street
Perry, OK 73077
E-MAIL: perryokfcc@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.fccperryok.com
Martin P. Foster
MINISTER 580/572-8473
Wade Longan
YOUTH MINISTER 405/385-2584
Kim Ward
Paula Shryock
(580) 336-4576
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
8:15am or 10:30am
April 17, 2016
All services Worship Attendance
General Fund
Habben Fundraiser
Wilma Rudolph was an inspirational sprinter whose swift legs
conquered polio and carried her
to three gold medals at the 1960
Olympic games.
Rudolph was born 20th of twenty
-two children. With childhood
polio the family took turns massaging her shrunken legs three
or four times a day. Her left leg
was shackled with a brace until
age nine. Nonetheless, she went
on to become the first American
woman to win three gold medals
in track and field at one Olympics. Looking back on her childhood experience she said, “With all the love and
care my family gave me, I couldn’t help but get better.”
What would she have accomplished if she had followed the well-meaning
advice someone who encouraged her said to set moderate goals? What if she had
followed the course, “Don’t shoot too high” Or “Strive for the things within your
reach”? Fortunately for her, and for us, if she did receive such advice, she decided it
was nonsense.
Like Rudolph, Paul had a goal—a vision of taking the gospel to Spain, a
seemingly impossible task for the first century. Although he only made it to Rome,
what if Paul had set moderate goals? What if he had followed the counsel, “Don’t
shoot too high” or “Strive for things within your reach”?
It has been said, “a goal is a statement of faith.”
Toward what is God leading us personally, and as a church? Since God is
the author and finisher of our faith, our goals need to be high. There is nothing
wrong with falling short of our goals. We’ll never know our capacity unless we
reach. We will never know what our capabilities are if we don’t stretch for them. As
one Frenchman wrote, “our duty is to proceed as if limits to our ability do not exist.”
Let’s set our goals high.
Work to achieve them.
Regardless of the outcome,
we’ll be a better person for it
… and God will be glorified.
In His love, Martin
April 17— April 30
Nancy Zavodny-23
Caleb Skouby-25
LaVaughn Lawson-27
Katie Hawkins-29
Leslie Box-30
Happy Anniversary
Robert & Pam Cunningham-20
Hank & Lou Geisinger-25
This next Sunday, the choir will sing
"Hymn of Promise," written by Natalie Sleeth in 1986. When she
wrote it, she was thinking about life
and death, death and resurrection,
and winter and spring. Even though
these are opposites, they lead to
the hope that out of one will come
the other when God brings it about.
See you Sunday, Paula
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Don & Shirley Jones
Say HELLO to our guests!
If we missed a special day, please let us
JULY 10-13
If you have a graduate this
year, that you would like to be
recognized for their achievement, please let the church
office know.
for the week of April 17, 2016
Total needed for the week: $5,373.33
Received this week:
Under weekly budget:
Total needed for the month:$21,493.32
Received for April:
Under monthly Budget: $8,296.61
New Requests. .Forrest Williams-cancer, Earthquake victims-Japan and Equador, Steve, Paul Thiele, Carol Sullins, fire victims
in KS, the family of Chester Cheney Family, Sasha Lightfoot, John Skinner-ALS, Ken Shelton (Velma Shelton’s son with a broken
collarbone), Paul Cargill (Tommie’s son with upcoming shoulder surgery), Matt & Arletta Lambert (with adoption
of foster children), J. Lena, and Katha Cinnamon, Ed Russell, Jim Kelly, Continuing prayers. . . . Aileen
Habben, the family of Alma Justice, Miriam Lambert, Jerry Davis (cancer treatments), the family of John Givens,
(Shelly Hawkins relation)Elizabeth Cunningham, Sara W., State Testing, Rick Walker, the Family of Jim Hughes,
Fred Schurr, Ryan Hickman (open heart surgery, April 7 Norma Hughes step-grandson), Melvin Wilson, Norma Speer, Paul Morrow (knee surgery), Steve Meyers, Curtis Choplin, Victims of the Brussels, Belgium bombings,
Fire victims in OK and Kansas, the Billy Sharp Family, Willa Coker, Ani Clavier, the family of Rick Hood (Darrin
Hanafin’s father), Linda Gramley (heart tests), PTL for birth of Evan Simmons (son of Erin Hardy), Fred LeValley,
Cherie Payne, Earlene Glass, Mike Phelan (heart attack, Levi Karcher’s step-father), Edna Dillon (knee surgery), Curtis
Choplin, Jan Branem, the family of Jill Vanett, The Helen Wisk McNeal Family, Philip Ventris (Wade’s step-father, cancer), Joyce Bailey (cancer, Karen Gray’s mother), Kaylee Jess Edgar, Brantley Taylor, Zoey Johnson Please Note: A request in the above section will run
for two weeks. Contact the church office to renew.
Homebound/Nursing Home/Assisted Living Maxine Schwartz, Colleen Robison, Priscilla Wallace, Vallie Webb, Dr.
Charles Martin
Cancer survivors: David Riggs, Joyce Bailey, Philip Ventris, John Taylor, Karen Bigbee, Connie Henderson, Linda Stangl, David Tharrington, Wayne Speer, Duane Dickson, Marilyn Goforth, Kristie Cook, Gerald Payne, Melba Edgar, Gary Moore, Kate Yost, Harold Price,
Becky Hammock, Bonnita Foster, James Gall, Misty Leeper, Jim Taber, Gene Zavodny, Jim Gall, Beverly Klingaman, Randy Beeman, Keli
Schweer, Branen Kirtley,Velma Lindsey, Norma Hughes, Marilyn Ewy, Jim Ewy, Cathy Wells-Drury, Gary Wells, Barbara Habina, Maxine Schwartz
Missionaries: C&K, Southeast Asia, Andrew & Reilly Bowers (granddaughter of the late Faye and Mary Odell), West Africa,
Lauren Anderson-Park, Thailand
these serving our country: LTC Stephen Lightfoot, Thomas Henke-Marines, Jared Mann, Ryan Padilla, Bryson Running-Navy, John
Maehs, Scott Collins, Chip Collins, Jr., Jeremiah Givens, Lindsey Bishop, Matt Venable, Trevor Schultz-National Guard, Kyle Thomason
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.”Philippians 4:6
April 15th-17th – Youth Specialties Team Training
This past weekend our Youth Team had the opportunity to get youth ministry training, be inspired and encouraged, do some bonding and team building, and
have fun! We traveled to Dallas for Youth Specialties
regional training event for adults who work with and
care about teenagers finding and following Jesus. It
was an awesome weekend! A HUGE thank you to the
team for giving up their time and leaving their families
behind all weekend so they could better invest in the
lives of our students! We really do have a GREAT
Youth Team!
April 29th-May 1st – Youth @ Assembly
This event is hosted by the Regional Youth Council
and will take place in Tulsa. Students will attend worship services, study groups, have opportunities for service, and meet other disciple youth from around the
The cost is $100, which includes accommodations, 4
meals, and a t-shirt.
April 30th – Children’s Day
Held during Perry’s Springfest on the square, Children’s Day is a fun outreach to children in our community. Volunteers are needed to help make this a success! Please contact Shelby Ingram or Donna Parrish
for more information.
May 4th – Last Way
We will have an end of the year party at Century Park
to celebrate a great year!
Summer Church Camp
Camps are filling up fast! If you are interested in attending a camp please visit okdisciples.org for more
information or talk with Wade.
CWF Christian Women’s Fellowship
will be
sponsoring a bible study
from the movie WAR ROOM
The movie will be shown
Sunday, April 24 at 6:30
A bible study will begin on
Thursday, April 28.
Sign up is available in the foyer.
Save the Date
At Perry Springfest 2016
Sign up today
Need volunteers for booths and to
provide baked goods
If you are unable to attend
Sunday Worship, you may
view the service on Sundays
at 2:00pm on PIN Channel 14.
Servers for Sunday, April 24, 2016
ELDERS: Robert Cunningham & Gerald Wells
8:15 DEACONS: Tammy Kelly & J.D. Koch
10:30 DEACONS: Larry & Janice Hansen, Johnny Fuller, Miriam Lambert
DEACONESS: Verna Skouby
8:15 GREETERS: Barbara Schweer
10:30 GREETERS: Kim Sheets
Communion to Homebound: Norma Hughes, Marilyn Branen,
Arlie Goforth & Betty Dillon
Servers for Sunday, May 1, 2016
ELDERS: Jay & Sherry DeBord
8:15 DEACONS: Cecil Loveless, James Meier
10:30 DEACONS: Rich Lambert, Jim & Pam Lightfoot, Gerald
8:15 GREETERS: Verna Skouby
10:30 GREETERS: Arlie & Marilyn Goforth
PRAYER CHAIN: Call the church office at 336-4576
Perry, Oklahoma
To glorify God by leading people to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.